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Moon in the Fish in a man characteristic. How to win a woman with the moon in the fish. Moonfish - Moon Lion

Kira Tsekolova

The location of the planets in the sky at the time of the birth of the child determines the whole of his future life. A special role is played by the moon, which forms an emotional personality structure. The moon in the fish symbolizes the feminine and sensitive nature.

The effect of the moon and other planets

In addition to the moon B. natal map 9 planets work actively. The moon in the fish reveals compassion, souvency, care. In case of damage to the relationship, drowsiness is observed, a tendency to deception and self-deception, thrust to the spirits, men rises sexuality.

Mercury is in damage and fall. Its properties practically does not show. In a harmonious aspect - this is a rich imagination, the ardor of the mind, the ability to see benefits, in the damaged - diffraction, deceit, the abnormality indicating mental deviations.

Venus is in a strong position - exaltation. In a harmonic aspect, it is manifested by internal beauty, tenderness, responsiveness, in damaged - passivity, easy suggestibility, passionate the opposite sex.

Mars commits transit in fish. He directs the energy to sympathize, obey, tolerate, take care, in a damaged aspect turns a person into neurotic, inclined to alcoholism, sacrificial love. Saturn in harmony gives a person to spiritual depth, sympathy to humiliated, attentiveness, damage makes a panicker, obsessed neurotic, shy, touchy, capable of betraying.

Uranium in harmony is an increased susceptibility, intuitive flair, insight, in damage - a silent nature, painfully perceiving the worldwhich is unable to build a normal relationship in society. Neptune in fish is in the control position. In the harmonic aspect gives inspiration, compassion, mercy, helps to develop in medicine and art, in destructive - immorality.

Pluto in a harmonic aspect gives the power of the Spirit, enormous potential, creative gusts, in damage makes nature limited, striving for power, obsessed, fanatical.

General characteristic of the sign

Astrologer Vasilis Volodina considers fish the most mysterious sign in the horoscope. The moon, performing transit in fish, gives them the most diverse qualities. Visits 12 house. In ancient times, he was called the Uznice House.

This house combines secrets, intuition. A man under the influence of the moon feels a subtle line between the worlds. He is capable of high sacrifice for the sake of family. The surrounding misfortune perceives to heart. He is also capable of universal love, which she grabs others.

With the defeat of the Moon in this house, they talk about secret enemies. This is a mother or wife, since the moon in the fish gives parent characteristics. A strongly affected moon forces a person to completely hide his personal life, a family. The moon in the disturbed hill changes the understanding of the kind, forcing a person to run, hide.

Fish quickly adapt to occurring events, people, thanks to the inner age. These are people who have emotional status replaced every 2 seconds. They are caring, careful about others. Fish have the ability to see the prophetic dreams.

When the moon is in the sign of the fish in transit, it is better not to give free to the sensations. It will only aggravate the situation. It is better to send your strength to communicate with pleasant people. This will increase the energy tone and give confidence. During this period, it is worth limiting the reception of drugs.

Feature Women Fish

The moon in a woman's fish makes her tender, militant. IN stressful situationshe is not able to take fast solutions. It is characterized by oscillations. Inexperienced fish is quite capable of committing an incomplete act and lose its investments. Cash aspects should not be trusted.

Moon sign in female fish draws sensual image:

  • wounding Nature;
  • responsive to someone else's grief;
  • her appearance is attractive, but this beauty is natural, feminine, clean;
  • not conflict if it is offended - it just goes or chopping;
  • she needs to maintain peace of mind and peace around him;
  • it is modest, it seems a driven from the side, too militant, but this is a consequence of her need for peace.

Astrology gives a positive forecast for compatibility with Taurus, Lvom, Virgin, Scorpio and Sagittar. Fish - image of an ideal wife. She needs a man who can openly respond to her love and sacrifice. She is rawimed and acutely perceives the partner's refusal to respond to her problems. Can not squeeze treason, rudeness in relation to his spouse. She is ready for all for the sake of her beloved, but if her psychological comfort will be disturbed, immediately wileth the tail and gather things.

Because of his shyness, the girl is often not able to focus. Its sympathy does not just attend, but raises hopeless legs, positively affects their well-being. If a damaged Venus occupied in a natal map - a person will be up to you, completely opposite. It will be a liberated woman, too sharing, aggressive.

Characteristics of Male Fish

The moon in the feet in a man gives it not the best qualities. This sign is more female, so the man is too touching, sentimental, wound and romantic. Along with these all qualities, a man must match the male status: not to whine, keep calm. Hiding, suppressing her nature, a person is in constant stress, which leads to alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling.

Despite all the disadvantages, the man is managed by Venus, which will lead to public relations and personifies the inner strength, and not aggressive. Such a man is best understood that his woman needs. He does not chase behind the standard of beauty, he needs an ordinary girl who can sympathize, live with him on the same wave.

In love is a romantic, gentle partner. In sexual terms, the influence of Venus and the Moon is especially palpable. A huge storm of passion, melting for mask of calm, pours out in love for his woman. If he disappointed in his partner, takes this oppression and the rest of the women. In the future, it will be difficult for him to establish a serious relationship.

The lunar calendar promises this zodiac sign good prospects in risk-related professions.

Favorable days

In the first half of the year it is desirable to solve all its financial difficulties. Buying serious things is postponed until May-June. Do not plan conception and weddings. For fish perfect will be a wedding, played in July.

