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Types of fire alarm systems. Fire alarm equipment. Features of design and installation OPS

Now it is impossible to imagine any object of industrial or civilian purposes not equipped with a security and fire alarm. The assignment of a fire alarm is to perform a certain sequence of actions, according to a given algorithm. These actions include the notification of personnel and relevant services about penetration on a protected object or fire danger occurrence.

Work of security alarm

The system of security alarm is a combination of special special uses.

The alarm kit includes the following devices:

  • Sensors of various purposes
  • Main unit or receiving and control device
  • Uninterruptible nutrition device
  • Means alert

Sensors, depending on the purpose, react to certain external factorswhich cause them to trigger. These devices can respond to the opening of the doors and windows, the movement of the physical object, the breakdown of the glass, the destruction of the wall structures and the substru. To implement these functions, the design of the sensors involves the use of various physical principles. The triggering of the sensor entails the rupture (opening) of the electrical circuit. Several successively connected sensors of the same type are a security alarm cable. Using the control buttons, each loop can be armed or removed from security.

Designed to connect a specific number of loops, power supply to sensitive sensors and an alarm. The simplest devices intended for the protection of small apartments or offices allow you to connect from one to four loops.

Reception and control devices used in large shopping centers, educational institutions, health institutions and industrial enterprises can have up to several tens of trainers. Control such a complex is carried out by a special console using software.

An important element of the security alarm is uninterruptible power systemwhich provides continuous and round-the-clock operation of the system. To do this, in the power supply scheme provided automatic switching to battery, when the network is disappeared in case of emergency situations. Starting time depends on the capacity of the rechargeable battery.

Assignment and Functions of the Security Alarm Provide a notification of the security structure in the following cases:

  • Opening doors and windows
  • Movement in the sensor tracking zone
  • Smoking glass
  • Attempts to destroy the wall

The inclusion of the alerts is performed automatically, if the alarm is assigned to protection. These tools include light and audible signaling devices. The main function of the security alarm is the transmission of an unauthorized penetration signal local security panel and / or calling a group of immediate response through a centralized monitoring of the cable line, GSM, Wi-Fi channel or radio channel.

Purpose and key functions

The fireguards system also represents special purpose sensors connected using two-wire lines (loops) to the receiving and control device.

Fire sensors (detectors) include the following models:

  • Sensors triggered with temperature increase
  • Sensors reacting to the appearance of smoke
  • Manual detectors (IPR)

Temperature sensors With self-healing react to an increase in temperature over a certain limit. Usually this threshold is + 70 0 S. The smoke sensors (DIP) are triggered at a certain level of smoke indoors. With the help of manual detectors, everyone who noticed smoke or fire can enable the fire alarm system, breaking the glass and pressing the button with fixation, or turning the lever. The design of the IPR does not allow inverse switching without opening the case. When the fire detectors are triggered, the receiving and control instrument includes alarm and alerts.

These include:

  • Removeless signaling devices like "Lighthouse"
  • Siren
  • Light tablet
  • Voice alert system

Fire alarm must provide 24-hour continuous mode Work and maintain its performance in the conditions of fire. Modern fire alarms, thanks to the built-in communication modules, allow when triggered sensors transmit a signal fire alarm in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Additional features

Fire alarm functions may include additional features that are implemented by software tools. So, for example, the basic security alarm device may include any external devices. It can be a digital automatic camera or a hidden camcorder with information recording on a memory card. If the violator managed to leave the protected object before the operational group arrives, it can be subsequently identify using video materials.

Fire alarm can be programmed to include an automatic fire extinguishing system and smoke removal. In some cases, on industrial facilities, fire alarms can control hermetic refractory doors, which cuts off the source of fire from the rest of the premises.

Fire alarm (PS) is a complex of technical means, the purpose of which to detect fire, smoke or fire and notice a person in a timely manner. The main task of salvation of people's life, minimizing damage caused and preserving property.

