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Raise the Golden Horde on Russia. Mongol-Tatar Igo: shocking facts

In the late autumn of 1480, the great standing in the thief ended. It is believed that after that, the Mongol-Tatar yoke was not in Russia.


The conflict of the Grand Duke Moskovsky Ivan III with Khan Big Horde Ahmatom arose, according to one version, due to the non-payment of Dani. But a number of historians believe that Ahmat Dan received, but went to Moscow because he did not wait for the personal presence of Ivan III, who had to get a label to the Grand Diction. Thus, the prince did not recognize the authority and power of Khan.

It was not particularly offended by Akhmat that when he sent ambassadors to Moscow to ask Dani and Obroks over the past years, the Grand Duke again did not show proper respect. In the "Kazan History", even so: "The Great Prince was not afraid ... Taking Basma, I spun, I broke, threw the ground and extorted my legs with my". Of course, this behavior of the Grand Duke is difficult to imagine, but the refusal to recognize the power of Akhmat followed.

Confirmation of the pride of Khan is in another episode. At the "Ugorshchina", Ahmat, who was not in the best strategic position, demanded that Ivan III himself came to the Ordane bid and became the string of the Vladyka, waiting for the decision.

Female participation

But Ivan Vasilyevich cared his own family. His wife disliked his wife. Branched, the prince first of all saves his wife: "The Great Princess Sofia (Romanka, as chroniclers expressed), John sent together with the casseau on Belozero, gave an order to go further to the sea and the Ocean, if Khan goes Oku," said the historian Sergey Solovyev. However, it was not rejoiced to her return from the Whitezer: "Sophia's great princess ran from Tatars on Beloozero, and not any nobody chased."

Brothers, Andrei Galitsky and Boris Volotsky, raised the rebellion, demanding to divide the inheritance of the deceased brother - Prince Yuri. Only when this conflict was settled, not without the help of the mother, Ivan III could continue to fight the Horde. In general, "female participation" in standing in the thorough. If you believe Tatishchev, it was Sophia who persuaded Ivan III to take a historical decision. The victory in standing is also attributed to the intercession of the Virgin.

By the way, the size of the required Dani was relatively low - 140,000 Altyn. Khan Tukhtamysh for century before that collected from the Vladimir principality about almost 20 times more.

Did not save and when planning defense. Ivan Vasilyevich gave a decree to burn pose. The inhabitants moved inside the fortress walls.

There is a version that the prince simply looked down from Khan after standing: one part of the money paid in the thief, the second - after the retreat. Behind Okoy Andrey Little, Brother Ivan III, did not attack the Tatars, and gave a "out".


The Grand Duke from Active Action refused. Subsequently, the descendants approved his defensive position. But some contemporaries were different.

With the news of the approach of Ahmat, he panicked. The people, according to the chronicle, accused the prince that he exposes all the dangers of his indecision. Fearing attempts, Ivan went to Red Selo. His heir, Ivan the young, was at that time with the troops, ignoring the requests and letters of his father demanding to leave the army.

The Grand Duke drove still towards the Ugration in early October, but I did not get to the mainstream. In the city of Kremenets, he waited for brothers who came to him. And at this time there were fights in the thorough.

Why didn't the Polish king help?

The chief ally of Akhmat-Khan, the Great Lithuanian Prince and the Polish king Casimir IV, did not come to the rescue. The question arises: why?

Some write that the king was concerned about the attack of the Crimean Khan Meuglia-Hire. Others point to the inner gravestites in the Lithuanian land - "plot of princes." "Russian elements" dissatisfied with the king, looking for support from Moscow, wanted reunion with Russian principalities. There is also such an opinion that the king himself did not want conflicts with Rus. Crimean Khan was not afraid of him: the ambassador from the middle of October led in Lithuania.

And the freezing Khan Ahmat, waiting for frosts, and not reinforcements, wrote Ivan III: "And this is if from the shore of the duty, because I have people without clothes, and horses without late. And the blowjob of the winter of winter is ninety days, and Az again will be on you, but I have a cloudy water. "

Proud, but careless Ahmat returned to the steppe with prey, raving the Earth of the former ally, and remained wintering in the mouth of the Donets. There, Siberian Khan Iwak three months after the "Ugorshchina" personally killed the enemy in a dream. Ambassador was sent to Moscow to declare the death of the last ruler of the Big Horde. Historian Sergey Soloviev writes about it like this: "The latter Golden Horde for Moscow khana died from one of the descendants of Genghishane; He had sons who were also destined to die from Tatar weapons. "

Probably, the descendants were still left: Anna Gorenko considered Ahmata his ancestor on the maternal line and, becoming a poetess, took the pseudonym - Akhmatov.

Disputes about place and time

Historians argue about where there was standing on the thief. They also refer to the area under the cap, and the village of Gorodets, and the place of confluence of Ugra with Okoy. "To the mouth of the Ugra along its right," Lithuanian "shore, a land road from Vyazma, according to which Lithuanian help was expected and which the Ordans could use for maneuvers. Even in the middle of the XIX century. The Russian General Staff recommended this road for the movement of troops from Vyazma to Kaluga, "the historian Wadim Kargalov writes.

The accurate date of the arrival of Ahamat is not known. Books and chronicles converge in one: it happened not earlier than the beginning of October. Vladimir chronicle, for example, accurate up to one hour: "Pride at the Ugric of October at 8 day, a week, in 1 hour of the day." In the Vologda-Perm chronicle it is written: "Away the king will donate from the Ugra on Thursday, the eve of the days" (November 7).

Tatar-Mongolian IHO - this is a concept that is truly the most ambitious falsification of our past with you and besides, this concept is so ignorant with respect to all of the Slavic-Aryan people as a whole, which having understood in all aspects and nuances of this nonsense, I want to say Stop! Enough already feeding us with these stupid and delusional stories, which in unison tell us about what our ancestors were about how wild and uneducated.

So let's start in order. First, let's refresh in memory that we narrate the official story about the Tatar-Mongolian IGE and those times. At about the beginning of the XIII century from R.Kh. In the Mongolian steppes, there was one very uncrowable character on nicknamed Genghis Khan, who hacked almost all the wild Mongolian nomads and created from them the strongest army of that time. After that, they went, it means they to conquer the whole world, cruel and thundering everything in their path. To begin with, they won and conquered all China, and after taking strength and courage, they moved to the West. After passing about 5,000 kilometers, the Mongols defeated the state of Khorezm, then Georgia in 1223 came to the southern borders of Russia, where he broke the army of Russian princes in the battle on the river Kalka. And already in 1237 he gathered with the Spirit, they hit just avalanche of horses, arrows and copies on defenseless cities and villages of wild Slavs, burning and conquering them one for one, more and more angry and without that backward rushes, and besides, Not even meeting in its way of serious resistance. After that, in 1241, they already invade Poland and the Czech Republic - truly the Great Army. But resting to leave in his rear ruined Russia, all of their numerous hordes turn back and has tribute to all captured territories. That's from now on, the Tatar-Mongolian Igo and the Peak of the Golden Horde begins.

