Repairs Design Furniture

Conversation about insects in the middle group. Project in the Medium Group Theme: "Insects. Dynamic caterpillar pause

(in the middle group)


Educational:Clarify the knowledge of children about insects, their characteristic signs, adaptability to living conditions; Learn to express faithful, gestures and plastic of their movement.

Developing: Development of attention.

Educational : Easy careful attitude towards insect, love for nature.

Equipment : magnetic board, insect figures, subject pictures with an image of insects.

1. Organizing time.

Educator: Being next to each other, and smile to each other. Guys, let's stand in a circle and shake a good mood with each other. I will smile and give my smile ... (I call the name of the child standing on the right), he will give his smile next. Smile must come back to me. (Children in turn pass smiles to each other ) . Well thank you. Sit on your chairs.

2. Message Topics Classes.

Educator:Today we will go to the Magic Country, and to find out how this country is called, I suggest you guess the riddles.

Moved at the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it.

He felt and flew away.


Little helicopter.

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes

Your name is .... (Dragonfly)

TRU with branches she eats

And in the garden helps us

List sitting deftly

This is God .... (cow)

(Children independently exhibit insects on a magnetic board).

Guys, and how can be called in one word butterfly, dragonfly, God's cow.

Children: These are insects.

Educator: Quite right. And today we will go to the country of "insects".

3. Conversation about insects.

( Enters Luntik , in his hands he is a bug jar).

Luntik: Hello! You recognized me. I am Luntik. I live on the moon. You know, the moon got such an interesting creature. We have no such moon. Who is it? When I was on Earth, what I saw it. Maybe he lives somewhere?

Children: this is….

Educator: Luntik, how good you came to us. We are with children, just go to the country of "insects". If you are interested, stay with us, and bug let me, he will still sit in our neckside, then we will release it. Well, Luntik will stay?

Luntik: Of course stay.

Educator: Well then attack.

Guys, list insects, what do you know?

Children: (List)

Educator: And now let's look at the insects in the pictures.

(Pictures are exhibited before children.)

Educator: Guys, look, most insects have wings. Tell me, please, why insect wings?

Children: To fly from one place to another.

Educator: Yes, they are moving more with the help of wings, but they also have legs.

Guys, but please tell me what you need insects for life?

Children: They need air, water, sun, grass, flowers ....

Educator: Luntik, tell me, but on the moon there are conditions for the life of insects?

Luntik: Nooooes, so I flew to you.

Educator: Guys, and on the water you can see insects?

Children: can. Dragonfly flies near the reservoirs. Mosquitoes, midge ..

Educator: What amazing and diverse there are insects.

And tell me what harmful insects do you know?

Children: For example, fly, mosquito.

Educator: And what are harmful flies?

Children: Flies transfer infections. Mosquitoes bite people.

Educator: At the same time, birds feed on flies. And who feeds on mosquitoes?

Children: frogs.

Educator: Why can I confuse a butterfly with a flower?

Children: It is the same beautiful, multicolored.

Educator: Guys, and tell me if you can touch insects, bring home?


Educator: why?

Children: can bite, stole. They can't live at home.

Educator: Insects need to take care. We can imagine them, we are won what are big, and they are Maaaahalensky.

Educator: And now I invite everyone to stand up and make a physical council "Dragonfly"

4. Fizminutka. "Dragonfly"

Dragonfly flies here (the children imitate dragonfly flights)

Like peas eyes, (depict big eyes dragonfly)

And herself like a helicopter, (rotation)

Left, right, back, forward (slopes).

(After Luntik begins to hide, they will make ants to him)

Educator: Oh Luntik, yes, this is the same ants to you.

Guys, look.

Luntik: Yes, yes, yes he will probably capture me when I accidentally landed next to his house.

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the Muravyev's house?

Children: Muratenic.

Educator: Luntik, you flew to us from the moon. And listen to who flew to us yesterday.

5. Finger gymnastics.

I flew to us yesterday (mashered with my palms.)

Striped bee. (One finger bended to each insect name.)

And for her bumblebee - Schmek

And cheerful moths

Two beetles and dragonfly, (make mugs of fingers and bring to the eyes.)

Like eye lanterns.

They wanted, flying, (mashered with his palms.)

From fatigue fell. (Drops palms on the table.)

Luntik: Oh! And when I was with you last time. I liked the game, as ants make stocks for the winter. Play with me.

Educator: Yes, Luntik, we have such a game.

6. Game "Spare Ant"

Luntik: And I can play with the children himself.

(At the edges there are two hoops, in which there are balls, in the middle of a basket - "anthill". Children are divided into two teams and pass the balls from the hoop to the basket)

Educator: Thank you Luntik. And now we will show you real living insects. We in the garden there is an ecological dot "meadow". There are many insects there. Let's take a bug with me and let him out there.

Get up for friendly

And after me all step.


O.A. Solomennikova "Classes for the formation of elementary environmental representations"

An abstract classes in the middle group

Subject: Insects

purpose: To form in children the idea of insects.


