Repairs Design Furniture

Apartment security. Proven security

Everyone who plans musture your home or workplace Using the installation of security alarms, you are interested in various organizational issues. For example, how much is the protection of the apartment or the price per month a security agency. What kind rates for various security firms on the installation of sensors, gasket cable linesAnd as long as the time of arrival of the alarm group guarantees a one or another company. A large number of licensed security organizations allow you to choose optimal option For your dwelling.

Installation of security alarm

The first thing is facing the owner of the property - this choosing a companywhich will fulfill all installation work, commissioning and maintenance of security alarm. Installation of security alarms in the apartment implies the installation of installation. Depending on the number of rooms and their area mounting work May include a certain amount of the following operations:

  • Laying wired lines on walls and ceilings
  • Channel Stroke
  • Installing and connecting sensors of various types
  • Installing the receiving and control device
  • Commissioning works

When laying loops and stroke, the type and material of the walls is taken into account, as well as the height of the ceilings. Prices for all types of work, various companies may differ, therefore the choice is always there.

It should be borne in mind that competition in the security services market is very large, so many firms introduce a system of discounts and bonuses.

The cost of typical work

Approximate prices for carrying out electrical and commissioning work:

  • Drilling one hole - 15-20 rubles
  • Through passage in the wall from 10 to 50 cm - 300-450 rubles
  • Strobin brick wall - 160 rubles Miston meter
  • Strobin concrete Wall - 280 rubles Miston meter
  • Laying cable on tie - 20 rubles meter
  • Cable Laying B. plastic box Together with its installation - 50-65 rubles meter
  • Installing and connecting a magnetocontact sensor - from 230 rubles
  • Installing and connecting a motion sensor or breaking glass - from 300 rubles
  • Installation of the receiving and control device - from 1000 rubles
  • PCP programming - from 3000 steering wheel
  • Starting a security alarm - from 1500 rubles

After all the installation works are performed, the representative of the security company produces commissioning of security alarm system And its check in all modes. The company concludes a typical treaty with the owner of the property, where its obligations are clearly spelled out. The contract shall indicate the timing of the regulatory work, if necessary, the monthly subscription fee and the permissible time of arrival of the alarm group.

Some security companies indicate the Agreement and the amount of fines for false calls.

Consumption Guard

If autonomous security alarm is installed, the contract may not be concluded. If you have any defects or failures in the system, the owner of the housing representative of the company on the phone. In this case, each call is paid separately, in accordance with the current list of services. Components for their replacement are also paid.

Many owners of housing prefer to connect their apartment security alarms on the console of centralized observation. Then the property owner pays a monthly subscription fee. This is the most reliable guard of the apartment. Price per month, different companies may differ, but, in general, prices are approximately the same.

The pulp guard has a number of benefits:

  • This is the most efficient and reliable view of the alarm.
  • Operational arrival of the group rapid response
  • Integrated system can react to fire, gas leakage or flooding
  • Some companies admit insurance compensation in some cases
  • For complete warranty, backup communication channels can be used.

When property insurance, the amount of payment increases in proportion to the value of the property that the owner says. Minus centralized security are the presence of a monthly subscription fee and fines for false calls with incorrect operation of the security alarm. To avoid penalties, you must conclude treaty by maintenance . In this case, the service company is carried out all responsibility for malfunctions, since the monthly regulation is carried out by its employee.

To put an apartment for protection used various methods. Most often, a device for reading the code from an electronic key "Touch Memory" or similar is connected to the security device. Some modern reception and control devices are equipped with a compact keyboard, which allows, besides arming and removal from it, program the instrument's algorithm.

Prices in the market

For the convenience of property owners, security companies offer very convenient solutions in the financial plan. For example, the owners of the apartment, during the year, pay a small monthly fee, while the apartment is not placed on the alarm, because there are always someone at home. And only for the time of travel or vacation, the pulp security alarm of apartments is included, while the price increases, but only for the absence period.

Monthly subscription fee Includes continuous monitoring of the object on the centralized observation console and immediately sending a rapid response group in case of an individual security device (unauthorized penetration).

The approximate cost of the monthly fee of private companies:

  • City Apartment - from 500 rubles
  • Cottage - from 1200 rubles
  • Maintenance - from 500 rubles

Modern security alarm means, most often, use GSM channel to transmit alarm message to the remote control. In some cases, a stationary telephone network or an additional radio channel module can be used to duplicate the signal.

