Repairs Design Furniture

Tools for glue wallpaper. How to ensure successful stagnation of wallpaper. Preparation of the room under the wallpaper

Watching the wallpaper with your own hands for every blowing wallpaper is one of the most important stages in the decoration of the apartment. From how correctly the walls are neatly decorated, the entire appearance of the interior depends on the end. Glue wallpaper on the walls is not so difficult. Knowing the basic rules and nuances, with this work you can cope even without the help of professionals. On how to choose and stick the wallpaper so that the room looks neatly, and repair served you for many years - read further.

Preparation of walls to pasting wallpaper with your own hands

Half the success of the wallpaper is depends on the proper preparation of the walls. This stage is important because under thin web such a finishing material, all the irregularities of the foundation are clearly visible.

Preparatory actions occupy even more time than the wallpaper sticking itself. It includes two items: putty and primer walls.

The putty allows you to eliminate all the irregularities of the walls. Without her room will look dirty and untidy.

Such seemingly a simple process as the primer solves a lot of problems. The primer substance glues dust particles, increasing the grip of wallpaper with a wall, also reduces the amount of glue used and protects the walls from the formation of fungi and mold.

Before starting glue wallpaper, it is necessary to remove all irregularities from the walls

We prepare the walls to stick wallpapers with your own hands:

  1. The wall is covered with a special primer solution. Convenient

it is done with a roller or a wide brush. Applied primer leave to dry during the day.

  1. Next is applied gypsum putty. With it, all the irregularities of the walls are eliminated. It is best to start to put the surface with the corners, pulling the composition on the middle. Here your main tools will be a wide and narrow spatula. If you have purchased a dry putty, it must be dissolved with water to the state of fatty sour cream. After completing this work, the wall should become smooth and smooth.
  2. After the layer of plaster spacing is dry, with the help of a wide spatula from the wall, all unevenly dried particles are removed. The surface is again processed by primer.
  3. To make the wall beautiful, and the yellow or gray color of the draft putty was not transformed through the wallpaper, the finish layer is applied to it. It usually has a white or slightly pinkish shade. The finishing putty is divorced to the state of a roof sour cream and is applied with a thin layer on the wall. At this stage, the mixture must be applied especially neat.
  4. The dried walls grinds the special tool, which is a rigid grid inserted into the holder. Next, the surface is grounded last and left until complete drying.

Article on the topic: What wallpaper to choose for an entrance hall: how best to glue, photos that fit, pick up color, shove in a little right, paste, video

The finishing layer under the wallpaper can be one, but if you decide to paint the walls, then this quantity will be little. These work at first glance seems sufficiently difficult, but if you follow the sequence of actions, then you will independently cover the wall.

Choose the material before walking the wallpaper itself

The finishing materials market is constantly developing, so at the moment there is a huge number of different types of wallpaper. Each of them is characterized by wall mounting technology, so before choosing materials, you need to familiarize yourself with their properties.

The most common types of wallpaper:

  1. The oldest view of the wallpaper is paper cloths. They are most cheap, so still in demand. However, they do not differ in good characteristics. Such material is suitable only for finishing dry premises. Paper quickly turns, so such wallpaper is easy to spoil when working with them. To break the paper sheets on the wall, it is necessary to lubricate them on the reverse side with a thin layer of glue, the surface that you design also can be treated with adhesive composition.
  2. Vinyl wallpaper is characterized by their resistance to fungi and moisture. They have an excellent appearance and can be used absolutely in any rooms. Such wallpapers can even be washed, and due to the relief of this material, the small irregularities of the walls are hidden. Vinyl may have a paper or fliesline base, in the second case they are easier and more convenient to glue.
  3. Fliselin wallpapers are made from a mixture of paper and mineral fibers. Due to this composition, they are not afraid of moisture and do not give shrinkage after drying. To punish the most such wallpaper, you need to lubricate glue only the wall.
  4. Fabric wallpapers look very expensive, and stand accordingly. They consist of textile fibers planted on a paper or fliesline base.
  5. Glassworks are modern material with a long service life. They are made of fiberglass. To stick such wallpaper, it is necessary to smear with special glue only the surface of the wall.

Fabric wallpapers in the interior look luxurious and rich

Liquid wallpapers have a very interesting way of sticking. They are sold in a dry or liquid form and are applied by a spatula as well as putty.

How to calculate and punish wallpaper with your own hands

Another important point in preparation for working with wallpaper is the calculation of the number of rolls. If you do such calculations incorrectly, the material may not be enough and you will have to go to the store, where the desired goods may not be, then your repair is zoked for several weeks.

There are two ways to clarify the number of wallpapers needed to finish your room. In the first case, you need to fold the length of the adjacent walls, and the resulting digit is multiplied by two. Next, the length of the wallpaper is divided into the height of the room, and the resulting number is multiplied by the width of the wallpaper. Now you have to divide the first result on the second. The result rounded in the big face is the number of wallpaper you need.

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In the second case, you need to divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe room to the area of \u200b\u200bone roll of wallpaper. The first value is determined by multiplying the suma of the adjacent walls of the room for two, and then to height. For the second sizes, you need to multiply the roll length on its width.

Sticker on the wall with your hands of paper wallpapers

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that sticking any wallpaper need not to therapure, as they did before, and the junction into the joint. Only in this case the repair will look neat and modern.

Start the room decoration is needed from the door or from the window frame. And it is always necessary to go in one direction. The fact is that the walls and corners in the room can be uneven, but the windows and doors are always installed strictly at right angles.

