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Life and reign of Catherine 2. The appearance of the long-awaited heir. Lanskoy Alexander Dmitrievich

The list of men of Catherine II includes men who figured in the intimate life of Empress Catherine the Great (1729-1796), including her spouses, official favorites and lovers. Catherine II has up to 21 lovers, but how can we argue with the empress, then of course there were their own methods.

1.Catherine's husband was Peter Fedorovich (Emperor Peter III) (1728-1762). They had a wedding in 1745, August 21 (September 1) The end of the relationship June 28 (July 9) 1762 - the death of Peter III. His children, according to the Romanov tree, Pavel Petrovich (1754) (according to one version, his father is Sergei Saltykov) and officially Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna (1757-1759, most likely the daughter of Stanislav Ponyatovsky). He suffered, he was a kind of impotence, and in the early years did not carry out marital relations with her. Then this problem was solved with the help of a surgical operation, and in order to perform it, Peter gave Saltykov a drink.

2. While she was engaged, she also had a novel, Saltykov, Sergei Vasilievich (1726-1765). In 1752 he was at the small court of the great princes Catherine and Peter. The beginning of the novel in 1752. The end of the relationship was the born child Paul in October 1754. After which Saltykov was expelled from St. Petersburg and sent as an envoy to Sweden.

3. Catherine's lover was in 1756 Stanislav August Poniatowski (1732-1798) fell in love. And in 1758, After the fall of Chancellor Bestuzhev, Williams and Poniatovsky were forced to leave Petersburg. After the novel, her daughter Anna Petrovna (1757-1759) also believed so, and the Grand Duke Pyotr Fedorovich himself, who, judging by the "Notes of Catherine", said: "God knows where my wife gets pregnant; I don’t know for sure whether this child is mine and whether I should recognize him as mine. ”In the future, Catherine will make him king of Poland, and then annex Poland and annex it to Russia.

4. Also, Catherine 2 was not upset and continued to fall in love further. Her next secret lover was Orlov, Grigory Grigorievich (1734-1783). The beginning of the novel in the spring of 1759, Count Schwerin, the aide-de-camp of Frederick II, arrived in St. Petersburg, who was captured in the Battle of Zorndorf, to which the guard Orlov was assigned. Orlov gained fame, having beaten off his mistress from Pyotr Shuvalov. The end of the relationship in 1772 after the death of her husband, even she wanted to marry him and then she was dissuaded. Orlov had many mistresses. They also had a son Bobrinsky, Alexei Grigorievich was born on April 22, 1762, a few months after the death of Elizaveta Petrovna. It is reported that on the day she began giving birth, her faithful servant Shkurin set fire to his house, and Peter rushed off to look at the fire ... Orlov and his passionate brothers contributed to the overthrow of Peter and the accession of Catherine to the throne. Having lost his favor, he married his cousin Ekaterina Zinovieva, and after her death he went crazy.

5.Vasilchikov, Alexander Semyonovich (1746-1803 / 1813) Official favorite. Acquaintance in 1772, September. He often stood guard in Tsarskoe Selo, received a gold snuffbox. He took Orlov's room. 1774, March 20 in connection with the rise of Potemkin was sent to Moscow. Catherine considered him boring (14 years difference). After his resignation, he settled in Moscow with his brother and did not marry.

6. Potemkin, Grigory Alexandrovich (1739-1791) Official favorite, husband since 1775. In April 1776 he went on vacation. Catherine gave birth to Potemkin's daughter, Elizaveta Grigorievna Temkina. Despite the break in his personal life, thanks to his abilities, he retained Catherine's friendship and respect and for many years remained the second person in the state. He was not married, his personal life consisted of the "enlightenment" of his young nieces, including Catherine Engelgart.

7. Zavadovsky, Pyotr Vasilievich (1739-1812) the official favorite.
The beginning of relations in 1776 November, presented to the Empress as the author, interested Catherine. In 1777 June did not suit Potemkin and was removed. Also in May 1777 Catherine's acquaintance with Zorich. He was jealous of Catherine 2, which hurt. 1777 recalled by the empress back to the capital, 1780 engaged in administrative affairs, married Vera Nikolaevna Apraksina.

8.Zorich, Semyon Gavrilovich (1743 / 1745-1799). In June 1777, he became Catherine's personal bodyguard. 1778 June caused inconvenience, expelled from St. Petersburg (14 years younger than the empress) Was fired and sent into retirement with a small reward. He founded the Shklov School. Tangled up in debt and was suspected of counterfeiting.

9.Rimsky-Korsakov, Ivan Nikolaevich (1754-1831) Official favorite. 1778, June. Spotted by Potemkin, who was looking for a replacement for Zorich, and distinguished by his beauty, as well as ignorance and lack of serious abilities that could make him a political rival. Potemkin introduced him to the Empress among three officers. On June 1, he was appointed aide-de-camp to the Empress. 1779, October 10. Removed from the court, after the Empress found him in the arms of Countess Praskovya Bruce, sister of Field Marshal Rumyantsev. This intrigue by Potemkin was aimed at removing not Korsakov, but Bruce herself, 25 years younger than the Empress; Catherine was attracted by his announced "innocence". He was very handsome and had an excellent voice (for his sake, Ekaterina invited world-famous musicians to Russia). After losing the favor, he first stayed in St. Petersburg and talked about his relationship with the Empress in the drawing rooms, which hurt her pride. In addition, he left Bruce and began an affair with Countess Ekaterina Stroganova (he was 10 years younger than her). It turned out to be too much, and Catherine sent him to Moscow. As a result, Stroganova's husband gave a divorce. Korsakov lived with her until the end of her life, they had a son and two daughters.

10 Stakhiev (Strakhov) The beginning of relations in 1778; 1779, June. End of relations 1779, October. According to the description of contemporaries, "the jester of the lowest analysis." Strakhov was a protege of Count N.I. he can ask her for some kind of mercy, threw himself on his knees and asked her hand, after which she began to avoid him.

11 Stoyanov (Stanov) Beginning of relations 1778. End of relations 1778 Potemkin's henchman.

12 Rantsov (Rontsov), Ivan Romanovich (1755-1791) Beginning of relations 1779. Mentioned among those who participated in the "competition", it is not entirely clear whether he managed to visit the empress's alcove. End of relations 1780. One of the illegitimate sons of Count R. I. Vorontsov, half-brother of Dashkova. A year later, he led a London crowd in riots organized by Lord George Gordon.

13 Levashov, Vasily Ivanovich (1740 (?) - 1804) Beginning of relations 1779, October. End of relations 1779, October Major of the Semyonovsky regiment, a young man, patronized by Countess Bruce. Distinguished by wit and gaiety. The uncle of one of the following favorites - Ermolova. He was not married, but had 6 "pupils" from the pupil of the theater school Akulina Semyonova, who were granted the nobility and his surname.

14 Vysotsky, Nikolai Petrovich (1751-1827). The beginning of the relationship is 1780, March. Potemkin's nephew. End of relations 1780, March.

15 Lanskoy, Alexander Dmitrievich (1758-1784) Official favorite. The beginning of relations 1780 April Was introduced to Catherine by the Chief of Police P. I. Tolstoy, she drew attention to him, but he did not become a favorite. Levashev turned to Potemkin for help, he made him his adjutant and for about six months supervised his court education, after which in the spring of 1780 he recommended him to the empress as a cordial friend. End of relations 1784, July 25. He died after a five-day illness with a toad and fever. 29 years younger than the 54-year-old at the time of the beginning of the empress's relationship. The only one of the favorites who did not interfere in politics and refused to influence, ranks, and orders. He shared Catherine's interest in science and under her guidance he studied French, got acquainted with philosophy. Enjoyed general sympathy. He sincerely adored the Empress and tried his best to keep peace with Potemkin. If Catherine began to flirt with someone else, Lanskoy "was not jealous, did not cheat on her, did not dare, but so touchingly [...] lamented her disfavor and suffered so sincerely that he won her love again."