After some time, Rus fastened (which is interesting, under the ginger of the Golden Horde) and began to hold the Tatar-Mongolian representatives, some principalities even stopped paying tribute. Such a Khan Mamay could not forgive them and did not even go to Russia for 1380, where he was defeated by the army of Dmitry Donskoy. After that, with a century later, the Ordynsky Khan Ahmat, decided to take a revenge, but after the so-called "standing in the thief", Khan Ahmat was afraid of Ivan III troops and turned back, ordered to retreat to the Volga. This event is considered a sunset of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke and the decline of the Golden Horde as a whole.

To date, this delusional theory about the Tatar-Mongolian IGA does not withstand no criticism, since a huge amount of evidence of this falsification in our history has accumulated. The main error of our official historians is that they consider Tatar-Mongol, exclusively by representatives of the Mongoloid race, which is not correct. After all, there are a lot of certificates to indicate that the Golden Horde or how correctly calling her Tartaria, consisted mainly of the Slavic-Aryan peoples and no Mongoloids there and did not smell. After all, up to the 17th century, no one could even submit this that everything will fall down on his head and will come such a time that the greatest empire that existed during the times of our era will be called Tatar-Mongolian. Moreover, this theory will be official and taught in schools and universities as truth. Yes, it is necessary to pay tribute to Peter I and its Western historians, it was necessary to turn so much and to fight our past - just pushing the memory of our ancestors to the dirt and all that is connected with them.

By the way, if you still doubt that "Tatar-Mongols" were representatives of the Slavic-Aryan people, we prepared for you not a little evidence. So let's go ...

The first proof

The appearance of representatives of the Golden Horde

This topic, you can even highlight a separate article, since evidence that, some "Tatar-Mongols" had a Slavic appearance, a great set. Take, for example, the appearance of the Genghis-Khan himself, the portrait of which is stored in Taiwan. It is represented as high, long-working with green-yellow eyes and rusia hair. In addition, this is not a purely individual opinion of the artist. The historian of Rashidad Did is also mentioned about this fact that found the Golden Horde in his century. So, he claims that in the genus Chingiz-Khan all children were born white-skinned with light rusia hair. And this is not all, G. Grum-Mramijlo retained one ancient legend about the Mongolian people, in which there is a mention that the ancestor of Genghis-Khan in the ninth knee Bodavchar was blonde and blue-eyed. It also looked like another not a little important character of that time - Khan Bati, who was a descendant of Genghis-Khan.

And the army of Tatar-Mongol itself, externally did not differ from the troops of Ancient Russia and Europe, it serves as evidence of paintings and icons written by contemporaries of those events:

A strange picture is obtained by leaders of Tatar-Mongol, throughout the entire time of existence of the Golden Horde were Slavs. Yes, and the Army Tatar-Mongol consisted exclusively from the Slavnyan-Aryan people. No, you are what, they were then wild barbarians! Where are they there, the floor of the world underwhelm? No, it can not. As it is not sad, but this is how modern historians argue.

Second proof

The concept of "Tatar-Mongola"

Let's start with the fact that the very concept like "Tatar-Mongols" is not found not in the same Russian chronicles, but all that was able to find about the "suffering" of Rus from Mongol, are described only in one record from the collection of all Russian chronicles:

"Oh, light light and beautifully decorated Russian land! Many beauties are glorified by many beauties: many are famous for the lakes, rivers and sources of locally, mountains, steep hills, high dumbers, clean fields, wonderful beasts, various birds, countless cities, villages nice, gardens, gardens Monastic, temples of God and princes of Grozny, boyars honest and nobles by many. All you are full, the earth is Russian, about the Orthodox faith Christian! From here to the Ugra and to Lyakhov, to Chekhov, from Chekhov to Yatvaov, from Yatva'ov to Lithuanians, to Germans, from Germans to Karelov, from Karelov to Ustyug, where the frustrated Toymichi dwells, and for breathing sea; from the sea to Bulgaria, from Bulgarian to Bortasov, from Bartas to Cherems, from the Cheleras to the Mordens - everything with the help of God was conquered by the Christian people, these were Countries obeyed the Grand Duke Vsevolod, his father Yury, Prince Kiev, his grandfather of his Vladimir Monomakhi, who were afraid of his small children. And Lithuanians from their marshes They did not appear on the world, and the Hungarians strengthened the stone walls of their cities with an iron gate so that their great Vladimir would not conquer, and the Germans were happy that they were far behind the blue sea. Bartasi, Cheremis, Vida and Mordva fought on the Grand Duke Vladimir. And the emperor Tsargradsky Manuel from the fear of the great gifts sent to him that the Grand Prince Vladimir Tsargrad did not take him. "

There is another mention, but it is not very significant, because Contains a very meager passage that does not mention any invasion, and it is very difficult to judge on him about any events. This text was named as "the word about the killed Russian land":

"... And in those days - from the great Yaroslav, and to Vladimir, and to the current Yaroslav, and to his brother, Yuri, Prince Vladimirsky, was hit by the trouble on Christians and the monastery of the Pechersky Most Holy Mother of God lit upwards."

Proof Third

Number of troops Golden Horde

All official historical sources of the 19th century claimed that the number of troops invaded our territory at that time was about 500,000 people. You can imagine half a million people who came to conquer, but they did not walk on foot?! Apparently, it was an incredible number of sumports and horses. Since to feed such a number of people and animals required simply titanic efforts. But this theory, but it is the theory, not a historical fact, does not stand any criticism, because not one horse will not reach Mongolia to Europe, and it was not possible to feed such a number of horses.

If you have to look at this situation, then such a picture is identified:

For each war "Tatar-Mongol" accounted for about 2-3 horses, plus it is necessary to consider horses (mules, bulls, donkeys) which were in overs. So, no grass would be enough to feed the Tatar-Mongolian Connection stretched for tens of tens of kilometers, as the animals that were in the avant-garde of this horde should have been the mercy of all the fields and leave nothing for the following who was going behind. Since it is not possible to stretch much or go different routes, because From this, the numerical advantage would be lost and the nomads would be unlikely to reach the same Georgia, not to mention Kiev, Russia and Europe.