Wallpaper sticking technology depends on the material from which they are made. Paper wallpapers are cheaper than other species, but also work with them more difficult.

Start shook wallpapers in the room is necessary from the door or window

Sticker paper wallpapers with your own hands:

  1. Rolls are rolled and edges (if any) are cut from wallpaper.
  2. Next, the wallpaper is cut onto the canvas corresponding to the length of the room. So that the finish looked carefully, it is necessary to cut the wallpaper with a reserve of 10-15 cm. At this stage, the selection of crafts in the drawing occurs.
  3. The reverse side is lubricated by the wallpaper glue, which, by the way, you can cook yourself, then the wallpaper can be glued to the wall. If you use dense paper wallpaper, then apply glue to the canvas in two stages.
  4. Surplus of glue and air bubbles are driven out from under the glued piece of wallpaper with a dry, soft and clean cloth. Remember that the fine paper wallpaper is very easy to damage or stain.
  5. Surplus wallpaper are cut or hiding under the plinth using a metal narrow spatula.

Casting walls with paper wallpaper is quite a long and difficult stage. So, the glue is applied directly to wallpaper, and not on the wall, glue such wet heavy canvas is hard enough. To fulfill everything as quickly and without errors, we advise you to take yourself in the assistants of the second person.

It is glued with vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is distinguished by their strength and durability. This option is less capricious in sticking than paper wallpapers, but has its own nuances.

When sticking vinyl wallpapers, the plinth is better to remove until the end of the walls are finished.

To glue the wallpaper from Vinyl, you will need special glue. It is very durable and able to withstand heavy cloths of this material.

In the choice of roller when placing wallpaper, you can really get confused. There is a tool for sale, which is called - "Owlish roller". But it has a different purpose: they roll up already glued wallpaper so that air bubbles come out of them. He looks like this:

Also on sale you can meet the tool "Roller for the walls of the wallpaper." And again in his name there is the word "wallpaper", but for applying glue it does not fit. But this is an excellent device needed to rolling joints - this procedure reduces their visibility. This is how this tool looks like:

To apply glue, the tool is suitable, which is called "Roller Pulling". There are many varieties and they are distinguished by the length of the pile and the width of the bobbin. I recommend to take a roller with a fur element of medium length, the width is average, which is about 25 cm ("Mideal" size).

Also for applying glue on the wallpaper will suit the "roller porolon". I tried both options, and yet I recommend paying attention to the tool with a dilated element. It is more reliable and in proper operation last long, and when the glue and storage is cleaned, it can be reused.

Also for uniform applying glue on the roller I recommend to purchase a special dishes, which is called "Paint Bath". Such a simple adaptation significantly saves time and effort in work.

Wallpaper sticking is quite serious, which requires great preparation to obtain an excellent result in the real creation of the interiors of the premises of your home. It provides for a complete set of the necessary tool for holding wallpaper sticking, the quantity of old wallpaper, if available, using the appropriate devices and tools for carrying out this work, preparation of the surface of the walls and the ceiling to stick the new, cutting them into the necessary panels, selection and preparation of the required glue. Strict observance of such a sequence of work will help to avoid many surprises: oblique seams that have retired cavities, manifestation of dark spots and irregularities of walls or mold on wallpaper, which sharply reduce the quality of the finish.

Required tools

Tools used in wallpaper sticking are our helpers who perfectly provide convenient and productive work.

Wallpapers- Special tool that is used during pasting walls with a wear-resistant surface - flieslinic or vinyl wallpaper on a flieslinic basis. It can be useful when cutting edges of wallpaper.

Blank blade knife - It is a mandatory attribute in the list of tools used in the lacking of wallpaper. He is indispensable for assistance in circumcision of surplus wallpapers at the door, plinths and wherever smooth and accurate cut is needed.

Knife - Used for slicing the adhesion, in the case when during the sticking of wallpaper it is necessary to obtain the exact media at the junction of two canvases.

Roller- also the necessary tool made from synthetic fiber, which is used to apply glue directly onto the walls (when it is a necessary condition for sticking wallpaper, such as fliseline) or to primitive walls under them.

Rubber roller (clamping roller) - It can be made of microporous rubber or synthetic fiber. It is used to order wallpaper to the surface of the surface (for example, vinyl and structural vinyl wallpaper).

Maclovitsa- Special brush, which is used in order to apply the wallpaper adhesive. In addition, depending on the properties of the bristle, it can be used to erode ceilings and walls, as well as for priming surfaces when preparing them to pasting.

Brush - It is used to apply glue into the field of climbing the wallpaper strip to the ceiling, the floor, as well as in the corners.

Malarian spatula - The most in demand from the whole list of tools that are used in the preparation of the soil surface. It is used in order to remove old wallpapers, the outer layer of paint or plaster on the walls.

Roller for wallpaper seams (conical shape) - It is used for smoking and order of seams when the walls are blowing with vinyl or structural vinyl wallpaper.

Roller for wallpaper seams - Good assistant. It is made of synthetic soft material and is usually used for smoking and ordering seams when working with sensitive wallpaper.

Scissors - Standard tool, which is indispensable when designing wallpaper wallpapers of the desired sizes.

Auxiliary tool for cutting wallpaper - It is used for cutting and subsequent cutting off the walls of various wallpaper.

Plumb - Used to determine the vertical position on the wall of the first panel, which will determine the quality of pasting the entire wall.