Educational: clarify and expand the knowledge of children about insects, their appearance, lifestyle; About the benefits and harm caused by nature.

Developing: Develop mental activity, mental comparison and generalization operations, curiosity, attention, memory, speech. Cause interest in the world around the world, form realistic ideas about nature. Expansion of the horizons and environmental representations.

Educational: to educate the need for communicating with nature, love and careful attitude towards nature.

Types of childhood activities: Communicative, educational, research, perception of fiction, motion engine, gaming, productive.

Equipment: Illustrations insects.

Structure occupation


I will tell you guys, an interesting story.

Once I walked in the forest, passed by the Polyany. And I met interesting living beings. They are all different, someone flies, someone crashes. But everyone has exactly six paws. But how these creatures are called, I forgot. Maybe you will help me remember what kind of living beings. Now I will guess you riddles, and you have to guess them.

Listen to the riddles:

Tell me, what kind of bug?

On it in black shirt points,

Catching crawling

By the leafy of God. (cow).

It's not a bee, but jam.

Honey, jam adores.

There is a strip on the poulter.

Who is she, tell me? (Wasp).

Knife adults and children -

Thin weaves it network,

Muham enemy he, not a friend.

What is his name? (Spider).

Here is a bug - hard worker.

All day to work is glad.

I wear on my back

Quickly drags. (ant).

What a guest with a hungry belly

Do you rings over our ear?

From the colors do not drink nectar,

It takes us. (mosquito).

Who flies in every home

Together with the Summer draft?

Who buzzes deafness over the frame?

Annoying. (fly).

What a miracle helicopter

Moshkare does not give sleep?

Only dry dew

Cleans. (dragonfly)

In the meadow in cornflowers

He practiced in jumps.

It is a pity, breakfasts to them the chick.

Who was it? (Grasshopper).

Where is the unwitting dishes,

There, Usach lives not bad.

And in the pan, and in a glass

Rye red. (cockroach).


Guys, you all guess right. But how can we call in one word: Mukhu, mosquito, bee?

Responses of children - Insects.


Insects in spring

Go and flit -

On the clearing on the forest -

All flams!

Foot W. insects six,

Head is, wings.

And not averse to the pollen eat

(But not to be confused with dust)

Beach, butterfly, mug

Need juice floral.

Eats a cow of God's TRU,

From greenery, with leaves.

Bumblebee buzzed, the OSA rings,

Dragonfly flies ...

In honey honey on such days

Honeycomb fills.


Guys, how are you moving insects?

Answers children

Educator: They can crawl, walk, fly, swim, jump and run.


And what is food insects?

Answers children

Educator: Most of insects Green leaves, stalks and young shoots of plants, eating pleasure. Some insects Feed on ripened fruits, fallen leaves and cheese.

There is in nature and insects - predatorswho hunt others insects. (This is dragonfly - it feeds on small midges, catches mosquitoes and beetles; ants - they exterminate many insects; Grasshopes - they can eat with an appetite with a careless butterfly, fly).

Is there insectswho love to enjoy honey nectar and delicious floral pollen .

Guys how do you think it is insects?

Responses of children - (bees, bumblebees, butterflies, flies).

Fizminutka "Centipede"

1. Sorryokozheka went

(children go a rhythmic step, slightly spring)

On a dry path.

2. Suddenly I ordered a rain: Cap Cap-Cap!

(Children stop and squatted.)

Oh, wet forty paws!

3. I do not need a runny nose

(children go, high raising her knees, as if walking through the puddles,

Walk I am puddles!

4. Dirt to the house will not bring

(children stop, shaking one foot,

Each paw shook!

(shake another foot) .

5. And sweep later

(children are hugged)

Oh, what kind of paws thunder!


And now I want to tell you, guys, small, but interesting stories about some insects.

Guys, do you know who is the strongest on earth? (children's responses).

The strongest on Earth is an ant, because it transfers gravity, 10 times superior to his own weight.

Guys, what are the names of the Muravyev?

Responses of children - (anthill).

Ants live in an anthill big and friendly family. Rules in an anthill ant princess.

Guys, and who in summer do not sleep at night, and all over the ear rings?

Responses of children - (mosquito).

Do you think, is there a mosquito ears?

Answers children

It turns out there. And they are hiding in the male (Boy) Mosquito in the mustache. Of course, not such ears, like a person, but with the help of this hearing, the Komarik-male finds his girlfriend.

Ladybug, fly on the sky, carry us bread, black and white, just not burned ...

Remember such a promsion?

What color is it insect?

Answer children (Red with black specks).

Ladybird is still orange. Red or orange painting of God's cows is called caution. Birds know that insects With such a painting inedible, and do not peck them.

Considering pictures S. insects.


What do you think, if you destroy everyone insects? (No one will pollinate plants, if this is not done, it will not be the plants themselves). Guys, do not hurt insects, do not touch them, they are part of nature.

When in fragrant draft

Push up in the summer in Pine

Carefully peering around

You will notice a lot, friend.

Larvae drags ants

Hurry somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On fat bitch

Golden beetle sat down.

