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Scenario of events for children World Health Day. Competition for erudition. Sports humorous contests


Reveal the concept healthy image life

Determine the conditions for preserving health,

To form beliefs about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and health as the most main value.

Nature has a law - only the one who health will be happy. Away Goney-ka all the twigs! Walk to be healthy!

I'll tell you old legend: "Long ago, on Mount Olympus, there were gods. It became boring, and they decided to create a person and settle the planet Earth. Began to decide what a person should be. One of the gods said: "A person must be strong," the other said: "A person must be healthy," the third said: "A person must be smart." But one of the gods said this: "If all this is a person, he will be like us." And, they decided to hide the main thing that there is a person - his health. Began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some offered to hide health deep into the blue sea, others high mountains. And one of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person." So lives for a long time, man trying to find her health. Yes, that's not everyone can find and save the invalid gift of the gods.

Do you consider yourself a healthy person?

Tell me, what do you need to be healthy?

Correctly need to know and perform certain rules, such as day mode, proper nutrition, personal hygiene, active lifestyle. And our goal will familiarize yourself with the rules of health, learn how to maintain your precious health!

How do you understand this saying?

True, it means health more than any money. Each person needs to know how to save and strengthen its health.

There are certain rules that help a person grow healthy, strong, cheerful, ready to overcome difficulties in school, labor and life. And I suggest you once again to remember these rules, and maybe learn something new.

1 rule: Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

So that our body is healthy and beautiful, you need to take care of it and keep clean. What parts of the body especially need careful and constant care, we learn by answering the following questions.

1 . What helps determine, warm or cold object, smooth or rough surface? (leather)

2 . Two brothers live across the road, do not see each other? (eyes)

Eyes are the main helpers person. Look at each other in your eyes - they have fun you, clean. And what color of your neighbor?

And what rules need to be observed to not spoil eyesight? (Do not read lying, watch TV and play on a computer no more than 15 minutes in a row, take breaks in reading books, do eye charging, not indulging with sharp objects and be careful in your work)

3 . Thirty two fun friends

Up and down rush in a hurry

Bread nibble, nibble nuts? (teeth)

When the baby marks 2 years, his teeth completely cut through, this is milk teeth. They gradually fall out and constant appear in their place. Each tooth has a root. The tooth surrounds the gum.

How to care for your teeth?

Teeth and gums must be kept clean and once a year to be at the dentist.

4. What helps feel the smell of bread, colors, spirits? (nose)

5 . What protects finger tips from various injuries and damage? (nails)

6. They are straight, curly, wavy, long, short, red, black, blond? (hair)

7. The singing of birds, music, we are helped to hear hearing organs, and they are called - (ears)

And which items help to maintain our body clean, we will remember, guessing the riddles:

Bone back

Tough bristle

With mint paste friends

We are diligently served


Eludes how living

But I will not let him down.

Clear is quite:

Let me wash my hands.


Waffle and striped,

Smooth, shaggy,

Always at hand -

What it is?


I go, fermenting not in the forests,

And on the mustache, by hair, -

And my teeth are longer,

Than that of wolves and bears.


Here they are, our helpers are personal hygiene objects.

2 rule. Proper nutrition

Guys, last night I brought a letter from Carlson, and that's what he writes:

"Hello, friends! I am writing your letter from the hospital. My health has worsened: headache, in the eyes of the sprocket, the whole body is sluggish. Doctor says I need to eat right. I compiled a menu: cake with lemonade, chips, jam and peps-cola. This is my favorite food. I guess I will soon be healthy. Your carlson. "

What do you think, will Carlson get right soon? Is it true of his menu?

(No, to recover, you need to drink tea with jam, lemon, frost, eat porridge and soup, and this harmful products)

And what products must be found in our menu you will find out, solving the riddles:

1. Highly juicy fruit.

The letter "I" is his name. ( apple)

2 . Small, bitter, useful, microbes kills, brother brother. ( garlic)

3. The girl is sitting in the dungeon, and Spit on the street. (carrot)

4 . Does not hit, does not scold, and they cry from him. (onion)

5 . Red beads hang

from the bushes we look at us.

Very love beads these

Children, birds and bears. (raspberries)

6. Sits rymoshka on one leg,

It is a hundred clothes: not spit, not linked, but all in scars. ( cabbage)

7 . Round, yes not a ball

Yellow, yes not butter,

Sweet, yes not sugar,

With tail, yes no mouse. ( turnip)

Vegetables, fruits, berries - main source of vitamins. Vitamins are necessary for health, organism growth, especially children.

We also have to eat meat, eggs, oil, fish, dairy products. Proper nutrition is, first of all, a variety of meals. People get a variety of food due to animals and plants.

Do you know what food is the most useful for breakfast?

Porridge, especially useful buckwheat porridge and oatmeal, and manna porridge is very calorie, it should be pre control workCompetitions. When you need a lot of energy.

Tired? So let's take a rest, take care of your health!

And now we will rest a little and play the game "Cups and Fur", at the same time I will check if you know Vegetables. I will call vegetables. If you eat the upper part of the plant, that is, the tops, you raise your hands and get up on the socks, and if the roots are eating the roots, what grows in the ground, then you are squatting.

Potatoes, tomato, carrots, beans, turnips, peas, radishes, cucumber, radish, zucchini, pepper.

We guys should remember that before eating fruit or vegetables, it is necessary to rinse them thoroughly with warm water.

3 rule. Compliance with the regime of the day.

When you eat and walk,

Go to school, draw,

Go to bed and get up

Everyone must know exactly.

Helps us, friends

In this case… ( daily regime)

The following rule that the person must observe, who seeks to preserve his health, to teach himself to order and discipline is observance of the regime of the day.

Tell me please, what is the day of the day?

Sure! The mode is the routine of affairs during the day.