Own brush - Used to press wallpaper panels, as well as smoothing them to avoid the formation of bubbles, folds and wrinkles.

Brush for wallpaper - Along with a warehousing brush, it is used for curses and high-quality smoothing of the wallpaper cloth. It is very successfully used on surfaces that are sensitive to pressing.

Folding line -convenient for any dimensions, since it allows them to carry out one, unlike roulette when assistant required.

In addition to the specified tool set, you will need to be needed. bucket For the preparation of glue simple pencil For marking and orienting labeling of the wallpaper. The use of other writing objects is not permissible. For the clouds and applying the glue you will need a workplace. According to the old traditions, it was organized on clean floor, but if you acquire it for this folding desktop.I am sure that it will not be an empty spent and you will quickly feel a difference in labor costs.

Removing old wallpapers from the walls

Before the new wallpaper sticker, it is desirable to remove old. Removal technology depends on their type. Of course, on the labels of your old wallpapers there were pictograms indicating how to remove them, but where they are currently making a decision. You can confidently remember only their kind, and this will already help apply the necessary removal technology that depends on it.

Removal of ordinary paper wallpaper- Provides their softening with warm water with the additive detergent, or use a special fluid. It is possible to apply a solution with a sponge or use a spray gun for indoor plants. Let the water takepoint within 15 to 20 minutes. Raise the painting spatula, starting with the seams, wet wallpaper and remove this piece. Try to do without new scratches on the wall. Poor squeezed pieces again wet and remove all the remnants. Working with liquid Do not forget about electricity. Work around sockets and switches do dry. If it is not possible - turn off the electricity. Upon completion of the removal of wallpaper, wash the wall with warm water with a small amount of detergent, and then clean water. Removal of washable wallpaper - Provides a violation of the integrity of the waterproof film in order to open the access of water with the added to remove wallpaper to the substrate. To do this, you can use wire brushes or special devices - such as a bulk tiger. It is necessary to work very carefully to work very carefully to work with a wire brush or a sharp gear spatula. Scary are not so much scratches as the fact that metal particles can remain in them, the rust of which can later enter the surface of new wallpaper. This water and violating procedure may have to be repeated several times. They are also well removed by a special saparwoman, which can be replaced with an iron with a steamber or cover the problem space with a wet rag and stroke a hot iron. Then the completion of the removal of wallpaper rinse the wall from the old glue Removal of vinyl wallpaper - It provides for the use that the facial vinyl thin film can be separated from the paper base, lifting both of its lower corners and pulling the film from the wall with a uniform force. If the paper base is well glued to the wall on it, you can glue new wallpapers, and if you have been detected - remove as paper. Fliseline wallpaper are also removed.

Preparation of the surface of the wall

The future quality of wall decoration by wallpaper directly depends on the quality of their preparation for the salary. Of course, it is better to align all the walls and angles, but with a large amount it is possible that it is possible to pay the places of flaws in which they have the greatest impact on the perception of decoration - ceiling eaves from polystyrene foam, angles of walls and slopes of doors and windows, places of attachment of plinths and platforms of doors that should To be smooth, strictly vertical or horizontal. The angles of the wall closure must be even even but a small deviation from the vertical is allowed. The presence of slits between the platbands and the wall, the plinths and the wall, as well as the ceiling, both at the ceiling and the walls, but to put the eaves and platbands in the "pits", and "hill" to bypass smooth arcs. All revealed slots must be past. At the same time, it is necessary to align both the "pit" itself, stretching the putty from the thickness of the slot "in zero" on the wall at a distance from her to half a meter. You can not install the ceiling cornice, but it gives the finish finished look. In addition, the absence of eaves does not cancel the work on leveling the corners between the walls and the ceiling (if necessary). If you have plasterboard walls, they must be completely past, otherwise, with the next repair, you can remove cardboard with wallpaper. The places of applying putty and all thoroughly purified dark stains must be stuck with sandpaper and all the walls to be treated with special antibacterial agents (fungicides) and dry. Walls with a large number of multicast plots must be rolled by one layer of water-emulsion paint.

Upon completion of the work with alignment, the entire surface of the walls is necessary to primarily undermine the wallpaper glue, diluted with pure water by 20-30%. If the base of the walls are loose, it is better to use cheap universal domestic primers, and then rebound the wallpaper glue. Often, instead of primers used imported PVA (Turkish). It is necessary to dilute water 10% of the PVA, then making 20-30% of the wall glue into it. However, such a technology can make wallpaper gluing irreversible - they will later be difficult to remove from the walls. ATTENTION!!! Do not use the domestic PVA, it was not assumed for such use and therefore leaves yellow spots on the wallpaper.

The wallpaper glue walls are not allowed to grind the walls when gluing flieslinic and glass wallpaper, since they are glued along the glue, applied on the wall. Grounding of walls is made by special primer mixtures. Aqua has proven well well, which is divorced by water in proportion 1: 3. For primer, you can use a brush with a wide flab or roller. The soil should be applied to the surface previously purified from dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner. The primer is applied carefully, it should penetrate all the pores of the surface. Drying the primer - at least 6 hours (better than 24 hours).

