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Golden Horde. Golden Horde, ulus juchi history ulus juchi

- ⇑ X.6. Mongolia and Mongolian Khanate ... The rulers of the world

1242 1309 (1446) ... Wikipedia

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Golden Horde (Ulus Juci) Khanate OK. 1224 1481 ... Wikipedia

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- (? about 1227), Khan, the eldest son of Genghis Khan. He headed the campaign to South Siberia (1207 08), the participant in the conquest of China and Central Asia; Ruler Juci Ulus. * * * Juchi Juci (Ok. 1184 Ok. 1227), Mongolian military leader, Senior Son of Genghis Khan from ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Wikitek has texts on the topic of ulus ulus (Mong. People, tribe, people, detachment, army, state ... Wikipedia

The hereditary possession of Mongolian khans from the genus Juci (from 1224) in the western part of the Mongolian Empire. From 1240 xs. Golden Horde ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The hereditary possession of Mongolian khans from the genus Giuchi (from 1224) in the western part of the Mongolian Empire (Khorezm and all of the Cheap and Kipchak). From 1240 xs. Golden Horde. * * * Juci Ulus Juchi Ulus, hereditary ownership of Mongolian Khan from the genus Juci ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Golden Horde and her fall
  • Golden Horde and her fall, Greeks B.D. At the beginning of the 13th century, Genghis Khan divided the land between his sons, conquered as a result of mongol campaigns. Golden Horde or Ulus Juchi occupied a large territory from the Dniester in the West and ...
  • Moscow and the Tatar world. Collaboration and confrontation in the era of change. XV-XVI centuries. , Bulat Rakhimianganov. Among the states that were part of the Golden Horde on special conditions was the "Russian Ulus" - a set of principalities of Northeast Russia, conquered in 1237-1241. The troops of the ruler Batu. ...

Horde slaves

Golden Horde, Ulus Juci

Golden Horde, Ulus Juci - stateFounded Batym.Son. khan Juchi and grandson Chingiskhana On the territory of Khorezma and the North Caucasus. IN 1243 in the lower reaches of the Volga (100 km north modern Astrakhan) The city of Sarai, who became the capital of Golden Hordes. TO 1255 When the Battered, the Golden Horde includes territories from the Danube to Irtysh (Crimea, North Caucasus, part steppe Land Rus, Earth former Volga Bulgaria, Western Siberia, part of Central Asia). The territory of the Golden Horde was divided into ulysy.. Indigenous Russian lands were not included in the Golden Horde, and got into vassal Dependence - Population paid tribute and submitted to the orders of Khanov. Power Khan was unlimited.

Surrounded by Khan, except for the members of his house (sons, brothers and nephews) were major representatives of the Goldenopa Nobility - Runs (Neuona). Public affairs led Beclaire-Beck (Prince over Princes), separate industries - Vesira. Darugi was sent to cities and regions, the main responsibility of which was the collection taxes and filters. Along with Darugami, commanders were prescribed - baskaki. The state unit looked paramilitary character. The most important posts occupied members of the ruling dynasty, tsarevichi (Note), who owned the lots in the Golden Horde and standing at the head of the troops. From the running environment (Neuon) and tarkhanov The main teams of troops were published: Dathers, thousands, centuries, as well as Bukauly ( officials, distributed military content, prey, etc.). The horde was founded on very conveniently located lands: a highway ran here ancient Cravan trading, hence it was closer to Dr.Mongol states.

Merchants from distant Egypt, Central Asia, Caucasus, Crimea, Volga Bulgaria, Western Europe, India came to Saray Batu with their goods. Khans encouraged the development of trade and crafts. On the banks of the Volga, Yaika, in the Crimea and other territories were built cities. Gorodishche At S. SELITRY, who remained from the first capital of the Golden Horde - Saraj Batu, is striking with its sizes. Discussed on several shoots, it stretches along the left shore of Akhtuba by more than 15 km. The city was founded by M.1242 and 1254 and grew very quickly. IN 1261 In the city was established orthodox diocese. Monk Rubruk wrote: "It was the Tatars who prefer Sarratinov in Russian, because they are Christians. When Russians cannot give more gold or silver, Tatars will lead them to their baby, like herd, in the desert, to make their animals." In N.Xiv c. It was the capital - with solid rows of houses, with mosques (of which 13 were cathedral), with palaceswhose walls sparkled mosaic patterns, reservoirs, with markets and warehouses.

At the highest hill over the shore of Akhtuba, the Khansky Palace was elevated. According to the legend, the Khan Palace was decorated with gold, so all the state became known as the Golden Horde. And today, in the area of \u200b\u200bS. SELITREN, you can find tiles with a bright oriental ornament, coins of the XIII-XIV centuries, chips of ceramics, clay water pipes. The city had its own ceramic, foundry, jewelry workshops. Some time is state subordinate to Great kaganfound in the capital Mongol Empire - Karakorum. However, soon the rulers of the Golden Horde began to use full independence. The people who came along with Batym were assimilated with the local Turkic population. The result was a new one ethnos - tatara. IN 1312 As a nationwide religion accepted islam. They remained a leading industry in the economy, so the transition to a settled lifestyle was slow and uneven.

