Repairs Design Furniture

New Year's interior: Beautiful decor with your own hands. Themed photo: New Year's interior or creative with your own hands New Year's home interior of the apartment

New Year, perhaps the most desirable holiday for all age. It is preparing everywhere: they think over the New Year's table, puzzled by the ideas of gifts, compose the scenario of the holiday and, of course.

New Year's interior is one of the most interesting tasks in preparing for the festival. At all times, the house tried to give a special, emphasized individual atmosphere. And, of course, every nation has their own, authentic images of this holiday. Over time, these ideas began to borrow, stir, and now, the Scandinavian style, for example, can be found for distant Siberia or in a sultry Egypt.

Designers picked up the subtle threads of authentic directions, developed them, attached individual traits, and now, every person can decorate their home for the new year as he likes.

Select Interior Style:

Tale of Scandinavian minimalism

New Year - Winter holiday. And the breath of winter must be present everywhere. Scandy style, as it is impossible to be suitable for winter time display. It implies naturalism and some minimalism. For lovers to create decor with their own hands, Skandy gives stunning space for fantasy. The fact is that the use of natural materials allows to attract the entire family to the creation of decorative elements. The work will be found: and dads with sons, and mothers with daughters. Even grandparents can take part in the preparation, attracting grandchildren.

The main direction of Scandian interior is naturalism. Materials are selected with such accountability:

  • Wood;
  • White color;
  • Natural fabrics with jacquard pattern;
  • Pieces of fur;
  • Glass.

"Scandinavian style" is not suitable for people who cry over a fired Christmas tree. It requires real wood, fluffy, green, with droplets of resin and an unusually fragrant. Artificial flavors will not save position, do not even try.

The wooden decor elements are also used: houses and lanterns in the role of candlesticks, shelf frame, snowflakes and sprockets on the Christmas tree and as a garland. These cute little things can be, and even need to do it yourself.

North minimalism need white. After all, most of the time Lapland is covered with snow. Consequently, you will have to think about how to hide bright walls. Of course, it is not necessary to repaint the house, but to apply light fabrics or painted in a white color tree will be quite appropriate.

Fabrics with jacquard pattern: deer and snowflakes, most loved by the Scandinavian direction. Here they can be very bright: red, orange, blue, green. Textiles can fill most of the space if there is a problem with the main color of the room. It is the drape of the walls, and, sofa beds and pillows, flooring, tablecloths and napkins.

Fur adds comfort and warmth home. There is a slight reflection: the wolf or bear skins are not all. But make the fur balls for decorating the walls or edging on the sofa pillows using eco-fur, for example, it is quite possible.

Glass will create coolness. It plays the role of icicles, pieces of ice and ice sculptures. All sorts of vases or glasses can become candlesticks. Then they will not only fill the house with light and warmth, but also fabulous, mysterious flicker.

New Year's interior in Scandinavian style, immerses the house into the atmosphere of mysterious Lapland, soak in the spirit of ancient myths and legends, opening the door to New Year's miracles.

Bocho - Spirit of Freedom

With the greatest enthusiasm for the meeting of the new year is preparing, of course, young people. Especially young people are passionate about the creation of an indoor image if the holiday will be held regardless of the representatives of the older generation. It is for this bright age that the New Year's interior "Bocho" is suitable.

Initially, Boho appeared in France. He symbolized the spirit of freedom of caustic students. It was mixed with bohemian luxury and gypsy brightness. Of course, the decor is created with their own hands from the primary means, is filled with brightness, creativity, glitter of gold and silver, but, nevertheless, each little thing has its place. And, if at first glance, Bocho knocks up with his legs, then later it looks much clearer with a strict orderliness of motives.

To create "Bocho" will be required:

  • Wooden furniture, which can be searched on flea markets, attics and chulans;
  • A large amount of natural textiles, but bright tones. Well suited raspberry, blue, salad, marsh, orange, yellow;
  • A large number of trifles that may not only have a semantic load, but also to be just a cute heart;
  • The combination of styles of different nationalities, the so-called eclecticism. In this case, Indian motifs with Nanaya referral can be mixed in the interior, for example.