In the first lunar day in May, the black stripe will end. After waiting for the increasing phase of the moon, you can go on a haircut of the hair, it is better to do it on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. It is these days that Muz will visit you and it will be possible to choose the perfect image. In the 4th lunar day, the horoscope foreshadows the sign of the zodiac joyful news.

May 15 - the perfect day for cleaning. It is time to plant flowers at the cottage and put it in order, do something for the soul.

Horoscope says that the phase of the growing moon in July is the time to try to conceive a child to the couples who decided to a responsible step. For lonely - a chance to meet love. 3.4, 8,11 moon days Well suited to visit the countries of the neighboring countries. On such trips, you can settle all the conceived issues and get a lot of pleasure.

Unfavorable days

In June K. unfavorable numbers It can be attributed to 6, 18, 20 and 28 numbers. It is worth abandoning these days from trips and work with sharp objects. Even a kitchen knife can carry a danger.

The greatest danger to the sign of the zodiac lies in the days of transit, especially if we are talking On the 20th day of each month. The influence of the planet is enhanced these days, due to which the sensations are exacerbated. The sign becomes an aggressive, especially for people with a damaged moon. With a damaged aspect, irritability and emotionality appear.

For lovers, fish will be useful to know that May is a month when it is impossible to marry any pretext.

September and March - months, when people born under this sign should be especially careful and attentive to themselves. Do not make operations. Refuse bad habits.

Decreasing phase of the moon - not the most good time To make global shopping, and the haircut will not be the case.

Moon in Fish

Moon in Fish

In your natal map of the Moon in Capricorn, Aquarius or Fish


The moon in fish is the most tender and mysterious sign. He makes people desperate romantics. The moon affects the signs of fish in women and men. But those and others are considered gentle and sensitive natures.

Moon in fish sign

Here the moon is in the sign of the element of water, visiting Neptune and Jupiter. It seems to be the best position of the moon.
In general, the foundation of the moon in the watermark gives a very strong intuition, but, as a rule, only superficial intuition, it is associated with the perception of already manifested things located on the surface. And Neptune gives an intuitive comprehension of deep things, hidden secret processes, the feeling of world harmony, ideal. Therefore, you are usually tuned to the perception of the whole deep, hidden and secret, you most likely have a very rich inner world with very deep experiences. Usually you try to hide the depth of your inner world from others, and in some cases you can be very sentimental. You are completely able to comprehend the secret meaning of things, have a very good feeling of rhythm (because Neptune shows a sense of rhythm and musical harmony). You can manifest excellent musical abilities, you are sure to be very susceptible and are an excellent student in almost any area. Fish gives deep perception of information, and you usually absorb it not superficially, but you feel its inner harmony, the inner essence.
This often happens in the occultists and mediums. You, apparently, are susceptible to hypnosis and in a state of hypnosis, you can often show medium abilities, although this may not be observed in the usual state. Unfortunately, there are many alcoholics, drug addicts, fanatics among people with the moon, because the fish are associated with the feeling of ideal, harmony, and if you do not see this and cannot perceive, then there may be inappropriate Wednesday around you, in this case you will be To strive for compensation and can replace the missing illusions by delusional ideas (fanaticism) or through chemical substitutes (alcohol, drugs). That is, how to create a kind of artificial condition that would be a surrogate of this feeling of harmony of the world. At the same time, you can be very suggested and tied to loved ones (especially for women). You most likely have some inner lethargy, sentimentality and secrecy. You can also be an excellent student or a wonderful musician. Women with moon in the fish are very gentle, if the moon is not affected.
You are also often capable of dedication - this position of the Moon is perhaps the only one in which a person can sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Other characters, this manifests itself somewhat differently. Not only fish can go to death, but people with different positions of planets in signs, even Aries, however, he will have just a momentum of action, energy overflows. Capricorn can sacrifice himself to achieve his goal, but not in the name of a particular person, and we have spoken about the highest manifestations of the moon in the fish.
Medical contraindications. You have enhanced susceptibility to all infectious diseases, it is possible to stop diseases, deformation of bone tissue, bones in the foot area. It may be the growing of bone tissue, corn, high sweating. The moon in the fish can manifest itself in the injuries of the foot and ankle joint, cones and curvatures of fingers, contiguous, tendency to infect blood. Any infectious disease can cause you to infect blood, a tendency to swelling, and not only feet. You have traction to strong medicines, alcohol and drugs.
With a transit moon in the fish, it is not recommended to drink a lot of fluid (especially alcohol) - it is unsafe, as there is a connection with the kidneys (Venus is exalted in the fish). Skin is vulnerable, increased danger of allergies. The operations and procedures on the senses, on the liver and legs are dangerous.
At the same time it is necessary to go less, since the legs are more sensitive; We must wear soft shoes. Strong is the danger of fungal diseases. Foot massage, water procedures, drug receptions, drugs, drugs are contraindicated.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Moon in Fish
The moon makes fish extremely sensitive to the habitat; It must accurately correspond to their evolutionary level, otherwise they bored and loose or suffocate.
The incomplete moon gives a capricious and super-sensitive fish, which is difficult to deal with the real world, and when he does not suit her, she floats into the boundless expanses of his imagination.
This position of the moon is characteristic of thin natures: poets, artists, musicians, what is called Bogoe. They serve as a thin world, and the laws are coarse for them are not written, or rather, they are written, but not those for the rest, and which, they must understand not to degrade and not get into the crazy house that with strong defeat probably.
The high level of the Moon's study in the fish gives the finest mystics (there must be other aspects on this), who can go to the highest astral plans.
With defeat and weak energy, there is a big danger to become a victim of manipulators, magicians and lower astral entities or programs (so-called mediumism).
Very large plasticity and empathy in communication; Moonfish can raise you to the tops of ecstasy and throw in the abyss of hellish torments - and sometimes she does it alternately, becoming a good black teacher.
Here, the full study of the moon in the fish is extremely difficult, because it requires mastering a very subtle tool.
Complex: "In this world, I am existentially nothing to rely on."
Avissal underwater. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

