Repairs Design Furniture

Now finish the walls. Original wall design with their own hands. How to choose the color of the walls

Planning repairs in any room of your home, you inevitably present the end result - the color palette, furniture and decor. But any alteration or reconstruction of the room begins with finishing and this part of the work also needs to be clearly planned. The competent choice of fashion finishing, the ceiling and floors will help you not only achieve the desired result and get the interior of your dreams, but also to save time and money. Not planned alterations always lead to the embezzlement of the family budget and temporary delay. Therefore, it is important to get acquainted in advance with various ways of designing surfaces in your room and choose the best option that will meet your ideas about practicality, beauty and availability.

We offer you an impressive selection of various images of personal and general rooms made in different stylistic directions using various finishing materials. We hope that the specific examples of color, textured and structural combinations will help you to decide on the choice of finishing raw materials for the design of your own dwelling.

Ceiling design - the beginning began

As a rule, it is from the ceiling decoration begins any repair. Not so long ago, our compatriots did not seem to be able to choose from the designs of the ceilings - whitewashes, painting (more often in bright colors) and wage. In many apartments and homes, you ourselves could meet absolutely identical not remarkable snow-white ceilings. Currently, the methods of finishing the ceiling surfaces are many times more, from the abundance of construction and finishing materials can be confused. In addition, modern materials for finishing surfaces make it possible to solve a number of tasks with which it has not yet been possible to cope with at least a long time ago. But at present, every homeowner will be able to choose a suitable method for designing the ceiling.

Among the most popular options for finishing the ceiling surfaces are as follows:

  • suspended ceilings (drywall);
  • stretch ceiling;
  • coloring;
  • the use of decorative plaster;
  • wallpapers;
  • ceiling panels;
  • combined option.

Dropped ceilings

Plasterboard is a composite material produced in the form of sufficiently large sheets, which consist of plaster, lined with high-quality cardboard. Selecting drywall as a material for cladding the ceiling, you can implement many design ideas and design variations. In addition, plasterboard has the following advantages:

  • you can lining any surface, even completely untreated, not plastered;
  • licaying plasterboard can hide all wires and pipes that are on the ceiling;
  • as a result, it turns out a smooth, smooth surface of the ceiling;
  • plasterboard is able to support the microclimate of the room;
  • it has heatproof, is a non-combustible material;
  • the drywall treated with special compositions is moisture-resistant material;
  • safe for humans and the environment, non-toxic (can be used for cladding ceilings, including in children's rooms);
  • the possibility of facing in several levels, creating various geometric forms, niches, arches, and so on.;
  • the possibility of organizing a built-in lighting system;
  • installation is quite simple and convenient (can be independently);
  • it is possible to combine with other types of ceiling finishes;
  • available cost.

Options for cladding ceilings using drywall are numerous and very diverse. But this material has its drawbacks:

  • plasterboard is not suitable for trimming ceilings in rooms with high humidity (more than 75%), bathrooms, laundries with open drying and some other utilitarian premises are not suitable for this type of cladding;
  • the surface, sheathed with plasterboard, needs further painting or wicked with wallpaper;
  • not enough high strength of the material itself.

With the help of plaster stucco, you can create a ceiling, which will be the perfect decoration of the room in the classic style or stylistics of Baroque and Rococo.

Stretch ceiling

There are two types of stretch ceilings - fabric and PVC films. Both options are able to provide perfectly smooth ceiling design. In addition, stretch ceilings have a number of advantages:

  • the facing is even a surface with deep irregularities, perfectly serves to equalize the asymmetric form of the room, hides all communications;
  • material is moistureproof;
  • this high-strength and elastic material is able to withstand a large weight (which is important in situations when the neighbors are flooded);
  • fabric cloths are an environmentally friendly, non-toxic material;
  • installation does not take much time, in the process of pulling the ceiling, there are practically no dust and dirt;
  • rich color palette, the possibility of applying photo printing, sequined and other decor
  • the cost of the stretch ceiling from the PVC film is very democratic.

But, like any material, there are cons: stretch ceilings:

  • when using a PVC film, the process of heating the material with a gas gun is necessary, the installation is independently extremely difficult to carry out, and it is impossible without special equipment at all;
  • after mounting the ceilings from the PVC film, a chemical smell will be maintained within the room;
  • pVC film is not a completely safe material;
  • the PVC film ceiling cannot be installed in non-heated in winter rooms, the material loses its technological properties at temperatures below +5 degrees;
  • the cost of fabric canvas is quite high.

Wallpaper for finishing ceilings

The old as the world is a way to finish the ceilings apply and today, the difference is only that the materials themselves have become more technologically, improved their indicators from the point of view of practicality and ease of installation. In addition, wallpaper has a number of advantages:

  • low cost;
  • the possibility of combining several options;
  • the rich palette of colors and prints;
  • the ability to independently carry out the finish in fairly short time;
  • some wallpapers can be repainted, the shadow thereby not only the ceiling finish. But the entire image of the room.

Among the minuses of the ceiling of ceilings, wallpaper can be called low material strength, some species are not moisture-resistant, capable of burning into the sun and are not able to breathe. But find an option that will respond to certain characteristics of environmental friendliness and at the same time look "on perfectly" and cost inexpensively, it is quite possible.

