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What does Waaleikum Assalam mean. Assalam Aleikum is the wish of the world. How the greeting "Salam Aleikum" is translated and what it means

"Assalym Aleikum" - words of greetings, which for several hundred years of Muslims use as a greeting of their units. These are the most beautiful words, for them we wish our brother or sister of the world. It is very important, for the word "salami" - the "world" is used quite often in the Holy Book of Muslims - the Quran. This word is used in the formulation of the blessing of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah).

The history of this kind of greetings is so old as the existence of humanity itself.

Allah's Almighty, creating our plaque Adam (peace to him), told him: "Go and greet you, those sitting in the distance of angels and carefully listen to their return words, as it will be a form of greeting your offspring." Adam (peace to him) greeted the angels with the words: " assalyamu alaikum " Angels in response to him: " Waaleikum Ssalaham Va Rakhmatullahi "(Imam Bukhari, Muslim).

« When you are welcome, answer another greeting or the same " (Sura "An-Nisa", Ayat 86) This Ayat points to the fact that we owe a greeting to answer this greeting or better, that is, if we are told "Assalam Aleikum", we must answer "Waaleikum Assalym", but will be more valuable If we add "Va Rakhmatullahi Va Barakatuh".

The people who are the first to welcome others to Allahu "(Abu Dwood, Imam Ahmad).

Imran Bin Hussein says that a certain man came to the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) and said: "Assalam Alaikum!" The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) responded to him: "Was Aleicum to Sansala, you are ten good actions for this greeting." Then came the second man and said: "Assalym Aleikum Va Rakhmatullah!" The Prophet (peace and the blessing of Allah) answered the same greeting and said: "You are twenty good actions." Then the third came and said: "Assalamu Aleikum Va Rakhmatullahi Va Barakatuhuh!" The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) answered the same greeting and said: "You are thirty good actions." When the fourth and said, "Assalamu Alaikum Va Rakhmatullahi Va Barakatuh Va Magfiratuh!" "Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) greeted him in the same way, saying:" You are forty good actions. "

Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah) said: " Assalem is the name of Allah and you spread it with each other " In another Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah), given Abu Khruire (may Allah be pleased), says: " You do not enter the paradise until your faith (Iman) is not full, and your faith will not be full until you love each other. Do you specify to you, making which, do you love each other? Distribute "Assalem" between you " In this Hadith call to the spread of Salama between Muslims. When a person goes, he welcomes a sedentary, the youngest - older, going into the house, you need to welcome households, and there is no one in the house, they say: "Assalam Alaine Va Alla Ibadillahi Sissylekhin!"

Anas Bin Malik (may Allah be satisfied), which served as the prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) Ten years old, passed the following words: " Oh, Anas, I will hang it, and you take care of the testament, multiply by mazazy at night and you will love the angels. Entering the house, welcome home, and the Most High will increase you a barrack. If you can go to bed in a wash, then go there, because if you die, being in ablution, then you will die with a martyr (Shahid). Coming out of the house, welcome everyone who will meet, Allah will increase your good actions. Respect the elders from Muslims and be merciful to younger from Muslims. I and you will be in paradise, like these two fingers, "he said, showing the index and middle fingers, - you know, about Anas, truly, Allah is content with a slave, which for every piece and a sip of water thanks, praises Allah».

Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) said: " Truly, in paradise there is a tree with benefits that did not see the eye, did not hear the ear and that it is impossible to imagine " The associates asked: " About the Messenger of Allah, who is prepared by this tree? ", To which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah) replied:" To the one who spreads salam feeds food, constantly fastens and makes Namaz at night when people sleep " The associates asked: " And who can perform all this? »Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah) said:" The one who will meet his brother and will greet him. Who feeds your family of delight. The one who fastens on the month of Ramazan and six days Shavval is constantly fasting, and the one who commits night and morning namaz with Jamaat, that person makes Namazy at night when other people sleep ».

In the Hadith passes: " The most pleasing Allah Those of you who first begins greeting " Moreover, in the Holy Quran of Almighty Allah, in ten cases he welcomes his slaves.

