Repairs Design Furniture

Decoration in a glass of New Year. Observing New Year's traditions

Approaching New Year holidays makes us think not only about the selection original gifts For their relatives and friends, but also how beautiful and exquisitely make the table decoration. After all, not only dishes, but also the dishes from which we eat should shout about the celebration and cause joy in our eyes. Plates different shapes And colors, vases for fruits and sweets, forks, knives, spoons, harmoniously complemented by small compositions from spruce twigs, cones, figures from felt, including wine glasses, glasses, should remind us of the imminent onset of the long-awaited fabulous holiday. But most importantly, what to turn your close attentionSo these are wine glasses. After all, they sparkles that charming wine drink, which we are accustomed to meet from a long time New Year, Menia cherished desire And sincerely congratulating their gathered guests. In such a magnificent and cheerful atmosphere, hold in hand. An ordinary fragile feuder somehow looks boring, so it is worth working for their decor. If you have never been engaged in this and do not have the concepts, how to do it, then our article will provide you with 65 photos of the ideas of a beautiful and inexpensive decoration of glasses for the new year 2019 with your own hands at home, using the simplest and affordable aesthetic agents. In order to make any difficulties in your creative work, we have prepared for you, dear friends, interesting videos with useful and intelligent master classes, step by step instructions which will help you easily and, moreover, in as soon as possible deal with this exciting occupation.

Decor elements for decoration of glasses

So that your glasses have become a focus on the new year 2019, it is worth choosing the appropriate decoration for them. This type of activity is advisable to engage in advance, as it is necessary to collect missing materials for the New Year decor and produce the direct transformation of the fuels, it will take you a certain amount of time and strength. But despite this, you as a result of painstaking work will get miniature masterpieces of world art, which you will reproduce with your own hands from such simple and inexpensive items as:

  • multicolored sugar;
  • stained paints;
  • glitter;
  • ready New Year's stickers;
  • sequins;
  • rhinestones;
  • beads or semi-grayscake;
  • beads;
  • feathers;
  • rice napkins;
  • paper elements;
  • festive tinsel and rain;
  • small fragments of christmas toys;
  • loskutka fabric;
  • salty dough;
  • polymer clay;
  • satin and other elegant ribbons;
  • sprigs ate;
  • small bumps;
  • berries of the ostolist;
  • bows;
  • artificial flowers and snow;
  • decorative spray;
  • ryushi;
  • beads of small configuration;
  • chocolate;
  • almond powder;
  • color powder and much more, which will have to do you like.

Here are such simple ways to decorate your glasses for the New Year 2019, using your own skillful hands. Believe me, nothing complicated in this process No, even on the contrary, it will seem very fascinating to decorate the wine glasses with a different magic decor, which will significantly transform them and revitalize them. Browse our selection of photos of ideas that will provide you with "food" for reflection and creativity in this direction.

If you decide to surprise your relatively charming Christmas glasses, then our video tutorial will tell you about it in detail.

Master class on the decoration of the glasses do it yourself

Snow-covered New Year's bottles

This version of the decoration of glasses for the new year 2019 will be traditional for you if you at least once will use it. After all, such a decor is created with his own hands quickly and looks truly superb. It seems that your wine glasses are shed a little snow. A real winter fairy tale right on your holiday table.


  1. Before proceeding with Fuzhar, it is worth cleaning it from different pollution And degreased for better clutch material with glass. To do this, you need to take alcohol and process our product.
  2. We proceed to the decor of the glade. To this end, we will use artificial snow bought in the store. We apply a snowy mass on a slim layer on a fuer, intentionally creating irregularities and roughness on the surface with a brush.
  3. Without waiting for snow cover drying, sprinkle with sparkling sparkles. When flickering garlands for the new year 2019, your creations will be blocked by bright pearl flares, which fascinatingly affects your loved ones and friends.
  4. Surplus snow must be slightly smeared with a brush. Here, in principle, our decoration produced by your own hands is ready. For a festive mood, it is just what you need.

Artificial snow with their own hands

If you have any difficulties in finding a decor in the form of artificial snow for decorating glasses for the new year 2019, then you should not get upset immediately. It can be easily made with your own hands at home. The structure will be so similar to natural - cold, fluffy and very soft, that you are amazed. How to do this, we will tell you everything in detail now.

