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Cossacks Pacific Morning brief content. Cossacks, Analysis of Work Quiet Morning, Plan

Yuri Kazakov

Quiet morning

They just just shouted the sleepy roosters, it was still dark in the hut, the mother did not make a cow and shepherd did not drive her herd into the meadow, when Yashka woke up.

He sat down on the bed, dried his eyes for a long time on the bluish sweaty windows, on a vaguely whitish oven. Sweet predestinous sleep, and the head rolled on the pillow, the eyes stick out, but Yashka is overburdening themselves, stumbling, clinging for the shops and chairs, began to wander around the hollow, looking for old pants and a shirt.

Slowing milk with bread, Yashka took the fishing rods in the Seine and went out on the porch. The village seems to be a big down blanket, was covered with fog. The neighbor houses were still visible, longly barely looked at the dark spots, and even further, to the river, nothing could be seen, and it seemed that there was no windmill on a hill, nor a fire calant, nor a school, no forest on the horizon ... Everything disappeared, it was attached now, and the center of a small closed world was Yashkin Izba.

Someone woke up earlier than the yashki, pounded near the forge of the hammer; And pure metal sounds, breaking through the fog of fog, reach a large invisible barn and returned from there already weakened. It seemed to knock two: one pogrom, the other sweat.

Yashka jumped off the porch, swung the rods on the rooster toured under the feet and had fun to Riga. In Riga, he pulled out a rusty kosar from under the board and began to dig earth. Almost immediately began to come across red and purple cold worms. Thick and thin, they equally agreed into loose land, but Yashkah managed to snatch them and soon sketched an almost full jar. Plumbling the worms of fresh land, he ran down the path, turned over the woven and the tasks came up to the shed, where his new buddy slept on the haymaker.

Yashka laid his own fingers in his mouth and whistled. Then he flattered and listened. It was quiet.

Volodya! - He called .-- Get up!

Volodya moved on the Seine, long fled and rustled there, finally awkwardly tears, coming on an unbounded shoelaces. His face, gleying after sleep, was meaningless and motionless, like a blind man, a hay trunk got into her hair, she, apparently, got him for his shirt, because, standing at the bottom, next to the yashka, he did everything with a thin neck, She threw his shoulders and scratched his back.

And not early? - He asked Siplo, yawned and, swaying, grabbed his hand over the staircase.

Yashka got angry: he got up for an hour earlier, worms accumulated, the fishing rods ... And if he was truth, he got up today because of this Zama, wanted to show the fish to him - and instead of gratitude and admiration - "Early!"

For whom early, and for anyone it is not early! "He answered evil and inspected Volodya with disdain from head to feet.

Volodya looked out on the street, his face revived, his eyes were slaughtered, he began hastily laugh her boots. But for the Yashka, the beauty of the morning was already poisoned.

What are you going to go in shoes? He screamed contemptuously and looked at the hopped finger his barefoot leg .-- And Kalosha put on?

Volodya was silent, blushed and began at another shoe.

Well, yes ... - Melancholichly continued the Yashka, putting fishing rods to the wall .-- You have there, in Moscow, I suppose barefoot ...

So what? - Volodya looked into the wide, mocking-evil face of the Yashka.

Yes, nothing ... I will get home, take a coat ...

Well, run! - Through the teeth answered Volodya and blushed even more.

Yashka bored. In vain, he contacted all this business. To which Kolka da Zhenka Voronkov is fishermen, and they recognize that it is better not a fisherman in the whole collective farm. Just donate to the place. Yes, I'll fall asleep apples! And this ... came yesterday, polite ... "Please, please ..." give him around her neck, or what? It was necessary to communicate with this Moskvich, who, probably, did not see the fish in the eyes, goes on fishing in shoes! ..

And you are not the tie, "the yashka stuck and laughed hoarsely .-- Our fish is offended when it is faded to her without a tie.

Volodya finally coped with his shoes and, begging from resenting the nostrils, looking right in front of him a unreasonable look, left the barn. He was ready to give up fishing and immediately distinguish, but he was so waiting for this morning! Behind him, the yashka was harmed, and the guys silently, without looking at each other, went down the street. They walked around the village, and the fog squeezed in front of them, opening all new and new homes, and sorah, and school, and the long rows of the milk-white buildings of the farm ... as if a miser owner, he showed all this for a minute and then tightly tight closed behind.

Volodya suffered severely. He was not angry with himself for his rude responses, he was angry with the yashka and seemed awkward and miserable at that moment. He was ashamed of his awkwardness, and in order to somehow drain it an unpleasant feeling, he thought, working out: "Okay, let ... let them mocks, they still know me, I will not let them laugh! Think, great importance barefoot go ! Imagine what! " But at the same time, he, with frank envy, and even with admiration, looked at the bare bags of Yashkina, and on a canvas bag for fish, and on the pants and gray shirt on fishing, and gray shirt. He envied the Yashkin Zagaru and his gait, at which the shoulders and the blades and even the ears are moved and which many village guys are considered a special chic.

Passed by a well with an old, crushed greens.

Pave! - said Hmuro Yashka .-- Drink!

He went to the well, stuck the chain, pulled out heavy dodge with water and greedily a student to her. He did not want to drink, but he believed that there was no better than this water, and therefore every time passing by the well, drank her with a huge pleasure. Water, shimmering through the edge of the baff, splashed to his bare feet, he pressed them, but everything drank and drank, occasionally breaking down and noisily breathe.

On, Pey, - he finally said Volodya, wiping his lips sleeve.

Volodya also did not want to drink, but to not even annoy the yashka, he obediently fell asleep to Badier and began to pull the water with small sips, while he did not bother him in the head.

Well, like a driver? - Yashka's smugly asked, when Volodya moved away from the well.

Less! - Volodya responded and shivered.

I suppose in Moscow there is no such? - Yadovito squinted Yashka.

Volodya did not answer anything, only pulled through the compressed teeth, the air and smiled reconcilifyingly.

Did you catch fish? - asked Yashka.

No ... Only in the Moscow-River saw how they catch, "Volodya confessed the fallen voice and looked at the yashka.

