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The roof of Ondulin do it yourself. Laying ondulina: sheet marking, properties and competent use of material (90 photo ideas). Nuances fastening and laying sheets

Ondulin, also widely known as euroshorter, is an easy, easy-to-use, relatively inexpensive and very reliable roofing material, which is widely demanded throughout the world for over 50 years. With a great desire, the installation of the material can be done with your own hands. We only need to figure out in detail how to properly cover the roof of Ondulin and prepare everything you need for work.

In order to cover the roof of Ondulin, you will not have to search and buy some expensive and hard-to-reach tools. Special skills and extensive experience for such work are also not required. It is only necessary to delve into the essence of the technology and step by step each stage of work.

At the roof of the roof of Ondulin, it is possible to be guided by almost the same rules and requirements as when using an ordinary slate, well acquainted with almost every developer. The biggest difference between the installation technologies of the usual slate and the erector is that the latter is characterized by some flexibility, which allows it to be used to work not only on flat roofs, and on more complex structures.

If Ontulin is planned to be placed on top of the old roofing, regardless of the type and state of the existing material before starting work, it is necessary to examine the rafting roof system and estimate its condition.

This can be done on your own, but in the absence of the necessary skills it is better to use the help of third-party professional roofers. If the assessment shows that the rafters will be able to withstand the weight of the new roofing ondulin, it will be enough will be simply fading over the standard wooden crate over the existing coating and mount erectifier on it. In this situation, a new coating will be obtained not only, but also provided additional moisture insulation and insulation.

Due to the fact that Ontulin is characterized by sufficiently small rigidity, the crate for its installation must be attached with a relatively large step. Step Define individually. The main thing is that the sheets of roofing material do not have, otherwise they can simply come into disrepair under the influence of various external loads, for example, atmospheric precipitation. Also, when choosing a step, it is certainly taken into account the angle of liner of the roofing slope.

If necessary, sheets can be safely saw. To do this, it is recommended to use an electrolovka.

In the case of its absence, you can do with the ordinary hacksaw for wood. It is pre-it is recommended to lubricate with oil so that the cut happened as easily as possible, and the canvas did not get stuck during the work.

If there is a need for movement on the already laid material when performing work, it is necessary to attack strictly on the comb, because Material between individual ridges is simply not able to withstand the human weight.

At least 20 nails should be used to attach a separate sheet of erector officer.

Fasteners are included with roofing material. You do not need to save, because Because of this, the material at one fine moment may simply break away with strong wind. If the stacking is engaged in third-party roofers, make sure that they fastened the sheets in accordance with the ruled rule.

The properties of Ondulina are such that he can stretch somewhat, and many not completely bona fide roofers use it. In trying to save time and material they are fixed to the crate to the maximum erects stretched. It is absolutely wrong. Quite quickly, sheets will cover the waves, to get rid of which it will be possible only by completely replacing the roofing coating. To prevent such problems, sheets need to be fixed in a normal state, without stretching and other deformations.

Before stabbing sheets, do not register the time to perform the most complete and accurate measurements. Pay special attention to Sves. If their length is too big, Ondulin's sheets simply flaunt and spoil the roof form in general. With a too small length of the sink, a variety of garbage and atmospheric precipitation will fall under it.

Be careful and when installing the crate. When choosing a step, it is necessary, as already noted, focus on individual conditions, but no one has canceled the requirements of technology. They will be told on them further. Even the slightest deviations from the recommended values \u200b\u200bmay eventually lead to a significant decrease in the service life and operational characteristics of the roofing coverage in general.

Preparation of materials for work

First of all, pay attention to the nails that will be used for fastening the erector. Outwardly, they resemble simple screws. Features of the design allow you to securely fix them in wood and provide the highest quality installation of Ondulin. On the top of the fastener there is a rubber gasket. Nails from the kit it will be the same color as the sheets of the material. Thanks to this laying, additional moisture protection will be provided in the placement places.

Where the material is mixed with walls and other vertical elements are used specifically created for such places of Endov. In these areas, waterproofing should be as high as possible.

If a chimney is present in your house, it is necessary to attack ondulin using special aprons from rubber.

To achieve the most reliable and qualitative results, you should thoroughly process all the joints. Waterproofing should be at the highest level. Otherwise, moisture will penetrate the roofing coating, which will result in a fairly rapid rotting of the roofing system frame.

When performing roofing work, there is a need to use all sorts of accessories like skates covering the aprons, endands, self-adhesive tapes and other things. It is recommended to buy exclusively original components from one manufacturer. This will guarantee the production of roofing the maximum harmonious in appearance and most effective on operational properties.

In accordance with the recommendations of professional roofers, a solid suit is best suited for mounting ondulin. It will not give the material to do if heated in hot weather and under the influence of snow cover in winter.

The first thing that the roofing should learn is to create marking on the erectors used. The process is complicated by the fact that the sheets are wavy. Marking lines can be applied by ordinary pencils or markers. The direct line can be drawn using the second sheet of material.

For cutting sheets, use the hacksaw to work with the wood, the electrolovka or the same grinder. Hoven, as already noted, it is necessary to periodically process with oil to work so that the work is performed without unnecessary complications.

Standard sheets of Ondulin weigh no more than 5-6 kg. It makes working with them as convenient as possible and allows you to raise the material on the roof without any problems. The finished roofing coating will also have a relatively low weight, which is an additional advantage.

Mounting sheets begins From the edge of the crate. In order to ensure the maximum reliable fixation, the sheets should be signed in each wave. For each sheet of eurosher, as already noted, the order of 20 nails should leave, you can even a little more.

For the manufacture of the crates, wooden bars 6x4 cm are used. To determine the optimal shade of the crate, you need to know the angle of inclination of the roof. If the slope does not exceed 10 degrees, the best option will be a solid doome. For its manufacture, the faeer is most often used. Also suitable material called OSB. If the inclination of the roof is in a period of 10-15 degrees, the bars of the crates must be attached to 45 cm. In the case of the slope exceeds 15 degrees, the largest step of installing the bars of the crates will be 61 cm.

