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Artificial snow out of starch. Cooking snow from wat. Artificial snow from diapers

Artificial snow It is useful for a variety of crafts and New Year's compositions. The snow manufacturing process will help you have fun with children. How to make artificial snow at home so that it is simple enough and fastened? We have prepared 20 different versions of artificial snow for you - try and share your impressions. The real snow is soft, creaky, fluffy, cold and smells freshness, artificial snow variants do not completely repeat the real. We offer various options Snow - "Snow" plasticine, from which you can make a snowman, "snowy" lysun, crumbly snow, shimmering, "snowy" paint for drawing and other interesting versions. But they all look like snow and will definitely like children.

How to make artificial snow at home

1. Shining snow

It turns out cold, fluffy and very soft.


  • Two Corn Starch / Corn Flour Boxes
  • Shaving cream
  • Mint extract (optional)
  • Sequins or mica

2. Snow plasticine


  • 2 cups food Soda
  • 1 cup of corn starch
  • 1 and 1/2 cups cold water
  • Several drops of mint extract
  • Sequins

3. Snow "Lizun"


  • 2 cups of glue pva
  • 1.5 cups of hot water
  • Sequins

Optional: A few drops of mint extract to give lizen frosty fragrance

Mix in a small bowl

In the second bowl mix

3/4 teaspoon borants

1.3 cups of hot water

Combine the contents of both bowls and mix out for a few minutes until the mass starts to reach.

4. Snow paint


  • Shaving cream
  • School glue PVA
  • Peppermint extract
  • Brisks

5. "Silk" snow


  • Frozen white slices of soap (any brand)
  • Grater for cheese
  • Sequins
  • Peppermint extract

Method of preparation - Send soap overnight in the freezer. In the morning it can be reached by one piece and rub on the grater. Fluffy snow will be obtained, in which sparkles and mint extract can be added. It is very beautiful, and you can make a snowman or any other feature.

6. Snow dough


  • Corn starch (freeze overnight so that the snow dough is cold)
  • Lotion (in the refrigerator for the night so that snow dough is cold)
  • Sequins

7. "Liquid" snow


  • Frozen corn starch
  • Ice water
  • Peppermint extract
  • Sequins

In the starch that you got out of the freezer, you need to add icewater Before getting the desired consistency. It is recommended to add a little to "snow" not turned out too liquid.

And even if you have never done Nengeton liquids before, a surprise may wait for you. Because with the active interaction, the mass becomes harder and more viscous, and at rest spreads.

8. Snow from shaving foam


  • 1 Shaving Foam Caller
  • 1.5 packs of soda
  • sequins (optional)

Squeeze the contents of the canister with foam in the basin and gradually add soda. You will have a very pleasant snow mass, from which you can sculpt the figures.

9. Snow out of foamed polyethylene


  • polyethylene foamed (used as a packaging material for equipment, glass; liners for shoes) or foam;
  • small grater.
  • We work in gloves. Grind on the grater of polyethylene or foam and ... voila! Fluffy flakes you have all over the house !!! If you add sparkles, then the snow will also be sparkled. With this snow, you can apart all anything, if you pre-lubricate the surface with liquid (dilute with water) PVA glue.

10. Snow is polymer clay


Remains of frying polymer clay (plastic).

Needlewomen often stored the remnants of the polymer clay, which is a pity to throw away. It is very convenient to crush it with your hands, and then with the help of a coffee grinder. It turns out light and multi-colored (when using color clay) in the snowball, which can be used to decorate postcards and other hand maid products.

Read the continuation on the next page

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Almost all the kids adore to play with snow on the street - sculpted snowmen, raking the snow with a shovel, rushing in snow in the dad, catching snowflakes on his palm, look at their fancy pattern and smash fresh snow with benches mittens. As it's a shame that at home with snow will not play ... with the present - no, but there are many recipes how to cook homemade snow for a fun game.

Any of these recipes give a bunch of exciting plots for a home game. Imagine that you were on the North Pole and watch the life of the family of polar bears. Or maybe a pretty snowman will appear on the table? Or construction equipment clears the platform from snow to put the foundation of the future at home. How about penguins who have fun drunk in the snow? And something about the treasure on the southern pole heard, no? Then scream it in the snow yourself and send there an expedition to search for winter gold.

FROMnog from Starch and Shaving Foam

200 grams of corn or potato starch, shaving foam bank and sequins at will. In a big vessel, mix the ingredients and enjoy practically real snow. The mass is soft, pleasant and generally safe, with a light fresh aroma.