This recognition somewhat softened the Yashka, and he, taking the jar with worms, said as if by the way:

Yesterday, our wicker in the Plesan Bocham Soma saw ....

Volodya had eyes slate.


And you thought! The meter is two ... And maybe all three - in the dark not to disassemble. Our wicker Already crushed, thought crocodile. Do not trust?

Draw! - Vodity exhaled enthusiassed and exhaled his shoulders; In his eyes it was clear that he would believe everything would definitely.

I'm lying? - Yashka was amazed .-- Want, Ida in the evening today to catch! Well?

Can i? - Hopefully asked Volodya, and his ears were porozing.

And what ... - Yashka slipped, wiped her nose with a sleeve .-- I have the tackle. Logva, hollow ... Capture Patterns - there are still darling - and two dawn! At night, the fire fester ... Will you go?

Volodya became unusually fun, and he only now felt how to get out well in the morning. How nice and easily breathes how you want to run along this soft road, to rush in the whole spirit, bouncing and swinging from delight!

What is so strangely strank there, behind? Who is this suddenly, as if hitting once over a stretched tight string, clearly and melodically shouted in the meadows? Where was it with him? Or maybe not? But why then is it so familiar with this feeling of delight and happiness?

What did it shit so loudly in the field? Motorcycle? - Volodya looked questioningly on Yashka.

Cossack Yuri Pavlovich

Quiet morning

Yuri Kazakov

Quiet morning

They just just shouted the sleepy roosters, it was still dark in the hut, the mother did not make a cow and shepherd did not drive her herd into the meadow, when Yashka woke up.

He sat down on the bed, dried his eyes for a long time on the bluish sweaty windows, on a vaguely whitish oven. Sweet predestinous sleep, and the head rolled on the pillow, the eyes stick out, but Yashka is overburdening themselves, stumbling, clinging for the shops and chairs, began to wander around the hollow, looking for old pants and a shirt.

Slowing milk with bread, Yashka took the fishing rods in the Seine and went out on the porch. The village seems to be a big down blanket, was covered with fog. The neighbor houses were still visible, longly barely looked at the dark spots, and even further, to the river, nothing could be seen, and it seemed that there was no windmill on a hill, nor a fire calant, nor a school, no forest on the horizon ... Everything disappeared, it was attached now, and the center of a small closed world was Yashkin Izba.

Someone woke up earlier than the yashki, pounded near the forge of the hammer; And pure metal sounds, breaking through the fog of fog, reach a large invisible barn and returned from there already weakened. It seemed to knock two: one pogrom, the other sweat.

Yashka jumped off the porch, swung the rods on the rooster toured under the feet and had fun to Riga. In Riga, he pulled out a rusty kosar from under the board and began to dig earth. Almost immediately began to come across red and purple cold worms. Thick and thin, they equally agreed into loose land, but Yashkah managed to snatch them and soon sketched an almost full jar. Plumbling the worms of fresh land, he ran down the path, turned over the woven and the tasks came up to the shed, where his new buddy slept on the haymaker.

Yashka laid his own fingers in his mouth and whistled. Then he flattered and listened. It was quiet.

Volodya! - He called .-- Get up!

Volodya moved on the Seine, long fled and rustled there, finally awkwardly tears, coming on an unbounded shoelaces. His face, gleying after sleep, was meaningless and motionless, like a blind man, a hay trunk got into her hair, she, apparently, got him for his shirt, because, standing at the bottom, next to the yashka, he did everything with a thin neck, She threw his shoulders and scratched his back.

And not early? - He asked Siplo, yawned and, swaying, grabbed his hand over the staircase.

Yashka got angry: he got up for an hour earlier, worms accumulated, the fishing rods ... And if he was truth, he got up today because of this Zama, wanted to show the fish to him - and instead of gratitude and admiration - "Early!"

For whom early, and for anyone it is not early! "He answered evil and inspected Volodya with disdain from head to feet.

Volodya looked out on the street, his face revived, his eyes were slaughtered, he began hastily laugh her boots. But for the Yashka, the beauty of the morning was already poisoned.

What are you going to go in shoes? He screamed contemptuously and looked at the hopped finger his barefoot leg .-- And Kalosha put on?

Volodya was silent, blushed and began at another shoe.

Well, yes ... - Melancholichly continued the Yashka, putting fishing rods to the wall .-- You have there, in Moscow, I suppose barefoot ...

So what? - Volodya looked into the wide, mocking-evil face of the Yashka.

Yes, nothing ... I will get home, take a coat ...

Well, run! - Through the teeth answered Volodya and blushed even more.

Yashka bored. In vain, he contacted all this business. To which Kolka da Zhenka Voronkov is fishermen, and they recognize that it is better not a fisherman in the whole collective farm. Just donate to the place. Yes, I'll fall asleep apples! And this ... came yesterday, polite ... "Please, please ..." give him around her neck, or what? It was necessary to communicate with this Moskvich, who, probably, did not see the fish in the eyes, goes on fishing in shoes! ..

And you are not the tie, "the yashka stuck and laughed hoarsely .-- Our fish is offended when it is faded to her without a tie.

Volodya finally coped with his shoes and, begging from resenting the nostrils, looking right in front of him a unreasonable look, left the barn. He was ready to give up fishing and immediately distinguish, but he was so waiting for this morning! Behind him, the yashka was harmed, and the guys silently, without looking at each other, went down the street. They walked around the village, and the fog squeezed in front of them, opening all new and new homes, and sorah, and school, and the long rows of the milk-white buildings of the farm ... as if a miser owner, he showed all this for a minute and then tightly tight closed behind.

Volodya suffered severely. He was not angry with himself for his rude responses, he was angry with the yashka and seemed awkward and miserable at that moment. He was ashamed of his awkwardness, and in order to somehow drain it an unpleasant feeling, he thought, working out: "Okay, let ... let them mocks, they still know me, I will not let them laugh! Think, great importance barefoot go ! Imagine what! " But at the same time, he, with frank envy, and even with admiration, looked at the bare bags of Yashkina, and on a canvas bag for fish, and on the pants and gray shirt on fishing, and gray shirt. He envied the Yashkin Zagaru and his gait, at which the shoulders and the blades and even the ears are moved and which many village guys are considered a special chic.

