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How to make eye to make eyes. Making a beautiful eye makeup yourself. How to change the shape of the eye with dark shadows

Makeup is an important part of the image of a modern woman. In order to make it high quality, it is absolutely optionally to seek help from professional makeup artists. This art can be mastered independently. And in this article we will talk about how beautiful to make it clear that you need to consider and pay attention to.

What needs to be considered when creating makeup?

To make makeup to look spectacularly and organically take into account some nuances:

The goal of creating makeup

Evening and day mission are very different for each other. If you plan to visit a party or wedding, you can create a brighter image using shades of dark shades and bright colors of lipstick. If you go to work, to school, for a walk, in a movie or just for an informal meeting with friends, then makeup should be less bright. It is worth using pastel, beige, amber, pearl tones.

Skin condition

If the skin is problematic with a large amount of rash and redness, it is worth using special proofreaders and tonal creams of dense texture for their masking. From lipstick of red shades, it is worth refraining because it will attract attention to inflammation. There are no problematic skin for such restrictions, it is allowed to use bright shadows and lipsticks, the color scheme depends on your type of appearance and the format of the event that you plan to visit.


Makeup should be harmoniously combined with your way. For example, dark evening makeup will be inappropriate with a slight summer sundress.

Features appearance

Depending on the type of your face, the shape of the nose, eye, eyebrows, makeup appliances are different. This must be taken into account that cosmetics disguise your shortcomings and attracted attention to advantages, and not vice versa.

Fundamental rules

When creating a makeboard, it is worth considering several universal rules:

Stages of creating makeup

We will analyze how beautiful to give up stages. Among the main cosmetic means you will need: the base for tonal cream, tone cream, a corrector (if you have problem skin), blush, shadow, eye pencil, lips, eyebrows, mascara and lipstick.

Spectacular eye makeup

Bright eye makeup need if you are going for some kind of event: wedding, party, birthday. We will analyze step by step, how beautiful to give up shadows:

  • First use the base for the age, then we apply to all the eyelids and rub beige or light orange shadows
  • Next, we take the shadow of a dark shade, score on the brush and apply to the outer corner of the eye and into the folding of the rolling age. After that, we chose the shadow to the inner corner in such a way that the color was brighter on the outer corner. These shadows include the lower eyelid.
  • Over the fold of the century, we apply a strip of colored shadows and rub.
  • After that we use the eyeliner, then the mascara.

Black shadows - a universal makeup means, which should be in the cosmetics of every girl. They can be used solo, for example, creating the fatal "Smokey Aiz", or combine with cobalt or gold. Black shadows are able to emphasize any shade of the eyes, make the look expressive. We offer several ideas of interesting and unusual makeup with black shadows.

How to make makeup black shadows - application technique

Regardless of whether you only use it black or mixed it with lighter shades, remember the main rule. The color should not be completely homogeneous, otherwise you risk getting round little eyes like a panda. Relieve or dilute by other tones, play halftons and vary them. The classic diagram of drawing dark shadows is presented in the diagram below.

The inner corner is left the brightest, it allows you to visually increase and "open" eyes. The same dark make an external angle - add a look of depth. The tone on the moving age - smoothly moves from light to the dark. The fold we emphasize a certain intermediate shade, it is not worth it to darken it too, otherwise the eyes "fail."

Smoky Eyes.

Classic Black Smokey Aiz is associated with us with images of rock diva, with mysterious and inaccessible beauties. As everyday such makeup, unfortunately, is hardly suitable, but for a trip to the club or a concert - just right. Let's proceed.

We will need: a black pencil (it is better to take half-minded to make it easier to cut it), asphalt shadow shadow, brushes for the decisive, as well as a small flat brush with a beveled edge for lining the lower eyelid, mascara.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. First we apply to the eyelid primer. It allows the shadows to be better to hide, and the color remain bright and saturated.
  2. Along the upper eyelashes, swipe a pencil line.
  3. Top eyelid Cover with a dense layer of black shadows.
  4. "Tighten" the color in the direction of the folds of the century, then grow out. Movements must be quick and sharp.
  5. Wide clean brush thoroughly soften the boundaries. In no case should not be clear.
  6. Pay special attention to the inner corner of the eye. Take the shadows in the direction of the eyebrows. Add color to outer angle.
  7. With the help of bevelous brushes, bring the lower eyelid. Make a line more voluminous.
  8. Prettyly squeeze eyelashes. If the event is very solemn, then add several artificial beams to the outer angle.

"Smokey" from the makeup artist Liz Eldridge, video

Eye Makeup Black and White Shadows

The classic combination of black and white in makeup looks elegant and expensive, besides, this is an excellent solution for owner of small eyes. The next makeup rather refers to the evening option, it will be perfectly harmonized with red lipstick, smooth hairstyle and massive diamond earrings.

Tools and materials will need a minimum: white matte shadows (you can use a special pencil), soft black or graphite pencil, black matte shadows, liquid or gel eyeliner, mascara, flat brush, fluffy brush for cutting, small with a bevelled edge.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We begin always with the application of the base. If you use a white pencil, then it will serve as an excellent basis.
  2. "We choose" mobile eyelid.
  3. Pencil draw a fold. We start from an external corner.
  4. We recruit the shadows onto a flat brush and soft "investing" movements on we carry them along the fold line.
  5. The rapid movements are chosen by the shadows towards eyebrows. Please note that we "capture" only the outer border of the color.
  6. Summing up the lower eyelid. Soften line.
  7. Draw an arrow. It must be as thin with the inner corner and gradually thickening to the external.

Easy makeup black shadows

Makeups with black and beige shadows are more gently and naturally. It is possible to perform it in pencil techniques, for which we need to prepare a dark brown pencil, a black eyeliner, cream shadows on tone of darker skin, black matte shadows, a light pearl, mascara.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Apply the basis.
  2. Summing up the upper eyelid pencil, in the outer corner we draw an inverted letter V. The line continues in the fold of the century.
  3. Fill out an outer corner with color (while we use only a pencil).
  4. Duplicate the pencil line with black shadows. Best of all, a small tassel will cope with this task.
  5. We take a fluffy brush and gently carry the color boundary. Under the eyebrow we apply a pearl. Please note that you should not have a clear boundary between tones, mix them.
  6. Sweep the lower eyelid.
  7. On the moving eyelid we apply beige shadows.
  8. Draw an arrow with a black eyeliner.
  9. Mobile eyelashes. We will reveal a small secret. If you want to get bright fluffy and long cilia, then first apply a bulk mascara (4 layers), then add an extension (2-3 layer).

Makeup for Brown Eye - Black and Sequins

Black shadows are perfectly combined with gold, silver, as well as with all sorts of sparkles and sequins. Makeup turns out a festive, but at the same time, it does not look, it does not look cheap or too youth. Such a bright luxurious Maker reminds us of the Charming East, so it is ideal for carbohylasm beauties with a almond-shaped section.

