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Vasily O. Klyuchevsky - a brief biography. Brief biography Klyuchevsky

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky - Russian historian, Professor of Moscow University, Academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Imperial Society for the History and Antiquities of the Russian, secret advisor.

January 28 (January 16, under Art.) 1841 Vasily Klyuchevsky was born in the Penza province, with. Voznesenskoye, in the family of a priest. When their family after the death of his father moved to Penza, Vasily entered the parish school, and in 1856 - to the city spiritual seminary, which in 4 years threw, not counting the spiritual career attractive. In 1861, despite financial difficulties, he moved to Moscow and becomes a student of Moscow University (Historical and Philology), which ends in 1865 a talented young specialist left at the Department of Russian History, where he is preparing to become a professor, and already in 1866 I saw the light of his candidate thesis "The Tale of Aliens about the Moscow State".

In 1861, Klyuchevsky begins to teach himself. In 1861-1881. He read a universal history in the Alexander Military School. In 1871, he was elected in the Moscow spiritual academy to the Department of Russian History, which he had to occupy until 1906. From 1872 to 1888, his lectures are listened to both Moscow top women's courses. In 1872, they were protected by the master's dissertation "The Old Russian lives of saints as a historical source."

In 1879, Vasily Klyuchevsky was invited to read a course of Russian history to Moscow University, in September of the same year he becomes an associate professor of this educational institution. The 1882th became a special year in his biography: he becomes an extraordinary professor of Moscow University, and the doctoral dissertation "Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia" is published in the form of a separate book, which later received very broad fame and became the central labor of the historian. In 1885, Vasily Osipovich becomes an ordinary professor, for 1887-1889. He is the dean of the Historical and Philology and Vice-Rector.

In 1889, Klyuchevsky include in the ranks of the Corresponding Members of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the category of historical and political sciences. In the same year, his "Brief allowance for Russian history" is published (the full course was published later, in 1904, and included 4 volumes). For 1893-1895 A listener of the course of Russian history performed by V.O. Klyuchevsky was grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich - Emperor Alexander III was given such an instruction to the teacher. In 1900 Vasily Osipovich - Ordinary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the history and antiquities of the Russian (out of the state). In 1905, the historian was officially entrusted to take part in the work of the Commission, revising the press laws, as well as to participate in meetings on the institution of the State Duma and the definition of its powers. In April 1906 he was elected by a member of the State Council from the Academy of University of Sciences, but Klyuchevsky refused the proposed title, believing that participation in this authority would not provide due freedce in the discussion of state problems. In 1908, he was elected by the Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences on the category of graceful literature.

IN. Klyuchevsky very quickly gained the glory of an outstanding, original lecturer, one of the most popular among contemporaries. His lectures on the history of Russia were distinguished by the breadth of the coverage of various factors and aspects of the historical process, supporting a large number of First sources, for scientific analysis. All this was combined with the talent to attract and hold the attention of the audience to the workshop, a bright, memorable presentation of information. Gorgeous style, distinguished lectures, journalistic articles and scientific work Klyuchevsky (they were printed mainly, the magazine "Russian thought") allowed their author to take a worthy place in the history of literature.

Vo died Klyuchevsky on May 25 (May 12 under Art. Art.) 1911 in Moscow. Buried him at the Don Cemetery.

Biography from Wikipedia

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky (January 16, 1841, Voskresenovka, Penza province - May 12, 1911, Moscow) - Russian Historian, Ordinary Professor of Moscow University, Honored Professor of Moscow University; Ordinary Academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (excess state) on the history and antiquities of the Russian (1900), Chairman of the Imperial Society for the History and Antiquities of Russian at Moscow University, secret advisor.

After the death of the Father, the rural priest Joseph Vasilyevich Kuevyevsky (1815-1850), the Klyuchevsky family moved to Penza, where Vasily studied at first in parish, and then in the county spiritual school, after the end of which in 1856 he entered the Penza spiritual seminary, but after a little More than four years of study was expelled from her without finishing. In 1861 he went to Moscow, where he entered the historical and philological faculty of Moscow University in August. After graduating from the university (1865), according to S. M. Solovyov, was left at the Department of Russian History to prepare for the professorship.

Among the university professors on Klyuchevsky, S. V. Yeshevsky (Universal History), S. M. Solovyov (Russian history), F. I. Buslaev (History of Old Russian Literature) were provided. PhD thesis: " "; Master's dissertation: " Old Russian Saints Life as a historical source»(1871), Doctoral dissertation:" Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia"(1882).

After the death of S. M. Solovyova (1879) began to read a course of Russian history at Moscow University. Since 1882 - Professor of Moscow University. In parallel, the main place of work was lectured in the Moscow Theological Academy and Moscow women's courses organized by his friend V. I. Gerier. In the period 1887-1889 was the Dean of the Historical and Philological Faculty and Vice-Rector of the University.

In 1893-1895, on behalf of the Emperor Alexander III, he read a course of universal cumulatively with the Russian history of the Grand Prince Georgia Alexandrovich.

Honored Professor of Moscow University (1897). Honorary Member of Moscow University (1911).

In 1889 he was elected by a corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the category of historical and political sciences. In the same year, he was "a brief allowance for Russian history," and since 1904 a full course was published. The total volume was 4 volumes - until the time of the Board of Catherine II.

In 1900 he was elected an ordinary academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (excess of the state) on the history and antiquities of the Russian.

In 1905, Klyuchevsky received an official instruction to participate in the work of the Commission on the revision of the press laws and in meetings on the draft institution of the State Duma and its powers.

On April 10, 1906, he was elected a member of the State Council from the Academy of Sciences and Universities, but soon refused the title, because he did not participate in the Council "quite independent for free ... Discussion of emerging issues of state life."
V. O. Klyuchevsky was an honorary member of the Vitebsk Scientist Archival Commission.