Saray-Batu was located on the shore of Akhtuba. In 1282, the capital of Khanate was transferred to Saraj-Berk. Later Timur (Tamerlan), breaking the troops of the Great Khan, ruined Saray Batu

Golden horde was artificial public education and existed relatively long - OK.200 years. Colossal territory nations with varying culture, religion I. customs, separatist Trends and endless smouse (so, in 1361 At the goldside throne, six khanov changed, and after 1362 The Golden Horde actually broke into two parts, the border of which became the Volga), failures in collisions with troops Timuraand then Russian princes The fall of the golden horde was predetermined. In the XIV-XV centuries. Golden Horde began to experience the period feudal fragmentation, and in the N.XVI century. broke into a number of Hangey: Kazan, Astrakhan, Siberian, Crimean, Uzbek, Nogai Horde and Large Horde. IN 1502 It was finally crushed by Mengly-Gyreum Crimea and stopped his existence. In S.XVI in. It began to move hardened Russia to the East. 2 OK 1552. To Russia was joined Kazan Khanate, 14 dk 1556. - Astrakhan.

In the village of Selitrethed Harabalinsky district of the Astrakhan region, excavations of the capital of the Golden Horde of the city of Sarai-Batu are held

The most persistent enemy of Russia was the Crimean Khanate. In the XVIII century Russia joined the Northern Black Sea region, Kuban, Taman, strengthened its position in the Caucasus and in the Transcaucasus. 29 DK 1791. by Yaski Peace Treaty Turkey He recognized the Crimea of \u200b\u200bRussia's ownership.

Astrakhan Khanate Astrakhan Baskak Vassal Power State

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Golden Horde (also Ulus Juchi - Country of Juci, or Turk. Ulu ulus - The Great Country, the Grand State) is a medieval multinational state on the lands of Central Eurasia, which united in its composition many different tribes, peoples and countries.

In 1224-1266 was located as part of the Mongol Empire.

By the middle of the XV century, the Golden Horde broke up into several independent hanses; Its central part, nominally continued to be considered the Verkhovna - a big horde, ceased existence at the beginning of the XVI century.

Name and borders

Name "Golden Horde" It was first used in 1566 in the historical and publicistic essay of the Kazan Story, when the very united state no longer existed. Before that time in all Russian sources the word " Horde»Used without adjective Golden" Since the XIX century, the term firmly fixed in historiography and is used to designate Ulus Juchi as a whole or (depending on the context) of its western part of the capital in Saraj.

In the fact that the Goldenopa and Eastern (Arab-Persian) sources did not have a single name. It was usually indicated by the term " ulus.", With the addition of any epithet ( "Ulug Ulus") or the ruler name ( "Ulus Burke"), and not necessarily acting, but also reigning earlier (" Uzbek, dominated Berke countries», « ambassadors Tukhtyshkhan, the sovereign of the land of Uzbek"). Along with this, the old geographical term was often used in Arab-Persian sources. Chehane and-Kipchak . Word " horde"In the same sources, I marked a bet (mobile camp) of the ruler (examples of its use in the value" Country "begin to meet only from the XV century). Combination " golden Horde"(PERS. اردوی زرین, Urdu-I zarrin) in the meaning" golden charter»It is found in the description of the Arab traveler in relation to the residence of Khan Uzbek.

In Russian chronicles, the word "Orda" usually meant the army. Its use as the name of the country becomes constant from the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries, until that time, the term "Tatars" was used as the name. In Western European sources, the names were distributed " country Komuna», « Mound" or " power Tatars», « earth Tatars», « Tataria" The Chinese called Mongols " tatars"(TAR-TAR).

In modern languages, which are connected by the Odean Old Tartar, the Golden Orda is referred to: Oluj Yurt / Yort (Big House, Motherland), Oluj Ulus / Oly (Big Country / District, Senior District), Doshti Kypchak (Steppe Kipchakov), etc. Also, if the capital city is called Bash Cala (the main city), then the mobile rate is called Altyn Urda (Golden Center, Tent, Stanitsa).

The borders of the Horde Arab historian Al-Omari, who lived in the first half of the XIV century, determined like this:


Batu Khan, medieval Chinese drawing

Education Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde)

After the death of Mengou Timur, a political crisis has begun in the country associated with the name of the damner of the foot. Nogai, one of the descendants of Genghis Khan, held a post of becolebeck for Mengu-Timur, the second value in the state. His personal ulus was in the West of the Golden Horde (near the Danube). Nogai set as a goal of the formation of his own state and during the reign of Tula-Mengu (1282-1287) and Tula-Buoga (1287-1291), he managed to subordinate to his power a huge territory on the Danube, Dnestra, Uzeau (Dnieper).

With direct support of the foot on the Saradian throne, Tachta was planted (1291-1312). At first, the new ruler listened to his patron, but soon, relying on the steppe aristocracy, spoke out against him. A long struggle ended in 1299 by the defeat of the foot, and the unity of the Golden Horde was again restored.

Golden Horde flourished

Fragments of the language decor of the Chingizid Palace. Golden Horde, Saray Batu. Ceramics, supervised painting, mosaic, gilding. Selitreal settlement. Excavations of the 1980s. GIM

"Great Jam"

From 1359 to 1380, more than 25 khans changed at the Goldenopinsky throne, and many uluses tried to become independent. This time in Russian sources was called "Great Jam".

During the life of Khan Janibek (no later than 1357) in Ulus Shiban, his Khan Ming Timur was proclaimed. And the murder in 1359 Khan Berdibequet (Son Janibeka) laid the end of the batupy dynasty, which was the reason for the emergence of a wide variety of applicants for the Saradian throne from among the representatives of the eastern branches of Juchides. Using the instability of the central government, a number of hordes for a while following the Ulus Shiban found his own khans.