The moon in the fish: the strongest intuition, a rich inner world. Thin psychologism, deep comprehension of world harmony. Sensitivity to the finest oscillations of the human soul. Internal inexhaustibility, emotional wealth. Musicality.
At best, there is a soulfulness, rivalry, softness and tenderness. Latitude of the soul.
In the worst case - internal lethargy, vagueness and extent. The tendency to fall into illusions, care from real life.

Moon in Fish
In harmonious aspects: high susceptibility, sensitivity, psychologicality, impressionability, compassion, sympathy, kindness, care, care, operational, imagination, inspiration, love for secrets, sentimentality, romanticism, desire for comfort, comfort, travel. Psychology, Psychiatry, Sociology, Medicine, Pedagogy, Music, Art, Literature.

If the moon is damaged, then in the nature of the subject, such features appear as passivity, the tendency to flow downstream, indulgence in feelings, petty, sensitivity, inaccurability, deceit, dreamence, sludge, humility, indulgence, Deception, suffering, drunkenness, abnormality, deceit, mediumism, exposure to bad influence, sacrifice.
S. V. Shestopalov. Directory of Astropsychology

Moon in Fish
You are unusually light heart, full of sympathy for people, and this understanding of their feelings and needs is bordered by telepathy. You do not take it out when a living being, be it a person or an animal suffers from your eyes. Knowing your kindness and responsiveness, people suffering from soulful pain Or in a tormented state, often turn to you for help. Sometimes they abuse your soft heart rate.
You have a poetic soul, you love and feel music. Many of your feelings are foggy and troubled, so you can not easily convey what you think about life. It seems that music is your natural language. In love you are romantic, often in love with not so much in a person as the relationship itself, this is a pleasant condition.
Superxistence, susceptibility of thoughts and feelings of other people like a sponge, a living imagination that manifests itself in poetry, music. Love for travel.
Courtesy, sympathy, shyness and mental viceness, often feel offended, suffer to mania persecution, and if upset, then the lack of common sense and sense of humor.
Melancholy, absentia, dismissive attitude to its appearance, threat of mental diseases and isolation. All diseases begin through legs.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Moon in fish sign
Fis sign is managed by Jupiter, pious planet. The moon symbolizes the mind, so a person with the moon in the sign of the fish understands the meaning of religious life, has mental and meditational abilities. Such people are observed, susceptible. There are fluctuations in their mind, the inability to make a choice. They are sensitive, emotional, sometimes biased. They should not allow their feelings to influence their views and judgments. They are romantic and dreamed, have a light, compliant nature, outwardly somewhat unstable, but deciding for anything, they act quite confidently. They are easily affected by others, they should learn to say "no" to not be involved in contradictory action. Such people have a good heart, they are generous, generous and happy to serve. Often such people can be seen voluntarily working in charitable societies. In their eyes, tears are easily shown. They willingly read and write, and sometimes there are scattered.
According to Brikhad Jatak, the man with the moon in the fish will "trade the products of the sea or make money, working on transport. It will use the property of other people, have a beautiful, excellently folded body, a big head. He will love beautiful clothes. On such people strongly affects another floor, they have very beautiful eyes, bright skin of the face. They will enjoy the possession of the hidden treasure or knowledge, appreciated ordinary people". These people are beautiful, hold with dignity and deserve confidence.
Indulgel. Planets in signs.

Moon in Fish

Increased sensitivity, susceptibility to feelings and thoughts of others. This gives a feeling of mental vice, makes it look to be looted for self-defense purposes. A tendency to parapsychology. Live imagination, which manifests itself in poetry, music. Courtesy, sympathy in relation to others. With bad aspects, they constantly feel offended, the mania of persecution, other neurotic and psychopathic trends. Often extreme shyness.
Het Monster. Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Moon in fish.
Goodwill, sympathy, religiosity or mystery, self-sufficiency, imagination. The moon in the fish is sensitive to the surrounding conditions, so it seeks not to give up its position and maintain sustainable mental attachments. The ability to pass through themselves the rhythms of the surrounding creates peace and turns out to be very favorable in the field of music (Bahh, Glinka, Schubert, Rave, Mahler, Rekigi, Roman Korsakov). These are people who understand the religion (Pascal, Augustine, M. Luther, Ramakrishna), although not necessarily strongly religious (Moliere). Sometimes it gives a tendency to mysticism (Edgar by, Hoffman). The moon in the fish predetermines attentiveness to his and someone else's psyche, which helps to overcome the obstacles and failures recorded by the inertia of mental processes similar to the intuitive search for cancer. The difference is that the feeling is expressed out when it finds not necessarily a simple, but certainly beautiful shape. Like a lion, the soul for fish is primarily your soul (and not a public affiliation, like Silver and Aquarius). Accordingly, she respects and someone else's benevolence from here. In his spiritual completeness, the moon in fish is somewhat self-sufficient - but this is compensated by susceptibility to changes in the external world and beauty. A person seeks to achieve aesthetics in his house, a beautiful relationship with people are attractive for him.

