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The role of intuition in knowledge (2) is an abstract. Cheat Sheet: place of intuition in scientific knowledge

--Page_break - historical and logical evolution of the problem of intuition
The problem of intuition has the richest philosophical heritage. Excluding historical and philosophical traditions it would be impossible to comprehend the most complicated evolution of views on the nature of intuition and create a scientific view of it. Make the development of these views in the early stages of the emergence of problem this issue.

Under intuition, the ancient thinkers understood the immediate discretion (in the literal sense of the words) of the actual state of things. This kind of knowledge was subsequently the name of sensual intuition. The simplicity and visual nature of this form of knowledge was deprived of her any problem.

For the first time, the features of philosophical issues in the question of intuition were outlined in the teachings of Plato and Aristotle. But it was here that the sensual nature of intuitive knowledge was rejected. Intuition was as if transferred to the sphere of abstract thinking.

However, the primary importance as a higher ability to cognitive intuition acquires in the philosophy of the new time. Francis Bacon - the twin priest of the English materialism of the 17th century. - It takes a special place in the history of philosophy. With his works in science, unsolved problems of knowledge and method came. What will prefer the science of the future: sensations or mind, the method of intuitive comprehension or logical reasoning. Not deciding to use the sensual intuition of the ancients, skeptically, he belonged to the intellectual intuition of the Middle Ages. But its development of the inductive method was the necessary prerequisite for the historical evolution of the problem of intuition.

In the role of a full-fledged and full-blooded philosophical concept, intuitive knowledge was the era of rationalism of the 17th century. From the naturalism of the bacone, the materialistic line then passes through Thomas Hobbes to Benedict Spinoz. Natural science and mathematics 17 V. Entered the era of the so-called mechanistic natural science with the metaphysical method of thinking dominant in it.

Arithmetic, geometry, algebra reached an almost modern level of development. Galilee and Kepler laid the foundations of heavenly mechanics. The atomic teachings of the boil, the mechanics of Newton are distributed. Kepler, Farm, Cavalieri, Pascal prepare their discoveries differential and integral calculus.

Such a rapid development of natural science and mathematics in the 17th century. A number of gnoseological problems have advanced to science: the transition from single facts to the general and necessary provisions of science, the reliability of the data of natural sciences and mathematics, about the nature of mathematical concepts and axioms, etc. New methods were required in the theory of cognition that would allow to determine the sources of necessity and universality of the laws of laws. Interest in methods scientific research It is raised not only in natural science, but also in the philosophical science, in which the theories of intellectual intuition appear.

The starting point of the rationalistic concept was to distinguish between knowledge on indirect and immediately, i.e. Intuitive, which is the necessary point in the process of scientific research. The emergence of this kind of knowledge, according to rationalists, is due to the fact that in scientific knowledge (and especially in mathematical) we encounter such provisions that cannot be proven and accepted without evidence. This direct discretion of truth entered the history of philosophy as the doctrine of the existence of the truths of a special kind, achieved by direct, "intellectual discretion" without the help of evidence.

Rene Descartes is one of the "discoverers" of the philosophical problem of intuition. Descartes closely links with a logical process, believing that the latter simply cannot begin without some source, extremely clear provisions. At the same time, no oppression of intuitive and discursive knowledge is made.

Various interpretations and approaches to the problem of intuition in the history of philosophy starting from 17 V. Develop in dialectical relationships with tasks extended by natural sciences and mathematics. New discoveries demanded a philosophy of a more strict, scientifically based methodology and a deep study of the abilities of the human mind. The direct discretion of the essence of things with the help of intellectual intuition was clearly not enough for natural science, which by this time (18 centuries) moved from simple collecting and descriptions of facts to experience, experiment and scientific evidence.

Without stopping on this issue in more detail, we note only the problem of the place of intuition in scientific knowledge and continued to be interested in enlightened humanity and until now the problem has not lost its relevance. And although on this path, it is undoubtedly a lot of views of scientists both at the place of intuition and the mechanisms of its action are often ambiguous and contradictory. Below just focus on some modern views on this problem.

Characteristic features of scientific intuition
In this chapter, we will highlight the most characteristic features of scientific intuition. First of all, it is necessary for the allocation of intuition from other mechanisms of human cognitive activity.

Among these features, most often, the following are distinguished:

1. The fundamental inability to obtain a desired result by direct logical output.

2. The principal impossibility of obtaining the desired result by means of sensual knowledge of the world.

3. Accountless confidence in the absolute truth of the result (this in no way removes the need for further logical processing and experimental verification).

4. Suddenness and surprise of the result obtained.

5. The immediate evidence of the result.

6. Non-awareness of the mechanisms of the creative act, paths and methods that led the scientist from the initial formulation of the problem to a finished result.

7. The extraordinary ease, an incredible simplicity and the speed of the path traveled from the initial parcels to the opening.

8. A pronounced sense of self-satisfaction from the implementation of the intuition process and deep satisfaction from the result obtained.

So, all that is intended intuitive must be suddenly, unexpectedly, immediately obviously, unconsciously quickly, validally easily, out of logic and contemplation and at the same time in itself is logical and based on previous sensual experience.

--Page_break - Classification of intuition forms
Let us dwell on the question of the classification of intuition forms. Most often, researchers refer to the classification proposed by M. Bung. Bunge distinguishes, above all, sensual and intellectual intuition.

Sensual intuitionbunge has the following forms:

Intuition as perception

1. Intuition as perception expressed in the process of rapid identification of the subject, phenomenon or sign.

2. Clear understanding of the value and relationship or sign.

3. Interpretation ability.

Intuition as imagination

1. The ability of representation or geometric intuition.

2. The ability of education metaphors: the ability to show the partial identity of signs and functions, or complete formal or structural identity in the rest of different objects.

3. Creative imagination.

Intellectual intuitionBunge classifies as follows:

Intuition as a mind.

1. Accelerated conclusion is a rapid transition from some allegations to others, sometimes with a rapid slipping of individual units.

2. Ability to synthesis or generalized perception.

3. Common sense is a judgment based on ordinary knowledge and not based on special knowledge and methods, or limited by the stages of scientific knowledge.

Intuition as an assessment.

1. Heavy judgment, insight or penetration: the ability to quickly and correctly evaluate the importance and importance of the problem, the plausibility of the theory, the applicability and reliability of the method and the usefulness of the action.

2. Intelligent intuition as an ordinary way of thinking.

However, the classification given by the Bunge, despite the value of the study as a whole, cannot claim to solve the problem.

The problem of the classification of intuition is one of the most difficult moments in the study of the problem as a whole. This is explained by the fact that the subject of the classification operation itself is not amenable to the action of the rules necessary, say, for the formal classification. Any formal classification assumes, first of all, a clear, sharp separation of the objects of one group from the objects of another group. It is clear that intuition is not amenable to formal classification. The establishment of clear similarities and differences in the varieties of intuition is not appropriate.

Unlike formal, meaningful classifications are based on dialectical principles. In meaningful classifications, the main focus is on the disclosure of internal laws between groups of classified items. Significant classifications correspond to natural classifications. The latter are based on the entire set of signs of the classified subject, taken in their mutual communication and conditionality. Apparently, this method of classification can be applied to the problem of intuition.

Bunge classification does not correspond to any of the considered methods of classification. As a basis for its classification, the Bunge takes a species division of various intuitions that take place in the process of scientific knowledge, and choosing from the general hierarchy those that are most often used by researchers.

The most successful study in our literature is the work of Carmina A.S. And Haikina E.P. "Creative intuition in science." The authors offer an intuition division into two forms: "conceptual" and "Eidetic".

Conceptual intuition- The process of forming new concepts based on previously visual images.

Eidetic intuition- Building new visual images on the basis of previously existing concepts.

The proposed classification option is designed specifically for gnoseological analysis and is not just a conditional separation, but a kind of work scheme of a study released from the need for a phenomenological description of mysterious intuitive effects.

Relying on this scheme, we get the opportunity not to just state the fact of the existence of intuition, as the forms of the cognitive process, but move on to the analysis of its real manifestations in the field of scientific knowledge.

Intuition as a result of a special mechanism for the functioning of the human brain.
In this chapter, we will focus on the mechanisms of work of the brain in the processes of knowledge, which will help determine the extent to which intuitive components are used in them, as well as identify fundamental ability to manage intuition, if possible.

As you know, the human brain consists of two hemispheres, each of which converts information in its own way. This feature of the organization of the brain, called lateralization With age and the development of a person, it is strengthened and it turns out to be so significant that gradually hemispheres begin to participate entirely differently in all mental processes. In addition, the dynamics of the brain's work is such that they act in turn, that is, at each moment, one of them functions with maximum activity, and the other is somewhat inhabited. This feature of their interaction is called recipes. Lateralization and reciprocity impose their imprint on all higher human mental processes. They are reflected on individual identity features due to the dominance of a certain hemisphere. The world model is based more than the laws of the dominant hemisphere.

The problems of creativity, intuitive decisions cannot be consistently discussed without an understanding of the language of each of the hemispheres, since for the development of intuition, their harmonic interaction needed, the full contribution of each of them into solving the problem.

Recent studies in this area made it possible to determine the contribution of each hemisphere into perception, memory, emotions, language, thinking and consciousness of man. According to them, all higher mental processes have significant differences in each hemisphere. In the right - perception figurative, memory episodic and autobiographical, generalization is situational, logic is continuous and multivalued. When this processes proceed in the left hemisphere, then the perception of the conceptual, the memory is categorical, the classification on the grounds, the logic is double-digit.

Thus, in each of the highest mental processes, the asymmetry of the hemisphey plays a significant role. However, mental processes are functioning in themselves and the person is not the amount of them. Mental processes are tools, attributes of mental education more high level - Personality.