16.Mordvinov. The beginning of relations in 1781. May A relative of Lermontov. Probably Mordvinov, Nikolai Semyonovich (1754-1845). The admiral's son, the same age as Grand Duke Paul, was brought up with him. The episode was not reflected in his biography, it is usually not mentioned. He became a famous naval commander. Relative of Lermontov

17 Ermolov, Alexander Petrovich (1754-1834) 1785 February a holiday was specially arranged to introduce the empress to him. 1786, 28 June. He decided to act against Potemkin (the Crimean Khan Sahib-Girey was supposed to receive large sums from Potemkin, but they were detained, and the khan turned to Yermolov for help), in addition, the empress also lost interest in him. He was expelled from Petersburg - he was "allowed to go abroad for three years." In 1767, traveling along the Volga, Catherine stayed at his father's estate and took the 13-year-old boy to Petersburg. Potemkin took him to his retinue, and almost 20 years later proposed a candidacy as a favorite. He was tall and slender blond, sullen, taciturn, honest and overly simple. With letters of recommendation from the chancellor, Count Bezborodko, he left for Germany and Italy. Everywhere he behaved very modestly. After retirement, he settled in Moscow and married Elizaveta Mikhailovna Golitsyna, with whom he had children. The nephew of the previous favorite is Vasily Levashov. Then he left for Austria, where he bought the rich and profitable Frosdorf estate near Vienna, where he died at 82.

18. Dmitriev-Mamonov, Alexander Matveyevich (1758-1803) In 1786 June was introduced to the Empress after the departure of Ermolov. 1789 fell in love with Princess Daria Fyodorovna Shcherbatova, Catherine had hay. asked for forgiveness, forgiven. After the wedding, he was forced to leave Petersburg. Future married in Moscow. He repeatedly asked to return to St. Petersburg, but was refused. His wife gave birth to 4 children and eventually parted.

19.Miloradovich. Relationship begins in 1789. He was among the candidates who were proposed after Dmitriev's resignation. They also included the retired seconds-major of the Preobrazhensky regiment Kazarinov, Baron Mengden - all young handsome men, each of whom was supported by influential courtiers (Potemkin, Bezborodko, Naryshkin, Vorontsov and Zavadovsky). End of relations in 1789.

20. Miklashevsky. Relationship begins in 1787, ends in 1787. Miklashevsky was a candidate, but did not become a favorite. According to testimonies, during the trip of Catherine II in 1787 to the Crimea, some Miklashevsky was among the candidates for favorites. Perhaps it was Miklashevsky, Mikhail Pavlovich (1756-1847), who was part of Potemkin's retinue as an adjutant (the first step to favor), but it is unclear from what year. In 1798, Mikhail Miklashevsky was appointed Little Russian governor, but was soon dismissed. In the biography, the episode with Catherine is usually not mentioned.

21. Zubov, Platon Alexandrovich (1767-1822) Official favorite. The beginning of the relationship is 1789, July. Appointed to Field Marshal Prince N.I.Saltykov, the chief educator of Catherine's grandchildren. End of relations 1796, November 6. The last favorite of Catherine. The relationship ended with her death. The 22-year-old began his relationship with the 60-year-old empress. The first official favorite since the time of Potemkin, who was not his adjutant. N.I.Saltykov and A.N. Naryshkina stood behind him, and Perekusikhina was also working on his behalf. Enjoyed great influence, practically managed to oust Potemkin, who threatened to "come and pull out a tooth." Later he participated in the assassination of Emperor Paul. Shortly before his death, he married a young, unremarkable and poor polka beauty and was terribly jealous of her.

Memory of Catherine 2. Monuments dedicated to her.

Sophia Frederica Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst was born on April 21 (May 2), 1729 in the German Pomeranian city of Stettin (now Szczecin in Poland). My father came from the Zerbst-Dornburg line of the Anhalt house and was in the service of the Prussian king, was a regimental commander, commandant, then governor of the city of Stettin, ran for the Dukes of Courland, but unsuccessfully, finished his service as a Prussian field marshal. Mother - from the Holstein-Gottorp clan, was the great-aunt of the future Peter III. Maternal uncle Adolf-Friedrich (Adolf Fredrik) from 1751 was king of Sweden (elected heir in the city). The family tree of Catherine II's mother goes back to Christian I, King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the first Duke of Schleswig-Holstein and the founder of the Oldenburg dynasty.

Childhood, education and upbringing

The family of the Duke of Zerbst was not rich, Catherine was educated at home. She studied German and French, dance, music, the basics of history, geography, theology. She was brought up in severity. She grew up inquisitive, inclined to outdoor games, persistent.

Ekaterina continues to educate herself. She reads books on history, philosophy, jurisprudence, works of Voltaire, Montesquieu, Tacitus, Beyle, a large number of other literature. The main entertainment for her was hunting, horse riding, dancing and masquerades. The lack of conjugal relations with the Grand Duke contributed to the appearance of lovers for Catherine. Meanwhile, Empress Elizabeth expressed her dissatisfaction with the absence of children from the spouses.

Finally, after two unsuccessful pregnancies, on September 20 (October 1), 1754, Catherine gave birth to a son, who was immediately taken away from her, called Paul (the future Emperor Paul I) and deprived of the opportunity to educate, but only occasionally allowed to see. A number of sources claim that the true father of Paul was Catherine's lover S.V. Saltykov. Others - that such rumors are groundless, and that Peter underwent an operation that eliminated the defect that made conception impossible. The question of paternity was of interest to society as well.

After the birth of Paul, relations with Peter and Elizabeth Petrovna finally deteriorated. Peter openly made mistresses, however, without hindering Catherine from doing this, who during this period had a connection with Stanislav Poniatowski, the future king of Poland. On December 9 (20), 1758, Catherine gave birth to her daughter Anna, which aroused strong discontent with Peter, who said at the news of a new pregnancy: “God knows where my wife is getting pregnant; I don’t know for sure whether this child is mine and whether I should recognize him as mine. ” At this time, the condition of Elizaveta Petrovna worsened. All this made real the prospect of Catherine's expulsion from Russia or her imprisonment in a monastery. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Catherine's secret correspondence with the disgraced field marshal Apraksins and the British ambassador Williams, dedicated to political issues, was revealed. Her previous favorites were removed, but a circle of new ones began to form: Grigory Orlov, Dashkova and others.

The death of Elizabeth Petrovna (December 25, 1761 (January 5, 1762)) and the accession to the throne of Peter Fedorovich under the name of Peter III further alienated the spouses. Peter III began to live openly with his mistress Elizaveta Vorontsova, settling his wife at the other end of the Winter Palace. When Catherine became pregnant from Orlov, this could no longer be explained by accidental conception from her husband, since the communication of the spouses had completely ceased by that time. Catherine hid her pregnancy, and when it came time to give birth, her devoted valet Vasily Grigorievich Shkurin set fire to his house. A lover of such spectacles, Peter with the courtyard left the palace to look at the fire; at this time, Catherine successfully gave birth. This is how the first in Russia Count Bobrinsky was born - the founder of the famous surname.

Coup on June 28, 1762

  1. It is necessary to educate the nation, which should be governed.
  2. It is necessary to introduce good order in the state, to support society and force it to comply with the laws.
  3. It is necessary to establish a good and accurate police force in the state.
  4. It is necessary to promote the flourishing of the state and make it abundant.
  5. It is necessary to make the state formidable in itself and inspiring respect for its neighbors.

