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Gypsum plaster on aerated concrete. What and how to plaster aerated concrete inside the house: we consider the option of plaster for different surfaces. Optimal conditions for applying plaster

But differs from them the composition of air bubbles inside.

The blocks of aerated concrete are made from cement with a mass part of at least 50%.

Aerated concrete walls need outdoor and interior decoration due to porosity and high level of moisture absorption.

Features aerated concrete

This building material has a cellular structure, which gives it special properties:

  • not bad thermal insulation - according to the characteristics of a fuel concrete comparable with wood;
  • low mechanical stability, which leads to the appearance of cracks and chips with time;
  • the porous material is purged by air streams, because of which the houses from it without decoration are considered rather cold;
  • non-psychic appearance;
  • high absorption leads to corrosion of material in winter, during frosts.

The special structure of aerated concrete blocks requires careful processing with finishing materials to improve its qualitative characteristics. External plastering is performed using special solutions that are selected under certain conditions of environmental impact. Proper plaster of walls from aerated concrete provides reliable protection of the base and its durability, and also allows you to give a more aesthetic look room.

How and what to plaster aerated concrete room?

Regardless of the choice of type of plaster, start the work on the decoration. Changing order and plastering of the facade of the building will result in excessive humidity in the room. The fact is that when the pair is out of the room, especially in winter, the condensate accumulates between blocks and trim, creating places with excess moisture. This serves the main cause of cracks on the surface and showering plaster. To avoid such troubles, you should first take up the plaster walls from the gas blocks indoors. Experienced masters allocate two types of technology shuttering of aerated concrete walls in the house:

  • with the provision of full vaporizolation;
  • saving and increasing material vascular permeability.

The main element of plastering aerated concrete using the first technology is a polyethylene film. It is fixed between the layers of the solution, and the vapor permeability of the walls is decreasing several times. Also, oil paints are used for vaporizolation, which are applied as an finishing finish, and priming the base with special compositions.

The dependence of the technology of plastering from the inside from the external finish

To accurately determine the approach to internal work, you need to decide on the outer plastering. Plastering walls from aerated concrete outside the room affects the method and order of actions for the decoration of the room:

  1. When the outer wall already has any coating or is insulated with dense and plating materials, the moisture will accumulate in the walls. In this situation, the interior decoration is carried out using low vapor-permeability materials. It is also necessary to take care of a reliable ventilation system so that the moisture is not accumulated in the corners of the room and on the windows.
  2. When the facade from aerated concrete is not covered, or processed with porous insulation, for example, minor, then its vapor permeability is not violated. In this case, it is necessary to first carry out work on the interior decoration of the room, and then go to the external one.

Preparation of the foundation

The technology of plastering walls from aerated concrete is practically no different from work with any other surface. First of all, you need to make sure that the walls are smooth, and if it is not so - to polish them with a planer or a rubber for aerated concrete. Many masters skip this stage, but in the end, the costs of plastering, which is used to align defects are increasing. Before applying the primer, aerated concrete walls are wetted with water. For more dry rooms, it is recommended to choose a universal composition, and for the kitchen and bathroom - a small penetration soil. \\

Construction lighthouses are mounted on a dried surface that will serve as a guide for successful placing placing. After installing the lighthouses, the internal plaster of walls from aerated concrete will go to the smoothly, and work is to move faster.

The finishing technology of the building facade is somewhat different standards. First, the walls are cleaned from dust and roll up. The slots and cracks are filled with special glue for aerated concrete. After drying, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer for cellular materials. An important step of preparatory work on plastering facades of buildings from aerated concrete is the surface reinforcement with the mesh. When choosing the type of reinforcing grid, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that under the influence of an alkaline medium, the material from which it is made can dissolve. Experts recommend choosing fiberglass species.

Plaster aerated concrete (video)

Than plastering surfaces from aerated concrete

In order for the repair of a gas-concrete house to serve for many years, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of material to finish the walls inside and outside. The masters are isolated than four options for processing walls from a cellular material:

  1. Gypsum plaster.
  2. Cement-sandy solution.
  3. Facade mixes.
  4. Plasterboard.

The last option is the so-called dry plaster. What is better than plasterboard or plaster on the walls of aerated concrete - a controversial question. Watching the surface is a cost and time-consuming process. Working with GLC takes less time and, as a result, smooth walls are obtained. Procedure:

  • steam barrier of surfaces using polyethylene film, membrane or pergamine;
  • installation of crates for fastening GLK;
  • fastening of plasterboard on the frame;
  • putty junctions between sheets with the use of sickle tape.

On a gas-centric wall, aligned with this way, you can apply any kind of decorative finish. What plaster is better to stucked the walls from aerated concrete? To answer this question, it is necessary to know the specifics of solutions and their interaction with the basic material.

Disadvantages of different types of plasters

Name disadvantages


Low level of adhesion with respect to the gasoblock
High moisture content
Parry permeability indicator is lower than that of the gasoblock, therefore the cement solution can only be used when used for the interior decoration of the steamproof materials (polyethylene film, etc.)


Picks moisture during snow and rain
Appearance on plaster spots
Parry permeability at a low level
Facade The only disadvantage of this type of plasterers is their high cost.

Plaster plaster

The main advantages of a gypsum solution for processing walls from aerated concrete include:

  • rapid drying;
  • high level of adhesion level;
  • there is no need to apply an additional smooth layer;
  • the ability to align plaster under the finish finish.

Among the masters are popular by Knauf Rotband, Bonolit and Welvet will win.

Cement-sand plaster

If all the same option was chosen to finish the aerated concrete walls, that is, several ways to improve the composition for better interaction with the basis. It is possible to increase the clutch if you add a mixture into a standard recipe more cement mortar (100 kg of concrete will need 8-10 kg of lime). A second option that is acceptable, but still we do not recommend the masters, is the addition of a mixture for processing aerated concortion to cement-sand plaster (proportion of 1: 1). Among the leaders of sales of mixtures of this type of Baumit brand solutions and domestic CRPS Extra-Light.