The amateutant idea is quite common, which is not required for intuitive results. pre-training and long accumulation of knowledge. We give the statements of great scientists, many of which were confused and even got upset when someone considered their geniuses who had achieved fast-intuitively, that is, as if without in-depth work. So, D.I. Mendeleev wrote: "Well, what am I genius. She worked, worked, all his life worked. I was looking for, well, I found. " Einstein: "I thought and think for months and years. Ninety nine times imprisoned. For the hundredth time I am right. " Pasteur: "The case helps only the minds prepared for discoveries by enhanced occupations and hard work."

The concept of intuition correlates not only with positive momentsBut, which is characteristic, as in all littlely understood phenomena, and with negative: lack of reasons (leading to the result), the absence of preceding concepts, the lack of confirmation of the correctness of the product, the absence of symbols. From this list it is seen that the concept is used to fix a special kind (immediate) perception of some kind of communication, dependence when it is understood as a knowledge of knowledge. In addition, it is taken into account that directly discretions are sufficient for the discretion of truth, but insufficient to convince others to convince others - this requires evidence.

An analysis of the selected properties suggests that they all have the closest attitude towards the robust processes. Indeed, sensual directness, independence from rational reasoning, sense of reliability, the experience of surprise - all this speaks in favor of greater interest of the right hemisphere. On the other hand, in a number of definitions it is noted that intuition, despite its all suddenness, is not insulting over, but relies on life experience man. At the same time, not only the role of long-term training is mentioned, but also the value of the synthesis of sensual and motor information.

Traditionally, insight, as a result of intuition, is considered as a consequence of some jump, gap in thinking, when a person discovers the result that does not flow out unequivocally from the parcels. At the same time, as a rule, it strikes not the very fact of the jump, and its value, because small jumps are inherent in almost every creative process.

Observation people celebrate a certain state preceding with insignia, an emotional premonition of approximation to something significant. It is possible that the subjective state of the surprise of insight is explained by the fact that the result was obtained in the right of a hemisphere with its specific subconscious mechanisms and special logic. Then a felt gap is a jump not only between an unconscious and unconscious result, but also between different ways Information processing.

There is a property, certainly accompanying intuition - emotional arousal. People of creative work are familiar with the feeling of happiness and joy at the time of insight. It is noticed that when a newborn intuitive idea appears after emotional precursors, it is perceived and experienced rather sensually and in images than mentally. Requires significant efforts to understand and interpret it with words.

From the standpoints developed in this book, this is because, solving, a person performs unreasonable transfer of the principles and methods of solving - conscious to unconscious - it should decipher and explain in aware of the concepts of the results obtained in other languages, other logic, special (right-hand ) Operations. Remarking the result, therefore, the work is difficult, aware of the example of Gauss, which complained: "My results I have had a long time ago, I just don't know how I will come to them."

We introduce the working definition of intuition: intuition is the result of the result by the intermediate stages of which are not recognized.

We assume a thought process that leads to obtaining new information on the relationships and links of objects, in the general case, when a rather complicated task is solved, it requires the participation of both hemispheres. This process may enter into several consecutive stages in which one is dominated by one, then another hemisphere. If the left hemisphere dominates, the results achieved by this moment can be conscious and stamped. If the left is dominated, then the thought process develops in the subconscious, so do not realize and are not buried.

Most of the descriptions of intuitive solutions, emphasizing their sensual representation, unconsciousness and integrity, indirectly pushing the assumption that the direction of the jump, leading to the inability to realize the intermediate stages of the solution, is associated with the transition to the processing of information from the left hemisphere to the right. So, sensuality, carelessness, unconsciousness, emotional components of intuition - all this consequence of a disposable transition when aware of the result from right to left.

If you become on this position, then the intuitive solution can be represented as a two-phase process: first - some unconscious sensual robust process, then jump and awareness in the left.

However, it actually appears that the process of intuitive solution can develop quite diverse - in five schemes (Fig. 1).

The first scheme - the setting of the problem is carried out consciously in the left hemisphere. If it is not amenable to solving in it, emotional dissatisfaction with the result, like any negative emotion, translates dominance into the right hemisphere, where the solution is formed. Subconscious obtaining the result, accompanied by positive emotions, translates dominance to the left hemisphere.

In favor of the prevalence of Scheme 1, some stories of scientific discoveries are evidenced. So, it was noted that continuous, persistent conscious attempts to achieve solutions to problems often turn out to be fruitless. On the contrary, it may be fruitful to cease these attempts, switching. The effectiveness of the interruption acts as one of the evidence of the role of inclusion in the process of subconscious components.

According to the circuit 2, the task occurs as a figurative, sensual dissatisfaction - a visual conflict, the discretion of some mismatch. The emerging emotional voltage translates the dominance into the left hemisphere, where the solution is formed, which is immediately realized. That is, in this case, the first phase of creative is distinguished by observation, detection, etc.

It is important to take into account not only in which hemisphere is tasked, but in which it solved. Therefore, the third scheme involves the occurrence of the task and its decision to the right and only awareness of the results on the left.

In the fourth scheme, the task is set, its decision and awareness is carried out in the left hemisphere. A legal question arises: there are openings developing entirely to the left, and if so, it is possible to call them intuitive. In accordance with the adopted definition of the intuition core - the emergencyness of intermediate results. During the jump (even in-hospital), the logical operations that are "jumped" are not recognized and the process developing according to this scheme can be attributed to intuitive.

In the rationale of the scheme, it is possible to rely on the results of surveys, according to which only 33% of scientists find problems as a result of sudden guesses, 50% experience "outbreaks" of illusion only occasionally, 17% do not even know what it is.

Jumps of two types are possible: insight and forecast. Illumination corresponds to awareness in the left hemisphere of solutions obtained on the right (Scheme 1 and 3). The forecast is to realize the final result without the implementation of intermediate stages and awareness of their receipt - here both phases are left-sided.

The fifth scheme is the case when both hemispheres work together. It seems that this mode is implemented only under extraordinary conditions and for a very short time. In favor, this is evidenced by information about insay and pilots in extreme situations, information about changing the perception of space and time under the influence of drugs, etc. In a number of arguments and the fact that in the infancy of simultaneous work, the hemispheres was the main, and according to the laws of the psyche, the more powerful the injury on it turns out to be the earlier level of its functioning under its influence.

Information processing operations inherent in the right and left hemispheres are not equally studied by psychology. The left-sided operations are significantly explored: refinement and formulation of the task, setting issues, aware of the search for a suitable hypotheses, logical ways to verify the solution for accessibility and consistency. At the same time, it is known that sometimes in this way the task cannot be solved. What then? There is a jump and other information processing methods are effective - right-handed.

Note that there is little about processing in the right of the hemisphere, mainly because the corresponding operations are not realized.

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The concept of intuition

Intuition in the process of knowledge


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The intuition on the household level is characterized as the flair, insight, a subtle understanding, penetration into the very essence of something. In psychology, intuition is considered as a special kind of knowledge as a specific ability, as a mechanism of creative activity. Depending on the scope of use, the intuition is distinguished everyday life - "Common sense", in science, philosophy, art, professional intuition, etc. There are different explanations of the phenomenon of intuition, but with all the differences, the connection of intuition with unconscious forms of mental activity is emphasized. At the intuitive level, all forms of sensuality (sensation, perception, memory, imagination, emotions, will and intellect, logical thinking are involved. Intuition is usually manifested in an inseparable connection with the special state of lifting spiritual and physical forces.

The term "intuition" in the scientific literature has many semantic values. These values \u200b\u200bmainly relate to various aspects of human intellectual activity.

Intuition, if you collect all the statements about it, it turns out true of the ubiquitous: it gives directions to research, forms visual mental object models, interprets empirical data, designs fundamental concepts and general principles of theory, produces hypotheses, stimulates the choice of effective techniques and research methods. In short, it is difficult to call any cognitive process leading to new scientific results, which themselves science leaders would associate with intuition.

Intuitive components are found in many professions and a variety of life situations. First of all, it is almost all artistic creativity.

Thus, in the life of every person, regardless of his profession, there are situations when, with a lack of information and time for making a responsible decision, intuitive mechanisms are triggered.

The concept of intuition

Intuition (Posnate. Intuitio, from Lat. Intueor - intently watch), the ability to comprehend the truth by way of its discretion without justifying with the help of the evidence of the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary / ch. Editorial: L.F. Ilyichev, P.N. Fedosyev, S.M. Kovalev, VG Panov - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1983. - C.216. .

Intuition is knowledge that arises in an indefinite situation, subjectively perceived as a guessed, premonition, the inner flair, the presence of which is realized.

Under intuition, the ancient thinkers understood the immediate discretion (in the literal sense of the words) of the actual state of things. This kind of knowledge was subsequently the name of sensual intuition. The simplicity and visual nature of this form of knowledge was deprived of her any problem.

In the history of philosophy, the concept of intuition included different content. Intuition was understood as a form of direct intellectual knowledge or contemplation (intellectual intuition).

In most works, intellectual intuition is considered in connection with the discoveries representing significant phenomena in science. Consequently, intellectual intuition refers to conceptual thinking. But intuition associated with conceptual thinking is manifested not only in large scientific discoveries. The intuitive intellectual process precedes many technical inventions (philosophers and psychologists, unfortunately, pays little attention to inventors, namely, they could get the richest experimental material), the result of intuition is sometimes deep philosophical generalizations, aphorisms, even with a creative approach to the planned experiments Many generalizations related to the writing of the report arise as a result of intuitive "illumination".

So, Plato argued that contemplation of ideas (sobrants of the ideal world ideas) is a view of the immediate knowledge that is happening as a sudden illusion that suggests long-term training.