Art predict. Semir and V. Wetash.

Moon in Fish
Acute susceptibility, feelings beat through the edge, drown in endless impressions. The need to be a devoted to another person, feel necessary. A woman is romantic, dependent, needs to be protected. Sometimes there is a masochist attachment. A man is vulnerable, looking for himself a companion who would understand his fears, anxiety. The tendency to imaginary escape.
Catherine Oba. Astrological dictionary.

Moon in Fish
Moon in water signs. High sensitivity, the ability to react to the slightest changes from the outside. It closes with external pressure, but may give an unexpected reaction. The inner world will reveal only in harmonious conditions. Very large emotionality.
The moon in the fish, one of the most complete provisions - visiting her highest octave - Neptune. In the subconscious, a lot of information about past lives. The strongest intuition and rich inner world.
It is characterized by congenital lethargy, sentimentality, secrecy. Very responsive people, but everyone else wants to help them. They have a fantastic exposure. it happy women, tender, selfless. These are wonderful students and beautiful musicians.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Fish
When the beauty and light, my world to the edge is filled,
Then in the soul of my way and reliable power,
Neither to me nor the sadness and disaster threaten.

A child with a moon in the fish has a very sensitive soul. He seriously and with deep sympathy takes care of others and, it will probably be to present you a lot of small "cases" from the oldest age it can be a bird that fell out of the nest or damaged the wing, or a sick animal, or a nestless neighborhood, which for that Or another reason was excited sympathy in your child. He always wants to help someone. He needs to feel someone necessary.
But this does not mean that he will clean his room or help cook food. This is not a type of virgin, this is the opposite sign and not clean. On the contrary, his mind is so focused on "important matters" that the mess around does not have a value for him or not even notice. "Help to someone" is preferably a care for the patient, sympathy for those who are peenbled, a public or religious thing. This child will be concerned about serious issues in more. early ageWhat did you expect. It may be helping homeless, nursery for animals, etc. He feels that in his power to improve the world, and will try to do it, even if a self-sacrifice is required.

The child with the moon in the fish has a very vivid imagination and is inclined to fall into diversity and fantasy, especially if he is disappointed or offended by the world. Due to the fact that it is so sensitive, it is easily offended and can super-supersonalize trivial things he is unlikely to be assertive in conflict and may not defend his position at all, so it is easy to deceive or confuse him. You should help him grow more "thick skin" and learn some self-defense techniques. When it is upset, soft classical music can be a very good soothing means.
He is unlikely to be a fighter, but he has a responsive heart, and he is always ready to touch the suffering person. Rejoice. Sometime by this person you can be.

Maria Kay Simms. Your magic child.

Moon in Fish
The moon in the fish, perhaps, one of the most "emotional" locations of this shine. In such children, life is controlled by feelings, which can sometimes lead to tragic consequences. Since they are extremely susceptible and all surrounding has their own influence on them, they tend to take everything close to heart. They often cry. Do not reinstall them for it (and boys too!). Perhaps the main thing that you need to teach such children (which is especially important for them) - to be realistic and objectively to treat the world around.
Children whose moon at the time of birth was in the sign of the fish, tend to feel incomprehensible, regret themselves and too dramatically look at their own lives and the lives of others. Try to teach them less vulnerable and not to perceive absolutely all at your own expense. It will benefit them, especially when they become adults.
Children with moon in fish often live in the world of their fantasies. It is easier for them and naturally than live real life. They tend to go along the path of the least resistance should not be indulge in this. Teach the child to fight. Explain that you cannot go on your mood, which the more so quickly changes. Otherwise, in the future, he will have to be tight.
In the life of these children, emotions play an important role. They have a huge creative potential and unusually live imagination. This is one of the reasons why they love music, poetry, theater, and all where their creative nature can reveal.
One more distinctive trait Children with the Moon in Fishes - the need to take care of others, especially about the patients. The only thing they need to be careful and cannot be affected by someone else's bioflash, especially in the case of mental or severe somatic diseases. Such children will always find mutual language With animals, they are able to feel any living beings. Of course, this is the gift of God, but such sensitivity can become an enemy.
Explain to the child that his ideals, emotions and installations can be more stable. These children are inclined to sail downstream, go along the least resistance line. Since childhood, they need to be more confident in themselves and their strength. Otherwise, painful doubts and constant depressions will become their companions for life. Or worse - they will lose their unique individuality, simply dissolve in others. Teach the baby not to indulge your weaknesses and do not choke in your feelings.
Children with moon in the fish will feel happy if peace, calm, friendly relationship reign around them. Any negative emotions, such as anger, quarrels and squabbles, are perceived by these children very painfully. Harmony pleasant music and peace will help you restore them lost strength and mental balance.
Try to ask the child to tell you your dreams. It is quite possible, he has the ability of a medium, and in his dreams it will be possible to find something prophetic. And the last, though, maybe the most important, teach a child every morning to repeat: "I will not have any bad experiences today! I will not pumped them to myself, let them go away!"

