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Experience why the leaves turn yellow. Abstract of GCD "Why do the leaves turn yellow?" in the preparatory group. Bas-relief modeling "Autumn tree"

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson on native nature and activity in the older group, topic: "Exploring the leaves in the" Laboratory of Whychek "


Summarize knowledge about autumn changes in nature.
Investigate the structure of the leaf, empirically conclude that there is a green substance in the leaves.
During the experiment, show children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.
To consolidate knowledge about familiar trees, the shape of their leaves, the meaning of leaves for a tree.
Improve modeling skills.
Dictionary: petiole, edge.
Improve the ability to navigate in space.
Develop attention, coherent speech, general and fine motor skills.
Foster curiosity.

Preliminary work:

On a walk, watch the leaves fall from the trees.
Collection of leaves of various shapes and colors.
Games "Run to the tree, which I will name", "From whose branch are the children."


Magnifiers; pieces of white cloth folded in half; wooden cubes.
Colored pencils, plasticine, modeling equipment.
Leaves are green and other colors.
The leaves are real, large and small, of different shapes.
Leaves of different trees cut out of colored paper.
Boxes with attached drawings depicting trees familiar to children.
Sheets of paper with the tasks "Find a shadow" and "Flight of the leaf".
Sheets of paper are green.

Course of the lesson:

Hello guys, today we have a lesson at the Pochechek Laboratory. We will conduct an experiment and experiment in order to get answers to questions. In addition, you will find many interesting tasks and games. But first, listen to a story about children like you, only from a different kindergarten.

In one kindergarten, children went for a walk in the morning. Suddenly a cool breeze blew, the sun hid behind the clouds. The children shivered and asked:
- What's happened
- Nothing special! Summer is just over! - the teacher said with a smile. - It's autumn.
- And really! - said one boy, upset. - Autumn is a very sad time of the year. Almost every day it rains and a strong wind blows ...
- No, children, - the teacher objected, - every season is wonderful in its own way!

What do you guys think? Explain why you think so. (If the children find it difficult, the teacher uses leading questions: "Why is it so nice to walk in the park in the fall? What gives the autumn forest? Is it bad when adults bring ripe bunches of grapes, watermelons and other goodies from the store or market? Which of you has a day? birth in the fall? And although some birds fly away from us to warm lands, other birds fly to us for the winter. What kind of birds are they?)

Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year because the trees change their green outfits for colorful ones. Leaves not only decorate the tree, thanks to the leaves the tree breathes. Let's take a look at how the leaf works. And in order to get a better look, we will use a magnifying device - a magnifying glass.

Examining leaf structure with a magnifying glass

Consider the petiole first - this is the part that connects the leaf to the branch.
Consider now the top surface of the sheet. You see the veins are thin tubes. Which go from the petiole throughout the leaf. It absorbs sunlight and is therefore always darker than the underside of the leaf. See for yourself if you turn the sheet over and examine its lower surface.
The edge of the sheet is called the "edge". Examine the edge of the sheet.
The top of the leaf is sharp or round. Consider and tell me what your leaflet has.

Dynamic pause "We are autumn leaves"

We are autumn leaves
We sat on the branches
(Smooth swaying of arms above the head)

The wind blew - flew
We flew, we flew
(Hands to the sides, flapping smooth movements, running)

And they sat down quietly on the ground.
(Slowly squat down)

The wind came running again
And he lifted all the leaves.
(Stand up, arms out to the sides)

Spun, flew
(Running with smooth flapping movements)

And they sat down on the ground again,
(Sit down)

Why do the leaves turn yellow in autumn? The fact is that the leaves are green due to the green substance. Now we will conduct an experiment and see this substance.

Experience "Why is the leaf green?"

Take a piece of paper and place it inside a piece of white cloth folded in half. Now with a wooden cube, tap the leaf hard through the fabric. What did you find during the experiment? Green spots appeared on the fabric. It is a green substance from a leaf and stains it green. (For this experiment, it is better to take the succulent leaves of houseplants).
When autumn comes and it gets colder and less sunny. This green substance gradually diminishes until it disappears altogether. Then the leaf turns yellow or ... what color are the leaves of the trees in the fall? Orange, red, brown.

But back to our story.

Everything that you told about autumn was explained to the children by their teacher. And the children agreed with her that the fall is really not that bad. Meanwhile, a strong gust of wind in the courtyard scattered and raised dust and fallen leaves into the air.
- Well! said the stubborn boy. - I told you.
And when the wind calmed down, he exclaimed:
- Look from this tree almost all the leaves have flown.

Experiment "How the leaves fall"

On your walks, you have noticed that leaves fall from trees in different ways. Let's conduct an experiment in order to find out which leaves fall quickly and which slowly, and which leaf is the most beautiful to spin.
To do this, take a sheet in your hand and stand up. Raise your hand with the leaf up and release the leaf from your fingers. While the leaf is flying, carefully monitor its flight and remember: did it fall quickly or slowly, flew straight down or circled?

What conclusions can be drawn from this experiment? Large leaves fall more slowly and hardly whirl. Small leaves fall faster and swirl more.

Didactic graphic exercise "Leaf flight"

Take pencils and trace the dotted lines that represent the path of the leaves from the tree to the ground. You can color the leaves themselves with colored pencils.

Oh oh oh! the boy sighed. - And how the poor trees will be without leaves, completely naked to save themselves from the cold. Maybe we can help them somehow?
And the children came up with the idea of ​​attaching the leaves to the tree with glue or adhesive tape. But first they had to determine from which tree which leaf flew.