Facade solutions

This type of mixture, in the case of aerated concrete, is suitable for internal and external work. The main positive points in working with special plaster for aerated concrete:

  • high adhesion indicator;
  • resistance to deformation and formation of cracks;
  • parry permeability is equal to the indicator of aerated concrete;
  • nice view;
  • does not require additional finish.

The plaster of walls on aerated concrete is demonstrated in the video below. With a competent approach to work and the study of materials with plastering of the house from aerated concrete blocks, even a beginner master will cope.

The plaster of walls from a housekeeping indoor is one of the current issues in the construction of gas blocks. The fact is that the material needs to be placed in a number of reasons, the main of which are the purity and smoothness of the surface, since without additional measures, the finishing layer will be poorly held. To be clearer, in all these nuances, it should be understood in detail.

Aerated concrete blocks are characterized by ease of operation: the material is warm and easy. This contributes to their trouble-free cut to obtain the required dimensions. However, it may be quite a logical question, why do you need a plaster aerated concrete? The fact is that the blocks have a smooth surface, which will not allow the finishing layer normally. In this case, the choice of plaster mixtures for the gasoblock should be approached particularly carefully. Wall shockting from the inside allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • protects the surface from sharp temperature jumps;
  • provides a good level of adhesion to other materials;
  • improves thermal insulation characteristics;
  • provides vapor permeability;
  • protects against dampness.

It should be borne in mind that aerated concrete, as in foam concrete, the structure is cellular. Therefore, plastering should be carried out in compliance with technology. Otherwise, air circulation is disturbed, which leads to a deterioration in the properties of the material. Plastering of walls from aerated concrete outside the room is also necessary. Exterior finish protects the effects of precipitation and accumulation of harmful gases and dust.

When to stucked?

The gasoblock due to its porous structure is easily absorbed by moisture, so it must be immediately protected from such a negative impact. If the building material wureswards, there is nothing critical in it. However, it is not worth allowing freezing of water in the block. As a result, cracks may simply appear, the strength will decrease, while hurrying with a facing to anything. After completing the walls, the walls must dry. Therefore, aerated concrete walls need to be plastering only in warmth. If the blocks are stacked not on a special adhesive mixture, due to which the seam of a small thickness is provided, the break time is increasing.

There are situations where in the warm season there is no possibility to fulfill finishing work. In this case, the walls are covered with ground penetration soil, which will reduce moisture absorption. In addition, it is recommended to cover the walls with a polyethylene film. If you adhere to the Soviets of Masters, then the decoration of walls from aerated concrete is best carried out in the period when the temperature at night does not fall below 0 ° C. Depending on the region, such temperature indicators correspond to the time from the end of March to the beginning of October. From the described we can conclude whether it is necessary to plaster aerated concrete walls.

Types of plastering mixes

Before finding out how to plaster the walls from aerated concrete, you need to decide on the materials that are suitable for these purposes. Building mixes can be purchased ready or knead themselves directly before applying. To prepare a high-quality solution, it is necessary to use a filler, which uses sand, gravel, sawdust or stone crumb and a binder (hated lime, clay, gypsum, cement). Water is added to these components. The cement-sand plaster and a mixture, which uses harated lime, cement and sand, prepare on a construction site. To date, clay is quite rare.

As for the finished mixtures for plastering, they are delivered in bags in dry form. Their composition includes:

  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • sand;
  • fillers.

Such mixtures are divided into cement and plaster, for which their properties and features in applying are inherent. Cement-based formulations have a longer drying period, subjected to cracking and sediment. The plaster on a gas concrete is applied with a layer of 5-10 mm thick.

What mixture to choose?

All the mixtures that are listed above have different properties and when applied to building material affect differently. But the question of which plaster is better to stucked the walls from aerated concrete, it remains open. First, consider what is used to protect the outer walls, which are constantly affected by atmospheric precipitation, wind and temperature. As a rule, there are solutions based on cement and sand. They have greatly proven themselves with constant contact with moisture. But the question is - is it possible to use them for plastering aerated concrete? Due to the porous structure, the gasoblock quickly absorbs moisture, as a result of the cement, simply does not have time to gain the necessary strength.

To plaster aerated concrete wall with cement mortar, you need to do it right, i.e. In compliance with technology. For moisture from the construction mixture not absorbed into the block, the surface is required to prepare. For these purposes, it is covered with several layers of primer deep penetration, while each layer must completely dry before applying the following. Before you apply plaster, the wall surface is wetted. To avoid cracking, it is recommended to use the grid.

What to plaster aerated concrete inside the house? Gypsum solutions, in contrast to cement, dry faster, and the surface is less susceptible to cracking. The mixtures are based on gypsum used for partitions and inland walls, since such compositions are unsuitable due to the constant influence of moisture. The finished plaster mixes in their composition contain various additives and fillers, so that the surface is endowed with cracking and negative impacts.

If there is a choice between the finished mixture and manufactured before use, it is worthwhile to take into account that the properties of dry plaster are more projected. In the process of producing such compositions, sand humidity, quality of cement, accuracy of all components are controlled. As for the mixtures, which are preparing in place, then check the quality of cement is quite problematic, and it is not possible at all. The main disadvantage of dry plasters is a high cost.

Preparatory activities

To fully answer the question of how to properly fly a fuel surface, starting with tools that will be needed for work. In fact, the tools are used the same as for applying a traditional plaster mix. To prepare a solution, you will need a container that can serve as a plastic bucket or tank. In terms of volume, they must be sufficient for stirring all components.

