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Fighting pests and grape diseases: comprehensive protection. Vintage in June after flowering: Best remedies and preparations Recipes for the treatment of grape diseases at home

How to facilitate the life of gardeners the absence of all diseases affecting beloved cultures. Unfortunately, they are not going anywhere - there are only steady and courageously fighting. Today we consider grape diseases - photos and how to treat. Tips for experienced gardeners in this matter are always especially valued by farmers.

Unfortunately, not all grape diseases can be cured. Some of them are not amenable to the action of any of the well-known and secure funds. Well treat almost all fungal diseasesbut save grapes from bacterial and viral infections almost impossible.

Learning to distinguish fungal diseases of grapes


This disease is well acquainted with gardeners and, since it is most often found. His second name - false mild dew. The amazing plant, the mushroom causes the appearance on the leaves of yellow spots and gray plaque. Without proper intervention, the culture quickly disappears.

On the picture fungal disease Mildu grapes


It occurs a little less frequently false mildew. The second name of the disease - puffy dew. Manifestation - gray raid on leaves and berries. The disease develops into hot weather, and if it is not stopped, will lead to cracking of berries. In a few years, the vineyard will completely disappear.


In the photo dark spots of anthrand


The disease is mainly developing in spring. It strikes all the above-ground parts of the plant, only on berries it is manifested by white spots, and on the other parts - brown or silver. The affected berries quickly deteriorate.



On all overhead parts, the fungus is caused by the formation of black spots. The affected fruit often dries and breaks.

In the photo Escoriosis of grapes


This disease cause mushrooms, and the death of the plant occurs as a result of the allocation by them large number toxins. The second name - eSCA. Most often appears in the midst of summer. In case of sharp shape, the bush disappears in a matter of days. Chronic form lasts for several years, and it can be recognized on white spots on the lower sheets.

Gray Gnil

A fungal disease that can hit any overhead parts of the grape bush. The affected areas are covered with fluffy raid gray. Most often infected by the brush hanging to the ground.

White Rot

Flap white color Covers plants berries. Over time, they completely change the color and fall to the ground. The appearance of the disease most often provoke mechanical damage to the bush.

On photo White rot grapes

Black Rot

A fungal disease manifested by purple spots on berries and leaves. When the disease progresses, spots covered with stains increases.


With the damage to this fungal disease, grapes are yellowing leaves and boil roots. With the onset of autumn, the affected plants are covered with yellow mushrooms.


In this case, the fungus leads to the yellowing of the leaves and the rapid death of the shoots. The fungus retains vital activity up to 5 years.

Bacterial diseases of grapes

Bacterial cancer

This is the name of a dangerous and non-treatable disease caused by bacteria. Manifestation - highlights on the vine. In the first two years, yield will sharply decrease, and in the future the affected plant will completely disappear. This is one of the incurable cultural diseases. The next two years in this place grapes are better not to plant.


On berries appear wrinkled dark pink plots. The pushing to their formation is the scorching sun.

On the photo bacteriosis grapes

Bacteriomic necrosis

Black spots with a clear brown outline are formed on berries, shoots dry.


Viral diseases

Experienced gardeners know how dangerous diseases of viral nature. Since they are not amenable to treatment, the affected grape bushes are advised to completely remove. The only way to protect your vineyard from them is to acquire a steady grade of culture.

Among viral diseases are often found:

marble leaves,
Print mosaic,
necrosis of vessels leaves,
chlorosis - discoloration,
short Supply - Dwarf.

In the photo chlorosis of grapes

Viral diseases are extremely difficult to diagnose. They have common specific traits: Wood cracking, leaf deformation and change of their color, focusing inflorescences, slow development of the plant.

In addition, there are a number of non-infectious diseases that arise due to unsuitable conditions or lack of nutrients. They can manifest themselves in different ways: stains on the leaves, lag in development, drying of bushes and berries, sprinkling berries, etc.

What to treat grape diseases?

After you learned to recognize grape diseases, it's time to learn effective methods To cope with them. Best to undertake preventive measureswhich are in proper care. Some experienced gardeners conduct prophylactic spraying of bushes, however, most prefers to grow grapes without the use of chemistry.

In cases of damage to bushes, the question is already quite different: either lose the vineyard completely, or try to save it with the help of products chemical industry. In such situations, experienced gardeners usually choose the second option.

What fungicides (preparations against plant mushrooms and bacteria) showed themselves from a good side?

Mildew. From this fungal lesion will help the spraying by such drugs: the godmisol is gold, strobe, polych, arration, copper chlorine, burglar liquid.

Oidium. In the struggle, such fungicides will help: topaz, strides, acrobat MC, chorus, teovit, colloid sulfur, carbis top.

Alternariasis. Bordeaux liquid helps to cope well.

Cercosposis. It is best to use a burglar mixture in this case.

Escoriosis. Experienced gardeners are used to fight benzophosphate and Bordeaux liquid.

Grapes are grown on many in garden sites - it is very good for its delicious and useful fruits. But to collect a kind crop, the grapes have a lot to work. Especially a lot of effort and time take away numerous diseases of this berry culture.

