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In which year Rules Nevsky. With whom Alexander Nevsky fought. Childhood and Youth Years

Alexander Nevsky, whose biography is presented in this article - Prince Novgorod in the period from 1236 to 1251, and from 1252 - Grand Duke Vladimir. He was born alleged in 1221, and died in 1263. The son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, the Russian prince, was Alexander Nevsky. His biography in two words is next. He secured Russia, her western borders, victories over the Swedes in the Nevsky Battle of the Nevsky Battle, as well as the Knights of the Livonian Order in 1242 (Ice Bottomier). Alexander Nevsky was canonized by the Orthodox Church. Read more about these and other events below.

Origin of Alexander, beginning of the Board

A future prince was born in the family of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Feodosia, the daughter of Mstislav Delosha. He is a grandson of Vsevolod a big nest. By 1228, the first information about the future of Prince includes. Then in Novgorod, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich joined the citizens to the conflict and was forced to go to his tribal ship, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Despite the forced departure, the prince of this left on the care of the boyars two sons in Novgorod. These were Fedor and Alexander Nevsky. The biography of the latter is marked by important events after the death of the Elder Brother, Fedor. Then Alexander becomes the heir of his father. He was planted in 1236 on novgorod Princess. Three years later, in 1239, Prince Alexander Nevsky married Alexander Nevsky.

A brief biography of it for this period is as follows. Alexander Nevsky in the early years of the reign was to strengthen Novgorod, since Mongol-Tatars threatened the city from the east. He built a few fortresses on the river.

Victory on Neve.

The young prince, universal glory brought a victory that he won the Swedish detachment on the banks of the Neva River, at the mouth of Izhora, in 1240 July 15. They were commanded, according to legend, Yar Birger, the future ruler of Sweden, although in the chronicle belonging to the 14th century, this campaign is not mentioned. Alexander personally participated in the battle. It is believed that Nevsky began to call the prince for this victory, although only in the 14th century sources this nickname is found for the first time. It was known that some of the princely descendants were nicknames of Nevsky. It is possible that they were assigned to them in this area. That is, there is a chance that not only the victory on the Neva was awarded this nickname Prince Alexander. Nevsky, the biography of which was not fully studied, perhaps simply transferred it nickname to their descendant. It is believed to traditionally that the battle that occurred in 1240 retained the shores of the Finnish bay for Russia, stopped the aggression of the Swedes aimed at Pskov and Novgorod lands.

Events preceding Ice Bare

Because of the next conflict, Alexander was forced to leave Novgorod to Pereyaslav-Zalessky on the return from the banks of the Neva. Above the city in the meantime, the enemy threat from the West was hanging. Having gathered in the Baltic States of the German Crusaders, as well as in the roar of the Danish knights, the Livonian Order, having enlisted with the support of Pskovichi, long-standing rivals of Novgorod, as well as papal currics, invaded the territory of Novgorod lands.

Embassy with a request for help was sent from Novgorod to Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. In response, he provided an armed squad, headed by Andrei Yaroslavich, his son. Soon he was replaced by Alexander Nevsky, whose biography interests us. He freed the Water Earth and Koporye, engaged in knights, after which he knocked out a German garrison from Pskov. Novgorod, inspired by the successes, invaded the lands of the Livonian Order and began to ruin settlements of the Danikovsky of the Crusaders, Esta. The Knights, who left Riga, destroyed the regiment of Domasha Tverdislavich, who was considered the best among the Russians, forcing Alexander Nevsky to take their detachments to the border of the Livonian Order. At that time she passed on the mud of the lake. After that, both sides began to prepare for decisive battle.

Ice rapid and defeat Lithuanian detachments

There was a decisive battle of the crowing stone, on the ice of the Church of the Lake, in 1242 on April 5th. In history, this battle was included as an ice side. German knights were defeated. Before you need to enter into the world, the Livonian Order was delivered. Under the condition, the crusaders should have abandoned their claims to Russian land, passing Russia part of Latgale.

After that, Alexander Nevsky began fighting Lithuanian detachments. Its biography at this time can be briefly represented as follows. In the summer of the same year (1242), he defeated the seven Lithuanian detachments, which attacked Russian lands in the North-West. After that, Alexander dismissed Toropets in 1245, who was captured by Lithuania, destroyed the Lithuanian squad at Lake Litovsky and in conclusion, defeated the Lithuanian militia.

Alexander and Orda

For a long time, the successful actions of Alexander Safety of Russian borders in the West were provided, but in the east, the princes had to suffer defeat from Mongol-Tatars.

Khan Bati, the ruler of the Golden Horde, in 1243 he handed the label to managing Russian lands, who were conquered by them, the father of Alexander. GUUK, Great Mongolian Khan, called him to Karakorum, his capital, where in 1246, September 30, Yaroslav unexpectedly died. It was poisoned, according to the generally accepted version. Then his sons, Andrei and Alexander, were caused to Karakorum. While they traveled to Mongolia, Han Guyuk himself died, and Hansha Ogul-Hamish, a new hostess of the capital, decided to make Andrei Grand Prince. Alexander Nevsky (Prince, whose biography interests us) Only Kiev received us and devastated South Rus.

Alexander refuses to adopt a Catholic faith

The brothers only in 1249 were able to return to their homeland. Alexander Nevsky's prince did not go to his new possessions. A brief biography of his next years is as follows. He headed to Novgorod, where he was seriously ill. Innocent IV, Roman dad, about this time sent an embassy to him with a proposal to contact the Catholic faith, offering their help in the fight against Mongols. However, Alexander refused in categorical form.

Ogul-Hamish in Karakorum in 1252 was overthrown by Khan Mengke (MINE). Battered, using this circumstance in order to remove Andrei Yaroslavich from the Grand Ducion, presented Alexander Nevsky label of the Grand Duke. Alexander was called urgently in the barn, the capital of the Golden Horde. However, Andrei, supported by Yaroslav, his brother, as well as Galitsky Prince Daniel Romanovich, to submit to the decision of Khan Batya, refused.

He, in order to punish recurrent princes, sent the Mongolian squad, who commanded the nullity (the so-called "nursery"), or the beaten. Yaroslav and Andrei as a result of this fled from Northeast Russia.

Alexander Restores His Son's Rights

Yaroslav Yaroslavovich Later, in 1253, was invited to Pskov to the reign, and then to Novgorod (in 1255). At the same time, Novgorod kicked out Vasily, his former prince, who was the son of Alexander Nevsky. However, Alexander, putting him again in Novgorod, punished cruelly his warriors who failed to protect the rights of the Son. They were all blinded.