After falling asleep dry mix in the container, water is added. For mixing the solution use a building mixer or a drill with a nozzle. To achieve the necessary consistency, determine the proportions of water and material on the inscriptions on bags with dry plaster. To work will require such tools:

  • master OK;
  • plastering bucket;
  • trowel.

The plastered aerated concrete is watched by a grater, while the excess solution is removed by halfter. Lights are used to equalize the surface, the solution is tightened with the help of the rule. Mandatory tool to be checked by defects on the surface of the walls - a long rack from the floor to the ceiling. The maximum deviation should be no more than 7 mm.

Watching the surface from the inside

After resolving the issue, how to plaster aerated concrete, proceed directly to the workflow. As with any other type of finishing, first it is necessary to prepare the surface. Gas blocks need to be cleaned from the residues of the masonry mixture and close the seams. As already noted, primer is applied to the plaster. The internal plaster of walls from aerated concrete consists of the following steps:

  1. Fastening reinforcing grid. To increase the strength of the draft finish, you can use a chain mesh with a small cell size. In addition, the mixture is added to the mixture with alkaline fiber. The grid is fastened with a nail of 120 mm long, which are well driven into a gas-concrete wall.
  2. If the reinforcement process is not assumed, it is necessary to make special grooves for better clutch of the block surface with finishing materials. For these purposes, any suitable tool is used, such as hacksaw.
  3. Apply plastering mixture for reinforced base. In this case, it is resorted to the applying of the mixture by spraying when the emptiness of the aerated concrete is completely filled. The first layer of plaster does not align, which will provide better clutch.

On top of the draft layer of plaster it is necessary to apply primer. A slag sand is recommended to the primer solution. The application of the finish layer of plaster is desirable to produce with the use of construction mixtures with small-scale sand in the composition, which allows you to get a smoother surface. In the completion of the process, the dried solution is smoothed to make the surface as smooth as possible. As a rule, it is started to smooth out 24 hours after applying. To make the surface evenly, the blocks are sprayed with water.

The final stage is painting works that suggest the use of paints. Materials in this case are chosen with a high degree of vapor permeability. After the surface is painted, it is recommended to apply a hydrophobizer, which will increase the durability and strength of the finishing layer. The service life of the interior decoration depends on many factors. One of the mains is the quality of the materials used, i.e. You should navigate the cost. Characteristics of the gasoblock are no less important, because on the surface of low quality, even a good finishing mixture will be kept well.

Plaster walls outside

The fiscal and common plaster for external work is cement-sand. However, the mixture is not suitable for aerated concrete due to low vapor permeability. For these purposes use mineral, silicate or silicone facade plasters. They have a number of necessary characteristics: vapor permeability identical aerated concrete, good adhesion, have a beautiful appearance. Be proceed to plastering the facade only after the completion of all processes, as a result of which the moisture indoors is distinguished, and the complete drying of the surfaces. Gas blocks must be dry, and the maximum allowable humidity is 27%. If this indicator is too high, water vapors that will go outside will cause peeling the finishing layer. Plaster for aerated concrete facade must be endowed with the following qualities:

  • frost resistance;
  • high adhesion to the base;
  • increased compressive strength;
  • resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • decorativeness.

The coating for the outer decoration can be applied on the walls of the house with a thick layer (thick-layer) or thin (thin layer). The thin layer plaster is characterized by the fact that the material is applied in several layers with a thickness of no more than 10 mm. After surface preparation and coating, the ground is applied fine layer of plaster (up to 5 mm) and reinforced with a grid.

For reinforcement, metallic (wire diameter is 0.1 mm, cell size - 0.16 * 0.16 mm) or fiberglass mesh (cell size - 50 * 50 mm). Its installation performs peaks in 50 mm. In addition, the building corners of the building are generated, for which they use a perforated corner with a grid, which prevents the appearance of cracks due to a building shrinkage. Using the spatula, the grid is combined into the applied mixture. The reinforcing material must be installed in the location of doors and windows. Then the plaster layer is aligned and waiting for its drying. The second layer is considered to be aligning, so it is necessary to strive to create as a smooth surface as possible. After the finishing layer is applied and the surface is maintained by subsequent grout. It remains to cover the building outside the paint, apply texture plaster and a hydrophobizer.

Aerated concrete is a popular building material, from which durable, durable, warm and resistant to different negative impacts are obtained. It has an acceptable cost, as well as construction with it can be carried out with their own hands even beginners. After the construction of the house, it is necessary to decide on which materials will be applied for finishing works. Initially, the walls are covered with high-quality plaster, so it is important to figure out than plastering aerated concrete outside and inside the house, as well as how to perform this work correctly.

Important! It is not allowed for external and internal work to use the same material, as it is important that the coatings are resistant to the existing operating conditions, and they differ significantly on the street and inside the house.

Types of plaster for aerated concrete

Present plasters on the market in numerous species. Not all varieties are suitable for aerated concrete, therefore, the parameters of each material are predefined, after which the desired option is selected for outdoor use or for internal work.

Important! Plastering for external use should have high thermal insulating parameters, resistance to moisture and temperature changes, and at the same time, it is obliged to provide good sound insulation and have an attractive appearance.

There are several most popular plasters used for aerated concrete. Each option has its own characteristics, so it is important to study the parameters of any kind before a particular choice.

Cement plaster

This material is considered in demand for various types of work, but it is precisely for aerated concrete. This is due to the fact that it turns out smooth walls on which cement mortar is well held. Aerated concrete has a specific feature to absorb moisture from the solution. Cement plaster has vapor permeability, which is lower than at the walls, therefore, if applied to finishing works, the microclimate mounted in residential premises can be significantly oblivioned.

Also, the cement solution is distinguished by a low adhesion indicator with a flue-concrete surface. Often, lime is added to enhance this parameter. If all this material is chosen for external work, it will certainly be applied after drying the plaster special finishing layer, which allows you to get a perfectly smooth surface.