For work it will be necessary:

  • corn starch - 2 packs;
  • shaving cream;
  • mint extract (at your discretion);
  • sequins or mica.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take a deep container and pour our corn starch into it.
  2. We add a shaving foam in small quantities to form a lot and looseness, as in nature. We mix carefully with a spoon.
  3. To achieve the effect of flicker, it is desirable to use some sequins or mica.
  4. Freshness and fragrance will give extract of peppermint. Decor for decorating glasses for the new year 2019, created with your own hands, ready!

There are many and other ways how artificial snow can be made, but the time is to describe all this, a lot will leave. Therefore, we suggest you view our learning video that will provide several excellent ideas on this topic.

Master class on the manufacture of artificial snow

Decoration of glasses beaded

If you do not know how to decorate glasses for the new year 2019 with your own hands easily and effectively, then take advantage of our regular offer. We advise you to take advantage of the beads, which will work perfectly with your glands and make them just irresistible. There is nothing complicated in this work, you should only choose a gentle - white or pearl decor in a specialized store.

For work it will be necessary:

  • middle size beads for decoration;
  • pVA glue;
  • brilliant glue for decoupage;
  • wineglass.


  1. In order to decorate our festo, you should come up in advance new Year's pattern, And then then begin to follow the work.
  2. We apply a small amount of PVA glue on the glass and, without waiting for its ambulance, fix the beads selected by us. We try to fill them all the space so that there are no clearance.
  3. Complete our decor with the latest strokes: we carry out the missing lines with brilliant glue for decoupage. Your fantasy will tell you how to do it. This is so easy to transform your glasses for the new year 2019 with your own hands, and without much effort.

There is another one the simplest way decoration of wine glasses in the New Year's spirit. It differs from all its speed of execution. It is not necessary to sit for a long time, sticking small beads or beads, but you just have to draw with a contour on glass and ceramics any pattern that came to your mind. It is possible in the form of snowflakes, bells, christmas balls, spruses ate and so on. Browse our video if you are interested in our idea.

Master class on the New Year's decoration of glasses

Decoration of glasses sparkles

To New Year 2019 your glasses looked irresistible, you should decorate them with sparkles. Such an idea will like many of you, dear friends, because playing shine and luxurious chic are essential satellites of New Year's Eve. Decor expedient will produce sparkles in brown, gold and silver colors. After all, the mistress of the coming year is yellow Earthy pig, gives them a special preference. Yes, and doubt not standing in the selected colors, because beauty will be really incredible. Such a decoration created by your own hands is perfect for both at home and for a gift to anyone. Be sure your efforts will be appreciated.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • glasses;
  • alcohol;
  • sequins of several colors;
  • glue on glass;
  • brush;
  • pVA glue with a sharp dispenser;
  • varnish in the canister (as a fixer);
  • polyethylene;
  • scotch.

Work process:

  1. Before starting work, the glasses should be washed, dry and treat with alcohol to degrease.
  2. As can be seen in the photo, the edge of Fozher remained transparent. To do this, we have prepared the scotch that we need to close its upper part.
  3. After that, it is necessary to treat glue for glass all the unclipped surface of our fragile product, using a comfortable brush.
  4. While the glue did not have time to dry, we quickly sprinkle the treated part of the colors you like. At this stage, we leave our billets for a couple of hours to fix.
  5. After the last time, we remove our tape, but very carefully, so as not to hurt the reedy part of the Fugera. PVA's sharp spawn make peculiar flux directly on the surface of the sequin. In the photo you can see the final result of this process.
  6. After the whole circle of our glass product is treated with glue, we should immediately pour it with sparkles, but a contrasting color. We let me dry for several hours.
  7. At the end of the decor, created by your own hands, we need to process our product by a fixer. In order not to spoil the transparent part of the Fugera, it must be closed at the time of polyethylene. Lacuate only a brilliant surface.

In the same way, it is possible to decorate not only the glass itself, but also its legs. Such registration for the new year 2019 will look much more interesting and richer.

