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What to do when you keep Uraz. Post to Ramadan: Female questions. Is the post of a person not reading Namaz

12. Swimming the food remaining between the teeth, if in the total mass this is not equal to one pea.

13. Injection in the muscle, in Vienna or under the skin, but only in the case of medical necessity.

14. Inhalation of incense, even deliberate.

15. Feeding taste, without swallowing it.

16. Use of ointments, iodine or greenflaw for disinfection or healing of an open wound.

More details


Does the post disrupts a random contact with women in the store, subway, etc.?

Does the post from random touch to the opposite sex deteriorate (women in my case)? Oric.

No, it does not deteriorate. At the reality of the post, this does not affect.

In our region, it is customary to greet with the girls by the hand. Does it somehow affect the post? Does it violate it? If yes, whether previous years are previously disturbed, regardless of whether I knew about the ban or not? Azamat.

Your post is not broken, but to greet the hand with women, girls who do not come close relatives, it is impossible.

I am a gastroenterologist. During working hours you have to palpitate (feel) the belly of patients. I wanted to take leave for the time of fasting, but the head physician did not let go. I adhere to the Khanafitsky Mazhab. 1. Does this Taharat (ablution) spoil? 2. Does this not spoil the post? Airat.

1. No. According to scientists of the Khanafi Mazhab (reasonable reliable hadis), the state of ritual purity is not violated in your case.

2. The post does not affect the post.

Visiting a dentist

Will the post violates if the tooth is added? Galymzhan.

No, it does not break.

To me on the 5th day Ramadan had to interrupt the post due to the fact that it was necessary to treat the tooth. Now everything is ok. Can I continue the post?

Yes, be sure.

Is it possible to go to the dentist during uraces? The dentist this itself keeps the post and reads Namaz. He claims that you can walk and treat your teeth. I have sick teeth, but I would not want to spoil the post, and at the same time torments a toothpache! What do i do?

And prevgery anesthesia violate the post? Kairat.

You can go to the dentist. Treat sick teeth need. You can do anesthesia.

Does the post be disturbed when using the local anesthesia during the treatment of the tooth or when installing braces? Zarina.

It does not affect the post.

A visit to the gynecologist

1. Is it possible to visit a woman-gynecologist during the post? I do not want to postpone the visit, since we plan to have a child. Each procedure that I may need to spend, postponing the conception of a child for a month.

2. Was my post inspection of the gynecologist (analysis, ultrasound, procedure, processing)? Sarera.


Tell me, please, is it not violated if the whole day sleep and get up only on Namaz? I have a holiday. Rasul.

The post is not violated, but a sedentary lifestyle is destroyed for the human body and brain.

Yesterday I slept for a very long time, I woke up two hours before Iftar. This post does not violate? Alibek.

It does not violate the post, but I advise you to enter a strict mode of sleep and wakefulness, regardless of whether it is a day or worker. With such a discipline, your performance will increase, and the immune system will strengthen.

I work in a night shift, resting day. Therefore, I often miss prayers, although then restoring them. Is it permissible? And how can I be a month Ramadan? R., 20 years old.

If you are free during the day, I do not see the reasons why you would have to skip the namaz prayers. The same applies to the post. By the way, sleep does not break the post.

A person who commences the post, works in the night shift, and sleeps in the afternoon. Will he receive the same remuneration as the one that is active in the afternoon? Lena.

If he has such a schedule of work, then yes, of course. Let me remind you only that sleep more than 8-9 hours per day is harmful, as less than 7.

Spray, drops and inhalers

I have an allergy for 2 years already, your eyes will be scratched, and the nose is often clogged, so I use drops into the nose. I read that the drops in the nose violate the post, as they pass through the throat. But I still observe the post, because I think it all depends on the intention. After all, even if the drops go through the throat, my thirst is not quenched. Ulan.

You're right. Drops do not violate the validity of the post.

Is it possible to use drops into the nose during the post (day) (in the mouth they do not fall), and also make inhalations? Aisha.

Soon the sacred month of Ramadan, and I started allergic - sneezing, the nose lays out, etc. Can I use sprays, drops to relieve breathing? Aibek.

I have a runny nose during my post, I have to constantly hide, and I use spray for the nose. I do not hurt, I feel fine, and keep the post is not difficult for me. But I had doubts. Does the run violate my post? Lily.

No, does not violate.


Tell me, please, if I accidentally cut a finger and flowed blood, was my post was broken?

With the post it is not connected. The post is not broken.

Is it true that blood violates the post? For example, it cut randomly or take blood from the finger for analyzes. Ibrahim.

No it is not true.

Does the post deteriorate when surrendering blood? Zenab.

Delivery of blood does not break the post.


Is it possible to use lip balsam during the post? The lips dry greatly.

You can, if you do not eat it. I am confident, lip balm does not apply to food.

Is it possible to paint your lips if I hold Uraces? Maulzuna.

Yes, you can.

Is it possible to use a slicety alcohol based face lotion during the post? L.


Is the hunt allowed during the month of Ramadan? Ramil, 29 years old.

Yes, if there is an appropriate permission from government agencies.

During the month of Ramadan, the season of hunting for waterfowl game offers. Is it possible to go hunting or better to refrain? F.

Injections (injections, droppers)

Does the post be disturbed if you do intramuscular injections twice a day? Rashid, 22 years old.

Do intramuscular and intravenous injections violate posts?

No, if there is a medical, medical need.

Does post accept medical mortar to Vienna via a dropper?

If there is a medical necessity in the treatment process, then the post is not violated. If the solution nourishes the body with vitamins, being a stuffing, and is used precisely for this purpose, then it should be refrained.


Is it possible to drink biologically active additives in Ramadan? Almira.

After sunset and before dawn, it is possible if they do not contain anything clearly forbidden (Haram).

Is it possible during Ramadan standing to knit? Zalin.

Yes of course.

Is it possible to calculate the ears during the post? Ayna.

Is it possible to get out during uraces? Arthur.

Can I cut and paint your hair during fasting? Diana.

Is it possible to play cards during uraces? Talgat.

What for? Read, for example, the book of Gleb Arkhangelsky "Time Drive" (or listen to her auditorary) and start referring to the time more responsible.

The game of the card does not affect the validity of the post.

Is it possible to clean your ears during the post? Elena.

Yes of course.

Is it possible to swallow the sputum during uraces?

I have the initial stage of sinusitis, respectively, the nose constantly laid. Nasal mucus goes deep, and it is uncontrollable! I hope my post is not violated because of this.