Important! If the vapor permeability of the aerated concrete is broken, this may cause different cracks, mold or traces of seams.

Glue designed for aerated concrete

The market presents a special adhesive mixture, designed to apply onto walls made of aerated concrete. It has the optimal composition for working with this material, but its main purpose is the connection of individual blocks, so it is used in the joints.

The material is applied with a thin layer, therefore it is not considered suitable for the formation of the outer layer on the walls of aerated concrete. It will not be possible to make an optimal protective coating, as well as its cost is considered high enough, so it is impractical to use it for this purpose.

Gypsum plaster for aerated concrete

This material has many advantages for use on the walls of aerated concrete. To the advantages of it:

  • rapid drying, so after the layer is frozen, you can quickly proceed to the subsequent finishing work;
  • the coating is not subjected to shrinkage;
  • with a competent application of plaster on aerated concrete, the formation of an ideally smooth surface is guaranteed;
  • due to the high quality of the material, there is no need to apply the finish coating after drying.

But this material is not deprived of certain essential flaws. These include:

  • not too good vapor permeability ();
  • to obtain a high-quality mixture, a sufficiently large amount of water is required;
  • if the coating, which is not protected by any additional layer, enters moisture or snow, then it quickly wets;
  • often on the surfaces, ugly and well visible spots appear on the surfaces, so for an attractive appearance of a wall of aerated concrete, you need to use special coloring compositions to eliminate them.

Important! Even with many minuses, the gypsum solution is considered relevant for use on the walls of aerated concrete, but is usually used for interior decoration in rooms with a low humidity.

Special facade plaster, designed for aerated concrete

The market presents a special material for walls of aerated concrete, used both for external use and internal. To the advantages of using it for the house, erected from aerated concrete:

  • a good indicator of vapor permeability equal to the vapor permeability of the most building material;
  • beautiful appearance of the coating obtained;
  • good adhesion with aerated concrete.

It is this material that is selected to finish the structure of aerated concrete most often. It provides a qualitative, uniform and durable layer possessing an interesting view. But this material has a sufficiently high cost, so many money is spent on the finishing of the whole house. For the inner walls, the use of a gypsum solution is considered optimal.

Competent selection of plaster for walls from aerated concrete

When choosing a material intended for plastering walls from aerated concrete, the basic requirements and criteria that it must comply with. To get a really high-quality and optimal coating, the plaster must have:

  • a good indicator of vapor permeability;
  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • resistance before exposure to significant humidity;
  • resistance before the appearance of cracks, mold or other negative factors on the created surface;
  • the length of the viability of the solution, and this factor is most important for people who independently perform the process of applying plaster, and at the same time do not have experience with such solutions.

Important! For each buyer, an additional important parameter is the value of the solution, and it must comply with its quality and properties, but it is not recommended to pay attention to the most affordable material, since it will not have the optimal properties for use on the walls of aerated concrete.

When is plastering on a wall of aerated concrete?

Aerated concrete is considered a specific material that is characterized by good absorbability of moisture, so immediately after the construction of the construction, it is recommended to take care of the protection of walls from water exposure. Wetting the material is not considered critical, but it is impossible to make moisture in aerated concrete, as this may cause cracks or weakening walls.

Important! However, it should not be hurry, since after the construction of the house from aerated concrete, it is recommended to give the material to a thorough bread.

Plastering on aerated concrete exclusively in the warm season is applied. If the cement mixture is used in the process, then its drying time is considered significant, and this is due not only to its parameters, but also by the fact that the layer is quite significant in thickness.

If there is no possibility for applying plaster in the warm season, the walls are certainly covered with a special primer, and it is important to choose a means of deep penetration. The resulting layer reduces the water absorption of aerated concrete. It is allowed to cover the entire structure with polyethylene or other similar material.

Which part of the house begins the decoration of the structure from aerated concrete?

There are several options that determine the sequence of the actions necessary for repairing the house built from aerated concrete. These include:

  • Outdoor finish is initially performed, and after internal. Experts assure that in the first place it is necessary to protect the structure from different negative atmospheric factors that may not affect the condition of the house of aerated concrete. It is not permissible that the walls scored a large amount of moisture. However, on the other hand, water vapors will accumulate in closed outside, which will negatively affect the duration of its drying, and may also be difficult with internal finishing works. Preferably, this option is considered for houses erected on the shore of different rivers or lakes.
  • Internal finishing works are performed first.. This option involves the partial closure of the pores in the walls of the structure from aerated concrete. After the interior decoration is not allowed to immediately carry out outdoor work. The fact is that this can lead to the fact that a large number of water vapors will accumulate in the aerated concrete blocks, so the moisture will settle in the walls of the house, which can cause their destruction. Therefore, the outer decoration of walls from aerated concrete is performed only after complete drying of plaster inside the house.
  • Simultaneous performance. This method assumes that both internal and external finishing processes are immediately implemented. This method is considered the least popular, and is due to the fact that moisture will not have time to exit the blocks of aerated concrete.

Important! Although modern high-quality plasters have good vapor permeability, they dry out long enough, and this is especially important if the decoration of walls from aerated concrete is planned at the cold season, so it is desirable to leave the process to warm times.