When drawing up a day mode, it is necessary to study, work replaced by rest, at least 2 hours a day you were spent on the outdoor air, no less than 3 times a day, we were drose (preferably at the same time), slept 8-9 Watches, woke up and went to bed at the same time.

So, the day of the day is one of the helpers in the preservation of health.

4 rule. Sklirt.

But this is not enough to grow healthy, strong. What do you think still need to do to improve health? (harden, engage in physical education)

Guys, who of you is engaged in sports? What kind of sports do you do?

(You can ride a bike, roller skating, play football, volleyball, jogging, engage in the horizontal bar, play tennis, etc.)

And most importantly - to do the charging so that your body becomes strong and strong, and most importantly - healthy.

How to order your body?

(wet a wet towel, take a cool shower, wash the legs every day cool water, gradually make it colder, dress up the weather, do not join, swim in the summer, walk barefoot, sunbath cold water)

And what do you think in the lessons we must follow some rules to keep your health? (Observe the hygiene of the letter, to sit down correctly, make fizmintuki, charging for your eyes, to do a pause when reading)

It's time to summarize our event. I will call words if this word characterizes healthy manYou clap.

Prepared. So,

beautiful, sutured, strong, thick, tongue, deft, pale, ruddy, strong, clumsy, hardened.

What new learned? What are the main assistants and friends in preserving and health promotion?

Remember, guys, every person must take care of his health. After all, no one takes care of you better than you yourself.

Tell me, what was the goal today?

What's new you learned today?

What conclusion will we do?

For example, I, to be healthy, I will not eat chips ...

Wish you:

Never sick;

Eat right;

Be vague

Protect good deeds.


"World Health Day."

Prepared and spent:

Founded A.S.

It is soon already May, which means that the time has come for a traditional event dedicated to our school - a health day. All presented relays you can change to your. As actually the script itself, you can use it as a layout.

  • Promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Integrate students with learning health issues
  • Develop creative abilities
  • Teach communication
  • Propaganda culture health

Preparatory work:

  • Script development
  • Preparation of participants
  • Registration of the exhibition of abstracts about a healthy lifestyle
  • Prizes
  • Registration of the Hall


  • Posters
  • Tracksuits
  • Sports Equipment

Lead1: Today we are gathered to hold an open event for all students, dedicated day Health. World Health Day is celebrated at the end of the first week of April - April 7 to commemorate the anniversary of the foundation of the World Health Organization. Every year, traditional competitions are held on the World Health Day Holiday in our school.

Health is this because of the birth of an invaluable gift that nature presents humanity. This is the highest well-being of a person. Without it, it is almost impossible to make our life interesting and happy. Many people squander this gift wasted, sometimes forgetting that it is very easy to lose health, but it is very difficult to return it very and very difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Folk wisdom says:

"The main thing for our health is that we do not find themselves among his enemies."

Do you agree with this wisdom.

- From whom does the human health depend on first?

The boy comes out and reads the poem "Health Day"

Health Day Meet

We are easy run,

We note holiday

With delight inevitable!

We wish to run, jump,

Figure to move.

Let the benefit of this be,

He will come to his health.

Be on the rise of light

And in achieving high.

We wish the strength, health,

So that everything was with love!

Lead 2.

On the sports field

We invite you to children, you.

Sport and Health Festival

Starts now.

(Pupils come to the scene primary classes and in turn read the wording of the concept of "health")

- Health is when you feel good.

- Health is when nothing hurts.

- Health is beauty.

- Health is power.

- Health is flexibility and harmony.

- Health is endurance.

- Health is harmony.

- Health is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning.

- Health is when you can easily rise by 4th floor.

- Health is when you happily perform any needed

Lead 1:

- Well, let's start our holiday.

Presentation of the jury.

- No competition does not cost without judges. Today, the teams will be judged (submission of jury members).

Let the jury all the move of the battle

Without a blister trace.

Who will be friendly,

That in battle and win.

Lead 2:

Our holiday will consist of three stages:

  1. The relay is "rapid and friendly" for 1-4 classes
  2. "Journey to Sportgrad" for 5-8 classes

healthy Nation! "

Lead 2: So, begin the 1 stage - the relay "rapidly and friendly" for 1-4 classes. The scene invited teams of study elementary classes. They represent the name, motto and team email.

Before you start the competition, I ask you to pronounce an oath.

"Forever sport faithful to:


Health from youth to store:


Do not cry and do not lose heart:


Rivals do not offend:


Competitions Love:


Try to be the first to be

Kly! "

Teams repeat a friendly oath.

Lead 1: Our competitions will be held in the form of stations:

1. Tunnel

2. Transfer flags

3. Current fans

4.Mine bar obstacles

6. Race crabs

7. Race goals

8. Relay - Train

Used inventory: "Bags, checkboxes, basket, balls"

Rules: One point gets a team that came to the finish of the first, two points - the second.

Event flow:


Teams stand on the start line in the column with each other. At a distance of 9m from the start line, there is a player and keeps the hoop with a bag, and then it is a chip. At the signal, the player runs, breaks through the hoop with a bag, circling the chip and returns to the command. Then the task performs the second, third, etc. It wins the team first completed by the relay.

2. Transfer flags

Teams are in two columns. At a distance of 10 meters in front of them flags. The whistle standing first in the column rises the checkbox, runs over the second, takes him by the hand and together they run to the flag. The first remains near the flag, and the second runs as follows. The relay is considered completed when the last player from each team will "move to the other side". Wins the command that will quickly execute the task.

3. Province of fans

While the glasses are counted, fans get up on the benches. The captain of the team rises in the middle of a bench 2 meters away with a basket in hand. Fans are trying to throw their balls in the basket. For each abandoned ball, 1 point is awarded.

4. Mini-band of obstacles

At the command, the first participant comes to the bracket (standing on the mate) jumps over it, then performs the knocker forward (on the mat), envelopes the rack, performs the knage (on the mate), comes to the bracket.

