Repairs Design Furniture

Emotional memory. Development of emotional memory. Perception, memory, emotions

Of all cognitive processes The most deep, apparently, is
Changing the effect of emotions for memory. First, the authors were interested in special
The memorization of emotionally painted information. Secondly,
The relationship between the emotional state of a person and me
Metic processes.

It is well known that emotionally painted information is better
remembered. This observation founded a mnemonotechnics to which
Some teachers are resorted to achieve a better memorization of learning
nicknames of a certain educational material. Enough to cause stormy
emotional reaction (for example, to force the class to get out) and
But with confidence to argue that in the next lesson, each of
We died in the class will remember what was discussed at that moment.

A.A. Smirnov [Smirnov, 1948] in widely known experiments,

Effect of emotions for memory

sacred involuntary memorization, asked for subjects through
1.5-2 hours after the start of the working day, tell me what happened to them,
When they went in the morning to work. Especially good people remembered those
events that prevented or, on the contrary, contributed to their
Raish Arrival to work, which was the main purpose of their actions
at that moment. According to modern ideas, the main aspect
Events causing an emotional reaction is its
(or inconsistency) of the purpose of the individual. Thus, in experiment
Tah A.A. Smirnova the subjects involuntarily remembered those events that
Those were emotionally painted for them.

As a rule, people remember the events of their past life well,
especially child period that caused strong emotion
reaction. Such memories are very bright, and usually people
We are confident that everything happened exactly as they remember. One-
to the degree of accuracy of these memories and even their correspondence
Near the authors is questioned. There are cases when
a bright memories of a certain event, allegedly occurred
Shem in childhood, but managed to prove that this event is actually
It was not, and the "memories" was constructed by the stories of adults and
Own imagination.

Especially discussion B. last years became the question of remembered
about sexual harassment transferred in the children's
Rough. Such memories sometimes arise from clients during the psychothet
Rapeutic sessions. Some authors believe that memories of emotional
national traumatic experiences were ousted out of consciousness and return
Due to his psychotherapeutic work.
Other authors argue that in some cases these are false memories,
involuntarily designed by suggestion by the psychotherapy
Tom believing that the client has such memories should be.

What features of the event lead to imprinted in memory
long term? To answer this question M. Linton spent
Experiment on yourself. For 6 years she recorded daily on cards
at least two events meaningful for it indicating the date and evaluation
The degree of their emotional painting. At the end of each month she is
tealy chose a few cards, checked, remembers whether
Some order took place events, and re-evaluated their emotional
Painness. Linton came to the conclusion that those events that retain
Smiling in memory for many years should have the following characteristics.
The event should attract attention and have a bright emotional
Color at the moment when it happened. The following is
Cope: An event is perceived as ordinary, and the specified characteristics
The territories are attributed to him after a while in the back.
This happens when meeting a person in which the test
falls in love, but not at a glance, but after some time
Meni. In this case, the first meeting that was not important events

Chapter 12. Emotional Regulation of Cognitive Processes

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Chapter 1. Memory

1.1 Memory theory

1.2 Memory Mechanisms

1.3 Individual memory differences

Chapter 2. Emotional Memory

2.1 Research in the field of emotional memory

2.2 Structural components of emotional memory

2.3 Physiological mechanisms of emotional memory and their relationship with learning





The ancient Greeks considered the goddess Mnemosin's mother of all muses. It was from the antiquity to us came the poetic image of the marks of the memory as prints on wax powders, which are placed in our souls. If the prints of our sensations and thoughts are erased from these skids, the person does not know anything.

The proclamation of the scientific psychological analysis of memory problems is considered to be G. Ebbigauz. For the first time, he set the task of an experimental memory study, developed methods for measuring the molemic processes and during its experimental work established patterns that are subject to memorization processes, saving, reproduction and forgetting.

Memory nature studies continue and now. The fact of the existence of several theories explaining the occurrence and mechanisms of the course of the molemic processes, suggests that researchers have many unsighted areas of this multifaceted and complex form Mental reflection of reality. The problem of memory is currently being considered within various psychological theories and approaches. Associative memory theories, according to which items and phenomena are imprinted and reproduced in memory is not isolated from each other, but in connection with each other. In line with neural and biochemical processes The most common hypothesis about short-term and long-term memory processes. In the framework of socio-genetic theory psychological mechanisms The memory is analyzed in the key of their social conditionality by the situation of cooperation. In the framework of the Soviet psychological school, the problem of memory was the subject of research of such well-known scientists like LS Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, and other works of these and other scientists are relevant and still, and the results of their research can be the basis for new psychological research on memory issues.

In modern psychological research memory It is considered as complex mental activities, as one of the cognitive processes, which consists in fixing, maintaining and subsequently reproduced by a person's experience. The memory structure distinguishes the following main processes: memorization, saving, forgetting, recovery (recognition, playback). The classification of memory is based on the following criteria - the memory object, the degree of volitional memory regulation and the duration of saving information in memory.

As for this type of memory, as the emotional, which will be discussed in this work, this type of memory is not well understood deeply. Therefore, the problem of his research is on this moment relevant. Let's start with the fact that from the very beginning of the emergence of the term "emotional memory" there were disputes on the fairness of the existence of such. Now that this term is already recognized, and there are real confirmation of this fact in the form of the results of medical experiments and psychological studies, the following problem occurs - a more detailed study of the phenomenon of emotional memory. In modern literature, there are already materials, how can the memory you can develop, for which it is necessary, but there is no information that would have revealed the features of the development of emotional memory and its applied value in human life. I think this circumstance is one of the arguments, the relevance of the topic of course work.

Emotional memory It is a system in which mental memory, emotions, feelings and behavioral components interact. This type of memory lies immediately in four measurements of human existence: physical, social, psychological and spiritual. Those. affects all spheres of vital activity. Knowledge in the field of nature of emotional memory can bring a lot useful information regarding the use of the nature of the emotions and senses of man, and also see new possible paths Personality development. This fact is also a serious argument in favor of the relevance of the problem under study.

The purpose of the study is to determine the role of emotional memory in human life.

