Repairs Design Furniture

The practice of creating high-class speakers. How to make acoustic speakers yourself home columns do it yourself

This material is dedicated to all homemade workers and wish them good luck in work.


Dear friends, let me introduce yourself. My name is Yuri. The name was in honor of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, like many boys at that time. So he was popular when I was born. Apparently, the energy of that time and name of the first cosmonaut, to some extent passed to me and became part of the soul, requiring activity. In school years, the activity was multidirectional, but did not include study. In life, it did not interfere. Technical University finished with honors. The profession of its chosen on the principle of the maximum complexity of the specialties offered by the university, in which he did not change and earn it to the present. We taught me on the designer of hydraulic machines and the means of automation.

In the free time, all sorts of hobbies did not leave further. In the next mental impulse, which happened quite recently, he discovered a wonderful audience store, in particular, his section "DIY". What I saw when I first visited was the dream of youth. True, in those days it was impossible to submit. The range of this store opened the door for me to the world of implementing ideas. I think as for many other, obsessed with ideas, people.

In addition to the passion for audio equipment, accompanying me in life, I love the photo, I read fantastics (it is necessary about space travel - it works the same energy). And one more passion is almost a dozen years old wood furniture. Now there is already a serious experience of a chamber that allows you to make furniture professionally.

Creating acoustics, which will be discussed - one of my old hobbies. But, the accumulated experience, today's capabilities and new desires allowed to put a challenging task - to create acoustics for the house, transmitting the dynamics, the scale and emotionality of the concert performance of music.

All readers are my immeasurable location and best wishes.

Yuri Kobzar

I am a lover. I will try to write only about specifics. I will share my practical experience in creating high-level acoustic systems. Addressing this information to the same lovers who like high-quality sound, receiving pleasure not from the background, but from listening to music. People who in the world of sounds have preferences and favorite records.

In the spring of 2017, something happened to me. In the evening, on the veranda to the ears, the bird tweet came to the ears, he was revealed by a real warmth, somewhere overlooked, the first floral fragrance flew out, I wanted to catch wine and listen to music. Without analyzing (you can write off on the fluctuations of the soul), I felt the need, and I had an idea to get a good sound for home. Moreover, "Music" then there is in the house. But at that moment the term good sound suddenly acquired a different meaning. In the head I got up memories from a random listening to music in the store (in the High-End room), excellent opportunities to feel the sound of the highest quality in several friends. All this happened years ago, but the need for good sound took it precisely in the spring of the seventeenth. Despite the fact that the reverent attitude to the "good" music accompanied me all my life, and almost always had the opportunity to listen to the sound of decent quality, suddenly it became clear: the music sounding from acoustics should be not just a clean, detailed, powerful, deep, natural, fascinating, Or even stunning (body on high volume - joke). The sound reproduced by acoustics should transfer emotions: soloists and musicians, and all those who prepare a record for us - listeners.

According to preliminary estimates, it is possible to overestimated, to buy such equipment - it turned out not for the pocket. Embed into good available - I did not want. Thus, the task of constructing the acoustics as high as possible, available at home. Without laboratories, high-precision measurements, but that the breed, solidity and elimination of sound is indisputable. To listen to the audition is exactly the impression.

As a small digression, it should be said that the idea had a base. Certain skills at my disposal were: in his youth built acoustics in the "closed box". He was happy from her sound. Various transistor amplifiers were soldered, one model is extremely high quality. Now, in addition to the former adaptable knowledge, skills and experience, love has been added to the manufacture of wood furniture and some set of joinery tool. Additionally, I wanted to get a high-quality lamp amplifier. In order to reduce the implementation of the conceived, offered the participation of his friend-enthusiast and self-relocine, having the Base of Radio Food UPI (Ural State Technical University). There was also agreed that acoustics (selected, calculations and embodiment) will be my task, the lamp is part of it.

With this position began to "shake an old".


The issue of the construction of the AC was started with the study of the theory and related materials. In front of me, as well as in many builders of their own speakers, the question of choosing acoustic design. Knowledge, information, opinions began to be copied and systematized, but the answer to the question about the type of acoustic design AC remained open. At this time, three broadband heads of 75GDSh3-1 were available to my partner. In the local DC, they decided to throw away two stage subwoofers who worked for 30 years. In each stood two dynamics. In one of them, the speaker was out of order, hence the solution to throw away. Listening to the speakers "on the floor" confirmed the expectation of the "missing sound". Listening to the native subwoofer case - the ratings did not change. Almost no enthusiasm began to dig the Internet on the subject of use in the speakers of the speakers of the existing type. Frequently found the materials of comrades who have already built AC based on these speakers. I liked the option with "Takwatte" (TQWT) Tube VOTI - I put the material, the authorship is not installed see the link). I liked this option, including because of the "open corps", to which some sympathies have already arisen. Why: no damping dynamics or minimal as needed. In other words, the dynamic head does not create obstacles when working, and this, as I understand it, means at least the conditions for creating external resistance and, as a result, distortion. Even, the resonant frequency of the speaker in the case with the pipe does not change. This, in turn, should provide reproduction of a richer bass component that is the basis of a rhythm providing the bulk of sound and reinforcing psycho-emotional perception of the music program. With internal resistance (after listening to speakers), the caution to get a weak result and, nevertheless, I bought three sheets of building plywood 12mm to repetition in the material of the proposed design. The revision consisted of applying radius transitions in each corner (first launched Phaneur), installation of rigidity edges inside (given the dimensions and thickness of the material) and the device of a rigid removable rear wall for ease of work on the subsequent possible damping.

I do not give the manufacturing technology. Cutting too. Given your work experience with the tree - I believe that each master, taking place for the manufacture of such a design, will be its specificity of design and manufacturing work. Specificity is related to the conditions, skills and set of tool. I used to work with glue, abandoning the metal fastener (except for the rear wall of the rear wall). This ensures the absence of technological plates taking the volume that give an additional geometry in the sound channel, which from my point of view - graduate hydraulics - is not good for moving the sound wave through the channel. And the task, by the way, is in creating conditions for its smooth, laminar (there is such a term meaning the absence of curvatures) of the channel. This reduces the likelihood of the emergence of the pride, unnecessary for high-class sound.

The sound of the built ac was surprised at once. Mighty, bright, beautiful and different from my branded three-track phase-preserved (F) columns of the English brand. Significantly excellent. With an emphasis on the word "excellent." Surprise was intensified by the fact that in the same place - England, the intellect of engineers and large-scale production, and here a 35-year-old miracle in the plywood box. After the first splash of the emotions of duck, it became clear that one speaker for this AU was not enough. Lack of tops and ... bottoms. The bass is low, beautiful, with a lot of shades (which is not heard to FI) and, at the same time, weak. You can persuade yourself to such a sound, but the flaw is noticeable.

Rominated in the ability of this dynamics to play bass in broadband speakers, built a tapering labyrinth - a transmission wave line (TVL). According to reviews on the network - this is exactly what is needed. I describe without details and arguments in favor of such a decision. I do not bring recommendations and the dependencies of the construction of the TVL. Everything is on the Internet. This design was made more technological: with customs, without rounds. It should be noted, the speakers turned out more compact sizes. Here is its cut.

Many authors on the network mention the importance of correctly made calculations of the transmission-wave canal, the absence of fundamental errors, the complexity of the design and the need to accurately repeat it in the manufacture. At the same time, in addition to the geometry and the rules for choosing the speakers in their approach, nothing actually. When drawing a design of the AC with TVL, I was accompanied by a sense of deep understanding of mechanics, but not acoustics. Everything did on faith. After all, many people have been shared by practical experience achieved by the result and photographs. Many arranged the sound received. This is the weighty argument.