Unfortunately, grapes are not yet bred, which are no longer ill. All sorts of fungi and bacteria cause diseases of the leaves, shoots, spoil the appearance of the vine and, of course, affect the crop, sometimes destroying it completely.

First, the diseases appear on the green parts of the plant - the leaves and shoots, and the berries are also captured. At the very first signs, you need to take immediate action, because without treatment, the entire bush may die.

Today, on the site "Popular about health" we will talk about the diseases of the leaves in grapes and the treatment with the applied in each case. Here for illustrating photos of leaves.

Common diseases of grapes

Black spotty

The causative agent is a fungus living in places with high humidity. Amazes all the plant entirely. On the leaves, the disease (photo) is manifested in the form of black dots located along the residences. Then they increase to the spin spots, around which bright border is visible. The plate loses its elasticity, the tears are formed on it, curls develop. Vintage leaves yellow and fall.

Treatment of leaves: in the spring, the processing of fungicides is treated: dubcatch, readometh and chorus. You can use tiqite or jet.

Folk remedy for treatment: unfortunately, the disease is difficult to cure, so the affected vines are easier to cut. To prevent the spread of the fungus, the bush is treated with a solution of eugrena. After harvesting, the bush and soil spray with copper-containing solutions.

Rubella leaf

It is also a fungal infection. Usually occurs in the summer when there is not enough moisture. Or the reason is the flaw mineral fertilizer. The first leaves are affected, gradually the fungus applies to the top.

On the leaf plates of white grape varieties appear yellowish brown spots. On dark - burgundy.

What should be the treatment with this disease? To prevent further infection, patients of the plants are removed. After that, the bush is treated with the drugs Rusurl or Mikal. It is also effectively spraying with a solution of copper chloroksi (0.3%), downtown (0.4%) or burglar liquid (1%).

Treatment of leaves by the People's Treatment: To combat this disease, gardeners often use a solution of water (10), ash (1) and dark economic Soap (five). Processing a bush every 10 days, throughout the season.


This disease is caused by fungus, which is activated with warm weather with high humidity. The leaves are the first to suffer from the plant. They are formed by stains, in the center of which obstructive changes are observed.

Treatment of the disease: In the spring, the plant is treated with means containing copper, for example, readomy. When bunches are being formed, they use quarters. The affected leaves are removed.

The folk remedy for the disease: the leaves on both sides are well sprayed with the infusion of pure cowboat - 3 kg per bucket of water. Also carefully handle shoots and fruits.

False torment dew (mildew)

Very common disease. It begins with the appearance on the leaves of bright oily spots. After a short time, a white gun grows on the bottom side, where the mushroom is located.

What should be the treatment for leaves? To fight with muced dew pretty hard. However, if you do it regularly, to make rapid measures at the earliest lesion stage, the result is usually positive.

First of all, you should cut and burn damaged leaves, and a bush to spray with Ridomil, Anthrakol, or use drugs chorus or strobe. In the fall, you should remove all the fallen leaves and burn.

The folk treatment of grapes: a good effect has a decoction of garlic heads: 100 g on 10 liters of water. Many sit down around the grape dill, which does not give to develop fungus.

Oidium (mildew)

Characterized by occurrence white Nalea On the leaves, which soon darkens, forming dark brown spots. With the development of the disease, the leaf plates dry out and die away. Next, shoots and fruits are affected.

Use such tools for leaves: topaz, speed or bayelethon. They handle the entire bush completely.

Apply a folk remedy from the disease: you need to prepare a solution from the milk liter on the water bucket, which spray the plant. Also effective solution of calcined soda (40g) on \u200b\u200b10 liters of water. Instead of soda, you can take manganese - 5 g.

Prevention of diseases

If we regularly carry out the prevention of ailments and comply with the rules of growing the vine, the likelihood of grape damage is significantly reduced, because hazardous foci is destroyed in a timely manner, even before their development. Here are the basic care guidelines:

Periodic watering, without overflows and drought;

Regular subordinate mineral compositions, organic fertilizers;

Mandatory, timely sanitary trimming of vines and shoots, removal of damaged branches and leaves.

Preventive treatment with weak solutions of fungicides, which is carried out in early spring;

Main prophylactic spraying All summer and autumn treatment After trimming the vine.

Thoughtful care, regular prevention and timely treatment will help preserve the plants healthy, contribute to their development and abundant fruiting.

Grape vine equates to the child. And the point is not at all that behind the bushes of grapes requires care, he loves the warmth of master's hands and careful attitude. Each winegrowor confirms that grape diseases are very similar to human and arise due to the fact that the gardener pays little attention to their pet. As soon as the bush is ill, a person is trying to cure him. But few people know that treatment can be carried out both with the help of dosage forms (spraying with special solutions) and using folk ways Treatment.

Vintage can be carried out using folk ways.

Probably, from those times to this day, recipes for the treatment of grapes by folk remedies. It is possible that they have changed a bit, but their essence is to help the vine of grapes.

