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Patriarch Nikon role in history. Preparation for the exam. Historical portraits. Patriarch Nikon. Reaction of the people on church split

Church split - Nicon reforms in action

Nothing amazes as a miracle - except the naivety with which he is taken on faith.

Mark Twain

The church split in Russia is associated with the name of Patriarch Nikon, who in the 1950s and 60s of the 17th century arranged the grand reform of the Russian Church. Changes touched literally all church stages. The need for such changes was due to the religious retardation of Russia, as well as essentially integrated in religious texts. The implementation of the reform led to a split not only in the church, but also in society. People openly opposed new trends in religion, actively expressing their position by uprisings and folk unrest and. In today's article, we will talk about the reform of Patriarch Nikon, as about one of the most important events of the 17th century, which had a huge impact not only for the Church, but also for all Russia.

Backgrounds of reform

According to the assurances of many historians who study the 17th century, in Russia at this time there was a unique situation when religious rites in the country were very different from global, including from Greek rites, from where Christianity came to Rus. In addition, it is often said that religious texts, as well as the icons, had a distortion. Therefore, as the main causes of church split in Russia, the following phenomena can be distinguished:

  • Books that manually rewrite the centuries were typos and distortions.
  • The difference from world religious rites. In particular, in Russia until the 17th century, everyone was baptized with two fingers, and in other countries - three.
  • Maintaining church rites. The rites were conducted on the principle of "multipath", which was expressed in the fact that the priest, and the priest, and singers, and parishioners were carried at the same time. As a result, a polyphony was formed in which it was difficult to disassemble something.

The Russian king one of the first pointed out these problems, offering to take measures to guide the order in religion.

Patriarch Nikon

Tsar Alexei Romanov, who wanted to reform the Russian church, decided to appoint Nikon's patriarch. That person was instructed to conduct a reform in Russia. The choice was, to put it mildly, rather strange, since the new patriarch had no experience in conducting such events, and also did not use respect among other priests.

Patriarch Nikon in the world was known under the name of Nikita Minov. He was born and grew up in a simple family of a peasant. From the earliest years, he paid great attention to his religious education, we study prayers, stories and rites. In 19 years, Nikita became a priest in his native village. At the age of thirty, the future Patriarch moved to Novospassky Monastery in Moscow. It was here that he met the young Russian king Alexei Romanov. The views of two people were quite similar, which determined the fate of Nikita Minov.

Patriarch Nikon, as noted by many historians, was distinguished not so much by his knowledge as cruelty and authority. He literally lost the idea of \u200b\u200bobtaining endless power, which was, for example, Patriarch Filaret. Trying to prove its importance for the state and for the Russian king, Nikon manifests itself in every way, including not only on a religious field. For example, in 1650, it actively participates in the suppression of the uprising, being the main initiator of brutal violence over all rebels.

Ploudness, cruelty, literacy - all this was combined into the Patriarchate. These were precisely the qualities that were needed for the reform of the Russian Church.

Implementation of reform

The reform of Patriarch Nikon began implementation in 1653 - 1655. This reform carried indigenous changes to the religion, which was expressed as follows:

  • Baptism in three fingers instead of two.
  • Poklons should be made to the belt, and not to the Earth, as it was before.
  • Changes made religious books and icons.
  • The concept of "Orthodoxy" was introduced.
  • Changed the name of God, in accordance with the global spelling. Now instead of "Izus" wrote "Jesus".
  • Replacing the Christian Cross. Patriarch Nikon offered to replace him with a four-way cross.
  • Change of church service rites. Now the procession was made not clockwise as it was before, and counterclockwise.

All this is described in detail in church catechism. Surprisingly, but if we consider the textbooks of the history of Russia, especially school textbooks, the reform of Patriarch Nikon is reduced only to the first and second paragraph from the foregoing. In rare textbooks speak in the third paragraph. The rest is not even mentioned. As a result, it seems that the Russian Patriarch did no cardinal reformist activity, but it was not so ... the reforms were cardinal. They crossed everything that was before. It is no coincidence that these reforms are also called the church split of the Russian Church. The word "split" itself indicates the cardinal changes.

Let's look at the individual reform provisions in more detail. This will correctly understand the essence of the phenomena of those days.

Scriptures predetermined church split in Russia

Patriarch Nikon, argueing his reform, said that church texts in Russia have many typos, which should be eliminated. It was said that it should be consistent with Greek sources to understand the initial meaning of religion. In fact, it was realized not quite so ...

In the 10th century, when Russia adopted Christianity, there were 2 charters in Greece:

  • Studiosky The main charter of the Christian Church. For many years, he was considered the main in the Greek Church, so it was the studios charter that came to Russia. The 7th centuries, the Russian Church in all religious issues was guided by this charter.
  • Jerusalem. It is more modern, directed by the unity of all religions and the community of their interests. The charter, starting from the 12th century, becomes the main thing in Greece, also it becomes the main thing in other Christian countries.

The process of rewriting Russian texts is indicative. It was planned to take Greek sources and based on them to bring religious scriptures. For this in 1653, Arseny Sukhanov was sent to Greece. The expedition continued almost two years. He arrived in Moscow on February 22, 1655. With you, he brought as much as 7 manuscripts. In fact, thereby disruption of the church cathedral of 1653-55. Most priests then spoke out for the idea of \u200b\u200bmaintaining Nikon's reform only on the grounds that the rewriting of texts should occur solely from Greek handwritten sources.

Arseny Sukhanov brought only seven sources, thereby making it impossible to rewrite texts based on primary sources. The next step of Patriarch Nikon was so cynical that came to mass rebellions. Moscow Patriarch stated that if there are no handwritten sources, then the rewriting of Russian texts will be carried out in modern Greek and Roman books. At that time, all these books were printed in Paris (Catholic state).

Ancient religion

A very long reform of Patriarch Nikon was justified by the fact that he made an orthodox church of the enlightened. As a rule, there is nothing about such formulations, since the overwhelming majority of people with difficulty represents, in which the principal difference between orthodox beliefs and enlightened. Indeed what is the difference? To begin with, let's understand the terminology and determine the meaning of the concept of "orthodox".

Orthodox (orthodox) came from Greek and denotes: Ortos - the right thing, Doha is an opinion. It turns out that the orthodox man, in the true sense of the word, is a man with the right opinion.

Historical directory

Here, under the right opinion, it is implied not a modern meaning (when it is so called people doing everything in favor of the state). Thus called people who have an ancient science and ancient knowledge of centuries. A bright example is the Jewish school. Everyone knows well that today there are Jews, and there are orthodox Jews. They believe in the same thing, they have a common religion, common views, beliefs. The difference is that orthodox Jews reported their true faith in her ancient, true meaning. And this recognize everything.