Flies light moth

Drinking foolish juice

And collects honey bee.

Everything busy, Everything is.

My friend carefully peer

Magic See Life!


Guys, and since you helped me remember the name insects. I want you to make small gifts, it's coloring with insects.

Node abstract in the middle group "Insects".

Cognitive development

  • Expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about insects, to introduce children to the active dictionary of children by generalizing the concept of "insects".
  • Develop overall motility, coordination.
  • Continue to learn group items for the main features.

Speech development

  • Develop visual and auditory memory.
  • Develop a speech image.
  • Continue to learn to guess the riddles and justify your guess.
  • Relieving a good attitude towards small neighbors on the planet.
  • To form a desire to actively work at the lesson.
  • We instill careful attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work:

reading literature on the topic, viewing illustrations, drawing insects.

Materials and equipment:

Posters with an image of insects, sound support.

Travel course:

(Children sit in a semicircle on the chairs)
Check: A friendly hands take
And smile and smile
Will run heat in a circle
We will be together very friendly
We want to know everything.
Suddenly hear a knock!
Vasch: Children! Lily butterfly flew to visit us. Look at Lily's letter.
"Dear guys, we got into trouble! The evil spider enchanted us, we are now in danger! Help us please! Signature "Insects".
Rest: Children, what do we need to do?
Responses of children (save insects, help out of trouble).
Rest: Well, what guys will we save insects from trouble?
(Children's responses).
Rest: Then we need to guess the riddles. As soon as you solve a riddle, call the correct answer, the magical charms of the evil spider will disappear and insects will be released.

1. Springs, green back
From the grass on the epic, from the branch on a path(grasshopper)
2. The colors of fragrant drinks, gives us and honey and wax
People with all she is sweet, and her name is her
3.Ne some four wings, the body is thin like an arrow
Insect mouth grabs, there are huge eyes
Call it (dragonfly)
4. The worker is real, very, very working
Under the pine in the forest thick, from the chewing house buildings
Without work at least kill, live can not live
5. It is easy, beautiful, elegant, lightble
Same like a flower, and loves to drink floral juice
6. not a buzz when I sit, not a buzz when I go
If there is a break in the air, there is plenty of widget
7. The vessels of the bugs is mile, the back is allay on it
And on her mug, black dots
8. Awesome day she flies, annoying
Night comes, then stops
9. With whom I buzzed with, remember me, I have a sting
And on the trouser strip because I
Rest: What are you great! That's how many people were folded. Guys, so who we got out of trouble?
Children: insects
Rest: The evil spider ran away, and the butterfly was glad that you were so kind, saved insects, and we and I and I will continue journey to the country of knowledge.

Rest: Children let's tell me how, the caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
This strange house without windows
(turn around them)
People call "Cocoon"
Sveva on the branch this house
(rotate with hands)
Dimmer caterpillar in it
(palms under the cheek)
Sleeps without wake up all winter
(Ladoshka change)
But winter passes by
(Hand crashing up)
March, april, drops, spring
(cotton for each word)
Wake up Sonya Sonyushka
Under the spring bright sun
(draw the sun)
(threaten with your finger)
She became a butterfly
(Masut of the hands of the wings).
Vasch: Guys, do you like miracles?
(Children's responses)
Listen, about a miracle that happens with insects. Miracle, this is what beetles, flies, butterflies, dragonflies - are never babies. They appear immediately by adults. Each insect before becoming an adult, first eggs, then hatching the larva, caterpillar. She needs to eat a lot and grow when she grows turns into a doll. It takes time from the doll comes the butterfly. Dragonflies lay eggs into the water, mosquitoes lay the larvae into the water, the beetle laying the larvae to the ground, the guys where insects live?
(Children's responses)
They live everywhere: in the grass, on trees, in colors, in water. And how are they moving?
(Children's responses: run, jump, fly)
Rest: What do insects eat?
(Children's responses: floral nectar, plant leaves)
Vasch: these are insects, then they are like something? What do they differ from other forest inhabitants? What do they have a common? What features can you determine them?
(Responses of children: they have 6 paws, head, wings, belly)
Vasch: Children a lot of insects, is that good? What benefits do they bring?
(Responses of children: A lot of bird feeds pollinate plants, bees give honey)
But many insects, it's bad, what do you think, why?
(Children's responses: tolerate different diseases, interfere with sleep, bite)
Vasch: So, it means to which groups we can divide them
(Children's responses: useful, harmful, predatory)
Vasch: Name useful insects?
(Children's responses: butterfly, bee, ant)
What benefits do they bring?
(Children's responses: bees pollinate flowers, give honey, butterfly pollins flowers, ants in the forest spread seeds, forest sanitary panels)
Name harmful insects?
(Responses of children: fly, mosquito, caterpillar)
What kind of harm?
(Answers of children: fly spreading microbes on the paws, caterpillar eats plants leaves, a mosquito biting people and animals)