Samantha Davis. Children's astrology. The key to understanding the psychology of the child.

The moon in the fish speaks of sensitivity, strong susceptibility and deep impressionability. People with the moon in the fish usually calm, benevolent, compliant, love comfort, convenience and not only at home, but also everywhere where they have to be. They have a rich fantasy, live imagination, bright dreams that lead them from real Mira In the world of illusions. This is true, is a good soil for creative activity, but makes them helpless and vulnerable to the reality of life. They are connected, non-aggressive, always inferior, but it is not from what they agree with what is happening, but from mental instability, inability to defend their opinion and offend someone from fear. They themselves are very wounded and dependent on the location of the spirit and momentary mood. They have a fast and sharp response to any stimulus, both external and inner - often they will closes in themselves, and nothing can bring them out of this state.

» » Mercury in other signs of the zodiac
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Therefore, these people often look indifferent, sluggish, dreamy and phlegmatic, but in fact they are subject to very strong and deep mental experiences. In addition, they are compassionate, merciful, intuitively understand people and feel their condition, especially those who need help. The fate of many of these people is unusual, and life is originally. For the most part, they are endowed with phenomenal or extrasensory abilities, are mediums, clairvoyants. They are idealists, romance and utopians, believe in God, even if they received atheistic education.

If the moon is damaged - infantilism, passivity, inertness, laziness, apathy attacks, infractiveness, or painful excessive credulity, indecision, impermanence in love and friendship. They are pursued by various fears and litigation, often financial nature. Often, this position of the Moon speaks of a strong tendency to intrigue and gossip, and doghoods, anonymics, self-deception, fraud, addiction, are not excluded. amoral image Life.

A favorable configuration with Mars contributes to everything that is associated with creative activities.

An unfavorable configuration with malicious planets is weak health, mental disorders.

Characteristics of the moon in fish

In - in kinship.

Feeling + wait \u003d hope

Keyword: Emotional instinctivity.

Positive qualities of the moon in the fish: Looking, emotionality, good nature, willingness to help, persistence, sociability, sensitivity, sometimes medial predisposition.

Negative qualities of the moon in the fish: Carelessness, instability, compliance with influence, temptation, lack of ability to resist, lack of vitality, mood addiction, inferiority complex, the danger to be used and put everything on samone, a tendency to enjoy.

Violations of the moon aspects: a tendency to intrigue and deception.

Features in the men's horoscope: A man with a moon in the fish wants to have a devotee, a good and compassionate partner who will strongly influence him and will become necessary in his personal life, but not necessarily in his career.

Features B. female horoscope: In the horoscope of women, excessive emotions can lead to health problems. Women with this position of the Moon usually get married late. At the same time, this position indicates to something Quiet magnetism that attracts men.

Violations of health: Foot diseases (swelling), colds, digestive disorders, drug need, addiction to alcohol.

Moon in the fish in the natal map:

You will easily be emphatically influence, full of understanding and very kind. You are emotionally naive people, constantly neglecting other people's disadvantages. At the same time, you are easily wounded and tend to be sad and cry because of each trifling.

You do not like cold and objective facts, in relationships with people show excessive sensitivity. Sometimes you lack a sense of humor and common sense.

Feeling authorities can deceive you due to a strongly developed romanticity and optimism. You all see in a pink light. As you try to see everything good in everything, you are frightened by the reality and the truth of life. You are talented in music, poetry and art.

Depending on aspects, it may be the best or worst position of the moon. If the position is favorable - you are a real dreamer, but if unfavorable - it can lead to complete self-deception or lost in illusions. You are quiet, prone to compassion, friendly, gentle man. You have a good character, but you are too unsure and dreamed. You often change your opinion, so you can be cowardly and prone to depression.

The moon in this position appears in those who have unaffected extrasensory abilities. When you want to implement something The plan, then come across many difficulties, because of which you are very upset. You need love and protection, love beauty, harmony and comfort, if not, then you suffer.

The moon in kinship contributes to the strong sensitivity of fish and in the near world. People of this psychotip have a sense of maternal tenderness in relation to all children of land, human, animal and vegetable. The moon gives this psychotic to the strong instinct of self-preservation, intuition, the ability to read dreams, find answers to questions of everyday life. In its natural state, fish are dreamed, scattered and gentle, ranks.

Moon in the dean of fish sign

Briefless, little vital energy. Unhealthy, drowsy calm. A tendency to passive pleasures, passive experiences. Internal oscillations interfere with the right choice.

Love for a home hearth and family life. Hospitality, sociability, luxury, comfort, facilitation, tape.

Activity, strength, energy, desire to act. Increased interest in the opposite sex, sexual adventures. With negative aspects to the moon - internal anxiety and mental concern, internal struggle.

Historical faces with moon in fish sign

Karl VII, Iohannes Morinus, Francesco Petrarca, Leonardo da Vinci, Henri Lafontaten, Johann Wolfgang Götte, Ernst Theodore Amadeus Gofman, Onor House, Edgar, A. S. Eliseev.