Coloring Ceilkov

This is one of the most ancient, but at the same time labor-intensive ways to finish the ceiling. Along with the use of decorative plaster. The color is the most "dirty" method of finishing, because it requires a thorough, ideal alignment of the surface with the help of plaster. Gradually, this method of ceiling is becoming less and less popular, but you can not admit that even a monophonic, painted ceiling looks very aesthetically.

An excellent way to bind not the most flat surface of the ceiling with your own hands is to stick or fix the ceiling panels on the crate. From the point of view of modification, the ceiling panels are rush, tile and leafy. They ate to talk about the materials of manufacturing panels, their choice is quite extensive: natural wood, MDF, chipboard, fiberboard, PVC, plastic, glass, gypsinyl.

The advantages of this method of finishing the ceiling are obvious:

  • quite quick installation, which can be carried out independently;
  • most types of panels are the materials safe for humans (they are true, and the most expensive in its segment of finishing materials);
  • the rich color and textured palette, there are even embossed panels with high textured indicators;
  • relatively low cost (except wooden panels and from MDF).

The disadvantages include the need to install the crates (for some models, mostly robes) and the high cost of natural ceiling panels.

Wall Decoration - Key Moment Repair

No one will argue with the fact that the walls of the room look like, the entire image depends largely. Will the color palette of finishes neutral or affect all brightness, and can be a motley pattern, whether accents will spread in the interior or calm the monochromicity - to solve you. Methods of finishing the walls of any room of your dwelling are in many ways echoing with the options for designing ceilings - they can also sneak drywall, painted, damage with wallpaper, draw up with wall panels and combine different types of finishes within one room. The difference is that there are the most relevant options for finishing walls, which are not so popular recently for use when designing ceilings. For example, wallpacking walls will always be in the trend.

Many of us from childhood I like to look at the drawings on the wallpaper from childhood, it is because of this, modern manufacturers of finishing materials are not ceased to expand the range of wallpaper wallpapers. If you use a sufficiently motley wallpaper drawing on all walls of the room, then try to the other surfaces, textiles and furniture upholstery to be monophonic.

The drawing on the wallpaper is able to cheer up the atmosphere of the room, so calm it, make it more peaceful, give mysteriousness or vice versa - openness, simplicity. Skillfully selected wallpaper print, combined with textiles, create a harmonious image of the entire premises.

Painting on painted or past walls, the use of sticker stickers, panel design with wallpaper or textiles with pattern and moldings - wall design options There are also many, like homeowners, because everyone is able to make their own contribution, its idea to the most common finishing materials.

One of the most popular options for making walls in bedrooms, children's rooms and living rooms is the use of an accent wall - when one of the vertical surfaces is performed in a brighter or using a picture, and maybe at all other finishing material.

As an emphasis, the surface is often used with photo printing wallpaper. Modern technologies allow you to transfer absolutely any images to the finishing material - the picture quality will be at the highest level. Waking up, you can decide that I got to the beach of the ocean or found myself in the wild jungle.

The accent wall can be arranged with the help of rush wall panels from natural wood or its synthetic analogue. Especially harmoniously such a facing will look like in the company of monophonic light walls. Such a designer reception can be a decoration as a room in a country house and in a city apartment, the interior of which is close to eco-stylist.

Another option of focusing on the finishes of the walls, but with the help of tiled wall panels located in several levels, which helped create not only the factory image, but also use niches and protrusions in the manufacture of the design.

The focus in the wall decoration can be created not only with color or pattern, but also by texture. In this case, the embossed 3D panels can be the perfect option. Basically, they are produced in the sheet modification and very quickly and easily mounted.

The use of wall panels that imitate ceramic tiles or the use of the original is a sufficiently bold designer course when making a personal room. But such courage is justified, because the interior is obtained unique, unexpected, but at the same time practical.

Wall panels imitating stone masonry - a frequent guest in modern design projects. Similar design of the accent wall or its part makes not only a textured variety in the decoration decoration, but also gives him some brutality and drama.

Ric panels can be arranged all the surfaces of the room (especially relevant for the premises of country houses). It is important only to remember that the room will seem more if the color of the floor covering is essentially darker of decoration of the walls, and they, in turn, should be at least the tone with a darker ceiling.

Brick wall not only as the basis of the design, but also the design of the room is a frequent reception in modern interiors. Processed by special sprays antiseptics, the unpainted surface of the brick masonry is able to act as an accent and the basics of the vertical surfaces of the room.

The painted brickwork looks not so brutally, as its untreated option, but more suitable for a relaxed and peaceful bedroom setting or living room. It is most often performed in white and is a textured accent, rather than color

Floor finishing - Practical and aesthetic material selection

Despite the fact that the floors are far from the first thing that rushes into our eyes at the entrance to an unfamiliar room, they perform not only practical, but also decorative functions. The floors that look great are able to not just increase the status of the room, but also to transform it, to do unique, thanks to the use of non-standard materials or interesting color combinations.

Floor finishing options are sufficiently diverse, as is the materials that are used for these purposes. Currently, the most popular options for finishing the floor cover are the following materials:

  • linoleum;
  • parquet;
  • laminate;
  • carpet;
  • ceramic tile (more often porcelain;
  • bulk floor 3D;
  • cork floors.

