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Futurism direction. What is futurism in the literature of the Silver Age? Representatives of futurism

The word "futurism" occurred from the Latin word "Futurum", meaning the future. This is the name of the avant-garde direction in the European and Russian art of the 10th - 20th. XX century. In an effort to create the art of the future, Futurism rejected the traditional culture, especially its artistic and moral values, cultivating urbanism (aesthetics of the machine industry and a large city), weave documentary material and fiction; Even natural language destroyed in poetry.

Futurism received its name through the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who published in 1909 "First Manifesto Futurism", proclaimed the death of old art and replacing his new, whose vocation is to save the world.

Russian futurism, of course, repelled from Italian futurism, but Russian futurists themselves came to the cult of the poetic word.

Russian Futurism: Personalia

Among the famous Russian futurists are often called Velimira Khlebnikov, although the title father of Russian futurism Wears David Burliukov. Also, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Osipa Mandelstam, Igor Lotareva, who later became Northerners, Alexey Tschechy, Boris Pasternak, Nikolai Aseeva and Vasily Kamensky.

The overwhelming majority of futurists, or, as they were called with the light hand of Khlebnikov, mobularThere were immigrants from the most cordious corners of the Russian Empire. At the dawn of his career, they had to overcome significant difficulties, including a bone provincial medium, which are hostile to any innovation. But it helped young writers to work out fighting qualities and became the traditional idea that literary peaks are taken with the fight, Nakhp.

The majority of public speeches of Russian futurism accompanied the atmosphere of the scandal: from the scandal, it was usually all starting and the scandal was all ended.

Russian Futurism: Literature

Hardly the first futuristic swallow in Russia became the collection of "Sadok judges" in St. Petersburg in 1910, the name of which he was given not yet known Khiknikov. Given the full absurdity of the name, you can only assume that I wanted to say the author. Most likely that the poets of the future are driven into the close framework of the book, but soon poems will allow them to become judges and legislators of the new poetic taste.

This book is written on the back of the wallpaper, although in the printing house this whim has caused a lot of swearing, since the bulk chalk scored the internal articulations of the typographical machine, and it had to constantly wash. She came out with a meager edition, and read it very few, most of whom later called the authors of "wallpaper poets."

Despite this, young writers in the same 1910 issued a new collection called "Impressionist Studio", where the poem of Velimra Khlebnikov "Running a laugh" appeared, which became a kind of business card of Russian futurism:

Oh, reimburse, Monkhai!
Oh, whine, Monkhai!
What Laugh Menthai,
What are shifted diluted,
Oh, whine smiling!

In 1911, a young poet Benedict Livshits arrived in the village of Chernywavka, the young poet Benedict Livshits, in order to disassemble the Khlebnikov manuscript, which was located in Chernywak earlier. The ancient Greek name of this area in the mouth of the Dnieper - Gileia, that is, "Forest" was chosen by the name of the literary group, in which Burniets, Kamensky, Mayakovsky and twisted, were included in Burluki and Livser.

The next after the "skeleton of judges" by the bomb abandoned by Russian futurism to the reader, became a book with a bold title "Social taste for the public taste", published in Moscow in 1912. It opens with a declaration, full of curses in the address of the most famous Russian writers. Among the authors, Mayakovsky was most strongly distinguished, which did not constrain the most offensive formulations to opponents.

Russian Futurism: Communities

While the Cubal feasts were having fun in Moscow, Igor Northerner in St. Petersburg, who, together with his friends-poetic, was a follower of ego paturism (Ego from Latin - I).

I, genius Igor-Northerner,
His victory is ski:
I am noticeable!
I am visually approved!

In this poem entitled "Epilog", the pronoun "I" is repeated three times.

In addition to Cubo and egofulurism, Russian futurism has also existed in other trials, and representatives of each group considered other "impoverished". Sometimes, however, they still united to combat the general enemy - mesh and supporters of classical art. After entering the light "Society to public taste", Cubeturists united with their enemies from the St. Petersburg Society of Northerners, and jointly commit a grandiose tour of the cities of Russia. Speaking in the provinces, they mocked over the crowd, never had anything like that did not hear anything.

Since 1913, a new generation of futurists appeared on the literary scene. The greatest fame among them received Pasternak and Aseev, who in 1914 together with Sergey Bobrov and Bogdan Gordeva created a group of "Centrifuge".