Cutting tools

After completing all the preparatory work, you can proceed to cutting wallpaper. At the end of the preliminary work, you can proceed to cutting them. If your wallpapers have two edges and glue a mustache (that in our time is a rarity), then they will need to trim one of the edges of the existing line depending on the orientation of the surface. Rollov, which will go for pasting the right wall (if facing the window) cut off the left edge, and for the left - right. For wallpaper, glue into the joint does not need to cut anything. Further, the wallpaper is cut into the panels of a certain (whole cuts), in advance of the calculated length, while in the future it is possible to combine the drawing on the adjacent panels, it is necessary to strictly follow the pictograms from the "Start of Pattern" group on the wallpaper label. The length of the wallpaper without docking patterns should correspond to the height of the ceiling, and in the case of the required docking - a whole number of stuck patterns corresponding to the ceiling height. It should be borne in mind that all the canvases must have a small excess in length of 5-10 cm - the stock into the unequal height of the room along the perimeter of the walls or the possible shrinkage of the wallpaper after the cooling trungery. The number of required cloths can be determined by bypassing the entire perimeter of the room using a roll itself as a measure. It does not take into account parts of walls with doors and windows. From one roll of standard length, it is possible to obtain with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters 4 of the entire cut in the absence of docking pattern and 3 canvas, taking into account the required docking. Remains from rolls are fully suitable for pasting of the panels above the door and walls of the window opening. On all the prepared bands should be a pencil, its top is marked. This is especially important when the oncoming sticker bands. The wallpaper prepared in this way is stack on the desktop (or on the floor, covered with pure newspapers or polyethylene film) so that the edge of each web played by 2-3 cm relative to the previous one. This will help to avoid accidental chucks on the front side of the material. After that, you are ready to start labeling

Types of glue for wallpaper

Universal glue Suitable for most light or medium wallpaper. For heavy wallpapers, you can reduce the amount of water used for its dilution.
Heavy Wallpaper Glue Designed for pile, fabric and scent wallpaper
Fongicidal glue Fungicide obstructs the development of mold by submarine-proof wallpapers (heavy vinyl, washable, etc.)
Thickotropic glue For heavy wallpapers and fabric coatings
Not a dirty glue Use it for wallpapers that can be protected by ordinary wallpaper glue.
Repair glue For the liner of the deployed parts. Can glue vinylk vinyl

That's it seems to be everything that needs to be done to prepare for successful labeling of wallpaper.

Update the interior can be easily and fast. Sometimes for this you only need to cross the wallpaper. Wallpapers are now sold a wide variety of coverage and by type of base.

What is flieslinic wallpaper

Recently, fliseline wallpaper are very popular. They have different types of coating, with varying degrees of relief. Also, they are washable and therefore suitable for almost all rooms. The undoubted plus lies in the fact that the blowing of fliesline wallpaper is also available even a newcomer in repair issues.

An important feature of these wallpapers is the flizelin basis. Since this basis is very plastic, these wallpapers are easy to glue on the wall. It is also easy to adjust their placement on the wall. Adhesive for flieslinic wallpaper is applied directly on the wall, which greatly facilitates the process of sticking, because It is much easier to do so and faster, especially with roller.

For more information about what glue for fliesline wallpaper is needed in this article.

How to beat the fliesline wallpaper and what is necessary for this

In order to break the flieslinic wallpaper easily and simply, except for the desire of change you will need some tools and several useful tips. As well as a short guide in the form of step-by-step instructions.

So, the following tools and devices are needed for work:

  • wallpaper on a fliesline basis in the desired quantity;
  • glue for flieslinic wallpaper;
  • cushion for glue;
  • thin bruster for applying glue;
  • plastic wobble spatula for wallpaper smoothing;
  • metallic spatula 250-350 mm long for trimming;
  • stationery knife;
  • normal knife;
  • scissors;
  • tray for glue;
  • plumb or level to obtain a vertical line;
  • roulette;
  • pencil, not too soft;
  • rubber roller for smoothing wallpaper (not necessarily as option);
  • roller rubber small to smooth the joints and hard-to-reach places (not necessarily);
  • ladder.

Owl spatula

Preparatory processes

Smooth walls and smooth corners

It is necessary to start the wallpaper when the walls are aligned, covert and glued under the ceiling. It is very important to check the condition of the corners. It is the angles that are quite strongly curves. Light irregularity or slope of one wall on the wall is not so visible. But when there are two walls, and even with a different degree of inclination and bug, then it turns out not quite a beautiful "perspective." That is, it may later be possible to get a very ugly corner, which will spoil all the work. At the same time, the time and effort on sticking the coronary angle can leave a lot, and the result will still be undue. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess the condition of the corners and, possibly, contact the specialist, because Smooth corners are the lot of masters. Of course, if the angle is forever closed with a closet or this rear corners in a narrow room, which are practically not visible, you can not worry about them. But if it is an open angle in a prominent place, then it is necessary to take carefully and correct its defects as far as possible until the wallpaper is sticking.

Grinding wall

Before sticking wallpapers, the wall should be brought to the primer of deep penetration and give it to dry the right time (indicated in the instructions for primer, usually 1-2 days).

If you just removed old wallpapers and the wall is in good condition, then perhaps this step can be skipped. It is important that the wall had a homogeneous strong coating, not "dust" and had the same "absorption" (degree of moisture absorption). In this case, you can independently decide whether it is necessary to primitive the wall now. But experts recommend before sticking wallpaper walls to primarize.

If the walls are uneven need to be scaled. Read more.

Fliseline wallpapers are glued and then it is still like glue them - from the window or to the window. The main thing is to choose the correct order of sticking so that it would be comfortable to glue and was the optimal cutting of the wallpaper.

It is better to start from the corner or from the door of the door, in order to get a strictly vertical first strip.