Proven security

Some real estate owners are not too trusted by various security firms and prefer a reliable and proven way to protect the apartment or at home. This is the appeal to services in private security. This structure has tremendous experience and well-equipped consoles with the corresponding dispatch service. Proven security Apartments has its own price list, where the price for subscription service may be slightly smaller than those of private security companies, but the cost of installing and installing security alarms is usually more:

  • Monthly subscription fee - 380 rubles
  • Maintenance - 200 rubles
  • Material responsibility - 200,000 rubles
  • Installing one motion sensor - from 1000 rubles

On the issue of prices and choosing a security service provider. It is difficult to give a specific recommendation here, since the cost of security companies depends not only on the city, but also from the area within one social Point. Vneise security has a hard rate, and it does not change. Turning to a private company can be relying on bonuses and discounts, but when changing market prices, the cost of work can be increased. Do not contact the company providing the cheapest services. This may negatively turn into the future.

Need security alarm in the apartment? Order the installation of the security alarm for the apartment in Asis with the response of private security! Here you can buy a set of wired or wireless security GSM alarm For an apartment, and we will help establish a security alarm in an apartment with the response of private security at an affordable cost.

Every month several thousand apartment buildings occur in Moscow and the region. To avoid such a fate, you need to concern in advance the security of your home and reliably protect it from thieves and other "uninvited guests." Complex locks and massive doors have long been not frightening criminals who are available perfect tools that can hack any castle. Therefore, most good decision There will be an apartment security alarm system at a favorable value with the response of private security or autonomous alarm for an apartment with alert mobile phone.

What elements is the security alarm system?

Security alarm - A complex system that combines multiple devices into a single chain and organizes their coordinated work.

Among the elements of the alarm:

  • Detectors
    They control the territory around the clock and are triggered at a certain event (opening the door, breaking glass or motion detection). After that, the detector signal is transmitted to the receiving and control device.
  • Receiving-control device
    He monitors the work of all installed detectors. When one of them is triggered, the signal is processed and sent to the actuator.
  • Executive
    It instantly triggers after signal receipt. The device can enable siren, transfer the signal to the remote, send the voice message or SMS to the owner.

What types of security alarms for apartments exist?

According to the method of transmitting the signal, security systems are divided into two types. The most popular is wired. It remains a favorite due to low cost, maintainability and high-quality signal. Best time To install wired alarm - overhaulAfter all, together with the alarm in the house there will be meters of cables that can make a less attractive view of the room. So that this does not happen during repair, the cable is mounted in the wall.

If you do not plan to make repairs soon, then we offer two options for your choice: disguise the cable using special boxes, the color of which is selected to the walls or pay attention to wireless security alarms for the apartment.

Such a system appears more and more supporters due to such advantages as:

  • Ease of re-equipment of security alarm additional elements;
  • Ease of installation of security alarm;
  • Saving on the installation procedure of security alarm in the apartment;
  • Independence from power supply;
  • Open opportunities for expanding system functions.
By way of response, the security alarm is divided into three types:
  • Autonomous Alarm for Apartments
    This species will suit for small premises, sort of garage, personal warehouse or country house. Thanks to the built-in GSM module, when entering the object, the alarm is triggered and sends a signal to the mobile phone owner as an SMS message.
  • Chop remote control
    When an alarm is activated, the signal is fed to the dispatch remote control of a private security company. A quick response group (GBD) leaves the place.
  • Panel of private security
    The main advantage of private security before CHOP is the guarantee of the qualifications of employees and the official permit for the use of firearms.

How much is it worth installing a set of security alarm for an apartment?

Often, faced with the need to install security alarm for the apartment, people wonder: "How much does it cost to put an apartment for alarm?". The cost of protection of the apartment with alarm depends on the system of the manufacturer of the system and its complexity. The price of an alarm installation only at the apartment's entrance door is significantly lower than more complex systems, which contains various detectors.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the installation of the system involves its further connection to the CHOP or private security console, which monthly charge the reaction fee. The system can also work autonomously and not connect to the security console, and inform the owner of the apartment with the help of SMS alert. In this case, the responsibility for theft of property is exclusively the owner of the apartment. It is worth noting that the cost of installing the security alarm in the apartment on the console of private security is more profitable than on the CHOP console, since the police response prices are sometimes lower than that of private enterprises, and the degree of protection is significantly higher, as the state structure is protected.