From this point of view, it is much easier to evaluate the actions of Patriarch Nikon. His attempts to destroy the orthodox church, namely, he planned to do and successfully did, lick in the destruction of an ancient religion. And by and large it was done:

  • All ancient religious texts were rewritten. With old books, they did not ceremony, they are usually destroyed. This process has survived the Patriarch itself for many years. For example, Siberian legends are indicative that it is said that under Peter 1 a huge amount of orthodox literature was burned. After burning from the fires, more than 650 kg of copper fasteners were extracted!
  • Icons were rewritten in accordance with new religious requirements and in accordance with reform.
  • The principles of religion changed, sometimes even without the necessary substantiation. For example, an absolutely incomprehensible is the idea of \u200b\u200bNikon, that the procession should go counterclockwise, against the movement of the sun. It caused great discontent, because people began to consider the new religion of the religion of Darkness.
  • Replacing concepts. For the first time, the term "Orthodoxy" appeared. Up to 17th century, this term was not used, and such concepts such as "Orthodox", "True Faith", "Immovable Vera", "Christian Faith", "God's faith" were used. Various terms, but not "Orthodoxy".

Therefore, we can say that orthodox religion is as close as possible to the ancient postulates. That is why any attempts of the cardinal change of these views leads to mass indignations, as well as to the fact that today it is customary to call heresy. It is heresy many people who called the reform of Nikon's patriarch in the 17th century. That is why the church split occurred, since the "orthodox" priests and religious people called what was happening heresy, and saw how important the difference between the old and new religion.

Reaction of the people on church split

The reaction to the reform of Nikon is extremely indicative, stressing that the changes were much deeper than this is customary to speak. It is known for certain that after the start of the implementation of the reform across the country, mass folk uprisings were rolled against changes in church defendance. Some people openly expressed their discontent, others simply left this country, not wanting to remain in this heresy. People went to the forest, in distant settlement, to other countries. They were cailed, returned back, they again went away - and so many times. The reaction of the state is indicative, which actually arranged inquisition. There were not only books, but also people. Nikon, who was distinguished by special cruelty, personally welcomed all the reprisals over the rebels. Thousands of people died, speaking against the reform ideas of the Moscow Patriarchate.

The reaction of the people and the state to reform is indicative. It can be said that mass excitements began. And now answer the simple question, are such uprisings and violence possible in case of simple superficial changes? To answer this question, it is necessary to transfer the events of those days to today's reality. Let's imagine that today the Patriarch of Moscow will say that it is now necessary to be baptized, for example, four fingers, bows to make a nickname, and books should be changed in accordance with the ancient Scriptures. How will people perceive this? Most likely, neutral, and with certain propaganda even positively.

Another situation. Suppose that the Moscow Patriarch today will oblige all to be baptized by four fingers, apply the nodes instead of bows, wear a Catholic cross instead of Orthodox, pass all the books icons so that they can be rewritten and redraw, the name of God will now be for example "Jesus", and the procession will walk For example, arc. Such a nature of reform will certainly lead to the uprising of religious people. Everything changes, crosses all age-old religious history. That was the reform of Nikon. Therefore, there was a church split in the 17th century, since the contradictions between Old Believers and Nikon were insoluble.

What did the reform led to?

Nikon's reform should be evaluated from the point of view of the realities of the day. Of course, the Patriarch destroyed the ancient religion of Russia, but he did what the king was wanted - the ghost of the Russian Church in line with an international religion. And there were both pros and cons:

  • Pros. The Russian religion ceased to be separate, and began to be more like Greek and Roman. This made it possible to create great religious ties with other states.
  • Minuses. Religion in Russia at the time of the 17th century was most oriented to initial Christianity. It was here that the ancient icons, ancient books and ancient rites. All this is destroyed for integration with other states, if we speak in modern language.

It is impossible to regard Nikon's reforms, as the total destruction of everything (although it is precisely the majority of the authors and are engaged, including the principle of "all gone"). With confidence, you can only talk about the fact that the Moscow Patriarch made significant changes in the ancient religion and deprived Christians to the essential part of their cultural and religious heritage.


Patriarch Nikon (worldly name Nikita Minin (Mines)); May 7, Veldemanovo village - August 17, Tropynskaya Sloboda, Yaroslavl) - Moscow Patriarch, who had official title patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, God's greatness of the Great Mr. and the Sovereign, Archbishop of the royal town of Moscow and all of Russia and the Malya and Belya Russia and the North Countries and Pomorie and many states of Patriarch From July 25 (August 4) of the year 12 (22) of December, the title Veliky State Supervision.

Church reforms of Patriarch Nikon, which he began in the 1650s, were aimed at changing the ritual tradition that existed then in the Russian Church in order to unification with modern Greek. They caused the split of the Russian Church, which resulted in the emergence of old-believe. In 1666, he was erupted from the patriarchate and became a simple monk, although his reforms were continued.

Before Patriarchard

Becoming at the head of the brand of the Novospassian monastery, Nikon entered the composition of an informal circle of spiritual and secular persons, which Professor N. F. Kapteyev calls a circle "Jealous of piety" . The main ideologists of this group are the confessor Alexei Mikhailovich Protopop of the Annunchensky Cathedral Stephen Voniphav, Boyarin F. M. Rtishchev and the Protopop of the Kazan Cathedral of John Neronov - put the task of reviving religious and church life in the Moscow State, improving the morality of both the population and clergy, enlightenment plant. The practice of church sermons from Ambon, "unanimity" in worship, was introduced in Moscow, a lot of attention was paid to correcting translations of liturgical books.

He began to ride the king to the palace every Friday for conversations and advice not only on spiritual affairs, but also in state.

Reformed activity

For many years, many years collected Greek and Byzantine texts and seriously participating in the discussions "Circle of Jealous Jealous" (in which the Avvakum Protopop also included), Nikon considered it important to bring Russian Orthodox rites and books in line with Greek.

Rootedness of both the people and among a significant part of the priesthood of the "superiority" of Russian piety over Greek, and Moscow - over Kiev, which appeared in northeastern Russia after signing the Greeks of Florentine Union with Catholics, Drops of Constantinople, Lithuanian Poogear and Subsidation Lithuania Kiev (cf. Thesis "Moscow - Third Rome"), as well as the sharpness of the reformers themselves led to the split of the Russian Church on Nikon supporters (Nikonian) and his opponents of the Old Believers, one of whose leaders was Avwakum. Avvakum believed that the ranks set forth in Moscow books better reflect the Orthodox faith.


One of the activities of Patriarch Nikon was the foundation in Russia of monasteries. In 1653, the first wooden structures of the Iversky monastery were built on the island of Valdai lake. In 1655, the Stone Assumption Cathedral was laid.

