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The use of presentation multimedia technology in DOU (consultation for teachers). Methodical development (group) on the topic: Using multimedia presentations in working with preschoolers

The multimedia presentation is one of the forms of using ICT in working with preschoolers in additional education.

The multimedia presentation is one of the forms of using ICT in working with preschoolers.

We live in the XXI century, century of information. Informatization of society is the reality of our days. Modern information technologies are increasingly being introduced into our lives, become the necessary part of modern culture.
The computer becomes the best assistant teacher both when working with children and when working with parents.
It's no secret that the material that is interesting to the child is well absorbed.
Multimedia presentations allow for a training and developing material as a system of bright support images filled with comprehensive structured information in algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in the factual, but also in associative form in memory of children.
The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:
- implementation of the polybitensory perception of the material;
- the ability to demonstrate different objects using a multimedia projector and a projection screen in a multiple-enlarged form;
- combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation contributes to compensation for the amount of information obtained by children from educational literature;
- the ability to demonstrate objects more accessible to the perception of the saved sensory system;
- the activation of visual functions, the eye of the child;
- Computer presentation slide films are convenient to use to display information in the form of printouts with large fonts on the printer as a handout for classes with preschoolers.

When conducting classes, various multimedia presentations are used, which carry great potential.
In a games form, you can introduce children, for example, with sounds using "Merry Alphabet" S. Marshak, or show the sounds that people are published. The use of a "funny account" helps the child easier to master the bill. And how the presentations are needed when familiarizing with the outside world. Threads "Trees", "Wonders of Light", "Animals", "Water" and others not only demonstrate some phenomena or objects, but also reconstruct the necessary auditory associations. It is still very interesting presentations using mysteries. They help develop attention, imagination, child thinking.
For a child of preschool age, the game is the leading activity in which not only manifests itself, but, first of all, the child's personality is also formed. And here the computer has ample opportunities, because developing computer games can be used both in group work and in individual. It can be a learning and developing game. The use of them contributes to the development of sensority functions; Improving the effectiveness of teaching children, the development of intellectual and creative possibilities. For example, games like "Gather House", "Collect Pyramid", "Clear Passengers" can be used to develop children's self-monitoring of 5-7 years.
To upbringing the useful habits of children, you can use presentations for poems of children's poets, for example, "Magic words"
M. Druzhinina.
The use of multimedia presentations make it possible to make classes emotionally painted, attractive causes a child of a living interest, are an excellent visual manual and demonstration material, which contributes to good performance. Thus, the use of multimedia presentations in mathematics classes, music, familiarization with the outside world ensures the activity of children when viewed, examination and visual allocation of signs and properties of objects, the methods of visual perception, surveys, allocations in the objective world of high-quality, quantitative and space-time Symptoms and properties develop summary and visual memory.
With the help of multimedia presentations, the complexes of visual gymnastics, exercises for the removal of visual fatigue are learned. On the screen of the monitor appear pictures - symbols different exercises: "Stars", "Fish", " Winter forest"And Dr. exercises they perform, looking at the screen. The movements of the eye of children correspond to the movements of items on the screen.
Working with parents is another field of activity for the teacher, and here the computer can have an invaluable role. Creating presentations
"My family" and further showing the parent meetings help you get closer to families of pupils, learn their interests, hobbies, bring up pride in the family. We photograph children in classes, while playing activities, for a walk, in all local events. Create photo gallery and place in kindergarten and on the site.

Recommendations for the design and content of presentations:
Criteria for design:
compliance with the design of the purposes and the content of the presentation;
single style in the design;
reasonable variety of content and receptions;
competent use various fonts, lists, tables, schemes, illustrations (drawings, photo);
Quality formatting of text;
Qualitative technical design of images (appropriate dimensions, clarity, brightness of drawings and photo images;
design and aesthetics design;
Thoughtful, reasonable application of animation, settings for animation effects.
Content criteria:
compliance of the content of the presentation of the content of the training session (educational event);
Compliance of the content of the presentation goals, the structure of the event itself;
The slide must have a simple, understandable structure and contain text or graphic elementscarrying a visual image as the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe slide;
Do not overload a visual number too detailed and accurate data.

Thus, the application of information and communication technologies in preschool education is becoming increasingly relevant, as it allows the means of multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, game form, to achieve a new quality of knowledge, develops the logical thinking of children, strengthens the creative component of academic work, which contributes to improving the creative component Quality of education among preschoolers. Applying information and communication technologies in various forms, we contribute to the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world.

It should be remembered about the lack of computer:

Excessive computer handling can lead
to deterioration of the child, and maybe negative
affect his mental health.
This is especially dangerous for shy children.
And most importantly, it is impossible to hope only on the computer.
Child is a small man
it can form and develop, only communicating with people,
and, living in the real world.

Tatyana Svechnyna
Use multimedia presentations in a preschool institution

In your work wide i use multimedia presentations

The theme of my concept " Use multimedia presentations in a preschool institution.


Application multimedia presentations It makes it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical activities.


Systematize the learning of knowledge;

form motivation to teaching;

Expand vocabulary children and their knowledge of the world around;

Form a sound culture of speech;

develop memory, attention, thinking, creative abilities

Multimedia presentations - a convenient and spectacular way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines the dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that can hold the child's attention for a long time

Compared with traditional learning forms preschoolers Multimedia presentations possess near advantages:

1. Presentation preschool children; Forms the kids system of thinking.

Little scratch is interested in mass of things: From morning to evening, questions seem to fall out of it. How to explain, it is clear to tell and not to push off, not to pay off the child curiousness and the inquisitiveness of the mind? Adult man is fundamentally different from kid: In order for something to understand, he is enough to listen to an oral explanation, and developed verbally - logical thinking will make his job.

Proverb "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times"First of all, about a small child. It was him, with his visual-shaped thinking, it is clear that it is clear that you can simultaneously consider, hear, act or evaluate the action of the object. Because it is so important when learning preschooler Access to those channels for obtaining information that are open.

Multimedia presentations Allow the training and developing material as a system of bright reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in the factual, but also in associative form in memory of children.

2. The computer allows you to simulate such life situations that cannot be easily seen in everyday life.

3. Opportunities multimedia presentations allow you to increase the volume of the material offered to familiarize yourself. Many mothers note that the interest of children to knowledge is significantly increasing, the level of cognitive opportunities increases.

4. Using The new unusual techniques of explanation and consolidation, especially in a game form, increases the involuntary attention of children, helps to develop arbitrary.

5. Coloring children multimedia presentations, doscomber actively. Due to high dynamics, the master's learning is effective, the memory is trained, the vocabulary is actively replenished, imagination and creative abilities are developing.


Practice has shown that subject to systematic use multimedia presentations in combination with traditional methods learning, the effectiveness of the work of the older children preschool age increases significantly.

About efficiency speak the following positive factors:

children are better perceived by the studied material due to the fact that presentation Carries a figurative type of information, understandable preschool childrennot able to read and write;

pupils increase the motivation to work in class at the expense of the attractiveness of the computer and multimedia effects. Movement, sound animation For a long time attract the attention of children;

the knowledge gained remains in memory for a longer period and is easier to restore for use in practice after a brief repetition;

presentations allow you to simulate such life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (Rocket or satellite flight, transformation of a pupa in a butterfly, etc.).