5. Captain Competition "Who is faster"

Two chairs are tied tapes 4-5 meters long. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the chairs, captains are becoming. They glue the belt to the belt the second end of the tape. On the team, the captains begin to rotate around so that the tape is twisted around the belt. Whoever sees to his chair, he won.

6. Race crabs

The first numbers are sitting on the platform, leaning around behind. At the signal, they begin to move, pulling off from the floor of the pelvis, turning through with their hands and legs. Before the control line, they move face forward, and back - back forward.

7. Race goals

Ahead standing takes the ball and between the legs transmits him from behind standing. He, in turn, convey the ball to the third and so on. The latter with the ball comes up flags and becomes at the beginning of the column. The game continues until the player standing first at the beginning of the competition, again will not be in the first place.

8. Relay - Train

In front of the teams standing in the columns, a line is carried out, and at 10-12 m from each of them are racks (printed balls). At the signal, the first command numbers are robbed (counterclockwise) and are sent to the starting line. They run past their columns, go to her back and run back to the racks. When they run the starting line, the second numbers are attached to them, and the second numbers are joined, and now the players are already an obstacle. After turning around the team, third numbers are joined around the team, etc. The game ends when the whole team depicting trains (not extinguishing hands), finishes, that is, the last player will cross the start line. In the game, the first numbers receive the first numbers, so when repeating the participants in the columns are located in the reverse order.

The jury summarizes the derivation of the relay, there is the same award for teams, because friendship won. Organized care for the venues.

Lead 2. So the time has come for the second stage. Before you start the competition, I ask you to pronounce an oath.

"Forever sport faithful to:


Health from youth to store:


Do not cry and do not lose heart:


Rivals do not offend:


Competitions Love:


Try to be the first to be

Kly! "

Lead 1: The second stage will also take place in the form of sports stations. You can see them on the screen:

1. Snipers

2. Rules day

3. Who will overtake

4. Outfoot with hoops

5. Attraction

6. Running with a rope

7. Treeshonki.

10. Competition of the Tag Arrow

12. Jumping on the balls

13. Guess

Used inventory: "Hoops, sand bags, rope, gymnastic sticks, balls, sheets of paper, bubble, kegley. "

Leading 2: But before we proceed to the practical part of the event, we will spend the warm-up, in which the teams must answer questions dedicated to sports subjects (for every answer on the point)

1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White)

2. How many rings in the Olympic flag? (Five rings)

3. What country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games? (Greece)

4. After how many years are summer Olympic Games? (Four years)

5. Who was dedicated to the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (God gods zeus)

6. What color is the Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.)

7. What is awarded the champion of modern Olympic Games? (Golden Olympic Medal)

8. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)

9. Who was the initiator of the beginning of the Olympic movement? (P. Kubert)

10. What was awarded the champion of the Olympic Games, in ancient Greece? (Olive wreath) 10

11. How much gold contains the Olympic medal? (At least 6 grams)

12. In what year of the Olympiad will be held in Russia? (2014)

13. In which city is the Olympiad in 2014? (Sochi)

14. Do children take part in the Olympics under 16? (No, only from 18)

15. Are women participating in the Olympics? (Yes)

Lead 1: Commands morally prepared and now show what they are fast and clever.

Competitions - Stations:

  1. Snipers

Children get up in two columns. At a distance of 3m before each column put on the hoop. Children take turns throw bags with sand and left hand, trying to get into the hoop. If the child fell, then his team is counted 1 point. Outcome: Who has more points, the team and won.

  1. Schedule

Teams are distributed in the scatter of the card with the points of the day. (`Lifting`,` Dinner`, `Free time`,` Breakfast`, `Charging`,` homework`,` Walk`, `School`,` Sleep`.) Teams should be built in the correct order.

  1. Who will overtake

Participants are equal on one line of the Shero, holding hands. Behind the signal leading all the commands jump on one leg to the planted line. Wins a team that will reach the line first.

  1. Relay with hoops

Two lines are held on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m one from another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, go back and transfer the hoop to his friend. The team wins the team that earlier will complete the relay.

  1. Attraction

Cutter. The first participants in the teams put a bag with sand on the head and pass to the chairs and back, pass the bag to second participants and so on.

  1. Running with a skip

The 1st runs around the signal before the checkbox and back, jumping through the rope. Then it puts it for 2 m, not coming to his own.

  1. Cycline

The bike in this relay will replace a gymnastic stick. The stick needs to be riddled to two participants. They are cyclists. Each bicycle duet, holding a stick between his legs, is to reach the rotary mark and back. Win the fastest.

  1. Towing

At the signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball in such a way that the ball remains in the hoop while driving. When losing the ball, return it to the hoop and continue the execution of the task. The winner becomes the command, all players whose faster will fulfill this task.

  1. Who is further Doonet

Participants are squatting on the floor, in front of them the caps from bottles. Task: blow on the plugs from bottles so that they fly off as far as possible. Throw your lid to the specified place.

  1. Competition of the Tagglow

Two sheets of white paper are attached on the stand. They are painted with green and blue ink. One of the participants let soap bubbles, and the second must blow on them and drive into the square. Wins the one who succeeds to do more of 5 -10 attempts.

  1. Skittles

There are 2 kegli on the site, one for each team at a distance. One participant comes from class. At the signal of the leading children should knock down the bow by the ball. Wins the one who betrays large quantity OK KEGLE

  1. Jumping on balls

Participants stand in a column for each other. The first numbers on the teams of the judge start moving in a straight line, performing jumps on the balls to the turning mark, it takes it, take the ball in the hands and run back to the finish line, the touch is transmitted by the next participant to the relay, etc.

One point gets a team that came to the finish of the first, two points - the second, etc.

  1. Guess-Ka

Guess the riddle of the "Board Sloves":

The teams are made by riddles. If none of the team guess, then the queue passes the next team.