The policy of Catherine II was characterized by progressive, without sharp hesitation, development. After accession to the throne, she carried out a number of reforms (judicial, administrative, etc.). The territory of the Russian state increased significantly due to the annexation of fertile southern lands - Crimea, the Black Sea region, as well as the eastern part of the Commonwealth, etc. The population increased from 23.2 million (in 1763) to 37.4 million (in 1796), Russia became the most populous European country (it accounted for 20% of the population of Europe). As Klyuchevsky wrote, “The army from 162 thousand people was strengthened to 312 thousand, the fleet, which in 1757 consisted of 21 ships of the line and 6 frigates, in 1790 counted 67 ships of the line and 40 frigates, the amount of state revenues from 16 million rubles. rose to 69 million, that is, more than quadrupled, the success of foreign trade: Baltic; in the increase in import and export, from 9 million to 44 million rubles., Black Sea, Catherine and created, - from 390 thousand in 1776 to 1900 thousand rubles. in 1796, the growth of internal turnover was indicated by the issue of coins in the 34 years of the reign for 148 million rubles, while in the 62 preceding years it was issued only for 97 million. "

The Russian economy continued to be agrarian. The share of the urban population in 1796 was 6.3%. At the same time, a number of cities were founded (Tiraspol, Grigoriopol, etc.), pig iron smelting increased more than 2 times (in which Russia took 1st place in the world), and the number of sail-linen manufactories increased. In total, by the end of the 18th century. there were 1200 large enterprises(in 1767 there were 663 of them). The export of Russian goods to European countries has significantly increased, including through the created Black Sea ports.

Domestic policy

Catherine's adherence to the ideas of the Enlightenment determined the nature of her domestic policy and directions of reforming various institutions of the Russian state. The term "enlightened absolutism" is often used to characterize the internal politics of Catherine's time. According to Catherine, based on the works of the French philosopher Montesquieu, the vast Russian spaces and the severity of the climate determine the regularity and necessity of autocracy in Russia. Proceeding from this, under Catherine, the autocracy was strengthened, the bureaucratic apparatus was strengthened, the country was centralized and the management system was unified.

Stacked commission

An attempt was made to convene the Legislated Commission, which would systematize the laws. The main goal is to clarify the needs of the people in order to carry out comprehensive reforms.

More than 600 deputies took part in the commission, 33% of them were elected from the nobility, 36% from the townspeople, which also included nobles, 20% from rural population(state peasants). The interests of the Orthodox clergy were represented by a deputy from the Synod.

As guidance document To the commission of 1767, the empress prepared the "Order" - a theoretical basis for enlightened absolutism.

The first meeting was held in the Faceted Chamber in Moscow

Due to the conservatism of the deputies, the Commission had to be disbanded.

Soon after the coup, the statesman N.I. Panin proposed to create an Imperial Council: 6 or 8 higher dignitaries rule together with the monarch (as was the standard of 1730). Ekaterina rejected this project.

According to another project of Panin, the Senate was transformed - on December 15. 1763 It was divided into 6 departments, headed by chief prosecutors, headed by the prosecutor general. Each department had specific powers. The general powers of the Senate were reduced, in particular, it lost the legislative initiative and became a body for control over the activities of the state apparatus and the highest court. The center of legislative activity moved directly to Ekaterina and her office with state secretaries.

Provincial reform

7 nov. In 1775, the "Institution for the administration of the provinces of the All-Russian Empire" was adopted. Instead of a three-tier administrative division - a province, a province, a district, a two-tier division began to operate - a province, a district (which was based on the principle of the size of the taxable population). Out of the previous 23 provinces, 50 were formed, each of which had a population of 300-400 thousand dm. Provinces were divided into 10-12 counties, each with 20-30 thousand dm.

Thus, the further need to preserve the presence of the Zaporozhye Cossacks in their historical homeland to protect the southern Russian borders disappeared. At the same time, their traditional way of life often led to conflicts with the Russian authorities. After repeated pogroms of Serbian settlers, as well as in connection with the support of the Pugachev uprising by the Cossacks, Catherine II ordered the disbanding of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, which was done by order of Grigory Potemkin to pacify the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks by General Peter Tekeli in June 1775.

The Sich was bloodlessly disbanded, and then the fortress itself was destroyed. Most of the Cossacks were disbanded, but after 15 years they were remembered and the Army of the Faithful Zaporozhians was created, later the Black Sea Cossack army, and in 1792 Catherine signed a manifesto that gave them the Kuban for eternal use, where the Cossacks moved, founding the city of Yekaterinodar.

The reforms on the Don created a military civilian government modeled on the provincial administrations of central Russia.

The beginning of the annexation of the Kalmyk Khanate

As a result of general administrative reforms of the 70s, aimed at strengthening the state, it was decided to join Russian Empire Kalmyk Khanate.

By her decree of 1771, Catherine liquidated the Kalmyk Khanate, thereby starting the process of annexing the Kalmyk state to Russia, which had previously had a vassal relationship with the Russian state. A special Expedition of Kalmyk Affairs, established at the office of the Astrakhan governor, began to be in charge of Kalmyk affairs. Under the rulers of the uluses, bailiffs were appointed from among Russian officials. In 1772, at the Expedition of Kalmyk Affairs, a Kalmyk court was established - Zargo, consisting of three members - one representative each from three main uluses: torgouts, derbets and khoshouts.

This decision of Catherine was preceded by the empress's consistent policy to limit the khan's power in the Kalmyk Khanate. So, in the 60s, the crisis intensified in the khanate associated with the colonization of Kalmyk lands by Russian landowners and peasants, the reduction of pasture land, the infringement of the rights of the local feudal elite, the interference of tsarist officials in Kalmyk affairs. After the establishment of the fortified Tsaritsyn line, thousands of Don Cossack families began to settle in the area of ​​the main Kalmyk nomads, and cities and fortresses began to be built throughout the Lower Volga. The best pasture lands were allocated for arable land and hayfields. The nomadic area was constantly narrowing, which in turn exacerbated internal relations in the khanate. The local feudal elite was also dissatisfied with the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Christianization of nomads, as well as the outflow of people from the uluses to the cities and villages to work. Under these conditions, among the Kalmyk noyons and zaisangs, with the support of the Buddhist church, a conspiracy has matured with the aim of leaving the people for their historical homeland - in Dzungaria.

On January 5, 1771, the Kalmyk feudal lords, dissatisfied with the policy of the empress, raised the uluses that roamed along the left bank of the Volga, and set off on a dangerous journey to Central Asia. Back in November 1770, the army was assembled on the left bank under the pretext of repelling the raids of the Kazakhs of the Younger Zhuz. The bulk of the Kalmyk population lived at that time on the meadow side of the Volga. Many noyons and zaisangs, realizing the disaster of the campaign, wanted to stay with their uluses, but the army coming from behind drove everyone forward. This tragic campaign turned into a terrible disaster for the people. A small Kalmyk ethnos lost on the way about 100,000 people killed in battles, from wounds, cold, hunger, disease, as well as prisoners, lost almost all livestock - the main wealth of the people. ,,.

These tragic events in the history of the Kalmyk people were reflected in the poem by Sergei Yesenin "Pugachev".

Regional reform in Estonia and Livonia

The Baltic states as a result of the regional reform in 1782-1783. was divided into 2 provinces - Riga and Revel - with institutions that already existed in other provinces of Russia. In Estland and Livonia, a special Baltic order was abolished, which provided for more extensive rights of local nobles to work and the personality of a peasant than that of Russian landowners.