Computer technologies must organically be integrated into the workshop of the teacher, without replacing the immediate interpersonal communication With children, but only helping to solve the tasks.

Multimedias are used me at different stages of classes. So, eg:

1. In the introductory part of the classes, the pupils explain the purpose and content of subsequent work. At this stage it is advisable to show the slide with the image pointing to the topic of classes.

2. Motivational - cognitive activity forms interest preschooler In the perception of information that will be told in the classroom.

When studying common concepts phenomena, laws, processes are the main source of knowledge are my words, and the image on the screen allows you to demonstrate their conditional scheme.

3. Using the control, the degree of assimilation can be established. material: Heard at the lesson recognized when working with parents, in a practical lesson.

4. When studying a new material, a visual image is a visual support that helps most fully assimilate the supplied material.

5. Systematization and fixing material. This is necessary for better memorization and clear structuring. For this purpose, at the end of the lesson, I make an overview of the material studied, emphasizing the basic provisions and their relationship. At the same time, the repetition of the material occurs with the demonstration of the most important visual benefits on the slides.

I also i use presentations When conducting parental meetings, round tables, psychological living rooms. Particularly interesting presentations At the final pedsow, compiled by projects, self-education.

"Good presentation - This is when you put the child slides and is absorbed in the viewing process. If the child is glad to look presentation And asks to put it once again, I am sure that he spent this time with benefit! ".

Thanks for attention!

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In work with preschoolers, the use of multimedia technologies (colors, graphs, sound, modern means Video equipment) allows me to simulate various situations and environments. The game components included in the multimedia program activate the cognitive activity of my pupils and enhance the assimilation of the material. The use of a computer in a preschool educational institution is possible and necessary, it contributes to improving interest in learning, develops a child comprehensively.

Modern computer technology provide tremendous opportunities for the development of the education process. K.D. Ushinsky noticed: "Children's nature requires clarity." Now it is no longer a scheme, tables and pictures, and more close to children's nature game, even if scientific and educational. The clarity of the material increases his assimilation, because All kids perception channels are involved - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional.

Multimedia - This is a means or tool of knowledge in various activities. Multimedia contributes to the development of motivation, communicative abilities, the acquisition of skills, accumulating actual knowledge, and also contributes to the development of information literacy.

Such multimedia like slide, presentation or video presentation already available for a long time. The computer is currently able to manipulate sound and video to achieve special effects, synthesize and reproduce sound and video, including animation and integration of all this in a single multimedia presentation.

Reasonable use in the educational and educational process of visual learning means plays an important role in the development of observation, attention, speech, thinking of preschoolers. In classes with children, teachers use multimedia presentations, which make it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, to individualize the training of children with different levels of cognitive development, and significantly increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activities.

In working with parents Multimedia you can use when designing a visual material, when conducting parental assemblies, round tables, mini-peds, workshops, talk shows, survey. Using ICT allows you to diversify communication, increase the interest of adults to getting useful information about raising children.

When conducting pedsovets teachers reports are complemented by multimedia accompaniment. Presentations to reports include both textual support and videos, diagrams and diagrams ..

Use multimedia presentations

The basis of any modern presentation is to facilitate the process of visual perception and memorizing information using bright images. Forms and place of using the presentation (or even its separate slide) in the class dependely, of course, on the content of this classes and the goal that the teacher puts.

The use of computer slide presentations in the process of teaching children has the following advantages:

  • implementation of the polybitensor perception of the material;
  • the ability to demonstrate different objects using a multimedia projector and a projection screen in a multiple-enlarged form;
  • combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation contributes to compensation for the amount of information received by children from educational literature;
  • the ability to demonstrate objects more accessible to the perception of a saved sensory system;
  • activation of visual functions, the eye of the child;
  • computer presentation slide films are conveniently used to display information in the form of printouts by large fonts on the printer as a handout for classes with preschoolers.

The use of multimedia presentations make it possible to make classes emotionally painted, attractive causes a child of a living interest, are an excellent visual manual and demonstration material, which contributes to good performance. Thus, the use of multimedia presentations in mathematics classes, music, familiarization with the outside world ensures the activity of children when viewed, examination and visual allocation of signs and properties of objects, the methods of visual perception, surveys, allocations in the objective world of high-quality, quantitative and space-time Signs and properties, visual attention and visual memory are developing.

Thus, the use of computer equipment allows you to optimize the correctional pedagogical process, to individualize the training of children with developmental impairment and significantly increase the efficiency of any activity.

In addition, in the process of design, creating new tasks for corrective and developing classes using a computer and multimedia projector, creative qualities of the teacher are developing and improved, the level of its professional competence is growing. The desire of an adult diversify the activities of children, make classes even more interesting and informative, brings them to a new round of communication, mutual understanding, develops the personal qualities of children, contributes to excellent automation of the skills obtained in the new communicative stage of pedagogical and corrective impact. Thus, the informatization of education opens up new ways and teachers and teachers and teachers.

Computer, multimedia tools - tools for processing information that can become a powerful technical means of learning, correction, a means of communication necessary for joint activities of teachers, parents and preschoolers.

Use of interactive equipment When teaching senior preschoolers of mathematics, music, it helps to consolidate, clarify a specific mathematical content, contributes to the improvement of visual-effective thinking, the translation of it in a clear-shaped plan, forms elementary forms of logical thinking, develops a color feeling

The term "interactivity" comes from english word. Inter action, which means "Interaction" translated. Interactivity is the concept used in the field of computer science and communication. The use of information and communicative technologies in kindergarten allows you to expand the creative possibilities of teachers and has a positive effect on various sides of the mental development of senior preschoolers.

Using interactive Board it helps to develop in children: attention, memory, fine motor skills, thinking and speech, visual and auditory perception, verbal-logical thinking and other developing classes with its use have become much brighter and more dynamic. Interactive equipment allows you to draw electronic markers. To accurately determine the location of the marker mark on the board, ultrasound and infrared technologies are used. With the help of one of the electronic markers proposed in the kit, a teacher or a child can highlight or emphasize the necessary information, which further attracts attention to it. To remotely control the work of Windows applications, you can also use an electronic marker that replaces the mouse. Currently there are many simple and complex computer programs for various areas of cognition of preschool children.

Occupation with one subgroup, including the activities of children at the board, a cognitive conversation, game, gymnastics for the eyes, etc. lasts from 20 to 25 minutes. In this case, the use of the screen must be no more than 7-10 minutes. At the same time, the main goal of the teacher is not to learn this or that computer program with children, but to use its gaming content for the development of memory, thinking, imagination, speech from a particular child. When working with an interactive board, teachers primarily proceed from a promising plan, themes and objectives of the classes. Then addicted to the possibility of maximum use of data of an interactive board. Requires thoughtful preliminary work: the preparation of didactic problems, the compilation of the slides necessary for the classes. It was experimentally established that with the oral presentation of the material, the child perceives per minute and is able to recycle up to 1 thousand conditional units of information, and with the "connection" of the organs of vision to 100 thousand of such units. The senior preschooler has better developed involuntary attention, which becomes particularly concentrated when he becomes better Interestingly, when the material studied is distinguished by visuality, brightness, causes positive emotions from a preschooler.

