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Moon in the sign of the lion in a woman. Moon signs in everyday life: lion. Moon Lion - Moon Sagittarius

That whose Moon sign Lion, never get lost in the crowd. Such people love attention and recognition of others, so they, like air, must be among people. Moreover, it is advisable to always be the center of attention!

Lions are self-sufficient and stubborn, self-confident and selfish, independent and authoritarians, manners and irresistible. They always "play a role" suitable for them by status. For them, it is very humiliating and unforgivable to look ridiculous or ridiculous. And if you try to somehow humiliate them, diminishing their dignity and quality in the public - you will forever become the enemy of the lion. They do not forgive the insults! Even if they pretend that they did not hurt them, and beautifully play their role to the end.

Lions love holidays and fun, large companies And everything is beautiful. Often for them external attributes of happiness and success play a leading role in life. That is why such people are sometimes shallow and superficial: taking care of the "squeezed gloss" and visible well-being, they have no strength for themselves, on really important things in life. But, fortunately, such extreme manifestations of their character traits are rare and, rather, are an exception.

People born under the sign of the lunar lion are usually big optimists, they always look at the world if not through pink glasses, then with sure with a positive. They do not have insolvenous problems (at least they demonstrate it with all their views). They are ready to assist others. If the latter, of course, will be correctly asked. After all, being generous and merciful is so "in the royal"! At the same time, the surrounding love lions for such gestures, people are grateful to them for participating in their situations and help.

No matter how surprisingly, such qualities are present at lions not to create an external effect. They never admit to you that "play" or do something specifically for the public. Such an attitude towards people is their inner essence and need, so all these actions for Lviv are not an element of the game. They are very sincere, impressionable, friendly, wounds, generous and generous. Often they feel the feeling over the mind. Lions are quite open and responsible people who hate deception and false relationships. They are always "real" and the same expected from others. Cheating and hypocrisy - it looks so low and inflated in their eyes that they will never allow themselves to go down to this!

Lions - talented speakers and demagogues, love to be in the center of secular events and in public, so they often go to politics, there are teachers or engaged in activities related to public performances. They are very good to inspire their ideas and vision of the world, unobtrusively to imagine their point of view on events.

The weak place of each lion is the opposite sex. They are heartly and open in relationships, always tend to directly talk about their desires. Lions devotees and faithful spouses. Even despite the fact that they often allow themselves to flirt with others, it is not perceived by both treason or infidelity. This is part of their nature, because the external recognition is necessary for the lions like air! And if their partner is not jealous and is able to calmly look at such a state of affairs, marriage with the lion will be very strong and long. After all, by nature, they are real monozymes!

But sometimes all the quality of the lion can be repeatedly enhanced. And then they are in character prevailing such negative features, as self-confidence, narcissism, arrogance, arrogance, pride, keenness, rudeness. They fill their lives with empty things and actions, trying to impress the surrounding, but not worrying about their inner world and even more so, about real help to other people. All of their essence comes down to the external "causation" and excessive chatty. BUT family life collapsed from endless love intrigues and cheating.

Below are the views of famous researchers on the influence of the Moon in Lev ♌ on our life:

The period of stay of the Moon in Lev is characterized by extremely positive influence on the inner world of person, which can not not postpone his imprint on it, so to speak, the outer shell. As a rule, these days people are in a poor arrangement of the Spirit, which, as you know, configures the human body to a positive wave.

The binding of our physical health to the emotional state is manifested in the days of the Moon in Lion, as brighter. It is during this period that people are more likely waking up with rested and in good mood, they are characterized by a healthier color of the face, they are configured to rich and creative activity.

Of course, good health and cheerful mood can not be guaranteed absolutely everyone during this period. However, in the days of Lev, we appear much more chances quite simply and quickly lead themselves in the tone and even improve the well-being, making emphasis on the exercise by the most natural and pleasant things.

If you feel these days not in your plate (or you just unhealthy), you should not be corrected from around the world, indulging in Handre under a blanket in your bed. An effort should be done on themselves and go to the light of God; walk in the park, breathe fresh air; In the end, just brew a cup of your favorite tea and listen to a pleasant relaxing music. These simple measures, though they are not able to heal a person, however, they exactly in the days of the Moon in Lev, with a greater probability will improve not only his mood, but also well-being.