How to protect against pest insects

Before talking about diseases and their treatment, let us recall the pests that the abundant amount. They eat leaves and berries, damage the root part under the ground and over it, they destroy the processes and flowers during flowering. They provoke the appearance of spots, cobweb and other unpleasant moments. Most often, the grapes are trying to apply various solutions of chemical origin, but still, if they reflect, natural substances have always been better and not so harm the quality of the harvest.

With the appearance of small green hobbits (many call them due to trulls) grapes quickly fade, the leaflets are gradually twisted, dry, and growth stops. It is clear that if the word appeared during the appearance of berries, the development of a cluster cannot be discussed. Most often, the Tlla is striking a shrub, but a viral disease appears after it. Grapes are so weak that it is not capable of just fighting. Much worse when the wave struck still a very young vine. The chances of her recovery are very small - the seedling just dries out or dies due to fungal diseases.

  • rash down clean water. It is not advisable to use cold water. Just type it in the bucket and put it in the sun. So water can not only warm up, but also stand out;
  • next process with a solution with the addition of soap or ash. The proportions on the 10-liter bucket of adding 300-350 g of the ingredient you have chosen;
  • if it does not help, try a hollow or dandelion decoction. It is also used in the infusion of tobacco, citrus (only crusts only), cleanly. Sometimes the onion husk or garlic water is more effective in the fight with many pests, and not only with Tli;
  • if your grape nursery attacked Filloxer (the fight against it takes world scale), before starting treatment, determine which of the species belongs to: overhead or root. In order to avoid this literally immediately as grapes have planted (or during loosening), lay parsley straight under the root and around shrubs. Better of course, if the parsley is located all over the garden and the garden. It does not take up much space, and protects all the vegetation of your site.

The leaflers have always loved to be sealed with grape leaves and shoots. Their offspring with pleasure will settle on your shrub and will invite all your relatives to themselves. To not apply chemical compositionsRecommend to use bait. Their composition: wine + sugar + vinegar. Also, the soapy solution will show an excellent result and protect the crop from pests.

When the grape tick is damaged, the vine should be treated with a bully or garlic decoction. Recipe: 5 liters of water will require 100 g of Luke's husks or extruded garlic. No need to boil, but to insist 12 hours. Daily use will save your garden of many insects, including ticks.

Diseases and their treatment

Insects carry not only a threat in the sense of eating leaves and processes. After them, the plant is very weakened and, as a rule, any disease is striking a shrub.

Grape diseases and their treatment can be avoided if you listen to the Soviets being gardeners and winegrildren. They are engaged not only by the removal of new varieties of grape vines, but at the same time develop new types of plant protection to help at any time. While the advantage remains behind garlic infusion, Low husk and weak mortar manganese. But still, the disease is better to warn, than to treat and look for new ways to solve problems.

  1. Throughout garden plot Press the seeds of parsley and dill. If in the following years the greenery will be much, it can be switched.
  2. Working on their garden, handle your entire inventory by manganese solution. Even closing on winter Your scissors or rakes, do not forget to grease them by manganese.
  3. Always make sure that the grapes do not have garbage in the form of fallen foliage, berries and other things.
  4. Always prune.
  5. Grapes do not like the soil fever. Therefore, with watering it is necessary to be neat.
  6. Shrub is very needed by your guardian and warmth of your hands. Just talk to him and see that the vine will answer you a rich harvest.

Follow or not all of these advice and apply or not, all folk recipes The case is personally everyone. But if the ancestors managed to maintain their harvest and have success in grape case, then why should we not experience a more profitable way to preserve the harvest.

Grapes love everything. Its dark purple, green or yellow berries, poured by juice, warmed by the summer sun and washed with warm rains, as if they themselves ask the mouth. But in order to get this beauty and tasty, the winegrot must be a lot. Especially a lot of forces are torn by grapes and the fight against them. Unfortunately, there are no varieties that do not suffer from any infection. If the grade is advertised, as a disease-resistant, it means, the diseases on the bush will be shown later than on ordinary and, perhaps, not all the clusters affect. The diseases and pests of grapes, which there are several dozen, spoil the appearance of plants, destroy the harvest. Our task is to warn their appearance and successfully fight when detected.


Despite the fact that the diseases and pests of grapes are so numerous, it is not very difficult to deal with them. Insect development cycle such that they definitely lay eggs. Most makes it on the bottom of the sheet. Fight with hatched caterpillars and larvae easily contact insecticides. Spraying are carried out by testimony. When detecting rags and treasures, you need to carefully examine the bush and remove all damaged shoots, and after processing the drug. You also need to glow grape landings, remove all dry fruits and leaves from the bushes.

Bacterial diseases

As the name follows, this disease group is caused by bacteria. They penetrate the body of the plant through the wounds from mechanical damage (for example, when pruning, vaccine), as well as "thanks to" efforts of juice insects. Most dangerous disease This character is bacterial cancer. His causative agent lives in almost all types of soil. Hitting the plant, he introduces his DNA into the "victim" cage, after which she begins to share with a mad speed, which is manifested by the growths on grape Loses. There is no treatment against this infection. The best thing to be done is to remove and burn a patient plant. Take off the landing material, including seeds, it is impossible. Also, it is also impossible for 3 years in its place to plant a new plant.