He again took the construction of the Fan. This time, two sheets, taking into account the residues from the previous version. Made quickly and accurately. It should be emphasized the excess rigidity of the buildings of such structures, even when using plywood 12mm.

So, the feeling from listening is very good. Disadvantages are the same. If the shortage of the tops is the design of the dynamics, then the lack of bass is the issue of the housing. It should be said that the bass became more expressive and emphasized. This was noted independently of all participants of listening. The surprise consisted in the following. Initially, listening was carried out each column separately. I wanted to hear her opportunities, compare with another option. Moreover, the first experiment repetition of the design gave only one column. Then they were connected together. The effect was awesome. There was not only the panorama of sound, the scene. First of all, the sound itself transformed. His power, openness, ease of stolen! Yes, later, listening to an unequal couple of ac, I had to raise the RF and LF on the amplifier. But the sound was not just beautiful. He kept, attracted to himself. Favorite tracks sounded as if he had listened to them for the first time. Many have become heard the shades of bass and medium frequencies, which did not even suspect the existence of which before with English galvanized. Girlfriend Spouse, present with her in the house in the next room during testing of the AU pair on different volumes and styles: chamber music, jazz, electronics, leaving, said that he was in the philharmonic or at a concert. This phrase was not delicacy towards the owners, but looks like the truth. The spread of sound along the adjacent rooms was a pleasant surprise. It will be an important point when receiving guests to create light unobtrusive musical accompaniment in several zones at once. The equipment began to include with each passage by. And, in the end, after three days, I dreamed finally and asked the future owner to pick up this test version of acoustics home for listening until the time of making the speakers of the parade species arrives.

The output was like this: if the selection of the speakers in the store took place - the sound of the resulting speakers (not plywood appearance of course) I would have arranged completely. About the sound is said modestly. Grand sound. When a pair of speakers sounds, high frequencies becomes almost enough. This is not sand, the speaker cannot reproduce it. But the fact that he reproduces - has already satisfied our requirements. The resulting sound was shocked, turned over something inside, lumps arose in the throat. Without exaggeration. There was only one "zanoz" - the LF on the amplifier was unscrewed to the maximum. Nevertheless, the sound liked the master of the speaker. Later, it was even decided the final version to be made on the basis of TVL: the dimensions and the sound of the bass took the top.


In the meantime, the relevance acquired the issue of creating AC for "own use". The probability is high, after the speakers on the speakers of the 75GDSH3-1, the end of the search for good sound would come. Quite quickly it happened, and it fell almost to the point. Fortunately or, unfortunately, but the second pair of heads 75GDSH3-1 or 3-3 was not found. Climbing in the World Wide Web, collecting and analyzing information, continuing training, began to closely consider the acoustics of the English company Tannoy. The ideal column is a device that can linearly reproduce the entire spectrum of sound from one point. And life consists of compromises. Creating acoustics - Search for optimum among many compromises. Each variant of the speakers solves its tasks, and becomes a tool in the hand of marketing: a successful combination of speakers in an acoustic system, a beautiful (correct) separation of frequencies, a bass, claking squeaking, unique design, the use of valuable wood breeds in the housing or simply - well-known brand. All together or individually is designed to convince the buyer in the correctness of choice. Tannoy's senior acoustics (Westminster and Canterbury) interested me outwardly, and it was built in just one dynamics. Sound from one point! The old, the most famous firm, maintaining its leading position to this day, has its most admirers. Soon he learned that Tannoy's acoustics is still two-band, but the dynamics of the NC / SC and HF cost so much. In engineering, such a decision was very attractive. Great solution. In the same network, I read the praise of some and disappointing other owners of this acoustics after moving it from the salon home. I remembered that I myself appreciated the sound of Tannoy several years ago in the room for listening to a single store. Then I liked the version of Cornwall American Klipsch. And another understanding came - good acoustics sounds not always good (on various musical material and in different rooms), and this fact had to somehow take into account when designing its own speakers. For example, Tannoy is equipped with two regulators for tuning sch and HF.

Given the need for compromise, the intention of creating something similar to Tannoy Westminster or Canterbury has arisen. It turned out that on "affordable" prices in China, you can order full copies of the CANTERBURY speakers. They even offer their speakers. There were no reviews about the quality of the system and sound. I decided not to risk. After analyzing the accumulated information, proceeded to the search for the design of the Tannoy acoustics. Something found for Westminster speakers, and in one Polish chat - 150 photos of the process of making a copy of this acoustics. The decision to repeat almost happened. Stopped planning the installation site. All the same, Westminster is created for a large space. It is possible to establish them into the room of the ordinary apartment, of course, however, the discrepancy between the size of the residential premises and two huge speakers is thrown into the eye. I have a private house and some free space for accommodation is available. However, this option (with creak) was rejected from embodiment. Because of the dimensions and, due to the inaccessibility of the native Tanneyeological speakers (as well as their high cost). In addition, the design will be largely at random (there are no accurate drawings). Expect high sound quality, in which case, not falls. I wanted to have a controlled process. The study continued, and the coaxial Tanneye deer did not give rest. I would not hide, continued to look for reasonable opportunities for the acquisition of Tanneyeevsky heads until I stumbled upon the Spanish Beyma. This manufacturer offers the design of the coaxial two-way dynamics inherited. Here is a photo of a coaxially installed diet in the center of the low-pass.

Characteristics by the reproducible frequency band were not as "gorgeous" like Tannoy. But, it is remembered when, in his youth, various heads were connected to the generator of sound frequencies, it was surprising from a limited portion of audible frequencies. Effect in low frequency was especially interesting: significant movements of the diffuser of the dynamics are visually observed and there is practically no sound. Therefore, as you should be remembered, I stopped the choice on the dynamics of 15XA38ND Spanish Beyma with a neodymium magnet. Of course, embarrassed the absence in the network of traces of applying this dynamics for home acoustics: both on Russian, and on Western resources. Confused the ratios of the dynamics: 350 W for LF and plus 90 W for HF. Soothed the size of the head of 15 inches. Lines read by someone on the network remained in the head: "... the transfer of the grandiose nature of the sound of a concert scale is achieved by 12 inches heads and higher." With this statement, I agreed in the shower. Yes, and the parameters of Westminster and Canterbury confirmed the correctness of this phrase. It was also clear - the dimensions of acoustics with these heads will be significant. But the characteristics of the speakers, their declared sensitivity in -99 dB last doubts fastened. The decision to take a chance was made. Characteristics of the head, who will be interested in, finding on a network or audio.

The speakers ordered, waiting for delivery almost three months. At this time, the question of acoustic registration was returned. Without deviations, I will say - seriously helped to approve my choice material "Labyrinth Rogozhina". It can be easily found on the network. The link does not bring, as the author asks for preliminary agreement (although the material is available for free). But there, thanks Rogozhin, and justifications are also given, and practical recommendations. I will venture to make a statement: this is the only water without water, in the case, with a full set of recommendations for a practical exit to the result. Hence its popularity.

After this stage, Nutrition with the decision was left behind. There were pleasant night acoustic calculations and constructing the AU housing ahead.

A little "around yes about"

All the above is conditionally briefly pursued. I described it for those who are interested in creating high-class speakers with their own hands who faces similar questions. It describes the process of developing speakers from scratch, and the path was completed completely until the prototype is created. Who wishes, can also go through the whole road, more consciously. Someone will be available to cut the corners.

A few words about the Maze Rogozhina. The attractiveness of this design consists not only in the possibility of obtaining excellent results of the sound of acoustics (I am already talking about this with understanding), but also opens up the possibility of designing the appearance and internal architecture in the widest range. Ultimately, this technology allows you to create AU "for yourself". Such an indochive. It is extremely comfortable and attractive. Probably, everyone understands the difference between the purchased finished cabinet and the built-in or formed according to specific requirements. Functionality, adaptability in the second option above. If you consider the possibility of creating an appearance in your requirements, to link the appearance of the speakers, the color with the interior in the placement zone, the value of the option is additionally increasing.