Welcome each other every time you can separate. I remember, one Alim when he gave a lesson and, if necessary, left the office, every time, again, encompassed, welcomed the group of Mutalimov. During the lesson, it could happen more than once. Sometimes it seemed ridiculous, but our righteous associates came in exactly the same way. For example, if the satellites were separated on the road, they welcomed each other as soon as they left the very tree.

An undesirable is to pronounce the words of greetings during Azan and Ikamata, when people are engaged in answers to Azan and Ikamat, but if someone suddenly has given anyone, you need to answer. You should not be welcomed by a praying person who performs the ablution reading the Quran, in order not to distract him from Ibadat (worship). In the Sharia, some other cases in which it is undesirable to give greeting with the words "Assalam Aleikum".

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing) said: " Oh people, spread to Salam, feed food and pray at night when people sleep, then you will enter Paradise ».

There are many different forms of greeting, in different languages \u200b\u200bthey sound differently, but the general meaning of them is the same. The very best greeting is "Assalam Aleikum", whose history has already has many millennia.

I remember, one of the leading news release has always ended its ether with the words "Peace of your home". The world can be the most different, but it will be so strong and cramped as much as we want it. And making it seemingly small actions, such as an ordinary greeting, we lay a powerful foundation of calm for yourself, with their family, society and the Almighty Allah.

The words "Assalam Aleikum" strengthen love, understanding among Muslims. They are a unifying factor. And yes will help us the Almighty Allah with these words to join the blessed paradise! Amine.

He is also used by Arabs Christians and Arab Jews. Equivalent of the words "Hello". In response to this greeting traditionally respond uA-Aleicum C-Salam (Arab. ‏وَعَلَيْكُمُ السَّلَامُ ‎ - peace to you too). The concept of "Salam", the word "Islam", originally had a purely religious significance and was used in the sense of "Peace with God".

About greeting in the Quran and Sunna

According to the Quran, Muslims are obliged to respond to a greeting, using no less words than those who greeted the first:

"When you welcome, answer another greeting or the same. Truly, Allah calculates any thing. "

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  • Bernard Lewis: Die Politische Sprache Des Islam. Berlin 1991. S. 133-135 (Und ANM. 18-24 AUF S. 233-234)
  • Ignaz Goldziher in: Die Zeitschrift DEUTSCHEN MORGENLÄNDISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT, BD. 46, S.22-23.

see also


  • (eng.) (ar.)

Excerpt characterizing as-salyam aleikum

The officer approached Makarra Alexeich and grabbed him for the gate.
Makar Alekseich, dissolving his lips, as if falling asleep, swinging, leaning against the wall.
- Brigand, Tu Me La Payers, - said the Frenchman, taking his hand.
- Nous Autres Nous Somme Clements APRES La Victoire: Mais Nous Ne Pardonnons Pas Aux Traitres, [Robber, you will pay for it. Our brother of mercy after victory, but we do not forgive traitors, "he added with gloomy solemnity in his face and with a beautiful energetic gesture.
Pierre continued in French to persuade the officer not to collect from this drunk, insane person. The Frenchman listened to silently without changing the gloomy species, and suddenly he turned to Pierre with a smile. He silently looked at him for a few seconds. His beautiful face took a tragically gentle expression, and he extended his hand.
- Vous M "Avez Sauve La Vie! Vous Etes Francais, [You saved my life. You are French," he said. For the French, this conclusion was undeniable. Only a Frenchman could make a great deal, and the rescue of his life, MR Ramball "I Capitaina Du 13 Me Leger [Monsieur Rambala, Captain of the 13th Light Regiment] - was, no doubt, the greatest thing.
But no matter how uncomparented this conclusion, and the officer's conviction based on him, Pierre found it necessary to disappoint him.
"Je Suis Russe, [I am Russian," said Pierre quickly.
"Ti Ti, a D" Autres, [tell it to others] - said the Frenchman, making my finger in front of his nose and smiling. - Tout a L "Heure Vous Allez Me Conter Tout Ca," he said. - Charme de Rencontrer Un Compatriote. EH BIEN! QU "ALLONS NOUUS FAIRE DE CET HOMME? [Now you will tell me all this. It is very nice to meet the compatriot. Well! What do we do with this person?] - he added, turning to Pierre, already like his brother. If even Pierre was not a Frenchman, having received it the highest name in the world, he could not renounce him, the expression of the face and the tone of the French officer said. For the last question, Pierre once again explained who was Makar Alekseich, explained that he had the most advent of this Drunk, the crazy man dragged a charged gun, who did not have time to take away from him, and asked to leave his act without punishment.
The Frenchman put up the chest and made the royal gesture hand.
- Vous M "Avez Sauve La Vie. Vous Etes Francais. Vous Me Demandez SA Grace? Je Vous L" Accorde. QU "ON EMMENE CET HOMME, [you saved my life. You are a Frenchman. Do you want to forgive him? I forgive him. To lead the French officer quickly and energetically, taking the French officer under the arm he made him for the salvation of his life In the French Pierre, and went to the house with him.
Soldiers who were on the courtyard, having heard a shot, entered the senses, asking what happened, and revealing the willingness to punish the perpetrators; But the officer strictly stopped them.
"On Vous Demandera Quand On Aura Besoin De Vous," When you need, you will be called, "he said. Soldiers came out. The Bunner, who had time to visit the kitchen, went to the officer.
"Capitaine, ILS ONT De La Soupe et du Gigot de Mouton Dans La Cuisine," he said. - Faut Il Vous L "ApporTer? [Captain They have a soup and fried lamb in the kitchen. Orders to bring?]
- OUI, ET Le Vin, [Yes, and Wine,] - said Captain.

