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Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker (ashy) for help in work, money, lawsuits. Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker Helping in Affairs

In the life of each adult, it must be a favorite business - work that causes income. Bad, if the office occupied does not give pleasure and does not satisfy the material needs, but even worse when there is no work at all.

To facilitate their position and employ, often people turn to magic and read various conspiracies to work. The same one who is categorically opposed to the use of magic and those who are tuned in relation to witchcraft skeptical, I recommend to apply Orthodox prayers. With a good side, he showed himself and many helped the prayer to Nikolai the Wonderworker on help in work and affairs.

With a prayer to the saint can apply:

  • people who are in search of work or wish (for one reason or another) to change the workplace;
  • people whose position at the current workplace is not stable due to the hoping threat of reduction or dismissal;
  • people who want to get an increase in office;
  • students and young professionals wishing to work out and find their life destinations;
  • representatives of dangerous professions: firefighters, truckers, builders, etc.

It is possible to pray to St. Nicholas, not only for himself - it is possible to ask for his native person - her husband, son, daughter, brother, sisters, parents and just friends if their fate is not indifferent to you.

In general, there are 2 popular prayers for work addressed to Nicholas:

  • One of them is used when a person is engaged in searching for a new position, is experiencing some difficulties in the workplace already occupied or in their affairs.
  • The goal of the second is to help those who have suffered on their work from the goats of ill-wishers (and they can be in every person).

The first prayer sounds as follows:

You can use these two sacred text at any time and any number of times - until the saint does not help you cope with the problem. Do not forget to thank the elder. You can do this by thankful prayer.

Thanksgiving prayer

How to pray?

The day before I pray to Nikolai about help in matters, you must certainly visit the church. Women should go to the temple follows women's days (which is considered Wednesday, Friday and Saturday), for men it is preferable to do it in the days of men (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). Put the candle in the church in front of the saint icon and ask you to help you. Also and home buy church candles and the image of Nicholas Wonderworker.

An important feature: On the day of visiting the liturgical institution, you can not give alms to the beggar and make large purchases, spend large amounts of money, give money to debt. If there will still be a need to visit the store, pay for purchases need to be paper bills, having calculated them so that be sure to get the surrender.

Read prayers needed with grilled church candles, in front of an elder icon. The situation should be quiet, calm and secluded. No one and nothing should distract you in the process of uttering the sacred text.

It is impossible to spread to Nikolai to Nikolai for help - at least until you get the desired one. It is also not necessary to impose all hopes for prayer, and at this time it is inactive and not take any steps to improve the current situation. It is necessary to consider all possible paths of solutions, draw up a clear plan of action - only in this case you will receive the support of St. Nicholas and will be able to get out of difficulties.

  1. You must have a native cross. In addition to him, the icon of Nicholas, church candles, holy water and prosfora will be required.
  2. Starting the pronouncement of prayer is needed from the morning ritual: they be baptized three times in front of the saint, eat a prosperity by writing it with holy water, and speak: "In healing soul and body" .
  3. Pronounce prayer without being distracted in the process. Reading her clergy advise every day at the same time. The duration of the rite - 40 days (I can not even miss the day). Usually within 40 days the problem with the work is solved.
  4. After 40 days you need to read thanksgiving prayer. You can thank and in your own words, the main thing is that they uttered were sincerely, from the soul.

Even when the problem does not remain from the problem, it is not necessary to forget to thank the Sacred - this item refers not only to Nikolai Radio, but also, in general, to all the saints. Only in this case they will always help you in difficult moments of life.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Nikolai rich in the III-iv of the centuries of our era and is known as an assistant and the intercessor of all people. Nowadays, referring to him and asking for help, you can count on a great result. People who believe in his help and read Orthodox prayers to Nikolai Radio, will definitely receive what they are asked about. The prayer Nicholas the wonderworker is a common text that can be used by any person in need of his help and support.

Nikolai Raman was born in Likia and since childhood it was very interested in religion. Over time, the man was reached by Archbishop, becoming one of the most famous religious figures.

He packed the elements, assisted and supported the poor and sick and believed that any help in need was God's gift.

Not everyone knows, but this saint is one who on Christmas Eve entricted gifts for thresholds of houses in need of people. He did it secretly, and when the people learned about whose hands is this business, he was painted by Saint Nicholas.

Nowadays, various prayers and appeals to this saint are common. People ask him about the well-being, love, marriage, send to him thanksgiving prayers.

Naturally, the millionaire does not become a millionaire with such prayers, but these appeals will help to live in sufficient. After all, the Holy gives only what we need.