The post is not broken. And for the prevention of sinusitis, you need to move more - at least one kilometer in the morning and one kilometer in the evening - and actively breathe.

If I hit the sand in the nasopherler through my nose and I swallowed it (not specifically, was in a dusty room), is my post? Sultan.

No, not broken.

Is the adoption of drugs allowed after sunset in Ramazan?

Yes of course.

What can not be done during the post? Recently heard that the post was violated if a person would hone the ear. What else can not be done? And how to open the post (delegate)? Do you need to take a little ablution? Seyrana.

1. Chesnia ear does not affect the reality of the post.

2. There is no need for small ablution before talking.

1. In mid-August, he must return from the leave of the urologist, from which I surveyed, I need to go to him at the reception. Is it considered a violation of the post, if he will hold me physiotics? Also, most likely, various antibiotics will be discharged. Is it possible to use them during the post or post will not start?

2. Will the post of gastroscopy violate (the survey of the stomach by introducing the tube into it)? Aslan

1. Consider the post, you will not be able to use medicines during the daytime. I advise you to begin treatment (taking medication) at the end of the month of Ramadan. As for physiotherapy, it does not affect the validity of your post.

2. No, gastroscopy will not violate the post.

Does the post be disturbed if at the apiary while working with bees horrid a bee? The bee poison contains 600 useful trace elements. Insaf.

The post will not break.

Is it possible to hug in Ramadan with a girl who intend to marry? Is it possible to kiss it with her? Will it violate the post? BUT.

Before the wedding (Nikiaha), it is impossible, neither during Ramadan, nor outside it. But the post does not break it.

Cases of violation of the post

Can I disrupt the post of medication (tablets) without water? Madina.

Yes, it will violate the post.

My mother takes a medicine from diabetes. Is it possible to keep the post by taking pills?

No you can not.

I was bitten by the OSA, and it was necessary to immediately take two pills of prednisolone. I did not know that the pills violate the post. Should I fill this day? Marseilles.

Upon completion of the month of Ramadan and the Day of the holiday, Uraza-Bayram celebrate the violated post one to one.

On the first day of the post, I was drowned by ignorance and misunderstanding before sunrise, and not to dawn. After reading the post on your site, I realized the mistake and I'm not going to repeat it. Will my post adopted for this day and whether I have to make kada (to fill it), since I did not like at that time? Ainur.

Fill one to one after the month of Ramadan at a convenient time for you, for example on a day off.

Is smoking hookah haramom and is it possible to smoke a hookah in Ramadan?

Smoking hookah forbidden (haram) both in Ramadan and at any other time. Read the appropriate material in my book "Men and Islam".

The Prophet Muhammad (and bless his Most High and welcomes) said: "Who violated the post on forgetfulness, he does not fill it, and there is no redemption on it. [That is, remembering the observed post, the person stops the action that violates the post, and continues to fast. The post is not broken]. " Hadith from Abu Khruire; sv. x. Al-Khakim and al-Bayhak. See, for example: AS-SUYUTS J. Al-Jami 'as-Sagyr. Pp. 517, Hadith No. 8495, Sahih.

This Hadith concerns all three items mentioned. For more details, see, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih Al-Bukhari [Arch of Hadith Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 tons. Beirut: Al-Maktaba Al-'Arrya, 1997. T. 2. P. 574.

"Who began to eat or drink forgetfulness, he completes the post [on this day]. Truly, the Most High fed and drove it [that is, the post is not broken, but noted by the Lord] " Hadith from Abu Khruire; sv. x. Al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 tons. T. 2. P. 574, Hadith No. 1933.

See, for example: Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. At 11 t. T. 3. P. 1731; Ash-Sha'ravy M. Al-Fatava [Fetwa]. Cairo: Al-Fatah, 1999. P. 115; 'Ali Jum M. Fatava' Asryia. T. 2. P. 72.

See, for example: Abu Daud S. Sunan Abu Daud [Arch Hadith Abu Dauda]. Riyadh: Al-Afkäar Ad-Davillia, 1999. P. 270, Hadith No. 2378 and 2379, both "Hassan"; Ibn Madja M. Sunan [Arch of the Hadith]. Riyadh: Al-AFCYAR AD-Davillia, 1999. P. 184, Hadith No. 1678, Sakhih; Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyr. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

It is reliably known that "the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcomes) did blood flow during the post." Hadith from Ibn 'Abbas; sv. x. Imam al-Bukhari. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. At 5 t. T. 2. P. 576, Hadith No. 1938 and 1939; Imam Malik. Al-Muwatto. Cairo: Al-Hadith, 1993. Ch. 18. Ch. 10. P. 247, Hadith No. 30-32; also. Beirut: Their Al-Dulm, 1990. P. 232, Hadith No. 662-664.

Misvak is a wand that replaces the toothbrush and the paste at the same time.

It is reliably known that the Prophet used Mohsom during the post. See, for example: Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyra. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 329.

From the use of toothpaste during the post you can refrain. B. aboutthe extended part of scientists says that her getting into the stomach violates the post. If a person uses it, then you need to be careful not to swallow. See, for example: Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyra. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 329, 330; 'Ali Jum M. Fatava' Asryia. T. 1. P. 112.

For more information about this in the material "Hygiene of the oral cavity during fasting."

See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 tons. T. 2. P. 574; Az-Zukhaili V. Al-Fickh Al-Islam Va Adillyatuh. At 11 t. T. 3. P. 1731; 'Ali Jum M. Fatava' Asryia. T. 1. P. 97, 98.

Imam Al-Bukhari leads a few cases from the life of the associates and representatives of the following generation after them that they conducted various water procedures during the post. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 tons. T. 2. P. 573.

For more information about this in the material "Rinse of the mouth and souls during the post."

Intentional inhalation of tobacco smoke, that is, smoking cigarettes, hookah, violates post. Read more about the admissibility of smoking cigarettes and hookah from the point of view of Muslim canons, read in my book "Men and Islam" or on the site site.

In case of obvious swallowing of blood or drugs, the post is violated. The exception may be cases of getting along with saliva in the larynx, the esophagus of what is extremely insignificant, which is closer to constancy, rather than to obvious blood swallowing or medication.

Independent calling of vomiting, in which the pot of the cavity is filled with a vomit, as well as the deliberate swallowing of vomitoys violate the post. In this case, it will be necessary to fill it. See, for example: Ibn Majj M. Sunan [Arch of the Hadith]. Riyadh: Al-AFCYAR AD-Davillia, 1999. P. 183, Hadith No. 1676, Sakhih.