First you need to mount the crate. Do not forget to take into account the bias of the roof. Installation of bars is recommended to start from that corner, which in the smallen degree is blown by the wind. Brux nail along their axes. Constore the same distance between the individual elements of the crate. If the roof slope is that the bars have to be attached to a big step, between the bars you need to mount additional rails at a distance of 30-50 cm apart. They will contribute to increased strength. But the solid fence, as already noted, is the most preferred and efficient option for all indicators.

Detailed installation instructions ondulina

The mounting of the roof material under consideration should be started from the lower angle of the roof of the roof. At the same time, the installation technology is such that the starting sheet of the 2nd row should be longitudinally to cut in pressure. Evrisurity sheets are attached horizontally. For fastening, it is highly recommended to use those nails that go to the factory set with roofing material. Each sheet is attached on average 20th screws.

In the start row of the erector, feed the fasteners to the top of each wave.

In the rest of the fasteners, it is necessary to install in each 2nd crest. The second series of material must be laid with the allen, capturing a sheet from the first row of Ondulina, etc. Hats fastening nails, as noted, equipped with rubber gaskets of the same color as Ondulin, so that the finished roof will have a single and harmonious appearance.

However, in some situations, the caps become rather noticeable. To achieve an attractive appearance of the roof, nail them on one line. To ensure the fixation of fixing the fasteners can pull the rope and score nails along it.

Evrosifer's bars must be triggered vertically with a mandatory transverse adhesive equal to approximately 15 cm. The longstanding latter makes it so that its length is no less than the length of the first wave.

At the end you need to fasten the skate elements. The technology of their installation is extremely simple. These accessories are attached to the mustache and are fixed along the euro wave. If Ontulin is applied to the roof with a bartal design, the horse is separated using special angular parts. Endov is manufactured with the mandatory arrangement of another additional crate.

Included with the discovered roofing material should go instructions. In full-fledged instructions from proven manufacturers, not only text recommendations on the ondulin fastening, but also a variety of drawings, thanks to which the installation becomes clear to any person, regardless of its skills and experience.

The size of a separate eurochetor sheet is 2000x950 mm. Weighs one such sheet of about 5800 g. Each wave usually has a height of 3.6 cm. Total waves 10.

Competent installation, made taking into account all the basic requirements and rules, will allow you to equip such roofing from the ondulin, which will be reliably serve the 50 years or more. Typically, manufacturers provide a guarantee for a period of 15-20 years. Do not forget to require the seller warranty card, fire certificate and hygienic conclusion.

How to attach Ondulin - instruction

Thus, in the roof of the roof of Ondulin, there is nothing superpower. It is only necessary to carefully understand the instructions for laying eurosher. The article presents all the necessary information that may be needed during operation. Observe the basic recommendations and the basic rules for the arrangement of the Ondulin Roof and everything will turn out.

You can not just save money on third-party roofers services, but also independently control the entire process from its start and before fixing the last element. So that everything is more clearer, be sure to watch the video, which demonstrates the main stages of mounting ondul on the roof.

Video - How to roof the roof of Ondulin

Ondulin is a kind of hybrid that combines the properties of slate and rubberoid. Installation of this material less time consuming: After all, its weight is 5 times less than the usual asbestos slate. Moreover, attaching Ondulin can even be on the old roof. With due skill, cover the roof of Ondulin with their own hands will not be much difficulty.

Laying ondulina

To the roof be able to withstand all operational loads, the installation of this material must be performed according to a specific technology recommended by the manufacturer:

1. With a small slope of the roof of 5-10 ° C ondulin stacked on a solid crate of coniferous wood. If the angle of inclination is more than 15 ° C, the manufacture of a rarefied crate with step 61 cm. The recommended cross section of the bar for it is 40x60 mm (can be used by 50x50 mm bars).

2. This material must be fixed only on perfectly smooth surface. The roof rates should lie in the same plane and not to have beggars. If irregularities are detected or, they should be eliminated.

3. Sheets should fit perfectly smoothly. Too compress them or, on the contrary, stretching, not recommended - this can cause damage to the material. The dismantling of the already nailed ondulin is complicated, and in case of an error, you will have to replace the damaged sheet to the new one.

Council. For movement on the roof it is better to make roofing bridges: suspended or dining ladders from wood or metal with a solid hook, with the help of which they engage in the skin of the roof. In order not to damage the previous erectifier, should not be attacked on the plots with deepening. Walk better in soft shoes, became Only on it waves.

Roofing bridge

4. Cut This sufficiently soft material can be ordinary wood or electric copper. Marking is more convenient to make color pencil: his traces will be clearly visible on the sheet.

Cutting ondulin

Council. To the tree's hacksaw is not clogged with bitumen and not stuck, it should be lubricated with oil or periodically omitted into the water in the process.

5. To exclude the thickening in the places of adhesion and blocking ondulin it is stacked "Missor" (in a checkerboard) So that in the second row of the sheets shifted relative to the first row per 1/2 width. For this, the second row starts with half a sheet.

Laying "Missor"

6. When laying should be considered direction of prevailing winds (They should be planted as far as possible in the place of the allen).

Laying is carried out with the direction of winds

7. To prevent from leaks and hitting the snow, the ondulin should be mounted with overlap From the sides in two waves. From the ends of the sheets should be 30 cm on top of each other. When laying an Onduline Smart roofing, which has special hydraulic machines, the backstage may be smaller.

8. With the bias of the roof of more than 18 °, it is allowed to be in one wave from the sides and 20 cm from the ends. If the roof has a slope of more than 27 °, it is allowed to fall to 17 cm. With too much snow load, as well as on gentle roofs, the size of the adhesive is better to increase.

Ondulin sheets are stacked with the allen

The size of the allen depends on the angle of the slope

9. On each sheet of Ondulina already there are ready holes for fasteners. For one sheet, 20 nails will be required (these fastening elements with a decorative hat are included with ondulin). At first they are driven down at the corners, then in every wave of Niza. Next, sheets are attached through the wave. In the place of the allen, nails are not driven: in this place ondulin will be fixed after the superimposition of the next sheet. It is better not to save on nails: it can lead to the breakdown of the sheets of winds.