French officer, together with Pierre entered the house. Pierre considered his debt again to assure the captain that he was not a Frenchman, and wanted to leave, but the French officer did not want to hear about it. He was taking such a degree, kindly, good-natured and truly grateful for the salvation of his life, that Pierre did not have the spirit to refuse him and sat down with him in the hall, in the first room, in which they entered. For the statement of Pierre that he is not a Frenchman, the captain, obviously not understanding how it was possible to give up such a flattering title, shrugged and said that he certainly wants to hear Russian, then let it be so, but that he, despite That, still forever connected with him a sense of gratitude for the salvation of life.
If this person would have been gifted at least any ability to understand the feelings of others and guess the feelings of Pierre, Pierre, probably he would have left him; But the lively impermeability of this person to all that he did not have, the Pierre won.
- Francais Ou Prince Russe Incognito, [French or Russian Prince Incognito,] - said the Frenchman, Looking down, though dirty, but Pierre's thin underwear and a ring on his hand. - Je Vous Dois La Vie Je Vous Offre Mon Amitie. UN FRANCAIS N "OUBLIE JAMAIS NI UNE INSULTE NI UN SERVICE. JE VOUS OFFRE MON AMITIE. JE NE VOU DIS QUE CA. [I owe you life, and I offer you friendship. The Frenchman never forgets any insult or services. I suggest You have my friendship. I don't say anything else.]
In the sounds of voice, in the expression of the face, in the gestures of this officer, there was so much good nature and nobility (in the French sense) that Pierre, answering an unconscious smile on the smile of the Frenchman, shook his hand.
- Capitaine Ramball Du Treizieme Leger, Decore Pour L "Affaire du Sept, [Captain Rambal, Thirteenth Light Shelf, Cavaler of the Honorary Legion for the work of the seventh of September,] - he was replaced with a smug, uncpendless smile, which wrinkled his lips under the mustache. - voudrez Vous Bien ME DIRE A PRESENT, A QUI "J" AI L "HONNEUR DE PARLER AUSSI AGREABLEMENT AU LIEU DE RESTER AL" AMBULANCE AVEC LA BALLE DE CE FOU DANS LE CORPS. [Will you be so kind to tell me now, with whom I am I have the honor to talk so nice, instead of being on a dressing point with a bullet of this crazy in the body?]

Assalyamu alaikum - Muslim greeting (Arab. وعليكم السلام - peace to you). Greeting answer uA Aleikum AS-Salam (Arab. وعليكم السلام - And you the world). The word "Salam", sampled with Islam, literally meant "Peace with God."

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, said: "You will not enter the paradise, until you believe, but you will not tell you until you love to love each other. So do not tell me to me that lead you to mutual love if you do it? Distribute greetings among themselves! " (Muslim)


Assalym Aleikum is a generally accepted form of greeting without specification by the floor, since grammatically indicates the second face of the plural (you).