Spray steel pipes

If you often clean ... teeth

I take dumbbells boldly -

Treraver Mathers ... Body

Made friends with physical education -

And proud now the figure

Want to become stronger?

Raise everything ... Dumbbells

Sleeping so as temperature

Here you are liquid ... medicine

It is not lucky today ...

The doctor gave bitter ... Tablets

Lucky today Yule

The doctor gave sweet ... pills

Juice, all useful tablets,

He will save from everyone ... Diseases!

Since childhood, people say to everyone:

Nicotine - fatal ... poison

Although the rank of pinch he and burns

Heals perfectly - red ... iodine

For scratches of Aleninka

Full there is a bottle ... Green

Announced Bacillim Fight:

My hands purely with .... Soap

I put yesterday

Two injections ... nurse

Borms are heard whistling -

Teeth treats everything ... Dentist

Leading 2: Well done Our teams, the jury summarizes the results of teams.

Host: - Dear guys and guests! That ended our sports competitions. Now we ask the respected jury to summarize and call the winners.

Lead 1:

Health is invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us is inherent in the desire to be strong and healthy, save as long as possible mobility, energy and achieve longevity.

Health is necessary

And daughters, and mother, and son.

You won't buy it for millions,

And you will not get it at the auction.

We wish you to acquire it,

Then strengthen it.

You go on a jog quickly,

With you, the whole seven are given.

And on the day of health, all the yard,

Take jogging and jump.

So be healthy!

Leading 2: We hope that today the meeting has not passed for nothing, and you have learned a lot from it. After all, "you will be free - you will add everything!"

Class hour for students 9 - 11 classes "Healthy youth -

healthy Nation! "

Equipment: computer, projector, handles, flyers, movies, pictures with

symptoms of disease.

Movies on electronic media, pictures taken from the Internet -

sources. (Students form groups optional).

Purpose: Develop a sense of collectivism, a sense of unity, cohesion, to form responsibility for their health, motivating to a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: Good evening, dear friends, colleagues! We are glad to see you on our physical education feast dedicated to the Day of Health! Today you are waiting for fun and jokes! Miss you will not be a minute!

I am glad to introduce you to our respected jury, as well as our wonderful teams and expensive fans. So! Let's start with the warm-up!

I will say the phrase, after which you need a choir to say "We do not argue! ", If you agree with the statement, or"We argue - argue!", Unless you agree.

In the fall come rain.
Spring is waiting for us ahead.
All day Meli blizzards.
Birds from the south flew.
Maple leaf is popped.
Lily of the lily White blooms.
Apples in the garden drove.
In the grove of nightingales.
We salted cabbage.
And the roller was filled with water.
The field is fog.
In the garden - only Byrian.
And the holidays are waiting for everyone.
Victory Day here like here.
Give Gurboy.
Waiting for the exam with you.
Days are getting longer.
It will be colder soon.
The puddles began to freeze.
Birds began to fly away.
Without candy, it is difficult for us very much.
Soon fall, by the way.
Cheering I am now.
You are mistaken many times.

  • So the first competition!


You are offered to "open" new Sadik - Inflated as quickly as possible a balloon, and then "settle" this kindergarten by children - quickly draw on the ball on the figure of children with markers. Who "children" in the kindergarten will be more - the winner!

(by the number of teams balloons and threads, by the number of participants of the felt-tipisters)

  • We start the second contest!

And now we will check if you know the fairy tales well that you yourself are reading children. I will read you a fairy tale, and you will need to record the names of the heard familiar fairy tales, and the jury will then check the correctness of the task.

How many fairy tales sounded?

They lived - Grandfather da Baba were, there was no ice hut, but Lubyana. They lived in her thirty years and three years. They lived, did not exist, and everything was fine, but God did not give the kids. So the old woman says the old man: "Stay-ka you, an old man, to a goldfish. Will fish, say, yes, they have scarce with her egg, and not simple, but golden. " And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman at the window of the village wait for him alone. Waiting - comes from the morning to night. Looks at sea, even the eyes are painted.

And the old man at that time does not joke: the hands, his feet is spinning rope. The teeth are sharp in the heart of the heart stuck and the testicle has hesitated. And the old woman in the hut smiles yes Ivan - the fool waited. Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done.

So winter has passed, spring has come. It became a sunshine and wanted the old woman to drink a key water. She went to the well, buried the water, but the trouble was stupid. Feed a bucket on the bottom of the well. Crying the old woman, with tears bitten. Look - a puddle. Give it, thinks the old woman, drinking from this puddle. And then the mouse runs and the voice is praised by human: "Do not drink, old, the goatnye will be." I did not obey the old woman and got drunk out of the puddle. Suddenly the thunder hit, grunted the lightning, and turned the old woman in the frog. Sits myself yes doubling. And on that time Ivan-Durak returned from hunting. Look - the frog is sitting. He pulled the arrow, aimed ... The frog prayed here: "Do not goubi me, Ivanushka, I come to you." So it came out, there are frogs.

Brought Ivanka a frog into the palace to the king-father. And he ordered the sovereign immediately to prepare three boilers: with water, ice, with water, and with pair milk. A frog was bought in three boilers and became a written beauty that neither in a fairy tale say no feather!

Here and the wedding played. And the deubsions were not forced to wait long. They arranged for their children a great set: in scales, like fever, thirty-three heroes.

And the old man has the blue sea and to this day goes: go to the right - the song turns out, left - the fairy tale says the one that I told you. So it turns out that the fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint - good young And old men lesson.

(teams leaves, felt-tippers, jury answers)

Jury Answers:

  • "Fox and hare" or "Zayushkina Hut";
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish";
  • "Snow Maiden";
  • "Ryaba chicken";
  • "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes";
  • "Fly Tsokotukha";
  • "Baba Yaga";
  • "Tale of sister Alyonushka and Bratz Ivanushka";
  • "Moroz Ivanovich";
  • "Princess Frog";
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse";
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan";
  • "Ruslan and Ludmila".