We will use the creamy shadows of two types of gold (yellow and brown) and black shades, gel eyeliner. Do not forget to stock lush overlaps.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Soft investing movements apply light gold to the inner corner of the eye. The layer should turn out dense. A little can be climbed on the lower eyelid.
  2. Next we apply a darker tone. Closer to the outer corner put it in several layers.
  3. The outer corner itself is highlighting black. It is not necessary to cut the border between the colors.
  4. We draw the arrow, it will be wide with us quite wide along the entire length, and glue the cilia. Now you are a real Shareherzade and be able to conquer the heart of Sultan.

Makeup for blue eye black shadows

Holders of blue eye should pay attention to this makeup.

We carry it out in the classic technique of Smoky Aiz, but gold sparkles applied along the line of the lower eyelid are added to the image. A little brilliance can be added to the top of the eye, but do not get carried away.

Makeup for green eyes with black shadows

With silver shades, it is always worth being very neat, because you can get an unnecessarily futuristic image. Black is able to balance the metallic shine, make it deeper and noble.

To create a two-color makeup you will need a gel eyeliner with a good thin brush, black matte shadows, a silver pearl. Optionally, you can add sequins.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Draw an arrow. It should be smooth and clear. We make a gradual thickening closer to an external corner of the eye. Please note that the corner itself is clearly outlined.
  2. Fill the "tail" arrow with color.
  3. Gently duplicate the shadows. Do not go out for their borders.
  4. On the central part of the movable century and in the corner, apply silvery shadows. Stir with black.
  5. Add a little silver shine to the center.
  6. Load the lower eyelid, slightly grow in line.
  7. Cook eyelashes.
  8. ATTENTION: This makeup should remain clear and graphic, so I do not need a decisive.

Make-up with black and silver shadows, video

It should be started after the skin tone is aligned and the eyebrows are supplied. And first apply the shadows, and then paint eyelashes, and not vice versa. How to paint the eyes of the shadows? An important aspect is the choice of shadows.

Types of shame

  • Dry shadows. This is a classic shadow species, familiar to many. They have a long validity period due to the absence of moisture.
  • Liquid shadows. Their main component is a vegetable wax that gives a make-up increased resistance. Because of the instant drying, apply them quickly.
  • Shadow-pencil. Use them to get a beautiful glossy radiance on the eyelids. True, they are difficult to decide, and they quickly roll.

  • Shadow Mousse. It is a kind of cosmetic know-how. Simple in application, but their quantity should be clearly dosed, as the surplus is difficult to remove.

So that the shadows on the eyelids looked brighter and saturated and at the same time stalling were kept, did not appeal and did not roll, they need to put the base in the eyelid. If you have no such means, it will replace its light moisturizing cream: a little apply to the upper eyelid, the excess flows into the paper napkin. Then proceed to applying shadows. Over the inner corners of the eye, overlap brighter shadows, and the outdoor is darker.

What can I do

  • Apply a matte shadow wet sponge, otherwise the entire tone effect will deteriorate. This technique is relevant only for shadows with a pearl.

How to choose a color

When choosing the color of the shadows, take into account the lighting: it can change the shade. Optimally, if you pick the shadows under the lamp of daylight directed to you on the face.

If you decide to make eye in the technique of SMOKOO AIZ ("smoky eyes"), then know: it is not necessarily a combination of black and gray. On green and brown eyes, the combination of khaki colors and dark brown looks well. Dangerous colors for this technique - lilac and blue, on the face they can look like bruises. Otherwise - do not be afraid of color and experiment.

Makeup Smuki Aiz

This makeup can be both evening and daytime. The quality of Smuki Aiz depends on the beautiful and proper decisive of the shadows.

  • For this makeup, the technique of coating is well suited. Type a large number of shadows on the brush, then shake them, removing all the surplus, and overlap the shadows first on the movable eyelid.

  • If you put the shadows neatly, you will not be difficult to grow quickly and competently. Take a round and elastic brush and with a light pressure growing shadows on a fixed eyelid from an external eye to the inner corner.

Remember: the success of makeup largely depends on whether you have crushed your eyes.

Usually for everyday "use" we make a discreet soft makeup. But such a nonsense natural version will be absolutely inappropriate for the evening campaign to the restaurant or to a party, when a more rich color of shadows and a bright emphasis in the eyes will be vital. And if it is necessary to emphasize the features of the face, which usually merge in the evening twilight, then you will help you out.

For evening exit, you always want to look like a queen. This will help black shadows

Makeup with black shadows

Yes, for evening events we can afford to experiment with makeup, boldly catching dark shadows. Moreover, the main rule of eye coloring shadows of black color is not to break the scope of reasonable. Also, you should not neglect the basic law of any eye makeup: dark shades are applied exclusively in the eyelid, but not to the fold, which can simply spoil all the makeup. And in order to learn the right execution of the Master, you can watch his work on the video.

So, applying evening makeup, we are quite naturally striving to emphasize their eyes with a darker color of the shadows, including black and. They need to be applied to the upper eyelids and rub to the side of the folds. The rest of the upper eyelids under the very eyebrows is complemented by shadows of pastel shades. Such saturated dark shadows most often apply dark-eyed girls. However, the owners of blue and green eyes are also not forbidden to use the shadows of black. Just here there are some small secrets of that, and not to disturb the color harmony.

Undoubtedly, dark shadows are most of all brunette

But with competent use, it looks gorgeous and on light types

Everyone knows that black shadows on color contrast is not very won looking in makeup eyes of a light shade: a combination comes out too sharp. But such shadows look beautifully on the top contour of the eye, if you combine with the shadows of any other shades. Frequently used shades (blue, pink, gray, greenish shades) in the inner corner of the eye, smoothly turning into black color in the outer corner. Thanks to this transition, you can visually make your eyes wide open, and give the face more freshness, which will make it rested. It is very important at the same time to apply black shadows only along the contour of the very eye itself and not to rub them throughout the top century. Almost beige colors are applied above the natural fold, because it is already greater than the form for eye makeup, in the role of which any of the tones will successfully cope with the most close to the natural shade of the skin.

Everyone knows that she gives the look of additional expressiveness and extraordinary depth, and the female image makes extremely mysterious and even sexy. And to create such fatal makeup, you will need:

  • black mascara with an additional volume effect
  • liquid eyeliner
  • soft black contour pencil,
  • shadows of black and dark gray.

Black shadows are created by an empty bright image, so they often use modern film actresses and show stars. These shadows are well emphasized by brown eyes. But even with a strongest desire to create such a bold image, it is better to use them with accuracy and even with caution. It is also important to take into account that sunlight is many times amplifying the colors of any makeup, so in the daily makeup it is better to avoid black shadows in large quantities. And it is better to leave black shadows for the evening or even a solemn event. That's when an extended eye contour does not seem predatory.

Black and white version

For most of us we are familiar to using the same makeup in any life situations. Although we know that this is not entirely correct. In different cases (at work, a party, a trip for the city), the woman should be the corresponding make-up.

And - this is exactly the classic exquisite option of make-up, which is suitable for use and day, and in the dark. In addition, he is perfect for any wardrobe and style. Moreover: Beautiful black and white gamma eye makeup is able to create real miracles. On such contrast, the woman seems mysterious and languid, her look - full depth and charm, and the charm of underlined eye in the stock edge brighter.

