Repair Design Furniture

Labor people fall planning in the senior group. Calendar activity plan on the topic "work of people in the fall" in the middle group

from 25.04.2016 – 29.04. 2016 theme of the week:"The work of people in the spring."

  • Talk with the child about what season it is now, what changes have occurred in living and inanimate nature in spring;
  • remember the names of the spring months, signs of spring;
  • clarify what people do in the spring in the fields, gardens and orchards? What tools are used to work in gardens and orchards?
  • Make sure your child answers in full sentences.

Didactic games and exercises

  • " And I will"(finish the sentence to the end according to the model)

My brother is digging, and I will dig.

Dad saws, and I will saw.

Mom waters, and I ....

Dad is cleaning and I...

Dad cuts, and I ...

Grandma is planting, and I ...

Mom sows, and I ...

Mom whitens, and I ...

Dad cuts the branches and I...

  • "Continue the offer":

In the spring, people dig in the gardens, .......

  • "Call me affectionately" (formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix)

Garden -

Bed -

Apple tree -

Flowerbed -

  • Perform the exercise with the fingers "Rake"

Hands like a rake (the thumb is pressed to the palm, and the rest are slightly apart and half-bent, scraping along the rough surface with the fingertips (on stressed syllables):

We rake garbage from the ground,

So that the sprouts could break through to the light.

Learn a poem:

They took a rake and shovels - the guys went to the garden.

Here they dig, there they loosen, they remove garbage from the ridges.

Turnips are sown, onions are planted, and then everyone is watered.

  • Read and discuss stories


People have a lot of worries in the spring. We need to germinate the seeds, prepare the beds,

plant potatoes, onions, sow dill, parsley, carrots, beets. In the garden -

dig trees, cut dry branches, and plant beautiful flowers in flowerbeds.

Then the summer will be beautiful, and the autumn with the harvest, and the winter with supplies.

The labor of people in the spring

At the end of spring, on warm May days, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage are planted.

It is necessary to have time in a short time, until the soil has dried up, to sow the seeds of cereal and vegetable plants, to plant potatoes.

In gardens, trees and shrubs are sprayed with poisonous substances that kill insect pests. Just like autumn lower part trunks fruit trees whitened with lime.

In the spring, fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the gardens.

On the streets of cities, towns and villages, trees are cut and new plants are planted. Decorative flowers are planted in parks and squares.

The labor of people in the spring

In the spring, a family works in the garden. Mom paints the trunks of trees so that insects do not damage them. Dad is digging up the ground to plant young trees. Boy Misha is planting seedlings. The girl Masha waters them because the plants need moisture. The whole family is in a great mood. Everyone is excited about spring!

Gulsinya Gibadullina
"The labor of people in autumn." Calendar-thematic plan of classes in senior group(continuation)

7 week. Theme: Labor of people in autumn (October 6-10, 2014)

Communication. "What goes around comes around. ".

Program content: to summarize the knowledge of children that bread is a valuable food product, the production of which requires a lot of work; to educate in children a careful, respectful attitude towards bread and the work of grain growers; fix the name of the professions tractor driver, combine operator, grain grower, baker; to achieve a conscious understanding of the price of bread by children; teach children to save bread; develop logical thinking, develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary; develop visual, auditory memory, attention. (notebook)

EMF formation. Topic: Number 0. Number 0.

Program content: to form an idea of ​​the number 0, to introduce the number 0, to form the ability to correlate the number 0 with the situation of the absence of objects. Train the ability to recognize and name geometric bodies, the ability to count up to 9 and correlate the numbers 1-9 with quantity. (L. G. Peterson. Playing game - a step to school. P. 49, lesson No. 7)

Reading fiction.

Fairy tale "Hare-bouncer", V. Levin "Chest", S. Marshak. "The House That Jack Built", "Goldilocks", trans. from Czech. K. Paustovsky; Y. Vladimirov "Eccentrics", they say. nar. fairy tale "How the brothers found their father's treasure."