Ontulin fastening is carried out by special nails with closing hats

10. The nail is driven only in the upper wave at an angle of 90 ° C. In order not to damage the soft material, you should not drive it into the sheet until it stops: the washers should be lined tightly, but not to urge the sheet.

Fastening order

11. All doborny elements (skates, endow and wind strips) are included in the set of ondulin and are manufactured according to a single technology.

12. At the end, the roofs are fixed skown Ondulin. With the help of the same challenge item, you can close joints when transitions on complex roofs. It is starting to attach it from the bottom side with which the laying began. The skated Ondulin is stacked with an adhesive of 12.5 cm. At the same time, nails are driven into the horse in every wave.

Laying ondulina on the rod of the roof

13. Konk, Endow, the tongs additionally falls waterproofing self-adhesive film. It is included with Ondulin.

14. Tongs (Wind Plank) It is attached to one edge to sheets, and the other - to the forcepsy boards. For joints on the skates It is allowed to use both skate and forcepobs.

Konk, Endow and the end planks are installed last

Laying wind strap

15. Shakes in the field of chimney and ventilation Must be reliably closed apron and insulated with silicone sealant.

16. To protect against birds penetration into an attic room at the level of the cornice and under the horse carnival aggregate.

Laying of the carnism aggregate

17. Mount this material can and on old roof. For this, a new suit is preparing, which is stuffed on the previous roofing material.

Montage of Ondulina on an old coating

Important! Work with Ondulin should not be carried out in a strong heat - after all, he begins to melt at 30 ° C. In order to avoid damage, we will not allow the installation of this material and for the minus (from -5 ° C) temperature.

Advantages and disadvantages of Ondulin

Unlike the usual asbestos slate, Ontulin flex and very plastic, so it can be mounted in any, even in the most hard-to-reach places of the roof. It is easily stacked by complex structures that have many transitions and bends.

The roof of such a material has high heat and noise insulation. Made from eco-friendly cellulose, erectifer is absolutely safe and harmless to human health.

The weight of one sheet is only 6.5 kg. At the same time, its standard dimensions of 2 × 0.95 m, so ondulin can be easily immersed even in the trunk of a passenger car. For the convenience of laying, each 10-wave leaf has a special markup under fasteners.

Externally quite attractive, Ondulin, unfortunately, fuel, so the area of \u200b\u200bits use is narrowed. It should only fit on a non-combustible basis. Ondulin, made on the basis of bitumen, and too melt in the sun. Moreover, under the influence of ultraviolet, this material flashes over time and fascinates. Struggle to struggle with this disadvantage roofing fans: Manufacturers strongly recommend installing them on the roof. For the same purposes you can use special hatches. They are fixed in each wave by the same nails, and the resulting joints are waterproof.

Onduline fan

Roofing hatch (window)

Insufficient stiffness of the ondulin limits the area of \u200b\u200bits application: it is allowed to lay it only on a solid and smooth coating, otherwise it can be swore, and the roof will begin to leak. The warranty on Ondulin is 15 years, however, unfortunately, the manufacturer does not guarantee its integrity in violation of at least one of the above installation and operation rules listed.

Look at the video on how to cover the roof of Ondulin do it yourself:

When choosing a roofing coating for your home, many owners experiencing certain difficulties in part of the construction budget are trying to find the optimal material based on the harmony of the Criteria "price-quality". At the same time, the owners who are preferable for the appearance of the building being created, probably a desire to leave the boring gray tones inherent, for example, by the usual sector. And finally, the best option from their point of view It seems such a coating that can be mounted independently without resorting to expensive roofing brigade services. To summarize all these criteria, then Ontulin can become a good embodiment of their practical implementation.

It is necessary to immediately say that the attitude towards this material is not entirely unequivocal, and sometimes even polar. It is extolled "to heaven" and scold mercilessly, sometimes unfairly attributing unusual flaws. Perhaps the "LUDERS" of Ondulin once caught low-quality material, that is, a clear fake, or the styling was carried out with serious violations of the technology installed by the manufacturer.

Let's, therefore, we will learn more with this roofing material: Consider that it represents, what characteristics, the real advantages and disadvantages possesses how to choose such a coating and how to mount Ondulin onto the roof with your own hands.

What is Ondulin

To begin with - what is "Ondulin". After all, the name itself - nothing does not say anything, and even somehow not in Russian "cuts the rumor."

Several facts from the history of the material

This name is, in fact, is the name of the French company "Onduline", which back in 1944 patented and began the production of wavy roofing sheets on a cellulose-bitumen basis. Post-war Europe required a huge number of building materials to restore the destroyed, and such coatings have become a real find for this.

Ontulin was very widely used in Western Europe and even received the unwashed name "erector". Great demand for such a roof prompted the management of the company to expand production facilities - ondulin lines were launched in Germany and Italy, and trade missions were open and far beyond Europe.

The material came to the Russian market in 1994. Ondulin "came to the yard" to our homeowners, and taking into account the increased demand, the company opened the line for the production of material in Nizhny Novgorod, with a calculated release capacity of up to 15 million roofing sheets per year. The factory has severe quality control, so Russian-made sheets are not inferior than Head original products company enterprises.

Prices for Ondulin

In addition to Ondulina, the company produces his variety, which is presented in the market name "Ondura". There is no fundamental difference in the structure of the roofing coating, except for their geometric sizes - Ondur sheets are much larger in size, and they are more convenient to apply on the roof of a large area.

Another "competitor" of Ontulin is the roofing sheets of the Zulin brand. These are the products of the American company Nuline Corporation, similar to production technology and differ in the mainly geometric size of sheets. However, the competition is probably talking and not appropriateSince since 2010, the main assets "Nuline Corporation" were purchased again by Onduline.

What is the roof of Ondulin

One from the key advantages of such a roofing material It is that for its production only "clean" from an environmental point of view of materials is applied. The main components of ONDulin are cellulose fibers and purified bitumen.

The source of cellulose fibers is the waste enterprises of woodworking of paper, cardboard and building materials from vaultsPosit. Secondary raw materials are widely used - waste paper.