Technology of interior wall decoration from aerated concrete

The use of plaster for interior decoration house built from aerated concrete is a simple and understandable process. He is divided into successive stages:

  • Preparation of the foundation. It is important to eliminate significant irregularities on aerated concrete walls. To do this, they are polished by a planer or a special grater. It is allowed to skip this stage, however, in the process of work, you will need a large number of plaster, which will significantly increase the cost of finishing.
  • A high-quality primer is applied. It is not recommended to mix this tool with water, as this action will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the material. Before applying the primer, it is necessary to clean the base from dust, for which the walls are washed with conventional water. The primer is applied after complete drying of the walls from aerated concrete. A specific type of primer is selected in accordance with what room it is necessary to work. For standard rooms, which include a bedroom or hall, you can choose inexpensive and universal material, and a blue penetration agent is purchased for a bathroom or kitchen.
  • Installing beacons. The next stage involves the installation of beacons on the walls of aerated concrete. They are represented by special metal structures that provide a perfectly smooth coating from plaster. They are usually mounted using a small amount of plaster solutions. The distance between them is left in accordance with the width of the rule, which will be used to resurmine the solution. In the process of work, the construction level should be used, which guarantees the smoother fixation of beacons.
  • Preparation of plaster. In the process of creating a solution, it is necessary to accurately follow the instructions that are attached to the material by the manufacturer. In this case, it is guaranteed to obtain an optimal mixture with the desired consistency and homogeneity.
  • Applying plaster by the method of the patch. It is this method that is used to form a first layer of plaster. The procedure is performed from the bottom up, and the mixture is pounced on the entire surface of the base. Next, the resulting layer is pulled by the rule. When forming voids, it is necessary to fill them with a solution. It is important that the material does not penetrate, because if this happens, the plaster is removed, and after re-applied.
  • Processing the resulting layer. It is performed only after drying the mixture. Next, the coating is slightly moistened, for which it is recommended to use a spray gun. Then it is carefully recalling and lighthouses are removed. The resulting empty spaces are filled with plaster.
  • A high-quality and smooth corners are created. To obtain an ideal result, special perforated metal corners are used, equipped on the sides of the grid.
  • Finishing wall decoration from aerated concrete. After the final drying of the layer from the plaster begins the finish finish. For this wall are covered with paints or other finishing materials.

Thus, the process of plastering walls from aerated concrete is a fairly simple process, easily performed by each owner of the house.

Important! It is possible to get the perfect result of work only with accurate following the basic rules and comply with the correct sequence of actions.

How to plaster the walls from aerated concrete outside?

Exterior finishing works for the house of aerated concrete suggest creating a sufficiently thick layer. Therefore, several layers are usually applied immediately, as well as reinforcement. The whole process is divided into steps:

  • walls are prepared from aerated concrete, and this process involves the elimination of large transitions and irregularities, which will have a positive effect on the cost of purchasing finishing materials;
  • coating the surface of the primer;
  • applying plaster, and the thickness of the first layer should not exceed 5 mm;
  • reinforcement of a pre-purchased metal mesh equipped with small cells;
  • lines the layer of plaster on the fixed grid;
  • the second layer of material is applied after drying the first, and it is important to pay a lot of attention to the competent alignment and obtaining a smooth and smooth surface of the walls from aerated concrete;
  • the third layer is applied, which, if necessary, after drying is maintained;
  • the resulting coating is painted or covered with textured plaster;
  • it is processed by a hydrophobizer, and it is usually applied a year after decoration, and the main purpose of this means is to protect the walls from the moisture aerated concrete.

Video: Plaster aerated concrete

Thus, the application of plaster on the walls made of aerated concrete is a simple process. It is easily performed both inside the house and outside. To obtain a qualitative result, it is important to carefully examine the instructions, as well as clearly follow the sequential actions. Another important point of creating an ideal coating for walls from aerated concrete is the right choice of plaster itself, which must comply with the operating conditions available on the street or inside the house. An article can also be useful.

Aerated concrete has long been loved by private developers with its excellent performance and a very attractive cost. However, before starting construction from it, you need to explore all the "pitfalls" in this matter to build a qualitative and durable structure. So, when planning a finish, it is important to know than to stucify aerated concrete inside the house you can, and what materials are under the ban. What caused such restrictions and which finish is ideal for gas-silicate blocks Consider below.

Features of the decoration of aerated concrete walls

Before plunging with your head to the question of finishing walls, you need to first figure out the structure of the gasoblocks, from which the quality of the future dwellings completely will sweat.

The main method of obtaining this cellular material is the introduction of special additives into a concrete solution, which to react, form air bubbles, seeking to break out. They simply attach a fuel-concrete body not only by emptiness, but also thin channels, forming a surface resembling its natural pumice texture. Such a structure has excellent positive properties with proper ultimate processing of blocks:

  • high sound absorption coefficient;
  • good level of thermal insulation;
  • "Breathable" walls create a unique microclimate indoor, preserving heat in the winter period of the year and coolness even in the most severe heat;
  • the porous structure of the aerated concrete is not subject to the emergence and maintenance of colonies of fungal and other microorganisms, which as a result of their livelihoods destroy the walls.
Porous structure of aerated concrete

But despite these wonderful performance, aerated concrete disadvantages in view of its structure:

  • porous structure is susceptible to increased water absorption, which is fraught with rapid destruction of the blocks;
  • products that have the largest density indicator, and accordingly, the strength are not distinguished by resistance to mechanical effects, leading to falls and cracks;
  • an inhomogeneous structure that saves heat so beautifully very sensitive to the wind. Unprotected naked aerated concrete walls are strongly blurred, and inside them are cold, even despite the competently organized heating system.

Taking into account all these negative circumstances, it can be concluded that the aerated concrete walls need a mandatory finish. But it needs to be made as correct as possible in order not to disturb the microcirculation inside the walls, which can lead to destructive processes.

Parp permeability

The porous structure, which was said so much, has another property - good vapor permeability, which is the key to the durability of any structure from cellular concrete.

In the process of vital activity, people produce a large number of all kinds of moisture into the atmosphere. Just imagine how the air is saturated with ironing, washing, drying linen, cooking or bathing. Of course, a part of the formed vapors is excreted using artificial and natural ventilation, but the main volume falls on the walls. In its pure form without finishing, aerated concrete misses moisture, without delaying it inside his body.

