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The cities of Romania on the Black Sea. Beaches in Romania. Holidays for different taste

The most popular resort of Romania is the belt Brasov. His beauty and locality in the midst of the coniferous forest makes a huge number of Romanian tourists and foreign guests. Located a resort at an altitude of 1030 meters, at the base of the Mountain Postwar. The year of foundation - 1895, but the ski resort became in 1906 and after 3 years the first Romanian ski contests were held at this place.
The opening time in the village of Brasov - from the beginning of November and until March the month. The average temperature, for example, in January -5 degrees, in July is +14.5 degrees.

Within the resort, more than 40 hotels, cottages and villas are hospitably offered. The level of comfort from 1-4 stars - for every taste and wallet. And secured exquisite stars and poor youth - everyone here there is a resting place from urban fuss and tourist adventures according to the expected plans. The developed resort infrastructure includes 10 ski slopes of varying complexity:
3 triggers
1 Olympic,
2 springboard,
1 for giant slalom,
1 for special slalom.

Rental equipment inexpensive, children offer discounts. For those who want to buy Ski-Pass there are corporate stores. If buying equipment in the city of Brasov (at a distance of 12 km of resort) - then the price will be more profitable. Route taxis connect the resort with the city is very tight - every 15 minutes another flight with the price of travel about 0.5 dollars (2 RON).
In addition to skiing, the resort has an Olympic roller, saunas and swimming pools, sports fields and massage rooms, riding centers. For active tourists, there is a possibility of a hike in the mountains and flights on aerostats and paragliding.
In some hotels, you can find children's centers, nightclubs and discos.
Magnificent Romanian cuisine, delicious drinks and a mass of ceramic and wine souvenirs are waiting for their happy owners and gourmets.


Earlier - the former residence of the Romanian royal family, and now the fashionable ski resort of Sinai originates from the monastery of the same name, built in 1695 by the nobleman Mihai Cantakuzino on the sample of the Church of St. Catherine. After two hundred years, the terrain of Sinah turned into a city.

The resort is located at an altitude of 900 meters, the platform of the Mountains, Vyroful Ku Dor and Phyd Arsa. The mountains are covered with coniferous forest and are saturated with ozone, thanks to which the tourists are so easily breathing. The climate of the resort is subalpine. The average winter temperature is 4 degrees, summer - +15 degrees, and the average thickness of the snow coating is about 0.5 meters. Seasonality of ski entertainment - from November to April.

At this stage, the historical highlight of this region is the Pelsh Castle - the Royal Residence. The castle is located in the mountains and is rich in the exquisite interiors of halls, ancient carved furniture, Venetian glass, paintings and other historical values. Since 1953, the castle bears the status of the museum.

The resort has an extensive choice of settlement destinations from the 1st to 4 stars. Hotels and villas can make up to 5,000 guests simultaneously.
The central boulevard of the city is hospitably fueled by the signs of local restaurants.
The resort can often observe large-scale international and domestic ski competitions, as well as bobsles and sint sports.
For those who wish to learn ski skill, 4-day courses are open. In the rental ski equipment you can take almost any hotel.
In addition to snow entertainment, you can swim in landscaped hotel pools, or play casino or billiards. Disco and nightclubs are open for dance lovers, and for those who love shopping - the doors of the stores and a souvenir bazaar at the Pelsh Castle.


Town with a 6-century history at the base of the mountains of Bakegg. This is a kind of pass between Transylvania and Valachia, so since 1368 for a while, betrayed served as a border point. Already in the 18th century, the innings and restaurants were opened here, and in 1892 the first group of skiers from Germany descended on the snowy slope of Clabuch. The city was betrayed since 1930.

The resort is the most high-altitude in the country and is located at an altitude of 1033 meters. The location of it is quite interesting: between the mountains by Bay, Buchegzhi, postwarl and Piatra Mare, which does not allow Buram to be here frequent guests. Snow Pokrov for 100 days a year reaches 2-3 meters. The level of the summer temperature is within +14 degrees, and the winter is about -5 degrees.
At this resort, the doors never close - he is in demand by tourists all year round.

Beginner skiers have the ability to teach the Azam skill. At their disposal light routes. Descents for beginners are in high demand. In total, there are 8 trails.
The infrastructure is well developed and ready for the settlement of 5,000 tourists.

Mountain houses, local restaurants, discos, bars, pools, saunas, billiards and bowlingings, cabaret and casino - all this is openly for the pleasure of guests of the resort.