Fourth proof

Invasion of the troops of the Golden Horde to Europe

According to modern historians who adhere to the official version of the events, in March 1241 from R.Kh. "Tatar-Mongols" invade Europe and capture part of Poland's territory, namely the city of Krakow, Sandomier and Wroclaw, bringing with them destruction, robbery and murder.

I also want to note a very interesting aspect of this event. In approximately in April of the same year, Henry II was blocked by the Tatar-Mongolian road with his ten-year-old army, for which he paid a crushing defeat. The Tatars used in relation to the troops of Heinrich II strange military tricks for that time, thanks to which they won, namely, some smoke and fire - "Greek fire":

"And when the nurse of the Tatar, who swung with the banner - and the banner it had the kind of" x ", and at the top of him there was a head with a long beard of shaking, frown and smoldering smoke from the mouth of the Poles - everyone was amazed and horrified, and rushed to run who where where Could, and so defeated ... "

After that, "Tatar-Mongols" sharply unfold their offensive to the south and invaded the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Dalmonation and finally break down to the Adriatic Sea. But neither in any of these countries "Tatar-Mongols" are not trying to resort to submission and taxation to the tribute to the population. Somehow it makes no sense - why was it then to capture?! And the answer is very simple, because Before us, deception of pure water, or rather falsification of events. As not strange, but these events are coincided with the military campaign of Friedrich II of the Emperor of the Roman Empire. So on this absurdity does not end, then there is much more interesting turn. As it turns out, "Tatar-Mongols" turns out to be also allies with Friedrich II, when he fought with Pope Roman - Gregory X, and Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary - defeated wild nomads, in that conflict were on the side of the Pope Grigory X. A The care of "Tatar-Mongol" from Europe in 1242 from R.Kh. For some reason, the troops of the Crusader went to Russia, as well as against Friedrich II, whom they successfully broke up and assigned to the capital of Aachen, to crown their emperor there. Coincidence? I do not think.

It is painful if this version of events is not plausible. But if instead of "Tatar-Mongol" russes invaded Europe, then everything falls into place ...

And such evidence, as we presented to you above, are far from four - there are much more of them, just if you mention each, then this is not an article, but a whole book.

As a result, it turns out that no Tatar-Mongols from Central Asia ever captured us and did not enslave, and the Golden Horde - Tartarium, was a huge Slavic-Aryan empire of that time. In essence, we are the same Tatars who kept all Europe in fear and horror.

Golden Horde - one of the most sad pages in stories of Russia. Some time after the victory in battle on Kalka Mongols began to prepare a new invasion of Russian land, examining the tactics and features of the future opponent.

Golden Horde.

Golden Horde (Ulus Juni) was formed in 1224 as a result of the section Mongol Empire Genghis Khan between her sons on the western and eastern part. The Golden Horde has become the western part of the empire from 1224 to 1266. With the new Khan Mengu-Timur, it became independent in fact (although not formally) from the Mongol Empire.

Like many states of that era, in the XV century she survived feudal fragmentation And as a result (and the enemies offended by the Mongols were very much) by the XVI century finally ceased to exist.

In the XIV century, Islam became the state religion of the Mongolian Empire. It is noteworthy that the Ordane Khans (including in Russia) did not impose their religion at the controlled territories. The concept of "golden" at the horde was gained only in the XVI century because of the golden tents of her khan.

Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Tatar-Mongol yoke, just like mongol-Tatar yoke- not quite right in terms of history. Genghis Khan considered his main enemies of the Tatars, and destroyed them most (almost all) tribes, the rest obeyed the Mongolian Empire. The number of Tatars in the Mongolian troops was meager, but due to the fact that the empire occupied all the former Tatars lands, Chingishan's troops began to call tatar-Mongolian or mongol-Tatar conquerors. In reality, it was about mongolian IGE.

So, Mongolian, or Ordan, IHO is a system of political dependence of the ancient Russia from the Mongol Empire, and a little later from the Golden Horde, as a separate state. The complete elimination of Mongolian yoke occurred only by the beginning of the XV century, although the actual one is more than.

Mongolian invasion began after the death of Genghis Khan Batu Khanom (or khan Batym.) In 1237. The main troops of the Mongols were strung up to the territories near the current Voronezh, which before that were controlled by the Volga Bulgaram, until they were almost destroyed by Mongols.

In 1237, the Golden Horde seized Ryazan and destroyed all the Ryazan Principality, including small villages and villages.

In January-March 1238, the same fate suffered Vladimir-Suzdal Principality and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. Tver and Torzhok were taken last. There was a threat of taking the Novgorod Principality, but after taking the trading on March 5, 1238, without reaching less than 100 km to Novgorod, Mongols turned around and returned to the steppe.

Until the end of 38 years old, Mongols only made periodic raids, and in 1239 they moved to South Rus and on October 18, 1239 took Chernigov. Putivl was destroyed (the place of action "Crying Yaroslavna"), Glukhov, Rylsk and other cities in the current Sumy, Kharkov and Belgorod regions.

This year Megging (The next ruler of the Mongolian Empire after Genghis Khan) sent additional troops from the Transcaucasus and in the fall of 1240 Khan Bati besieged Kiev, preliminarily repalted by all the surrounding lands. Kiev, Volyn and Galitsky Principles at the time of the rules Danila Galitsky, the son of Roman Mstislavovich, who at that time was in Hungary, unsuccessfully trying to conclude an alliance with King Hungarian. Perhaps later, the Hungarians regretted his refusal by Danil, when the Horde Batya seized all Poland and Hungary. Kiev was taken to the beginning of December 1240 after a few weeks of siege. Mongols began to control most of Russia, including even those areas (at the economic and political level) that they did not capture.

Kiev, Vladimir, Suzdal, Tver, Chernigov, Ryazan, Pereyaslavl and many other cities were completely or partially destroyed.

There was an economic and cultural decline in Russia - this explains the almost complete lack of the chronicles of contemporaries, and as a result - the lack of information for the current historians.

For a while, Mongols were distracted from Russia because of the raids and invasions to Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian and other European lands.

Everyone knows about the conquest of Russia Mongols. They know that Russian lands were paid for more than two centuries tribute. "Russian Planet" will tell how this tribute was going and how much it was in rubles.

"And in the number, and I have begun to tribute to them."