I do not hide, an understanding of the goal with acoustic calculations on the recommendations of Rogozhin should be clear. At the first stage, this is achieved by compliance with the data in the material of the instructions and, already at the second stage, ... acquired experience. In order to achieve the desired result, I had to fulfill many acoustic calculations to obtain optima and build six experienced options in order to exit the seventh - final. By comparing the resulting result in the material and sound, you can clarify the calculations and make the right choice of the option, to fit it under your preferences, ensuring the excellent sound of the AU.

Those who are not tired

A very practical side. So, the choice of dynamic heads behind, choosing a constructive (labyrinth-channel) too. On the recommendation of Rogozhin installed the Hornresp program of the Australian developer. After performing step-by-step instructions, I received the first result. I will say that, almost blindly had to do at least hundreds of calculations to ensure all the requirements. What you need to strive - the instructions are given by Rogohe. Next I share my own experience.

First of all - photo of completed attempts to find the desired sound:

Here are five options for enclosures for one type of speaker. All options, in addition to the latter (this sixth variant obtained by the alteration of the fifth), are made in the amount of 1520 mm high (the height of the plywood sheet). The width and depth of the enclosures are different and depends on the calculated cross section of the channel. Internal architecture is also different. The first option (the right case on the first photo) is made of plywood 15 mm. Case mass - about 70 kg (without decoration). All subsequent - plywood 12 mm and mass from 35 to 55 kg. Light vibrations of minor surface sections on 12 mm thick acoustics housings are present at 100 W power supplied. If frankly developed sound pressure at such power in a limited space for a long time cannot withstand. It is good that there are no neighbors behind the wall.

Thus, with a comfortable level of volume vibration, the housing and the uluses are not marked. The pride, by the way, is not marked at any volume level.

  • It was noted that the volume of the third fashion damping chamber (KGTM is my term), which is located in the zone of the S1-S2 channel, directly affects the quality of damage to this fashion. We reduce the volume of KGTM while maintaining the length of the channel section, the mode of fashion is growing (in the figure above its splash corresponds to the frequency slightly above 100 Hz) and on the contrary, with increasing volume of KGTM, the fashion burst decreases. The change in the volume of KGTM performed the change in the S1 cross section.
  • Debugging crossover

    The approaches and features of the creation of acoustic design of the AU were described above. It should be noted that the dimensions and weight of the speakers are impressive, the power of the dynamics used is high. When the speakers thought, it was a belief that they need to listen to the power supply of 0.5 watts. This circumstance was one of the restrictions when choosing a speaker. There was a doubt that powerful speaker will ensure efficient operation at low power supply. Despite the available power supply, the constructed AC prototypes perform this function, providing a magnificent sound with minimal power supply. Moreover, without detraining the gradation of sound.

    Currently, the obtained speakers are connected to the Sony amplifier, which has a graduation of the volume level in decibels. Late in the evening, when there are no extraneous sounds, the acoustics are great and brightly sounds at the volume minus 66 dB. I also note that the speed of the speaker power ensures the operation of the AU with minimal linear distortions at any volume of a comfortable level.

    So, debugging sound in the crossover.

    Initially obtained speakers and ordered from the manufacturer (BEYMA, Spain) FD-2XA crossover for these specific speakers disappointed me. The first inclusion on the low volume led to full bewilderment. The sound was just terrible. At the low volume, bass was almost absent. With the growth of volume - they turned into something completely reasonable, publishing incredible muttering. Music, as such, was not.

    After a 3-4-hour run on high volume (70-90 W) speakers earned (warmed). However, dissatisfaction with sound did not disappear. Neither the soulful, nor the grandiosnosis of bass, nor the desired emotions. Only coming sound detail.

    As I mentioned earlier, the testing of sound was performed in two directions: the search for the optimal parameters of the labyrinth and working with the crossover. The labyrinth developments are given above. The crossover also present his lessons. His diagram was found on the Internet. He represented first-order filters with a chain of matching the input complex resistance of the loudspeaker. The frequency of the bands, according to the site beyma - 1800 Hz.

    Of course, I could put in detail all the search and turns of the setting of the obtained filters, but something prompts, such a statement will be boring and uninformative. I will draw in theses.

    1. It turned out, after disabling the capacity of 15 μF, the playback of bass became more pleasant.
    2. Tests have shown that on some musical compositions, acoustics gives audible distortions. It was possible to establish that the distortion makes the RF part of the dynamics. Distortions disappear when the frequency frequency of the RF filter is reduced to 2500 Hz and above.
    3. To reduce the brightness, you can even say, the "crypticness" of the speakers in the middle range instead of a 2.2 μF capacity container is better to use a capacity of 0.68 microf.

    After such changes, the sound began to be very good, but still, it did not quite. Attempting to leave the LC dynamics without inductance L1, did not contribute to the further improvement of the sound of the AU. Nevertheless, the unevenness of the frequency response must be compensated. The inductance of the manufacturer has retained in its place. Its effect is well felt.

    And now, after a long listening to different genres, after attempts to vary the nominal nominal elements of the filters right while listening, "on the go" so to speak, turned off the RC-chain of the matching (8.2 ohms and 8.25 Igf - are indicated in the diagram). There was a stunning effect. The feeling of sighing the dynamics, who has gained freedom, before that retained by some kind of pitfall. The previously held sound broke out, flew, became light and noble. It is impossible to transfer the freewheliness and virtuosity of the updated sound with words. It was exactly that the sound from which the inner response arises, there is chills by the body, and pouring music fills all brain cells.

    It should also be noted that the beyma crossover induction coils are non-serious. They are wound 1mm copper wire. For LB Dynamics of inductance parameters 1 and 1.44 mp. At large capacity, the loss of the Bass energy is guaranteed. Given the inductance parameters of the LC filter, obtained by measurement, I ordered inductance for LF and capacity for high-end high-class RF.


    The work performed allowed to adapt the parameters of the resonant channel to the selected speaker and ensured the sound of the AU not lower than the expectations drawn by consciousness. I will write about the sound below. All work took about five months (weekends and evening, given the presence of the sun, time for listening and analysis, on the following calculations, etc.) and demanded certain costs. I will confidently say - the sound level corresponds to the acoustics of the price range from two million rubles. Actual costs, especially taking into account the existing equipment is incommensurable below. The path passed was not easy. The created speaker sounded not only due to the exact or successful calculation of the resonant channel, intuitively, to some extent, the selected dynamics, its approach to modeling and manufacturing the case. Let me remind you, the constructed acoustic system is two-way, the presence of a crossover is necessary. Working with the crossover also made it possible to contribute to the final sound and get a beneficial experience. Damping in the design of the AU was not used. Perhaps I will attempt to estimate the impact influence in a particular case. I can say that the experienced experience made it possible to evaluate the two options made at the beginning of the manufactured speakers for the speakers of 75GDSh3-1, see the shortcomings of setting on bass and make adjustments.

    Now there is no finished facial option of the speakers for the dynamics of 15xa38nd. There is a project. A new calculation of the speakers with a speaker of 75GDSH3-1 with an enlarged return on bass was performed. The new version will be equipped with a tweeter. Given the existing workload and delivery of additionally ordered components, these projects will be implemented not earlier than October-November of the current year. Results will be presented. Part of the Cabinet Cabinet for 15xa38ND head is shown below:


    It is possible that I have developed sentimentality. The achieved sound of two-band speakers then on one, then on the other tracks led to a spiritual and heart trepidation, to lock the breath, provoked to repeatedly listening to the compositions like. The correct or wrong sound is not discussing. If the sounding AS causes the belief of reality from audible music, vocals, sounds and pride - the goal has already been achieved. If individual rotations of the music program can dry out the throat, make the eyes wet - the task is made to the maximum. It is inclined to assume that the constructed prototypes of future speakers is close to the cherished maximum.