Grave V. O. Klyuchevsky

V. O. Klyuchevsky is one of the leading representatives of the Russian liberal historiography of the XIX-XX centuries, a supporter of the state theory, which created the own original scheme of Russian history and the recognized leader of the Moscow historical school. Among the students V. O. Klyuchevsky - P. N. Milyukov, M. K. Lyubavsky, A. A. Ksevietter, Ya. L. Barskov, M. M. Bogoslovsky, M. N. Pokrovsky, N. A. Rozhkov, Yu. V. Gautier, A. I. Yakovlev, S. V. Bakhrushin, A. S. Khakhanov, V. N. Lyascovsky.

A family

He was married to Borodina Anice Mikhailovna (1837-1909). From this marriage there was a son - Boris, who graduated from the historical and law faculties of Moscow University. From 2.07.1903 to 1917, he was listed by the assistant at the jury of P. P. Korenev.


  • « Taste of foreigners about the Moscow State"(1866, scan books)
  • « Economic activities of the Solovetsky Monastery in the Belomorsk Territory"(1867)
  • « New studies on the history of the historical monasteries"(Review) (1869)
  • « Church in relation to the mental development of ancient Russia"(Review of the book Shapov) (1870)
  • « Old Russian lives of saints"(1871, scan books)
  • « Pskov disputes"(1872)
  • « Tale of miracles Vladimir Icon God's Mother "(1878)
  • « Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia"(1880-1881)
  • « Russian ruble XVI-XVIII centuries. in its attitude to the current"(1884)
  • « The origin of serfdom in Russia"(1885)
  • « Powder to submit and cancel the choleracy in Russia"(1886)
  • « Evgeny Onegin and His ancestors"(1887)
  • "Composition of representation at the Zemstvo Cathedrals of Ancient Russia" (1890)
  • The course of Russian history in 5th. - (SPb., 1904-1922. - 1146 p., ,; Russian history. Full course of lectures - M., 1993.)
  • Historical portraits. Faces historical thought. / Sost., Intr. Art. and notes. V. A. Alexandrova. - M.: Publishing House "Pravda", 1991. - 624 p. -"Value rev. Sergius For the Russian people and the state, "" Good people of Ancient Russia "," The characteristic of the king of Ivan Grozny "," Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich "," Life of Peter the Great before Northern War» ; I. N. Botin, N. M. Karamzin, Sergey Mikhailovich Solovyov.
  • "Aphorisms. Historical portraits and etudes. Diaries. " - M.: "Thought", 1993. - 416 p., 75,000 copies.
  • "The ancient Russian lives of saints as a historical source." - M. 1871. - 465 p.
  • History of classes in Russia. Lectures. - 1886 (Manuscript)


  • In February 1966, Popovka Street in Penza, where the future historian held children and youth years (1851-1861), was assigned the name of Kleevsky.
  • In 1991, in Penza, in the house on Klyuchevsky Street, 66, the Museum of V. O. Klyuchevsky was opened.
  • In 1991, the postage stamp of the USSR was issued dedicated to Klyuchevsky.
  • C 1994 Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences awards to them. V. O. Klyuchevsky for work in the field domestic history.
  • On October 11, 2008, the first monument of V. O. Klyuchevsky was established in Penza.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky - Russian Historian, Professor of Moscow University, Academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Imperial Society for the History and Antiquities of the Russian, Secret Counselor.

January 28 (January 16, under Art.) 1841 Vasily Klyuchevsky was born in the Penza province, with. Voznesenskoye, in the family of a priest. When their family after the death of his father moved to Penza, Vasily entered the parish school, and in 1856 - to the city spiritual seminary, which in 4 years threw, not counting the spiritual career attractive. In 1861, despite financial difficulties, he moved to Moscow and becomes a student of Moscow University (Historical and Philology), which ends in 1865 a talented young specialist left at the Department of Russian History, where he is preparing to become a professor, and already in 1866 I saw the light of his candidate thesis "The Tale of Aliens about the Moscow State".

In 1861, Klyuchevsky begins to teach himself. In 1861-1881. He read a universal history in the Alexander Military School. In 1871, he was elected in the Moscow spiritual academy to the Department of Russian History, which he had to occupy until 1906. From 1872 to 1888, his lectures are listened to both Moscow top women's courses. In 1872, they were protected by the master's dissertation "The Old Russian lives of saints as a historical source."

In 1879, Vasily Klyuchevsky was invited to read a course of Russian history to Moscow University, in September of the same year he becomes an associate professor of this educational institution. The 1882th became a special year in his biography: he becomes an extraordinary professor of Moscow University, and the doctoral dissertation "Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia" is published in the form of a separate book, which later received very broad fame and became the central labor of the historian. In 1885, Vasily Osipovich becomes an ordinary professor, for 1887-1889. He is the dean of the Historical and Philology and Vice-Rector.

In 1889, Klyuchevsky include in the ranks of the Corresponding Members of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the category of historical and political sciences. In the same year, his "Brief allowance for Russian history" is published (the full course was published later, in 1904, and included 4 volumes). For 1893-1895 A listener of the course of Russian history performed by V.O. The Klyuchevsky was the Grand Duke Georgy Aleksandrovich - such an order was given to the teacher, Emperor Alexander III. In 1900 Vasily Osipovich - Ordinary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences on the history and antiquities of the Russian (out of the state). In 1905, the historian was officially entrusted to take part in the work of the Commission, revising the press laws, as well as to participate in meetings on the institution of the State Duma and the definition of its powers. In April 1906 he was elected by a member of the State Council from the Academy of University of Sciences, but Klyuchevsky refused the proposed title, believing that participation in this authority would not provide due freedce in the discussion of state problems. In 1908, he was elected by the Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences on the category of graceful literature.