Snow out of soda and shaving foam

Calculate the composition based on the proportion of 1 foam balloon for 1 pack of soda (of course, you can take half less snow). Snow with such a composition is obtained wet, cold and fragrant, almost like real. Snowmen will be perfectly painted from it.

Snow from flour and baby oil

Mix ¼ cup of baby oil and 2 cup of wheat flour. It is necessary to knead the mass very carefully, for this purpose a whisk is perfect for eggs for eggs, you can even try the kitchen mixer. For this recipe, the most gentle homemade snow with a pleasant aroma. Suitable for babies with very sensitive skin. From it you can sculpt snowballs and figures, as from the present. But, it is necessary to take into account that the oil in the snow makes complicates the cleaning process after the game.

Snow from foam

With this material it is quite simple: a small piece of foam is required to chop with a fork, a knife, or grate on the grater. It will not work out of it, it will not work out, but to arrange a touch game easily: if you pour a bunch of foam balls to the tray, you will get a great snowy space where the tractor can drive around, live the little people or walk northern animals - penguins, white bears, wolves, and so on.

Snow from salt

With salt there are two options: the first to use it is unchanged by the type of foam, pouring into a special flat dishes or to the tray so that it is more convenient to play. Salt perfectly creates the impression of the snow attacked in the forest. There you can settle the figures of animals, arrange snow cleaning with special technique and turn it on any other winter game. Another option will be interested in older children. You can grow real salt crystals, and here as:

1. Salt is taken large, from which the crystals are obtained more spectacular.
2. Salt in the proportion of 1 kg of salt on 2 liters of water is falling asleep in boiling water, it is time for its complete dissolution.
3. In an uncomfortable salt solution, dry clean branches are lowered and left there to cool. Then they carefully removed and the time is given to dry.
4. We can assume that Ins are ready. Watch how crystals appear on the branches.
This method is convenient for small branches and dried herbs. Salt crystals can be increasing on Christmas balls. And "Zeindely" branches will have a worthy place in the New Year's composition of coniferous paws.

Snow out of soap and baby powder

Rub on fine grater white laundry soap (or paraffin candle), and then mix these flakes with baby powder.

Snow plasticine

2 cups of food soda
1 cup of corn starch
1 and 1/2 cup of cold water
Several drops of mint extract

Snow from toilet paper and soap

Prepare 2 white toilet paper rolls and a piece of white soap. Spice the paper into small pieces and put the dish with them into the microwave, putting a whole piece of soap in the middle 1 minute. It is better to check every 15 seconds, which is happening inside. In the microwave oven, the mass should be loosened, and soap be soft and crumble straight in the hands. The resulting mixture must be pouring 1 cup of water. At the end, there should be a mass from which you can sculpt snowballs, snowmen and other figures.

In the presets of the new year, we are all concerned about the preparation for this holiday. You need to have time to cook gifts and decorate the house. And if you have small kids, it's also done with them all sorts of crafts for the New Year's theme.

When you start to deal with all this, you come to the conclusion that without artificial snow Just do not do. Of course, it can be bought at present, the choice of this kind of goods is huge. But it will be needed quite a lot, and it is quite difficult to find it before the new year. Yes, and why spend money and time in search, when quite really artificial snow make your own hands and decorate them everything you wish.

The question arises: "How to make artificial snow at home?". Everything is very simple, you can make absolutely any artificial snow. It can be dry and insoluble, wet and cold, sticky or crumbly, edible and decorative. In general, you can implement any ideas where artificial snow needs to be used.

2. The most popular way to make artificial snow


Children's diapers.

As everyone knows, children's diapers absorb moisture very well, they do it at the expense of a substance called the sodium polyacrylate. But few represents how it looks, but in the swollen state it is very similar to artificial snow. First you need to cut the diaper and get a substance resembling cotton. Then it is necessary to grind it and put in a deep container. Now we can gradually begin to pour water and knead all this business with your hands. As a result, it will be a mass that looks like a real snow. Use it is best in transparent capacitors, depicting drifts.

Fig.1 Artificial snow from diaper


White paraffin candles.

Plipping without additives.

We take a solid white candle, for this it can be cooled, and rub on fine grater. Then it is possible to add blasts to the resulting mass, thus it turns out the most spectacular look. Such artificial snow It does not dissolve in liquid and when contacting it. He also leaves marks. Therefore, it is best to use for crafts. Very naturally such snow looks in snow bowlswhich can be done with your own hands. Read more in this article. You can also sprinkle the Christmas tree with this snow, but in this case it is better to plunge a little talca. Then it will seem that there is a real snow on your Christmas tree. Now you know, how to make artificial snow at homeAnd how exactly to use it is already to decide.