"Bocho" is ideal not only for youth New Year parties. The fact is that homemade little things are the decor for the holiday. This means that the interior can create all family members. Dream catchers and sun, garlands from pumps, all sorts of bedspreads and napkins, wooden or knitted toys for the Christmas tree. Flight of fantasy is unlimited.

The tree is better to choose natural. "Bocho" and industry are incompatible things. Therefore, plastic installations are better left for others. You can decorate the winter beauty than you like. The main condition: brightness and juiciness.

Rustic interior - pacification and peace

Rustic style firmly occupied the place in the hearts of urban residents. "Rustic" fills the interior of the rustic peace and the peace, which is so lacking inhabitants of megacities. He is like something like "Country", and many even confuse them, but there are differences, and very impressive.

For "Rustics" need such things like:

  • Sackcloth. In large quantities for decoration of walls, furniture and windows;
  • Wood. These are shelves, frames, boxes, boxes and chests and even garlands;
  • Paper and plywood. Of these materials are manufactured at home.

New Year's Christmas tree should be real. No plastic. Toys make from cardboard or plywood. They should be big, with clear boundaries. These are mainly snowflakes, crescents, stars and animals.

There is every detail. Even the old tin bucket can become a vasion not only for the Christmas tree, but also for other fillers, such as, fir paws, vines, dry branches. The main thing is to approach the process creatively, and do not forget to give a New Year's view. As a decor, bumps and roots of trees that will definitely find their place in the interior are used. They can be sprinkled with gilding or skill, who likes how much more. Babushkina rugs and curtains will create a special comfort in the house. Candles can be wrapped with a tree bark, previously treated with a special solution to prevent fire.

The main thing that should be observed in the rustic image is rural minimalism. And the difference from the carefree country lies in a calm decor and the peaceful atmosphere of the interior.

Bulk Country

The real village life is full of hard work, modest life and endless rest. But this life becomes a festive, bright and rich, when the New Year holidays come. This lies the main difference from rustic style. Staying very simple, country fascinates. So what will be needed for Country?

  • Textile. Natural fabrics, in red and white tones, with a "Cell" print;
  • Dishes and glass. The same red prevails;
  • The abundance of knitted things and products in the technique of "Patchwork";
  • DECOR MATERIAL MATERIALS: Wood, clay, stone;
  • Rustic household objects: buckets, grasp, row, chests and dressers;
  • Spruce - natural, and no more.

The most important thing is that you should not forget, this is a color scheme. Red and white, here are the main colors of the "country". Suppose green, because, the chief attribute of the new year - spruce. Figure - jacquard or cage, that is, the maximum geometric. Big abundance of bows, ribbons, ropes that perform a variety of roles, but at the same time obey the general direction of style. Bows, for example, will decorate the Christmas tree, ribbons will sound or engage the curtains, the ropes will serve as the basis for the garland. "Country" loves shine. Therefore, gold and silver are quite appropriate. They can cover all sorts of snowflakes, asterisks, icicles, a deer figurines.

Mystery of the New Year's "Lofta"

At first glance in Lofte there is nothing unusual. For the average man may seem simple, minimalist and somehow unfinished. And this is an explanation: the main concept of "lofty" lies in the industrial direction. As if under housing, an abandoned warehouse or shop was converted. But in this and the charm. Maximum light, air and space. No problems for finishing walls: brick, it means a brick, relying plaster, beams on the ceiling and metal handrails and stairs. But how the room is transformed before the new year!

So, lovers of "Loft" will be required:

  • A large number of luminous objects: lamps, lamps, garlands;
  • Textile. The simple fabric, the better. It may not be at all, first of all it concerns windows: the curtains are not needed;
  • Metal designs from wire, scenery from fishing line and other similar installations;
  • Interior items are welcome: High-tech;
  • Spruce. It can easily be artificial.

Who fits "Loft"? Well, of course, great youth companies, ideal as a New Year's interior for corporate holidays, is perfect for companies movable by one idea. In general, with a large room and lack of time to create decorations, Loft, the most suitable option. Even families who finally purchased their housing, but live in the repair mode, can beat their home. And it will be what you need! The abundance of electrical lamps - this is what "Loft" seeks, creating a New Year's mood.