So that we do not bother
We will respond to rhyme.
Everything is clear to you for now?
The game begins!
And imagine well
We are a big aquarium.
Here fit here
With aqualung ...diver!
And then sleeps, snoring,
Promotomic blue ...
Reacting to snoring,
Side runs away ...
And on the bottom in the sand
With tentacles ...
Next to him to go around
Electric brother ...
Without falling on the hook
Lives sea ...
Looking for the best places
Five ...
Near only sailed
Flat Body ...
And for her, as a burden.
Rushing burning ...
In the shell floats without fear
Among the fish ...
Somewhere jaw flashed
Black Sea ...
Here at the bottom, well, like a toy,
Lies wonderful ...
Near the stone, like a pencil,
And behind him sea ...
Not one comes here
Smart, gentle ...
They play with him, as if in the cabin,
Long-tailed ...
Someone head shakes ...
What? Mermaids do not happen?
But I, friends, dreamed ...
And in the game came ...
the final.

  • We start the third contest!

And now, we will look at the quality of your work as educators.


Two dolls lie in the crots. You are provided with the tasks cards that you must perform in order. You must wake a doll, make a charge with her, wash, clean your teeth, combing, remove the bed, dress, feed, walk with a doll, play with her, wash her hands, feed, wash, spread, put in bed and sing a lullaby song. One wins, who has it faster and better.

(List of two teams and jury)

(prepare everything to the competition)

  • Fourth competition!

Brangle field.

Many bloated words in distant times had a completely different meaning. To your attention, I offer a question and three options for answers. You write the issue number and answer 1, 2 or 3.

1. Halturo previously called ...

1) The exit work of the priest is the funeral of the deceased at home, and not in the church.
2) award in the form of a medal from cheap copper.
3) Check documents at the entrance to the city.

2. Girls of easy behavior Initially called those young ladies that ...

1) ended the gymnasium with bad marks;
2) Studied by french;
3) did not marry until 20 years.

3. The bastard is ...

1) tax collector in Kievan Rus;
2) The profession of burlakov, "reducing" walking trial through water obstacles;
3) settlement on the border of two volosts.

4. Monsters once called ...

1) too talked people;
2) Ancient Russian farmers, that is, those who left the community for the sake of private landfall.
3) Children subjected to public spanking.

5. Idiot. Translated from Greek ...

1) private person;
2) a person who can read:
3) a person who refused to continue the craft of his father.

6. The word Poganese it came to us from Latin. His true meaning ...

1) the border guard (the letter "P" has fallen out of the word;
2) a person who does not understand the mushrooms, collecting some grasses;
3) Selyanin, rustic resident.

7. Skogogogo In Polish meant ...

1) Simple, little man;
2) a convinced bachelor with a great condition.
3) a person hiding from military service.

8. Bolvan. in ancient Russian ...

1) selfless person
2) Widower,
3) Massive boulder, rock.

9. Did not belong to the swordscoundrel because it indicated ...

1) an incredulous person;
2) Recruit, unsuitable for military service;
3) a person incapable of severe physical work.

10. The word infection In the past meant ...

1) Charm;
2) a girl who is very infectiously laughing
3) an ugly girl.

11. Oluchom called ...

1) shepherd;
2) Konya;
3) Old Town.

12. Copets Previously constituted ...

1) the male pre-wedding ceremony, then you mean the boyfriend;
2) a formidable tender in ancient Rus;
3) Mound from the Earth (Kurgan) to denote land ownership boundaries.

And we will play a little again while the jury sums up.

Theatrical riddles:

At least someone ask
Know - were in Russia
Funny - Mandrels,
Actors - merchant.
Scenes, jokes and tricks
Composed ...skomori!

He walks on stage, jumps,
He laughs, then crying!
At least depicting -
Mastery will be amazed!
And for a long time
View of the profession!

He managed by all
Thinking, runs, shouts!

He inspires actors
All play manages
As an orchestra conductor,
But calling ...producer!

Then king, and then the jester
Or king,
Lady, witch or fly,
Robinson Ile Starhukha
Become will help, for example,

Narrow eye and long nose -
In the theater, this is not a question.
If you want to become another,
Call for help!

The play on glory was able,
And the public is satisfied with all!
Artist special ovations
For colorful ...scenery.

The jury announces the results of contests.

  • Fifth Competition!

Now let's see how you play with children!


Eyes are tied by all team members, then pyramids are scattered by the number of teams, large and small. Teams to the touch should correctly and quickly collect pyramids.

  • Sixth Competition!

Well, the last, the final contest!

Favorite fairy tales.

According to the principle edible - incredible: for each correct answer - a step forward.
Each participant raises hand if he knows the answer.
Who's first raised, he answers.

  • Elevator for unclean power (trumpet).
  • Character who burst (bubble).
  • The personification of a family that Pinocratino poked his nose (hearth).
  • Friend Winnie - Pooh, who stayed with a tail (IA).
  • Commander of 33rd boys(Chernomor).
  • Cave Lock - Spell(SIM - SIM, OPEN!)
  • Detail of a female dress in which lakes and swans are placed(sleeve).
  • King's radar - Liegehogs, which is tired of the root cases(Cockerel).
  • Pardon Shot Maze for Tinch - Havroshchi (Cow).
  • Award for the feat that the kings give(POLUMENTS).
  • Reliable fairytale orientation tool (clew).
  • The most friendly communal apartment (Teremok).
  • Seven desires on one leg(sevenctioneetics).
  • Ungrateful listener of songs (a fox).
  • The name of the Great English Region(Robin - Bobin Barak).
  • The highest achievement of a fabulous catering(Tablecloth - self-ban).
  • Traditional dish of Enica - Banikov(vareniki).
  • The most round fabulous hero (Kolobok).
  • Fluffy owner of sapog (cat).
  • Residence Baba Yaga (a hut on chicken legs).