Why are customers choose asis?

Trust your own life and property to unfamiliar and unverified companies - it means to risk. To feel safe 24 hours a day, trust the professionals of your business - the "Asis" team, which for ten years has been protecting the apartments of thousands of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. Think about the safety of your home and your beloved business in advance - contact "Asis"! If you want to put alarm in the apartment with the response of private security, but you have doubts and questions - contact our specialists who will be happy to consult you and pick up for you optimal solution!

Centralized Security Remote Control No. 5
"Office of private protection on the Central Administrative Office of the Central Cao Federal State University Institution Department of Private Guard
Ministry of the Interior of Russia in Moscow "

Dear residents of the Tagansky district of the city of Moscow, in order to increase your personal safety and preservation of personal property, the management of private security on the Central Asian of Moscow invites you to equip your facilities by fire and alarming alarm.

The history of private security begins since 1952. Until this time, all the objects of the national economy of the country protected the departments themselves, containing in their states a whole army of watchdis. A special resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated October 29, 1952, part of this army is transferred to the subordination of the police, in the internal affairs bodies are created by departments and protection management. This day is considered a birthday. public service The protection, which, being derived from under the departments, began to be called "private security".

In its structure of private security, guard and militant units were organized, which carried out the external protection of particularly important, modest objects, small industrial enterprises and construction organizations, economic, administrative and other objects. The central government was the security department formed as part of the MGB MGB of the USSR.

Militian security objects

In 1964-66, in order of the Council of Ministers of the Union republics in some cities of the country, police security of objects was introduced in some cities of the country. The advantage of such protection compared to the watchdog was undoubtedly, because Armed police worker, being at the post (route), protects not only objects, but also public order and ensures the fight against crime. Protection of facilities by divisions of the police justified itself. In this regard, the Council of Ministers of the USSR by order of 10.05.67 N 1025r proposed this form The protection of objects to extend to other cities of the country with the replacement of private entry posts of the warders and brigaders of the guard units of private security under the internal affairs bodies by persons of an ordinary and sergeant composition of militia with their contents at the expense of private security.

Since 1970, a specific type of protection for the central surveillance was used in the practice of police protection activities. In 1980, bank institutions began to be transferred under private security. In 1985, a part of the objects protected by the so-called "departmental police" was also transferred under private security. The provision of full independence units in the conclusion of contracts, wages created the conditions for the qualitative improvement of the activities of militarized and watchdogs. Due to this, the private security began to rapidly develop, expanding the scope of activity both geographically and developing new forms of work in order to ensure the maximum efficiency of protecting protected property from criminal encroachments. And today the private security service remains a leading structure in the market for providing property and personal security.

Currently, as of March 2014, under the protection of the Centralized Protection Point No. 5 of WSV in the Central Asian Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is about 4 631 Apartments I. 358 objects of various forms of ownership.

The strongest and reliable entrance door Can not guarantee protection against hacking.

Even if you strengthen it, then you will only win a few minutes while the attacker will mess around with a complex castle. In order not to worry about the safety of the property during the rest or travel, install alarms in the apartment.

Today it is one of best ways Property protection. Modern security systems react to penetration into the apartment and transmit data to the security center console. After a few minutes, an experimental group of quick response (GBD) arrives at the object.

Installation of security alarm in the apartment will lock the accommodation from the penetration of robbers, the occurrence of fires, gas and water leakage. Do not worry about the safety of your property during vacation or business trip - Caesar Satellite experts are always guarding your calm!

The principle of alarm operation in the apartment from Caesar Satellit

If you want to ensure the safety of the property, choose a reliable security company.

Specialists "Caesar Satellite" will select equipment, depending on your wishes and budget, will quickly develop individual projectMix all cameras and sensors.

Finished security system will save your property safe. Multifunction sensors react to:

  • attempts to hack and penetrate the apartment;
  • signs of smoke or flooding;
  • gas leakage.

If you have pets, Caesar Satellite experts will take into account this when setting up and installing alarm in the apartment.

Installing the alarm in the apartment will take at least time and will not spoil the interior. Specialists pick up wireless digital equipment that works quickly and reluctantly. All the company's activities are aimed at preventing unpleasant consequences, not their elimination.