IN new Year's Eve Do not forget about children's tastes. After all, we all know perfectly that the kids simply adore sweets. Therefore, we advise you to embody their dream into reality, but quite interesting and creative way. Armed with the necessary products, you can make charming sweet wine glasses from Ising and make their design as you like your kids. But it is necessary to transform together, since these pastry products have a fragile structure and can be easily broken. Supplement such beauty follows the Marshmello multi-colored Marshmallows, which in our time make the eye with their bizarre forms, slightly pour chocolate and sprinkle with any nuts. No avid sweet tooth can stand in front of such a dazzling and fragrant yummy. To perform cooking technology as you should, check out our video tutorial. It contains a lot of useful information for you.

Master class for the manufacture of New Year's glasses from Ising

New Year's glasses "Snow Bezel"

In order to surprise your guests and relatives for the new year 2019, the host use various methods Decoration of glasses with their own hands. One of these widely used decors is snow rim. Many women give him their preference because of the ease of performing and accessing the ingredients.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • granulated sugar;
  • egg white;
  • wine glasses;
  • bright candy powder or multicolored sugar.

Work process:

  1. Clean our glasses from stains and any contamination, rubbing glass to shine.
  2. We take one egg and separate yolks from the squirrel. The latter is thoroughly whipped by a fork and dip our fuyster in it, slightly touching the protein mixture, so that it turned out a peculiar bezel.
  3. After that, we need sugar sand. In it, we also omit our feuds to form a snowy crust. Ready! When our product freezes, you can serve cold champagne in them.

By the way, if you want a bright and original decoration For the new year 2019, then instead of ordinary sugar, multicolored sand should be used, which is obtained by adding the colors to it to it. The tricks here are not at all, it is worth just a little dilute the dye with water and mix with sugar. Dry as room temperature, Periodically stirring, so that the frozen lumps are not formed. That's all! You can transform your glasses, glasses, saws for ice cream and the like. Such a decor made by your own hands will delight not only children, but also adults. But it is worth remembering that it has a property of the situation, as guests, without waiting for the completion of the holiday, will soon eat it in a short time and there will be an ordinary wine glaze for a wine sparkling drink. To make an aesthetic look, you can try another wonderful option, more reliable and durable. This is a point painting, with which real masterpieces are created. visual arts. If you want to try good luck and you in this area, then browse our video tutorial.

Master Class: Point Painting of Fumes

Decoration of glasses with New Year's compositions

Your glasses for the new year 2019 will look quite exquisite, if they arrange them with small compositions consisting of miniature cones, berries, spruce spruses, artificial mothers and leaves, decorative wire with beads, feathers, satin ribbons, nuts, latter souvenir gifts In brilliant packaging and much more. In general, how developed your fantasy is so and will look like a decoration made by your own hands. But you should not immediately get upset if nothing comes in the head. Peel in your camorks and, I assure you, finding some cool thing, your imagination will immediately play. Moreover, such a decor is created very easily, the main thing is to choose interesting materials For your creativity.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • fuuder;
  • alcohol for degreasing;
  • glue on glass;
  • decorative elements: Corses, artificial openwork sprigs for decoration, cinema wire or any other, but elegant, beads, gold ribbons, bright pebbles and so on.

Work process:

  1. We wipe carefully our glass, degreasing it and rubbed to the brilliance.
  2. Take the Golden Ribbon or the one that you will like the most, make a bow from it and with glue, designed specifically for working with glass and ceramics, fix our workpiece to the surface of the Fugera. Watch in the photo and perform just or like.
  3. After that, we also glue the openwork twigs, bunches of red berries, elegant mustache made from elegant flexible wire with beads or beads. We complement the New Year's composition with cones, painted in golden color. If this work is not quite perfect for you, then enrich it through fir or pine twigs, fixed in a peculiar brush with a cinema brilliant wire.

Here is this uncomplicated way You can make a wonderful decoration for your glasses for your new year 2019. The festive decor you have the right to choose any, referring to your own preferences and tastes. But it is necessary to remember that the flickering elements should be as much as possible in your products, because this holiday is in itself a lot of mysteries and magic. This should be displayed explicitly.

Our photo ideas will be the source of inspiration in your creative work.

Browse our video tutorials and you will familiarize yourself with the next excellent idea of \u200b\u200bthe transformation of your feuds for the New Year holidays in the technique of matting using a special pasta.

Master class on the decoration of glasses do it yourself

New Year's decor of glasses rhinestones

If you love glamor and luxury, then you should do the decor of glasses for the new year 2019 rhinestones. Of course, such an occupation will seem for some of you, dear friends, quite painstaking and tedious, but if you have preferably and patient, then this species Decoration is suitable for you. Create your own hands the gorgeous glasses that will turn in your hands on New Year's Eve.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • glue for glass;
  • rhinestones;
  • tweezers or toothpick;
  • degreaser (alcohol);
  • wineglass.