IN. Klyuchevsky very quickly gained the glory of an outstanding, original lecturer, one of the most popular among contemporaries. His lectures on the history of Russia were distinguished by the breadth of the coverage of a variety of factors and aspects of the historical process, supporting a large number of primary sources, for scientific analysis. All this was combined with the talent to attract and hold the attention of the audience to the workshop, a bright, memorable presentation of information. The magnificent style, distinguished lectures, journalistic articles and scientific works of Kuevyevsky (they were published mainly, the magazine "Russian thought") allowed them to take a worthy place in the history of literature.

Vo died Klyuchevsky on May 25 (May 12 under Art. Art.) 1911 in Moscow. Buried him at the Don Cemetery.

Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovichhe was one of the most famous historians of the Russian Empire, he was known as a brilliant lecturer, as well as the creator of the famous concept of Russia's history.

Vasily Osipovich was born in the Penza province in the family of a poor priest, the primary education got there in the spiritual educational institution. In 1961, he received a monetary source from his uncle, who had a spiritual San, comes with a student in 1861 at Moscow University. Contemporaries noted that Vasily Osipovich studied just brilliantly. His graduation work "Talking foreigners about the Moscow State" was recommended for publication, and our hero himself receives an invitation to remain working at the Department of Russian History with a scholarship with the subsequent receipt of the professorship.

At the Department of Russian History, Vasily Osipovich's mentor becomes S.M. Solovyov, under the leadership of which was written the dissertation "The Old Russian Lives of Saints as a historical source." The work on the dissertation is our hero combined with teaching in the Alexander Military School, he also gave private lessons.

In 1871, Vasily Osipovich occupies the department of the Russian civilian history of the Moscow Spiritual Academy, where he served until 1906, while he did not interrupt his teaching at Moscow University, where he stayed until 1911.

More than ten years, without a teaching from teaching activity, he writes the dissertation "Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia", which he brilliantly defended in the assembly hall of Moscow University in 1882. Subsequently, Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky becomes a professor and holds the department of Russian history after his drawing S.M. Solovyov.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky got wide fame as a brilliant speaker (loved jokes, often used aphorisms) and lecturer, he read a huge number of public lectures - in the Polytechnic Museum, School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. In addition, he became famous as an outstanding publicist of his time, after he left 9 volumes of the journalistic heritage.

For a short time, our hero was the dean of the Historical and Philology and Vice-Rector of Moscow University, however, the posts were made, and he tried to get rid of them.

Together with other professors defended the rights of students, by this time Vasily Osipovich as a scientist reached the All-Russian Glory. In 1900, the Academy of Sciences chose him by his real member. In 1908, he was also elected an honorary member of the Academy on the category of elegant literature.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky and in the socio-political life of the country participated. So, in 1905 he was attracted to the work of the Commission on the revision of laws in the press and in meetings on the draft institution of the State Duma and its powers. At these meetings, he advocated the freedom of speech and press, insisted on the legislative status of the Duma, the inaccasive order of elections.

The most famous result of his scientific papers was the "course of Russian history", which was written on the basis of lecture material, read throughout the teaching activity of Kleevsky. Vasily Osipovich adhered to the positivistic concept of the historical process, creatively developed the "theory of factors". Contrary to the tradition of considering the history of Russia as a phenomenon is extremely distinctive, the scientist considers it in the general direction of the history of universal.

The three mainforces, argued the scientist, "build human hostels": human personality, human society and the nature of the country. In the history of Russia, the natural factor, the colonization factor has played a huge role along with the factors of economic and political.

In general, the essence of the conceptual experience proposed by Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky is an attempt to show the importance of various factors in the generalistic process and individual periods of Russian history, as well as identify common patterns with an integrated approach to the definition of leading problems in the historical process.


Klyuchevsky, Vasily Osipovich (1841-1911), Russian historian. 16 (28) January 1841 was born in the village of Voskresensky (under Penza) in the family of the poor parish priest. The first teacher was his father tragically died in August 1850. The family was forced to move to Penza. From compassion to the poor widow, one of the friends of her husband gave her to her stay small house. "Was who the poorer with you were with you at the time when we were as orphans on the hands of the mother," wrote the Klyuchevsky sister later, recalling the hungry years of childhood and adolescence. In Penza Klyuchevsky studied in the parish spiritual school, then in the spiritual county school and in the spiritual seminary. Already at the Klyuchevsky school bench knew the works of many historians scientists. In order to be able to devote yourself to science (the head of the clergyman's career and admission to the Spiritual Academy), he at the last course deliberately threw the seminary and during the year he was independently preparing for entrance exams at the university.

With admission to Moscow University in 1861, a new period begins in the life of Klyuchevsky. His teachers become F. I. Buslaev, N. S. Tikhonravov, P. M. Leontyev and especially S. M. Solovyev: "Solovyov gave the listener. Surprisingly solid, slender thread conducted through a circuit of generalized facts, a look at the course of Russian history, And it is known what pleasure for the young mind, which novels scientific research, feel in possession of a solid look at the scientific subject. "

The teaching time for Klyuchevsky coincided with the largest event in the life of the country - bourgeois reforms of the early 1860s. He was an opponent of the extreme measures of the government, but did not approve of the political speeches of the student. The subject of graduation essay at the University of Foreigners on the Moscow State (1866) Klyuchevsky elected the study of about 40 legends and notes of foreigners about Rus 15-17 centuries. For the composition, the graduate was awarded the Gold Medal and was left at the Department "For preparations for the professorship."