It may consist of the following elements:

  • Device receiving-control fire (PPKP) - the brain of the entire system, controls the plumes and sensors, includes and disables the automation (fire extinguishing, smoke removal), manages the alarms and transmits signals to the security console rate or local dispatcher (for example, a security guard);
  • Different types of sensorswhich can react to factors such as smoke, open flame and heat;
  • Fire alarm loop (SC) - This is a link between sensors (detectors) and PPCP. There is no power of sensors on it;
  • Hanging - The device designed to attract attention, there are light - strobe lamps, and sound - sirens.

By the method of control over the loops, the fire alarm is distributed to the following types:

PS Threshold System

It is often called traditional. The principle of operation of this type is based on a change in resistance in the loop of fire alarm systems. Sensors can only be in two physical states. "norm"I. "fire" In the event of fixing the factor of the fire, the sensor changes its internal resistance and the receiving and control device outputs the alarm along the loop in which this sensor is installed. It is not always visually to determine the place of work, because In the threshold systems on one plume, an average of 10-20 fire detectors are installed.

To determine the SC malfunction (and not the state of the sensors), the terminal resistor is used. It is always installed at the end of the loop. When using fire tactics "Traveling PS for two detectors", to receive a signal "Attention" or "Fire probability" In each sensor, the adding resistance is installed. This allows you to apply automatic fire extinguishing systems at the facility and eliminating possible false alarms and damage. Automation of fire extinguishing is launched only in the case of the simultaneous work of two or more detectors.

PPKP "Granit-5"

The following PPCP can be attributed to the threshold type:

  • "Note" series, manufacturer Argus spectrum
  • VERS PC, manufacturer VERS
  • granite series devices, manufacturer of NGO "Siberian Arsenal"
  • SIGNAL-20P, SIGNAL-20M, C2000-4, NPB manufacturer Car and other fire appliances.

The advantages of traditional systems include ease of installation and low cost of equipment. The most significant drawbacks are the inconvenience of the fire alarm service and the high probability of false alarms (resistance may vary from many factors, sensors cannot transmit dust information), reduce the number of which you can only use another type of PS and equipment.

Address and threshold system PS

A more perfect system is capable of automatic mode to periodically check the state of the sensors. In contrast to the threshold alarm, the principle of operation lies in another sensor survey algorithm. Each detector is assigned its own unique address, which allows the receiving-control device to distinguish them and understand the specific reason and the location of the malfunction.

The SP5.13130 \u200b\u200brules set allows you to install only one address detector provided that:

  • PS does not manage fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations or fire alert systems of the 5th type, or other equipment that as a result of the launch can lead to material losses and reduced people's safety;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe room where the fire detector is installed is not more than the area to which this type of sensor is calculated (you can check on the passport of technical documentation on it);
  • the performance of the sensor is monitored and in the case of a malfunction, a "malfunction" signal;
  • It is possible to replace the defective detector, as well as its detection on external indication.

Sensors in the address-threshold alarm can already be several physical states - "norm", "fire", "Malfunction", "Attention", "Dustiness" And others. In this case, the sensor independently goes into a different state, which allows you to determine the location or ignition with an accuracy of the detector.


The following PPKP can be attributed to the address and threshold type of fire alarm:

  • Signal-10, manufacturer of the NPB car;
  • Signal-99, manufacturer promservis-99;
  • Dosor-1M, manufacturer Nita, and other fire appliances.

Address and Analog PS System

The most progressive type of fire alarm. It has the same functionality as address-threshold systems, but differs in the method of processing signals from sensors. Decision on the transition to mode "fire" Or any other state takes the control panel, and not a detector. This allows you to configure fire alarm operation for external factors. The PPCP simultaneously controls the status of the parameters of the installed devices and analyzes the obtained values, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of false alarms.