Work process:

  1. Before starting direct work, clean and degrease the fuels with alcohol.
  2. Think up your future decor in terms of how it will be simple (rhinestones are pasted in an involuntary form) or with patterns (a certain drawing must be expressed by rhinestones clearly on the lines scheduled for your idea).
  3. We wash the surface of the Fozher with special glue, intended for glass and ceramics, covering only those places where your creation will be turned off, and then carefully, working with tweezers or toothpick, attach rhinestones where necessary. After you finish your decor, you need to give time to your glasses dried.

Such a decoration made by your own hands for the new year 2019 will look sophisticated and expressive, which will gather on the festival many enthusiastic views among your surroundings.

Browse our small selection of photos of ideas on this topic and you can easily handle your task.

Beautiful look will give your fertoons and satin ribbons, from which you can make in the home of wonderful miniature bows for the New Year design. Our video tutorial will tell you about the technique of their simplest fulfillment.

Master class on making a variety of satin ribbons

New Year decor glasses lace

If you decide to meet the new year 2019 in the romantic setting, then you will need a suitable decoration for glasses. In a specialized fabric store, you can buy a gorgeous lace for every taste and color and additional elements Decor for the transformation of your feuds. Also appropriate in your work will be silk ribbons, which will miraculously give your product of tenderness and grace. With your own hands, it is easy to make such a design of a glass surface, decorating the entire fuamer or only his fragile leg, covering the thin strip of the atlas. The most important thing is that this occupation does not take you much time. You will need only cut the strip of the lace of the required size and attach it using a transparent lacquer for this purpose or a special glass glue. Complete your creativity is all sorts of beads, rhinestones, pebbles, metal details, bows and the like.

Browse our selection of photos of ideas, and you will see the perfection of this design.

Here, this magnificence will work with you for the new year 2019, if you work out for glory. Performing the decoration of glasses is correct and without flaws, you probably will pass through this kind of creativity and maybe it will go into your life as an interesting hobby, thanks to which you will create with your own hands a lot of excellent and unique decor. Carefully learn our learning video to avoid all difficulties in your independent work.

Master class on creating lace glasses

Christmas decoration of baby glasses with stained in paints

If you do not know how to decorate glasses for the new year 2019 with your hands to children, then let the stained glass paint. They will create superb festive decor And thereby raise the mood of your kids. Decoration It is advisable to create in the form of cartoon New Year's heroes, using bright flowersand causing the sights of the whole environment. It is not necessary to be an artist in this regard, the main thing, pick up the drawing, depict it on a small sheet of paper or print on the printer, and then put in the wine glass itself, leaning tightly to the transparent wall, and bring the laid lines with multi-colored shades. That's all that is required of you. If a question of doubt is still present in you, then let's create a cheerful and colorful transformation together.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • wine glasses;
  • printout pattern or finished stickers;
  • stained glass paints of bright colors;
  • comfortable synthetic brush;
  • degreaser in the form of alcohol;
  • napkin;
  • hair dryer to accelerate the drying process.

Work process:

  1. At the initial stage, we produce degreasing glasses through alcohol and napkins.
  2. We attach ready-made stickers to the styled glass surface.
  3. We take stained glass paints corresponding to your drawing, and with a convenient synthetic brush, fill the voids of the image.
  4. The drying process accelerates the hairdryer, unless, of course, it will be necessary.
  5. We complete the decor with additional decorations in the form of ribbons, bows, sequins, iridescent pebbles and so on.

Here is an elementary way you create your own hands a festive atmosphere to you and your children for the new year 2019. Create more interesting work With our photo ideas that we provide you as a friendly help.

If you want, the already decorated baby glasses can be supplemented with chocolate rim, embellished with multi-colored candy powders, protein icing, crushed nuts, almond powder, fruit slices and much more. Such a delicacy in combination with the juice contained in the fuaster will seem for the kids delicious.

