Repairs Design Furniture

Handbook of the RD 78.145 93. Manual for the Guideline "Systems and Complexes of the Security, Fire and Security and Fire Alarm. Rules of production and acceptance of work." General Directorate Department

Manual for RD 78.145-93

1.1 These requirements apply to the production of work on the installation, configuration and commissioning of object and perimeter technical means of security, fire and security fire alarm (hereinafter referred to as "alarm") installed in buildings, buildings, premises, for fences (hereinafter referred to as "objects").
1.2. Organizations and individuals who have licenses of the established sample, giving the right to carry out these works, are allowed to assembly.
1.3. When installing object and perimeter technical means of alarm, the requirements of SNiP, PUE, RD 78.145-92 "Systems and Complexes of the Security, Fire and fire alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of work ", existing state and industry standards, other regulatory documents.
1.4. These requirements are required to fulfill with all organizations and private individuals, work on installation, configuration and commissioning of technical means of alarm.
Requirements for design and estimate documentation
2. General requirements for the installation of technical means of alarm
2.1 Installation of object technical alarm systems.
2.1.1. Objects are equipped as a rule, separately protected and fire trains of alarm.
It is allowed to include security and fire detectors in one box of alarm with a round-the-clock performance of the fire alarm in accordance with the scheme shown in the recommended Annex 4.
2.1.2 Work on the installation of object technical alarms in the construction of an object should be carried out in three stages.
2.1.3 At the first stage, the works specified in paragraph 1.17 of this manual should be performed.
The work of the first stage must be carried out simultaneously with the production of main construction work.
2.1.4 At the second stage, work should be performed on the installation of protective pipes of electrical wiring, detectors, alarms, shields, receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices and electrical wiring connections.
The operation of the second stage must be carried out after the end of construction and finishing works.

2. General requirements for the installation of technical means of alarm
3. Installation of object security and security and fire detectors
4. Installation of fire detectors
5. Installation of receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices and firing
6. Installation of the perimeter technical software security alarm system (pos)
7. Installation of devices of security electrical lighting
8. Installation of the device and alarm alarm
9. Fire safety requirements when installing technical means of alarm in fire hazardous areas
10. Special requirements when installing technical means of alarm in hazardous areas
11. Power supply of technical means of alarm
12. Installation of electrical wiring of object technical means of alarm
13. Installation of electrical wiring of the linear part of the perimeter technical arrangement of the security alarm system
14. Grounding of technical means of alarm
15. Commissioning work
16. Acceptance of the technical means of alarm
17. Marking and sealing
18. Labor safety requirements
19. Guarantees
Annex 1 Examination Act (Form)
Appendix 2 Recommended ACT (shape) of the readiness of buildings, buildings and structures to production mounting work
Appendix 3 Recommended Act (form) on conducting input control
Appendix 4 scheme for providing round-the-clock operation of fire detectors when connecting security and fire cables to one receiving and control device
Appendix 5 Recommended Act (form) on the end of the installation work
Appendix 6.
Appendix 7 recommended
Appendix 8 Recommended Act (Form) Testing Protective Pipes with Sealing Seals for Tightness
Appendix 9 Recommended Act (shape) Measurement of electrical wiring insulation resistance
Appendix 10 Recommended Act (form) Examination of hidden work on laying electrical wiring walls, ceilings, in the floor
Appendix 11 Recommended Act (form) examination of hidden work (sewage)
Appendix 12 Recommended Act (form) Examination of hidden work (gasket cable lines in the ground)
Appendix 13 Recommended Protocol (shape) of heating cables on drums
Appendix 14 Recommended Act (form) on completion of commissioning works
Appendix 15 Recommended List measuring instrumentsrecommended when installing, setting up and commissioning technical alarm
Appendix 16 Recommended statement (form) of mounted receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices, detectors, alarm, technical means
Appendix 17 Recommended ACT (form) on acceptance of technical means of signaling alarm
Appendix 18 Recommended Act (form) on identified defects in technical means Alarm
Appendix 19 Reference List of regulatory documents on which there are references to the manual 1. General
2. General requirements for the installation of technical means of alarm
3. Installation of object security and security and fire detectors
4. Installation of fire detectors
5. Installation of receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices and firing
6. Installation of the perimeter technical software security alarm system (pos)
7. Installation of devices of security electrical lighting
8. Installation of the device and alarm alarm
9. Fire safety requirements when installing technical means of alarm in fire hazardous areas
10. Special requirements when installing technical means of alarm in hazardous areas
11. Power supply of technical means of alarm
12. Installation of electrical wiring of object technical means of alarm
13. Installation of electrical wiring of the linear part of the perimeter technical arrangement of the security alarm system
14. Grounding of technical means of alarm
15. Commissioning work
16. Acceptance of the technical means of alarm
17. Marking and sealing
18. Labor safety requirements
19. Guarantees
Annex 1 Examination Act (Form)
Appendix 2 Recommended Act (shape) of the readiness of buildings, buildings and structures to the production of installation work
Appendix 3 Recommended Act (form) on conducting input control
Appendix 4 scheme for providing round-the-clock operation of fire detectors when connecting security and fire cables to one receiving and control device
Appendix 5 Recommended Act (form) on the end of the installation work
Appendix 6.
Appendix 7 recommended
Appendix 8 Recommended Act (Form) Testing Protective Pipes with Sealing Seals for Tightness
Appendix 9 Recommended Act (shape) Measurement of electrical wiring insulation resistance
Appendix 10 Recommended Act (form) Examination of hidden work on laying electrical wiring walls, ceilings, in the floor
Appendix 11 Recommended Act (form) examination of hidden work (sewage)
Appendix 12 Recommended Act (form) examination of hidden works (cable lines laying in Earth)
Appendix 13 Recommended Protocol (shape) of heating cables on drums
Appendix 14 Recommended Act (form) on completion of commissioning works
Appendix 15 Recommended List of Measuring Devices recommended when installing, configuring and commissioning technical means of alarm
Appendix 16 Recommended statement (form) of mounted receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices, detectors, alarm, technical means
Appendix 17 Recommended ACT (form) on acceptance of technical means of signaling alarm
Appendix 18 Recommended Act (Form) on Detected Detected in Technical Means
Appendix 19 Reference List of Regulatory Documents on which there are links to the manual