Alexander suppresses an uprising in Novgorod

The glorious biography of Alexander Nevsky continues. Summary Events belonging to the uprising in Novgorod, the following. Khan Burke, the new ruler of the Golden Horde, introduced in Russia since 1255 a system of crushing a tribute, common to all conquered lands. In Novgorod, in 1257, they were sent, as in other cities, "nizenniki" in order to carry out a census of the population. This was outraged by Novgorod, supported which Prince Vasily. The uprising began in the city, which continued for more than a year and a half. Alexander Nevsky brought the order personally, ordered to execute the most active participants in these unrest. Captured and entered into custody was and Vasily Alexandrovich. It turned out to be broken Novgorod, who was forced to submit to the orders and start paying tribute to the Golden Horde. Dmitry Alexandrovich since 1259 became a new governor in the city.

Death Alexander Nevsky

In the Suzdal cities, excitement broke out in 1262. Here the Khan backers were interrupted, and the Tatar merchants are expelled from here. In order to soften the anger Khan Burke, Alexander decided to personally go to the Horde with gifts. All winter and summer kept the prince Khan beside himself. Only in the fall, Alexander was able to return to Vladimir. On the way, he Zanemor and died in the city in 1263, on November 14th. This date ends the biography of Alexander Nevsky. A brief content of it we tried to describe whether it is possible. In the monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin in Vladimir, his body was buried.

Canonization of Alexander Nevsky

This prince in the conditions that collapsed on the land of Russia's rules were able to find the strength in order to resist the conquerors from the West, thereby reducing the fame of the great commander. Thanks to him, the basics of interaction with the Golden Horde were also laid.

In Vladimir, since the 1280s, reverence of this person begins as a saint. Officially, a few later prince Alexander Nevsky was canonized. A brief biography of his compiled by us mentions that he refused to supply Innocent IV. And this is an important item. Alexander Nevsky is the only secular ruler from Orthodox throughout Europe, which for the sake of preserving his power did not compromise with Catholics. Life story He was written with the participation of Dmitry Alexandrovich, his son, as well as Metropolitan Cyril. She received widespread in Russia (15 editions came to us).

Monastery and orders in honor of Alexander

The monastery in honor of Alexander was founded in St. Petersburg Peter I in 1724. Now it is Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The remains of the prince were transported there. Peter I also ordered to honor the 19th memory of this person on the day of the world with Sweden. Ekaterina I in 1725 founded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

This award has existed as one of the highest in Russia until 1917. The Soviet Order of his name was established in 1942.

So the prince Alexander Nevsky was immortalized in our country, short biography which was presented to you.

This man B. domestic history It is an important figure, so we get acquainted with him for the first time in school years. Alexander Nevsky's biography for children, however, notes only the most highlights. In this article, his life is considered in more detail, which allows you to make a more complete picture of this Prince. Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, whose biography was described by us, fully deserved its fame.

Board of Alexander Nevsky (briefly)

Board of Alexander Nevsky (briefly)

Alexander Nevsky, who born in the thirtieth of May 1220 and the fourteenth-tested November 1263 was the Grand Prince Vladimir and had to the son of the prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Alexander had to hold his young years in Novgorod, where he reigned along with his brother Fedor, first guided by the opinion and decisions of two boyars, and later (from 1236) on his own. Soon the prince takes in the wives of Bryachliva Polotsk Alexander.

In 1240, the Swedes who challenged Finland are gathering, motivated by Bullos Pope about a cross campaign to Novgorod. However, Alexander managed to break their forces when the Izhora River is shied in the Neva.

This battle gave the nicknamed by Alexander. In the same year, Nevsky comes a quarrel with Novgorod, who tried to limit his power, after which he leaves the city and leaves to Pereyaslavl. But I broke out the war with the swords, who connected with the Teutonic Order, forced the Novgorod residents to call Alexander again.

Returned prince, dismantled in 1241 Coporya, a year later, Pskov, and, having put forward the troops to the Livonius, the fifth of April 1242 defeated the mud of Lake Germans on the ice. This historical event Historians are accustomed to call "Ice Weight." According to the prisoner peace treaty, the Germans completely refused the prisoners and conquered territories. Already in the same year (and in 1245), Alexander Nevsky managed to win in battles with Lithuanians, and in 1256 he devastates Finnish to the disappearance of the Swedes.

After the death of the Father in 1247, Nevsky and Brother go to Bat, and then in Mongolia, where Alexander receives Novgorod and Kiev, and Andrei Vladimir Table. However, after the disobedience of Andrei, the throne was transferred to Nevsky.

In 1258, Prince Alexander visited the Horde to express the reverence of the sovereign, and a year later he could prompt Novgorod to agree on the so-called Tatar census. In 1262, the uprising breaks up in Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Pereyaslavl and Vladimir, but the Nevsky who went to Orde was able to reject the pogroms for the failure of these Russian cities by Tatar hordes.

On the way back home Nevsky died in the city of Volzhsky. Alexander was considered in that period the largest and most reasonable ruler since Vladimir Monomakh, the memory of this ruler is surrounded by poetic legends and many literary ancient sources.

Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky († 1263)

Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. His father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (+ 1246), was the younger son of Vsevolod III a large nest (+ 1212). The mother of St. Alexander, Feodosia Igorevna, Ryazan Princess, was the third wife of Yaroslav. The eldest son was the holy burgher prince Feodor (+ 1233), who was pressed to the Lord at the age of 15. Saint Alexander was their second son.

Origin of Alexander Nevsky (Enecting Tree)

The ancestor of Alexander on the maternal and father's line was the glorious warrior and the wise ruler Vladimir Monomakh . His son Yuri in nicknamed Dolgoruky became famous not only by the military valor, but also cruelty. From 1176 to 1212, Vladimir Prince was the younger son of Yuri Dolgorrukova Vsevolod. Vsevolod received a nickname a big nest as he had many sons. After his death, the sons were divided by the principality on the part and led passengers. One of them was Yaroslav Prince Pereslavl - the Zalessky Father Alexander Nevsky.

The first years of young prince was held in Pereslavl, where the father was rejected. When Alexander was 5 years old, Prince Yaroslav was led by the son of "Princely Tester", after which he began to teach an experienced leader, boyar Fedor Danilovich.

Alexander studied the etiquette rules, letter and reading, the history of great ancestors. In Novgorod, with his father, he was trained in internal and external diplomacy, fastened the art to subjugate the boyar and to believe the crowd, changeable and terrible. This was attending this at the eve of this, sometimes on the Council, listening to the conversation of the Father. But a special place in the training and education of the prince was allotted with an increasing cause. Alexander studied to own a horse, protective and offensive weapons, to be a tournament knight and know the system hiking and equestrian, tactics of the field battle and siege of the fortress.