In 1914, David Burluk's efforts came out "First Journal of Russian Futurists", which united participants in almost all futuristic clans of the Russian Empire.

Sunset of Russian futurism

Meanwhile, the country was involved in the First World War, which flowed into the October Revolution. It distracted public attention from the movement of futurists. Almost everything will be welcomed by the October coup in which they saw the embodiment of their aspirations. Russian futurism has always distinguished the desire for revolutionary transformations. Here is the passage of the poem of Mayakovsky "Cloud in the pants":

Remove, walking, hands from trousers -
Take the stone, knife and bomb,
And if anyone has no hands -
I came to and beat his forehead!

Some will be in particular Mayakovsky, openly declared their claims to lead the literary life of the Soviet Republic. After that, Lenin violently criticized the People's Commissar of Lunacharsky Enlightenment, which was allowed to print the poem of Mayakovsky "150,000,000" in a large circulation in ... 5 thousand copies. The fate of the very Mayakovsky, who died in 1930, has not yet come to a certain opinion, was still known, and if he was killed, and if yes - then by whom.

The decisive actions of the Bolsheviks led to the fact that, by the mid-30s, Russian futurism, who tried to repaint in the so-called "left front of the arts", was destroyed.

In conclusion, we will give the poem of Mayakovsky "Would you?", Which as a drop of water reflects Russian futurism:

Splashing paints from glass;
I showed a jelly on a saucer
Ocean's ocean cheekbones.
On cesua tin fish
I read the call of new lips.
And you
Nocturne play
We could
On the flute of drain pipes?

Futurism (from the Latin word "Futurum" - the future) is an artistic avant-garde movement in the literature and art formed in Italy in 1909 and gained development in Russia in 1910-1921. Futurists who proclaimed a demonstrative gap with all traditional rules and customs were primarily interested in not the content, but the form of the renovation, for this they used professional jargon and vulgar lexical turnover, used the language of documents and posters, invented new words.

The Italian poet Filippo Tomazo Marinetti, who, in the "Manifesto of Italian Futurism," published in the Figaro Manifesto, was considered, published in the Figaro newspaper in 1909, called "destroying museums, libraries, fight with moralism" and, being a companion of Benito Musolinni, found general features in Fascism and futurism.

Futurism, like other modernist directions, denied old standards and classical traditions, but in contrast to them, he was distinguished by an extreme extremist orientation, the full nihilistic denial of the entire previous artistic experience. The world's historical task of futurism, according to Marinetti, was "to spit daily on the altar of art."

(Natalia Goncharov "Cyclist")

The Futurism Adepts ratified for the complete destruction of various forms and conventions in art and the creation of its absolutely new form, which would be organically fit into the accelerated life processes of the twentieth century. For this direction, the motives of adventure before the force and aggression, the exaltation of their own personality and the feeling of contempt for a weaker, fanatical worship of war and destruction is. As one of the directions of avant-garde art for futurism, it was very important to attract as much attention as much as possible, for this, it was impossible to use the use of pumping techniques, various extreme techniques in the behavior of the authors, creating an atmosphere of literary scandals. For example, Mayakovsky read his poems in a yellow female blouse, Kamensky spoke with a painted face and wrote poems on the scraps of wallpaper, Alex Turkey went everywhere with a sofa cushion, screwed to her neck.

The main character in the works of Futurists was depicted as a resident of a large, modern city, filled with movement, dynamics, here life takes place at high speeds, around a lot of diverse technology, life is constantly being improved and goes to new stages of development. For the lyrical "ego" of futurists, the negation of the classical norms and traditions is characterized and the presence of special thinking that does not take syntactic rules, the norms of word formation and lexical combination. Their main goal was to transfer their globilities and an understanding of the events around themselves around themselves by any understandable and convenient ways.

(Gennady Golobokov "Monument")

The socio-political situation in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century led to the fact that futurism in Russia attracted a lot of attention to young avant-garde play poets, which in 1910-1914 created several different groups of this movement at once:

  • Cubobuturists who united in the "Giley" group and called themselves "Mischina": David Burluk, Velimir Khlebnikov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Alexey Tschechy, Vasily Kamensky, Benedict Livshits. Their collections "Dusty Moon" (1913), "Zatuchka", "Rying Parnass" (1914);
  • Moscow ego paturists of the moderate wing, which created the Mezonin Poetry Group - Vadim Shershnevich, I. Lotarev, R. Ivnev. Collections "Vernissage", "Crematorium of sanity";
  • Petersburg egohuchurists - Igor Northernik, Ivan Ignatiev, Ivanov;
  • Futuristic group "Centrifuge" - Nikolay Aseev, Sergey Bobrov, Boris Pasternak. Collections "Ruchnog", "Laine", "Second Collection of Centrifuges" (1914).