While the jury summarizes the result, we will play a little.

All in motion:

All in motion lives!
Who flies and who goes
Gesture need to show!
I will help you.
Who flies - waving hand!
Who swims - note the wave!
Who just goes - clap!
Who crawls - Fall!

Heavy Colorad Beetle ...
Candidate of Medical Sciences…
Horse fast-fast sea ...
The buzzing fruit ...
Beautiful white moth ...
Fluffy little ferret ...
Long rainworm ...
Puzzled, Little Hammer ...
Air - White Medusa ...
Poet or composer muse ...
Spotted Snack Snake ...
He, she, you and me ...
Winged Bird Ostrich ...
Santa Claus or Santa Claus ...

- And now our multi-dressed jury will summarize the last competitions and announce today's winners!

Award ceremony.

Julia Fedorova
Scenario of the Day of Health Day "Marathon Health"

Holiday script

"Marathon of Health"

The target audience: Minors 8-14 years

Purpose: Propaganda among pupils of a healthy lifestyle, development of interest in physical culture and sport.


1. Holding health events aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

2. Improving the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases.

3. Fastening knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Location: playground

Form of work: relay, quiz, game.

Expected Result: To form knowledge about the health of saving factors aimed at strengthening the body.

Equipment: "Skis" from plastic bottles, balls, bucket, rope, felt-tumbers, emblems templates, strap with three ropes, potatoes, spoon, big pants, tent, letters, tokens, bint, tires, air balloons.

Event flow:

Sports march sounds, teams come out and are built.


How many athletes in this room

The game will grow up here.

Agility, exposure and courage

Show long time.

Today, guys, we are holding a "health marathon."

Now every team will come up with itself?

So that the guys were easier, on back side The emblems are written by river.

Team "___"

To do not know with diseases,

We need to tempt us.

We are accustomed to engage

Physical education in the morning!

Team "___"

We love we always frolic

Love to run and ride.

Fall and not so

And jerk again!

All gathered? All healthy? Run and play ready?

Well, then do not be lazy to pass the stations to become!

I.Tancan "Healthy"

Very everyone will try

They will be engaged in sports.

Yes guys? But first,

Speaking without unnecessary words

One desire is small

Everyone must be healthy.

Where are we doctor?

Doctor appears

Doctor, all these guys

In champions candidates.

I ask you to answer:

All ready or not?


So, so, now check

I will ask you to get up smoothly

And commands to perform:

Breathe deeply, deeper,

By team inhale and exhale.

Do not breathe, do not breathe

Everything is in order, relax.

Together raise hands,

Shake, can

Shake, twist,

Fine! Lower!

Bend, distingate,

Right to the left turn

And smile to each other!

Yes, I am pleased with inspection,

No one is sick of the guys.

Every fun and healthy,

To competitions ready!

1 Competition "Doctor"

Participate two people from teams. One - the patient, the other is a doctor. The task is who faster and carefully impose a tire.

2 Competition "My Lungs"

Representatives from the teams give balloons. According to the team "Marsh" - they inflate them until they burst. The team wins, who will burst all the balls.

II. Station "Sports"

Relay "Biathlon"

But, in order to find out the name of the relay, you must guess riddles.

Long move went to Konkov

At the threesome friend

It was very difficult for them to climb on the rise.

Suddenly honed moving

Shab rifles - and shoot!

Beat targeted targets -

Once, the other, four, five.

And rushed under the slope.

What is this?. (biathlon)

Commands start simultaneously on the "March!" Team. Each participant has plastic skis legs. Each participant runs, rubbing landmarks to its target. Performs throw with a small ball in the target. Returns back, transmits the relay. Each hit target is an extra points for the team.

Relay "Merry Balls"

Riddling riddles:

Round, smooth as watermelon

Color any different taste. (Balls)

The team receives on the set of balls for the game, the target is any suitable capacity: basket, bucket, pan, etc. During a certain time, all team members throw balls in a bucket. Each participant has three three balls in his arsenal. The total success consists of the maximum number of abandoned balls in the bucket.

Relay "Running in pants"

Riddling riddles:

"On the way I walked

Two paths found.

On both went "(pants)

Representatives from both teams build up at the starting line in the back of the head to each other. In the hands of the first huge pants. At the command, players put on pants, run to a certain mark, remove pants and run back to transfer them to the next participant of the competition.

Relay "Potato in a spoon"

Riddling riddles:

And green and dense

A bush grew on the garden

Show a little:

Under the bush (potato)

The participant puts the potato in a spoon, which holds his hands for the handle. Then runs to the mark and back, trying not to lose potatoes. If it fell, points are not counted. After the next team member starts.

The relay "Sorryokozki"

Riddling riddles:

Canvas but not a walkway

Horse not horse - (Sorry-tree)

For the relay, you need a rope for each team. Commander of the team, holding a rope, runs up to the mark and back, grabbing the second participant, and again, running to the mark. He runs with everyone until he collishes all.

Competition "Ontrinti"

Riddling riddles:

Everything without hands can be enough,

But, and the one who was still able, says I (octopus)

Two teams of 4 people and 2 leading. One gets up in the middle, 3 participants surround him. The belt of a person in the center is attached by one end three ropes (length 3 meters, the other end is tied to the wrist every remaining of 3 children

Driving from each team coming out of the hall, during his absence, participants are confused, changing places. When after 5 minutes, the leading returns, then they should unwrap the opponent as quickly as possible. This team wins the team, which quickly coped with this difficult task.

III.station "Visknay"

And now we will see which of the teams the smartest and uncalled?

