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Three husbands of Ekaterina Klimova. Young husband of Ekaterina Klimova New love of Ekaterina Klimova

Ekaterina Klimova is a famous Russian theater and film actress. She is a mother of many children and a happy wife, the ex-wife of Igor Petrenko, with whom they were called the most beautiful couple of Russian cinema.

In 2015, after a short stay alone after a divorce from Igor Petrenko, Ekaterina Klimova got married again. This time, her chosen one was the Russian actor Gela Meskhi, who is 9 years younger than Katya.

Who is he and where did he come from?

Gela was born into an international family, where her mother was Russian, and her father was Georgian with Spanish roots. The boy's family was far from creative. However, to this day, they remain the most important critics in the guy's life.

In his youth Gela was fond of football, and they divided their free time between playing football in the schoolyard and studying in a theater group. Gela made his final choice after leaving school, when he passed the entrance exams at the Moscow Art Theater.

It so happened that the teachers noticed the talent of the young man immediately and began to use it in various theatrical performances. In 2009, exams were passed and a diploma was received, after which Gela became a certified member of the troupe of the Stanislavsky Theater.

Since 2010, Gela began acting in films. He could be seen in the films "Adult daughter or test for ...", "Comedians", etc. The role after which the whole country learned about Meskhi he played in 2012 in the film "Physics or Chemistry"... From that moment on, his acting career went up sharply, bringing the young actor more and more popularity.

Love for a married woman

With his future wife, Gela met on the set of the film "Wolf Sun". At that time, the actress was married to. Their marriage was considered very strong and worthy of imitation, and the couple was called the most beautiful in the vastness of Russian cinema and television.

Ironically, after finishing work on the film "Wolf Heart", Gela was offered to star in the TV series "Black Cat", where Igor Petrenko was his partner.

Even while working on the first big picture, romantic feelings arose between Catherine and Gela... They tried to hide them for a long time and carefully, and did not want to advertise them in any way. After Catherine's divorce, Gela persistently suggested that her beloved legitimize the relationship.

But only freed from her first marriage, the girl did not agree to such a quick union. But Gela decided not to give up, and in June 2015, the couple secretly signed in one of the capital's registry offices... Among the guests were the closest relatives and friends of the young people.

Family idyll

The reason for gossip is the difference in the age of the spouses. However, 40-year-old Ekaterina and 31-year-old Gela look very harmonious. 3 months after the wedding, the couple had a daughter, which was named with the beautiful name Bella.

This means that Katya got married, being in a position. However, no amount of gossip will be able to divorce the spouses.

As Gela himself assures, he will not be able to live without his beloved wife and little daughter.

In his free time Gela loves to draw, and when an extra minute falls into his busy schedule, he takes out an easel and sits down to create. Even if these are not professional paintings, which he himself calls abstraction, but such a pastime gives him inspiration.

In 2016 Gela became a member of the Provincial Theater troupe under the direction of Sergei Bezrukov.

Gela also admits that she loves to watch cartoons. He does this with great pleasure when he spends time with Catherine's younger children from previous marriages.

Photo of a popular couple of famous actors

Last weekend, actress Yekaterina Klimova married 29-year-old actor Gela Mekhsi. The wedding ceremony was closed and took place in one of the Moscow registry offices in the presence of the closest people: the bride's children, her mother and the groom's relatives.

The journalists managed to find out from the groom's friend Nikolay Evstratov that in the near future the young couple will go on a honeymoon trip to a rather unusual place - € ”to Alaska. A re-wedding is planned there, after which the couple will travel to California:

First, Katya and Gela will fly to Alaska for a week. There will be re-painting. They bought a helicopter, snowmobile, husky tour! And then - € “in Los Angeles, which Gela adores!

The couple's imminent wedding confirms the news that appeared on the Web a week ago. Then the news portals wrote that the 37-year-old star was expecting her fourth child. As the father of the future baby, Meskhi was considered, whom the actress met during the filming of the film "Wolf's Heart". According to insiders, mutual sympathy instantly arose between Catherine and Gela.

Ekaterina Klimova got married exactly one year after her divorce from actor Igor Petrenko. The marriage, in which the couple lived for nearly ten years, was considered by many to be ideal. The couple had two children together, however, they did not influence the decision of Catherine and Igor to part.

While the fans of the former spouses were worried about their breakup, and hoped for a reunion of the couple, the personal life of Klimova and Petrenko, as it turned out, quickly improved.

More recently, it became known that Igor Petrenko had a daughter at the end of last year, who was named Sofia-Carolina.

The girl's mother was a young actress from St. Petersburg Christina Brodskaya, with whom Petrenko began a relationship even before his divorce from Ekaterina Klimova officially took place.

Rumors that Ekaterina Klimova had an affair with Gela Meskhi appeared last fall.

This is the third marriage for the actress. Ekaterina met her first husband, Ilya Khoroshilov, when she was 15 years old. In this marriage, a daughter, Elizabeth, was born. In the second marriage with Igor Petrenko, the couple had two sons - € ”Matvey and Korney.