For proper blowing, cloths need to make marking on the wall in the form of a vertical line. It is advisable to spend the vertical line with such a calculation so that the edge (junction) of the wallpaper is not through the line, but with an indentation of 2-5mm, which would not get into the seam. Also, the line should be trying to draw neat, you can make it in the form of strokes. Pencil is better to use more solid and well sharpened.

If the wallpaper without the selection of the pattern or monophonic, then the trimming of wallpaper in height can be made along the goal. If a selection of drawing is required, the wallpaper is better to cut the canvas in advance.

It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the trimming of the top of the wallpaper under the baguette is made immediately after the stickers of each canvase, and not after completing the sticking of the whole wall or even the rooms. Crop the top need not yet frozen glue, then you can get a smooth edge perfectly suitable under the baguette.

Remove the pictured wallpapers under the baguette

Step-by-step instructions for sticking phlizelin wallpaper

Step 1. Preliminary preparation. Before starting work, you need to carefully examine the wall that there would be no bugs on it, fat spots, which then can manifest themselves through the wallpaper. Sometimes it is better to wipe the wall with a damp cloth to remove dust from it. From the walls are removed outlets, switches, eaves and everything that can interfere with work. In order for the glue to do not get inside the outlet, it can be sealed with a painful scotch. So, how to break the flieslinic wallpaper? We read on.

Remove with wall outlet and switches

Step 2. Applying the first layer of glue. Glue divorces clean water in accordance with the instructions. Glue on the wall is applied using a roller. It is necessary to roll well along the wall so that the layer of adhesive was everywhere homogeneous and the same thickness.

The glue should dry and absorb the wall. The time is indicated in the instruction, approximately it can be 3 hours.

Step 3. Blank Cloths for sticking. We measure the height of the floor from the floor to the baguette and lay the desired length of the canvas on the wallpaper. The height of the web must match the measured wall height plus 1.5-3 cm of stock to correct irregularities under the ceiling and along the floor. The stock depends on the magnitude of irregularities. If the ceiling level is horizontal, then the stock can be made only 1.5 cm for trimming under the baguette.

Measure the height of the wall

If the wallpaper with a pattern (rapeport), but it is necessary to choose a drawing and cut the required amount of cavities. On the back of the pre-pre-prepared canvases, it is recommended to apply special labels that mean the top of the web. Tags to apply neatly thin pencil, so that they would not stick and become visible after stickers, because Flizelin wallpaper is thin and on bright wallpaper can catch the inscription made by a handle or a fatty pencil.

In order to get a smooth incision at a right angle to the ends of the wallpaper, the cloth is driving and leveled along the line of the edge.

Rough cloth on the edge of the roll

Then spend on the edge of the inflection with a spatula, which would be a steady clear line of bend.

Clean the plot line with a spatula

According to the resulting line, the metal spatula or a conventional knife is cut.

With a spatula cut wallpaper

A sharp stationery knife to use here is not desirable, because He can "wilps." Of course, you can be cut with conventional scissors, but the cut will not be very smooth and it is not so comfortable. Experts recommend cutting with a knife or spatula.

Step 4. Marking on the wall. We determine the place from where you need to start glue wallpaper. The best starting from the corner or doorway.

Measure the width of the web

We measure the width of the canvas and lay it on the wall, put a litch.

Carry the width of the roll on the wall

Then, using a level or plumb, we spend a vertical line.

We carry out a vertical line

Step 5. Preparation of glue for blending wallpaper and applying the second layer on the wall. The amount of glue must match the wall area. If the area is large, it is better to prepare glue in smaller quantity, because If you do not have time to do everything at a time, it will remain extra. A small amount of excess adhesive can be pouring into a jar and cover the plastic lid. But so you can leave the glue if the work continues the next day. And if in a week, then you need to make a new portion.

We apply glue with a roller on the wall

With the help of a roller, the glue is applied to the wall within the area under one canvas. The glue is carefully rolled out that it would be distributed evenly. In hard-to-reach places glue is applied with a brush.

Under the baguette neatly applied glue with a brush

It is also necessary to thoroughly wrap the tassel under the baguette, downstairs at the floor and along the edge of the already glued canvase. Special attention to devote the corners, they must be well blocked by glue, so that the wallpaper then did not dug.

Thoroughly wrap the corners

Step 6. Sticker of the first panel. The canvas takes over the top edge and slightly applied to the wall without climbing. We apply a cloth with a small approach of about 1.5 cm on the baguette.

First of all, it is necessary to watch that the edge of the canvas coincides with the vertical line and at the same time to direct the top of the web horizontally along the baguette. The cloth should be clearly exhibited along the vertical line.

Check vertical over the entire length and at the very bottom.

Making sure that the vertical coincides, the wallpaper pressed against the wall and the smoothing movements begin to glue them. It is possible to smooth out the wallpapers using a special ware spatula or rubber roller.

Wallpapers with rubber roller

The direction of movement with a spatula first up, then upwards and sides. Somewhere on the eye level, we begin to smooth cloth down and from the middle of the canvas down as if diagonally. Then from the middle and to the sides. Movements are reminded on the shape of a Christmas tree.

Smoothed wallpaper with a spatula

If the bottom of the canvas led away from the vertical line, the wallpaper is easily lifted and level along the line.

Cable wallpapers can be lifted and adjusted

Again the movements first down, and then down and side. Similarly, you can adjust the placement of the upper part of the web.