What skills are necessary for the use of an interactive board: · Initial knowledge of the computer's device · Work in programs: Word, PowerPoint · Practice of work on the Internet (to search for images, ready presentations and training programs).

So, consider the versatility of computer equipment as learning tools with broad demonstration capabilities - on the example of the composition of stories in the picture.

  • Task 1. This task can be performed by 3 ways. 3-4 pictures are displayed on the screen, which are a connected story. (1 - beginning, 2- continuation, 3 - End) Children simply describe events depicted in pictures. In this case, each picture acts as another chapter.
  • Task 2. Children are offered only one picture. The educator is asked: what was before? What could be after? After the statement, a genuine story is offered and all pictures are displayed on the screen.
  • Task 3. The tutor shows on the screen pictures, which go on each other not by the plot, but in the confused sequence. These pictures, children must arrange in order, and then make a connected story.

This is the most difficult version of work implies the child to a certain extent formed logical thinking. Next, we consider an example using 4. pictures.

Another example of the possibility of working in dialogue mode in speech development activities:

Task 1. Toys confused, helping the guys, they call what was prevented by Zoe, and what Sasha. (On an interactive board image of a boy and girls, toys)


  • "Whose toy?" Zoine doll. Sasin Robot.
  • "Jadda" my plane. My pyramid.
  • "Pick, call, remember" houses (in the store, in kindergarten) with toys what can be done? Consider, touch, choose, buy.

Task 2. "Let's help" you need to decompose products into the appropriate dishes. Bread in bread, sugar in the sugar, milk in the milkman.

Task 3. The following task introduces children with wintering birds: "Consider and call


  • "Tell me in one word"
  • "Soroki White Boca, so it is called Beloboche"
  • "Who will give a voice?"

A positive point is that the use of ICT is aimed at including all analyzer systems.


  1. elements of visual-shaped;
  2. theoretical thinking
  3. vocabulary is actively replenished.

The results of classes with the use of a computer program, in this case PowerPoint, give a positive dynamics of the development of children's speech.

Presentations in PowerPoint are brightness, visibility, availability, convenience and speed in work. At the same time, interactive equipment is used in working with children of senior preschool age with unconditional compliance with physiological and hygienic, ergonomic and psychological and pedagogical restrictive and allowing standards and recommendations.

Using Internet resources and software such as e-books, multimedia encyclopedias, opens access and educator and pupil to a large amount of new information, which is almost non-implemented in the traditional form (on paper). For example: Poems for kids; ABC for the smallest and others. In their work, caregivers can use programs for which in the form of presentations.

The use of information technologies in speech development in DWA allows to overcome the intellectual passivity of children in classes, makes it possible to improve the effectiveness of educational activities of the teacher DOU. It is a enriching and transforming factor in the development of the objective environment.

And, in conclusion, the use of computer technologies in the activities of the DOW teacher allows to introduce innovative processes in preschool education, improve all the management links in the field of education, expanding the possibilities of access to information resources.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory

GBPOU "Kudymkar Pedagogical College"


Subject: " Using computer games In the cognitive development of preschool children "

Yehgova Irina Alikanovna

Specialty: - 44.02.01

Preschool education

Form of study: correspondence

Leader: Konshin S. P.

Introduction ............................................................................. .. p. 3

    Theoretical basis games as learning tools .......... p. 5.

    1. The concept and essence of the game. Influence of the game on the formation and development of the identity of the child ................................................ p. 5-7

      Classification of games.

Characteristics of the main types of games ............................ p. 8-22.

    Using computer games in preschool educational organization................................................................ . 23.

    1. Using a computer in Do ................................................................... 23-27

      The game is the main use of the computer in the Do ... .... 28-31

Conclusion ................................................................... 32.

List of sources used .............................. ... ... " 33.

Appendix ............................................................... p. 34


The use of information and communicative technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and most relevant problems in the domestic pre-school pedagogy. The specifics of the introduction of a personal computer in the process of upbringing preschoolers in our country is that computers are first used in the family, further in kindergarten (provided that they are) - in conditions of collective education. The use of a computer as a means of education and development of the child's creative abilities, the formation of his personality, enrichment of the intellectual sector of the preschooler allow us to expand the ability of the teacher, creates a base for the attachment of children to computer training programs.

The modernization of the pre-school education system in the country made adjustments to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the managerial activities of the head of the preschool educational organization (DOO). It became obvious that the problems of learning and education, the development of preschool children can be successfully solved only when improving the management system, based on scientific principles, the achievements of the high level of professionalism of the heads of pre-school institutions, advanced training of teachers, modifications to the organization of the pedagogical process.

DoO activity directly depends on how much the leader and his substituents own information, how quickly they can process information and bring it to the attention of participants educational process. The use of ICT allows an order to raise the quality and culture of management activities, to create reserves for work in development.

The development of science and technology, universal computerization define an increasing role of pre-school preparation of preschool children. Modern technology transfer technologies reveal completely new educational opportunities before us. Childhood entry into the world of knowledge begins in preschool age.

Existing programs give tremendous opportunities for children. However, studying the experience of the work of preschool institutions states that the methods used and means in training preschoolers in the DWA are far from all the possibilities laid in them. The introduction of effective methods and a variety of forms of teaching children in the DOW may resolve this contradiction.

Goodb: To study the features of the use of computer technologies in the process of developing senior preschool children.

An object: Cognitive development of children of senior preschool age.

Thing: Computer games as a means to develop children of senior preschool age.

To achieve the goals, the following were allocated tasks:

    Examine the concept and essence of the game in the DoO, describe the influence of the game on the formation and development of the child.

    Determine the classification of games and their characteristic.

    Explore the use of computer games in a preschool institution.

Methods:theoretical analysis of sources used, exploring the material.

Practical significance:develop guidelines for educators and teachers to use the computer in the DOW.

Short description: Course consists of 2 chapters, introduction, conclusion, the list of sources used, applications.

I.. Theoretical basics of the game as a means of learning

      The concept and essence of the game. Influence of the game on the formation and development of the identity of the child

The dictionary of psychological concepts about the game said as follows: " The game is a genus of human or animal behavior, due to imitation or genetically. "

A large number of books are written, benefits, techniques for the game, and on the other hand, even about such an first look question, as the criteria of the game there is no consensus. And all these questions are not only theoretical. After all, from their solution, it also depends that we will understand under the game, what's the point of investing in the very concept of the game, and how we will teach children to play, and how can you enter the game into the daily life of children.

So what is the game? One of the founders of domestic psychology L.S.Vugotsky He said that the basis of the game is the imaginary or imaginary situation. What is it? Imaginary situation takes place where there is a discrepancy between the visual field and the semantic field. Remember the "magic" words of childhood - "Ponaroshka", "Kakobto"? That's when "I am a Machine Machine", "Mine Lipstick Ponarow Whistle", "And Papin Belt Ponochka Snake or Train" - then there is a game. And as you can see, there are no toys in all the examples, and there is a game. This "magical" word and makes that L.S.Vigotsky called "the divergence of the semantic and visible field" - you see one thing, and imagine another. Highlighted by L.S.Vugotsky criterion of the game gives in the hands of an adult powerful tool in order not to let the fantasist disappear to wake up in the child of the wizard.