The purified cellulose mass is mixed with special mineral additives that increase the plasticity of the mixture and the strength of the resulting material, and pigment dyes. Then the mixture is rolled into sheets that are transmitted to the pressing line. At this stage, they attached a characteristic wavy form, and at the same time at a certain temperature mode and the calculated pressure occurs a complete impregnation of the resulting profile the sheets of purified modified bitumen.

On the line color sheets are given the necessary colors (matte or even glossy), one- or double-sided, after which the material after drying is cut with high accuracy to individual sheets, packaged in packs and enters the warehouse.

As can be seen, the process of production itself does not differ in high complexity. However, in this matter it is very important to strictly observe all the technological requirements at each stage. This is exactly the key to the quality of the material obtained. There are a lot of varieties of "erector", which, apparently, is presented with significant simplifications of technology. It's all certainly directly affects the quality and durability of the roof, and most likely that negative background towards Ondulina is caused by the use of such materials.

The main characteristics of Ondulina

Since our article is devoted to work with Ondulin, then only this material will be considered, and not all similar to it, which often appear in colloquial speech under this name. However, it is practically not reflected on the installation of roofing coating - it is similar to all wavy sheets of this type.

So, under the brand " ondulin"Currently, two types of roofing sheets are produced:" Ondulin DIY "and" Ondulin Smart ". The principal difference in them is only in the geometric sizes of the sheet, and the differences in the mass flowing from here.

To simplify the perception of information on the physico-technical and operational characteristics of both types of ondulin, will be placed in the table:

The main characteristics of Ondulina"Ondulin DIY"
"Ondulin Smart"
Length1950 mm ± 1%1950 mm ± 1%
Width760 mm ± 2%950 mm ± 2%
Thickness3 mm ± 10%3 mm ± 10%
Number of waves8 10
Wave height38 mm ± 6%38 mm ± 6%
Pag of waves95 mm ± 2%95 mm ± 2%
Useful leaf area:
- steepness of rods up to 10 °0.94 m²1.25 m²
- steepness of the rods from 11 to 15 °1.16 m²1.5 m²
- steepness of rods over 15 °1.22 m²1.56 m²
Sheet mass5 kg ± 10%6.5 kg ± 10%
Specific sheet3.4 kg / m² ± 10%3.4 kg / m² ± 10%
Density of materialin the range of 0.87-1.15 g / cm³ (according to GOST 8747)
Resistance to the blow at a temperature of from -40 ± 2 ° C to +20 ± 5 ° CFull absence of cracks and leaf destruction (according to GOST 30673)
Conditional strength6.5 MPa (according to GOST 2678)
Bending load (according to GOST 8747), at temperatures:
+20 ± 5 ° CAt least 7 MPa
-40 ± 2 ° CNot less than 23 MPa
The upper limit of the heat resistance of the material (according to GOST 2678):At +110 ° C, there are no bloating or signs of the mobility of the bituminous component of the Matioian
Frost resistance (according to GOST 8747)No less F25 (at least 25 deep frost cycles without loss of operational decorative characteristics)
Water absorption by weight (according to GOST2678)No more than 1.5% during the first day
Waterproof with static water pressure 0.001 MPa (according to GOST 2678)No signs of water penetration after testing for 72 hours
Warranty period, coating installed by the manufacturer15 years
The average price level350 rub. behind sheet400 rubles. behind sheet

An interesting feature - compared to the previously produced types of Ondulin, the "Ondulin DIY" and "Ondulin Smart" model - much easier to install and more profitable regarding quantity purchased sheets. All this - thanks to the so-called "smart castle" and already applied marking of lines and points to clog fastening nails.

On the illustration above, this smart lock is shown with thick lines, and in the upper left corner the cut of this connection is made. These are two parallel grooves with a width of 15 mm, convex upwards that pass along the upper and lower edge of the sheet at a distance of 20 mm from them, and one from the other is 50 mm.

Such an improvement makes it possible to accurately combine neighboring sheets in one row (exactly one line), without fear of obtaining unevenly furnaces or a broken line in the ranks of the roofing coating.

Another plus - such profile grooves ensure reliable vertical fastening of sheets (with such a combination, the required width of the adhesion is 120 mm). True, these 120 mm are only for rods with a steepness of more than 15 degrees, but it is precisely such angles that are most common in residential construction.

Thanks to this innovation, it was possible for half of 50 mm to reduce the standard of the minimum alternate sheets along the skate line. In the old ondul models, this indicator was equal to 170 mm, the "Smart" and "DIY" models are only 120 mm. The roof becomes easier, since fewer material is required.

Prices for ceramic tiles


Advantages and disadvantages of Ondulin

To end the theory and proceed to practical issues, it is worth mentioning "pros" and "minuses" of Ondulin - it is necessary to know even before deciding on the choice of this material as roofing.

So, K. advantages Ondulin attributes the following:

  • Unlike similar shape and principles, Ondulin does not contain people's harmful to the health of substances, in particular, asbestos.
  • The material is distinguished by a small mass - and this is a simplification and reduction of transportation, a reduction in the load on the rapid system, and a significant facilitation of installation work.

  • A small specific material of the material allows its laying at all along the old coating, without dismantling - sufficiently on top of the old roof, perform the necessary crate.

  • With proper installation, such a roof provides guaranteed leakage protection.
  • Ontulin has a certain flexibility, which makes it possible to use it on problem areas of the roof, where a small bend radius is required.
  • Cellulosen-bitumen sheets have hydrophobicity, they are not subject to corrosion or rotting.
  • Ontulin for the light of its plasticity and elasticity is not afraid of moderate point shocks, never gives cracks or chips when cutting or clogging a nail, it is easy to cut out without the use of any special tools.
  • The coating with proper laying is able to withstand very significant snow and wind load.
  • Roofing from Ondulina perfectly shuffling the noise of rain or hail, finding well in this regard and from slate, and from metal coatings.

  • Installation of such a coating is very simple, and it is perhaps it, probably, any good owner of the house, without resorting to the services of roofers.
  • The choice of the buyer seems to be several colors of the roofing coating - it is possible to choose the most harmonious to the planned external finish of the entire building.