Opal and eruption from the priesthood

In 1660, at the convened in Moscow, the Cathedral was decided to deprive Nikon of Bishops and even the priesthood; However, the court did not take place, as it was decided to transfer to the court of Eastern Patriarchs, to the Council of the Nikonov Monk-Province of Epiphany Slavinetsky and Archimandrite of the Polotsky Epiphany Monastery Ignatius Ignatiya Ivlevich. The same solution of the issue recommended the king afterwards the former Bishop of the Jerusalem Church of Paisi Ligarid, who did not accept explicit participation in the cathedral, although he was invited by Patriarchs to the secret meeting and acted as a translator for the Eastern Patriarchs.

In a literacy, signed by all the bishings of the Russian local church of the Grand Moskovsky Cathedral, as well as hierarchs (patriarchs, Metropolitans, Archbishops, Bishops) of the Greek Local Churches of December 12, crimes are indicated, due to which Nikon is erupted from the Patriarchate and Priesthood by the court of the Local Cathedral of the Russian Church :

1. Nikon announced (offended) the king, when he left the flock and retired to the Resurrection Monastery, only because the royal official hit the Patriarch servant.

2. Nikon did not accept and did not repent, but performed by Charotonia in a new place, built new monasteries, who called "the inappropriate words and siest naming": the new Jerusalem, Calvary, Bethlehem, Jordan, thereby he was cursed by the Divine and mocked holy, glorifying Himself the patriarch of the new Jerusalem, kidnapping robbing, and if he had a strength, then would take the third part of the kingdom.

3. Anathematized Patriarchs Paisia \u200b\u200band Makaria, who came to judge, calling them Anna and Kaiaf, and the royal ambassadors who were sent to him to cause him to court, called Pilate and Herod.

4. Nikon wrote personal letters to the Patriarchs, in which he wrote about Tsar Alexei that the king "Latinudnik, a tormentor and an obichnik, Jerovo and Ozia" and the fact that the Russian church in Latin dogmas fell up most of all accusing to the Paisius of Ligarid.

5. Nikon without the Cathedral consideration himself personally deprived Bishop Pavel Kolomna Sana, Ferephae, pulled the mantle with Paul, and that "in ulcers and punishment acknowledged", why Paul lost his mind and the poor died: or was confused by beasts, or fell into the river and fell and fell into the river died.

6. His Spiritual Father Nikon for two years a lot to beat himself and he applied ulcers, after which the Patriarchs themselves saw Nikon's confessor "Moskovo relaxed".

For these crimes, Nikon was erupted from the priesthood: not only the patriarchal dignity, but from the Episcopal Sana, and became a simple monk.

Monk Nikon after the Cathedral Court and the eruption was exiled in Ferapontov Belozersky Monastery; After the death of Alexei Mikhailovich was translated under a more rigorous supervision in the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery.

Death and Posthumous Fate

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich insisted on the funeral of Nikon as the Patriarch, despite the protests of the Patriarch of the Moscow Ioacima, who refused to span and remember Nikon as the Patriarch.

It was buried in the northern attack (the advisions of the head of John the Forerunner) of the Cathedral of the Resurrection Novojerusalem Monastery; Fedor Alekseevich himself read over him the apostle and the 17th café and repeatedly kissing his desk.

In the future, in the synodal period, under the influence of censorship, documents concerning meetings of the Greater Moscow Cathedral - the Court of Nikon (the Cathedral Definition of Nikon's Crimes and the Cathedral Most of Nikon's Priesthood), not printed as part of the officially published documents "Acts of the Great Moscow Cathedral 1666-67 years. "

In 2013, the tomb of Patriarch Nikon was opened by archaeologists, but only empty sarcophagus was discovered - the tomb had previously undergone a plunder.

Monuments Nikonu

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  • Lobachev S. V. Patriarch Nikon. St. Petersburg., 2003.
  • Ivan Shusherin News on the birth and upbringing and life of His Holiness Nikon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia // Patriarch Nikon - Protopop Avvakum. M., 1997.
  • . T. I-III.]
  • N. F. Capterev . T. 1-2 M., 1996.
  • Subbotin N. I. . M., 1862.
  • Lifshitz A. L. Documents on food supply and other reserves with a refrigerant Patriarch Nikonu in Ferapontov Monastery // Bulletin of Church History. 2010. No. 1-2 (17-18). P. 5-16.
  • Patriarch Nikon: Russian split tragedy (collection of articles). M.: Dar, 2006 ISBN 5-485-00069-x.
  • // Russian archive, 1863. - Vol. 8/9. - STB. 697-707. - Under the stall .: The story of Peter the Great about Patriarch Nikon.
  • Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich and Patriarch Nikon. M.: Museums of the Moscow Kremlin, 2006. ISBN 5-901685-89-x.
  • Sevastyanova S. K. Correspondence Patriarch Nikon with Iconian Metropolitan Athanasius // Ancient Rus. Questions mediovers. 2004. № 3 (17). P. 87-97.
  • Bogdanov A. P. Patriarch Nikon // Questions of history. No. 1. 2004. P. 51-117.
  • "Patriarch Nikon. Born on Nizhny Novgorod Earth. " N. Novgorod: Rido, 2007. Compilers Archim. Tikhon (Stalokin), O. V. Dögteva, etc.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Online Russian Orthodoxy
  • September 20, 2007
  • / Scientific research, preparation of documents for publication, compilation and general editors of V.V. Schmidt. - m.: Publishing House Mosk. University, 2004. - 1264 p.
  • [Dock. Historia.Rf / 17 / Iz-Dela-Patriarkha-Nikona / "Patriarch of Nikon"]. 1659-1666 years. Draft Russian Military Historical Society "100 Main Documents of Russian History".
Patriarch Joseph
Moscow Patriarchs
Patriarch Ioasaf II.