Increasingly, young Knazhich traveled together with a friend of his father to the distant and neighboring cities, to hunt, took part in the charges of the Prince of Dani, and most importantly, in the rolling battles. With the then upbringing strong characters Eased in the princely medium very early. The political situation of the early Middle Ages, suggested frequent military actions and stormy internal intrigues. This, in turn, was a good "visual manual" for the forming commander. An example of ancestors obliged to be a hero.

At the age of 14 in 1234 The first campaign of Alexander (under the fatherly stitch) at the Livonian Germans (the battle on the R. Emayigi (in the current Estonia)) was held.

In 1227, Prince Yaroslav, at the request of Novgorod, was sent by Brother, the Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri, to pronomize the Great in Novgorod. He took with him the sons, the saints of Feodor and Alexander.

The daughter of St. Michael Chernigovsky (+ 1246; Memory September 20), Feoduodul, wound with the Holy Feodor, the elder brother of St. Alexander. But after the death of the bridegroom in 1233, the young princess went to the monastery and became famous in the night rev. Euphrosinia Suzdal (+ 1250) .

In 1236, Yaroslav left to pronomize Kiev and Alexander, who was already 16 years old, began to edit independently in Novgorod. Novgorod people were proud of their prince. He performed a defender of orphans, widows, was an assistant starving. Prince Smoloda dated priesthood and monasticism, i.e. He was a prince from God and obedient God. In the first years of his reign, he had to strengthen Novgorod, since Mongols-Tatars were threatened from the east. On the Sheloni River, Alexander built several fortresses.

In 1239, St. Alexander entered into marriage, taking the daughter of Polotsk Prince Bryachov.

Some historians say that the princess in the Holy Baptism was TezoMenitis to his Holy Spouse and wore the name of Alexander. Father, Yaroslav, blessed them with the wedding of the holy miraculous icon Theodore of the Mother of God (in the baptism of the father called the feodor). This icon was constantly then with Holy Alexander, as his prayer image, and then in memory of him was taken from Gorodetsky Monastery, where he died, his brother, Vasily Yaroslavich Kostroma (+ 1276), and moved to Kostroma.

Historical situation at the time of the start of the reign of Alexander Nevsky

Map 1239-1245.

The prince of Alexander Nevsky (1236-1263) coincided with one of the most severe and tragic periods of Russian history: from the east, the Mongolian hordes walked, the knightly hordes of the "Crusaders" (Swedes and the German Knights of the Livonian Order) came from the west.The horror of this situation was expressed in the fact that on the one hand over the Russian lands hung the threat of the invasion of steppe nomads - Mongol, which was certainly led to enslavement, at best, and to destroy in worst. On the other, the Baltic side best option Sulled the Russian people to refuse the Christian faith and knees the knees before the banners of Western Catholicism.

In addition, the XII - XIII century - the period of feudal fragmentation. Rus was weakened by the overwhelming of its inter-case-free wars. Every princess tried to exist on his manner. Brother walked on his brother. Everything was put on the move: murder, entry into related links with authoritative alien births, heeping, intrigue, flirting and simultaneous cruelty with citizens. The historical conditions of the period in which the princes were delivered, pushed them into certain actions.

The blessing prince Alexander Nevsky became the central figure of a new one, revived from the ruins of the small-bedding goals of Russia, and it was precisely to him who were addressed as a defender and a uniform of the lands in the face of the Goldenopinian threat.

Nevskaya battle (1240g.)

The universal glory of the young prince brought a victory over the banks of the Neva, the Lake Lake Lake July 15, 1240 over the Swedes, by legend, commanded the future ruler of Sweden Jar Birger.

Alexander personally participated in the battle. It is believed that it was for this victory the prince began to callNevsky . The battle of historians called.

Using the invasion of Batya, the defeat of Russian cities, confusion and the grief of the people, the death of his best sons and leaders, the hordes of the Crusaders invaded the limits of the Fatherland.

Saint Alexander, he was not then another 20 years, prayed for a long time in the temple of St. Sophia, the wisdom of God. Coming out of the temple, Saint Alexander strengthened the squad fulfilled by faith in words: "God is not in force, but in the truth. Other - with weapons, other - on the horses, and we call our Lord's name! They laid and fell, we were restrained and firm."

With a small squad, the prince hurried to the Holy Trinity, the prince hurried to the enemies, - wait for the submenses from his father who did not know about the attack of enemies, there was no time. Novgorod was granted to himself. The ruus crushed by Tatars could not have any support to him.

Alexander had only his small squad and a detachment of Warriors Novgorod. Forces, the forces needed to compensate for a sudden attack on the Swedish camp.

Swedes, tired by the sea, staged a vacation. Simple warriors rested on ships. Heads and knights servants put tents on the shore.On the morning of July 15, 1240 attacked the Swedes. Swedes who were on ships could not come to help those who were on the shore. The enemy turned out to be disconnected into two parts. Broshina led by Alexander himself caused by the Swedes high strike. An imposed cruel fight.

A few Russian military in the fluff and dust defeated significantly superior enemy forces. Neither numerical superiority, nor Military skills, no magic spells of the Swedish bishops could save the enemy from the complete defeat. The leader of the invasion of the Yarla Birger to his Alexander inflicted a heavy blow to his face.

The victory in the eyes of contemporaries put it on the pedestal of Great Glory. The impression of the victory was the stronger that it happened in the heavy godin of adversity in the rest of Russia. In the eyes of the people on Alexander and Novgorod Earth, a special grace of God was manifested.

Nevertheless, Novgorod, always jealous to their liberties, in the same year they managed to raise with Alexander, and he retired to his father who gave him Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Novgorod Especially stood out of the Russian cities of that time and held one of the dominant positions. He was independent of Kievan Rus.

Map of Russian principalities at the beginning of XIII.

Back in 1136 in Novgorod Earth established republican Board. At the form of the board, it was a feudal democratic republic with elements of the oligarchy. Upper class They were a boyars who owned lands and capital and looked at the money of merchants. The institution of public administration was the veche, which called and approved by Novgorod princes from the nearby principalities (as a rule, from the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality).The figure of the prince in Novgorod was not so authoritative, he had to swear to the loyalty to the Novgorod Republic. The features of the prince were a civil court and defense, during the war he was also the main warlord. Residents of the city had the right to accept or not accept the prince. The view of citizens affected certain political decisions. Naturally, the assessment of the importance of these solutions for the state was not always adequate. Their view proceeded from the problems of the current, everyday being, as it were, with their "everyday bell tower." There was a danger of rebellion. Often there were conflicts between boyars and ordinary people. Special exacerbation of the contradictions was observed in economically unstable and politically disturbing moments. The reason could be the crumbling or danger of military intervention on the part of alien. Alexander Nevsky's father Yaroslav thoroughly quarreled with Novgorod all his life, then began to go with them again. Several times, the Novgorod men drove him behind a steep temper and violence, and was invited several times again, no matter how unable to do without him. I will like the Novgorod mantow to raise your authority from the whole Russian people.