In addition, such systems have no challenging advantage - the ability to apply any topology of the address line - tire, ring and star. For example, in the case of a ring lines break, it will split into two independent wired loops that will fully retain their performance. In a star type lines, you can use special short-circuit insulators that determine the place of the lines of the line or its closure.

Very comfortable such systems in service, because You can detect real-time detectors that require purge or replacement.

The following PPCP can be attributed to the address and analog type of fire alarm.

  • Controller of the two-wire line of the C2000-KDL, the manufacturer of the NPB car;
  • Series of address instruments "Rubezh", manufacturer Rubezh;
  • RPRO 2 and RROP and (depending on the sensors used), the manufacturer of the Argus spectrum;
  • and many other devices and manufacturers.

Diagram of the address and analog fire alarm system based on PPKP C2000-KDL

During the choice of the designer system, all the requirements of the customer's technical task are taken into account and pay attention to the reliability of the functioning, the cost of installation work and the requirements for regulatory service. When the reliability criterion for a simpler system begins to fall, the designers switch to the use of a higher level.

Radio channels are used in cases where the cable laying becomes economically unprofitable. But this option requires more tools for maintenance and maintaining devices in working condition by periodic replacement of batteries.

Classification of fire alarm systems according to GOST R 53325-2012

Types and types of fire alarm systems, as well as their classification is presented in GOST R 53325-2012 "Fire technique. Fire automation technical means. General technical requirements and test methods".

Address and non-educational systems We have already considered higher. Here you can add that the first allow you to install non-educational fire detectors, through special extenders. One address can be connected to eight sensors.

According to the transmitted information from the PPCP to the sensors are divided into:

  • analog;
  • thresholds;
  • combined.

According to the general information container, i.e. The total number of connected devices and loops are divided into devices:

  • low information container (up to 5 shc);
  • medium information container (from 5 to 20 SC);
  • large information container (more than 20 shc).

According to informative, otherwise, according to the possible number of issued notices (fire, malfunction, dustiness and other) are divided into instruments:

  • low informativeness (up to 3 notifications);
  • medium informativeness (from 3 to 5 notifications);
  • large informativeness (from 3 to 5 notifications);

In addition to these parameters, the system is classified by:

  • Physical implementation of communication lines: radio channels, wired, combined and optical fiber;
  • In composition and functionality: without the use of computing equipment, using SVT and the possibility of its use;
  • Control object. Managing various fire extinguishing installations, smoke removal facilities, alert and combined;
  • Expansion opportunities. Unreleased or expandable, allowing installation in a case or a separate connection of additional components.

Types of fire alert systems

The main task of the alert and evacuation management system (SOUD) is the timely alert of people about the fire in order to ensure safety and operational evacuation from the smokers and buildings in a safe area. According to FZ-123 "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and SP 3.13130.2009, it is divided into five types.

The first and second type of Sowe

On the majority of small and medium-sized fire safety standards, you must install the first and second type of alert.

At the same time, for the first type, the mandatory presence of a sound bearing is siren. For the second type, the Light Tablo "Exit" is added. Fire alert must work simultaneously in all rooms with a permanent or temporary stay of people.

Third, fourth and fifth Type of Sowe

These types are automated systems, the launch of the alert is fully assigned automation, and the role of a person in managing the system is minimized.

For the third, fourth and fifth type of SUE, the main method of warning is speech. Pre-developed and recorded texts are transmitted, which allow evacuation as efficient as possible.

In the 3rd type Additionally, the "Exit" light pointers is used and the sequence of alert is regulated - first service personnel, and then all the others on a specially designed order.

In the 4th type There is a requirement for the availability of communication with the dispatching inside the alert zone, as well as additional light pointers of the direction of movement. Fifth typeThis includes everything that is listed in the first four, plus this is added to this requirement on the availability of the inclusion of light pointers for each evacuation zone, a full automation of the control system control and the organization of many evacuation paths from each alert zone is provided.