Provincial reform in Siberia and the Middle Volga region

Under the new protectionist tariff of 1767, the import of those goods that were or could be produced within Russia was completely prohibited. Duties from 100 to 200% were imposed on luxury goods, wine, grain, toys ... Export duties amounted to 10-23% of the value of imported goods.

In 1773, Russia exported goods worth 12 million rubles, which was 2.7 million rubles more than imports. In 1781, exports already amounted to 23.7 million rubles against 17.9 million rubles of imports. Russian merchant ships began sailing in the Mediterranean as well. Thanks to the policy of protectionism in 1786, the country's exports amounted to 67.7 million rubles, and imports - 41.9 million rubles.

At the same time, Russia under Catherine went through a number of financial crises and was forced to make foreign loans, the amount of which by the end of the empress's reign exceeded 200 million silver rubles.

Social politics

Moscow Orphanage

In the provinces there were orders of public charity. In Moscow and St. Petersburg - Orphanages for street children (currently the building of the Moscow Orphanage is occupied by the Peter the Great Military Academy), where they received education and upbringing. The Widows Treasury was created to help widows.

Compulsory smallpox vaccination was introduced, and Catherine was the first to receive such a vaccination. Under Catherine II, the fight against epidemics in Russia began to acquire the character of state measures that were directly part of the responsibilities of the Imperial Council and the Senate. By order of Catherine, outposts were created, located not only at the borders, but also on the roads leading to the center of Russia. The "Charter of Border and Port Quarantines" was created.

New directions of medicine for Russia developed: hospitals were opened for the treatment of syphilis, psychiatric hospitals and shelters. A number of fundamental works on medicine have been published.

National policy

After the annexation of the lands that had previously been part of the Commonwealth to the Russian Empire, about a million Jews turned out to be in Russia - a people with a different religion, culture, way of life and way of life. To prevent their resettlement to the central regions of Russia and attach them to their communities for the convenience of collecting state taxes, Catherine II in 1791 established the Pale of Settlement, outside of which Jews had no right to live. The Pale of Settlement was established in the same place where the Jews had lived before - on the lands annexed as a result of the three partitions of Poland, as well as in the steppe regions near the Black Sea and sparsely populated areas east of the Dnieper. The conversion of Jews to Orthodoxy removed all restrictions on living. It is noted that the Pale of Settlement contributed to the preservation of Jewish national identity, the formation of a special Jewish identity within the Russian Empire.

Having ascended the throne, Catherine canceled the decree of Peter III on the secularization of lands near the church. But already in February. 1764 again issued a decree depriving the Church of land ownership. Monastic peasants numbering about 2 million people. of both sexes were removed from the jurisdiction of the clergy and transferred to the management of the College of Economics. The jurisdiction of the state included the estates of churches, monasteries and bishops.

In Ukraine, the secularization of monastic possessions was carried out in 1786.

Thus, the clergy became dependent on the secular authorities, since they could not carry out independent economic activities.

Catherine achieved from the government of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth an equalization in the rights of religious minorities - Orthodox and Protestants.

Under Catherine II, the persecution ceased Old Believers... The Empress initiated the return from abroad of the Old Believers, the economically active population. They were specially assigned a place on the Irgiz (modern Saratov and Samara regions). They were allowed to have priests.

The free resettlement of Germans to Russia led to a significant increase in the number of Protestants(mostly Lutherans) in Russia. They were also allowed to build churches, schools, and freely perform divine services. At the end of the 18th century, there were more than 20 thousand Lutherans in St. Petersburg alone.

Expanding the boundaries of the Russian Empire

Partitions of Poland

The federal state Rzeczpospolita included Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus.

The reason for the interference in the affairs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was the question of the position of dissidents (that is, the non-Catholic minority - Orthodox and Protestants), so that they were equalized with the rights of Catholics. Catherine exerted strong pressure on the gentry in order to elect her protege Stanislav August Poniatowski to the Polish throne, who was elected. Part of the Polish gentry opposed these decisions and organized an uprising in the Bar Confederation. It was suppressed by Russian troops in alliance with the Polish king. In 1772, Prussia and Austria, fearing the strengthening of Russian influence in Poland and its successes in the war with the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), offered Catherine to partition the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in exchange for ending the war, otherwise threatening a war against Russia. Russia, Austria and Prussia brought in their troops.

In 1772 the 1st section of the Commonwealth... Austria received all of Galicia with its districts, Prussia - West Prussia (Pomorie), Russia - the eastern part of Belarus to Minsk (Vitebsk and Mogilev provinces) and part of the Latvian lands that were previously part of Livonia.

The Polish Sejm was forced to agree with the partition and abandon claims to the lost territories: it lost 3,800 km² with a population of 4 million people.

Polish nobles and industrialists contributed to the adoption of the Constitution of 1791. The conservative part of the population of the Targovitsa Confederation turned to Russia for help.

In 1793 the 2nd section of the Commonwealth, approved at the Grodno Sejm. Prussia received Gdansk, Torun, Poznan (part of the land along the Warta and Vistula rivers), Russia - Central Belarus with Minsk and the Right-Bank Ukraine.

The wars with Turkey were marked by major military victories of Rumyantsev, Suvorov, Potemkin, Kutuzov, Ushakov, and the establishment of Russia in the Black Sea. As a result, they ceded to Russia the Northern Black Sea region, Crimea, the Kuban region, strengthened its political positions in the Caucasus and the Balkans, and strengthened Russia's authority on the world stage.

Relations with Georgia. Georgievsky treatise

Georgievsky treatise of 1783

Catherine II and the Georgian tsar Irakli II in 1783 concluded the Georgievsky treatise, according to which Russia established a protectorate over the Kartli-Kakhetian kingdom. The treaty was concluded in order to protect Orthodox Georgians, since Muslim Iran and Turkey threatened the national existence of Georgia. The Russian government took Eastern Georgia under its patronage, guaranteed its autonomy and protection in case of war, and during peace negotiations pledged to insist on the return to the Kartli-Kakhetian kingdom of possessions that had long belonged to it and illegally taken away by Turkey.

The result of the Georgian policy of Catherine II was a sharp weakening of the positions of Iran and Turkey, which formally destroyed their claims to Eastern Georgia.

Relations with Sweden

Taking advantage of the fact that Russia entered the war with Turkey, Sweden, supported by Prussia, Britain and Holland, unleashed a war with her for the return of previously lost territories. The troops that entered the territory of Russia were stopped by General-in-Chief V.P. Musin-Pushkin. After a series of naval battles that did not have a decisive outcome, Russia defeated the Swedish line fleet in the battle at Vyborg, but because of the oncoming storm it suffered a heavy defeat in the battle of rowing fleets at Rochensalm. The parties signed the Verela Peace Treaty in 1790, according to which the border between the countries did not change.

Relations with other countries

After the French Revolution, Catherine was one of the initiators of the anti-French coalition and the establishment of the principle of legitimism. She said: “The weakening of monarchical power in France endangers all other monarchies. For my part, I am ready to resist with all my might. It's time to act and take up arms. " However, in reality, she refrained from participating in hostilities against France. According to popular belief, one of the real reasons for the creation of the anti-French coalition was to divert the attention of Prussia and Austria from Polish affairs. At the same time, Catherine refused all the agreements concluded with France, ordered to expel all suspected sympathizers for the French Revolution from Russia, and in 1790 issued a decree on the return of all Russians from France.

During the reign of Catherine, the Russian Empire acquired the status of a "great power". As a result of the two successful Russian-Turkish wars of 1768-1774 and 1787-1791 for Russia. the Crimean peninsula and the entire territory of the Northern Black Sea region were annexed to Russia. In 1772-1795. Russia took part in three sections of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as a result of which it annexed the territories of present-day Belarus, Western Ukraine, Lithuania and Courland. The Russian Empire also included Russian America - Alaska and West Coast North American continent (present California).