Are you able to determine the leaf from which tree? Let's check it out now.

Dynamic pause "From which tree the leaf"

Fallen leaves are scattered on the carpet. The boxes show the trees you know. Run to the carpet, collect the leaves and put them in the box that shows exactly the tree from which this leaf flew. (The teacher specifies how many different sheets of paper each child can take in order for everyone to have enough)

Look how many fallen leaves, one girl said. - How long will it take for us to attach all the leaves?
“Don't waste your time,” the teacher advised the children. - After all, glued leaves will not help the trees to warm up. Moreover, trees are not afraid of the cold at all. But you can help them. Do you want to know how?
- Of course we do! - the children were delighted.
- Take a rake and collect dry foliage in a heap around the tree trunk. During the winter, the foliage will rot and become fertilizer for the tree. In the spring, before the tree starts flowering, fertilizer will come in handy.
The children did just that. And then we wished the trees a good winter.

Why don't we help our trees too? Moreover, we have a rake. Let's do this on a walk, and now we have many more interesting tasks.

Didactic exercise "Wind and leaf"

Before you green sheets of paper depicting the ground with grass. Take a yellow piece of paper and lift it over a green piece of paper. Now listen carefully and do:

Slowly lower the sheet into the very center of the green sheet of paper.
A breeze blew and the leaf flew to the left.
The breeze blew again and moved the leaf to the right.
The wind whirled the leaf in a circle.
The wind carried the leaf to the upper right corner.
And now the leaf has flown to the lower left corner.
The leaf was again transferred to the center.
Blow out the leaf with a strong exhalation without puffing out your cheeks.

Didactic exercise "Find a shadow from a leaf"

Before you painted colored leaves and their shadows. Your task: find the shadow of each leaf and connect the leaf and its shadow with a line.

Finger gymnastics "Autumn"

Autumn, autumn,
(Three palms together)

(We clench our fists one by one)

Autumn, autumn,
(Three palms together)

(Palms on cheeks)

The yellow leaves are spinning
(Smooth movement of palms)

They quietly lay down on the ground.
(We stroke our knees with our palms)

The sun no longer warms us
(We clench and unclench our fists in turn)

The wind is blowing more and more
(We simultaneously tilt our hands in different directions)

Birds flew to the south
("Bird" from two arms crossed)

The rain is knocking on our window.
(Drum with your fingers to one, then to the other palm)

We put on hats, jackets
(We imitate according to the text)

And we put our shoes on
(Stamping our feet)

We know the months:
(Knock your knees with your palms)

September and October and November.
(Fist, rib, palm)

Bas-relief modeling "Autumn tree"

To sculpt a tree, we need to take a piece of brown plasticine. Divide this piece in half. Roll out a thick sausage from one half with straight movements. This will be the trunk of the tree. But the top of the tree is always thinner than the entire trunk, so place your finger on one edge of the sausage and roll it lightly in straight movements too.

Now we will attach the resulting trunk to a sheet of cardboard. Notice that the top is blue and the bottom is green. Guess why? Above the sky, below the grass. Place the tree trunk so that it does not hang in the sky. And it grew out of the ground with grass. Apply with light pressure with your fingers so that the clay sticks to the cardboard.
Tear off pieces from the rest of the brown plasticine, roll the sausages out of them thinner and attach to the tree trunk.

The tree is ready, let's take care of the leaves. You have more pieces of plasticine. What color are they? Green, yellow, orange. Pinch off small pieces from them and attach to the branches of the tree with pressure. (In the course of the work of children, the teacher makes sure that the leaves do not stick to the trunk, encourages the manifestations of creativity like leaves that have fallen to the ground or flying).

Administration of the Vereshchaginsky municipal district

Perm Territory

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 89", Vereshchagino

topic: "Why do leaves fall in autumn"

Educational area "Cognition"

OO integration: communication,

reading fiction, music.

Sitnikova Ekaterina Pavlovna

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 89"


preparatory group

G. Vereshchagino 2013

Explanatory note

Plan - summary of GCD topic: "Why do leaves fall in autumn"

preparatory group Educational area "Cognition"

Direction: Cognitive speech

OO integration: communication, reading fiction, music.

Types of children's activities:communicative, cognitive, musical and artistic, search and research activities


Expand children's knowledge about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature: why leaves turn yellow and fall off and how they fall off. Learn to establish causal relationships.



  • Investigate the natural phenomenon of leaf fall, leaf structure, empirically draw a conclusion about the presence of green matter in the leaves
  • To consolidate knowledge about familiar trees, the shape of their leaves, the meaning of leaves for a tree.
  • During the experiment, show children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.


Develop attention, coherent speech (vocabulary: petiole, edge, chlorophyll, veins) mental operations (reason, prove, build sentences, establish causal relationships)


Cultivate curiosity, the ability to interact with each other

Methods of pedagogical activity:verbal (conversation), problem situation, visual (presentation demonstration), practical

Techniques: questions, explanations, the teacher's story, solving a problem situation, motor actions

Used forms of organizing the cognitive activity of children:

group, subgroup and individual

Equipment and material:

Multimedia equipment: laptop, projector, screen

Magnifiers, microscope, pieces of white cloth folded in half; wooden cubes.