  • If all the above add a very affordable price, then the popularity of Ontulin becomes easily explained.

All this is wonderful, but you can not lose sight of limitations Such roofing coverage.

  • Ontulin eventually fades in the sun, losing its original color, fading.
  • Material refers to the discharge of flammable. True, self-burning, for example, from sparks from a chimney tube or from overheating - almost exclusively, but in a fire, it will support burning. According to many firefighters, it sometimes even speaks in favor of the coverage - the faster the fire will break out through the roof, the greater the chance of saving the main building.

  • The material is sufficiently durable, but still strong shock loads for him are contraindicated. For example, it is easy to break or flush to loss of tightness with a hammer blow with an inacker installation. But it is from the ranks of the outgoing cases.
  • The rough surface of the material delays snow even with quite large corners of rolling rods. But again, it is still unknown, whether it is disadvantaged or dignity. If the rafting system and doomle are planned and mounted correctly, taking into account the likely snow load for the residence region, then there is no trouble in this.
  • Some reproach Ondulin in a short time. However, the factory guarantee on the branded material in 15 years already speaks of a lot. According to the manufacturer's assurances, the coating can serve and significantly longer (naturally, in the absence of any force majeure).

So, for the combination of characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, it can be concluded that Ontulin can be considered in quality although, say, budget, but still reliable and externally cute roofing. And the ease of installation, which will be discussed below, also additionally grows its shortcomings.

Independent laying of the roof of Ondulina

Roof flooring is always preceded by the choice of material and the acquisition of its required quantity. What you need to remember in our case?

It is necessary to state one sad pattern - only one or another building material conquers "authority", as they immediately appear on the market for fakes under it, moreover, very often - very low quality. And Ondulin in this row is no exception.

The cost of the original ondulin is not so high to look for "on the penny of Pyatakov." It is best to repel from the old folk wisdom that the buyer pays twice. Under the collective name "Evrosfer" on sale appears quite a few materials, both more or less acceptable in quality and not very. And the sellers often give them for real Ondulin, or at least begin to convince that this is a complete analogue produced under license. Moreover, there are cases where unscrupulous workers of the shops "have turned" by an insectionary consumer are generally not roofing material, and cardboard-bitumen sheets intended for repair work and to create additional undergoing waterproofing.

Therefore, if it is decided to lay the roof of the house ondulin, it should always be held in the mind of a few "axioms":

  • Never and Nobody transferred licenses to anyone, and to produce analogs of its products to other firms officially did not allow. The leadership of the concern is extremely valuable by the brand's reputation, conducts severe quality control, and no matter where the corporate roofing (including in Russia), it still appears under a single brand.
  • Ontulin is implemented only through a network of sales offices and official dealers with which the relevant contracts are concluded. It will be necessary to clarify whether the seller has a certificate of the established sample. If not, it should bring to certain reflections.

  • It has already been said above that the manufacturer gives its products a very impressive guarantee - 15 years. And this, in turn, means that whatever party is Ondulina neither acquiredShe must be accompanied by a corresponding passport. In this document, by the way, there is always a clear step-by-step instruction for conducting independent installation of the roof. And at the very end of the passport there is a warranty card, in which all the provisions on the provision of warranty are detailed, and on which the date of sale with the signature and seal of the seller must be visited.

And a couple of useful tips.

  • When buying, try to check that all purchased sheets are from one factory party. The fact is that the color in different parts may differ slightly tone. In the store it is visually difficult to identify, but on the roof, the transition of tones is becoming noticeable.
  • Do not forget to check the status of sheets, especially if they are sold piece, in already unpacked form. Special attention - corners, since they are most often "suffering" with inaccurate transportation.

How much material will required?

We figured out quality, now we turn to the amount of material.

Calculate the required number of Ondulin sheets is easy: it is necessary to find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof and divide it on the value of the "useful" sheet area, that is, excluding side and end adhesions with neighboring sheets.

As can be seen from the table above, the magnitude of the "useful" sheet area depends not only on its type - "Smart" or "DIY", but also from the corner of the ridge of the skate. This is simply explained - the more string slope slope, the slower it comes from the roof water, the greater the likelihood of its penetration in the slot between the sheets, for example, strong wind, and the more allen are being made to avoid leaks. With specific standards of adolescence, let's get acquainted a little later when it comes to the practice of mounting the coverage.

If this is an ordinary one - or a double roof, there are no problems - the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle will determine even the student of junior classes. More complicated with roofs of hip, tent, multiple type. But here it is quite possible to find a solution, and in some way we can and help.

Several useful calculators for calculating areas of roofs

On the pages of our portal there is a selection of calculators, which greatly simplify the processes of calculating the area of \u200b\u200broofs. So, the reader can use the calculation program, a separate calculator is also available to determine. If the roof has a not completely standard configuration, it is better to be brought to the sections of a simpler form, and then each followed by summation.

Well, since the roof area is known, it remains only to divide it on the leaf area. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that a certain part of the material will take place in the cut, especially if the rods have a trapezoid or triangular shape. In addition, there is a chance and accidental marriage in work. That is, to progress from accidents, it is advisable to lay down and a certain margin, say, 10 percent.

Immediately it is necessary to purchase and the required number of nails. They also have to be original - the amateurness is unacceptable here. Nails have a strictly defined length that guarantees a reliable mounting of ondulin sheets through the top of the wave. Hats nails are equipped with a special press washer and sealing gasket. The colors of the cap is selected depending on the selected color of the coating - fastening on a general background becomes very minority.

By the way, it makes sense to acquire the nails "onduline" of a new sample. If on the previously produced nails after clogging the hat, it was necessarily closed with a decorative cap, then on the last samples of a hat, which is not deformed by the hammer-shock. A trifle, of course, but on the scale of the entire roofing coating quite seriously simplifies and speeds up the installation.

Prices for metal &ide


When calculating the number of nails come from the fact that for Ondulin Smart requires 20 nails on the sheet, for "Ondulin DIY" - 15, as the sheets have two waves less.