Shebbi-Chic - an old fairy tale

Beloved by many old, Soviet cartoon "Nutcracker", the living embodiment of Shebbi. Everything that is in the house of ancient, vintage - everything will go into business! It is not necessary to turn the whole house into an antique salon, it is enough to issue a small corner, for example, the one in which the forest guest is worth.

  • Color gamut - pastel and silver;
  • Atmosphere - mint, vanilla and marshmallow;
  • Decor - the contents of the grandmother's box or chest.

More nothing will be needed for such a New Year's interior. He not only reflects adherence to the vintage, but also fills the house by special chic. It serves refined luxury, but at the same time simplicity of design. The air itself is filled with flavors of sweets, and the feeling of the fact that the unicorn will come out of the fireplace, becomes drumming and real. Shebbi, to a greater extent, meets the needs of people who are constantly trying to live in a fairy tale.

Fusion - combination of incompatible

The style of Fusion in the interior appeared in the middle of the last century. These are the times of hippie, freedom of speech, new technologies. By this time the interior consisted of classical motifs. But the emergence of televisions and other devices puzzled comfort lovers. After all, it was necessary to somehow merge. For example, dilute baroque High-tek or classic ethnic. But the designers coped with the task. So the style of "Fusion" appeared.

New Year's interior in this direction is perhaps the most democratic. The main thing is that the color palette needs to be observed. It is white, gray and bronze or brown. Further - all that your soul is pleased: African bust in Mishur, a natural Christmas tree with artificial snow, garland from snowflakes and dream catches interspersed, candles in half with incandescent lamps.

Little secret: Many houses for New Year holidays are decorated with precisely on this principle: living room in a modern style, but at the same time toys from a grandmother's chest? Excellent! African motifs in the bedroom, but covered from Vigwam Indians? Perfectly!

Fusion is a great opportunity to create an interior according to the principle "I was blinded from what was", observing only the patterns in the distribution of the decor and the flower gamut.

Whatever the decor you chose, the most important thing is smiles of your favorite people who will surround you in the most magical New Year's Eve.

How to create a New Year's interior with your own hands? On the eve of the holiday, many are asked by this issue. Decorating the house, it is worth drawing to the process of all home, ranging from the smallest.

New Year's interior and description of ideas

What you can decorate for an unforgettable meeting start with doors. Of course, the entrance is the first to rush to the guests who came to the holiday. Yes, and the owners themselves will be pleased to feel barely crossing the threshold. Creating a New Year's interior with your own hands, you can use the ideas presented in journals for needlework.

For example, it looks beautiful on the door of the New Year wreath, woven from various materials. For such decoration, you can take dry flexible branches or wire. The material is fixed in the form of a circle, then decorated with balls, mistletoe branches, bunches of bright berries (viburnum or rowabins). You can call a wreath of LED garland - the lights increase the feeling of the holiday. In specialized stores for decor, you can purchase the basis of foam for the New Year Wreath. Calculate various material can be used with a tape or pin. Not suitable only superchalters - it burns foam.

Breaks from the balls

Little blunders of the unbreakable balls associated together with beautiful ribbon and fixed on the door or door handle are very nice. It is better to use two colors - white and blue, green and red, gold and red or silver and blue.

Let the balls be one color, and the ribbons are another. Such stylistic decoratedness will give the interior of elegance.


The Christmas tree of paper palms will easily decorate the doors, and it can become a New Year's congratulations to their guests - leaving, everyone will take a little heat with them. Make such a craft is very easy. For this, the paper is cut on the contour of the palm of different sizes and are attached to the door or the wall in the form of a Christmas tree.

We decorate the windows

Which interior can do it with your own hands on the windows? You can dress differently in different ways.

  • Silhouettes of houses and snowmen flying around Santa Claus, trees and snowdrifts are cut out of white paper. On the one hand, the carved drawings are lubricated with soap and glued on the glass. Openwork snowflakes will complement the picture. This window is visible even from the street and attracts attention to it.