The rights to the Orthodox throne of the self-prisoner were immediately subjected to doubt the son-in-law and at the same time the Bekstybeck killed by Khan by the Dolnik Mama. As a result, Mamay, who had the grandson of Isatu, the influential emir of the time of Khan Uzbek, created an independent ulus in the western part of the horde, up to the right bank of the Volga. Not being a Genghisid, Mamay did not have rights to the title of Khan, so he was limited to the post of becolebek with the puppets from the genus Batum.

Khana from the ulus Shiban, the descendants of Ming Timur, tried to fix in the barn. You really could not really succeed, the rulers changed with kaleidoscopic speed. The fate of the Khanov largely depended on the favor of the merchant top of the cities of the Volga region, which was not interested in the strong Hangehog.

According to the example, the Maoy other descendants of Emirov also showed a desire for independence. Tengiz Bug, also the grandson of Isat, tried to create an independent ulus on Syrdarya. The rebels against Tengiz-Bugs in 1360 and who killed his Juchis continued his separatist politics, proclaiming a Khan from his environment.

Salchen, the third grandson of the same Isat and at the same time grandson Khan Janibek, captured Haji-Tarkhan. Hussein-Sufi, son of Emir Nangudaya and grandson Khan Uzbek, in 1361 created an independent ulus in Khorezm. In 1362, Lithuanian Prince Olgerd captured the land in the Dnieper basin.

Smoot in Golden Horde ended after Genghisid Tokhtamysh, with the support of Emir Tamerlane from Maverannahra in 1377-1380, first captured the uluses on Syrdarya, defeating the Sons of Urus-Khan, and then the throne in Saraj, when Mamai joined the direct conflict with the Moscow Principality (Defeat on the other (1378)). Tohtamysh in 1380 defeated the remnants of troops on the river Kulkalka collected by Mama after defeat in the Kulikovsky battle.

The Board of Tokhtamysh

In the board of Tokhtamysh (1380-1395), the troubles and the central government began to control the entire main territory of the Golden Horde. In 1382, Khan made a campaign to Moscow and achieved the recovery of Dani's payment. After strengthening its position, Tohtamysh spoke against the Central Asian ruler of Tamerlane, with which the Union relations previously supported. As a result, a number of devastating hikes 1391-1396 Tamerlan broke troops to Tokhtamysh, captured and destroyed the Volga cities, including Saraj-Berk, plundered the cities of Crimea and others. The Golden Horde was punished, from which she could no longer be able to recover.

Disintegration of the golden horde

From the sixties of the XIV century, from the time of the Great Jam, there were important political changes in the life of the Golden Horde. The gradual collapse of the state began. The rulers of remote parts of the ulus acquired the actual autonomy, in particular, in 1361 he gained independence of the Olus of Orda-Ejegen. However, before the 1390s, the Golden Horde remained more or less than a single state, but with a defeat in the war with Tamerlane and the ruin of economic centers, the decay process was beginning to be accelerated from the 1420s.

At the beginning of the 1420s, Siberian Khanate was formed, in 1428 - Uzbek Khanate, then Kazan (1438), Crimean (1441) Khanate, Nogai Horde (1440s) and Kazakh Khanate (1465) arose. After the death of Kichi-Mohammed, the Golden Horde ceased to exist as a single state.

The main among the Juche states continued to be considered a big horde. In 1480, Ahmat, Khan Large Horde, tried to achieve obedience from Ivan III, but this attempt ended unsuccessfully, and Russia finally freed himself from the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. At the beginning of 1481, Ahmat was killed when an attack on his bid of the Siberian and Nogai Connection. With his children, at the beginning of the XVI century, a large horde ceased to exist.

State Device and Administrative Decision

According to the traditional device of nomadic states, Ulus Juchi after 1242 was divided into two wings: the right (Western) and left (Eastern). The older was considered the right wing, which represented a Ulus Batu. The West at Mongols was marked with white, so Ulus Batu was called the White Ord (AK Horde). The right wing covered the territory of Western Kazakhstan, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Don and Dnieper Steppes, Crimea. The center was Saray Batu.

Wings, in turn, were shared on the uluses, which other Sons of Juciow owned. Originally such uluses were about 14. Carpini's plan, who traveled to the East in 1246-1247, allocates the following leaders in the Horde, indicating Kochev's places: Kremusu on the West Bank of Dnieper, Mausi on East, Cartan, married to Batu's sister, in the Don steppes, Batu himself on the Volga and two Thousands of two shores of Jaica (River Ural). Burke owned the lands in the North Caucasus, but in 1254 Batu took these holdings to himself, ordered Berke to move to the east of the Volga.

At first, the ulus division was distinguished by instability: possessions could be transmitted to other persons and change their borders. At the beginning of the XIV century, Khan Uzbek carried out a major administrative and territorial reform, on which the right wing of Ulus Djuci was divided into 4 major uluses: Sarai, Khorezm, Crimea and Cheta-I-Kypchak, headed by the appointed Khan and Ulusbeki. The main ulusbek was becolebek. The following by the meaning of the sovereign was a Vizier. Two other positions occupied especially noble or any distinct dignitaries. These four areas were divided into 70 minor possessions (Tumenes), led by the Dathers.

The uluses were divided into smaller possessions, also called uluses. The latter were various administrative and territorial units, which depended on the rank of the owner (Dolnik, thousandth, and a hundred, and a decompress).

The capital of the Golden Horde at Bathu was the city of Saray-Batu (near modern Astrakhan); In the first half of the XIV century, the capital was transferred to Saraj-Berke (founded by Khan Burke (1255-1266) near modern Volgograd). With Khan, Uzbek, Saraj-Berk renamed the Sarah al-Jedd.