    I will say frankly without receiving such a result, I would not allow myself to openly share my developments. Perhaps someone will say, novice is lucky. I also got a double luck. Two pairs of magnificent speakers based on the speakers of 75GDSh3-1, released in Soviet times, stretched out 35 years of scenic life and a pair of new ones, on the basis of 15XA38ND speakers of Spanish Beyma. Let be lucky, but to the one who considers it possible to make such AU, given the additional recommendations provided in the material, the result is guaranteed. For such people and write.

    This article read 41,325 times

    Once I decided to collect high-quality acoustics for visiting a small room, as well as for use as a near-field monitors when working with sound on a computer (hobbies). The main requirement is an adequate sound in relation to the source. Not that the "bottoms of sausage" or "ringing plates", namely adequate natural sound. So, we collect high-quality "shells".

    Number of bands

    In the theory, the ideal system is single-lane. But, like all the perfect, such a system does not exist in nature. Yes, there are very high-quality broadband speakers from the same "visa stone", but for some reason all the well-known manufacturers make two-band shelf systems. And when it comes to the outdoor version, 3 bands are not uncommon. Here the question was not particularly stood - a classic two-band version: LF and HF.

    Selection of speakers

    The main requirement for speakers is the optimal price / quality ratio. Those. It should not be "cheap" by 500r., But not a breathtaking "High-end" for $ 1000. In addition, I was not in a hurry. The idea to assemble the shelter's own hands has come enough for a long time, and I threw the fishing rod in advance with my good friend, the "sick" sound with which we are on this topic have long been constantly and fruitfully communicate.

    The first to appear HF - VIFA XT19SD-00/04 Ring Rad. These are high-quality 4-ohm "singing", quite popular among audiophiles. Planned for one set, but for some reason they did not go and were in my set.

    The second arrived by the LF. They were very decent midbasy from the SoundStream Exact 5.3 set. This is what you can read a little. It happened so that the "sakes" during installation burned down, and the lonely vochers were not needed by themselves. 4-ohm 5.5 "Midbas, fixed in the cast basket of aluminum, were immediately acquired.

    Now that there are speakers, you can proceed to the creation of acoustics.

    Active / passive?

    Each option has its pros and cons. First, you need to take into account the compactness of the columns themselves and the associated complexity in the layout in a limited space. And it makes no sense to mount outside. Secondly, individual modules as independent components can be combined in the future, and it is also easier to repair in the case of anything. Well, thirdly, the active columns are quite expensive. Because If you do a decent amplifier (and sometimes one in each case), it will turn out more than the acoustics itself. Besides, I already had an amplifier. But in any case, I for the scheme - passive acoustics + amplifier, it is more versatile.

    Calculation of body sizes

    We decided with speakers, now it is necessary to understand which hull is optimal for them. Dimensions are considered based on the characteristics of the sound of the LF speaker. There are no recommendations on the manufacturer's website, because The speaker was intended primarily for auto sound. To keep a special equipment for these purposes there is no point, if only this is not your job. Therefore, sensible dude with a special bench comes to the rescue. As a result of laboratory tests, we obtain the calculated size of the housing 310 x 210 x 270 mm. In the process of measurements, the parameters of the phase inverter were also counted.

    By the way, many manufacturers on their sites publish the recommended body sizes for speakers. When such information is, it is logical to use it, but in this case I did not have such data, so I had to do laboratory research.

    Corps material

    In my opinion, the most optimal material for the hull is MDF. It is acoustically neutral, as well as a little better in operational characteristics than the chipboard. Plywood is also good, but it is not easy to find quality fane, and it is more expensive and harder in processing. A 22mm sheet MDF sheet was selected as the source material for the housing. In principle, the standard 18-20mm is quite enough, but I decided to make a little with a margin. The stiffness is superfluous.

    Construction and design of the case

    One of the most important stages. Before going to the MDF, I advise you to decide on the design to immediately ask the seller to cut off the sheet in parts, and at a normal point of sale there are always good machines with an accurate and smooth sip. At home this is difficult to get difficult.

    So design. The columns must look at least no worse than the "industrial" so that there is no feeling of the club of crazy handles. We do not only with high-quality, but also beautiful acoustics. In general, there are practically no beautiful, interesting and in the same time constructively simple acoustic systems. Beautiful acoustics make the Italian Sonus Faber, stunning beauty - Magico Mini. But all of them are made with the use of accurate machines, which are not at home by definition. Alternatively, you can order the corps with a good "cabinetry" with hands and CNC. Such work will cost, depending on where and what you order, from 10,000 rubles. up to 30 000r. Together with the materials. If a specialist is good, then the columns will look no worse, but even better "shop". In this case, I decided that everything would completely do myself. Therefore, we look at things really and make the design of without any sofa, curly discharges, etc. Those. It will be a parallelepiped. The calculated dimensions give a fairly pleasant proportion, and the proportion in design is already half an end.

    What to design? Though I am associated with the design by the nature of the activity, but I know 3D packages, to put it mildly, superficially. At the same time, the program should be more engineering than the render. Specialized "Kady" for this purpose is heavy and unnecessary. The output was quickly found - freiguous Sketchup more than suitable for this purpose. It is so simple and intuitively understood that it was completely mastered in about an hour. It can most importantly: quickly create any shapes, smear sizes, use simple textures. I believe that such a program is ideal for "home" purposes. It can be easily located in it, for example, design the kitchen or even a small house.

    Here is the design of the housing:

    Construction simple. Six walls glued together with each other. Front 2 cutouts under the speakers. Rear 2 cutouts: under the phaseinverter and under the terminal box. The 120x80 rectangle is indicated by a crossover place. Inside the phaseinverter is another wall in the width of the internal space, attached perpendicular to the cut:

    Based on the drawing, the slate diagram emerges:

    How will we finish the case? Blinding film immediately excluded - acoustics should look decent. As an option was considered painting. Abandoned this idea, because Such columns will fit far from each interior (at least they did not fit into the current). I want more versatility. In this regard, natural veneer is more suitable. But a completely attached veneer acoustics looks boring. Search for a combined solution:

    In general, options are not bad in appearance, but purely constructively cause difficulties. As a result, the side walls were solved to separate the veneer of the ash, and the remaining 4 walls are covered around the circumference of the skin, or rather high-quality automotive leatherette. The food is beautiful in itself, but the LF speaker has a structural overlay on the front side of the body, which will not look very beautiful. Therefore, it was decided to make an additional decorative lining for it (ring), which will press it to the body, and at the same time will give beauty the column itself. The design and design determined.


    Before proceeding to the next stage, I mean, what basic tools are needed to work:
    - Circular.
    - Electrolovka.
    - Drill.
    - Mill.
    - Grief machine.
    - Straight arms.
    Without this set, it is better to order the housings to a good master.


    So, we cut the budget of the MDF list. I already wrote that it was better to cut on special machines - it is inexpensive, but it turns out for sure. But because I solved the body to do myself from and to, then for the purity of the experiment he saw the manual circular himself, and small pieces of the jigsaw with a guide. As it was assumed the ideal cut did not work. After cut, the walls of the walls (left-right, front-rear, etc.) are installed by a pair, the grinding machine and / or electrouruk can be checked and checked for perpendicularity with the coce. And in the future, when assembling, it is finalized after gluing. Loss of 2-3 mm is insignificant. But still I recommend to cut off immediately "on the basis", save a bunch of time.

    Assembling corps

    The walls are glued together and tighten with screws. Initially glue the case without anterior wall.