In the game, the child first carries out intellectual systematic work, with the help of images, speech speech, game actions, creates the plot and follows him. But the most important thing is in the game a preschooler to learn to treat the peace invented him, as a real one, with all seriousness. Playing, the child is always on the junction of the real and gaming world, it takes at the same time two positions: a real - child, and conditional - adult. This is the main achievement of the game. Taking a certain place in the life of adults, for children the game is of particular importance. It is customary called her childhood satellite. In preschool children, it constitutes the main content of life, acts as leading activities. The special importance of childhood is that with all its limited opportunities small child, not suspect, decides the main task His life - he defines his place, his way among people. And it is for her fulfillment that a plot role-playing game needs. The game is of great importance to prepare for of the future life. Why do children play, why do you need a game?

German psychologist Karl Gros. He considered: "A person, compared to animals, childhood lasts for a very long time, and the game in it occupies a central place." Karl Gros expressed the thought, which still enjoys popular: "We play not because we are children. But childhood itself is given to us to play. "

K. Büler, a German psychologist, believed that the game brings pleasure. This is a joy of the very action. In the game, the child receives functional pleasure from the action of themselves. Having experienced pleasure in the game, the child tries to resume it, repeating the actions, movement. In the course of these repetitions, his behavior is improved. The game is especially indicative in this sense, the game of the youngest children who, with perseverance, repeatedly repeat the actions or movements like them. The game, according to the Bülera, is a great dresser school. The game is not only training, but also improves his actions, experiencing double pleasure: from the action of its perfection itself.

Child psychologist William Stern He said that the children's game refers to life as maneuvers to war. The game shows what purpose a person seeks to prepare what he expects. The game guesses the directions of his future life. The child lives in a close world: an apartment, family, toys, and he tries to push the boundaries of this world using the game. He builds the world-observed adult people with their fantasy. The closest of the world in which the child lives is the first cause of the game (by K. Bulor). The second reason is the pressure from adults, tested by a child, and the desire for liberation.

What gives the game to children?

      Gives freedom, a break in everyday life, the transition from real life into a game relationship.

      The game teaches a child about, because it is impossible to break the rules and be in the game.

      The game creates harmony, forms a desire for perfection.

      The game gives an element of uncertainty that excites, activates the mind, adjusts the search for optimal relations.

      The game gives compensation, neutralization of flaws in reality. It is opposed to the hard world of reality - the illusory harmonious world.

      The game gives romanticism.

      The game gives the development of imagination, as it is necessary to create plots, the situation, the rules of the game.

      The game gives the development of psychological plasticity, because Without this, it is impossible to build a game relationship.

      The game gives the joy of communicating with peers, teaches to navigate in real life situations, losing them repeatedly "Ponaroshka" in its fictional world.

      It gives mental stability, relieves the level of anxiety, which is so high now in children.

Thus, with the help of the game, the preschooler climbs the inaccessible world of adults, filling it with its experiences and ideas. No game. It is impossible to fully social development child in preschool age.

      Classification of games. Characteristics of the main types of games

The game is a special activity that blooms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life.

In modern pedagogical theory, the game is considered as a leading type of child activity - a preschooler. The leading position of the game is determined not by the number of time that the child devotes to her, but by the fact that she satisfies his basic needs; Other activities are emerging in the depths of the game; The game most contributes to the mental development of the child.

Games differ in content, characteristic features, by what place they occupy in the life of children, in their upbringing and training.

Scene-role games create children themselves with some guidance of the educator. The basics of them are children's amateur. Sometimes such games are called creative plot-role, emphasizing that children do not simply copy certain actions, but they are creatively comprehended and reproduced in the created images, gaming actions.

In the practice of upbringing, games with the rules created for children are used for adults. Games with rules include didactic, movable, fun games. They are based on a clearly defined software content, didactic tasks, the focus of training. The amateurness of children at the same time is not excluded, but it is more combined with the guidance of the teacher. When mastering the experience of the game, the development of the ability to self-organization children are carried out and these games independently.

There are several groups of games, developing intellect, cognitive activity of the child.

I Group - Site games, how manipulations with toys and objects. Through toys - items - children know the shape, color, volume, material, the world of animals, the world of people, etc.

Group II - Creative games, plot-role, in which the plot is the form of intellectual activity.

Consider one of these (classification S.L. Novoselova).

Classification of games
(by S.L.Novoselova)
Picture 1

The program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten is given the following classification of preschoolers games:




Didactic. [8, p.160]

The main component of the plot game is the plot, without it there is no plot role-playing game. The plot of the game is this sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. Depending on this, plot-role games are divided into:

    Games for household scenes: in "House", "Family", "Holiday", "Birthdays" (a great place is given to the doll).

    Games for manufacturing and public topics, which reflect the work of people (school, shop, library, mail, transport: train, plane, ship).

    Games for heroic-patriotic themes, reflecting the heroic feats of our people (heroes of war, space flights, etc.)

    Games on the topics of literary works, film, television and radio programs: in "sailors" and "pilots", in a hare and wolf, Cheburashka and Crocodile Geno (on the content of cartoons, movies), etc.

Duration of the story game:

    in the younger preschool age (10-15 min.);

    in the middle preschool age (40-50 min.);

    in the older preschool age (from several hours to days).

The content of the game


activities behavior between people

In the structures of the role-playing game components allocate:

    the roles that are performed by children in the game of the game;

    gaming actions with which children implement roles;

    gaming use of items, real are replaced by game.

    relations between children are expressed in replicas, comments, regulated the course of the game.

In the first years of life, during the training of adults, the child undergoes the stages of the development of gaming activities that are prerequisites for the plot-role-playing game.

The first such stage is an introductory game. Refers to the child's age - 1 year. The adult organizes the objectiveness of the baby, using a variety of toys, items.

At the second stage (border 1 and 2 years of child's life), a displayed game appears, in which the actions of the child are aimed at identifying the specific properties of the subject and to achieve it with its help. An adult not only calls the item, but also draws the attention of the baby to his target purpose.

The third stage of the development of the game refers to the end of the second - the beginning of the third year of life. A plot-displayed game is formed, in which children begin to actively display the impressions obtained in everyday life (taucasus doll).

The fourth stage (from 3 to 7 years) - own role-playing game.

The role-playing game of preschool children in a developed form represents activities in which children take on the roles (functions) of adults in public form in specially created gaming conditions reproduce the activities of adults and relations between them. For these conditions, the use of a variety of game items, replacing real objects of adults.

The amateur nature of the game activity of children is that they reproduce certain phenomena, actions, the relationship is actively and peculiar. The peculiarity is due to the peculiarities of the perception of children, understanding and understanding them of certain facts, phenomena, links, the presence or lack of experience and the imperceptibility of feelings.

The creative nature of the game activity is manifested in the fact that the child is reincarnated in the one he depicts, and in the fact that believing in the truth of the game, creates a special game life and sincerely rejoices and is upset along the game. Active interest in life phenomena, people, animals, the need for socially significant activities of the child satisfies through game actions.

The game, like a fairy tale, teaches a child to penetrate the thoughts and the feelings of the people depicted, going beyond the circle of ordinary impressions into a wider world of human aspirations and heroic actions.