Night lighting of the route and cannons, producing artificial snow ride the gaze of tourists on the mountain of the caleback. You can take skiing everywhere.

I bet is the perfect place for lovers of mountain routes, it is here that you should go if you plan to make a march throw in the mountains.


Another excellent option of the entry place for hiking in the mountains is to the tops of a buchgia. The resort is characterized by a special coolness of the mountains, up to the perpendicularity of the earth's surface.

On the outskirts of the city there is the beginning of the most interesting Romanian cable car, which goes up by 2,200 meters, so if you are not able to admire the surroundings on your two, then it is worth using this cable miracle, because the landscapes dismissed from the cabin are incomparable with any sensations and beauty. Mountain streams of silver colors, christmas trees growing from rocks, Giant waterfalls - all this will forever remain in your tourist assets of memory. Coming out at the height, you have the opportunity to visit the highlight unique place Babel, the highlight of which is the Sphinx rock, on one side of which you can clearly see a human face. It is said that this portrait is the work of the Nature Mother's hands.

On the mountain there are a shelter, where you can gain strength and go further through the Alpine meadows in the legendary castle of Bran, where the Romanian historical character has dwell - Count Dracula.

Sea and thermal resorts of Romania

Romania coast on the quality of sand and water can safely compare with the Mediterranean coast. Due to the low level of salinity, not exceeding and 17 percent, the coast is an attractive place to occupy both water and underwater sports. By the coastline, many tourists like their easy descent, and the sea is calm waves and lack of tides and tides. The dry climate makes the country attractive for maritime tourism from May to early October. The length of the southern coast is about 72 km.
Lakes that are close to the sea: Adjija, Kostinisht, Sutgaop, Agigel, Tekirgiol and Nuntasht, have a unique healing effect due to the high content of organic dirt. Medical therapy is harmoniously combined with rest in the zones of marine beaches and visits to historical monuments.

The Black Sea coast helps to successfully overcome such ailments as:
skin diseases
gynecological problems
Violations of metabolism.

Mom, I

The popularity of the resorts of these places begged since 1906, when Sutgaop resort-pioneer resort-pioneer, which in a short time has acquired a developed infrastructure in a short time, has acquired a developed infrastructure due to the projectors of the Summer Residences of the King Ferdinand, as well as private villas of secured facilities.
At the beginning of the 60s of the last century, Mama Mama became among the most famous resorts in Europe.
Modern beaches with small fluffy sand stretches 8 km long and 100-200 meters wide. In addition to traditional beach entertainment, the resort every summer pleases the music fans with their festival. Functions "Moon Park" and a huge water park, summer theater, restaurants and discos. The accommodation can be chosen on their taste, both on therapeutic bases, so in five-star refined hotels where you will be offered the best spa procedures.
The location between the sea and the lake makes the resort unique. On the lake you can ride boats, fishing fish and just swim.

Eporie Nord.

The history of this resort has begun since 1920, when Romanian monarchs decided to build a respectable place for their rest. Here you can find a lot of rich villas. Nowadays, the resort is appreciated by many tourists in Europe, because the natural saprol dirt that is available in this place helps to overcome disorders of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, gynecological and neurological deviations. Swimming in Lake Tekirgiol, in which the concentration of salt water is 6 times higher than in the sea and the marine climate increase this effect.

Neptune Olymp

If you ask the ordinary woman, that he knows about, then many will remember the bloodthirsty Dracula and the vintage castles of transylvania. Others will plunge into the Debres of Political History in connection with the memoirs of Cause. And those who came to rest will gladly respond about the wonderful Romanian resorts and a relaxing holiday on the coast.

The Black Sea coast of Romania stretches nearly 250 km. In the north, these are delta and lagoons, and in the south, the coastal relief is an alternation of high ripples, cavities and bays. The Black Sea near the coast of Romania is quiet and calm, without strong tides and sings. Beaches are the purest, covered with golden sand, with a gentle descent to water.

And along the entire coast, a series of resorts with parks and hotels, a variety of attractions, discos and water entertainment are stretched.


Beach in Constanta, Romania. Photo - Kostas Minaidis

Constanta is the capital of the Romanian coast and a real business card of tourist Romania. This is the largest port on the Black Sea. According to some information, I founded the King Kolkhid Constanta in 500 BC. e. Since then, the city has visited the Roman, and Greek, and Ottoman, who has become the culture and traditions of the ancient peoples.