    Now a hole for a clermin, as well as a chamfer to "drown". Initially, for the project, the Terminal was supposed to be placed downstairs. But in the process it became clear that to mount the crossover in the center through the hole for the Vuchera would not be very convenient, so I moved the hole for the clermin above, and the place under the crossover is below.

    Before "attaching a lid", it is necessary to glue the insides with vibration insulating material.

    You can close the box.

    Now one of the very responsible steps is the cutout of the holes under the dynamics on the front panel. I have already said that the perfect acoustic system is single-lane. Why? Because the propagation of sound comes from one source to a listener without disagreement over time due to the difference (meager) in the distance that is using a multibose system. Therefore, the speakers are best spaced as close to each other. So the sound picture is "denser". We calculate the holes so that the distance between the edges of the speakers will be approximately 1 cm. The holes are paved with a labzik with a circular guide.

    The speakers must be recessed. Apply the speakers and according to their edge, we define the diameter to remove the chamfer. The depth of the chamfer Merim over the overlay of each speaker. The chamfer was shot by a manual milling. The depth of the cut was exhibited at the end. The guides were none were used, neatly rolled down the layer of layer to the line. Two "ear" under the terminals were additionally drunk for "singing".

    After the chamfer was removed, we apply the terminal and speakers, after which we drill a thin drill hole for future screws. Without them, firstly, it can "spread" the MDF itself when screwing into screws, secondly, with the final installation, the dynamics will be more difficult to deliver exactly. I thought for a very long time, how to put the speakers relative to each other, came to such a scheme:

    Holes from screws on the outer surfaces must be embedded before the final finish. I used epoxy. In order not to wait until one surface hardens, stuck every surface with scotch and was accepted for the next one. When the epoxy dried, the grinding machine was walked.


    Veneer remained with some ancient times, so I did not have to buy. The sheets were not wide, so a pair of sheets was selected, tightened and glued to the body. At first one side, then the other.

    Veneer needs to be protected. I covered it with a transparent yacht varnish.

    Now you need to cover the housing with leather. Options how to do it - a lot. I decided to do as follows. A strip of 20 mm is cuts larger than the body width and a little longer circumference of the case. On each side begins by 10 mm, the bending is glued to "Speccles 88". Then the string is glued to the same glue around the case. First, the bottom (partially), then the back wall, then the upper, then the front and again lower. At the last stage, the adhesive strip cuts into the place and the jack is pasted. I glued all sides at a time, i.e. I did not wait until each side heel. After each side, I did a small pause (the glue grabs enough), and was taken for the next.

    After everything is dry, carefully cuts and rushes inside the skin on the holes of the phase inverter.

    If I really want, then Fazik can somehow be created.

    Then the holes on the terminalnik, the "whisper" and "squeezing" are cut. The skin on the terminal box and the RF will be able to sleep down, so the diameter of the cutout can be left less than 5-10 mm. The skin on the LC will be pressed with a decorative ring, so you need to cut it up so that it is not visible.

    Final mounting

    The first thing I am mounted crossover. Cross - self-made, on a good element base. Used coils with an air core, film capacitors for the squeeze and moss resistors. I myself did not solder him, but I ordered to be intelligent guys.

    By the way, many producers sin so that even enough non-housing acoustics sometimes put very good crossings. On the Internet you can find a lot of "boarded" systems on this topic. Before assessing the cross, you need to solder three pairs of conductors: for terminal bar, LF and HF. It turned out that mounted would be directly on the plate with vibration insulation. I considered that she is superfluous and dismantled her. Now you can fasten. As a substrate, a piece of packaging film was used from under some kind of device.

    Now we solder the desired pair of conductors to the terminal bar and fix it on the housing. Terminal and speakers are screwed with decorative black screws with a head under the "asterisk". Such self-draws fastened the pad on "singing", so it would be logical to use the same for the rest. Rear wall is ready.

    Before assessing the speakers, you need to accommodate the case with special syntheps. For these purposes, Visaton company was used. Singry procession is glued around the walls around the walls.

    From what speaker to start in principle without a difference. I started with meat. We solder the corresponding pair of conductors from the cross, insert the speaker and screw the screws. Ready.

    Midbass need to be sung under the skin, and to press the top with a decorative ring. We solder the remaining pair of conductors and montuate the speaker.

    Everything? Everything. We screw the acoustic cable to the terminal bar and start testing.


    The system test was performed in the following configurations:

    1. Receiver Sherwood VR-758R + acoustics.

    2. Computer + Unicorn (USB-DAC) + self-amplifier + acoustics.

    3. Computer + E-MU 0204 (USB-DAC) + Sherwood VR-758R + acoustics.

    A little about the configurations themselves. I personally believe that at the moment the perfect version of the home music center is: a computer + USB-DAC + amplifier + acoustics. The sound in the figure without distortion is removed via USB and enters the high-quality DAC from which it is transmitted to a high-quality amplifier and after the acoustics. In such a chain, the number of distortions is minimal. In addition, you can use completely different phonograms: 44000/16, 48000/24, 96000/24, etc. All limited to driver and distribution capabilities. Receivers in this regard are less flexible and in advance morally outdated option. The size of modern hard drives allows you to store almost the entire media library. And the tendency to subscribe to Internet content can and this option to abolish, although this is not the near future and is not suitable for everyone.

    I will say right away that in all three configurations, acoustics sounded perfectly. I, honestly, did not even expect. Here are some subjective aspects.

    1. Adequate and natural sound. What is written, then reproduced. There are no distortions in any direction. How I wanted.

    2. Major sensitivity to the source material. All the flaws of recording, if any, is well audible. Qualitatively mixed tracks are excellent.

    3. Well readable for such sizes of basses. Of course, the organ music on the shelves will not be fully evaluated (it is difficult at all on acoustics), but most of the material "digest" without problems. More from such babies to expect difficult.

    4. Very good study of details. You can hear each tool. Even with a saturated sound picture and a decent volume, the sound does not move into porridge (the amplifier here plays not the last role).

    5. I want to make a pogrom;) i.e. Acoustics does not yell, but even plays. Although there is also not a small merit of the amplifier itself, because With an increase in the load, a good amplifier retains linearity.

    6. From long listening does not hurt a head. I personally often happen, and then the whole day plays and even if that.

    7. Fears at the expense of incorrect panorama and the strong dependence of the sound from the position of the listener were not confirmed. As far as I know, automotive acoustics have a specific phasing of sound due to the features of the location of the speakers in the cabin. Namely, I read this set that Midbas he has more versatile in this plan. What actually confirmed. You can sit in the center in front of the speakers, you can get up near sideways to them - the sound is excellent. Dependence is, but very small.

    As for the configurations themselves, the highest quality sound managed to achieve with the second configuration.

    First, a very high-quality DAC Unicorn was used. You can read about it.

    Secondly, the "self-adept amplifier" is the know-how of one sensible Togliatti "sound". Here it is in a beautiful small aluminum case:

    But "Wort-up":

    In a nutshell, it was possible to find a circuitry solution, in which the amplifier when changing the volume retains its characteristics, i.e. Does not distort the sound at any (structurally permissible) volume. Many amplifiers (even very expensive) suffer from this. It was amazing to listen to how such an amplifier revived many acoustic systems, i.e. Forced them to sound so they should sound. By the way, some industrial amplifiers (in particular, quite quite good and in itself, Xindak themselves, were alteraved by such a scheme), and they opened a "second breathing".

    Compare acoustics with something else, you ask? Yes, for example, with Proac Studio 110, it is quite high-quality shelf acoustics, that's a little about them. Compared, they realized that they sound exactly no worse. Opoakov is perhaps a little less dependence of sound from the position of the listener due to the specific placement of the inverter and the "sakes", there somehow they calculated all this. And the rest is absolutely no worse, even I personally liked my homemakes, but it will be spoken on subjectivism;) I also put up the headphones (quite good KOSS) and compared the panorama, tops and nizam. Absolutely identical sound. Even on nizam. In general, delight full.