Ice rapid on the Lake Chiction (1242)

Battle on the Ice

In 1240, while Alexander fought with the Swedes, the German Crusaders began to conquer the Pskov region, and next 1241, the Germans took Pskov himself. In 1242, an encouraged by success, the Livonian Order, gathering the German crusaders of the Baltic States, Danish knights from the Revel, having enlisted with the support of Pskovich's Pakskov's old rivals, invaded the limits of Novgorod lands.

Novgorod turned first to Yaroslav, and then they asked Alexander to protect them. Since the danger threatened not only by Novgorod, but all Russian land, Alexander, forgetting for a while about the past resentment, immediately went to clean up Novgorod lands from German invaders.

In 1241, Alexander appeared to Novgorod and cleared his area from enemies, and next year, together with Brother Andrei, moved to the help of Pskov, where the German governors were sitting.

Alexander liberated Pskov and from here, without losing time, moved to the border of the Livonian Order, held on the Church of the Lake.

Both sides began to prepare for decisive battle. It happened on the ice of the Lake Will, the crowing stone April 5, 1242.and entered the story as Battle on the Ice . German knights were defeated. The Livonian Order was put before the need to conclude the world through which the Crusaders refused claims to Russian lands, and also passed part of Latgale.

It is said that then Alexander said the words that became prophetic in Russian land:"Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword and will die!"

After the Swedes and Germans, Alexander turned his weapons on Lithuanians and a number of victories (in 1242 and 1245) showed them that it was impossible to make raids on Russian lands. According to the legends of the chronicles, Alexander Nevsky caught up with the Livonians such fear that they became "to obey his name." So, in 1256, the Swedes tried to take away the Finnish coast in Novgorod again and, together with the prison, they began to build a fortress on the river. Narov; But at one hearing about the approach of Alexander with Suzdal and Novgorod regiments, they retired. To frighten the Swedes, Alexander made a trip to Swedish possessions, to the country of Emi (the current Finland), subjected to its emptying.

At about this time, in 1251. Rome Pope Innocent IV sent to Alexander Nevsky Embassy with a proposal to take Catholicism, allegedly in exchange for his assistance in the joint struggle against the Mongols. This proposal was rejected by Alexander in the most categorical form.

The struggle against the Livonians and with the Swedes was, in fact, the struggle of the Orthodox East with the Catholic West. In the face of terrible tests that collapsed on Russian lands, Alexander Nevsky managed to find the forces to confront Western conquerors, having discarded the glory of the Great Russian Communist Party.

The successful military actions of Alexander Nevsky for a long time ensured the safety of Western borders of Russia, but in the east, Russian princes had to stick their head to a much stronger enemy - Mongol-Tatars.

Relationship with the Golden Horde

Map of the Golden Horde in the XIIIV.

Golden Horde - The medieval state in Eurasia, resulting from the division of the Empire of Genghis Khan between his sons. Based in 1243 by Khan Batym. The geographically golden horde occupied most of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia, the flat part of the Caspian and Turansk lowland, Crimea, as well as the Eastern European steppe to the Danube. The core of the state was the Kypchak steppe. Russian lands were not included in the Golden Horde, and they fell into a vassal dependence - the population paid tribute and subordinate to the orders of Khan. The capital of the Golden Horde was the city of Saray, or shed-batbased not far from the current Astrakhan.
In the period from 1224 to 1266, the Golden Horde was located in the Mongol Empire.

Rate Khana

Numerous raids of Mongol-Tatars for Russian Earth in 1227-1241. They did not affect the immediate establishment of foreign domination. Mongol-Tatar Igo, which lasted until 1480, began only from 1242g. (Since the Russian princes began to pay tribute).

In 1266, at Khan Mengu-Timur, he found complete independence, retaining only a formal dependence on the Imperial Center. In the XIII century, the state religion was paganism and for part of the population of Orthodoxy. Since 1312, the predominant and the only religion became Islam.
By the middle of the XV century, the Golden Horde broke up into several independent hanses; Its central part, nominally continued to be considered the Verkhovna - a big horde, ceased existence at the beginning of the XVI century.

In 1243 Khan Bati (grandson of Genghishana), the ruler of the western part of the Mongolian power - the Golden Horde, presented the label of the Grand Duke Vladimirsky to the management of the conquered Russian lands Father Alexander - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Great Khan Mongol GUUK called on the Grand Duke in his capital Karakorum, where September 30, 1246 Yaroslav unexpectedly died (According to the generally accepted version, it was poisoned). Then, in 1247, at the request of Batya, in the capital of the Golden Horde of Saray-Batu, his sons were called - Alexander and Andrei. Baty sent them to worship to Great Hanu Guyuku in Mongolia (Cracurum). While Yaroslavichi traveled to Mongolia, Han Guyuk himself died, and the new owner of Karakorum Khansha Ogul-Hamish decided to appoint Great Prince Vladimir Andrei (Vladimir at that time was the largest political center of all Russian lands).It should be noted that Andrei came to the supreme power, and the seniority came, bypassing several contenders who belonged to the high-time throne. Alexander received the department devastated as a result of South Rus raids (Kiev) and Novgorod. Kiev after Tatar ruin lost all importance; Therefore, Alexander settled in Novgorod.

Alexander Nevsky clearly understood that to preserve the North-Western borders of Russia in immunity, as well as to keep open access to the Baltic Sea, only under the condition of peaceful relations with the Golden Horde - to fight against two mighty enemies of Russia, then there was no strength. The second half of the life of the famous commander was glorious not military victories, but diplomatic, no less necessary than the military.

With the then smallness and fragmentation of the Russian population in Eastern lands, it was impossible to think about the release of Tatars from under power. Razarled and mired in poverty and feudal fragmentation of Russian princes was almost impossible to collect any army to provide decent resistance to Tatar-Mongolas. Under these conditions, Alexander decided to get along with Tatars by anything. It was the easier that the Mongols, the mercilessly exterminated everyone who resisted them was rather generous and condescending to the submissive peoples and their religious beliefs.