The 50-kilometer strip of the beaches and a mild climate was largely determined by the fate of the city. Many boarding houses and sanatoriums have been working in Constanta for more than a dozen years.

The beaches in Constanta are one of the best on the Romanian coast. From Entertainment: Museums and Ancient Ruins, Aquarium and Dolphinarium, Planetarium and Casino.

Resorts Jupiter and Olympus Neptune

Oldenia hotels, Maramures and Banat in Olympus, Romania. Photo - Alexandru Panoiu

Resorts Jupiter and Olympus Neptune are located next to the neighborhood, approximately 40 km from Constanta on the territory of the Komarov Forest Massif. These cities have a common beach, and therefore vacationers can safely run from one resort to another.

Olympus Neptune is attractive for those who are looking for societies and entertainment. In addition to ordinary entertainment, like bowling, casino or surfing, there you can fix health in the mud and taste the shark meat or sturgeon in a special fish restaurant.

The resort Jupiter is adjacent to Olympus-Neptune. He is famous above all, with his luxurious beach, with a wide strip of gentle and soft sand, located the golden horseshoe inside the charming bay. Jupiter is more suitable for a relaxing lounge in the style of "Bounty": with leisurely walks along the coast, relaxing solar baths and swimming in the sea.

Mom, I

Beach in Mama, Romania. Photo - Alexandru Panoiu

Maama is the oldest resort of Romania, known since the beginning of the last century. Initially, he was chosen for his summer residence King Ferdinand. And now Mamaia is luxurious hotels, restaurants, bars. But first of all the beaches are wide, extended (the beach stretches for 8 km), incredibly cozy. And, of course, the sea.

In Mama, you will have no time to miss. In addition to the usual water entertainment, like yachting, diving, underwater fishing and water skiing, there is a huge water park with a variety of slides, tramplines, canals, pools at the resort. There is also their dolphinarium, where the dolphins show in the summer period.


View from Mangalia towards Olympus, Romania. Photo - Alexandru Panoiu

Mangali - Romania Resort, which became popular in the Middle Ages. Despite the solid age, the resort retained the initial charm. The sea is clean here, and the beaches are covered with sand containing sapropel particles that are so beneficial on human health. In addition, in the vicinity of Mangaly there is mineral springs and medicinal dirt.

The cultural program is pleasantly diverse excursions in historical places. It is worth visiting the local equestrian plant, which is famous for the whole of Europe. A separate bonus to a pleasant rest - riding lessons.

Venus and Saturn

Beach in Venus, Romania. Photo - Alexandru Panoiu

Venus and Saturn are removed from the constant to 42 and 43 kilometers, respectively. Venus is distinguished by unusual architecture: it is round in shape. Numerous hotels, restaurants, cafes and discos slim spiral surround the lake, which is the center of the resort. Venus positions itself as a family resort. Indeed, local beaches are cozy, warm water in the sea, and the bottom is small and sandy.

Adults should be visited in the famous mudovebits opened on the shores of Lake Tegirgiol. Local dirt has a similar composition with famous muds of the Dead Sea. But the difference between Venus is that prices here and rest, and for treatment is much lower than in Israel or, for example, in.

As for Saturn, the beaches are great. In addition, it is from here that most excursions along the coast of Romania start.


Sunrise in Cap-Aurora, Romania. Photo - Alexandru Panoiu

Cap-Aurora is one of the youngest Romanian resorts conceived as the pearl of the coast. The resort is just one kilometer south of Saturn. Cap-Aurora is on the stone cape, and the local hotels are named with the names of precious stones, such as "Diamant" or "Onyx". What, however, is justified, thanks to the exquisite service and mass of the proposed entertainment, especially for young people and children.


Beach in Koshatinashte, Romania. Photo - BRIAN LOWE

Kostinsht - youth resort. Local hotels are mostly from the category 2-3 *. Another option for accommodation is the cottages that are rented. Kostinisht is famous for the whole coast as a night entertainment center. You are waiting for bars and discos, clubs and cinemas. Every year in Kostiniste, youth film festival and jazz festival are held.

Eforie Court and Eporie Nord

Eforie Nord, Romania. Photo - Anturaju Daniel

At the resort, Eporie Court will like those who are looking for silence and peace. In Eporie Nord, you can combine holidays on the beach and the course in the mud.

The inconvenience of little hotels in Romanian resorts: they are practically not represented on Internet portals. In addition, there may be problems with paying cards. Because these moments are better to clarify the tour operator in advance.