Another thing, if there is a facade and inner cladding, and it is mandatory for such a wall material. Therefore, both finishes should complement each other, by organizing the natural output of humidity.

For example, a system of ventilated facade was chosen as an external finish. In this case, the provided gap for ventilation does not violate the natural balance of moisture in a gas-concrete wall, leaving complete freedom to pass out. Under such circumstances, you can use any plaster for aerated concrete.

Ventilated facade - the best appearance of the external decoration for aerated concrete walls

In the case of a device insulation of walls, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the main material. For example, mineral wool fully complies with the requirements - heavily thermally insulates and does not prevent the output of moisture. As in the previous example, the circulation of the steam is not broken, and the wall remains dry, so you can choose any plaster mix.

How to save a natural moisture balance

But often for one reason or another, the facade finish is arranged bypassing the basic rules, or that even worse - insulation was produced by sheets of foam (its paropropuscability is virtually zero) without a ventilation gap device. This leads to a cluster of moisture in the thickness of the wall, which over time is manifested in the removal corners, collecting condensate in the room - and this is the first harbingers of the appearance of fungal mold.

The consequence of violation of vapor permeability of aerated concrete walls

It is possible to correct such a serious defects only to use for the interior decoration of materials whose ability to skip the couples is much lower than that of the aerated concrete. Such a shielding method will prevent the accumulation of moisture inside the walls. Best use:

  • paints with a special composition;
  • moistureproof wallpapers;
  • cement-sand plaster solutions of dense consistency.

But in this case, the importance of high-quality ventilation device is significantly increasing in order for the accumulating moisture not to settle on the walls and indoors, forming a greenhouse effect.

In order not to complicate the construction process, it will correctly produce internal finish initially. After all, repair provides for a large amount of evaporated moisture, which is simply necessary to go out, and best if he does it through the "naked" gas-silicate walls.

And one more small nuance concerning the timing of the processing of walls from aerated concrete blocks. Any cellular materials give a good shrinkage, which, in turn, negatively affects any finishing cladding - usually it is manifested in cracking and peeling the decorative layer.

Therefore, holding both internal and facade finishing processes is recommended to perform at least six months after the complete construction of the box of the building and the roof device. It is best to plan this stage of construction at the spring - summer period. As mentioned above, the inner finish is first carried out, after the end of all processes, a month can be processed to the processing of the facade.

What plaster preferred for interior decoration

As already noted above, aerated concrete blocks are distinguished by a high degree of water absorption, which can lead to excessive drying of the applied layer of plaster. This is especially manifested on plaster compositions and cement-based solutions - fast drying, cracking and squeezing. If you go from the opposite, and it is too easy to use the wall with water, it will simply be impossible to plaster it, since the layer applied will not be kept on a gas-concrete basis.

Solve such a problem will help choosing the right materials:

  • primers of deep penetration with a special composition. Applying them, the main thing, do not overdo it and do not overnight the surface of the wall of the wall. Therefore, when applied, read the instructions and follow it strictly;
  • special mixtures intended for plastering precisely gas silicate blocks. Their composition perfectly protects such "capricious" porous surfaces. But this is provided that the breeding of plaster in the correct proportions with water. Not to make a mistake in this matter will only follow the instructions for use from the manufacturer.

But that's not all. The cellular surface does not have good adhesion qualities. For this reason, initially you need to apply a rough layer of plaster with a thickness of at least 5 mm. But even such a finish is susceptible to cracking and peeling. To prevent this is a plaster grid. It is best to give preference to fiberglass or polyurethane canvas, due to their excellent alkaline environment and long service life. Only after applying such a reinforced plastering layer and its complete drying can be safely moved to finishing.

The best plaster mixes

I understand a bit with how the parameters should be the finishing mixture, let's consider the most popular and efficient types of it:

  • plaster formulations based on silicates, namely "Liquid glass". They are perfectly combined with a gas-concrete surface, especially in parameters of vapor permeability. But there is a small "but". Such plaster mixtures are incompatible with many types of finishing, for example, based on, acrylic, latex, silicone;
  • gypsum plaster with pelite sand. They are ideal for the aerated surface of the wall, which is indicated on the package. Any material for finishing finish is suitable for them;
  • plastering mixtures on a cement-lime-based basis with the addition of optimizing additives. Such compositions are invented specifically for finishing a cellular material, even without pre-primer. The inner plaster of walls from a fuel-concrete plan has not only excellent adhesive properties, but also applies both for the draft and finishing finish.

The use of such plaster compositions is ideal for gas-silicate walls and, if you wish, with their help, you can apply the aligning layer. Like all specialized materials, improved for use in one area, such mixtures have a very high cost, which ultimately develops into a decent amount.

But there is an alternative that will allow economically to resolve the issue of conducting internal plaster - the use of a conventional cement-sand solution in a 1: 5 ratio. But it is necessary to use it towards aerated concrete surfaces to be extremely careful and not to overdo it with the addition of water into the working mixture.

The process of independent internal plaster

Even if you decide that the plaster of walls from aerated concrete indoor will be made by masters, then it does not hurt to know the process of execution. After all, even professionals can sometimes be mistaken, and control from the side will help to avoid annoying shortcomings.

Preparation for plastering

The algorithm of the process for the preparation of walls to shuttering is quite simple in execution, in which it is impossible to be mistaken. Therefore, it can be done by himself. This will require:

  • or plastic width 100-120 cm;
  • glue for ceramic tile;
  • deep penetration soil;
  • toggle spatula with teeth of 5-6 mm.

Stage 1. Carefully inspect the walls on the subject of construction "jambs". For example, gaps and chips are tested with alignment under the overall level of walls. For these purposes, a conventional solution is suitable for repair, however, if it is not necessary, it is not so much, it is best to use glue specially intended for aerated concrete.

Stage 2. After drying the renovated parts, pass the rigid brush along all the walls to remove contamination and dust.