Read more about this in the material "Vomiting during the post".

See, for example: 'Ali Juma M. Fatava' Asrya. T. 1. P. 107, 109, as well. T. 2. P. 89.

As for the enema, in all cases they violate the post. So considers the majority. See, for example: 'Ali Juma M. Fatava' Asrya. T. 1. P. 108.

I still mention that there is a reasonable opinion of large and respected imams, such as Ibn of Khasma, Ibn Timyia and others, that enemas not Violate post. In an exceptional case, I can believe, take advantage of this opinion. See, for example: Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyra. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Schalotut M. Al-Fatava [Fetwa]. Cairo: Ash-Shukuk, 2001. P. 136, 137. The basis for this opinion is that the ban during the post concerns food and drinking, which come through the larynx in the stomach, and therefore it makes no sense to prohibit what enters the human body in other ways.

See, for example: 'Ali Juma M. Fatava' Asia. T. 1. P. 103, and also. T. 2. P. 88; Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyr. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

For more about this, see, for example: Al-Saskali A. Fatah Al-Bari Bi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari [Opening by the creator (for a person in understanding the new) through comments to the village of Hadith al-Bukhari]. In 18 tons. Beirut: Al-Kutub Al-'ylmia, 2000. T. 5. P. 192, 193.

See, for example: Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyra. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Schalotut M. Al-Fatava. P. 136, 137.

See, for example: 'Ali Juma M. Fatava' Asia. T. 1. P. 108.

Most often two types of candles are used: vaginal and rectal. The first of them is usually used to treat various female genital diseases. And candles intended for introducing into the rectum can be divided into two groups. The first group includes those candles that act in the place of administration. They can possess, for example, an antihemoroid effect. The second group includes candles, as if substitutes for tablets. That is, medicinal substances from them are absorbed, enter blood and affect the entire body. The same substance produced in tablets and candles passes through the body with different ways. For a medicine that fell into the stomach and intestines, there is a lot of digestive enzymes. And the medicine that fell into the rectum is absorbed immediately into the blood, bypassing the liver, he does not have to "go through" through the entire digestive tract. See:

See: Ali Juma M. Fatava 'Asia. T. 1. P. 93; Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyr. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Schalotut M. Al-Fatava. P. 136, 137.

The basis for this opinion is that the ban during the post applies to food and drink, which come through the larynx in the stomach, and therefore it makes no sense to prohibit what enters the human body in other ways.

See, for example: Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyra. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 305.

See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 tons. T. 2. P. 574; Al-Oaschayani A. Fatah Al-Bari Bi Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari. At 18 t. T. 5. P. 194, 195; Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyr. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Schalotut M. Al-Fatava. P. 136, 137.

See, for example: 'Ali Juma M. Fatava' Asia. T. 1. P. 109; Al-Butter R. Mashurat Intima'i [Tips for people]. Damascus: Al-Fix, 2001. P. 39.

See, for example: Mahmoud A. Fatava [Fantwis]. In 2 tons. Cairo: Al-Ma'a'arif, [b. G.]. T. 2. P. 51; 'Ali Juma M. Fatava' Asia. T. 1. P. 103, and also. T. 2. P. 88; Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyr. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

See, for example: 'Ali Juma M. Fatava' Asia. T. 1. P. 107, 109, as well as T. 2. P. 89; Al-Cardavi Y. Fatava Mu'asyr. In 2 tons. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Schalotut M. Al-Fatava. P. 136, 137.

What can I, and what can not during uraise? Answering this question, I would like to indicate that permitted actions are mandatory, desirable and secondary, as well as forbidden actions are strictly prohibited, undesirable and the actions of the violating etiquette of the post.

Mandatory actions Mandatory actions are divided into two categories: on domestic obligations (Arun) and external obligations (screw) and these include the following things:

Domestic obligations of the post (Arun) - this is its basis, not observance of which leads to a violation of the post: abstinence from food, drinking and sexual intercourse with the onset of dawn to sunset.

External obligations (screw) are divided into three types:

· Terms of obligation (Judzhub screw).

· Conditions for the fulfillment of obligations (adia Trudzhub screw).

· Conditions for the correctness of the execution (shoe shub).

Terms of obligation:

1. Islam. As it is known that the post is a worship for the sake of the Almighty Allah, it means that it is required that the standing was Muslim and showed his submission to Allah and fasted for the sake of his face. The post is not accepted until the person will be fastned for the Single Most High Allah.

3. Adeline. These conditions are also required to comply with the post. In Islam, a child or crazy is not capable, with them no observance of Canons Islam, but it should be noted if the child will fast, then the remuneration will be recorded as a child and parents. It is advisable to teach children to the post from the seven age, to force them to fast, when they reach ten years. The foundations are the words of the Messenger of Allah, and Bless him Allah and welcomes: "Teach your children to prayer to seven years and Bates (forced), when they reach ten years." Sunun Dar Kutani1 \\ 230 Making a comparison to prayer Scientists Islam say that the same position concerns the post.

4. Knowledge about the occurrence of the month of Ramadan. Ignorance in Islam has the significance of the forgiveness of sins and reliating the fulfillment of the obligation.

Obligation conditions:

This item differs from the previous one that the above does not impose compliance with the post at all, and these two categories are obliged to comply with the post at the base, but are not required in this position, but have the right to comply with the post.

1. Available healthy to comply with post

2. It is on the way (that is, not to be a traveler).

These two conditions for resolving the conversation are mentioned in the Quran in Sura Al-Bakara in 184: "And who is sick or in the way the number of other days."

The terms of the execution: non-compliance with these conditions leads to a violation of the post.

1. Intention to comply with post. According to Allah's messenger, and he bless him Allah and welcomed: "Everything is intent." Hadith leads al-Bukhari number 1. It is enough to make the intention to keep the post in Ramadan at the beginning of the month. If he does not even intend to Ramadan, the post will still be considered, as if Ramadan would hold.