Step 7. Out of air bubbles. After the cloth fell onto its place and smooth, a lot of air bubbles remain still. These bubbles "kicked out" from under the cloth the same nonsense movements: first up, then down and on the sides. The presence of bubbles control over the surface.

I drive air bubbles by a wallpaper spatula

Step 8. Trimming the top edge of the cloth. Now you need to trim the top of the cloth under the baguette. We spend a blunt angle of the wallpaper spatula several times, trying to try the joint line well.

Wallow need to be carefully "crushing" under the baguette, so that it turned out a clear line. It is necessary in order to be in the place of the joint there is no glue, which creates a thickness and after final trimming and climbing the edge to the wall, because of this thickness, the edge may not be even or lagging behind the baguette.

Carefully press the wallpaper under the baguette

Cut off the extra piece of wallpaper is needed using a metal spatula and an acute stationery knife. The spatula is applied to the lines of the cut, once again we press the baguette.

It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the spatula should like lying on the wall, it is not necessary to put it at an angle. Ther must go along the edge of the baguette itself at the place of its adjoining wall, and not along the wall or "into the angle." Then it turns out a beautiful adjoining of wallpaper to the baguette without cleansing.

So it is impossible to keep with cutting. If you cut at an angle, then you can get the lumen between the wallpaper and baguette

We apply a spatula and make a cut, leading a knife along the spatula. Here also have its subtleties. The fineness is the first: the knife must be kept as in parallel with respect to the soldier, and not at an angle to it (it is necessary to cut on the baguette). Second: The knife is kept continuously, without a separation until all the cut will be made, otherwise the jan will appear. For this, the knife is not adjusted to the very end of the spatula, stop the movement (do not break the knife) and smoothly move the spatula into the following position. A spatula with a light pressure again, as it were, "crushes" under the baguette and then again continue to cut the knife.

The correct position of the feather

The cut tape is removed, and the upper edge is carefully pressed against the wall. The remnants of glue from baguette and wallpapers are washed off with water with a sponge (the sponge is well pressed).

Wash the messenger of glue with clean water with a sponge

Step 9. Punching of the next canvas. The following canvas glued in the same way. Only here the main guideline will serve the edge of the already cored cloth.

The wall is applied with a strip of an equal width of the tight or a little wider. If the wallpaper with moisture-resistant vinyl coating, then you can not worry if the glue falls to the edge of already past wallpaper. It can then be easily riveted with water with a sponge. It is important to quickly wrap the place of the seam rightly with glue, so that then the wallpaper is not behind.

When laying a new canvase, focus on the vertical seam

The cloth is superimposed with a small occasion on the baguette and immediately exhibited vertically along the seam. If the wallpaper with the selection of the picture, then the drawing is set and the rope dock is checked carefully.

Expose Figure

Then the cloth smoothes and the air bubbles are driven out as already described above. The seam dock is checked carefully.

Check and adjust the docking of the seams

Then the seam is carefully attached and smoothed by a blunt angle of a spatula or a special small rubber roller.

Smoothing seam roller

Step 10. Punching of flieslinic wallpapers in the corners. Consider the features of shook wallpapers in the corner. Wallpaper in the corner can only be glued on one wall, cutting the cloth the desired width, or with the transition from one wall to another. But, in case of twinkle on two walls, immediately, the angle should be even and, most importantly, vertical. In this case, the wallpaper is carefully smoothed to the walls and the angle will be neat. But, if the angle is far from perfect, then with a large "collapse" between the walls, it may turn out that the second edge of the canvase will not be vertical, but oblique. In some cases, for example, if the angle is concave inside the wall, it may turn out completely ugly. At the top and bottom will be as if unnecessary wallpapers, which will fall on the "accordion", and in the center the wallpaper will be a latitude, which means that they will soon retire from the wall and "swell." Therefore, for sticking not perfect angles, it is better to cut the cloth and glue to each wall separately.

Between the spatula and the wall should not be big lumen

The blending procedure itself is the same as described in steps 5-9. Only you need to thoroughly flushing the angle with glue. If the walls are bug and when applying a spatula, quite large lumens are visible, on the same wall, the wallpaper can be pasted with a small overlay (1.5 cm) to another. It will be the bottom cloth.

Step 11. Trimming wallpapers in the corner. After both on the corner walls are pasted on the wall of the corner, on one of the canvases you need to trim the extra pieces of wallpapers (they are just formed on the irregularities). To do this, use the same way of trimming with the help of a spatula and a stationery knife, which is described in step 8. Only the spatula is now installed vertically along the angle again "Lyzh" on the wall.

Wallpapers must be carefully indulge in the corner

Before starting trimming, you need to press wallpaper very well to the corner wall. Moreover, it should be thoroughly pressed as the first (lower) web and the top. We spend the plastic spatula several times along the angle, pressing the wallpaper and pressing them to the wall.

Press the wallpaper in the angle

Metal spatula, as it were, "doubt" the angle. Sliding knife blade along the spatula gently cut extra pieces on the top canvase. It is necessary to cut in parallel to the spatula, not "in the angle". Do not tear the knife during cutting by moving from time to time the spatula, we lead along it with a knife. Without reaching the nose of the angle of about 10 cm, we tear off the knife. At the bottom of the last 7-10 cm dot back up.

By moving the spatula along the corner cut off the extra wallpaper

When trimming the corner panel under the baguette, it is worth using the following advice. The metal spatula must be installed without reaching the corner between the walls for a short distance, approximately 3-5 cm. Otherwise, bounce into the angle, the spatula can do in the wallpaper. The undersized top is easily cut into sharp scissors. To do this, the top corner of the wallpaper is broken, the corner is cut off and the wallpaper is glued back into place.