The leaves are real large and small, of different shapes

Preliminary work:

  • On a walk, watch the leaves fall from the trees.
  • Collection of leaves of different shapes and colors.
  • Games "Run to the tree, which I will call", "From whose branch are the children."
  • Conversations about autumn;
  • Reading works of art: "Listopadnichek"

I. Sokolov-Mikitov, "Forest in autumn" A. Tvardovsky, poems about autumn

A.S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, A. I. Bunin;

  • Learning poems and sayings about autumn;
  • Singing songs about autumn and listening to music;
  • Examination of illustrations and photographs depicting autumn nature;
  • Drawing in the classroom for fine arts activities and independent artistic activities of various trees;
  • Working with plasticine and applying to the base (plasticineography);
  • Observing the trees while walking;
  • Crafts from natural material;

Expected Result:

Children participate with interest in the experiment, observe, draw conclusions. They know how to reason, prove, build a sentence, establishing cause-and-effect relationships. They actively and kindly interact with adults and peers in solving game, cognitive, and creative tasks.

The course of educational activities

Introductory part:

Children enter the hall to the music: (Classical music "Autumn")

Educator : Guess the riddle.

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If birds flew to a distant land,

If the sky is dark, if the rain is pouring down

This time of year ...(Children: called in the fall)

Educator: What autumn months do you know?

Estimated Children's Answers (September, October, November)

What is autumn like? (early, late, golden)

What autumn is it now? (late)

Which autumn month is coming?(Children: October)

Educator: October is the middle of autumn. In the old days, this month was called "leaf fall", "muddy", because withered, yellowed leaves fall from the trees.

E-mail ringing (communication via skype)

Scientist: Hello guys! I am a scientist Ivan Vasilievich professor of biological sciences

Do you know who scientists are? (Children: it is who investigates, studies the object and makes a discovery).

I am studying flora and fauna on earth, and so I decided to talk with children from kindergarten.

What is your kindergarten name and what group do you go to? (We go to kindergarten №89, to the preparatory group "Romashka")

Scientist: - Autumn is a beautiful time of the year! And why? (Children:because trees change their green outfits to colorful ones)

What signs of autumn do you know? (Children:birds fly away to warm lands. It often rains, cloudy and cold. People wear warm clothes (boots, jackets, hats). Leaves fall from the trees - leaf fall has begun. In the fall, they are harvesting in orchards and gardens, the day has become shorter, and the night is longer)

Scientist: - And you guys know a lot about the signs of autumn.

- And so I wondered why this beauty is not preserved? Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off? And how do they fall off?

I assumed that the leaves do not tolerate cold and wind, and therefore fall off.

What do you guys think? Explain why you think so.

Educator: What needs to be done to answer the scientist's questions?

Children's answers ( you need to conduct experiments and experiments in the laboratory)

And what we need for our research:

(Magnifier, microscope, leaves, napkin, cube) Annex 1

Why do you guys think a tree needs leaves? (Children: Leaves not only decorate the tree, thanks to the leaves the tree breathes)

Problematic question:

Are you curious to know how the sheet works? (Interesting)

Let's consider. And in order to get a better look, we will use a magnifying device - a magnifying glass and a microscope.

Experience number 1: Study of the structure of the sheet using a magnifying glass

Consider the petiole first - this is the part that connects the leaf to the branch.

Consider now the top surface of the sheet. You see the veins are thin tubes. Which go from the petiole throughout the leaf, through these veins, the leaves feed on moisture.

The edge of the sheet is called"edge". Consider the edge of the sheet.

The top of the leaf is sharp or round. Consider and tell me what your leaflet has it.

What can we conclude: The leaves have a petiole that connects the leaf with a branch and veins through which the leaves feed on moisture

Problematic question:

"Why do the leaves change color and fall off in autumn?"

Educator: Why do the leaves turn yellow in autumn? The fact is that the leaves are green due to the green substance. Now we will conduct an experiment and see this substance.

1. Experience "Why is the leaf green?"

What we need for this experiment Appendix 2

Take a piece of paper and place it inside a piece of white cloth folded in half. Now with a wooden cube, tap the leaf hard through the fabric. What did you find during the experiment? (Children: green spots appeared on the fabric).

This green leaflet substance is called- chlorophyll , it also paints it green.(For this experiment, it is better to take the succulent leaves of houseplants).

Output: When autumn comes and it gets colder and less sunny, this green substance gradually decreases until it disappears completely. Then the leaf changes its color and turns yellow.

2. Experience: Take a magnifying glass and examine the base of the stem where it attaches to the branch.

In autumn, a cork layer appears at the base of the petiole, in the place where it attaches to the branch. He, like a partition, separates the petiole from the branch. A light breeze will blow - and the leaves fall.

Output ... In autumn, the leaves fall off easily because a cork layer appears at the base of the petiole, which separates the petiole from the branch.

Experiment "How the leaves fall"

On your walks, you have noticed that leaves fall from trees in different ways. Let's conduct an experiment in order to find out which leaves fall quickly and which slowly, and which leaf is the most beautiful to spin.

To do this, take a sheet in your hand and stand up. Raise your hand with the leaf up and release the leaf from your fingers. While the leaf is flying, carefully monitor its flight and remember: did it fall quickly or slowly, flew straight down or circled?

What conclusions can be drawn from this experiment?

Output: Large leaves fall more slowly and hardly whirl. Small leaves fall faster and swirl more.)

Educator: Let's summarize our research work

The professor suggested that the leaves fall because they do not tolerate cold and wind.