Another kind of medieval Russian sources is dedicated to the master's (candidate) Thesis of the Klijevsky Old Russian lives of saints as a historical source (1871). The topic was indicated by Soloviev, who probably expected to use the secular and spiritual knowledge of a novice scientist to study the issue of participation of monasteries in the colonization of Russian lands. Klyuchevsky did a titanic work on studying at least five thousand living lists. During the preparation of the dissertation, he wrote six independent research, including such a major work as the economic activity of the Solovetsky Monastery in the Belomorsk Territory (1866-1867). But the efforts spent and the result received did not justify the expected - literary monotony of life, when the authors described the life of the heroes on the stencil, did not allow to establish the details of the situation, place and time, without which there is no historical fact for the historian. "

After the protection of the master's thesis, Klyuchevsky received the right to teach in higher educational institutions. I read a course of universal history in the Alexander Military School, a course of Russian history in the Moscow Spiritual Academy, on the highest female courses, in the School of Painting, Scary and Architecture. From 1879 he taught at Moscow University, where he replaced the department of the Russian history of the died Solovyov.

Teaching activities brought Kuevsky deserved glory. Gifted by the abilities of figurative penetration into the past, the master of the artistic word, the famous outerness and the author of numerous epigrams and aphorisms, in their speeches, the scientist skillfully arranged whole galleries of portraits of historical figures, for a long time remembered to listeners.

Doctoral dissertation Boyarskaya Duma Ancient Russia (for the first time published on the pages of the magazine "Russian Thought" in 1880-1881) amounted to a well-known stage in the work of Kuevsky. The subject of subsequent scientific papers of Klyuchevsky clearly indicated this new direction - the Russian ruble of the XVI-XVIII centuries. in its attitude to the current (1884), the origin of serfdom in Russia (1885), the pillow to submit and cancel the Half in Russia (1886), Evgeny Onegin and His ancestors (1887), the composition of the representative office at the Zemstvo Cathedrals of Ancient Russia (1890) and DR .

The most famous scientific work of Kuevsky, who received worldwide recognition, is a course of Russian history in 5 parts. The scientist worked over it for more than three decades, but decided to publish it only in the early 1900s. The main factor in Russian history, around which events unfolds, Klyuchevsky called the colonization: "The history of Russia is the history of the country that is colonized. The field of colonization in it expanded together with its state territory. That falling, then rising, this age-old movement continues to this day. " Based on this, Klyuchevsky divided Russian history into four periods. The first period lasts approximately 8 to 13 century, when the Russian population focused on the middle and upper Dnieper with tributaries. Rus was then politically divided into separate cities, foreign trade dominated the economy. As part of the second period (13 - the middle of the 15th century), the main mass of the population moved to the upper freedom of the top Volga and Oka. The country was still fragmented, but no longer on the cities with the areas attached to them, but on the princely dots. The basis of the economy is free peasant agricultural work. The third period lasts from half of the 15th century. until the second decade, 17th century, when the Russian population colonized the southeastern Don and Middle Volga black soils; The politics occurred the State Association of Velikorsia; The economy began the process of improving the peasantry. The last, fourth period until the middle of the 19th century. (Later, the course did not cover) - this is the time when "the Russian people apply throughout the plain from the seas of the Baltic and White to Black, to the Caucasian Range, Caspian Sea and the Urals." Forms Russian empire led by autocracy based on a military-serving class - nobility. In the economy, the processing factory industry is joined in the economy of the agricultural work. The scientific concept of Klyuchevsky, with all its schematism, reflected the influence of public and scientific thought of the second half of the 19th century. Selection natural factor, the values \u200b\u200bof geographic conditions for historical Development The people answered the requirements of positivist philosophy. The recognition of the importance of issues of economic and social history to some extent was known to Marxist approaches to the study of the past. But nevertheless closest to the Klyuchevsky historian of the so-called "State School" - K. D. Cavelin, S. M. Soloviev and B. N. Chicherin. "In the life of a scientist and writer, the main biographical facts - books, the most important events - thoughts," Kuevsky wrote. The biography of the Klyuchevsky itself rarely goes beyond these events and facts. His political speeches are not a few and characterize him as a moderate conservative, avoiding the extremes of a reaction, a supporter of the enlightened autocracy and the imperial majesty of Russia (the choice of Klyuchevsky as a teacher of universal history for the Grand Prince Georgia Alexandrovich, Brother Nicholas II). The political line of the scientist was answered and uttered in 1894 and caused the outrage of the revolutionary student of the "praise word" Alexander III, and a wary of the first Russian revolution, and unsuccessful ballating in the spring of 1906 in the ranks of the electors in the State Duma in the Cadet List. Klyuchevsky died in Moscow on May 12, 1911. He was buried at the cemetery of the Don Monastery.

Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich (1841-1911). He saw the light of the Great Historian 16 (28) January 1841 in the village of Voskresensky (which is under Penza). The family of the future writer was poor, they had nothing to pay even for learning their children, so the mentor was his father-clergyman. However, his life suddenly cut off in 1850. I regrets a widow with children, my husband gave a house in Penza. There, Klyuchevsky studied at first in the parish spiritual school, later he entered the spiritual county school and then to the spiritual seminary. From school, Klyuchevsky loves and knows the story, fully diplomates in the study of historical facts and events. Solving to surrender to science, he throws a seminary in the last year and is preparing for admission to the university.

Becoming a student of Moscow University in 1861, Vasily practically begins a new life.

Years of student coincided with bourgeois reforms of 1860. The graduation work was the study of the notes of foreigners about Russia, which brought the Klyuchevsky gold medal and the invitation to remain working at the Department.

1871 - Protection of master's thesis, after which Klyuchevsky is given the right to teach in higher educational institutions. He reads a history course in the Alexander Military School, at the top women's courses, in the Moscow Theological Academy, in the School of Painting. Since 1879, he teaches at Moscow University.

It is teaching that brought Kuyevsky well-deserved popularity. The listeners easily remembered the lectures of a talented teacher, many epigram and aphorisms belong to him.

Klyuchevsky is known for its course of Russian history, published in five parts, work on which has taken away more than thirty years of life of the historian. It was published in the early 1900s. This scientific work was recognized worldwide and is still valued and enjoys special popularity.

