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Basque and knew the joke. Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Loperev continue to keep intrigue about their wedding. Basque and Locking on the "New Wave"

Marriage Nikolai Baskova and Victoria Lopierva, which, according to Ramzan Kadyrov, will be held on October 5 in Grozny, has become one of the most discussed events of the fall. The fans of the famous singer were surprised that he broke up with the bride Sophie Kachcheva and made an offer to the blond model. Some even suspected that the wedding of celebrities is a successful PR-move.

Basque and Locking interrupted a long silence and for the first time gave a frank interview on their relationship. Stars appeared in the studio of the program "Andrei Malakhov. Direct ether "to tell his public history.

"I'm so glad that my friends have a good sense of humor! Include today the most rating show of the country on the channel "Russia 1". I'm sure you get great pleasure and finally recognize whether the wedding will be on October 5. And much more is first-hand. The first and last time, "the Locking intrigued in" Instagram ".

Joseph Prigogin admitted that he did not expect the engagement by Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopierva. Stars surprised the producer and his wife Valery. Many even at first decided that Victoria and Nikolai decided to joke. "We didn't understand anything at all! This is the number, "recalls Valeria his reaction. Spouses plan to go to the wedding of Baskov and Lopierva. "I am a Vika reminds me of the escaped bride. She ran away from everyone, "noted, in turn, Marina Yudashkin.

Otar Kushanashvili admitted that he would not go to the wedding. The presenter fears that the marriage ceremony will be canceled at the last moment. Joseph Prigogin objected to the TV journalist. According to the producer, Basque has long ago sympathized Lopierva. This artist spoke to a friend in secret.

Nikolay Baskov appeared under the applause of the audience. When the singer went into the studio, everyone got up. Valeria noticed that the artist looks amazing. It turned out that there will be two weddings - in Grozny and Moscow. To the question about the marriage contract Nikolai said that he was not a pity for such a girl as Locking.

"Ring Other. Not five carats, but seven. When we talked with Vika, she said: "You are lucky. Dress house hanging. I ordered him when I got married to Smolov. " I decided to change the image to look courageous, so I am now a little brunette, "Basque shared.

Astrologer Paul Globa noted that on October 5th - a good day for politicians. The specialist believes that Nikolai and Victoria chose a good date for the celebration. "The marriage will not be just starry, but with a big continuation," Globa believes.

The first love of Nikolai Baskova, Actress Natalia Gromushkina, joined the discussion of the Star Star Weddings. "I learned about it yesterday. Honestly, I thought it was another show. It turns out that everything is serious. You just look like he is dressed today. And of course, Vika is the charm itself. I was not invited to the wedding, but I insist that I call me to the boy, "the actress joked.

Among the participants of the transfer was the bride Victoria Baskov. Victoria Lockarev first told about the wedding with a famous singer. Blonde met stormy applause. Victoria thanked the guests for attention.

"Guys, well, first, I want to say that our union happened, because we have a good sense of humor. And if I have experience in my shoulders, we are not 18 years old. When a lot of people keeps a personal life, it is destroyed. I do not post photos, because I do not want ... You believe or do not believe, I don't care. We do not want to prove anyone anyone, we just want to live. There is such a phrase: "Sorry our happiness and pass by," the model shared.

Mom artist admitted that he asked him about the transfer of the marriage ceremony. "On October 5, she lost her father," Basque explained. He also added that the wedding date will be known a little later.

"When Nikolai called, I was covered by insane joy. I perceived this news as the long-awaited. I realized that the son is ready to create a family. But then I was told the date. October 5 in our family day of memory ... Vika understood this situation. At the moment we are talking about transferring the date of the wedding. I like Vika, I love my son very much ... I would like them to look at each other, "said Nikolai Elena Nikolaevna's parent.

In the final of the program, Nikolai Baskov performed the song he devoted Victoria Lopierva. Lovers spoke in dance, like other guests of the studio.

41-year-old Nikolay Baskov has never been deprived of female attention. Since the beginning of a career, he has a lot of fans and in Russia, and abroad. Nikolay often leads various events, acts on corporate countries. He calls their earnings in private concerts by the main income.