Catherine II as a figure of the Age of Enlightenment

Ekaterina - writer and publisher

Catherine belonged to a small number of monarchs who would communicate so intensively and directly with their subjects by drawing up manifestos, instructions, laws, polemical articles and indirectly in the form of satirical works, historical dramas and pedagogical opuses. In her memoirs, she confessed: "I cannot see a blank pen without feeling the urge to immediately dip it in ink."

She had an extraordinary talent for writing, leaving behind a large collection of works - notes, translations, librettos, fables, fairy tales, comedy "Oh, time!" "The Invisible Bride" (-), essays, etc., participated in the weekly satirical magazine "Anything and everything", published in the city. The Empress turned to journalism in order to influence public opinion, so the main idea of ​​the magazine was to criticize human vices and weaknesses ... Other subjects of irony were the superstitions of the population. Catherine herself called the magazine: "Satire in a smiling spirit."

Ekaterina - philanthropist and collector

Development of culture and art

Catherine considered herself a "philosopher on the throne" and favored the European Enlightenment, was in correspondence with Voltaire, Diderot, d "Alambert.

Under her, the Hermitage and the Public Library appeared in St. Petersburg. She patronized various fields of art - architecture, music, painting.

It is impossible not to mention the mass settlement of German families in various regions of modern Russia, Ukraine, as well as the Baltic countries, initiated by Catherine. The goal was to "infect" Russian science and culture with European ones.

Courtyard of the times of Catherine II

Features of personal life

Ekaterina was a brunette of average height. She combined high intelligence, education, statesmanship and commitment to "free love".

Catherine is known for her connections with numerous lovers, whose number (according to the list of the authoritative Catherine scholar P.I.Bartenev) reaches 23. The most famous of them were Sergei Saltykov, G.G. Orlov (later Count), Horse Guards Lieutenant Vasilchikov, G.A. Potemkin (later prince), hussar Zorich, Lanskoy, the last favorite was the cornet Platon Zubov, who became the count of the Russian Empire and a general. With Potemkin, according to some sources, Catherine was secretly married (). After she planned a marriage with Orlov, however, on the advice of those close to her, she abandoned this idea.

It should be noted that Catherine's "debauchery" was not such a scandalous phenomenon against the background of the general licentiousness of the 18th century. Most kings (with the possible exception of Frederick the Great, Louis XVI and Charles XII) had numerous mistresses. Catherine's favorites (with the exception of Potemkin, who possessed state abilities) did not influence politics. Nevertheless, the institution of favoritism had a negative effect on the higher nobility, which sought benefits through flattery to a new favorite, tried to lead “their own man” into lovers to the empress, and so on.

Catherine had two sons: Pavel Petrovich () (it is suspected that his father was Sergei Saltykov) and Alexei Bobrinsky (- the son of Grigory Orlov) and two daughters: Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna (1757-1759, who died in infancy, possibly the daughter of the future king) Poland Stanislav Poniatovsky) and Elizaveta Grigorievna Tyomkina (- Potemkin's daughter).

Famous figures of Catherine's era

The reign of Catherine II was characterized by the fruitful activity of prominent Russian scientists, diplomats, military, statesmen, cultural and art workers. In 1873 in St. Petersburg, in the park in front of the Alexandrinsky Theater (now Ostrovsky Square), an impressive multi-figured monument to Catherine was erected, designed by M.O. Mikeshin by sculptors A.M. Opekushin and M.A.Chizhov and architects V.A. Schreter and D.I. Grimm. The foot of the monument consists of a sculptural composition, the characters of which are outstanding personalities of the Catherine's era and associates of the Empress:

The events of the last years of the reign of Alexander II - in particular, the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 - prevented the implementation of the plan to expand the memorial to the Catherine era. DI Grimm developed a project for the construction of bronze statues and busts depicting the leaders of the glorious reign in the park next to the monument to Catherine II. According to the final list, approved a year before the death of Alexander II, six bronze sculptures and twenty-three busts on granite pedestals were to be placed next to the monument to Catherine.

In growth were to be depicted: Count N.I. Panin, Admiral G.A. Spiridov, writer D.I.Fonvizin, Prosecutor General of the Senate Prince A.A. Vyazemsky, Field Marshal Prince N.V. Repnin and General A. I. Bibikov, former chairman of the Stowage Commission. In the busts - publisher and journalist N.I. Novikov, traveler P.S.Pallas, playwright A.P. Sumarokov, historians I.N.Boltin and Prince M.M.Shcherbatov, artists D.G. Levitsky and V.L Borovikovsky, architect A.F.Kokorinov, favorite of Catherine II Count G.G. Orlov, admirals F.F.Ushakov, S.K. Greig, A.I.Kruz, military leaders: Count Z.G. Chernyshev, Prince V. M. Dolgorukov-Krymsky, Count IE Ferzen, Count VA Zubov; Moscow Governor-General Prince M.N. Volkonsky, Novgorod Governor Count Ya. E. Sivers, diplomat Ya. I. Bulgakov, suppressor of the "plague riot" of 1771 in Moscow P. D. Eropkin, who suppressed the Pugachev rebellion, Count P. I. Panin and I. I. Mikhelson, the hero of the capture of the fortress Ochakov I. I. Meller-Zakomelsky.

In addition to those listed, they celebrate such famous figures of the era as:

Catherine in art

To the cinema

  • "Catherine the Great", 2005. Emily Brun as Catherine
  • "Golden Age", 2003. In the role of Catherine -

The topic of this article is the biography of Catherine the Great. From 1762 to 1796 this empress reigned. The era of her reign was marked by the enslavement of the peasants. Also, Catherine the Great, whose biography, photos and activities are presented in this article, significantly expanded the privileges of the nobility.

The origin and childhood of Catherine

Future empress was born on May 2 (in a new style - April 21) 1729 in Stettin. She was the daughter of the Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst, who was in the Prussian service, and Princess Johann-Elisabeth. The future empress was related to the English, Prussian and Swedish royal houses. She received her education at home: she studied French and German languages, music, theology, geography, history, danced. Expanding on such a topic as the biography of Catherine the Great, we note that the independent character of the future empress manifested itself already in childhood. She was a persistent, inquisitive child, had a penchant for mobile, lively games.

Baptism and wedding of Catherine

Catherine, together with her mother, was summoned to Russia by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in 1744. Here she was baptized according to the Orthodox tradition. Ekaterina Alekseevna became the bride of Peter Fedorovich, the Grand Duke (in the future - Emperor Peter III). She married him in 1745.

Empress hobbies

Catherine wanted to win the favor of her husband, the Empress and the Russian people. Her personal life, however, was unsuccessful. Since Peter was childish, there was no conjugal relationship between them for several years of marriage. Catherine was fond of reading works on jurisprudence, history and economics, as well as French educators. All these books shaped her worldview. The future empress became a supporter of the ideas of the Enlightenment. She was also interested in the traditions, customs and history of Russia.

Personal life of Catherine II

Today we know quite a lot about such an important historical person as Catherine the Great: biography, her children, personal life - all this is an object of research by historians and the interest of many of our compatriots. We first meet this empress at school. However, what we learn in history lessons is far from complete information about such an empress as Catherine the Great. A biography (grade 4) from a school textbook omits, for example, her personal life.

