Repairs Design Furniture

How to raise the roof of the house - general recommendations. How to raise the roof of the house to increase the height of the ceilings how to raise the roof of the house do it yourself

Low ceilings - the problem of many private houses of the old building. If you bought such a house or are its owner, the height of the ceilings can be increased, without disassembling the roofs. You can do it yourself, to get in one or two helpers.

But at first to this work, you need to prepare well. For this we will need at least three oil jack with a lifting capacity from 5 tons, the more, the better. In the quality of the racks, it is possible to use brica, bars, metal profiles (pipes, schweller, 2-ways). We prepare gaskets from thick boards or the same channels on the floor, and under the jacks and ceiling beams.

We will take care and about the material that we will increase the walls: brick, saman, foam blocks (about the wooden house is not talking now). Do not forget to buy cement and sand for the preparation of the solution. All materials should be enough for a full cycle of work, because they need to be done quickly. Otherwise, a strong wind can undermine the roof standing on the gaskets, and add a bunch of new problems to the owner.

If everything is ready, you can slowly start. We define where we have beams (in some homes they are sewn, in some visible outside). We start from the corner. We will need a rack (channel, log, timber) and three pads: under the channel on the floor, between the jack and the channel and between the jack and the beam. The axis should be strictly vertical, otherwise the rack and jack will begin to rejoice, the latter can jump out and cause injury. Therefore, be extremely attentive. If the work went with a breakdown, loosen the jack and proceed the entire design by vertical.

After making sure that the vertical is observed, extending a caution jack for 5 centimeters, no more. Place the laying between the wall and the beam. Drugs do not weaken. Take the next jack and raise the next beam. Having put forward all the jacks, you can move back to the corner, from where they started, raising the beams for another 5 centimeters and paving the gaskets of already greater thickness between the beams and the wall. Now go to the opposite wall and perform similar operations, raising the beams of 5 cm and installing the gaskets between the beams and the wall. From this side, they can be raised a total of 15-20 cm.

Extreme beams usually go over the walls. Domkrat do not bring there. Here I will help Older-Archimedes. We have to raise the beams manually, a lever with an enlarged shoulder. When the rest of the beams are already raised by this time, the task will not be so complicated. You may want to raise the height of window openings. To do this, you will need to raise jumpers over them and lay the emptiness at the moment when the roof is on jacks. But it's better with windows not to wise, but to build brick columns on the walls on the walls on the walls. When he gets up, the jacks can be loosen, gently lowering the beams to new supports. It will only remain to report the wall to the level of beams, smell all the gaps, and walk in the renewed house in full growth, and even bounce from joy.

One nuance. Do not leave jacks for a long time under load, and even more so at night. They can fail, and if you were taken for rent, you will have to explain with the owner. If you did not have time to finish working in the evening, lower the beams on the gaskets, and let the jacks take a rest. Do not lean the jacks in the beam itself without pads. The effort is quite large, and the roof weighs decently, so the beam is easy to split or split, it is also aged. Do not rush, and do the job carefully. Then the house will serve you for many years. Good luck!

One way to increase residential space in the house is an attic device in an attic room. Unfortunately, it is not always possible due to a low roof. However, this problem can also be solved, without even respected to dismantling. To do this, you just need to know how to raise the roof of the house. If you solve this task, you can build any room, at least a bedroom, even a nursery, though the office.