Gela Meskhi was born and raised in Moscow, and has Russian, Georgian and Spanish blood in his veins. Viewers remember the young actor for the role of Vasily Stalin in the film "The Son of the Father of Nations", as well as for the small role of high school student Alex Weinstein from the series "Physics and Chemistry".

Ekaterina Klimova, latest news, married again

This weekend, the union of the famous actress Ekaterina Klimova and the young actor Gela Meskhi was officially registered. This celebration was covered with a secret veil from the eyes of the fans of the young couple and took place in a close, almost homely circle. There was practically no press coverage of this event. The bride is expecting a baby, so the newlyweds abandoned the pompous celebration and invited the most important and dear guests - from the side of Gela Meskhi, parents and closest friends were present, Ekaterina was supported by her mother - Svetlana Vladimirovna and her children. Recall that the twenty-nine-year-old groom is almost ten years younger than the actress and starred with her in the series "Wolf's Heart".

Honeymoon plans

The young couple plans to go on a honeymoon after Catherine completes her work in the theater. Until the onset of childbirth, the actress will not return to work. The newlyweds are going to spend their honeymoon, first on a tour in Alaska - the actress has long dreamed of riding a husky and a snowmobile. They will stay there for about a week, and then continue to relax on the warm beaches of Los Angeles, as Gela Meskhi dreamed.

How it all began?

The love story of the actors began at the end of 2014 on the set of the new film "Wolf Heart". Although the couple hid their relationship, colleagues noticed that soon after they met, they began to live in Klimova's house. The lovers began to go shopping together, as well as take the dog for a walk. Soon Gela Meskhi will become the father of her first child, the happy actress is now in her fourth month of pregnancy. At the time of filming, Catherine did not officially dissolve her marriage with actor Igor Petrenko, although in fact the union had already broken up a long time ago and they lived in different apartments.

Katya's story

This is the third marriage of Ekaterina Klimova, she has three children. In her first marriage, with Ilya Khoroshilov, she had a girl named Elizabeth, who is now thirteen years old. The second union of the actress with Igor Petrenko in the theatrical society was considered the most beautiful and lasting. The couple had sons - Roots and Matvey. At present, Matvey is eight years old, and Korney is six. The marriage lasted about ten years, but two years ago the couple broke up, and Catherine raised the children alone. Petrenko stayed to live in Moscow, and the actress moved with her children to a house in the Moscow region. Igor Petrenko also found himself a mate, but so far this is only a civil marriage. In December, a young colleague Christina Brodskaya gave the actor a daughter, Sophia-Carolina.

- an incredibly charming and beautiful woman, a talented actress with excellent vocal abilities. At 39, she looks great, many young girls take an example from her, and men admire and idolize.

Klimova's new husband - actor Gela Meskhi

Many fans are interested in Klimova's personal life, but the girl herself tries not to advertise the details. Even the wedding with her new husband was rather modest.

Personal relationship with Gela Meskhi

In 2015, the popular actress began dating Gela Meskhi, her partner in the Wolf Heart series. Young people played a couple in love, after which the feelings passed into real life. The Georgian actor is 8 years younger than Catherine, and many believed that their relationship would not last long. Despite negative opinions, Klimova and Meskhi decided to get married in the summer of the same year.

After 4 months of marriage, the couple had a daughter, who was named Bella. Catherine became a mother for the fourth time (three other children are from past marriages). The actress continues to work, delight fans with new roles in theater and cinema. Plus, she is an exemplary wife and a wonderful mother.

Wedding of Ekaterina Klimova and Meskhi

The new husband of Ekaterina Klimova beautifully looked after his chosen one, however, by mutual decision, the lovers did not arrange a magnificent wedding ceremony. In addition, the acting activities of both are very intense, which made it impossible to prepare well for the celebration.

Meskhi made the proposal several times - in New York and in the most romantic city in the world - Paris.

On June 5, 2015, Ekaterina and Gela signed. Due to the lack of days off, young people had neither chic outfits, nor balls, nor a large-scale banquet.

They had enough wedding rings and vows of eternal love. Klimova's children reacted adequately to the appearance of a new pope, Meskhi got along well with them.

Video of incendiary dances of Ekaterina Klimova with her husband

Former husbands of Ekaterina Klimova

In 2015, Catherine got married for the third time. After a sensational relationship with Petrenko, the girl decided to celebrate the wedding in secret. She and her new husband are raising four children together.

Catherine's first husband - Ilya Khoroshilov

Even in high school, Ekaterina Klimova began to meet with businessman Ilya Khoroshilov. It was he who became her first husband, offering the young girl a hand and heart after graduation. After 4 years, they formalized their relationship. In 2002, their daughter was born, who was named Lisa.

With the increase in employment and success in a career, scandals more and more often occurred in the family.

The husband tried to smooth out conflicts, beautifully caring for Katya and giving her gorgeous gifts, but the relationship did not improve in any way. A serious impetus to divorce was the meeting of the girl with a friend from the school. It was Igor Petrenko, with whom the actress worked on the sequel to the film "The Best City on Earth".