In the development and enrichment of children of children, creative reproduction and reflection of the facts and phenomena of the surrounding life, a huge role belongs to imagination. It is the force of imagination that the situations of the game are created, images reproducible in it, the ability to combine real, the usual with fictional, which attracts the child's attractiveness that is inherent only to her.

In plot games, the optimistic, life-affirming nature, the most difficult affairs in them always end successfully and safely: the captains spend ships through the storms and storms, the border guards delay the violators, the doctor cures patients.

In the creative plot role-playing game, the child actively recreates, simulates the phenomena of real life, is experiencing them and this fills his life with a rich content, leaving a trace on long years.

    Director games in which the child makes talk, perform a variety of dolls, acting for yourself and for the doll.

    Theatrical games.

Theatrical games are playing in the scores of a particular literary product and display using expressive methods (intonation, facial expressions, gestures) of specific images.

Theatrical games

games - Games on themes

dramatic literary works

Dramatic game is a special kind of pre-school children.

Dramaticize - to portray, play a literary work in the individuals.

plot games

overlife of events, roles, actions of heroes, their speech is determined by the text of the literary work.

eTEM must alleviately remember the text, comprehend the course of events, the image of the heroes of the fairy tale, or a recovery.


focuses deeper to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, sense artistic value, sincerely express your feelings

Development of abilities

Development of poetic hearing

Ability to quickly perceive text

Wan the liveliness of impressions

Sensual perception of the content, expressiveness of the child's speech

Transmit when creating an image of a hero in the game, express the ratio of speech, movements

In the game-dramatization, the content, roles, gaming actions are due to the plot and content of a literary work, fairy tales, etc. They are similar to plot playing games: the basis of those and other conditional reproduction of the phenomenon, actions and relationships of people, etc., and there are elements of creativity. The peculiarity of the dramatization games is that in the plot of fairy tale or the story, children perform certain roles, reproduce events in the exact sequence.

Most often the basis of games - dramatization are fairy tales. In fairy tales, the images of heroes are treated most brightly, they attract children with the dynamic and clear motivation of actions, the actions clearly replace one other and preschoolers willingly reproduce them. Easily dramatized the folk fairy tales "Relief", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Three Bear", and others. In the games dramatizes are used and poems with dialogues, thanks to which it is possible to reproduce the content of the roles.

With the help of games - dramatization, children better assimilate the ideological content of the work, logic and sequence of events, their development and causing conditionality.

To deploy games - dramatization: Arrival and development of interest in children, knowledge of the guys content and text of the work, the presence of suits, toys. The suit in the games complements the image, but should not be a baby. If it is impossible to make a suit, you need to use individual items, characterizing individual signs of one character: scallop Cockerel, fox tail, bunny ears, etc. To make suits to attract the children themselves.

The guidance of the teacher is that he primarily selects works with educational importance, the plot of which children are not difficult to learn and turn into a game - dramatization.

With preschoolers, it should not be specifically designed to learn a fairy tale. Beautiful language, a fascinating plot, repetitions in the text, the dynamics of the development of action - all this contributes to its rapid assimilation. When re-telling a fairy tale, children well remember her enough and begin to turn on in the game, performing the role of individual characters. Playing, the child directly expresses its feelings in the word, gesture, facial exposure, intonation.

In the game - dramatization do not need to show a child. Those or other expressive techniques: the game for him should be exactly the game.

Of great importance in the development of the game-dramatization, in the assimilation of the characteristic traits of the image and reflection, they are interested in the teacher himself, his ability to use the means of artistic expressiveness when reading or telling. The correct rhythm, a variety of intonations, pauses, some gestures revitalize images, make them close to children, they excite their desire to play. Once, while repeating the game, the guys need less need to help the caregiver and begin to act independently. In the game of dramatization, only a few people can participate, and the teacher must make all the children alone their participants.

Senior preschoolers in the distribution of roles take into account the interests, desires of each other, and sometimes apply to read. But here it is necessary for some influence of the caregiver: it is necessary to cause a friendly attitude of the peers towards timid children, suggest which roles they can be entrusted.

Helping children to learn the content of the game, enter the image, the educator uses the viewing of illustrations to literary works, clarifies some specific traits Characters, finds out the attitude of children to the game.

Construction - Constructive Games

Construction - Constructive Games - a kind of creative games in which children reflect the surrounding substantive world, independently erase the structures and protect them.

Varieties of building materials. Building game is such an activity of children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in different buildings and related actions.

The construction game is somewhat similar to the plot-role and is considered as its variety. They have one source - the surrounding life. Children in the game are building bridges, stadiums, railways, theaters, circus and much more. In the construction games, they not only depict the surrounding items, buildings, copying them, but also bring their own creative banner, Individual solution of constructive tasks. The similarity of plot and role and construction games is that they combine children based on common interests, joint activities and are collective.

The difference between these games is that the plot-role-playing game is primarily reflected in various phenomena and are mastered by the relationship between people, and in the construction main thing is to familiarize themselves with the relevant activities of people with the applied technique and its use.

The educator is important to take into account the relationship, the interaction of the plot role and the construction game. Construction often occurs during the plot role-playing game and cause it. She as if asking for the purpose of the construction game. For example, the children conceived to play sailors - they had the need to build a steamer; The game in the store inevitably requires it to build up. However, a construction game can occur both as an independent, and this or that particular plot role develops on it. For example, children are building the theater, and then play artists.

In the senior groups, children for a long time are built quite complex buildings, practically intimidating the simplest laws of physics.

The educational and developing influence of the construction games is concluded in the ideological content of phenomena reflected in them, in mastering children in construction, in the development of their constructive thinking, the enrichment of speech, simplifying positive relationships. Their impact on mental development is determined by the fact that in the plan, the content of the construction games contains a certain mental task, the solution of which requires a preliminary thinking: what to do what material needs, in which sequence the construction should go. Thinking and solving this or that construction task contributes to the development of constructive thinking.

In the process of construction games, the educator teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, relate to some parts of buildings with others, to remember and reproduce the construction of construction, focus on the sequence of actions. Under his leadership, schoolchildren master the exact vocabulary expressing the name of geometric bodies, spatial relations: highly low, right to left, up-down, long short, wide narrow, higher below, is shorter than shorter, etc.

Building games are essential for physical education of preschoolers. They show a variety of motor activity of the child, the coordination of movements is developing. Of particular importance is the development of small muscles, an eyelace. Constructing buildings from large details, children make them physical efforts affordable, show endurance.

For construction games, special sets of materials have been created, including a variety of geometric bodies (cubes, bars, prisms, cylinders, cones, semi-walkers), additional (plates, boards, arches, rings, pipes, etc.) and auxiliary materials for the decoration of buildings.

In the construction games are used and ordinary, most often plot-shaped toys, widely apply and natural materials: clay, sand, snow, pebbles, cones, reed, etc.

Types of materials

large construction material, To build structures on the floor.

cube, cylinder, parallelipped and others.

desktop building material.

approximately the same forms, but smaller.

semi-finished products.

sets, arches, frontones and others.


complete building material.