The R. Descartes is considered to be the R. Descartes. Descartes allocated two "Mind Actions", with the help of which the true knowledge of things is achieved. These actions are intuition and deduction. "Under intuition, I mean not a wonderful testimony of feelings and not the deceptive judgment of incorrectly aligning imagination, but an understanding of a clear and attentive mind, so easy and distinct that there is no doubt about what we mean." In this way, we are talking On intellectual intuition, which is characterized by simplicity and self-evidence of V.V. Vasilyev, A.A. Krotov and D.V. Bull. History of philosophy: Textbook for universities. - M.: Academic Project: 2005. - p.275. .

The intuition was also interpreted as an instinct, directly, without prior learning, the defining forms of the behavior of the body (Bergson), and as a hidden, unconscious primary creation (Freud) Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. Editorial: L.F. Ilyichev, P.N. Fedosyev, S.M. Kovalev, VG Panov - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1983. - p.217. .

The basis and source of all knowledge, the method of the most reliable comprehension of reality is intuition for A. Bergson.

Bergson is an intuitiveness of intuivism, since he opposed rational cognitive abilities The ability to intuition. Only intuition can grab the truth - the truth of a holistic and volatile life. On this basis, Bergson considers the representative of the so-called academic philosophy of life, which tries to solve the traditional problems of philosophy, based on the fact that the main specific subject of its attention should be the life of V.V. Vasilyev, A.A. Krotov and D.V. Bugai - p. 499.

The simplest type of intuition, sensual intuition appears most often in activities that are less related to conceptual thinking, in conditions of lack of time for reflection (emergency situation, an unusual and quite complex situation, diagnosis by a doctor in emergency cases, etc.) it may have Purely conceptual character, for example, as the need to lightly find in an acute emotionally stressful discussion, witty and accurate answer.

He recognized the reality of sensual intuition and denied the presence of the human ability to intellectual intuition by I. Kant.

Intuition took a certain place in our works I. Fichte and F. Shelling, B. Repinose. For Ficht, intuition is a fusion form in the act of cognition of the subject and the object, comprehending the philosopher itself. Schelling intuition also acts as a means of knowing the acting subject of himself, more precisely, as awareness of the thinking of its own activity. B. Spinosa distinguishes three types of knowledge: sensual, giving only vague and uni-innovations, knowledge through reason, giving knowledge about modes, and the highest kind of knowledge - intuition, which opens the truth.

When describing the properties of intuition, it is characteristic of its difference from the analytical, logical method of knowledge. Another property of intuition, which allocate most of the authors is an adequacy of the process of intuition. The emerging intuition is usually manifested through such phenomena as a guess, premonition, inner flair. Another commonly allocated property is the connection of intuition with accumulated experience, both aware and unconscious.

Intelligent intuition is unlike sensual, more related to conceptual thinking and therefore has a direct attitude towards scientific discoveries.

In a classic understanding, intuition is non-analytical, not output, direct comprehension of knowledge.

Under the "intuition" means the ability of a person in a short time, the "jump" to find a solution to complex problems, and, as a rule, this decision does not precede a strictly logical deductive conclusion. But the idea born by intuition does not appear spontaneously - it is preceded by a preliminary conscious intense thought job. At the same time, the result of intuition often has little connection with the direction of preliminary searches for the solution, which is even more mystifies it.

Intuition, unlike intelligence, directly penetrates the object, it finds the path of sympathy, and therefore identifies what is unique and inexpressible in the object.

Intuition in the process of knowledge

Intuition (from the lat.-look, view) is a knowledge that arises without awareness of ways to prepare it - as a result of "direct discretion." It is also interpreted as a specific ability (for example, an artistic or scientific intuition), and as a holistic covering of the conditions of the problem situation (sensual and intellectual intuition), and as a mechanism of creative activity (creative intuition). Intuition is actually a basic, natural gift of man. Much people comprehends the imagination, fantasy, premonition. And this is also a type of knowledge that was widely represented before the occurrence of science.

Intuitive knowledge is an understanding of the essence of the subject, obtained by intuition, directly comprehending the essence of the thing.

An intuitive result includes an affective component. Significance to intuitive knowledge gives such subjective indicators of intuition, as a premonition, inner flair, guess.

An intuitive solution to the problem may occur as if suddenly, suddenly, unexpectedly, at such a moment when the researcher would seem to do not even think about the problem. This happens because thinking is not limited to a conscious form. Analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, other types of mental activity are carried out at the level of unconscious.

In obtaining a new knowledge, logical thinking, methods and techniques for the formation of concepts, laws of logic plays a major role. But the experience of cognitive activity indicates that ordinary logic in many cases is insufficient to solve scientific problems; The process of production of new information cannot be reduced to inductively, nor to deductively deployed thinking. An important place in this process is occupied by intuition, which informs the knowledge of the new impetus and the direction of movement Alekseev P.V., Panin AV Philosophy: studies. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2005. - p.321. .

It is believed that the psychological mechanism of intuition is still understood, but the available experimental data make it possible to believe that it is based on the ability of the individual to reflect during information, signaling interaction with the surrounding (conscious) and side (unconscious) product. Under certain conditions, this (previously not conscious) part of the result of the action becomes key to solving the creative task. The results of intuitive knowledge over time are logically proved and checked by practice.

Prevalence, universality of intuition confirm numerous observations over people in ordinary daily conditions; There are often cases when in a non-standard situation requiring a quick solution in conditions of limited information, the subject produces its choice, as if to present what to do this, and not other Alekseev P.V., Panin AV - P. 323..

The phenomenon of intuition is extremely wide and everything is not always considered intuitive, really deserves such a name. In thinking, for example, the conclusion is not uncommon, the parcels of which are not formulated explicitly, the result of such conclusions is unexpected, but not intuitive, as some scientists believe. It is not necessary to accept the intuition what belongs to the field of instincts is characterized by the automatism of the reaction in a similar situation and has physiological mechanisms in the subconscious or unconscious field of the subject ibid. - p.325. .

Intuition can not give ready-made knowledge or ready idea. At best, it leads to knowledge or to the idea, but no more. The fact is that intuition does not have evidence and, moreover, not always "falls into the point." Thoughts arising intuitive can be both true and false, both valuable and useless or even harmful. Therefore, to find out which of these are true (valuable), and what false (useless, harmful), you need to go beyond intuitive thinking and expose them to a logical or empirical / practical test or to the other together, Balashov L. E. Philosophy: textbook . 2nd edition, with changes and additions. Electronic version - M., 2005. - P. 555..

Intuition is a certain semi-substinctive consciousness and at the same time standing above the usual consciousness, which is in its cognitive strength essentially superconscious. It, as if, in one instant, running in parts, in the slightest detail of the object, grasps the essence of the whole, as if recovering all his remittant. There are cases when a person is extremely fast, almost instantly, grabs the thought of a complex situation, for example, during a military battle, and, it is clearly realizing what the right decision finds. Intuition is the ability to comprehend the truth by direct discretion without justifying the evidence of Spirkin A.G. Philosophy: Tutorial. - 2nd ed. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - p.469. .

Behind the ability to "suddenly" guess the truth in fact, the accumulated experience gained earlier knowledge. The psychological mechanism I. still has little studied, but the available experimental data make it possible to believe that it is based on the ability of the individual to reflect during information, signaling with the surrounding along with direct (conscious) side (unconscious) product. Under certain conditions, this (previously not conscious) part of the result becomes key to solving the creative task. The results of intuitive knowledge over time are logically proved and checked by practice.

Intuition sets the diversity of the features of the object in their single-whole solidity, looking at the object from somewhere because of the back of the intelligence or, more precisely, from the height of the superconscious. Intuition is a smart contemplation, as if piercing the trifles of private and enhanced in the very essence of the object there. - p.469. .

Intuition is not only the comprehension of truth, but also feeling and understanding that it is the truth. Intuition is an emotionally rich understanding of the essence of the problem and its decisions, when the scientist is growing into the problem and merges with it to such an extent that it is already in a dream, she pursues him and powerfully demands an answer in the same place. - p.468. .

Intuition is as if rolled, sharply condensed logic of thought. It also applies to logic as an external speech to the inner, where a lot is omitted and fragmentary there. - p.471. .

Modern psychology of creativity and neurophysiology make it possible to assert with confidence that intuition includes a number of certain stages. These include: 1) accumulation and unconscious distribution of images and abstractions in the memory system; 2) unconscious combination and processing of accumulated abstractions, images and rules in order to solve a specific task; 3) a clear awareness of the task; 4) unexpectedly finding a decision (proof of theorem, creating artistic image, finding a design or military solution, etc.), satisfying the formulated task. Often, such a decision comes at the most unexpected time when the conscious brain activity is focused on solving other tasks, or even in the sleep of V. V. Mironov. Philosophy: Textbook for universities. - M.: Norm, 2005. - S.580. .

Modern researchers of the problem of intuition, regardless of their ideological orientation, are united that intuition is possible on the basis of the unconscious and can get a rational explanation in the framework of the theory of the unconscious. Intuition is understood in a wide and narrow sense of the word. In a broad sense, intuition is a link between the unconscious and consciousness, the moment in the interaction of the subject and the object, which, although not realized, leads to the transition of those or other elements from the region of the unconscious mental in the region of consciousness. In such an understanding, intuition is not a gift inherent in individual individuals. It is peculiar to every person, but depending on the individual experience, knowledge, interests, needs, the goals that the person puts in front of them, the tasks that he decides, and the conditions in which are manifested in different ways. Some I. is manifested in solving everyday household issues, the others it leads to original solutions, invention, discoveries. In the latter case, there is a creative I. (or I. in the narrow sense of the word). Creative I. - such a moment in the interaction of the subject and the object, which, is not aware of, leads to a qualitatively new, who did not have a place earlier and not arising directly from external influences in this moment Knowledge. This is a cognitive activity of the unconscious to the cognitive task of the cognitive task.