Probably it will be worth it to take into account and what in progress The nail works can bend, that is, becoming unfit for further use. In addition, it happens that when working at the height, the wizard will lose one or another nail, and then they cannot immediately find. That is, it is necessary and here to lay the reserve - to the calculated number, based on the number of sheets required for the roof, to acquire an additional couple of dozen nails - just in case. Even if they remain - high-quality nails are always on the farm.

To simplify the reader, the task of calculating the required amount of materials is given below the calculator. The principle of working with it is already outlined above, and some additional explanations are probably not required.

When choosing a material for a roofing device in the building materials market, sufficient options are suggested, among which you can choose classic coatings, which have proven its strength in the century of operation, and you can refer to coatings with modern, which also have good performance and have time to prove the target of their use. Such modern roofing material like Ontulin, the installation instructions for the installation of which are attached to the kit. Exactly following the instructions, it is quite possible to cope with the installation of the roof from Ondulin on its own, even having minimal skills in the construction work.

For a complete view of Ondulina, it should be first to know that it is an environmentally friendly material for a roof, manufactured using modern technologies. The basis for creating ondulin is the cellulosic fiber and mineral fillers. In the process of its production for impregnation of manufactured sheets, they use a thermotrancing resin and distilled bitumen. After impregnating bitumen, the finished sheets of the material are painted.

Ontulin produces two types - slate and tile. According to its quality, both material do not have differences, it differs ondulin the size of a sheet - 2000 x 950 mm, called slate and tile, produced by smaller sizes used in the case when the roof is installed from the ondulin complex configuration. Using tiles in this case reduces the amount of waste. Ontulin slate is used to cover the roofs of a simple design.

The advantages of Ontulin set - environmental friendliness, resistance to external influences, including atmospheric, light weight and low cost of installation of the product, as well as the ability to make an ondul montage with their own hands. The main disadvantage of the material is its flammability, but this property is significantly reduced by the processing of ONDulin with a special composition in the manufacture

When installing the roof of the ondulina, it is necessary to strict compliance with the installation instructions in which the characteristics of the material are carefully taken into account. To obtain a high-quality roof at the built building, all the recommendations given below. Must be fulfilled.

1. To perform the installation of the roof from ONDULIN, in the case of an angle of inclination of the roof, comprising from 5 to 10 °, be sure to manufacture a solid crate made of boards or plywood. The end toast should be 300mm, and the side of the two waves of the slate sheet.

2. When mounting an ondulin slate on the roofs, at the angle of their inclination in the range from 10 to 15 °, the lap is performed from the boards, when it is manufactured, the boards are attached to rafters with a step of 450mm. The step is calculated on the axes of the boards. The terminal flaw is provided for by a size of 200 mm. The magnitude of the side alternation is one wave.

3. In case the roof on which the slate installation is performed from ONDULIN, has an angle of inclination above 15 degrees, the interval between the boards from which the lamb is made is 600 mm between their axes. When laying ondulin sheets should be provided with an end overlap of 170 mm in size, and the size of the side adhesion is one wave.

4. For the correct location of the bars of the crates, they are fixed on rafters, given the distance between the axes. To locate the crate elements in a strictly parallel attitude to the eternity, use a wooden pattern of accurate size.

5. By its form, the slate from Ondulina (having the name "EuroShorter"), has absolute identity with an ordinary slate. For the convenience of the marking of its wavy surface, a color pencil is used. If you wish to get a more accurate surface markup, you can use a leaf trim.

6. If necessary, cut the ondulin sheet is very convenient to use the usual hacksaw for sawing wood. To prevent cloth jams in the material when working, it is slightly lubricated with oil. Even more convenient to use an electric saw, which can be both manual and circular.

7. Montage of Ondulin is completely simple, due to its low weight. One sheet of ondulin standard size weighs no more than six kilograms.

8. At the beginning of the fastening of Odulin sheets, the direction of the wind is taken into account, which prevails in the area where construction is produced. Currently from a skate that is in the opposite side of its direction. In the second row, the onset serves ondulin, the size of the sheet of which is half of the whole. With this method, to lay slate is more convenient, and the backstage on the side junction will be not from four, but from three sheets.

9. For fastening the roofing erector, nails are used, which twenty pieces take place for each roofing sheet. They clog them at the end of the sheet, in the depths of each wave, as well as on the launches on each side. Fasten them to intermediate bars, skipping one slate wave.

10. For the exact direction of the slate sheets in Brus, the crates use a stretched rope, its use will allow you to perform this work more quickly and gently.

11. Elements of the ridge of the roof, like slate, begin to be attached to the roofing skate, located opposite the main direction of the wind. The skiing element is attached to nails to the added brushes of the crate on the inner parts of the euro wavelengths that are connected to them.

12. End owners made from the Ondulin material are used to design. To mount the funds, it is initially set to install an additional crate.

13. The forcepets is drawn up using the skate, or forcepid elements available in the product range of the products of Ondulin.

14. Another method can be used to design a nipper that can only be used at the plus air temperature. An extreme part of the Ondulin sheet should be hooked and secured with nails on a plug-in board.

15. When decorating the roaster roofs also use skate, or nipce elements produced by the company producing ondulin.

16. Registration of the side joint of the roof, if it takes place to be adjacent to the wall located vertically in relation to the junction, is made with the help of an endune made from Ondulin. In place of the joint, reliable isolation is laid.

17. In those places where the roofing and vertical wall is allowed, the coating of the apron made from Ontulin is used. The location of the junction is laid by waterproofing to eliminate the penetration of moisture inside. The apron is attached to a sheet with nails, as indicated in the figure.

18. For optimal ventilation, roofing is used roofing fan. Mount the fan for each wave on the pairing with sheets. The top must necessarily have a filament over the base of the roofing fan.

19. To access the roof surface, they make a roofing window, used as well as for admission to the attic room of daylight. This window is fixed with nails on the junction with the waves of Ondulin sheets. The euroshetor leaf, located at the top of the window, is placed on it with a falsestone.

20. If you need to eliminate the lumen between eurosher sheets and a skate, or a cornice, a special filler is used. If a device is not provided in the attic room for its ventilation, then without a filler of the eaves you can do.

