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Terms of entry into the political party. Entry into the political party: pros and cons. How to join the Communist Party of the Communist Party

In Russian society, there is an opinion that politics is dirty. It should not be disputed because it has a certain basis: it's no secret to anyone that those who want to achieve the authorities and all sorts of privileges are ready to go for anything to become a member of the party, and the use of "dishonest political technologies" for this is quite Conventional phenomenon.

At the same time, today in our country there is a certain percentage of people who go into politics in order to take an active part in the destiny of the country and relieve the lives of those living in it. However, there are also those who wish to receive from membership in the party only material benefits - they are absolutely not concerned about the problems of an ordinary citizen.

It should be noted that both as a platform for achieving their goals consider participation in the United Russia party primarily because it is ruling. This political force, among other things, is also called mass experts, since its supporters are available in all regions of the country.

Many are asked about how to enter the party "United Russia". Of course, the activities of the above political force are primarily subject to the law, which makes certain requirements for candidates who wish to receive a leader of the main country.

Before you directly proceed to the consideration of the question of how to join the party "United Russia", let us touch some details of the history of its occurrence.

Excursions in the past

The above faction was formed in 2001 on the basis of three political movements: "Fatherland", "Unity" and "All Russia". Two years earlier, they competed with each other for the right to become the winner in the electoral company. At the end of the summer of 1999, the "All Russia" block consolidated with the party "Fatherland". In the fall of the same year, the socio-political movement "Unity" was registered. In the election race, it is remembered as "Interregional Movement - Unity" (abbreviated version - "Bear"). It is this animal that will later become the logo of the fraction. In 2001, the process of consolidation "Unity" and "Fatherland" will begin. At the beginning of the same year, a social movement called the Unity and Fatherland "Unity" ", to which the" All Russia "was joined. In 2003, "EP" became the dominant political force in our country.

Requirements for candidates

Those who want to learn how to join the "United Russia" party, should know that only adults can be members of membership. It is also prohibited to them to consist in other candidates who are interested in how to enter the United Russia party should also understand that they will be unquestioned to comply with the Charter of the party and make every effort to achieve the goals and objectives.

In addition to the above, a person applying to the right to become a member of the "EP" should be among its like-minded six months.


Russian legislation prohibits membership in the Unified Russia faction to foreign citizens and those who have no citizenship. It is also forbidden to take part in countries to persons who are recognized as incapable.

What should be done

The Charter of the United Russia party contains a certain list of rules for those who want to join her ranks.

First of all, it is necessary to write a statement with your own hand that you want to become a member of the above political movement and approve the procedure for processing your personal data. After you need to enlist the support of like-minded people, namely: collegially they must give you recommendations that they do not mind what you become the "United Russia". After that, the candidate is invited to an interview to the primary branch of the United Russia party at his place of residence, where, in fact, he applies to entry into the ranks of the above faction. At the final stage of the above procedure, a political council is convened (at least once a month), which solves the fate of a potential "United Russia". In case of refusal, this body must inform about the reasons for the decision.

If the candidate is approved, a person is issued a partbiler, which manufactures the executive committee of the United Russia party, and the responsibility of the payment of membership fees is assigned to the novice.

Of course, no one has the right to force to be a member of a political movement, so everyone can get out of the "EP" at any time.

However, it is necessary to know that after such a step, it is possible to replenish the rows of the ruling fraction after it expires three years from the date of the cross.

Primary branches "EP"

Many are interested in the question of what the primary branches of the ruling fraction are engaged, since the enormous number of young people aged 18 to 20 seeks to these structures. It is necessary to emphasize that the primary branches work qualitatively and cooler in the counties of the country. In the above administrative and territorial units, as a rule, 5-6 "primary" links operates. What are they created for?

Their task is to support and implement the initiative of the United Russia, which directly or indirectly affect the program objectives of the social and political movement under consideration. The primary links are also formed in order to execute solutions that are given from above. In addition, the above structures are monitored by social needs and needs in the accountable area.