Moon transit through fish sign

The moon in the sign of the fish increases sensitivity, people want care, attention, understanding and sympathy. At the same time, they become more suspicious and detached. The transit moon in the fish may cause pity for himself, the desire for solitude, the desire to escape from problems, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages, drugs. But it is at this time that talents are most often manifested, and for old problems there are unexpected solutions. The feeling of reality weakens, so it is better not to be taken for important things, but this period is favored by clarifying facts.

Children become more sensitive than usual, capricious, plastic, in the lessons they are difficult to focus, they prefer to "fly in the clouds".

At this time it is impossible to give will negative emotionsSince this will not only won't help discharge, but on the contrary, it will break from the rut for a long time. It is better to communicate with those people who are pleasant. It is useful at this time to be in nature, especially in water bodies - it increases the tone, adds hearts. It is not recommended to turn to gadels, as their prediction may be false or be incorrectly interpreted. Care required when receiving medicines, it is desirable to limit the amount of fluid consumed.

With a damaged moon, all the above qualities are enhanced with a negative bias. Pity can cause attacks of Handra, even depression. Often there is a desire to escape from problems, up to complete isolation and unwillingness to communicate with anyone. Caprises, reproaches, complaints, tearfulness are possible. People are experiencing unfortunate concern, they are tormented by fears, vague premonitions, nightmares can dream. Naturally, the strength of these manifestations depends on the planets, which aspects the moon, and aspects that the moon has a moon in the natal map. It should be carefully treated with drugs, chronic patients these days it is better to slightly reduce the prescribed dose. There is also a danger of random poisoning with household chemicals, errors when prescribing and administering drugs, etc. (In the case of additional instructions in the natal map).

Good time

(if it is not 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th lunar day)

  • for preparatory work, conclusions of contracts, investment;
  • for social activities;
  • to solve legal problems, the start of lawsuits and proceedings;
  • for cases related to hospitals, monasteries, closed institutions;
  • to visit foreign countries, communicating with foreigners;
  • for appeals to sponsors, patient, charitable shares, protection of human rights, helping patients, disabled people, disabled, people, deprived of life and fate;
  • for advertising, speeches before the public, creative work and everything related to art, including to communicate with people of art;
  • for dating, love connections, intimate contacts, engagement, family celebrations, parties;
  • for marriage, subject to the moon in the first half of the fish;
  • for foreign trips, recreation, tourists, excursions, rides on water pools and marine spaces, best in the 8th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 25th lunar day, for training and applications of phenomenal abilities, meditation, entry or administration in trance, parapsychological experiments, divination, hypnotic, medium and spiritual sessions and other spiritual and occult practices;
  • to visit the church, communicating with spiritual people and clergy;
  • to visit the bath, saunas, pool;
  • for fishing, hunting, fisheries, beer cooking;
  • for new buildings, agriculture;
  • for landing, transplants, fertilizers and watering plants, haircuts of lawns.

Poor time

(especially if it is 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th lunar day)

  • for new affairs, enterprises and big undertakings;
  • for a trip to the mountains, mountaineering classes;
  • for appeal to fortune tellers and predictors;
  • for hair cutting, pedicure;
  • for some types of canning (Solving, Marination, Racing, that is, those that are associated with the addition or separation of liquids; but if the harvest is assembled with the moon in the fish, any billets are not recommended);
  • for operations on the ankles, feet, fingers, tendons, bundles, organs of the digestive system, lymphatic nodes;
  • for massage legs, aquatic treatment procedures, drug treatment.


  • promise more than stealing;
  • deception, fraud, spiritual traps;
  • all sorts of excesses associated with food, alcohol and sex;
  • poisoning, viral and infectious diseases.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "Classical Astrology in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan Mc Evers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of astrological symbolism"

Feeling + Waiting - Hope

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The moon in the fish is an indicator of an unusual fate of a person. This is largely due to the oddities of his nature. These are people who are able to simultaneously be sincere and innocent and - weave intrigue. Deep in the soul, they combine almost old-sighted wisdom and children's naivety. But the soul of their chista and rasament. Very often they are timid and shy.

This position of the moon always gives a person high emotionality and impressionability. But the manifestation of these qualities may be different. Moonfish In negative, it is primarily a tendency to drunkenness. In the same background, an insurmountable traction develops to lies, even when there is no need for it. The person is subject to mood drops, someone else's influence, is not careless, is inconsistent, having heard, is heavowless. He loses very quickly vitality, feels a loser, has extremely low self-esteem. Overly enjoys the opposite sex, as a result, even more sherself. Often it is used and betrayed, and he himself is even more disappointed in life and in humans.

Moonfish in positive is a completely different picture. Such a person has a rare charm, very attractive for other people, with excellent character, shows a touching care for loved ones, a good psychologist. He never imposes his help, does not stick to the tips. Devoted to his friends. Gostechamen and therefore friendly companies are often disturbing in his house. He is calm and closer, but not a tender, it has a subtle sense of humor. It may be heavy on the rise and even lazy.

Moonfish - excellent fantasies, of which great dreamers are obtained, so they can become outstanding philosophers, writers, directors, musicians, artists, inventors. They never dream of "just so" for the sake of the process: be sure to remove any valuable idea from it, able to find rational grain in the most surplus fantasies. Moonfish love art, especially music. Appreciate nature, drawing new forces in it.

IN romantic relationship This is a very convenient partner. He has a depletion, constant, his feelings are deep and serious. He likes to spend time with his family, in the house where he feels safe. It needs a solid material database for family life. Unlike many other lunar signs, it cannot tolerate passions. It is important for him to live a quiet life. He is not against friendly parties, but does not endure psychological tensionwhom all methods are trying to avoid.