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Headquarters private security


Head of Guova

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

V.S. Ryabov

to the Steering Document
Systems and Complexes of the Security, Fire and Security and Fire Alarm
Rules of production and acceptance of work

RD 78.145-93
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Moscow 1995


Approved Guovo Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Developers V.G. Sinylov, A.A. Antonenko, E.P. Tyurin, L.I. Savchuk, V.D. Belyaev

Introduced Instead of the benefit to the BP 25.09-85 (Ministry of Enborbor)


2. General requirements for the installation of technical means of alarm

3. Installation of object security and security and fire detectors

4. Installation of fire detectors

5. Installation of receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices and firing

6. Installation of the perimeter technical software security alarm system (pos)

7. Installation of devices of security electrical lighting

8. Installation of the device and alarm alarm

9. Fire safety requirements when installing technical means of alarm in fire hazardous areas

10. Special requirements when installing technical means of alarm in hazardous areas

11. Power supply of technical means of alarm

12. Installation of electrical wiring of object technical means of alarm

13. Installation of electrical wiring of the linear part of the perimeter technical arrangement of the security alarm system

14. Grounding of technical means of alarm

15. Commissioning work

16. Acceptance of the technical means of alarm

17. Marking and sealing

18. Labor safety requirements

19. Guarantees

Annex 1CT survey (form)

Appendix 4Shem to ensure round-the-clock operation of fire detectors when connecting security and fire cables to one receiving and control device

Appendix 19 Handlery of the regulatory documents on which there are links to the manual


1.1. These requirements apply to the production of work on the installation, setting up and commissioning of object and perimeter technical means of security, fire and security and fire alarms (hereinafter referred to as the "alarm" text) installed in buildings, buildings, premises, for fences (hereinafter referred to as text. "Objects").

1.2. Organizations and individuals who have licenses of the established sample, giving the right to carry out these works, are allowed to assembly.