Quiz "Sport, Sport, Sport"

1. Tell me where and when was the last winter Olympic Games? (in the city of Sochi in 2015).

2. What are the talisman of the Olympic Games of Sochi 2014 (leopard, white bear, bunny).

3. Name the Paralympic Mascifications of 2014 Paralympic Games (Luche and Snowflake).

4. (General) Name winter species Sports of the Olympic Games. (ski racing, biathlon, figure skating, bobsles, skiing, skeleton, curling, speed skating, short track, skiing diet, jumping from springboard, snowboarding, freestyle, sledding, hockey).

5. Name the motto of the Olympic Games ("faster, above, stronger").

6. Sports game with ball and bat. (Baseball)

7. What is the name of the construction for sports games. (Stadium).

8. What is called an athlete who won the competitions. (Champion).

9. What is the end of the end of the distance. (Finish).

10. Ice covered platform. (Rink)

11. Self beautiful view Sports on ice. (Figure skating)

12. Game with a washer - this is (hockey)

13. In which sports on the site stretched the grid. (Volleyball, Pioneerball, Large Tennis)

14. The purpose of this game is to score the ball at the opponent's voice. (football)

15. What is called an athlete who won the competition. (champion)

16. Headdress to protect against injuries. (Helmet)

17. What seeks to establish athletes at the competition. (Record)

IV. Station "Tourist"

Quiz "Foreway of young tourists"

1. Bird, which first arrive in the spring. (rook)

2. This bird never builds the nests for himself, the eggs leaves the eggs and does not remember the chicks. (cuckoo)

3. What landscape surrounds us. (steppes, forests, mountains, rivers)

4. Which seas are washed by the borders of the Kuban. (Black Sea, Azov Maare)

5. What rivers of our edge you know. (Kuban, Urup, Laba, Beychug)

6. Who is changing four times in a year. (land)

7. The garden has a sun on a leg on the track. (sunflower)

8. Handless, without an ax, an election is built. (nest)

9. Name animals flowing in winter in a hibernation. (bear, hedgehog, bucksuck)

10. Name the largest animal of our forests. (elk, roe)

Competition "Collect a tent»

Participants collect a tent. The quality and speed is rated.


So we passed with you together "Marathon Health." And now let's summarize, we calculate the number of points.

To be always healthy

We need to know a lot

Only eat right

Sports must be engaged

Vitamins get!

To be always healthy

We must really try

Need clean drink water

Keep one's care

In the meadows, walking the fields.

It's never too late to think about your health.

Start right now!

Award winners with diplomas. Photos for memory.

World Health Day

Purpose: formation of students in the need for a healthy lifestyle;

development of interest in physical culture and sport.


1. Attracting students for classes various species sport;

2. Holding health events aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

3. Improving the resistance of the organism of children and adolescents to various diseases, performance of schoolchildren, productivity of their training.

    Punish the skills and skills in schoolchildren to independent exercise classes.

Health Day Program:

    Rule dedicated World Day Health.

    Morning work-out.

    Events in the gym.

    Release sheets of health.


Posters are posted on the topic: "We are for a healthy lifestyle!", "Health is fine - Thanks to Charging!", "Health - All Head", "Sport and Movement - Life!", "So that healthy, strong to be , you need sports, friends, love. "

Structure of the event:

On this day, the morning begins with a ruler for all classes dedicated to the World Health Day. Then pass sports events. And at the end of the school day, each class produces a piece of health. (Under the sounds of a sports march, students and teachers of the school enter the hall for opening the day of health)

World Health Day Line

Lead 1: kindday,dear friends! Today, April 7, on the entire planet, people celebrate World Health Day. On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world, so that the children of the entire planet grew up healthy and strong, bold and brave, dexterous and stronger!

Why is there such a day? Yes, because health is the most expensive thing that has a person. But what kind of health is?

(Children in turn say that it means this word for them).

1 student: Health is when you feel good!

2 student: Health is when nothing hurts!

3 student: Health is beauty!

4 student: Health is power!

5 student: Health is flexibility and harmony!

6 student: Health is stamina!

7 student: Health is harmony!

8 student: Health is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning!

9 student: Health is when you can easily climb 4 floor!

10 student: Health is when you are happy to fulfill any work!

11 student: Health is when you enjoy life!

Lead 2: Guys, you are all right. "Health before all the other benefits that the healthy beggar of the happier of the sick king."

Lead 1. . "A person can live up to 100 years, - said Academician Pavlov I.P. "We ourselves are inappropriate, with their rawness, with their ugly applying with their own organism, we reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure."

Lead 2: Health must be preserved, take care of him with early years. Even sessions know about it.

(Graduate students are told by the poem).

1 student:

2 student:

Follow guys know
You need to sleep all a little longer.
Well, and in the morning do not be lazy -
For charging to become!

3 student:

Brush teeth, wash
And more often smile
Turn and then
You are not afraid of the Handra.

4 student:

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, Milk Products -
Here is a useful meal,
Vitamins full!

5 student:

Go for a walk
Fresh air Breathe.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress up the weather!

6 student:

Here you have good advice,
Secrets are harnessed in them.
To keep your health -
Learn to appreciate it!

Lead 1:our school to hold the holiday "Day of Health and Sports" is ready.

I give the floor to the school director Kiselevie N.P.

Welcome speech director of the school.

Presentation of diabetes mellitus. (Treshtkina T. A.)

Lead 2: Guys! Everyone heard to be healthy need to move as much as possible. After all, there is no wonder: "Movement is life." I suggest you all moving a little, spread your body. After all, the morning you need to start with charging. Why do you need charging?

Pupil: This is not a riddle at all -
To develop strength

And all day not to get tired!

(Teacher of physical education Commands: "To charge - marry!" And with all students, teachers perform a complex of morning charging).

We go to the site
Step in place - two forward
And then the opposite.
Hands up raised above.

Lowered - clearly breathe.

Exercise second.
Hands side. Feet apart
So long ago it was done.
Three tilt do down
Four climb!