This is another bacterial disease that is not treated. It manifests itself to sudden and very fast fading the whole grape bush. Caused by bacteria producing toxins that are poison for grapes.

Since it is impossible to cure bacterial diseases, the protection of grapes from diseases of this type is carried out by prophylaxis. It lies in the right care, compliance with precautions when buying new seedlings and compulsory grape fertilizer so that the bushes grew strong and viable.

Fungal lesions


This infection is also called false torment. Initially, only young shoots and leaves are amazed, later the mushroom captures inflorescences and berries.

As a result, the whole bush suffers from Mildy. There are various grapes and the fight against them, but Mildu is considered the most dangerous. At the initial stage, it manifests itself lighter than the entire sheet plate stains. The mushroom continues to develop and soon stains become gray-brown, and a gray flare appears on the bottom side of the sheet. These are new disputes, ready with the easiest breeze or moisture drops to spread further along the vineyard. The shoots are affected just like the leaves. Sick inflorescences and wounds darken and dry out. If the mushroom struck the smell of inflorescences, dries and disappears all the bunch. Winter in Mildu in the soil and on the leaves. To reduce the risk of this disease, preventive measures must be included in the care of grapes - cleaning of foliage foliage and spraying the Earth's fungicides around the bush. The spraying of grapes against Mildu is conducted by the Bordeaux liquid, which is prepared independently from the copper mood and negated lime. You can also use "Ridomil", "Acidan", "Mankotheb", "Rapid Gold" and other drugs. Spraying begins when the air temperature reached +10, the young shoots grew by 10 cm, passed good rain Or when light green spots appeared on the leaves. Further processing is carried out every 7-14 days.

Vinograde disease Oyidium

This infection is also called malical dew. It can begin at any stage of plant development and hit any part of it or all at once. Oidium mushroom winters in the crust and kidney grapes. It manifests itself with a dirty and white fluffy raid on the leaves, shoots, berries.

At the same time, the sheet plates are yellowing, flowers and young wounds dry out, and if the disease began in the phase of the ripening of berries, cracks appear on them, of which bone sticks. The most favorable for oidium warm winter and rainy spring. Then the real epidemics of this infection are observed. To prevent Oidium grape disease, the first processing is carried out in early March, especially if favorable weather is favorable. Further by testimony. Preparations against Oidium: Sulfur Grommet and Colloid, Copper Copper, Topaz, Bayleton, Tiovit Jet.



Diseases of grapes and their treatment are dependent. Annznosis, for example, is actively manifested at high humidity, regardless of air temperature. Especially if the grapes are damaged by hail. First, the infection appears on young leaves and shoots and is manifested by dry spots, on the site of which holes appear later. Their edges of black. Sheet either dries or twisted. On affected shoots, cracks appear (sometimes to the center). On the affected berries, the disease is manifested by various shapes with stains of gray or dark color with even darker border. Later, the berries are cracking, and the brushes can completely dry.

Winter mushroom in infected branches and in dried, but not disappeared fruits. Therefore, care for grapes in order to prevent anthracunosis includes autumn trimming and removal from bushes of all mummified fruits. Spraying is carried out by fungicides "Sorrow", "Acrobat", "Ridomil", "Archerid". Start when young shoots will grow to 10 cm.

Gray Gnil

It is important to correctly recognize grape diseases and their treatment start on time, because many mushrooms, starting to multiply on any one site of the plant, soon capture it entirely. This refers to the gray rot, affecting absolutely all parts of the grapes. Winter mushroom is also in all parts of the plant. It comes to life at the plus temperature. Especially favorable for mushroom raw cool weather. In the heat of the affected berries, you can even make wine. It is manifested by passing the infected parts of the plant and their dying. Berries are reinforced, but they can remain in the brush. Handling against mushroom is carried out by "Fundazole", "Eupparen", as well as iodine mortar.

White Rot

This infection relates to grape berries disease. Mushroom can hit the whole brush or only a few fruits. The disease begins during the ripening of grapes and is manifested by toutering and wrinkling berries. They become notable dirty and pink dots (without rains) and black specks (with large moisture). Sometimes white rot hit shoots, forming bright spots on them with a dark rim. These shoots die away. Fight with a white rot with the mechanical destruction of the grapes affected by brushes and spraying. Preparations "Funzodol", "Collecto Super". After a hail, such treatment should be carried out immediately, otherwise the mushroom will be introduced into the body of the plant. In addition to gray and white there are still root, black, acetic and blue rot. The root appears when irrigating and damage roots. Acetic is transferred to the drosophila and manifests itself in rotting ripe berries. Blue rot or penicillosis develops on berries already affected by Mildew.