Stage 3. Apply the primer into one layer. It can be produced in a convenient way for you, for example, using a roller or brush. To reduce the flow of the primer solution, experienced builders will apply conventional sprayers. If there are no one at hand, then with the same success you can use the old model of the vacuum cleaner, the principle of operation of which is to blow air. Only after high-quality drying of the first layer can be processed to the overlay of the second.

Stage 4. When the primer has completely dried, you can safely breed the glue, according to the instructions and cut the plaster mesh on the strip, the length of which should be equal to the height of the walls.

Stage 5. Starting below, throw the prepared glue on the wall gradually moving up. Thickness should be extensible equal to a layer of 5 mm, and the width is slightly larger than the width of the mesh.

Stage 6. Attach the lane of the plastering canvas and press it to be reliably delayed on the wall. Now it is possible to spat the glue layer with a gear spatula so that the direction of the grooves is horizontally. This improves adhesion both with a wall and with future plaster.

Applying plaster

After the reinforced layer is completely dry, you can safely begin to the main plaster process.

Stage 1. Frame building level, profiles are exhibited - lighthouses.

Step 2. The working solution is mixed according to the instructions. If the choice fell on the traditional cement-sandy composition, then it is taken in a 1: 5 ratio, a plasticizer is added and mixed to thick consistency.

Alignment of the Lighthouse Solution

Stage 3. Between two lighthouses, a solution is thrown over the entire height of the wall. Using the rule, the resulting layer is aligned to the required level of smoothness. Once again, make a rule to the wall and check whether the lumens are between them. If there is add a solution and align, no - fine, steak all the walls in a similar way.

The described technology of plaster is satisfied is simple and even an inexperienced master can be used. The main thing is that it was correctly selected than plastering the walls of the aerated concrete inside the house.

In Russia, country construction is becoming increasingly popular. This uses blocks made from aerated concrete. Many Russians attracts their low price and good construction characteristics. Externally, the blocks of aerated concrete resemble a porous rock, but have clear forms with a smooth surface.

They are characterized by bad moisture resistance. To get rid of this serious shortage, the walls made of aerated concrete cover the layer of plaster.

Those who decided to acquire a house from this material should know that to create a normal microclimate, it is necessary to correctly select the components of the plaster and the thickness of its layer applied to the wall.

Aerated concrete blocks

Such blocks are most suitable for low-rise construction. The walls erected from them have a number of significant advantages, for example, a small proportion, which provides a higher construction rate and reduces the complexity of the work.

Due to the porous structure of the blocks of aerated concrete, the microclimate in the building can be compared with the atmosphere of a wooden house. This is another property that makes aerated concrete. The material has excellent sound insulation.

It is believed that aerated concrete walls breathe. They are passed inside the house oxygen, producing water vapor and gases from it, formed by natural human life processes.

Like any other material, the blocks of aerated concrete have some disadvantages. The main one is the low parameters of the strength of the bending material, so when the house is erected, these features should be taken into account. The base of the house should be monolithic, so the masonry must be enhanced by reinforcement through an equal number of rows. These works make it durable and more reliable.

Order of finishing work

It should be noted that they have very high vapor permeability. This is noticeably different from bricks and foam concrete. Plaster walls from aerated concrete should be made with the individual characteristics of the material.

Aerated concrete was originally used as a heater, and only after some time it began to build a household and residential buildings from it. If it is quite sufficient from the blocks, then the additional insulation does not need. As for the finish, first of all the inner walls of the house are separated, and then the facade.

Many developers come around. Using good weather, they perform on the facade of the house, and then proceed to his interior decoration. The plaster of walls from aerated concrete, which is performed in this order is the most common and fairly rough error, which can lead to detachment of the finish from the aerated concrete and the formation of numerous cracks.

Interior finishing works

Moisture is an enemy for any design. No exception and aerated walls. Water falling on them penetrates the porous structure of aerated concrete. Through the walls, it does not fall inside the building and cannot damage the inner finish, but reduces the protective characteristics of the house. Water from the pore of the material evaporates very slowly, and if the weather stands rainy, then this process simply stops. Moisture accumulated inside walls from aerated concrete significantly limits its natural ventilation and heat-insulating parameters. Avoid inconvenience will help plaster walls of aerated concrete on both sides. In addition to the protective function, it will still perform decorative.

There are several techniques for decoration of aerated concrete walls. The most common and affordable is plastering, which belongs to the technology of trimming materials.

The plaster of the inner walls is not much different from ordinary finishing works. Before their start, the wall should be pretty prepared. It is cleaned, aligned, and then apply a layer of primer, which should be completely dryed. Only after that you can proceed to finishing work.

There is still mechanized plaster walls. When finishing this method, the mixture lies with a dense and uniform layer, but it is quite expensive and many Russians do not afford.

Mixes for finishing

Manufacturers produce different selection of their choice depends on the purpose of the room. To finish a small residential room use a standard mixture. Walls in rooms with a large percentage of moisture after finishing works are covered with a special primer, which perfectly opposes the influence of water.

Beginner home masters need to know that the plaster, applied to a gas-concrete surface, must meet certain requirements. It is influenced by the decoration of aerated concrete walls, some features of the material itself affect. Blocks are durable, smooth and perfectly adjacent to each other in the joints, and this complicates the fastening of the solution on the surface of the wall.

One of the mains is vapor permeability. Simply put, the material must take and give extra or missing moisture.

If the mixture is incorrectly selected, then the following defects may occur:

  1. The appearance of cracks on the inner and outer surface of the building.
  2. When wetting the surface of the wall, a silhouette of a masonry can appear on it, which will disappear after drying.
  3. Improving moisture in the rooms at home, the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The most popular plaster based plaster. It is easily divorced and after applying and drying forms a smooth matte surface. The minuses include weak vapor permeability. Because of this, when atmospheric precipitates, there is a rapid wet surface of the walls, which will dry long enough. Sometimes yellow spots can manifest themselves, whose trails can only be painted.