Passed by a well with an old, crushed greens.

Pave! - said Hmuro Yashka .-- Drink!

He went to the well, stuck the chain, pulled out heavy dodge with water and greedily a student to her. He did not want to drink, but he believed that there was no better than this water, and therefore every time passing by the well, drank her with a huge pleasure. Water, shimmering through the edge of the baff, splashed to his bare feet, he pressed them, but everything drank and drank, occasionally breaking down and noisily breathe.

On, Pey, - he finally said Volodya, wiping his lips sleeve.

Volodya also did not want to drink, but to not even annoy the yashka, he obediently fell asleep to Badier and began to pull the water with small sips, while he did not bother him in the head.

Yuri Kazakov

Quiet morning

They just just shouted the sleepy roosters, it was still dark in the hut, the mother did not make a cow and shepherd did not drive her herd into the meadow, when Yashka woke up.

He sat down on the bed, dried his eyes for a long time on the bluish sweaty windows, on a vaguely whitish oven. Sweet predestinous sleep, and the head rolled on the pillow, the eyes stick out, but Yashka is overburdening themselves, stumbling, clinging for the shops and chairs, began to wander around the hollow, looking for old pants and a shirt.

Slowing milk with bread, Yashka took the fishing rods in the Seine and went out on the porch. The village seems to be a big down blanket, was covered with fog. The neighbor houses were still visible, longly barely looked at the dark spots, and even further, to the river, nothing could be seen, and it seemed that there was no windmill on a hill, nor a fire calant, nor a school, no forest on the horizon ... Everything disappeared, it was attached now, and the center of a small closed world was Yashkin Izba.

Someone woke up earlier than the yashki, pounded near the forge of the hammer; And pure metal sounds, breaking through the fog of fog, reach a large invisible barn and returned from there already weakened. It seemed to knock two: one pogrom, the other sweat.

Yashka jumped off the porch, swung the rods on the rooster toured under the feet and had fun to Riga. In Riga, he pulled out a rusty kosar from under the board and began to dig earth. Almost immediately began to come across red and purple cold worms. Thick and thin, they equally agreed into loose land, but Yashkah managed to snatch them and soon sketched an almost full jar. Plumbling the worms of fresh land, he ran down the path, turned over the woven and the tasks came up to the shed, where his new buddy slept on the haymaker.

Yashka laid his own fingers in his mouth and whistled. Then he flattered and listened. It was quiet.

Volodya! - He called .-- Get up!

Volodya moved on the Seine, long fled and rustled there, finally awkwardly tears, coming on an unbounded shoelaces. His face, gleying after sleep, was meaningless and motionless, like a blind man, a hay trunk got into her hair, she, apparently, got him for his shirt, because, standing at the bottom, next to the yashka, he did everything with a thin neck, She threw his shoulders and scratched his back.

And not early? - He asked Siplo, yawned and, swaying, grabbed his hand over the staircase.

Yashka got angry: he got up for an hour earlier, worms accumulated, the fishing rods ... And if he was truth, he got up today because of this Zama, wanted to show the fish to him - and instead of gratitude and admiration - "Early!"

For whom early, and for anyone it is not early! "He answered evil and inspected Volodya with disdain from head to feet.

Volodya looked out on the street, his face revived, his eyes were slaughtered, he began hastily laugh her boots. But for the Yashka, the beauty of the morning was already poisoned.

What are you going to go in shoes? He screamed contemptuously and looked at the hopped finger his barefoot leg .-- And Kalosha put on?

Volodya was silent, blushed and began at another shoe.

Well, yes ... - Melancholichly continued the Yashka, putting fishing rods to the wall .-- You have there, in Moscow, I suppose barefoot ...

So what? - Volodya looked into the wide, mocking-evil face of the Yashka.

Yes, nothing ... I will get home, take a coat ...

Well, run! - Through the teeth answered Volodya and blushed even more.

Yashka bored. In vain, he contacted all this business. To which Kolka da Zhenka Voronkov is fishermen, and they recognize that it is better not a fisherman in the whole collective farm. Just donate to the place. Yes, I'll fall asleep apples! And this ... came yesterday, polite ... "Please, please ..." give him around her neck, or what? It was necessary to communicate with this Moskvich, who, probably, did not see the fish in the eyes, goes on fishing in shoes! ..

And you are not the tie, "the yashka stuck and laughed hoarsely .-- Our fish is offended when it is faded to her without a tie.

Volodya finally coped with his shoes and, begging from resenting the nostrils, looking right in front of him a unreasonable look, left the barn. He was ready to give up fishing and immediately distinguish, but he was so waiting for this morning! Behind him, the yashka was harmed, and the guys silently, without looking at each other, went down the street. They walked around the village, and the fog squeezed in front of them, opening all new and new homes, and sorah, and school, and the long rows of the milk-white buildings of the farm ... as if a miser owner, he showed all this for a minute and then tightly tight closed behind.

Volodya suffered severely. He was not angry with himself for his rude responses, he was angry with the yashka and seemed awkward and miserable at that moment. He was ashamed of his awkwardness, and in order to somehow drain it an unpleasant feeling, he thought, working out: "Okay, let ... let them mocks, they still know me, I will not let them laugh! Think, great importance barefoot go ! Imagine what! " But at the same time, he, with frank envy, and even with admiration, looked at the bare bags of Yashkina, and on a canvas bag for fish, and on the pants and gray shirt on fishing, and gray shirt. He envied the Yashkin Zagaru and his gait, at which the shoulders and the blades and even the ears are moved and which many village guys are considered a special chic.

Passed by a well with an old, crushed greens.

Pave! - said Hmuro Yashka .-- Drink!