Construction complication sequence

construction of structures as an educator with the showing of children of all techniques for designing and belties.

showing the sample structure of the executed by the VRSpittel, followed by the analysis of its composites.

the showing of the design techniques with which children are seized for the construction of buildings.

the proposal of a sample of an unfinished structure, which children must finish independently.

construction on the topic or specified conditions.

the construction of structures at their own discretion.

    Creative games

Creative games - games in which images are manifested that contain the conditional transformation of the surrounding.



relationships associated with a role, from the position of comprehensive experience, which can be negative, evades unwanted action.

associated with child labor

the game combines the visual, constructive and other activities, the interest in labor is brought up, children take an active part in it.

mental education

formation of fundamental mental processes (thinking, perception, memory, imagination, speech).

mental activity

related to the work of imagination, choose a role, imagine how a person acts, who imites what he says how he behaves. Opens the ability to transition thinking to a new level.

systematic education

promotes the development of artistic interests, the ability to music, dances appear and develop.

motor activity

fast development carried out in a pair, is a real prologue to conscious physical studies of a schoolboy.

Indicators of developed gaming interest.

    Long-term child's interest in the game, the development of the plot and the execution of the role.

    The desire of the child to take on a role.

    Availability of your favorite role.

    Unwillingness to finish the game.

    Active performance by the child of all types of work (modeling, drawing).

    Desire to share with peers and adults your impressions after the end of the game.

    Didactic games are games specially created or adapted for learning purposes.

In the didactic games, these or other tasks are set before children, the solution of which requires focus, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, the sequence of actions, to overcome difficulties. They contribute to the development of feelings and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, learning knowledge. These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical tasks. This is their developing role.

It is necessary to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributed to the general development of the child, served the formation of his abilities.

Didactic game Promotes solving problems of moral education, development in children sociability. The educator puts children into conditions that require them to play the ability to play together, regulate their behavior, to be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

    Moving games are conscious, active, emotionally colored activities of a child, characterized by accurate and timely fulfillment of tasks related to mandatory for all playing rules.

Moving games, first of all, the means of physical education of children. They give the opportunity to develop and improve their movements, exercises in running, jumps, climbing, rushing, fishing, etc. A variety of movements require the active activity of large and small muscles, contribute to the best exchange of substances, blood circulation, breathing, i.e. Enhance the vital activity of the body.

Movable games also have a great influence on the nervous psychic development of the child, the formation of important personal qualities. They cause positive emotions, develop brake processes: during the game, children have to respond to the movement on some signals and retain from movement at others. In these games, the will is developing, intelligence, courage, speed of reactions, etc., joint action in games bring children, give them joy from overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

The source of moving games with the rules is the folk games for which the brightness of the plan, meaningability, simplicity and enormity are characteristic.

running, jumping, climbing, etc. The games are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, their possibilities to perform certain movements, comply with the game rules.

The rules in the movable game perform the organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationship of playing, the behavior of each child. Rules obliges obey the goals and meaning of the game; Children should be able to use them in different conditions.

In the younger groups, the educator explains the content and rules along the game, in the elders - before the start. Moving games are organized indoors and for a walk with a small number of children or with the whole group. They also come to the composition of physical education. After children donate the game, they can conduct it on their own.

The management of moving games with the rules is as follows. Selecting the moving game, the educator takes into account the compliance of its desired motion activity, the availability of game rules and the content of children of this age. It ensures that all children participate in the game, performing all the required gaming movements, but not allowing excessive motor activity, which can cause their re-excitation and fatigue.

Senior preschoolers need to be trained to play mobile games on their own. To do this, you need to develop interest in these games, to provide an opportunity to organize them on a walk, in the hours of leisure, on holidays, etc.

Thus, the game, like any creative activity, is emotionally saturated and delivers every child joy and pleasure already by their own process.

II.. Using computer games in a preschool educational institution

      Using a computer in DoO

Computer, being the most modern tool For information processing, it can also serve as a powerful technique of learning, and play the role of an indispensable assistant in the upbringing and general mental development of preschoolers. Psychologists celebrate: what previously baby Emm will meet, the less the psychological barrier between him and the car, since the child has almost no fear of technology. Why? Because the computer is attractive for children like any new toy, namely, in most cases they look at him. We start computer training for preschoolers follows from the selection of training and developing programs and thinking of organizational forms of working with children and their application, developing techniques that use the computer capabilities in learning. You can not consider a computer in the separation from software and organizational forms of use. Currently, there are various many educational programs intended for children of preschool age, but there is no clear classification. Many authors allocate four types of training programs:

Training and controlling;

Imitation and modeling;


Educational games.

Programs of the first type are designed to secure skills and skills. It is assumed that the proposed objects and concepts are already known to the child. These programs in a random sequence offer children questions and tasks and calculate the number of correctly and incorrectly solved problems. In the case of a proper response, the child may be promoted (replica, prize object, transition to the next level, etc.). With the wrong answer, the child can get help, a hint.

Second-type programs are based on graphically illustrated capabilities, on the one hand, and computational - on the other, and allow you to implement a computer experiment. Such programs provide children with the ability to observe a certain process on the display screen and simultaneously influence its move, feeding the commands with the mouse or from the keyboard, setting the parameter values.

The third-type programs offer children theoretical material for study. Tasks and questions serve in these programs for the organization of man-machine dialogue, to control the course of learning. So, if the answers given by the child are incorrect, the program can return it to repeatedly teach the theoretical material. The general disadvantage of these programs is the high complexity of the development, the difficulty of organizational and methodological nature when used in real educational process DOU.

Fourth-type programs provide a child with a certain imaginary environment that exists only in the computer world, a set of certain features and means of their implementation.

Children's classes with a computer include four interrelated components:

Active knowledge of the children of the surrounding world;

Gradual assimilation of all the complicating game methods and means of solving gaming tasks;

Changing the object environment on the monitor screen;

Activating child communication with adults and other children.

The range of computer use in the educational process is very large: from testing children, identifying their personal features to the game. The computer can be both the object of study and the learning means, i.e. Perhaps several directions in organizing the training of computer activities of the preschooler:

Mastering the interface of the computer environment;

Development of various mental functions (thinking, memory, etc.);

Study of the basics of informatics;

Training motor skills with mouse and keyboard;

Using a computer when teaching a letter, account, etc.;

Psychophysiological correction.

DOW computers are most often used in educational activities. The occupation lasts up to 30 minutes depending on the age of children and consists of three consecutive parts: preparatory, primary and final.

In the preparatory part of the lesson, the child's immersion in the plot of classes, preparations for a computer game through conversations, contests; The experience of children on the observation of animal behavior, by the work of adults is involved; A specific objective-oriented gaming environment is created, a similar to a computer game that stimulates the imagination of a child, encouraging it to active activities to help understand and task on the computer. The preparatory part is the necessary link of developing classes using a computer, since, due to the age characteristics of the thinking of preschool children, without preliminary subject-mediated activities, it is difficult to master the manipulations with screen images. Turn on Also fingering gymnastics To prepare the motility of the hands to work.

The main part of the lesson includes mastering the program management method to achieve the result and independent child's game at the computer. Several ways of "immersion" of a child in a computer program are used:

A consistent explanation for the child's assignment to each key with the connection of lead and control questions.

Focusing on a child acquired skills with a computer, introduce new keys and their appointment.