  • Located on the eaves for curtains fluffy garlands, make a New Year's mood to any interior. To decorate the window even more, you can hang on the long ribbons unbreakable balls. You can also encrypt fluffy however, it is worth remembering that the color variety is undesirable here, it is better to use two, maximum three shades. Instead of fluffy shiny, you can take garlands from glass beads.
  • To quickly create a New Year's interior with your own hands, you can simply spend the LED garlands along the window. Especially since the selection of this product is extensive. There are garlands with "dripping" lights, with runners and blinking, different colors and light intensity.
  • A small composition on the windowsill looks very nice. Such a new year decoration of the interior can be done very quickly and simple. Even kids will be able to help. The windowsill houses a set of twigs painted in white and decorated with balls. Nearby is the manually made by Santa Claus or a snowman. You can put on the window and your self-made Christmas tree. It can be made of paper in the queen style, then it will work out gentle and intricate. Useful in this case foam bases. You can attach anything - a lot of small balls. Then crush the garland from the beads, decorate with candy and small toys. I wonder the Christmas trees painted in golden or green. It will unusually look like a laurel sheet.

  • Traditionally, many love new year plots on the windows and mirrors, trying themselves as frost Ivanovich. To do this, you can buy ready-made stencils. Also make them you can independently cut out of dense cardboard. The stencil is applied to the glass, tightly pressed, it snaps from either ready-made spray-snow, or a solution of toothpaste.

Decorating chandeliers

It is interesting to create a New Year's interior with your own hands. Ideas here can be different. You can arrange chandeliers into a single design space.

  • To do this, you can take advantage of garlands. They are very relevant at the New Year Decor. The garland is chosen the whole chandelier, you can hang small balls or small toys to her.
  • Very nice and gently looks like paper suspensions. Cut silhouettes of dancing ballerinas, for threads attached to the chandelier, will slightly break from the air movement and create a feeling of dance under the ceiling. You can add a narrow beautiful paper tape with a snake and flash through, alternating paper and beads - it turns out an interesting flat Christmas tree.
  • Interesting and unusual looks overwhelmed upside down to the chandelier of the Christmas tree. This is possible, of course, if the ceiling height allows.

We decorate the Christmas tree

Creating the design of the New Year's interior with your own hands, you can not forget about the main decorative element - Christmas tree. No matter, artificial or real beauty will decorate the house and the holiday, the main thing is that it is. But so that the Christmas tree stood out in the interior, the place should be defined and decorate it. Wherever the green beauty is set, you can put a special New Year mat under it. Such products most often come round shapes, with a diameter from one meter to two. You can buy a rug in the store, and you can do it yourself - it will not require a lot of work and special sewing skills.

From dense one-photon fabric (white or blue), two circles of the desired diameter are cut out, in the middle of each of them a hole is cut under the trunk of the Christmas tree. From the middle of the circle to the edge, the fabric is cut. It is here that the mount connecting the rug after installing the Christmas tree. On one element there will be a facial side where the applique adorns the rug is laid out. Perhaps the drawing will be prepared by a child, and perhaps - found in the book or the Internet. But, undoubtedly, it will be something new year. Applications can be purchased ready, and you can cut the parts from felt or dense fabric. All elements are neatly sewn, decorated with beads, sequins, sparkles, rhinestones, buttons. Then two circles are connected and stitched.

After that, the edge is processed by braid. The place of cut for fastening can be decorated with ties, or just put a sticky tape. The rug under the Christmas tree is ready.


The feeling of the holiday comes when the whole family decorates New Year's interior with their own hands. Ideas come a variety of. Perhaps something will remember grandmother from his childhood - for example, how to make paper lanterns. This simple uncomfortable decoration looks very beautiful. For this, color paper is twice, cuts are made from the fold, but not to the end - to the edge there should be a centimeter of the non-adduction paper. When the whole strip is ready, the folded sheet is disclosed, the narrow edges glue. Such lanterns can be hung anywhere - in the kitchen and in the rooms, on the cornices and chandeliers.