If we talk about the materials that most of our compatriots use to decorate the flooring in such rooms as a bedroom, living room and children, then in the top three leaders are:

  • linoleum (thanks to a low cost, rich in selection of colors and drawings, rapid installation and ability to carry it out independently);
  • laminate Russians love for the practicality, strength and possibility of self assembly in the presence of a rich choice of color palette;
  • parquet - natural flooring, which can harmoniously fit in almost any interior style.

Parquet - wooden dies of small size, laid out by the "Christmas tree" (the most common option) will never come out of fashion, thanks to its versatility.

Modern laminate is able to very effectively imitate wooden flooring and perfectly integrated into rooms decorated in any interior style. The impression of the presence of wood in the decoration of the room not only raises its status, but also gives natural heat to the setting.

And, of course, nothing will replace the natural wood board, which the floor can be lined with the space of any stylistic direction - ranging from the classics and ending with ultra-modern stylistics.

In most cases, a wooden floor board is used in its natural color, only undergoing special mixtures and transparent varnishes to give the material of certain properties. But there are interiors in which the floor board is painted with sexual paint (as a rule, in a light or vice versa, very dark color).

Porcelain stoneware for facing of personal rooms is rarely used, despite its high characteristics of strength and durability. This material has a technological focus on rooms with high humidity, where other types of floor covering can not cope. However, flooding of floors using ceramic tiles can be seen in bedrooms or living houses of country houses, beach houses

Cork floor is an environmentally friendly design, durable and rather durable. But the appearance of the floors received as a result of the design is not suitable for each stylist, and its price is high enough compared to laminate or linoleum finish.

Modern wall decoration in the apartment is the use of various materials. Today there are a huge amount - for consumers with different sufficiency. Of course, their quality is also different. Therefore, before choosing a specific material, it is worth examining their characteristics and features.

Types of wallpaper

Wall pastry wallpaper - the most common way to finish. In the market of finishing materials, they are represented by an endless amount of different color, texture, characteristics. To select the optimal option, you need to figure out what happens the wallpaper.

The cheapest and rustic outdoor - paper wallpapers. They are well suited for sticking on wooden walls, because the air is perfectly skipped. However, the increased humidity in the room may adversely affect their operation.

Vinyl wallpaper is more durable than paper. They are not so afraid of humidity. The main advantage of such a coating is that it can be washed with a damp cloth. However, the vinyl is not suitable for a nursery or bedroom, since they do not miss the air at all. For sticking, such wallpapers also need some skills - it is necessary to work quickly quickly and accurately. If the glue is to contact longer, the canvase will increase.

Photo wallpapers are sold readyful, but you can order an individual product in your own photo. So, an important event in life can be placed on the entire wall in the room. It is only necessary to consider that any furniture set in front of them will block the drawing. Also, an essential minus is that the photo wallpaper can quickly look like, and there will be no coming plans.

Sticking wallpaper

When it is decided which materials to choose, you can put forward to the market or to the store for purchase. Returning home, before proceeding with the work, the walls need to be prepared. Old wallpapers are removed (you can only leave the paper - they will not play much weather). The glue on which they held, also need to be removed. All layers of plaster, paints, whims, which could have been applied to the surface, should also be eliminated. This can be done with a brush with metal vile or spatula. After cleaning the wall, it needs to be aligned, putting it to her smooth condition, to project over the entire area.

When the primer is completely dry, you can proceed to pasting. You need to start with a place that least rushes into the eyes. For example, due to the door. If the wallpaper is selected without a picture, they need to be cut into equal strips with gaps of 2-2.5 cm on top and bottom. If they have a specific pattern, it will have to combine. Then the consumption of materials will be greater.

Process of pasting wallpaper

Sliced \u200b\u200bwallpapers are labeled with glue for wallpaper and superimposed on the wall. Close-up need from top to bottom. It is necessary to carefully follow the drawing. When the wallpaper is kept on the wall, they need to be thoroughly smoothed, removing bubbles and air under them. Finally, you need to increase the remnants of glue from the front side.

Wall paint

Another favorite way is their painting. Among the mains, you can allocate the following types:

  • alkyd paints;
  • glue;
  • water-emulsion.

The first type includes oil paint and enamel. They are suitable not only for interior decoration, but also for external. They are not afraid of the destructive effects of ultraviolet, moisture. However, acid is able to destroy them, they can also accelerate the spread of fire on the living space in the event of a fire. Such paints are applied on top of plaster or directly on wood, plastic, metal. The method of applying alkyd paints also has its own options. This can be made with a brush, roller, sprayer. The main difference between oil and enamel paints is a solvent that is needed to dilute them. So, the first is divorced by Olife or Schipidar, and the second is White Spirit. It is very important to keep the room well during and after working with these materials.

Painting Walls

The composition of adhesive paint is more sparing for the body during operation. It consists of a casein solution, polyvinyl alcohol, starch, cellulosic esters, etc. They are perfectly passed air, remove moisture out of the room. However, the direct exposure to water (splashes or wiping with a wet rag) does not tolerate such paint. This, in fact, is the only characteristic that distinguishes the adhesive paint from the water-emulsion, the main components of which are dissolved in water. It perfectly lies with a dense and smooth layer on matte surfaces. However, there will be no water-emulsion to be kept on with adhesive paint or lacquer walls.