Formation of the CCM. "Bread is the head of everything"

Program content: to give ideas about the benefits of bread for human health; give primary ideas about the profession of a baker; expand the horizons and vocabulary of children; to cultivate respect for the work of adults, respect for bread; cultivate curiosity; to cultivate an ecological culture; to form the ability to work together, to cultivate a sense of pride in their work. (abstract)

Drawing. "Loaf"

Program content: to expand children's ideas that bread is a valuable food product that people cannot do without, and a lot of work is spent on obtaining it. To acquaint with the tools that people used when growing and processing bread: plow, harrow, sickle, millstones. Vocabulary work: grain grower, grain, ear, rye. To cultivate respect for the work of grain growers, a careful attitude to bread. (abstract)

Application. "Mill"

Program content: to consolidate the skills of working with scissors, to learn how to arrange the work on a sheet, to decorate the craft with details. Continue to cultivate respect for the work of the grain grower, a careful attitude to bread. (abstract)

Design. "The harvest is coming from the field"

(vegetables, teamwork)

Program content: develop creativity, constructive abilities of children, fine motor skills, Raise interest in agricultural work, respect for professions related to agriculture. (abstract)

To be continued.

" eighteen " September "20__17__" Theme of the week WORK OF PEOPLE IN AUTUMN


Individual work



Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "What did autumn bring us?". Tasks: to form knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to name the shape and color of objects.

Practical exercise "We are on duty." Tasks:familiarize yourself with the purpose of the form.formknowledge and skills necessary to carry outduty work.

Game exercise "Freeze".Tasks: to form the ability to performfreecoordinated movements, stop on signal.Increase children's physical activity.

Correctional and health-improving game "Bubble".
Tasks:Build diaphragmatic breathing skillshaniya, the ability to take a short light breath and a long prolong breath.

With Darina, Artem. D / and "Call it in one word." Tasks: to form the ability to name objects in one word, to enrich vocabulary.

Create conditions for the s / r game "Sell the harvest." Tasks:To develop in children the ability to imaginedesired situation, develop the plot, apply your knowledgeAnd personal experience. Develop communication skillsdialogical form of speech.


    Acquaintance with the environment. Subject: My family. Tasks: introduce the concept of "family". Give initial ideas about family relations in the family: each child is simultaneously a son (daughter), grandson (granddaughter), brother (sister). Mom and dad daughter and son grandparents. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members. (O.V. Dybina. Acquaintance with the subject and social environment).

    Physical education (according to the plan of the instructor in f / k)


Air movement monitoring.

Tasks.Inform children that air is necessary for life on earth, it surrounds us. Use ribbons and spinners to show the children that the air is moving.

Mobile game "Shaggy dog".Tasks.Exercise children in the ability to act in accordance with the text, improve the performance of basic movements when running, develop speed of reaction, and help harden the child's body.

Didactic game "Hot-cold".Tasks.To help children memorize the names of trees on the site, to cultivate curiosity, resourcefulness, to develop coherent speech.

Labor on site. Cleaning up fallen leaves in the area.

Tasks.Create a joyful mood from the work done; cultivate an ecological culture.

And / r with Sonya, Misha on f / k. Tasks: exercise in duck walking.

Role-playing game "Drivers".

Tasks.Continue to form the ability to distribute roles, perform game actions in accordance with the game plan.


The upbringing of the KGN. Tasks: to form the ability to dress neatly after sleep, to monitor their appearance.

Collective application from candy wrappers "Ramka for photography.Tasks:Invite the children to decorate the frames forphoto - a mosaic of candy wrappers and scraps of paper, familiarmit with the technique of performing the application.

Listening to musical works "Autumn Song" (music by E. Vasiliev-Buglay, lyrics by A. Pleshcheev).

Tasks.Encourage children to notice the expressive means of a piece of music, to recognize and name a familiar piece of music.

I/R with Kolya, Yana. Tasks: to consolidate knowledge of the colors of the spectrum, the ability to find and name them.

Create conditions for activities in the center of musical education"Concertfor dolls.

Tasks:Developto develop the creative abilities of children, the desire for creativitywoo. Contribute to the prevention of emotional transferyarn

" 19 " September "20_17___" Theme of the week WORK OF PEOPLE IN AUTUMN

Joint activity of an adult and children aimed at the formation of value orientation and socialization (cultural practices)

Organization of a subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative (corners of independent activity)


Individual work



Morning gymnastics.

Conversation " autumn worries". Tasks: to form children's ideas about the work of adults in the fall, to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

D / and "The postman brought a postcard." Tasks: to exercise in naming actions, to promote the development of memory.

The upbringing of the KGN. Tasks: to fix the rules of conduct at the table; handle bread with care.

Articulation gymnastics. Horse exercise.

Tasks.To help strengthen the muscles of the tongue in children, to work out lifting the tongue up, the flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control the tip of the tongue, and to promote the correct articulation of the sound "P".