Thanks to corporate enterprises, we, artists, can make large-scale shows. I am a producer myself. I am invited to the expensive corporate parties, where the public is Civile. I do not know, maybe other artists and get into the grill, but I did not have confusion, "Basque shared.

However, there are still strange episodes with fans. Sometimes fans are ready to go to a lot - and even offer money - in order to just spend the evening with your favorite artist.

I tried to offer money for the evening, spent aunt-a-tete. I did not even discuss. The lady was not thrown: "Kohl, tell me how much?!" I said: "I have such a feature of the body, such a period that I don't react to brunettes now ..." She said: "I repaint!" - Shared Nikolai.

On the Victoria Lopierva model, Nikolai Baskov is firmly intended to marry, but for now the graphics of both stars does not allow. It also admits that there is no jealousy between them, only confidence. Both work a lot and recently, alas, rarely seen.

He told the singer and about his past relations. With Sofia Kachcheva, they lived for three years, but they diverged friends. The singer admitted that they were hard to live together.

- It is necessary to be the same abnormal girl to live with a singer. From our Sophie, everything itself comes to no. You know when a protracted tour, when then tired, you return home without mood, you want to be alone ... I give a lot of energy on stage, so you want care and attention to yourself. And the second half does not understand this, - Basque shared.

Asked Journalists Nicholas and about weight loss: the artist always tries to maintain the form and recently got rid of almost 20 kilograms. Last year, there was also the news that the artist tries to himself an innovative cosmetology

- For about a year I took it, passed the tests. And only making sure that there were no side effects, I decided to help scientists to release a system of rejuvenation, "he says. - There is not only an elixir, it is a whole system for the extension of life and fighting aging. For example, wrinkle creams. For us, artists who use makeup almost every day, this is the necessary thing. I have all my colleagues, by the way, ask for this cream and peptide-based capsules that slow down the aging of the skin. Everyone wants to be young: Valery, Assumption, Gagarin ... Kirkorov, by the way, for his relatives, five boxes asked.


Nikolai tells that he tries to ensure that he eats:

Sometimes I allow yourself to myself when I allow myself to have everything that I want: and sweet, and potatoes. True, then the sport is necessarily a reduction in nutrition. I love a secluded vacation, go somewhere to warm edges for a few days, read books, watch the series. At most pleasure, I feel from my concerts, from the public, she charges me, "he says.


The event surprisingly happened in the residence of the chapter of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. It all started in general, ... Kadyrov invited celebrities for a gala dinner dedicated to the first match of the Football Club "Ahmat" in Grozny.

There in the eyes of his colleagues (in the hall were Timati, Yana Rudkovskaya, Joseph Prigogin, Valeria and other stars) Nikolay Baskov asked her hands from the TV presenter and Miss Russia -2003 "Victoria Lopierva.

I have long known her for a long time and I want to marry, "Nikolay Baskov sorrified the guests of Kadyrov.

Having received a blessing from the head of Chechnya, Nikolai put on the finger of Victoria by the Sailing Ring.

And Ramzan Kadyrov in his instagram reported the details of the upcoming celebration:

"Very soon! In the city of Grozny! Wedding century! I intrigued you? So, the fifth of October, the grandee event will happen in the capital of the Chechen Republic in the capital of the Chechen Republic! People's Artist of the Russian Federation, the" Golden voice "of our country Nikolai Baskov @Nikolaibaskov and charming TV presenter, "Miss Russia - 2003", the ambassador of the 2018 World Cup Football Championship Victoria @lopyrevavika will play a wedding. Their hearts found each other in Grozny. At the reception that I gave in honor of the guests of the solemn presentation of the Football Club "Ahmat", Nikolay Baskov in the eyes Hundreds of Hundreds made Victoria Lopier's proposal of his hand and hearts! Beauty Victoria could not reject the hand and heart of Blond Nikolai. And with Timati @timatiOfficial, Valeria @Valeriya, Joseph, @prigozhin_iosif, Igor Vernik @Vernik, Igor Rudkovskaya @igor_krutoy @RudkovskayaOfficial, Evgeny Plushenko @plushenkooofficial witnessed appearance on the nameless finger of Victoria Izmitel But a beautiful ring. Dear friends, buy in advance tickets, book rooms in hotels, otherwise you will not be able to get to the wedding of the century! Nikolai and Victoria invite all friends and fans, we are happy! And we say: "Welcome to Grozny!" Life is Beautiful!"