Painting surface

Instructions for painting walls consists of such items:

  1. Freeze the wall from any obstacles (furniture, paintings, clock, shelves, etc.). At the junctions with the floor and the ceiling to sneak the strips of painting tape to protect them from pollution;
  2. Preparation of the wall. The concrete panel needs to be cleaned from the remains of the past coating, make cracks, cover with primer. When the latter is dry, assess the condition of the surface, walk the sandpaper in those places where it is necessary. Remove the resulting dust with a dust cloth;
  3. After diluting the paint to the desired consistency, you can proceed directly to applying. You can do this either from left to right or top down, or cross will increase. Any of these options will allow putting paint with a smooth layer. The main thing is not to mix these three species, and also to ensure that there was no paint surplus on the tassel. If there are no skills in painting large surfaces, it will be more convenient to use a roller or sprayer instead of a brush.

Creative wall design

Creative finish options

Recently, more creative options are used in demand. One of them is the decor with drywall (two sheets of cardboard connected by plaster). It is very convenient in operation. Supports a permanent percentage of humidity in the room, "breathing well." It does not highlight any harmful evaporation, so it can be used even where very little children live. Depending on the purpose, plasterboard has several modifications.

For example, in places of high humidity (such as kitchen, bathroom) use moisture resistant material. It has a greenish tint. On such a drywall will never appear fungus and mold.

In the bedroom will be appropriate sheets insulated by polystyrene foam. It has noise insulating properties, and also keeps the warm air indoors.

The versatile is considered to be a leaf of gypsum. It is strong enough, well tolerate moisture, will not be a reason for fire. It is considered an environmentally friendly material.

In the sauna or in the zone near the fireplace, refractory drywall is used. It is produced in red. It uses for impregnation special modern materials that are not affected by fire for a long time.

In order to cover the wall with plasterboard, you need to fasten with metal or wooden profiles to it. Either sheets can be placed on glue. It must be applied to the wrong side of the sheet and attach to the wall tight.

Very spectacular turns out in the apartment or ceramic tiles. The latter is more often used for zoning walls in the kitchen or lining of the bathroom. The stone is capable of turning the walls in the entire apartment literally into the work of art. Very good, such a decor looks in close proximity to the fireplace. Imitation of naturalness asks "settle" next to greens, forged or porcelain accessories. The interior with such a finish is incredibly romantic.

The disadvantage of such a finish is its difficulty for performing themselves. Also, in addition to its rather big value, it requires additional costs for the purchase of lacquer for coating and enamel. Plus, special attention should be paid to the preparation of walls. Otherwise, such a finish will not make a proper impression.

We will not be able to stop on the ceramic tiles. It is divided into five types:

  1. For wall decoration (exclusively);
  2. For floor covering (without movement on it in street shoes);
  3. For residential and office premises (where there is no frequent accumulation of a large number of people);
  4. For places with intensive movement of people (public spaces and organizations);
  5. Universal ceramic lines (can fit anywhere, has a very high level of wear resistance).

The first type of tiles for wall decoration, in turn, is divided into 8 subgroups. This gradation is caused by the ability to resist the effects of moisture. So, the most practical in this respect is the first, which can absorb not more than 3% of moisture. While the second category absorbs 6% already, and the third - 10. It is not difficult to guess what is the most rational in the bathroom or in the kitchen to use the first type of such tile.

Another criterion for the separation of the wall ceramic tile is resistance to chemical influences. According to this indicator, it is divided into classes:

  • Aa - not amenable to the destructive effect of chemicals;
  • A - under the influence of chemistry changes slightly outwardly;
  • In - average resistance to such an influence;
  • C - weak chemical resistance - loses its presentability at the slightest contact.

Thus, you can make sure that the modern decoration of the walls in the apartment is, above all, the price of the question and the case of taste. Deciding with the general picture of the interior design, it will not be possible to choose the appropriate materials. Moreover, the domestic market increasingly offers high quality goods and at an affordable price.

Repair case is not easy: everything must be foreseen, and at the same time I want it to be delayed for a long time and at the same time I have pleased you and your loved ones after graduation. Therefore, it is necessary to choose materials carefully, guided not only by appearance, but also the practical side. In the article we will look at what kind of wall finishing methods.

What can be separated by the walls? This issue will invariably arise when repairing. The choice of materials depends on your personal preferences, the appointment of the room, the budget.


The most common finishes option - wallpaper. The price of material will depend on the quality. So the cheapest are paper wallpaper. The remaining species are more expensive. What are the types of wallpaper?
1. Paper. Cheap, but safe. There are no toxic substances in their composition. They are just glued. But they are short-lived: subject to any mechanical exposure. Pets can spoil such a coating very quickly. They are afraid of water.
2. Vinyl. They can be pasted on any type of surface. But they do not let the air, and therefore, a fungus or mold can be forged under cladding.
3. Fliseline. Very dense, they are optionally glued on a flat surface. They will last long and do not lose their appearance over time. But the price of them is significantly higher than on other species.
4. Fiberglass. This species is not afraid of moisture and temperature drops. Do not fear mechanical impacts and wet cleaning. But they are subsequently difficult to remove. They are very expensive.
5. Textile wallpapers. Made of natural materials are fully safe and will not harm human and the environment. But they do not just care for them, very picky and they accumulate dirt and dust.
6. Liquid wallpaper. Although they are called so, more like plaster. The principle of application is fundamentally different. But this coating is practically nothing scary, except for humidity.