An excerpt characterizing Nikon (Patriarch of Moscow)

"She looks like him?" - thought Natasha. - Yes, it looks like and does not look like. But she is special, alien, very new, unknown. And she loves me. What is her soul? All good. But how? How does she think? How does she look at me? Yes, she is beautiful. "
"Masha," she said, shouting her hand to himself. - Masha, you do not think that I am bad. Not? Masha, Golubushka. I love you so much. We will be completely friends.
And Natasha, hugging, began to kiss hands and face Princess Marya. Princess Marya was ashamed and rejoiced by this expression of Natasha's feelings.
From this day, one passionate and tender friendship was established between Prince Marya and Natasha, which only happens between women. They were inconspicuously kissed, the tender words spoke to each other and spent most of the time together. If one went out, then the other was restless and hurried to join her. They two of them felt more consent to each other than apart, each herself with him. There was a feeling of the strongest than friendship between them: it was an exceptional feeling of the possibility of life only in the presence of each other.
Sometimes they were silent whole hours; Sometimes, already lying in beds, they began to talk and spoke until the morning. They spoke most of the long-lasting. Princess Marya told about his childhood, about his mother, about his father, about her dreams; And Natasha, before with a calm misunderstanding dismantled from this life, devotion, humility, from the poetry of Christian dedication, now, feeling loving love with Prince Marya, loved and passed the princessed Marya and understood the incomprehensible her before the side of life. She did not think to attach humility and selflessness to her life, because she was accustomed to look for other joys, but she understood and loved to another virtue of this before. For the Princess Mary, who listened to the stories about childhood and the first youth of Natasha, also opened before the incomprehensible side of life, faith in life, in enjoying life.
They all just never told about him in order not to violate the words, as it seemed to them, that height of the feeling, which was in them, and this default did what he did, not believing this, they forgot him.
Natasha lost weight, turned pale and physically so became the weak that everyone was constantly talking about her health, and she was nice. But sometimes it was unexpectedly found not only the fear of death, but the fear of illness, weakness, the loss of beauty, and involuntarily, she sometimes carefully looked at her naked hand, surprised at her thin, or looked in the mirror in the mirror on her stretched, miserable, as it seemed , face. It seemed to her that it should be so, and at the same time grew scary and sad.
Once she soon went upstairs and shattered heavily. Immediately unwittingly, she came up with the case at thenime and ran away from there again, trying strength and watching her.
Another time she called Dunyash, and her voice snapped. She once again clicked her, despite the fact that she heard her steps, "she clicked into a breast, whom she was hushed and listened to him.
She did not know this, would not believe, but under the faithless layer of Ila, who shook her soul, was already made away thin, gentle young herbs needles, who had to be rooted and so to stipulate their life escapes to her grief that he would soon be seen And not noticeable. The wound was healing from the inside. At the end of January, Princess Marya went to Moscow, and the Count insisted that Natasha rushed with her in order to consult with the doctors.

After the collision under Vyazma, where Kutuzov could not hold his troops from the desire to overturn, cut off, etc., the further movement of the fled French and behind them the convened Russians, to the Red, took place without battles. The flight was so quickly that the Russian army who fledgingly beyond the French could not sleep for them that horses in cavalry and artillery became and that the information about the movement of the French was always incorrect.
People of Russian troops were so exhausted by this continuous movement along forty miles per day, which could not move faster.
To understand the degree of depletion of the Russian army, it is necessary only to clearly understand the meaning of the fact that, having lost the wounded and killed at all the time of movement from Tarutina no more than five thousand people, without losing hundreds of people with prisoners, the Russian army, published from Tarutin, It came to the Red Among the number of fifty thousand.
The rapid movement of Russians for the French operated on the Russian army in the same way destructive as the flight of the French. The difference was only that the Russian army moved arbitrarily, without the threat of dying, which hung over the French army, and the fact that the enemy remained backward patients, the enemy remained, the backward Russians remained at home. The main reason for the reduction of the Napoleon's army was the speed of movement, and the undoubted proof is the appropriate decrease in Russian troops.
All the activities of Kutuzov, as it was under Tarutin and under Vyazma, was only aimed at, as far as it was in his power, - not to stop this movement moved for the French (as they wanted Russian generals in St. Petersburg and in the army), and Promote him and facilitate the movement of his troops.
But, in addition, since the troying troops and tremendous decrease, which took place from the speed of movement, was still a matter of Kutuzov to slow down the movement of troops and to catch up. The goal of Russian troops was following the French. The path of the French was unknown, and therefore, the closer our troops followed the fifth of the French, the more they passed the distances. Just following at some distance, it was possible to reverse the zigzags by the shortest way, which did the French. All skilled maneuvers that generally offered generals were expressed in the movement of troops, in increasing transitions, and the only reasonable goal was to reduce these transitions. And to this goal in the whole campaign, from Moscow to Vilna, the activities of Kutuzov were sent - not by chance, not temporary, but so consistently that he never changed her.
Kutuzov knew not by the mind or science, and he knew his Russian creature and felt what every Russian soldier felt that the French were defeated that the enemies were running and necessary to pay them; But at the same time he felt, at the same time with the soldiers, the whole severity of this, a honesty.
But the generals, especially the Russians, who wanted to distinguish themselves, surprise someone, take captive for something of some duke or king, - the generals seemed to the generals when every battle was and gadko and meaninglessly, it seemed to them that now Giving battles and win someone. Kutuzov just shrugged when he one after the other was represented by the projects of maneuvers with those badly shovel, without serve, half-starving soldiers who, in one month, without battles, melted up to half and with which, with the best conditions of continuing flight, had to go to the border The space is greater that it was passed.
In particular, this desire to distinguish between and maneuvering, tilting and cut off when the Russian troops came out to the French troops.
So it happened under the red, where they thought to find one of the three columns of the French and stumbled upon Napoleon himself with sixteen thousand. Despite all the means used by Kutuzov, in order to get rid of this harmful clash and to save their troops, three days in red continued to see the broken gathering of the French by the exhausted people of the Russian army.
Tol wrote a disposition: Die Erste Colonne Marschiert [The first column will head there], etc. And, as always, everything has not been disposed. Prince Evgeny Vemitberg shot from the mountain past the running crowds of the French and demanded a reinforcement that did not come. The French, around the night there are obsessions of Russians, crumbled, hid in the forest and made their way, who could, on.
Miloradovich, who said that he knows nothing about economic deductions, which could never find when he was needed, "Chevalier Sans Peur et Sans Reproche" ["Knight without fear and reproach"], how he himself called himself , and the hunter to conversations with the French, sent parliamentaries, demanding the surrender, and lost time and did not do what he was ordered.
"I give you guys, this column," he said, driving up to the troops and pointing to the cavalryrs on the French. And cavalryrs on thin, encouraged, barely moving horses, configuring them with spurs and sabers, a trick, after strong stresses, drove to a presented column, that is, to the crowd of frostbed, crumpled and hungry French; And the presented column threw a weapon and gave up, which she had long wanted.
Twenty-six thousand captives took twenty-six thousand prisoners, hundreds of guns, which stick, which was called Marshall Rod, and argued about who distinguished himself, and were satisfied, but very sorry that they did not take Napoleon or at least some hero, Marshal, and reproached each other in this and especially Kutuzov.
These people who are fascinated by their passions were blind performers only the most unforgettable law of necessity; But they considered themselves heroes and imagined that what they did was the most worthy and noble thing. They accused Kutuzov and said that from the very beginning of the campaign interfered with them to defeat Napoleon, what he only thinks about the satisfaction of his passions and did not want to leave the plants, because he was deceased there; that he stopped the movement under the red only because, having learned about the presence of Napoleon, he was completely lost; What can assume that he is in a conspiracy with Napoleon, that he bribed them, [Wilson's notes. (Note. L.N. Tolstoy.)] Etc., etc.
Not only are contemporaries who are fascinated by passions, said that - offspring and history recognized Napoleon Grand, A Kutuzov: foreigners - cunning, depraved, weak court old man; Russians - something uncertain - some kind of doll, useful only in his Russian name ...