Creating a New Year's interior of the apartment with your own hands, you can come up with a fairy tale for your baby and prepare a new year waiting calendar for him. Such products used to be used to brighten the rigor of religious post before Christmas. Every day the calendar is a window with a surprise, which most often serves sweets, but it can be riddles, and funny New Year orders, and small toys. Making options for such a calendar set. They are made of paper and cardboard, from felt and wood, they are sewn, knit, glued - the main thing, invent, how to please your child.

Decorating the table

We have already figured out what kind of New Year's interior should be with your own hands. But we have forgotten about one important object.

Reception of guests or a holiday meeting in a close family circle, you need to decorate the table. Beautifully look like tablecloths and napkins on you can prepare the decoration of the dishes for each guest - a small spruce twig is put on the plate, a toy snowman is sitting down, and just a bunch of little balls already gives a New Year's mood. Napkins can also be folded in the form of snowflakes.

The original decoration of the table will be Christmas trees made of cookies. How to make them? Cookies in the form of stars of different sizes are laid in the shape of a Christmas tree and decorated with sugar figures. And, of course, the New Year's champagne also requires decor. Casters sew on bottles Different costumes - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, snowman and symbol of the year. Such a bottle can become a gift and interior decoration.


So, here is the ready New Year's interior with your own hands. The photo in the apartment should be done necessarily, in order to remember years after the years, the family was preparing for a meeting of this fabulous holiday.

The phrase "before the new year remains ... nothing has been done, not cooked, not purchased !!!" Every day everything is becoming more relevant. And, the closer to the holiday, the rapid time flies. We bring to your attention a selection of the most interesting photos, the New Year's interior on which can serve as one of the most excellent ideas, how to quickly decorate the house to the upcoming celebrations, so that the raised mood and the feeling of the new year did not leave you, your cozy dwelling and visiting his guests as long as possible.

Most of us has a new year is associated primarily with a lush Christmas tree, sparkling lights, silver rains and christmas toys. Festive attributes are also candles, aromas of tangerines and a feeling of fairy tales. Let's consider the photos presented on this topic: New Year's interior cannot be created without a common idea of \u200b\u200bdesign. Perhaps it will be in the style of Modern, and someone will prefer retro, or maybe you will find yourself that a person who wants to create the thematic interior to a favorite holiday in every family.

Known to each of us since childhood aphorism that as the new year you will meet, so I will spend it Today has acquired a new meaning. Anticipating this amazing holiday, it is not enough to make a delicious menu, consider gifts for relatives and friends! The meeting of the New Year requires the most thorough preparation and its homes.

Tradition to decorate the house to the New Year and Christmas curses has deep historical roots. Dressing Christmas trees, the ancient German tribes were confident that in the shaggy branches of evergreen woods there are all-way perfumes, for the context of which rich sentences were made. Later, this rite of Christians made their canonical rules: New Year's spruce was crowned with "Bethlehem Star", balls that personify the forbidden fruit and curly baking resembling fresh loaf for communion.

Time all simplified: multicolored decorations, lanterns, toys in Europe got from the Asian deep. Then there was a fashion for Christmas toys from porcelain, papier-mache, embossed cardboard, girlands made of glass and beads, transparent and matte glass balls.


Today there is hardly a more touching lesson than the creation of Christmas jewelry in a close family circle from grandparents to the smallest members - the limitless fantasy of everyone can create real wonders!

New Year's decor and interior (see photo): What is now fashionable?
Returning to the conversation about the toys for the green beauty, the modern New Year fashion gives preference to all extraordinary. These can even be glass balls covered with a thin layer of spraying of precious metals, or simple glass icicles "Hand Made", stars and snowflakes with "Ice-ray". New Year's decorations can be the most traditional, but in this and consists of the charm. The trendy trend is the decoration of the New Year tree in one color scheme. The design of the New Year holidays itself did not go around the designer fiction. The traditional green beauty on the shift came the Christmas trees, reliefly eased, painted from graffiti-pulverizers in the most unthinkable flowers, christmas trees in the appearance of one of the fabulous characters or Christmas trees in the style of high-tech, hung with CDs and ingenious woven wires. But before buying such exotic, think whether it will be appropriate in your interior. At the same time, the breathtore of the avant-garde tree can be "balance" ordinary, which will decorate another room. But it is not necessary to be limited to one New Year's church: metal, crystal or made of flowers and leaves, they will look great in every room of your home.