Therefore, life hand in hand with such a person will not be saturated with conflicts and clarification of relations. If he did not turn around another for the perfect mistake, it does not mean that he did not notice this error. Just lunar fish do not consider the conflict to solve the problem. These are very good partners for people with a fervor: Next to the lunar fish is simply impossible to constantly be "on a platoon", so so calming energy from these people. In everyday life, they appreciate comfort, it is important for them, what the house looks like, how comfortable in it is; Love things high Quality - This also applies to food, and to clothing, and to household appliances, and to household subjects. Do not save on yourself.

With all its peace of calm, the lunar fish are not conservative at all. They are happy to enjoy the latest technical and fashionable novelties, love to travel. Very benevolently configured to change. The main thing is that these changes be transferred easily and nice (travel, buying new furniture), and did not injure the soul (divorce, work change). They attract all the inexplicable, mysterious and mysterious. This is not surprising, because they are not only great dreamers, but also representatives of the most intuitive moon sign. Their dreams are a storehouse of information about the future.

Lunar fish never rush to the quarry and are not inclined to rapid actions. If something does not work with them and the second time, they do not repeat attempts immediately, and very long been preparing for her morally; In addition, due to failure, they develop powerful complexes, they feel disappointed, unpromising in the art (admission to the institute, marriage, an increase in position).

Therefore, to achieve goals, they tend to go for a long time. They are discouraged by hostility and misunderstanding - the circumstances in which they are lost and lower their arms. Therefore, with all its sociability, they do not like to publicly advocate an unfamiliar audience. They are more suitable for calm, measured work.

Lunar fish are people with the thinnest spiritual organization. Their main emotional problem, due to which the quality of life can deteriorate significantly, is an increased anxiety, indecision, compliance, softness, insecurity and their actions.

Moon fish man

The horoscope claims that most often these men can be seen near those who are less fortunate than them, since they seek to pay unfortunate. But the revolving side of the medal of such sensitivity and nobility is their excessive idealism, romanticism and dreaminess. If the lunar fish have the opportunity to get access to their lunar intuition, let them use its maximum, as subtly configured sensations will help them stand on earth as firmly as possible. In fish, as such, very high empathy, and these men at the intuitive level are cleaned more spiritual forces than they should.

This means that for such people it is very important to be able to build protection among themselves and others so as not to feel the absolute devastation at some point. Planet Moon in the Fish in a man gives him a huge inner sensitivity, which is undoubtedable. However, it is required to competently dispose. Simply put, it is not necessary to react with a particularly sensitive attitude to everything that comes on hand. The horoscope says that when a man has a planet moon in the fish, he must listen to his intuition as carefully, and not hide from each fleeting gust. Meditative practices for immersion in the world of internal "I" will be very useful because so inner voice The moon will be much better heard. True, it is not necessary to think that the fish should not "emerge" from the mystical otherworldly atmosphere. Those connections with the outside world that they install from the very birth and throughout their lives are their necessity, they simply will not survive.

Moon fish woman

In general, to be clear: the horoscope claims that women with lunar fish must learn to maintain a balance between self-dedication and deepening. This is especially important for those "copies" that sometimes detect enviable ability to go into a certain fantastic world. There they are moving away from real life, wrapped the clouds in the clouds, go to themselves so deeply, they inevitably begin to multiply the problems of the material plan. The moon gives the fish greater impressionability, and women who were born under such a combination of signs should be aware that their psyche absorbs other people's moods like a sponge.

Any other people's problems and troubles, anxiety and anxiety they perceive as their own. All this turns out to be absorbed into their unfortunate head, even against their own will, to the detriment of health. In astrology, it is said that fish that float in different directions are the illusions that Neptune inspires. And they turn out to be as deceptive as the elements of the sea, they are easily knocked down from the feet of a person, lead him to the side. In the life of lunar fish, there are cases when with the help of instincts and mighty intuition, they are released from extremely difficult situations and help other people. But what should be remembered here, so it's about the need to constantly maintain contact with your own highest "I", listen to its instructions and then the rational and emotional beginning of a person will compare at one point of the balance.

It is clear that most often such a balance may be required in the love sphere, that is, where the woman is absolutely convinced that he met the perfect second half. There is hardly an astrologer who will appear the lunar fish impulsiveness of the Aries, but they are still prone, like sunny fish, look at reality through pink glasses. They are beautiful to the soul and see only invisible advantages in their chosen one. And in this case, the lunar fishes should be most honest with them, and to show maximum trust to their intuition and the inner advice, so that romantic dreams did not shove the quiet intuitive voice.

When the night ladder is in the sign of the fish, everything seems to be covered with a haze of magic. People become more romantic and at the same time wounded. Sensuality, tenderness, penetration is in the air.

Everyone becomes more dreamed, and some even go to the world of dreams. Computer games, movies, books - all this absorbs people. Theatrical performances, hiking in the theater most often happen exactly when the moon in the fish. At the same time, many begins to attract all the mysterious and mystical. The desire to know some secrets. People of religious people have a sense of communication with the highest forces.