The child is offered the role of a researcher, an experimenter, the ability to independently understand the method of managing the program.

The child is offered a card diagram where the program management algorithm is set. In the first stages, children get acquainted with symbols, pronounce and work out management methods with a teacher, and in the future they will read the schemes.

In the final part, the result is summarized; An assessment of the implementation and consolidation in the memory of the child necessary for the conditions of actions, concepts and semantic structures and the rules of action with a computer are made. And in order to achieve this goal, designed, drawing, various sedentary games. Also, the final part of the classes is necessary for removing the visual stress (the gymnastics for the eyes), for removing muscular tension (Fizkultminthka, children massage to each other, a complex of exercise, relaxation to the music).

Preparatory and final parts, may not pass in the computer room, but in the adjacent game or physical cleaning room.

Classes are held on subgroups of 4-8 people, 1-2 times a week, in the morning. After each occupation, the mandatory ventilation of the room. Classes are built on gaming methods and techniques that allow children in an interesting, accessible form to gain knowledge, solve the task supplied by the teacher. At the same time, the computer is a powerful means of improving learning efficiency, significantly expanding the possibilities of presenting educational and developing information. The use of color, graphics, sound, modern video equipment allows you to simulate different situations and environments.

The computer allows you to strengthen the motivation of the child. Not only the novelty of working with a computer that in itself contributes to improving interest in studies, but also the ability to regulate the presentation of educational tasks for the degree of difficulty, the operational promotion of the right solutions is positively affected by motivation. In addition, the computer allows you to completely eliminate one of the most important reasons for the negative attitude towards studying - failure, due to misunderstanding, knowledge gaps. Working on a computer, the child gets the opportunity to bring the problem of the task to the end, relying on the necessary assistance. The use of computer equipment allows you to make an employment and truly modern, to carry out individualization of training, objectively and timely monitor and summarize.

Thus, the application of a computer in preschool learning is possible and necessary, it contributes to improving interest in learning, its effectiveness, comprehensive development of the preschooler. Computer programs involve children in developing activities, form culturally significant skills and knowledge. Today, computer technologies can be considered the new way to transfer knowledge that allows a child to learn with interest, brings up independence and responsibility in obtaining new knowledge, develops the discipline of intellectual activity, contributes to the comprehensive development of the child.

      Play - basic condition Use of a computer in DoO

The computer, being the most modern tool for processing information, can serve as a powerful technical means of learning and play the role of an indispensable assistant in the upbringing and general mental development of preschoolers.

The earlier the child will get acquainted with the computer, the smaller the psychological barrier between him and the car, since the child has almost no fear of appliances. Why? Yes, because the computer is attractive for children, like any new toy, namely, in most cases they look at it. Communication of preschool children with a computer begins with computer games, carefully selected, taking into account age and educational orientation.

Use of computers in educational and extracurricular activities It looks very natural from the point of view of the child and is one of effective ways Enhance the motivation and individualization of its teachings, the development of creative abilities and creating a prosperous emotional background.

Modern research in the field of pre-school pedagogy K.N. Motorina, S.P. Pervina, M.A. Cold, S.A. Shapkin and others indicate the possibility of mastering the computer at the age of 5-6 years. As you know, this period coincides with the moment of intensive development of the child's thinking, preparing the transition from visual-shaped to the abstract-logical thinking. At this stage, the computer acts as a special intelligent means for solving problems of various activities. Thinking, in accordance with the advanced A.V. The Zaporozhet with amplification concept (enrichment) is an intellectual database of activity development, and the process of mastering the generalized ways to solve the tasks of activity leads to its implementation at a higher level. And the higher the intellectual level of activity, the fuller the enrichment of all sides of the person occurs in it.

As you know, the game is one of the forms of practical thinking. In the game, the child operates with his knowledge, experience, impressions displayed in the social form of gaming methods of action, game signs that acquire importance in the semantic field of the game. Research Novoselova S.L. It is evidenced that the child detects the ability to endow neutral to a certain time object with a game value in the meaning field of the game.

It is this ability that is a psychological basis for introducing a computer preschooler to the game as a gaming agent. An image arising from the display can be endowed with a child playing value in a situation where he organizes the plot of the game, operating with the figurative and functional features of the computer program.

The ability of children to replace the real object game in the game with the transfer of real meanings to it, the actual action - the game, replacing it, underlies the ability to intelligently operate the symbols on the computer screen.

It follows from this that computer games should be inextricably linked with conventional games. One of the most important lines of mental development of a child preschooler consists in a consistent transition from more elementary forms of thinking to more complex.

Scientific research on the use of developing and educational computer games, organized and conducted by the specialists of the Association "Computer and Childhood" in the Commonwealth with scientists from many institutions, since 1986, and studies conducted in France showed that due to the multimedia method for submission of information achieved the following results :

    children are easier to assimilate the concepts of form, colors and values;

    the concepts of numbers and set are deeper;

    the ability to focus faster on the plane and in space, in statics and movement;

    attention and memory training;

    earlier master reading and writing;

    vocabulary is actively replenished;

    the minor motorcy develops, the finest coordination of eye and hand movements is formed;

    sensotoric children develops: the time of both a simple reaction and the selection reaction is reduced;

    the purposefulness and concentration are brought up;

    developing imagination and creative abilities;

    elements of visual-shaped and theoretical thinking, allowing children to foresee the situation, plan their actions and not only to "execute", but also "create".

Playing computer games, the child learns to plan, build the logic of elementary events, it develops the ability to predict the result of actions. He begins to think before doing. Objectively all this means the beginning of mastering the basics of theoretical thinking, which is an important point When preparing children for school training.
In our opinion, one of of the most important characteristics Computer games is a training function. Computer games are built so that the child can imagine not a single concept or specific situationBut to get a generalized representation of all similar subjects or situations. Thus, it forms such important operations of thinking as a generalization and classification.

Computer games increase the self-esteem of preschoolers. It should be noted that the achievements of children do not remain unnoticed by him and others. Children feel great confidence.

The use of computer games is developing "cognitive flexibility" - the ability of a person to find the greatest number fundamentally different solutions of the problem. The ability to anticipate, strategic planning, are developing visual-effective operations of thinking.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    The computer in the preschool institution is enriching and transforming a developing object factor.

    The computer can be used in working with children of senior preschool age with unconditional observance of physiological and hygienic, ergonomic and psychological and pedagogical restrictive and allowing standards and recommendations.

    It is necessary to introduce modern information technology into the DYDATIC system of kindergarten, i.e. strive for the organic combination of traditional and computer Tools Development of the child's personality.


Computerization, gradually penetrating almost all areas of life and activities of the modern person, makes its own adjustments and approaches to the education and education of preschool children. Domestic and foreign studies prove that not only possible, but it is advisable to use computers in preschool institutions for the development of the intellect and the identity of the child (S. Novoselov, Petka, I. Pashelite, etc.).

After all, the computer, possessing the enormous potential of gaming and training opportunities, has a significant impact on the child. But the impact will be positive only in the interaction of the teacher (educator), a child and a computer. And if today there are already talking about the admissibility of the introduction of a computer into the educational process of preschool institutions, the theoretical, didactic and methodological aspects of such work still require comprehensive and deep study.