Make with black and white shadows can be worn during the day

It is quite natural that when performing black and white makeup, there are generally accepted rules that will be observed in the implementation of such advice:

  • white shadows have the property to visually increase the eyes, and black - reduce. In addition, light lines make an eye contour blurred, and black - give accent and reporting lines;
  • to obtain the effect of shining sparkling eyes, you just need to apply white or light pearlescent shadows on the inner corners;
  • for the daily makeup option, it is better not to draw arrows, but only try to emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes.

Such a make-up looks very gently and emphasizes the natural beauty of the eyes.

Makeup with black shadows step by step

There are many options, how to do. True, they are all very similar and differ only in detail. So:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to apply a special gel or cream to the shadow: subsequently it will not allow shadows to roll and crumble.
  2. In black and white make-up it is better to use the shadows of creamy texture with a helium base. Finger pads need to apply black shadows on the top eyelid to its natural fold. With the help of the brush you need to smooth out the edges and make all the lines as smooth as possible.
  3. With the help of a black pencil, you must carefully bring the line of the lower eyelashes.
  4. Under the line of eyebrows on the upper eyelids you need to apply pearl shades of white. Also, they must be applied to the bang on the line of dark shadows under the lower circuit of the eyelashes, so that the shadows of the black color are not manifested.
  5. In the end, there will remain to make up top and bottom eyelashes in black mascara. You can also twist them with forceps, and then apply the next paint layer, which will create the impression of theatrical eyes. You can also attach bundles of overhead eyelashes. To avoid the effect of sticky eyelashes, you need to comb them with a special brush.

The most courageous girls can do in the daytime. And although usually "for every day" we carry out a natural kind of makeup, but still it is possible to distinguish your eyes brightly and not seem vulgar. Here is the procedure for applying such a compromise variant of makeup:

  • For a qualitative result, it is important to apply the basis for the eyelids.
  • White shadows are applied in the upper eyelids, and in the inner corner of the eye is drawn a strip with shining light shadows.
  • Shadows are applied with black tone to an outer corner of the eye. Later, this site will be brought to a brush to a complete merger with white shadows. It is important in such makeup not to overdo it so that it turns out to be soft, not catching.
  • Further, your eyes can be brought with a black contour pencil, but you can not let down.
  • In conclusion - black eyelashes are tinted. After that, the variant of black and white day makeup can be considered completed.

Here is such it - eye makeup with black and white shadows. Abused them, of course, do not. But the face will be observed to help a sense of measure.


Often dark shadows combine with bright lips

Makeup with dark shadows often use to create retro images

Stars also love makeup in dark colors: Nicole Sherezinger

"Twilight" Kristen Stewart

Also often happens in dark colors

Similar makeup love to use on the podiums

Stylists often complement the dark makeup of the eye "Wine" lips

Black and brown shadow


Makeup helps girls emphasize all the advantages of the beauty of the face and hide certain disadvantages. If you know how to paint your eyes properly, you can select their depth and brightness, make a look more voluntary or dramatic.

The first thing is important to remember - you need to use high-quality cosmetics. Any cheap shadows (regardless of whether they are liquid or pressed), have the property to roll in the folds of the century. It looks extremely inaccurated and spoils the general image. The second, what needs to focus on - base. Without a tonal and powder coating, the colors of the shadows will be inexpressive.

When eyelids hang, the eyes immediately become visually smaller, it gives an extra age and creates the effect of "chronic" fatigue. Carefully darkening the problem zone, it is possible not only to immediately become younger and refresh the image.

Master class, how to make eyes with the lowered century:

  1. The base is applied to the upper eyelid, the lower is lighted with a light pencil or highlight. The folding of the skin at the outer corner is neatly shaded by brown shadows or liner;
  2. Brown shade stretches up to a third of the lower eyelid, the corner is made tail to create a small arrow. Professionals are launching shadows or a pencil with a brush, but at home can be used by sponge;
  3. To beautifully darken the hanging part of the century, the dark shadow shade is applied on top of it, as close as possible to the natural palette. He is very well chosen. Beige light shadows are applied to the outer part and they are also drush;
  4. To get the most natural possible, the shadows of two shades are gently mixed with each other. This will ensure the transition from the light part to the dark;
  5. Only after that the arrow draws on the outer corner. To do this, it is best to use a dark shade of shadows: brown, graphite gray or other on your choice;
  6. If the eyelids are very hanging, but on top of the darkened fold you also need to create a reflective accent. To do this, the eyebrow shades of pearl color or shimmer are applied under eyebrows and before the start of the darkened zone;
  7. Through the line of eyelashes, a thin line of black eyeliner is performed. The lower eyelid can be squeezed by a bright liner. It is selected depending on the color of the eyes;
  8. Corners are covered with highlater. They also tinted the region under the lower eyelid.

Convex and big eyes

If the almond eyes do not deliver completely no problems with their owners, then girls with convex and too big eye sockets have to visually narrow them.

How to make up convex round eyes:

  1. A clear black contour is applied to the cream base. It is easiest to create it with a liner. The liner line is riveted by a bevelled solid sponium or brush to create a spectacular tip;
  2. The moving part of the century is covered with a matte calm shade of shadows. Additionally brightened folds under eyebrows;
  3. After top of the light color, a very darker is applied. It is not necessary to fully pass the eye - this will give an extra focus on the convex part;
  4. Only then draws the classic arrow with a dark liner. Some makeup artists with such goals use black shadows, which are applied by very small and thin moisturized brush;
  5. With the help of brush, small strokes are made up, the shadows are stretched to the middle of the eye. It will darken a moving eyelid and make it as accurate as possible;
  6. Highlight or shadow with shimmer is applied to the corners;
  7. Now from the middle of the bottom century, a light natural shadow of eyelashes is created. This is the most convenient to do the same shadows that was used for the base on the top. Be sure to emphasize the bottom stroke of the eye. To do this, you need to bring it with a gray or dark beige pencil. It is unacceptable to use light shades.

Praying narrow and small eyes

Dust or narrow eyes most often have a small form. But despite this, with proper make-up they look incredibly spectacular and beautiful.

Makeup for narrow eye

How at home to make up the eastern eyes correctly:

  1. All mobile eyelid is being worked out with the brightest tint. Ideally, it should be close to porcelain or white;
  2. After that, the skin is covered with a mother of pearl or shimmeror;
  3. A thin line liner is applied to the inner corner of the eye and the outer part. Next, the cold shade of brown is selected and applied to the upper fold in the eyebrows;
  4. Now the most interesting point. The scheme of painting narrow eye is fundamentally different from all described above. In particular, the fact that the fold between the moving age and eyebrows is emphasized by a thin line of dark color. It needs to be created with an open eye, so the first time will have to practice a bit;
  5. From this "birds" stretch the tail, it remains open. After the middle of the eye to the outer corner, the second arrow is stretched, here is her tail and closes the top eyelid. Naturally, the lines are laminated by the growth of eyelashes;
  6. After the eye, it is summed by a classic way (feline) liquid eyeliner. It remains to add a little carcass and shine under the lower eyelid.

