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The interior of the room with a modular wall. Beautiful walls for living room with photo. Fashion trends and new

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Modern walls in the living room Photo Examples

A few decades ago, the furniture walls were an indispensable element of any apartment. They were bought by Big Blat, expected months until it makes a turn in the store, and then proudly demonstrated to the guests, telling the effortion of the scarce goods for the hundredth time. The furniture wall in Soviet apartments did not serve as much more conspicuous for any things, how many family values \u200b\u200bshowed: crystal, books, TV and video recorder. Today you do not need to spend so much effort to purchase such a headset. Furniture stores offer many options: from simple and cheap to elite and expensive. Modern walls in the living room are distinguished from their predecessors with stylish designs, light designs, greater functionality.

The original dark-light wall is perfect for the modern living room.

Modern walls

Furniture set should be organically fit into the interior of the living room. For example, for a small apartment, where they try to use each square meter properly, choose options with dresses, chests, various shelves closed and open. Such walls are inappropriate in large rooms, where other storage systems create for things, and the living room requires a small headset for television appliances and various cute little things.

This wall model has a wardrobe, which is very convenient

White wall in the living room will help to visually increase the space space

The wall with small storage boxes of books is perfect for lovers to read

If the family has a lot of books, pick up a model with a bookcase or shelves with glass, for lovers of beautiful dishes there are options with a mirror buffet and backlit. The headsets with mounted pieces and low couches standing on the floor are available. Among the diverse models there are massive systems, and lightweight options that do not occupy a lot of space and give the room lightness and sophistication.

When selecting the walls for a specific living room, the room is usually taken into account and the place where it is supposed to place a headset. Experts advise to go to the store, knowing the size of the room in which the furniture will be. The store pays attention to the parameters of the products offered: length, depth, height. Opening your choice on modular furniture, select the necessary parts and summarize the length of each of them. The value is compared with the existing living room meters.

Attention!When choosing a furniture wall in the living room, pay attention to its installation. Today, many models combine outdoor stands and cabinets with hinged elements.

A good option will be a wall with glass shelves

Modern wall must be combined with the interior of the living room

The furniture wall in a modern style should approach the living room and on the style of the style. For example, in the classic version of the room with heavy curtains, stucco and elegant soft furniture ridiculous, headsets performed in minimalism, with opaque facades in black and white colors. The desired color solution is selected headset, which will accompany the design of the living room.

Types of wall walls

Manufacturers produce furniture headsets of two directions.

Corps or whole

This option is selected exactly according to the available room size. A wall of several cabinets-sections standing close to each other. Depending on the assignment, the desired number of sections is included. Payment is made for a specific headset. Many companies that produce furniture offer several variants of a particular model that differ in filling and sizes.

The number of parts of the housing wall is selected depending on the size of the living room

The hull wall should not take a lot of free space in the living room.


To date, this is the most popular version of the wall due to its versatility and mobility. Modular systems allow you to independently select the desired parts (modules) and combine the furniture ensemble to the specific living room. The advantages of such headlights include:

  • The ability to change modules in places, inventing a new interior interpretation;
  • Convenience in acquiring. In the absence of funds to the entire furniture headset, you can buy the necessary parts from the selected modules gradually;
  • Permissibility of replacing a broken or spoiled module. In this case, it is not necessary to disassemble or change the entire wall;
  • Saving space. The modular system allows you to buy the most necessary elements of the headset, rationally filling the available meters of a small living room.

Examples of such walls in the living room are shown in the photo.

Modular walls recently become very popular due to multifunctionality

Modular wall segments can be changed in places

Types of walls in form

Options for furniture headset depends on how it is decided to arrange a concrete living room. Straight and angular walls make it possible to fill the space of the room, effectively using its area and shape.