    Calculation based on materials

    Sch / LF speakers (steam): 3 000R.
    RF speakers (pair): 3 000r.
    Crossover (pair): 3 000r.
    Sintepon: 160r.
    Terminal (Terminal): 700r.
    Screws: 80r.
    MDF sheet, 22mm: 2 750r.
    Scotch: 30r.
    PVA: 120r.
    Speccles 88: 120r.
    Vibration Isolation: 200r.
    Figure ring: 500r.
    Cable: 500r.
    Total: 14 160r.

    Some materials were or went missily, here were not taken into account here.

    In custody

    In any more or less complex device or the completed functional system, absolutely everything is important. When it comes to a musical system, a large number of factors affect the end result:

    Quality phonogram.
    - A device for playing the phonogram.
    - digital analog converter.
    - Signal amplifier.
    - Wires.
    - The speakers installed in the acoustic system housing.
    - Properly calculated under the dynamics and qualitatively collected hulls.
    - Scheme and kit for crossover.

    This is the main, but not a complete list.

    It is incorrect to assume that the main thing is the amplifier or the main thing - the wires, or the main dynamics. Home Music System is like an orchestra. And if someone will be bad in this orchestra, and someone brilliant to play, then in general it will be average. Or, as mentioned in a very accurate example: if you mix the jacket of shit with a barrel of jumped, then two shit barrels will be.

    There is another extreme. A good system is a fabulous money. So each component should cost half a million. And phonograms should be exclusively in Super Audio CD or on corporate records. Type Closed Society of Elite Audiophiles. Fine is all.

    I came to the conclusion that to assemble my own relatively budget system, which is described in one word "sounds", it is quite possible. And if, as an DAC or amplifier, for the features, it is better to use actually existing solutions that are now very much. That is properly made (independently or under the order) acoustic system, it will sound better than for the same money acquired "branded". Now almost all components can be ordered online. Moreover, many manufacturers publish case diagrams for appropriate speakers. There is a mass of software to calculate the parameters of the enclosures. There are many specialized forums on the network, and in theline there are people with hands. In all of being a specialist is certainly impossible. As in any area, the main thing is to know general principles.

    The article does not pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my thoughts and my experience will come in handy to someone.

    UPD. In comments, many ask about the amplifier. If anyone is interested, write in a personal, I will give the coordinates.

    Good day lovers of good sound! Today I will introduce you to Fedor Garzuev and his very interesting SUONO project. Interesting gradual production of acoustics with their own hands, as a result, it turned out very speaker systems of high class!

    The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating something unusual, which would not be anyone else, with my brother arose for a long time. Love for true music did not leave doubts that it would be precisely acoustic systems made by their own hands. While studying at the university, there were even trial options in the form of two-band "pillars" based on the speakers from and Chinese "sakes". Then there was invaluable experience in working with wood, an understanding of what could be done was also available, and with which they will have to tinker, the need to purchase the tool. We have a well aware of the importance of thorough calculation of all the parameters of acoustics and sound settings. At that moment, we could not afford anything to afford it, so the embodiment of the conceived was postponed indefinitely ...

    And now in the summer, there was a free time, we decided to realize the conceived, make acoustics with your own hands. Began to work out the project. Standard parallelepipeds did not want to do, there was a thought to "drive" any famous brand. I really liked the Sonus Faber Stradivari, Aida, Jamo Epicon 8, but something did not suit anyone, then I was brother (later, they still found very interesting solutions from them). I went through a lot of options (see Figure), and in the end came to the project that I had arranged (later he was corrected under the dynamics bought).

    Having read the literature and thematic sites by analyzing the design of the Hi-End class acoustics, as well as guided by logic, also came to the conclusions: the design of the cabinets should meet the following requirements:

    1. Prevent standing waves inside the column.

    2. Do not create sound distortions caused by resonances and recycling of sound waves in acoustics.

    To ensure the first condition, the rear panel was taken narrow, the absence of parallel surfaces also contributes to this, and at the same time creates the effect of "infinite space". But the column is needed volume, so the front panel turned out to be wide enough. Most firms try to make a column as narrow as possible, but at acoustics with a wide front panel sound more.

    To ensure the second condition - the panel was broken at an angles of 7.5 and 15 degrees to the radiation plane
    Speakers. The concave side surfaces, not a single perpendicular plane both in relation to each other and the wave propagation front, all this is one goal - achievement if not Hi-End, then at least good Hi-Fi. Two phase inverters are installed behind, however, they are not used to resonant low frequency gain, and to equalize the pressure inside the column and are configured to other frequencies so as not to "whistle" when air passes - they set two each column. The office is installed on four copper spikes, and the stand itself stands on three steel supports with plastic lining, with the possibility of adjusting the height and angle of inclination, all this is done in order for the vibration of the columns is transmitted to the support surface. If you look at top, ac Reminds the Soviet Road. Inside the bulkheads for rigidity and giving the side surfaces of the desired bend radius. The edges of the front and rear panels rounded. It was also planned to push the soup with a veneer for aesthetics.

    The work began with the selection of speakers. Break a bunch of sites, stopped on Polish speakers Alphard.. Found in Minsk their representation, which was acquired by everything you need, moreover, it turned out that the company was engaged in the manufacture of professional speakers and can assist in the project. Looking ahead, I will say that they have trusted them the calculation and manufacture of crossovers, as well as the final refinement of sound, than saved a lot of time and money. And on the housings themselves.

    Two plywood sheets with a thickness of 18 mm and 9 meters of bar 95 × 35 mm were purchased. Plywood was drawn, cut into the necessary details. The straight lines cut the circular saw according to the rule, and the curved - with a milling line (a circular was made for a milling mill with the ability to set the radius from 300 to 1500 mm). Immediately make a reservation: cutting 18 mm Faneruer - a bad idea, it is better to cut the blank with an indent with an indent of 2-3 mm and bring the shape of a milling cutter, the surface will be cleaner. Complex details were printed on Watman on a scale of 1: 1 and something like templates did. For manufacture The details went about a month, unfortunately, this process was not photographed. After processing all the parts made an assembly:

    They collected everything with the help of corners, screws and joinery glue.

    The photo above already cut holes for speakers, phase inverters and acoustic terminals. To quenit of any possible resonances and the pridemen, the inner surfaces were decided to lay out the Vatin: cut the knife on paper, fastened with a stapler. Immediately, in the lower cavity, installed.

    After a long bullying over the plywood thickness of 18 mm, it was not possible to bend it with the necessary radius. Therefore, the thickness of the side panels was decided to dial from the three layers of plywood. Each layer was screwed to the struts with self-drawers and wrapped the joinery glue to glue them with each other. The place of the joint of all panels was lubricated with sealant from the inside. The gap between the panels in the photo is not a rubbish build quality. Screws had to weaken, otherwise the side panels were not placed. The top covers of the rolling milling cutter directly on the column.

    Final fitting and assembly of some elements:

    After the main part of the buildings was collected, proceeded to grinding, putty, again grinding ... and so before getting smooth smooth surfaces. We have left two jars putty and a set of grinding circles. Dust was a lot.

    After everyone was stuck - they began to be bored with veneer columns. The main color of the column is black gloss, contrasting drawings from the veneer was intended to dilute this "blackness" and give a more aesthetic appearance. An experienced look will immediately recognize Jamo Epicon 8. Veneer was cut according to the templates of Watman, a knife on paper. If the veneer is thick (we had a thickness of 0.6 mm), then you do not need to try to cut off immediately to the entire depth - big that it burst.

