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What does the period "fertile day" mean by a woman. Women's fertility - what is it? What is a fertility window in a female calendar

According to the latest statistical data, there are constant growth of steam, which have difficulties with the conception of the child. The reasons for such a sad situation can be many, including the disturbed fertility in women. What is and how to deal with problems in the intimate sphere - these questions are given millions of people.

What is fertility in women with simple words?

Under fertility understand Woman's ability to give birth to viable children .

Each female baby has almost four hundred eggs, but their maturation begins only in adolescence. It is at that moment when the egg takes out the outside, the likelihood of creating a new life is the greatest.

The ability of women to the birth of children affects a number of factors:

  1. Age group: the older man, the less chance he has a parent;
  2. Overweight;
  3. Constant emotional experiences and nervous overvoltage;
  4. Damage to the internal organs;
  5. Some chronic ailments;
  6. The impact of harmful habits (tobacco and alcoholism and drug addiction);
  7. Constant inflammation;
  8. Impact of environmental factors and ecology;
  9. Consequences of an ill-conceived diet;
  10. Side effect of a number of drugs;
  11. Underwear that prevents blood circulation in the field of childbearing organs;
  12. Permanent dehydration.

Window Fertility: What is it?

The period during which the woman has the highest likelihood of conceiving a child is called physicians "Fermity Window". As a rule, the time frame of this period is several days before the egg will be released into the uterine tube. However, various factors affect the duration of this period, which greatly complicates the task of its calculation.

A very small duration of the "conception period" is due to the characteristics of the life of spermatozoa. The latter can remain active for only a few (as a rule, until the week) days. That is why it is so important to start attempts to conceive a child a few days before ovulation.

Such a maximum favorable time for "fertility" will last a few days after the exit of the eggs - until the same time, until it perbs.

Among the methods for calculating the fertility period, it is worth highlighting:

  • Calendar (can be determined independently);
  • Test conducted by experts in a medical institution.

Calendar method

The calculation of the fertility period is an important task when planning pregnancy. In order to determine this period, you need to follow next algorithm:

  1. Determine the duration of the menstrual cycle (as a rule, is 28 days).
  2. The exit of the egg takes two weeks after the start of the cycle, with its middle it itself.
  3. The period of maximum "fertility" usually comes from the 10th to the 18th day.
  4. If there are "statistics" last year, then you can use the formula: F \u003d (D-18) - (K-11), where D and K is the longest and shortest menstrual periods, respectively. The letter "F" is indicated by the duration of the fertile window.

It is important to keep in mind and the age of a woman who wished to become a mother:

  • In young girls, approximately 2 cycles happen without an egg yield for 12 months;
  • Mature women have the frequency of such "idle" periods can reach seven. There is a decrease in the ability to give birth to a child. That is why doctors are usually recommended to get off the offspring until a 30-year-old reaches.

Medical forecast

The most reliable method for determining the time frames most suitable for conception is the so-called fertility test. Its essence comes down to the ultrasound diagnosis of the internal organs of the future mother. Doctors will learn both the size of female sex cells and quantity. Also measured the body temperature alone: \u200b\u200bits sudden increase can talk about ovulation.

As a rule, the test should be carried out a week after the start of the menstrual cycle.

According to the results of the survey, the specialist will issue a certain conclusion:

  1. Extremely low ability to get pregnant;
  2. Middle-level fertility;
  3. Quite high "fertility" - the ability to get pregnant almost the first time.

Fertility in men: what is it?

With regard to the male body, the ability to fertilize depends on the various spermatozooid indicators:

  • Number. According to the opinion of the physicians, the ratio of a couple of tens of millions per milliliter is optimal.
  • Anatomy - that is, the features of the structure.
  • Mobility. Male man gets the opportunity to be a father already in adolescence and retains it until older. However, with aging, the activity of "lives", which produce the critical organs of men, is stably reduced. The level of weak spermatozoa increases. As a result, the risk of having a child with congenital diseases increases.
  • The share of living spermatozoa (normal indicator is at least a quarter).
  • Features of their movement.
  • The total volume of ejaculate (optimal - 2 ml).

One of the most frequent causes of male infertility is a thermal impact on the lower part of the human body (the consequences of frequent hiking in the bath or solarium).