And now let's show how insects talk?
Zhu - Zhu - Zhu Zhuge Bee.
Good my deeds
Zu - Zu - Zu Mosquito fries
Bite speeds in a hurry
UV - UV -UF As a locomotive bumblebee puffed, pollen took
Beetle buzz
gU- Zhu -gu - Zhu
I am any wakeup
What are the insects that belong to predatory?
(Children's responses: dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug)
Why are they called predatory?
(Children's responses: they hunt for other insects)

Game "Name-Laskovo"
Beetle bug
Mustache mustache
Vasch: All insects are so small that they can not be noticed. Why do they easily hide? Why green grasshopper? (hiding in the grass).
The May beetle hides on the branches of trees. Butterfly on a flower?(bright, similar to flower). Because they have protective painting, like their habitats.
Why do they need such a painting?
(defend, hide from enemies).
Vasch: Children, look, Ladybug is so bright. It can be seen in the grass, and on the tree. He will notice any bird. Where does she hide?
The answers of the children (she herself protects against enemies, at a minute of danger, she distinguishes milk, which smells badly and therefore no one eats her.)
Vasch: Why can not touch and offend insects?(they are alive)
Vasch: Yes insects alive. They cannot be offended. What happens to nature if insects disappear? The plants will disappear, insect birds will die of nature, they can admire them. Watch how they fly, run, jump, buzz.

Game: "Finish Proposal" - correctly choose the words, I will begin and you will continue.
Big beetle, and a mosquito ...... ..
Butterfly flies, and caterpillar ......
The bees live in the hives, and ants .......
in an anthill
The birds have two paws, and insects ......
Ladybug little, and snail ...
Bees from nectar make ...
The beetle wings are short, and dragonfly ...long
Rest: Guys, and now I ask you to go to the table, so that our glada come to life, I propose to decorate it in the insects. Take insects and set them on Forestry. Look, what a beautiful glade has become. Let them crawl and beetles, let the grasshoppers jump, fly butterflies and dragonflies!
Rest: Children, butterfly Lily wants to say something: Thank you guys for helping to argue my friends insects. You are kind and caring guys, just do not forget, insects can not be offended, they can be admired, watch how they work! Wragging them, we protect nature!

We are ladybugs, fast and clever
On the grass juicy we crawl
And after the forest go for a walk
In the blueberry forest and mushrooms
tired legs from walking
And we want to eat for a long time
Go home rather fly.
Guys, so we learned about the conversation today?
What new have you recognized?
Did you like in the country of knowledge?
And I liked it, you were active, listened carefully, diligently performed the task.


Educator Dow No. 36 Connov A.A.

Integration of educational regions

Cognitive development:

Continue to teach the rules of safe behavior in nature

To introduce children with new security rules.

Secure children's knowledge about spring changes in living and inanimate nature

Speech development

Continue to develop children's connected speech.

Intensify and replenish vocabulary.

Continue to learn to answer questions.

Socio-communicative development

Clarify the ideas about environmental prohibitions; To help not only realize, but also to experience the rules of behavior in nature, convince them of their fulfillment.

To form the ability to behave in nature, carefully treat it, to see her beauty and uniqueness.

Rail in joyful, caring attitude of children to nature.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, reviewing reproductions from pictures of famous artists; Observations, work on walks, memorizing poems about spring.

Material for the lesson

Laptop, Didactic Games "Name Animal", "Collect the flower" illustrations prohibiting signs

Travel course:

Breed Guys, look, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them. Prepare your palms. Repeat with me.

Finger gymnastics.

Hello red sunshine - hands up,

Hello, breeze - swaying hands,

Solar bunnies - hand crashes in front of them

Fast rods - hands at the bottom of hand shaking

Hello ripe grass - swaying palms

Hello, noisy foliage - Trute hands

Hello, mice - cotton behind his back

Hello, mean - jumping in place

We welcome everyone now - the fingers are connected to the castle

Very glad to see you - hands to the chest and forward - to the sides.

Break: Today, a bear came to visit us. Still say hello to him. Bear asks you for help to deal with what time of year is in this poem:

Because of the mountains, because of the seas

Rush flocks of cranes

Streams in the forest sing

And snowdrops bloom.

Who will say who knows when it happens? (Spring).

How many months does spring last? (Three) .

Name them (March, April, May)

Well done!

Rest: Bear Wants to call you for a walk in the forest. Want to go with him?

Children: We want!

Re-: But there is one important rule, the rule of security, listen carefully:

Must seriously understand everything:

Without adults, it is impossible to walk in the forest!

After all, it's easy there:

Get away from home far

And do not find back the way ...

And more to my mother do not walk ...

Did you remember the rule? Without adults, it is impossible to walk in the forest !!!

And how can I get to the forest?

Children: by car, by bus, on foot ...

Rest: We will walk on foot, we will admire the beauty of nature.

(Imitation track).

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full fairy tales and miracles!

What are you doing foliage

Who is in the wilderness of your luxury -

What kind of beast? What a bird?

Everyone is open not to Tai: you see, - we are yours!