At 12 m and 13 m, Kutuzov were directly accused of mistakes. The sovereign was dissatisfied with them. And in history, written recently on the highest command, it was said that Kutuzov was a tricky court liar, who was afraid of Napoleon and his mistakes under the red and under the birch of the Russian troops of Glory - a complete victory over the French. [History of 1812 Bogdanovich: Characteristics of Kutuzov and reasoning about unsatisfactory results of the results of Krasnoye battles. (Note. L.N. Tolstoy.)]
Such is the fate of not great people, not the Grand Homme, which does not recognize the Russian mind, and the fate of those rare, always lonely people who, comprehending the will of Providence, subordinate her personal will. The hatred and contempt of the crowd shall punish these people for the insight of higher laws.
For Russian historians, it is strange and scary to say - Napoleon is a negligible tool of history - never anywhere, even in exile, who did not show human dignity, - Napoleon is the subject of admiration and delight; He is Grand. Kutuzov, the person who, from the beginning to the end of his activity in 1812, from Borodin and to Wilna, never once, not a single action, without changing himself, is an extraordinary s story an example of selflessness and consciousness in the present future value of the event, - Kutuzov seems to them with something uncertain and miserable, and speaking of Kutuzov and 12 m, they are always ashamed of them.
Meanwhile, it is difficult to imagine a historical person whose activities are so consistently constantly aimed at the same purpose. It is difficult to imagine a goal, more worthy and more coinciding with the will of all the people. It is even harder to find another example in history, wherever the goal that has put a historical person would be so completely achieved as the target to achieve all the activities of Kutuzov in 1812.
Kutuzov never talked about forty centuries, who look from the pyramids, about the victims he brings to Fatherland, that he intends to do or committed: he didn't talk anything at all, did not play any role, it seemed always easier and ordinary Man and spoke the simplest and ordinary things. He wrote the letters to his daughters and M ME STAEL, read the novels, loved the society of beautiful women, joked with generals, officers and soldiers and never contradicted those people who wanted to prove something. When the Count Mensor on the Jaiz Bridge prompted Kutuzov with personal reproaches about who is to blame for the death of Moscow, and said: "How did you promise not to leave Moscow, not by giving care?" "Kutuzov answered:" I will not leave Moscow without a battle, "despite the fact that Moscow has already been left. When Arakcheev who arrived at him, said that Yermolov would appoint the head of artillery, Kutuzov answered: "Yes, I myself just said it," although he spoke quite another in a minute. What was the case to him, one who understood the whole huge meaning of the event, among the stupid crowd, surrounding him, what did he happen to him before, to him or to him take the County Citizens disaster? An even less could occupy his whom will be appointed by the head of artillery.
Not only in these cases, but it is indisputable by this old man who came out of life experience before the conviction is that the thoughts and words who serve them by expression, do not essence the engines of people, spoke of words completely meaningless - the first who came to mind.
But this very person, so neglected in his own words, has never said in all its activities, not a single word, which would not be in accordance with the sole purpose, to the achievement of which he walked during the war. Obviously, unwittingly, with severe confidence that he will not understand him, he repeatedly expressed his thought in a wide variety of circumstances. Starting from the Borodino battle, from which his divorce with others began, he said that the Borodino battle was victory, and repeated it and hesomely, and in reports, and reports to his very death. He alone said that the loss of Moscow is not a loss of Russia. He in response Loriston on the proposal about the world answered that the world could not be because such a will of the people; he alone during the retreat of the French said that all our maneuvers don't need that everything will be done by itself better than we wish that the enemy need to give a golden bridge that neither Tarutinsky nor Vyazemsky nor Krasnoye battles are needed that with which It is necessary to come to the border that for ten French he will not give one Russian.
And he is one, this court man, how we are depicting it, a person who lies Arakcheev to please the sovereign, - he is alone, this court man, in Wilna, the one who deserves the disjointness of the sovereign, says that the further war abroad is harmful and useless.
But some words would not prove that he then understood the value of the event. His actions - everything without the slightest retreat, everyone was directed to the same purpose expressed in three actions: 1) strain all their strength for a collision with the French, 2) to defeat them and 3) expel from Russia, facilitating as far as possible disasters of the people and troops.
He, he is a client of Kutuzov, whom the motto is patience and time, the enemy of decisive actions, he gives the Borodino battle, making preparations for it in unparalleled solemnity. He, that Kutuzov, who in the Austerlitsky battle, first began, says that it will be lost, in Borodina, despite the assertion of generals that the battle is lost, despite the unheard of the fact that after the won the battle of the army must retreat He is alone, in contrast to everyone, before death claims that the Borodino battle is victory. He alone in all the time of retreat insists not to give battles that are now useless, not to start a new war and not cross the borders of Russia.
Now understand the meaning of the event, unless to attach the activities of the masses that were in the head of a dozen people, it is easy, since all the event with its consequences is in front of us.
But how then this old man, one, in the opposition of the opinion of everyone, could guess, so correctly guessed the meaning of the folk meaning of the event, which never changed him in all his activities?
The source of this extraordinary force of insight into the meaning of the phenomena performed was lying in the folk feeling, which he wore in himself in all purity and strength.
Only recognition in it of this feeling forced the people with such strange ways from the ease of the old man to choose him against the will of the king into representatives of the People's War. And only this feeling put it on the highest human height, with which he, commander-in-chief, sent all his strength not to kill and exterminate people, but to save and regret them.
Simple, modest and therefore the true majestic figure could not lie in that false form of the European Hero, the MNIMO managing people who came up with history.
For Lake, there can be no great man, because the lacker has its own concept of greatness.