Solving problems with conception

Depending on the true cause of childbearing difficulties, the way out can be different:

  • If there is a heavy illness, then it is necessary to appeal to qualified specialists. In some cases, surgery may be required. Independent treatment of launched cases can only aggravate the situation.
  • Find a permanent sexual partner and avoid disordered connections.
  • Refusal of some diets, if the latter suggest eating low-calorie foods;
  • Constantly engage in sports or at least passing at least ten thousand steps per day. This will not only normalize blood circulation in the area below the belt, but also get rid of extra kilograms.
  • For strong floor it is very important to prevent the temperature in the field of genital organs (this also applies to all sorts of seats heating in the car);
  • According to physicians, Winter is the best time to make a child. It is at this time that male sexual health is especially tight.
  • Everyone who wants to be the parent of the child (especially healthy) should limit their bad habits, at least for the period of children's planning. It is also not worth abuse of coffee and other drinks containing caffeine.

The ability to produce and light, the offspring is denoted by the term "fertility" in women. What it is is forced to learn more and more representatives of the finest floor, which can not be pregnant for different reasons. However, the level of modern medicine allows you to correct this position in 97% of cases.

What is fertility in women with simple words

The term "fertility" did not move so long ago from medical textbooks in our daily communication. This concept, if we speak an affordable language, denote the ability of a person to have offspring. We are now interested in women's fertility. It is at the woman first anxiety arises when a married couple living together, for a long time can not have a child, and the wife of the clinic seems to be addressed. Husbands later aware of the seriousness of what is happening. Fertility period - what is it and when is it coming? What does the highest fertility period mean? Let's analyze the essence of the definition.

  • Country fertility coefficient
  • Women's fertility window - what is such simple words
  • What is the difference from ovulation
  • What are you need to pass tests
    • Research of the hormonal profile of the reproductive panel
    • Index
  • Implanting window - what it means
  • Why is it important to sleep at night: melatonin and conception
  • How to increase the strength of the reproductive system
  • Specialists help get pregnant
  • What can be done yourself

Fermity coefficient

In international practice, it is customary to talk about the fertility coefficient. There is a formula that allows you to identify the number of children in the country born for every thousand women. When calculating the indicator uses statistical data.

Women's fertility is different in different regions of the world. If you take a common coefficient of country, then the state of Africa will be in the first place:

  • Congo;
  • Guinea-Bissau;
  • Nigeria.

There, the percentage of children born per 1000 children reaches the numbers in the area of \u200b\u200b49-50. When calculating in prosperous European states, scientists observe a different picture: Denmark, Sweden and Finland give numbers about 11%.

Reverse the view of "native fenats." Indicators for some of our republics are:

  • Russia - 12.6;
  • Ukraine - 9.2;
  • Belarus - 9.4.

As you can see, the indicator varies very varying in the regions of the world. The highest percentage of births in Africa. On the other hand, there is a very high rate of child mortality. But this is a separate question.

What is a fertility window in a female calendar

Doctors use the term "fifty window" when they talk about the possibility of a woman to get pregnant.

Days of fertility are a period, when more likelihood becomes pregnant. In the female calendar, this time is approximately 11 days of the beginning cycle until the 16-17th day. In this case, we are talking about a "standard" cycle, the length of which is 28-30 days.

To determine fertile days, the formula is used:

At the very beginning of the cycle, that is, on the first day of menstruation, when the deceased egg is coming out and the endometrium is hindered, the ovaries begin work again - there is a growth in the next party of antral follicles, one of which will become dominant. For about 9-10 days, the ultrasound will be seen which follicle dominates. For 12-15 day cycle. But since spermatozoa is capable of living in the female body a few days, "rolling" the egg, "dangerous" in terms of conception is considered the entire period when the follicle ripe and released an egg that lives about a day. It is 5-6 days in each cycle.

Fertility and ovulation: what's the difference

Fertility and ovulation are different concepts. The first indicates the ability of a woman to have children:

  • get pregnant;
  • take
  • self give birth.

Forecast of fertility is built in points based on the results of the ultrasound: from -2 to +2

  • -2 is a low chance of pregnancy;
  • +2 - High chances of conception.

Women's fertility depends on the set of factors:

  • age;
  • health status;
  • level of psychological comfort and so on.

What hormones should be checked?

First of all, the gynecologist will send to the analysis determining the level of AMG. - Woman's ability indicator to have children. On it can be determined by the reserves of antral follicles in the ovaries. If the figure is 1 and higher, then for another for at least several years, the woman will be able to become pregnant, the number of follicles in the ovaries is sufficient.