21. Universal carnome box applied to better waterproofing roof cornice. Maximum Svet sheet on the eaves - 70 mm.

22. When the channels for ventilation canal use ventilation pipes manufactured by the company producing ondulin products. The fastening of the pipe is made in each wave of the base with the help of nails, and its upper part stacked over the base of the brass.

23. The ventilation comb is nailed on the eaves directly under the sheet and is necessary so that the birds and insects do not fall into the lumeges between the sheets.

24. For fastening the sheets of Ondulin, in the case of the use of crate made of metal, screws apply. In this case, a drill is used for more convenient operation, accurately calculating the power with which the screws will be delayed to avoid damage to the material.

25. Waterproofing of the joints during installation of the roof made from the roofing material of Ondulin, perform the self-adhesive onowflesh tape, developed by manufacturers specifically for this purpose.

26. Performing insulation places of connecting roofing windows with roof is performed using the Ondouflesh tape.

27. To give the end of the finished species with simultaneous insulation of its joints with the roof, use tape onduflash.

28. Roofing curtains look well and fully protected from moisture penetration to the wooden parts of the crate with the insulating tapes of oneflash.

29. To perform waterproofing of any places where the roof configuration provides for the appearance of joints with its superstructures, the self-adhesive tape of Ondouflash is perfect for waterproofing.

30. The installation of the ondulina roof is most often selected, in the design of which is used in the design of the ONDUTIS R70 type, used as a reliable vaporizolizing layer.

Using ondulin when repairing roofs

When the roofing of the building comes into disrepair, with the help of Ontulin, you can quickly repair its individual sections, which will be perfectly performing their functions. However, the best option will be the complete replacement of the entire roofing material to the new one. Application of slate Ondulin provides less radical solution - installing a new coating without removing the old, laying a new layer of roofing from above.
This feature is available thanks to the low weight of the euroshetor sheets, allowing to apply this roof repair technology.

Advantages of Ondulina, as a material for mounting and repairing a roof

The use of Ontulina will build high-quality roof in the shortest possible time. Choosing the installation of the roof from Ondulin, the owner of the house will be able to do not worry about the condition of the coverage for many years

Application of Ontulina will provide the owner of the house:

  1. obvious savings when repairing the roof, the use of ondulin does not require the removal of the old roof;
  2. the presence of detailed instructions makes it possible to carry out the installation of Ondulin with their own hands;
  3. there is no risk of moisture penetration during repair, since the old coating is not opened;
  4. the use of an old coating, when installing a new layer of ondulin, improves the thermal insulation of the roof;
  5. obtaining an excellent appearance of the material, choosing the color of the roof coating.

The main stages of the repair of the roof when using ondulin

Repair of the roofs with the use of the roofing coverage of high quality, known as "EuroSholer", or ondulin, are divided into a step of preparation for installation and the assembly stage.

First of all, the state of the old coating is checked - the ventilation system, insulating material. If there are faults, they are eliminated.

With elevated fragility of the old material, the lamp is installed by drumming and fastening on the self-tapping screw. When planning the installation of additional insulation, it is provided for its gap under the crate. To protect against condensate, the insulation is covered with a membrane ondutis SA 130, and on top of the crates are fixed by a vapor barrier film of ONDUTIS R 70.

Performing a crate to make the installation of the roof from the ondulin, the bar is used, the cross section of which corresponds to the size of the euro wave. For installation and fastening of the skate and endanda, an additional doom is required.

When the roof is erected, or carrying out its repair using Ontulin material, the instruction on the installation of roofing should be observed completely accurately, only then it will last for many years, without requiring repair.

Onduline (EuroShorter, Onduline) is used as roofing more than half a century. During this time, he has perfectly proven himself, which contributed such advantages as simplicity of mounting ondulin, low weight and affordable cost.

Roofing Ondulin prefer people who care about the ecology of their dwelling. After all, euroshofer does not contain prohibited in many countries asbestos, its basis is cellulose, mixed with bitumen. And mineral substances and binding supplements provide him with durability and reliability. In addition, a private house covered by Ondulin is beautiful and Elegance.

The warranty period of Ontulin is 15 years, provided that the ondulin installation technology is observed. That's where we will stop. Consider step by step, what requirements need to be performed that the quality of work complies with the standards.

The technology of the roof device from Ondulina is gradually.

1. Calculation of Ondulina on the roof

The easiest way is to use the calculator on the seller's website or contact the consultant. But in order to have an initial view, it is necessary to divide the total area of \u200b\u200ball the roof rods and divide on the useful area of \u200b\u200bone sheet. Add from 5 to 15% for waste. The amount of waste depends on the complexity of the rafter system.

2. Installation of crates for Ondulin

Due to the fact that Ontulin flexible roofing material, its installation technology provides for the fastening of sheets on a wooden crate. For the roof crate under ondulin, the bar is used 60x40.

Pag Grade under Ondulin

  • the angle of the slope of the skate to 10 ° (1: 6) involves a device of a solid crate, otherwise the sheet will drive;
  • angle of 10 - 15 ° (1: 4) - a shap shave of 450 mm;
  • corner over 15 ° - Step 610 mm.

Nuance. Professionals advise not to save on the crate and in all cases to make it solid. In this case, sheets do not ferment from heat or under the snow or wind loads.

Installation of additional shellsThe error in the feeding of sheets can lead to the fact that the sheet is deformed, so the lamp timing must be properly fixed.

Provide parallelism of their location, if you use lecturer. Laying a piece of timber between the previous and subsequent shell timber will be a good help.

At the site of the future attachment of the skate plank, you need to install additional shell rails.

Note. Installation of the waterproofing film is not a mandatory step at the roof device from ONDulin. Therefore, the need for its installation is determined by the owner.

3. Installation of Rada Plank

Please note, it is installed before the installation of sheets. Its installation is made on special kleimer. Under it you need to make an additional solid crate. In more detail, the process of its arrangement is shown in the scheme.

Installation Scheme RacingInstallation of strip endanda

4. Installation of sheets of Ondulina

Marking ondulinaInstallation begins with correct marking. Pencil needs to draw a thin line, along which the screws will be screwed. Lines on a sheet are located at a distance equal to the distance between the bars of the crate.