Romanian resorts of many attract efficiency and comfort. Indeed, rest in Romania is as diverse and equipped as on the coast of Greece or Turkey. But prices here are much lower. Bathing season lasts from May to October. The climate on the coast of Romania is soft, and thanks to a constant gentle breeze, it will not work over the sun.

Beach holiday is not all that can offer. The country is also rich in balneological sanatoriums and extended.

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Romania is attractive and mysterious as an unread book. This is a country that cannot be learned right away. It must be opened gradually, enjoying all new and new secrets.

She is so different ...

Immediately, say that Romania is a tourist country on the Black Sea coast. She spread out in the south-east of Europe, in the Danube pool, which connects 9 countries to his arms, completes its current Romania.

A variety of natural landscapes of this country are sometimes surprised: mountain meadows and rich forest arrays have connected here, joined all the arid steppes. Two third territory Romania occupy mountains, among which the most famous Carpathians.

Warm, soft weather will enjoy the guests of the country and in the spring, and in the summer, and in the fall. The bathing season on the beaches of Romania continues from May and on the very October. Even in hot weather you do not overheat in the sun, you will pleasantly cool the sea breeze.

Medical resorts

Those who decided to come here falls the wonderful opportunity to relax, make an interesting journey and become. Many mineral and thermal sources are collected in Romania, which give strength and health, youth and beauty, have miraculous medical properties. For those who wish, treatment is offered at 160 resorts with various therapeutic factors.

Balneological resorts are particularly popular. Those who are concerned with rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases, gynecological and dermatological problems, diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory organs, who suffer from the impaired nervous and digestive systems are treated.

Holidays for different taste

Romania resorts are quite diverse, there are a large number of them. Let's call a few of them:

- Maymia - the pearl of the coast. Ancient historical resort, where excellent living conditions have been created for the whole family. Tourists can take advantage of services like a yacht and water skiing strolling in the amusement park. Among the 30 restaurants that are located here are very popular with the "Stage Pirates courtyard", designed as a ship.

- Neptune and Olympus are the most luxurious and expensive resorts in Romania. Comfortable hotels are located in the center of the coniferous massif, so the air here is rich in ozone and naturally very clean. The services of vacationers are physiotherapeutic and balneological equipment.

- Costinchti - a place to relax youth. At this resort, summer holidays will be fun and interesting, saturated. For students, it's just paradise. Annually a youth cultural program is offered: "Jazz Festival", "Sea Holiday", "Meeting of young actors".

Constanta is the largest port on the Black Sea. The ancient city resort attracts tourists with its architectural monuments, historical sights. There are objects such as Dolphinarium and a planetarium, a great aquarium with marine inhabitants.

Features of the beaches Romania

The water of the Black Sea is washed by the coast of Romania. It is the magnificent beaches that call tourists here. All of them are sandy and wide. Sand clean and dry, small, like velvety. It is unusual white, which gives special attractiveness and majesty beaches. In addition, such sand is considered the most healing. Many beaches of Romania are marked by the Blue Flag, which confirms their environmental purity, as well as safety.


If you like to travel, as well as get acquainted with the culture, historical features of different countries, then you will definitely visit Romania. Her capital Bucharest is a kind of little Paris. Many architects from Romania studied construction art in France, brought their homeland an unforgettable spirit of Paris.

In this country, tourists will appear to visit such attractions:

- Mosque in the cities of Bucharest and Dobrudji;
- exclusive Bukowan monasteries;
- Cathedrals and churches that are in Transylvania;
- Wooden churches Maramuresha;
- Unforgettable royal and medieval castles;
- Ruins of ancient cities in Constance.

National cuisine

Kitchen Romania is original enough, she received a reputation as simple and satisfying, fueled the best traditions of cooking neighboring peoples - Slavic and Ugors. The main thing in its structure is vegetables and corn.

Romania is inexpensive, but high-quality rest, clean sea, healing mountain air, natural sources, interesting excursions.

Russian tourists, tourists on the Black Sea, as a rule, choose Bulgaria, Turkey or the Russian Black Sea coast of Crimea or the Caucasus. Rarely the choice stops on vacation in Romania to the sea. This relative unpopularity is not fully deserved.

Which resort of Romania choose?

The main advantage of the Romanian seaside resorts is amazing clean sandy beaches And low prices, only beaches of Bulgaria can be compared with which only beaches of Bulgaria. In addition, resting in, you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also significantly improve your health.