And I propose to communicate our assumptions to the professor(Communication via Skype)

What parts does the sheet consist of? (slide number 1) Appendix 3

Why are the leaves green? (slide number 2)

Why do the leaves change color and fall off? (slide number 3)

How do the leaves fall? (slide No. 4, No. 5)

Professor: You guys are great, you have so much knowledge about the autumn phenomenon "Leaf fall". I liked your answers, for this I am sending you certificates by e-mail and awarding you the title of junior researcher of the laboratory.

Reflection: Did you enjoy communicating with me? What other natural phenomena would you like to learn about? (why does it rain, snow, where does the rainbow come from). I leave you an email address, please contact at any time. Until next time!

Used Books

  • G.V. Rodionova "Synopsis of studies of the research cycle for children of senior preschool age" Perm 1997.
  • A. V. Kovinko "The secrets of nature are so interesting!" League-Press Moscow 2004
  • A. I. Ivanova "Environmental observation and experiments in kindergarten" Moscow 2005.
  • A. I. Ivanova "Natural-scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten" Moscow 2005.
  • A. M. Fedotova "Ecological education of preschoolers" Perm 1992.
  • S.N. Nikolaeva "Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood" Moscow "Education" 2002

    Arkadiev Pavel, Soldatova Natalia

    This material is interesting, because not many people know why the leaves turn yellow.



    municipal government educational institution

    “Selyshchenskaya basic school named after V.M. Krylov "


    on the topic:

    « Why do the leaves turn yellow?»

    Arkadiev Pavel, student of grade 3

    Soldatova Natalya, 3rd grade student


    primary school teacher

    Dmitrieva Svetlana Nikolaevna

    2015-2016 academic year

    Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… ... 3

    Chapter 1. Main part

    1.1. Sheet structure ……………………………………………………… 5

    1.2. Why fall leaves fall? ………………………………………… 6

    1.3. Why do the leaves turn yellow? …………………………………………… 7

    1.4. How does leaf fall come? .............................................. ........................eight

    1.5. Why do trees shed their leaves? ………………………………… 9

    1.6. Folk omens ……………………………………………… ..10

    Chapter 2. Practical part

    2.1. Questionnaire …………………………………………………… ..11

    2.2. Experiments ……………………………………………………………… 12

    Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… .15

    References ……………………………………………………………… 16



    Relevance of the research topic:

    In a golden carriage with a playful horse,

    Autumn galloped through the forests and fields.

    The good sorceress changed everything,

    She painted the earth with bright yellow color.

    Autumn is a wonderful time of the year when you can wander through the autumn park, listen to the rustling of the leaves under your feet, observe the autumn changes in nature, collect bouquets of fallen leaves, admire the yellow, orange, crimson and even lilac colors.(Slide 2)

    During an excursion to the park, my friends and I noticed leaves of different colors on the branch of the same tree: yellow and green.

    Question: "Why were the leaves all green in the summer, and turned yellow in the fall?" interested us and many of our friends. This topic became interesting to us because not many people know why the leaves turn yellow. To answer this question, we decided to conduct research work.

    Investigating this mystery of nature, we will be able to give an exact answer to the question posed to us.(Slide 3)

    Purpose of the study: to know, Why do the leaves change color in autumn and fall off?(Slide 4)

    Research objectives:

    1. study the reasons for the change in leaf color in autumn;
    2. find out why trees shed their leaves;
    3. conduct experiments to find out why a tree needs leaves, why leaves change color in autumn and fall off;
    4. study the structure of the sheet;
    5. get acquainted with folk signs associated with a change in the color of the leaves.(Slide 5)

    Research hypothesis:find out if the leaves contain dyes; whether the lack of heat and light affects the color of the leaves. If this is possible, in what way?(Slide 6)

    Research methods: observation, experiment, questioning, literature analysis.(Slide 7)

    Work plan:

    1. Study of literature on the topic: "Why do the leaves turn yellow?"

    2. Statement of the problem.

    3. Determination of the goal.

    4. Definition of tasks.

    5. Formation of a hypothesis.

    7. Registration of research work.

    8. Preparation of the presentation.

    9. Presentation of research work.

    10. Discussion of the results of the work.

    Chapter 1. Main part

    1. Leaf structure

    Before learning why the leaves change color, we started by studying the literature. We are the firstexamined in detail the structure of the sheet. The sheet is in two parts: leaf bladeIs what we used to call a leaf, and petiole - this is its stalk.With the help of the petiole, the leaf is attached to the stem.

    On the leaf blade, the veins are very clearly visible, especially from the lower side. From the leaf blade, the veins pass into the petiole. Veins are vessels through which water and nutrients move. But if we look into the middle of the leaf, we will see that each leaf is full of wonderful grains..

    The grains are so small that they cannot be seen. They cook food for the tree. The roots of the tree suck water out of the ground. In this water, many substances necessary for plants are dissolved. Green seeds take the necessary substances from air and water and build new twigs, leaves, trunk and roots. But most importantly, they need sunlight for this kind of work. From morning to evening, they catch the sun's rays.

    Winter frosts are still far away, and the trees are already beginning to shed their foliage.

    But they are not immediately freed from the leaves.First, there is preparation for leaf fall. Amazing transformations take place in the leaves - they begin to turn yellow or red.

    Over the summer, a thin partition grows between the leaf stem and the twig. It does not let any juices or water pass through. A partition will grow and separate the leaf from the branch. Even in calm weather, leaf fall in our forest.(Slide 8)

    1. Why fall leaves in the fall?

    Deciduousness is an adaptive property of plants. In cold climates, it is an adaptation to frosty winters, in hot climates, to withstand heat, which allows it to withstand drought.