2. Woman needs to be pure from monthly and

3. Postpartum bleeding. Aisha, let it be pleased with her Allah, said: "During monthly and postpartum bleeding, we left the post and prayer, and only the post was filled." Hadith leads imam Muslim No. 335;

4. It is necessary to refrain from the deeds of the post.

The desired actions during the post:

1. The adoption of the "Sukhura" (ed. - breakfast fasting to the onset of dawn. As transmitted from the Messenger of Allah, and he blesses his Allah and welcomes: "Eat before dawn, truly in Suura - there is grace (praasta)." Hadith leads al-Bukhari ;

2. Do not postpone talk (ed. - Iftar). The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes said: "People will be in good by staff until they hurry with a deal" Hadith leads al-Bukhari;

3. Leave actions that later can lead to a violation of the post (as, for example, a long swimming in the pool, bloodletting, trying to taste, when cooking, rinse the throat;

4. Feed fasting. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, said: "Who feeds the standing, then his remuneration is like the remuneration of that as soon as he fed and there will not be a reward of award in that fasting." This Hadith leads AT-Tirmisi in the book "Tarb and Tarhib" 2 \\ 146;

5. Start the post is not in a deficienable state. And with the case of desecration, it is desirable to swim before the occurrence of dawn;

6. The arc pronunciation in dealing with (ed. - Iftar): "Allahumma Lyakya Sutter Va Alya Tavakkaltu Wa Bikya Alyante Phagfireli Ma Kaddamta Va Ma Ahharta";

7. Hold your tongue from extra words A part of the body from unnecessary actions (as, for example, to finish, watch TV). Here we are talking about empty matters, as for the prohibited affairs, the remaining of them is mandatory as, for example, to distribute slander, lie;

8. Major to make good deeds. Remuneration for good business per month Ramadan increases to 70 times;

9. Permanent reading of the Quran and remembering Allah;

10. Compliance with "Ignenty" (ed. - Finding the mosque), especially in the last ten days. Aisha, may Allah will be pleased, he said that the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, in the last 10 days he worshiped as never worshiped at normal time. "The Hadith is given in the Muslim collection No. 1175;

11. Frequent pronunciation of the word "Allahumma Innakya Afuvun Tuhibbul AFVA Fagfu Anni", which means "about Allah Truly you forgive and love to forgive, forgive me!".

12. Waiting for the night of predestination.

Secondary actions, in compliance with neither sin, nor remuneration:

1. Kisses, if a person is preparing for himself. The Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, kissed his wife, being standing. Hadith is given by al-Bukhari and Muslim;

2. Application of antimony and incense;

3. Cleaning teeth, use of Miswaci. "According to the Messenger of Allah, it will bless him Allah and welcomes, he constantly used Mohsom during the post.". This Hadith leads at At-Tirmisi;

4. Rinse mouth and nose;

5. Bridal bathing. "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, bought from desecration, being standing up." This Hadith is given al-Bukhari, Muslim;

6. involuntary snow or dust in the mouth;

7. Unintentional vomiting;

8. Smell smells.

Provisions that are reasons for resolving a conversation to a person:

1. Disease. If the post is the cause of suspension of treatment or amplification of the disease;

2. The path whose distance is more than 89 kilometers. The man becomes a traveler from the moment of departure from the settlement in which he lived. If a person began to fast and if he had to go through the day, he is strictly forbidden to interrupt the post on this day. It is allowed to observe the post while he is confident and it does not bring any inconvenience. This is indicated by Ayat Koran: "And who of you is sick or is in the way the number of other days." Sura "al-bakara" 184 Ayat;

3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, if there is a threat to the health of the child. The Messenger of Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Truly Most High Allah removed the travelers of the post's performance and reduced the prayer, he also removed the obligation of the post with pregnant and lactating women." Imaam Ahmad, "Askhab Sunnan" Book Nalulul-Avtar 4 \\ 230;

4. Sleeping due to old age, incurable disease, disability. All scientists are unanimous in this submit. Ibn Abbas, may Allah will be fish, said about the words of Allah "And on those who can, - the ransom of the poor" Sura "al-bakara" 184 Ayat: "These Ayata concern old weak people who cannot fast. In return For their conversation, they should feed one poor man for every missed day "This Hadith leads al-Bukhari;

5. Forcing, independent of the person himself.

Unwanted action during the post:

1. Food testing for taste;

2. Chewing something;

3. Kisses if a person cannot prevail;

4. Completing such actions that lead to the weakness of the body and can cause a breakdown of the post as, for example, blood delivery during the post;

5. "Joint post" - to fast two days or more consistently without dealing between them. Messenger. Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomed, fasted a few days in a row and did not fight. His associates were also messenger. Allah, may Allah bless him and welcomes, forbade them. Then the messenger. Allah, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "I'm not like you, Truly Allah feeds me and Sit" Hadith leads Bukhari and Muslim Nalulul Avtar 4 \\ 219;

6. Rinse throat;

7. Tract time on empty conversations.

Forbidden actions - actions violate post, they are divided into two types:

1. Activities violating the post and requiring reinforcement and compensation (60 days of a continuous post for one disturbed day per month Ramadan). Two such violations:

1. Intentional food acceptance during fasting. If the fasting adopted food for forgetfulness, then his post is not broken. The Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Who will take or get during the post for forgetfulness, then let him not interrupt the post - truly Allah fed him and drove him." Hadith leads al-Bukhari №1831 and Muslim №1155;

2. Intentional sexuality during the post. When one Bedouin made a sex act with his wife, the Messenger of Allah, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, commanded him to free the slave, and if not, then to fast for 60 days continuously, and if it could not feed 60 poor. Hadith leads Al Jamaga, Nalylul Autver 4 \\ 214;

Actions violate the post and requires only replenishment (1 day post per 1 breakdown day per month Ramadan). There are more than 75 such violations (seventy five), but they can be streamlined in three rules:

1. Swallow what is not food or medicine, such as buttons;

2. Featuring or medication according to the above provisions permitting a conversation as, for example, in case. The erroneous swallowing of water during the abyption, the assumption of the error in the time of talking (taking food, thinking that the sun went down, and this is not so), deliberate vomiting;

3. Incomplete sexual intercourse (when two genital organs did not touch each other), for example, a sperm yield when touched to his wife.

The time of Sukhura and Iftar (the latter corresponds to the time of Maghre's prayer) for the cities of Russia and the CIS for the current 2020 is presented in the special section of our site.

The post (Uraza, Ruza) is one of the pillars of Islam, so it is compliance with Muslims.

Usually, under the Muslim post, the manual understands the abstinence from eating and drinking in a bright time of day. In fact, this concept is much wider: it includes a voluntary refusal not only from feeding food, but also from making any sins made by eyes, hands and tongue, as well as from some actions. Being in the state of holding Uraz, the believer should clearly realize that he makes it for his creator, and not have any other intentions.

In Islamic feedback, depending on the time of compliance and significance, two types of post are allocated: mandatory (FarD) and desirable (Sunnat).