The overwhelming part of the Ordane troops was the cavalry used in battle the traditional tactics of combat the mobile honeymills of archers. Her kernel was the heavy detachments, consisted of known, the basis of which was the guard of the Ordane ruler. In addition to the Goldenopa Warriors, Khana was gained in the army of soldiers from among the conquered peoples, as well as mercenaries from the Volga region, Crimea and the North Caucasus. The main weapons of the Ordia warriors was the complex onion of the eastern type, which the Ordans used with great skill. And spears were widespread, used by the Ordans during a massive spear strike, which followed the first blow to arrows. From the blade weapons were the most popular were the Balashi and Sabli. A shock-crushing weapon was also common: Bulava, six-edges, shells, cloves, brushes.

Among the Ordane warriors, laminar and laminar metal shells were common, from the XIV century - Kolchugi and ring-lamellar armor. The most common armor was Hatangu-Degel, reinforced from the inside with metal plates (ip). Despite this, the Ordans continued to use lamellar shells. We used Mongols and brigant-type armor. Received the spread of the grain, necklaces, eyed and ledges. Swords almost everywhere were displaced by sabers. From the end of the XIV century, guns appear. Ordane warriors began to use field fortifications, in particular, large machine shields - chapara. In the field battle, they also used some military-technical means, in particular, crossbows.


In the Golden Horde, the ethnogenesis of the Volga, Crimean, Siberian Tatars took place. The Turkic population of the Eastern Wing of the Golden Horde constituted the basis of modern Kazakhs, Karakalpakov and Nogai.

Cities and Trade

On the lands from the Danube to the Irtysh, 110 city centers with the material culture of Eastern appearance were recorded, the flourishing of which came on the first half of the XIV century. The total number of goldside cities, apparently, approached 150. The major centers mainly caravan trade were the cities of Saray-Batu, Saraj-Berk, Events, Bulgar, Haji-Tarkhan, Beldjamen, Kazan, Juteau, Majar, Mokhus, Azak ( Azov), Urgench, etc.

Genoese trading colonies in the Crimea (Captain of Gosti) and at the mouth of the Don were used by the Horde for trading with cloth, fabrics and linen canvas, weapons, female decorations, jewelry, precious stones, spices, incense, furs, leather, honey, wax, salt, grain , forest, fish, caviar, olive oil and slaves.

From the Crimean shopping cities, trade routes began, leading both southern Europe and in Central Asia, India and China. Trading routes leading to Central Asia and Iran passed along the Volga. Through Volgodonskaya Pling there was a connection with Don and through it with the Azov and Black Sea.

External and domestic trade relations were provided by the money produced by the golden hordes: silver dirhems, copper pools and sides.


In the first period, the rulers of the Golden Horde recognized the primacy of the Great Caan of the Mongol Empire.


  1. Mengu-Timur (1269-1282), the first Khan Golden Horde, independent of the Mongolian Empire
  2. Tuda Mengu (1282-1287)
  3. Tula Bug (1287-1291)
  4. Tochta (1291-1312)
  5. Uzbek Khan (1313-1341)
  6. Tynibeks (1341-1342)
  7. Janibek (1342-1357)
  8. Berdibek (1357-1359), the last representative of the genus Batu
  9. Kulp (August 1359-January 1360), the impostor, issued himself for the son of Janibek
  10. Naururu-Khan (January-June 1360), the impostor, issued himself for the son of Janibek
  11. Hizr Khan (June 1360- August 1361), First Representative of the Orda-Ejegen
  12. Timur-Khoja Khan (August-September 1361)
  13. Ordreame (September-October 1361), first representative of the genus Tuka Timur
  14. Kildibek (October 1361-September 1362), impostor, betrayed himself for the son of Janibek
  15. Murad Khan (September 1362-autumn 1364)
  16. Mir Pub (autumn 1364-September 1365), First Representative of Chiban
  17. Aziz Sheikh (September 1365-1367)
  18. Abdullah Khan (1367-1368)
  19. Hasan Khan (1368-1369)
  20. Abdullah-Khan (1369-1370)
  21. Mohammed Bulak Khan (1370-1372), with the regen of Tulunbek Hanum
  22. Urus-Khan (1372-1374)
  23. Cherkess-Khan (1374-beginning 1375)
  24. Mohammed Bulak Khan (beginning 1375-June 1375)
  25. Urus-Khan (June-July 1375)
  26. Mohammed Bulak Khan (July 1375-end 1375)
  27. Kaganbeck (Aibek Khan) (end 1375-1377)
  28. Arabesha (Kara Khan) (1377-1380)
  29. Tohtamysh (1380-1395)
  30. Timur Kutlug (1395-1399)
  31. Schadibek (1399-1407)
  32. Pousin-Khan (1407-1411)
  33. Timur Khan (1411-1412)
  34. Jalal Ad-Ding Han (1412-1413)
  35. Kerimberda (1413-1414)
  36. Chop (1414-1416)
  37. Jabbar Berdy (1416-1417)
  38. Dervish Khan (1417-1419)
  39. Ulu Muhammed (1419-1423)
  40. Barak Khan (1423-1426)
  41. Ulu Muhammed (1426-1427)
  42. Barak Khan (1427-1428)
  43. Ulu Muhammed (1428-1432)
  44. Kichi-Mohammed (1432-1459)