It will be unusually beautiful to watch children's painted glands and with miniature New Year figures made from color polymer clay. Similar products the best way They will emphasize their solemnity and individuality of everyone separately. Suppose Funny Grandfather Frost can hold on to the thin leg of the Fugera, and a snowman, standing next to him and holding a dressing Christmas tree in his hands, as if to observe his actions. Also cool will look our design, if any fabulous hero It will hang on the wall of the festo, as if she climbing up, and in the case when there are several of them, then at all perfect. Kids will not just enjoy a delicious cocktail or juice, and enthusiastically to see all these amazing pearls of your creation. To quickly understand this area, we advise you to view our video tutorial, which you will certainly like it.

Master class on the manufacture of New Year's miniature figures from polymer clay

New Year's glasses in the technique of decoupage

Not far from the mountains of the New Year 2019, and you, it is desirable, to think through the smallest things about the decoration of glasses with your own hands. Some of you prefer in this regard for a long time not to mess around, but simply - it uses a rain, to produce an elementary decor, and for many it is a lesson, of course, becomes more extensive importance. In the event that you are an artist, naturally, your hands will draw out to create real art masterpieces from ordinary glasses, transforming them and re-breathing in them new life. Yes, in principle, it is not necessary to be ASA in this matter if your desire to draw and something to improve overwhelms all your mental facets, then not sin and work. You can, for example, do a decoupage technique. Believe me, it is very interesting and not so difficult, as it seems in the photo. But it should be remembered that such creativity will definitely be worth your considerable strength and patience. So, proceed.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • beautiful New Year's napkins (rice or any other, but multi-layered);
  • solvent for degreasing your gland;
  • pVA glue;
  • brush;
  • a small amount of artificial snow;
  • contour acrylic paints Golden I. silver color;
  • acrylic paint white, blue and blue;
  • urokalka small size;
  • acrylic varnish water based.

Work process:

  1. As in all previous works, we first clean and degrease the glass surface of our festo.
  2. Next, you need to take our cooked napkin and tear the drawing on it with your hands, then attach it to our decorated product.
  3. We take a silent and, loyering her in PVA glue, carefully spend on the image on the glass. In this case, the hurry is not needed, as it should be carefully handled the surface, kicking out all air bubbles and removes all sorts of irregularities and bumps.
  4. So that our composition looks whole and harmoniously, it is required to refine the acrylic paints of blue, blue and white. To this end, we get a small washcloth and, foaming it into the paint, we applied tangent movements on the empty surface of the Fozera, capturing the edges of the glued pattern so that they should be masked.
  5. After the drying time expires, we need to cover our work acrylic varnish in two layers, and then dry again.
  6. Upon completion of our creativity, it is worth making some aesthetic strokes using the contour acrylic paints of gold and silver color for this. We carry them the rim of Fozher and sprinkle with artificial snow, creating imitation of snowstorm. It will also not be superfluous to make elegant patterns and in the figure, emphasizing the winter landscape.
  7. Additionally, we open acrylic varnish and give our product to fix it.

This is such a simple way to create a wonderful glass decoration for the new year 2019. Check out our ideas photos, and you will improve your abilities in this area of \u200b\u200bdecor.

New Year's painting of festive glasses. Just and beautiful. Ideas, master classes

New Year painting of glasses. Ideas, master classes


Although it rains on the street and the most fruitful way, the mood is still becoming looking like festive - shops put on sale new Year's toysThe streets appear on the streets with luminous garlands, the social networks please invitations to various fairs and walking. Hands are already drawn to the boxes with New Year's decorations and thoughts earned hard in the direction of the New Year decoration at home.

But for each new year I really want to somehow update the reserves of the decor, and create something own handsThe benefit of time is still there. I suggest us to try yourself in the painting of New Year's glasses. And even if you do not be friends with drawing, I think the process of creating simple winter elements and images will not be difficult for you and will surely give the sea of \u200b\u200bpleasant emotions - with the dignity of snowflakes, I think it will cope with each other :) At the same time, such glasses will not only add a festive mood. New Year's table, but also become an excellent gift to friends and loved ones. The drawings can be diversified by adding various shiny, rhinestones and other jewelry.

I picked up a little simple ideas And several master classes, I think they will serve you incentive to create your own New Year's masterpieces! Happy viewing!

You can apply paintings anything - these are acrylic paints, and contours, and special paints for glass, and waterproof markers.

The first master class from Amanda Corbet ( For the painting Amanda used paints for glass and ceramics, painted with a brush.