Scissors cutting a corner of wallpaper

We put the socket and switches.

2. Glue (special - for fliseline wallpaper). "We took Pufas - this is a glue that does not leave traces on the wallpaper, it is easy to stir, not leaving the lumps. There is a ready glue on sale, but sometimes it has to breed water, especially when it is hot in the room, and the humidity is low. In such conditions The glue is quickly absorbed, you do not have time to work with him. Therefore, I prefer dry formulations that can be breeding under myself ".

3. Paint knife with interchangeable babes. "In good knives, the blade should be rigidly fixed and during operation not to fumble.". The fascinated edge of the blade should be immediately disintegrating, otherwise cutting off gently wallpaper will not succeed.

4. Overseas spatula, or special rubber rollers to smooth wallpaper (wide and narrow), or a piece of vehicle. "It is more convenient to work with a spatula: it is easier for them to smooth out the wallpaper and remove the air from under the glued cloths. For wallpaper thin or with a delicate relief pattern, choose a soft wallpaper spatula".

5. Plaster spatulas (big and small), with which wallpapers will be cut.

6. Capacity with water to mix glue.

7. Bath for finished diluted glue.

8. Roller and brush for applying glue on the wall.

9. Screwdriver with a nozzle, a piece of rails or other brewed material for kneading glue.

10. Clean wet sponge for removing glue, accidentally fallen on already glued wallpaper.

11. Construction level or plumb, roulette, as well as a simple pencil for drawing vertical before sticking the first canvas.

12. Syringe - will need for "treatment" of wallpaper, if after their drying, bubbles will appear on the walls.

Stages of work

1. To glue the wallpaper is needed on slippath and well-projected walls. It is important that the primer is completely dried. "It happens, iron stands on the walls - it needs to be closed with oil paint, preferably white. If this is not done, then a rusty spot will flash on the wallpaper".

"It is undesirable also when the walls are processed by different primers, as there will be different absorbability and permeability of the adhesive. If the walls are simultaneous, then the wallpaper will hold the same well.".

It is recommended to work with the walls when the ceiling finishes completed, but not vice versa. Styling on the floor tile and other dirty works are also performed before plating wallpaper. If the flooring is already already there, it should be covered with cardboard, film or other materials.

2. Immediately before cutting wallpaper wallpaper, the walls should be additionally progressed by glue. Glue for primer must be somewhat juicy than for sticking. Grounding the walls with glue is especially important in the heat, as well as when sticking thick wallpaper.

Important! Glue wallpaper is needed indoors with closed windows. And after sticking, you should not open the windows at least at least a day.

3. It is necessary to start glue the wallpaper with a large wall and end in low-rise places (under the windowson, for furniture, etc.), where you can use pieces of wallpaper, if you do not have enough whole cloths.

The first strip is glued from the corner. To wallpaper lay exactly, it is necessary for them using the level of the vertical. To do this, the level is strictly vertically applied to the wall and the line is drawn under it. "It is not necessary to lead it from the ceiling to the floor. It is enough to make it a length of 1-1.5 m".

"The line must be postponed at a certain distance from the angle: from the extreme protruding point, on the width of the tube less than 0.5-1 cm. In this way, a small supply is made to all the irregularities of the angle, because in our houses the walls are rarely perfect, often they are risen in This or another side, and then immediately in both ".

If the corners of the corners are round, then the vertical is carried out in the middle of the corner, and sticking starts from this place.

4. Getting to dilute glue. "Pour water in bucket and gradually, approximately for a minute, we snatch a pack of glue, while stirring. We give adhesion to stand a little, swell, then we stir it again and leave the glue for a few minutes again..

When cooking glue is allowed to somewhat retreat from the instruction and make a consistency of thick or fat. "As a rule, for heavy wallpapers glue makes more dense. By the way, such wallpapers are good because they are dense, do not turn them, they are easier to move. The proof that the glue turned out to be the necessary consistency - wallpaper when gluing without effort moving, and this is especially important When selecting a picture. That is, the glue should be so that it is easy to work with it. ".

The finished glue is overflowing in the bath: It will be more convenient to type glue on the roller and press the excess.

"If you did not have time to beat the wallpaper at a time, work can be postponed: the day or two diluted glue can stand. Only for the time of the pause it is better to cover it. If the glue thickens, mix it. But if it is poor and began to make an unpleasant smell, it means that reinforced , and in this case it is better to knead fresh glue ".

5. When working with phlizelin wallpaper, apply glue is not necessary for the canvas, but on the wall. "With the help of a roller evenly, glue on the wall within the gluing of the next web, but I shouldn't have a lot of glue on the wall..

6. Further the wallpaper roll is assigned to the wall, unwinding, the cloth rises up. A small reserve is left on the ceiling - the prudence in case of the curves of the walls and the ceiling. Alignment is made relative to the previously marked vertical. When the edge of the canvas and the drawn line will coincide, wallpaper, starting from the place of combination, are not allowed by hand. Gradually pressed the middle and further - the opposite edge of the canvas.

Wallpapers can be cut into strips in advance before sticking. The length of the canvas in this will be equal to the actual height of the ceilings. Excessive cuts, and if at the bottom it turns out that the wallpaper does not take place slightly, it will hide the plinth.