All the flexibility is needed in the world,
We will lean children!
Once - to the right, two - left.

Strengthen our body.

Satisfied every day
Rock sleep and laziness.
Squat down
Grow higher.

In the prison in good time
We jump now.
One two three four -
In friendship, we live and the world!

Lead 1: Well done boys! I see that many of you make a fluzard, play sports.

Sport guys, we need everyone.
We are firmly friends with sports!
Sport - Assistant!
Sport - Health!
Sport - game!
All Fizkult - Hooray!

Lead 2:

Welcome to all
Who found time
And came to school for the health of health!
We will be healthy, with charging friendly,
We are sports with physical education, like air needed!

Lead 1.

Very everyone will try

They will be engaged in sports.

Yes guys? But first,

Speaking without unnecessary words

One desire is small

Everyone must be healthy.

Lead 2: Where are we doctor?

(A student appears in a doctor's costume)

Lead 1.

Doctor, all these guys

In champions candidates.

I ask you to answer:

All ready or not?


So, so, now check

I will ask you to get up smoothly

And commands to perform:

Breathe deeply, deeper,

By team inhale and exhale.

Do not breathe, do not breathe

Everything is in order, relax.

Lift hands together,

Shake, can

Shake, twist,

Fine! Lower!

Bend, distingate,

Right to the left turn

And smile to each other!

Yes, I am pleased with inspection,

No one is sick of the guys.

Every fun and healthy,

To competitions ready!

Lead 2: Thank you, doctor!

Lead 1: And nowwe continue the day of health. And no matter who will be the winner today. The main thing is that we all felt the atmosphere of the holiday. The atmosphere of heartiness and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let the friendship bring you down!

Sport competitions:

Competition participants:

Students of grades 1-11 participate in sporting events, cool leaders and educators, and other school teachers.

Guide to the competition:

The general management of the Day of Health is carried out by the school administration, direct management assigned to physical culture teachers.

Conditions for: 1 group 1-4 classes;

2 Groups 5-11 classes.

Competition Program:

1. Fast legs

The participants of each team are built on the start line in the column one by one, in the hands of the guide air ball. The signal leading in the column runs out due to the starting line. It runs in a straight line, robes a rack and returns to his team and transfers the ball to the next participant, and himself becomes the end of his column. Whose team is faster?

(2nd balls)

2. Relay with a ball

The first player give the ball, which he transmits above the head next and so to the last. The latter performs the ball to the rack, returns, becomes ahead and transmits the ball behind the players. The team wins, which is the first to change places.

(2 b / patient ball)

3.Raspal-collect. Here is the task of the thread, ponster and more appropriate to go ahead, you need to be attentive ..

Each team is built on the start line in the column one by one.

At a certain distance lie 4gIm Circle. IN Backpack Lying 20.objects . Participant s. runsbackpack and lay outitems five to each circle, returns from emptys backpacks transfers the relay to the following. Participant runs and with the help of a scoop and broom collects "trash" inbucket andsends a bucket trail. Player, and broom and scoop through a player, etc.

(8 g / circles, 2 backpacks in each of 20 items)

4.Remick words .

Decrypt words:

health disease

Charging necklessness

Movement poisoning

Leisure laziness

Food mode

Vegetables envy

Fun ignorance

Food infection

Whose team guesses the words decryption more - wins.

(2 sheets with words health and illness, 2 handles)

5. What a miracle - Skok Yesch! Went, the bag started! Hey, grab it, catch, keep the bag with a sack!

The teams are built at the starting line into the column and on the whistle each team member, chairs, jumps in the bag to the rack and returns to the same way, transfers the next participant to the relay. (2 mix)6. Competition Captain

Collect drawing. On the sheet, the drawing is cut on 10 parts. Who quickly? (2 envelopes with drawings)

7. "Grasshopes"

Choose jumping by moral - in height or long and Toll left, right Rsaw sospace silence. If he was very swollen, it was pushed into the apartments, then consider, the jump was able to fly in the flight of blesses.

Each family is built into the column one by one .. At the signal, the participant performs a jump in length, pushing out both legs. From the landing site, the jump does another .. The team wins, the one will be further than others.

The teams jumped perfectly, setting a high tone to us by the contest. Today, all worthy of the highest praise, all the teams showed cohesion and will to victory. But in all competitions there is someone better.

Now ask the judicial board to summarize the six-past competitions (one member of the judiciary announces results)

8.Als about health.

Teams in turn call proverbs. What a team knows more proverbs - wins.

9. "Bogatyry"

One player from the team. Every weight gain is 16 kg. Wins the one who for 30 seconds will raise a larger number of times. Each participant should have a judge.

(2 Giri)

10. Relay with an inflatable ball

Participants are built on the start line in the column one by one. At the first in his hands an inflatable ball. By the signal, he, having a ball with his hand, moves forward to the rotary rack and back. The second performs the same, but bakes a ball of a tennis racket, the third - gymnastic stick, the fourth - Badbinton racket, fifth - with his hands. The team wins, which earlier performs the task.

(2 inflatable balls, T / rackets, g / stick, b / rackets)

11.Sight words.

From letters wordsHardening Create words (names of land. in units, nominative without abbreviations). Which team will wins words more.

The results of the competition brings the jury.

Health is value and wealth,

Health people need to be treated!

There is a right and sport to do,

And harden, and with the charcoal to be friends.

Lead 1: Congratulations !!!

Friends! Despite the results of today's competitions, all participants and fans received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood!

Lead 2: That ended our sports holidayToday you have become even stronger, hardy and bold. I wish you to "day of health" you had every day: both at school, and at home. Be strong, healthy and dexterous!

Lead 1: Guys, always remember the winged phrases: "Sport and movement - life", "in a healthy body - healthy mind! "So that healthy, strong to be, you need sports, friends, love." We wish everyone: "Be healthy!".

See new meetings on sports fields!