Fig.2 Artificial snow from candles


White toothpaste.

Best use inexpensive toothpaste White color. In a shallow container, squeeze a little paste and pour water. The resulting mass should be similar to sour cream in its consistency. Further everything is just elementary. An old toothbrush takes, dipped into the resulting mass and heads to the object. Then spend your finger on the bristle, towards yourself. Splashes must fly on the subject. That's all the trick.

This method is best used for windows and mirrors. Usually you choose the stencil or dyeing. The selected tool dip in water. Then stick it into the desired location, wet the napkin and splash the mixture to it. It is necessary to spray very carefully, otherwise the splashes fly in all directions. Here you know, how to make artificial snow from toothpasteAnd how to use it, you decide.

Fig.3 Artificial snow from toothpaste

Make it very simple. You can expose the usual piece of foam, but it turns out not very natural. It is better to find some foamed polyethylene, it is usually put in the technique and dishes so as not to be broken during transportation. Next you need to grasp it, only finely. Add some silver sequins to the resulting mixture. It looks like this snow is best on fluffy artificial Christmas trees, and how to make them the most fluffy, you can. On the tips of the branches, apply a little PVA glue and sprinkle from above the resulting artificial snow.

If there was no foamed polyethylene at hand, you can use a white shell from boiled eggs. It needs to be chopped in a coffee grinder or a plump in a step. As a result, it turns out a white powder that can be mixed with glitter and use how christmas decoration at home.

Fig.4 Artificial Snow Foam

6. Edible Artificial Snow

Still very beautiful can be decorated new Year's table edible snow. To do this, you only need to show the mixture and imagination. On sweet dishes in the role artificial snow Sugar powder can perform. You can decorate the cutting and salads with a boiled squirrel from the egg, squeezed on a shallow grater. Whipped cream is also very similar to the snow and can decorate the New Year's table, for example on fruit salads.

Fig. 5 edible snow made of powdered sugar

7. Artificial Inay

With the help of a simple reception, you can very beautifully decorate any room in the style of the frozen room. For this you will need beautiful twigs different size and large salt.

Using all the above methods for creating artificial snow, You can turn your house to this snow kingdom. Children and guests will appreciate the atmosphere you have created by all the favorite holiday.

Winter is associated with us Happy New Year, gifts and, of course, snow. New Year will surely come, we will buy gifts yourself, but what to do with snow? After all, he does not go on request, but even if it fell, it happens that he immediately melts. Do not be sad, because from any situation necessarily there is a way out. It may seem strange, but you can make artificial snow yourself and for this you need only two ingredients. If you want to please yourself and your close white and fluffy snow, then do not miss this easiest way to make artificial snow!

This simple way will help you make fluffy, not cold snow-white artificial snow, which is also not calmed. The only warning is not to taste it, as you clearly do not like it!

How to make artificial snow

To prepare artificial snow, you will need only 2 ingredients:

  • Baking soda;
  • Hair conditioner

Step number 1.

Put three glasses of soda in deep tank. This is a "trial" option. Ready in the end of the snow is enough to decorate the tree or the modeling of a miniature snowman. But what large quantity Soda (and air conditioner, respectively) you use, the higher your snowy mountains will be.

Step number 2.

For artificial snow, any hair conditioner is suitable. But your perfect candidate is with an organic composition and a pleasant smell. For three glasses of soda you will need half a glass of products.

Step number 3.

Getting Started by the most pleasant part in this simple way, how to make artificial snow: whip the mixture with your hands before the formation of flakes. Do not be afraid: they are very pleasant to the touch and do not stick to the hands at all as fresh morning snowball. And if the mixture is lipnet - just add more soda.

Step number 4.

Your artificial snow is ready! Pour it on a comfortable plane and proceed to creativity or just carefree fooling fool.

As you can see, thanks to this very simple wayYou can make wonderful artificial snow with your own hands and please yourself and your loved ones!

See also video how to make artificial snow!

Artificial snow is made from food soda and does not differ from purchased. Methods for its creation will help to decorate the house before the New Year. Foreign snow is drawn up Christmas trees, windows, fakes. It is not difficult to make a snowball with your own hands, the main thing is to comply with all the rules for cooking.

Soda is located in every home, it is suitable for the manufacture of cold snow. The result of cooking shocks any person. The snow made is soft, silky, like a real.