Not all Russian princes shared the views of St. Alexander Nevsky. Among them were both supporters of the horde and supporters of the West, prone to the introduction of Catholicism and submission to Rome. Supporters of a pro-Western course of development in the fight against tatar Igog. Hope to help Europe. Negotiations with the Roman dad led Saint Mikhail Chernigovsky, Prince Daniel Galitsky, St. Alexander's brother, Andrei. But Saint Alexander knew the fate of Constantinople, captured and crushed in 1204 by the Crusaders. And his own experience taught him not to trust the West. Daniel Galitsky per alliance with dad, who did not give him anything, paid to the treason of Orthodoxy - unia with Rome. Saint Alexander did not want this native church. Catholicism was unacceptable for the Russian Church, the Union meant the refusal of Orthodoxy, the refusal to the source of spiritual life, the refusal of the historical future intended by God, the doomed to spiritual death themselves.

After 5 years, in 1252, in Karakorum, the Ogul-Hamish was overthrown with the new Great Khan Munke (Mengke). Taking advantage of this circumstance and deciding to remove Andrei Yaroslavich from the great reign, the label of the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, who was urgently caused by the Golden Horde of Saray Batu to the capital.

But Alexander's younger brother, Andrei Yaroslavich, supported by Brother Tver Prince Yaroslav and Galitsky Prince Daniel Romanovich, refused to submit to the decision of Batya and even stopped paying the Ordans to tribute. But, the time for unsanying orders has not yet come - there was no sufficient forces for this in Russian lands.

To punish the recalcitrant princes, the Baty sends the Mongolian Connection under the command of Nurse. It was a terrible, bloody campaign, remaining in the chronicles as "Nursery Raint" . Andrei, in the Union with his brother, Yaroslav Tversky, fought with the Tatars, but was broken through Novgorod to the Sweden to seek help from those whom with the help of God, his great brother threw on the Neva. It was the first attempt to open opposition to Tatars in Northern Russia. During the invasion of "Nursery Rachi" Alexander Nevsky was in Horde.

After the flight of Andrei, the Great Vladimir Principality, by the will of Khan, passed to Alexander Nevsky. He accepted this post from Sartak's hands - the son of Batya, with whom he became friends with the first visit to the horde. Sartak was a Christian Nestorian sense. Saint Alexander became an unlought great prince of all Russia: Vladimir, Kiev and Novgorod, and kept this title for 10 years, up to his death.

F.A.Moskvitin. Alexander Nevsky and Sartak in Horde.

In 1256, the ally of Alexander Khan Bati died and in the same year because of the sympathies of Christianity was poisoned by the son of Batya Sartak.

Then Alexander went back to the barn to confirm the peaceful relations between Rus and Horde with New Khan Burke.

New Khan (Burke) For more accurate population taxation ordered to make a second census in Russia (The first census was made at Yaroslav Vsevolodovich). Alexander was able to negotiate the payment of Dani in exchange for military assistance. The contract with the Mongols can be called the first diplomatic victory of Alexander. L. N. Gumilev sees the meaning of this agreement for the Russian princes in the fact that they have retained greater freedom of action, that is, they could decide on their discretion internal problems. At the same time, Alexander was interested in the prospect of obtaining military assistance from the Mongols, to confront the Nazhip of the West and the inner opposition. "

But it was precisely the contract who served as a reason to Bunt in Novgorod.Novgorod was not, like other Russian cities, conquered by Tatar weapons, and Novgorodians did not think that they had to voluntarily pay a shameful tribute.

At the time of the Mongolian invasion, Novgorod managed to avoid ruin due to the remote location of the republic in Russia and the subsequent Mongolian and Ordan trips. But the south-eastern cities of Novgorod possessions (Torzhok, Wolly, Vologda, Bezhetsk) were looted and devastated.

In 1259, the uprising began in Novgorod, which lasted about one and a half years, during which Novgorod did not obey Mongols. On the side of the townspeople was even the son of Alexander Prince Vasily. The position was very dangerous. Again there was a threat to the very existence of Russia.

Alexander knew that he had to force Novgorod to accept the census. At the same time, the prince did not want to bring the case to an armed clash with Novgorod, shed russian blood. The task that stood before Alexander as a commander and a politician was extremely difficult: proud Novgorods swore to die rather than to recognize the power of "Pogati" over themselves. It seemed nothing could undermine their determination. However, the prince knew these people well - just as brave, as frivolous, impressionable. Speaking for the Word, Novgorodians were in the peasant's not rushing into business. In addition, their determination did not have unanimous. Boyars, merchants, wealthy artisans - although they were not decided to openly call for prudence, but they were ready to pay off Tatars in the shower.

Understanding that the relief of the Novgorod residents can cause the Khan Anger and the new invasion of Russia, Alexander personally brought the order, executed the most active participants in the excitement and achieved consent from Novgorod to the population census. Novgorod was broken and submitted to the orders to send tribute to Golden Horde. Few understood then that the hard need forced Alexander so act that, he would otherwise, the new terrible pogrom of Tatar would have collapsed on the unfortunate Russian land.

In his desire to establish peaceful relations with the Ord, Alexander was not a traitor of the interests of Russia. He acted, since he suggested him common sense. An experienced politician of the Suzdal-Novgorod school, he knew how to see the line between the possible and impossible. Submitting the circumstances, having labby among them, he walked along the path of the smallest evil. He was, above all, a good owner and most of all took care of the well-being of his land.

Historian G.V. Vernadsky wrote: "... Two ads of Alexander Nevsky - the feat of Brahi in the West and the feat of humility in the east - had the only goal - the saving of Orthodoxy as the source of the moral and political forces of the Russian people."

Konina Alexander Nevsky

In 1262, unrest broke out in Vladimir, Suzdal, Rostov, Pereyaslavl, Yaroslavl and other cities, where the Khan Baskaki was kicked and the Tatar decoupling trips were kicked out. Tatar shelves were ready to move on Rus.

In order to deliver the Golden-Town Khan Burke, Alexander Nevsky personally went with gifts in the Horde. He managed to disgust trouble and achieved even the benefits of Russian for delivery for Tatars of military detachments.

Khan kept the prince to itself all winter and summer; Only autumn Alexander got the opportunity to return to Vladimir, but on the roadhe fell ill and sled in the city on the Volga, where he accepted the monastic stop and schima named Alexy. Alexander wanted to accept the Great Schima - the most complete kind of monastic latitude. Of course, tonsure the dying, and even in the highest monastic degree! - contradicted the very idea of \u200b\u200bmonocities. However, an exception was made for Alexander. Later, following his example, many Russian princes before the death took Schima. It became a kind of custom. Alexander Nevskiy died on November 14, 1263 . It was only 43 years old.

Wemior. Konina Alexander Nevsky

His body was buried in the Vladimir Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. During the burial, numerous healings were noted.