We are becoming increasingly popular with the Western "Christmas" pot of Puancetia, in a different way, referred to as "Christmas Flower". In America and Europe, they are bought in the house or give for the New Year. This plant is a small bushy coltilla with green-red-white foliage, ate in the color scheme of traditional Catholic Christmas.


However, the creation of a festive dress for Christmas tree is just one of the stages of preparation for the upcoming reincarnation of your home. The "standard package" make up numerous garlands, snowflakes, wreaths, ornaments for the fireplace. As for the color gamut of the New Year's interior, the dominants here traditionally protrude winter colors: green, gold and silver, but in recently they are increasingly "diluted" not familiar red and blue, and new-fashioned black and white.

New Year's interiors are not losing their relevance (photo below) in the country style (or their elements in the form of individual compositions and decorations): natural needles, cinnamon sticks, dried fruits, feathers, fir bumps. To create a New Year's interior with your own hands, they will help you as it is impossible, because the original festive atmosphere of individual design is another important component of a successful meeting of the New Year. Simple items can be found as home decorations that are easily with your skillful hands will turn into New Year's accents. For example, fold on a large flat dish New Year's balls of different sizes and different colors and tie a beautiful ribbon to them. Here, add oranges - so warm juicy shades of orange and red plus solar fruits skillfully drive the Handra of winter cold and create a pleasant feeling of the holiday.

Decorate your home alive colors! Yes Yes! Lukovichny - in pots, hyacinths and hypadastrums - in baskets, decorated with ribbons with the addition of cones and moss in them. For almost a month of New Year's holidays, they will bloom and nicely rejoice. And do not be afraid of the number - the colors should be a lot and in all corners of the apartment.

Do not be lazy to decorate to the holiday and kitchen, dining room. Alternatively (see photo) - New Year's interior and table setting in strawberry and white tones. For an extra brilliance, you can add some silver and crystal, cheating large paper snowflakes and stars over the table. Festive table setting also has its subtleties and rules. Due to the soft luminescence of silver, the shine of crystal faces and the nobility and the subtleties of the porcelain, any house they can turn at least one "magic" night into the most real antique family lock.

Decorating the windows in the house with snowflakes, and at its perimeter weighing the garlands, you understand the mood not only yourself and all the home, but also the neighbors, and even random passers-by. Famous fact: New Year's lights of each of us return to childhood and at least make happy for a moment.

But in the New Year's interior, the main thing is not to peel! Determine for yourself some one style and follow him, be it Christmas tree decoration, table setting or apartment design. And do not forget during the holidays to do more photos: the New Year's interior in the pictures can become a stunning idea that your friends and loved ones will be able to take advantage of the next year, and you will look like a real designer in their eyes! And in the coming new year, an infinite fantasy and fiction will be your unchanged satellites!

Ecology of consumption. Interior Design: Thought about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate the room for the new year 2017 do it yourself? It's time to make a collection of interesting ideas! The brighter and more diverse there will be the design of your room, the more accurate you can convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

Thought about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate the room for the new year 2017 do it yourself?

It's time to make a collection of interesting ideas! The brighter and more diverse there will be the design of your room, the more accurate you can convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

New Year's decoration of the house should not be spontaneous and rampant: prepare all the materials in advance, design the layout, take care that for each accessory there is its place in the interior. The creation of a harmonious and pleasant design for Christmas topics is easy, but this process requires preparation.

How to decorate the house for the new year 2017? The brightest and stylish decorations can not only be purchased in the store, but also make with your own hands using braid materials. Let's create a fabulous setting together!

Materials for the New Year decor

New Year's decor of the apartment begins with the choice of materials suitable for creating a solemn environment. If we are talking about decorating the Christmas tree, then standard jewelry come to mind, which can be purchased in almost every store before the holiday: glass and plastic toys, garlands, rain, tinsel.