The second - adenomyosis is an endometriosis form when the endometrium sprouts into the muscular layer of the uterus. Outcome: The uterus loses elasticity, the embryo cannot fix it in the scratched layer.

SalpingoForit - inflammation of the appendages of the uterus. Sometimes it flows unnoticed, but leaves "tracks" in the form of multiple adhesions, which makes conception impossible: the pipes are "bonded", the movement of the egg and the spermatozooids does not occur.

In such cases, fertility is low, but its increase is quite possible. To do this, treat the existing diseases. In addition, to increase the chances of conception, women prescribe preparations for enhancing fertility, in particular, biotin in tablets. Biotin helps to properly organize carbohydrate metabolism, and also contributes to the absorption of the vitamins of the group B (folic acid and vitamin B12), without which the normal development of the embryo is impossible. By the way, biotin itself is also vitamin from group B.

Restoration of fertility is possible at a young age, when in the ovaries a large supply of potential eggs. Sometimes it is enough to change the lifestyle with minimization of stress, as well as the appointment of a diet, which includes the products necessary for future mothers:

  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • a fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

You can use folk remedies, for example, drink herbs, ask for a husband to carry out a relaxing massage.

If a woman is older than 35, then you need to contact a doctor, without postponing, since the ovarian margin is rapidly depleted.

After 40 years it may be late, especially if there are cases of the early onset of Klimaks in the family. Then it makes sense to take advantage.

Modern medicine works wonders. If a woman herself, she needs to be examined from a good specialist. Perhaps it will take treatment, and maybe there is enough change in lifestyle - and it will be able to experience the happiness of motherhood.

Women's fertility is restored in most cases. If you really want to become a mom - use all possible ways, and most importantly, keep the firm faith in success - and everything will work out!

The state of the reproductive system of women affects many factors. It is known that at certain days of the menstrual cycle, the likelihood of fertilization of the egg was much higher, which should be taken into account during the period of pregnancy. Consider what fertility is, and what it differs from ovulation.

What is fertility

Fertility determines the ability to conceive and the birth of a healthy baby. Fertil period - a small period of time in the cycle. It lasts about 6 days, of which 5 days before ovulation and 1 day at the time of its offensive.

Simple words, fertility combines the coordinated work of the reproductive system organs, on which the continuation of the genus depends on. This ability can affect a variety of factors, including the age, congenital features of the body and systemic diseases.

Fertility explains the possibility of a woman to get pregnant to ovulation when the probability of conception is highest. You can define this day with several proven options.

What is fertile days in women and ovulation - what's the difference

Fertilies and ovulation are interconnected, but this is not one concept. According to experts, the greatest chance to get pregnant occurs the day before the exit of the egg. It is this moment that is determined by ovulation. It accounts for the middle of the cycle.

Since the exit of the egg has 24 hours so that the spermatozoid can be fertilized. At the same time, he can live in the vagina for several hours, in the uterus - no more than 5 days. This should be considered when choosing a favorable time for conception.

Fertility begins and disappears into individual phases, which is affected by the state of the female organism. Its beginning falls at about 14 years old, it remains for about 50 years. Young girls are always higher than the probability of conception, since the body works coordinated and there are no risk factors, characteristic of middle and old age.

The time of fertility may vary, and affect this many factors:

  • overweight, obesity;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • immunity;
  • transferred abortions and surgical operations;
  • the presence of systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus);
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • lack of rest, insomnia.

Violation of fertility may depend on ovulation. If it is impaired for some reason, the possibility of conception is significantly reduced.

Fertility has an influence and reproductive age, which is divided into 4 phases:

  1. Early period - from the beginning of menstruation and up to 20 years of age. At this time, the adjustment of the hormonal background is started. The chance of fertilization at this age is high.
  2. Medium - from 21 to 40 years. Most during this period menstruation is stable, as well as the onset of fertility. The body is as ready for fertilization and tooling the fetus.
  3. Late is time from 41 to 45 years. Endocrine von is unstable, violations of hormone products are noted. The probability of fertilization is very low.
  4. Subscribing reproductive function - from 45 years. The climacteric period comes, the body loses the ability to fertilize.


Reproductive age is individual. It can be affected by him, and there are cases when even after 50 years, a woman could carry out and having to give birth to a healthy baby.

Why do you need information about the cyclicity of the reproductive system

It is known that the percentage to get pregnant on the day of ovulation and a few days before it is high. This information helps a woman to schedule conception. The definition of the necessary days allows to guess the period most favorable to start pregnancy. Such information is important for women who have not yet planned conception.