    In the manual for glue, which is bought together with the veneer, this is not described, but from your experience I will say: it is better to apply glue to the surface, and not on a veneer and give it to stand the moments three. Surfaces around the pasting area is better to protect the painting ribbon - the glue "Crue" Phaneru - these places will then have to be flimsy, and the paint does not want to keep paint in these places.

    While the glue dries, the veneer is desirable to periodically roll in the roller, as it turns away from glue, air cavities are formed under it, if they are not immediately removed - then they will be fixed very problematic.

    After the glue dries, the veneer can be stuck. Left to grinding, right - after. Immediately looks not very beautiful, but after applying a varnish or the verse everything changes.

    For the absence of other premises, painted on the balcony. Before the painting, the balcony was thoroughly washed and wrapped in a cellophane to prevent dust painting zone. The hulls "weeping" and rubbed a lobby cloth (sold in auto shops). You don't need to wipe with a damp cloth - the veneer is very afraid of liquids, it begins to settle. To paint does not hit the veneer - it was closed by a painting ribbon. Since the surfaces are large - the ribbon is better to glue only along the edges, and under it, the sheets of paper cut out are cut on it.

    As paint chose acrylic, applied.

    The first layer will reveal all flaws of wood (scratches, snapshots, gaps) that were allowed during grinding. All that manifested themselves - swelling, sweeping, polished.

    After that, several more paint layers are applied. After drying, paint - the painting tape is removed, probably, it was the most pleasant moment for all four months. There was a thought to cover veneer by a veneer under the red tree, but on the test plate he looked gloomy, decided to leave as it is.

    Color strips (we left the gaps between the veneer strips of 2 mm), limiting them with a painting ribbon:

    We apply the name. To do this, come up with a beautiful word or phrase, we borrowed the name from Italian. The name is applied to a special film, with the help of a plotter cutting, such a service is everywhere and is inexpensive. We glue the film (she is self-adhesive) to the surface and put paint, we used the automotive in the balloon.

    After drying, the paint remove the film and get a beautiful inscription:

    We glue a sign with columns characteristics to the rear panel; We screw the lower stand and the steps, there is nothing complicated, simple mechanical assembly. All cover lacquer from the same spray gun. Veneer acquired a yellowish tint, gloss appeared on the paint.

    Score phase inverters, you need to beat carefully, we still broke, I had to gob We solder acoustic terminals, sit on sealant and screw.

    We solder and install speakers. It is worth noting that from the inside of the speakers along the edge, we glued rubber tubes to eliminate the "walking" of the air through possible gaps.

    This is the final stage. Put columns on the floor; Multimeter We check the impedance, connect the amplifier ...

    First audition. It was the most long-awaited and exciting event - the total of four months of work. I will not say that the sound reached the level of high-end (although I don't even know how it should sound), but did not disappoint.

    Compared with already existing Sony SS-F6000. The first time the sound seemed to be (ears were accustomed to another sound), but after a week of listening it became the only right. The sound is more "adult" compared to the "disco-pop" sound of Sony. The bass is not so powerful, but more collected, without height. Each tool in its place, has its own weight, well distinguish, does not drank and does not hide. Even at the maximum volume, the music does not merge into one solid roar. I can't say anything: I have no place to measure the characteristics and nothing.

    Alphard WH656, Alphard WH506, Alphard TW-317, Woofer, Foreign Ministry and Twitter, respectively.

    Some numbers:

    1. The cost of columns is $ 400, of which $ 270 went on speakers and crossovers.
    2. Maximum power of 300 W.
    3. Impedance 4 ohms.
    4. The total mass of one column is 38 kg.

    Dimensions 1135 × 370 × 315mm

    From myself personally and from numerous fans of the site "Sounds" I want to express and wish big creative success Fyodor Garzuev!

    Do not forget to keep us in bookmarks!

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    I wish good luck in the search for exactly your sound!

    Do not be afraid to redo the equipment, look for your !!!

    I hope the article was interesting and helped someone. Please leave comments below so that I can return to you. Do not be afraid of me and add to

    The quality of sound playback in the car is entirely depends on the location of the device in the cabin. It is also necessary to take into account all the technical parameters and the indicator of the resonance "boxes". The housing of the sound playback device that should be used in a particular case is ideally executed from suitable materials capable of providing the necessary resonance. It is for this reason that the most productive work is work with their own hands. But how to make columns, if before that never did it? For a complete understanding of the case and finding a response to this question, it is necessary to understand all nuances of creating acoustic devices. Today you will get acquainted with the information that will help you create a body personally, which will have a positive effect on the budget and will give you a lot of useful experience.

    What is important for speakers?

    To begin with, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the equipment. And to define the sizes, select location:

    • The most popular place is the trunk, because there is enough space. Also in this compartment there are all the conditions for creating some resonance, which makes the sound a little different.
    • You can install and near the rear windows, but then you have to reduce the size of the housings, since large devices simply do not fit.

    How to make columns with your own hands at home? To do this, it is necessary to get acquainted with the four stages of creation.


    To determine the sizes of the case, you need:

    • Select a place.
    • Estimate occupied space.
    • Measure the designated area.

    Important! If a trunk is chosen as location, it is quite enough and 30 centimeters, and for location on the rear seats - at least 15 centimeters.

    What are we building from?

    In order to assemble columns, the following materials follow:

    • Chipboard. Finding such a material will be very easy, and a democratic price tag contributes to. The main advantage of the chipboard is a good gathering that will save the car enthusiast from listening to distortion. Also, the weight of the design from the DSP will practically do not feel.
    • Ebonite. Solid rubber products look good, but the sound is a little frustrating. In addition, it will be very difficult for you to find a piece in the form of a rectangle.

    Important! Also, some buyers complain about the unpleasant smell, but the ebonite of the plame-resistant, unlike the chipboard, so the KZ (short circuits) is not terrible to him.

    • Wood. You can use any tree as a hull, but the mothers are recommended to give preference to oak or pine, since their structure is well affected by the sound. In addition, no one forgets about the appearance, which in this case can be done very attractive.

    Important! Wooden designs can be covered with a layer of paint, which will positively affect the aesthetics of your invention.

    Getting to work

    How to make a column at home? The housing is the most important component, so we consider it precisely its creation.

    The most common and convenient option looks like this:

    • With the help of the hacksaw, there are future parts from the selected material.
    • Select the components on which the speakers will be fixed, and do in the central part of the opening.

    Important! The diameter of the holes should be selected so that it matches the diameter of the lower part of the device.

    • Next cut out small rings that secure on the holes done. This will help well fix the speaker. Create a form that will resemble a plate with a knocked bottom. Stick these rings to ready-made components.
    • Create a few more holes, only already in the form of a triangle. Make them need around the aforementioned rings. These actions will help achieve optimal sound reproduction, in which all waves will penetrate into the housing.
    • Take care of the inside of the design and make small partitions. Choose a length that will be identical to the body length. These details will be needed to fix the phase inverter.
    • Do compact ports in which you will need to turn terminals later.

    Stage assembly

    To connect the housing, you will need:

    • Creare all the details using glue and screws.
    • Fill the design of the syntheps.
    • Locate the speaker in its place.
    • Apply to the invention varnish in order to protect the material and give a decent appearance.

    Important! For painting, you can use the special paint on the tree, and some of the components can be performed at all in any other color decision.

    Sound systems

    In fact, the presence of columns is not always required. Create acoustics in the car can and other:

    • Make foam podiums. To do this, create a cardboard pattern and impose it to the place where the podium is assumed.
    • Cut a solid base. In this you can help the sheet of plywood or fittings.
    • Create a base of two rings. The radius of the first must be identical to the grid radius, which is designed to protect. The diameter of the second ring must be observed according to the size of the column.
    • Connect rings using screws.
    • Make 6 bars in order to recreate the slope. All items will need to be copper with glue.
    • In the design foul foam and leave until complete drying.