It should be noted that the Political Party "United Russia" provides the right to everyone to participate in the economic, political, cultural life of the city and the country as a whole. Today, "under its banners" are famous singers, actors, directors, athletes. Of course, the party has not only supporters, but also opponents, which is quite natural. But it is impossible not to note the fact that the number of those who support the course of the "power" party is just huge. And not the last role is played by propaganda.

Ultimately, enter or not in "United Russia", everyone should decide on their own.

In the batch of the party in your region.

Contact information about regional offices can be found in the Regional Office section.

From the Charter of the Party Fair Russia

Article 4. General Party Membership Regulations

1. Party membership is voluntary and individual. Party members participate in party activities, have rights and carry duties in accordance with this Charter.

2. A citizen of the Russian Federation, which has reached the age of 18, recognizing and implementing the party and the real charter, who participates in the work of the Party and its structural divisions and has the right to be a member of the Political Party to be a member of the Political Party to be a member of the Political Party.

3. Party card members of the established sample is issued.

Article 5. Order of reception in party members

1. The decision on the reception of the party members is made by the Council (Bureau of the Council) of the Regional Office or the Council of the local branch at the place of permanent or predominant residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Congress, Central Council, Presidium of the Central Council, Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Council, Conference (General Assembly) of the Regional Office, the Conference (General Meeting) of the local branch has the right to decide on admission to members of the Party or to entrust the corresponding Least Collegial Body of the Party or its structural division to consider the application Citizen on membership in memberships in the period established by this Charter.

2. A citizen of the Russian Federation that commensor members of the Party represents a personal written application for entry into the party, as a rule, to the Council (Board of the Council) of the Regional Office or the Council of the local branch at the place of its permanent or predominant stay. Party and its structural units listed in paragraph 1 of this article of the Charter are not entitled to refuse to a citizen of the Russian Federation in making a properly decorated application for joining the party and are obliged to accept the appropriate decision on it. The statement of the citizen of the Russian Federation on accession to the party must contain the following information: his last name, name, patronymic, date of birth, address of the place of permanent or predominant residence, citizenship, confirmation of the recognition of the provisions of this Charter and the Party Program, its obligation to participate in the party's activities and its structural units.

3. The term of consideration of the statement of a citizen of the Russian Federation on entry into the party and the decision on it will not be more than two months from the date of the receipt of such a statement into the appropriate body of the partnership division. In the case of the submission of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a statement of entry into the party to the central bodies of the party, the total period of consideration of such a statement and the final decision on it cannot be more than three months from the date of receipt of such an application.

In the event of a violation by the batch or its structural unit, who adopted a statement of a citizen of the Russian Federation on joining the party, the timing of the consideration of such a statement established by this article of the Charter, the corresponding citizen is entitled to apply to the submitting governing body of the Party.

4. The rights and obligations of the party member arise from the date of the authorized body of the party or its structural division of the decision to accept the party member.

Very often, people think about how to join the party. But do they ask the question "Why?". It is this question that needs to be put in front of him first. If even after a similar question, you still want to join the party, then try to pay attention to the ideology of the selected party. Obviously, it is necessary to join the party where ideology meets your priorities and views. So you have already decided on the goals that set themselves and, perhaps, even found the party in which you want to join, but how to do it? For example, how to join the batch of Prokhorov? The answer to this question we will give in our article.

How to enter the part of the regions

As you know, to become a member of the party has the right to any citizen of the country, who has a voice in elections and recognizes the Charter of the party.

You can enter into a batch of regions on a voluntary basis. To do this, you should find and contact the local party organization or a public reception party. In order to submit for accession to the party, it will be necessary to issue a written application with two photos and transfer it to the local admission or the organization of the party. Submit documents must be required at the place of residence.

The decision to accept the party will be made by the highest or governing bodies.

Party membership is confirmed by a party ticket. At the same time, it is possible to stay only in one party.

How to join the Communist Party of the Communist Party

Now we will consider instructions on how to enter the party, on the example of the Communist Party.