Knowing the chic sense of humor Nikolai Baskov, we decided to check this news.

Who knows, and suddenly the joke is so.

Yes, we are really parted. About their wedding with Victoria is all true. I will not comment more, I will not comment - the bride said in a sad voice (now, apparently, the former) Basque singer Sophie.

Nikolay, is it not a joke? - We asked the singer himself.

And in his instagram, the singer posted a romantic photo with Lopierva, signing it: "Life is beautiful!"

Recall: Nikolay Baskov was married to the daughter of his former producer Svetlana Spiegel. They lived in marriage seven years, divorced in May 2008. From this marriage, Nikolai has a 11-year-old son Bronislav.

Victoria Lopirez also managed to be disappointed in marriage. The TV presenter and the model was the wife of the striker FC Krasnodar Fedor Smolov. However, in May 2015, the couple broke up.


"Weddings will not be!": Victoria Loping teases its subscribers in Instagram.

The news of the marriage of the Rostov Beauty and Nikolai Baskov eclipsed by everything. So much that the search engines next to the surname Lopereva give the first tip "and Baskov". Former lover diva striker Russian national team Fedor Smolov was overnight forgotten. ()

The World Wide Web continues to go disputes about the family position of the country's gold voice. Recently it became known that Nikolay Baskov is going to marry Victoria Lopierva. The intentions of future newlyweds are so serious that they even invited the witnesses of Ramzan Kadyrov.

By the way, the celebration is planned in Chechnya. So, when a wedding of Nikolai Baskova and Victoria Lopereva take place and whether it is worthwhile to expect it, find out from our article.

Initially, the wedding ceremony was scheduled for October 5 in Grozny. After entering the ether of the show Andrei Malakhov, it became known that young people decided to postpone the wedding. Mom Nikolai - Elena Nikolaevna asked for lovers. What was the reason for such an unexpected request? Perhaps the Mom of the Golden Voice of Russia simply does not want the beloved son to associate himself with a marriage with Victoria Lopierva?

It turns out that on October 5, Mama Nicholas lost her father. For her, this day is very memorable. And she would not like to associate two important dates for themselves in one. In an interview with Andrei Malakhov, Elena Nikolaevna told that she really likes Vika. Woman sees the Son is really ready to create a family. When Elena Nikolaevna learned about the proposal, she was very happy. Mom Nikolai Basque is incredibly glad that the Son finally found his happiness.

Unfortunately, October 5 - unhappy for Elena Nikolaevna day. She asked Nicholas to move the wedding to another date. Woman is glad that the Son went to meet her.

Victoria Lockarev also reacted positively to the request of future mother-in-law. The girl with understanding reacted to the request of the mother of his beloved. Young people hastily canceled the wedding.

Today it is unknown, where and when the wedding of Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopereva will be held. Lovers are not yet ready to comment on the current situation for the press. The only thing that managed to find out from celebrities is a wedding to be transferred indefinitely. Perhaps young people will celebrate it in Chechnya, as planned. Re-celebration will be held in Moscow.

Comment from Nikolai Baskov

Nikolai said that his mother called him and asked to postpone the wedding for another day. Elena Nikolaevna will not be able to combine the sad and joyful events in one. Nikolay Baskov is not ready to marry without parental blessing. Plus, the celebrity wants parents to congratulate young people.

Nikolay decided to ask Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov to enter their position. The present of Chechnya kindly went on concessions with young. Nicholas himself is not ready to say the new wedding date. The celebrity says that they need time with Victoria to prepare for the celebration.