Traditional furniture walls lined up in a room on one line, alternating each other various sections. Modern headsets can also be located in a straight line. Especially relevant for small narrow rooms. Often, linear walls for the living room have a certain shape that it is impossible to comply with the corner accommodation. For example, the headset consists of the lower outdoor tumb, the side narrow cabinet and the upper hollow shelves. Connecting modules in a certain order and creates the desired composition. Change the order of parts of the headset is not possible, then its external integrity will be broken. Watch photo walls for the living room.

Straight walls are installed on the walls that do not have corners

Change segments of such a wall in places is not possible.


The angular wall is a practical solution for a small living room. It effectively involves all the space of the angle. There are indispensable models such and when creating original living room designs, non-standard layout, square room. More often an angular module serves a wardrobe, which organically fits between other sections. In addition, it has a large volume that allows you to accommodate many things. In the absence of a cabinet, you can put any module into the angle and beat it so that the whole design headset looked organically and stylish. Examples of the angular wall in the living room in a modern style are presented in the photo.

The angular wall will be an excellent option for a small living room.

The angular wall will be indispensable for the original layouts of the premises.

Types of walls by material

Furniture headsets are produced from various material, like MDF, chipboard, with oak veneer, walnut, cherry or with a wood array.


It is a pressed plate of wood dust with a vacuum with a vacuum. In its composition, it does not have harmful substances, so usually make furniture for premises, where people can be long. Characterized durability and durability. For coating, varnishes, melamine, laminate are used.

The walls of the MDF have an attractive view of a homogeneous structure from which the decoration elements for furniture are made, for example, convex parts of the facades. But the material is quite capricious in care. For furniture from the MDF, a permanent microclimate is required to maintain in the room.

Be sure to consider that the MDF walls are quite whimsical to use

MDF wall has an attractive view due to a homogeneous and smooth structure


The chipboard is often used and the most well-known material for the manufacture of the walls of the class of economy. It turns out from wood chips, which is fastened with formaldehyde resins. And although high-quality material practically does not distinguish harmful substances, and the furniture will pleasantly smell like a tree, not all manufacturers of chipboard are followed by the level of safety of their products.

Choosing a specific model, it is worth paying attention to the manufacturer's country's main material. European companies are distinguished by the greatest level of environmental purity of the material.

Attention!DSP panels cover the textured layer using lamination and stitching. The cost of the walls with these technologies is the same, but the quality is different. The film on the cast panel will begin to flap very soon.

Wall from chipboard is a budget option


Warfather is used to give the stiffness of the furniture wall structure, not allowing it to be deformed during operation. Move from her and lower parts of internal boxes. Fiberboard is a material in the form of sheets formed by hot pressing. During the production of the Fiberboard plate is covered with a film using lamination or stitching. In expensive models of furniture walls, plywood is used.

To choose the wall you need to approach very carefully


Furniture made of natural wood belongs to the discharge of an elite and stands for the silence. The material for such a wall serves oak wood, cherry, nut and others. But usually only facades are made of them, finishing elements, for the rest take MDF or chipboard. The high cost of wood is made up of the value of the raw material, its careful processing, drying, storage.

In the manufacture of beautiful modern walls for the living room, other materials are used, for example, plastic, metal, glass. Unusually and stylishly look facades from glass enclosed in an aluminum frame.

Wood wall is the most expensive

Furniture walls for living room in different styles

  • Classical. Modern furniture walls in the living room in such a style are distinguished by the unique charm of the antiquity, which should be present in the interior of the living room. Often, manufacturers artificially constitute surfaces, emphasizing the value of the headset. Here are expensive materials and high-quality finishes. Purchase such furniture can mostly wealthy people;
  • Country The difference between such walls in artificially aged surfaces resembling a rich tree. Used mainly materials that imitate natural surfaces. Walls outdoor resemble furniture in the village houses;
  • Beautiful furniture headsets in modern styles of Modern, High-tech, Loft are particularly popular. Different with unconventional appearance and design ideas. The basis is made from MDF or chipboard, and the facade is performed from plastic, glass, metal. What the walls look like in the interior of the living room can be seen in the photo.