Pre-glasses need to be thoroughly wash detergent and dry. Next, carefully draw a picture.

By the way, sketches of drawings of snowflakes and other winter characters can be found on the Internet - their mass. Very nice in painting look just placing points, various ornaments and symbolic inscriptions. You can print the design you need or inscription and, applying the glass from the inside to the glass, outline the contours.

Well, we draw a snowflake with Amanda.

Please note Amanda at the bottom of the gland scatter scatter

It seems simple, but as a festive!

Master class from Alain from Washington, USA (

The painting is made using permanent waterproof markers of shiny sharpes (photo markers is slightly lower).

Here is a reception that I wrote above - print the inscription and put it under the glass, we carry the marker from above.

And dots :)

I hope the ideas of the painting of New Year's glasses will like and you will create something similar for yourself and your friends. Successful to all creativity!

And a little useful information

Unfortunately, winter time years not only brings us a lot of beautiful holidays, but also extra kilograms - first of all, this is due to the fact that the body physically protects itself from the cold, but also the number of festive feasts and a sedentary lifestyle gives their "fatty" fruits :) so that Spring did not inspire us by surprise, it is necessary to understand now that it is contributing to the accumulation of excess weight and now take steps that will not give any opportunity to build unnecessary centimeters. I want to recommend a wonderful article with very understandable and working tips from the resource. Bestgreetings.-, you will find a lot of information about what is really reflected in the weight, how to eat right away, so as not to dial , and what natural methods It is possible to effectively get rid of excess weight. Beauty to you and health!

I wish you all a great mood and successful training For holidays!

New Year is a reason for creative experiments, like cooking a new dish, New Year's decor interior, tables, glasses, decoupage of Christmas bottles, plates. Modern owners have so many opportunities to make their luxurious! They are to help shops that break from the abundance of funds for the sale of creative potential, the World Wide Web, demonstrating the master class from lovers, then from professionals.

Choose, try, creature!

Observing New Year's traditions

Do you imagine a New Year's table without a bottle of champagne? Yes, they forgive us those who do not use alcoholic beverages, but the absence of sparkling wine in a characteristic green bottle for the new year is equal to the fact that in the house is not ready for the celebration.

Since the 1960s, the tradition of changing glasses with champagne under the battle on the night of December 31 became the tradition of our compatriots.

Get ready for an extraordinary pop feed on festive table. Coloring a bottle of sparkling and invigorating drink in decoupage style and just like that - not the same thing. Inspo in the thing "the second" life is this and consists of a highlight of the Decoupage technique. The word is French, but invented to decorate homemade utensils back in the distant Middle Ages, and in Germany. Today, the old technique takes unprecedented swings: the people of all ages are "infected". Original design expressed in different styles: From Provence to Military and Ethno. We are confident that you do not resolve not to try champagne decor to the new year, when everyone gives each other gifts. Your one can become the most original, New Year and sincere!

Champagne Decor With Paper Napkin

As a material for decoupage are offered different materials - Even the manka, salt and egg shell. It is better to start with champagne decoration, although no one bothers to decorate bottles with wine, brandy or vodka.

To work you need to cook:

  • Napkin with new year symbolism;
  • Decorative lace (ribbon);
  • Gliter (sparkles);
  • Molar tape;
  • 2 brushes (one flat, other for watercolor paints);
  • Glue for decoupage;
  • Lacquer for decoupage;
  • White acrylic soil for decoupage;
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Cotton swab;
  • A sponge is small as for washing dishes.

Work start with bottle soaking in cold water. It is important that champagne stood vertically. In about an hour, all stickers will be departed, and only the upper "Golden" will remain. Sponge to remove the remnants of glue, wander the bottle with a towel dry. The surface of the glass is degreed with cotton swab moistened in acetone.

From a multi-layer napkin carefully remove the first layer - the one on which the drawing is applied. It can be trimmed with scissors around the edges of the image or leave the layer as it is. In order not to stain the top label of the bottle, take it with a molar scotch. Apply a sponge the primer on the walls and the bottom of the tank. Damage to dry and brand again. Wait for 15 minutes, while driving.

Attach a fragment with a pattern to the bottle. When its optimal location is found, apply decoupage glue right over the napkins.