Comment from the bride of the best singer of Russia

Victoria Lockarev supported the lover. The girl believes that once there are good reasons, it is necessary to transfer the celebration after all. In the comments of the press, Victoria said that they and Nikolai would return to the wedding conversation after the World Cup.

Recall young people want the celebration to go both in Moscow and Chechnya. Lovers themselves - Muscovites. Accordingly, they want to sign in the capital. The venue of the wedding celebration is Grozny.

Nikolai and Victoria say they are not confused by the distrust of the public to their relationship. A couple knows that many consider their wedding with a joke. Nikolay Baskov says that he used to be in no hurry to make a sentence to girls. Now he decided to go from the opposite - to act quickly and confidently. To the question, whether she agreed to marry him, Victoria Lockarev replied yes.

Wedding Strike Basque and Lopier

Vika says that Nicholas is incredibly lucky. After all, she already has a wedding dress from Yudashkin. The girl sewed out the wedding with a smooth. Fortunately or unfortunately, the celebration did not take place. Victoria plans to wear his royal dress to the wedding with Nikolai Baskov.

It is known that Nikolai has already bought a ring for his beloved.

Witness at the wedding of young people will be President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. The witness should be the singer Valery.

Nikolay believes that the wedding, of course, needs to play in Moscow. However, he is ready to destroy the arrangement, especially with the Presents of Chechnya. To please all guests, the young decided to celebrate the celebration twice - in the capital of Russia and in the capital of Chechnya.

It is worth noting that the transfer of a wedding to an indefinite number made fans and lopierus doubt, and whether lovers really will be squeezed. Perhaps this is another attempt to warm up interest. Such a PR company will not be extended by the singer's day or for his girlfriend.

The first scandals of the couple of Basque-Lopier

Young people have not yet managed to sign, and in their family has already happened the first shortcoming. What could the lovers quarreled? It is clearly not because of the lack of the desired amount for the purchase of a new dress for Victoria, if in the "old" wedding she will still change his mind to marry.

It is known that on the eve of the wedding Victoria Lopareva and Nikolay Baskov strongly quarreled. The reason for taking a star pair was ... Wardrobe singer. Victoria believes that Nikolai too often wears clothes with a lot of rhinestones. She believes that similar wardrobe items are unacceptable for a man. The bride strongly recommended Basque to abandon rhinestones, crowns and fur cape. Now the man carries a strict black suit.

Fans of Nicholas drew attention to his figure. The naked eye is noticeable that the man is very thin. Perhaps such changes are also the work of the bride, as with costumes from rhinestones.

The fans of the golden voice of Russia believe that a man behaves as if 15 years old is in marriage with his chosen. Although young people did not even have time to get married. According to the fans, Nikolay Baskov goes on the lopierva and dresses the way the girl wants. Fans are experiencing that the singer can lose his image.

Myself Nikolay admits that love really changed him. He is ready to part with his most beloved jackets, so as not to upset the beloved. Especially since she wants to do, how best.

Internet users noted that Victoria itself often appears in public in brilliant dresses. The girl is visible per kilometer. Only the color of the outfit changes.

In addition to the wardrobe, Victoria decided to take and for the distribution of responsibilities. The girl believes that the main thing in the family should be a man - he is head. And the wife should control it.

Parents of future newlyweds managed to meet. Nikolai really liked Mom Victoria. A man says that they have mutual love, and he is ready to literally carry future mother-in-law.

Victoria Lockarev and Nikolai Baskov extraordinary approached the creation of invitations to the wedding. Instead of a regular postcard, it will be a video. Looking at him, guests will learn when and where the celebration will take place. More than 1000 invited are planned. Vika and Nikolai did not physically be able to sign a postcard for each guest.

Wedding Traditions and Honeymoon

Fans of the star couple are interested in how young a wedding celebration will pass. Will a couple adhere to wedding traditions?

Victoria said that there will be no traditional redemption at their wedding. Girl Cossack, and the Cossack wedding rite implies a need to hit the groom's drops.

From the untested sources it is known that honeymoon lovers will spend in the UAE or in Maldives. Perhaps the pair will change the decision to fly to relax depending on the estimated wedding date.