Of course, in order to join the Communist Party, you need to be an adult citizen of the Russian Federation. You must know perfectly well and recognize the Charter of the Party and defend the Communist ideals. The process of receipt in the party is quite trivial:

  1. First of all, you should contact the party branch of the party in the territory of the Russian Federation. Choose a compartment in the city where you live.
  2. In order to become a full member of the Communist Party of the Communist Party, you will need to regularly take part in the party events, as well as take and perform various orders.
  3. To begin with, you will be in the team "Perviche". In order to achieve success in the party, you will need to lead active work, defend the goals and values \u200b\u200bof the party. Often, the period of familiarization with the party lasts 2-3 months.
  4. Next, you have to get a letter of recommendation from two communists (the experience of each of them should be more than a year).
  5. At the nearest party meeting, your candidacy is considered. After, with the successful development of events, you become a full-fledged communist with all rights and privileges.
  6. You will receive a party card only after the CPRF District Committee will approve your reception in the party. The presentation of the party ticket is very often happening in a solemn atmosphere, on holidays or at various events from the party.

We reviewed the process of admission to two different parties. Surely you noticed that, regardless of the party, the process of receipt is quite similar. If you want to learn how to join the Battery of the LDPR, then it is enough to go to the official website of the party, to find out the address of the party branch in your city and already there apply. Nothing is distinguished by the party of united Russia, how to join it, you also know if you read all of the foregoing. In order to speed up this process, we give the addresses of official sites for previously mentioned parties.

In the batch of the party in your region.

Contact information about regional offices can be found in the Regional Office section.

From the Charter of the Party Fair Russia

Article 4. General Party Membership Regulations

1. Party membership is voluntary and individual. Party members participate in party activities, have rights and carry duties in accordance with this Charter.

2. A citizen of the Russian Federation, which has reached the age of 18, recognizing and implementing the party and the real charter, who participates in the work of the Party and its structural divisions and has the right to be a member of the Political Party to be a member of the Political Party to be a member of the Political Party.

3. Party card members of the established sample is issued.

Article 5. Order of reception in party members

1. The decision on the reception of the party members is made by the Council (Bureau of the Council) of the Regional Office or the Council of the local branch at the place of permanent or predominant residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Congress, Central Council, Presidium of the Central Council, Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Council, Conference (General Assembly) of the Regional Office, the Conference (General Meeting) of the local branch has the right to decide on admission to members of the Party or to entrust the corresponding Least Collegial Body of the Party or its structural division to consider the application Citizen on membership in memberships in the period established by this Charter.

2. A citizen of the Russian Federation that commensor members of the Party represents a personal written application for entry into the party, as a rule, to the Council (Board of the Council) of the Regional Office or the Council of the local branch at the place of its permanent or predominant stay. Party and its structural units listed in paragraph 1 of this article of the Charter are not entitled to refuse to a citizen of the Russian Federation in making a properly decorated application for joining the party and are obliged to accept the appropriate decision on it. The statement of the citizen of the Russian Federation on accession to the party must contain the following information: his last name, name, patronymic, date of birth, address of the place of permanent or predominant residence, citizenship, confirmation of the recognition of the provisions of this Charter and the Party Program, its obligation to participate in the party's activities and its structural units.

3. The term of consideration of the statement of a citizen of the Russian Federation on entry into the party and the decision on it will not be more than two months from the date of the receipt of such a statement into the appropriate body of the partnership division. In the case of the submission of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a statement of entry into the party to the central bodies of the party, the total period of consideration of such a statement and the final decision on it cannot be more than three months from the date of receipt of such an application.

In the event of a violation by the batch or its structural unit, who adopted a statement of a citizen of the Russian Federation on joining the party, the timing of the consideration of such a statement established by this article of the Charter, the corresponding citizen is entitled to apply to the submitting governing body of the Party.

4. The rights and obligations of the party member arise from the date of the authorized body of the party or its structural division of the decision to accept the party member.