The first massively observed by Muslims throughout the sacred month of Ramazan, which has an incomparable blessing for people. In his writings, Allah rushes us:

In the month of Ramazan was Nestoslan Koran - the right leadership for people, clear evidence of the right leadership and distinction. That of you who will find this month should fast (2: 185)

The Muslims in the blessed month of the past month awaits a huge reward, and for her leaving, without having a good reason, the harsh punishment will certainly follow. The proof of this is the following statement of the mercy of the worlds Muhammad (S.G.V.): "The one who, during Ramazan, will observe the post with faith and hope for the Almighty award, his former sins will be faced."

In 2020, Ramazan will last from April 24 (first day post) on May 23 (see Calendar):

However, the Lord made sure the observance of uraces not to all people.

Who do not need to keep post:

1. People who are not Muslims

An important condition for the observance of urazes is a confession by a man Islam. For the rest, the post is not required. At the same time, this does not mean that for the days spent without post the days of Ramazan every person, regardless of his religion, will not have to bear the answer to the Almighty on the day of the Grand Court.

2. Minor

Uraz is imputed as mandatory for adults. At the same time, it is necessary to understand what is meant of a majority from an Islamic point of view, which occurs not at 18 years old, as adopted in most countries of the world, and during puberty, which every person comes in different ways.

3. Mentally incapable

The mental capacity is listed among the conditions of the obligation of the post. In other words, a person who is not in common reason, is entitled to refrain from compliance with this pillar of Islam.

4. All who are on the way

Holding Uraces is not necessary to those people who are on the road, that is, trails. It should be noted that, according to Sharia, travelers are considered to be people who retired over 83 km from home and their journey lasts no more than 15 days.

5. Physically sick people

People who suffer from any disease requiring the constant reception of drugs or threatening strong malaise and pains, up to the threat of life in the event of uraces, are exempt from its need.

6. Pregnant

Women carrying a child and afraid of their future Chad, have the right not to adhere to the post per month Ramazan.

7. Nursing women

Women who feed babies with their breasts can also not fast.

8. Women in menstruation and bleeding days caused by childbirth

In the menstrual period and during the postpartum bleeding, women, according to Sharia, are in the position of ritual desecration, in view of which the non-compliance with the uranes is allowed to be allowed and, moreover, it is necessary. If pregnant and nursing are entitled to keep the post, then these days women are better abstained.

9. People who are unconscious

Believers who stay in unconsciously for a long time, for example, in a state of coma, for obvious reasons are also exempt from uraces.

In situations, when a person misses one or a few days of the post on the reasons listed above, he should be filled with them later, when the reason will be eliminated, which gives the right to failure to comply with the post, for example, when the traveler returns home or a person will come out of the coma. Believers, not able to keep Uraces throughout the year, for example, because of the disease, it should be for each of the missed days to feed one needy. If this is difficult for a person in a material plan, for he himself refers to the number of needy, then it is completely exempt from this duty.

Desirable post - This is the observance of which is desirable, but is not imputed to Muslims as compulsory. For compliance with such a post, the believer is assumed to be award, and there is no sin for his leaving.

Days when preferably keeping uraces:

  • Arafa Day - For the post on this day, the Lord can forgive the person of the forelegations committed by him for 2 years. The Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) explained: "The post on the day of Araf serves as the redemption of sins committed in the past and future years" (Hadith from Ibn Maji and Nazai).
  • Day of Ashura- Following on the tenth day of the month, Muharram erases all sins for the previous 12 months. The Messenger of Allah (S.G.V.) informed his umma: "The post in serves as the redemption of sins of last year" (the Hadith leads Muslim). However, Shiite theologians assure it is undesirable to keep Uraces on this day, since the grandson of the final prophet was martying in this date (S.G.V.) - Imam Hussein, who would especially read from Muslim Shiites.
  • The first 9 days of the month of Zul-Hija - This can be found about this mention in Hadith: "The post in the first days of the month of Zul-Hija is equal to one year of the post" (Ibn Maja).
  • Month Muharram.- Uraza in this forbidden month is considered to be Sunnat. After all, the Prophet Muhammad himself (S.G.V.) somehow, "After Ramadan, the best for the post is the month of Allah - Muharram" (the Hadith leads Muslim).
  • Month Shauba- Another month, during which it is advisable to fast. In the lunar calendar he goes before Ramazan. In the Hadiths from Bukhari there is a mention that the Final Messenger of the Most High (S.G.V.) learned in compliance with uranes a month Sharaba, except for some days.
  • 6 days of the month Shavval - as desirable for fasting. Shavval follows the sacred month of Ramadan. "If someone completed the post in Ramazan and added six days of fasting in the month of Shavval for him, he will receive such a reward that he fled the whole year" (Hadith from Muslim).
  • Uraz every other day, or the post of Prophet Dauda (A.S.), who held Uraces every other day and which, as the mercy of the worlds Muhammad said (S.G.V.), "is the most favorite post for Allah" (in line with Hadis from Muslim).
  • 3 days in the middle of each month- Prophet (S.G.V.) instructed: "If you want to fast in the middle of the month, I will comply with the 13th, 14th and 15 days" (AT-Tirmisi).
  • Every Monday and Thursday - It is these days that the Messenger of the Most High (S.G.V.) regularly observed Uraces. "The affairs of people are presented to Allah on Monday and on Thursday," he said. "And I want my deeds to be at the time when I follow the post" (Hadith leads At-Tirmisi).

Starting time in Islam

It is known that in Islam the post is observed throughout the daytime of the day. The counts will be conducted from the onset of the morning dawn. In the holy book, Muslims can be found Ayat:

Eat and drink until you can distinguish white thread at sunrise from black, and then fast until night (2: 187)

Fasting to stop the morning reception () before the occurrence of time (as a rule, in 30 minutes).

One day, one of the devotee asked the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) about what time interval should be between Sukhur and Azan on the morning Namaz, what he answered: "As much as it is necessary to read fifty ayatov" (Hadith from Bukhari and Muslim).

The end of the post's observance time () comes with a sunset and coincides with the occurrence. In this case, the believer after the post should first try, and then proceed to the namaz.