"Life of Alexander Nevsky" is noteworthy what is written in the late XIII century. contemporary of events, a person who personally knew the prince,and therefore, it has tremendous importance for understanding how Alexander Nevsky's identity was estimated in those distant times, and what was the meaning of those events whose participant he was.

West and canonization

The people glorified Alexander Nevsky long before the canonization of the church. Already in the 1280s, in Vladimir, the reverence of Alexander Nevsky begins as a saint.

The general terrain glorification of St. Alexander Nevsky was committed with Metropolitan Makaria at the Moscow Cathedral of 1547. Alexander Nevsky was the only Orthodox secular ruler not only in Russia, but also throughout Europe, which did not compromise with catholic Church For the sake of preserving power.

History with the relics of Alexander Nevsky

In 1380, Vladimir were opened with non-relics Alexander Nevsky and laid in cancer on top of the Earth. In 1697, Suzdal Metropolitan Illarion placed power in new cancerdecorated with carvings and coated precious cover.

Moskvitin Philip Alexandrovich. Transferring the relics of Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky Emperor Peter I in St. Petersburg.

In 1724, on the command of Peter I, the relics were postponed to St. Petersburg to the Alexander-Nevsky Lavra, where they are revered and now in the Trinity Church.

I.Avanov. "Alexander-Neva Lavra from the Neva" (1815).

In the middle of the XVIII century, by order of the daughter of Peter Empress, Elizabeth Petrovna for the relics were made by heavy silver cancer. The first silver with Kolyvan factories in Siberia was granted to the cancer. Cancer manufactured in the St. Petersburg coin court outstanding court masters of that time, it became the brightest work of the art of that time and mentioned in many literary works and travel notes of foreigners. Cancer was placed in a huge multi-tiered sarcophage of pure silver with a common weight of almost one and a half tons - nowhere in the world there is no such a grand constructions from this precious metal. In the ornament of sarcophagus used chasing and cast medallions depicting the life and feats of Alexander Nevsky.

In 1922, during the period of the fierce expropriation of church wealth, the power of the prince, concluded in multi-thought silver sarcophagus, were seized from the Cathedral and for a long time were in the Museum of Religion and Atheism. And the thing was exactly in this sarcophage, in which the Bolsheviks are progress big piece Precious silver - 89 pounds of 22 pound 1 with 1/3 of the spool. In May 1922, this cancer ruthlessly turned a group of workers to comrades from the pedestal. An opening was more like a public deficiency ...

The plundering of the tomb of Alexander Nevsky Bolsheviks

She, like the invaluable iconostasis of the Kazan Cathedral, was prepared by the fate of the swath. But then, director of the Hermitage, Alexander Benua sent a desperate telegram to Moscow with a request to transfer the work of jewelry to the People's Museum. The iconostasis of the Kazan Cathedral then, alas, I could not defend, and cancer was transferred to the Hermitage. For almost 20 years she stood in the gallery of silver, not giving peace by many of the responsible employees of the state apparatus. How are almost one and a half tons of silver stand in the halls in vain! Letters of both workers and defenders of sarcophague were periodically sent to Moscow. True, the ashes of Alexander from him was already removed, he was moved to the Kazan Cathedral.

In June 1989, the relics of the Grand Prince were returned to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Today they are available for worship and are contained in a modest copper sarcophage.

The story with the relics and cancer of the Grand Prince has not yet ended. The prominent church figures have repeatedly appealed to the Government of Russia on the transfer of silver cancer in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, in order to put the relics of the Holy Prince there again.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

for the Temple of the Liberal Trinity on the Sparrow Mountains

Alexander Nevsky - Novgorod Prince and Communion. Prince Novgorod (1236-1240, 1241-1252 and 1257-1259), grand Duke Kiev (1249-1263), Grand Duke Vladimir (1252-1263). Canonized Russian orthodox Church. Traditionally, it is considered Russian historians with the Russian national hero, the True Christian ruler, the keeper of the Orthodox faith and freedom of the people.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky was born in Pereslavl-Zalessky. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Alexander's father, was at the time of his son Pereyaslav Prince, and later - the Grand Duke of Kiev and Vladimir. Rostislav Mstislavna, mother of the famous commander - Toropetskaya Princess. Alexandra had a senior brother Fedor, who died at the age of 13, as well as the younger brothers Andrei, Mikhail, Daniel, Konstantin, Yaroslav, Athanasius and Vasily. In addition, the future prince had sisters Maria and Ulyana.

At 4 years old, the boy passed in the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral of the rite of dedication to the warriors and became a prince. In 1230, his father put Alexander together with the elder brother for the prince in Novgorod. But after 3 years, Fedor dies, and Alexander remains the only adviser of the principality. In 1236, Yaroslav leaves for Kiev, then in Vladimir, and the 15-year-old Prince remains independently to rule Novgorod.

First hiking

Alexander Nevsky's biography is closely connected with wars. The first military campaign, Alexander undertook together with his father to Derpt in order to discourage the city in Livonians. The battle ended with the victory of Novgorod. Then the war began for Smolensk with Lithuanians, the victory in which was left for Alexander.

On July 15, 1240, the Nevskaya battle took place, significant the fact that Alexander's troops without supporting the main army smashed the camp of the Swedes at the mouth of the Izhora river. But Novgorod boyars were frightened by the increased influence of Alexander. Representatives of the nobility with the help of various Caverz and incitement achieved the fact that the commander went to Vladimir to Father. At this time, the German army made a campaign on Russia, capturing Pskov, Izborsky, Vointed lands, knights took the city of Koporye. The enemy army closely approached Novgorod. Then the Novgorodians themselves began to ask the prince to return.

In 1241, Alexander Nevsky arrived in Novgorod, then liberated Pskov, and on April 5, 1242, the famous battle was happening - the Ice Battle - on Muddy lake. The battle took place on the frozen lake. Prince Alexander applied tactical trick, lubricating the knights, shaved in heavy armor, on a thin layer of ice. The Russian cavalry attacked from the flanks has completed the defeatists. After this battle, the Knight's Order refused all recent conquests, and part of Latgale was also departed.

After 3 years, Alexander liberated Torotz, Toropets and Bezhetsk, captured by the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Then exclusively by the forces of his troops, without the support of Novgorod and Vladimirtsev, caught up and destroyed the remains of the Lithuanian army, and on the way back, another Lithuanian military connection was broken under consideration.

Governing body

In 1247, Yaroslav dies. Alexander Nevsky becomes prince Kiev and All Russia. But since after the Tatar invasion, Kiev lost strategic importance, Alexander did not go there, but remained to live in Novgorod.