Moon in Lev and our health

Vulnerable bodies: heart and cardiovascular system as a whole, aperture and thoracic spine, nervous system.

Invulnerable organs: shin, small and large bertovoy bone; ionic muscles; blood vessels.

If you get sick with the moon in Lev : Most often ailment in these days in one way or otherwise connected with the heart and / or blood circulation disorder.

Despite the positive energy of the Moon in Lev, the human nervous system is not insured against negative influence from outside. On the contrary: a creative attitude, the desire to love and be loved by the soul of a person, making it more susceptible to psychological injury. A person these days can literally paint good wordBut you can also be easily offended.

If you have been hidden or envy on someone, then you yourself are a potential source of problems for your own nervous system and, as a result, for the heart. If we summarize all of the above, then with the slightest ailment on the days of the lion, it is strongly recommended to protect yourself as much as possible from negative emotions.

If health and weather allow you to give the lion's time to walk on fresh air and sunbathing. In general, these days our body is recommended as much as possible in any of his form: it should not be forgotten that the lion is a fire sign.

Often, ailment on the days of Leo is connected with the fact that we overload the top spine. Usually, our body reacts to lifting and transferring weights when the long load falls on shoulders and hands. The recipe is still the same: elimination of the sources of negative impact on vulnerable bodies, relaxing outdoors or in a well-lit room and positive emotions.

In addition, in the days of Lev, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of salt and the rich sodium products, or eliminate them for a time from the diet. Instead, turn on in your menu products containing potassium, as they have very positively affect the work of the heart. If, during this period, serious heart problems were diagnosed, requiring operational intervention, the decision should be taken at their own peril and risk. These days are not recommended to carry out operations on the heart, unless, we are not talking about urgent cases requiring immediate solution.

If the so-called invulnerable organs got under the bottom of the lion (which is unlikely, but not excluded!), This period is suitable as it is impossible to treat them. Any set of measures aimed at improving the state of your vessels, or to relieve any problems associated, for example, with knee joints, will bring more benefits on the days of the moon than in other periods.

It is not surprising that in the days of the lion, the negative load on our nervous system puts under the blow to the normal functioning of the body's cardiovascular system. However, this knowledge can and should be used in its own interests, and then during the stay of the Moon in Lev, you can not only avoid troubles related to the deterioration of the health of vulnerable bodies, but on the contrary, improve their condition.

On the days of finding the Moon in Lev, our body wants and should enjoy the state of love and peace. That's why best Recommendation It may be to insulate itself from negative impact during this period.

If possible, protect yourself from communicating with people unpleasant to you; If this is not possible - try to reduce this communication to the minimum, and in the conversation process, avoid provocative and patients with topics. In general, organize yourself an emotional discharge, visit interesting events, look into your favorite cafe or restaurant, ordering there some new delicious and brightly decorated dish.

Do not forget that the load on the nervous system, as well as the work of the heart, increases not only because of negative impressions and unpleasant conversations. Pleasant, but exciting and emotional events can also make our heart beat more often. That is why, on the days of Lev, it is recommended to relax and "consume" positive emotions were dosed.

Make changes to your diet in the days of the lion. Vegetables and fruits yellow and orange color - This is a kind of cosmetics for your body. Increase consumption in the days of the moon in the Lion of Mandarins, oranges, yellow apples and tomato - these products will speed up the processes of cleansing in your body, slightly improving the skin condition and complexion. For the normalization of the heart of the heart, legumes, dringes, almonds, prunes, black currant and other potable food are recommended.

Also on the days of the Moon on a fiery sign, protein food will be good, so enter in the diet of protein products, for example, animal origin, because lions are predators. If you stick to a vegetarian diet, do not forget to introduce vegetable origin into the diet.

Finally, the period of the Moon in Lion (especially growing) is extremely favorable for visiting the hairdresser. Verified fact: After the haircut during this period, the roots of the hair are significantly strengthened, and the hair themselves will grow more dense and healthy.