1.3. When installing object and perimeter technical means of alarm, the requirements of SNiP, Pue, RD 78.145-92 "Systems and Complexes of the Security, Fire and Security and Fire Alarm will be observed. Rules of production and acceptance of work", existing state and industry standards, other regulatory documents.

1.4. These requirements are required to fulfill with all organizations and private individuals, work on installation, configuration and commissioning of technical means of alarm.

Requirements for design and estimate documentation

1.5. The procedure for obtaining, consideration, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation must comply with the requirements of SNiP 1.02.01-85.

According to objects protected or subject to transferring units of private protection under the internal affairs bodies (later, "security divisions"), design and estimate documentation should be coordinated with these divisions.

The term of consideration and coordination of design and estimate documentation is one month. The approval period is two years.

1.6. The customer (general contractor) transfers the installation and commissioning organization working documentation in the composition: design - in two copies; Estimated - in one instance.

1.7. When receiving design and estimate documentation, the installation and commissioning organization checks its completeness, the presence of a stamp is "allowed to produce" and approved by the signature of the responsible representative of the customer, certified by the seal.

1.8. Design and estimate documentation at which, with the time of approval and after two years, for some reason, installation work was not started, re-examined by the project organization - the project developer, is coordinated and approved in the prescribed manner, and the customer puts a new stamp "allowed to produce ".

1.9. The installation and commissioning organization considers design and estimate documentation and presents to the customer reasonable comments.

1.10. If the Customer makes changes to the transmitted design and estimate documentation, it must be in concerted deadlines before the work began to additionally convey the installation and commissioning organization two copies of the changed documentation and the list of canceled drawings and documents.

If there are disagreements between the customer and the installation and commissioning organization arising from the coordination of design and estimate documentation, they are considered in the prescribed manner.

1.11. Retreats from the project documentation during installation of technical alarm systems are not allowed without coordination with the project design organization, and on objects protected or subject to transferred under private security - and with security departments.

1.12. At facilities protected or subject to private security, it is allowed to carry out installation work on survey acts in accordance with the typical project decisions with the exception of objects:

new construction;

under the supervision of state control bodies for the use of historical and cultural monuments;

having explosive zones.

To compile an act of the examination, a commission is created as part of the representatives of the customer, the security divisions, divisions of the Mrselfge and, if necessary, the installation and commissioning organization.

1.13. In some cases, in coordination with the state control authorities, the use of historical and cultural monuments is allowed to carry out installation work on survey acts.

1.14. The validity of the survey act is no more than two years. The act of an act can be extended for the same term by the Commission in the composition specified in clause 1.12.

The retreats from the acts of the examination and typical design solutions in the process of installing technical means of alarm are not allowed without coordination with the Customer, domains of Mrselfzhsor and security departments.

Preparation for work

1.15. The production of work on the installation of technical alarms is proceeded within the terms provided for by the Treaty. At the same time, the installation and commissioning organization should be made by the following preparatory work:

design and estimated design documentation has been adopted;

the construction part of the object is adopted according to SNiP 3.05.06-85;

accepted from the Customer (general contractor) Materials, technical means of alarm system to be installed, in the amount and nomenclature provided by the project;

checked the presence of electrical lighting in the mounting zone;

made metal structures;

a project for the production of work in accordance with RD 78.145-92 or with an act of examination has been developed and approved.

1.16. Technical means of alarm, materials, technical documentation of manufacturers (passport, installation and operational instructions for technical means, certificates for materials) are transmitted by the Customer (general contractor), the installation and commissioning organization in the manner and deadlines established by the existing "rules on the contracts for capital Construction "," Regulations on the relationship between organizations - general contractors with subcontractors "and the schedule for the supply of materials that are part of the project's work project.