When the glue dries, remove the molar tape. White soil with a thin brush to correct places where there are irregularities of the contour of our drawing. The contour is sprinkled with a gliter until the soil is dry. The label on which there was a molar tape can be left in pristine. Another option is to apply glue for the decoupage and also sprinkle with glove, so that there is an effect of falling sparkling snow.

It remains to be tied with a decorative cord or ribbons the top (under the plug) of the bottle, form a beautiful bow and fix. Latest strokes - On New Year's drawing a couple of times to walk with a tassel with varnish. Give dry.
Decoupage completed - and look at the photo what happened.

Now, "traveled", you can arrange several bottles with your own hands: on the table and as a gift!

The ideas of the New Year decoration of candles

A chic gift for the new year can be ordinary candles. To work on the decor you need a Christmas paper napkins, a dry tablespoon and candle grid. Cutting a fragment of a pattern from the first layer of paper napkins, it must be adopted to the candle.

If you make such a job for the first time, it is better to prepare large candles, and even square.

Now you need to light the fire and hold a tablespoon over it so that it becomes hot. Lucky movements to carry out a spoon in the drawing, as if having smoothed him to the side of the candle. From the hot, it is slightly warm, and the paper will stick to the paraffin firmly firmly. Heat a spoon and carry out the drawing several times so that the selected pattern "imprinted" into paraffin.

Decoupage champagne in the nose scarf

Prepare tools and materials:

  • Handkerchief;
  • Napkin with New Year's drawing;
  • PVA glue;
  • Water ordinary;
  • Plastic container;
  • Acrylic paint (white and blue);
  • Tape (ribbons, ready-made decorative bow, lace, christmas decorations with bumps).

In the prepared container pour water and glue in proportions 1: 1. Soak out a wide nasal handkerchief, so that it is impregnated well, and wrap it with a bottle, pre-cleaned from the labels and degreased. Where it is planned to stick a fragment of a napkin, the handkerchief is ideally smooth, in the rest of the part, let the folds fall in a natural way.

Acrylic paint rinse the scarf and leave to dry. From the napkin, peel the first colorful layer and cut it off (not cut into scissors) manually along the contour of the pattern. To join it on the smooth part of the handkerchief and to hold paint again. After complete drying, decorate the neck of the bottle with decorative elements.

Champagne in a Christmas tree

Make a Christmas outfit for a bottle of bay of green. Apply the "moment" glue to the clean surface and wind by it with ribbons to the "shoulders" on the manner of the V-shaped collar.

There are many more ways how to decorate glasses for the new year with your own hands. Use satin ribbons, beads, beads. Before you start, you need to choose the basic color of the glade, and then enter additional shades. For example, the main color will be green, because it is associated with the New Year tree. Coloring the glass B. green color And, with the help of PVA glue, apply white and silver beads on it, bows of ribbons, circles.
Decoupage of glasses for the new year - another way original decoration. But this technique requires a more thorough study. However, on the Internet today you can find a lot of master classes on this topic, so in two hours you quickly mastered the craft.

Festive christmas decoration - An important part of winter magic events related to the onset of the New Year and Christmas. Many on the eve of the holidays wakes up talent and I want to create. When gifts are packed, and the apartment is decorated, you can do the decoration of the New Year's table. In particular, decoration of glasses.

There is nothing hard in how to originally decorate glasses for the new year with your own hands. The most important thing is to determine the technique of jewelry and master it. Because the final result and festive mood depends on it. Decorated glasses on the New Year's table will surprise both children and adults. It would seem that such a trifle, but it contributes a great contribution to the general decoration of the table. Decoration of glasses for the new year - a fun and exciting occupation. It's time to move from theory to practice.

Most often, it is glasses for strong alcohol over a New Year's table enjoy greatly popular. Therefore, these types of glass will have to decorate. For example, if you bet on the New Year's table glasses under cognac, they can be decorated as follows. To coat the bezel of the glass into the water, and then in the pre-cooked chocolate crumb. You can also coat the rim in lemon juice, and then in sugar. It's not only beautiful decoration and the filing of New Year's glasses, but an interesting new taste when absorbing festive alcohol.

Festive christmas decoration is an important part of winter magic events related to the onset of the New Year and Christmas. Many on the eve of the holidays wakes up talent and I want to create. When gifts are packed, and the apartment is decorated, you can do the decoration of the New Year's table. In particular, decoration of glasses.