With Misha G., Alina. Di"Serving a table."Tasks:to form the ability to distinguish objects of utensils by designationreading, arrange them on the table according to the rules of the servirovki. Activate in speech and clarify the names and designationschenie items of utensils.

Create conditions for free drawing.Tasks: Encourage the desire of childrenuse previously learned techniquesto implement the plan, select colors and materialsin accordance with the intention.


1.FEMP. Subject: COUNT TO FOUR. NUMBER AND NUMBER 4. Tasks: 1. to form an idea about the number and number 4, the ability to count up to four, to correlate the number 4 with the quantity; 2. to form the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher (based on the reflective method) and the experience of overcoming difficulties in the way of “ask someone who knows”; 3. consolidate counting skills, the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects, the ability to compare groups of objects by quantity,
using counting and pairing, the ability to compare and arrange objects in height, the ability to see and continue the pattern of alternating figures that differ in color; 4. train mental operations analysis, comparison and generalization, develop attention, speech, logical thinking, fantasy, imagination, creativity, form the experience of self-control. (L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova. Playing game. Practical course mathematics for preschoolers. FROM.)

2. Music (according to the plan of the music director).


Observation of "Asters in autumn".

Tasks.Expand children's understanding of diversity flora, learn to distinguish autumn flowers by appearance, introduce such a flower as an aster, pay attention to the diverse color of flowers, tell that asters bloom only in autumn.

labor in nature. Leaf cleaning.

Tasks.Stimulate the desire of children to work, the formation of skills to perform appropriate labor operations, the use of the necessary equipment.

Didactic game "Name the geometric figure."

Tasks.To form the ability to visually examine, recognize and correctly name planar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval).

Tasks.To exercise in the ability to navigate in space, to ensure the development of coordination of movements of the hands and feet of children while running, to educate the cohesion of the children's team, to strengthen the health of children.

I/R with Elina, Misha P.Exercise "Throw - catch."

Tasks:To develop in children the ability to throw mecha from the chest. Develop coordination of movements, large motor skills of the hands.

Role-playing game "Bus".

Tasks.Continue to introduce children to public transport, teach the rules of behavior in transport, teach how to beat appropriate actions, taking into account the conditions of the game (moving in a moving bus, having to hold onto handrails, etc.).


Invigorating gymnastics. Complex №2

Reading a poemI. Bunin. "Leaf fall" (excerpt). Tasks: to continue to form interest in poetic texts, the ability to see the beauty of nature in poetry.

D / and "Guess it." Tasks:

encourage children to write descriptive stories

develop the ability to listen carefully to a friend.

View presentation on the poem by Tuwim Y. "Vegetables". Tasks: to expand knowledge about vegetables, encourage repetition of the poem.

P / and with a bell "Zhmurki".Tasks:to form the ability to understand the rules of the game, to play the gameroving actions. Develop auditory perceptionability to navigate in space.

I/R with Misha S., Artem. Di"Edible - not edible."

Tasks:To develop in children the ability to concentrate, act in accordance with the rules of the game,comment on the compliance of their actions with the rules.

Create conditions forgames with building material children's choice.Tasks:Arrange children's application and perfectiondevelopment of skills in working with various materials. Developindulge in fantasy, imagination.

"21" September "20_17___" Theme of the week WORK OF PEOPLE IN AUTUMN

Joint activity of an adult and children aimed at the formation of value orientation and socialization (cultural practices)

Organization of a subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative (corners of independent activity)


Individual work



Morning gymnastics.

Observation of the state of the weather.

Tasks:to form a skilldescribe the state of the weatherresults of observation by accepted definitions(cloudy, windy, gloomy, cold), talk about ongoing phenomena (clouds, clouds run across the sky,branches bend), to see the relationship of phenomena (strengthwind and tree movement).

Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale "Geese-swans".
Tasks:encourage children to talkfairy tales from illustrations, learn to correctly name the deiactions of characters. Develop connected speech.

Exercise "Goose and goslings",

Tasks:To form a sound culture of speech, exercise inaccurate reproduction of sounds, learn to adjust the thunderbone of uttered sounds. Develop sound hearing and articulation.

I/r with Sonya, Arina H. D/i"Kids".

Tasks:Exercise in the ability to use the names of beings in speechnouns denoting animals and their young in a singlevenous and plural (goose - gosling - goslings).Form the grammatical structure of speech.