What are the grapes of leaf disease

It must be said that diseases affecting only the leaves are very small. As a rule, starting on the green parts of the grapes, the infection soon captures the berries. For purely sheets, chlorosis can be attributed (cessation of chlorophyll generation). Manifested by fading plate. Causes are lack of iron or zinc at high copper content. A bush first drops faded leaves, then cluster and, in the end, can perish. There is also a viral chlorosis or a yellow mosaic, carbonate and ae (with a strong soil salinity, limeting, overvoltage). In addition, the grapes of the leaf disease septorize (manifests itself on old leaves with dark spots, the protection is the same as from Mildu) and fusariosis (signs similar to chlorose, is diagnosed on a cross-cut branches on which pink fragments should be viewed). Another sign is too small leaves and fruits, as well as the multiple painful view of the step. Measures of struggle - spraying by the Bordeaux mixture and regular feeding.

Spotted or bacteriosis

These diseases of grapes and their treatment are complex and not always efficient. They are caused by bacteria (the leaves, berries, shoots are affected) and manifest themselves in the appearance of various kinds of spots. In the berries, the disease begins with small spots, which rapidly increase and darken. From oidium, bacteriosis stains are distinguished by the fact that they are wade inside the berries. Vintage may die within 2 weeks. Effective treatment is not yet, but the gardeners save grapes by the Bordeaux liquid and antibiotics, and with a prophylactic goal is treated with "phytolavin". At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to destroy all sore borders and parts of the plant.

In addition to bacterial and fungal there are viral diseases of grapes. Viruses are transferred from the patient's healthy plant. They appear in different ways. The most characteristic is the co-course of foliage and its other deformations, mosaic stains on the sheet plates of yellow, black, red and other colors, the lag of the bushes in growth, grinding the berries to the size of the pea. Fight measures have not yet been developed.

Grapes - a plant beloved by many. It is grown for a long time. Still, who does not like these beautiful and useful fragrant berries! In addition, delicious juice is obtained from grapes, excellent wine. But it's not so easy to grow it. The fact is that grapes are quite vulnerable to pests and diseases. It does not tolerate the adverse conditions of soil and weather.

As a result, with the cultivation of this plant, every year is lost up to 30% of the crop. And this is right, and most importantly - timely processing. If it does not work at all, then the loss will reach 50%.

When to carry out the processing of grapes in spring, timing

Create some single calendar for grape treatments in all territories is almost impossible. The fact is that the weather conditions must be observed, and they differ due to different climatic zones. Therefore, each owner of grape bushes should try to independently adjust the timing of treatments, based on weather and conditions of plants.

It is worth noting that before processing from pests and diseases it is necessary to produce all the necessary measures of agrotechnics. Holder rows are corrected, all the big kisa soil must be broken. Also, the land under the bushes and between the rows should be smooth. Bushes are suggested, clipped. The affected parts are cut and burned as far as possible.

Plants that were sick in the previous year are treated with accutellence during swelling and renal disclosure. Fongicides are used in the second half of April, after the end of the rain period. There should be no less than 4-5 sheets on the bush.

Another processing will occur in the end of spring, but before the start of flowering, the preparations of Topaz, Ridomil, etc. after about 20 days - re-processing, after flowering. By this time, berries should reach 2-5 mm. This is a fixing procedure.

Additional events need to be carried out if the disease appears in the middle of the season. For example, in rain and foggy days use Tanos, oxych. In the heat, it is often used by strides, topaz. On this spring treatments End.

Protection of grapes from diseases in spring: video

Folk treatments

Folk methods for protecting plants from pests


IN lately Biopreparations conquer popularity. They have the masses of advantages, but the most important is environmentally friendly products. But now many refuse them, considering the following factors with disadvantages:

  • The need for frequent processing (every 1-1.5 weeks);
  • Bad action on already sick bushes;
  • Large price compared to chemicals;
  • Inability to overcome mushrooms, which penetrated the grape fabric.
  • There are a lot of biological products that are used, including for grapes. These include Phytosporin, Triphodermin, Pentafag, Hauquin, Bitobaxibacillin, actor, Mikosan, Ecohl, etc.

    Biostumulators for growing and rooting plant

    Fungicides, processing scheme

    Whatever biological or folk remedies They did not appear on the market, most often with grape diseases, they still fight with the help of chemicals - fungicides. They are capable of preventing the appearance of fungal diseases and overcome most of them.

    Fungicides are treated not only adult bushes, but also the material for planting. Such drugs are divided into contact and systemic. The first is not so penetrated into the plant. These include Bordeaux liquid, cinb, sulfur colloid, copper chlorine (copper sulphate), iron vigor, etc. They are easily flushed off during rains.

    Systemic fungicides are able to penetrate into grape bushes, move inside them. These drugs include quadris, ridomyle, foil, topaz, etc.

    Of course, the best of all these drugs help prevent diseases. Therefore, it is important to carry out all planned processing. Systemic fungicides can be treated with grapes less often - only 2-3 times at the beginning of the season. But contact, based on more short-term action, have to use more often.

    It is worth remembering that fungicides are chemicalsCreate harm to health. Therefore, it is very important to comply with all the rules for their use, both during training and directly during processing.

    Grape diseases, trees treatment methods from gray rot and mildew

    Grape diseases deliver a lot of hassle to gardeners. The delay in treatment threatens not only the loss of part of the harvest, but also the death of the entire plant. Therefore, when the first signs of grape diseases are discovered to combat the disease. And it is best to carry out systematic prevention of diseases.