What can I do:

In the days when the moon is located in Lev, you should avoid negative emotions, quarrels, scandals, breaks of relationships, since during this period our nervous system is extremely vulnerable. It is impossible to let black thoughts in his head, to feel the resentment and enter the plans of ignition!

You can not consume food, which contains a lot of sodium; It is also impossible to abuse salt, especially if we are talking About people who are already suffering from various diseases caused by circulatory disorders or abnormal heart work.

It is impossible to raise gravity, longingly overloading the shoulders or hands, as this can lead to the appropriate injury; In addition, the risk of injuries in the thoracic spine will seriously increase. Those who have problems with the heart muscle, is not recommended to sleep on the left side.


The main danger to the health of our body in the days of the lion we represent ourselves! If we are destructive, our thoughts, our actions, our individual perception of the events and the current situation can literally break us. Do not criticize the world and relate to it destructive. On the contrary: the internal resources should be found in order to carry the surrounding love, joy and respect.

The period of the Moon in Lion is considered particularly favorable for those who have sincerely dedicated their life to worship. Such people initially exude God's grace, defending themselves from negativity outside and black thoughts inside. Malovery (including the disbelief in own forces) It is extremely dangerous, as it can be destructive way to influence inner world People with Moon in Lev. To avoid this danger, it is not necessary to be a tary adept of some faith. One should only configure himself to a positive, sending thoughts in the direction of good and love to others. And visit the church and internal communication with God will contribute to this.

Another danger to our inner world in the days of the lion is the usual human greed. The desire to have something, whether beautiful things or even a person affects destructively on our inner "I", depriving us of the opportunity to enjoy quiet human happiness. Remember that the stay of the Moon in Lev is a very favorable period in order to rethink their feelings and desires. Exactly this best time In order to learn to love disinterestedly.

Despite the fact that in the days of the lion, our body is shown sunbathing, great danger represents an overdose by ultraviolet. If you do not take precautions (sunbathing in the shade, use special creams protecting from solar burns, taking sunbathing dosage and safe morning clock), there is a danger to burn hard, especially with a growing moon - in the spring and summer months.

Moon in the horoscope of birth in a man and women: the moon in Lev

The moon, which is located in Lion at the moment of the birth of a person, affects the human and women in a similar way throughout their lives. This is exactly the situation in which the phrase "all diseases - from the nerves" acquires the greatest relevance. The moon on the fiery sign of the lion, responsible for our emotions and internal unconscious reactions, turns the majority of people born during this period in cholerics.

This type of people is often even small problems and troubles, which is called, through itself, taking everything that happens close to heart. From here are similar for both sexes the problems associated with nervous system, with a circulatory system and, as a result, with a heart muscle. However, heart problems are often compensated by another property of lunar lions and a lioness - desire and necessity constantly in motion. The temperament of these people helps them take over the excessive loads and cope with them.

Nevertheless, the moon in the lion in the horoscope in men and women may indicate whole line Pathological conditions associated with the thoracic spine and the heart muscle. Obvious problems associated with pressure and impaired cardiac rhythm; The aortic and peripheral arteries are often diagnosed; Ischemic heart disease and heart attack. It is often observed such a disease as congenital heart disease. It is also fixed higher than that of other lunar signs, the likelihood of death from a sudden stop of the heart. All this, of course, must be confirmed by other elements of the horoscope and if the moon has a direct attitude to 1 and 6 house of birth.

Most men and women with moon in Lev demonstrate enviable persistence to colds. If such a person is caught, the disease can pass quite quickly, often accompanied by a high temperature. In general, for lunar lions and lionic fever with high temperature are not something unusual. Very often in people with Moon in the lion in the horoscope of birth these phenomena are accompanied by other inflammatory processes in the body.

Moon and hair haircut

The lion well affects the growth and strengthening of hair, and not only. Today, any manipulations and actions associated with hair are successful: staining, meling, haircut, laying, etc. However, it is better to refuse a chemical curling, as the curling can become very durable, which can upset you. To attract good luck and charge energy today it is recommended to make a haircut.