Create conditions for s/r games"Katya doll is having lunch."

Tasks:to form the ability to use their knowledge about the dining roomutensils, build self-service skills and culturesbut hygienic skills.


    Drawing. Theme: "Let's look out the window." Tasks: to teach children to draw simple plots according to plan. To identify the level of development of graphic skills and compositional abilities. To acquaint with a new way of choosing a plot (defining the idea) - looking at the view from the window. Cultivate curiosity, interest in knowing your immediate environment and its reflection in the drawing.(I.A. Lykova. Visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group. p.18)

    Music (according to the plan of the music director).


Mobile game "We'll go to the garden."

Tasks.Develop coordination of movements, consistency of movements and words, activate the use of verbs in speech: “we will collect”, “we will train”, “dig up”, “we will cut”, “flowers”.

Sand games.

Tasks.Develop fine motor skills and hand flexibility, joint mobility, enrich children's sensory experience.

Observation of the characteristics of the wind. Reading: N. Nekrasov "A mournful wind drives ..."

Tasks.To concretize the knowledge of children about the wind, to teach to determine the strength of the wind, to activate the relevant concepts in speech.

Experimentation. Identification of the properties of air.

Tasks.In the course of simple experiments (moving children in the wind and against the wind, understanding the purpose of clothing for the street), help children identify such air properties as density (resistance to movement) and temperature (the air is warm in the room, cold outside).

Mobile game "The sea is worried."

Tasks.To develop imagination in children, the ability to express a conceived image in motion.

With Danil, Veronica. Game exercise "Funny ball".

Tasks:to form the ability to roll the ball in front of you and catch up with it.Develop speed, agility, coordinationmovements.

Role-playing game "Hospital".

Tasks.To form children's ideas about doctors of different specialties, to use the knowledge gained in games, to cultivate respect for people in this profession.


Invigorating gymnastics. Complex number 2.

Theatrical sketches "Whom did we meet in the forest?"Tasks:exercise in the ability to convey characteristic habits and movementsliving animals. Encourage the creative initiative of children.

viewing models of fruits and vegetables. Tasks: to encourage children to compose descriptive stories, to consolidate knowledge about the gifts of autumn.

Didactic game "Harvesting".Tasks: encouragechildren to use their knowledge ofvegetables, fruits and berries, help compose a story aboutwhere they grow, how to care for them in order to get a goodrich, rich harvest.

Listening to songs from fairy tales and cartoons. Tasks:generate emotional responselistening to music, the ability to recognize familiar songs, sing along,help relieve emotional stress.

I/R with Misha, Zakhar. Di"Collect the circles."

Tasks:Build skills in childrenpick up items in a given afterorder (from largest to smallest). Enrich sensory experience.

Create conditions for self-sculpting on the topic " round vegetables and fruit." Tasks:to form the ability to roll out round balls different sizes, improve the circular movements of the hands when rolling.

" twenty " September "20_17___" Theme of the week WORK OF PEOPLE IN AUTUMN

Joint activity of an adult and children aimed at the formation of value orientation and socialization (cultural practices)

Organization of a subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative (corners of independent activity)


Individual work



Morning gymnastics.

Examination of the album "The work of people in the fall." Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about autumn, the concerns of adults, to develop coherent speech.

Situational conversation“Things need to be cleaned, you don’t have to look for them”

Tasks: to develop independence, to cultivate accuracy.

With Artem, Misha G. on the development of speech. Tasks: exercise in the ability to answer questions on the content of plot pictures.

Create conditions for C / R games"Family Walk in the Woods"

Tasks:Fix the names of the trees, the rules of behavior in the forest, repeat what clothes are needed for the forest.


    The development of speech. Topic: “Description of toys - dogs, foxes. Drawing up a plot story based on a set of toys. Tasks: to teach when describing a toy to name its signs, actions, to connect sentences with each other. To consolidate the ability to correlate the names of animals with the names of their cubs. Practice using the singular and plural nouns denoting baby animals. Form ideas about prepositionsfor, under, on, in , the skills of their application in speech. Strengthen the articulatory apparatus, practice the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds /s/-/s’/ isolated, in words and phrases, learn to pronounce the sound /s/ for a long time, on one exhale, pronounce words clearly and distinctly. (O.S. Ushakova. The development of speech in children 3-5 years old. P. 112).


Sun watching.