    Autumn coloring of leaves, and then leaf fall, in different trees and shrubs does not begin at the same time.

    The habitat of the plant has a significant effect on this. The same plants on a watershed, slope, narrow valley, valley - this happens at different times. Affected by a different degree of illumination and air temperature.

    Soil moisture also has an effect: on dry soils, autumn colors appear earlier.

    1. Why do the leaves turn yellow?

    But where does the yellow paint come from? After all, in summer all the foliage is green. It turns out that the yellow paint is always in the leaves.(Slide 9)

    Only in summer is the yellow color invisible. It clogs up with a stronger one - green. The green color of the leaves is given by a special substance - chlorophyll. Chlorophyll in a living leaf is constantly destroyed and re-formed. But this happens only in the light.(Slide 10)

    In summer, the day is very long and the plants receive a lot of sunshine. At this time, photosynthesis is actively taking place in the leaves of plants, chlorophyll is constantly being produced.

    1.4. How does the leaf fall come?

    Trees whose leaves change color in autumn and fall off are called deciduous. Their trunks and branches are able to withstand winter frosts, but thin delicate leaves cannot. As the days get shorter, the trees slowly prepare for winter. The amount of sap in the tree decreases. The chlorophyll that turned the leaves green disappears. This is facilitated by the sharp drops between day and night temperatures. At the same time, harmful substances of metabolism (metabolism) accumulate in the leaves. The leaves are aging.(Slide 11) The vessels, through which water enters the sheet, are closed at the base of the sheet with a cork cloth. In the same place, a loose separating layer is formed, consisting of cells that are weakly connecting to each other. A breath of breeze is enough - and the leaf comes off.(Slide 12)

    With the onset of autumn, the day is shortened, the leaves do not have enough sunlight. Chlorophyll is destroyed during the day, but does not have time to recover.

    Therefore, the green color in the foliage decreases, and yellow becomes noticeable: the leaf turns yellow.

    But in the fall, the leaves become not only yellow, but also red, crimson, purple. It depends on what kind of coloring matter is in the withering sheet.(Slide 13)

    The leaves of any plant species contain many pigments, the main ones of which, in addition to the chlorophyll we know, are:

    • carotene (provitamin A) - it is he who gives a rich, bright color to carrots, pumpkin, sea buckthorn berries. There are yellow and red.
    • anthocyanin is a lilac-red pigment that gives a special color to beets and red cabbage.

    Another element that is directly related to the formation of leaf color is auxin. It feeds the cells located at the point of attachment of the leaf cuttings to the branch.

    1.5. Why do trees shed their leaves?

    Probably everyone noticed that the more the leaf turns red or yellow, the easier it breaks off. And then the moment comes when one has only to touch the leaf, as it immediately falls from the branch along with the petiole. Even yesterday, even a strong wind could not break the leaves, but now they fall off by themselves. It turns out that changes also occur in the leaf petioles in the fall.

    In summer, leaf petioles are firmly attached to the branches. It is very difficult to pick a green leaf from a tree. It is easier to break it than to separate it from the branch without any damage.

    What happened?

    It turns out that in the fall, a so-called cork layer appeared at the base of the petiole, in the place where it attaches to the branch. He, like a partition, separated the petiole from the branch. Now only a few thin fibers connect the leaf petiole to the branch. Even a slight breeze breaks off these filaments. Leaves are falling.

    Although our deciduous trees live for tens and hundreds of years, their leaves "work" for only one season. And during this time they still wear out quickly. After all, the "work" of the leaves is very intense. Trees need a lot of water. Over the summer, a large birch, for example, evaporates about 7 tons of water. In winter, you cannot get so much moisture from the soil. By losing leaves, trees protect themselves from "winter drought". The tree has no leaves - there is no such abundant evaporation of water.

    1.6. Folk omens

    People have been observing nature for a long time, notice everything that is happening around.

    And among the people there were signs associated with a change in the color of the leaves.

    • Although the leaf has turned yellow, it falls off slightly - frosts will not come soon.
    • If in the fall the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below it will be late.
    • Untimely, yellow leaves will appear on the trees - by early autumn.
    • Until the leaf from the cherry trees has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, winter will not come.(Slide 14)

    Chapter 2. Practical part

    2.1. Questionnaire

    My classmates and I conducted a survey to find out if they know why a tree needs leaves, why leaves change color in autumn and fall off.

    To the first question "Why does a tree need leaves?" 5 people answered “Correctly”, 6 - “Incorrectly”.

    On the second question "Why do the leaves change their color?" 3 people answered "Correctly", 8 - "Incorrect".

    On the third question "Why do leaves fall in autumn?" 2 people answered "Correctly", 2 - "Not correct".

    Analyzing the results of the questionnaire, we found out that most of the students do not know the reasons for the change in the color of autumn leaves and the reasons for their fall.(Slide 15)

    2.2. Experiments

    We decided to conduct experiments to find out these reasons.

    Experience No. 1, confirming the presence of chlorophyll in plants.

    Why are the leaves green?

    Suppose the leaves contain some kind of coloring matter. To confirm the hypothesis, we carried out an experiment: we dipped a green leaf in very steep boiling water for several minutes.

    Result : the color of the leaf has changed, and the water has acquired a greenish tint.