The events of 1237-1240, when the troops of Batius captured most of Russia and ruined two thirds of Russian cities, in the capital of the Mongolian Empire Karakorum, called simply - "Western campaign". Indeed, the Russian lands captured by the Batym were then very modest trophies in comparison with the largest and richest cities of China, Central Asia and Persia.

If the day before the Mongols' assault in 1240, Kiev, who remained the largest city of Russia, had about 50 thousand inhabitants, then the capital captured by the Mongols in 1233, the Jin Empire had 400 thousand inhabitants located in the north of China. At least 300 thousand people lived in Samarkand, the largest city of Central Asia, captured by Genghis Khan in 1220. His grandson of Batyu in 17 years has got more modest production - according to archaeologists estimates the population of Vladimir and Ryazan ranged from 15 to 25 thousand people. For consolation, we note that the main city of Poland captured in 1241, Krakow, and there were less than 10 thousand inhabitants. Not captured, but as a result, the submitted by Mongolam Novgorod was then inhabited about 30 thousand.

The population of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality is assessed by historians to the maximum of 800 thousand people. In general, the ancient Russian lands in the period "Batiyev invasion" from Novgorod to Kiev, from Vladimir-Volynsky in the west of the future Ukraine to Vladimir-Zalessky in the center of the future Muscovy, there were about 5-7 million inhabitants.

For comparison, we present the population of other countries captured by Genghis Khan, his children and grandchildren - the state of Khorezmshakhov, which included Central Asia and modern Iran, inhabited about 20 million, and the population of all of China, then divided into several states and empires (SI, Jin, Sun), consistently captured by the Mongols, has already exceeded 100 million.

But Russian people from such modesty and comparative poverty were not easier. In the first years of the conquest of Mongols, in addition to the seizure of military extraction during the fighting, military contracting was charged with conquered land. About tithing "in everything, in the princess and in the people and in horse", as the requirement of the Mongols at the very beginning of the conquest, says the Moscow chronicle arch.

However, the Mongols of the Genghis Khan era differed from all other conquerors with a systemic approach in all - starting with the organization of the army and ending with the well-thought-out robbery scheme conquered. Almost immediately at the end of the trips of 1237-1240, they, not limited to one-time robbery, began to enter their taxation system in Russia.

"Battle between Mongols and Chinese 1211" from the historical essay "Jami at-Tavarich", 1430

The beginning of the payment of regular Dani is customary to date 1245, when an entry of the first actions of the Mongols appear in the Novgorod Chronicles after conquest: "And the tribute to IMATA has begun on them." In the next 1246, the Italian monk of Carpini's plan, sent by the Pope Roman to Mongolian Emperor, drove through Kiev and recorded in his diary that at this time in "Russia" was sent "one Saracin, as they said from the party Batu," which "recalculated everything The population, according to his custom, "" In order for everyone, both small and big, even a one-day baby, or poor, or rich, paid such a tribute, precisely that he gives one skin of the bear, one black beaver, one black sable and one foxes skin.

It is clear that in the early years after the conquest, this system was in the infancy and covered only a part of the Russian lands, where the Batyan garrisons remained next to the wintering garrisons remaining in Eastern Europe at the end of the "Western Change". Most of the Russian lands, surviving the steppe cavalry raids, the payment of regular Dani was evolved.

In 1247, 10 years after the start of the conquest, Prince Andrei Yaroslavich, the younger brother Alexander Nevsky, went on a bow to the new authorities in Mongolia. There, he from the hands of the great Khan Guituk received a label to the prince in Vladimir, becoming the will of the distant Eastern Suser Major Prince Vladimir. In addition to the shortcut, Andrei has received the prescription from the GUUK to hold a detailed census of the population in his lands to set it up with a systematic tribute to the Empire of Genghisids.

However, "Collar Grad", Vladimir from the Mongolian bet in Karakorum, separated almost five thousand kilometers and six months - by returning to the reign with the label Andrei Yaroslavich, the order of holding a census ignored, especially since the great Khan Goyuk died a year later. Systematic tribute from Northeast Russia in Mongolia never went.

"The all-terrain and Ryazan region is breathing ..."

It was a common phenomenon - many outskirts of the Mongolian Empire, having survived the devastating conquest, tried to evade the payment of Dani after the army care of the conquerors. Therefore, the new Great Khan Manka on the same Curulta Curultae of the Mongolian commander, who elected his head of state, decided to conduct a general census of the empire's population in order to create a unified tax system.

In 1250, such a census began in the condescension Mongols of China, in 1253 - in Iran, in 1254 - in the conquered Mongols of the part of the Caucasus. On Russia, the order of the census arrived in 1252 together with the bitch squad. "Betechki" (translated from the Turkic cishar) - so called the position of the first civilian officials in the Empire of Genghis Khan. In Russian chronicles, they were called "numerals", whose task was exactly the calculation - the census of the population and property, the organization of the tax system and control over its successful activities.

The Grand Duke Vladimirsky Andrei Yaroslavich, and the whole population of Russia, already knew how the Mongols were reverently belong to the fulfillment of their orders - according to the laws set forth in Ya and Chingishana, the death penalty was relying for non-fulfillment of orders. Simple people struck their heads, and notable, such as Prince Andrei, broke the ridge. But also resist the Mongols, people just survived the campaign of Batya did not want and could not.

Dioram "Heroic Defense of the Old Ryazan from the Mongol-Tatar troops in 1237" in the Oleg Palace, Ryazan. Photo: Denis skates /

"Numerical" Berk accompanied the power resource in the form of a Mongolian squad about a thousand riders under the command of the Mongolian Nuren officer. He was the grandson of the darkness of Burundai, Deputy Batya during the conquest of Russia. It is known that in 1237-1240, Nuren himself participated in the rostov storm, Yaroslavl and Kiev, so the Russian theater of hostilities knew well.

In the Russian chronicles, Nuren appears as nullity. Therefore, the events of 1252 in Russia are called "Numerless Reli" - accompanying the "numerical" Berk, Nuren's detachment unexpectedly went to Vladimir and broke the squad of Prince Andrew. The Grand Prince Vladimirsky himself hurry through Novgorod fled to Sweden. Alexander Nevsky was appointed the new grand dancer Mongola, and Bitecho-Nizherty Berke tried to proceed to the proceeding and census of the population.

However, here the census came across the sabotage no longer Russians, and the Mongols - the rules of the Western outskirts of the Empire Khan Baty clearly did not want taxes with Rus to go past him in distant Mongolia. Batya so much arranged to receive anyone a fixed tribute to a personal treasury directly from Russian princes than to create a general-amperious tax system, which was not controlled by him, but by the bid of the Great Khan in Karakorum.