Photo Gallery (45 photos)

Currently, the walls in the living room are considered the remnant of the past, they are increasingly replaced with newer, upgraded storage systems that differ much more functionality. However, it is not necessary to write off from the counts of the wall, in a small-sized room they can fit quite harmoniously, the main thing is to choose the appropriate modern models.


In modern design of the premises, modular walls appeared, which are structures consisting of cabinets of different sizes. They perform quite a lot of functions and are generally useful for diluting the interior. Such products make modern living rooms and other rooms more comfortable. The walls in the living room with different depths and height will be able to help in experiments on the topic of space design.

There are several certain features that distinguish this piece of furniture from the rest.

Among them you can select the following:

  • In the modern style, you can make the door headset and make them either sliding or folding (and even mirror). You can make a single ensemble by combining various sets and inserts.
  • The colors of the facade can be selected different, you should not stop only on one. This will be an excellent solution in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer to combine with the walls of the colors of floors and walls, as well as furniture structures. The hall will be perfectly looking at both bright color spots of facades, acting by an emphasis in the interior and the monochrome palette, which will be the basis of the interior design of the room.

  • An interesting design solution is a combination of different reliefs of the surfaces of the walls of the wall. So the design looks more "fresh", you can "play" with textures and highlight certain directions in the style. Depending on this, various materials are also suitable. Wood will become an excellent complement to the style of country and classics, chrome and metal parts will be ideal for minimalism, gloss and glass are suitable for art deco.
  • If the space of the room does not suit the owners, then the wall is an excellent option for them. With it, you can adjust the "irregularities". So it is possible to achieve a visual expansion of space - by aligning low Tumb. To highlight a certain part of the room, you can set the angular part of the wall. If the room does not have enough light, you can solve this problem with the glass elements in the design.


If we talk about the history of the hill walls on the territory of the Soviet space, it is worth noting that this piece of furniture has never been distinguished by a special design or large number of models. The walls were stamped by parties, even now in some apartments you can still find these identical furniture items.

Currently, such production is not carried out, now you can perform the wall to order, make it backlit, with a fireplace or bar. There is a large selection in furniture stores, such products are also offered or a small circulation, or in one instance. For every taste you can find slides, color gamut and variety of styles will help you choose.

With all the variety of models, it is possible to highlight the mains that will help to understand the variety of walls for the living rooms: cabinets and integers. The latter are immediately produced with a certain number of elements - in contrast to body structures that can be created from different parts.

The hull wall can be positioned as you like, but there are the most popular ways of alignment: angular, straight, linear, P-shaped models. Designs with a table under the TV can save space or occupy the entire wall.

If you need to use all the space, then the angular slide with the cabinets will be a good option, which will be higher against the backdrop of small tabs and dresser. This option is remarkable from the point of view of room saving room.

You can also choose such a slide version, but only with the table. If the room itself is quite large, then the P-shaped design is suitable, which also includes a TV wall. It is located in the center, it is drawn up by low bedside tables and racks.

Color solutions

When designing the interior of the room, a suitable color scheme is of great importance. One wrong tint can be spoiled by all the work on the design of the ideal (in terms of color) space. Therefore, it is worth paying particular attention to the acquired sets of furniture.

It is better to place an order for all products (wall, sofa, bed) for one manufacturer - to maintain a single interior style.

If the interior is already formed, and the slide is bought after, then for the correct combination of colors, you can use some recommendations:

  • If the acquired slide differs on the tone of other furniture, then it is better to arrange it opposite the window so that the light helps to visually select the wall to the desired shade.
  • You can pay attention to contrasts, choose white and light colors will not always be a winning option.
  • With the help of a black and white gamma, you can create a unique minimalistic solution for the color problem of the living room.

One of the most commonly used in the modern decoration of options will be a combination of white and dark colors. The main motive will be a light wall, and deep shades of blue, gray, green or cherry will allow focusing on the selected direction.