Evening Ice is done according to the same scheme, but brighter colors are selected for it.

The main problem of deep-planted eyes is an extra volume above the top fold. If the eyelids are needed, the orphan "is lost" under them. Here it is important to darken not the fold itself, but the space above it.

Instructions, how to make day makeup for deeply planted eyes:

  1. For this type, the optimal beige-brown gamma with a slight propagation of red. This will create the most natural shadow;
  2. A dark shadow is applied on top of the problem fold. She is underestimated at a small angle, as if pulling the eye. The same shade in a very small amount is applied under the lower eyelid;
  3. To the eyes did not look tired, a thin classical arrow is scratched on the eyelashes. This thin contour will also help raise an outer corner, making it slightly stretched;
  4. For the arrows in the upper eyelid, it is best to operate with liquid eyeliner, but do not output the tip. It will only emphasize vulneracy. Leave it as unclipped. The bottom line of eyelashes from the middle to the edge, emphasize the dark rustic line;
  5. A small amount of shine is applied to the inner corner. We recommend working with deeply planted eyes to work exclusively with matte shadows in the natural scheme - this will make it possible to look much more natural than when using catchy shades;
  6. After the mascara is applied and eyebrows are summed up. Note that the eyebrow area is also not to evil. Leave it almost not touched (with the exception of the tone cream).

According to all the laws of color, if in the shadows to use the "right" shades, then an incredible effect can be achieved: the color will become bright, expressive, deep.

Brown eyes

Brunettes are very dark cold shades. This is purple, lilac and the whole gamma blue. For day makeup, we recommend paying attention to the delicate lilac tones and matte beige (they are natural and fit all).


Girls with such a unique color are suitable shadows with a reddish pigment. These are brown, redhead, peach and other "warm" shades. Especially cool looks red and pinkish palettes.

Gray and gray blue

These are almost perfect colors. Almost all shadows are suitable for their owners, inclusive, black and dark gray.


All blondes are suitable light gray shades of shadows, yellowish, beige and pearl. The eyeliner will be perfect black and dark gray liners. But brown and bright shades are better to avoid.

Many women are interested in how beautiful to give up at home. Most beauties own well-own technology, but often they cannot figure out the huge variety of paints and means used to perform eye makeup. At the same time, beautifully emphasized with decorative cosmetics, the eyes can benefit from the beauty of the shape and color, make a woman much more attractive, and the appearance is expressive.

There are some fairly simple rules for performing makeup, which can be quite quickly mastered and applied in practice every woman. Eyes are a soul mirror, but they need the right framing. This role is performed by high-quality decorative cosmetics for the eyes.

How to make up - the subtleties of makeup

Beautifully painted eyes make a woman visually younger, isolated beautiful color of the iris. In compliance with certain techniques, you can visually increase your eyes or adjust their shape, make them much more expressive. Non-housing Eye makeup rules will be prompted by a sequence of actions and will be a benefit, how to learn to paint from scratch.

In order to perform high-quality makeup, each woman must have a certain minimum of decorative cosmetics, which is used to work with eyes:

  1. Base under shadow.
  2. Shadows in separate packages or in the balets of suitable shades.
  3. A pencil is dark and light for eyeliner (for the mucous membrane need a special type of pencil - kayal).
  4. Powerboard of a convenient type - cream, gel, liquid, "felt-tipper".
  5. Mascara for eyelashes of the desired shade.

This is a minimal set that every woman complements the products that fit it and which it prefers to use.

Selection of shadow shades depending on the color of the eyes

For most beautiful ladies, the main complexity of makeup is how to paint the eyes of shadows. There are somewhat simple to memorize the rules:

Select the shadows to the eyes best on the principle of contrast. Such shadows allocate the shade of the eyes and make it much brighter and more. For example, blue eyes are beautifully emphasized by brown shades of shadows, gray eyes are beautiful with blue, blue, greenish tones, green eyes become simply emerald with a neighborhood with purple and plum flowers, and brown eyes are good with many paints, the main thing is to choose them in color temperatures.

Warm shades "ask for" softer warm shades of shades, and a cold brown color will be good with gray, blue, cold green and purple gamut.

Some colors are neutral and well come up with different colors of the eyes. These are all shades of gray and black, cold gray-brown, which is often called "Taur" or "Top".

Fashionable red shadows can turn the woman into a gluable or patient with inflamed eyes, but it is worth the red to make a darker with an outer corner of the eye and spend a thin line of the dark pencil or eyeliner, like makeup becomes very stylish and spectacular.

It is believed that the daytime is best suited for matte shadows or having a soft unobtrusive satin gleam.

Shimmer, strongly shiny, frosted and wicked shadows are suitable for evening exit, and colored pigments are often used to create a stage or carnival grima.

Make eye makeup can be several specifically for this tools or apply one - two products. For large expressive eyes, it is enough to use only separating and extension, diligently highlighting eyelashes. To increase the eyes and change their shape, more cosmetics and effort will be required, but the result is worth it.

Important! Selecting eye cosmetics, focus on hypoallergenic funds. If some of the types of cosmetics provokes allergies, we get ruthlessly with it.

Eye shape correction with proper makeup

Happy major eye owners can only take advantage of their masters - and their eyes sparkle with precious stones. For those women who have small eyes, there is no such advantage, but cosmetics will allow them to quickly make their eyes anymore.

The easiest way to increase the eyes is quick - it is underscounted by the water line of the lower eyelid with a bright pencil-kayal. White color looks a little unnatural, so it is best to stay on beige or pinkish Kaive. In a couple, you can use a thin line of the dark eyeliner along the growth line of the eyelashes in the upper eyelid, slightly retreating from the contour, and then thickly make up the top of the eyelashes in the dark ink. This technique allows you to visually increase your eyes and make a look "open". During the day, the pencil on the water line must be updated periodically, so it should always be present in the cosmetics of each woman.

With the help of shadows, pencil or eyeliner, you can change the shape of the eye.

  • If the bright shadows are applied to deeply planted eyes, they will seem more convex and large.
  • High eyes can be adjusted with dark shadows in the upper eyelid and ink without the use of the contour.
  • It is possible to give a beautiful almond-shaped eye, extinguishing the lines of the lower eyelid towards the outer corner of the eyebrows. The arrow made in this direction throughout the top of the century will give the eye with a spectacular "cat" form.
  • Closely planted eyes can be visually "diluted", dining the outer corner of the eye and lathe inner. With too widely spaced eyes come up to the opposite.

How fast and gently draw arrows with a pencil or eyeliner

Some women do not know how to use a pencil for eyes, making themselves the very practical and effective means of makeup. The fact is that eye pencils can be of different types. Soft and plastic are designed for decisive, they do not hold the line and are not suitable for performing a clear circuit. Dense and less fat are used for neat thin lines and can replace the eyeliner, they draw arrows of different types and magnitude.

In addition, you can make eye with a pencil as shadows and use it as a "substrate" to create Smoke-Aiz.