Catherine II in the early 1750s started an affair with S.V. Saltykov, a guard officer. She gave birth to a son in 1754, the future Emperor Paul I. Nevertheless, rumors that Saltykov was his father are unfounded. In the second half of the 1750s, Catherine had an affair with S. Poniatowski, a Polish diplomat who later became King Stanislaw August. Also in the early 1760s - with G.G. Orlov. The Empress gave birth to his son Alexei in 1762, who received the name Bobrinsky. As relations with her husband deteriorated, Catherine began to fear for her fate and began to recruit supporters at court. Her sincere love for her homeland, her prudence and ostentatious piety - all this contrasted with the behavior of her husband, which allowed the future empress to gain prestige among the population of St. Petersburg and the high society metropolitan society.

The proclamation of Catherine as Empress

Catherine's relationship with her husband continued to deteriorate during the 6 months of his reign, eventually becoming hostile. Peter III openly appeared in the company of his mistress E.R. Vorontsova. There was a threat of Catherine's arrest and her possible expulsion. The future empress carefully prepared the conspiracy. She was supported by N.I. Panin, E.R. Dashkova, K.G. Razumovsky, the Orlov brothers, etc. One night, from June 27 to June 28, 1762, when Peter III was in Oranienbaum, Catherine secretly arrived in St. Petersburg. She was proclaimed the autocratic empress in the barracks of the Izmailovsky regiment. Other regiments soon joined the rebels. The news of the empress's accession to the throne quickly spread throughout the city. Petersburgers greeted her with delight. Messengers to Kronstadt and to the army were sent to prevent the actions of Peter III. He, having learned about what happened, began to send proposals for negotiations to Catherine, but she rejected them. The Empress personally set out for St. Petersburg, leading the guards regiments, and on the way received a written abdication of the throne of Peter III.

More about the palace coup

As a result of the palace coup on July 9, 1762, Catherine II came to power. It happened as follows. Because of the arrest of Passek, all the conspirators got to their feet, fearing that the arrested person might betray them under torture. It was decided to send Alexei Orlov for Ekaterina. The Empress at this time lived in anticipation of the name day of Peter III in Peterhof. On the morning of June 28, Alexei Orlov ran into her bedroom and announced the arrest of Passek. Catherine got into Orlov's carriage, she was brought to the Izmailovsky regiment. The soldiers ran out into the square in drumming and immediately swore allegiance to her. Then she moved to the Semenovsky regiment, which also swore allegiance to the empress. Accompanied by a crowd of people, at the head of two regiments, Catherine went to the Kazan Cathedral. Here, at a prayer service, she was proclaimed empress. Then she went to the Winter Palace and found the Synod and Senate already assembled there. They also swore allegiance to her.

Personality and character of Catherine II

Interesting is not only the biography of Catherine the Great, but also her personality and character, which left an imprint on her inner and foreign policy... Catherine II was a subtle psychologist and an excellent connoisseur of people. The Empress skillfully chose assistants, while not being afraid of talented and bright personalities. Therefore, the Catherine's time was marked by the appearance of many outstanding statesmen, as well as military leaders, musicians, artists, and writers. Catherine was usually restrained, tactful, and patient in her relations with her subjects. She was an excellent conversationalist, could listen carefully to anyone. By the empress's own admission, she did not possess a creative mind, but she caught worthwhile thoughts and knew how to use them for her own purposes.

There were almost no noisy resignations during the reign of this empress. The nobles were not subject to disgrace, they were not exiled or executed. Because of this, the time of Catherine's reign is considered the "golden age" of the nobility in Russia. The Empress, at the same time, was very vain and valued her power more than anything else in the world. She was ready to make any compromises for her preservation, including to the detriment of her own convictions.

The empress's religiosity

This empress was distinguished by ostentatious piety. She considered herself the protector of the Orthodox Church and its leader. Catherine skillfully used religion in political interests. Apparently, her faith was not very deep. The biography of Catherine the Great is marked by the fact that she preached religious tolerance in the spirit of the times. It was under this empress that the persecution of the Old Believers was stopped. Protestant and catholic churches and mosques. Nevertheless, the conversion to another faith from Orthodoxy was still severely punished.

Catherine is an opponent of serfdom

Catherine the Great, whose biography interests us, was an ardent opponent of serfdom. She considered him contrary to human nature and inhuman. A lot of harsh statements about this issue preserved in her papers. Also in them you can find her reasoning about how you can eliminate serfdom. Nevertheless, the Empress did not dare to do anything concrete in this area for fear of another coup and a noble revolt. At the same time, Catherine was convinced that the Russian peasants were spiritually undeveloped, therefore there was a danger in granting them freedom. According to the Empress, the life of the peasants is quite prosperous among the caring landowners.

First reforms

When Catherine came to the throne, she already had a fairly definite political program. It was based on the ideas of the Enlightenment and took into account the peculiarities of the development of Russia. Consistency, gradualness and consideration of public sentiments were the main principles of the implementation of this program. In the first years of her reign, Catherine II carried out a reform of the Senate (in 1763). His work has become more efficient as a result. In the next year, 1764, Catherine the Great secularized the church lands. The biography for the children of this empress, presented on the pages of school textbooks, will certainly acquaint schoolchildren with this fact. Secularization has significantly replenished the treasury, and also eased the situation of many peasants. Catherine in Ukraine liquidated the hetmanate in accordance with the need to unify local government throughout the state. In addition, she invited German colonists to the Russian Empire to explore the Black Sea and Volga regions.

Foundation of educational institutions and new Code

In the same years, a number of educational institutions were founded, including for women (the first in Russia) - the Catherine School, the Smolny Institute. The Empress announced in 1767 that a special commission was being convened to create a new Code. It consisted of elected deputies, representatives of all social groups of society, except for serfs. For the commission, Catherine wrote the "Order", which is, in fact, a liberal program for the reign of this empress. However, her calls were not understood by the deputies. They argued over the smallest issues. Deep contradictions between social groups revealed in the course of these discussions, as well as the low level of many deputies of political culture and the conservatism of most of them. The Legislated Commission was disbanded at the end of 1768. The Empress assessed this experience as important lesson, who introduced her to the moods of various strata of the population of the state.

Development of legislative acts

After the end of the Russian-Turkish war, which lasted from 1768 to 1774, and the Pugachev uprising was suppressed, the new stage reforms of Catherine. The Empress began to develop the most important legislative acts herself. In particular, a manifesto was issued in 1775, according to which it was allowed to start any industrial enterprises without restrictions. Also this year, a provincial reform was carried out, as a result of which a new administrative division of the empire was established. It survived until 1917.

Expanding on the topic "A Brief Biography of Catherine the Great", we note that the Empress in 1785 issued the most important legislative acts. These were certificates of honor to the cities and the nobility. Also, a charter was prepared for the state peasants, but political circumstances did not allow it to be put into effect. The main significance of these letters was associated with the implementation of the main goal of Catherine's reforms - the creation of full-fledged estates in the empire based on the model Western Europe... The diploma meant for the Russian nobility the legal confirmation of almost all the privileges and rights that they had.

Recent and unrealized reforms proposed by Catherine the Great

The biography (summary) of the Empress of interest to us is noted for the fact that she carried out various reforms until her death. For example, education reform continued in the 1780s. Catherine the Great, whose biography is presented in this article, created a network of classroom-based school institutions in cities. In the last years of her life, the Empress continued to plan major transformations. The reform of the central government was planned for 1797, as well as the introduction of legislation on the order of succession in the country, the creation of a higher court based on representation from 3 estates. However, Catherine II the Great did not manage to complete an extensive reform program. Her brief biography, however, would be incomplete if we did not mention all this. In general, all these reforms were a continuation of the reforms begun by Peter I.