Depending on the objective and subjective factors, intuition in the cognitive process may be represented in miscellaneous. It is most bright and powerful when it appears when an up-to-date cognitive task arises before the subject, the solution of which requires deep knowledge, great experience, the huge tension of spiritual and physical forces.

The search for the necessary tools and techniques of objectification is particularly difficult. The problem can be solved at the unconscious level, but it is not able to objective the result. Looking for such a result and there is creative intuition.

It triggers most often in extreme conditions when with great tension for a long time Feel sensuality, intellect, man will. Creative intuition is the highest form of intuition, the highest appearance of it.

In essence, intuition is a social product, as it involves mastering the means and techniques of objectification. By virtue of this, the so-called professional intuition can be distinguished, under which intuition is understood, caused by the solution of purely professional tasks and associated with the use of specific inherent in this type of activity of techniques and means of objectification.

It is also necessary to distinguish with artistic and scientific intuition. Such areas of human activity as literature and art, on the one hand, and science - on the other, are characterized by specific, according to some components, qualitatively different means and techniques.

From the standpoint of understanding of intuition as the moment of the relationship of the unconscious and consciousness, the transition of the first second, setting the issue of truth of intuition does not make sense, as it comes down to the problem of truth as such. Intuition can be associated with both adequate and not adequate feature. Our anxiety can be in vain, joy - premature, premonition - false. In the same way, the subject matter of consciousness may not be an image of an objective reality, but a subjective structure, which only to a small extent consistent with the objective relationship between objects and phenomena of the external world. Therefore, the truth of any knowledge should be subjected to a logical justification and practical verification.

Intuition is something opposite to intelligence. They are interrelated parties of a single, holistic cognitive process. It can not be purely intuitive or purely intellectual knowledge, it always has the unity of that and the other.

The role of intuition is especially great where it is necessary to go beyond the receptions of knowledge for penetration into an unknown. But intuition is not something unreasonable or ultra-industrial. In the process of intuitive knowledge, all the signs for which the conclusion is carried out, and those techniques with which it is being done are not realized. Intuition leaves a special way to know the sensations, ideas and thinking. It is a kind of type of thinking when the individual links of the thinking process roll in consciousness more or less unconsciously, and the total of thought is extremely clearly realized. Intuitions are enough to discrete truth, but it is not enough to convince others of others in this truth. For this it is necessary for the proof of the Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. Editorial: L.F. Ilyichev, P.N. Fedosyev, S.M. Kovalev, VG Panov - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1983. - P. 217..

Intuition is not only the comprehension of truth, but feeling and understanding that this is exactly the truth. Intuition is an emotionally rich understanding of the essence of the problem and solutions.

Intuition is actually aspect and continuation of the instinct. Like all instincts, it perfectly acts in the usual circumstances, formed an animal habits, but completely useless, as soon as circumstances change and require some unusual image of action.

In intuition, thinking, feeling and sensation are closely closed. She brings scientific knowledge with artistic creativity and on the contrary.

However, intuition in scientific knowledge takes less important place than, for example, in artistic creativity. The main reason is that science is the wealth of all mankind, while the poet or the artist can create in his closed world. Any scientist at the initial stage of its scientific formation enjoys the works of other scientists expressed in the logically built theories and components of the science of today's day. It is for scientific creativity once again to emphasize the importance of the preliminary accumulation of experience and knowledge to intuitive insights and the need for logical design results after it.

intuition conceptual thinking truth


At their own experience, many know how difficult it is sometimes to find a decision of a private question in everyday life. But after some time, the answer may come as if by itself. And how many decisions of everyday issues in thinking occur as it were, with themselves, without visible effort from our side. Such solutions are an example of intuition.

Today, people finally stopped abandoning intuition, and they began to actively use it in life and business.

Ideas, solutions born by intuition are often so original and unexpected that, even being strictly justified, do not always find proper support from others who, from the standpoint of generally accepted views, consider them insane.

Intuition is a qualitative leap that occurs as a result of the fact that some preceding it, the quantitative volume of logical thinking goes to a qualitative and new level of intuitive insight. Just not from anything new ideas do not come, the birth of a new idea is preceded by a long work of the mind.

Intuition helps make decisions, make a choice, solve complex problems with insufficient number of facts, data or in the absence of previous experience. Although we intuition we use unconsciously, but with sufficient development, it helps to come intelligently in some circumstances. Sometimes intuition is the only thing that can help us survive in difficult circumstances.

In different people, intuition can have a different detection of remoteness from consciousness, to be specific in content, the nature of the result, the penetration depth in the essence of the phenomenon or process. The intuitive work of thinking occurs in the subconscious sphere, sometimes - in a state of sleep. Intuition should not overestimate, as it should not and ignore its role in the process of knowledge. Sensual knowledge of rational knowledge and intuition are important and mutually complementary means of knowledge of knowledge.

Bibliographic list

Scientific literature:

1. Alekseev P.V., Panin AV Philosophy: studies. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2005. - 608C.

2. Balashov L. E. Philosophy: Tutorial . 2nd edition, with changes and additions. Electronic version - M., 2005. - with. 672.

3. History of philosophy: Textbook for universities / ed. V.V. Vasilyeva, A.A. Krotova and D.V. Bugai. - M.: Academic Project: 2005. - 680 p.

4. Spirkin A.G. Philosophy: Tutorial. - 2nd ed. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 736 p.

5. Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. Editorial: L.F. Ilyichev, P.N. Fedosyev, S.M. Kovalev, VG Panov - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1983. - 840С.

Electronic resources:

1. Academy of intuition. Access mode: http.w //

2. Wikipedia. Free encyclopedia. Access mode: http .://

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Intuition is the process and result of the comprehension of truth in which there are unconscious elements. It is understood as in intellectual and sensual, and in the mystical sense. It is characterized by the immediate discretion of the truth.

Intuition is close and accompanies the state of inspiration, spiritual vision, discoveries and revelations, and has origins in the unconscious (or supercisive) layer of human psyche.

In intuition, the essence of the thing, its depth states and contradictions directly seizes.

It is believed that intuition is more related to the ruling type of thinking.

Two main approaches to understanding intuition:

1) Intuition is the basis of knowledge, it grabs the subject in its essence and then a person with the help of logic develops open, on, building on the initial intuition by the deployed "Tree" of knowledge.

2) intuition - as a result of long internal work The mind, in conditions of lack of information as "insight", based on the accumulation of internal human experience. Such intuition is auxiliary.

Most likely both kind of intuition participate in human knowledge

The role of intuition and imagination in science

As a result of the creation of the Aristotle Silogistics, detecting conditions in which from the row of statements with the need should be via, science developing on the principle of obtaining new rational knowledge, for a long time It was fed by the hope of creating logic capable of providing any sensible person an intellectual machine "to extract new results. This hope inspired F. Bacon. R. Descarte, Labitsa, later than J. Mill, who became an induction apologist in the XIX century.

But new discoveries were not made on the generalization of the experience and the subsequent removal of patterns. The most important discoveries arose as intuition, put forward as hypotheses, the source of which is hardly anyone can indicate, and then from the hypothesis, deductive ways were displayed, available to control in the experiment, and here, on a much lower level of thinking, logic was again connected. Check results.

In fact, the engine of science and any knowledge are ideas, perhaps in the form of hypotheses that appear in the consciousness of the scientist suddenly, as a revelation, like an autumn, like the birth of a person or the work of art - this act is the most important for any comprehension of the world.

And probably most of all here and fits the term intuition - with different epithets - intellectual, mystical, sensual, etc.

Intuition The fundamental concept for human knowledge, it can have both transcendental and transcendental character. The experience of comprehending the transcendent nature of intuition to the greatest extent is religion, then art, and its transcendental meaning is comprehended by philosophy, art, science with its concepts of archetypes and other forms of unconscious, etc.

Intuition helps to make decisions, make a choice., To solve complex problems with insufficient number of facts, data, or in the absence of prior experience. Although we use intuition unconsciously, but with sufficient development, it helps us to come intelligently in the circumstances listed above. Sometimes intuition is the only thing that can help us survive in difficult circumstances.

According to Platon, intuition is an extraordinary perception of idea; Cognition immersion in yourself, in its subjectivity.

N. Kuzansky - intuition - the highest ability of the human spirit.

Descartes (a scientific examination of the scientific study of intuition): intuition is a direct, immediate discretion of truth, in contrast to indirect rational knowledge. The knowledge gained by intuitive immediately appears as simple, clear, obvious ... This is the highest form of intellectual knowledge when a person is simultaneously thinking and contemplates.

Fichte: Intuition - a fusion form in the act of knowledge of the subject and object, comprehending "I".

Bergson: Intuition is the main source of all knowledge, the most reliable way of comprehending reality. The ability to see an integer before parts, to have the result without its logical justification.

K. Jung - intuition, this is what is the corner, out of sight, beyond the limits of hearing, sensation and touch.

Intuition - "Announced, unconscious perception for more information About reality "/

Typically, intuition is sensual and intellectual. Sensual intuition implies the immediate discretion of the truth with the help of the senses, the intellectual direct perception of truth without support for evidence, comprehending its mind. N. O. Lossky differed sensual, intellectual and mystical intuition.

All outstanding scientists have the ability to make a "prophetic leap in an unknown." For example, William Hamilton, walked in the Phoenix Park in Dublin in 1943, when the thought of the so-called "quationary" came to his head. It is so outpacing the development of mathematical science that this gap was eliminated by the efforts of the whole group of scientists only recently. J. Maxwell saw the secret of his unscientific methods of thinking in the fact that he absolutely did not know how to make calculations and coming, faithful formula, was forced to rely on the calculations of colleagues - giving reasonable forms to those reasons to which recklessly came.