The political life of the middle Russian is scuba. We are eleumous with the screen, sitting on the sofa in front of the TV.

We go to rallies at the entrance to discuss with a neighbor, how bad things. We arrange political promotions, copying a topical demotivator from the social network.

But if you really want to influence something, act another way. The easiest way is to join the party.

What gives accession to the party?

Depending on the political system and a specific party, membership in it can give a variety of results: from the possibility of building a career before reference to the camps. But most often people are looking for the following advantages:

Communication with like-minded people. Imagine how it should be fun meetings of the party of beer lovers.

Training. Parties help young supporters to achieve the necessary qualifications. They create special courses. Party membership can help with admission to university.

How the parties have changed. Says an expert Dmitry Gusev

Career. Most party supporters work for the idea. But if you want to build a political career, membership in the party of like-minded people is a great start.

Small bonuses. Parties allow us to use their members of the services of a staff lawyer and other professionals.

What is the "primary party compartment"?

If you enter the party, you will have to go to Moscow and sitting in the Duma? Nothing like this. Like-minded people can be supported at home. Most parties have cells in large regions. The smallest division is called the primary branch of the party.

Life in departments is more saturated than in the center. Party members arrange meetings, trips to nature, carry out workers' meetings, develop attributes, solve local problems. The advantage of the cells is also in the fact that in the province of political idea there may be more supporters than in the capital. After all, it is known that more conservative people who have not touched the information war in the outback.

How to enter the party "United Russia"

United Russia is one leading players on the Russian political arena. It consists of Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Georgy Poltavchenko, Boris Gryzlov, Valentina Matvienko and other famous people.

The party submits to its members such requirements:

Be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- to achieve majority;
- not to consist in other parties;
- Being a supporter "EP" at least six months.

Before becoming a member of the party, you need to spend some time in the ranks of her supporters. Become a supporter easier. You need to make sure that the political views of the United Russia are suitable for you, attribute a statement to the local branch and pass the interview. Having stayed in the ranks of the supporters of half a year, you can apply for membership in United Russia. For this you have to:

Why did I decide to become a member of the United Russia party

Familiarize yourself with the Charter and the Party Program;
- write a statement about joining;
- Get the recommendations of the Council of Properties of the Party;
- Complete interview in the local department.

How to join the Communist Party

To join Gennady Zyuganov, you need to contact the local cell. Requirements for candidates in party members are about the same. There are variations: it is enough to consist in a primary organization not half a year, but 2-3 months. After that, you can start the entry procedure. For this you need:

Write a statement about joining and fill out a questionnaire;

Ask for two communists who oversaw you during the "internship", write recommendations;

10 goals of the Communist Party in theses of Zyuganov

In case of success, get a partbiler.

The only "but" is better to do this before the election will come. At this point, the party members have a lot of worries, and it is better to bother about new supporters in a relaxed atmosphere.

How to join the LDPR

In the party of Vladimir Zhirinovsky can be joined on the Internet. The program states that the purpose of the LDPR is the benefit of Russia and the protection of human rights.

Requirements for candidates are the same as the rest of the parties. The only difference is no "trial period" is not required. To join the LDPR, you need:

Why should I join the LDPR?

Familiarize yourself with the program of the party;
- download and fill out the appropriate questionnaire;
- Send by mail or bring an application for accession, questionnaire and photos to the initial department.

How to join the party "Fair Russia"

The Fair Russia party makes it imposed on candidates all the above requirements. She stipulates that the future member at the time of reception should already participate in party work, but the time of this work is not negotiated.

Sergey Mironov in the Program "Pozner"

Reception scheme is the same. Need to come to the nearest regional office and apply. It will be considered no more than two months. Then the party council will then decide.

How to get out of the party

If your views with like-minded people have separated, you can leave the party. Remember that many impose restrictions, and then return will not be so easy.

The editorial board is reminders that it is easy to get out of the party - you will need to simply write a corresponding statement. Then you need to bring it to the local branch. It will be certified and will be put in the registry. Membership is terminated on the same day.
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