At the end of Sukhura, the following DUA is read (NITI):

نَوَيْتُ أَنْ أَصُومَ صَوْمَ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ إِلَى الْمَغْرِبِ خَالِصًا لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى

Transcription: "Najaita An-Assumma Sauma Shayri Ramadaan Min Al-Fajry Il Al-Maghribi Khalisan Lillyajahiiaaha"

Transfer:"I intend to keep the post of month Ramazan from dawn to sunset sincerely for the sake of Allah"

Immediately after talking - when Iftar - pronounce dua:

اللَهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَلْت وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ فَاغْفِرْلِى يَا غَفَّارُ مَا قَدَّمْتُ وَ مَأ اَخَّرْتُ

Transcription: "Allahumma Lyakya Sutter UA Bikya Amanta Ua Alyaikya Tavakkyalt UA 'Ala Rizkaykya Anstert Phagfireli ya Gaffara Ma Kaddamut Ua Ma Ahharta"

Transfer:"About Allah! For the sake of you, I kept the post, I believed in you and only I think, I'm talking about what you sent me. Sorry, about my sins former and future! "

Uraces Violating Actions

1. Intended receptionm food and smoking

If the standing consciously ate or drank something, lit, then his uraza on this day will not be accepted. But if he ate something does not intentionally, for example, for forgetfulness, in this case, a person should stop absorbing food or drink, as soon as he remembered his post, and he can continue to keep Uraces - such a post will be considered valid.

2. Intimate intimate

After committing sexual intercourse, the post is violated. Similar consequences and kissing lips on lips, as well as seeds due to conscious stimulation (masturbation).

3. Installing medication in the nose and ears

Uraz becomes invalid as soon as a person uses special drugs used to instill in the nose and the auditory channel if they fall into the larynx. At the same time, injections that are being done in Vienna or Muscle, as well as eye drops, the post is not broken.

4. Ingesting fluid when ringed throat

Upon compliance with the post, it is necessary to exhibit caution, the body of the throat in medicinal purposes or just for wetting, - water getting inside will make your post invalid. Swim in the reservoir and taking a bath in a state of waste is permissible, but the penetration of fluid through the nasal sinuses, a throat and ears should be watched.

5. Use of medical inhalers

During the post, it is possible to avoid the use of inhalers.

6. The intentional calling of vomiting

If a person who holds Uraces deliberately caused vomiting, his post is considered disturbed. If vomiting occurred not by the will of a person, the post remains valid.

7. Menstruation

In a situation where the woman in a bright time comes, she should stop fasting. This day she needs to be filled after completing menstruation.

Benefit from compliance with post

This Tip Islam carries many advantages to those who observe his believers.

First, Uraza is able to introduce a person to the paradise gardens, which you can find confirmation in the life of the Prophet (S.G.V.): "Truly, there are gates, called" Ar Rayyan ", through which on the day of the court will enter stand up. And no one will enter through these gates, besides them, "(Hadith from Bukhari and Muslim).

Secondly, the post will serve as a Muslim intercession on the vessel day: "The post and quran on the day will be trapped for the slave of Allah" (Hadith from Ahmada).

Thirdly, uraza is involved in itself, he was previously said.

In addition, all the requests of the believer that follows the post will be accepted by the Almighty. Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) said: "The Dua never rejects at the time of talking" (Ibn Maja).

What can and what is impossible to Ramadan? What are the prohibitions, conditions and rules of Ramadan?

Ramadan is one of the main and sacred months among Muslims. This is the time of understanding and spiritual cleansing, but for this, for a while, a true Muslim should refuse much: water, food, sexual relationship. After the believers check the power of their spirit. Observe the post is obliged almost everything. But to honor the traditions and correctly fulfill all the conditions, it is necessary to figure out all the subtleties and nuances of the prescriptions.

In general, not to break the post, it is enough to follow two regulations and three conditions. However, the varieties of their implementation there is a huge set. We collected full information about Ramadan rules, current conditions and prohibitions with explanations that can and what can not be done to make it easier to prepare for this period.

Prescriptions post

There are two post prescriptions:

  • The intention to observe the post. Each Muslim must start such an important thing with sincerity and respect and come to the intention to keep the post of month Ramadan for the satisfaction of the Most High Lord. And it is necessary to do this from sunrise to sunset.
  • Ban on the reception of food. After the morning prayer and until the sunset, Muslim needs to completely abandon reception of food and water. It is also forbidden to breathe tobacco smoke and join any sexual relationship.

Conditions of post

According to Ramadan rules, it is possible to start fasting only by comparable to the following conditions:

  • the believer must be an adult on the set of Sharia prescriptions;
  • the believer should have a sound unlucky reason, adequately perceive the world and not be mentally ill;
  • the believer must be healthy to be able to quickly fast.

Who does not fit the post?

  • Believers who are in a long trip or travel at a distance of more than 90 kilometers from home and are in a new place for no more than 15 days. If desired, the wanderer can fast, but according to the religion of Islam, he is released from such a duty.
  • Believers who have health problems. If the post may harm and contribute to the deterioration of the state, the Most High does not approve such a post.
  • Female believers who have critical days or postpartum cleansing periods.
  • Believers of female who are pregnant or feed the child. If there are concerns for the well-being and state of the child, Allah dismisses from the mandatory observance of the post.
  • Believers of old age, who are hard to observe the post and which suffer from incurable ailments and chronic diseases. The elderly believers are obliged to make alms to redeem it.

As of 2017, the Council of the Dum set a single amount of Fitr Sadaka: 100 rubles. For needing believers, 300 rubles. - For people with average sufficiency, 500 rubles. - For secured Muslims. The Quran states that Allah considers the size of the donation to acceptable and does not take more opportunities from the believer. This amount is enough to feed one poor person twice a day.

All released from the post on the five items should fill the missed post as soon as they correspond to the criteria for possible participation in the post.

What can not be done in Ramadan?

In order not to break the post, prohibited prescriptions should be avoided. These contingents require kaffara in the form of alms, post or any other worship, which is defined by Sharia:

  • Deliberate meal, drinking water, reception of drugs, smoking.
  • Deliberate intimate communication with his wife / husband.

Circumstances that should also be avoided in order not to violate the post, but if they are committed, they require compensation:

  • Application of the enema.
  • The use of the drug through ears and nose.
  • Specially caused nausea and vomiting.
  • Random fluid intake during ablution through the nasopharynk.

What can and what does not violate post during Ramadan?

  • If you make a random meal: if the Muslim has forgotten and ate something or drank something, but then he came to his senses and stopped, he continues his post. It is believed that this Allah treated him.
  • If you take a shower, make a complete ablution or not long to be in the bath.
  • If you try to eat, but not swallow it.
  • If we rinse the oral cavity and wash the nose.
  • If you stop pupils with medicines, as well as make eye by antimony.
  • If you swallow the residues of food that are stuck between the teeth, provided that the residues of the residues are not more than the pea.
  • If you clean your teeth with a scam or brush.
  • If you breathe any incense.
  • If you pass the blood.
  • If an uncontrollable sperm emission occurred.
  • If a variable mass is separated in a small amount: uncontrollable vomiting, which can be swallowed independently back.