7. We make trimming on top and bottom. To do this, put a large spatula on the wall of the wall and the ceiling (floor), almost parallel to the wall, and under it, as for a ruler, sharp knife, cut off too much. When along the entire length of the spatula with a knife, we remove the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of wallpaper. At the same time, the spatula is not removed: if in some place the canvas did not cut off, we spend the knife again. In the corners and other hard-to-reach places we work a small spatula.

"If the ceiling is stretched or with a plinth of polystyrene foam, the trimming must be made as neat as much as possible and carefully. The stretch ceiling is enough to hurt the tip of the knife, and the hole forms".

8. After the canvas leveled and pre-cried their hands, the wallpaper should be smoothed, remove all the air and bubbles from under them. This is a wallpaper spatula: first, the middle of the canvase is pressed with straight movements from top to bottom, then the "Christmas tree" (from the middle, on the sides and down) - the edges are smoothed. Wallpaper and corner jacks are sent with a slight majority.

"Thus, we move down from top to bottom. When we see or feel the bubble with air and glue, drive it to the edge of the canvas. The glue from wallpaper is better to clean immediately - a kitchen sponge moistened in water. Although, if the glue is high quality, when drying on the wallpaper it is. It becomes invisible, but on painted ceilings it is noticeable. All works need to be performed with clean hands ".

9. While the wallpaper is smoothed in one place, the adhesive can dry in another. Then it is necessary to lift the web and under it additionally wrap with a brush with glue, then omit the wallpaper and declorand and press them again.

10. If a fold was formed when smoothed wallpaper, you need to raise a piece of the canvas to this fold and glue it again.

11. The next strip is placed on a similar principle as the first. The canvases are connected by vertical strictly jack. "If the walls are curves, you can smoother than them with glue more: it will absorb it and start stretching, at the expense of what you will succeed exactly to dock the edges of the canvase and smooth the curvature of the walls. You can't do it.

"Sometimes wallpaper departs with time, the edges rise. To do this not happen, it is always necessary to quickly miss the wall with a brush under the edges of the canvas and in these places it should be good enough. The glue on the edges should be enough, excessly displayed with a spatula".

Important! Powing wallpaper with a pattern requires special attention.

After glued the first strip, the wall with glue for the second strip. Next we substitute the tube, unwind it, the upper edge of the canvas raise to the ceiling and move until the drawing coincides. I connect the edges of the canvases, smooth your hands, make a trimming on top and bottom. Then the wallpaper is smoothed by a spatula.

If it turned out to be superfluous too long a piece, a preliminary trimming is made with a margin, and after smoothing - finishing, final.

"Cut" Switches

Conditioning at the place of installation of removed sockets and switches: gripped with a hand of emptiness and make a knife to the slot in the form of crosses. We make the final trimming on dry wallpaper (wet cut more difficult). To do this, a small spatula is attached to the edge of the pickle, and under it, like a ruler, on the perimeter of the peavercraft is cut off.

Trimming in pipes

Trimming around the pipes requires greater thoroughness. The procedure for the next. We apply a canvas to the wall with a pre-applied glue to the pipe (if on top), from it under a small spatula down, we make an incision. It should correspond to the distance from the ceiling to the pipe. If the incision turned out short, it is lengthened. Next at the bottom point of the cut, we make a small longitudinal incision, and the canvas finally raise to the ceiling. After the wallpaper was dissolved, there are a gross trimming of a "asterisk" near the pipe under the spatula. After the final alignment of the canvas under a small trowel on the pipe is made final trimming.

Near the window

At the window, the Wallpapers can be glued out of pieces or from a solid strip. In the second case, the docks and the windowsill will need to be drawn.

Beginning Standard Stand: glue is applied on the wall, the wallpaper tube is attached, the roll is unlocked, applied to the wall, combines the edge with the adjacent web, the wallpaper is smoothed by hands. Next, over the opening of the window, a trimming is made: the blade (very sharp) is put forward for the maximum length, it is squinted with a web and the perimeter is cut (without a spatula). "If you have an extra pair of millimeters, you can be removed the next day: to appear on the slope using sandpaper. Do it need it on dry wallpaper. On the wet it will not work unnecessary.".

In the corner

The first strip goes slightly on the next wall, forming a nest. The second strip is glued similarly. If the nesting of two canvases turned out to be small, then it is enough to smooth out and press the canvas well, and if the nest is big, then you will need to additionally make trimming. Otherwise, the angle will look inactively.

The trimming in the corner is made as follows: into the angle, in parallel with the wall with the upper blade, the spatula is put. Next, we make a cut, and at the same time two layers. Then the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece from the top canvase is removed, after - the upper cloth is rejected, and trimming from the lower one is pulled out.

Next Stage: Application of glue using a brush in the corner itself and gluing the canvas. "In the corners it is necessary to use glue, since these places can freeze, and the wallpaper will begin to lag behind". It is better to pull a little wallpaper and make a total of 1-2 mm in the corner.

"If in the corner you need to glue a narrow wallpaper band, then you can cut off the cloth of the desired width so: the wallpaper of the required length is twisted into the tube, put on the hard place, the width is measured and then the knife is measured. like bread The whole roll is cut immediately. ".

12. If, after drying, the wallpaper still swept, they can be "subject." "Take a syringe with a needle and type wallpaper glue into it. The glue should be more liquid than for sticking, such to go through the needle. In the place of the bubble, where the air stands and the wallpaper did not stick, make a hole, release the air, enter the glue there and put the canvas ".