But is it possible to emphasize the stylish and bright New Year's interior 2017 with other materials? You can even need!

For decorating you can use:

    plastic bottles. Plastic - practical and convenient to use material for creating candle holders, elements for garlands, small figurines for decorating the Christmas tree and even mini-chips for decorating a festive table;

    textile. Since the fabric can be deformed, take care of a solid basis or use felt: from these materials you can sew christmas toys or garlands with elements on Christmas topics. From soft fabric you can sew volume toys;

    decoration. Who said that ordinary beads and earrings cannot be used as an element of decor? Small accessories perfectly suitable for decorating small artificial Christmas trees, and beads with unnecessary decorations can be applied in the design of the candle, candlesticks, figurines, christmas wreaths;

    shishki.- A fairly common option to create decorative accessories for the new year. Color them in bright or white color, sprinkle with sparkles or artificial snow - and use as a Christmas tree or element of the New Year's composition on the table;

    candy, cookies and fruits. With edible gear, you can make a festive table or garlands, raised around the room.

Any material can be used in decorative purposes. For example, from the threads and glue you can create volumetric compositions in the form of stars or snowflakes - and hang under the ceiling. And from ordinary paper or cardboard there will be excellent drawings for the design of walls and windows.

Categories fantasy and do not be afraid to implement the most bold ideas: the source of inspiration you will serve as a photo of New Year's decor 2017.

Tip: deciding how to decorate the house for the new year 2017 with your own hands, do not forget about the harmonious location of accessories.

The shade and shape of the jewelry also play an important role: everything should be in moderation, so you will disperse the room accessories, stick to a single style in design and try not to combine several catchy design elements at once.

So that you do not have to redo job work several times, plan in advance, in which place and how the New Year's atmosphere will be created. Take care that not only furniture, but different surfaces in the house were decorated festive: it applies to walls, windows, doors, ceilings, window sills, separate niches and protrusions, fireplace areas.

It is desirable that the home decoration for the new year 2017 is made in a single style and was not characterized by excessive abundance of contradictory shades: the most successful in such design is considered white, red, golden and green colors.

Table setting

Place where sob guests are driven - the central zone of the festive decor. Therefore, it is not necessary to save, drawing up the table only with dishes and dishes. Given that many accessories can be made personally, you do not have to spend money on a stylish serving.

Accessories used to decorate the table must match the New Year's decor at home. It is not necessary to make the table bright and catchy due to the corresponding shades: even in white and soft blue color, the serving will look stylish and exquisite, because light shades are associated with the winter holiday.

How to decorate the house in the year of the fiery rooster, it is easy to find out by contacting the symbolism of next year: the red color may be present in textile elements, food, decorations and toys; The topics of the fire can be supported with a candle or garlands with characteristic lanterns, choose statuettes, drawings and Christmas candles with a symbolism of the fiery rooster 2017.

The brightest decoration of the table will be a candle: you can choose ready-made options for Christmas topics and even flavored candles that will enjoy relax and enjoy the holiday.

If you wish to draw a table and interior in a single style, you can make candles to the new 2017 on your own.

To do this, lay the molds for future candles, melt wax, fill - and wait for it to harden. Do not forget to pre-insert wick. The finished wax figures are decorated with varnish, paint, sequins, beads, napkins (decoupage technique), cutting, ribbons and many other suitable accessories.

Candlesticks in the New Year table table 2017 will play not a last role. It is believed that the rooster loves everything bright and brilliant, so why not pick up metal or transparent candlesticks that are transfusing under fiery glare.

Glass candlesticks on a long leg will become a stylish addition to the classic decor of the table: they can be made using glasses - and place in the center of the table.

The decoration of the festive table will not be finished if you do not pick up textiles. The tablecloth can be white or have a bright shade, but it is better to use one-photon options without patterns.

If you do not plan to decorate the table tablecloth, take care of the availability of cloth napkins: they can have a standard square shape, be openwork or embroidered.