Research tasks:

1. To study the content of concepts of memory and emotional memory, and their importance in human life;

2. To identify the mechanisms of the emergence and development of human emotional memory;

3. identify the structural components of emotional memory and the nature of their interaction;

4. To establish the nature of the influence of emotional memory on the process of learning and forming life experience man.

Object research - memory.

The subject of research is the emotional memory of man.

Methodological foundations of work - theoretical provisions of general psychology.

The following methods were used in the work - the analysis of literary sources on the problem of research, the generalization of the knowledge gained.

In the first chapter of the course work, the general provisions regarding the nature of the memory are disclosed, existing theories and mechanisms of action of mnemic processes are disclosed, as well as the issue of the presence of individual differences in memorizing, storing, reproducing and forgetting information.

In the second chapter, we are talking directly about the emotional memory of a person. The essence of its main components is revealed: emotions, feelings and their participation in the processes of mental reflection of reality. Analysis of literature in the area scientific research Phenomena emotional memory, discusses the views of various researchers on this problem. Also in the chapter there is a speech about the physiological mechanisms of emotional memory. The results of experiments and experiments in the field of medicine and psychology, the biological origins of the emergence of emotional memory, both in humans and animals are considered. In addition, the chapter contains information on what is at the physiological link between this type of memory and the other biological process of the body - learning. I must say that learning plays an important role in adapting a person to environment, and subsequent, in its successful socialization.

After each chapter, as well as sections contain brief conclusions, allowing to summarize the work and considerations obtained during work on the course, information and considerations, about the practical application of emotional memory in a person's life.

Conclusion includes the main results of the study and conclusions made on their basis.

Chapter 1. Memory

Memory - The form of the mental reflection of reality, consisting in fixing (capturing), preserving and subsequently reproduced by a person of his experience. The memory provides accumulation of impressions about the world around, serves as the basis for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills and their subsequent use. The preservation of experience creates the opportunity to teach a person and developing his psyche. Memory serves prerequisite The unity of the mental life of a person, the unity of his personality.

Memory Always represented great interest to a person, both from a theoretical point of view, and from the position of practical application in life. Therefore, the memory phenomenon began to study and explore enough long ago. In this regard, at the moment there are several memory theories that reveal the mechanisms for the flow of mnemic processes, as well as an extensive classification of memory types. I must say that research research continues and now. The nature of memory, as well as its reserves and capabilities, are not studied to the end of the phenomena of the human psyche.

Consider the current classification of memory types at the moment.

It is based on various criteria. The basis of the species classification is three main criteria:

The object of memorization, that is, what is remembered; differently, this criterion can be characterized as a degree of mental activity of the individual; From the standpoint of this criterion, memory is classified for figurative, verbal-logical, motor, emotional.

The degree of volitional regulation of memory or the nature of memorization objectives (arbitrary and involuntary memory);

The duration of storing information in memory (short-term, long-term and RAM).

Shaped memory - This is the memory of ideas, pictures of nature and life, as well as odors, sounds and tastes. Such memory is divided into visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, taste. Ordinary people have enough good development Receive visual and hearing memory, they play a leading role in human life. The remaining types of memory (tactile, olfactory and taste) can be called professional. These types of memory are developing in professional activities (for example, tasters, perfumes, etc.). Also, such types of memory are well evolved as compensatory (for example, blind people or deaf).

Verbal-logical memory (or sense) is a type of memory that relies on the establishment and memorization of semantic relationships and relations in the material that needs to be remembered. In verbal-logical memory, the main role belongs to the second signaling system. This type of memory is a specific human memory, in contrast, for example, from a motor, emotional and figurative, which are characteristic of the simplest forms and animals. Velite-logical memory relies on the development of other types of memory, becomes leading in relation to them, and the development of all other types of memory depends on its development.

Motor Memory It is memorization, saving and reproducing various movements and their systems. The value of this type of memory is that it serves as the basis for the formation of various practical and labor skills, including walking skills, letters, etc. If there were no memory of the movement, then a person would have to learn to learn the simplest movements every time.

Emotional memory - This is a memory of feelings. The feelings experienced by the person, both positive and negative, do not disappear without a trace, and are remembered by means of emotional memory. This type of memory is of great importance in the formation of a person's personality. The experienced and preserved feelings perform in the form of signals or encouraging the action or holding from actions that caused negative experiences in the past. Emotional memory is an essential condition for human spiritual development.

By the criterion of the duration of information conservation, memory is usually divided into sensory, short-term, long-term and operational.

Sensory memory It is such a subsystem that provides retention for a very short time (usually less than one second) of sensory processing products entering the brain through the senses.

Short-term memory - It is such a memory subsystem that provides operational retention and transformation of data coming from senses and long-term memory. Short-term memory is a mandatory step for its other types of more or less direct sealing and very short-term saving (usually measured by seconds), and is a mandatory component of long-term and RAM.

Long term memory It is its subsystem that provides prolonged (hours, years, decades) keeping knowledge, skills and skills and is characterized by a huge amount of stored information. The main mechanism for entering data into long-term memory and their fixation is usually considered a repetition that is carried out at the level of short-term memory. However, as studies show, purely mechanical (monotonous) repetition does not lead to sustainable and long-term memorization. Repetition serves as a necessary condition for fixing data into long-term memory only in the case of verbal or easily verbalized information. The meaningful interpretation of the new material is crucial, the establishment of links between it and the fact that is already well learned by the subject. In long-term memory, several forms of knowledge organization operate at the same time. One of them is the organization of semantic information in hierarchical structures According to the principle of allocating more abstract, generic and more specific, species concepts. Another form of organization characteristic of everyday categories is the grouping of individual concepts around one or more representatives of the category - prototypes. Semantic information in long-term memory includes both conceptual and emotional-estimated moments that reflect the various personal relationships of the subject to one or another information.

RAM - represents the mnemic processes serving the actual action directly carried out by humans and operations. RAM is responsible for memorizing any information and data for the time required to fulfill a certain operation, a separate act of activity. For example, in the process of solving a task or mathematical action, it is necessary before obtaining a final result to keep the initial data or intermediate operations, which may be forgotten hereinafter. Already used information can be forgotten. RAM in the future must be filled with other data, new information.