Moon and vegetable garden

Lion is the most non-fermented zodiac sign. At this time, it is better to do any creative activity or just relax, but in no way garden or garden matters

Moon and human character

As a rule, lunar lions are brilliant, dynamic, generous, proud and very powerful people.

For the inner "I" lion is characterized by the royal manner to keep herself, nobility, tolerance to others. People usually feel this indulgence and therefore do not trust the lunar lion.

The moon determines the inner sensations of the lion, even if he does not demonstrate their behavior. Obviously hidden deep feelings for long remain unknown to the world. Not in the nature of the lion to hide them from everyone.

In Moonlime, over time, the features of a bright person, whose scope should, in the opinion of the people of this sign, call the surrounding admiration. Possessing a born intuition, Lunny Lev. It uses her at his own discretion, that is, trying to put the others dependent, playing the gullibility. People often reveal the soul caches in front of the lunar lion, leaving his natural charm.

The influence of the Moon in Lev makes a person in a solid person who attracts universal attention. Sometimes it seems that the lunar lions know exactly exactly what and when to say. They are able to respond quickly to people and situations. A sharp change in the behavior of the lion lion may be due to the appearance of an opponent, a person who knows more than he. Then the lunar lion will be truly irresistible. Lunar lions should not be stubborn, pride, they need to trust their intuition more.

On the other hand, the moon makes a lion with a big idealist, besides a very self-confident man, not inclined to listen to his own inner voice.

The domineering character of the Lion shows itself fully, and the prospect of taking responsibility does not scare him.

The arrogance in the character of a lion leads to the fact that it prefers a wide range of activities and a wide range of friends - interesting people. But his environment is not constantly.

Among positive traits Character: generosity, cordiality, wit, self-esteem, delicate artistic taste. TO negative traits Belong: Snobism, zodfyard on archaic ideas, desire to master.

Moon and human emotions

The emotions of the lion lion resemble glowing coals, ready to flared up at any time, if flames in the fire. For normal well-being, lunar lion is simply necessary to be in a state of love. The moon is provided strong influence on his inner world. The need to invest in all that he would do is very great.

Pride does not allow people born under this sign, to detect their feelings, because even the most powerful lion there are moments of weakness, the manifestation of which is unacceptable for him.

The image of a powerful person is for him the usual role, but the ability to listen allows lion to understand the mood of others.

The innermost feelings of the lunar lion represent a fairly powerful source of power. In the desire to understand itself, he needs to be aware of his own emotional state. His emotions are the same strong as in cancer or fish. Lion is also impatient and passionate as Aries.

Often the Lion is guided by the desire to live as much as possible, forgetting that the internal energy flow should be balanced. Many consider lunar lions egocentric. But the fact that others consider egocentrism is just a desire to like others, conquer their love.

Moon and Career

In the work of the lion, its natural quality is of great importance - pride. The lion is used to boasting their achievements, even the most minor victories are important for him. He loves when the colleagues admire them, but it will not have to ask for a compliment.

As a bright person, the lion loves to be the center of attention. It is not difficult for him to raise it, however, if such a need really exists, the lion risks appearing to friends on the work of a narcissistic egoist. Lion pride is also manifested in the fact that he cannot be in the work of picky. He is used to apply a lot of effort so that the result of the work is close to perfection. It goes without saying that he does not make any criticism on its address and never recognizes the correct negative assessment of his work by others.

The advantages of the lion, speaking in his favor: he knows how to bring the case to the end, especially if he needs to impress and recognition of others depends on it.

Lero must occupy the situation that gives power, a high post in the firm. If this does not work, the lion will clict in itself, turns into a ballast, will not be able to realize himself completely. Possessing huge creative opportunities, he wants to fully use them, putting all his strength in the work.

The moon inspires Lion to the desire for a career, where he will be able to carry out cherished dreams. This can help the gift of lion - the ability to find mutual language With most of the people from all sectors of society.

Moon and Love Relationships

For Lviv, love is the most amazing and unique feeling in the world. They are so shone from happiness that they can attract the attention of others.