see also


  1. Zahler, Diane. The Black Death (Revised Edition) (Neopre). - Twenty-First Century Books (eng.)russian, 2013. - P. 70. - ISBN 978-1-4677-0375-8.
  2. V.D. Dimitriev, S.A. Krasnov. Bulgarian land // Electronic Chuvash Encyclopedia. - Date of handling: 25.01.2020.
  3. Gabdelganeva G. G. The history of the Tatar book: from sources until 1917. - DirectMedia, 2015. - P. 29. - 236 p. - ISBN 9785447536473.
  4. Golden horde. - Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, 2007. - P. 56. - 247 p. - ISBN 9789965081316.
  5. Documents-\u003e Gold Orda-\u003e Letters of the Goldenopa Hanov (1393-1477) -\u003e Text
  6. Grigoriev A. P. The official language of the Golden Horde of the XIII-XIV centuries. // Turkic Collection 1977. M, 1981. P.81-89. "
  7. Tatar encyclopedic dictionary. - Kazan: Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia, An RT, 1999. - 703 p., Ill. ISBN 0-9530650-3-0
  8. Faces F. S. Starotatar Business Writing XVIII century. / F. S. Faseev. - Kazan: Tat. kn. Edited., 1982. - 171 p.
  9. Khisamova F. M. Functioning of the Old Tartar Business Writing of the XVI-XVII centuries. / F. M. Hisamova. - Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan. University, 1990. - 154 p.
  10. Written languages \u200b\u200bof the world, books 1-2 d McKonnell, V. Yu. Mikhalchenko Academy, 2000 p. 452.
  11. III International Bodown Readings: I.A. Boduen de Courtae and modern problems of theoretical and applied linguistics: (Kazan, May 23-25, 2006): works and materials, volume 2 p. 88 and p. 91.
  12. Introduction to the study of Turkic languages \u200b\u200bNikolai Alexandrovich Baskakov Higher. School, 1969.
  13. Tatar Encyclopedia: K-L Mansur Khasanovich Khasanov, Mansur Khasanovich Khasanov In-T Tatar Encyclopedia, 2006 p. 348.
  14. History of the Tatar literary language: XIII-first quarter of XX to the Institute of Language, Literature and Art (Iyli) named after Galimjana Ibrahimov Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Publishing in Ficker, 2003
  15.\u003dlang_orda E. Tenishev Language of interethnic communication of the Golden Ordinskaya era
  16. Atlas of the history of Tatarstan and the Tatar people M.: Publisher Dick, 1999. - 64 p.: Ill., Maps. Ed. R. G. Fahrutdinova
  17. Historical geography of the Golden Horde in the XIII-XIV centuries.
  18. Rakushin A. I. Mongolian tribes Ulus Juchi // Mongols on the Volga / L. F. Beshkovsky. - Saratov: Techno Decor. - P. 10-29. - 96 p.
  19. Golden Horde Archival Copy of October 23, 2011 on Wayback Machine
  20. Screaming R. Yu. Legal position of Ulus Juchi in the Mongolian Empire 1224-1269. (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). - Library of the Central Asian Historic Server. Date of appeal April 17, 2010. Archived on August 8, 2011.
  21. Cm.: Egorov V. L. Historical geography of the Golden Horde in the XIII-XIV centuries. - M.: Science, 1985.
  22. Sultanov T. I. How Ulus Juchi became a golden horde.
  23. Meng da Bay Lou (full description of Mongol-Tatars) per. From whale, Introducts, comments. and arr. N. Ts. Munkueva. M., 1975, p. 48, 123-124.
  24. V. Tisengauzen. Collection of materials related to the history of the horde (p. 215), Arabic text (p. 236), Russian translation (B. Greek and A. Yakubovsky. Golden Horde, p. 44).

The Khaghood of Kipchakov, familiar to us, as the Golden Horde, was only part of a larger political organism, known as Ulus Juchi. It should be remembered that shortly before the death of Genghis Khan made each of his sons the ruler of a separate part of the empire, ulus, under the supreme power of the Great Khan. Since Kazakhstan and Western Lands, which were supposed to conquer, were given to the eldest son of Genghis Khan Juchi, this part of the Mongolian Empire began to be called Ulus Juchi, or Western Khanate; Marco Polo spoke about Juchis, as about the "Tatars of the West."

After the death of Jucie, the ruler of this ulus was recognized by his second son Batu. After the conquest of Russia, Batu, as we know, founded your capital in Saraj on the Lower Volga. The initial Ulus Juchi became the specific ownership of the older brother Batu Horde. It included an extensive territory, which included West Siberia, Kazakhstan and the lower pool of the Syrdarya River. [+1] Two other Sons Juci, Shib and Tuka Timur, also received their share of possessions in this territory. Although the Batu brothers, which were ruled in the eastern part of Ulus Juci, was at first under his suzeraenate, later Eastern Khanate gained factual independence.

Since Ulus Juchi was an extreme western part of the empire, we can assume that in accordance with the system of relations between a certain color and the side of the world, it was indicated by white. According to John de Plano Carpini, during each of the four days, during which the GUUK election ceremony, the Mongols, who were present at Kurultai were dressed in a dressed color. On the first day the color was white. [+2] According to Hara Davan, this day symbolized the participation of Ulus Juchi in the elections. [+3] Reception on this day was carried out in a large tent of white velvet. Thus, Ulus Juchi, apparently, was known as a white horde. After its separation into two pugps - East and Western - the problem of the colors of the accessories has become more confusing. In the sources mentioned two pages - white and blue hoddes, but it is unclear what color belongs to which Khanty.