There are basic memory processes: memorization, saving, recovery (recognition, playback).

Memory - This is the process of consolidating in the minds of those images that occur under the influence of objects and phenomena of reality in the process of sensation and perception. Memorization is, as a rule, establishing a connection with what is already in the consciousness of a person. The relationship between individual events, facts, objects or phenomena reflected in the consciousness of a person and enshrined in memory, in psychology is called associations.

Preservation and forgetting are two interrelated processes. Saving is the holding of memorized, forgetting is the disappearance, falling out of memory, i.e. A peculiar process of fading and braking ties. Forgetting is a natural process, however, it is still necessary to deal with it. Forgetting is full or partial, long or temporary. There are several factors for forgetting the forgetting process, such as time, activities preceding memorization and the degree of activity of available information.

Reproduction - This is a memory process that consists in the consciousness of memory presences, previously perceived thoughts, exercising learned movements. The reproduction is based on the revival of traces in the brain, the emergence of excitement in them.

Recognition - This is the process of appearing a sense of familiarity when re-perceiving the subject or phenomenon. Two processes - playback and recognition are similar, but still vary. Playback, unlike recognition, is characterized by the fact that images fixed in memory are updated (enlivened) without support to the secondary perception of certain objects. Therefore, the recognition cannot be an indicator of memorization strength and when evaluating its effectiveness, it is necessary to navigate only for reproduction.

1.1 Memory theories

Modern memory studies analyze it from various points of view and on the basis of various approaches. The most widespread received associative memory theories. According to these theories, items and phenomena are imprinted and reproduced not isolated from each other, but in connection with each other, according to the expression of the famous scientist I.M. Sechenov "groups or rows". Reproduction of them of them entails reproduction and others, which is caused by real objective bonds of objects and phenomena. Under their impact there are temporary links in the cerebral cortex that serve the physiological basis for memorizing and playback. In psychological science, such links were considered as associations. Some of the associations are a reflection of space-time reflections of objects and phenomena (so-called, associations on adjacentness), others reflect their similarity (associations in similarity), the third reflect the opposite (contrast association), fourth - causal relations (associations on causality). A genuine scientific substantiation of the principle of associations was given by I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov. According to I.P. Pavlov, Associations are nothing more than a temporary connection that arises as a result of a simultaneous or consistent action of two or more stimuli.

Memory Studies in the framework of neural and biochemical theories. The most common hypothesis about the physiological processes underlying the memorization was the hypothesis of D.O. Hebba (1949). His hypothesis was built on two memory processes - short-term and long-term. It was assumed that the mechanism of a short-term memory process is the reverb (circulation) of electrical pulse activity in closed chains of neurons. Long-term storage is based on stable morphofunctional changes in synaptic conductivity. Consequently, the memory moves from a short-term form to a long-term consolidation process, which develops with repeated passage of nerve pulses through the same synapses. Thus, a short-term process that continues at least a few tens of reverb seconds is assumed to be necessary for long-term storage.

In 1964, Hypothesis was put forward by a hypothesis about RNA role in memory processes. Since DNA contains genetic memory for each individual organism, it was logical to assume that it or RNA could also transmit acquired experience. Instructions for the synthesis of protein carried by the RNA molecule are concluded in a specific sequence of organic bases attached to the molecule, it is these bases that serve as matrices for protein synthesis. Various sequence leads to the synthesis of different proteins. It can be assumed that this sequence also varies as a result of the experience gained in training. Currently, it has already been proven that training really affects RNA.

Another group of memory studies are socio-genetic. So, P. Jean in his work "The Evolution of Memory and Time Concept" (1928) considers psychological mechanisms of memory and allocates a number of genetic forms, the manifestation of which was socially due to the situation of cooperation. P. Jean allocates such forms of memory as waiting, search (initial forms), preservation, instructions (delayed actions), a story by heart, description and narration, retelling yourself (the highest steps of human memory) Each of the marked P. Jean forms of memory arises From the needs of communication and cooperation of people, it is this circumstance, he attaches a central role in the emergence and development of human memory, which, in his opinion, is necessary only to a public person. .

Social theory Memory adopted Soviet psychologists. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe social nature of memory has been further developed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky and A.R. Luria. In 1930, these scientists had the work of "Etudes on behavior history", in which the authors analyzed the evolution of archaic memory and compared the data of philo and ontogenesis of memory. L.S. Vygotsky and A.R. Luria point to such features of the memory of primitive person: its extraordinary literalness, photographicness, complex character, etc. However, the authors made the general conclusions that the archaic person uses memory, but does not dominate her, primitive memory is a spontaneous and unmanageable. Also, scientists are allocated the most important thingwho determined the fundamental change in its functioning. The basis of such a change is the transition from the use and use of objects as a means of memory to the creation and use of artificial knowledge as a memorization tool.

1.2 Memory mechanisms

Memory mechanisms are directly related to the theories of memory that represent them. Therefore, the question of memory mechanisms is complicated and studied whole line Sciences: physiology, biochemistry and psychology.

Physiologistsit is suggested that the process of conservation of information is related to the formation of nervous bonds (associations);

Biochemists - with a change in the composition of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and other biochemical structures;

Psychologists emphasize the dependence of memory on the nature of human activity and identity orientation;

When we talk about memory mechanisms, we are talking about any processes through which any person passes to remember the necessary information, and subsequently reproduce it. Basic memory processes are memorization, saving, reproduction and forgetting. Memorization is the main memory process. It depends on it completeness, accuracy, strength and duration of storage of material, etc. Memorization and playback usually occurs in the form and arbitrary and involuntary processes. A person remembers a lot and reproduces without much effort.

1.3 Individual memory differences

Memory can also be considered in the separation from the characteristics and properties of the individual. It is important to understand that different people Different memory functions are unenkoso.

The difference can be quantified, for example: different memorization speed; in conservation strength; In ease of playback, accuracy and volume of memorization. For example: Some people wonderfully remember the material, but then they cannot reproduce it. Others, on the contrary, difficult to remember, but they have long stored in memory of the accumulated information.