Security alarm (OPS) is a technical complex for detecting an alarm event and the formation of appropriate alerts. The OPS operation algorithm contains several stages:

  • the detection of a factor concomitant unauthorized penetration on the object (the security component of the system - OS) or fire - fire - PS;
  • transmission of information on the control device;
  • the inclusion of light sounding, transmission of information on the console.

Detections are responsible for detection. The principle of their work is to convert the impact on their sensors. The nature of the impact may be different: physical (punch, opening), acoustic, temperature, etc. Depending on this, the types of OPS detectors are distinguished.

As an example, consider the work of the maximum thermal fire detector (IP). Two of its spring-loaded contact are connected by a slightly smelting point. When heated to the operating temperature, the solder melts, the contacts are diverted to the sides, the electrical circuit opens.

It should be noted that the output of the fire detector is always electric. In the simplest case, this is a threshold signal (there is a contact - there is no it), more complex OPS systems use the transmission of information in digital form. Wires (cables) or radio channels - wireless alarm can be used as a link.

The structural scheme of the OPS is shown in Fig. one.

  • And - detector (sensor);
  • LS - communication line (wired or radio channel);
  • PCP - receiving control device;
  • O - Owner;
  • BP - power supply;
  • M - additional modules.

All this is included in the mandatory composition of the system of the system.

Fire alarm Security Tools

What are detectors, sometimes they are called sensors, we have already spoken. The principle of operation of these funds is determined by the assignment (view) of the sensor or the detection method.

Basic types of security alarm sensors:

  • magnetocontact;
  • acoustic (sound);
  • movements;
  • vibration.

Fire detectors are:

  • smoke;
  • thermal;
  • flame.

As mentioned, regardless of what the sensors react to, they form an electrical signal at the outlet, characterizing their condition. This is analyzed by the control device. The classification of the PCP is made in many respects, including:

Information container - the number of loops (for addressing systems - detectors), which can be connected to the device.

Informativeness - the number and types of formable alerts. For at least two of them: "norm" ("guard") and "anxiety". Modern equipment is more informative, able to determine the fault of the sensors, their addresses (localization of the triggering zone), etc.

Owners include devices that form sound, light signals depending on the system status. As a rule, it is necessary to control the OPS from the outside of the object.

The power of the fire alarm system must be uninterrupted and ensure the operation of the OPS when the network is disconnected in the standby mode for at least 24 hours. To this end, the power supplies are equipped with batteries (AKB), have the option of automatic transition to "reserve". In addition, it is useful to monitor the state of the battery, its protection against deep discharge, as well as protection against short circuits, overloads.

It should be noted that the BP is not always a mandatory part of the system. There are receiving control devices with built-in sources of secondary voltage and batteries. Wireless sensors are powered by individual batteries. Thus, with a certain configuration of the fire alarm, a separate BP is not required.


It should be said that the features listed features are not limited. This is especially true of fire alarm. If the ignition is detected, ventilation must be disconnected, the elevators are turned on "to lower", the alert system is launched, etc. Management of these engineering systems is made by special modules, relays.

Remote signal transmission, for example, on the security console can be carried out:

  • on cable lines;
  • dedicated to the radio frequency channel;
  • networks of cellular operators.

For each case, appropriate modules of conjugation, transmission are used.

Modern security fire alarm can work as a network system. Accordingly, interface converters, modules (fees) of matching with PCs are required.


Consider the OPS as a single system is not entirely correct. From the point of view of the hardware at the level of detectors, differences are cardinal. Security cannot be used to detect a fire, and firefighters are security.

Different requirements for design and installation, licensing, regulatory documentation is also specific for each type of signaling. The perception of OPS as a universal system is caused by the approach of many years ago, when even security and fire sensors were included in one loop.

Modern control devices (panels) have settings that allow them to be used both for "security" and "firefights", but at the same time apply them to one loop will not work. For different sections, this is possible, so the PCP can act as a general device. The same applies to the removal uniforms, power supplies.

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