Will there be a name to change the surname?

If the wedding still takes place, Victoria Loping does not intend to change the surname. The fact is that the girl values \u200b\u200bhis fame and does not claim the fame of the star spouse. Future husband and wife self-sufficient people who do not need additional popularity at the expense of each other. Victoria decided to leave his surname.

In the event that the couple will have children, they will most likely be a double surname. Perhaps Victoria and Nikolai change their mind, and their siblings will be called the Baskov surname.

It is worth noting that many modern couples prefer to stay on their names. Children, as a rule, give the surname of the Father. This is especially true of star pairs, such as Locking and Basque.

Jokes of young about the upcoming celebration

Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Lockarev (see photo) do not miss the moment to joke in public about the upcoming wedding. Young people in every way "advertise" their union. For example, recently, on one of the performances, Basque appealed to those present with the question whether they had ever seen a more attractive couple than he was with Victoria.

Nikolai does not miss the opportunity to joke about changes in his wardrobe. A man says he has grown out. And all due to the fact that she stopped wearing rhinestones. Recall, changes in the wardrobe of the singer - the merit of his future wife.

Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Lockarev in the live broadcast of the program "Direct Ether"

Victoria Foreignly responds about the new image of the beloved. The girl constantly mentions what Nicholas is beautiful and stylish.

To the question of Victoria, will they have a pigeon at the wedding, Nikolai missed that there is no. Their holiday will be where in celebrations usually shoot in the sky, and the dead pigeons at the wedding are not the best idea.

Interestingly, Victoria expressed a desire to sign a marriage contract. This information provoked an active discussion of the upcoming celebration by users of the World Wide Web.

Fans of Nicholas were divided into two camps. Some are sure that the wedding will accurately take place. Others believe that no, since Victoria intends to conclude a marriage contract with a future husband. They say if Vika truly loved Nicholas, she would not think about such things.

We do not strive to protect Victoria, but it is worth noting that many couples conclude a marriage contract. Among them, both star lovers and ordinary people who are not shown from TV screens.

On October 15, the singer celebrates his birthday. And we, taking this opportunity, found out the details of the upcoming marriage, and also remembered all his serious novels.

Why it all started

The President of the Chechen Republic of Ramzan Kadyrov told the first about the wedding of Nikolai Basque and Victoria Loprieva. He posted on his page in Instagram video from a solemn reception dedicated to the first match of the Football Club "Ahmat" in Grozny.

In this roller, Basque makes the proposal of Lopier and gives her a beautiful golden ring with a very noticeable diamond:

"Dear Ramzan Akhmatovich, I ask you to witness on our engagement and future wedding. I want to make a Victoria offer, because I know this girl for a long time and love very much. I want to make her the happiest in the world. My heart fully belongs to her, and there is no longer a single woman in thoughts. "

Photo Sergey Jewakhashvili

Ramzan Kadyrov, in turn, promised to support young and offered the wedding to play in Grozny. All this happened in the eyes of the figure of Eugene Plushenko and his wife Yana Rudkovskaya, singer Valeria, Raper Timati, actor Igor Vernik ...

Wedding to be?!

The wedding was scheduled for October 5. But because of a number of circumstances, lovers suffered a celebration for an indefinite period and promised that they would definitely tell about it in advance. More details

As Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov said: "In Grozny, you can marry, and you can not divorce."

By the way, the marriage will be non-alcoholic. In Chechnya, it is impossible not only to divorce, but also to drink.

"I was not just a watchement of the engagement, but the operator, rented what was happening on the phone," Producer Joseph Prigogin told "Antenna". - I saw Kolya put on the finger of Victoria Ring! It was a pleasant shock. I will quote the lines from the song: "Love is inadvertently granted, when they are not waiting for it." So came out. Flame broke out of the spark. Kolya Baskov says that Victoria liked him for a long time. And Vika said: "All my life dreamed that my wedding led Nikolay Baskov." I replied that her dream came true and Kolya would not just lead the wedding, but please Vika every day. I think she was lucky. Kohl is a very cheerful, decent guy, a man-holiday. They look great together. After the engagement, Vika and Kolya danced Lezginka. However, it had to dance everything. And I, and Valeria had a debut on this day. Even a former coach CSKA Valery Gazzayev dance. "

Guest marriage - in the past

It is worth noting that when Basque reported on the wedding with Lopierva, many have experienced shock. But what about Sophie Kachcheva, the relationship with which Nicholas lasted for three years?