As-Salam Aleik (Arab. السلام عليك - the world to you) - when contacting "You" to one man;

Alaca Alaiki (Arab. السلام عليك - the world to you) - when contacting "You" to one woman;

Alacum Alasa (Arab. السلام عليكما - the world to you (both)) - when referring to two people of any sex;

Alakunna as Salam (Arab. السلام عليكن - peace to you) - only when contacting three and more women;

AS-Salam Aleicum (Arab. السلام عليكم - peace to you) - when contacting a group of three or more people in which there is at least one man; or the highest state person (king, minister and so on);

As-Salamu Aleikum Va Rakhmatu-Llah (Arab. السلامة عليكم ورحمة الله) - greeting form: "Peace to you and the grace of Allah";

As-Salamu Aleikum Va-Rakhmatu-Llakhi Va-Barakatuh (Arab. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته) - greeting form, meaning: "Peace to you and the grace of Allah and his blessing."

Va-Aleikum As-Salam Va Rakhmatu-Llakhi Va-Barakatuh (Arab. وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته) - a response form to a greeting, meaning: "And the world, the mercy of Allah and his blessing."

Salam (Arab. سلام - peace) - So Muslims welcome each other in some countries. Moreover, representatives of other religions may be greeting with Muslims and among themselves.

Adabs greeting

1. Being generous on greetings. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, has never been a stingy greeting. In the transfer from Abdullah Bin Amra: "The prophet asked:" Oh, the Messenger of the Most High! What's the best in Islam? ". "The best - if you feed the hungry, welcome and familiar, and strangers," the prophet replied. "

2. Be sure to respond to a greeting. "Salam" is also a Dua (Moluba), spoken by the tongue and coming from the heart, and must be able to answer the one who wishes you peace, grace and blessings.

3. According to the Quran, Muslims are obliged to respond to a greeting, using no less than the words than those who greeted first.

"When you are welcome, respond to another greeting or the same. Truly, Allah calculates any thing "

Holy Quran. Sura 4 "An-Nisa" / "Women", Ayat 86

4. Muslims welcome each other, even if they are in a quarrel. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing, said: "When two Muslims meet, let them welcome each other, and if a quarrel happened between them or a female arose, then let him also greet each other" (Abu Daud).

5. The first greets: the eldest - the youngest, the town-dweller - a rural resident, the rider - a walk, standing - Sitting, the owner - servant, father - Son, mother - her daughter. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, said: "The rider (must first) welcome the foot, going - sitting, and the smaller group of people) is greater" (al-Bukhari, Muslim).

6. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, said: "Let the newcomer from you be welcomed by those present and leaving you, too, will also be greeting the remaining. And does not exceed the first greeting of the latter.

7. Before the greeting of people in Muslim mosque should make the prayer Tachiyat and Masdzhid (greeting of the mosque).

8. Muslims can not be first welcome:

  • Men - unfamiliar girls, young women
  • Reading prayer (Namaz), preaching (hutbook) or quran
  • Remembering Allah (ZIKR) or utter preaching
  • Muzzin, calling for prayer (Azan or Ikamat)
  • Receiving food or sending natural need
  • Sin

Almighty Allah knows better

How to answer the greeting "Salam Aleikum!" (In proper transcription "AS-Salam Aleikum")? Over the past twenty years, this question attracts a lot of attention from the Russian-speaking population. This is probably due to the conflict of the Russian Federation with the Islamic state. However, this is a completely different topic for discussion.

What is "Salam Aleikum!"? The translation of Arabic greetings means "peace to you." Muslim traditions and customs have always been distinguished by radical order. Naturally, Allah is placed above all (that is, Arabic God), and then the family. With greeting "Salam Aleikum!" The answer should be coming to the corresponding: that is, with the same respect and respect. Everything is said about this gesture in the Holy Book of Muslims called "Quran" (translated from Arab "reading out loud"). According to the laws of the Holy Scripture, every right Muslim has lives.