Scientific views of Kluevsky reflected the influence of the scientific and social thought of the second half of the 19th century. He recognized the importance of social and economic history issues. Biography Klyuchevsky has quite a few political speeches. He avoided extremes, for himself preferred the position of a temperate conservative. Precisely because of their political views, Klyuchevsky was invited to teach the story of Brother Nikolai II, Prince George Alexandrovich.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky, - probably the most popular Russian historian. Its few people read it, but many quote sacramental: "The story does not teach anything, but only punishes lessons for ignorance." The considerable part of the greatness of Klyuchevsky is the ability to enable the most difficult ideas in short and whitewash aphorisms. If Karamzin was Pushkin Russian historiography, inadequate in his excellence; Solovyov - its thick, thorough and monumental; That Klyuchevsky was a Czech - a typewriter, paradoxical, often bull, able to say everything to one tiny detail.

The moreover, that Klyuchevsky never wrote his own "history of Russia" - with his diving, it would be a book, outstanding not only in scientific, but also in a literary relation, such a pandan to Karamzin. But the generalized work of Kuevsky was the publication of his course of lectures in Russian history, prepared for its own plans and notes, as well as on student abstracts. It came out from 1904, in the era of the rainy flowering of Russian science and culture, among political confusion and universal rethinking values.

Like his teacher, Sergey Soloviev, Klyuchevsky was a difference, which reached high position and huge authority in society with his scientific activities. The similarity with Chekhov was exacerbated by his common provincial origin and self-sustaining of a person who all achieved himself. Klyuchevsky did not get anything in life, he knew the work of labor, money, glory, and those who treated these things too easy, annoyed. In the late years, already in the 20th century, he was a living legend, stronghold of sanity, characteristic of the previous century; Listen to him - a fried, vigorous echidal old man - full audiences stuck. By the end of his days, he was interested in not only the history, but also by the current policy, insisted that politics is a "applied story." In short, it was a real elder Russian intellectual, although he himself, probably, would be offended by such a definition - the Russian intelligentsia, who hits himself with the salt of the Earth, he despised.

The father of Klyuchevsky, Joseph (Osip) Vasilyevich, was a priest in the village of Resurrection of the Penza province. In his parish school, the future historian began its education. In 1850, his father died. The midnight family moved to Penza. There, Klyuchevsky in 1856 (fifteen years from the family) entered the spiritual seminary - comes from Popovsky families also supposed to become Pops. He was one of the best disciples. Earned a tutoring. Finally decided to associate life not with the church, but with science, was expelled from the seminary - and in 1861, taking money from uncle, went to Moscow to enter the university at the Historical and Philology Department.

Time was exciting. Moscow University, and the Historical and Philological Faculty in particular, worried flourishing. Klyuchevsky listened to the lectures of Sergey Solovyov (Dean of the Faculty) in Russian history, Fyodor Buslaeva - on the Old Russian Literature, Nikolai Tikhonravov - on the history of Russian literature, Pamphil Yurkevich - on the history of philosophy, Boris Chicherina - on the history of Russian law. All these were the largest specialists in their fields, founders of their own scientific schools and generally real stars. In addition, in that very 1861, when the Moscow student life began, the long-awaited "peasant reform" began, the long-awaited "peasant reform" was accomplished - the serfdom was canceled.

Moscow allocating studentism, to which Klyuchevsky also belonged, was hardly the main seating of radical political ideas. Dmitry Karakozova, one of the first Russian revolutionaries-terrorists (tried to shoot the king of Alexander II in 1866), Klyuchevsky personally knew more by Penza - was a tutor from his brother. However, Klyuchevsky himself did not join the political movement, preferring student free-school student. His idols were not revolutionary tribunes like Nikolai Chernyshevsky, an extremely popular young people in the 1860s, and university professors. Klyuchevsky remained moderate Liberal for life: sympathizing with many new political trends, believing in the beneficialness of the coming capitalism in Russia, in every possible way emphasizing the publication of the Patriotic history of citizenship, he was a categorical opponent of any radicalism and any shocks.

At first, Klyuchevsky considered himself rather a philologist than a historian, and was under great influence Professor Fedor Buslaeva (by the way, also native Penza). This scientist in 1858 issued the first "historical grammar of the Russian language", and in 1861, "historical essays of the Russian People's Literature and Art", in which the original sources of the "wandering" myths of Indo-European peoples (primarily Germanians and Slavs) were drawn. However, ultimately, Klyuchevsky switched to history, and he wrote his diploma work in 1865 on a completely historical topic "Talking of foreigners about the Moscow State". After the protection of the diploma, 24-year-old Klyuchevsky on the representation of Solovyov remained at the Department of Russian History to prepare for the Professor rank. And the graduation work was published by the university printing house next year and became the first printed operation of a young scientist.

Solovyov, who in full swing was working on the "Russian history from ancient times", instructed the most capable special studies, whose materials subsequently used in their capital labor. In particular, Klyuchevsky began to develop the topic of monastic land use for him. It sounds terribly boring, but the plot is generally extremely curious. The most important Russian monasteries, such as Kirillo-Belozersky or Solovetsky, arose on the wild outskirts of the inhabited world as shelter shelters, but over time, became economic centers and forps of civilization. Such "monastic colonization" played an important role in the expansion of the Russian cultural and economic range. This Klyuchevsky dedicated his next published work under the unobedy name "The economic activity of the Solovetsky Monastery in the Belomorsk Territory" (1867).