Here's how the singer spoke "antenna":

"I am not 20 years old. Sometimes, when you get tired, I want to sleep and alone ... I am a creative person and perfectly understand: life is not sugar with me, but Sophie suffers. A woman in love should be enough wisdom to take a man as he is, especially already formed - a forty-year-old. Today there is an excellent term - "guest marriage". Believe me, it is very popular today, although the older generation such a form of relationship may seem anomalous. But understand, I am with my crazy life (permanent touring and shooting) such a union is convenient. He satisfies me, and Sophie. I do not want to think about what will happen tomorrow or a year. Now we are good together. We enjoy life. "

Nikolay Baskov and Sophie Kacheva

Photo Arsen Memetov

Then the artist, as it were, on the subconscious level, gave himself a chance to parting from Sophie. Chatting with the "antenna" in front of his anniversary, he admitted that he was waiting after 40 years of great change in life, including personal. True, then asked to cross this phrase.

If you believe near the surrounding of the singer, the relationship with Sophie really gradually began to go to no. A couple spent less time together, and since April of this year, their joint photos have no longer appeared in social networks. Sophie began an independent concert activity that Basque produces. He further intends to oversee the former beloved - Nikolay always spent a clear line between work and personal life. Fans also noticed that Basque and Sophie are now resting in different places, and when they participate in common concerts in other cities, live in different rooms.

"Why, Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum so can, and I have no 40 years old?" - threw somehow Basque to journalists.

"There are any temptations from any," Nikolai shared in a frank interview with the "Antenna". - Usually I'm getting used to a person, and I am comfortable. But it happened that during a serious relationship suddenly understood that I could not be close to this person. Woke up in the morning and felt that he should not rape. After all, Sophie (and other women) said that if we start creating some problems, feel discomfort from communication, then it is necessary to solve everything so that it is not to wave each other. Life is alone, no one will give us another. "

Apparently, this situation began to worry a couple, after which the mutual decision came to part.

"I somehow did Sophia's proposal," Basque admitted, "but she said:" Why do we need, we are so good. " I am grateful to Sona for the period of our happiness. We parted, but they did not have any people to each other. "

Favorite women Nicholas

Behind the shoulders of Baskov a lot of novels. Let us dwell on the most significant.

Svetlana Spiegel, daughter of producer Boris Spiegel. Nikolay was married to her for seven years. In this marriage, Baskov was born a son Bronislav. In November 2007, a difficult braco-separation process began, which continued half a year.

Oksana Fedorova, TV presenter, Miss Universe - 2002.The relationships of the couple began immediately after the divorce of Nicholas. Oksana at the beginning of their novel was still married to the German businessman Philippot Torch. In 2009, at the Music Festival in Jurmala Nikolai even suggested Hand and Heart Oksana. But weddings did not happen. In 2010, the couple broke up.

Anastasia Volochkova, ballerina.About this Basque Roman stated in social networks in the summer of 2011, posted a photo on which Nastya slept on his naked chest. This Roman Baskov was bright, but in a speed. Already in winter, the couple fled.

Victoria Lopirez

External data, as the model and TV presenter says, she is obliged to parents. Mom Lopereva (also in the past model) and now looks amazing.

Victoria recalled that for the contest "Fashion model Don", in which she won in 16 years in his native Rostov-on-Don, was not going to go.

Stock Foto Personal archive Victoria Lopierva

But she was uncomfortable to refuse a person who called. Further, Vika successfully combined her studies (music school. Tchaikovsky in the class of Piano, Rostov Economic University) and a career model, having received the title "Miss Russia" in 2003.