The difference can also be high quality, or differ in its modality, i.e. Depending on which type of memory dominates. Depending on this, a visual, auditory, motor or emotional memory may appear in man. One to remember, you need to read the material, the other more developed an auditory perception is more developed, visual images are needed. It is known that "pure" types of memory are rare, in life most often different types Memory mixes: visual-motor, visual-hearing and engine-hearing memory are the most typical. Most people have a leading memory.

Even such a phenomenal individual property as an eidetic vision is found, i.e. What is called "photographic memory". An example is a person who, after one-time perception of material and very small mental processing, still continues to "see" the material, and greatly restores it, even after a long time. In fact, this type of memory in one way or another is not so rare, there are many children, but in consequence disappears in adults due to insufficient exercise of this type of memory. This type of memory can be developed by some people (for example, artists, musicians, where accurate playback seen is required). Each person has the most memory of the memory that is more often used.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Memory Psychology is considered one of the main educational processes. Also - it is a kind of base of all knowledge.

There are the following memory types:

according to the degree of mental activity of the individual - figurative, verbal and logical, motor, emotional;

by the nature of memorizing goals - arbitrary and involuntary memory;

the duration of the storage of information in memory is short-term, long-term and RAM.

The main processes of memory are: memorization, saving, recovery (recognition, reproduction).

How memory processes are carried out, consider memory theory. Mechanisms of memory processes are directly related to the theories of memory that represent them. Scientific theories trying to explain the nature of memory, many. They can be conventionally classified by three directions: physiological, biochemical and psychological.

Physiological consider the phenomenon of memory from the point of view of human physiology - they include associative memory theories. At the basis of these theories, the opinion of scientists, that items and phenomena are imprinted and reproduced not isolated from each other, but in connection with each other. Under their impact there are temporary links in the cerebral cortex that serve the physiological basis for memorizing and playback. Communication data and are considered as associations;

Biochemical memory theories are based on studies proving that the flow of mesmerous processes is accompanied by changes in the composition of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and other biochemical structures;

Psychological theories of memory put forward the idea that the memory is a mental process, which is peculiar to a person as a substantially social. According to these theories, memory arises from the needs of communication and cooperation of people, and depends on the nature of the human activity and the direction of his personality. The memory is peculiar to a person who, in turn, is an individual with a certain set of personal qualities and the features inherent in him. Therefore, it is quite clear that different people have different functions of memory developing unequal. There are individual differences in the field of measuring processes, as well as the one of the types of memory develops better. Usually, the favorable development of the types of memory that the person in his life more often uses.

Emotional memory of man - This is one of the types of memory and is a memory for feelings and emotions. Thanks to memory processes, such as memorization, saving, recovery (recognition, reproduction) of information, (as for this type of memory - information of emotional and sensual nature), emotional memory helps a person to make a choice whether to do or respond to one or another life situation. The fact is that experienced and saved in memory feelings and emotions perform in the form of signals or a person who encourage people to action or holding from actions. Emotional memory is an essential condition for human spiritual development. It can be concluded that this type of memory is of great importance in the formation of a person's personality.

Chapter 2. Emotional memory

From the previous chapter of this work it is known that emotional memory is one of the types of human memory. It can be assumed, therefore, everything that concerns memory in general (memory processes, memory mechanisms) will be equitable to the right to consider relating and to emotional memory in particular. This is how the definition of this type of memory in the scientific literature is given:

Emotional memory - Memory for feelings. Emotions always sign about how our needs and interests are satisfied, how our relations with the outside world are being implemented. Emotional memory has, therefore, very important in the life and activities of each person. The experienced and preserved feelings perform in the form of signals or encouraging the action or holding from actions that caused negative experiences in the past. The ability to sympathize with another person, empathize the hero of the book, film, the performance is based on emotional memory.

Thus, in the definition emotional memory Connected together the concepts of feelings, emotions and memory, as well as informationcausing these processes in the body. Let's call all these components - structural Co.m.ponents emotional memory. The way these mental processes are interconnected and how their interaction and mutual influence occurs, consider further in this work.

2.1 Research in the field of emotional memory

The question of the presence of emotional memory has been discussing for a long time. His discussion began T. Ribo, which showed two ways to reproduce emotions: an affective state is caused either through intellectual states (remembering the situation, the object with which the emotion was associated), or with the direct impact of the incentive, following the in memory is updated related to emotion situation. Theoretically and maybe. However, as V. K. Vilyunas (1990) notes, which of these options is found in each particular case, it is difficult to determine, and in the real stream of consciousness it is apparently impossible.

In addition, T. Ribo allocated a "false" affective memory when the subject is purely intelligently recalls that in this situation he experienced some emotion, but this emotion itself does not experience. This is observed, for example, when recovering the long-lasting hobbies.

After the appearance of work, T. Ribo has arisen numerous disputes, up to the point that the existence of emotional memory was generally called. Its denying it indicated that when we recall the pleasant, interesting, terrible, etc. The event, the memory is an image or thought, and not a feeling (emotion), i.e. the intellectual process. And it is this intellectual memory of the past that causes us one or another emotion, which is thus not reproduced by ex-emotion, but completely new emotion. Old emotion is not reproduced. At the same time, supporters of the last point of view narrowed the problem to arbitrary reproduction of emotional experiences, although it is obvious that it is possible not only involuntary memorization of emotions, but also involuntary reproduction (P.P. Blonsky, 1935; E.A. Gromova, 1980). P. P. Blonsky, for example, writes that in his life, he already survived twice already seen (this effect was called "deja"). At the same time, the second experience was not intelligent knowledge that he had already seen this situation. For him, it was a deep, sad and pleasant feeling for a long time and well-known something that could not remember, but what felt like a friend.

As noted by P.P. Blonsky , The difference between for the first time tested by emotion and reproduced not only in the intensity of the experiences (represented by emotion is weaker), but also in its quality. In some cases, less differentiated, more primitive emotional experience is excited. The author does not specify specifically that this is an experience, however, it can be assumed that it is an emotional tone of sensations, since the interviewed PP Blonsky faces were noted when reproducing the emergence of a pleasant or unpleasant experience and nothing more.