During Ramadan, Muslim can make food only twice a day: until dawn and after sunset.


This time before the sunrise, which is given to Ramadan for food intake. Each is necessary before the onset of dawn. Do not eat food, which remained from the evening eating.


Immediately with the sunset comes the time of Iftar. It is necessary to thank Allah for his generosity, read the prayer to turn to the Almighty with a request to accept post, all errors and sins that were committed by chance or deliberately.

Then, immediately, you should eat and do not argue.

How is the prayer "Tauguevich"?

Prayer "Tarafih" should be executed every day during Ramadan and it is not recommended to refrain from it for Muslim. It is also desirable to fulfill prayer in the mosque surrounded by other like-minded people. However, if there is no possibility, perhaps individual commit.

Read this prayer is only necessary after the Night Prayer "Isha" and continue to continue before the dawn starts. The time of execution of Namaz "Vitr", which is usually performed after the night namaz, is shifted during the period of Ramadan and is possible after the prayer of Tarafih.

This prayer does not need redemption and replenishment in case of its imperfect.

Post by watch Mecca

In certain time zones, the period between the sunrise and the sunset is very long, up to nineteen hours and even more. In the strong heat of the month of Ramadan, it complicates compliance with all obligations and regulations, especially this concerns meals for food and liquid. In order not to violate the post, there is relaxation for such cases. After all, the goal of the post in Islam is not burdens, do not torment, not to deliver difficulties and not to ruin the health of believers.

Therefore, believers who live in a place with a very long lighting day, can make a post by watch Mecca. Miscellaneous due to a long day will be explicitly in a couple of days Ramadan. Then it should be rebuilt and start rubbish, let's say, on the hour of Moscow, and to make an Iftar on a Mecca's hour zone.

What is a gardener in Ramadan

Sadaka is helping people in Islamic culture. In order not to break the post, it is necessary to fulfill the obligatory swaps of the charatul-fitr or, as it is also called, Salakatul Fitr. This is a kind of tax that pays every member of the family before the festive prayer of the Treparation Day. This tax is going to help poor and needing believers.

Who should pay the pryatul-fitr? The one who has a roof over his head, food and everything you need to keep yourself and your loved ones, who has no debts and is the opportunity to pay for the tax. To do this, it is enough to transfer it to the nearest mosque, where in the end we will distribute the obtained funds.

How to work in Ramadan?

Each Muslim during the post is trying to devote himself to Most High Allah as much as possible. However, often many do not decide to start a post due to employment at work, study. After all, during this period, the post requires not only a lot of time, but also a separate room, a special schedule, which is sometimes impossible to adjust the work.

If before the post there is still time, you may have to take a vacation for these days. This will fully focus, comprehend your lifestyle and understand the main values \u200b\u200bof life.

If you do not have the opportunity to take leave for the post, then, it means you have to distribute time so that it worked for you. So how to cope with inconvenience and skillfully combine work and religion?

Adhere to the following advice, and you will be much easier:

  • Competently distribute the time and open the routine of the day. Highlight time on prayer rituals, reading the Koran, Namaz, as well as the acts of worship. If you do not correctly organize your schedule, you can forget about any mandatory standards.
  • Do not skip Sujur. Do not be lazy and get up to the dawn of the sun, because this is the first reception of food per day, which should saturate you and give strength for the whole day. This is especially important in summer heat.
  • Do not rush in the morning. Before Sukhur, you need to perform Tahajul minimum in two cancer. Also do not forget to make Dua.
  • Appreciate every free minute. As soon as you have the opportunity to give time to devote yourself to Almighty Allah. Do not think that the rest of the work schedule is less loaded than yours. Everyone can find time to make ZIKR and listen to the Quran along the way to study or work. This will help not be distracted from post and not distracted by unauthorized.
  • Do not skip lunch breaks. Lunch break - rest time, "reboot" of the body. If there is a mosque not far from work, then it is better to visit her on a lunch break and devote time to Namaz. It will give you strength and energy to continue working productively.
  • After work, do not tighten with Iftar. You can break a little and with all family members to prepare for Iftar. It is important to do that together, because joint help in home affairs brings together and gives strength. The Messenger of Allah himself always helped members of her family home. Before Iftar, the whole family should worship Allah, pray and ask for the forgiveness of sins.
  • Think over the menu in advance. Perhaps it will be easier to prepare once for the whole week and package food through containers. Power must be balanced, especially for Sukhura. After all, energy from food should be enough for a whole day. But at the same time remember that it is not necessary to overload the nutrition by fast carbohydrates. They take the forces from the body for processing, which, of course, to affect your concentration, vigorous and efficiency.
  • Do not be tempted. This is especially concerns breaks when all colleagues go for lunch. Remember, for what and for whom you do it. After all, the post is your choice that concerns only you and the Most High Allah.
  • Think positively. All thoughts are material, and if you wake up with thoughts about how hard and difficult to you today will have, then, most likely, it will be. Think about how simple and easy for you will be during the post, as you will develop and saturate spiritually. If you will be well thought about Allah and not tighten, it is already considered one of the best types of worship.

Knowing Ramadan rules, knowing that it is possible and what can not be done, you must enter the above-mentioned tips in the habit. Then the post will pass much easier and more productive.

Does the woman holds a post during Heyda and Nifasa (monthly and postpartum bleeding)?

No, if a woman will keep a post during such states, there will be sin on it.

Should a woman replenish the days of the post missed due to Heyde and Nifasa (monthly and postpartum bleeding)?

Yes, in the Hadith, transmitted from Ahishi, will be pleased with Him Allah, it was reported that the Prophet, peace and blessing, said that women do not need to fill the prayers missing during menstruation, but need to fill out the days of the post missed for this reason ( I'Lius-Sunan, t. 1, p. 372)

Is the day of the post counting, if a woman has a few minutes before the evening Azana started menstruation?

If the cycle has begun only after sunset, the post is considered valid.

Is the day of the post counting, if a woman started a cycle immediately after talking before the night prayer?

If the cycle began only after sunset, the post is considered valid.

What to do if the menstrual cycle starts during uraces?