As a result, the Bate and Nizarnik, the census in Russia in 1252, did not hold that they caused anger of a disciplined Nuren, which with a complaint to Batiu went to Mongolia. In the future, this person, known to Russian chronicles as "Nerya", will be well known to the chronicles of China - it is he who will command the Mongolian corps that will finally conquer the south of the subway. This, by the way, is well illustrated by the scope of the Mongolian Empire, whose commander acted on the entire space of Eurasia, from Poland to Korea, from the Caucasus to Vietnam.

The bid of the Great Khan in Mongolia was able to organize the census of Russian dynamics only after the death of too independent Batya. In 1257, all the same chicoceci Berke was again on Russia, but already accompanied by the controller sent from Mongolia, which Daruga was appointed (authorized) named China or China, the Far Rodain of the Genghis Khan family. Russian chronicles call this pair of Mongolian tax authorities "Syroudti Berkia and Kauchech." The medieval Chinese chronicles call the second - "China, the son of the son-in-law of Caan Lachina, Daruga on the confusion and guard of order among the Russians."

The most complete story about holding a census in Northeast Russia was preserved as part of the Lavrentiev Chronicles in the records for 1257: "The same winter arrival of the Nizarnitsa is the entire land of Suzalskaya and Ryazan, and Murroma and the foreman, and hundreds and thousands, and Dathers. Toliko is not something Igumen, Cotton, Popov ... ".

Mongolian tax authorities introduced in Russia a general-amp system of taxation, developed by Eloy Chase, the first civilian official of Genghis Khan. Born in the north of modern China, this son of Mongola and China, served as secretary of the Vicar of Beijing on the eve of the conquest of the city by the troops of Genghis Khan. It is ears based on the experience of the great Chinese Empires of the past (Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song) developed for Mongols the entire system of taxation and civil administration in their extensive empire. In the winter of 1257-1258, this Chinese experience of Mongols was forcibly transferred to Russian lands.

"We are darkness, and darkness ..."

The words of the chronicle "Stavit of the foreman, and the Sotniki, and thousands, and Datronov" means that the mechanism of accounting and collecting Dani was based on the decimal system. The unit of taxation became the peasant economy, the courtyard (in the Russian terminology of the time "smoke" or "soha"). Ten peasant farms united in a dozen under the supervision of the foreman, and further this simple, but the effective system grew up - a hundred, thousands and "darkness" (ten thousand), existing in parallel with the princely power and former divisions by cities, lands, childbirth and communities.

"Return Russian princes in the Golden Horde for a label to the Grand Diction", Boris Chorikov, 1836

Devnterns, centuries and thousands were appointed from the local population. The head of thousands and the "darkness" were put on Mongolian officials, authorized daruga (Daruga "in the literal translation -" Pressor Press "," Officer, for the Printing for Documents "). The Russian chronicles refer to those authorized by the "Baskakas" - the Turkic term, literally corresponding to the Mongolian "Daruga".

Since it is Daruga (in writing some of the Old Russian documents - "Roads") provided the creation and operation of the "Yamsk Gon", the horse relay, a permanent system of transport and communication, from the city of Vladimir to the capital in Hanbalyke (Beijing), then a number of researchers believe As the term "road" himself, denoting a passion path, has rooted in Russian in this meaning because of the Mongolian "Dari" and organized by them.

The main tax inspector responsible for all the great principality of Vladimir, in Russian chronicles is referred to as the "Great Baskom", his residence was located in Murom. Each baskak to preserve order and discipline in his area had a squad of troops, from Mongolian, Turkic and Russian soldiers. From the chronicles it is known that in 1283, in the detachment of Kursk Baskak, Ahmad Russians were "more than 30 people." In fact, the Baskak combined the function of the tax inspector, the head of the state postal and the military commissioner - on orders from the Bet of the Great Khan, he was responsible for sending auxiliary Russian detachments to Mongolian troops.

Baskak, his officials and the "security officials" were placed on separate socodes, some of which became settlements with the time, preserved to the present day. On the territory of the former Great Principality of Vladimirsky and today there are almost two dozen villages with the name Baskakovo or Basket.

The Ustyuzhsky chronicle even contains the romantic history of Bawkaya Bugov and the Russian girl Mary, which he made his concubine, taking as a Dani from his father-peasant ("violence for Yasak" - as the chronicler says). The girl turned the Mongolian pagan Bugu in Christianity, told him that the order came from the prince to kill all the Tatars. As a result, the baptized Bug accepted the name Ivan, married Mary, became a righteous Christian and put in the city of Ustyug the Temple of John Preports. Later, the Russian Orthodox Church ranked this maritime couple to the face of Saints - "Righteous John and Maria Ustyugi". So Russian Christianity has even one holy tax collector, Mongol Baskak in the asset.

In total, in Russia, by the end of the XIII century, there were 43 tax "darkness" - 16 in Western Russia and 27 in Eastern. Western Rus on Mongolian division consisted of the following "topics" (adopted in historical science. Declination of the multiple number of the term "darkness"): Kiev, Vladimir-Volynsky, Lutsk, Sokal (now district center in the Lviv region), three "darkness" in the podolia to south -Repad of modern Ukraine, Chernigov, Kursk, the so-called "dark Egoldy" south of the Kursk region, Lubutsk (now village in the West of the Kaluga region), Ovura (in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Kharkov), Smolensk and the Galitsky Principality in the west of modern Ukraine in the composition of Three "topics."

Eastern Rus based on the results of the tax reform of the Mongols included 15 "topics" in the Vladimir principality, five "topics" in the Novgorod land and the Tver Principality and two "darkness", which made the Ryazan Principality. The concept and division on the "darkness" for the period of Mongolian dominion was so rooted in Russian society, that the name of the Novgorod land, as the "fiveth floor" or "five-year" appears even two centuries later in official documents of the Grand District of Moscow. For example, the "five hundred novels" is used in the agreement of the Moscow Prince Dmitry Shemyaki with Suzdal Princes in the middle of the 20th century, in that era, when they have long forgotten about the backers and stopped paying a regular tribute to the Horde.

"And the priests from us were complained of the same diploma ..."

The establishment in Russia of the Mongol tax system took several years. The Novgorod chronicle describes the beginning of 1258: "And Pischuye, the houses of Okannia on the streets, the Homesman's houses are ..." An attempt to census Novgorod answered the uprising, which was suppressed by Alexander Nevsky.