Tasks.Clarify children's ideas about the sun. Ask the children why they are now wearing jackets and hats, to form an understanding of the connection between how the sun warms, air temperature and people's clothes.

Mobile game "Find a mate".

Tasks.Teach children to run easily, vigorously pushing off with their toes. To develop spatial orientation, to cultivate interest in outdoor games, to strengthen the children's body.

Labor assignments. Putting things in order in the sandbox.

Tasks.To teach children to collect sand in a slide after playing, to form a conscious attitude to order.

I/r with Darina, Arina M. in f/c. Tasks: exercise in throwing the bag into the distance.

To create conditions for independent physical activity of children. Objectives: to promote prevention emotional overstrain, consolidate knowledge of the rules of outdoor games, learned earlier.


Invigorating gymnastics. Complex number 2.

Reading a fairy tale "War of mushrooms with berries", arr. V. DahlTasks: To acquaint children with a fairy tale, encourage them to answer questions in detail.

D / game "Shop". Tasks: to exercise the ability to compare objects created by man and created by nature.

Games with building material "Bed for dolls".

Tasks.Continue to form the ability to distinguish and name the details of the constructor (cube, plate, brick, bar), establish associative links, offering to remember what similar structures the children saw, practical skills in building construction, support the desire to find practical use their buildings, perform them beautifully, beat them.

With Misha S., Sonya at FEMP. Tasks: to consolidate the ability to count up to 4, to compare 2 groups of objects.

Create conditions for experimentation with objects from different materials- wood, fabric, paper, metal. Objectives: to continue to form knowledge about various materials and their properties.

"22" September "20_17___" Theme of the week WORK OF PEOPLE IN AUTUMN

Joint activity of an adult and children aimed at the formation of value orientation and socialization (cultural practices)

Organization of a subject-spatial environment to support children's initiative (corners of independent activity)


Individual work



Morning gymnastics.

Consideration of a series of plot paintings "Autumn Cares". Tasks:Help children understand the plot of the picture, characterize the relationshipbetween the characters, what they are doing.To consolidate children's knowledge about harvesting, gardening and gardening in the fall.

Offer children games"Geometric Mosaic", "Lacing", "Labyrinth".

Objectives: to promote the development of fine motor skills in children.

P / and "Day - night." Tasks: to develop speed, agility, spatial orientation skill.

with Artem, Misha P. - work assignments for table setting. Tasks: to cultivate a desire to help adults, a culture of food.

Create conditions for collective drawing " autumn tree". Tasks: to develop interest in non-traditional types of drawing - palms, creative skills.


    Modeling. Topic: "Beetles on flower bed". Tasks:Tasks: sculpting beetles in a constructive way with the transfer of the structure (torso, head 6 legs). Fixing the method of sculpting a hemisphere (partial flattening of the ball).(I.A. Lykova. Visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group. P.26)

    Physical education (according to the plan of the instructor in physical education).


labor in nature. Cleaning branches and stones on the site.

Tasks.To teach children to see the mess and eliminate it, to educate industriousness in children.

Watching autumn flowers.

Tasks.Introduce children to names flowering plants: calendula, kosmeya, nasturtium. To consolidate the use of the concepts "high - low", "short - long" in speech.

Mobile game "Find and keep silent".

Tasks.Develop endurance, attention, orientation in space, the ability to self-regulate.

Didactic game "Pick up a couple."

Tasks.Exercise in the ability to select cards with images of identical fruits, activate the corresponding concepts in the speech of children.

by fax with Darina, Veronica. Tasks: exercise in walking with a high knee lift.

Independent activity of children.

Tasks.To educate in children friendliness, mutual respect, goodwill.


Invigorating gymnastics. Complex No. 2

Reading a poemA. Maikov. "Autumn leaves are circling in the wind."Tasks: to teach to listen carefully to the poetic text, to cultivate a love for poetry.

Di "What changed?"

Tasks: to develop the ability of children to determine the state of the weather, to consolidate knowledge characteristic features autumn.

A game of low mobility with speech and musical accompaniment"Bears". Objectives: to promote intellectual and emotional development, teach elementary dance moves, create an atmosphere of emotional comfort.

I / r with Misha G .. D / and " Geometric figures- develop logical thinking.

Create conditions forgames with a plastic Lego-type constructor.

Tasks: to develop creativity, imagination, intellectual activity in constructive and play activities.