Non-secrecy of foam for shaving and soda

Make a non-real snowball at home is not difficult. A pack of food soda is taken for cooking, one balloon of shaving foam. The snowball looks more beautiful, more interesting when adding a sequin. From the snowy mass it is easy to cook a snowman. Much is allowed to add to the prepared mixture, it all depends on the fantasy of a person.

A plate of mixing ingredients is taken. It is recommended to take dishes with a deep bottom or a basin. The container wipes dry without leaving moisture. When the remainder of the water in the basin, the cooking of the snow will deteriorate. The non-real snowball is suitable for smearing snowmen, snow figures.

Snow mass is prepared as follows:

  1. It is necessarily taken dry basin for mixing ingredients.
  2. A whole pack of drinking soda is poured into the container.
  3. Shaving foam is added to the hydrocarbonate.
  4. All components are mixed before the formation of the mixture.
  5. Sequins are added, other elements.
  6. Snowmen are shaking, figures.

It is not recommended to add sharp, spiny parts into a snowy mass, it will lead to skin cuts. The non-secrecy snowball from bicarbonate and shaving foam comes out cold due to the component reaction. Snow smells freshness, aromatic impurities are added as a lemon juice.

Non-secrecy snowcarbonate snowball, foam contains chemical elementsIt will be necessary to comply with precautions. It is recommended to follow the playing children with an unreal snowball.

Artificial snow from PVA glue

Unbelievable snow is made on the basis of soda mortar, PVA glue. Some people advise add white acrylic, then when drying will not be yellow. With snow mass, large snowy snow drifts are made on different surfaces. It is necessary to take sodium bicarbonate 5 spoons, mix with PVA glue.

The ingredients are well mixed to thick mass. The resulting non-trial snow is applied to the desired surface. When drying, the mass made will show a good result. Unreal snow in the form of snowdrifts not distinguish from the present.

Unbelievable Salt Salt

Salhco3 is used to decorate the sprigs. To date, people make interior design on new Year non-secrecy snowball. The rooms are decorated with separate twigs with the fuck.

For registration, the following recipe is used:

  1. 5 liters of liquid is taken, one and a half packs of salt, one sodium sodium packaging.
  2. Water poured into the pan.
  3. The above-mentioned ingredients are embanked to the liquid, the container is placed on fire.
  4. The mortar is heated, constantly mixed.
  5. With full dissolution of salt, bicarbonate, the container is removed from the fire.
  6. Wait until the cooked mass is slightly cool.
  7. Pine branches are placed in liquid for six hours.
  8. During this time, a snowy crust appears on the needles.
  9. Pull out the branches from the composition, let me dry for 30 minutes.

The result of the prepared recipe will surprise every person. Unbelievable snow is made from natural ingredientsdoes not harm the health of people. Replace the store in the snow is easily with the help of sodium of a bicarbonate, cook salt.

Cooking snow from soda and air conditioner for hair

If desired, each person blinds a snowman without leaving home. Three glasses of bicarbonate are taken, 100 ml of hair conditioner is taken. All components are mixed in a saucepan and carefully warm up. It is necessary to stir for homogeneous mass. Consistency is similar to whipped cream.

It is added to a slightly soda solution, then breathed hands. Pour sodium bicarbonate is required to obtain a consistency like snowball. Upon receipt of sticky snow, a little sodium of a bicarbonate is added, with too dry, the air conditioner is mounted for hair.

The snow is poured on the table, the snowmen or figurines are pushing. To create a snowman, you will need to take toothpick for hands, legs, several peas of pepper for eyes, a ribbon on the neck. The unreal snowball is well suited for young children, is considered harmless.

Snow from corn starch and soda

A child will cope with the cooking of a snowy mass. Fallen snowball is well suited for modeling. Thanks to the snow mass, the kid develops motoric, tactile sensations.

As soon as the solution cools downs, multi-colored sparkles are added, the snow mass is smelted to clay state. The remedy is prevented until the snow becomes plastic, shiny, smooth. A snow clay is stored in a special container in the refrigerator.

Artificial snow from soda and shampoo

Artificial snow out of soda, shampoo is easily done. Capacity is taken, ingredients are mixed. It will be necessary to arid the formation of a homogeneous mass. On a little bit, it is necessary to plug soda to a shared solution. The cooked snowshop is well used for children, the composition does not contain harmful substances.

Snow mass is suitable for cooking different figures, snowmen. Optionally, brinets are added. Feels like artificial snow looks like a real. Snow mass placed in the refrigerator.