The determination of the fertile phase is a reliable method of planning and preventing pregnancy, but not one hundred percent. Changes are constantly in the body, and some factors may affect the occurrence of various days of the cycle.

For the origin of the new life, the beginning of pregnancy and preparation for it have tremendous meaning. If a woman can reliably determine the period favorable for conception, it will be able to positively influence this process. This applies to lifestyle changes for the safest course of pregnancy.

How to identify fertile days

The most accurate way to determine the fertile phase is ovulation. It is possible to calculate its offensive tests that are sold at the pharmacy. There are several varieties, ranging from the dough strip, ending with mini microscopes, which accurately determine the period of ovulation.

There are other ways to identify these days, namely in basal temperature, on the calendar, by discharge, by the method of Billings. In this case, none of them gives 100% warranty.

Definition for the discharge involves constant observation of a woman behind the cervical liquid. Before ovulation, they become more muddy and sticky, and when it occurs, the similarity with egg protein has similarity.

The Billings method also consists in monitoring cervical disclaimers. This method is suitable for irregular cycle. At the same time you need to spend not one month for observation. This embodiment of ovulation was able to protect only 50% of women from unplanned pregnancy. The thing is that notice the difference between the discharge in different periods of the cycle is not so simple.

A good way to determine these days will be regular measurement of basal temperature. It takes every few months daily (necessarily at the same time) measure the temperature in the rectum, fixing the indicators. During the ovulation period, it occurs to 37 and higher, while in different periods it does not exceed 36.6 degrees.

The easiest way to determine ovulation and fertile period is a calendar. It is suitable if a woman has regular periods.

An example of calculating fertile days on the calendar:

  • the cycle lasts 30 days - 13, 14, 16 and 17 days correspond to fertile;
  • 28 days - 12, 13, 15 and 16;
  • 32 days - 14, 15, 17 and 18;
  • 29 days - 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

This method of determining the fertile phase has always been considered the most reliable. If it is not possible to calculate, most likely have problems with ovulation or fertility. In this case, the help of a specialist will be required. However, there are effective ways to enhance the fertility to which a woman can resort.

In addition, it is possible to determine the fertile phase during the passage of ultrasound. During the ultrasound, the doctor may observe the number of follicles, the ratio of hormones and connective tissue, as well as the size of the appendages.

How to increase the chances of conception

In some cases, a woman undertakes unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. The possibility of conception can affect anything, including stress and hormonal failures. Physical exertion, experiences, lack of sleep - all this can affect reproductive health.

Experts give the following tips to increase reproductive function and fertility:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • eat right;
  • abandon detrimental habits;
  • follow the duration of the cycle;
  • avoid stress and high exercise;
  • conduct regular sex life with a regular partner.

Excess weight significantly affects the reproductive system. The excess amount of fat cells in the body affects the operation of the ovaries. Lack of fat also prevents the development of the required number of hormones. If the weight is constantly changing, it negatively affects the menstrual cycle, disturbing it. Thus, the period of ovulation and fertilies can occur in different periods of the cycle.

Quality nutrition is also important. For the normal functioning of the reproductive system organs in the body, the necessary number of fats, proteins and carbohydrates should come. We should not forget about other substances. The lack of some vitamins and trace elements can affect the occurrence of menstruation, pulling it away.

Cigarettes and alcohol are the enemies of the reproductive system. Chemicals that make up tobacco smoke cause irreparable damage to reproductive organs. A 30-year-old woman who smokes, the ability of the ovaries is comparable to 40-year-old features. Cigarettes and alcohol lead to early aging of the body, reducing the period of normal fertility.

It is important to monitor the cycle duration and observe possible failures. If something begins to go wrong, you should immediately contact the gynecologist. The doctor will provide useful recommendations for restoring regular menstruation. In difficult cases, medication therapy may also be required.

Stresses are of great importance in women's health. Permanent experiences, depressive states affect the body as a whole, and in particular, on the organs of the reproductive system. Stresses can lead to hormonal violations and termination of menstruation. For the removal of stress, experts recommend swimming, yoga, more walking out in the fresh air and listen to relaxing music.

Experts are also recommended to refuse to douch. By doing this at home, you can significantly affect the microflora of the vagina. Her violation will be a factor in the development of gynecological diseases that are badly affected by fertility.

Increased fertility is not limited to any one recommendation. A woman should regularly visit the gynecologist, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and less nervous.