The moon sets up a lion to sensitivity: feeling the approach of love, he is ready to enjoy the storm of emotions on everyone who is nearby. If this time coincides with the desired meeting of the second half, the generosity of the lion will not know the borders. He will offer the chosen one's best and in huge quantities.

Defiring a loved one, the Lunar Lion hopes for response feelings, and the same ardent and passionate. The position of the Moon imposes his thought about himself as an almighty person. Often he assumes the beloved on the pedestal, dedicts that he proves the idealization of the partner's qualities, deafness to his real problems. Communication with the inner "I" gives the opportunity to Lion not to be encouraged, to moderately be proud of a loved one, not forgetting about his true aspirations and desires.

The man of this sign in acquaintance seems to be bright and unusual, having tremendous energy. The lion is convinced that love rules the world, so outside of the state of love even suffers. Any meeting seems to him the only one.

When something is not laid, problems arise, for example, at work, people of this sign, being in a state of love, are not inclined to fall into Melancholy, they forget everyone, dreaming about a new meeting with the chosen one to hit him at once again the generosity of the soul. An excellent feature of the character of the moon lion is his ability to stranger a loved person with manifestations of tenderness, which is impossible not to be surprised.

By nature, the lunar lions are big idealists, especially if we are talking about romantic love. They are characteristic of a deep innate sense of honor and debt, so they are holy thank marriage, family obligations bonded by durable, long-term love relationships.

Possessing an impeccable taste, he wishes him to surround only the beautiful. And home furnishings must match its whims. In the absence of this, the lunar lions can explore in their eyes.

Pride is a priority feature of the character of Lviv, they love anyone from anyone, they like to give their love more than taking it. Stay with such a person under one roof requires patience and a certain excerpt. For this he will give love, sincere affection, will arrange the best way life.

Life with lion sign is full of bright sunlight And happiness. Their elects remains to take care of them, praise, overlooking the latitude of the soul, generously giving them their love and attention.

Moon and family relationships

The influence of the moon on people born under this sign, awakens them with a great desire to adhere to family feasures, the desire to be exclusively caring towards their beloved.

Regardless of whether the spouse or spouse is the sign of the zodiac, they will be leaders in the house. Interestingly, the majority of home care, which they take on, are performed by them not only in order for cleanliness and order in the house. Their secret desire is to hit all the work done, bring in delight. For Lviv, it is important to recognize that better than them homework Nobody could do.

Many use this weakness of the lion, shifting on his shoulders all the goods home problems and justifies something like this: "Well, no one except you can do this!"

From the lunar lions are excellent parents. Perhaps this is due to the need to be proud of its children in the same way as they were once proud.

People of this sign are very sensitive. They are all perceived close to heart. Careless word on their account can be in the soul. The lunar lion values \u200b\u200bhis relatives, trying to make their lives as comfortable as possible.

Additional effect. If the moon is in a lion sign in the interval:

0 ° - 10 ° \u003d\u003e Increased ambition, the strongest desire for the implementation of its ideas and plans, scope in all spheres of vital activity. If the moon has negative configurations with other planets - unsuccessful love, treason, disappointment;

10 ° - 20 ° \u003d\u003e High intelligence, spirituality, idealism, an important role in life is played by love and material interests;

20 ° - 30 ° \u003d\u003e Energy, determination, diligence, tendency to research activities, diligence, sympathy, compassion.

/ / Moon in Lion in a man in a woman

Moon in the signs of the zodiac. Moon in lion in natal map In a man, a woman, a child. Moon in the sign of the zodiac lion in astrology.

Moon in Lev in Natal Map It is under the control of the sun and in the sign of the zodiac, the lion of the moon is committed to expressing through the sun. Those. A man with Moon in Lev will be inherent in the inner desire to stand out, be the best, it is important for him to be appreciated, respected, admired them. Since such a person always boasts his knowledge, skills, in general, if he has something to "shine", he will not miss his chance. It is of great importance, in which sign of the zodiac is the sun in the natal map. The stronger the sun, the more active in the moon in Lev.

In any case, the moon in Lev will give a subconscious feeling of pride, self-esteem, and with an amazed moon in Lev will be manifested arrogance and egocentricity.