Planning educational activities in middle group kindergarten

Topic: Autumn. Labor of people in autumn.
Age average, 4-5 years
Target: Expanding children's ideas about agricultural professions, about the profession of a forester.
educational tasks: to form an idea in children about the autumn preparations of a person for winter in the garden, in the garden, in the field; how animals prepare for winter; Learn about seed preparation.

developing tasks: promote the development of speech, creativity, imagination, memory.
educational tasks: to cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to help them; cultivate love for the environment.
Result, product: multimedia presentation“At a bear in the forest”, video presentation “Our harvest is not bad”, virtual tour “Visiting a forester”, interactive game “How animals prepare for winter”, album “Work makes a person beautiful!”, tabletop didactic game“What tree is the leaf from, an exhibition of drawings, a photo exhibition“ Do not interfere with my work ”, handicrafts from natural material.
Final event:"A walk in the autumn garden" entertainment
Motivation: Children, what do you think, what worries do people have in autumn? And who, with the onset of cold weather, helps animals and keeps order in the forest? Today I brought you a video presentation “We have a good harvest” (view). Do you want to know about the work of people in the fall? And on Friday we will make a virtual trip to the forester. Do you agree?

Cooperation with family (social partners): involvement of parents in the creation of a photo exhibition “Do not interfere with my work”, assistance in the selection of photographic material.

Download Planning of educational activities in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard using ICT "WORK OF PEOPLE IN AUTUMN"

Presentation "Work of people in autumn"

Presentation "The owner of the forest (forester's work)"

Planning of educational work. Group "Rosinka" Topic: "Vegetables. The labor of people in the gardens and in the fields

Educator: Kotegova Zhanna Sergeevna

Day of the week


Methodological support

Group, subgroup


OD in regime moments

10/16/17 - Monday


Social - communicative, cognitive, physical

Moral-cognitive conversation "Autumn has come to visit us"

To consolidate the concepts of "vegetables" and "fruits", the names of individual vegetables and fruits. To instill in children respect for the work of adults.

Didactic game "Name it in one word"

To consolidate the use of generalizing words in the speech of children: "vegetables", "fruits"

morning exercises

D / and "Guess what to do" Purpose: To develop auditory attention. (Dima, Misha, Sasha)

The game “In order, put everything on, become more cheerful and cheerful” Purpose: educating KGN, self-service skills and relationships when dressing

Methodological developments.

Create conditions for modeling on the topic: "A lot of delicious vegetables for friends";

Contribute to the emergence of games with building material

Morning reception of children.

Invite parents to visit the garden, vegetable store with their children


Social - communicative, verbal, physical

1. Music (according to the plan of the music director)

2. Artistic creativity (application)

Theme: "Magic Spikelet"

Purpose: To give an idea about the extraction of flour.

Tasks: To form the ability to perform applications. Develop accuracy in the performance of work. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.


Conversation: "What are the names of your parents"

Purpose: To talk with children about members of their family, to fix their names.

P / I "Round dance"

Purpose: to form the ability of children to dance, exercise in squats.

P / I "One, two, three - run"

Purpose: To teach children to act on a signal

"Jumping over the lines" Purpose: to observe the ability to perform jumps through 4 lines in turn. (Katya, Carolina, Vitalina, Vika)

Labor activity

Garbage collection in the garden.

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of working in the garden.

Create conditions for p / and "Run quietly." Purpose: to learn to move silently.

Create conditions for games with remote material Purpose: to cultivate the ability to play together


Cognitive, artistic - aesthetic, physical

Reading E. Moshkovskaya "Alien Carrot", Y. Tuvim "Vegetables"

Game exercise "Treats for guests." Purpose: To learn to find similarities and differences between vegetables.

d / and "One-many" Purpose: to form the plural form of nouns. (Polina, Ilya, Vika)

Check the correctness of dressing after sleep.

Methodological developments

Create conditions for the Organization role-playing games"Vegetable shop", "Family"

An evening walk

Physical, verbal.

P / and "winding path" Purpose: to fix step over obstacles

P / and “Take care of the object” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to navigate in space

Create conditions for games with balls, hoops Goal: increase YES

Walking with a wide step with Varya, Misha, Maxim

Encourage children to master simple games

Games with remote material

Exchange of personal information.


Planning of educational work. Group "Rosinka" Topic: "Vegetables. The labor of people in the garden and fields

Target: To consolidate the general concept of "vegetables", the names of vegetables. To expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions.