Council. So that the line was flat, despite the Ontulina waves, you can do the following: outline the distance in the height of the wave, lay the sheet onto the sheet and spend the line along the second sheet. Then there will be a smooth and clear band.

Cutting ondulina To work at a height did not create inconvenience, it is necessary to first cut downulin on certain blanks (if the cottage has broken rods). Cutting ondulin can be cut with an electric bike, grinder or hacksaws.

In order not to get confused where which sheet is fixed, you need to numbered them and apply numbers to the drawings.

Council. To prevent the firing of a saw in Onduline, it needs to be lubricated with oil.

How to mount Ondulin correctly?

To do this, adhere to technology. First, proceed to the installation of the first sheet. Work is recommended to start with a leeward side. Then the stippiece wave will not be exposed to wind load.

The sequence of laying ondulin sheets, taking into account wind load

In addition, in view of some properties of Ondulin, in the process of its installation, you need to withstand a certain temperature mode.

Ondulin is mounted at a temperature of from 0 to 30 °. Work in this temperature zone allows you to eliminate two lack of ondulin:

  • fragility on the break. This is due to the fact that at a colder time the risk of damage to the material and the appearance of cracks increases.

    Nuance. If you need to replace the sheet, it is better to pre-drill holes under the self-sufficiency in the sheet.

  • stretching material. Therefore, in hot time it is impossible to label material.

Council. Many workers try to reduce the installation time feeding stretched sheets. When the temperature changes, such a sheet is deformed. In consequence, to eliminate similar defects, it is necessary to completely overlap the roof.

The correct installation of the first sheet of Ondulina will make installation easier. Therefore, you need to thoroughly align the sheet along the end and cornice. At the same time, Ondulin should not be per eaves for more than 50 mm. Otherwise, the water will be blown through the gutter of the drain system, and the leaf itself can progress, which will look not aesthetic.

Nuance. The first and each subsequent sheet is mounted thoroughly, only after checking on the horizontal. To do this, you need to use the level.

The order of attachment of subsequent sheets of Ondulin is shown in the photo.

Ondulin is stacked in a checker with a mandatory longitudinal and transverse adhesion. To achieve this, the installation of the second row begins with half a sheet.

It is important to know that the magnitude of the overlap affects the angle of inclination. Namely:

  • the angle of the slope of the skate is up to 10 ° - the longitudinal beet is two waves, transverse at least 200 mm.
  • the angle of 10-15 ° - the longitudinal nailed is one wave, transverse not less than 160 mm.
  • the angle of over 15 ° is a longitudinal backset is one wave, transverse at least 140 mm.

5. Laying ondulina on the roof

The reliability of the euroshetor fastening depends on the type of hardware used and the method of their attachment.

Self-tapping screws with metal brownBecause all the fasteners remain in sight, other methods are not yet invented, it is better to use hardware with a hand-colored hat. In addition, they consist of a nail, wide hats and gaskets - this ensures the tightness of the installation.

For crates made of metal used screws with a brown of metal.

Material prepared for site

Nails with a special hatFor wooden crates, nails are suitable with a special hat, which closes the metal from external factors.

Such nails require attention when installing.

Strongly scored nail or not clogged to the end is impossible to cover with a hat. As a result, the reliability of fixation is reduced.

Nails with monolithic hatProfessionals advise the use of new nails for Ondulin. Their cap is monolithic and withstands the blows with a hammer.

Methies are attached strictly in the wave, in its highest point. At the same time, the lower and top of the sheet must be fixed into each wave, and in the middle of the zigzag.

Motition mounting diagram is shown in the photo.

Scheme of fastening ondulin by hardware at a steps of 45 cmOndulin fastening diagram in 61 cm shave

How to fix the ondulin is shown in the picture.

How to fix Ondulin hardware with hardware


Mounting ondulin does not end. So that your country house has a presentable look, and the roof has been securely protected from the flow, you need to install decorative elements. These include bumps, eaves, wind strap and endow.

The horse is mounted at the junction of two slopes. Mandatory backstage should be at least 120 mm. Kind can be purchased, but you can make it yourself. For this, the upper sheets are brewed through the place of the joint and nailed to the top of the opposite skate. True, it is possible to do it only when it's hot on the street and Ondulin is soft enough. The fastening site of the skate can be made by a wooden plug.

Nuance. The horse is installed on pre-installed shell rails.

Lining tape under the horseUnder the skate you need to put a special insulating self-adhesive tape. If you save on it, then the snow will be wondering under the horse, and flush on the roof. After all, waterproofing for ondulin is not provided. And, shown in the photo, the design reliably protects the attic or manasrid from rain and melt water.

Sealing tape under Ontulin SvetCouncil. The same ribbon will be set to install in the scene of Ontulin List. This will prevent snowing snow from under the carnisic plank, and will also allow the realization of natural ventilation in the attic. In addition, the attic will be inaccessible for small birds or insects.

The construction of non-ventilated roofs involves the use of sealant instead of a ribbon.

  • Farmery or wind strap are installed along the wave of sheet. Fall must be at least 10 cm.
  • Adjunction to the wall or distribution of protruding elements. This uses a special covering apron. Its use guarantees a hermetic roofing unit.

Covering apron

7. Natural lighting

In order to ensure daylight penetration, you can install a window-hatch under Ondulin. Conventional mansard windows are not suitable for these purposes.

Ondulin windowOndulin Luke Window

However, today the market presents such a material as a translucent Ondulin. When installing, the ordinary list is replaced by translucent, it allows you to significantly reduce the time, complexity and cost of installation of windows.

Translucent Ondulin

Apply the roof from Ontulin an exclusive view by combining different colors in the process of performing work.

Ondulina Installation Instructions


As we can see, working with such a material as roofing ondulin, you can cover the roof of not only a private house, but also a garage, gazebo or bath. If you adhere to the tips and recommendations, as well as follow the instructions, you can perform the device of the ondulin roof with your own hands.

Tags: Roof roof Ondulin euroshofer