Along with finishing with wallpaper to cheap materials, paint belongs. Many dislike paint, but modern species of paints can give your walls worthy appearance, in comparison with old paints.

Paints differ in their composition:
1. Oil. They are practically not used for decoration inside residential premises. They will dry for a very long time and smell safely. They are also not completely safe.
2. Emalevy. Suitable for finishing outside and indoors. Wear-resistant and able to withstand any atmospheric conditions. But have an unpleasant smell.
Coloring requires significant surface preparation. Walls must be perfectly smooth.


The sheets of GLCs are often laid for lining to align the walls, but they themselves can also become a cladding material. Before their installation does not need to seek the perfect surface condition. Plasterboard will hide all flaws, and you will get a smooth coating.
Plasterboard has heat and sound insulation characteristics. You will hear less noise due to the wall, and your room will become much warmer. Sheets just install themselves. However, drywall does not tolerate humidity, which means it is suitable only for dry room. Material itself is easy and installing something seriously impossible on it.


The tile is considered to be the most popular material for the kitchen and the bathroom in mind its versatility, but for a long time it is used for finishing other rooms. Designer tile design represents a wide selection: it can be any drawing, a monophonic surface or imitation of natural materials.

Wall panels

The decoration of the panels is used quite a long time. Only materials are changing, adding new raw materials to the list, from which they can be manufactured. Panels are chosen due to their ability to hide the shortcomings of the walls and ease of installation.


PVC panels are more than budgetary finishes. They are not afraid of moisture and are very cheap. But the appearance leaves much to be desired. Over time, they will turn yellow and fading. In addition, they are not completely safe.


Tree - natural material, it is absolutely environmental. For them just care. Suitable for wall decoration in a private house and apartment. But lay out for the material from the tree will have a considerable amount.


Most often it uses for the decoration of some sites, for example, apron in the kitchen. But they can be covered and the walls are completely. Designer glass features do not count.

A rock

Previously, the decorative stone was used only for the outer decoration, but now it began to be used as a material for interior decoration of the walls. The main thing is not to overdo it, do not stand the stone to put all the walls in a small apartment. The stone is not afraid of anything: the drops of temperature, the water is not scary to him. The stone surface is easy to care for. It seems difficult to work with it, but in fact it is not. Robots can be performed independently, without the experience of this kind of work.

Decorative plaster

Stucco is known to all as a rough processing material, but decorative is suitable for face finish. Plaster Durable material that protects the surface of the walls. Decorative plaster is different in its composition. Some species are cheaper, others are more expensive.
Plaster is made only from natural ingredients, it does not pose a threat to health. It is worth the material quite expensive. It is difficult to apply the plaster, and some kinds are never at all alone. Therefore, you have to hire masters.

How to choose materials for wall decoration

Previously, a separate type of finishing materials was not used in any premises. Now the designers come up with all new combinations and examples of use. Choose among such a variety. There are two types of materials on the modern market: natural and artificial.

For finishing in residential premises, natural materials are better fit. But they cost much more expensive. Then, when using artificially, the main criterion becomes safety for a person. Here the selection depends only on personal preferences. Materials are chosen and based on the features of the room.

Watch out for the presence of toxic substances in the composition. Check certificates for products. In addition to harmless, materials must carry and decorative function.


Place of high humidity, mud accumulation and permanent temperature drops. The kitchen must be divided into two zones: apron (cooking zone) and a dining area. In these two zones and materials will be different. The apron is selected by durable materials that are easy to clean.


In the bathroom we spend not so much time, but usually the morning starts with it. Therefore, the room should charge for a good mood. At the same time, the materials should not be afraid of moisture and direct contact with water.

Living spaces

In the bedroom we sleep, so it is better for her finish with additional heat and sound insulation. In the nursery, it is better to use natural materials, but it is necessary that everything is fine with them. Often children draw on surfaces. For the living room there is no special requirements, here is the main decorative function.

Comparison of various materials

If you are doing repair work yourself, then it is important that the process does not take a lot and forces and was not difficult.

So when installing it is easiest to work with wallpaper. Hardly someone did not come across them. Another simple option is the sheets of GLC.

Price. In the price category the cheapest painting, wallpaper and plastic panels. However, when working with paint, you will have to spend money on other materials for surface preparation.

Moisture resistance. This parameter is key when finishing a kitchen and bath. Moisture is not afraid - PVC panels, glass panels, tiles, paint. Other types of finishes will have to additionally handle moisture-repellent compositions.

Strength. What could be stronger than stone? He is not scary practically nothing. Slightly less durable - tile. It is afraid of only very strong blows, anything heavy. But all these materials are easy to repair, dismantling only the plot that was damaged. No need to disassemble everything.

Life time. Tile and stone will preserve decades and have time to get bored. Stucco and paint will also serve for many years. Glk sheets will have to periodically update the painting.

Care. By and large, it's easy to care for any kind of material simply, it all depends on the variety you select. So paper wallpaper, for example, nothing will save if dirt falls on them, and the washable can be lined. The paint can be exposed to wet cleaning, but only if it is waterproof. The plaster does not collect dust, it can be just vacuuming or wiped with a dry cloth. From the tile you can delete any kind of contaminants.

Temperature mode. Wallpapers are usually withstanding small drops, not to withstand can glue that you use. But the PVC panel cannot be exposed to overheating.