Cultivate caring and love relationship to nature, which generously endows us with its wealth, respect for the work of people working on the earth.

Educator: Kotegova Zh.S.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Methodological support

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


OD in regime moments

10/17/17 - Tuesday


Social - communicative, cognitive, physical.

morning exercises

Conversation “What grows in the garden” Purpose: to summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about vegetables, where they grow, who cares for them.

Solving riddles on the theme "Harvest" Purpose: to express positive emotions, interest, joy, admiration.

Musical game "Cucumber"

Purpose: to introduce children to a new game.

Y/N: "say it right"

Purpose: to exercise in the selection of verbs

Development of the KGN. morning exercises

Situational conversation about the rules of behavior with each other, that you need to be polite, you can’t fight, be greedy.

Methodological developments.

To create conditions for viewing new pictures of vegetables goal: to develop speech attention in children, to learn how to pronounce new names of vegetables correctly

Morning reception of children

Advice to parents on matters of interest.


Social - communicative, artistic - aesthetic

1. Physical Culture(according to the plan of a physical instructor)

2. Cognition: FTsKM

Topic: “Vegetables. Garden"

Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about vegetables, the benefits of vegetables.

Tasks: Continue to form the ability of children to distinguish vegetables by touch, name them, group them. Develop phonemic perception, coherent speech. Solve riddles about vegetables. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards comrades, listening to their answers to the end ..


Cognitive, social - communicative, physical.

Watching the sky and clouds. Purpose: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature; clarify the concept of "Cloud".

P / and "The sea is worried." Purpose: to develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in motion.

Jumping in place on one leg.

Goal: develop coordination (Maxim, Seryozha, Ilya, Yura)

Problem situations “What to wear for a walk in wet weather” Purpose: to teach children to dress for the weather.

Games with portable material.

To create conditions for the s / r game "Journey to the autumn forest" Purpose: To form ideas about the rules of behavior in the autumn forest. Introduce the features of leaf fall.


Cognitive, social - communicative, speech, artistic - aesthetic.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

D / and “A wonderful bag (fruit or vegetable)” Purpose: To learn to name, examine and describe familiar vegetables and fruits, highlighting external features (color, shape, taste).

Reading N. Egorov "Radish, pumpkin, carrot" Purpose: to acquaint children with new works, to develop dialogic speech

D / and "Motors" Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing, speech attention of children. (Katya, Carolina, Ksyusha, Polina)

Formation of self-service skills.

D / and “Everything has its place” Purpose: to cultivate the desire to maintain order in the group, put the toys back in place

Methodological developments

To create conditions for the staging game “Let's cook delicious soup from vegetables” Purpose: to teach children to choose their own role, to play together

An evening walk

Physical, verbal.

"Bird and Cat", "Colored Cars". Target: learn to move in all directions, without bumping into each other.

With Ksyusha, Katya, Maxim, develop dexterity and eye. Hit the target game

Development of communicative qualities.

Games with remote material

Conversation with Egor's parents about changes in his behavior


Planning of educational work. Group "Rosinka" Topic: "Vegetables. The labor of people in the garden and fields

Purpose: To consolidate the general concept of "vegetables", the names of vegetables. To expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions.

To cultivate a careful and loving attitude towards nature, which generously endows us with its riches, respect for the work of people working on the earth.

Educator: Kotegova Zh.S.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Methodological support

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


OD in regime moments

10/18/17 - Wednesday


Social - communicative, cognitive, physical, artistic - aesthetic

Morning, finger and articulatory gymnastics.

Development of coordination of movements of the tongue, fine motor skills.

D / and "Vitaminchiki" To consolidate knowledge about the vitamins that are found in vegetables and fruits; their importance for the growth of the organism

Individual work with Ilya, Misha, Karolina consolidation of knowledge of the parts of the day

Conversation: "How to use individual personal hygiene items?" Purpose: to form KPs and self-service skills

Methodological developments.

To create conditions for viewing pictures with vegetables Purpose: to learn to describe vegetables, to introduce the method of growing vegetables.

Morning reception of children.


Socio-communicative, cognitive physical

1. Music (according to the plan of the music worker)

2. Cognition: Development of speech

Theme: "Vegetables"

Purpose: To promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Objectives: Expand vocabulary. Improve the structure of speech. Train memory for memorization short rhymes and fun. Promote articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing, auditory attention.


Cognitive, social - communicative, physical.