The cost of installing alarm in the apartment

The price of the security system depends on the individual requirements of the client and the features of the object. The manager will propose several options, taking into account the size of the room and the objectives of the alarm installation in the apartment. Whatever you choose, experts guarantee quality mounting, uninterrupted equipment and maximum housing protection.

Safety of the apartment provide:

The cost of signaling in the apartment is significantly lower than the prices of likely risks and eliminating consequences. Trust the installation of the system of professionals and do not worry about the safety of your property.

  • more than 5,000 of their own and partner groups of rapid response, formed from employees with the right of weapons wearing and combat experience, equipped with everything necessary to provide first aid and prevent force majeure situations and are 5 minutes away from you;
  • 3 round-the-clock monitoring center;
  • agreement on cooperation with police and other emergency services;
  • specially designed modern software.

The cost of signaling in the apartment

Caesar Satellite is security systems that prevent theft, robbery and attempt to penetrate your home or office. The cost of installing security alarm is much lower than the price of the effects of an emergency. To select the optimal cost and quantity additional features Option, refer to the specialists of Caesar Satellite - you will help you choose the optimal system that guarantees reliable protection.

The cost of alarm in the apartment depends on the service package and service facilities

You are available 3 sets:

  • "Basic", which includes a control panel, keyboard, wireless sensor Opening Doors, Wireless Motion Sensor
  • "Profitable", where additional security sensors, smoke sensors and water leaks, as well as the ability to remotely control the security system
  • "Premium" kit includes all the basic elements of the protection of the apartment, including a wireless motion sensor with photo scilation

To find out the exact cost of setting the alarm in the apartment, leave the online request or order a callback. Our managers are working in the field of security for more than 10 years, they will help you make an optimal choice.

Protection of apartments

Even the most durable entrance door will not be able to protect accommodation from hacking. Practice shows that fortified structures with a complex castle are delayed by an attacker for only a few minutes.

In order not to worry about the safety of the property during a long absence, ensure the protection of the apartment with the alarm. To date, such a way to protect housing is one of the most effective.

Modern security equipment reacts to unauthorized penetration into the apartment and sends the corresponding signal to the security center console. A quick response group arrives at an object in 5-7 minutes.

The security complex protects housing not only from thieves, but also from fires, gas and water leaks. Enjoy your holiday without excitement, do not get distracted from work in business trips - to trust the housing to the specialists from our company. "Caesar Satellite" is always on guard of your calm.


Control panel. Takes signals from sensors and sends them to our Security Center.

Wireless keyboard. Allows you to control the security system and sensors.

Keychain with alarming button. Helps to turn on and off security system, as well as send a signal in emergency situations.

Wireless motion sensor. Catches the movement in the room. Does not react to animals.

Wireless motion sensor with photo scheduling. Sends a signal to the Security Center with Photoduding.

Wireless door opening sensor / window. Reacts to opening the door or window. It may be turned off from the control panel if necessary.

Smoke detector. Reacts even at minimum smoke.

Gas leakage sensor. Determines even a small gas leakage.

Water leak sensor. Reacts to direct contact with water, installed at the bottom of the walls in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

The safety of the property is provided

More than 5,000 of their own rapid response groups that are within a short drive from the client. The GBD has everything you need to work in emergency situations and first aid. The group includes prepared employees who have combat experience and the right to wear weapons.
The work of the crews coordinate three round-the-clock security center.
Special agreement on interaction with emergency services, police.
Modern software specially designed for our security complexes.

How much is the installation of security alarm in the apartment

The cost of guarding the apartment depends on its features and wishes of the customer. The company manager offers several options with regard to room area, alarm installation objectives.

Whatever wishes did not express the client, our employees guarantee the maximum degree of protection of your housing. The price of arming apartments in Moscow, Balashikha and other cities of the Moscow region are significantly lower than the costs that may arise as a result of robbery, flooding or fire. For customers with different requirements and budget level, we offer several sets of equipment:

"Base": Suitable for studios and 1-room apartments;
"Profitable": represents the optimal value for money, as well as ensures maximum protection against hacking, theft and fire;
"Premium": perfect solution For cottages and 3-5-room apartments.

The exact cost of mounting the specialist will calculate after the application. To do this, order a call back or fill out the feedback form. We work in the field of security for more than 20 years and always help choose the optimal solution. For detailed advice on the company's services, call the nearest office in your city or come to us for a personal conversation.

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