The beautiful line of arrows does not work immediately. It is especially difficult to make them symmetrical, that is, to draw the same along the length and width of the arrows on each eye.

  • To draw a beautiful arrow, you need to put the elbow working hands on a solid stable surface, start drawing from an outer corner of the eye, drawing a line up, then carry out the contour of the upper eyelashes, connecting it with the tail, and in the last answer drawing an inner corner of the eye.
  • The arrows can be thin, medium thickness, large, double, monochrome and two-color, emphasizing the contours of only the upper eyelids or both centuries. With the help of a pencil, you can make the original eyeliner only of the lower eyelid.
  • Beginner craftsmen can try to draw arrows using a special marker. Usually it allows you to quickly and easily identify the desired line, and with it you can adjust the thickness of the arrow without problems. To do this, you only need to increase or decrease the intensity of pressing the felt-tip pen. But most of the eyeliner of this type there is a significant drawback - they either run out quickly, or dry out too quickly.
  • Experienced young ladies prefer to use gel or cream liner. It is produced by numerous cosmetic companies in pretty little jars, applied with a special brush - with a thin tip or bevelled. With this fund, you can draw the thinnest arrows or portray wide, in the style of the 60s, which is also in fashion.

Important! Observe the shelf life of cosmetics for eyes. The old cosmetics contains a mass of microorganisms that may cause the appearance of conjunctivitis and many other diseases of the organs of vision.

How to use ink

Most women are firmly confident in the fact that they know perfectly well how to apply mascara correctly, because Most often it is the first means of decorative cosmetics, which the girl in his life begins to use.

However, most of us unconsciously spoils their mascara, making piston movements there and here, trying to dial the mascara on the brush. This is fundamentally incorrect action that accelerates product damage. With such movements, air is injected into the tube, which contributes to the oxidation of carcasses and harmful microorganisms in it. The product may be spoiled, and eyes with such a carcass - heavily inflamed.

In order to make the look expressive, and the eyelashes are longer, we paint the eyes with zigzag movements, bringing a brush to the very base of the eyelashes. Thus, we score them along the entire length, we divide them and extend, covering a thin and uniform layer of carcasses without lumps and gluing.

Mascara is a perishable product, its life is usually not exceeded 3 months, so it is not necessary to try to "reanimate" or thickened mascara. She will still won't go well well and evenly, or it will turn to the eyes in a couple of hours after applying. This mascara should be thrown and get fresh. You need to buy only the copy that is "smeared" into the cellophan and has a sticker indicating the date of manufacture. Overdue mascara accoprine bacteria and fungi, which can lead to serious eye diseases.

Step-by-step lessons Makeup

Simple step-by-step instruction will help women learn eye makeup basics to then use their knowledge to perform more complex options. This way will clearly show how you can paint the eyes in stages and will easily remember the sequence of actions.

On our site you can find a lot of phased photos of the creation of eye makeup or watch special videos. These lessons will help to learn the order of action and immediately repeat them in their make-up.

Many makeup guru recommend painting eyes first. This is due to the fact that in the process of applying, shadows and other products of decorative cosmetics can crumble, a stacking area under the eyes. If there is a tone cream and powder on the face, removing traces of shadows and carcasses, you can lubricate the cosmetics layer and spoil all the work. If the eyes are filtered earlier than applying tones and powders, it will be possible to carefully remove the traces of paint, impose a tonal or explosive cream, swimming and disguise the traces of bruises and swelling under the eyes of the consilet. As a result, this technique can be obtained perfect, perfectly made and very neat eye makeup.

Casual Option

For makeup eyes for every day, women with close-ups are enough just to bring the growth line with eyeliner or pencil, and the eyelashes cover in mascara.

If desired, it is possible to give up more expressively using this scheme:

  • Apply the basic light shadows on the eyes - on all the top eyelids.
  • A shade is slightly darker with a soft fluffy brush to highlight the top of the upper eyelid, outputing the color closer to the outer corner of the eye.
  • Take the upper eyelid as close as possible to the growth line of the eyelashes, and even better - between them. It will make the eyes more, and the look is more expressive.
  • Cover the top eyelashes of dark color masses (brunettes and brown shoes - black, blondes and red - brown).
  • To top it up, such a simple makeup is good to light the inner corner of the eye with light satin shadows, as well as make a lighter area under an eyebrow.

Important! Keep eye cosmetics in closed boxes away from sunlight, in a cool place. Make your brushes and applicators often, wipe the packaging and erase cosmetic bags. This will help not only maintain a presentable type of cosmetics, but also protects the pathogenic microflora from the reproduction.

Universal "Smoky Eyes"

Smoky eye makeup never comes out of fashion, only shades of shadows and the degree of color intensity are changed. Most often, classic Smoke-Aiz is made on a substrate of shadows to give the desired density color. A good way to make a pencil shadow - take a pencil with a soft plastic texture, apply it to the top eyelid, then carefully grow up with a soft brush.

You can use instead of the shadows of the pencil, creamy shadows or apply on top of a pencil or cream shadows. Ordinary dry shadows to give a shade of depth and velvety. To do this, the shadow fluffy brush is superimposed by layers on the top eyelid, pouring its shape and contours.

To get a beautiful haze around the eyes, the shadows need to grow well. For these purposes, a lush brush with neutral light shadows scored on it is used, which gently passes along the contour of dark shadows.

You can simply complete the makeup in the eyelashes on the eyelashes or apply a liner, make the arrow, and for the "big exit" by planing artificial eyelashes for greater expressiveness.

evening make-up

It is easy to turn everyday makeup or smoke-os in the evening with the help of brilliant and sparkling shadows and "metal" eyeliner. You can apply to all the eyelids or use fragmentary, for example, impose a brilliant shadow or a glitter only to the center of the upper eyelid. This technique will make the eyes more convex and expressive.

A brilliant liner line looks spectacular and at the same time more modest than too sparkling shadows. It can be combined with conventional black eyeliner by performing very expressive double arrows.

First, gently draws the arrow with a black eyeliner or pencil. Then, when it creates, slightly higher it, its contour is carried out in a bright color or shiny metallized eyeliner. Such makeup perfectly complement the lush false eyelashes.

Creation of sustainable makeup

In a significant part of women, the eyelids "fat", on which no, even the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics are held. After several hours of wear makeup, he "floats" and loses its clear outlines. So that this is not happening, you need to use a special base of the eyelid.

This remedy is simply applied by a thin layer on the skin of the upper eyelid and allow you to fix it. On a background, any shadows will be plotted brighter and juicy, perfectly drush and rummage up to two times longer than without a base.

Behind the absence of the base, you can use low-fat cream shadows that need to be slightly twisted, or a soft pencil for the age, which you need to grow well. For light shadows, a white pencil is used well, and a black pencil is suitable for bright and dark. It will make the shadows more saturated and expressive, give them depth and juiciness.

The correct use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes will be able to make a female face expressive and brighter, emphasizing his originality and beauty. When performing a bright eye makeup, you need to remember that in order not to look vulgar, you need to stop only on one accent. If it is the eyes, then the lips need to be either not allocated at all, or use neutral shine or lipstick.