Of course, thinking during this period is not active, thoughts are in the clouds, attention is scattered. These days are more than anywhere, I want to haul a glass of wine. But the one who defends some ideas can become unexpectedly fanatical and uncompromising. There may be a need to protect the common cause, neglected personal interests for the benefit of society.

This period is tempting and unstable. It is in the days when the moon in fish, esoterics have special power and energy.

Influence of satellite on men and women

Like the sun, the moon is able to influence the character of a person. And if at the time of his appearance on the light of the moon was in the fish, it means that we have a very difficult and interesting person.

It must be said that what exactly the moon is in fish - black or white. So, the Black Moon in Fishes (in some sources - Lilith) makes a person unnecessary pitiful. He is ready to help everyone who causes sentimental feelings in it, and it does not matter who it is a homeless dog or an alcoholic.

Such a person, as if Danko, is ready to snatch his heart and give it to people. The black moon in the fish makes people sacrificacon, and their victims most often do not come for good. Born during this period often become participants in strange and dubious religious sects.

These people may be preachers, but they will be distorted knowledge. They have insufficient communication with their inner worldThey listen to others more than themselves, so often become a victim of suggestion. Also, such people are more inclined to think in images, they have practically no logical thinking. They rely on intuition and signs.

The opposite influence of Lilith leads to the fact that the person, on the contrary, closes. He does not seek to help others, but lives only with his interests and needs.

White Moon, or Selena in Fishes, says that earlier, in his past incarnations, a man was a hermit. He led a ascetic life, was merciful. Perhaps he could be a priest or a monk-samplenik. Such a person should live harmonious life, help others. It is important for him to be in contact with the world, with nature. Live well not in the city, but on earth.

Born during this period is able to instruct people on the righteous way or devote their lives to serving God. It may turn out a good doctor or a healer, as well as a subtle psychologist.

Women and men can in different ways to feel the influence of the night ladder. If a woman in the map of the Moon was in the fish, then the beautiful half of humanity clearly can certainly say that she is faithful. She truly can serve his man, sometimes even running stick, as it is inclined to forgive unworthy behavior towards him.

These women are soft and submissive. They are sentimental and romantic. Such women are good as mothers and keepers of a homely hearth. Such women tend to wear pink glasses, and it happens incredibly painful when the fog is scattered and they see the true state of things. They should be very exclaimed and omniply, especially in terms of relationships. After all, it is these women more often than others are deceived by men.

The moon in the fishes in men makes them real romantics. They are able to sing serenades under the moon and watch the stars for hours. Sometimes they are obsessive and annoying. Such men need love like no one. They need care, and in something even guardianship. They are only interested in those women who can be soft, krobroi, caring and loving.

If we talk about the compatibility of this moon sign with others, it is important to note the following:

  • Compatibility of fish with Aries is weak, since fish have too many expectations from this sign.
  • You can build good, strong relationships filled with warmth, love and tenderness.
  • Twins of long-shaped fish will not be able to endure. But fish can fall in love without memory in refined twins.
  • Compatibility with cancer is a success. This is your own soul with which you can build a wonderful relationship.
  • Fish can be dependent on the lion. Lion will like the fact that the fish will obey him and recognize his strength, only the fish, most likely, in this union will lose their Ya.
  • Deligent fish will be annoyed, so they are notable for compatibility.
  • Romantic relationships can easily arise between weights and fish.
  • Scorpio and fish can be together, but not long since Scorpio can easily break the heart of the fish.
  • Sagittarius can become fish good friendbut not partner. Pisces want more soulfulness and romanticity, which Sagittarius, unfortunately, is not ready to give.
  • From Capricorn fish will be waiting for emotionality, and if he is not ready to express her, the union is doomed to failure.
  • Excellent compatibility in water and fish. Sensitivity on one side and rationality on the other in the amount give a happy marriage.
  • Fish with fish marriage and the family will not build, but it will be enough romance in the relationship.

What is important to know about these days?

The first thing is important to know: alcohol, cigarettes, medicines and even coffee during this period affect a person at times stronger, so be careful with everything that can change consciousness. Also this time is characterized by an increased tendency to allergies and skin diseases.

It is not worth disturbing the legs these days - everything, from operations to a pedicure, must be postponed. It is important to walk in comfortable shoes, and if you have the opportunity not to move on foot, then it is better to use the transport.

This period is characterized by increased sensitivity, so any operations are better excluded. Separately, you should tell about the treatment of teeth these days. It is important to take into account not only what the sign is located in the moon, but also its phase. For example, the treatment of stone or dental removal should be done on.

But it is suitable if you need to treat gums, sealing, or teeth whitening. On the day of fish does not prohibit the treatment of teeth, with the exception of prosthetics. But in general, the treatment of gums and teeth is better transferred to other days.

If you need to do your hair, then know that on the day of the fish it is better to refrain. Even wash your head these days is not recommended, since it is fraught with the appearance of dandruff. Well do skin cleaning, make masks and use the scrub. It is important to use environmentally friendly cosmetics.

Work on these days does not argue. All that is associated with detailed analysis and calculations will be ineffective. Errors and marriage in work are possible. This period is favorable to attract additional funds. Making a good contribution, as well as take money into debt.

When the moon in the fish, it is worth being more assembled than usual. It is important to keep your consciousness under control and not allow yourself once again to be influenced by the surrounding forces. Be relaxed, but at the same time sensitive to all that is happening. Posted by: Daria Potkan