    Grapes very delicious berrywhich pleases and its fruits and wine that is made from grapes.

    But this joy can ruin various diseases that are striking grapes. Grape clusters, berries. And sometimes all the plant.

    Firstly, this is a gray rot, and this disease occurs because of the Mushroom Botritis Gray. Gray rot is affecting young shoots. Leaves, but berries and bunches of grapes suffer more often and most. During ripening, berries are wrinkled, covered with a white bloom, on which black or dark Points. Then the berries are darker and puments. The disease is actively developing in cool and wet weather in August.

    You can protect grapes from sulfur rot in the following ways: with a slight lesion, it helps the treatment with a solution of drinking soda (for ten liters of water seventy grams of soda).

    Soda destroys leaf-racing insects and caterpillars, cleans the leaf surface. Such processing can be alternate with spraying with one-surge soap solution. And the prophylactic is the proper formation of bushes, timely and competent care, the choice of stable varieties with dense skin.

    Secondly, grapes striking the true milder dew or its scientific name of the Oidium. Soothes and scales of eyes become the place of wintering sports of this mushroom. In the spring, these disputes germinate - they need a temperature of twenty degrees and high humidity. Multiple dew is manifested with gray spots on the leaves of grapes, and after stains, the leaves are covered with a wave, which looks like ash. Later, the flare goes to the lower plate, shoots and clusters. Peel cracks on the berries, seeds are exposed. Brozdi dry out and creep.

    It is possible to protect the plant from real pulse dew: strongly affected brushes of grapes need to be painted, in order to grape juice and wine did not have the taste of mold. During the growing season, the Fundazole and Topaz preparations are used for spraying. In twenty days it is necessary to repeat the procedure to stop the disease. You can prevent oidium if you correctly form the bustle of grapes and the vineyard itself. You can choose a variety. which are resistant to this disease. Spraying the vineyard in front of the winter shelter with a 5% iron vapor solution can also help.

    Thirdly, Mildew or "wrong" powdery dew amazes grapes no less strongly, and besides, this is the most frequent disease in grapes. Spores of the fungus are resistant to frost. Mildu is striking all visible parts of the grape bush. In wet weather on the leaves, rounded yellow spots are formed, later the leaves are racing and dying. On green escapes and races of berries, gray raids appear, turning into brown raids. Protection measures are as follows: At the very beginning of the growing season - in the step of swelling and dissolving the kidneys - the ground part of the bushes spray one or two percent solution of burglar fluid. The prevention of the disease will be: in the formation of bushes, consider that all parts of the plant should be well ventilated, do not thicken the landing. Sick foliage must be assembled and burning.

    Fourthly, grapes suffer from bacterial cancer, which can be formed in careless handling of a bush, or if the vegetation failed, or if the winter was very frosty. The plant is affected by the root neck - at the base of the bush, the thigh is formed, which over time increases, the vine is cracking and the bush dies. If it is noted on time and cut out the growth to a healthy tissue, then you can hope that the bush will survive, but there is no guarantee. The seal seat is disinfected with diesel or kerosene. If the outflow is formed in roots, it is impossible to see it. Such a bush is subject to sprinkling and burning. To multiply the sick plant with stalling is impossible, since all parts of it can be infected. Do not plant new plants on the site of the bush removed due to cancer tumor, as the bacterium-pathogen lives in the soil for at least 3 years and can infect a young sprout. Protection measures: special drugs do not exist.

    There are folk remedies for the treatment of grapes from these diseases: regular spraying can be carried out from Oidium: one teaspoon or 5 grams of drinking soda on one liter of water and handle to the complete destruction of mildew.

    The spread of mildew can be monitored using mineral fertilizers, but they can change the taste of grapes, but milk, diluted with water, can do it with the same efficiency without changing the taste. Processing should be done once a week.

    There is an excellent folk remedy for anthrand, real and false mildew. It is necessary for this glass of garlic, water, manganese. 50 grams of iodized salt, 50 grams of household soap. We need grapes in such a solution twice the season.

    Garlic need to grind or scroll, pour water and insist in a dark place for twenty-four hours. After that, in a bucket of ten liters, pour six to seven liters of water, add infusion of garlic, soap, salt, mangalls. Then can be processed.

    Is it really exist

    Natural substances have always been better and not so harm the quality of the crop

    IN last years Grape culture is becoming increasingly distributed among amateur gardeners. And this is not surprising, because delicious and useful berry Love many Lands.

    It seems that if the agrotechnical techniques are accurately observed - water, fertilize and correctly form bushes, then grow a healthy harvest in its site will be easy. Of course, the observance of all rules of departure is compulsory condition, but far from the only one. Equally important is the timely preventive treatment of the vine, which prevents the occurrence of diseases and the attack of pests, since all the most delicious varieties Have a rather weak immunity.

    Especially relevant spraying during a hot period with frequent and abundant rains. After all, it is precisely in a wet and warm environment that the arms of fungi develops especially actively, which means that the likelihood of diseases of the diseases of even sustainable varieties increases many times.