The most expensive and most effective - acrylic facade plaster. It is used only in a pair with a glasswork. It has good adhesion, vapor permeability and excellent appearance. The disadvantages include the fact that only an experienced master can work with this mixture. Only he can create a perfectly smooth facade of the building.

How much is the plaster walls? The price depends on the cost of mixtures and ranges from 236 to 550 rubles per 1 m². An important role is played by the manufacturer and volume of containers.

The stucco should first be applied to the wall and only after an hour to start alignment. Next, the mixture should dry during the day. The second layer that makes the wall is perfectly smooth, applied to a slightly moistened with water already dried surface. After complete drying, the wall can be painted with special paint for aerated concrete blocks. Remember that plastering of the inner walls is the responsible work requiring complete concentration and patience. Only then will you get an expected outcome result.

Developers need to remember that it is not necessary to save on construction and finishing materials. Cheap aerated concrete blocks made by handicraft, even very high-quality plaster will not save - it just will not be able to gain themselves.

Facade finish

It is necessary to stucify the surface immediately after the construction of aerated concrete walls to protect the walls from all external factors. Otherwise, under the influence of the temperature difference and atmospheric precipitates, cracks are formed.

Cement plaster walls in this case will not fit. Outside, aerated concrete walls are separated in the following sequence:

  1. The facade is cleaned from dirt and dust.
  2. Special primer is applied for cellular concrete.
  3. The army is attached made of fiberglass.
  4. The walls are applied to the walls.

Reinforcing grid is attached using self-tapping screws. Choosing it, it must be remembered that the grid should have sufficient resistance to an alkaline environment. If this is not respected, then during finishing works, the grid can dissolve under the layer of plaster.

The grid made from the galvanized should be covered with a protective layer, because after time it collapses under the action of corrosion.

The plaster of the walls of the plaster plaster outside the building should protect it from the harmful effect of moisture, so the mixture should have water-repellent properties.

The material used for the construction of walls, gas permeable, so the plaster used should also correspond to this parameter. And taking into account the harsh climate in most regions of Russia, it should be frost-resistant and have good compressive strength. For this, manufacturers are added to the facade plaster, which looks like a dry mixture, protective synthetic components.

Preparatory work

Plastering walls of plaster plaster is made after certain preparatory work:

  1. Walls under the stucco are cleaned of dirt and dust.
  2. Existing defects are filled with special glue.
  3. Plastic corners are installed on the corners and slopes.
  4. The beacons for which the evenness of the wall decoration is monitored.
  5. The wall is wetted with water.

The facade and internal plaster of walls from aerated concrete should be made at a temperature not lower than +10 ° C.

Preparation of solution

The solution of plaster make quite simple. A certain amount of water is added to the finished mixture. For optimal consistency, 0.2 liters of water per 1 kg of mixture will be required.

The solution is thoroughly mixed. You can do this manually or use an electric door with a special nozzle. Prepared solution after 15 minutes you need to mix again. If the consistency does not suit, then you can add more water or mixtures. The prepared solution should be used for an hour, otherwise it will lose all its properties.

Finishing work

The mixture on the aerated concrete walls is applied using cells or straight small small boards. Small sections of the wall can be aligned with a 30-centimeter steel spatula. High-quality, the control alignment of plaster is made by a line of 80 cm long. Excessive plaster removed from the wall surface can be reused.

If the intended layer of plaster will exceed 7 mm, then the work on the wall decoration is made in two stages.

For such a scenario, work is carried out to apply plaster on aerated concrete walls. Works should not put insoluble questions before the home master. The most important thing is to take into account the recommendations of the experienced masters and fulfill their instructions, then the developer will be able to secure his home from adverse effects. Pay attention to the picture on the left - this is plaster walls. The photo demonstrates one of the moments of work.

Problems caused by improper finish

If the rules were violated during the work or incorrectly selected mixture, after some time various defects on the wall surface will appear.

They can manifest themselves as small cracks on the trimmed surface or swelling. Vertical cracks may appear on the facade, squeezing the plaster.

Defects need to be immediately eliminated. This will increase the final cost of plastering walls and once again prove that it is necessary to use high-quality construction and finishing material.

Mechanical plaster walls

The mechanized plaster wall is the process of manufacturing and applying the mixture using special equipment. These machines greatly simplify heavy physical work. With their appearance disappeared the need to finish work manually.

Machines not only facilitated the work of plascrumbers, but also raised the quality of work performed on a new level. Even an experienced master can not always prepare a solution of a mixture of homogeneous consistency, and then distribute it over the entire surface. The work occurs in stages: the solution is mixed, it is placed on the wall, aligns. As a result, the part of the wall has already dried, the other began to filure, and the stucco is still applied to the third. It does not guarantee the final high quality finish.

In the mechanization of work, the plaster is applied smoothly and quickly. The time spent on the work is noticeably reduced. The machine makes a prepared mixture faster, which allows the use of larger rules. The wall of aerated concrete turns out to be smoother.

The mechanized plaster of the walls allows you to reduce the time of work and save the amount of the mixture.

The advantage of mechanized plaster walls and facades:

  1. Reducing the time of execution of plaster works.
  2. Savings at the cost of material.
  3. Loss of material is reduced 5 times.
  4. High quality.
  5. Increases operational period.

The mechanical plaster of the walls, the price of which depends on the scope of work, ranges from 300 to 580 rubles per 1 m². It guarantees high quality finishes. It all depends on the developer and its financial capabilities.


A fir-concrete country house can be placed independently. You should use the advice of experienced masters, competently pick up the mixture, fulfill all work work, adhering to the priority, which is described in this article. As a result, it turns out a perfectly plastered cute house.