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How to solve the problem: wall decoration in the apartment - 5 ideas for your calm

Modern wall decoration in the apartment is one of the most important stages of any repair. A well-chosen decoration type will help not only to move into reality the interior of your dreams, but also save money and time.

And so that you are not based in the process of choosing the finish only on the sensation of "Oh, and this looks nothing," I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular and proven materials with their advantages and disadvantages.

What to stop your choice

In the process of repair, many may encounter the problem of choosing suitable options. It is not wonderful, the materials today are presented, each of them has its advantages to buy - it is not clear. I hope my article will greatly facilitate your task, and you will not regret the money spent.

Idea 1. Wallpaper

For many years, wallpapers still do not want to give the palm of championship in the competition to the most popular finishing material. The range is more than impressive: here you and relatively inexpensive paper, more expensive and persistent vinyl and even wallpaper with 3D effect.

When buying wallpaper, it is necessary to consider for which room they are intended:

  1. So, how best to separate the kitchen? Of course, vinyl washing wallpaper, which are not terrible fat drops and soot.

  1. For the nursery you can stay on light paper or vinyl wallpaper. The second is good because you can remove all the artistic "masterpieces" of your chad. The first option bribes with its lowest possible and the ability to replace them with its lowest possible and the ability to replace them with others.

  1. If you still decide to decorate the bathroom with wallpaper (as for me is not the best solution), it is better to buy moisture-resistant material. Otherwise, do not be surprised by the appearance of fungus in places of the main cluster of water droplets.

  1. For an assortment, little is limited. Depending on the interior, you can stop the choice on phlizelin, liquid, fabric, photos and 3d wallpaper.


When all the options for wall decoration in the apartment are revised, and the choice fell on the wallpaper, it's time to understand how to glue them. This is necessary according to the following scheme:

  1. Remove old wallpapers, also clean the walls from the glue on which they kept.
  2. A spatula or a special brush remove all previous layers of plaster, whitewash or paint.

  1. Align the surface with a putty to give it the perfect (or so) smoothness, process to.

  1. After the final drying of the primer, you can start the process of sticking.
  2. If you purchased the wallpaper without a picture, then they should be cut into strips of the same size, leaving the gaps at 2-2.5 cm on both sides. If the drawing is applied to the coating, then the wallpaper will have to combine according to the pattern. In this case, the consumption of materials will be greater.

  1. Next, the wallpaper must be missed with glue and impose on the wall.

  1. When the material is attached to the wall, it is necessary to smooth it well in the direction from top to bottom and remove air bubbles.

This is such a small instruction that can be useful to you during the repair.

Idea 2. Paint

Previously, the paint was most often used to facing the outside of the house, but over time she moved to the apartments. To its main advantages, I can attribute:

  • a huge range of colors;
  • variety of textures;
  • the ability to decorate the walls with any pattern using special curly rollers and special tools.

The most demanded options include the following types of paint:

  • alkyd;
  • glue;
  • water-emulsion.

Sieve every one of them in more detail.

  1. Oil and enamel paints, which relate to alkyd. This finishing material is perfectly suitable for both external and interior decorations. Additional advantages include resistance to ultraviolet and moisture.

Of the minuses, I can single out helplessness against acid and not too attractive fire safety.

  1. Adhesive paint, and rather its composition, much more sparing for the body in the process of decorating walls. In addition, she perfectly misses the air, which is important for children's premises and bedrooms.

  1. Water-level paints are easily soluble in water, which makes them use with their own hands sufficiently. They perfectly lay down with a smooth dense layer and look great on matte surfaces.

Just keep in mind that on the walls, pre-opened varnish or adhesive paint, the water emulsion will not hold.

Features of application

Painting of the walls occurs as follows:

  1. Initially, the calculation is carried out by painting tape joints with floor and ceiling to protect them from pollution.

  1. After that, the process of cleaning from the residues of the previous coating, seal cracks and the coating of the wall of the primer.
  2. If necessary, it will be necessary to walk in some places sandpaper for the surface.

  1. Next, you should breed the paint to the necessary consistency and begin directly to apply.

It is possible to paint the brush in any direction: from top to bottom, from left to right or cross the cross. The main thing is not to combine these ways among themselves.

Idea 3. Plaster

Many plaster can be associated with preliminary alignment of the wall in front of the main repair work. But now decorative plaster breaks through the top of the list called "Modern materials for wall decoration in the apartment" and begins to enjoy getting great demand.

Depending on the appearance and characteristics of the plaster divide on:

  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate.

What is so good decorative plaster? At a minimum, it allows you to create a beautiful imitation of almost any material on the walls. Even a couple of simple smears with a spatula is capable of updating the interior of the room.

Decorative finish possesses at least several advantages:

  1. The ability to create imitation is more expensive material (granite, textured wallpaper, metal).

  1. A wide range of textures and colors.

  1. The ability to carry out wet cleaning of the coating after it is applied.
  2. The ability to hide all sorts of irregularities and flaws on the walls.
  3. No need to level the wall to the perfect state before decorating.