At the same time, p.p. Blonsky comes to the conclusion that arbitrary playback of feelings (emotions) is almost impossible, at least for many. And whether involuntary playback is possible - it is not solved by experiments. It remains only to rely on the self-analysis and stories of other people.

It is impossible not to note the dedicated P.P. The Blonsky Effect of the Trail from High Heavy Emotions: It may later be excited and more weak incentives of the same kind, that is, it becomes a latent dominant hearth, "sore corn" for a person, which accidentally cause a new strong emotional reaction.

According to p.p. Blonsky, of three emotions that are well remembered (suffering, fear and surprise), not everyone is remembered equally. About memorizing surprise as feelings, he writes, it is better not to say at all: a surprising impression is remembered, and the feeling of surprise in nature is not so to be excited with a homogeneous stimulus, as surprise is an emotional reaction to the new one. Pain and suffering are often reproduced in the form of fear, which is not surprising, because there is a genetic connection between fear and pain.

The presence of emotional memory has been questioned now in our time P. V. Simonov (1981). The basis of this was its research on arbitrary reproduction by actors of various emotions. This is what P.V. writes Simono this occasion: "We have repeatedly had to read about the so-called" emotional memory. " According to these ideas, an emotionally painted event not only leaves an indelible mark in the memory of a person, but, becoming a memories, invariably causes a strongest emotional reaction every time any association recalls the experience of the earlier shock. The studied asked to remember the events of their lives associated with the strongest emotional experiences. What was the amazement when this kind of intentional memories only in a very limited percentage of cases was accompanied by pronounced shifts of skin potentials, heart rate, breathing, frequency-amplitude characteristics of the electroencephalogram. At the same time, the memories of persons, meetings, vital episodes, not related to the history with any of the ranks of the extending experiences, sometimes caused extremely strong and persistent, uncommonly registered shifts with repeated reproduction. A more careful analysis of this second category of cases showed that the emotional coloring of memories does not depend on the strength of emotions experienced at the time of the event itself, but from the relevance of these memories for the subject at the moment. It became clear that the point is not in "emotional memory" and not in the emotions of themselves, but in something else hiding behind the facade of emotional experiences. "

It seems that this conclusion P.V. Sonmon is unnecessarily categorical. First, he himself notes that in a certain amount of cases, the vegetative expression of emotions in their memoirs was still noted (this, by the way, was confirmed in research E. A. Grose, and others, 1980). Secondly, the fact that physiological reflection of emotions was observed mainly in cases of recall meaningful events, does not deny the presence of "emotional memory", soldered with the event memory. The failure with the reproduction of emotional reactions could be associated with different emotionality of the studied.

It is not by chance in later work (P.V. Simonov, 1987) he is no longer so categorically expressed about the emotional memory. So, he writes: "We seem to have the right to speak about emotional memory in the" pure form ", when neither an external incentive provoked a memoiler, nor an engerm extracted from the memory does not receive reflections in consciousness and the emotional reaction It seems a subjectless to the subject.

It is believed that arbitrary reproduction of emotional experiences is given to a person with difficulty. However, P. P. Blonsky, for example, came to the conclusion that arbitrary reproduction of emotions is almost impossible for many people, but it is impossible to refute the fact that emotional memory can be reproduced involuntarily. Probably, it is precisely involuntary reproduction of emotions takes place in the cases of W. Jems. W. Jems, on the contrary, noted one characteristic feature Emotional memory: "A person can even come into a greater rage, thinking about the insult to him, than directly experiencing it on himself, and after the death of the mother can feed more tenderness to her than with her life."

E. A. Gromova notes that one of the properties of emotional memory is its gradual evolution in time. First, reproduction of the experienced emotional state is strong, bright. However, over time, this experience becomes weaker. The emotionally painted event is easily remembered, but without experiencing emotions, albeit with some affective print: a non-differentiated experience of pleasant or unpleasant. From my point of view, this means that emotion is reduced to the emotional tone of impressions.

At the same time, some generalization of the process is observed. If the initial emotion was caused by some determined stimulus, then over time, the memory of it applies to other similar stimuli. P. P. Blonsky makes conclusion that with such generalization of emotional experiences there is a decrease in the ability of differentiation of the incentives generating its incentives. For example, if a child frightened some particular dog in childhood, then as an adult, a person is afraid of dogs at all.

The memory of the experience of the pain remains very long (except for generic pains). This fear makes it prefer to remove the tooth, than to treat it with the help of a born, acquaintance with which took place in early childhood.

P. P. Blonsky gives examples of the influence of emotional memory on the formation of character. A terrible punishment in childhood can make a person fearful, the permanent memory of the experience of misfortune is melancholic, etc.

Interesting data, testifying to emotional memory, are given by Yu. L. Khanin (1978) to memorize athletes and athletes of their anxiety to competitions and during them. In one case, gymnasts were invited to assess their condition an hour before the competition and before each of the four shells of gymnastic all-around. Then after 18 days, each gymnast in his memories retrospectively appreciated, "how she felt an hour before the competition and before each shell." It turned out that retrospective and real estimates of situational alarms were quite close to each other. The correlation coefficients were especially high in relation to experiences before the projectiles, which gymnasts were afraid most. Based on the results obtained by Y.L. Hanin, it can be assumed that women have emotional memory better than men. The following facts inclined to this output.

The group of women - jumpering into the water was suggested 20 days before important competitions to evaluate retrospectively on the basis of their past experience with the help of a situational anxiety scale "its condition before responsible competitions." Then immediately before the competitions (two hours before the start of the performance), a really observed level of anxiety was measured with a situational anxiety scale. It turned out that there is a close correlation between these two indicators. In men, as a result of the same study, reliable correlation was not revealed.

True, the differences between men and women in memorizing their experiences can be explained by the worst in men than in women, reflexes and less in men than in women, severity, anxiety, but all this also needs proof.

It should be noted that the term "emotional memory" is not always used adequately. For example, B. B. Kossov (1973) speaks of the emotional memory of chess players, and in fact they studied the effect of emotion for memorization (as emotional initiation affects the storage of positions in the party).