N. Bor never trusted purely formal, with mathematical accuracy of the arguments. "No, no," he said. - You do not think, you just logically talk. "

Thus, the role of intuition is large in any forms of knowledge.

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Without intuition, we would still be in the caves, "said Writer-futurist Marilyn Ferguson. Albert Einstein argued;" A really valuable factor is intuition. "According to Karl Yung, intuition is one of the four identity parameters.

The role of intuition in scientific work is the topic of research of scientists of various areas of scientific interests from mathematicians and physicists to sociologists and psychologists. But first, we will consider what we know about intuition. "Intuition (Lat. Intueri is closely watching) - the ability to directly comprehend the truth. In the Domarcian philosophy, intuition was considered as a special form of cognitive activity. DescartesFor example, it believed that the deductive form of evidence rests on axioms, the latter are comprehended purely intuitively, without any evidence. The intuition, by Cartes, in connection with the deductive method, serves as a universal criterion for complete reliability. A large place occupies intuition in philosophy Spinozeswho considered it the "third native" of knowledge, the most reliable and important knowledge that grabs the essence of things. " In foreign philosophy and psychology, intuition was considered for a long time as mystical ability knowledge incompatible with logic and life practice ( Intuitionism).

It is believed that the psychological mechanism of intuition is still understood, but the available experimental data make it possible to believe that it is based on the ability of the individual to reflect during information, signaling interaction with the surrounding (conscious) and side (unconscious) product. Under certain conditions, this (previously not conscious) part of the result of the action becomes key to solving the creative task. The results of intuitive knowledge over time are logically proved and checked by practice.

In the scientific sphere known "intuuitivism, a kakidealistic flow, which has been largely distributed in foreign philosophy. The rational knowledge of intuyutivism opposes the immediate" comprehension "of reality, based on intuition, understood as a special ability of consciousness, incorporated to sensory experience and discursive, logical thinking. Intuivism directly closes with mysticism. "

In the directories allocated intuition political Knowledge as a result of "direct discretion", that is, knowledge arising without awareness of the paths and conditions for its receipt. Political intuition is part of the mechanism of creative political activities and is found in the ability of both the "holistic coverage" of the conditions of the problem political situation and the foresight of possible scenarios and the results of its development. From the position of the philosophy of intuusionism, political intuition is interpreted as hidden in the depths of the unconscious root cause of a creative political act. In political psychology, intuition is considered as the necessary, internally caused by the nature of creativity, the moment of exiting the boundaries of the established stereotypes of behavior and, in particular, logical programs for finding political tasks. At the same time, it is emphasized that intuitive knowledge of the experience of the practical and cognitive activity of political entities, which makes it possible to talk about professional intuition as the necessary component of political creativity.

In this paper, an attempt was made to consider the role of intuition in scientific creativity through the genesis of introducing the concept of intuition into the scientific sphere in the twentieth century.

The role of intuition on Frank Knight

One of the first scientists in the twentieth century, which introduced into scientific circulation, the concept of intuition is the American economist Frank Knight. The generally accepted discoverer of the problem of uncertainty in the framework of modern economic theory, in his book "Risk, uncertainty and profits", published in 1921 wrote: "The foresight of the future is largely similar to the memory phenomenon on which it is based. When we want to remember the name or Quote, we ask the goal and find the necessary information in the depths of the memory (often it happens when we are busy with something else) or not find, but in any case we can say very little about what actually happens in our brain, What is the "technique" of this process. In the same way when we are trying to understand what should be expected in a certain situation and how to adapt their behavior to it accordingly, we most likely make a lot of mental operations, and the first idea, which we can clearly realize is that the desired decision is made and the image of our actions is defined. Processes in our brain do not seem Sure enough, and in any case, they have little to do with the formally logical processes that are used by scientists in their studies. We oppose these two types of processes, considering the first of them not as a conclusion, but as a "judgment", "common sense" or "intuition".

Frank Knight in something even equalized the "logical conclusion" and "intuition". "The exact science of logical conclusions has a weak impact on the formation of the opinions constituting the foundation of a behavioral decision, and that this is true, regardless of what is justified by the action: the prediction on the basis of an exhaustive analysis or probabilistic judgment (a priori or statistical). We are mostly acting on The basis of estimates, not conclusions, based on "judgments" or "intuition", beyond reflection. Evaluation or intuitive judgment is something similar to probabilistic judgment. "

In the work of Frank Knight, the concept of "intuition" is connected to the concept of "analysis" and "synthesis". "We know why we expect the onset of certain events, as little as about what is happening in our brain, while we remember the forgotten name. Undoubtedly, there is a certain analogy between the subconscious" intuition "and Logical reflection, since the goal in both cases is to foresee the future, and the possibility of drawing up the forecast seems to be based on uniformity of the world. Therefore, in both cases, there must be some analysis and synthesis operations. "

The position of Frank Knight did not wear a "defensive" character, which was characteristic of a later period.

The role of intuition in scientific work on Thomas Kunu

The role of intuition in scientific work was purposefully investigated by scientists who were called by the historians of science. One of the iconic figures in this scientific community occupies Thomas Kun. Thomas Samuel Kun was born on July 18, 1922 in Cincinnati (USA). After the end of the Physical Faculty of Harvard in 1943, he receives a bachelor's degree in theoretical physics, in 1946 - a master's degree, and in 1949 - doctors. Later, Kun switches to the history of science and in 1958 becomes a professor. In 1962, his central and most famous book "Structure of scientific revolutions", which caused a wide resonance.

It is in the book "The structure of scientific revolutions" and there is a chapter, called "implicit knowledge and intuition". Thomas Kun notes: "This type of knowledge is not achieved exclusively by verbal means. Rather, he is checked into words along with specific examples of how they function in practice; nature and words are stuffed together. Borrowing once again a successful phrase M. Polani, I want to emphasize That the result of this process is "implicit knowledge", which is becoming more practical participation in a scientific study than the assimilation of the rules governing scientific activities. "

Thomas Kun's point of view was born in the controversy, in particular with Karl Popper, which is why his "defensive" words in defense of intuition are clear. "This appeal to implicit knowledge and to the appropriate discard of the rules allows us to allocate another problem, which bothered many critics and, in all likelihood, served as the basis for the accusation of subjectivity and irrationalism. Some readers took my position as if I am trying to build a science building. on non-analyzed, individual intuitive supports, and not on laws and logic. "

The branch of implicit knowledge from Tomas Kun's knowledge is that "we do not have direct access to what we know, no rules or generalizations in which this knowledge can be expressed." Explaining his position, he wrote: "That, against which I performed in this book, consists, therefore, in an attempt that has become traditional after Descartes (but no earlier), analyze perception as the interpretation process, as an unconscious version of what we do After the act of perception. The integrity of perception deserves special attention, of course, due to the fact that such a significant part of past experience is embodied in nervous systemthat converts incentives in sensations. The mechanism of perception programmed by the appropriate manner is essential for survival. "

Thus, in the framework of the holistic perception, Thomas Kun first combined two concepts of "intuition" and "past experience", thereby introduced intuition into the scientific sphere in the new format of "implicit knowledge", based on the "past experience".

Place of intuition in the theory of Randalla Collins

Famous American sociologist Randall Collins in his work "Sociology: Science or Anti-Dauka?" He also affected the topic of intuition. In the chapter "The role of informal concepts and intuitions in theory" he wrote: "The idea of \u200b\u200bcomplete and strict formalization, operationalization and measurement of everything and everything in scientific theory - chimer. In some points of the theory, informal concepts and intuitive races of thought are always found. Always exists Some metatoretical installation on what is priority in intellectual plan. Scientific theory gives an outline of the model of the world under study at a certain angle. The hypothesis have a derivative of this model, and the process of their elimination includes intuitive jumps. In the operationalization of concepts for empirical check, we always We make another intuitive leap, making a decision that such that specific dimensions or other observations are really related to this theory. These intuitive or informal jumps of the essence of which theoretical discussions should occur around which (or in many cases).

As in the position of Thomas Kuna on the issue of intuition, it occupies "protective" positions. "But such jumps are quite justified simply because this is the world. They do not deprive us of the rights to science, because in all sciences there are points where intuitive jumps are performed. If natural works sometimes forget it and reason in a rough positivist manner as if they are not They report "nothing but facts", then this is because in the process of accumulating scientific procedures, they have already made successful intuitive jumps and now have working models that they intuitively attach to most studied phenomena. "

Also, Thomas Kun Randall Collins operates the term implicit (hidden) knowledge: "Successfully developing science is possible even if there are areas of fundamental uncertainty, which belong to the sphere of unspoken, informal understanding. Implicitly pronounced, hidden knowledge is also knowledge, because it works ".

Randall Collins rigidly rushed intuitive concepts and science. "Flexible empiricism, working where necessary, with inaccuracies and intuitive concepts and leaving a lot of space for theoretical work, which connects different facts, is the core of science", justifying the foregoing by the fact that "in this way interpretative schools introduced in sociology meaningful theories."


At the end of the twentieth century, the topic of intuition, as a kind of phenomenon, was again in the sphere of attention of the scientific community. First of all, it was due to the fact that the success of a number of world-famous entrepreneurs: Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Marseille Beach was associated with their intuition. Barton Klein from Harvard in the "Dynamic Economics" wrote: "If the entrepreneur wants to attract the numbers to his side, he should rely on intuition in the development of new hypotheses. Wealth of the entrepreneur in guesses. But if his guesses are unclear, the entrepreneur must trust his intuition."