Preparatory stage of work
Before starting to lift the roof, it is necessary to strengthen the roof base itself. To this end, it is most advisable to apply a metal frame that is made from a chapellera. Vanted stretch marks need to be made of 14 mm diameter from reinforcement rods. Special support legs will be used as guide rails that provide an easy rise, eliminating the offset to the side.
To attach a channel to the surface of the bar, it is necessary to prepare screws with a length of 10 cm, with a diameter of 10 mm. The longitudinal channels located in the center are directly attached to Brus, they are welded with metal ears around the perimeter. Through them, the channel will be attached to Brusa by screws. As practice shows, at least 70 screws with a diameter of 8 millimeters can be needed. Channels are used 2 times less, while their strength will be sufficient to hold the roof. In addition, their further use is quite acceptable for mounting the overlap between the attic and the first floor room. The weight of the chawls to be used to strengthen the roof of the house can reach 2.3 tons.
How to mount support legs
Purpose of support legs is to ensure easy lifting and avoiding displacement to the sides. Support legs can reach 1,4 tons weight. It develops from the fact that each of the 4 legs weighs 350 kg. The height is 2.9 meters, and each other feet are connected by horizontal chapels of the brand 8U. The product has a length of 0.385 m. The distance between horizontal skewlings of the support legs is 0.25 m. The struts of the brand 10 y are used to make inclined channels. With a slope of 45 degrees, their length is one and a half meters.
If you follow the suggestions, you can get supported legs that have the necessary strength. A permissible wind load for such a design is 73 meters per second. Such legs will keep a 100-ton roof without any problems. However, before the device, it is necessary to make calculations of both horizontal and wind load. It is necessary to place the support legs in those places where there is a capital wall in the house or partition half of the standard brick. This will allow not to worry that the design can destroy the overlap of the first floor.
Roof lifting procedure
To properly hold the roof process, you need to prepare such tools like:
Hydraulic jack.
Metal fittings.
Poles from reinforced concrete.
Standard metal strip.
A hammer.
Screws with the required parameters.
After the preparatory work is completed, you can start lifting the roof. For these purposes, a hydraulic jack is used, which can lift the weight of at least 12 tons. You can take two jacks, but it can lead to poor stability of the structure while lifting with 2 reference points. In the process of lifting security, you need to use special substrates that make a square tube or from screwrs. The crossbars located on the supports must be from each other at least 25 cm. It is necessary to use 12 transverse rings for each support. In order to achieve the desired height, the free space between the cross is laid, made of square supports or chalsels, substrates.
The roof of the house is not raised simultaneously, but in turn from each corner about 5 centimeters in one pass. Moving in a circle, and making an alternate lift from different points, you need to dial a height of 25 cm. The crossbars are welded to the supports only after this height is achieved. After lifting the roof 185 cm, parallel starts to produce brickwork for the outer wall. The rise on this height takes at least 3 days. A reinforcing belt should be used in the masonry. In the next raising the whole roof, the supports of the jack are rising. It is established on the same basis on which the roof is based on. To make a full attic, the roof should be erected at a height of about 287 cm. To do this, you will need about 12 days. The entire space between the overlapping and the roof is filled around the perimeter with brick walls.
Dersighted space device
After lifting the roof and installation in the place of the walls, the window blocks are determined into the corresponding openings, the formation of which should be carried out simultaneously with the masonry walls. The insulation of the underpants is made after complete wall mounting. It should ensure good protection against penetration from water outdoor. For an attic room, it is necessary to provide good insulation, as the attic has a large square of contact with the external environment.
Most often, mineral wool is used for this, which is a material from fibers with excellent thermal insulating qualities. Waterproofing on the insulation is arranged not only outside, but also indoors. So that it is high quality you need to use special membrane films. The insulation must have good quality since the attic will be used all year round. The attic itself should have a multi-layered design, which includes vapor barrier, waterproofing, insulation, roofing, and the inner decoration of the room. Ventilation must be arranged, which will protect it from the appearance of mold, fungus and dampness. A large gap is needed between the insulation layer and the roof, the thickness of which should be from 2.5 to 5 cm. It depends on the roofing material.
You can install vertical or inclined windows into the raised roof, which are often used for attic space. Build vertical windows is much more complicated than inclined, as it is required for each window to construct your lines. Use 2 options has other advantages. Inclined windows allow more light to penetrate the room. According to regulations, the windows must occupy about 12% of the entire surface of the walls.
The operation on the rise of the roof and the structure under it of residential premises is a rather time-consuming process requiring serious material costs and participation of professional builders. Therefore, when independently, the implementation of these works should be very careful to study the theoretical foundations of technology. Preferably before conducting work, consult with experts

Up to the required height, perform new, build a new and roofing pie.

New roof is an expensive and troublesome business. However, there are options in which the complete disassembly of the design will not be required.

Good result at a minimum cost

Increase the height of the rooms under the roof, which is in the design of subcording beams, with the smallest costs in this way.

Delivered residential premises, that is, the floor is completely. Gypsumton or wooden panels are mounted to transverse structural elements, thus the ceiling is formed. The grounds are also decorated.

The obvious advantage of this method is that the supporting structures are not affected: the walls and the roof frame remain in its original form, while the ceiling rises.

Time-consuming but effective way

More complex, but, undoubtedly, more attractive in terms of performance is the rise of the roof with the help of jacks.