He went to the well, stuck the chain, pulled out heavy dodge with water and greedily a student to her. He did not want to drink, but he believed that there was no better than this water, and therefore every time passing by the well, drank her with a huge pleasure. Water, shimmering through the edge of the baff, splashed to his bare feet, he pressed them, but everything drank and drank, occasionally breaking down and noisily breathe.

On, Pey, - he finally said Volodya, wiping his lips sleeve.

Volodya also did not want to drink, but to not even annoy the yashka, he obediently fell asleep to Badier and began to pull the water with small sips, while he did not bother him in the head.

Well, like a driver? - Yashka's smugly asked, when Volodya moved away from the well.

Less! - Volodya responded and shivered.

I suppose in Moscow there is no such? - Yadovito squinted Yashka.

Volodya did not answer anything, only pulled through the compressed teeth, the air and smiled reconcilifyingly.

Did you catch fish? - asked Yashka.

No ... Only in the Moscow-River saw how they catch, "Volodya confessed the fallen voice and looked at the yashka.

This recognition somewhat softened the Yashka, and he, taking the jar with worms, said as if by the way:

Yesterday, our wicker in the Plesan Bocham Soma saw ....

Volodya had eyes slate.


And you thought! The meter is two ... And maybe all three - in the dark not to disassemble. Our wicker Already crushed, thought crocodile. Do not trust?

Draw! - Vodity exhaled enthusiassed and exhaled his shoulders; In his eyes it was clear that he would believe everything would definitely.

I'm lying? - Yashka was amazed .-- Want, Ida in the evening today to catch! Well?

Can i? - Hopefully asked Volodya, and his ears were porozing.

And what ... - Yashka slipped, wiped her nose with a sleeve .-- I have the tackle. Logva, hollow ... Capture Patterns - there are still darling - and two dawn! At night, the fire fester ... Will you go?

Volodya became unusually fun, and he only now felt how to get out well in the morning. How nice and easily breathes how you want to run along this soft road, to rush in the whole spirit, bouncing and swinging from delight!

What is so strangely strank there, behind? Who is this suddenly, as if hitting once over a stretched tight string, clearly and melodically shouted in the meadows? Where was it with him? Or maybe not? But why then is it so familiar with this feeling of delight and happiness?

What did it shit so loudly in the field? Motorcycle? - Volodya looked questioningly on Yashka.

Tractor! - I answered the important day.

Tractor? But why is it bursting?

It will start ... will soon be done, .. Listen. In-in ... I heard? Toward! Well, now it will go ... this is Fedya Kostylev - all night plowed with headlights, a bit slept and again went ...

Volodya looked at the side where the rumble of the tractor was heard from, and immediately asked:

Do you always have such fogs?

Not ... when pure. And when a lot, by September, is closer, you look, and Inem goes away. In general, the fog takes the fish - time to carry!

And what is your fish?

Fish? Fish is all ... and karasi on the Plesa, pike, well, then these ... perch, roach, bream ... more lin. Do you know Lina? As a piglet ... then olty! I myself first caught - the mouth snapped.

And you can catch a lot?

GM ... anything happens. Another time kilo five, and another time just ... the cat.

What does it whistle? - Volodya stopped, raising his head

It? It will fly ... Chilochy.

Yeah ... I know. And what's that?

Drops ring ... On Ryabina flew to aunt of Nastya in the garden. Did you catch Drozdov when?

Never caught ...

Bears of Kayunenka there is a grid, so wait, let's go catch. They, the thrills, haggard ... in the fields flocks fly, worms from under the tractor take. You are a grid stretched, rowan sketches, hide and wait. As they get, so at once, five pieces are climbing ... they are fun ... not everything, however, but there are intelligent ... I lived one whole winter, so I knew how to die in every way: and as a locomotive, and how I saw.

The village soon remained behind, the low-spirited oats endlessly stretched, the dark strip of the forest was barely overlooked.

Long to go? - asked Volodya.

Soon ... Here's near, went to Hoaching, - every time I answered Yashka.

They went to the hill, rushed to the right, the burdock went down, went down the trail through the flax field, and here the river opened at all unexpectedly. She was a small, densely horrid, waste on the shores, clearly ranked on the focus and was often spilled by deep gloomy waters.

The sun finally rose; Thin roasted the horse in the meadows, and somehow unusually quickly brightened, it all stared around; Another distinct was visible to the gray dew on the Christmas trees and the bushes, and the fog came into motion, he dreamed and began to reluctantly open the hay stacks, dark on the smoking background of the forest now. Fish walked. A rare heavy bursts were distributed in the pool, the water was worried, the coastal Cuga was quietly swayed.

Volodya was ready at least to start catching at least now, but the yashka walked more on the bank of the river. They almost focused on the belt in the dew, when finally the yashka whisper said: "Here!" - And began to descend to the water. Inadvertently, he stumbled, the wet wrench of the earth fell out from under his legs, and immediately, invisible, cried the ducks, smell their wings, soared and stretched over the river, disappearing in the fog. Yashka cringed and hurt, like a goose. Volodya licked the dry lips and jumped after the yacket down. Looking around, he was amazed by the gloom, which reigned in this pool. It smelled of damp, clay, tina, the water was black, the winds in the busy growth almost closed all the sky, and, despite the fact that their tops were already polished from the Sun, and through the fog there was a blue sky, here, the water was dying, sullen and cold.

Here, you know, what depth? - Yashka rounded his eyes .-- There is no bottom ...

Volodya moved away a little from the water and shuddered when the opposite shore was hit by Gulko.

In this badge we have no one bathers ...

Sucking ... how the legs lowered down, so everything ... water as ice and ducklings down. Mishka Kayunenok spoke, there are octopus on the day lie.

Octopuses are only ... in the sea, "Volodya said unsure and still moved away.

In the sea ... I know myself! And Mishka saw! I went fishing, goes by, looks, out of the Water is probe and here on the shore shoe ... well? Bear Already to the Village Run! Although, probably, he is lying, I know it, "I suddenly signed a yashka and began to unwind fishing rods.

Volodya boiled, and Yashka, already forgetting about octopuses, impatiently glanced on the water, and every time the fish was noisily splashed, his face took a stress-suffering expression.