However, it is not worth paying too much attention to various colors, the situation and color solutions should be harmonized.


There are various options for the walls of the walls for the living room - from very small to the slides in the entire wall. You can start a review from a mini-wall, it is intended for small rooms. Owners of such apartments are struggling for every centimeter of free space.

This is a good option for the interior performed in the style of minimalism. Such an interior object has all the same functions as the usual slide. In such furniture, there are enough places for storage, but the space is not tightly. A mini-wall will fit perfectly in the High Tech Interior.

The main advantage can be called that this slide is small, but all the necessary things will still be in storage systems, they are quite spacious. The design of such a furniture object is very modern, which attracts many consumers - minimalism.

In the dressing room section stores outerwear, shoes. This design can be made even more convenient if you equip it with a door coupe. It is worth noting that the main element of the mini slide is nevertheless niche or a bedside table. No need to deny that in most modern apartments such an element is central. Next, such a niche "converts" by other elements, also small in size: shelves and racks for books and baubles, suspended lockers, deaf racks.

Traditional furniture walls are big designs on the whole wall.composed of several elements connected to each other (without the possibility of other configuration). If you compare them and small slides, then you can see that each option will have its advantages.

Traditional walls can also be performed in a modern style, they are very preparatory and create a single composition, which is well affected at the interior of the room. Small premises are unlikely to fit such a wall, but there is an angular location of the slide for them. It will allow you to use every centimeter of the room space with the mind.


For the manufacture of furniture items, various materials are used. They have special characteristics, and they also differ very much for the price and quality. In the modern market, you can find the wall for the living room for every taste and wallet, however it is worth understanding that the cheapest furniture can come into disrepair very quickly, and the savings will become very dubious.

The main materials that manufacturers are used for the manufacture of walls are MDF, chipboard, wood array or oak veneer, walnut or cherry.

The most common can be called MDF. This material is wood that is planted in the stove. This is done with a vacuum.

The advantage of this type of material is that during its manufacture, impurities and elements are not used for human health. Using such furniture, you can safely decorate the room in which people are within a long time. Such furniture will serve as long as possible. Usually, it is covered with varnish or laminate.

The slide made of MDF will have a homogeneous texture. In this regard, it is quite popular, as it looks very good. Decorative elements of furniture, monogram and various decorations are performed from the MDF.

The minus can be called that furniture from such a material needs to constantly maintain purity and a certain level of humidity.

The next very common material is the chipboard. The chipboard is known for its low cost, however, it is worth noting that formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of walls from chipboard. This material negatively affects human health.

Not every furniture product from the chipboard is dangerous, the resins are not always allocated during operation, but not all manufacturers are followed by the norms in production. If you want to be fully confident in the safety and environmental friendliness of the furniture, then you need to pay attention to the country in which it was produced. The most suitable option will be the wall from Europe.

In the manufacture of part of the wall, a fiberboard can be used, which is usually installed in the lower part of the internal shelves or boxes. It makes the design more durable and stable, with its manufacture uses hot pressing. As a rule, DVP is used for economy-class furniture.

One of the most expensive materials used in the manufacture of furniture is wood. As a rule, oak is taken, cherry, clear or nut, but such wood species are only involved in the manufacture of facades. All finishing "take on" DMP or MDF. Everything rests on the fact that wood is expensive material, processing, drying and production from it make the price high.

For the production of walls and slides, glass, metal or plastic are used, usually for finishing facades. Thanks to such elements, the furniture looks more modern and stylish.

Design and Style Options

When placing the room, it should be considered how important the style and the selected design direction in the interior are important. The optimal option is to create a single space that will be diluted with accents, with integrity supporting.

There are several directions to adhere toTo create a comfort in the room atmosphere - and at the same time refinement: modern, high-tech, classic, provence, oriental or Italian style. Each of them is good in its own and stand out by certain features.