    Methods of prevention are the creation of wide range, lack of thickening landings and the fight against weeds. As a prevention and treatment of Mildu after flowering, fungicides are used (burglar liquid, "Tanos", "Dellant", "Polymom" and others).

    In addition to diseases, grape landings are affected by various pests, which are often damaged irreparable damage. Get acquainted with the main enemies of grapes.

    Phylloxera (sheet or gallic form) - manifests itself in an overhead or underground forms only on American varieties and hybrids, but not terrible European types of grapes on initial stage His development (in May), when the galls are formed only at one of the first leaves. Later generations affecting the upper leaves of shoots, can move to the neighboring european varieties. Starting from the fourth generation, the root shape of the Tly is formed, which by the end of the summer migrates into the soil for wintering on the roots of plants.

    The use of Insecticides "Bi-58 New", "Actress" and "Fufanon" is practiced as a fight against phylloxer. However, there is no significant help from them, since the philloxer is very quickly adapting to a variety of chemicals. For real effective tool There can be only a grafting on a dive, resistant to this disease.

      First stage. Immediately after the release of the vine from the shelter, an eradicating spraying with a solution of iron vapor is carried out. Second phase. The processing of the corresponding fungicides and insecticides in the case when in the past season, landings were amazed by any diseases or pests. Events are carried out during the swelling period. Third stage. The processing of the vine that has reached 10 cm, a solution of copper oxychloride, burglar fluid, and a colloidal sulfur. Such a spraying will prevent the tick reproduction and increase the immunity of plants against fungal diseases. Fourth stage. Spraying during the bootonization period by one of the systemic fungicides. Fifth stage. A preventive spraying of a spring mixture of burglar liquid, colloidal sulfur and copper oxychloride at the stage of the fetus tying (pea stage). Only future bunches should be processed.

      Vintage: Recipes of our ancestors

      Probably, from those times to this day, recipes for the treatment of grapes by folk remedies. It is possible that they have changed a bit, but their essence is to help the vine of grapes.

      Before talking about diseases and their treatment, let us recall the pests that the abundant amount. They eat leaves and berries, damage the root part under the ground and over it, they destroy the processes and flowers during flowering. They provoke the appearance of spots, cobweb and other unpleasant moments. Most often, the grapes are trying to apply various solutions of chemical origin, but still, if they reflect, natural substances have always been better and not so harm the quality of the harvest.

      Diseases and pests of grapes

      Almost 500 types of grape diseases are known. These are fungal lesions, and bacterial infections, and viral diseases, as well as mycoplasma and other types of ailments.

    • oidium;
    • gray rot;
      • cherver;
      • filloxer and others.
      • Classification of preparations for processing

        Today there is an extensive list of drugs that can be divided into fungicides and insecticides.

        Fungicides are designed to fight fungal lesions, and insecticides - to kill annoying pests. For fungicidal compositions, a separation of contact and systematic influences is characterized. They differ in terms of expectation of the result, and on the principle of influence on the plant. If you describe in more detail, the systemic fungicides penetrate the plant tissue and move on them with juices, destroying the disease. They deeply affect the plant, can destroy a strongly developed pathogenic process. In addition, these fungicides are not cleaned with precipitation.

        Each farmer selects preparations for spraying, based on their own needs.

        Victory over Mildewes

        Mildu may be amazed all the green organs of the plant. This is a fungal disease that breeds disputes that are experiencing winter in the soil, in the flowing foliage and shied berries. The impetus to the development of the dispute gives abundant precipitation in the spring, when the temperature rises to + 11 ° C. The first stage of the disease is hidden, visual signs are manifested in 5-10 days.

        To combat Mildew, the vineyard is sprayed with contact or systemic fungicide. It may be "Mikal", "Ridomil", "Holyimcin" or Bordeaux liquid. According to the rules, the first spraying is carried out before the shootings of shoots by 25 cm. The second spraying is in spring, before flowering, and the third processing is at the end of flowering. During the vegetation, it is necessary to hold 7-8 application interval between them - from 15 to 21 days, in accordance with the instructions.

        All agrotechnical measures must be carried out, to reduce moisture, and prevent exceeding foliage density.

        The drug Mikale is effectively fighting Mildew

        Oidium is also a fungal grape disease. In the process, all green organs of the plant suffer, covering the light gray layer of mushrooms. Gifs fungus are attached to the living surfaces of suckers, and suck the power from the outer cells. Gradually, the dieting infected fabrics occurs.

        The causative agent of the disease hides in the winter in the kidneys of infected shoots. Sprouts, which are sickling from such kidneys, are characterized by lighter, a bit grayish, color. Incubation period of the disease up to 14 days. Spores are capable of germination at a temperature of + 5 ° C.

        Fighting gray rot

        This fungal defeat can destroy up to 80% of the entire grape harvest. It affects all systems, including annual overwhelming processes. Gray rot is dangerous for seedlings, as it leads to reinstalling berries and ridges. The fungus is able to survive in a large temperature range. Delta is from +5 ° C to +30 ° C. The intensity of the development of mushrooms is sharply enhanced by increasing humidity up to 70%.