Rest: We are approaching the forest glade. Let's imagine that the sun shines brightly, the blue clean sky above the head, the ground is covered with young green grass, the first flowers appear.

What flowers appear first?

Children: Snowdrops.

Task d \\ and: "Collect the flower"

Re-: Spring on the trees swell the kidneys and the first leaflets bloom.

Oh, the tree has broken branches. Who has done it. Can you break the branches of the trees? Why?

Children: NO

Rest: Of course not! Plants, trees are living beings. Grow, breathe, eat. Leaves detain dust. Plants give us oxygen, purify air. Therefore, it is impossible to break the branches on the trees

Educator: Let's leave the sign here. Who will see it, he will know that it is impossible to break the branches of the trees. Let's go further.

Oh, watch which bunny crushed!

Do you know what happens to animals in the spring?

Children: Change coloring, wake up from hibernation, some young appear.

Reb: Bear offers a little rest and play the game: "Name animals and his cubs" (sat down on the chairs).

Game: "Find a cub" "

Rem: Well, you coped with the task and now went further?

Children Tell me a bearish what else cannot be done in the forest if you are his friends? Forest friends?

Listen to Bear poems:

We go, walk in the meadow,

Collect the flower:

Red, white, blue color ...

Wonderful bouquet. (M. Bychkov)

Do you think the bear does not like in this poem? (tear flowers)

Rest: After the snow comes down, grass and spring flowers appear. They are so beautiful and gentle and so want to pick up with them home. Is it possible to tear flowers?

Listen to the verse about what will happen if we are on the flower.

If I lay a flower, if you break the flower,

If together I and you, together we will break flowers,

Empty all the cleans, and there will be no beauty.

Rem: Let's remember this rule. If you tear flowers. That will not be insects. They will have nothing. Let's leave the sign here.

In the forest green I will go,

I will find a hare of gray

Bring it home

It will be my bunny.


(You can't take anyone from the forest home).

Rest: Animals will be bad without that habitat in which they are accustomed to live.

Let's leave here.


Little birds, birds small

In the forest fly, songs sing,

The buoy wind flew out, the birds wanted to carry

The birds hid in the hollow, it is cozy and warm.

Rest: You probably have heard that recently fires in the forest are very often happening. They can be from the heat, or when the leaves harness, or tourists forget to put out the bonfire.

Remember another rule:

Spring! Guys rushing to hike!

But you need to know young tourists:

So that the beasts did not suffer, birds,

It is not good to spoil!

From the glade garbage collect

And in the fire burn it!

Bonfire do not leave in the forest

Sand, fall asleep,

So as not to smoke, I did not weaken,

Troubles in the forest did not do.

Which of this poem do we extract the rule?

Children: You can not leave garbage in the forest. It is impossible to leave a wrong bonfire. (I put the sign)

Rest: That's how many rules for friends of the forest we learned. Let's repeat all the signs that are forbidden to create in the forest.

Well, we helped the bear shatter, which cannot be done in the forest, and now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Did you like our spring journey? What did you like most?

Responses of children.

Rest: let's, guys are friends of the forest, we will take care of nature: do not get into the green grass, do not tear flowers, and let's admire them. Let us always please our affectionate sun.

Goodbye a bear.

"Attention! Dangerous insects! "

Senior group

Educators: Golushko O.S.

Yatsenko D.A.


Purpose: Give children an idea of \u200b\u200ba variety of dangerous and useful insects.


  • To form an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent insects, about their necessity for a person.
  • Consolidate the knowledge of children about life-threatening and insect health,

With which they are found in nature. Give knowledge of the rules of behavior when meeting with different insects.

  • To form an idea that your life should be preserved and not to endanger.
  • Develop interest in knowledge of the environment, observing caution, carefulness.

Wordwork:Replenish and intensify children's dictionary: Osa, bee, mosquito, ant, bumblebee, fly, midge, tick.

Material for the lesson:subject pictures of various insects and their habitats. Doll, insect toys.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about insects.
  • Acquaintance with literary works: G. H. Andersen "Thimimovochka", A. Bianki "As an ant home in a hurry", "Spider-pilot", Glushnev "Grasshopper and Grasshoppers", S. Mikhlovsky "Academy of Sciences", Szdretsky "Happy bug", V. Zotov from the book "Forest Mosaic" ("Ladybug", "Grasshopper", "May Beetle"), K. Ushinsky "Bees at the exploration", K. Chukovsky "Muha-Cocotuha";
  • Outdoor games.
  • View illustration of insects.

Methods and techniques:

  • Conversation with children, questions for children.
  • The story of the teacher, riddling the riddles.
  • Consider illustration.
  • Games.

Travel course:

Educator.Wherever we are - in the forest, in the meadow, near the river, - we always meet with insects.

When in fragrant draft

Push up in the summer in Pine

Carefully peering around

You will notice a lot, friend.

Larvae drags ants

Hurry somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On fat bitch

Golden beetle sat down.

Light moth flies,

Drinking foolish juice.

And collects honey bee.

All are busy, everyone's affairs.

My friend carefully peer

Magic to see life.