Catherine's foreign policy

What else is interesting about the biography of Catherine the Great? The Empress, following Peter, believed that Russia should actively act on the world arena, pursue an offensive policy, even to some extent aggressive. After accession to the throne, she broke the allied treaty with Prussia, concluded Peter III... Thanks to the efforts of this empress, it was possible to restore the Duke E.I. Biron on the throne of Courland. Supported by Prussia, in 1763 Russia achieved the election to the Polish throne of Stanislav August Poniatowski, her protege. This, in turn, led to a deterioration in relations with Austria due to the fact that she feared the strengthening of Russia and began to incite Turkey to war with her. In general, the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774 was successful for Russia, but the difficult situation inside the country prompted her to seek peace. And for this it was necessary to restore the old relations with Austria. In the end, a compromise was reached. Poland fell victim to him: the first partition was carried out in 1772 by Russia, Austria and Prussia.

The Kyuchuk-Kainardzhiyskiy peace was signed with Turkey, which ensured the independence of the Crimea, beneficial for Russia. Empire in the war of England with the colonies of North America took neutrality. Catherine refused to help the English king with troops. A number of European states have joined the Declaration on Armed Neutrality, created on Panin's initiative. This contributed to the victory of the colonists. In subsequent years, the positions of our country in the Caucasus and Crimea were strengthened, which ended with the inclusion of the latter into the Russian Empire in 1782, as well as the signing the following year Georgievsky treatise with Heraclius II, King of Kartli-Kakheti. This ensured the presence of Russian troops in Georgia, and then the annexation of its territory to Russia.

Strengthening authority in the international arena

The new foreign policy doctrine of the Russian government was formed in the 1770s. It was a Greek project. Its main goal was the restoration of the Byzantine Empire and the announcement of the emperor of Prince Konstantin Pavlovich, who was the grandson of Catherine II. Russia in 1779 significantly strengthened its authority in the international arena, participating as a mediator between Prussia and Austria in the Teschen Congress. The biography of Empress Catherine the Great can also be supplemented by the fact that in 1787, accompanied by the court, the Polish king, the Austrian emperor and foreign diplomats, she traveled to the Crimea. It became a demonstration of Russia's military power.

Wars with Turkey and Sweden, further partitions of Poland

The biography of Catherine the Great continued with the fact that she began a new Russian-Turkish war. Russia was now acting in alliance with Austria. Almost at the same time, the war with Sweden also began (from 1788 to 1790), which tried to take revenge after the defeat in the Northern War. The Russian Empire managed to cope with both of these opponents. In 1791 the war with Turkey ended. The Iasi Peace was signed in 1792. He consolidated the influence of Russia in the Transcaucasus and Bessarabia, as well as the annexation of Crimea to it. The 2nd and 3rd partitions of Poland took place in 1793 and 1795, respectively. They put an end to Polish statehood.

Empress Catherine the Great, whose brief biography was reviewed by us, died on November 17 (according to the old style - November 6), 1796 in St. Petersburg. So significant is her contribution to Russian history that the memory of Catherine II is preserved in many works of domestic and world culture, including the works of such great writers as N.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, B. Shaw, V. Pikul and others. The life of Catherine the Great, her biography inspired many directors - the creators of such films as "The Caprice of Catherine II", "The Tsar's Hunt", "Young Catherine", "Dreams of Russia", " Russian revolt "and others.

The intimate life of Catherine the Great has long been the subject of discussion and controversy. This section lists officially confirmed and alleged men, some of whom had the official status of favorites, while others were listed only as lovers (which did not prevent them, however, from receiving generous gifts and titles from the empress).

Confirmed and official relations

  1. Romanov Peter III Fedorovich

Status: husband
Relationship start: official wedding on September 1, 1745
End of a relationship: died under mysterious circumstances on July 9, 1762
Add. information: children of Peter III - Paul and Anna, presumably were the children of two lovers of Catherine II. Pavel Petrovich, according to the most popular theory, is the son of Sergei Saltykov, Anna Petrovna is the daughter of Stanislav Ponyatovsky, who later became the Polish king. The empress accused her husband of the absence of a normal intimate life and justified her novels by his lack of interest in her person.

  1. Saltykov Sergey Vasilievich

Status: Lover
Relationship start: spring of 1752
End of a relationship: October 1754 - already a few months before the birth of Paul I, he was no longer allowed to see the empress, after his birth he was sent as ambassador to Sweden.
Add. information: according to one of the versions, he is the real father of Paul I. Was recommended to Catherine II by Bestuzhev, during the period of the empress Elizabeth's final disappointment in Peter III.

  1. Stanislav August Ponyatovsky

Status: Lover
Relationship start: 1756, arrived in Russia as part of the retinue of the British ambassador
End of a relationship: when in 1758 Bestuzhev fell into disgrace as a result of an unsuccessful intrigue - Ponyatovsky was forced to leave the Russian Empire
Add. information: the probable father of Anna Petrovna, which was indirectly confirmed by Peter III himself. Subsequently, thanks to the patronage of Catherine the Great, he became king of Poland and contributed to the division of the Commonwealth.

  1. Orlov Grigory Grigorievich

Status: Lover until 1762, 1762-1772 - official favorite
Relationship start: 1760 year
End of a relationship: in 1772 he went to negotiations with the Ottoman Empire, during this period Catherine II lost interest in relations and drew attention to Alexander Vasilchakov.
Add. information: one of the Empress's longest-running novels. In 1762, Catherine the Great even planned a wedding with Orlov, but the entourage considered such an undertaking too adventurous and was able to dissuade her. From Orlov, the empress in 1762 gave birth to an illegitimate son - Alexei Grigorievich Bobrinsky. He took a direct part in the coup of 1762. One of the most intimate people of the Empress.

  1. Vasilchakov Alexander Semyonovich

Status: official favorite
Relationship start: in 1772 attracted the attention of Catherine II, while Count Orlov was absent.
End of a relationship: after the beginning of the empress's relationship with Potemkin in 1774, he was sent to Moscow.
Add. information: was younger than Catherine for 17 years, could not be a serious opponent to Potemkin in the struggle for attention.

  1. Potemkin-Tavrichesky Grigory Alexandrovich

Status: official favorite
Relationship start: in 1774.
End of a relationship: during his vacation in 1776, the empress turned her attention to Zavadovsky.
Add. information: one of the most prominent figures in the intimate life of Catherine II was secretly married to her since 1775. An outstanding commander and statesman who has influence on her even after the end of intimacy. Presumably, his daughter, Tyomkina Elizaveta Grigorievna, was born by Catherine.

  1. Zavadovsky Petr Vasilievich

Status: official favorite
Relationship start: in 1776.
End of a relationship: in May 1777 he was displaced by the intrigues of Potemkin and sent on vacation.
Add. information: a capable administrative figure who loved the empress too much. Only Zavadovsky, Catherine was allowed to continue her political career, after the end of the relationship.

  1. Zorich Semyon Gavrilovich

Status: official favorite
Relationship start: in 1777 he appeared as Potemkin's adjutant, and then became the commander of the empress's personal guard.
End of a relationship: sent from Petersburg in 1778 after a quarrel with Potemkin
Add. information: a hussar who has no education, but enjoys the attention of Catherine, who was 14 years older than him.

  1. Rimsky-Korsakov Ivan Nikolaevich

Status: official favorite
Relationship start: in 1778 he was selected by Potemkin, who was looking for a more accommodating and less talented favorite to replace Zorich.
End of a relationship: in 1779 he was caught by the Empress in a relationship with the Countess Bruce and lost his favor.
Add. information: was younger than Catherine by 25 years. After the Countess, Bruce became interested in Stroganova and was sent from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

  1. Lanskoy Alexander Dmitrievich

Status: official favorite
Relationship start: in the spring of 1780 attracted attention on the recommendation of Potemkin.
End of a relationship: died in a fever in 1784. Different versions suggest poisoning or abuse of an aphrodisiac.
Add. information: did not interfere in political intrigues, preferring to devote time to the study of languages ​​and philosophy. The close intimate relationship with the Empress is confirmed by the descriptions of her "broken feelings" in connection with the death of Lanskoy.