Classes of the history of monasteries led Kueyevsky to the closest study of the life of the saints - the founders and statements of monasteries. The study of them as a historical source was devoted to his master's dissertation, protected in 1871. Klyuchevsky expected to find in life what disadvantaged in the chronicles - household details, information about the economy, about the neravas and customs. Examining their several thousand, he concluded that they were not biographies, as icons - not portraits; They are not written to tell something about a particular person, and then to give a sample of righteous life; All lives are, in fact, variations of the same text, almost do not contain specific historical parts and therefore cannot serve as a historical source. As a source-edge study, this work was flawless, and Klyuchevsky received the title of Master of History, but he was disappointed as historical results of work on life.

The title of Master gave Klyuchevsky law to teach in higher educational institutions. The most prestigious Department of Russian History - University - still occupied Solovyov. But he gave way to the student the place of history teacher in the Alexander Military School. In addition, Klyuchevsky taught in such a conservative institution as the Moscow Spiritual Academy and such liberal as the highest female courses. The latter were the private ventilation of Vladimir Gerie, the buddy Kueyevsky, also a historian. There were no women on universities - unless occasionally admitted as a freelancer, that is, they allowed to learn, but did not give diplomas. A characteristic example of the then intellectual liberalism: Buslaev, Tikhonravov and many other major professors of Moscow University simultaneously taught on women's courses.

However, the latitude of the views of the Kuevsky software women's issue»Have known limits. His notebook books are full of very caustic comments at the address of women. For example: "Ladies are only the topics and detect the presence of the mind that they often go with it."

In 1879, Solovyov died, and the 38-year-old Klyuchevsky became his successor at the Department of Russian History of Moscow University - in the absence of the court historically (the title was not awarded after the death of Karamzin) it was actually the main position in domestic historical science.

The time when Klyuchevsky took over this honorary position is not the euphorical time of "great reforms". In 1881, the terrorists of the "People" killed Emperor Alexander II. Alexander III, who was shocked by the terrible death of his father (there was a foot explosion), began to "twist nuts." Regarding liberal ministers and royal advisers, ideologues of "Great Reforms" and their followers - Dmitry Milyutin, Mikhail Loris-Melikova, Dmitry Zamaynyna, - changed the excellent obscurants headed by the Ober Prosecutor of the Holy Synod by Konstantin Victorious.

Among other "counterposses" of these figures was a new university charter of 1884, which introduced a discipline in universities almost a barren; "Circular on cook children" of 1887, who recommended not to take in the gymnasium and deflection of "Children of Kucher, Laces, Cookies, Prachers, Small Lavers and the like people, for children, who, with the exception of genius, should not seek the average and higher education"; And the closure of higher female courses in 1888 (Klyuchevsky said a farewell speech, and in it he proclaimed the "faith in the mind and heart of a Russian woman"). The victorious people who did not say that these and other measures are designed to substitute the status structure of society and generally "to fool Russia." They were afraid of revolutions.

Klyuchevsky was the first of the professors of Russian History abandoned the chronological presentation of events, providing students to master the overall "plot canvas" on textbooks or on the same 29 Tomas Solovyov. In his lectures, he analyzed and built concepts.

Concerning theoretical foundations, Klyuchevsky has remained a faithful follower of his teachers of Sergei Solovyov and Boris Chicherin. Speaking by the XIX century stamps, he was a hegelian, Western and a representative of the "state", or "legal" historiographic school. This means, strictly speaking, a rather simple set of basic beliefs. First, the World History is a single process in which different peopleswho lived at different times, participate in varying degrees. World History Locomotive is Europe. Russia is part of Europe, but, due to geographical features and arising from this features of historical development, very peculiar. Secondly, the leading power of historical development is the state: it splits the people, directs it to a common goal and gives the means of achieving it, makes the people a participant in the world-historical process. The state is born from the "crystallization" of the generic relations in the extensive ruling family.

In the primancy of these ideas - Hegelianism with his idea of \u200b\u200bworld history as a progressive process of the development of world civilization (in the concepts of Hegel himself, the creation of the world's mind of the perfect state). This habitual historical philosophy in the second half of the XIX century, the German thinker Henry Ryuckert, and a little later - Russian Nikolai Danilevsky opposed the approach that we now call civilizational. Its initial postulate: no single world-historical process, individual "natural groups" people live every of its, separate historical life. These groups Danilevsky calls "cultural and historical types", and we, after the British historian Arnold Toynby (who already worked in the twentieth century), - civilizations. Such "types" Danilevsky has ten, and the West ("German-Romanesque type") is only one of them, now temporarily dominating. Russia Danilevsky refers to a new one, only an emerging - and, of course, the most perfect - Slavic cultural and historical type.

Danilevsky was not a professional historian. By education, he was a botanist, by calling - a publicist. His concept, in contrast to the later and much more stringent civilization constructions of the same Toynbey, was, in fact, not historical, but rather political - it was the program of pancalavism, associations under the auspices of Russia of all Slavic peoples in opposition to the West, which, of course , degenerates and is about to die. This was a lot of insult to Europe after a humiliating defeat in the Crimean War, from which the second half of the XIX century began for Russia. And by the way, the ideas of Danilevsky during his life (he died in 1885) did not use very popular - he was considered just another Slavophil. We mention it here only because the civilizational approach is considerably popular in our time.

Whatever, the question is, whether there is a worldwide story as a single progressive process, was not idle in the second half of the XIX century. As already mentioned, Klyuchevsky, together with all Russian professional historical community of his time, believed that there is.

The specialization of Klyuchevsky was the social and economic history of Moscow Rus (mainly the XVI-XVII centuries). His doctoral dissertation, defended in 1882, was devoted to the Boyar Duma as a "flywheel of the Old Russian administration." The scientist himself ranked himself towards the "sociological direction" of historical science - the teachings on "diverse and volatile happy or unsuccessful combinations of external and internal conditions of development, which add up in well-known countries for one or another people for more or less long time." From this teaching, as Kuevsky hoped, the science on the general laws of the structure should work out. human societies, applied independently of the transient local conditions. "

The fruits of the keyway historical sociology are "the origin of serfdom in Russia" (1885), "pillow to submit and cancel the holding of a cauldron in Russia" (1886), "The composition of the representative office at the Arrow Cathedrals of Ancient Russia" (1890). In addition to the common course of Russian history, he read special courses on the history of estates and history of law, seminars on certain written monuments each year, mainly legal (in the 1880/1881 academic year, in the "Russian truth" and Pskov vessel diploma, in 1881/1882- M - according to the court Ivan Grozny, in 1887/1888 - under Oleg and Igor's contracts with Byzanthythia, which remained in the composition of the initial chronicle).