If it was decided to accompany the room and buy the wall in the style of Modern, then you need to focus on the fact that this style originated as a motive of unity with nature. It is possible to beat this by decorating a slide with wood patterns, floral elements or other parts resembling the lap of nature. Additionally, you can use pure straight lines or ornaments. However, it is not necessary to dwell with the decor, you can overdo it and turn the slide and the entire interior of the room in Balagan.

The wall in the Art Nouveau style is usually made of wood. It can also be supplemented with any wrought elements, the furniture will be ergonomic and modern.

If the choice when placing the room fell on the style of High-tech, it is worth choosing modern models that will not be completely related to natural motifs. For finishing the facade of the wall, you can use metal, glass or plastic, the color gamut will be cold and deep.

High-tech became popular not so long ago, but many have already appreciated its simplicity and functionality. The slides of such a direction are made from MDF. As a rule, these are modular models having angular cabinets and a sufficiently large number of shelves, various storage spaces.

Provence will be a good solution for the living room if the owners prefer ease and comfort in the interior. This style came from France, it combines wood furniture with wrought-made details, made under the old days.

Often in the production of objects in the style of Provence, the array is artificially aumed, the roughness gives surfaces. Lines will be simple, but wide. As a rule, the walls will not have an angular part. Preference should be given to light, pastel colors.

Eastern style speaks for itself, in the furniture there are elements of the countries of the East - China, India. The wall will look pretty magnificent, but sophisticated. Welcome to the use of wood - without any impurities. Facades are usually decorated pretty strongly: it can be both relief thread and artistic painting. This style is not suitable for any person, some such abundance may seem unnecessary.

Classic - the name of the style speaks by itself, he is relevant for a very long time. Facades of the wall will be decorated with carvings. These can be floral motifs or simple geometric ornaments.

For the production of slides in the classic style will be used only wood, no impurities. The cost of furniture will be above average. Italian walls are very similar to the classic, they are as massive, but the use of MDF or DVP is allowed.

Beautiful examples in the interior

When going to install a hill or a wall in the apartment, it is necessary to take into account whether it will fit into the overall interior of the room, whether a beautiful ensemble will be.

The furniture wall will perfectly complement any interior, noticeably organizing the room space.

Each, performing the design of his dwelling, seeks to arrange the most comfortable and convenient conditions for residence.

Someone believes that in the apartment there must be a few bedrooms, made in different styles, and other on the contrary, create an interior very discreet that particularly stormy emotions does not cause.

But the living room is a special room in the house, and it is so designed to make guests in it as comfortable as possible.

The living room is the place where the whole family is going to in the evenings, where friends are accepted, guests for the holidays.

Actually, because during the creation of the interior, it is weigious and most thoughtfully choose both furniture and decor.

The choice of furniture is not in the last place. So, it is important to consider the combination of the furniture wall as a whole with the interior.

The classic living room, as an example, requires strict furniture. Modern living room, modern living room implies the use of furniture a motley color.


The wall should not just look very nice, but also be multifunctional.

If not one person lives in the apartment, and a few, then you need the wall option that it can place the things of each of the family members.

If you have a gorgeous library, then the shelves should have fully enough for their storage.

Considering the walls in the living room modern, aligning with the choice, it is worth taking into account absolutely all the little things, because the assignment of the wall is the placement of all things so that the room is not gross.

If the standard size is a living room, then the best choice is a wall along the entire length of the room, and if not standard sizes - then the perfect solution is made of furniture headset to order.

If a completely slicing apartment, for example, Khrushchev, then the walls of the slides in the living room, the photo below will fit perfectly in the interior.

In modern walls today are placed both cabinets and special shelves for TV and other technique.

Wall in such a way should be seamless to not have to buy additional furniture. The interior will thus not be overloaded.


Modern living rooms, photos of which on the Internet are very diverse, performed from veneer, wood, MDF.