In 1252, Andrei and Yaroslav, the Alexander brothers, opposed the Horde, but the Tatar invaders broke the defenders of the Russian Earth. Yaroslav settled in Pskov, and Andrei was forced to flee to Sweden, so the Principality of Vladimirskoy passed to Alexander. Immediately after that, a new war was followed by Lithuanians and Teutons.

The role of Alexander Nevsky in history is perceived ambiguously. The Novgorod Prince constantly led battle with Western troops, but at the same time bowed to Khan Golden Horde. The prince has repeatedly traveled to the Mongolian Empire to read the ruler, especially supported the Allies of Khan. In 1257, it was even self-sustained in Novgorod with Tatar ambassadors to express support for the Ordans.

In addition, the son of Vasily, who resisted the invasion of Tatars, Alexander exiled to Suzdal Earth, and 7-year-old Dmitry put in his place. Such a policy of Prince in Russia itself is often called treacherous, since cooperation with the rulers of the Golden Horde suppressed the resistance of Russian princes for many years ahead. As a policy of Alexander, many are not perceived, but the warrior is considered excellent, and feats do not forget.

In 1259, Alexander, with the help of the threats of the Tatar invasion, has achieved agreement from the Novgorod residents to the population census and the payment of the Ordans Dani, which the Russian people resisted for many years. This is another fact from the biography of Nevsky, who is not pleased with Prince's supporters.

Battle on the Ice

At the end of August 1240, the Crusaders of the Livonian Order invaded the Pskov Earth. After a short-term siege, the German knights captured Izborsso. Then the defenders of the Catholic faith were asked by Pskov and occupied it with the assistance of the Boyar trains. Next followed the invasion of Novgorod Earth.

According to Alexander Nevsky, the troops from Vladimir and Suzdal under the command of Prince Andrei, Brother of the Novgorod ruler arrived to help Novgorods. The United Novgorod-Vladimir army took a trip to the Pskov Earth and, cutting off the road from Livonia to Pskov, stormed the entrusted to this city, as well as Izborsso.

After that, the defeat of the Livonian knights, gathering a big army, performed to Pskov and Child Lakes. The basis of the troops of the Livonian Order was a heavy knightly cavalry, as well as infantry, which was repeatedly surpassed by knights in numbers. In April 1242, the battle took place, which was in history as an ice side.

Historians for a long time could not determine the exact place of the battle, because the hydrography of the chief of the lake often changed, but the coordinates of the battle of the scientist later managed to point out on the map. Experts agreed that more accurately describes the Battle of Livonian Rhymed Chronicle.

In the "rhymed chronicle" it is indicated that Novgorod has been listed a large number of The shooters who were the first to hit the knights. The knights built a "pig" - a deep column, starting a blunt wedge. Such an education allowed a heavy knight cavalry to apply a thane blow along the enemy's line, breaking the combat order, but in this case such a strategy turned out to be erroneous.

While the advanced troops of the Livonians tried to break through the tight construction of the Novgorod infantry, the princely squad remained in place. Soon the warriors hit the flanks of the enemy, crushing and mixing rows german troops. Novgorod residents won a decisive victory.

Some historians claim that knightly compounds consisted of 12-14 thousand soldiers, and the militia of the Novgorod residents counted 15-16 thousand people. Other experts consider these numbers prohibitively overestimated.

The result of the battle decided the outcome of the war. The Order concluded the world, abandoning the conquered Pskov and Novgorod territories. This battle played a huge role in history, influenced the development of the region, retained the freedom of Novgorod.

Personal life

Alexander Nevsky married in 1239, immediately after the victory over Lithuanians near Smolensky. The wife of the prince became Alexander, the daughter of Bryachliva Polotsk. Young was crowned in the temple of St. George in Toroptz. A year later, they had a son of Vasily.

Later, the wife gave Alexander for more three sons: Dmitry, the future of Prince Novgorod, Pereyaslavsky and Vladimirsky, Andrei, who will be Kostroma, Vladimir, Novgorod and Gorodetsky Prince, and Daniel, the first prince of Moscow. Also, the prince's pair had the daughter of Evdokia, who later married Konstantin Rostislavich Smolensky.


In 1262, Alexander Nevsky went to the Horde to try to prevent the outlined Tatar campaign. The new invasion provoked the murder of gatherers of Dani in Suzdal, Rostov, Pereyaslavl, Yaroslavl and Vladimir. In the Mongolian Empire, the prince fell seriously, and he returned to Russia already dying.

Upon returning home, Alexander Nevsky takes a solemn oath of Orthodox monks under the name Alexy. Thanks to this act, as well as due to regular failures, the Roman papacy take Catholicism, the Grand Duke Alexander became the favorite prince of the Russian clergy. Moreover, in 1543, he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the face of the Wonderworkers.

Alexander Nevsky died on November 14, 1263, buried in the Christmas monastery in Vladimir. In 1724, the emperor ordered the rebound of the power of the Holy Prince in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg. The monument to the prince is installed on the square named after Alexander Nevsky before entering the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. This monument is presented in the photo in historical publications and magazines.

It is known that part of the relics of Alexander Nevsky is located in the temple of Alexander Nevsky in Sofia (Bulgaria), as well as in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. In 2011, the image with a particle of relics was handed over to the Alexander Nevsky Temple of the Ural Sela Shurala. The icon of St. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky can often be found in Russian temples.

  • The main military victories Prince Alexander won in his youth. By the time of the Nevskaya battle, the commander was 20 years old, and during the Ice Passion, the prince was 22 years old. Subsequently, Nevsky was considered a politician and a diplomat, but more still a warlord. For life, Prince Alexander did not lose a single battle.
  • Alexander Nevsky is the only secular Orthodox ruler throughout Europe and in Russia, who did not go on a compromise with the Catholic Church for the sake of maintaining power.

  • After the death of the ruler, "the story of the life and about the courage of the Blessed and Grand Prince Alexander" appeared, literary work The agiographic genre created in the 1980s of the XIII century. It is assumed that the compilation of "Violence of Alexander Nevsky" was carried out in the Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin in Vladimir, where the prince's body was buried.
  • About Alexandra Nevsky often feature art films. In 1938, the most famous film was released, called Alexander Nevsky. The director of the painting was, and for the choir and soloists with the orchestra, the Soviet composer created Cantata "Alexander Nevsky".
  • In 2008, the Competition "Name of Russia" took place. The event was organized by representatives of the state television channel "Russia" together with the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Foundation "Public Opinion".
  • Network users choose "Name of Russia" from the finished list of the "five hundred of great leaders of the country". As a result, the competition almost ended with a scandal, because the leading position took. The organizers said that the "numerous spammers" votes were given for the communist leader. As a result, Alexander Nevsky called the official winner. According to many, it was the figure of the Novgorod Prince who was to arrange the Orthodox community, and Slavophili patriots, as well as just lovers of Russian history.