Overlooking the fishing rods, he handed out one of them Voloda, squeezed him in a match box of worms and eyes showed a place where to catch.

Throwing the nozzle, Yashka, not letting out of the hands of a rod, impatiently stared at the float. Almost now I threw my nozzle and Volodya, but hooked at the same time for the wind. The yashka looked terribly on Volodya, he chosen in a whisper, and when the glance translated again on the float, then instead he saw light diverging circles. The yashka immediately with the power of the subferences, smoothly led his hand to the right, felt the fish in the depths of elastically, but the stress of the fishing line suddenly weakened, and from the water, smacking, jumped out an empty hook. Yashka trembled from rage.

Gone, huh? I left ... - he pecked, putting on the wet hands of a new worm on the hook.

Reprounced the nozzle and again, without letting out of the hands of the rod, staring at the float, waiting for a bite. But there was no bite, and even bursts did not hear. The hand in the yashki soon is tired, and he cautiously stuck a rod into a mild coast. Volodya looked at Yashka and stuck his rod too.

The sun, climbing everything above, finally looked at this dark ohut. The water immediately plunged the water, and the drops of dew drops on the leaves, on the grass and the colors.

Volodya, bursting, looked at his float, then looked around and uncertainly asked:

And what can fish in another blade leave?

Clear things! - Viciously answered Yashka .-- That broke and disappeared. And healthy, right, was ... I backed, so I dragged my hand right away! Maybe it would pull on Kilo.

The yazzka was a little ashamed that he missed the fish, but, as he often happens, he was prone to his blame with Volodya. "I also have a fisherman!" He thought. "Sitting the roundabout ... One catch or with a real fisherman, just have time to carry ..." He wanted to prick Volodya with something, but suddenly grabbed the fishing rod: the float began to move. Straightening, as if the tree with the root pulling out, he slowly pulled the rod out of the ground and, holding her on the weight, slightly raised up. The float again swung, lay down, a little pulled in that position and straightened again. Yashka translated his breath, squeeed her eyes and saw how Volodya, pale, slowly lifted. The yazzka was hot, the sweat with small droplets spoke on his nose and the upper lip. The float shuddered again, went aside, immersed half and finally disappeared, leaving after myself barely noticeable curl of water. Yashka, like the last time, gently fell and immediately leaned forward, trying to straighten the rod. The fishing line with a trembling on her float lasted the curve, Yashka brought, intercepted the fishing rod with a different hand and, feeling strong and frequent jerks, again smoothly led his hands to the right. Volodya jumped to the yazzka and, brightly desperate round eyes, shouted with a thin voice:

Come on, come on, Dava Ai!

Get away! - I got a yashka, stuff, often crossing my legs.

For a moment, the fish broke out of the water, showed his sparkling wide side, he struck his tail, raised the fountain of pink splashes and rushed again in cold depth. But Yashka, Superfucked Kolly Rods in the stomach, all five and shouted:

You do not go away, eat! ..

Finally, he led the resting fish to the shore, jerk threw it on the grass and now fell on her belly. Volodya dryed the throat, the heart is frantically pounded ...

What do you have? - squatted squatted, he asked .-- Show what you have?

LEB! - Yashka said with Eustice.

He cautiously pulled out a big cold bream from under the belly, turned his happy wide face to Volodya, the syplo laughed, but his smile suddenly disappeared, his eyes stared at something behind Volodya's back, he cristed, painted:

Fishing rod ... Look-ka!

Volodya turned around and saw his fishing rod, reversing the earth, slowly slides into the water and something strongly jerks the fishing line. He jumped, stumbled and, kneeling to the fishing rod, managed to grab it. The rod beat greatly. Volodya turned a round pale face to the yazzka.

Hold! - shouted Yashka.

But at that moment, the Earth under his feet of Volodya moved, was filed, he lost his balance, released a fishing rod, ridiculously, as if by catching the ball, threw his hands, shouted his hands: "Aaa ..." - and fell into the water.

Fool! - shouted the yashka, viciously and suffered by the face of the face. - Dovelessness! ..

He jumped, grabbed the earth with the grass, getting ready to pop into the face of Volodya as soon as he snapped. But, looking at the water, he froze, and he had a whomeling feeling that you experience in a dream: Volodya, three meters from the shore beat, slapped on the water with his hands, threw a white face to the sky with scolded eyes, chuckled and, plunge into the water , everything was ruling something to shout, but in his throat it was bubbled and it turned out: "UAA ... UA ..."

"Suns!" The yashka thought with horror .-- Drags! " Threw a lump of the earth and, wiping a sticky hand of his pants, feeling weakness in his legs, backed up, away from the water. He immediately came to the mind of a teddy bear about huge octopus on the bottom of the blades, in his chest and stomach was cold from horror: he realized that Volodya grabbed the octopus ... The Earth flew out from under his feet, he rested himself with shaking hands and, quite like In a dream, clouded and hard climb.

Finally, the scary sounds, which published Volodya, Yashka jumped into the meadow and rushed to the village, but, without sulking and ten steps, stopped, as if stumbling, feeling that it was impossible to run away. There was no one nearby, and there was no one to shout about help ... Yashka convulsively smoked in his pockets and in the bag in search of at least some twine and, not finding anything, pale, began to sneak up to Bochant. Going to the cliff, he looked down, waiting to see the scary and at the same time hoping that everything was somehow cost, and again saw Volodya. Volodya is now no longer fought, he almost all disappeared under water, only a macushkin with sticky hair was still visible. She was hidden and appeared again, hidden and showed ... Yashka, without rejoicing his glance from this macushkin, began to unbutton his pants, then cried and rolled down. He released from the pants, he, as he was, in a shirt, with a bag over his shoulder, jumped into the water, twisted into the Volodya twisted, grabbed him by the hand.