"Baskaki", Sergey Ivanov, 1909

In the west of Russia, in Galich and Volyn, the census was carried out only in 1260 after the punitive expedition of the Damenik-General Burundai (grandfather mentioned above is Nullity, at that time already fought in southern China). In 1274-1275, the repeated census was carried out in Eastern Russia, as well as for the first time in the Smolensky principal.

These were the first censures of the census in Russia. And also for the first time in the history of Russian civilization in the tax system, all people and all categories of the population were included in one single exception. Earlier, to Mongolian conquest, the obligation to pay direct taxes, denoted by a universal term "tribute", was distributed only to some categories of personally dependent peasants and artisans. The main mass of the population of ancient Russia was part of financial relations with the state indirectly, through indirect taxes and community authorities. Since 1258, the situation has changed fundamentally - so the income tax, which now pay all citizens of the Russian Federation, can be safely considered the inheritance of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.

The exception in the Chingis Khan tax system was envisaged only for priests and church property: they were released from any shavers and taxes, they were guaranteed and inviolability in exchange for a single duty - officially and publicly pray for the Mongolian leader and its power. It was quite a conscious policy of Chingis and his descendants - religious structures in all countries conquered by the Mongols, whether Buddhists, Muslims or Orthodox, with this approach became not inspirationors of resistance, but quite loyal intermediaries between the Mongolian authorities and the conquered peoples.

The most vintage of the hagga labels who came to the liberation of the Orthodox Church from taxes dated August 1267 and was issued by Khan Mengou Timur, the grandson of Batya. The document was preserved translated from Mongolian into Russian in the manuscript of the XV century: "Genghis Tsar ruled that if there is tribute or feed, then let the church people do not touch, and the sincere heart pray to God for us and for our tribe and bless us ... And the next kings the same way were pleased with the Popov ... And we, God praying, their letters did not reinstalize ... Whatever the tribute, do not require and do not give; Or, if that the churches belongs - land, water, vegetable garden, mills, winning, fever, - do not hurt. And if you took, then let it give back. And church masters - Sokolnikov, Pardusnikov - whoever is, - Let not take. Or that by the law of them - books or other what - let them not take, do not capture, do not spread, do not spoil. And who will be faith to fuck them, that person will be guilty and dies ... And the priests from us are complained of the same diploma, so that God is praying and blessed. And if anyone will pray for an insincere heart about us, that sin will be on you ... "

As for the rest of the population, it should have paid tribute in full. At the same time, the structure of taxes was thoughtful and diverse. The main direct tax, "Yasak" was gathered from the rural population, initially he was the tenth of "from all over" and paid in kind, including deliveries to the Mongolian property of the living goods, people. Over time, this tithing was ordered, and the tribute was paid from an annual harvest or silver or especially specifically specified goods. For example, in the Novgorod land of the XIV century, such a tribute was called "Black Bor", since it was originally floating her skins of black kunits. Unlike such "black" payments, silver payments were called "white".

In addition to this main tax, there was a whole group of emergency and special taxes. So in 1259, the Novgorod chronicler made a record: "And there was a great confusion in Novgorod, when the damned Tatars collected a tusk and caused a lot of evil people in rural areas." The term "Tuska" - comes from the Turkic concept of Tuzghu, which marked "Offers as a gift to those who came to the rulers or messengers." The Novgorod "Tuska" became a fine for the Bunken citys during the census of 1258.

"Murder in the Horde of the First Grand Prince Moscow Yury Danilovich" of an unknown artist, the second half of the XIX century

Also, the Mongols were charged a special tax on the content of equestrian postal stations, the structure, which later in the Moscow state will be referred to as the "Yamsk service". This tax was called "holes". There was an extraordinary military tax, "Kulush", he was collected in those years when recruits were not taken to the Orda

The main tax from the cities was called "Tamga", merchants and merchants paid it. Both on Mongolian and Turkic Languages, the term "Tamga" initially indicated the emblem of the clan, the generic stigma, which methyl horses and other types of ownership belonging to the clan. Later, with the advent of the Mongols of the state, Tamga became a stigma, the seal, which was noted the goods received as Dani.

"Taghu" paid annually or from the size of capital, or from turnover. It is known that in the first case, the tax rate was approximately 0.4% of the capital. For example, Persian and Central Asian merchants annually paid one dinar from every 240 dinars of their capital into the Mongolian treasury. In the case of the payment of "Tamga" from turnover, the amount of tax in different cities varied from 3 to 5%. It is known that in the cities of Crimea, merchants paid 3%, and in the city of Tana (modern Azov at the mouth of Don) "Tamga" was 5%.

Unfortunately, the exact rates of tax, "Tamga" are unknown for different Russian cities, but they are unlikely to be higher than Crimean or Asian. But it is known that unseasonable skins purchased in Novgorod, the Mongols charged the tax (now they would say excise) in the amount of 40%, but in the supply of European goods in the Volga region, Hanseatic merchants were liberated by the Mongolian authorities from paying taxes and fare fees.

"Tamga" was paid in gold or at least calculated in gold. The richest merchants (in Russian - "guests") were subject to the tax individually, and the merchants simply united in the associations who were paid to Tamgi. In modern Russian, the term "custom" comes from the word "Tamga".

Stolen tribute and mare Dyakon Dudko

At the end of the XIII century, Mongols, seeking to save on the tax apparatus and get a precious coin in bulk, practiced the transfer of tax collectors with Rus to Rich Muslim merchants from major cities of Central Asia. As the Russian chronicler writes: "Excusement of the Ochunnia is a deceivable Dani from Tatars." The depopters made tax amounts in advance to the Mongolian treasury, after which they received the right to collect tribute to certain areas of Russia.

Such a system, although it was extremely cheap for conquerors, but gave rise to constant problems - otkupekers sought to collect taxes as much as possible, receiving reversal of the local population. As a result, by the beginning of the XIV century, the Golden Horde, the Golden Horde gradually switched from direct collection of Dani Baskakaki and the practice of sputtering to the simplest, comfortable and cheap scheme - from now on tribute to conquerors, "Ordinsky Exit", gathered Russian princes themselves. The size of the received Dani in this approach decreased, the control became nominal ("pillow" of the census was no longer carried out), but this method of obtaining Dani did not require any costs.

Among other things, a banal deficit of personnel has affected here - in constant conquests throughout Eurasia and in several internal wars, Mongols have undermined their mobilization potential, people were barely enough for control over China and Central Asia, to a distant and relatively poor Northwest outskirts of the Empire They were no longer enough. At the same time, such a transfer of the collection of Dani into the hands of Russian princes, allowed the last to scat considerable funds, which ultimately led to the strengthening of Moscow and the emergence of a centralized Russian state in the future.