Most researchers agree now that Eastern Khanate was called the White Ord (in Turkic - Ak-Orda), and the Western - Blue Horde (in Turkic - Kek-Horde). [+4] In my opinion, such an interpretation causes doubts. First of all, we must take into account the evidence of Russian chronicles. In them, Western Khanate (which Russia was directly subordinated) is called a big orde, or just a Horde, and about East Khanate speaks how about Blue Horde. The Russians in the use of the name "Blue" undoubtedly followed their Tatar informants. In addition, this name seems logical in relation to Eastern Khanate, since the blue is the color of the East. In eastern sources there is no unity about the names of a blue horde and a white horde. It is true that in some Persian sources, such as the chronicle of Iskander Anonymal XV century, about the eastern Horde speaks as white, and about Western - as about blue. [+5] However, in another Persian source, the poem of the Kutba "Hosra and Shirin," says Tinibeg, Khan Khalovakov in the middle of the XIV century, as about the ruler of the White Horde. [+6] German traveler Johann Shilterberger, who visited the Khaghood of Kipchakov at the beginning of the 15th century, called him "Big Tatars" (which corresponds to the Big Horde of Russian Chronicles) or "White Tatars" (which corresponds to the White Horde). [+7] We can add that in the story about the murder of Ahmat, one of the last khans of the Golden Horde, Khan Ibak from Tyumen in 1481, it is said that Ahmat was killed in his "white tent." [+8]

Thus, it turns out that Ulus Djuci as a whole, and then his western part - the Khalitsa Khalitsa - were known as a white horde. Nevertheless, in modern historiography, a white horde is called the Golden Horde. Where does such a name come from? As we saw, gold representing yellow was a symbol of the Mongolian imperial power. At the same time, yellow geographically was the color of the middle, that is, the central state.

The name "Golden Orda" first appears in our sources for the designation of the Imperial Tent of the Great Khan Guyuk. And, as we know, the descendants of Genghis Khan were known as golden kind. The rulers of the White Horde belonged to the Golden Skin, and at least one of them, Muslim Khan Uzbek (the years of the Board: 1313 - 1341) recreated during court receptions in the so-called "Golden Tent" (Pavillon d'OR, according to the French translation "Travel »IBN-Batuta). [+9] Tron Khan in this tent was covered with plates of gold-plated silver. And yet neither ibn-trampoline, which in detail described the tent, and the throne, nor any other oriental writer of the XIV-XV centuries did not call the Khalitsa Golden Horde.

The first mention of the name "Golden Orda" in Russian sources appears in "Stories about the Kazan Kingdom" (written about 1564). The author of this work, which was familiar with the history of the emergence of Kazan Khanate, received his information at least partially, from the Kazan Tatars. [+10] It seems quite likely that after the branch of the Crimean and Kazan Hunts from the White Horde, this latter could be considered a central state in a group of three successors, and eventually became known as the Golden Horde in the meaning: "Central Horde".

Since the name "Golden Horde" became traditional in historical literature, replacing it formally more relevant name "White Orda" would lead only to confusion and could cause misunderstandings. In this regard, for the convenience of the Khag's Khanya, or White Horde, will further say how about the Golden Horde.

Vernadsky G. V. Mongols and Rus


The Golden Horde has long been and reliably connected with the Tatar-Mongolian IGA, the invasion of nomads and the black stripe in the history of the country. And what did this state education actually actually?


It is worth noting that the name of us today arose where the very very existence of the state has arisen. And what we call the Golden Ord, in the era of your flourished, the ulu ulus (Great Ulus, the Grand State) or (Giuchi State, People of Juchi) named Khan Juchi is the eldest son Khan Techurica, famous in history as Genghis Khan.

Both items are pretty clearly outlined and the origin of the Golden Horde. These were very extensive lands that belonged to the descendants of Juci, including Batu, famous for Russia as Khan Bati. Juchi and Genghis Khan died in 1227 (perhaps Juchi a year earlier), the Mongol Empire had included a significant part of the Caucasus, Central Asia, Southern Siberia, Russia and Volzh Bulgaria.

Earth captured by the troops of Genghis Khan, his sons and commander, after the death of the Great Conqueror divided into four ulus (states), and turned out to be the largest and strong, stretching from the lands of modern Bashkiria to the Caspian gate - Derbent. The western campaign, headed by Batu Khan, expanded to 1242 by the land to the West to the West, and the lower voltage rich in beautiful pastures, hunting and fishing grounds, attracted Batu as a place to residency. Approximately 80 km from modern Astrakhan, Saray Batu rose (otherwise - Saraj-Berk) - the capital of Ulus Juchi.

Inherited Batu, his brother Berk was, as he is called, an enlightened ruler, as far as then the realities allowed. Berke, having accepted Islam in his youth, did not impose him among the subject population, but with him significantly improved diplomatic and cultural relations with a number of eastern states. We were actively used on the water and land trading routes, which could not not affect the development of the economy, crafts, arts. Here came here with the approval of Khan Theologian, poets, scholars, crafts in Crafts, moreover, Berke began to appoint a high state posts not born tribesmen, and visitors of intellectuals.

The Epoch of the Board of Khanov Batu and Berk became very important in the organizational plan by the period of history of the Golden Horde - it was during these years the state managerial apparatus was actively emerged, which kept relevant for many decades. When Batu simultaneously with the establishment of administrative-territorial divisions, the ownership of large feudalists was made, a bureaucratic system was created and a fairly clear taxation was developed.

Moreover, despite the fact that the Khan rate on the customs of the ancestors more than half of the year nomaded in the steppes along with Khan, his wives and a huge retinue, the authorities of the rulers were as unharmed. They, so to speak, asked the main line of politics and solved the most important, fundamental questions. And the routine and particular was introduced to officials and the official apparatus.