  • First of all, the base of the roof is strengthened with the help of chalkers.
  • Supports are installed, also made from channels. Since the load at the point of the stop will be great, it is necessary that the supporting structure is under the support. When calculating, it is important not to forget about. In order to avoid damage in the house, for racing rafters with better to choose good weather.
  • After strengthening, the roof rise begins. The angle is lifted using a hydraulic jack at a height, not exceeding five centimeters - then it goes alternately in a circle.
  • Transverse metal beams are fixed on supports with welding. You can use others as lining that meet the requirements for strength, structural elements.
  • Metal roof support is the support for the jack.
  • Brick masonry should be increased after lifting to the required height.
  • The roof is fixed on the walls: Armopoyas is flooded on top of the bearing walls, stacked on which the rafter frame is mounted.
  • Works are performed on additional hydro and - it is especially important to perform this item if the ceilings have increased for arrangement.

Important moment: the number of lifting mechanisms

Some builders recommend using several hydraulic jacks with a lifting capacity of five tons each.

Separately, there is a question with their acquisition - it is inappropriate, and lease more than two difficult.

In addition, the theoretical calculations are not taken into account possible errors in the work of the devices themselves.

That is, ideal conditions are unlikely to succeed, but to rely on the coordinated work even two similar mechanisms is not worth it.

The risk of a roof skew or offset to the side is too large: with two reference points there are more chances to lose stability.

Weighted solution

Note that it follows only after a comprehensive and detailed inspection of the status of the rafter system. If some beams rotted, it is impossible to predict how the framework behaves when exposed to it.

It is impossible to achieve an effective effect without a certain risk. However, with competent calculations, the probability of success is very large.

And if the roof is durable, reliable - for example, it will last for a long time, covering the room with high ceilings.

However, in search of additional residential square meters, many make a decision to raise the roof. Immediately it is worth saying that this work process is quite complicated and requires special equipment. But on the other hand, if desired, it is quite realistic to cope with the work independently. This article will talk about how to raise the roof of the house.

Before losing the roof, it should be careful. First, make sure that the base of the house is reliable. If not, it is necessary to work on its strengthening. For this purpose, take a channel 14U. In addition, it is necessary to purchase metal rods Ø14 mm.

To the channels, the metal ears should be welded by which the bolted connection will be performed. If we talk about transverse chambers, then their quantity must be two times less. The resulting design will be able to keep the roof. In general, the chawliers will have a lot of weight, about 2 tons. Therefore, all attachments and connections must be as reliable as possible.

The installation of support legs will reduce the likelihood that the roof will be shifted to the side. Support legs will serve as guides. They are made from Schawler 12U, enough 4 pieces. They are connected by chapellers horizontally 8th. Feet weighing 350 kg each, which are connected horizontally to chapellers. For an inclined strut for 45 °, channel 10u should be applied. The length of the selected channel will directly depend on what height the roof is raised.

Provided that you will apply the material with these parameters, the basis for keeping the roof will be truly powerful and stable. Moreover, it will be able to withstand the wind load of up to 73 m / s, and the weight hold up to 100 tons. With all this there is a small margin of safety. Such supports are preferably located on the bearing walls, as well as additionally on partitions, the thickness of which in the Pollipich.

If 2 jacks are used, there is always a risk that the roof will lose its stability, so be extremely careful.

Also be sure to telect the square pipe that will be used as a substrate between crossings. So, the work looks like this:

  • At each point, start raising the roof by the order. At one time you can lift up to 50 mm in height.
  • So, having passed in a circle when the height reaches 250 mm to the supports of the breasuit.
  • When the roof is raised by 1850 mm, then in parallel, the outer wall laying should be carried out. But first pour Armopoyas, and then put the brick on it.

If you plan to make a full floor, then the roof will have to lift up to 2870 mm. On average, it may take about 12 days.

When the roof is completely in its new place, be sure to complete the brickwork. As for the underproof space, a number of works should be made in which thermal insulation is included. To do this, you can use mineral wool. Depending on the roofing material, the thickness of the air gap is determined between it and thermal insulation. Also, the insulation is protected by a membrane film. In general, it should be made of roofing pie, which also includes vapor barrier and waterproofing.

The use of this technology is also possible in a wooden house. We and our readers are very interesting to know whether you have practices for doing this work. If so, you will definitely share your experience, because practice is much more effective than theory.