Eye cosmetics helps to give appearance a certain chic and sophistication, but this will only happen if the makeup is performed perfectly carefully. Careless tube, smeared shadows, uneven eyeliner and mascara lying on a lumpy on the eyelids and dying under the eyes will quickly reduce all efforts and make a slightly even very beautiful from nature a woman.

Every woman wants to be irresistible. And this big role is played by makeup. On the face to correctly put accents where they are required.

The main thing is to make an expressive and shrill look. Eyes is a mirror of the soul, so to speak, a business card. They require special care and attention. I always want to look decent before an important or evening event - a campaign in the cinema, a restaurant, a date or corporate. We present a small master class - how to paint your eyes.

How to paint your eyes?

Stylists assure that the perfect evening makeup eye can be done quickly and with a few simple steps. In practice, it usually takes no more than five minutes.

First, it is necessary to prepare eyes using a corrective pencil or a masking (tonal) cream. The corrector is almost always indispensable when eliminating the effect of dark circles under the eyes and the shading of pigment spots. In the area under the eye, it is enough to drop three tiny droplets of a tonal cream and labeled them towards the outer corner from the inner, where the skin is dark. It is fundamentally that this procedure takes place is delicately, since the skin under the eyes is quite gentle. Use the ring finger, because it is considered the safest.

How to paint your eyes?

Secondly, apply the heart for the eyelid. This is the secret of the strength and durability of future shadows. If the basis does not apply, then the eyelid will quickly start glistening, and the shadows themselves ride into strips. The basis for the makeup of the eye is ready, you can now begin to make a makeup.

How to draw arrows in front of your eyes?

Arrows in front of almost all women love. Usually a liner is used to draw elegant arrows. It is easier for her and more successful to draw arrows. It is pretty saturated and under the color of the eyes you can pick up a liner of any color. To bring the eye, you can also use a pencil. You can outline the contour of the eye with dark shadows. It will not look so bright and suitable for day makeup.

Try to bring eyes along the line that is close as possible to the base of the eyelashes. At the same time, lead it from the inner corner of the eye to the external. If you paint your eyes from below, then accurately spend the line under the bottom eyelashes. Here it is worth it from the middle of the eyes to the outer edge. And to shadow or soften the line can be a cotton wand or finger.

In any case, the first time does not all turn out to be carefully suspended with eyeliner or pencil. Here is the main thing - practice. Over time, you will get better and better, the main thing is not to despair. To help, you can purchase a thin eye liner, which is present in almost all cosmetic brands, and with it will be easier for you to learn how to draw beautiful and smooth arrows. Then you can experiment with the thickness, length and color of the arrows, and choose the most suitable style for you.

Arrows in the eyes

Ability to properly use eye pencil - this is a thin science. The secret of the pencil is that he can even make small and narrow eyes to make allocated and noticeable against the background of the whole face. Here the main thing is to learn them to use. Lines should not be sharp, deliberate and dark.

If you plan to bring your eyes a classic pencil (that is, not liquid), then check if it is perfect. Before copying an eye, highlight the region shadows. It is necessary so that the line does not disappear and not melted in a few hours.

Most often a pencil is applied to the top of the eye. The line should be done from the inside edge, and the root of eyelashes, to external. Do it with one confident movement. If you, nevertheless, stumbled in the middle, then the line can be broken. Falstart will have to wash off with a special lotion and begin the eyeliner to the pencil again. Here, of course, practice is important. Do not despair, if from the first time it did not work out, a few days later you can draw perfectly even lines over your eyes.

If your eyes are not too big and round, then spend the line and at the bottom of the eye. But only from the middle and to the outer edge. Otherwise, this option will look very strange - the eyes will become even more. And be sure to grow in a pencil line with a cotton stick, a finger or shadow. In this case, it will not be very throw.

How beautiful to make eye shadows?

Another important step is to apply the shadows. Hollywood makeup artists advise to use the so-called three-level shadows, which includes the base, marker and base. They allow to achieve the effect of volume. Shadows correctly apply from the base of the eyelids to the eyebrows. Moreover, uniform neat strokes. Shadows must reach the eyebrows themselves, at least in the area from the middle of the eye to its outer edge. If you want to apply a few shades, you first use a brighter, on the border of the eyelid and eyebrows, and then the darkest, put it on the eyelid itself.

Next, clarify your eyes with a cosmetic marker or the brightest shades of shadows. There will be enough microscopic stroke over the inner end of the eye. In this case, the eye instantly and dazzling flasheled.

Be sure to emphasize the eyebrow line. Apply some light shadows under them, leading from the middle to the outer edge. After that, sort the shadow with your finger or clean tassel.

Pay attention to several secrets. The first is the right blending, that is, the so-called mixture mixture. Experts assure that you need to use at least three shades in each make-up - light (basic), dark (marker to outline the contour of the eyelashes) and the main (for the century). We start with Light, and end with dark. The basic shade is applied to the entire surface of the century until the entrances, and then apply the main color. At the end, the accents are shrinking with a marker. And then the main thing is not to overdo it. Therefore, before makeup, it is worth a little practice in front of the mirror, play with flowers and shadows for the only right solution.

Another secret of success is the choice of a suitable shade. Better, if you choose bright and individual colors. Note that blue shadows for blue eyes, and brown for karich do not take place. Today, stylists recommend emphasizing their eyes color with the appropriate tint. Antagonists are popular, that is, blue on brown eyes or gilded on gray. And important: do not be afraid to experiment.

Never apply a saturated hue on the eyebrow bone. Extra strokes add drama images. Shades should lie only at the century zone. If you want to pay off the eyebrow bone, then put neutral shadows there.

Do not be afraid to use shadows with sequins. They are good, but emphasize all wrinkles and folds. If your eyelids are still perfectly smooth, then do not be afraid of the sequin.

How to apply mascara?

At the next stage, you must take the eyelashes. Write them with special tweezers. In this case, even the longest eyelashes will be much more attractive. It is worth noting that it is necessary to twist them before applying a carcass.

How to paint eyelashes?

And at the last stage, apply mascara. Putting the carcasses at the base of the eyelashes and lead it back and forth by twisting movements. Try to distribute the paint evenly. After staining, you can make the eyelashes with a special brush so that they are not left for them from the carcass.

How to make Smokey Ice ("Smoky Eyes")?

If you want to create a "smoky eye" effect, then take half the line of the top of the eye, from the middle and to the outer edge, more fat. And for the effects of the eyelashes with a pencil with sharp strokes.

If you want to achieve a more youth, the so-called "disco" effect, then take not a classic black pencil, but blue, green or silver. With such colors, the eyes will play with new paints.

But for the "Women's Cats" effect, it is worth a clear line from the inner edge of the eye and to the external one, while flexing a little on the last stage. That is, the line should not end on the edge of the eye, it should look up at the outer border of the century. But on the bottom of the eye, spend the line not along the entire length, but slightly retreating from the outer edge.