    Output : it is chlorophyll that helps the leaves stay green until autumn. The hypothesis was confirmed.(Slide 16)

    Experience No. 2, revealing the reasons for the change in leaf color.

    But why exactly in autumn do the leaves change their color?

    Suppose it gets colder in the fall, the days are shorter, and the nights are longer. Maybe the lack of heat and light affects the color of the leaves?

    To confirm this hypothesis, we carried out the following experiment. They cut out a piece of foil in the form of a circle, attached it with tape to an un-torn sheet.

    Result : after 10 days we saw a "photo" on a green leaf. In the place where the foil was, and, naturally, the light did not enter there, the leaf turned yellow.

    Output : This experience proves that with a lack of light, photosynthesis does not occur. Chlorophyll is destroyed, and as it disappears, other "coloring" pigments become visible, which give the leaves a yellow and orange color. Our hypothesis was confirmed.(Slide 17)

    Experiment No. 3, confirming the presence of carotenoids in plant leaves.

    As a result of experiments, we also found out that, it turns out, chlorophyll is not the only coloring principle in plant tissues.

    For confirmation, we took a green leaf of a tree and threw it into a container with strong alcohol.

    Result: the leaf began to turn pale, but the alcohol, on the contrary, quickly turned green.

    Output: chlorophyll dissolves in alcohol.

    When examining the alcohol extract, we found that in transmitted light it looks emerald green, and in reflected light it glows with a yellowish tint.

    Output: together with chlorophyll, yellow pigments - carotenoids - also pass into alcohol.(Slide 18)

    Experience No. 4, confirming the presence of anthocyanin in plants.

    During the walk, we saw very beautiful leaves, of an unusual crimson color.

    We wanted to know where this unusual color comes from on the leaves? We turned to the internet. It turns out that foliage contains another coloring substance - anthocyanin, which is obtained only in the light and at low temperatures. Anthocyanin is weaker than green, but stronger than yellow and forms at lower temperatures, it is he who gives the leaves such an unusual crimson color.

    To confirm this, we performed the following experiment. We took a small piece of red beet and boiled it.

    Result: the water turned dirty red.

    Acetic acid was added to this solution.

    Result: the solution turned bright red.

    Output: beets contain a coloring agent - anthocyanin. The appearance of anthocyanin in plant tissues depends on external conditions. With a decrease in temperature, the amount of anthocyanin in the cell sap increases in the same way as in bright light. Thus, the crimson shades in which some trees are painted during leaf fall are not any special adaptation. They only say that the attenuation of vital activity occurs in the leaves in connection with the preparation of plants for the winter dormant period.


    After doing research, we learned:

    • why leaves change color in autumn;
    • what affects the color of the sheet;
    • why leaves fall.

    It turns out that in addition to the chlorophyll we know, other pigments - carotenoids, anthocyanins - are present in different parts of the plant leaves. Together with chlorophyll, they absorb a wider spectrum of light energy. But with the arrival of autumn, chlorophyll breaks down faster than it is produced, and the red-yellow pigments overshadow the green color.

    With leaves, trees get rid of harmful metabolic products. Nutrients and essential mineral elements at the time of dying off are almost completely transferred from the leaves to the inner parts of the plants.(Slide 19)

    As a result of observation, we noticed that not all trees and shrubs, simultaneously change the color of their leaves.The nature of the leaf fall is also different.Do not change their color at all, for example, lilac leaves, acacia. Their leaves remain green. The timing, duration and nature of leaf fall are not the same for different trees. This is influenced by the different habitats of plants.Early or late leaf fall is a kind of signal that trees and shrubs give us, indicating the change of the season.(Slide 20)

    "Why do leaves fall in autumn"

    Software content:

    Formation of the ability of children to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena; Expanding children's knowledge about leaves, their meaning for trees; Improving dialogical speech: the ability to participate in a conversation and answer questions; Development of attention, fine motor skills of the hand; Fostering curiosity, interest in nature.

    Equipment and material:

    Multimedia equipment: laptop, projector, screen

    Magnifiers, white cloth bags

    The leaves are real large and small, of different shapes

    Preliminary work:

    On a walk, watch the leaves fall from the trees, collect leaves of various shapes and colors, the games "Run to the tree that I will name", "From whose branch are the children", conversations about autumn, viewing illustrations and photographs depicting autumn nature, tree-watching for a walk

    Approximate move of GCD:

    Surprise moment

    Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle

    If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

    If birds flew to a distant land,

    If the sky is dark, if the rain is pouring down

    What is the name of this time of year?

    (Children: autumn)

    What autumn months do you know?

    Estimated Children's Answers (September, October, November)

    Educator: October - mid-autumn. In the old days, this month was called "deciduous", because withered, yellowed leaves fall from the trees.

    E-mail ringing (communication via skype)

    Scientist: Hello guys! I am a scientist professor of biological sciences. I am engaged in the study of flora and fauna on earth.

    Autumn is one of the brightest and most colorful seasons of the year, as trees change their green outfits for colorful ones.

    What signs of autumn do you know? (Children: Birds fly to warm regions. It often rains, cloudy, cold. People wear warm clothes (boots, jackets, hats). Leaves fall from the trees - leaf fall has begun. night-longer)

    And you guys know a lot about the signs of autumn. And so I wondered why this beauty is not preserved? Why do leaves turn yellow and fall off? And how do they fall?

    2. Experiment # 1: Sheet structure

    Educator: Well, guys, in order to answer the professor's questions, we need to conduct experiments.