How to lift the ceiling in the house will be in the video material:

Old buildings are low ceilings. If you are the owner of this house and want to increase the height of the ceilings, it is not necessary to disassemble the roof - it can be raised on its own. This will help our master class.

Tools and Materials for Work

We need:

  • at least three jacks (preferably oil) with a lifting capacity from 5 tons;
  • corresponding to them the amount of durable compression of wooden bars, metal chawls (optimally) or pipes of suitable length;
  • the amount of hard gaskets for the floor, which will redistribute the dot load from the jack in the area (thick boards, slicing schuler, etc.);
  • the gasket material that will be laid under the beams and jacks in the process of lifting the roof (trimming boards, bricks, etc.): their quantity must be calculated so as for all beams on both sides to the full height of the roof lift;
  • the material from which walls will be raised (brick, seven, saman, etc.), as well as building solutions (sand, clay, cement, etc.): their quantity must be calculated depending on the length of the walls and height, on which the roof will raise.

So, let's begin

As part of the first stage of work, you need to adjust the jacks under the ceiling beams. Beams can be originally visible or sewn from below, in this case it is necessary to calculate their position (it corresponds to the location of the roofing case) and mark on the walls from the inside to know where to install jacks. In the process there will be a lot of dust, so the furniture is worth covering or out of the room.

We start from the corner. We establish a jack on the distributing gasket strictly under the beam and slightly explicate the channel between the beam and the jack, having extending the jack rod. The jack has yet to remain a stroke reserve for 5-10 centimeters for the upcoming lift. Next you need to make sure that the channel is located vertically in all planes. If necessary, you can weaken the jack, to adjust the channel and slightly separate it again.

If you do not plan to sew the beams in the future, put the laying material between the channel and the beam, so the beam will not receive damage. Now you can try carefully raise the beam. Watch out for the mutual position of the jack and channel. If you see what happens at the point of their contact, loosen the jack and move it slightly into the inner side of the break. Do not ignore this break - under the increasing load during the lifting the channel can jump out from the connection, which is fraught with injuries. If there is no breakfast, extend the rod of the jack of 5 centimeters, no more, and fix this position by placing between the beam and the laying wall. Do not weaken the jack at the same time.

The same operation will repeat with all the jacks on one side of the house.

The more jacks you have, the better - you will save time on their reinstalling.

When all the jacks are raised by 5 centimeters, you can start again from the first and to the penultimate, raising them for another 5 centimeters and increasing the thickness of the gaskets between the beam and the wall. It is not necessary to raise above: in the case of a large skeleton, the roof can "move" in the process of raising the opposite side.

Next we weaken and rearranged all jacks under the following beams, except for the last, raised by 5 centimeters. We repeat the whole process first. When all the beams on the one hand are raised by 10 centimeters and gaskets are embedded under them, go to the other side of the house and raise the same way. From this side, it is possible to lift 15-20 centimeters, we also make all further lifts to the necessary height. Thus will be compensated for a small displacement, which is obtained during the skew of the roof.

Additional difficulties

The first and last beams are usually hidden by a wall, so it will be necessary to raise them manually, with an enlarged shoulder. Make it will be much easier when the second and penultimate beams of the house are already raised by 5 centimeters.

The distribution gasket under the jack should be strong enough, this will avoid damage to the flooring.

Fix the roof at the right height

When the beam is raised to the necessary height, under it you need to build a backup. Even if you use clay when bookmarking the openings, it is better to use a solution for the construction of the backups, since it dries faster and acquires the necessary strength. Returning the backup will have to be at the point when the beam relies on the raised jack, after weakening the jack on the backup immediately lay the load - the fresher clay at this moment is likely to give a drawdown.

Particular difficulties will be part of the walls, where the beams fall over the window openings. You will probably want to increase the height of the windows, for this you will need to raise the jumpers and lay emptiness at the moment when the beams are based on the jacks.

Try to effectively organize the whole process so that it takes as little time as possible. While the roof is standing on temporary supports, it is a pretty shaky design - a strong wind glowing can spoil the result of your work.

After the inner laying is put, and the roof is firmly worth, you can lift the facial laying.

Since the rise and repair of the roof - the occupation is quite time consuming, it is worth thinking immediately and about the renewal of the roof, so that this question is no longer bothered.