Children are offered to see the exhibited illustrations.

Guys, who of insects did you find out? (Osa, Bee, Mosquito, Ant, Bumblebee, Fly, Moshka).

What are all insects like each other, what do they have in common?

The educator summarizes children's answers:

Ant, ladybug, grasshopper, butterfly, mosquito, fly, bee, wasp - all insects. Insects are called animals that have six legs, and the body consists of three parts - the head, on which there are two ears, middle part and the abdomen.

But insects differ from each other. Tell me, for what signs did you find a mosquito? ( At mosquito .......)

How did you define that this wasp? ( Usa ............).

How did you recognize the ant? (Ant ... ..).

But all insects are so small, they are difficult to see. And not everyone can notice. Try to hide the sheet of colored paper on the table. Each child takes a small square of green, yellow or brown (different shades). On the table lie large sheets of the same colors and shades.

Why are insects easily hide? Because the color is the same as the places where they love to be.

Why do they need such a painting? To protect against enemies. (Show the children image of a grasshopper on green grass, beetle-koroed on a tree trunk.).

Look, who is it? The back is red, black circles on it, on each side three legs. it ladybug.

It came to the flames and began eating small round creatures, which the appetite launched their trumps into the leaves and sucked juice from them. it aphid.

What do you think, who is useful to a person, and who brings harm? Ladybug destroys various garden pests and fields.

Why is God's cow so bright? After all, it is clearly visible on a green leaf, her any bird will notice. It turns out that this baby knows how to defend well. At a minute of danger, it highlights the white liquid similar to milk, which smells badly. She is scared of enemies. Therefore, the ladybug is inedible for birds

You will not find a saw with us,

We did not cut the trunks,

Did not knock the ax,

And under the fir rose house.

What kind of house says in the riddle? (Anthill.)

Yes, this is an anthill, and ants live in it, they are a person's friends, as the forest saves, destroying many harmful insects. But if it is thrown, protecting it, he painfully burns, highlighting formic acid. At the very beginning of spring, the anthill looks more like a bunch of sauards and old needles than on an anthill: a single ant is visible next.

Show pictures with a bee image:

Who is it? it bee Flies to collect sweet juice from the first colors. So that then we had delicious, very useful honey. The bee is also brightly painted. What do you think, why? Bee as if says: "Do not come! Sung! "

Showing pictures with the image of various butterflies:

Look at the wings of butterflies. They are always covered with small scales, which are very important for the butterfly. If even some scales are erased, the butterfly will not be able to fly and die if you take a butterfly in your hands, then you will see pollen that will remain on the fingers.

The butterfly has a long subtle curved proboscis, which it lowers the flower inside and drinks sweet juice. Loves butterfly Open flowers to sit on them and see what is happening around.

And where is the house at the butterfly?

The game has a house - ... ( anthill)

At the bee - ... ( hive)

Didactic game "Who lives?"

Children are divided into two groups. Some hold pictures with an image of insect habitats, others - with the image of insects. By the signal "At home!" Each insect should "fly" to his "house".

Dynamic caterpillar pause

(speech coordination with movement)

This strange house without windows (slowly rotate around yourself)

People call the Cocoon.

Sweep on the branch of this house, (rotate hands)

Dimmer caterpillar in it. (palms under the right cheek)

Sleeping without wake up all winter. (palms under the left cheek)

But winter passes by - (stirring hands up)

March, april, drops, spring ... (cotton hands for each word)

Wake up, Sonya - Sonyushka! (Pulling)

Under the spring bright sun (paint the sun)

Caterpillar is not to sleep. (threaten with your finger)

She became a butterfly! (run in a circle, mashed with hands, like wings)

Caterpillar is a malicious pest. She has many enemies. It is a special delicacy for birds, but with the help of various tricks they manage to escape from death. The time will pass, and will turn the caterpillar into the doll, completely fixed in sight. And from the doll will appear butterfly. Suddenly, a fixed doll will stroke, it will burst with her skin on her back, the wings will appear first, and then the whole butterfly. Wings hanging like a wet rag. But it will take an hour, another, and the wings will dry. The butterfly move them, will place them and suddenly ... will fly.

This insect has a striped abdomen and a pair of transparent wings. Osa - predatory insect. It feeds its larvae by protein food - flies, bees, reptiles and mammals. He herself feeds on the nectar of flowers and ripe juicy fruits. It is not rare to drive out of these obsessive insects from jam, compotes, fruits, as well as melons, watermelons and berries.

Name insects that belong to predatory ( dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug).

Why are they called predators? ( Because they hunt for other insects.)

Name useful insects. ( butterfly, bee, ant.)

What benefits bring bees, butterflies, ants? ( Bees pollinate flowers give us honey and wax. Ants spread the seeds of many plants through the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

Name harmful insects. ( Fly-blowing microbes, caterpillar - Eating leaves of plants, comar, tick-dangerous insect for man.)