  1. Long service life. With proper handling, plaster can serve from 35 to 60 years (impressive numbers, right?)

  1. Such finishing methods perfectly fit into almost any interior.

But, as you know, in the barrel of honey it is not without a spoonful of tar. Despite all the advantages of plaster, she has its drawbacks. Among them are especially allocated:

  • The price of plaster most often exceeds the average cost of the wallpaper at least one and a half times .
  • Improper application of material at times reduces its life. Therefore, in the absence of certain skills and experience, it is worth paying for the work of specialists.
  • Plaster is not so easy to remove if necessary.

Idea 4. Plastic panels

Decorative wall decoration is a real polygon for all sorts of experiments with colors and textures. So why not think about quite unusual, but from this no less bright facing? To him, I can attribute decorative plastic panels, which every year more and more often appear in modern interiors.

  • When installing panels, it is possible to warm the walls, which is definitely relevant in a cold time.
  • With the presence of plastic panels, you will disappear need to think than to separate the corners in the bathroom, because the material perfectly tolerate moisture and prevents the fungus.
  • You can find panels with a variety of parameters, texture and appearance.

  • Such decoration is very easy to install and does not require special skills.
  • Installing panels does not require preliminary stripping and alignment of walls.
  • The material creates good noise insulation due to a short distance between the panel and directly the wall.

  • The cost of panels is suitable even for the modest budget.
  • Plastic panels externally resemble standard plywood sheets. Moreover, in the presence of a smooth wall, they can be fixed simply using conventional liquid nails.

Among the main minuses of such a coating, three important factors can be distinguished:

  1. Panels are not made of natural materials, and accordingly, in small doses, they can distinguish toxic substances.
  2. Such a coating is difficult to attribute to durable, as it is bad enough tolerate mechanical impact.

  1. For lovers of original solutions, special 3D panels were created. According to the characteristics, they are similar to ordinary, but won on their background due to their unusual convex form.

Despite the external attractiveness of the 3D panels, I would not recommend that all the walls of the room are facing them. But to make one of them an emphasis - a very sound solution.

Idea 5. Plasterboard

Finishing materials for lining of uneven walls do not really boast a wide range. Not every coating will look perfectly with a "bumpy" basis. That's just this nuance does not touch drywall.

Among its distinctive features, you can allocate:

  • With any condition of the walls, in the end, you will get a perfectly smooth coating. Even if you decide to change the interior, you will have at least 4 smooth surfaces at your finge.
  • Plasterboard makes it possible to further insulate the room, while the thickness of the insulation will depend solely on your capabilities and desires. By the same scheme, waterproofing can be installed, thereby decolating problems with sound insulation.

  • The process of installing sheets is not as folded, and it can be performed independently.

Agree, the benefits are sufficiently weighty. But I can't only pick up, it's time to move to tangible shortcomings:

  • This design will be inappropriate indoors with high humidity.
  • If you install plasterboard sheets relatively far from the wall, you will not be able to install heavy items.

Alternative solutions

Above, I described not all options for finishing. The list includes only the most popular and popular. But my article would be incomplete without mentioning albeit not so common, but from this no less effective ways to decorate the walls.

Tile disgrace

I (I think, like many of you), until recently, I considered the tile with a material, which is a bathroom and a kitchen. Recent fashion trends indicate the opposite. Tile with proper handling can be successfully applicable in the interior of the hallway, or what the hell does not joke - the living room.

Why cost at least to think about using tile outside the kitchen? There are several reasons:

  • The material is very durable and easily clean.
  • For tiles, quite good noble insulation, which will have to be by the way with thin Khrushchev walls.
  • This material is refractory, so from the point of view of fire safety it is practically no equal.
  • The range of colors allows you to decorate any decor.

With the pros, everything is clear, is there any cons of this cover? And the disadvantages, alas, are available. Among them:

  • full ability to qualitatively put the tile without the help of professionals;
  • ceramics is difficult to call one of the most budget options, but it is difficult to deny that high-quality tile looks luxurious and fully deserves its considerable price.

By the way, here you have some more useful information that can be useful in the repair process. Ceramic tiles are divided into 5 species depending on the scope of its application:

  1. Tile exclusively for wall decoration.
  2. Material for flooring (excluding walking on it in street shoes).

  1. For office and residential premises, in which there are no great accumulation of people.
  2. Tile for use in places with intensive motion.
  3. Universal material suitable for laying anywhere.

And why not a stone?

Decorative stone, despite all its effectiveness and beauty, is not included in the top 3 of the most popular materials. The point in its high cost, which is not available at all. But not counting this, the decorative stone (or brick) has a lot of advantages that I have no right to mention.

  • This material is very durable, its service life is approximately 50 years..
  • Not possessing special skills, but having studied a good instruction, even a simple man in the coating can cope with the installation.
  • All sorts of additives that are now included in the decorative stone allow you to create a coating with all sorts of textures.
  • Such material is completely environmentally friendly.
  • Stone brings in the interior originality and unusual notes.

Of course, an artificial brick or stone cannot avoid comparison with a natural analogue. On a background, he has only three drawbacks:

  1. Its shelf life is still less than natural analogues.
  2. He is inferior to them by strength.
  3. In large quantities, the decorative stone can not be used, as he takes the interior.

What is a linker?

I confess that I learned about such a magical material with a strange name relatively recently. For the same unemployed, like me, I will explain: the linker is the material, in the process of manufacturing which the thin layer of the gel based on linseed oil or alkyd resin with filler (cork or wood flour) is applied to a dense paper or tissue base.