In the west of Russia, the direct collection of Dani lasted a little longer. It is known that in Kiev, the Orda Baskak with a detachment was sitting until 1362.

The elevation of Moscow just contributed to the last major incident with the Orda Baskom in the east of Russia. In 1327 (that is, exactly across the century after the beginning of the conquest of the Mongols of Russian principalities), Chol-Khan arrived in Tver for collecting Dani, the cousin of the Golden Ordinsky Khan of Uzbek. Chol-Khan (in the Russian chronicles "Shevkal" or even "click") settled in the Palace of the Tver Prince and began to knock off the population arrears of taxes. In response, on August 15, 1327, an uprising broke out in Tver, the Ordane tax was burned with the guard and retinue right along with the Princely Palace. The reason for the uprising was the attempt of Tatars from Chol-Khan's suite to take away the mare from a certain Tver Dyakon Dudko ...

The rigid actions of Chol-Khan provoked this uprising, in turn, were provoked by the corruption frauds of the Tver and Moscow princes around the Ordane Dani. The fact is that in 1321, the Tver Prince Dmitry handed over the Orda Tribute from all over the Tver Principality of the Moscow Prince Yuri, at that time Having Yarylk on the "Grand Diction" and therefore responsible for the delivery of Dani in Horde. But Yuri, instead of sending the Tverskaya Dani to the destination, took it to Novgorod and through intermediary merchants allowed the amount intended to the Oryan Khan in the turn of interest. It is known for the size of this amount - 2000 rubles silver (approximately 200 kilograms of precious metal).

Disassembly of Tver Dmitry, Moscow Yuri and the Ordan Uzbek around Dani went for several years - it was complicated by the fact that Yuri was a relative of Khan Uzbek, her youngest sister's husband. Without waiting for the completion of the investigation on the issue of Dani, at a meeting in Saraj, the capital of the Golden Horde, in 1325, the Tver Prince threw Moscow. And although the Ordinsky Han morally approved the murder of a financial mahinator from Moscow, but he entered the law and executed the Tver Prince "for self-government", and in Tver sent a cousin for a new trunk. There was a story with the mare of the deacon Dudko, who eventually directed the whole history of the country in a new direction ...

The events used the younger brother of the Murdered Moscow Prince Yuri - Ivan Kalita, also a financial mahinator, but unlike brother is more cautious and thin. He quickly received a label to the Grand Dictionarion and the help of the Ordane troops, who had previously competing with Moscow for leadership in the northeast of Russia, defeated the Tverskoye Khan of Uzbek. Since that time, Tver has no longer recovered and began to gradually increase the influence of Moscow in the whole region.

In many ways, this growth of the future capital was provided precisely by the central role of Moscow as a collection of "Ordane exit", Dani in the Horde. For example, in 1330, Moscow troops on the order of Khan Uzbek knocked out arrears on taxes from the Rostov Principality - as a result, Muscovites not only gathered the Ordane tribute and hanged the main among Rostovchan Boyarovka Averkiya, but also attached half of the Rostov lands to Moscow. Part of the funds collected for the horde are imperceptible, but constantly settled in the bins of Ivan Kalita. It is not by chance that his nickname "Kalita", from the Turkic Calta, meant in the Russian language of the century pocket or wallet.

"And Dasha him Novgorod 2000 silver ..."

So how many rus hide? According to the results of the last Ordane census in the north-east of Russia, held in 1275, the tribute was "half a year with Sokhi". Based on the standard weight of the ancient Russian silver hryvnia in 150-200 grams, historians calculated that in that year, Vladimir-Suzdal Rus paid the Horde about one and a half tons of silver. The amount for the country that did not have its silver mines, very impressive, even huge, but not fantastic.

It is known that the Golden Orda (she is "Ulus Juchi"), as part of the Mongolian Empire received a tribute for some time not only with the principalities of Russia, but also from three distant provinces in the north of modern China: Jinzhou, Pinjan Fu, Jinzhou. Every year, 4.5 tons of silver were departed from the banks of the Juanhe River on the banks of the Volga. Not yet conquered by the Mongols of the Empire Sun, which occupied the southern half of China, bought off the Mongolian raids of the annual tribute in the amount of 7.5 tons of silver, not counting the large volumes of silk. Therefore, one and a half Russian tons on this background do not look extremely huge. However, judging by the available sources, in other years, the tribute was less and paid with large delays.

As already mentioned, the territory of Russia in the Mongolian tax system was divided into tax districts - "darkness". And on average, each such "darkness" in the North-East of Russia in the middle of the XIV century paid 400 rubles to Dani, the Oryan exit. So the Tver Principality and the Novgorod Earth shared each for five such tax districts and paid in 2000 rubles Dani. The above-mentioned Machinations of Moscow Princes with 2000 Tver rubles in 1321 recorded for the history of the Moscow chronicle arch. Novgorod chronicle for 1328 writes: "And in Novgorod sending the ambassador of Tatarov, and Dasha Rovgorodi 2000 silver and their ambassadors to see with them with many gifts."

By the way, it was the need to pay the Mongolian Dani that pushed in the XIII-XIV centuries of Novgorod and Vladimir-Suzdaltsev to begin expansion to the northeast, in the forest lands of the White Sea and the Urals, in Biarmia and Perm Great, in order to due to the circumscribes of the Aboriginal Compensate the tax oppression of the hordes. Later, after the collapse of the Ordane Iga, it is this movement to the northeast will be able to conquer Siberia ...

Relatively detailed Dani's dimensions from various North-Eastern Rusi wills during the reign of Dmitry Donskoy. Tribute from the Great Principality of Vladimirsky was 5,000 rubles. Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal Principality paid 1,500 rubles in the same period. Tribute from the territories of the Moscow Principality itself was 1280 rubles.

For comparison, only one city of Haggitarhankhan (Astrakhan), through which in those century there was a large transit trade, gave 60 thousand altyn in the treasury (1800 rubles) taxes annually.

Galich's city, now district center of the Kostroma region, and then "Galich Merry", the center of a rather major principality with rich in the standards of Vladimir Rus with salt fishery, paid 525 rubles Dani. Colomna city with surroundings paid 342 rubles, Zvenigorod with surroundings - 272 rubles, Mozhaisk - 167 rubles.

Serpukhov city, more precisely, the small Serpukhov principality paid 320 rubles, and a very small city principality paid 160 rubles Dani. Dmitrov's city paid 111 rubles, and Vyatka "s cities and parish" 128 rubles.