Volodya immediately clung to the yashka, quickly began to go through his hands, clinging to the shirt and the bag, poking on him and still squeezed out inhumanly terrible sounds: "UAA ... UAA ..." Water jackets in her mouth. Feeling at her neck a dead grip, he tried to put his face out of the water, but Volodya, trembled, everything worked on him, dulled by all the severity, tried to get on his shoulders. Yashka chokes, coughed, choking, swallowing water, and then horror covered it, in his eyes with a dazzling force, red and yellow circles flashed. He realized that Volodya would drown him that his death came, he jerked out of the last strength, enveling, shouted as inhumanly scary, as shouted by Volodya a minute ago, hit his foot in his stomach, snapped, saw through the hair running with hair bright flattened ball of the sun , feeling more in himself the severity of Volodya, pulled out, threw him off his hands, shook his hands and legs on the water and, raising the foam browns, rushed to the shore in horror.

And, just grabbed her hand for the coastal essay, he came his senses and looked back. Exchange-free water in the pool calmed down, and no one was no longer on its surface. Several air bubbles jumped out of the depths, and the teeth were lit up at the yashki. He looked around: the sun brightly shone, and the leaves of the bushes and the winds were glittered, the web was rosy, between flowers, and the wag was sitting at the top, on the log, she squeezed the tail and brilliant eye looked at the yashka, and everything was just as always, everything was breathing And silence, and there was a quiet morning over the ground, and meanwhile just now, quite recently happened to the terrible - just he drowned the man, and it was he, Yashka, hit, drowned him.

Yashka blinked, let go of the e-shirt, led the shoulders under the wet shirt, deeply, breathed the air and dived. Having opened the eyes under water, he could not first disassemble anything: the circle was trembling unclear yellowish and greenish glare and some herbs lit by the sun. But the light of the sun penetrated there, in the depth ... Yashka fell even lower, sailed a little, hurt with his hands and face behind herbs, and here he saw Volodya. Volodya was held on his side, one leg was confused in the grass, and he himself slowly turned around, shaking, putting the sunny light round pale face and moved with her left hand, as if trying to the touch of water. The yazke seemed that Volodya was pretended and puttingly swaying with his hand that he was following him to grab as soon as he would touch him.

Feeling that she will fall back, Yashka rushed to Volodya, grabbed his hand, clogged, hurriedly twitched the body of Volodya Up and was surprised how easy and obedient it followed him. Having emerged, he greedily breathed, and now it does not need anything to him and it was not important, except to breathe and feel how the chest is replenished with a clean and sweet air.

Not releasing the shirt, he began to push him to the shore. It was hard to sailing. Feeling the bottom under his feet, Yashka got out and pulled out Volodya. He shuddered, touching the cold body, looking at the dead, still face, was in a hurry and felt so tired, so unfortunate ...

Turning over Volodya on the back, he began to breed his hands, put pressure on the stomach, blow into the nose. He fought and weakened, and Volodya was all the same white and cold. "Pomer", "Yashka thought with fright, and he became very scary. To run away somewhere, hide, so that only not to see this indifferent, cold face!

The Yashka sobbed from horror, jumped up, grabbed Volodya for his feet, pulled out how long enough strength, up and, miscarious from Natugi, began to shake. The head of Volodya fought on the ground, the hair was swallowed from the mud. - And at the very moment, when the yashka, finally dismissed and falling in the spirit, wanted to quit everything and run where the eyes looked at this very moment, he groaned the water, he groaned And convulsion passed on his body. Yashka has released the legs of the legs, closed his eyes and sat on the ground.

Volodya is leaned with weak hands, painted, accurately going to run somewhere, but he fell again, he again visited a convulsion coughing, splashing water and dulk on raw grass. Yashka crawled to the side and looked relaxed on Volodya. Now he did not love any more Volodya, nothing in the world had a mile of this pale, frightened and suffering. A timid, in love with a smile glowed in the eyes of the bash, he looked at Volodya with tenderness and clearly asked:

How? BUT? Well, how? ..

Volodya recovered a little, wiped her face with his hand, looked at the water and unfamiliar, hoarse voice, with a noticeable effort, staring, said:

Like me ... then zero ...

Then the yashka suddenly wrinkled, closed his tears from his eyes, and he roared, Zaore was bitterly, loyaded, shook up with all the body, choking and having shattered his tears. He cried from joy, from the experience of fear, from the fact that everything turned out well that the Bear of Kayunenok was lied and no octopus in this badge.

The eyes of Volodya darkened, his mouth was sworn, he looked at Yashka with fright and bewilderment.

You ... What? - he squeezed himself.

Yes, ... - I spoke a yashka that there is a strength trying not to cry and wiping my eyes with the pants .-- You are the UTO ... WTO-PA-H ... and I have a spa ... SPA A-AT ...

And he roared more desperately and louder. Volodya blinked, shouted, looked at the water again, and his heart fluttered, he remembered everything ...

Ka ... as I am tone-ul! .. - As if I am wondering, he said, too, he also cry, pulling his head with thin, helplessly lowering his head and turning away from his Savior.

The water in the pool has long been calmed down, the fish with wagon rods broke, the fishing rod nailed to the shore. The sun was shining, the bushes, sprinkled with dew, and only water in the pool remained all the same black.

The air was heated, and the horizon was trembling in its warm jets. Missed, with fields, on the other side of the river, together with the gusts of the wind, flew smells of hay and sweet clover. And these smells, mixing with longer, but sharp odors of the forest, and this light warm wind was like the breath of the wokeered land, rejoice in a new bright day.

Yuri Kazakov

They just just shouted the sleepy roosters, it was still dark in the hut, the mother did not make a cow and shepherd did not drive her herd into the meadow, when Yashka woke up. He sat down on the bed, dried his eyes for a long time on a bluish sweaty windows, on a vaguely whitewash ...

Sweet predestinous sleep, and the head rolls on the pillow, and the eyes stick out, but the Yashka is overburdening themselves, stumbling, clinging for the shops and chairs, began to wander around the hut, looking for old pants and shirt.

Slowing milk with bread, Yashka took the fishing rods in the Seine, went out on the porch. The village seems to be a big down blanket, covered with fog. The neighboring houses are still visible, distant - barely look at dark stains, and even further, to the river, nothing can be seen, and it seems that there has never been in the world either a windmill on a hill or a fire calant, nor the school, nor the forest on the horizon. .. Everything disappeared, disappeared now, and the center of the little visible world was Yashkin Izba.