Thus, the computer is a new tool for the intellectual development of children and therefore it is necessary to remember that its use in educational purposes in preschool institutions requires a thorough organization, both themselves and the entire regime as a whole. And, depending on which goals, the educator puts in front of them, which paths choose to solve them, determines the impact that the computer has on the child. After all, adaptation to the world of computers will not only facilitate the child life in the future, but also contributes to the effectiveness of training with the help of a computer and using it in gaming activities, as well as the development of all mental processes in children.

Also, on the basis of the studied and considered material, guidelines were drawn up for teachers for using a computer in DO (Appendix 1).


1. Abramov S.A., Zima E.V. The start of informatics - M., Science, 1989.

Goryachev A.V., Lesnevsky A.S. Informatics 1-6 class. Propedeutic course - m, ed. House "Drop", 2001.

2. Abramyan L. A. "Game of preschoolers", M- Enlightenment, 1989-286 pp.

3. Yuutikova N. V. Psychological lessons of everyday life. Interviews psychologist. Book for teachers and parents. - M.: Enlightenment, 2000.

4. Zaretsky A., Trukhanov A., Zaretskaya L. Encyclopedia Professor Fortran., M.2004.

5. Kogan I. D., Leonas V.V. This book without clauses about a computer for children. M., Pedagogy, 1999.

6. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: studies. Available for studies. environments Ped. studies. establishments. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 416c.

7. Puchkova D.A. The role of computer games in the development of cognitive activities of children of senior preschool age // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - № 1-1.;

8. The program of upbringing and training in kindergarten / Ed. M. A. Vasilieva, V. V. Herbova, T. S. Komarova. - 3rd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Moskika-Synthesis, 2005. - 208 p.

9. Development of cognitive and emotional spheres of preschoolers. Methodical recommendations: - St. Petersburg, Sphere, 2009, 128 with

10. Emotional development of the preschooler: manual for educators Children. Sada /a.V. Zaporozhets, Ya.Z.nevevich, A.D. Kosheleva et al.; Ed. A.D. Košelva. - M.: Education, 1985. - 176c., Il.

Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation"Dated September 1, 2013, the new status of pre-school education has been determined, which has become a level of general education. A federal state educational standard for pre-school education has been developed, which represents a combination of mandatory preschool education requirements.

« The standard is designed to meet the best, which has been created in recent years in Russian preschool education. He tightens the requirements, first of all, to professionalism of the Office and at the same time provides conditions for professional and personal growth in pedagogical work, aims to ensure that the life of children and adults in the Dow was a full-fledged and creative"[Vladimirov N. Yu. Analysis of work on the introduction of GEFs of pre-school education // Pedagogical skills: Materials of the V International Scientific Conference (Moscow, November 2014)]. I agree with this statement, from the educator, his skill, creative approach to work, depends on the quality of the educational process in until.

The use of multimedia technologies in the Dow becomes a powerful technique of learning, it is a huge help for the educator in the development of classes, holidays, making benefits, registration of information for parents, jurisdiction of documentation, report preparation. Modern information technologies give us the opportunity to share experiences, get acquainted with periodic publications, select required Material For classes. Thus, ICT widely entered the pre-school education. It is impossible to conduct an occupation without attracting funds for clarity. My little experience has shown that classes using multimedia equipment have advantages over traditional.

Advantages ICT

Of course, this does not mean that the use of information technologies comes down to teach children to work on a computer. This is only a means to make educational activities in a variety of saturated, and the child in it has become a direct active participant.

Currently, multimedia are one of the most dynamically developing and promising areas of information technology. They suggest the simultaneous use of various forms of representing and assimilating information through audio, video, text animation. The use of multimedia technologies opens up new opportunities in the organization of the educational process, in the development of the creative abilities of pupils, are of interest in children due to the realism and dynamic material.

Availability in our kindergarten multimedia equipment: a computer, an interactive board, a projector and screen - make it possible to educate and specialists to create such an educational environment that is interesting, educational children.

My work using multimedia equipment began with participation in the urban media educational project "VIEW". In this project, tutors, teachers speakers, teachers participate additional education kindergartens and school teachers from various areas of the city. The aim of the project is to solve problems of spiritual and moral education through the implementation of thematic media programs using special media technologies for various age-related categories of pupils.

The task of the teacher is to make the media material, so build a discussion process so that in the soul of children, the consciousness of the fact that there is good, compassion, love for others, friendship, etc., and also to teach children to reason, express their opinion, Learn to feel and empathize. The media material in this project is cartoons, videos, audio recordings, etc. Interesting this project for educators and the fact that the materials developed are available to all participants.

Information about the project can be found on the site

In your daily work, I apply multimedia technologies in the form of computer programs and presentations. We have the opportunity to create films or presentations, given the features of their pupils, goals and objectives set at a particular occupation. The use of multimedia technologies allows you to simulate different situations from the surrounding social environment. The theme of multimedia presentations is the most diverse. I am widely using presentations in classrooms with the surrounding world, they allow you to make classes more emotional, attractive, cause a child in a child, are an excellent visual manual and demonstration material, which contributes to good performance performance.

Multimedia presentations, including animation, bright clarity, music and video effects with an interesting plot able to hold the attention of the most restless preschoolers. With the help of such techniques, it is easy to create an atmosphere of travel, walks, show the beauty of the native nature, city, etc.

The use of multimedia when working with fiction makes it possible to make every occupation in unique, diverse, visual. I use audio recordings of artistic works, demonstrating illustrations of famous artists to works, selecting musical works on the topic. Literary quizzes are very interesting.

It is convenient to use technological maps in working on modeling and appliqué. They can be independently independently or exercised. Modern computer technology make it possible to use traditional benefits, processing them and transferred to the screen or an interactive board.

The use of an interactive board helps to develop in children: attention, memory, fine motor skills, thinking and speech, visual and auditory perception, verbal and logical thinking, etc. Developing classes with its use are much brighter and more dynamic. Interactive equipment allows you to draw electronic markers and fingers. An interactive board I use for classes for the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Children are much easier to navigate in space, remember the concepts of "left", "right"; Fasten the knowledge of O. geometric Figures and forms, fix the account skills in the form of interesting interactive tasks. It is very convenient to use an interactive boards for learning children by graphic dictation. They really like tasks and logic using exercises created on an interactive board. With the help of an interactive boards, you can simulate situations in which children remember the rules of behavior on the street and at home. In free activities, children are very interesting to simply draw on the board, they are fascinated by creating huge drawings, both individually and a group. Small etudes of the "Shadow Theater" develop a small motorcy, trains fingers.

In working with Multimedia's parents, we use when making a visual material, when conducting parental meetings, round tables, project activities. Attracting parents to preparing multimedia material for the speech of children before peers. The use of modern technologies allows you to diversify communication (joint classes, holidays and games), increase the interest of adults to get useful information about raising children, how the child spends time in kindergarten.

I consider it appropriate for the use of modern information technologies in kindergartens, subject to the regulated and safe use of the technique in working with children of preschool age.

Thus, multimedia equipment is an effective technical means with which it is possible to significantly enrich the developing process, stimulate individual activities, develop cognitive processes of children and expand the horizons, educate the creative person, adapted to life in modern society.