November 5 was the first day of the so-called Krasnoy battle. Before the evening, when after many disputes and mistakes of the generals, which came there, where necessary; After the mailings of the adjutant with anti-science, when it became clear that the enemy was running everywhere and battles could not be and will not be, Kutuzov left the red and went to the good one, where the home apartment was translated.
The day was clear, frosty. Kutuzov with a huge retinue of those who are displeased by him, shook behind him, the rode on their oily white horse was driving to good. Across the road crowded, heated by the fires, the batch of the present day of the French captives (they were taken on this day seven thousand). Not far from a good, a huge crowd of torn, joined and loanted than prisoners, rushed talking, standing on the road beside a long row of dug french guns. When the commander-in-chief approaches the saying, and all the eyes stared at Kutuzov, who in his white with the red shaft shaft and cotton coin, the hump of the rubber on his stunned shoulders, slowly matured on the road. One of the generals reported Kutuzov, where the guns and prisoners are taken.
Kutuzov seemed to be concerned and did not hear the words of the general. He pushed displeased and carefully and intently peered into those figures of prisoners who represented a particularly pitiful look. Most of the French soldiers were dismissed by frozen noses and cheeks, and almost everyone had red, swollen and fostered eyes.
One bunch of French stood near the road, and two soldiers - the face of one of them was covered with sores - tearned a piece of raw meat with her hands. Something was a terrible and animal in a breakdown look, which they threw on passing, and in that evil expression, with whom the soldiers with sores, looking at Kutuzov, immediately turned away and continued his business.
Kutuzov looked attentively for a long time on these two soldiers; Even more wrinkling, he squinted his eyes and shook his head thoughtfully. In another place, he noticed a Russian soldier who, laughing and drill on the shoulder of the Frenchman, something gently told him. Kutuzov shook his head with the same expression again.
- What are you saying? What? He asked the general who continued to report and paid the attention of the commander-in-chief to the French taken banners, stood before the front of the Preobrazhensky regiment.
- A, banners! Said Kutuzov, apparently with difficulty taking off from the subject that occupied his thought. He frightened himself. Thousands of eyes from all sides, waiting for his lay watch, looked at him.
He stopped before the Preobrazhensky regiment, sighed heavily and closed his eyes. Someone from the Sweet waved, so that the soldiers who held the banners approached and put them with antiques banners around the commander in chief. Kutuzov covered a few seconds and, apparently reluctantly, submitting the need for his position, raised his head and began to speak. Crowds of officers surrounded him. He was attentive to look around the circle of officers, having learned some of them.
- Thank you all! He said, turning to the soldiers and again to the officers. In silence, who came across it, was clearly audible to his slowly acarred words. - I thank everyone for a difficult and faithful service. Victory perfect, and Russia will not forget you. You are fame forever! - He paused, looking around.
"Naked, naked his head that," he told the soldier who was the French eagle and inadvertently lowering him before the banner of Preobrachters. - lower, lower, so here. Hooray! Guys, - by quick movement of the chin to turn to the soldiers, he said.
- Hooray Ra Ra! - Thousands of votes were roaring. While the soldiers, Kutuzov shouted, bent on the saddle, bowed his head, and his eyes lit up with meek, as if mocking, glitter.
"That's what, brothers," he said, when he was silent voices ...
And suddenly, the voice and expression of his face changed: he stopped talking to the commander-in-chief, but he spoke a simple, old man, obviously, that the most necessary desired to report now to his comrades.
In the crowd of officers and in the ranks of the soldier there was a movement, to clearly hear what he will say now.
- But what, brothers. I know hard to do what to do! Be patient; Not long left. We spend the guests, rest then. For your service your king will not forget. It is difficult for you, yes, yet you are at home; And they see what they reached, "he said, pointing to the prisoners. - worse than the latter. While they were strong, we did not regret ourselves, and now you can regret them. Also they are people. So guys?
He looked around himself, and in persistent, respectfully perplexed views, he read sympathy for his words: his face became all the brighter and brighter from the elder meek smile, the stars frolic in the corners of the lips and eyes. He paused and no matter how in bewilderment heada.
- And then say, who called them to us? Fill them, m ... and ... in g .... - Suddenly he said, lifting his head. And, waving Nagaika, he gallop, for the first time in the whole campaign, went away from the joyful crumbling and roar hoarse, who upset the ranks of the soldiers.
The words spoken by Kutuzov, were hardly understood by the troops. No one would have managed to transfer the content at first the solemn and at the end of the sootimously Starikovsky speech of Field Marshal; But the heart meaning of this speech was not only understood, but the very thing is the very feeling of a majestic celebration in conjunction with pity for the enemies and the consciousness of his rightness, expressed by this, precisely by these Starikovsky, good-natured Russian, is the most (the feeling lay in the soul of every soldier And he expressed himself a joyful, who had not been shouting for a long time. When, after that, one of the generals with the question of whether the commander-in-chief will order a stroller, he turned to him, Kutuzov, responding, unexpectedly sobbed, apparently being in strong excitement.

November 8th last day of Krasnoy battles; Already mumbled when the troops came to the place of overnight. The whole day was quiet, frosty, with falling light, rare snow; By evening it began to figure out. Through the snowflakes, a black lilac starry sky was visible, and the frost began to enhance.
Mushkathersky regiment, who came out of Tarutin, among the three thousand, now, among the nine hundred and man, came one of the first to the appointed place of the night, in the village on the big road. Apartmentgers who met the regiment, announced that all the horses were engaged in patients and dead French, cavalrymen and headquarters. There was only one hut for a regimental commander.
The regimental commander drove up to his hut. The regiment passed the village and in the extreme hords on the road put the guns into the goats.
As a huge, polynomial animal, the regiment began to work the device of his lair and food. One part of the soldiers dispersed, knee-deep in the snow, in a birch forest, who was right from the village, and immediately heard in the woods of the ax, Tesakov, crackling bumps and funny voices; Another part broke up near the center of regimental carts and horses put in a pile, pulling boilers, crumbs and setting food horses; The third part crumbled in the village, arranging the premises of the staff, choosing the dead bodies of the French, lying on the outstands, and capening boards, dry firewood and straw from the roofs for fires and plentine for protection.

Nikon was elected by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in July 1652 at the age of 47. The consent of becoming the Patriarch he gave only after the clergy, the boyars and even the king kingfully promised him loyalty and obedience.

Patriarch Nikon Actively commissioned for reforms. However, it was soon that, unlike the king, the Patriarch considered them as part of a more grand plan for the creation of the Greek-Russian Orthodox Empire, the new universal theocracy. If at one time the old man of Philofey and his followers were given a leading role in a similar project, the Moscow Great Prince (later - King), Nikon proceeded from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe priority of spiritual power.

Nikon's church reform was aimed at correcting liturgical books in Greek samples and establishing uniformity of the church service. The reform affected the essential elements of the rituality: two-purpose crisses were replaced by three-purpose, instead of "Izus" began to write "Jesus", along with the eight-pointed cross began to recognize four-way. "Hallelujah" began to sing three times, and not twice, the godfather moves - to led not to the right, but on the contrary. The reform caused a protest of a part of the clergy led by Protopop Avvakum. The protest, named afterwards, found support among peasants, boyars, Streltsov. Opponents of the reform were devoted to Anathema at the Cathedral of 1666-1667. and underwent cruel repression. The dominant church began to call the Raskolnikov "Old Believers" or "Old Believers", they themselves began to refer to the "Anodle Rights".