Igor Petrenko - history of relations

Catherine did not want to continue the relationship with, but a year later the young man called her, and it became clear that feelings flared up with renewed vigor.

Photo: Instagram @ igorpetrenko77

The actress took her daughter and ran away from her husband, who, in a fit of jealousy, promised to shoot Igor. Young people began to live together, and in 2005, before the New Year, they got married.

The lovers did not celebrate the ceremony, they were late for painting, forgot their wedding rings, quickly signed and left to celebrate the beginning of 2006.

In the same year, the first-born was born to Petrenko and Klimova, whom they named Matvey. Two years later, another boy was born - Kornei.

Together they lived happily for almost 10 years. Their union has been compared to the relationship between Pitt and Jolie. In 2014, Catherine announced that she was divorcing her husband. Petrenko, like a true gentleman, takes most of the blame upon himself, explaining that it is difficult for a woman to come to terms when a man plunges into his inner world and does not reveal himself to anyone.

Children of Ekaterina Klimova

The eldest daughter of Klimova Elizaveta (father - Ilya Khoroshilov) turned 15 this year. Children from Petrenko - boys Korney and Matvey - 9 and 11, respectively.

In October 2015, Catherine's daughter Bella was born from the Georgian actor Gela Meskhi. Parents did not show their daughter until she was one year old. Now her photo can be seen on her mother's page on Instagram. Catherine believes that the little princess is very similar to her father.

Before the birth of their fourth child, the family moved to Moscow from a home outside the capital. Klimova explained this by the fact that it is more convenient for children to go to school and attend sports sections. Boys go to football and boxing, the eldest daughter is actively involved in foreign languages, especially French and English.

The popular actress is self-sufficient and happy, despite the fact that many consider her new marriage to be a mistake. She gets incomparable pleasure from work and raising children, and Gela supports her in all endeavors.

0 April 2, 2017, 20:00

Ekaterina Klimova

Not as often as we would like, we can see Ekaterina Klimova in public. The actress leads a rather closed lifestyle and rarely flaunts her personal life. But a few days ago, Catherine changed her habits and on the air of the program "Evening Urgant", and not alone, but with her husband Gela Meskhi. The appearance of the program on Channel One was the first joint broadcast of the lovers on the air. So all the talk is now about Klimova. Therefore, it was she who became the heroine of our today's column "Evolution". We look at how the appearance and style of the actress have changed over the years.

Ekaterina Klimova was born in Moscow. The girl's father was an artist, and her mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. The father, however, appeared in Catherine's life when she was already 13 years old - when the girl was very young, he went to prison for manslaughter and spent 12 years there. Acting inclinations began to appear in Klimova from childhood - the future star gladly participated in amateur productions and from an early age dreamed of a creative career. And this dream was destined to come true. After leaving school, Ekaterina entered the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin.

Immediately after graduating from the Shchepkinsky School, Klimova got a job at the Theater of the Russian Army, where she got the role of Desdemona in the play "Othello". For her acting work, Ekaterina was even awarded the "Crystal Rose of Viktor Rozov" prize in the "Actors under 30" category.

Klimova's debut on the screen took place in 2001 in Karen Shakhnazarov's film Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning, where the actress performed a cameo role. In the same year, Catherine also got a larger role - in the film "Throwing Games". The most famous works of Catherine in cinema can be considered roles in the films "We are from the future" and "We are from the future 2", the series "Poor Nastya" and other projects. In addition to working in cinema and theater, Catherine has established herself as a talented singer and performer of romances.

As for her personal life, now Catherine is married for the third time. With her first husband, jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov, the actress met during her school years, and while studying at the institute, she married him. From this marriage, Catherine has a daughter, Elizabeth. The couple divorced in 2004. In the same year, Klimova married a second time - to her colleague, actor Igor Petrenko. The couple's relationship seemed ideal and worthy of imitation, but they also came to an end - after almost 10 years of marriage, Ekaterina and Igor divorced. From her second marriage, the actress brings up two children - the sons of Matthew and Korney. In June 2015, Klimova tied the knot again - this time the actor Gela Meskhi became the star's chosen one. In September 2015, the lovers had a daughter, Bella.

Now Ekaterina Klimova is 39 years old and we have to admit that the actress looks great for her age. The “fault” is both good genetics and proper self-care. In her interviews, the actress has repeatedly admitted that her main beauty secret is a healthy lifestyle. The star tries to eat right, drinks a lot of water and always finds time for physical activity - and therefore boasts a slender figure, despite four pregnancies.

As for the celebrity style, usually Catherine adheres to the golden mean - of course, it is impossible to call her outfits bold and risky in a good sense of the word, but boring too. To go out on the red carpet, the actress usually chooses win-win dresses of maxi length or just below the knee, and in everyday life she prefers well-fitting trousers and jeans, which in most cases she complements with high-heeled shoes.