    Why do you guys think a tree needs leaves? (Children: thanks to the leaves the tree breathes)

    Are you curious to know how the sheet works?

    Let's consider. And in order to get a better look, we will use a magnifying device - a magnifying glass.

    Educator: Consider the petiole first - this is the part that connects the leaf to the branch.

    Consider now the surface of the sheet. You see the veins are thin tubes. Which go from the petiole throughout the leaf, through these veins, the leaves feed on moisture.

    The edge of the sheet is called the "edge". Examine the edge of the sheet.

    The top of the leaf is sharp or round. Consider and tell me what your leaflet has.

    What can we conclude: The leaves have a petiole that connects the leaf with a branch and veins through which the leaves feed on moisture.

    3. Experience number 2 "Why is the leaf green?"

    Educator: Guys, do you want to know why the leaves are first green, and then yellow, red or orange? (Children: Yes)

    The professor will tell you about this.

    Cartoon show

    Educator: Now we will conduct an experiment and see this substance.

    Guys, there are white bags in front of you. Take a green leaf and put it in your bag and roll it several times with a wooden stick. What do you see? (Children: Green spots appeared on the fabric).

    This green substance from the leaf is called chlorophyll, and it stains it green.

    Conclusion: When autumn comes, it gets colder and less sunshine. This green substance gradually diminishes until it disappears altogether. Then the leaf changes its color and turns yellow or ...

    What color are the leaves of trees in autumn? (Children: Orange, red, brown).

    4. Physical education "We are autumn leaves"

    We are autumn leaves

    We sat on the branches

    The wind blew - flew

    We flew, we flew

    And they sat down quietly on the ground.

    The wind came running again

    And he lifted all the leaves.

    Spun, flew

    And they sat down on the ground again.

    (Smooth swinging of arms overhead)

    (Hands to the sides, flapping smooth movements)

    (Slowly squat down)

    (Stand up, arms out to the sides)


    (Sit down)

    5. Graphic exercise "How do the leaves fall?"

    Educator: On walks, you and I watched the leaves fall from the trees. Let's remember which leaf fell slowly and swayed smoothly? (Maple)

    And which one fell quickly and whirled beautifully? (Birch, mountain ash)

    Why do they fall differently? (Because the maple leaf is large, and the birch and mountain ash are small)

    Conclusion: Large leaves fall more slowly and hardly spin. Small leaves fall faster and swirl more.

    Educator: Guys, I suggest you sketch the fall of the leaves.

    Take pencils and draw lines representing the path of the leaves from the tree to the ground. You can color the leaves themselves with colored pencils.

    Children's work

    6. Reflection

    Educator: Well, well, it's time to report our results of experiments to the professor

    (Communication via Skype)

    What parts does the sheet consist of? (the leaves have a petiole and veins)

    Why are the leaves green? (the leaf contains a green substance - chlorophyll)

    How do leaves fall? (Large leaves fall more slowly and do not whirl much. Small leaves fall faster and whirl more.)

    Scientist: You guys are great, you have so much knowledge about the autumn phenomenon "Leaf fall". I liked your answers, for this I am awarding you the titles of junior research workers of the laboratory.

    Did you enjoy communicating with me? Guys, next time I propose to talk about other natural phenomena and find out, for example, why it rains, snows, where does the rainbow come from. Until next time!

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    kindergarten №3 "Fairy Tale", Kambarka

    Abstract of GCD

    on cognitive research

    in the preparatory group.

    Compiled by:

    Educator of the 1st category

    Shchekaleva R.N.



    Topic of the lesson: Why leaves fall.

    Purpose: 1. To consolidate knowledge about familiar trees, the shape of their leaves, the meaning of leaves for a tree. During the experiment, show children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.

    2. Investigate the natural phenomenon of leaf fall, leaf structure, empirically, to conclude about the presence of green matter in the leaves.

    3. To develop attention, coherent speech, mental operations (reasoning, proof, building sentences, establishing cause-and-effect relationships).

    4. Foster curiosity, desire to study nature.

    Equipment : Real leaves, large and small, of different shapes, pieces of white cloth, wooden cubes.

    Preliminary work : While walking, watch the leaves fall from the trees. Collection of leaves of various shapes and colors. Games "Run to the tree, which I will name", "From whose branch are the children." Conversations about autumn; Reading works of art: "Listopadnichek", I. Sokolov-Mikitov, "Forest in autumn" A. Tvardovsky, poems about autumn, A.S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, A. I. Bunin; Learning poems and sayings about autumn; Singing songs about autumn and listening to music; Examination of illustrations and photographs depicting autumn nature; Drawing in the classroom for fine arts activities and independent artistic activities of various trees; Crafts from natural materials.

    The course of the lesson.

    Guys, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to our guests. Stand in a circle, hold hands. You have warm hands, it is we who transfer warmth to each other. Turn around and give each other a smile. Now I invite you to sit on the chairs.

    Guys, today, when I came to kindergarten, I found this letter. Want to know who it is from? (Yes)

    I am reading the letter.

    Dear Guys!

    LUNTIK writes to you. I was recently born and I still don't know a lot. Therefore, I need your help. I was walking in the park and suddenly I saw that the leaves on the trees had turned yellow and were falling. I decided to paint them with green paint, I thought, maybe the tree doesn't like the yellow color and therefore it sheds its leaves, but the rain passed and washed off everything, and the leaves began to fall off again. Why is this happening? Please help me figure it out.