Someone woke up earlier than the Yashka, knocking near the forge of the hammer. Clean metal sounds, breaking through the fog, reach the large barn, are given from there weak echo. It seems that two are knocking: one pogromic, the other sweat.

Yashka jumped off the porch, swung the rods on the rooster, just who began his song, having fun to go to Riga. In Riga, he pulled a rusty kosar from under the board, began to dig the land. Almost immediately began to come across red and purple cold worms. Thick and thin, they equally agreed into loose land, but Yashkah managed to snatch them and soon sketched an almost full jar. Plumbling the worms of fresh land, he ran down the path, turned over the woven and the tasks came up to the shed, where his new buddy slept on the haymaker.

Yashka laid his own fingers in his mouth and whistled. Then he flattered and listened.

Volodya! He called. - Get up!

Volodya moved on the Seine, long fled and rustled there, finally, awkwardly tears, coming on an unbounded shoelaces. His face, crumpled after sleep, was meaningless, like a blind man, a hay trunk stumbled into her hair, she probably got him for his shirt, because, standing at the bottom, next to the yashka, he took his shoulders and scratched his back.

And not early? - He asked Siplo, yawned and, swaying, grabbed his hand over the staircase.

Yashka got angry: he got up for an hour earlier, hurt the worms, dragged the fishing rods ... And if he was truth, he stood up today because of this Zama, wanted the place of fish to show him - and instead of gratitude "early "!

For whom early, and for anyone it is not early! "He answered evil and inspected Volodya with disdain from head to feet.

Volodya looked out on the street, his face was revived, his eyes were slaughtered, he began hastily laugh a shoe. But for the Yashka, the beauty of the morning was already poisoned.

What are you going to go in shoes? He asked contemptuously and looked at his barefoot his barefoot. - Do you wear galoshes?

Volodya was silent, blushed and began at another shoe.

Well, yes ... - Melancholy continued the Yashka, putting fishing rods to the wall. - You have there, in Moscow, I suppose, barefoot does not go ...

So what? - Volodya left the boot and looked at the wide mocking face of the Yashka.

Yes, nothing ... I will get home, take a coat.

It will be necessary, run! - Through the teeth answered Volodya and blushed even more.

Yashka bored. In vain, he contacted all this business ... To which Kolka da Zhenka Voronkov is fishermen, and they recognize that it is better not a fisherman in the village. Just donate to the place. Yes, I'll fall asleep apples! And this ... came yesterday, polite ... "Please, please" ... give him around her neck, or what?

And you tie put on, - Tumblebed and laughed hoarsely.

It is offended by our fish when it is faded to her without a tie.

Volodya finally coped with his shoes and left the barn, opposing the nostrils from resentment. Behind him, the yashka was harmed, and the guys silently, without looking at each other, went down the street. They walked around the village, and the fog retretted before them, opening all new and new huts and sheds, and the school, and the long rows of the milk-white farm buildings ... as if a miser owner, the fog showed all this for a minute, then it was tightly closed Rear.

Volodya suffered severely. He was angry with himself for rude responses, seemed awkward and pathetic at this moment. He was ashamed of his awkwardness, and in order to somehow drown out this unpleasant feeling, he thought, fiercely. "Okay, let ... let him mock, he still knows me, I will not let him laugh! Think, the importance is barefoot to go! " But at the same time, he with frank envy, even with admiration, looked at the bare-eyed Yashkina legs and on a canvas bag for fish, and on the pants and gray shirt on the fishing. He envied the Yashkin Zagaru and the special gait at which the shoulders and the blades, and even ears, and which in many village guys are considered a special chic.

Passed by a well with an old, crushed greens.

Pave! Said Gmuro Yashka. - Drink!

He walked over to the well, stuck the chain, pulled a heavy dodge with water, greedily a student to her. He did not want to drink, but he believed that there was no better than this water, and therefore every time passing by the well, drank her with a huge pleasure. The water shook over the edge, splashed to his bare feet, he pressed them, but everything drank and drank, occasionally breaking down and is noisily breathing.

On, drink! - He said, finally, Volodya, wiping his lips sleeve.

Volodya also did not want to drink, but in order not to dispel the finally yashka, he obediently fell asleep to the badge and began to pull the water with small sips, until he was born from the cold in his head.

Well, like a driver? - with pride inquired yashka, when Volodya moved away from the well.

Less! - Volodya responded and shivered.

I suppose, there is no such thing in Moscow? - Yadovito squinted Yashka.

Volodya did not answer anything, only pulled through the compressed teeth, the air and smiled reconcilifyingly.

Did you catch fish? - asked Yashka.

No ... Only in the Moscow-River saw how they catch, "Volodya answered the fallen voice and looked at the yashka timidly.

This recognition somewhat softened the Yashka, and he, taking the jar with worms, said as if by the way:

Yesterday, our wicker in the Plesan Bocham Soma Vidal ...

Volodya had eyes slate. Immediately forgetting about your hostility to the yazzka, he quickly asked:


And you thought! The meter is two ... and maybe all three - not to disassemble in the dark. Our wicker Already crushed, thought - crocodile. Do not trust?

Draw! - Volodya exhaled enthusiastically and exhausted his shoulders. But in his eyes it was clear that he would believe everything would certainly.

I'm lying? - Yashka was amazed. - Want to catch Ida in the evening? Well?

Can i? - with hope asked Volodya; His ears are porozing.

And what! - Yashka slipped and wiped the nose with a sleeve. - I have the tackle. Logva, hollow ... Capture Patterns - there are still darling - and two dawn! At night, the fire fester ... Will you go?

Volodya became unusually fun, and he now only felt how good to get out of the house. As nice and easily breathes, as you want to run along this soft road, to rush in the whole spirit, bouncing and swinging from delight.

What is so strangely strank there, behind? Who is this suddenly, as if hitting once over a stretched tight string, clearly and melodically shouted in the meadows? Where was it with him? Or maybe not? But why then is it so familiar with this feeling of delight and happiness?