According to historians, the entire Northeastern Rus during this period paid in the Orda of about 12-14 thousand rubles. Most historians believe that the silver ruble was then equal to half the "Novgorod hryvnia" and contained 100 grams of silver. In general, all the same one and a half tons of precious metal are obtained.

However, the frequency of such Dani is not clear from the preserved chronicle. Theoretically, it was supposed to be paid annually, but in practice, especially in the period of Russian princes or rational khans, it was not paid or paid partially. Again, for comparison, we indicate that at the time of the twilight of the Mongolian Empire, when the descendants of Genghis Khan owned all China, only tax fees from Chinese cities were given to the Mongolian treasury ten times more than silver than all the tribute from Northeast Russia.

After the battle on the Kulikov, the "output" of Dani in the Horde lasted, but already in smaller sizes. Dmitry Donskoy and his heirs paid no more than 10 thousand rubles. For the Moscow Ruble at the beginning of the XV century it was possible to buy 100 poods of rye. That is, the whole "Ordinian exit" in the last century of Tatar-Mongolian Iga cost like 16 thousand tons of rye - in modern prices, such a volume of rye will cost the amount ridiculous in the scale, not more than 100 million rubles. But six centuries ago, these were completely different prices and other conditions: then 16 thousand tons of rye could feed about 100 thousand peasants or solid sizes of the medieval army of 10-15 thousand riders.

Studying the history of cash relations between Russia and Horde, it is possible to conclude that the Orda tribute was a well-thought out financial event of conquerors. The tribute was not a monstrous and totally ruining, but over the centuries regularly washed out of the country and its farm funds necessary for development.

o (Mongol-Tatar, Tatar-Mongolian, Ordinskoe) is the traditional name of the system of exploitation of Russian lands who came from the east conquerors to nomads from 1237 to 1480.

This system was aimed at implementing a mass terror and robbery of the Russian people by charging brutal shares. She operated primarily in the interests of the Mongolian nomadic military feudal nobility (Neuonov), in favor of which the lion's share of the Dani was collected.

Mongol-Tatar Igo was established as a result of the invasion of Khan Batya in the XIII century. Until the early 1260s, Russia was under the rule of the great Mongolian khans, and then - the Khans of the Golden Horde.

Russian principalitys were not directly in the Mongolian power and retained the local princely administration, whose activities were controlled by baskakov - representatives of the Khan on the conquered lands. The Russian princes were danutrics of Mongolian khans and received labels from them to possession of their principalities. Formally, the Mongol-Tatar Igo was established in 1243, when Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich received a label from the Mongols to the Vladimir Grand Principality. Rus, according to the label, lost the right to fight and should have been regularly annually (in spring and autumn) to pay the tribune khans.

There were no permanent Mongol-Tatar troops in Russia. The need was supported by punitive campaigns and repression against recurrent princes. The regular entry of Dani from the Russian lands began after the census of 1257-1259, conducted by Mongolian "numerals". There were units: in cities - courtyard, in rural areas - "Village", "Sokha", "Plug". Only the clergy was released from Dani. The main "Ordinous burdens" were: "Exit", or "Tsareva Dan" - the tax directly for Mongolian Khan; trade fees ("sot", "Tamka"); perceptions ("holes", "Summaries"); The content of the Khan ambassadors ("food"); Different "gifts" and "bleacious" of Khan, his relatives and approximate. Every year, a huge amount of silver left the Russian lands. Periodically gathered large "requests" to military and other needs. In addition, the Russian princes were obliged to send warriors on the order of Khan to participate in the campaigns and in the closed hunting ("Loviters"). At the end of the 1250 - early 1260s, Muslim merchants were collected from the Russian principalities ("demenny"), whipping this right among the Great Mongolian Khan. Most of Dani walked Great Hanu in Mongolia. During the upright of 1262, "degeneramen" from Russian cities were expelled, and the duty of collecting Dani passed to local princes.

Russia's struggle against Iga acquired an increasing latitude. In 1285, the Grand Duke Dmitry Alexandrovich (the son of Alexander Nevsky) defeated and expelled the army of the "Orda Tsarevich". At the end of the XIII - the first quarter of the XIV century, the speeches in Russian cities led to the elimination of bachers. With the strengthening of the Moscow Principality, the Tatar Igo gradually weakens. Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita (printed in 1325-1340) achieved the right to collect "exit" from all Russian principalities. From the middle of the XIV century, the leaders of the Gold Horde, not supported by a real military threat, were no longer performed by Russian princes. Dmitry Donskaya (1359 1389) did not recognize the Khan labels issued by his rivals, and the Vladimir Grand Principality seized by force. In 1378, he defeated the Tatar army on the river, in the Ryazan Earth, and in 1380 she won the Mama in the Kulikovsky Battle of the Kulikovsky rule.

However, after the hike, Tukhtamysh and the capture of Moscow in 1382, Russia was forced to again recognize the power of the Golden Horde and pay tribute, but already Vasily I Dmitrievich (1389-1425) received a Vladimir great reign without a khan label as "his victor." With it, IHO was rated. The tribute was paid irregularly, Russian princes conducted an independent policy. Attempting the Goldenordinian ruler of the Communication (1408) to restore the completeness of the authorities over Russia ended in failure: he failed to take Moscow. The excitement began in the Golden Horde opened the possibility of the overthrow of the Tatar yoke before Rus.

However, in the middle of the XV century, Moscow Rus sama survived the period of civil war, which weakened its military potential. During these years, the Tatar rulers organized a number of devastating invasions, but they could not bring Russian to complete humility. The combination of Russian lands around Moscow led to concentration in the hands of the Moscow princes of such political power, with which the weak Tatar khans could not coincide. The Great Moscow Prince Ivan III Vasilyevich (1462-1505) in 1476 refused to pay Dani. In 1480, after an unsuccessful campaign of Khan, the Big Horde of Akhmat and "Standing at the Ugra" IHO was finally overthrown.

The Mongol-Tatar Igo had negative, regressive consequences for the economic, political and cultural development of Russian lands, was a brake for the growth of the productive forces of Russia, which were at a higher socio-economic level compared to the productive forces of the Mongolian power. It artificially pressed for a long time a purely feudal natural nature of the economy. In politically, the consequences of the IGA were manifested in violation of the natural process of the State Development of Russia, in artificially maintaining its fragmentation. The Mongol-Tatar Igo, which lasted two and a half centuries was one of the reasons for the economic, political and cultural lag of Russia from Western European countries.

Material is prepared based on open sources.