The lion sign theatrical and moon getting here, gives a person a tendency to exaggerate any emotions and experiences, both negative and positive. Although the sign of Leo refers to a fixed cross and the mood of a person with the Moon in Lion will not often change, also his habits will be stable.

Man with moon in lion in new atmosphere Will behave calmly and confidently. Finding into an unfamiliar team, he will try to demonstrate his self-sufficiency. The moon in Lion gives a person an independent character and contributes some stubbornness.

Moon in the Lion in a man.

The Moon in Lion in a man increases loyalty and devotion to their elected, because Lion sign standing (fixed). Feelings A man with Moon in Le Ree will store for a long time - and good and bad. If a man with a moon in Lion loves a woman, then for her he will be capable of a lot. The moon in Lion in a man declares him to look for a woman bright, attractive, active and confident. A man with Moon in Lev will choose a woman in wives, whom he can be proud of. The moon in the sign of the zodiac Lev in a man makes him power, the last word must always stay after him. And if in the Natal map of the moon in Lev is amazed, the Sun and Mars occupy a strong position, then such a man can become a real dictator in the family.

The moon in the lion of a woman.

A woman with Moon in Lev will also have ambitions and inner stubbornness. A woman with Moon in Lele can keep loyalty, but such a woman is not too economic, she will have more to the realization in society, in a career, especially if the sun occupies a strong position in the horoscope. As a mother, a woman with Moon in Lion will be caring, such a woman loves children.

With a favorable development of the moon in Lion, a man makes him quite stubborn and confident. His thoughts are elevated, and feelings are noble. The owner of such a moon is vigorously included in the task facing it, responds to events of the day with immediate optimism. IN ordinary life Outdoor and cheerful, heart man. Take care of your loved ones, trying to provide them with the best possible.

Active and strong spirit a man with a lion moon is successful not only in women, but also at colleagues. He has authority in children. With the unfavorable development of the character of a man with the Moon in Lion can be prone to free love relations. Marriage is possible treason.

Men with Moon in Lev

People, in the horoscope of which the moon falls into the sign of the lion noticeable in any society. From birth, he feels a significant figure. As a rule, it is noble and purchase peoplewho wishes if not achieving recognition in wide circles, then at least to live in good conditions - Even gorgeous. Worthy life they are one of required conditions Absolute happiness.

Get ready to become a viewer of theatrical ideas that he will play before you. The topic of ideas will depend on what sign and house of the horoscope is its moon or the sun. If you do not admire it with performances, he will go to look for a more responsive viewer. But it will preliminarily explain in detail than the current viewer - that is, you are not satisfied with it. Here, in my opinion, everything is just simple: you will die in your hands in time and shout: "bis!".

A man with Moon in Lion in the new setting will behave calmly and confidently. Finding into an unfamiliar team, he will try to demonstrate his self-sufficiency. The moon in Lion gives a person an independent character and contributes some stubbornness. The moon in Lev makes man ambitious and ambitious, he has an inner desire to take a high position in life. And whether he realizes this desire in reality, for this it is necessary to consider the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign. With a weak sun in the natal map, a person with Moon in Lev will be difficult to satisfy its subconscious leadership and organizational needs.

With a harmonious moon in Lev, it can be said that this is a man of a broad soul, he possesses internal nobility, generosity, generosity and is able to forgive weaknesses to other people. Sometimes a person with Moon in Lion can do good deeds under the influence of the inner gust, so that others appreciate it. Despite the fact that the sign of the zodiac lion belongs to the elements of fire, people with the moon in Lion have patience and know how to restrain their emotions. A man with Moon in Lion has an internal advantage and even in extreme situations retains composure. The fire of lion is constant and warm, it warms, but does not burn people who have the moon in the sign of the zodiac lion usually good-natured.

Yes, that's what: a man with the moon in Leop does not like when a woman looks bad. Not in the sense that when she is sick, and her skin is not very ... and does not like if a woman is ugly dressed, not wearing jewelry, does not use decorative cosmetics. Here he goes like projecting against himself: he himself loves theatrical effects, and in a woman wants to see the same thing. Even intimate relationship it can turn into performances for two.