Catherine II - the great Russian empress, whose reign was the most significant period in Russian history. The era of Catherine the Great is marked by the "golden age" of the Russian Empire, whose cultural and political culture the tsarina raised to the European level. The biography of Catherine II is full of light and dark stripes, numerous ideas and achievements, as well as a stormy personal life, about which films and books are still being made today.

Catherine II was born on May 2 (April 21, old style), 1729 in Prussia in the family of the Governor of Stettin, Prince of Zerbst and Duchess of Holstein-Gottorp. Despite the rich pedigree, the princess's family did not have a significant fortune, but this did not prevent the parents from providing home schooling for their daughter, not really standing on ceremony with her upbringing. At the same time, the future Russian empress on high level learned English, Italian and French, mastered dancing and singing, and also gained knowledge of the basics of history, geography and theology.

As a child, the young princess was a playful and curious child with a pronounced "boyish" character. She did not show any special mental abilities and did not demonstrate her talents, but she helped her mother a lot in raising her younger sister Augusta, which suited both parents. In her youth, her mother called Catherine II Fike, which means little Federica.

At the age of 15, it became known that the Zerbst princess was chosen as the bride for her heir Peter Fedorovich, who later became the Russian emperor. In this regard, the princess and her mother were secretly invited to Russia, where they went under the name of Countess Reinbeck. The girl immediately began to study Russian history, language and Orthodoxy in order to learn more fully about her new homeland. Soon she converted to Orthodoxy and was named Ekaterina Alekseevna, and the next day she became engaged to Pyotr Fedorovich, who was her second cousin.

Palace coup and ascension to the throne

After the wedding with Peter III, nothing practically changed in the life of the future Russian empress - she continued to devote herself to self-education, to study philosophy, jurisprudence and the works of world famous authors, since her husband showed absolutely no interest in her and openly amused himself with other ladies in front of her eyes. After nine years of marriage, when the relationship between Peter and Catherine went completely wrong, the queen gave birth to an heir to the throne, who was immediately taken away from her and was practically not allowed to see him.

Then in the head of Catherine the Great a plan ripened to overthrow her husband from the throne. She subtly, clearly and prudently organized the palace coup, in which she was helped by the British Ambassador Williams and the Chancellor of the Russian Empire Count Alexei Bestuzhev.

It soon turned out that both confidants of the future Russian empress had betrayed her. But Catherine did not abandon her plan and found new allies in its implementation. They were the Orlov brothers, adjutant Khitrov and sergeant-major Potemkin. Foreigners also took part in the organization of the palace coup, who provided sponsorship to bribe the right people.

In 1762, the empress was completely ready for a decisive step - she went to St. Petersburg, where the guards units swore allegiance to her, which by that time were already dissatisfied. military policy Emperor Peter III. After that, he abdicated the throne, was taken into custody and soon died under unknown circumstances. Two months later, on September 22, 1762, Sophia Frederica Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst was crowned in Moscow and became the Russian Empress Catherine II.

Board and achievements of Catherine II

From the very first day of her accession to the throne, the queen clearly formulated her royal tasks and began to actively implement them. She quickly formulated and carried out reforms in the Russian Empire, which affected all spheres of life of the population. Catherine the Great pursued a policy taking into account the interests of all estates, which won the colossal support of her subjects.

To pull the Russian Empire out of the financial quagmire, the tsarina secularized and took the lands of the churches, turning them into secular property. This made it possible to pay off the army and replenish the empire's treasury by 1 million souls of peasants. At the same time, she managed to briskly establish trade in Russia, doubling the number of industrial enterprises in the country. Thanks to this, the amount of state revenues quadrupled, the empire was able to maintain a large army and begin the development of the Urals.

As for Catherine's domestic policy, today it is called "absolutism", because the empress tried to achieve "common good" for society and the state. The absolutism of Catherine II was marked by the adoption of new legislation, which was adopted on the basis of the "Order of Empress Catherine", containing 526 articles. Due to the fact that the tsarina's policy still had a "pro-noble" character, from 1773 to 1775 she faced a peasant uprising under the leadership. The peasant war engulfed almost the entire empire, but the state army was able to suppress the revolt and arrest Pugachev, who was later executed.

In 1775, Catherine the Great carried out the territorial division of the empire and expanded Russia into 11 provinces. During her reign, Russia acquired Azov, Kiburn, Kerch, Crimea, Kuban, as well as part of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania and the western part of Volyn. At the same time, elective courts were introduced in the country, which dealt with criminal and civil cases of the population.

In 1785, the empress organized local self-government by city. At the same time, Catherine II brought out a clear set of noble privileges - she freed the nobles from paying taxes, compulsory military service and endowed them with the right to own lands and peasants. Thanks to the empress, a secondary education system was introduced in Russia, for which special closed schools, institutes for girls, and foster homes were built. In addition, Ekaterina founded the Russian Academy, which has become one of the leading European scientific bases.

During her reign, Catherine paid special attention to the development Agriculture... Under her, for the first time in Russia, bread began to be sold, which the population could buy for paper money, also introduced into everyday life by the empress. Also among the valor of the monarch is the introduction of vaccination on the territory of Russia, which made it possible to prevent epidemics of fatal diseases in the country, thereby preserving the population.

During the reign of Catherine the Second, she survived 6 wars, in which she received the desired trophies in the form of lands. To this day, many consider its foreign policy to be immoral and hypocritical. But the woman managed to go down in the history of Russia as a powerful monarch, who became an example of patriotism for future generations of the country, despite the absence of even a drop of Russian blood in her.

Personal life

The personal life of Catherine II has a legendary character and is still of interest to this day. The Empress was committed to "free love" as a result of her unsuccessful marriage to Peter III.

The romance novels of Catherine the Great have been marked in history by a series of scandals, and the list of her favorites contains 23 names, as evidenced by the data of authoritative Catherine scholars.

The most famous lovers of the monarch were Platon Zubov, who at the age of 20 became the favorite of 60-year-old Catherine the Great. Historians do not exclude that the empress's love affairs were her kind of weapon, with the help of which she carried out her activities on the royal throne.

It is known that Catherine the Great had three children - a son from her legal marriage with Peter III, Pavel Petrovich, Alexei Bobrinsky, born of Orlov, and a daughter, Anna Petrovna, who died of illness at the age of one.

In the last years of her life, the Empress devoted herself to caring for her grandchildren and heirs, as she was on bad terms with her son Paul. She wanted to transfer power and the crown to her eldest grandson, whom she personally prepared for the royal throne. But her plans were not destined to happen, since her rightful heir found out about her mother's plan and carefully prepared for the struggle for the throne.

The death of Catherine II came in a new style on November 17, 1796. The empress died of a severe stroke, she thrashed for several hours in agony and, without regaining consciousness, passed away in agony. She was buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.


The image of Catherine the Great is very often used in modern cinema. Her bright and rich biography is taken as a basis by scriptwriters all over the world, since the great Russian empress Catherine II had a stormy life, filled with intrigues, conspiracies, love stories and the struggle for the throne, but at the same time she became one of the most worthy rulers of the Russian Empire.

In 2015, a fascinating historical show was launched in Russia, for the script of which facts were taken from the diaries of the queen herself, who turned out to be a “man-ruler” by nature, and not a feminine mother and wife.