    Important! Instead of plywood sheets, you can take parts of different wood. For such a task, you should choose only dry materials that do not have visible defects and cracks. The whole design, in this case, is also recommended to cover lacas, in order to give it reliability. If you pursue more efficiency, then secure all the components using 2 rails.

    In today's market of acoustic equipment, many audio systems are represented - they can be of different types, power and design, it is possible to pick up a speaker for every taste and for any needs. However, not always purchased speakers are the perfect option. Many people want to try to make acoustic devices with their own hands - from the realization that this is not a product from the Chinese plant, and something created by its own forces, the columns will even be subjectively to sound.

    Of course, to buy columns are much simpler and probably cheaper. But collecting your own columns is not so difficult. The complexity of the process depends on several factors:

    • What columns you need. Would you like to collect a full-fledged multichannel system or a simple stereo pair, they should be powerful or not very, broadband or multibone. It depends on all this, first of all, the complexity of calculations, and then - the complexity of the assembly.
    • The number of existing parts. The scale of the project may be different - someone collects only the case, and the electrical parts buys in the finished form, and someone independently makes a controlling chip (crossover) and an amplifier. The only thing that in all cases is bought is the dynamic emitters, since it is almost impossible to collect them outside the factory conditions.
    • Experience and skills. The main thing is that you need to have - straight hands capable of working on woodworking at a decent level, because in the case of column assembly with your own hands, the total quality of the acoustic system depends on the quality of the manufacture of the body.

    If you are sure that you are ready to assemble speakers yourself, you need to prepare tools and materials, and you can proceed. Let us leave aside the question of what type of the total acoustic system is not important, the general principles of assembly are similar, regardless of whether small front speakers are collected or a huge and powerful system 5.1. It will differ, in principle, only the scope of work and the number of calculations.

    Design speakers

    Before you begin to make acoustic devices with your own hands, you need to figure out what and in what form they can be made. First of all, you should find out what could be the column body.

    The quality of the case plays a huge role in giving the sound of purity and volume. If the box is collected with rude structural errors, the consequences can be the most different - from a simple deterioration in the quality of the sound (for example, it will be too deaf) until the entire inoperability of the column. Do not worry ahead of time - accurately, I calculated everything, everything will be on a very worthy time. If some flaws and will be, you can hardly be determined by the unarmed ear. It is also worth remembering that in working with a tree, the decimeter of the error is not an accuracy, so minor errors are quite excuse.

    The first thing you need to choose is the form of future columns. It can be almost any, but for independent work it is best to choose a traditional rectangular shape. If it is planned to manufacture a non-broadband column, but a subwoofer, then the form must be cubic. Also, we also note that in the manufacture of a low-frequency speaker, the maximum accurate calculations of the column volume, as well as the phase inverter, otherwise the bass will be played not well enough, which will make the meaning of work on no.

    The sizes of the column can also be different. If a large set of speakers is used - up to three mid-frequency, one high-frequency twitter and low-frequency subwoofer - column, of course, should be high. At the same time, it can be narrow - the volume is quite enough for high-quality sound. In general, it can be said about the calculation of the volume - but all particularly accurate calculations do not have a special meaning if you do not have ears that can capture the slightest deviations of the amplitude of the sound from the perfect straight line. So it is enough to approximately calculate the required volume, based on the diameter and the power of the dynamic emitter. If a multi-band column, a low-frequency loudspeaker is taken as the basis.

    One of the most important points is the right choice of material. The walls of the column body can be made from different types of material, the main thing is that it will respond to the three requirements:

    • rigidity - so that the walls do not bent under the action of vibration of speakers;
    • ease;
    • affordable price.

    The pupil plate of medium density, or MDF, is best suited. One-piece tree is not suitable for the reason that it is too flexible and creates the effect of resonance. In addition, the column is not an absolutely static object - when working in it, the fluctuations are imperceptible to the naked eye and similar movements, because of which the unfolded wood is relatively fast and comes to benumb. One of the few tree breeds that can be used to produce column with your own hands is Eben, or a black tree, which is the most solid of all varieties of wood, and is also perfectly polished. However, the ferrous tree is very expensive, so in most cases it will not fit - after all, one of the goals of independent work is economy.

    Another possible variant of the material is a multilayer plywood. It is easy to handle, and after assembling the case, you can be separated by any decor - for example, a natural veneer. Its only minus is not the highest rigidity, so for greater strength of the design will have to additionally drink edges that will be placed inside the box.

    In addition to the materials described, the use of GVL or DSP is possible - they themselves have good sound insulation indicators, which allows you to somewhat savage on the protective material. However, they have a high mass and very difficult in processing. Plastic is not recommended at all - leave polymers to factory manufacturers. Thus, it is best to stop the choice on the chipboard, especially laminated - it is better in properties, and it looks good, imitating almost any material - for example, the same ebony.

    As a result, the column must have the following qualities:

    • Smooth amplitude-frequency characteristic - this parameter reflects the sound quality, since it is the difference between the resulting electrical signal and the sound waves issued. It is all efforts to make the perfect response that the self-made speaker should be sent to receive. The quality of the frequency response is influenced by many factors - this is the correct location of the parts of the column inside the housing, and the quality of the materials used, and even the environment.
    • Decent efficiency. Since the electric signal is transformed in the dynamics to the mechanical movements of the diffuser - the oscillations of its membrane, which create the sound - the efficiency of the efficiency is always very low. You need to try to raise it as high as possible. Assist in this will be able to the correct selection of details.
    • Subjective sound quality - the column should be pleasant to listen, because it will be not used to use the device for measuring sound characteristics, but you yourself.
    • Cute design - the more attractive the column looks like, the more pleasant will be the use of it.

    Fully prepared for work and drawing an exemplary draft column, you can start making the column with your own hands.

    Technology for creating an acoustic device

    One of the main principles that need to be guided during operation is accuracy. It is necessary to maximize all measurements as much as possible before you begin to drink parts, and before their bonding it is necessary to still try to each other.

    The stages of the manufacture of column are as follows:

    1. On the harvested sheets of chipboard, the walls of the future case are drawn. On the walls you need to place spaces for setting the speakers - the holes must be round and perfectly approach the dimensions of the emitters so that there are no cracks in the end.
    2. Details are cut off. If the board is lacquered, it is better to cut it with a decorating side up so as not to damage the decorative coating.
    3. How to make the walls of the column? You can use in two ways: either use glue or epoxy resin, or simply twist screws. In the first case, it is necessary to do everything very carefully that the column does not bother. For pressing lubricated with glue parts, you can use the system of vice. To fasten the walls with thin screws, it is also necessary to be carefully so that they come under an ideal direct angle.
    4. The body should be sealed, therefore, if the joints of the walls are not sufficiently dense, the slots need to be filled with felt, impregnated with glue. If the rear panel is removable, it is necessary to stick a polymer or rubber sealer by its edge.
    5. If the box is closed, instead of the upholstery of the walls with sound insulation, cotton wool or foam rubber can be covered right so by filling out the entire volume of the column. The main thing is that it does not come into contact with the rear surface of the diffuser. In addition, a channel from the emitter to the phase inverter should be formed.
    6. It is not necessary to calculate the length of the phase inverter - it is perfectly selected by an experimental way. The diameter is to calculate easily - for example, a 5 cm wide with a diameter of more than 100 mm is perfectly suitable. The length is defined as follows - there are two homemade tubes from cardboard and are inserted into each other, and then placed in the hole intended for the phase inverter. Then the column must be turned on and moving the tubes relative to each other until the air flow from the hole becomes the most active.
    7. When the housing is assembled, only the speakers and amplifier will remain in it. Emitters are connected or sequentially or in parallel depending on the required column characteristics.

    In compliance with the technology, you will undoubtedly get a very high quality column.

    Creating columns with your own hands: video