Classic Smoky Eyes from Elena Krygina

By the way, when creating "Smoky Eyes" do not use cheap shadows. Pouring makeup requires good cosmetics and jewelry approach. And do not smear the colors above the century and farther the line under the bottom eyelashes.

And remember, with such makeup, you should not rub your eyes and avoid reasons for tears.
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Round eyes possess both advantages and disadvantages. They are big and expressive, which makes the look alive and beautiful. But at the same time, they create an impression of a statement, and in the trend now the almond-shaped section, to which everyone strives. Therefore, it is so important to be able to pick up the right makeup for them in accordance with the color of the color and style.


The task of makeup is a visual "pulling" of the eye, their maximum approach to almond form. To achieve it, you must choose and apply.


  1. Use only 2 shades: medium and dark.
  2. Refuse from light and pearl gamma, as they make an eyelid even more convex.
  3. On the upper moving eyelids, make light shadows as the basis (better matte).
  4. Use a more dark palette for an accent of external corners and soft eyeliner at the lower eyelids.


  1. Masculated only on top eyelashes.
  2. Increase its layer to the outer edge.
  3. Mascara on the lower eyelashes makes the look too theater.


  1. Without a lining, even day makeup does not cost, since it allows you to adjust the incision of a round eye.
  2. The arrow of the upper century should be gradually thickened from the middle to the outer edge, making the shape of the extended.
  3. For this purpose, a liquid eyeliner is suitable, a cosmetic pencil, a special marker.

Types of arrows for round eye

Form brow

  1. Do not get carried away overly curved lines that make eyes even more round.
  2. Determine the form of eyebrows in accordance with the type of face and stick to it.
  3. Constantly adjust them.

Do not allow the main mistake in make-up - curved lines that only emphasize your drawback by making eyes even more convex and round.

From the life of the stars. There are celebrities, which nature endowed very round eyes, but it does not prevent them from looking impeccable: French actress of Audrey Toyou, Russian singer Valery, American actress and producer of Christina Ricci.

Color solutions

A lot in the make-up depends on what color your eyes. It will help correctly pick up shades of shadows, carcasses and eyeliners.

For Karglase

  • The orbital zone is lit with a maximum consilert.
  • At the top eyelid, apply one-picture shadows: beige, rose, peach, pastel.
  • For widespread eyes, shadows cover part of the nose to visually bring them closer.
  • The second layer is growing a brighter palette.
  • Straight, bold, and the upper connects with the bottom so that in the external corner it is free space - it can then be closed with brown and golden shadows.
  • Brown or black mascara is applied in 1 layer (in day make-up) or in 2 (with evening).

For blue-eyed

If blue eyes are round, irregular makeup will give the face of a puppet or vulgar look.

  • The orbital area is first processed by a consilement, and then - powder.
  • To create a natural image, you need a make-up in gray, blue, pink shades.
  • Mascara is solely black.
  • The eyeliner is possible, one can, which allows the eraser.
  • In the eyelo on top of put a peach or rose, growing.
  • Carefully sum up the lower eyelash.
  • Apply gray shadows, growing towards eyebrows.
  • Arrows draw dark gray eyeliner.
  • Possible eyeliner inside the lower eyelid to bring the arrows up to the very corners.
  • On the inner corner of the movable century, apply shadows in gray, and in the middle - blue. The border to grow.
  • Beige or peach blush and pink lipstick are applied the latter.

Makeup for gray round eyes is carried out taking into account the same recommendations.

For green-eyed

  • For round green eyes, use muted tones, for evening - bold contrasting combinations.
  • The skin in the orbital region is adjusted by a consilet and powder.
  • On the upper eyelid, the first layer is to apply copper or sandy shadows, the second is brown, growing.
  • It will be good to watch the arrows of chocolate color.
  • Mascara can be any shade, the main thing is not to overdo the layers.
  • Brown powder allocate eyebrows.
  • Bronze blush or Bronzor on cheekbones will complete the creation of an image.

The hair color here will not play a decisive role, since the most important thing is to cover the natural hue of the round eye so that they do not look so convex. And this is possible, only taking into account their palette.

Little trick. Christina Ricci makes his round from the nature of the eye perfectly almond-shaped, causing dark shadows on the growth line, making a smooth transition to bright - in the temples.

Style options

If round eyes want to hide and day, going to work, and in the evening, when you need to create a bright image, then it is important to take into account the style of makeup.


  1. The disadvantages of the skin are disguised as a primer, a consilet (especially carefully - orbital region).
  2. Its tone is leveled with a tonal cream and powder.
  3. In order for the daily makeup to look natural, for taking neutral shadows without glitter and pearl. They are applied from the ciliary edge to the eyebrows.
  4. A soft pencil (anthracite shade or wet asphalt) is applied a thick arrow along the upper age. The line does not go beyond the edge so that there is no "lowered corner" effect.
  5. Gray shadows are recruited on the brush and rubbing around the arrow, slightly going beyond its border. It will sharpen the eyelid and make round eyes not as convex.
  6. Now the tail is excreted for an angle, repeating the "cat cut".
  7. The graphite arrow is started along the bottom purgue edge, connecting with the top or walking parallel to it. The space between them can be filled with Marrengo.
  8. Mascara can be colored, but for the naturalness of the day make-apa, give preference to black.
  9. Coral blush podshind cheekbones.
  10. The lips should be matte and inexpressive, it is better to take the tone of the Rumyan - a coral lipstick.


One of the options of evening make-up for round eye

  1. Fluids are allowed to align the leather. They will not only make evening makeup brighter, but also distract attention from round eyes.
  2. On both century, the first layer is applied base.
  3. The shadows are better to use dark gray, brown, peach, marsh, bronze.
  4. Brown thick arrows draw the contour of both century, narrowing their cut to the outer corners and withdrawing them for the edges.
  5. The gap between the lower and the upper arrow is drawn by bronze shadows with shimmer.
  6. Brown or black inlet thoroughly scrolling the eyelashes. To the outer corner it will be necessary on 1 layer more.
  7. If the eye makeup turned out to be expressive, it is enough to apply a raspberry or coral shine on the lips.
  8. Crowded blush with shimmer in the tone of the lips will complete the image.

Smokey Ice

  1. Align the skin in the orbital area by the consilet.
  2. To go through the eyelids light powder for the resistance of makeup.
  3. Along the upper eyelashes hold a flint pencil line, growing with a brush.
  4. Classic black shadows apply to the rolling part of the century, driven by their finger pads.
  5. Graphite color apply above, on the sub-part.
  6. Last layers are light marring shadows.
  7. Mandatory careful essay.
  8. The lower eyelids are distinguished by muted gray shadows. For the effect, draw a line inside the century with a black or gray pencil.
  9. Black mascara - two layers on the lower and top of the cilia, special attention to pay outdoor corners.

It is impossible to say that makeup for a round eye is a matter of 5 minutes. He needs to be trained. If it is not possible to take advice from a professional makeup artist, you can always see a step-by-step photo or video tutorials, where everything is described in detail. They will not allow you to allow annoying mistakes, but to hide all the flaws that you have shredded is quite possible.