Prayer reading rules

There are basic rules for reading words aimed at Saint Nicholas.

Among them are the following:

Magic words are repeated, looking at the saint face on the icon, which can be of various sizes.

It is believed that reading prayers are best for forty days, every day, at the same time. It is not recommended to skip days or transfer rites from the morning to the evening.

Upon completion of the forty days, you need to read a thankful prayer, which can also represent an arbitrary set of words, composed by a person. It is also recommended to periodically read the varying words when everything is in life and nothing foreshadows troubles.

Prayer Nikolai please help

These magic words are read in the situation when a black strip in a person's life and everything goes wrong.

"Nicolae Holy, waters of the Lord, the intercessor of all people and an assistant,
Help me in life, my mind of the Lord about help, forgive all sins,
On the path of righteous to give me me, feelings and thoughts from evil clean!
From Nyatarmi and torment, Syatoy Nicolae!
And I will glorify your name now and died yes forever and centuries.

Prayer reads once a day, in the morning.

Love prayer and marriage

Very often, girls who dream of meeting his beloved and tie themselves to the help of a beloved and tie themselves to marriage to the help of holy waters.

Nicholas The Wonderworker always helps in this if the thoughts of the girl are chisty and intention sincerely.

"Saint Nicholas, wives of God!
Did not refuse people in the requests of their worldly,
So do not refuse and in the request of the slave of God (name)!
Has the mercy of yours, and ask the Lord about the marriage of imminently!
I hope for mercy, I ask for help!

Every day one repeat of magical words is enough. This prayer Nikolai is read about the forty days, as indicated in the rules. When a girl meets a young man with whom and lives all his life, it is recommended to read thanks a few times.

Thank you prayer Nicholas

Such a plan magic events must be carried out after a person gets what he asked about. In addition, it is recommended to read letters and then when everything is fine.

This rite will extend the bright period of life as long as possible.

"Nicolae pleased!
To you as a teacher and a shepherd, I appeal,
With faith and reverence, with love and worship!
Thank you, you send you, for life a safe purse.
Thank you very much telling you, I hope for mercy yes for forgiveness!
For sins, for thoughts yes for thoughts!
As you pardon all the sinners, so I have a lot of me
From the tests of terrible fence yes from death in vain!

This prayer is read by Nicholas, it reads early in the morning, at dawn. It is enough to repeat prayer. It is recommended to conduct a ritual at least once a month or when you get something out of what the saint asked about.

Prayers belong to white magic that acts gradually and very gently, allowing you to improve your life. White magic allows you to get welcome benefits and make the light period continue as long as possible.

Try to sincerely believe in the magic words that say everything to be implemented. After all, the effectiveness and effectiveness of prayer is based on your faith due to the word!

Labor weekdays are difficult for many time. Not everyone loves their occupation, but a strong prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker will help find the strength. This prayer uttered with deep faith will give the opportunity to gain confidence for her husband and calm for his wife.

In the affairs of various people will be accompanied by spiritual peace of mind, which will inevitably lead to success and will make money that we all need it for our mortal existence.

Strong prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on helping

Not everyone manages to find the calling of his dreams as fast as I would like. Prayer for the search for good work will help everyone and everyone who reads it, to find and get enough if not to position the position of all life, then at least become a representative of a decent profession.

Saint Nicholas The Wonderworker has long been the patron saint of all the seekers of peace of mind. Prayer will help him and here to gain strength to find what the soul is pleased.

"The king of the Heavenly, Comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Bless, Lord, and help me, sinner, make a start-old thing, your glory.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the son of the only beefishless of your father, you Bo Relk Esi with your recent Usa, I can't do it without me. My God, Lord, faithfully in my heart and heart to you, I fall, falling your goodness: Pomping, sinful, this is a thing, I started me, about you very much, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, the prayers of the Virgin and all your saints . Amen."

To find good work

Search for decent work always takes a lot of time and effort. If you do not have any desire to do this, pay attention to the prayer for help in the work of the Saint Nicholas Roman. Her text, read with a deep faith, will definitely help find peace of mind and gain strength to further search. The most important thing is that you will always work out!

"I appeal to you, the waters of Nikolai, and I ask for miraculous help. Let the search for new work successfully take place, and all difficulties suddenly dissolve. Let the boss be angry, and the case is lying. Let the salary pay, and work like it. If the envious will appear, let his malice fall apart. Forgive me all the simpler and do not leave as before in difficult days. May it be so. Amen".

Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker (RECORD) for help in work, money, court cases

To Nikolai the Wonderworker also adds beggars, and unfortunate, and blissful, travelers and those who suffer, and the missed wanderers. All saint patronizes, everyone will bring and the help has a significant assistance

Some of the holy in life and the one had a chance to taste the bread of the beggar and the wretched, but for other people's angles to wake up.

Before sincerely praying, Nicholas the Wonderworker, real miracles open. Nicholas Wonderworker In the early summer of his own, making a trip to the land of saints, predicted a terrible storm, the devil himself was sent and who climbed to the ship demon
Only the true prayer of the devil was packed. The sailor, who fell then from the mast and crashed at fall, was resurrected. From that time sailors and wanderers pray to Nikolai Wonderworker
With litter litigation of prayer, Nicholas, the Wonderworker also helps to cope and to the successful outcome of the case leads. His words helped unfairly convicted to death to avoid execution
Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker takes sorrow away and good luck attracts. If the wealth and success of the great ask for the saint, then fate will turn face to ask, and the forces will arrive in the body.

Before contacting Nikolay the Wonderworker:

Put the saint on the table
Light a church candle next to the icon
Read the text of the prayer three times and always in different ways:

For job seekers or experiencing difficulties with bosses, team, subordinates, the following prayer text will be a good solution
Read the prayer for work alone and silence. Text of prayer for burning flames of church candles on the burning flame. Before reading the prayer text, visit the temple and refer to the image asking for work

Text of prayer:

I appeal to you, the ward of Nikolai, and I ask for miraculous help. Let the search for new work successfully take place, and all difficulties suddenly dissolve. Let the boss be angry, and the case is lying.
Let the salary pay, and work like it. If the envious will appear, let his malice fall apart. Forgive me all the simpler and do not leave as before in difficult days. May it be so. Amen.
Another Orthodox prayer for work will help the victim of intrigue or malicious intent.

Text of prayer:

The wonderworker of St. Nicholas, yes, let me immediately recover rather, yes, I will be checked by our God for strength. The Defender is great, and the Savior of the disadvantaged, and it will be forgiven me despondency, from the demon who came, yes, the gain in money will come indispensable
Introduction My family is needed yes the need is great. Yes, if the money will come to me, then I will not be enough to rejoice. About the sum is small I ask you, in order to me urgency
And the good of the great act by this will be worthy. And if the god of the Lord you ask you, then do not torment me with misfortunes, because the will of your anyone will be fulfilled. Amen.
After reading the prayer, do not rush to jump from the place and do household chores. Sit for a few minutes, and then continue your request, intersect yourself all the time

Another strong prayer:

Help, Saint Nicholas, me, the servant of God, but die do not give a complete lack of money. The riches of the great yes sinful I do not ask you, and you can only be wonderful, I can help me
And if I won't be able to dispose of the money with the mind, it means that the Kara is nice to me for the pre-schools. Death of money, both by faith and on need, and by the death they will drive me, then we will
I ask you for the dashing of yours to stand up before God for our yes an increase in the coins asking. Yes, I only appeal to you for my remittance, I do not ask anything else. Yes, this will be used for the benefit of the benefit, but no decline apply
Yes, not for the sake of wealth I ask, but for the Chad of your feeding. Do not punish me, the slave of God has been hungry. Taki will always. Amen

Prayer Nicholas The Wonderworker is read about help in affairs, success in work. Praying holy worship about marriage, love, asked to assist in the exam, find a job. The strong text of the prayer of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps to change fate, gives a family person hope to recover the ill child and helps improve their health.

In Orthodoxy, reading the prayer to Nicholas, the lacyans are used every day for money, for good trading, read the Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of desire.

Christians, Orthodox and Catholics, know about the miraculous influence of prayer per person, on his fate. In severe life situations, people tend to appeal for help to the Almighty and ask him about a personal condescension to their lost soul through the saints. Nikolai The Wonderworker in Orthodoxy is considered one of the strongest saint that assist in any business, prayers to Nikolai - prayers for all occasions.

Ragemamus advises. With a lane of failures at work or in family matters, ask for help from St. Nicholas. Pray and believe that Nikolai puts everyone to the right path, will help, make a real miracle of God's wreck. The Wonderworker is the Savior and Patron, the prayers for him has a strong impact on human life.