Thus, the emotional memory since a long time caused the interest of scientists. There were different opinions about its presence at all about the mechanisms of its occurrence and development. The influence of gender differences on the manifestation of emotional memory, its relationship with emotions, anxiety of man, as well as thinking and volitional efforts in the remembrance of emotionally painted experiences. Researchers today do not have a clear and uniform opinion on the mechanisms and features of manifestation and development of human emotional memory. Nevertheless, it must be said that all the same disputes among scientists and researchers about whether there is still an emotional memory or not, today they are reduced to an affirmative point of view in this matter. Now in any dictionary on psychology, you can read the definition of emotional memory and learn about some of its features. At the moment, psychologists and their colleagues dealing with memory study are interested in the question of a more detailed study of this phenomenon, its features and relationships with other mental phenomena.

2.2 Structural components of emotional memory

Earlier it was found that emotional memory It has direct attitude towards a person's experienced feelings, emotions and information coming from the environment and causing certain feelings and emotions. Next, we consider in more detail these structural components of emotional memory.

Love, self-esteem, pride, honor, courage, sympathy, attachment, conscience - all these universal values \u200b\u200bare based on emotions. If we treated them indifferent, they would not be values, for, in order to appreciate something, you need to treat it emotionally - love, rejoice, wondering or be proud of. Each of us comes to this world, already knowing how to feel, although it does not know how to talk until time, can not walk. From the ability to feel, feel and express their feelings with ultimate clarity and perseverance directly depends on our vitality.

Emotions - A special class of mental processes and states related to instincts, needs, motives reflecting in the form of direct experience (satisfaction, joy, fear, etc.) The significance of the individuals acting on the individual and situations to implement its livelihoods.

The concept of "human emotion" is so complicated that a laconic definition will not be able to fully reveal its essence. Emotion is something that is experiencing as a feeling that motivates, organizes and directs perception, thinking and action. Other definition: Emotion is a special form of mental reflection, which in the form of a direct experience reflects not objective phenomena, but the subjective attitude towards them.

Accompanying almost any manifestations of the activity of the subject, emotions serve as one of the mechanisms of internal regulation of mental activity and behavior aimed at meeting the urgent needs.

In addition to the classification by two polar poles of emotional tone: positive - negative, distinguish the emotions of biological and actually emotions. In extreme situations, when a person does not cope with the situation that has arisen, the so-called affects - special view Emotions that differ in great power, the ability to slow down other mental processes and impose a "emergency" situation established in evolution (for example, escape, aggression) in evolution. Affects based on a person as a biological creature, so they are called biological emotions. By performing a positive and negative reinforcement function, they contribute to the acquisition of useful and eliminating the forms of behavior.

Actually emotionsUnlike affects, may be poorly manifested outwardly. They have a clearly expressed situational character, i.e. Express the assessment attitudes of the subject to the folding or possible, to its activities and their manifestations in these situations. Actually, emotions are also ideological in nature - they are able to anticipate situations and events and arise in connection with the actualization of ideas about experienced or imagined situations. Them the most important feature It consists in this that they can communicate and transmit.

Feelings - Sustainable human emotional relations to reality phenomena, reflecting the importance of these phenomena due to its needs and motives; The highest product development of emotional processes in social conditions.

Unlike actually emotions and affects associated with specific situations, feelings Eliminate in the perceived and represented reality phenomenon, having a stable consistent motivational significance for a person. Feelings are clearly pronounced, i.e. We must certainly be associated with some specific object (subject, man, life event, etc.) the same feeling can be realized in various emotions. This is due to the complexity of phenomena, versatility and multiplicity of their connections with each other. For example, a sense of love generates a spectrum of emotions: joy, anger, sadness, etc. In the same feeling, it is often merged, go into each other different on the sign (positive and negative) emotions. This explains this property of feelings as duality (ambivalence). Historically, feelings are formed in the process of social development of a person and change depending on the specific social conditions. In ontogenesis, feelings appear later than actually emotions. They are formed as an individual consciousness develop under the influence of educational influences of family, school, art, etc. The arising as a result of the generalization of individual emotions, formed feelings become the formation of the emotional sphere of a person, determining the dynamics and content of situational emotional reactions.

Feelings are a complex integration of emotions and thinking, biological and social in man. They define a large human behavior, its aspirations and actions. Memory for feelings ( emotionalbnaya Memory), in this case, plays the last role in building his own behavior's own line. A person is a man social, emerging among people in society. And at the same time, a person is an individuality, a biological creature with its definite set of psychophysiological characteristics, which has no "analogues" in the world. A person is a system of interaction between physical, psychological, social and spiritual, where all components fall under the influence of society, and at the same time have individual characteristics. Given this aspect of the multi-faceted human essence, it can be said that each person (among many individual differences) has another one - this is a memory of feelings. AND this species Memory helps him survive and adapt in society.

In the process of forming the personality of the sense, they are organized into a hierarchical system in which one of them occupy a leading position corresponding to actual relevant motives, others remain potentially unrealized. In the content of the dominant senses of man, its ideological settings are manifested, orientation, i.e. The most important characteristics of his personality.

Feelings and emotions do not exist outside the knowledge and human activity. They arise in the process of activity and affect its course. In this regard, 2 functions of emotions are distinguished:

1. The signal function is expressed in the fact that experiences arise and change due to occurring changes in the environment or in the human body.

2. The regulatory function lies in the fact that persistent experiences direct our behavior, support it, forced to overcome the obstacles occurring on the path or interfere with the flow of activity, block it.

Emotions affect us through various channels. They can cause a number of changes in the human body: in respiratory organs, digestion, cardiovascular activities. With emotional states, the pulse, blood pressure changes, pupils are expanded, there is a sweating, etc. and, I must say, in the same way information obtained through the senses and treated with emotional memory can influence the occurrence of certain emotions and feelings in humans. For example, odors can be maintained for a long time in the emotional memory of the person and intensify the emotional memory. Therefore, odors are often used as incentives when studying man's long-term memory. Remembed by the relationship of odor with a specific context. Smells have the ability to excite memory and imagination, which is often accompanied by strong emotions similar to those who have been tested in a situation associated with a certain odor. The smells associated with emotions have an impact on human behavior depending on individual experience. For example, the smell that was present during the solution of a complex task may cause stress if the subject meets with it later. In one of the studies, the subjects offered 254 smell associated with food, home, other people, etc. It turned out that the presentation of odors often caused certain episodes and images that have an emotional color. The smells of man often caused associations with mother, beloved man, parents, friends. The same stimuli to activate emotional memory, by analogy with smells, color, sounds, taste, which at one time made a strong impression on a person and caused an emotional response in it. This response is still firmly justified in memory, and will now be one of the links in the chain of events: stimulus- EM.aboutnational memory - reaction.