There is nothing hard in how to originally decorate glasses for the new year with your own hands. The most important thing is to determine the technique of jewelry and master it. Because the final result and festive mood depends on it. Decorated glasses on the New Year's table will surprise both children and adults. It would seem that such a trifle, but it contributes a great contribution to the general decoration of the table. Decoration of glasses for the new year - a fun and exciting occupation. It's time to move from theory to practice.

Options for decorating new year glasses for strong alcohol

Most often, it is glasses for strong alcohol over a New Year's table enjoy greatly popular. Therefore, these types of glass will have to decorate. For example, if you bet on the New Year's table glasses under cognac, they can be decorated as follows. To coat the bezel of the glass into the water, and then in the pre-cooked chocolate crumb. You can also coat the rim in lemon juice, and then in sugar. It is not only a beautiful decoration and feeding New Year's glasses, but an interesting new taste when absorbing festive alcohol.

But how to place wine glasses for the new year for tequila: swallow into lemon juice, and then in salt. Everyone knows that vodka is better to eat salted mushrooms and cucumbers. Therefore, a mug of a salt cucumber can be put on a glass, in which insert a small fungus on a skeleton.

Registration of New Year's glasses under champagne and cocktails

When making such glasses, you can already be used both products and additional decorative things.

As edible jewelry, you can use (for the design of the rim):

Honey and sugar powder (or ordinary sugar);
Water and sugar;
Lemon or orange juice and sugar;
Sugar syrup and chocolate chips;
Sugar icing;
Melted chocolate and sugar powder;
Sugar icing with the addition of natural dye from cherry, noddes and the like of bright fruits;
Melted chocolate with different multi-colored powders;
PVA glue and artificial crumb (you can make a leg of the glade and its base).

Also a bezel of the glass, depending on the type of drink, can be decorated with different berries or slices of fruit. Plus such a decoration is that it does not only look beautiful, but is a delicious edible addition to the drink.

In addition to simply design using simple and affordable products, if the soul is asking for a creative flight, you can engage in painting glass. If there are acrylic paints and contour in the arsenal, it will not be difficult. Before painting glasses for the new year, you must remember that the drawing must be made in one color. It is best to paint glasses in the style of the New Year's table. You can also choose universal New Year's options: white color Or silver. But if you want to make brighter glasses, then dare. In this case there are no restrictions: only your fantasy and desire.

Remember that before starting creativity, you need to independently draw a sketch (you can print on a computer). How to paint glasses for the new year so that they repeat the drawing exactly? Everything is very simple, you need to fix the finished drawing inside the glasses (use the audience) and draw paints over a glass, repeating each contour of the pattern. Actual stories for the muffins of New Year's glasses - Christmas trees, snowflakes, points, figures "2015", horseshoes.

What else can you decorate glasses

There are many more ways how to decorate glasses for the new year with your own hands. Use satin ribbons, beads, beads. Before you start, you need to choose the basic color of the glade, and then enter additional shades. For example, the main color will be green, because it is associated with the New Year tree. Color the glass in green and, with the help of PVA glue, apply white and silver beads on it, bows of ribbons, circles.
Decoupage of glasses for the new year is another way of the original design. But this technique requires a more thorough study. However, on the Internet today you can find a lot of master classes on this topic, so in two hours you quickly mastered the craft.

Crustal and ceramics - another original way Decoration of glasses. To mount these decorative elements on the glass, the glue based on cyanocrylate should be used. Transparent glue, but not liquid. But this method The decorations are not suitable if you make the design of glasses with children, because with this type of glue it is necessary to work very carefully. The foot of the glade can be decorated with beads, satin ribbons or even knitted decor if you master it. There are a huge variants for decorating glasses. You just need to go to the store where everything for the hobby is sold, and buy specific items that will help you in the decor. Already only one look at these beauties and decorative elements will awaken in you the desire to create and make fantasy work on the full program.

By the way, you can make a decoupage not only glasses, but also a bottle of champagne. We invite you to familiarize yourself with who will help you to spectacle to decorate the holiday.

Now you know how to decorate glasses for the new year with your own hands, it remains only to choose a specific technique and buy everything necessary materials. Such an interesting occupation will help reveal the creative potential, the existence of which you could not even guess. Experiment and surprise under the New Year 2015 and in the new year!