Observation of the state of the weather, the change in color of leaves, fruits on trees. Labor / socialization (Remove fallen leaves. Outdoor game: "Into the forest along the path" - balancing with hands to maintain balance

Ind. work with Ilya, Serezha, Varya. Walking on the short and long path.

Purpose: To consolidate ideas about length.

Territory cleaning from autumn leaves, branches.

Methodological developments

Independent activity on a walk.

Role-playing games at the request of children.


cognitive, physical

Exercise after sleep.

hardening procedures

D / and: “Recognize and name vegetables” Outdoor game “Who will collect vegetables and fruits faster”




"Find the same (by color, size)"

(Vika, Poilna, Alena, Alina)

Formation of self-service skills

Watching cartoons. Listening to audio stories.

An evening walk

Physical, verbal.

P/N: "Birds and a cat" (similar to Sparrows and a car)

Develop dexterity with Yegor, Ilya, Dima, Sasha.

Games with remote material

Exchange of personal information.

Attract the attention of parents to various forms of joint activities with children labor activity in kindergarten and at home.


Planning of educational work. Group "Rosinka" Topic: "OL vegetables. The labor of people in the garden and fields

Purpose: To consolidate the general concept of "vegetables", the names of vegetables. To expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions.

To cultivate a careful and loving attitude towards nature, which generously endows us with its riches, respect for the work of people working on the earth.

Educator: Kotegova Zh.S.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Methodological support

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


OD in regime moments

10/19/17 - Thursday


Social - communicative, cognitive, speech

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "The work of people in the fields and gardens"

Purpose: To introduce children to the profession of a plowman, tractor driver. Cultivate respect for nature and respect for the work of adults.

D / and "One-many" Purpose: to form the plural form of nouns.

Looking at pictures of vegetables. .Purpose: to learn to describe vegetables.

Pronouncing the quatrain “There is a crop on the plate, choose whatever you want. For borscht and for salad, mom will be very happy ”Goal: speech development. (Dima, Misha, Seryozha, Yura)

Morning gymnastics.

Breathing exercises "Whose leaf will fly away first."

Instillation of KGN "Long live fragrant soap"

Purpose: To introduce children to personal hygiene items (soap)

Methodological developments.

Make an album on familiarization with agricultural professions Purpose: to introduce children to agricultural professions, expand children's vocabulary

Morning reception of children.

Individual counseling of parents on emerging issues.

take part in the compilation of the "Book of vitamin recipes"


Social - communicative, cognitive, physical

1. Physical culture. According to the physical plan instructor.


Topic: "Selecting two properties of shapes (shape and size)"

Purpose: The ability to identify essential features by which objects are grouped. Consolidation of spatial relationships.

Tasks: To form the ability to highlight the essential features by which the subject is combined into groups. Develop the ability to distinguish simultaneously two properties of figures (shape, size). Fix the spatial relationship (right - left, up - down, back - forward). Develop independent work skills.


Cognitive, social - communicative, physical.

Weather observation.

Purpose: To expand children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature.

P / I "Sparrows and a cat".

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to jump, bending the legs at the knees, to run without hitting each other.

Individual work with Ksyusha and Karolina. Who will throw the bump next.

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to throw an object at a distance.

Job assignment: plant care, weeding, watering.

Situational conversation “Why you can’t burn dry leaves” Purpose: to form ideas about the rules of behavior in the autumn forest

Construction games.

Independent activity on a walk.

Role-playing games at the request of children. productive activity"Let's bake a cake"


Cognitive, communicative.

Wellness gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths

D / and "Take not take" Purpose: increase vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables"

reading E. Moshkovskaya “Alien Carrot”, Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”

finger game "Finger-boy", "My family"

Purpose: we develop speech, fine motor skills of hands, memory (Anya, Carolina, Vika.P)

"We are friendly guys"

To form the skills of children good

it is desirable to treat children and adults in kindergarten;

learn to communicate with each other

Create conditions for coloring on the topic "Harvest" Purpose: to independently choose the coloring you like, color it carefully without going beyond the outline.

Talk to Maxim's mom about his health (snot, cough)

An evening walk


Outdoor games: "Geese", "Shepherd and flock". Goals: - improve coordination of movements; develop dexterity.

With Maxim, Misha, Alena, development of skills in the long jump.

Development of communicative qualities, teach to follow the rules of the game.

Games with remote material

Talk to your parents about the upcoming parent meeting.