It is necessary to interrupt the post. In the Hadith, transmitted by Abu Said Al-Lyube, will be pleased with Allah, says: "Doesn't she leave prayer and post when menstruation begins?" (Al-Bukhari, No. 1951, Muslim № 889). After the menstrual period, you will need to compensate the missed days of fasting.

Is it desirable to refrain from eating during the post in Ramadan?

In this state, a woman should not refrain from food and water, but she needs to show respect for the Ramadan.

Should a woman keep a post if she was cleared of menstruation immediately after the morning prayer?

Will this day have been counted? A woman can keep the post, but this day of the post will not be counted.

Should a woman replenish the day of the post if she cleared of menstruation in front of the most morning namaz?

If a woman cleared of menstruation to Morning Namaz and was convinced, even for a moment that she is Clean in the month of Ramadan, then she is obliged to keep the post, and her post will be valid.

Should a woman replenish the day of the post if she was cleared of menstruation to the morning namaz, and bathed, making a prayer?

Should a woman replenish the day of the post, if she cleared of menstruation and bathed only after the morning namaz, having committed a prayer, and continued to keep the post?

There is nothing wrong with that if the woman was swimming only after Morning Namaz.

Should a woman fast on that day, when her menstruation unexpectedly ceased to the morning Azan, but she did not get up on Sujur?

If you woke up, she did nothing that could break the post, then if desired, you can make the intention of Mazhab Imam Abu Khanifa. In this case, the intention can be done even an hour before the onset of dinner namaz. If she makes such an intention and will abide by the post until the end of the day, then her post will be valid and it will not have to refund.

What should a pregnant or nursing woman do in the post?

If a pregnant or nursing woman assumes that the post can harm her and a child, then she can refrain from compliance with the post and fill it later. Pregnant and lactating women should be advised to the doctor (preferably, Muslim), will the post and their child hurt them. It should be borne in mind that if a woman keeps the post in such a state and subsequently it turns out that its health or child health has worsened, there will be sin on it.

If, because of the pregnancy, a woman broke out whether the post is disturbed?

If vomiting happened involuntarily, then the post is not broken.

Should a pregnant woman interrupt the post and Namaz if she saw blood for a day or two to childbirth, not yet experiencing torment?

If a woman does not experience suffering (difficulties), such blood is considered dirty, but not related to generic cleansing. In this case, a woman is obliged to make Namaz and can keep post.

You can take special hormonal drugs that delay the occurrence of a monthly cycle to keep the post all Ramadan in a row, without a break?

This is permissible, but is considered undesirable. Reception of such drugs may have side effects and lead to problems with making namaz (or the commission of Hajj and Umrand) in the future. Moreover, these medicines are not harmless from a medical point of view. Allah destroyed the daughters of Adam humility: keep the post when it hinders nothing, if something makes it difficult for you, then talk about what I am satisfied and ordered Allah, praise him.

Should I keep the post of the woman in labor if it cleared to expire for 40 days?

Yes, if the woman is clean in the month of Ramadan, then she must keep the post, and her post will be valid. There is nothing that prevents her to keep the post, make prayers and have proximity to her husband outside the post.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby during the post?

Yes, it is permitted, breastfeeding does not affect the validity of the post. However, it is important that the observance of the post does not damage the state of a woman or child.

Should the female hold the post if postpartum blood lasts more than sixty days?

In this case, the woman is obliged to keep herself from worship for the usual cycle time, and then you need to swim and become prayer. If blood remains, you need to consult a doctor, as it can be associated with the disease.

Will the post valid if a woman has minor blood drops not in the cycle days?

Even if then these drops are continuing during the entire month of Ramadan, the post is considered valid. As Ali Bin Abi Talib said, and he will be pleased with Allah: "Drops, similar to bleeding from the nose, are not menstruation." Isolation of white, yellow, muddy or drop (hydrigin) is not menstruation.

Will there be a full post of day if the woman saw blood, but not sure that these menstruation?

The post is valid until it becomes known that this is the beginning of the cycle. If these allocations were the beginning of menstruation, this day will need to be filled.

Is it more permissible to keep the post on that day when there was a miscarriage?

In the event that the embryo was not formed, the blood is not a postpartum cleansing (nifas) and a woman can make Namaz and keep the post, and its post will be valid. According to scientists, the fruit is framed after 81 days. The miscarriage of up to 80 days is considered dirty blood, due to which the woman should not leave Namaz and the post.

Can a woman keep a post in Ramadan who has permanent allocations?

A woman who has constant bleeding due to illness, interrupts Namaz and post at that time, in which she had been cycle before. After counting the days of the cycle, the woman is obliged to swim, become on prayer and keep the post. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing, told women who suffer from unlimited discharge, to update the ablution after each namaz.

If on the day of Ramadan, a pregnant woman went blood, how does this affect her post?

If a woman is confident that it is not menstruation, then her post is not broken. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing, said: "It does not make Namaz and does not hold a woman who has a menstruation."

How to act in a situation where blood stopped during the menstruation cycle and did not appear for a whole day?

If this cleansing (blood) is associated with a cycle, then this is not considered final cleansing, and therefore everything is prohibited by a woman forbidden to women during menstruation.

Should a woman begun to start fasting if at the end of the cycle she did not appear white allocations?

If a woman usually determines the end of menstruation over white secretions, she needs to refrain from the post for all time cycle. If there are no such sequencies in the last days of menstruation, a woman usually does not happen and no longer blood, she needs to keep post.

Can a woman visiting a gynecologist or apply drugs that are introduced through intimate organs (candles and the like)?

Since the genitals are not associated with the digestive system, the introduction of drugs or tools moistened with medicine, in intimate organs does not violate the post. Therefore, visit the doctor or the introduction of drugs into intimate authorities does not violate.

If a woman has started monthly during the post, can she eat? Or vice versa, what should she do if her monthly stopped during the day of the post? Will her post valid in this case?

If menstruation started during the post, you can eat, but you need to try to do it so that this is not seen by the people. This day of the post will need to be filled after Ramadan (even if the monthly began a few minutes before Iftar). If a woman, on the contrary, ended, monthly during a light day (when the post is obligatory), she should keep post until the end of the day out of respect for Ramadan, although this day will need to be filled after.

How to be during a nursing mother post?

A woman of a pregnant or nursing is allowed not to fast if she fears for himself or for a child. Our prophet, peace and blessing, said: "Allah facilitated the duty of the post and part of the prayer for the traveler and he facilitated the duty of the post for pregnant and lactating women" (AT-Tirmisi, 3/85)