Being an economic historian, Klyuchevsky paid attention to the relationship of people not only among themselves, but also with environmental. In this aspect, the main factor in Russian history, he considers the development of the Earth, the ultimate expansion: "The history of Russia is the history of the country that is colonized." In the West, the German tribe of Frankov wins the Roman Gully province - France is obtained; On the Eastern European Plain, and then in Siberia and Asia, Eastern Slavs settle widely, without large-scale conflicts or assimilating small, multiple local tribes.

Periods of Russian history on Klyuchevsky are the colonization stages. Moreover, for each stage, special forms of political and economic life are characterized, related mainly to the adaptation to the developed territory: "Rus Dniprovskaya - a city, trading" (Kievskaya Rus of the VIII-XIII), "Rus Vernejnevzhskaya - Specific, Venje-agricultural" (XIII-XV century), "Rus Moscow - Tsarsco-Boyarskaya, Military-Landowner" (XV-XVII century) and "Russia Imperial-noble, serfdom."

At that time, when Klyuchevsky read students of Moscow University lecture on decisive meaning Colonization in the history of Russia, at the University of Wisconsin to similar conclusions on American history came Frederick Jackson Tverner. In 1893, 32-year-old Professor Törsner published a lengthy research article called "The Value of the Frontier in American History", which argued that the specifics of American social, political and economic institutions are explained by the existence of the Wild West. Throughout the XIX century, the Americans did not know the deficit of the Earth: anyone who was not places in civilized states in the east of the country could go to the West, on the frontier. There were their laws, there reigned the right of strong, there were no household amenities, but there was freedom and almost unlimited possibilities. All new and new colonial waves, mastering Western forests and prairies, moved the frontier farther and farther to the west, getting closer to the Pacific Ocean.

It is clear that the centenary history of the American colonization of the Wild West and the thousand-year history of the Slavic colonization of the Eastern European Plain and Siberia is the phenomena of different orders, but the typological similarity is remarkable. And all the more noteworthy, what different consequences had these processes: in America, in Turner, the development of the frontist was in the people of the individualistic, independent, aggressive spirit; Whereas in Russia, according to Klyuchevsky, it was the unceasing colonization led to the fact that the serfdom became the cornerstone of the state. Welcoming the peasant reform of 1861, Klyuchevsky expected that now the development of Siberia will acquire the same entrepreneurial character as the development of the American Wildend. Something similar imagined and Prime Minister Petr Stolypin, when in 1906, during the agrarian reform, began to lure the peasants to Siberia free land and freedom from the rural community.

Solovyov, tracing the formation of Russian statehood and considering Petrov's conversion to the completion of this centuries-old process, experienced great difficulties in writing the history of Russia of the XVIII century (starting from the 18th volume): his narration lost the rod organizing the idea. "Colonization" theory of Klyuchevsky works for the XVIII-th, and for the XIX, and even for the twentieth century: it fit perfectly, say, the development of virgin in the 1950s and the transformation of the Western Unitary Oil and Gasbon Province to the foundation of the Soviet and Russian economy, Starting from the 1960s.

In 1887-1889, Klyuchevsky was the Dean of the Historical and Philological Faculty and Vice-Rector of Moscow University. In 1893-1895, as a home teacher, he read a course of universal and domestic history to the Grand Prince Georgia Alexandrovich, the son of Emperor Alexander III and younger Brata Heir to the throne of Nikolay Alexandrovich (future Nicholas II). Attract leading professors to learning royal children ordinary affair: Buslaev, Solovyov and other Tea Teachers at the same time taught Cesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (he died in 1864, after which Alexander Alexandrovich, future Alexander III, became the heir to the throne. With George Aleksandrovich, the situation was complicated by the fact that he had a charotki and, according to the recommendation of the doctors, he lived in the Georgian resort of Abastumban, so Klyuchevsky had to spend two school years there. His preparatory abstracts for lectures on the history of Europe after the French revolution and on the history of Russia from Catherine II to Alexander II were published in 1983 under the title "Abstuman readings".

Klyuchevsky, as in any Russian liberal intellectual, were complex relations with power. On the one hand, he consisted of the sovereign service in the Moscow University, he taught tsarist children, and since 1893, the Russian, respected scientific organization, which also enjoy the patronage of the royal family since 1893, was also the chairman of the Moscow society. On the other hand, being a difference, an outcomes from social bases, he could not sympathize with extremely conservative, anti-democratic politics of Alexander III, his suspicion in relation to professorship and student as pedagon of "dangerous liberty". From the third party, the revolutionary terror of the "People's Will" and other similar radical organizations of Klyuchevsky was terrified.

In 1894, at a meeting of the Society of History and Antiquities, the Russian Klyuchevsky spoke "Memory in the Bose of the Honor of the Soviet of Emperor Alexander III." Normal duty-loyal necrologist, such a uttered then hardly at every public meeting. Even the genre of speech, not to mention its status, did not suggest any serious discussion of the person and heritage of the deceased emperor. Nevertheless, at the next after a meeting of the lecture at the University of Klyuchevsky for the first time in his career heard the whistle from the image site.