Showing pictures of a tick

Dangerous insect - tick. Be sure to look through your body, as the tick is dug under the skin and is a peddler of infectious disease. Pliers are small spider-shaped. They are very small in size and they are usually difficult to notice until they pump blood. But then it happens too late. Finding on the human body, the tick is not immediately dug in its skin, and for a long time crawling, looking for the most tender places (where thin skin). Most often it is dug in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, armpits, on the neck, in the region of the clavicle, on the stomach and back. The bite it is completely insensitive, since the tick saliva contains an anesthetic substance.

But we can protect ourselves from tick bites (teacher-memo tag)

Unlike mosquitoes, which, peeling blood, immediately fly away, pliers are embarrassed for three to four days. From the blooded blood, the ticks are very inflated, increasing in size three or four times, and only then disappear.

Seeing insects in nature, watch them, behind their appearance, habits. Often, the children take in the hands of insects, not knowing what they can destroy them, but at the same time they can suffer from their bites themselves. Insects benefit, and therefore it is necessary to treat them carefully. All insects are useful in their own way.

You saw these insects, identified their external differences. And now listen carefully to the riddles. Who are they?

Flies, beyond,

Legs long drags,

The case will not miss:

Sens and bite.

All day flies,

Everyone anniversary.

Night will come

Then no longer stop.

Fashionable winged

Striped dress.

Tighter though crumb

Bite will be bad.

Not a bird, but with wings.

Over flowers flies

Medok collects.

I work in the artel at the roots of Lohamta ate.

According to the fights, the trick log is more carpenter it.


She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow.

And big, big eyes,

Call her ...


She is bright, beautiful,

Elegant, lightble.

Same like a flower

And loves to drink floral juice.


She is mile all bugs

The back is allay on it.

And on her mug

Black dots.


Story about the rules of behavior when meeting with insects.

Insects bring great benefits, but sometimes you can suffer from them, so you need to know how to protect against insects.

Open parts of the body need to be lubricated by means of scaping insects.

Going into the forest, you need to wear long trousers and a long sleeve shirt, headdress.

If you saw an unsolved nest, watch it in the inhabitants from afar, in no case do not touch it, otherwise the wasps will fly out and will be sting.

If the bee flies near you, try to be calm, not with your hand, go to another place.

If a bee sting left during the bite, then it must be removed, and the stolen place to wipe with soda mortar.

Having met on the path of the ant, do not touch him, watch that he drags along the path to the anthill, what is the size, the painting of this ant. Watching the ants, you can understand which amazing creatures are these little ants. You will not disturb them, they will not bite you.

From mosquitoes, it is necessary to defend themselves using ointments that scare insects. The greatest number of mosquitoes flying in the evening, after sunset, or in the morning, after it is sunrise. Day of the mosquitoes are sitting in thick vegetation, hollows of trees, cracks and other refuge. But in the forest, the mosquitoes are attacked throughout the day.

To get rid of flies, you can not leave rotting products and sewage, which are suitable for the development of larvae flies. It is necessary to follow the rules for maintaining the cleanliness of the house and on the street.

Dangerous insect - tick: It is dug under the skin, and a person can get sick.

Be sure to look at your body, returning from walking through the forest or meadow.

Seeing insects in nature, watch them, but do not take into hand: you can harm insect and suffer from his bite.


Please tell me what insects do you know?

Where do insects live?

What is the difference in insects from birds?

What happens if there are no insects?

How to protect against insects?

(Answers children.)

- In nature, everything is interconnected. Each insect, even if it is dangerous to us, can benefit the environment. Let's be attentive and careful when meeting with nature inhabitants. And in order not to be mistaken, we will study the children's encyclopedia of the living inhabitants of the vegetable and animal world.

Project type:

short-term, group, research.


for children 4-5 years.

Duration of the project:

Project participants:

children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators.

Education area:

environmental education.

The relevance of the problem:

Children , during the walk, they often see insects. The reaction of the guys is unpredictable, alone is observed, others immediately take their hands, and someone will turn the foot. Chatting with children, the problem itself appears: "Does insect benefits or harm?" , "Are insects need?"

The participation of children in the project will make it possible to form ideas about insects, their benefits or harm;

develop creativity and search activities.

Objective of the project:

formation of ideas about the life of insects.

Project tasks:

  • to form in children elementary ideas about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper), their structure, movement methods;
  • learn about their benefits or harm;
  • bring up the careful attitude to the living;
  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • to form research skills.
  • Estimated result:

  • children will know and call insects (butterfly, ant, ladybug, beetle, bee, grasshopper);
  • have the simplest ideas about some of the peculiarities of the appearance (body shape, the number of legs, the presence of wings), ways of movement (jumping, flies, runs), the sounds published (buzzing, shifting), where and how insects winter;
  • know about the benefits or harm that people and plants bring;
  • find similarities and differences;
  • own the generalizing concept of "insects";
  • make a descriptive story about the insect using the reference scheme.
  • Preliminary work:

  • search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Insects";
  • acquaintance with literary works: G. H. Andersen "Thimimovochka", A. Bianki "As an ant home in a hurry", "Spider-pilot", Glushnev "Grasshopper and Grasshoppers", S. Mikhlovsky "Academy of Sciences", Szdretsky "Happy bug", V. Zotov from the book "Forest Mosaic" ("Ladybug", "Kuznechik", "May Zhuk"), K. Ushinsky "Bees at the exploration", K. Chukovsky "Muha-Codotha";
  • heading poems about the insects "Sorryokozka", "Song of the beetle", "about the butterfly", a finger gymnastics "Beetle, dragonfly, wasps", "ladybugs", riddling mysteries, the word "(essay by children);
  • listening to Audio Audio N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of Bumblebee";
  • Collaboration with family:

  • Consultations "How to instill love for nature", "First aid in insect bite."
  • Parents are recorded invented by the child, a story about the insect, help to draw up with drawings.
  • view cartoons:
  • "Luntik", "Maya bee", "Winnie Pooh", "under the mushroom".
  • Product of project activities:

    story about any insect,

    didactic games


    collective Applique "On the Polyanka",

    crafts from natural material,

    exhibition of drawings "Bukashchki-Tarakashchki".

    Project Implementation Plan:

    1 Week: « Acquaintance with a butterfly ":

    1) Artistic word, riddles about a butterfly.
    Objective: to acquaint children with literary works about a butterfly.

    2) viewing encyclopedias, logs.
    Objective: to introduce children with the appearance of insects.

    3) Conversation with children about a butterfly.
    The goal: to acquaint with the varieties of butterflies, with a butterfly development cycle, benefit or harm.

    4) a) the pictorial activities of the "Butterfly".
    Purpose: To form the ability to paint the drawing of the butterfly, using the previously acquired drawing skills. (Lemongrass, Kapuetrian, Napoleon).

    B) decoration with butterflies of a group room.
    Purpose: Call a desire to decorate a group for everyone.

    5) Game "Connect points and find out what to turn the caterpillar."
    Purpose: Develop the accuracy of the movement of the hand, a small motorcy, imagination.
    6) Moving game "Day and Night" (day and night butterflies).
    Purpose: develop the ability to act across the signal, follow the rules of the game.

    2 weeks: "Acquaintance with ant".

    1) Artistic word, riddles of the ant, reading the fairy tale V. Bianki "As an ant home in a hurry."
    Objective: to introduce children with literary works about the ant.

    2) Luggage exercises: "Friends helped."

    Purpose: Development of the feeling of rhythm.

    From friends Murauyka lagged behind.

    Oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
    He broke the leg thin.
    Ay-ah-ah, ahhhhh.
    The grass quickly wrapped it,
    In the anthill soon ran.
    Well, and the sun for the forest has already gone.
    It became immediately so scary, dark.
    Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah!
    It's good that friends helped,
    Murane brought home brought.

    (Children press the palms to the cheeks and rhythmically shake their heads.
    Rhythmically bend and extension legs.
    Run in place.
    Make a rhythmic spring.
    Rhythmically closes their eyes with palms.
    Rhythmically clap your hands.)

    Luggage exercise "Insects over the meadow".
    - Zhu-zhu-zhu, - buzzing bee:
    - I'm flying from afar.
    - Zuz-Zuz, - Mosquito fries.
    - UV-UV-UV, - as a steam locomotive
    Bumblebee puffed, pollen was lucky.
    The beetle buzzes: "Gu-Zhu, Gu-Zhu.
    I will wake anything. "
    (Children raise their hands on the sides and are rhythmically marashe like wings.
    Rhythmic "throw out" the index fingers forward. Rhythmically pursue legs, clap your hands.

    Search for an anthill.
    Objective: Secure the knowledge of the Ants Residence, the method of protecting the anthills.
    3) Node "From the life of ants."
    Purpose: consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about the lifestyle of ants, habits, benefits, to intensify the dictionary of children.


    4) Excursion through the territory of the kindergarten (or in the forest). Observation of the anthill.
    Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of children about the behavior of ants, the habitat.
    5) Experience "Isolation of formic acid".
    Purpose: Development of cognitive activity.

    6) amusement: "Who helped the ant and get home"
    Purpose: consolidate the visual skills of children, depict different insects.

    3 weeks: "Acquaintance with God's Cow".


    1) Artistic Word, Riddles and Poems about God's Cow.
    Objective: to introduce children with literary works about God's Cow.

    2) viewing encyclopedias and magazines "What are different ladybugs?"
    Objective: to introduce children with the types of ladybugs, about appearance, habitats, the benefits of God's cow, develop active speech.

    3) Application "Ladybug".
    Purpose: Fix the skills cut round and oval forms, the ability to gently stick them.

    4) game "Connect points and see what happens."
    Purpose: Development of shallow motility.

    5) Listening to songs about God's Cow.
    Purpose: The development of musical hearing.

    6) Coloring the "Insects" coloring.

    Purpose: develop creativity.

    Final event:

    1) Quiz "What we know about insects."
    Purpose: consolidating knowledge of children about insects.

    2) Presentation.

    Smirnova Olga Vladimirovna