Karl Jung noted that "an extreme - intuitive individual is extremely important both for economics and for culture." This statement can be safely attributed to science. Modern researchers believe that intuition is not congenital, but acquired ability. This leads to the idea that intuitive abilities need to be identified and developed. And in this matter the most important condition is the experience.

Numerous studies have shown that people who have intuition prefer an abstract rational, induration - search, high-quality - quantitative, scholastic - linear, macro - micro, sixth sense - ordinary feelings, long-term - short-term, premonition - accurate information, analog - digital and future - Past. This is the prerequisites of creative thinking and large-scale innovation. The foregoing acquires a holistic picture and combines points of view on intuition and Frank Knight, and Thomas Kuna, and Randalla Collins within the quotation of Socychiro Honda, author 470 inventions and 350 patents, honorary doctor dozen universities: "Many people dream of success. I consider That success can only be achieved through repeating failures and self-analysis. In fact, success is only 1% of your work, and the remaining 99% is failures. " Experts noted that Honda's strength was technical elegance, simplicity of design and market intuition. And it was the market intuition that gave the life of one of the world's largest automotive corporation.

The twentieth century actually translated the concept of "intuition" from the sacred concepts of scientific research. And the XXI century, most likely, will become a century of practical intuition training.

Introduction _____________________________________________________ 3.

The concept of intuition in the history of philosophy ______________________________ 4

The concept of intuition, its features _________________________________________ 6

Types of intuition ________________________________________________ 9

Formation and manifestation of intuition _______________________________ 12

The ratio of intuitive and discursive in knowledge _______________ 20

Conclusion __________________________________________________ 22.

References ____________________________________________ 23


In obtaining a new knowledge, logical thinking, methods and techniques for the formation of new concepts, laws of logic play a major role. But the experience of cognitive activity indicates that ordinary logic in many cases is insufficient to solve scientific problems; The process of production of new information cannot be reduced to inductively, nor to deductively deployed thinking. An important place in this process is an intuition that informs the knowledge of a new impetus and the direction of movement.

The presence of such human ability recognize many outstanding scientists of our time. Louis de Broglil, for example, noted that theories are developing and often even change in a radically, which would be impossible if the foundations of science were purely rational. He was convinced, according to him, in the inevitable influence on the scientific study of the individual characteristics of the scholar thinking, which are not only rational. "I, in particular, writes Louis de Broglie," I mean such purely personal abilities, such various people like imagination and intuition. Imagination that allows us to imagine a part of the physical picture of the world in the form of a visual picture that detects some of its details, intuition, unexpectedly revealing in some inner insight, which does not have anything in common with heavy syllogism, the depths of reality, are opportunities organically inherent in human mind; They played and everyday play a significant role in creating science "(" On the paths of science. "M., 1962. P. 293-294).

Let's focus on intuition. Intuition as a specific cognitive process, directly producing new knowledge, acts as universal peculiar to all people (though in varying degrees) ability, like feelings, and abstract thinking.

The concept of intuition in the history of philosophy

In the history of philosophy, the problem of intuition paid great attention, the concept of intuition had a different content. It was understood as a form of direct intellectual knowledge or contemplation (intellectual intuition). So, Plato understood the contemplation of ideas (sobrants of the sensory world), which is a view of a direct knowledge coming as a sudden illusion that suggests long-term care. There was a difference in the interpretation of intuition between Plato and Aristotle: the mind, according to Aristotle, "contemplates" in common in the things themselves, according to Platon - "Remarks" in the special world of ideal entities (see: Lebedev S. A. "Intuition as a method of scientific knowledge" . M., 1980. P. 29). But both did not think their creativity without her. The philosophers of the new time, developed by the methods of rational knowledge of nature, also could not but note violations of the logic of rational knowledge carried out through intuitions. Descartes argued: "Under intuition, I don't understand the faith in a shaky testimony of feelings and not deceptive judgment of the disorderly imagination, but the concept of a clear and attentive mind is so simple and distinct that it does not leave any doubt that we think, or that one And the same, the durable concept of the clear and attentive mind, generated only by the natural light of the mind and thanks to its simplicity more reliable than the deduction itself ... "(Descartes R." Selected Works ". M., 1950. P. 86). R. Descarte believed that reasonable knowledge, passing through the "purgatory" methodological doubt, was conjugate with intuition, which gives the first principles, from which everything else knowledge is derived by deduction. "Provisions directly arising from the first principle can be said to know, he wrote, both intuitive and deductive way, depending on the method of their consideration, the principles themselves are only intuitive, as well as, on the contrary, their own consequences - Only deductive way "(Decart R." Selected Works ". M., 1950. P. 88).

It was interpreted as knowledge in the form of sensual contemplation (sensual intuition). "There is no longer undoubted, clear, like the sun ... only sensual," and therefore the mystery of intuitive knowledge and "focused in sensuality" (Feuerbach L. "Filosy. Mr. in 2 t." T. 1. P. 187) .

Intuition was also understood as an instinct, directly, without prior learning, the defining forms of behavior. A. Bergson attached great importance to the problem of intuition. He, in particular, drew attention to the philosophical intuition, devoting her special work (entered in Russian in 1911). The intuition he tied with an instinct, with the knowledge of the living, variable, with synthesis, and a logical - with intelligence, with analysis. In his opinion, logic triumph in science, which has solid body. Combining intuition to obtain a new knowledge in the form of sensual and conceptual images, he made a number of subtle observations; At the same time, leaning on idealistic world, he missed the possibility of a wide scientific interpretation of intuition, which is already visible from its opposition to intuition by logic.

Intuition was also understood as a hidden, unconscious primary creativity (Z. Freud).

In some currents of foreign philosophy (intuuitivism, etc.), intuition is interpreted as a divine revelation, as a whole unconscious phenomenon incompatible with logic and life practice, experience.

Various interpretations of intuition in Domarxist or Nemmarxist philosophical and psychological teachings are emphasized in the phenomenon of intuition. The total moment of vision in the process of knowledge, in contrast (or in contrast to) from the mediated nature of logical thinking.

The concept of intuition, its features

The thinking process is not always carried out in the deployed and logically evidence. There are cases when a person is extremely fast, almost instantly grabs a difficult situation and finds the right decision. Sometimes in the innermost depths of the soul, as it were, the influx arises by the force of transparency images, which are much overtaken by the systematic idea. The ability to comprehend the truth by direct discretion without justifying the proof is called intuition ("Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary". M., 1989. P. 221).

Usually, characterizing intuition, these features are noted, as suddenness, immediacy, unawareness. Intuition is a complex cognitive act associated with the mediating role of human experience, with consciousness.

In fact, take such a sign of intuition, as a suddenness. The problem of the problem is always unexpected, by chance, and, it would seem, in unsuitable conditions for creativity, one way or another contrasting with the terms of the targeted scientific search. For a certain cycle of knowledge, surprise really takes place. However, this is confirmed by numerous facts before the intuitive act is carried out, it is preceded by a period of long work of consciousness. It is at this time that the foundations of the future discovery are laid, which in the future may occur a sudden way. In this case, the intuition is only crowned by the period of the detailed complex intellectual activity of the human mind.

The same is the case with the impedence of intuition. Direct knowledge (in contrast to indirect), it is customary to call this that does not relieve a logical evidence. Strictly speaking, absolutely direct forms do not exist. It applies equally to logical abstractions, and even sensory perceptions. The last only apparently immediately. In reality, they are mediated by the past experience and even the future. Intuition is also mediated by the entire preceding person's practice, the activities of his thinking. According to P. V. Kopnina, intuition is direct knowledge only in that, at the time of nomination of the new provision, it should not with a logical necessity of existing sensual experience and theoretical constructions (Kopnun P. V. "Gnosomeological and logical frameworks of science." P. 190). In this value, intuition (or "intuitive") is compared with the "discursive" (from Lat. Discursus - reasoning, argument, argument) as with reasonable preceding judgments made on the basis of arguments, logical evidence; The discursive is indirectly, intuitive - directly received knowledge.

The emergencyness of intuition is also as relative. It is also a direct product of the preceding person's conscious activity and is associated with a short-term solution to the problem in certain situations. Intuition includes several stages: 1) accumulation and unconscious distribution of images and abstractions in the memory system; 2) unconscious combination and processing of accumulated abstractions, images and rules in order to solve a specific task; 3) a clear awareness of the task; 4) unexpectedly finding decisions ("Introduction to philosophy". Part 2. P. 346). About this feature of intuition French mathematician and physicist A. Poincare wrote: "What amazes here first of all, these are flashing unacceptable illumination, which are signs of preceding long unconscious work. It is necessary to make another note regarding the circumstances under which this unconscious work occurs, it is possible and, in any case, fruitful only when, on the one hand, it precedes it, and on the other hand, it follows the period of conscious work. "

Sometimes the result remains unconsciously, and the intuition itself, with such an outcome of its action, only a fate of the possibility that has not become reality is prepared. The individual may not save (or not to have) at all (or not) any memories of the experience of the intuition act. One wonderful observation was made by the American mathematician Leonard Eugene Dixon. His mother and her sister, who at school were rivals on geometry, conducted a long and futile evening over the solution of some kind of task. At night, the mother had a challenge, and she began to solve her loud and clear voice; Her sister, having heard it, got up and recorded. The next morning in her hands was the right decision, an unknown mother of Dixon (Nalchazhyan A. A. "Some psychological and philosophical problems of intuitive knowledge (intuition in the process of scientific creativity)." M., 1972. P. 80). This example illustrates, among other things, an unconscious nature of the phenomenon, called "mathematical dreams" and the effect of intuition at the unconscious level of human psyche.

Thus, the intuitive ability of a person is peculiar to: 1) the surprise of solving problems, 2) the emergencyness of ways and means of its solution and 3) the immediacy of the comprehension of truth in the essential level of objects.