    Well, guys, let's help Luntik figure out why this happens in nature.

    And now I suggest you think and tell why the leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees? (Answers of children)

    Well done boys. And you want to know the secret of why the leaves turn yellow and fall off.


    Then sit comfortably on the chairs and listen to me carefully. Now I will read you a storyG. Graubina:


    Autumn. The crackling winter frosts are still far away, and the trees are already beginning to gradually shed their foliage. Not immediately, not suddenly, they are freed from the leaves. We are preparing for leaf fall. Amazing transformations take place in the leaves. First things first, the leaves begin to turn yellow. Although no one adds yellow paint to juices. The yellow dye is always in the leaves. Only in summer is the yellow color invisible. It clogs up with a stronger one - green.

    The green color of the leaves is given by a special substance - chlorophyll. Chlorophyll in a living leaf is constantly destroyed and re-formed. But this happens only in the light.

    In summer, the sun shines for a long time. Chlorophyll is destroyed and immediately restored, destroyed and restored again ... The formation of chlorophyll does not lag behind its destruction. The leaf remains green all the time. Autumn is coming, nights are lengthening. Plants receive less light. Chlorophyll is destroyed during the day, but does not have time to recover. The green color in the foliage decreases, and yellow becomes noticeable: the leaf turns yellow.

    But in the fall, the leaves become not only yellow, but also red, crimson, purple. It depends on what kind of coloring matter is in the withering sheet.

    - I suggest you conduct an experiment. Please come to the tables.

    on your tables are pieces of white napkins, a green leaf and ordinary pencils that will serve us as a stick.

    I now invite you to see for yourself that there is a green color in the leaves, which is called chlorophyll.

    "Why is the leaf green?"
    Take a piece of paper and place it inside a piece of white napkin folded in half. Now, with a wooden pencil, press down hard on this napkin and roll it over it. What did you find during the experiment?
    (Children: green spots appeared on the fabric).

    What is the name of this substance that turns the leaf green?
    This green substance from the leaf is called chlorophyll, and it stains it green. What conclusion can you draw?

    Output : When autumn comes and it gets colder and less sunny, this green substance gradually decreases until it disappears completely. Then the leaf changes its color, turns yellow.

    This is what happens in nature. Why does the green color disappear in the leaves? (children's answers). And what color constantly lives in the leaves (yellow). What is the name of the substance that constantly stains the leaf in summer? (chlorophyll). And why is chlorophyll not restored in the leaves with the onset of autumn? (because with the onset of autumn there is less light, so chlorophyll does not have time to recover).

    Well done boys. And you want to know the secret, why all the same leaves turn yellow and fall off.


    Well, first we will have a little rest.

    Physical education.
    We are autumn leaves.
    We sat on the branches
    The wind blew - flew.
    We flew, we flew -
    All the leaves are so tired!
    The breeze stopped blowing -
    We all gathered in a circle
    The wind suddenly blew again
    And he blew the leaves off the branches.
    All the leaves flew
    And they sat down quietly on the ground.

    And in order for us to understand even better how this happens in nature, I suggest you watch the cartoon. Sit back and watch carefully. Remember everything well, because you and I need to tell Luntik what we have learned. Please note that there will be another secret in the cartoon why the leaves fall. (Children watching cartoon)

    Well guys, do you understand everything? (Yes) And then answer me one question. Why are the leaves still falling? (children's answers)

    That's right guys.

    The more the leaf turns yellow or reddened, the easier it breaks off. And there comes a moment when one has only to touch the leaf, as it immediately falls from the branch along with the petiole. Even yesterday, even a strong wind could not break the leaves, but now they fall off by themselves.
    What happened? It turns out that in the fall, a so-called cork layer appeared at the base of the petiole, in the place where it attaches to the branch. He, like a partition, separated the petiole from the branch. Now only a few thin fibers connect the leaf petiole to the branch. Even a slight breeze breaks off these filaments. Leaves are falling.

    - Well, now you all understand why this happens in nature? - What do you think, when the leaves fall, they fly to the ground in the same way or in different ways?

    (children's answers).

    And to be convinced of this, I suggest you conduct another experiment. Take in your hands, please, 2 sheets of paper. One is large and the other is smaller.

    "How the leaves fall"

    On your walks, you have noticed that leaves fall from trees in different ways. Let's conduct an experiment in order to find out which leaves fall quickly and which slowly, and which leaf is the most beautiful to spin. To do this, take a sheet in your hand and stand up. Raise your hand with the leaf up and release the leaf from your fingers. While the leaf is flying, carefully monitor its flight and remember: did it fall quickly or slowly, flew straight down or circled? (Children complete the task)

    Well, what have you noticed? (Answers of children). What conclusion can be drawn?

    Output : Large leaves fall more slowly and hardly whirl, while small leaves fall faster and whirl more.

    Well done boys. And now guys, how will we inform Luntik about why the leaves turn yellow and fall off (children's answers). We decided to write a letter and report everything that we learned about ourselves. (I seal the letter and decide that we will send it tonight after work).

    Now, guys, please stand in a semicircle in front of the board. I have an autumn tree with leaves on the board. Think about it and take the piece of paper that you think is necessary.

    If you take a yellow piece of paper, then you learned something new and interesting for yourself today, and if you take a green piece of paper, then something was difficult for you today. (Children take the leaves and stand in a circle.

    Well, this is the end of our lesson. Let's say goodbye to our guests and wish them all the best.