The successor to Berke - Mengu-Timur - concluded with two other heirs of the Empire of Genghis Khan Union, and all three recognized each other completely independent, but friendly states. After his death in 1282, a political crisis was held in Ulus Juchi, as the heir was very Yun, and Nogai, one of the main advisers of Mengu-Timur, was actively striving to receive if not official, then at least actual power. For some time he succeeded, until the torpid Khan Tokhta got rid of his influence, for which it was necessary to resort to military force.

Golden Horde flourished

His heyday Ulus Juchi reached in the first half of the XIII century, during the reign of Uzbek Khan and his son Janibek. Uzbek rebuilt the new capital - Sarai Al Jedid, promoted the development of trade and rather actively impeded Islam, who did not fit violent over the recalcitrant emiers - the governors of the regions and military leaders. However, it should be noted that the population in its bulk was not obliged to confess Islam, it concerned mostly high officials.

He was also very severely controlled by the Russian principalitys, the Russian principalities then the Golden Horde - according to the facial chronicles in his rule, nine Russian princes were killed in Horde. So the custom of the princes caused by the Khan bid for the proceedings, leave the testament, has gained even more strong soil.

Khan Uzbek continued to develop diplomatic relations with the most powerful states at that time, acting, among other things, traditional by monarchs - the establishment of related links. He took the daughter of the Vizantine Emperor's daughter's daughter for Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich, and the niece - for the Egyptian Sultan.

On the territory of the Golden Horde then, not only the descendants of the warriors of the Mongolian Empire lived, but representatives of the conquered peoples - Bulgars, Polovtsy, Russians, as well as people from the Caucasus, Greeks, etc.

If the beginning of the formation of the Mongolian Empire and the Golden Horde, in particular, was mostly concluded, then by this period, Ulus Juchi turned into an almost quite a settlement state, which spread its influence on a significant part of the European and Asian part of the mainland. Peaceful crafts and arts, trade, the development of sciences and theology, a clearly working official apparatus was one side of statehood, and the troops of Khanov and the emir convulsion to them - another, no less important. Especially since the militant chingizids and the top of the nobility also conflicted among themselves, making up alliances and conspiracies. In addition, the holding of conquered land and supporting respect for the neighbors demanded a permanent demonstration of military force.

Khan Golden Horde

The ruling top of the Golden Horde consisted mainly of the Mongols and in part - Kipchakov, although educated people from Arab States and Iran turned out to be educated in the administrative posts. As for the supreme rulers - Khanov, then almost all owners of this title or contenders on it either belonged to the genus of Genghisids (descendants of Genghis Khan), or were associated with this very extensive clan through marriage. According to the customs, Khans could only be the descendants of Genghis Khan, however, ambitious and power-loving emirs and Dathers (military leaders, close to the situation for the general), now and then sought to move towards the throne in order to sit down their own gender on him and edit on his behalf. However, after the murder in 1359, the last of the direct descendants of Batu-Khan - Berdibeques - taking advantage of the disputes and straightening of the rival forces for six months, the authorities managed to seize the self-director named Kulp, who issued himself for the brother of the late Khan. He was exposed (however, the exposurers were also interested in power, for example, the son-in-law and the first adviser to the late Berdibequet of Mamay) and killed together with her sons - apparently, for the orasters, possible applicants.

Separated from Ulus Juchi, at the reign of Janibek Ulus Shiban (West Kazakhstan and Siberia) tried to approve his position in Saraj Al-Jedd. More distant relatives of the Golden Cores of the Eastern Jucid (descendants of Juci) were actively engaged in the same way. The result of this was the period of Discharge, named in Russian chronicle sources of the Great Jam. Khans and applicants replaced each other one after another until 1380, when Khan Tukhtamysh came to power.

He occurred in a straight line from Genghis Khan and therefore had quite legal rights to the title of the ruler of the Golden Horde, and to reinforce the right to force, he concluded a union with one of the Central Asian rulers - Tamerlane became glorified in the history of the conquest. But Tukhtamysh did not take into account that a strong ally could become a dangerous enemy and after his focus and a successful campaign to Moscow opposed the former ally. It became a fatal mistake - Tamerlan defeated the Goldenopa Army in response, captured the largest cities of Ulus-Juchi, including Saraj-Berk, walked "Iron fifth" in the Crimean possessions of the Golden Horde and as a result, such a military and economic damage was started The decline of strong dotol state.

Capital of Golden Horde and trade

As already mentioned, the location of the capital of the Golden Horde was very beneficial in terms of trade. Crimean holdings of the Golden Horde gave a mutually beneficial shelter by the Genoese trading colonies, maritime trading routes from China, India, Central Asian states and southern Europe also conducted there. From the Black Sea coast, it was possible to get along the Don to Volgodonovskaya Perevok, there is a land in the Volga shore. Well, the Volga in those times, as well as many centuries later, remained a wonderful waterway for merchant vessels in Iran and the continental regions of Central Asia.

Partial list of goods transported through the ownership of the Golden Horde:

  • fabrics - silk, canvas, cloth
  • wood
  • weapons from Europe and Central Asia
  • corn
  • jewelry and precious stones
  • fur and leather
  • olive oil
  • fish and caviar
  • incense
  • spicy


During the years of the Universion and after the defeat, Takhtamysh, the central government could no longer achieve complete subordination of all previously subject to land. The ruling governors in remote diets caught the opportunity to almost painlessly get out of the hands of the Government of Ulus-Juchi. Even in the midst of the Great Jam, in 1361, the Eastern Ulus of Orda-Jene was separated, he was the blue horde, in 1380 he followed Hiban's ulus.