Almost all sea resorts Romania combine beach holidays with sanatorium and wellness treatments.

Romania resorts are divided into three main directions:

  1. Marine The resorts of the Black Sea coast offering mainly beach holidays are located in the historic region of Dobrudja;
  2. Mountain and mountain ski Resorts in the Romanian Carpathians;
  3. Healing Resorts and sanatoriums, which are located both on the coast and in the Carpathians.

Best holiday seats

    Constanta - One of the largest cities of Romania and the most populated city on its Black Sea coast. This is the main sea resort of Romania, attracting tourists not only by its beaches, but also a rich history of the city and numerous entertainment.

    Beach In Constance, sandy, though, half of the sea coast within the city occupies a huge port. There are many hotels and holiday homes on any wallet.

    Now Constanta is the main center of the 50-kilometer resort area, stretching along the sea coast to the north and south of the city.

    Mom, I - A small town north of Constanta, located 5 kilometers from her. Maama is the oldest resort of Romania, it was founded at the beginning of the 20th century on the cape between the sea coast and the Southgiol lake.

    Now Maama - family recreation centerMore than 60 hotels of all categories are open here. The main attraction of Mama is one of the largest water parks in Eastern Europe. Mama sandy beaches stretched to more than 8 kilometers along the coast.

    Resort town Kostinisht Located 30 kilometers south of Constanta. Kostinisht, first of all, the youth resort, hotels here are much cheaper than in Constance, and mainly represented by categories 2 and 3 stars.

    This resort is distinguished by active nightlife: there are many nightclubs, and night beach discos are held in the resort season.

    Sounded Kostinisht I. cultural events: There is a festival of youth movies, and during the jazz festival, many musicians play right on the streets. The beach is located right below the city and extended 5 kilometers along the coast.

    Neptune Olymp - The most picturesque resort of the Black Sea coast of Romania. The resort is equipped on the edge of the Forest Komarov adjacent to the sea coast, thanks to which the air at this resort is characterized by a special purity and health benefit. Hotels at this resort have categories from 1 to 3 stars, there are many entertainment institutions, restaurants, amusement park.

    Neptune Olympus is located in the 10-kilometer resort area created in the socialist time in the southern part of the Romanian coast of the Black Sea. Many of the resorts of this zone wear charming antique names: Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and others.

  • Mangania - The southernmost resort of the Black Sea coast of Romania. Mangalia is the oldest city of Romania, founded in the IV century before our era Greek colonists. Mangalia successfully combines beach and healing rest: there is a unique combination of mineral and thermal sources, as well as sources of healing dirt.
  • Mountain resorts Romania is located in the Carpathian mountains and attract fans of clean air, hiking and horseback walks and ski rest. The best Romania are the Zyana Brasov, Sinai, betrayed and Bushten. Here, not only you can learn how to ride skiing, but also enjoy the unique beauty of the Romanian Carpathians.
  • Improvement in Romanian sanatoriums

    Romania is one of the centers of therapeutic holiday in Eastern Europe. Such a status of Romania was able to obtain thanks to the combination of balneological, thermal and mineral sources, thanks to which a wide range of diseases is treated. The most famous sanatoriums Romania:

  1. Medical base Cold BathsLocated in the resort town of Eporie Court on the shore of Tekirgiol and the Black Sea coast, uses famous healing dirt of the lake. The salinity of water in the lake is almost the same as in;
  2. Sapropel dirt from the bottom of the lake helps people suffering from skin diseases, musculoskeletal system and rheumatism.

  3. Eforie Nord.Also located on the shores of Lake Tecirgiol, represents a whole complex of all sorts of sanatoriums, boarding houses and therapeutic centers. This is one of the oldest sanatorium-resort centers of the balneological orientation in Europe. The big plus of recreation and treatment in Eporie Nord is low prices for accommodation and wellness procedures;
  4. Wellness complex "Doyna" Neptune-Olympus resort combines a balneological sanatorium and a physiotherapy center located in coniferous forests with beautiful air on the sea coast with excellent beaches;
  5. Perhaps the most famous medical and wellness complex Romania is located far from the sea coast in the heart of Transylvania at the foot. This is about Sovat - Mountain settlement, around which the famous thermal lakes are located: Ursu, Nehru, Rocha and others.

    The most famous of the lakes, Ursa, wears the title "Dead Sea of \u200b\u200bTransylvania". The sanatoriums are helpful to patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, an endocrine system and other ailments.

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