One of the main features of the coating is that it is equally mixed well both with water-emulsion and oil paints.

If the line was first positioned as a more affordable alternative, expensive stucco, now it is used to implement the most unusual and original ideas.

What gives us the use of the material?

  • Unusual and original appearance walls.
  • Ecology, which is based on the use of natural resins and additives.
  • The plasticity that allows the linker to successfully adapt even under an uneven surface.
  • Resistance to high temperatures.
  • High strength indicator.
  • Durability.

And by tradition, after describing the advantages, I will indicate the obvious disadvantages that naturally have:

  • Installation of the linker is difficult to call simple, and it requires special skills.
  • Low temperatures are designer for such a material.
  • After installing the coating, there is a need for constant support for its original type. Accordingly, periodically you will have to finish it with paint or varnish.


I can't tell you the only true way of lining of the walls in your apartment, it is simply impossible. But I can (and tried to do it) objectively tell us about the available options, you only need to choose the most suitable yourself. If you still have doubt, then perhaps the video in this article will facilitate your choice.

In the case when you still have not defined or you have any questions, write me in the comments. I will be happy to answer everyone and I will try to facilitate the process of your repair.

October 28, 2016.

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Cut the walls with wallpaper or painted in a monophonic color - solutions for finishing that have already become traditional. But what should I do if these options seem boring and outdated? We offer an impressive way to finish the walls that have not yet had time to get bored.

1. From the ceiling - on the wall

An intricate stucco is rarely able to fit into the modern interior. But the ceiling outlets fixed on the walls and painted in their color look very relevant. The wall with such a finish becomes a real highlight of the interior.

2. in eco-style

The trim of the walls of the cork coating is not yet particularly common. Most likely, this is explained by the spread of the opinion that the plug is an impractical material. But it's not at all. Modern cork panels are resistant to negative external factors, such as humidity, mechanical damage.

3. Fresh press

Paper on walls in the form of wallpapers is a familiar solution, so the idea of \u200b\u200bfinishing with newspapers will not be shocking. But consider that newspaper paper is more subtle, so after drying the wall we recommend covering with a protective varnish.

4. A bit brick

The wall, fully laid out by brick, is found in modern interiors quite often and has already managed to bother a little. We offer an alternative solution - to lay out brick only part of the wall. This finish is harmoniously combined with snow-white plaster, creating an interesting game of contrasts.

5. Reviving vacation memories

River or Sea pebbles - reliable and durable material for wall decoration, with which it is easy to operate. With small pebbles, you can lay out both a whole wall and a separate area, for example, a kitchen apron area.

6. cheap and angry

If the walls of the walls with natural wood will become a serious blow to the family budget, we recommend paying attention to other options. For example, the finish coating of the walls with the help of OSB plates. But be careful: so that the interior looks creative, you will have to thoroughly think over all its details. Otherwise, the risk of moving the boundaries of a good taste is great.

7. Soft eco-leather walls

Wall panels from eco-skin look really luxurious. But in order for the interior to not look too pathetic, we recommend paying attention to non-standard colors. Currently there will be a panel of eco-leather in concise interiors.

8. Stretch ... Walls

The practice of finishing with the help of stretch walls is not very common. They are a cloth fixed on the frame. The advantages of such a finish are high installation speed, the possibility of applying any image in worthy quality.

9. Brutal trim large stone

Large stones in the wall decoration are rare, although they look more effectively than small. In order for such a finish to really decorate the interior, we recommend laying out the whole wall, leaving the free space between adjacent stones.

10. Exquisite glass glitter

Glass panels can have a variety of colors and textures. Therefore, choose a model that will harmoniously fit into the interior, will not work. Often, glass panels are fixed on top of the wall with another type of finishing, such as brick or stone. This allows you to create an impressive 3D effect in the interior.

11. Soft inner light

A similar type of finish is composed in implementing from the technical side. But the result received is really worth the effort. Sources of light are attached to the wall, for example, LED tape. Then, at a short distance from them - wall panels.

12. Paint + 3D panels

In the overwhelming majority of cases, gypsum 3D panels are sold in white and used for finishing in original form. But in the painted form they look much more interesting. In addition, the process of their harmonious entry into the color scheme of a certain interior is facilitated.

13. All the opposite: frames ... in the image

The walls of bright wallpaper can be filled with the same frames from the floor and to the ceiling. So there will be many different pictures on the wall, while the combined shared plot.

14. Democratic plastic

Plastic wall panels usually do not make up the aesthetic characteristics, and are perceived as material for temporary wall decoration. Therefore, we recommend to spend a little longer than planned, and find high-quality plastic panels. Then the chances of creating a dynamic and stylish interior will increase significantly.

15. Designs from plasterboard - it is not always bad

Complex wall structures made of drywall - finishing, which is condemned by most designers. But there are examples when plasterboard in the interior looks stylish. To stay within a good taste, we recommend when choosing a form of construction to consult with professionals.

16. New in the world of finishing materials - flexible stone

Such a material is a stone crumb or a polymer layer fixed on a flexible basis. Flexible stone allows you to recreate the texture of natural even on uneven surfaces of a complex shape. At the same time, its cost is quite democratic.

When the overall view of the unusual methods of wall decoration is obtained, it may be desire to return to the usual and proven solutions. In this case, we recommend reading how