Large expressive eyes are a generous gift to the girl from nature and the object of dreams for those ladies who are deprived of such a gift. However, illiterate makeup can heat this advantage or even turn it into a disadvantage. The visage is an art that helps emphasize natural beauty and correct small defects. Master them is easy if there is a desire and regular practice. It is also important to know several basic rules and get acquainted with the recommendations of Makeup specialists.

Large eyes themselves are quite spectacular, but they can have their own characteristics, for example, be convex or too rounded, closely planted or located far from the bridges. Each disadvantage can be mitigated by the skillful use of decorative cosmetics.

What is the feature of makeup for big eyes? Much in it depends on the source data: the cut, the size of the eyelids, the distance between the eyes. Also in the process of visiting the clarity of lines, the right technique of shadows, suitable color gamut is important.

An error will use techniques for the visual increase, which will make a look too doll.

Important: Before making makeup for big eyes, you need to pay attention to the form of eyebrows. Thin "threads" are not combined at all with expressive eyes. Bending eyebrows should be graceful, and the width is as close as possible to natural. The color is also recommended to leave naturally or slightly adjust to cosmetic pencils.

Video: how to make big eye makeup

Stages of eye makeup, their features

The art of makeup implies certain rules, which ensures that the desired result is obtained. Cosmetics for eyes are usually applied in the following sequence:

  1. Base.
  2. Powerboard.
  3. Shadow
  4. Mascara.

First, with the help of masking means (tonal base, powder) you need to achieve even and natural color of the skin of the face. And the application of the base under the shade will provide durability and an attractive type of makeup for a long time. Masking small disadvantages of the skin, mimic wrinkles and "bags" under the eyes will help high-quality consilers.


Drawing contour emphasizes the form of the eyes, makes them more expressive, gives the volume of eyelashes. Arrows can be different in length, thickness and color intensity.

Traditionally, a black pencil is used in makeup for large eyes (soft and sharply sharpened) or a liquid liner with a brush. The first line is drawn by thin, neat strokes, on top of which the second, brighter layer is then applied.

Shadows: A method of applying depending on the eye shape

Makeup is not for nothing compared with visual art. With the help of cosmetic "paints" it is easy to achieve the desired transformation: those sections of the eyes that should be visually reduced, it is necessary to darken, and what is necessary to make an emphasis, to lighten.

Usually, the shadows are applied to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe movable and stationary century, they can also select the growth line of the lower and upper eyelashes instead of a liner. In makeup for large eyes, it is better to give preference to matte shades, since the pearls give an additional volume.

Combinations of shadows depend on the cut and location of the eyes, the form of the eyelids:

  1. Almond-shaped is the perfect form for large eyes that do not need to be adjusted. For such eyes, you can use a minimum of cosmetics to emphasize their charm and natural beauty. Also, they are also suitable for different types of arrows and makeup schemes. Specite all look at almond-shaped eyes, designed in the technique of Smoky Ice, which highlights their incision and makes the look even more expressive.
  2. It is too rounded eyes "pull out", applying light shadows to the moving eyelid, and under the eyebrow - darker. The outline of the contour arrows on the inside of the lower and upper eyelids (under the eyelashes) visually pulls the eye, bringing the round shape to the almond-shaped.
  3. For convex eyes, it is enough to smooth out the central part of the century with dark shadows, growing up.
  4. Closely located eyes can be visually removed from the nose, applying light shadows on the inner corners, darken the outer angle. The arrow must be carried out, ranging from the middle of the century. It is also important to correct the shape of eyebrows by the bridges, making them shorter and already.
  5. With widely planted eyes, dark paints are chosen from the inner zone outward, while the poverty area is captured.

Using at least 3 tones will make makeup for large eyes in bulk and spectacular. Careful decisive will help create interesting overflows, especially in the case of using contrasting colors. At the same time, the lightening of the sub-recording region, as it were, "puts forward" the eyes forward, making them more noticeable, so this technique needs to be used carefully, so as not to get a "puppet" view.

Color palette of shadows

The paint palette for big eye makeup is determined depending on the color of the iris. Shades can be related (for natural species) or contrasting (for a spectacular option). Make a choice will help the designer circle of color combinations. You can also use the prompts from the table.

Eye color

White, gray for classic makeup. Lavend, turquoise will give a look particular expressiveness.

Brown and golden will provide spectacular contrast. Purple, copper, purple - an interesting combination. Wine, orange, plum, turquoise.

Peach, brown, copper will strengthen the natural hint of the iris. Orange, yellow, lilac are suitable for bright evening makeup. Good harmonize plum, purple, pink, gray, black and silver colors.

The most attractive combinations with metal and dark blue shades. You can use beige, cream, lilac tones.

Video: how to choose the eyes of the eye

How to paint eyelashes

Makeup ends for big eye applying carcasses. In this case, it is better to use the extension tool, carefully painting them the eyelashes, avoiding lumps and sticking. At the same time, the inner and central part of the eye are scorched by the movement of tassels up and down, and the side cilia is better to combless the sideways, so they will acquire a seductive bend.

Eye makeup schemes

There are many ways to design eyes by applying shadows, eyeliners and carcasses. In relation to great eyes, you can use the "Bird" techniques, "banana", "Smoky Ice".


This scheme is ideal for round and closely planted eyes: in this case, the emphasis is placed on an outer angle, which is drawn with dark shadows, as if reproducing the outlines of the bird wing.

Algorithm of actions:

  • first, a light shade is applied to the inside of the mobile century;
  • the central region is painted slightly darker;
  • the outer angle of the eye is highlighted by the most saturated shadows, which are carefully chosen towards the temple;
  • the top and lower eyelid on the outer edge are connected by the "check mark" with the help of a black pencil.

Closed and open banana

The technique "Closed Banana" is used for widely arranged eyes, "Open banana" - for closely planted. In these schemes, at least 3 different tones of the shadows are used. In the fold of the century, a line that repeats the outlines of the eye is drawn, as a result of which it really becomes like Specified fruit.

In the technique of "closed banana" the intensity of color with a brush or an applicator is distributed down, in the technique of "open banana" - up. A medium tone is applied to the outer corner of the eye, the inner is highlighted with the brightest colors, as well as the sub-level region.

Smoky Eyes (Suk Ice)

A distinctive feature of the Makeup "Smoka Ice" - the creation of seductive hasshes around the eyes with a pencil and saturated shadows (black and brown for the evening, light - for daytime). It uses at least 2 close shades that are applied with an abundant layer and are underestimated towards eyebrows and temples. The eyelashes are scratched with bulk in step several times.

Video: independent makeup in the technique of "Smoka Ice"

The main rule of the makeup artists is to allocate one part of the face with makeup. Large and expressive eyes should be the main part of the image, so you should not use the additionally bright blush and lipstick.

The color of decorative cosmetics should be combined with a touch of leather and hair, fit the type of appearance (autumn, winter, spring, summer), harmonize with clothing or accessories.

And most importantly: do not forget that accuracy and moderation are always important, especially in such a sacrament, as the "guidance" of beauty. Large eyes themselves are very attractive, and the task of makeup is to emphasize their charm.