When to read prayer Nikolai Wonderworker

Horoscope for every day

1 h. Ago

Nikolai Mirajor, through a prayer, helps the Orthodox believers in solving complex cases, emphasizes the laity of very strong defense. Pray for Nikolay my worship every day:

  • about help in marriage;
  • when they ask for love;
  • for help in the family;
  • read;
  • about well-being;
  • pray for help in work;
  • when the Help Help is required;
  • to buy a car;
  • land;
  • for sale cars;
  • pray for traveling before the far expensive;
  • read prayer texts;
  • pray for the recovery of the child;
  • about the change of fate for the better;
  • to help innocently convicted;
  • when very strong protection is needed from enemies.

St. Nicholas Wonderworker, the Archbishop of the World of Lycian, prayer to, in the prayer of the Lord in any difficult situations in front of the icons to ask for the saints of patrons about help.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about help

Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker (ashy) for help is one of the most readable and popular prayers among believers Christians. Himself of St. Nicholas also created miracles during his lifetime.

Nikolai The Wonderworker is considered a patron of travelers, merchants and all beggars in need. Saint Nicholas could tighten the element. Moved from the Lord, the special abilities of God saved the ship from a crash, at that moment was himself. The saint defended people from death, saved the convicts, without guilt to blame, "she helped then during his lifetime, helps now.

The wonderworker will be stronger than the prayer for help, when the praying will imbued with the pronounced prayer words, to the end will believe in the true help of Nicholas in his power of the saint.

Before reading the prayer, Nicholas the Wonderworker on the help mentally indicate a specific request and then start praying for yourself for their loved ones or acquaintances, not forgetting.

Oh, all-in-Nicolae, pleasede for the prey-free Lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in the grief quickly assistant! To me, I am sinful and sad in the present Sea of \u200b\u200bLife, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Elico Sogrey Moyya, in all lives, a business, word, thoughts and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul of the Muya Poszing by the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Warders of the Sostlesel, save me the air of aircraft and eternal torment: Yes, I always glorify the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness, now and died and forever. Amen.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker Changing Fate

Nicholas lived in the 3rd century AD In the Lycian city of the world, from the very childhood Nikolai devoted himself to serving the Lord and became a rather early Archbishop. His fate was unfortunately - in the middle of his life, Nikolai Wonderworker became a beggar and homeless, but never refused to the patronage in need.

After his death, Nikolai Wonderworker became a true Wonderworker, his holy power healed hopelessly sick people, saved the suffering. August 11 is celebrated. December 19 is the Day of Memory of Nikolai Wonderworker, in the afternoon of his respect.

Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker, changing fate, is read throughout 40 days. If for any reason to miss at least once in the interval between 40 days, it will have to begin to begin again - pray and ask Nikolai the Wonderworker to change fate.

Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker, changing fate, very strong and 40 day, should not expect that the action of prayer will begin from the very first day.

The miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ's Father Nicholas! The world from all over the Miracle Miro Mirness, and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, the fortresses of spiritual settles, and I praise the Major Fortress, predicted to St. Nicholas: You're also having a keenness to the Lord, from all sorts of trouble free, yes call: Rejoice, Nikolae, Great Miracle , Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Wonderful, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Angel image, earthland nature of the Nature of the Creator, the Nature of the Creator; Favorvenny Bo kindness of the soul of Tweeva Pridhev, pre-Nicolae, to teach everyone to raise you to Sita: Rejoice, in the robes of Angelic born, IKO is chosen in the flesh; Rejoice, and baptized water and fire, I can holy in the flesh. Rejoice, the birth of your parents is surprising; Rejoice, the power of spiritual abie in christmas is. Rejoice, the garden of the promise; Rejoice, the color of Divinestrigaging. Rejoice, Lozo virtuous grapes of Christ; Rejoice, Tree Wonderful Paradise Jesus.

Rejoice, cryna of paradise conabilities; Rejoice, Miro Christ of Fragrances. Rejoice, Yako to you will disappear sobs; Rejoice Yako to you is brought to joy. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful! Rejoice, the image of the lands and shepherds; Rejoice, holy cleaner of morals. Rejoice, virtues of the great contents; Rejoice, shrine clean and honest dwelling! Rejoice, the luminaire is all over and past; Rejoice, the light is malicious and immaculate! Rejoice, worthy of angels interlocuting; Rejoice, kind people mentor!

Rejoice, the rule of faith pious; Rejoice, the image of meekness spirituality! Rejoice, Yako to you get rid of bodily passions; Rejoice, Yako to the sweets of the spiritual are performed! Rejoice, Nikolae, great miracle, rejoice, Nikolae, the great miracle, rejoice, Nicolae, the great miracle!