Buying the wall, due attention should be paid to the material of its manufacture. From natural tree, the wall will look elegant, gorgeous.

The cost of the wall is high, but it is durable and high enough.

Dignities of wall

Wardrobe wall in the living room is a practical subject of the interior, as well as the main detail of the living room.

The walls of the walls for the living room today are represented not only by sets of highly massive modular systems, but also easier options that they do not take place at all in the room.

Modular systems are because they are in demand that is practical. They are placed both clothes and all things that are needed in the house, but should not be in sight.

Angle model

The angular wall is perfectly fills the corners, and this is an excellent saving of space.

With the help of such a wall option, you can not just create the interior of your dreams, but also zonate the area.

The advantage of this option is the size compactness and also capacity. Such volumetric furniture today, with the help of designer tricks, becomes an unimprovant element of the interior.


Did you like the photo wall in the living room in the furniture catalog izh on the Internet, and you want exactly this? So what's the problem?

Today it is possible to easily choose the finished wall of the wall, so to order, embodying all your requirements for the element of furniture in reality.

The wall, placed along the walls, will cost about 15 thousand rubles, these are the so-called mini walls, no more than 2.5 meters long. The cost of the wall is affected by the number of departments, lockers.

Photo walls in the living room

The living room is not just a place of rest or communicating with the family, but also a functional room that can become a storage area. Even the owners of small-slickers should not be afraid to place in a small space bulky cabinets or multi-level shelves. The market presents a huge variety of spacious furniture sets. Today we will tell about the wall in the living room in a modern style, its views, as well as the characteristics of the choice.

How to choose a wall for the living room

The wall consists of several sequentially located cabinets sections that have their own purpose. Each element may differ width or height. There are TV sections, bar, glazed and one-double cabinets. At the same time, some may include open shelves, and the doors closed are divided into swing and sliding. On the one hand, such a variability complicates the choice, but on the other, it allows you to choose exactly the set of furniture, which is ideal for your space.

Before moving to direct consideration of existing models, it is necessary to decide for what purposes you will use the wall. Someone wants to place a personal library in the living room with a large number of shelves, it is important to accommodate massive filming or a maximum set of equipment, and someone is more familiar with a glass board for exquisite dishes.

When choosing the walls, it is necessary to take into account the size of the premises, the number of rooms. Small apartments require a special approach in terms of functionality and capacity. The kit may include a chest of chest of storage or even bed linen.

Functionality is not the main characteristic that walls possess. Do not forget about the visual component, because this set of furniture must fit perfect in the interior design. It is necessary to repel from the overall style of the hall. If this is a classic, then it is better to give preference to traditional subjects. In our case, we are talking about living room in a modern style, so you need to choose the relevant models.

Wall models for living room

Today, the furniture market shows a huge variety of walls for the living room in a modern style, which are suitable for rooms with different geometry and square. They differ in size, configuration, as well as the type of design. Consider the most popular models.

As understandable by name, this is a view that includes a standard package: section for machinery, wrapping and bookcases. All components are located linearly, along the wall. Variations are a bit, mostly they differ in appearance.

Modern production offers a wide selection of furniture based on sizes, styles or colors. But they are not universal, they are more suitable for apartments with a standard layout, and besides, bulky and difficult to be mounted. In case of damage, one-piece design will have to be fully changed.

Modular walls for the living room

This is a universal view that continues to gain popularity, especially for the interior in the modern style. Furniture in this case is presented in the form of modules that can be freely combined with each other, creating a wide variety of designs. That is, you yourself decide which sections will include your wall, how they will be located. At the same time, in contrast to the finished furniture, the installation of the modules does not require a wizard call. You can be sure that your design is unique and will not repeat.

Modular furniture has a philosophy of compactness, functionality and minimalism. It is less cumbersome than the traditional, great for small areas. The practicality manifests itself in the fact that in case of damage to one block, it can be replaced, not the touch of the entire ensemble. If necessary, there is an opportunity to buy additional blocks, thereby constantly updating the design, adjusting it to new needs.