        The basic measures to combat gray rot - timely agrotechnical action. The bushes need to be tied up, remove barren shoots and reversal, to improve ventilation. Also be sure to destroy pests and take a timely crop. Everything vegetable residues It is necessary to clean, and burn, to destroy the causative agent of the disease.

        One of the most common and dangerous lesions from this group is an infectious drying of bushes. Sick vine gives weak shoots with shortened interstices and small deformed foliage. With raising temperatures, the growth of shoots may stop completely. The leaves later bloom on the bushes later, and necrotic spots are present on cuts. At first, dry individual sleeves, and then the bush dies completely.

        Infectious drying of grapes may occur in the absence of regular trimming

        In the period when the bush puts forward a green cone, conduct processing from scoop, spiders and emers. For this, the chemicals "Chlorofos" and "Fosalon" are suitable. These drugs are suitable for combating grape leaflets and a cloud leaflet. However, processing should be carried out before the start of flowering when the inflorescences are loosening.

        The measures to protect the vineyard from diseases and pests can be carried out by folk remedies. For this spraying is not held chemical preparations, and herbs champs. You can not use chemistry during the aging of grapes, but the bravery and infusions are quite acceptable.

        Against insects use decoction onion husks, cleanliness or sprinkling. But these means must be applied to the bush as often as possible, since any precipitation is washed off from the plants completely. In many cases, such struggle measures are not effective. They simply calm the grape, for a certain time.

        Diseases and pests: how to protect grapes

        Experienced dacifics know that high yield Grapes are not enough to plant bushes on its plot. The vineyard requires attention and care. Special place is the protection of grapes from diseases and prevention of pests.

        Spraying the vineyard will protect it from many diseases

        Most often, the owners face the following diseases affecting the quality of the harvest:

      • mildew;
      • black spotlight;
      • infectious drying.
      • To this list you need to add more country pests that can cause considerable damage to the vineyard. Main problems deliver:

      • slopers;
      • felt tick;
      • web tick;
      • As you can see, wishing to "try" grapes earlier than the owners, quite a lot. If you do not take measures on time to combat "fucking", then the crop can not see.

        Contact chemicals in cells do not penetrate, their effect is based on direct contact with the pathogenic microflora on the surface. They quickly act when hitting the pathogens, they cope well in the areas of direct contact with the disputes of fungi, and do not cause addiction, that is, suitable for repeated processes. But this group of drugs cannot cope with deep lesions, and is easily washed off by rains.

        There is a group of system-contact preparations that jointly combined the basic qualities of the above-described substances. In each case, the grapework should carefully read the description and instructions. Only after this make a decision to apply the substance on the site.

        The vineyard infected with Mildewa has yellowish spots of different configuration on the leaves. With increasing moisture on the bottom of the infected foliage, a whiten flare is noticeable. These are conidial disputes infecting the plant reused. Over the season, fungal infection gives up to 16 generations.

        Battle with pulse dew (Oidium)

        On the foliage of the oidium is manifested by separate stains leading to a drying and premature discharge of leaves. Infected inflorescences completely dry out, and grapes are cracking. If the Oidium settled on the weird shoots, brown spots become noticeable.

        To combat pulmonary dew, they use sulfur preparations. Before the flowering, the wetting powder or colloidal sulfur is preferable, and after - grinding sulfur. During the period of active development, Topcin, Fundazole, Bayleton and others are processed. Spraying repeat with a period of 10-15 days.

        Topcin - drug against oidium

        The causative agent in felling plants felling, and begins development with the onset of spring. By the end of the summer, the foci on the bunches of the threshing looks like a gray cannon.

        To restrain the development of the disease, the bushes are treated with fungicidal drugs. It may be "belates", "Eupaaren", "Topcin". The first processing should be followed by following the falling of the cap, the second - to the closure of the berries in the brushes. Two subsequent treatments are performed at the initial stage of ripening and a month before the crop removal.

        Serious rot, you can avoid, regularly thinning grapes and destroying pests

        Infectious, noncommunicable and viral diseases of grapes

        In addition to fungal lesions, there is whole line infectious and viral diseases. It can be an anznosis, infectious drying of bushes, chlorosis, short-mete and many others. To combat them, they produce a sample, spraying by chemicals in spring, before activation of the kidneys. Be sure to destroy pests carrying pathogens. Special attention is paid to the state planting material. Saplings must be strong and healthy.

        The impetus to the development of this disease can serve damage to the frost or a strong drought. The causative agent of infectious drying winter wood Core Old vines, in sleeves and fruit units.

        For the struggle, pruning is carried out with the mandatory garbage removal, which must be burned. In addition, when signs of infectious drying, the "Dlin" spray

        Protection of bushes from pests

        In the fall, after the focus of foliage, and in the spring, before the activation of the kidneys, it is necessary to perform a spraying of insecticides to destroy the wintering stages of pests. To combat S. different species Tings can be used nitrafen preparations and "DNOs".

        In fact, the spraying of bushes does not take too much time. But this measure is absolutely necessary for the stable yield of the vineyard. Provide plants correct careAnd they will provide you with an abundant harvest.