Moreover emotions are crucial fordevelopmentpersonalaboutsTI. They strongly affect socialization processes, because emotions that man experiences most often in childhood (Whether they are negative or positive) postponed in his psyche and can emerge on the surface when it becomes an adult, externally manifested in features of character, the relationship of him to the world. The brightness and variety of emotional relations make a person more interesting. It responds to a wide variety of reality phenomena: music and poems are worried, the latest achievements of technology, etc. The wealth of their own experiences helps her more deeply understand what is happening, more subtremely penetrate the experiences of people, their relationship among themselves. Feelings and emotions contribute to a deeper knowledge of the man himself. Thanks to the experiences, people will know its capabilities, ability, advantages and disadvantages. The experiences of a person in the new setting often disclose something new in itself, in humans, in the world of surrounding items and phenomena. Emotions and feelings give the words, actions, all the behavior of a certain color. Positive experiences inspire a person in his creative searches and bold jesters. Stressing the meaning of the experiences, V.I. Lenin said that without human emotions Never happened, no and can not be a human quest for truth.

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Emotional memory.

It should be started on the very concept of "memory".

In the broad sense, the word under biological memory understand the property of the living system to store the trace of perceived irritation. In such a general formulation, the concept of "memory" is a very wide range of phenomena, in connection with which, speaking of the memory of higher animals and a person, it is preferable to imply the ability of the body in the process of its individual life to be imprinted, to store, reproduce and forget perceived information.

It should be borne in mind that human memory has its own specific features. The main ones are the ability to keep not only the traces of the perception of surrounding items, but also their verbal designations, as well as the ability to manage their memory. Also, when fixing in the memory of any material, a person chooses certain techniques (strategy) of memorization. This gives reason to speak not just about the function of the memory, but about man's enemic activities.

There are various principles of memory classification, dividing it into separate forms. The classification of memory, proposed by I. S. Beritashvili, was widely widespread, which differed in vertebrate animals and man shaped memory, conditionaloreflector, emotional and verbal-logical (specific for a person, as it is associated with a logical speech).

Emotional memory was first described in the context of pathology. Under emotional memory, reproduction of the previously emotional state with re-influence of irritants, which caused the primary appearance of this state.

For emotional memory, distinctive properties are characterized, it is possible to allocate the main three:

  1. "Abandosity", that is, the formation, and reproduction of emotional memory can occur with any sensory effects. In other words, regardless of the sensory nature of the "launcher" irritant, an emotional state can be reproduced with the re-exposure of this irritant or their combinations.
  2. the speed of formation of emotional memory. Emotional memory does not need a multiple presentation of material for memorization and is often formed from the first time (a child who burns will remember this experience for life).
  3. obstacle memorization and information reproduction; Arbitrary reproduction is difficult or even impossible for most people, the exception is artists, musicians, artists, they can easily reproduce previously experienced states, which is the result of frequent training of this process.

For emotional memory, its gradual evolution in time is characteristic.

Initially, reproduction of the experience of the state is strong, bright. However, over time, feelings are dulled.

The work of the human brain for modern scientists is as mysterious as the device of the heavenly arch for the contemporaries of Ivan the Terrible. One of the most interesting manifestations of brain activity is a memory that can be short-term, episodic and even emotional. Here is the last form and consider in more detail.

Emotional memory in psychology - features and examples

It happens, read the story, and after a few days neither the author, or you can't remember the name. But the smell of sheets, hard, slightly rough cover and the joy of reading the first independently acquired book instantly remember in ten years. This is one of the examples of emotional memory, which is included at the time of passing by a person through strong experiences. Recent studies helped to find out that in the storage of such events, adrenal hormones are actively involved, and in conventional memories they are not used. It is probably a special memorization mechanism and provides us with such brightness of the experiences of the past events.

In psychology, an emotional memory is interested in and thanks to its ability to develop scoreless, which are covered in the event of unconscious stimuli. Suppose in childhood the boy was sent to the bakery for fresh bread, on the way home he was seduced by a pleasant aroma, trampled a piece, but a big dog jumped out from behind the corner, the boy was frightened and fell. Time passed, the boy grew up and forgot about the hot bakery products, but suddenly passed past the bakery and felt that the very fragrance, after which he had a sense of anxiety and impending danger.

Not everyone has an emotional developed in the same way, this can be convinced of this, asking two children who have risen on the same carousel, about their impressions. One will swing his hands and tell how everything was spinning, what his horse had, that a girl was sitting with big bows ahead, and the boy was driving behind the dragon, and the dad was standing near and waving his hand. The second will tell that it was fun, the carousel was spinning, and he sat the dragon, so beautiful. A year later, the first child will be able to remember everything and tell me, and the second will only confirm that the carousel rode last summer.

It cannot be said that the lack of emotional memory is a serious drawback, but many professions, for example, teachers and actors, it is necessary. Yes, and the ability to sympathize without it will also be underdeveloped. But if you do not possess such memory, you should not be upset, it is just a skill that can be improved by regular training.

One of the most unusual manifestations of the functioning of the brain is considered to be a memory that happens short-term, episodic and emotional.

The latter is preservation in the subconscious of emotions and feelings.

Impressiveness will be a prerequisite for the formation of character communicativeness.

This is a mandatory factor in the formation of the ability to sympathize and compassion.

It is considered a fundamental element of skill in certain professions, including a teacher and actor.


Emotional memory is a memory for bright memorable events. She plays an important role in the vital activity of all people. Past and preserved emotions and memories become signals that encourage decisive actions or retaining those that have previously caused negative experiences. Emotional memory is much stronger than its remaining varieties. In some cases, the events that have occurred are only a feeling, emotion, impressions in memory.