These features are separated by intuition from mental and logical processes close to it. But within these limits we are dealing with quite a variety of phenomena. Among different people different conditions Intuition may have a different degree of remoteness from consciousness, to be specific in content, by the nature of the result, in the depth of penetration into essence, in importance for the subject, etc.

Types of intuition

Intuition is divided into several species primarily depending on the specificity of the activity of the subject. Features of the forms of material practical activity and spiritual production are also determined by the features of the intuition of the steelmaker, agronoma, a doctor, a biologist experimentator. These types of intuition are distinguished as technical, scientific, ordinary, medical, artistic, etc.

The intuition has long been divided into two varieties: sensual (premonition of danger, guessing insincerity, fit) and intellectual (instant decision of a practical, theoretical, artistic or political task).

By the nature of novelty, intuition is standardized and heuristic. The first one is often called intuition reduction. Example - Medical intuition S. P. Botkin. It is known that while the patient passed from the door to the chair (the length of the cabinet was 7 meters), S. P. Botkin mentally put a preliminary diagnosis. Most of his intuitive diagnoses turned out to be true. On the one hand, in this case, as in general, in the formulation of any medical diagnosis, there is a summary of private (symptoms) under the general (nosological form of the disease); In this regard, the intuition really appears as a reduction, and no novelty in it seems to be. But another aspect of consideration, namely the aspect of the relationship to a specific object of study, setting a specific diagnosis on a somewhat ambiguous complex of symptoms detects the novelty of the problem being solved. Since, with such an intuition, a certain "matrix" is used - the scheme, the inspector itself can be qualified as "standardized".

Heuristic (creative) intuition differs significantly from standardized: it is associated with the formation of fundamentally new knowledge, new epistemological images, sensual or conceptual. The same S. P. Botkin, speaking as a clinician scientist and developing medicine theory, has repeatedly used such intuition in his scientific activity. She helped him, for example, in nomination of the hypothesis about the infectious nature of the catarrhal jaundice ("Botkin's" Diseases ").

Herassic Intuition itself has its subspecies. For us, an important division on the gnoseological basis, i.e., by the nature of the result. The point of view is of interest, according to which the essence of creative intuition is a peculiar interaction of visual images and abstract concepts, and herself hersic intuition itself in two forms: Eidetic and conceptual.

In principle, the following ways of forming sensual images and concepts in human consciousness are possible: 1) a sensory-perceptual process, as a result of which sensual images appear; 2) a sensual-associative process of transition from some images to others; 3) the process of transition from sensual images to the concepts; 4) the process of transition from concepts to sensual images; 5) The process of logical conclusion, which makes a transition from some concepts to others. Obviously, the first, second and fifth directions for the creation of gnoseological images are not intuitive. Therefore, it arises that the formation of intuitive value is associated with the processes of the third and fourth types, i.e., with the transition from sensual images to the concepts and on the concepts of sensory images. The legality of such an assumption is confirmed by the fact that the nature of these processes is well consistent with the most typical features of intuitive "discretion of truth", recorded in phenomenological descriptions of intuition: they occur in the transformation of sensually visual in the abstract-conceptual and vice versa. There are no intermediate stages between visual images and concepts; Even the most elementary concepts differ from sensual ideas. There are no concepts that are not delayed logically from other concepts, and images that are not generated by other images under the laws of sensual abstraction, and therefore it is natural that the results obtained seem "directly visible". This also explains the scakical nature of the specified transformation and the process of obtaining the result.

Examples of eidetic intuition are a visual representation of the structure of the benzene molecule, which emerged from the Kekule, or a visual understanding of the structure of the atom created by Rutherford. These ideas are not reduced to simple reproduction of direct sensory experience and form with the help of concepts. Examples of conceptual intuition - the emergence of the concept of quaternions in Hamilton or the concept of neutrino in Pauli. These concepts arose not by consistent logical reasoning (although this process was preceded by opening), and jumps like; Of great importance in their formation was to combine the corresponding sensual images.

From the standpoint of such an understanding of creative intuition and its varieties is given and its definition. Creative intuition is defined as a specific cognitive process, which consists in the interaction of sensual images and abstract concepts and leading to the creation of fundamentally new images and concepts, the content of which is not derived by simple synthesis of preceding perceptions or by only logical operating concepts.

Formation and manifestation of intuition

Promising in terms of the possibilities of disclosing the physiology of intuition of the study of Canadian physiologists led by V. Ponfield. Their studies have shown that when irritating by the electrodes of some parts of the brain, emotions are caused and the person is experiencing only an emotional state, such as fear, without the memories of any event. Experiences also show that certain parts of the brain "are responsible" for reproducing events; Such reproduction is accompanied by the appearance of emotions, the latter depend on the value of the event.

These data indicate the possible entry of the emotional component into the intuition mechanism. Emotions themselves are not so specifying as, let's say, vision. They are more general, integrated, the same experience can be correlated with the appearance of heterogeneous sensual or conceptual images. It is possible that in the current plan, i.e., with a given problem situation, the emotion affects the sections of the brain cortex with long-term memory and the association causes past emotions, and with their help, the corresponding sensual and conceptual images or options close to them . But other directions of emotions are also possible. One way or another, and their role is probably in extracting from the long-term memory of the diverse options for solving the problem with the subsequent choice of one of them at the final stage of the intuitive process. But it is possible that their role is different that emotions determine the choice of one or another solution of solutions from a variety of possible.

Mysterious speed, with which intuition is valid. Many experimental data are shedding on this side, including those obtained by V. Penfield. Experiments have shown that three components of speech are ideal (conceptual), verbal and motor - localized relatively independently. Evaluating this data in terms of intuition, A. A. Talchajyan writes: "If we accept this scheme, you can conclude that it is quite possible that there is a wordless thinking with a lack of or weak engine accompaniment. And this is nothing but a subconscious or conscious, but figurative (marked by Einstein and Vertgaymer) thinking "(Nalchajyan A. A." Some psychological and philosophical problems of intuitive knowledge (intuition in the process of scientific creativity). "P. 149) . A. A. Nalchagian leads very convincing arguments to confirm that, after the cessation of a conscious analysis of the scientific problem, the process of its decision continues in the subconscious sphere that the corresponding electrophysiological processes are also not stopped, but are transformed, continue to flow, but only with changed characteristics.

With this form of thinking, the thought process is significantly accelerated. An amazing phenomenon is observed: the possibility of processing at the unconscious level of 109 bits of information per second, and on conscious only 102. All this is an important prerequisite for the deployment of rapidly mental processes, for operating a huge "clean" information in the subconscious (unconscious) sphere. The subconsciousness is able to carry out a huge work in a short time, which is not under consciousness for the same short term.

In the process of intuitive decision, a aesthetic factor is also involved. With any variety of intuition - Eidetic or conceptual - there is a drawing of paintings (situations) to integrity.

The relationship of the whole and part, system and item is also introduced into the consciousness and the unconscious sphere of human psyche in the form of a certain scheme or structure (in the very general), enjoying the psychological installation to achieve harmony and perfection. The desire for harmony and beauty, carried out on the subconscious level, can serve as a factor that decisive influence on the choice of a variety of options in favor of more perfect.

Both aesthetic, and, it is necessary to believe, ethical factors, as well as emotional and prakseological factors - all of them are in varying degrees related to the formation of intuition and its action in problem situations. Their detection in the intuition processes testifies, among other things, that in cognitive activities are not participating "clean" physiological and biochemical education, but a human person, based on their knowledge on these mechanisms, using them as a means, but deploying this activity in a wide The field of diverse, living human relationships and practice. Individual knowledge is peculiar as specific and intuitive ability of each person, its vital uniqueness; But through all this specificity, the general sociocultural determination of cognitive activity, the public nature of the human personality manifests its operation.

Consideration of the issue of a possible mechanism and components of intuition allows you to see that intuition is not reduced to a sensually sensitive or abstract-logical knowledge; It also has those and other forms of knowledge, but there is something that goes beyond these frameworks and does not allow it to reduce it to anyone or to another form; It gives new knowledge, not achievable by any other means.

The general conditions of formation and manifestation of intuition include the following: 1) a thorough professional training of a subject, deep knowledge of the problem; 2) search situation, problemability; 3) the act of the subject of the search dominant is based on continuous attempts to solve the problem, intense efforts to solve the problem or task; 4) Availability of "Tips".

The last moment in some cases is clearly not detected, as it was in the fact, reported by Mathematics L. Yu. Dixon. But a significant number of discoveries or inventions, as the history of science and technology shows, is related to the action of "prompts", which serves as a "launcher" for intuition. As such an innovative reason, for I. Newton, it was known that an apple who fell on his head and caused the idea of \u200b\u200bworldy gravity, for an engineer-Mostovik S. Brown - hanging between the branches of a web, who came across the idea of \u200b\u200ba hanging bridge, for F. A . Kekule - Snake, grasping his own tail, etc.