Rejoice, getting rid of sorrow; Rejoice, challenge grace. Rejoice, unhahered as a voyage; Rejoice, the desired good towers. Rejoice, a quick contestant in the troubles; Rejoice, terrible to the prisoner offended. Rejoice, miracles of the baudes, the god is poured; Rejoice, the law of Christ the screened God written. Rejoice, strong borrowing; Rejoice, the right to standing approval. Rejoice, Yako to you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, Yako to you, every truth comes true. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, all sorts of healing sources; Rejoice, Luhee of the Terrifying Assistant! Rejoice, dawn, shining in the nosta sinful wandering; Having rejoice, Rewo insignificant in the sovereign works! Rejoice, subsistence requiring a blessing; Rejoice, prepare causing abundance! Rejoice, multiplinks for prevailing; Rejoice, the old seeds will update the power! Rejoice, many delusions from the path of the truth to the accuse; Rejoice, the Taine of God is a faithful servant. Rejoice, Jaco you enlighten the envy; Rejoice, Yako to you, unfortunately, I fix it. Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, from the poverty of the eternal of the reissue; Rejoice, wealth is nonetable feeding! Rejoice, Brazno, who is unhelping, the accurate truth; Rejoice in the being inexhaustible thirsty life! Rejoice, from the insurrection and brass observing; Rejoice, freezing from bonds and captivity! Rejoice, Preslaving in the troubles intercession; Rejoice, great in attacks defender! Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, illumination of tris-cannago light; Rejoice, Dennica of the Sun Own! Rejoice, candle, divine flames arising; Rejoice, Yako fucked Esi Besysky flame of wickedness! Rejoice, lightning, heresy fading; Rejoice, thunder, awesome seductive! Rejoice, TRUNNAGO Mind Header; Rejoice, mysterious to change the mind! Rejoice, Yako to you Poprano worship of creatures; Rejoice, Yako you will learn to worship the Creator in Trinity! Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Rejoice, all virtues of the grazor; Rejoice, all those who run to you strong took! Rejoice, at the Bose and the Virgin, all our hope; Rejoice, the televisions of our health and shower salvation! Rejoice, Yako you free from the eternal death; Rejoice, Yako to you, the infinite life is advancing! Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Miracle, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Oh, the prefabricated and missing Father Nicholas, the consolation of all the grieving, the present our acceptance, and from Gehenna to get rid of us the Lord's mind, woven your petition, and you are singing with you: Aliluia, Aliluia, Aliluia, Aliluia! The miraculous and pretty plenty of Christ's Father Nicholas! The world from all over the Miracle Miro Miriness, and the inexhaustible wonders of the sea, the fortresses of spiritual settles, and I praise the Major's Fortress, saint Nicholas: You're already having a boldness to the Lord, from all sorts of trouble, yes call: Rejoice, Nicholas, Great Miracle , Rejoice, Nikolae, the Great Wonderful, Rejoice, Nicolae, the Great Wonderful!

Prayer for children Nikolai Wonderworker

Oh, allblagic Nikolai, the intercessor and benefactor!

Do not scare on a miracle, Odari Chad My well-being and happiness, do not turn away from them!

Be merciful, help in a difficult moment and mention the righteous and true way!

And yes your power will arrive in them.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker for help in work

Praying the saint better before his holy face - Icon Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, defender and benefactor. Clean my soul from the presting envy and malice of bad people. If the work does not argue through the ancient intent, the enemies do not punish, and help them cope with the soul in the shower. Kolya soot on me sinful, sincerely repent and ask miraculous assistance in the work of the righteous. I went to work on the conscience, and the salary of work. May it be so.

Prayer for a search for good work Nikolai Wonderworker

I appeal to you, the ward of Nikolai, and I ask for miraculous help. Let the search for new work successfully take place, and all difficulties suddenly dissolve. Let the boss be angry, and the case is lying. Let the salary pay, and work like it. If the envious will appear, let his malice fall apart. Forgive me all the simpler and do not leave as before in difficult days. May it be so.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Help in Money

Oh kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us sinful (names), who are praying for you and calling on your assistance to your emergence: Wang we's gentle, from everywhere caught, all the good deprived and mind from a malnuary stared. Fur, waters, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of life, do not be a joy of our enemy and do not die in the evil acts of our. Moths about us unworthy of our own and the lord, you are with the facial faces of the prestigious: it's a challency to us with our God in the present life and in the future, I will not pay our hearts and on our uncleanness of our hearts, but for our goodness we will be rewarded.