In order to prevent the offensive of undesirable pregnancy or, on the contrary, to get a long-awaited replenishment, it is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bsome features of your body and understand what a fertilous day means. This will make it possible to understand what days the probability of fertilization is reduced, and which reaches the maximum level.

What does fertility mean

The fertility period in a woman characterizes its ability to conceive, tooling and the birth of a child. The reproductive age occurs when the menstrual cycle is established and is completed with the climacteric period. Thus, the fertility zone is determined by the interval from 15 to 49 years. Generally accepted norms narrow this period, according to medical recommendations to engage in pregnancy planning should be between the ages of 20 and 40 years.

Men's fertility indicates the ability to fertilize the partner. Such an opportunity, subject to the absence of health problems, remains since the start of developing active spermatozoa and until the end of life.

Fertility index in men

The following factors can have a negative impact on male fertility:

To determine the ability of a man to conceive, laboratory studies are used, the most common of which is a spermogram. It allows you to learn an approximate amount of sperm, their shape, mobility, etc. According to the results obtained, two fertility indices are calculated, showing the likelihood of successful fertilization of the egg for one interchange.

Crupera index

Measure the size of the head, cervical and tail of spermatozoa. After that, the percentage is calculated, which make up healthy spermatozoa without defects from the total. A good indicator is considered to be higher than 30%.

Index Farruis

The proportion of mobile spermatozoa in the total volume of sperm, as well as 1 ml. An indicator of 30% is the norm, more - increased ability to fertilization.

According to the results of the spermogram, you can estimate the overall picture, but even a low fertility index in a man does not mean the absence of opportunity for him to become a father. Rather, he denotes that this may require more time and effort, and in some cases special therapy.

Body's ability to conceive It may be broken under the influence of the following signs:

To determine women's fertility, a research complex is carried out:

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with a specialist - an andrologist or a gynecologist. Based on the results of the survey, the doctor will select the optimal option of therapy for you. In the easy cases of fertility disorders, dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes are used (spematon, tribestra, probnoton, spermortin, vitrum, etc.) with more serious pathologies, gonadotropins are prescribed (Prégnell, Humagon, etc.) and ovulation stimulants (clostilbegit, clomiphene, etc. ). In most patients after the end of treatment, the problem disappears, especially in the absence of other pathologies. In order to speed up recovery, it is necessary to comply with the following recommendations:

What does "window of fertility" mean

Experts use the concept of "Fermity window" to designate the period during which the most favorable conditions for conception are observed in the body of a woman. The spermatozoa women who fell into the genital paths retain their activity until the week, waiting for the right moment. The probability of fertilization rises during ovulation, as well as 3-4 days before it. After maturation, the life cycle of the eggs lasts no more than a day, after this period, the chance of becoming pregnant significantly decreases.

When planning pregnancy, take into account the time when the child is easier to conceive. Therefore, it is important to figure out what "fertilies" means. You can calculate them using several methods.

Calendar method for determining fertility

It is applied if the menstrual cycle is regular. It is necessary to start the calendar and celebrate in it the beginning and end of menstruation. In order to start computing, it is necessary to collect data at least for 6 months. The effectiveness of this method is about 50-60%.

Ohino-Knaus algorithm for calculating fertile days:

Temperature method

In most women before ovulation, the basal temperature rises by 0.2-0.6 ° C. Measurements should be made in the morning, at the same time without getting out of bed. Record the obtained indicators to trace their oscillations throughout the cycle. Subject to regular observation of the basal temperature for several months, this method is quite informative.

Ovulation test

In some women, when approaching ovulation A number of characteristic features are manifested:

  • tension at the bottom of the abdomen, weak laundering pain in the field of ovaries;
  • increased chest sensitivity;
  • bloating, spasms;
  • enhanced sexual attraction.

Such symptoms may occur not every month, so if accuracy is needed, it is recommended to use special tests. Ovulation tests can be found in the pharmacy, usually the set contains five strips. The principle of use is similar to determining pregnancy, but the reaction occurs when the luteinizing hormone is detected in the urine. Start research is needed in 5-6 days before the alleged ovulation. Testing is made at the same time, 1-2 times a day. A positive result indicates a high ability to conceive, preserving during the day.

Observation of the characteristics of the selection

Cervical mucus - These are natural seals from the cervix, intended to extend the activity of the activity that fell into the sexual paths of spermatozoa. During the monthly cycle, the mucus state changes markedly:

This method has a high error and ineffective for diseases accompanied by a change in the vaginal secret.