What was the shock so loud in the field? Motorcycle?

Volodya looked questioningly on Yashka.

Tractor! - said Introduction.

Tractor? But why is it bursting?

It will start it. Now he will start. Listen ... in-in ... I heard? Toward! Well, now go! This is Fedya Kostylevel - all night paked with headlights ... I slept, I went again.

Volodya looked at the side where the rumble of the tractor was heard from, and immediately asked:

Do you always have such fogs?

Not ... when pure. And when it is more late, by September closer, then you look and go out. In general, the fog takes the fish - time to carry!

And what is your fish?

Fish? Fish all. And Karasi on the Plesa is, Pike ... Well, then these are perch, dam, bream ... More Lin - Do you know Lina? - as a pig. Easy! I myself first caught - the mouth snapped.

And you can catch a lot?

Everything happens. Another time kilo five, and another time just ... the cat.

What does it whistle? - Volodya stopped, raised his head.

It? It will fly away.

Yeah ... I know ... And what is it?

Drozda ring. On Ryabin flew to aunt of Nastya in the garden. Did you catch drose?

Never catching.

Misk Cayunenka has a grid, now we will walk, let's go to catch, the thrills, having ... in the fields flock fly, worms from under the tractor take. You are a grid stretched, rowan sketches, hide and wait. How to fall out, so immediately five pieces are climbed. Fun; Not all truth, but there are intelligent. I lived one whole winter, so I knew how to die in every way: both as a locomotive, and how I saw ...

The village stayed behind. The low-spirited oats endlessly stretched. Ahead barely looked through the dark strip of the forest.

Long to go? - asked Volodya.

Not ... Here's near, - every time I answered the Yashka.

They went to the hill, rushed to the right, the burdock went down, passed the trail through the flax field, and here it was completely unexpectedly opened in front of them the river. She was a small, densely walked by a branch, a riquitox on the shores.

The sun finally climbed; Thin kept ...

For the summer, a lot of defensions come to the village, arrived at the grandmother and Volodya - the boy is urban, never seen or a real field, no meadow, no lake. Volodya is interested in rustic life, but most of all attracts fishing. The fishing of Volodya does not know how, but for this he has a new rustic friend, with whom he just agreed to go fishing.

The fishing is assigned to an early morning, because the yashka got up before everyone in the house, even the mother had not yet started the morning to doork, and the roosters still silently rested on their pans. In the village it was quiet, Yashka got out of the window and headed to dig the worms. He had a good mood, he loved to fish, just he did it alone, and yesterday this neighbor boy approached him, and asked to go fishing with him. It is not clear why the yashka agreed, although he did not want this at all.

After the worms were dug, Yashka went to wake up Volodley, he woke up with great reluctance, he did not expect him at all that he would have to get up so early, and did not understand why the fish could not wait until he had to sleep. He outlined his opinion, he outlined him than heavily angry. An even more Yashka got angry after Volodya refused to go to the barefoot river and preferred to wear shoes.

After arguing about this, Yashka and Volodya go to the river. For fishing, Yashka chose the most remote place, there rarely walked local guys, since they all preferred not only to fish, but also to swim, and in this lake creek it was dangerous, lived there a terrible river octopus, who dreamed of all who resolved plunge

On the way to the creek, the guys pass through the fields and small prolescons behind the village, they hear the rockness of the approaching tractor, enjoy the life awakening in the village. For Yashka, these sounds are quite common, but Volodya is quite surprised, he never woke up so early and awaken nature for him into the wonder. Admiring Volodya about all that happens to him, the upcoming fishing, catch and the act of finding in the village, there is no limit.

Finally the boys get to the creek. The water in it is cold, muddy, the place is chosen deep and incisive. Yashka took the box with worms and squeezed half of them by Volodya, showing him where and how to become to start fishing. Volodya exactly performs the instructions of his new friend exactly, but for him fishing is something else, he chatters without silent when you need to be silent, pours out my soul and tries to find out his opinion about everything that happens around.

This behavior of the urban, yashchka does not like at all, he already begins to regret that he agreed to this idea, local rustic boys are more detained, they would all be given to Yashka to show them this place and allowed to fish here, and Volodya even Does not understand what honor the yashka gives him.

Meanwhile, there was a flourish, Volodkin fastened the float, a pebber was hung at him. Delightful and confused Volodya barely time to inform about this yazzka like a fish breaks off from the hook. The angry yashka is branited by Volodya on what the light costs, because it is to blame that it was not possible to catch such excellent prey.

Volodeka is upset, but his shortness improves his mood, a hefty bream falls on the hook to the yazzka, the boy is trying to pull into the shore and taking advantage of a special pickup, stretch out of the water. Bream resists, and Volodya gladly watches this struggle, not noticing that it comes to the very edge of the clay cliff.

The boots at Volodya slippery and he climbs into cold water with a loud cry. In the first moment, Yashka thinks that Volodya joked and now emerges, Yashka even prepared a big room of the earth to run into a friend, in punishment for the fact that he moved such a fish. But Volodya is not able to swim, it begins to suck the ohut and only bubbles of air are shown on the surface.

Yashka was terribly strained and rushed away from the river, deciding that Volodeka took the same octopus about which the kids greeted so much legend. But taking off at some distance and coming to myself, Yashka understands what should be back and help a friend. He rushes to the river and, without undressing dives, grabbing a flushing still Volodya for clothes. But Kovren's pool, he does not want to let his prey, begins to sink and yashka, but finds the strength in himself and, pushing his legs from the body of Volodya, pops up to dive again and this time to pull out of the water already a lifeless comrade.

I dating Volodya to the shore, the yashka begins to cry loudly, the boy cannot lead a friend in feeling, thinks that Volodya was drowned. But after the dysfast of artificial respiration, the water is beginning to pour water, and he opens his eyes and is surprised that it turns out to be drowned. Volodeka does not remember everything that happened after his fall into the water, and the yashka flashes near the grass, rubbing tears with a piece of pants.