Nikon spoke out against the state attempts to limit property and judicial-legal prerogatives of the church. Not being able to cancel the establishment of the Zemsky Cathedral of 1648-1649, the Patriarch simply ignored them. He considered the Cathedral Introduction of 1649 by Besyskaya, a lawless book.

Even more decisively, the Patriarch rejected the intervention of secular power to intracerer. If before the bishops put only in the royal decree, now he began to do it on his own, as well as the trial of them.

Nikon sought to approve the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Church as a focus of world Orthodoxy. Not far from Moscow, on the banks of the Istra River, he built a Resurrection Monastery and gave him a pretentious name - "New Jerusalem". A temple was erected in the monastery, which is a copy of the temple of the Globa of the Lord in Jerusalem. In the altar of the temple, five praises were installed - for the five Orthodox patriarchs (Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem and Russian). At the same time, the throne of the Patriarch of the Russian Church occupied the central place among them. The monastery of the monastery was taken to the monastery of different nationalities.

Not admitting the intervention of the state into the cases of the Church, Nikon, in accordance with his theocratic convictions, he himself actively interfered with the state affairs. In the absence of the king, he became the actual head of government, solved current civil and military affairs. The Board of Boyarskaya Duma, who followed the activities of orders, was herself under the control of the patriarch. In sentences (resolutions), the formula was adopted: "... The Holy Patriarch pointed out, and the boyars were sentenced." Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich favorabled to Nikona gave him the title of the great sovereign, who wore only the Patriarch Philaret in his time.

However, the period of the steep climb of Nikon was short-lived. He pushed his arrogance and stiffness from himself very many both in the church and in state structures. Tsar Alexey began paining in the dominance of the "Soban Friend". The failure of the Swedish Military Campaign (1656), to which Nikon bowed, added negative feelings towards him. In July 1658, an open conflict took place.

At the feast of the position of Rhise, Alexey, Alexey did not come to the morning of the Assumption Cathedral, and at her ended she sent a boyar Yuri Romodanovsky to Patriarch, who said: "The royal majesty is angry with you. Therefore, I did not come to the uta, did not tell him to wait for the liturgy. You neglected the royal majesty and write a great sovereign, and we have one great sovereign - the king. Tsarist Majesty honored you as a father and a shepherd, but you didn't understand. And now the royal majesty has commanded to tell you that you will not be written and not called Soviet, and read you will not be able to read you "(Cyt. By: Lebedev L. Moscow Patriarch. P. 117).

Nikon was a man of sharp movements. After the liturgy, he wrote a letter to the king directly in the altar, then in strong excitement and tears turned to those present: "From nowe, I will not be a patriarch ..." - and left the cathedral. Through a spas gate with a key in his hand, he left the Kremlin and went on foot to his farm. Three days Nikon was waiting for the king of the signal to reconciliation, but in vain. On the fourth day, he left for the newlyerusalem monastery.

Began a long period of uncertainty. Nikon did not deal with church management, nominally remaining the Patriarch. In 1660, the church cathedral acknowledged him guilty of unauthorized leaving of the Patriarchant, the non-fulfillment of pastoral debt and decided to elect a new patriarch. However, as it turned out, according to the canonical rules, the Cathedral of Russian Bishops was not authorized to decide on the deprivation of Nikon Patriarchase, since his election was approved by all the eastern patriarchs.

To organize a new cathedral with the participation of Patriarchs Alexandria and Antiochsky managed only at the end of 1666, the king himself made accusations against Nikon. He was charged with unauthorized leaving of the department, insult to the royal power, the Russian church and the whole flock. On December 12, 1666, a verdict was announced: Nikon was deprived of Sana Patriarch. As a simple monk, he was sent to the monastery in Ferapontov.

Church at the nearest successors of Nikon (1667-1690)

The cathedral was not limited to the condemnation of Nikon. His work continued until the summer of 1667. Participation in the Cathedral of the Eastern Patriarchs attached a special authority to the accepted solutions. It was approved by the correction of old books and rites; A decision undertakes, obliging the clergy to commit worship for new books; Resolutions of the 100-eyed Cathedral of 1551 are invalid. The Cathedral made the consent of the king on the abolition of the refusal of the clergy with the secular authorities and the elimination of the monastic order, which, however, was carried out only 10 years later.

The discussion began on the cathedral, which began in Nikon, the ratio of the spiritual and secular power - "priesthood" and "kingdoms". The eastern members of the Cathedral proposed a compromise formula that meets the Byzantine ideal: the king has an advantage in civil cases, the patriarch - in church. But the king did not agree to a compromise, and the discussion did not receive a final permission.

Thus, the cathedral in a significant part of its own part performed the software tasks that Nikon put. Even on the issue of "priesthood" and "kingdom", the Russian clergy took a penetration position.

The patriarchy of the successors of Nikon - Joasafa (1667-1672) and Pitirima (1672-1673) - no significant was noted. Joasaf, the former archimandrite Trinity-Sergius Monastery, the man of the olden and quiet, sought only to fulfill the Council of the Council of 1666-1667. Pitirim, who during the years of Opal Nikon was conducted by the current affairs of the patriarchate, he himself spent only a few months on the Patriarchal. His changed Joakim (1674-1690).

Having survived the internal shocks associated with the liturgical and ritual reforms and conflict of Nikon with the king Alexei Mikhailovich, the church entered the last third of the XVII century. Regarding peaceful and consolidated. For the previous decades, she has enriched with new temples and monasteries. In the 1680s. There were about 15 thousand churches in the country (including more than 150 in Siberia) and about 1,200 monasteries. At the end of the century, the clergy numbered up to 100 thousand people.

At the same time, the need to strengthen the church discipline, observing the morality of the clergy, the preventing of heretical movements required the development of the church management system, approaching it to parish life. In this regard, twice - at the cathedrals of 1667 and 1682. - At the initiative of the king, the question was raised about increasing the number of dioceses, mainly due to the disagreement of existing ones, which, due to their size, were difficult to control. However, since the crushing of the dioceses would lead to the restriction of the authorities of the ruling bishops and would cause them material damage, the bishops and the patriarch sought to minimize such projects. By the beginning of the XVIII century. There have been only 23 dioceses, then it was assumed to form 72.

Patriarch Nikon Moscow and All Russia. He headed the diocese from 1652 to 1666. Made the reforms of the church, which led to the split.

early years

Nikon (in the peace of Nikita Mines or Minin) came from a simple peasant family.

The future Patriarch was born in the village of Veldemanovo near Nizhny Novgorod in 1605. Mother died shortly after delivery, and his father was repeated again.

With a stepmother, the relationship was not charged - she often beat him and deprived meals. The parish priest taught Nikita diploma. At the age of 12, Nikon became a novice at the Macarea Zhestodo monastery, where he remained up to 1624.