Neva Alexander Yaroslavovich (in monastic - Alexy) - Grand Prince Kiev and Vladimir, outstanding Russian commander.



Father Nevsky, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was Prince Pereyaslavsky, later - Vladimir and Kiev. Mother, Rostislav (Feodosia) Mstislavna, was a pronuncated of Toropetsk, the daughter of Mstislava, Prince of Novgorod and Galitsky.

In 1225, Svyatwer Simon, Bishop Suzdal, on the orders of Nevsky's father committed a dedication to the warriors over the small Alexander.

In 1234, when Alexander turned 13 years old, his first trip took place under the command of his father to Derpt, against the Livonians.

Foreign policy

One of the main directions of the foreign policy of Alexander Nevsky was the West.

In 1240, the Germans approached the Pskov himself, and the Swedes moved to Novgorod. July 15, 1240, Alexander suddenly attacked the Swedes, who stopped at the Neva camp. The prince defeated the Swedes in the battle, which was called Nevsky and gave nicking to the winner. Alexander himself fearlessly fought in the ranks of his warriors, and his tactic of the fight showed his commander talent.

In 1241, at the request of Novgorod, Alexander cleared the surroundings of Novgorod and Pskov from Livonian knights. On April 5, 1242, Nevsky broke the Germans on the Chief of Lake. The battle got the name of the ice traveling.

In 1245, Alexander defeated Lithuanians in the battle of Lake Lisa.

These victories strengthened the northern borders of Russia and forced the Germans to abandon their former conquests.

Several times of Innocent IV ambient, Pope, offering him to obey Catholic faith. Nevsky answered with refusal.

After the Nevsky stroke on the Vladimir throne, the Lithuanians again besieged Pskov. Alexander made a good trip.

The east was the second issue of Nevsky in foreign policy - relations with Tatar-Mongols.

In September 1246, Nevsky's father called to Karakorum to Khan, where he was treacherously poisoned. After the death of his father, Alexander himself went to the Horde. There he passed all the necessary rituals and became the admissory son of the Khan of Batya himself. Together with his brother Andrei Princehousehouses Hana in Mongolia. The brothers returned to Russia only in 1249.

In 1251, Alexander goes again in the Horde, causing a ropot of discontent in Russia with his frequent trips to Tatars. Some tend to see a betrayal in this, but most historians believe that Nevsky was a wise diplomat, which his trips restrained the Horde from new raids on Russia. However, soon after this trip, Tatars defeated the brother Nevsky, Andrei, who was forced to run abroad.

In 1258, Nevsky rides in the Horde for the third time to settle the issue with rebidden Novgorod.

The last time Nevsky came to the Horde in 1262 to deliver the Khan, who was angry with the murder of his collectors to Dani in Russia. From Horde Nevsky returned hard patients.

Domestic politics

The internal policy of Alexander Nevsky was aimed at strengthening cities.

By 1240, the prince strengthened the southwestern border of Novgorod on the Sheloni River.

Relations with Novgorod became one of the most important areas internal politicians Alexandra. Novgorod residents were very jealous of their liberty, and after the Nevsky battle, the Prince had a conflict with them. Nevsky retired to his father to Pereyaslavl, but soon the Novgorod residents were forced to humiliate their own pride, as Pskov captured Livonian knights: they asked to return to the princely throne of Alexander.

After the death of his father, Alexander became Prince of Kiev, but since Kiev by that time already loses his meaning, the prince prefers to live and rule in Novgorod. After the defeat of the Tatars of his brother Andrei Nevsky becomes prince Vladimir.

In 1257, Novgorod refused to participate in the census, which was conducted by Tatar-Mongols to cover all the tribute. Threatening in Tatar pogrom, in 1259 Nevsky forced the Novgorod residents to agree to the census. In 1262, in many Russian cities, Tatar collectors Dani - and Nevsky had to go to the Horde once again and settle the conflict.

Personal life

In 1239, according to the will of the Father, Alexander married Alexander (in the world - Paraskeva), the daughter of Bryachcholava, Prince Polotsk. The girl was not over the years and not in time is formed and read. Wedding took place in Toroptz, in the local temple of St. George. In 1240, Alexander gave birth in Novgorod the firstborn, who was named Vasily. Then they had three more sons (Dmitry, Andrei and Daniel) and the daughter of Evdokia.

With the name of Nevsky, the name of another woman is mentioned - some vassa. In the Princess Monastery of Vladimir, where, according to legend, the wife of Nevsky is resting, on the grave inscription: "Vassas". Some biographers argue that this is the second name of Alexandra, others write about the second wife of the Grand Prince.


Heavy patients returned Alexander from Horde after his last trip. There is a version according to which Nevsky was poisoned by Tatars. Host to take a shima named Alexia, Nevsky died on November 14, 1263 in the city. The prince was buried in the Vladimir Christmas monastery, but by order of Peter I, his power was postponed to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg.

The main achievements of Nevsky

  • Nevsky showed his commander talent in battles with Swedes and Livonian knights. Rejected the threat from the West, Nevsky on long years Release the northern borders of Russia from attacks.
  • Nevsky was a wise diplomat, not assessed by his contemporaries: realizing that Russia is powerless before the Horde, diplomatic relations with Tatar khana. Moreover, he prevented the final extermination of Russia to Tatar-Mongols.
  • Nevsky strengthened the foundations of faith of Orthodox, refusing to Catholics in cooperation and itself is an example of the Orthodox Warrior and Prince.

Important dates of Nevsky's biography

  • 1221 - Birth
  • 1225 - Dedication to Warriors
  • 1234 - the first participation in the battle on the River Omovege
  • 1239 - Marriage to Alexandra
  • 1240 - Birth of the son of Vasily, victory over the Swedes in the Nevsky Battle
  • 1242 - victory over the Livonian knights in the mud
  • 1245 - victory over Lithuanians in the battle of Lake Lake
  • 1246 - death father
  • 1247 - Ride in Horde
  • 1248 - a trip to Mongolia
  • 1249 - Return to Rus
  • 1251 - the second trip to the Horde
  • 1258 - Third trip to the Horde
  • 1262 - Last trip to the Horde
  • 1263 - death

Interesting facts from the life of Nevsky

  • Alexandra, Nevsky's wife, was 16 years old, and she was already tonsured in a nun, when the Grand Duke Yaroslav ordered them to marry.
  • Tatar women were frightened by the name of Alexander Nevsky of their smaller children.
  • Nevsky did not lose any battle in his life.