In the twenties, the XV century, the decay process became more intensively - Siberian Khanate was formed in the east of the former Golden Horde, a few years later in 1428 - Uzbek, and ten years later, Kazan Khanate was separated. Somewhere in the interval between 1440 and 1450 - the Nogai Horde, in 1441 - Crimean Khanate, and later, in 1465 - the Kazakh Khanate.

The last Khan Golden Horde was Kichi Muhamed, who ruled to his death in 1459. His son Ahmat took the Brazda of the Board already in a big Horde - in fact only the small part remaining from the huge state of Genghisids.

Coins of the Golden Horde

Becoming a settled and very large state, the Golden Horde could not do without its own currency. The state economy was based on hundred (for some sources at one and a half hundred) cities, not counting the many small villages and nomads. Copper coins - Pools and Silver - Dirham were produced for external and internal trading relations.

Today, the Ordane Dirhemes are considerable value for collectors and historians, since almost every government was accompanied by the release of new coins. By type, Dirham, specialists can determine when he was minted. The pools were appreciated relatively low, moreover, sometimes the so-called forced course was installed on them when the coin cost cheaper metal used on it. Therefore, the number of pools found by archaeologists is large, and their value is relatively small.

During the reign of Khanov, the Golden Horde on the captured territories quickly disappeared the turnover of their own, local money, and their place was occupied by Ordane money. Moreover, even in Russia, who paid tribute to Horde, but it was not part of it, the pools were minted, though distinguished by the appearance and cost from Ordane. Sumy - silver bars are used as the calculated funds, more precisely, segments, and silver rods are used. By the way, the first Russian rubles were made exactly the same way.

Army and troops

The main power of Ulus-Juchi troops, as before the creation of the Mongolian Empire, was the cavalry "Easy in the campaign, severe in impact" according to the testimony of contemporaries. Knowing the means for good equipment, constituted heavy detachments. The passenger-made parts were used by the technique of the battle of horse archers - after applying a significant damage to the volley of arrows rapprochement and fights on spears and blades. However, the shock-crushing weapons were quite common - Bulava, brushes, six-edges, etc.

In contrast to the ancestors, a leather armor, at best, reinforced metal blahs, the warriors of Ulus Juchi in their mass worn metal armor, which indicates the wealth of the Golden Horde - only the army of a strong and financially sustainable state can be armed. At the end of the XIV century, the Ordane army even began to acquire their own artillery than at that time a very few army could boast.


Special cultural achievements of the era of the Golden Horde did not leave humanity. Nevertheless, this state was originated as seizing nomads of sedentary peoples. The own cultural values \u200b\u200bof any nomadic people are relatively simple and pragmatic, as it is not possible to build schools, to create picturesque canvas, to invent a method for manufacturing a porcelain or erect majestic buildings. But by going to a large part to a settled lifestyle, the conquerors adopted the many inventions of civilization, including architecture, theology, writing (in particular, Uygur writing for documents), more subtle development of many crafts.

Russia and the Golden Horde

The first serious collisions of Russian troops with Ordinski are about the beginning of the existence of the Golden Horde as an independent state. At first, the Russian troops tried to support Polovtsy against the general enemy - Horde. The battle on the river Kalka in the summer of 1223 brought defeat poorly agreed by the squads of Russian princes. And in December 1237, the Horde joined the land of Ryazanchin. Then Pala Ryazan fell behind her Kolomna and Moscow. Russian frosts did not stop hardened in the campaigns of nomads, and in early 1238, Vladimir, Torzhok and Tver were captured, there was a defeat on the river and seven-day siege of Kozelsk, who ended with full destruction - along with the inhabitants. In 1240, a trip to Kievan Rus began.

The result was that the Russian princes remaining on the throne (and alive) recognized the need to pay tribute to Horde in return for relatively calm existence. However, it was really calm, it was not - intriguing against each other and, of course, against the invaders, the princes in case of any incidents were forced to be in the Khan bid for the Khan report in their actions or inaction. By order of Khan, the princes had to bring with them sons or brothers - as an additional joining of loyalty. And not all the princes and their relatives returned to their homeland alive.

It should be noted that the rapid seizure of Russian lands and the inability to overthrow the IHO invaders took place largely from the disunity of the principalities. Moreover, some princes managed to take advantage of this situation to combat rivals. For example, the Moscow Principality intensified by joining the land of two other principalities as a result of Ivan Kalita intrigue, Prince of Moscow. But before this, Tver princes sought the right to the great reign by all the ways, including the murder of the previous Moscow Prince right in the Khan bet.

And when, after a great jam, the internal turmoils became increasingly distracted by a decaying Gold Horde from the pacification of the recurrent principalities, Russian lands, in particular, intensified by the Moscow Principality, began to continue to resist the influence of the invaders, refusing to pay tribute. And that is especially important - to act together.

In the battle on the field of Kulikov in 1380, the combined Russian troops won a decisive victory over the army of the Golden Horde under the leadership of the darkness of Mamia, sometimes mistakenly called Khan. And although two years later, Moscow was captured and burned with the orders, the domination of the Golden Horde over Rusy came an end. And at the beginning of the XV century ceased to exist and a big horde.


Summing up, it can be said that the Golden Horde was one of the largest states of his era, born due to the militancy of the nomadic tribes, and then breathed because of their desire for independence. Her growth and flourishing came at the time of the reign of strong military leaders and wise politicians, but, like most of the grips, it existed relatively long.

According to a number of historians, the Golden Horde had not only a negative impact on the life of the Russian people, but also involuntarily helped the development of Russian statehood. Under the influence of the cultural culture brought by the Ordans, and then to counteract the Golden Horde, the Russian principalities merged together, forming a strong state that turned later into the Russian empire.