Acceptance of buildings, buildings, structures (perimeter zone fences) and installation premises (under installation) of technical means of alarm

1.17. On facilities for equipment with technical means of alarm must be performed construction worksprovided for this time with a comprehensive network schedule or calendar plan Production of work, including:

the conditions for the safe production of installation work corresponding to sanitary and fire provisions are provided;

constant or temporary networks are laid, bringing to the electricity object, with devices for connecting electrical wiring of consumers;

made in accordance with architectural and construction drawings for the production of opening, holes, shoes, furrows, niches and nests in the foundations, walls, partitions and overlaps, and mortgage devices are installed in them;

building structures (opening windows, doors, etc.), glasses are inserted and cleaned of contamination, dropped ceilings and falsefields are disclosed;

installed fencing (fence) around the perimeter of the object or perimeters of protected sites that meet the requirements of CH 441-72;

concrete supports, foundations, wells, columns, racks and pillars are installed by the customer;

distressed and cleared zones for installation of perimeter technical means security alarm (Pos.), In which there should be no shrub, trees. If it is necessary to protect against accidental penetrations of people and animals in a protected area, additional fences are installed with a height of at least 1 m (as a metal grid or other materials) provided for by the project or act of the examination;

protective pipes are laid or mounted constructions of cable sewage in soils, under the roadway part of the asphalt concrete roads and railroad tracks, through water obstacles, for the subsequent installation of cable lines of communication and other wired products;

construction readiness and input of two independent sources of power supply are provided. Indoors where receiving-control devices (PCP) are installed, signal-starting devices (SPU) or centralized observation consoles (PCN);

1.18. The fence-equipped with technical means should be straightforward, without unnecessary turns that limit the observation and impeding them (funds) use, without external protrusions and depressions that facilitate its overcoming.

The fence with the external and inner side should not be adjusted to any extensions except for buildings overlooking the perimeter and are part of it.

The perimeter of the fence is divided into separate zones (block plots) with the issuance of independent signals on the PCP or PCN. The length of the site block is selected, based on the terrain, the configuration of the external fence and technical requirements to the placement of a specific technical means

1.19. When expanding and reconstructing enterprises, a part of the object is under construction should be corrected from the currently protected fence.

1.20. The production of work on the installation of technical means of alarm is proceeded after signing an act of readiness of the object, according to the recommended Annex 2.

Supply, storage and delivery of technical alarm systems

1. General Provisions
2. General requirements on the installation of technical means of alarm
3. Installation of object security and security and fire detectors
4. Installation of fire detectors
5. Installation of receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices and firing
6. Installation of perimeter technical means of security alarm system (pos)
7. Installation of devices of security electrical lighting
8. Installation of the device and alarm alarm
9. Requirements fire safety When installing technical means of alarm in fire hazardous areas
10. Special requirements when installing technical means of alarm in hazardous areas
11. Power supply of technical means of alarm
12. Installation of electrical wiring of object technical means of alarm
13. Installation of electrical wiring of the linear part of the perimeter technical means of security alarm system
14. Grounding of technical means of alarm
15. Commissioning work
16. Acceptance of the technical means of alarm
17. Marking and sealing
18. Labor safety requirements
19. Guarantees
Appendix 1. Examination Act (Form)
Appendix 2. (recommended). Act (form) of the readiness of buildings, buildings and structures to the production of installation works
Appendix 3. (recommended). Act (form) on conducting input control
Appendix 4. Scheme for ensuring round-the-clock operation of fire detectors when connecting security and fire cables to one receiving and control device
Appendix 5. (recommended). Act (form) on the end of the installation work
Appendix 6. Schemes of blocking of openings of ohmic detectors
Appendix 7. (recommended). PTU placement scheme
Appendix 8. (recommended). Act (form) testing of pipes with dividing seals for tightness
Appendix 9. (recommended). Act (form) Measurement of electrical wiring insulation resistance
Appendix 10. (recommended). Act (form) of examination of hidden work on laying electrical wiring walls, ceilings, in the floor
Appendix 11. (recommended). Act (form) of examination of hidden work (sewage)
Appendix 12. (recommended). Act (form) examination of hidden works (cable lines gasket)
Appendix 13. (recommended). Protocol (form) of heating cables on the drums
Appendix 14. (recommended). Act (form) on completion of commissioning works
Appendix 15. (recommended). List of measuring instruments recommended when installing, configuring and commissioning technical means of alarm
Appendix 16. (recommended). Statement (form) of mounted receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices, detectors, alarm, technical means
Appendix 17. (Recommended). Act (form) on acceptance of technical alarm systems
Appendix 18. (recommended). Act (form) on detected defects in technical means Alarm
Appendix 19. (Reference). The list of regulatory documents to which there are links to the manual