Klyuchevsky did not give up. In 1904, he uttered on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the death of his teacher Sergey Solovyov, and in it, speaking of the meaning of the history of history, by the way noticed about the abolition of the serfdom and the implementation of this decision: "Enjoying how the reform transformed Russian Starin, did not get out, as the Russian Starina transformed the reform. " He and in the "counterforms", and in the frank lower sabotage of the destruction of the peasants saw not just the ward of officials and former landowners deprived of the usual age-old privileges, - he saw in this continuation of the development of the public forces, which after the royal manifesto 1861 did not share anywhere. Oh neither twist, affected the blood interests of a powerful class of people, - how to treat them, it is impossible to simply ignore them. The radicals in such a position were seen agreement.

The official vertex of his scientific career is the title of the ordinary academician - Klyuchevsky reached in 1900, being 59 years old. In 1905, soon after the very speech of the memory of Solovyov, with reasoning about how "the old man transformed the reform," the first Russian revolution broke out. Non-joke, the frightened government and the emperor Nicholas II hurried to proclaim democratization political system and in February 1905 promised to establish parliament - State Duma. In Peterhof, meetings began on how it would be gender to do. Klyuchevsky invited them as an expert on public representation - in the end, among its largest scientific achievements, there was a study of the social composition and functioning of the Boyar Duma and Zemsky Cathedrals (which, however, as Kueyevsky established, were not bodies of the people's representative office, and accordingly the estate administrative The structure and form of the meeting of the supreme power with its own agents in the field).

Duma's project as a lawyer, the elections in which were neither direct nor universal, nor equal, did not arrange anyone. In October, the All-Russian strike began, which forced Nikolai II to go to new concessions: He proclaimed the talent of the Russian civil liberty to the manifesto from October 17 (including freedom of speech, meetings and associations in political parties), as well as the establishment of the Duma on the principles of general elections.

The State Council from the actual non-working law-based body in the king turned into the upper chamber of parliament. Half of his members appointed emperor, the second half was elected by Kuria: from the Orthodox clergy, from the noble assembly, from the provincial Zemsky meetings (local authorities), from business community organizations. And there was still an "Academic Kuria", which was eating six members of the State Council "From the Academy of Sciences and Universities". In April 1906, Klyuchevsky was among these six, but immediately refused this honor, since due to the specific procedure, the election did not feel due independence. Instead, he decided to run into the State Duma (there were direct elections there) from the Liberal Constitutional Democratic Party, headed by his student Pavel Milyukov (we will tell about the next time about it). But the election Klyuchevsky failed, and it ended with his short and unsuccessful walking in politics.

Klyuchevsky died in 1911, being 70 years old. The historiographic school created by him at Moscow University, which gives the priority to the study of socio-economic relations, determined the mainstream of Russian historical science up to the approval of the Marxist teaching as the "solely right", and even after that, called the "bourgeois economy", was a reference point for Soviet Researchers: They repelled from Klyuchevsky, criticizing, arguing or clarifying him as historians of the XIX century pushed out from Karamzin. In fact, Klyuchevsky had everything that was required by Marxists: the initialness of the economy and the secondary policy, the class structure of society, consistently eliminating the causes of events and phenomena from the internal logic of the development of society, and not from external factors, recognition of the insignificance of "noise of state events", - only Klyuchevsky, like Nemarxist, all this was "wrong" interpreted.

Solovyov Soviet power has more thanks: the fact that he fully belonged to the XIX century, allowed him to disintebly proclaim him, the "bourgeois" historian, "progressive". Klyuchevsky was already a senior contemporary of Lenin, and he had to consider "reactionary".

Thinking Solovyov was entirely scientific, synthetic: in all historical events and phenomena, he saw the processes. Klyuchevsky was not found, in addition to historical research, stories, and even poems (even - mostly in a satirical genre) - he had thinking artistic. If in the statement of Solovyov, individual historical personality appeared no more than functions, "nodes" of those the most processes; That Klyuchevsky, remaining on the same strict scientific soil, revived the Karamzin tradition of living historic portraits. He returned psychologism into historical science - not in the Sentimental Karamzin spirit, with a division into heroes and villains, but rather in the spirit of the literary "genuine school", for which the individual characters were the work and reflection of their time and their social environment. For Solovyov Okrichnina Ivan Grozny - this is nothing more than another stage of the struggle of state life with Rodov, Petrovsky transformations - the inevitable result of the development of Russian society in the XVII century. Klyuchevsky, recognizing these phenomena the same generalistic meaning, pays special attention to the image of the actions of the sovereign, seeing in it and the manifestation of their personal temperatures, and visual illustrations of the dominant morals and the concepts of the corresponding era.

The brightest sample of this "scientific and artistic", "dochematical" method of Klyuchevsky - a harteome study "Eugene Onegin and His ancestors", with whom he spoke in the society of fans of Russian literature in 1887, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Pushkin. The fictional "reconstruction" of a pedigree fictional hero in the form of a gallery of historical portraits of his "ancestors": "There is some kind of dislike, the son of such a", an illiterate provincial nobleman of the second half of the XVII century; "Melancholic Commissioner" of the Petrovsky era, a scientist "in Latins" and the head of the soldiers with boots; a foreign-to-educated "navigator", trying at Anne Ioannovna in the dungeons for the "careless word about the biron"; Brava Catherine Guard, superficially enthusiastic enlightenment and ending with his life in the Russian wilderness "Ever-cloudy struggle" with Parisian manners - this "reconstruction" of Kuevsky is, essentially, short essay Stories of a certain social layer and those "kindergarten", which made this layer as it became. This and Faken in the spirit of early Chekhov (that in 1887 just bloomed), and a decent bow for the majestic Shadow of Pushkin, and a brilliant scientific and popular work.

Russian historiography, like Russian literature, had its own "silver age." Klyuchevsky was not his active figure, but played a huge role in it: many of the largest scientists " Silver century", Including Pavel Milyukov and Alexey Chess, were his disciples.

Artem Efimov