Under emotional memory implies memories of the experienced events and feelings. Specialists to this day do not have a consecration, which is postponed in the subconscious better, positive or negative impressions. Western scientists argue that positive memorized is stronger, and Russians believe that negative emotions (suffering, anxiety) is much more important for survival.

It is impossible to say that if there is no emotional memory, it is a significant minus, but in many professions, for example, teachers and art workers, it is necessary. The ability to sympathize will also be insufficiently developed.

In the absence of such a type of memory, one should not be desirable, since it is only a skill improved through permanent trainings.

Physiological basis

The physiological basis will be traces of experienced in the past nervous shocks, preserved in the cerebral cortex due to the plasticity of the CNS: a process that has been provoked by the external factor, cannot pass for nerve tissues without a trace, but leaves inside it "imprint" as certain functional changes . They make it easier to flow in concomitant processes in the central nervous system when they are repeated.

Physiological processes in the brain observed in the process of memories are the same as at perception: memory needs the functioning of the same CNS devices as the perception itself. It is caused by the influence of external factors.

The fact that emotions exist was proven by scientists when almonds were opened in the temporal part of the brain. For the formation of emotions is responsible directly to this section of the limbic system. However, vegetative changes inside the body under the influence of anxiety, for example, is the function of the hypothalamus. The processes that occur in the limbic system are characterized by electrical and biochemical origins. They affect the well-being of internal organs.

The difference consists only that during perception, the central processes are constantly maintained by irritation of receptors, and in memory they are only "finishes" of nerve processes that occurred.

All emotions remain in mind due to the development of synaptic communication. In the formation of the trail involved various parts of the brain:

  • cora: Themes, temporal and frontal areas;
  • cerebellum;
  • hippocampus;
  • subcortical nodes.

The relationship between establishes with time. It is important to function by chemical components (, calcium and enkephalin). These components are hormones transmitting the pulse.

EP functions

The development of this variety of memory is required to everyone, since a person without emotions will not be interesting during the conversation. In addition, such people have no empathy, compassion. Based on this, it is possible to distinguish the following functions:

  • formation of a versatile person;
  • formation of emotional intelligence;
  • improving orientation in society;
  • stimulating creative start.

Emotional memory allows a person to feel more confident and lift self-esteem in the eyes of others.


The criterion of division will be what activity of mental processes is expressed during memorization. 4 major varieties of memory are allocated:

  • Motor. Memorable movements. Movement, any motor functions - postponed with direct participation of motor memory.
  • Emotional. The ability to remember the sensations, interconnected with things, events or phenomena.
  • Fig. Memorization of various silhouettes, outlines, concepts that are formed as an abstract image.
  • Wonder-logical. Memorization of mental images, concepts that are laid in words and conclusion. Forming in childhood.

The latter is considered the most difficult and appear later, in view of the efforts of the will.

How um works

Function is based on the relationship of several structures: emotions (positive or negative), sensations, thoughts and information that encourages human thinking. They are closely connected and inseparable in the subconscious.

For example, after reading the story, a person is not able to remember the writer or name after reading 4-5 days. And the fragrance of pages, the cover and euphoria from the read book can remember throughout for long years. In accordance with the latest research, in storage different events Hormones of the adrenal glands are actively involved, and with ordinary memories they are not involved. Perhaps a specific memory mechanism forms similar brightness of the impressions of past events in humans.

In psychological science, this type of memory is investigated due to its ability to form scoreless emotions covering when unconscious irritable factors appear. For example, in childhood, a person went to buy fresh bread, on the way home he felt a pleasant smell, broke down a piece, but suddenly the dog ran out and frightened him. After time, forgetting about this incident, a person will be held near this place and will feel the smell and feeling of fear and anxiety.

Not every such type of memory is developed to the same extent. It is easy to understand, interviewing 2 children who rolled the carousel, about their emotions. The first with revival will tell in detail about each episode and about everything that attracted his attention. Another will tell you what he liked without going into details. A year 1, 1 will remember everything in the details, and 2 will only indicate, the very fact of the pastry on the carousel.

Development of EM.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive the emotional component and monitor its control. Without its formation, it is impossible to manage the team. This is the necessary feature of the true leader. Individual, which has a high emotional intelligence, is easily recognizable. He quickly finds a common language with a surroundings, because it can understand its own and other people's emotions. It is distinguished by friendly and cheerfulness.

Extremely important developed emotional intellect For art workers. However, and people with another profession wishing to use all resources, he will be a serious help in memorization.

So that this type of memory has developed better in children, it is necessary to help him "connect" more often thinking with the use of images, walk with him to new places and with early years Tearn reading and art.

In adulthood, a specific variety of memory predominantly prevails, and the psyche is aimed at a certain type of activity. Change thinking an adult formed by the individual is quite difficult. However, the emotional memory is present at all, and it is possible to develop and raise it on the level of consciousness.

For the development of children, you can try the following exercises:

  • "The ball of happiness." Several children play and adult. The child catches the abandoned ball and remembers the event, during which he felt happy. Then, he throws the ball to another.
  • "Magic bag." You need to remember and write on paper all your alarms, fears. There are deep-in bags, it is firmly tied and thrown out.

In adult age it is possible to conduct the following training:

  • Diary. It is necessary to record their own feelings and experiences, and after, after time, rereading them, you can restore them again. In this way, the muscle of emotional memory is trained.
  • Liberting. Rereading the book, man is experiencing emotions literary heroes. Often, books that are read in childhood can cause experiences that can be attached to incentives. For example: during reading the wind intensified, the leaves began to rustle. Over time, with wind and rustle, foliage can be remembered in memory those experiences and read book.

The behavior of a person in the course of life builds up pushing out emotional memories. Criterion of memory division is considered mental activity, often used by an individual. For the formation of the corresponding emotional state is the responsibility of the limbic system. Memorization is formed by the synthesis of long interconnections between brain neurons. The predisposition to the creative beginning, originally implies a variety of memorization using mental images and emotions. The formation of emotional memory is an important aspect For those who have decided to find themselves on a literary, musical or acting field.