Wall-hill for the living room

The trend of the 80s does not lose popularity and today - the hill walls for living rooms have acquired a stylish design, perfectly adjusting to High-tech, pop art or other directions.

In general, in the basic configuration, this species includes the same elements as the classic, only its components may differ in height and form. They are compact enough, which was a significant factor for Soviet small-sized. But in the modern interior, the slides look relevant, especially in spacious rooms.

Mini Wall for Living Room

The perfect kind of furniture for small living rooms or even studio apartments. Compact, comfortable in the installation, look good in the modern interior. Consist of shelf for technology, as well as lockers in various configurations. No special capacity, but some spaces do not require. With the help of mini walls, zoning can be carried out, for example, highlighting the area of \u200b\u200brecreation.

Types of configuration walls

Depending on the geometry and the lounge of the living room, you can choose a suitable wall based on the configuration. Standard is the direct furniture that is installed along one wall. The number of cabinets and their height is selected individually.

In the furniture market you can meet the angular walls presented in two variations: M-shaped and P-shaped. The first option is very practical, allows you to use space that is usually empty even in small rooms - angles.

The second option occupies as many as two of them, but due to its size, only the living room with a large area is suitable, in which you need to place the maximum number of storage places. An excellent solution for the personal library that creates a cozy atmosphere.

It should be borne in mind that in the case of a modular design - it is necessary to purchase special angular blocks. It is best for this a closet, which is harmoniously fitted between the shelves.

The interior style is made up of each part, including furniture, which should complement the holistic image. If your living room has a modern look, then it is necessary to choose a suitable wall.

Note that modern style is a fairly blurred concept that initially just went as opposed to the classic. Such furniture "comes" the beauty of geometric forms, functionality, as well as conciseness. With a few climb of decor elements, the main means of expressiveness here acts a variety of colors and materials.

Among the range of furniture can be found monochrome, contrast models or those that combine wood and metal. It is assumed that the main decoration will be the filling of the walls, which will bring the final strokes.

How to enter the wall in the interior of the living room

Having considered the main varieties of the walls, try to put it in the interior. It is necessary to repel from several space factors: dimensions, geometry, furniture composition and color gamut.

In rooms, in the form of an approximate square, you can use the walls of any configuration - they will not distort the space by focusing on its disadvantages. At the same time, for a small living room, it is still better to avoid mounting a P-shaped structure - it is effective only in large rooms.

For a narrow hall with incorrect layout and walls of different sizes - a long headset will not fit. It is better to give preference to modular or angular varieties. The slide and mini wall look good in compact spaces, but in rooms with a large area with a minimal set of furniture, a feeling of emptiness can be created.

Traditionally, the wall is located opposite the sofa, as it includes a place for a TV and other techniques. Accordingly, it is better not to place the design next to the window, as well as other light sources, otherwise it will be reflected on the screen.

Choosing the color of the furniture, it is necessary to repel from the general gamut of the living room. Better if the wall is contrasted with decoration, creating a bright accent.

Wall in a small living room

Unfortunately, not everyone lives in spacious apartments and can afford a beautiful roomy furniture. Small living rooms are very demanding of the design, because even a minor item can visually narrow the space, "eating" precious meters.

As already mentioned, M-shaped angular walls and mini walls are suitable for small rooms. It is better if they turn on the shelves instead of chest of drawers or glass doors. Raise low ceilings will help "landed" furniture. Such effect is also created if the lower level differs from the upper color.

Using the color range of the corner design, you can visually change the living room with an elongated geometry, pushing a darker shade. Glossy surfaces, like mirror, can expand a small-sized space.

We hope that the article helped you understand the diversity of the walls for the living room in a modern style and choose the option that will suit your space. For "fixing material", we made a small selection of photos that best illustrate the variability of solutions. Happy viewing!