Parents convinced him to return home and marry. Then Nikita became a priest in the village of Lyskovo, but merchants, heard about his education asked to move to one of the Moscow churches.

In monastic

In 1635, Nikita dies with children, after which he convinced his wife to take a victim in Alekseevsky monastery. At the age of 30, it becomes a monk under the name of Nikon in the Holy Trinity Anzer's Skeit of the Solovetsky Monastery. After a quarrel with Reverend Eleazar, Anzerolsikm about the need for Nikona to make liturgia and to manage the economy in the skete, the monk ran from there to the Komeloger monastery.

In 1643 Nikon became there with igumen. In 1646, the first meeting of Nikon and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was performed. The igumen of the leather monastery made a favorable impression on the ruler and on the instruction of the monarch remained in Moscow. Attendance, Alexei Mikhailovich Patriarch Joseph dedicated Nikon to Archimandrite Novospassky Monastery.

Thus, Nikon entered the unofficial circle of "Jealous of piety", whose purpose was to increase the role of religion in the lives of residents of the Moscow state, improving the morality of the population and clergy, the spread of education. Separate attention was paid to the correct translation of liturgical books. In 1649 Nikon became Metropolitan Novgorod and Velgorodsky.


In April, 1562 Patriarch Joseph died. Members of the "Jealous piety" mug at first wanted to see the Patriarch Stephen Wonifantyev, the royal confessor, but he rejected the proposal, most likely, because he understood that Alexey Mikhailovich wanted to see Nikon in this Sana.

After the request of Alexei Mikhailovich to Nikonu to accept San, on the initiative of the last of the Solovetsky monastery to Moscow tolerate the relics of St. Metropolitan Philip. On July 25, 1562, the process of Nikon's intronization was held during which he demanded a promise from King not to interfere in church affairs.

Reformed activity

The main cause of reforms served as the need for the unification of rites and strengthen the moral leaders of the clergy. Nikon also wanted to see Russia as the center of the World Orthodoxy, as the country expanded relations with Ukraine and the territory of the former Byzantium. The authority and ambition of Nikon dictated him the desire to be an approximate king.

Patriarch remembered the close connection between the king Mikhail Fedorovich and Philaret and even wanted to surpass his predecessor. However, Nikon did not take into account that the former Patriarch was the father of the king, which gave him a significant advantage compared to Nikon.

In fact, the reforms did not touch the essence of Orthodoxy. It was about how many fingers should be baptized, in which direction to make a congestion, how to write the name Jesus, etc. However, the transformations caused widespread discontent among the masses. The split of the Russian Church was accomplished.

Construction of monasteries

At the initiative of Nikon, many monasteries were built, such as Onega Great, Iversky and Novojerusalem. In 1655, the Stone Assumption Cathedral was laid.


In 1666 Nikon was deprived of Sana Patriarch for highly actions. By decision of the Cathedral Court, Nikon became a simple monk Ferapontov Belozersky Monastery. After the death of Alexei Mikhailovich, he was translated into the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery under a more stringent leader.

New king, Fedor Alekseevich, condescendingly related to Nikon. Together with Simeon Polotsky, he reflected on the plan for creating four patriarchairs in Russia and the papacy chapter with Nikon. The idea has not received development. Nikon died in 1681. Fyodor Alekseevich insisted on the patriarching funeral for a monk, although he did not receive the approval of Joachima, the Patriarch of Moscow.

In the Mordovian village of Veldemanov, the Nizhny Novgorod county, in the family of a peasant Mina, the son of Nikita was born. He was born in May 1605, during the times of Troubles. Nikita's mother died when the boy was small. Gifted from nature, he learned a diploma of the house, and at twelve years he went to Makaryev a jolly monastery.

He married twenty years, and became a rural priest. But life was unhappy, his children were dying, and he himself decided that his childlessness was a sign to the monastic life. His spouse adopted a posture in the Moscow Alekseevsky Monastery. Nikita's father went to Anzer's Skit near the Greater Solovetsky Island.

At 30, he accepted the victim and became Nikon, moving away from earthly trouble, fuss. The founder and abbot of the Skece Rev. Eleazar himself spent this rite. There was a lot of nikon, I prayed without tired, I fastened for many days, I served with all my soul. He was a favorite student of Elyazar, served as an example for the monk.

Unfortunately, after some time, disagreements arose between Nikon and the abbot. Not finding support in brethren, Nikon retired. After long walnings, he chose a leather small monastery. Not far from the monastery, built himself a celle and continued his feat. Lifted a single lifestyle, went to the monastery only to services. Brath respected him, for determination, hardness, rigor, adjacent.

In 1643, after the death of the abbot, Nikon was elected head of the monastery. In 1644, Igumen Nikon came to Moscow to collect donations for the monastery, and met with the king Alexei Mikhailovich. And soon, at the order of the king, he was translated into Moscow, and was appointed by the Igumen of the Novospassky Monastery. The young king very well and confestedly belonged to Nikona, which did not like the boyars. But the king continued his communication, and already in 1649, Igumen was elected Metropolitan Novgorod.

He referred to his duties, went to the dack, took the complaints of prisoners, told all the king, communicated with the people. People loved him, many found consolation in conversations with Metropolitan. In the services, Nikon canceled the "multi-moisture" (simultaneous reading and singing parts of worship). He served a service on strictly established rules, read the sermon on the weekend. In winter, Patriarch came to Moscow, where he made services in the court church. The king really liked these worship services.

Metropolitan appealed to Alexey Mikhailovich with a request to move the power of Metropolitan Philip from Solovkov to Moscow. The Vladyka Philip was exiled, and then they killed, for feeling safe, spoke of the atrocity of Ivan the Terrible. And in 1652, the holy power of Metropolitan Philip moved to the Kremlin, to the Assumption Cathedral. In that era, it was a significant and important event. Nikon was a receiver of Patriarch Joseph, and after his death, he headed this post.

During the reign of the Cervical Patriarch Nikon (1652-1658), many temples and monasteries were built. The reform of worship services was carried out, many church books were corrected. Patriarch collected old ancient books, studied them. The king with the Patriarch was in close friendships. At all the receptions they were sitting nearby, the king even asked to call the Patriarch the Great State Superday.

Over time, their relationship has changed not for the better. It may have been played by Nikon's theory about the superiority of spiritual power over secular. Then the Patriarch left the Patriarchal Department at his request, but San saved his. Later on the cathedral, he was convicted and Soslant in Ferapontov Monastery. Before death, Nikon received permission to move to the Resurrection Monastery, which he himself founded. In 1661, in August, on the way to the monastery, Patriarch died. The former Patriarch of All Russia Nikon, and the honors were buried by the Novoierusalem Resurrection Monastery.

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