Simple cloth wipes can be decorated with stylish grips or bright tapes. It should not also forget that even the food laid out in an unusual form (for example, in the form of a Christmas tree) can be a spectacular decoration of the New Year's table.

Decorating the windows

Let's find out how to decorate the house in the year of the fiery rooster if you do not plan to stop on only the serving. Even the window zone can become space for creativity: here you can apply a few bright and interesting ideas.

The most common option to decorate the window is a sticking cut from paper plots on the glass. To emphasize the New Year's decor of the window, look for interesting pictures on this topic on the Internet, print on white paper and cut down the contour. It can be deer with sleigh, grandfathers frost, snow maiden, christmas trees, houses, blizzards, gifts, Christmas toys and other plots.

Tip: You can show fantasy - and cut different snowflakes: this process really likes children, so connect them to creativity. So that snowflakes are overflowed under highlights from candles and garlands, plunder their glossy film or pose into the usual file, cut along the contour.

If you do not want to spend time on cutting figures - Make one stencil, lean to the glass - and wake the slots of the toothpaste. As a result, there will be a slightly blurred drawings on your window, which will look pretty realistic.

To decorate the window, you can use conventional Christmas balls, fruits, toys. It is enough to fasten them on long ribbons - and tie to the eaves. Such decor will suit if your window is not closed with curtains.

To decorate the windowsill, you can also implement several interesting ideas. For example, to furnish the surface toys and statuettes for Christmas topics.

With the help of durable paper or cardboard, you can create a realistic composition across the entire width of the window: cut out the Christmas trees, houses, faucets, among which are riding a sleigh with deer - spread out several layers throughout the windowsill and divide the garlands that the flickering light will create in the evening.

For realistic, create a New Year decor from foam: it will imitate snow. With this material, you can also create some elements of a fabulous composition or toys for cornice, garlands, curtains or christmas trees.

Interior decoration for the new year 2017 can even be complemented by decorating curtains. Attach a bows, bumps, christmas toys on the fabric, rain or garlands - and your room will be perceived more festive.

Other zones of the room

Where else can you show your skills? Of course, the blowing materials will be useful for decorating the Christmas tree, because without it, it is not necessary for her New Year's Eve. In addition to the standard purchased jewelry, decorate it with candy, tangerines, homemade toys, ribbons and even thematic cookies. And do not forget about gifts!

For those who like the size and restraint in design, the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the Christmas tree decoration is attractive only with the help of garlands. Bright lanterns will replace multicolored balls, and in the evening, this room zone will become the most fabulous and mysterious.

As a material for handmade, you can use light bulbs, clips, puff pastry, cones and tangerines, fabric, plastic caps, berries, nuts and other elements. You can create Christmas toys from existing ones, but outdated: for example, to beat a few bright balls - and harvesting a brilliant powder for new jewelry.

Another zone that requires decoration is the door. Even if it is not the main in your home, you can apply several common decor options: rain rain and tinsel, draw a Christmas tree (or glue paper figures), create a festive wreath.

Attention! It is the wreaths are considered a trend for several New Year holidays. They can be made of fir branches, small Christmas balls, berries, mandarins, cones, toys, sweets, beads and other accessories. Wreath parameters Determine, focusing on the dimensions of the door.

With the fireplace in the apartment or house, do not forget to prepare New Year's socks or caps: you can attach small presents for guests. Also, the fireplace can be made by candles, garlands, rain, toys, fir branches. It is desirable that the decor of the fireplace corresponds to the decor of the New Year tree.

New Year's decor 2017 may assume the corresponding design of furniture. You can stick thematic pictures (like on windows), attach garlands or beads.

If there are chairs with backs, take care of the creation of stylish covers: they can portray sheds of frosts, deer, snow maiders. The best shades for covers on chairs - red, white, green and golden.

To decorate the ceiling and walls, use beads, rain, electric garlands. New Year's decorations with their own hands 2017 may include homemade chain garlands, compositions of Christmas balls, ribbons with toys, decorative snowflakes, bulk lanterns. The easiest way to decorate is the use of ready-made pictures on an adhesive basis.