Your prediction is preferred to your bole, your concession is called to the assistance to the Holy Different Assistance to the Holy Different Assistance: save us, pleases, from evils who are on us, yes for the sire of your prayers, do not hurt us and do not wake in the pumor sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on well-being and money

Oh all-walled, great miracle, St. Nichrae, St. Nicholas!

Molims you, the hope of all Christians, the faithful defender, accurate feeder, crying cheerleh, sick, by the sea of \u200b\u200bfloating ruler, poor and siery feeder and all the fast assistant and patron, and peaceful zea will live in life and will be able to see the glory of the elected God's chosen in the sky And with them incessantly singing together in the Trinity of the expressed God forever.

Prayer Nikolai pleased about helping the road of traveling

About St. Nicholas! Hear us, the sinful slaves of God (names), praying for you, and moths about us, unworthy, the pretelling of our and the lord, the pretty to us with our god of our in the present life and in the future, I will not pay us on our business, but in our Goodness will be rewarded to us. Get rid of us, pleases, from the evils, who are on us, and tighten the waves, passions and missesses to us, but for the sire of your prayers, do not hurt us to attack and do not marry in the punch of the sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, Christ of Our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and great grace, now and are confused, and forever.

Prayer for help in affairs Nikolai Wonderworker and trade

Our merciful mentor, Nikolay!

Acts are your hearts and generous. I pray for help in affairs and trade, look at my efforts, loyalty to Jesus Christ.

Over humility, take me away from me and deprivation, give good luck, reward wisdom.

Pray for me, the servant of God / Slave of God (name) in front of the Lord Most High, ask for protection from enemies and thoughts of Lyhih. Let me be rewarded for the efforts and diligence.

Saint Nicholas, ukra, defend his wing, believed by virtue and mercy of yours.

Strong prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about marriage and getting rid of loneliness

Oh Holy Nicholas, pleases the Preser Circuit Lord!

During his lifetime, you never detected anyone in the request, but do not refuse the servant of God (the name of the girl who wanted to marry).

The grace of their own and asking the Lord about the soon of my marriage.

I am going to the will of the Lord and I hope for mercy.

Parental Prayer for Marriage Daughter

Oh Holy Nicholas, pleases the Preser Circuit Lord! During his lifetime, you never detected anyone in the requests, but do not refuse the servant of God (the name of the girl who wants to marry). The grace of their own and ask the Lord about the soon of my marriage. I am going to the will of the Lord and I hope for mercy.

Prayer for help in love Nikolay Wonderworker: Strong prayer

Oh, about love and family happiness, on the love of women to a man you can read the text of prayer in Russian:

With a heart from love tired, I appeal to you, the wonderworker Nikolai. Do not proceed to me for the sinful request, but connect the fate of your slaves (call your name and name of your beloved man) forever eternal. I went to me a miracle in the form of mutual love and Orini all the vices demonic. Imprinciples of the Lord God about blessing and greeted us with her husband and wife. Yes, there will be the will of yours.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker on the recovery of the child

Oh, Saint Nicholas Wonderworker.

I fall to your legs and ask about the recovery of the sick child.

The miracle dropped from heaven and help him cope with a serious ailment.

Before the Lord, God beyond my estimates and ask him for generous and merciful forgiveness.

May it be so.

Prayer about health Nikolai Wonderworker

Oh, Nikolai Major, the waters of the Lord, our eternal assumption, and everywhere in all the troubles an assistant to me help me, God's slave (name), dull and sinful, in real life, ask the Lord to give me to rescue my sins, because I sinned , in thoughts and all your feelings. Help me the Okayannoye, the Holy Wonderworker, ask the Lord of our health about the health, save me from the torment and solarms.

Thanksgiving prayer Nikolai please

Nikolae pleased! To you as a teacher and a shepherd, I appeal to faith and reverence, with love and adherence. Thank you, you send you, for life a safe purse. Thank you very much telling you, I hope for mercy yes for forgiveness. For sins, for thought, yes for thoughts. As you pardon all the sinners, so I have mercy. From testing terrible fence and death in vain. Amen.

Nikolai's prayers in Russian can be read every day at home or in church alone at the icon of St. Nicholas Wonderworker. Prayer Changing fate in 40 days is very strong and reading the text for 40 days you need to believe and expect the help of the saint to change the fate for the better.

Friends, now you know, in what cases, what prayer needs to be read by Nikolai the Wonderworker, how many days to pray to the ashy.