The role of "tips" is clearly visible from the following experience. Creative conditions were simulated (Ponomarev Ya. A. "Psychology of creativity." M., 1976. P. 213 - 220). Large quantity Adults (600 people) were asked to solve the task called "four points". Its wording: "Four points are given; It is required to spend three straight lines through these four points, without taking a pencil from paper, so that the pencil returned to the starting point. " The testes were chosen from among those who did not know the principle of solving the problem. Time for solving was limited to 10 minutes. All without exception, the subjects, after a number of unsuccessful attempts, stopped the decision and recognized the task of unresolved. To achieve success, it was necessary to "break out" outside the site of the plane, limited by points, but it did not occur to anyone - everyone remained inside this site. Then the subjects offered a "tip". They studied the rules of the game in Halma. According to the rules of this game, they were supposed to jump in one way of white chips through three black so that the white chip returned to the previous place. Performing this action, the tests were paved by hand the route coinciding with the scheme of solving the problem, i.e., corresponding to the graphical expression of the solution of this problem (the tests were given to other prompts). If such a tip was given to the presentation of the task, then the success was minimal, if after the subject fell into a problem situation and was convinced of the infertility of the attempts taken to decide whether to decide it - the task was solved. This simple experience suggests that the own difficulty of the task arises for the reason that its conditions are directly reproduced in the past experience of the experienced extremely strengthened empirically generalized techniques - combining points for the shortest distance. The subjects seem to be closed on the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, limited by four points, while it is necessary to get out of this site. From experience, it follows that favorable circumstances are folded when the subject is fruitlessly looking for a solution to the problem, exhausts the wrong techniques, but does not yet reach the stage on which the search dominant goes out, i.e., when the subject loses interest in the task when the experienced And unsuccessful attempts are repeated when the situation of the task ceases to change and the subject recognizes the task of unresolved. Hence, the conclusion that the success of an intuitive solution depends on how the researcher managed to free themselves from the template, make sure of the previously known paths and at the same time to preserve the passion for the problem, not to recognize it unreserved. The prompt turns out to be decisive from the standard, template thoughts. The specific shape of the prompts, those specific items and phenomena, which are used, are an insignificant circumstance. Its general meaning is important. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe prompts should be embodied in some specific phenomena, but in which it is not a decisive factor.

The importance for intuition of tips, followed by analogies, general schemes, general principles for solving the problem or problem, leads to certain practical recommendations: a subject in creative search, it is necessary to strive not only to the maximum of information in its specialty and related disciplines, but also to expand its range of interests, including music, painting, artistic, science fiction, detective literature, popular science, socio-political magazines, newspapers; The wider there will be a range of interests and the horizons of the person, the greater the factors for the action of intuition.

American physiologist U. B. Kennon notes the following adverse conditions for intuition, which slowed down its manifestation ("intuition and scientific creativity". P. 5): mental and physical overwork, irritation on trifles, noise, home and monetary worries, general oppression, strong Emotional experiences, work "from under the stick", forced breaks in work and just anxiety and fears associated with the expectation of possible breaks.

Valuable and instructive are observations of scientists themselves for their work, observations, which, unfortunately, is too small. The protrusion in November 1891 with a speech that had, by the way, a great autobiographical interest, the German physiologist G. Gelmholtz said: "I confess ... I have always been more pleasant to those areas where you have no need to count on the aid of the case or happy thought. But, falling quite often at that unpleasant position, where you have to wait for such glimpses, I have acquired some experience about when and where they were to me - the experience that, perhaps, is useful to others. These happy nates often invade the head so quietly that they will not immediately notice their meaning; Sometimes only an accident will submit subsequently when and under what circumstances they came; And not that - thought in my head, and where she - you do not know himself. But in other cases, the thought autumn suddenly, without effort, like inspiration. As far as I can judge by personal experienceShe is never born in the tired of the brain and never at the desk. Each time I had to first turn my task to all the frets in every way, so all her bends and plexuses were fastening firmly in the head ... Then, when the coming fatigue passed, there was an hour of full bodily freshness and feelings of calm well-being - and only then came good ideas... they were especially readily came ... in the clock of a leisurely rise in the wooded mountains, on a sunny day. The slightest amount of alcohol as it would scare them away. Such minutes of fruitful abundance of thoughts were, of course, are very painful; Less pleasant was the reverse side - when the saving thoughts were not. Then for the whole weeks, for the whole months I suffered over a difficult question "(Gelmagolts G." Public lectures, sold in the Imperial Moscow University in favor of the Helmgoltsev Foundation. "M., 1892. S. XXII - XXIII).

Acquaintance with the conditions for the formation and manifestation of intuition allows you to outline some other practical recommendations. It is necessary, however, make a reservation that all recommendations should be remedied with individuality, with the features of the person, otherwise they can damage the manifestation of creative abilities. And nevertheless, the recommendations are not useless.

Since the intuitive work of thinking occurs in the subconscious sphere, even when "disconnecting" of the subject from the problem, there is a conclusion that such a temporary disconnection may be useful. J. Adamar, for example, advised after the first serious work on the problem to postpone its decision for a while and engage in other problems. A scientist, he said, can work in parallel over several problems, from time to time moving from one to another to activate subconscious thinking mechanisms. A good addition to this recommendation may be the Council D. Utya: it is better not to postpone the unresolved task without feeling at least a little success; at least some small item must be settled; It is necessary to understand yourself some side of the question at the time when we stop working on the decision.

One should not overestimate the value of the dreams in the manifestation of intuition, the nonetheless the above facts speak in favor of attentive attitudes towards their content. Curious following testimony: "Prof. P. N. Sakkulin gives such a value to subconscious creativity during sleep that he has been falling asleep for many years, falling asleep, puts the paper and pencil, so that in case he wakes up at night and he will not give to bed some new thought or clear The wording of what he thought before bedtime or for a longer period of time before, he could immediately sketch it with several words "(Weinberg B. P." Experience of the methodology of scientific work and preparation for it. "M., 1958. S. sixteen). Of course, such an attitude to dreams may be useful if there was a tense mental work on the problem. If this is not, then no sleep or long-time wake in bed after waking up, waiting for "insights" will not lead to an opening or invention.

It is often known, as you know, ideas that appear during a walk, when reading a newspaper, etc. It seems paradoxical: with intellectual intuition, man creates most actively and efficiently ... when resting. Noting this paradox, Art. Vasilev fairly writes that it is inexplicable and unacceptably contradiction only from the standpoint of a metaphysical (one-sided) approach, which is opposing the conscious subconscious (Vasilev Art. "The place of intellectual intuition in scientific knowledge" // "Lenin theory of reflection in the light of science and practice development". Sofia, 1981. T. 1. P. 370 - 371). A specific study of the mechanism of interaction of consciousness with the unconscious and subconscious can be in the hands of scientists actual tools for the process of intuition and significantly affect their creative ability.

The ratio of intuitive and discursive in knowledge

From the previous material it is clear that heuristic intuition does not exist in absolute separation from the discursive, logical. The discursive precedes intuitive, acts as a mandatory general condition for the formation and manifestation of intuition in the sphere of consciousness. The logical as a thoughtful occurs at the level of the subconscious and is included in the mechanism of the intuitive process itself. Discursive should complement the accomplished intuition, follow it.

What caused the need to complete intuitive discursive? Probabilistic character of the result of intuition.

Researchers note that intuitive ability was apparently formed as a result of a long-term development of living organisms due to the need to make decisions in incomplete information about events, and the ability to intuitively know how to be considered as a probabilistic response to probabilistic environmental conditions. From this point of view, since a scientist is not given all the parcels and funds to perform the opening, he performs the probabilistic choice.

The probabilistic nature of intuition means for a person as the possibility of obtaining true knowledge and the danger to have erroneous, inexidest knowledge. English physicist M. Faraday, known for its works in the field of electricity, magnetism and electrochemistry, wrote that no one suspects how many guesses and theory arising in the head of the researcher, destroying his own criticism and hardly one tenth of all his assumptions and hopes is carried out . The guess must be tested in the head of the scientist or designer. Checking the hypothesis, as we know, is carried out in the practice of scientific research. "Intuitions are sufficient to discrete truth, but it is not enough to convince others and himself in this truth. For this, proof is necessary "(" Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary ". M., 1989. P. 222).

Evidence (in a broad sense) includes an appeal to sensual perceptions of some physical items and phenomena, as well as logical arguments, arguments. In deductive sciences (logic, mathematics, in some sections of theoretical physics), evidence is a chain of the right conclusions leading from true parcels to proving theses. Without logical reasoning, based on the law of a sufficient basis, it is impossible to come to establish the truth of the proposed position. A. Poankar emphasized that in science, logic and intuition play every of its necessary role; Both are inevitable.

It is asked how the process of knowledge movement looks like: Differently or continuously? If we take the development of science as a whole, it is obvious that in this general stream of interruptions, indicating in the individual level intuitive jumps, do not know itself; Here is your jumps, called revolutions in science. But for individual scientists, the process of developing knowledge in their field of scientific research appears in a different way: knowledge develops jumps like, with interruptions, with "logical vacuums", but, on the other hand, it develops without jumps, since the following logical idea for every "insight" Methodically fills "Logical Vacuum". From the point of view of the individual, knowledge development is the unity of interruption and continuity, the unity of graduality and jump.

In this aspect, creativity acts as the unity of rational and irrational. Creativity "Not oppositely rationality, but is its natural and necessary supplement. One without any other simply could not exist. Creativity is therefore not irrational, i.e., not hostile rationality, not anti-war, as many thinkers of the past thought ... On the contrary, creativity, proceeding subconsciously or unconsciously, without obeying certain rules and standards, ultimately at the level of the results can be consolidated with rational activities. Included in it may become its integral part or in some cases lead to the creation of new types of rational activities "(" Introduction to philosophy ". T. 2. M., 1989. P. 345).


It should, however, emphasize that, no matter how great the power of imagination and intuitive insights, they do not oppose conscious and rational acts in knowledge and work. All of these sortical spiritual powers of a person act in unity, and only one of each specific act of creativity may prevail, then another.


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5. "Introduction to philosophy" Ch. 2 s. 346.

6. Weinberg B. P. "Experience of the methodology of scientific work and preparation for it" Moscow, 1958 p. sixteen.

7. Gelmagolts G. "Public lectures, sold in the Imperial Moscow University in favor of the Gelmholtsev Foundation" Moscow, 1892 p. XXII - XXIII.

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