"Salam Aleikum!": Translation and answer

This phrase is a standard greeting among Muslims and is used in all cases of life and its contexts. "Salam Aleikum" in the Arab spoken speech is also used as often as "Allah Akbar" (the phrase in which Muslims weighs His God, translated - "Allah Great").

A typical answer to the greeting "AS-Salam Aleikum!" It is "UA-Aleikum As-Salam", which translated from Arab in Russian means "and you the world."

This greeting was changed in significantly abbreviated forms of neighboring languages \u200b\u200b- from Malagasy (the language of the inhabitants of the island and the state of Madagascar) to Urdu (Indo-European language, common in Pakistan). The most popular modifiable greeting is the word "Salam" (on Persian Salam).

How do Muslims say goodbye?

Muslims have two most common farewells:

  • "Is-Salam Alek!" That translated into Russian means "peace of you from Allah!";
  • "HAER", that is, "Goodbye!".

The difference between the presented farewells is that in the first case a person wishes good, health and well-being from Allah. That is, expresses the most respect for the interlocutor. After all, the wish from God is the highest degree of respect. In the second case, it's just a banal and not a binding farewell.

"Salam Aleikum!": Answer and shortened form "Salaam"

Over the past century, residents of countries with a mixed population, confessing different religions (in which Islam remains dominant and predominant) are increasingly using a greeting not "AS-Salam Aleikum", but a simple and shortened "salami" (or "Salam"). At the same time, people of another denomination welcomed Muslims and themselves like a shortened word. How to answer "Salam"? When contacting you with the word "Salam" can be answered in the same way, but it is possible to fully - "UA-Aleikum as Salam".

How do Jews welcome each other?

"Shalom Aleichem!" (Ashkenaz pronunciation - "Sholom Aleichem") - a greeting form, which is traditional among the Jews around the world. This greeting, as a rule, use Ashkenaz Jews (German-speaking European Jews). In modern Hebrew also use the shortened version of the greeting "Shalom". In response to such an appeal, Aleichem-Sholov should be said.

Always need to answer using no less words than in greeting

With the aforementioned greeting forms, we have already become familiarized, but by all the familiar "AS-Salam Aleikum" is an abbreviated form of this prosperity. The full version in translation means "peace to you, the grace of Allah and his blessing." In accordance with the law of the Qur'an, each Muslim must answer as well as disclosed and verbose. The ideal answer is the "Va-Aleikum As-Salam Va-Rakhmat-Llakhi Va-Barakatuh", which is translated as "and the world, the grace of Allah and his blessing."

Why is it so important for Muslims? Example of greeting

Muslim nations have all life directly related to religion and religion. Each Muslim must know the Koran as its name. It should also pronounce prayers several times a day. In the phrase "AS-Salam Aleikum" there is a rich meaning that every representative Islam is remembered.

On the phrase "Salam Aleikum!" The answer must be "UA-Aleikum As-Salam". This is how mutual respect and respect for greetings are expressed.

"AS-Salamu", as mentioned above, translates as "peace". In this concept, a lot of meaning was invested, that is, the world is overnight "preservation", "prosperity", "well-being", "health" and "prosperity". This word is included in the "99 names of Allah" (the names of God taken from the Quran and Sunny). Based on this, it can be understood that every Muslim, who said "AS-Salamu," means that Allah is "God, who gives peace and prosperity, he is a prechistan and has no shortcomings."

Multivality "Salyam" and its derivatives

At this, the lexical secrets of the Arabic language do not end. The root of the word "Salam" comes from the word "Muslim" (as well as Muslim). Among Muslims it is believed that a person who worships Allah is an example of imitation for society. Sincerely believes shows reliability and security actions and actions. Muslim is the embodiment of peace, good, order and healthy lifestyle. Such a person always knows what he wants from life, he has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe and himself.

So they promise that will be responsible for the life of the interlocutor

Muslim, who said "Salam" to himself similar, in one word expresses his respect, respect and well-being from the Most High, which will protect from everything unfavorable. That is, such words are considered a wish of security among representatives of monotheistic Arabiamian religion. With greeting "Salam Aleikum!" The answer should be sounded with great wishes and reverence. Such rules. "Salam" is a secret promise for the ban of encroachment on property, honor and life.