The history of Russian futurism is the complex relationship between these four groups, each of them considered himself a representative of true futurism and insisted on its dominant role in this course, which eventually led to the hostility and disunity among the ranks of Futurist poets. What however, did not bother them sometimes to close and even move from one grouping to another.

(Nikolai Dulger "rational man")

In 1912, members of the Gileia group publish the manifesto "Social Taste", in which they boldly call on "to lose Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy from a steamer of modernity."

In his poems, the poet Alex Turkey defends the Poet's right to create his own "abundant" language, which is why his poems often represented a meaningless set of words.

Vasily Kamensky and Velimir Khlebnikov in their work (poem "and and uh" (1911-12), "Music" Prose "Zveznets" (1909), the play "Marquis DEZES", the collection "Rady!", "The elegant of poems. 1907- 1914 ") carried out various linguistic experiments, distinguished by freshness and originality, in the future who had a very fruitful influence on the development of Russian poetry of the twentieth century.

(G. SYSHIN "V. Mayakovsky")

One of the bright representatives of Futurism was the outstanding poet of the Silver Age Vladimir Mayakovsky, actively speaking not only against various "old", and also for creating something new in society. His first verses published in 1912 brought new topics into this direction, which immediately allocated it among other representatives of futurism. In his works (Pooms "Flute-Spine", "Cloud in the pants", "Man", "War and Peace"), he denied the established capitalist relations and promoted his humanistic views and faith in human opportunities. He was one of the first Russian poets who showed the whole truth of the new society.

(Severini Gino "Boulevard")

After coming to power in Russia, the Bolsheviks party in 1917, futurism as a literary direction gradually began to go to no. The fate of many of his representatives is sad and tragic, one of them was shot (Igor Terentyev), someone sent a link, some became emigrants and left the country of Soviets, Mayakovsky committed suicide, Aseev and Pasternak moved away from the ideals of futurism and developed their own Individual style. Some futurists who took revolutionary ideals tried to continue their activities and created the organization LEF (left front of art), which ceased to exist in the late 20s of the twentieth century.

Futurism as a literary direction in the Russian poetry of the Silver Century, along with symbolism and acmeism, played a very important role for its further development and brought many fruitful and innovative ideas that have become the main for the next generation poetry.



(Lat. Futurum - Future; letters. "Will" - term V. Khlebnikov), the artistic stream in European art (poetry and painting) of the beginning of the 20th century. The ideologist and the founder of the futuristic movement arose in 1909 - the Italian poet F. T. Marinetti. Futurism is a kind of poetic avant-gardium in literature modernism. The main task of the new art of Futurists was seen in the refusal of all traditions, in a gap with ideology and ethical views expressed in the work of all literary predecessors. Since 1911, literary associations of futurists appear in Russia. In Moscow, the School of Cubarofuturists, or Gileia, which united artists and poets, who tried to embody the pictorial principles of French-cubist artists and the poetic installations of Italian futurists: N. D. and D. D. Burliuk, V.V. Mayakovsky, V.V. Kamensky, Led. Khlebnikov, A. E. Circular, E. Guro. In St. Petersburg, the School of Ego Phuchurists, proclaimed intuitive creativity and striving for promotion of artistic and domestic individualism, which was not always carried out in practice: I. Northerner, V. I. Godov, K. K. Olymps. Cubarofuturists were revolutionaries in art, some of them considered themselves with supporters of the social revolution, and their role in modern art was seen to update it just as the true revolutionaries renew the social life. It is not by chance that the publication, which was led by Mayakovsky in the first half of the 1920s, was called Lef - Left Front of Arts. The innovation of the second was moderate, the egofulurists relied on various literary traditions, sometimes eclectically combining them; So, Northerner joined the reception soundismcharacteristic of lyrics symbolism, with futuristic receptions word formation. In 1913, the Centrifuges group emerged (S. P. Bobrov, N. N. Aseev, B. L. Parsnip et al.) and "mezzanine poetry" (V. G. Shershenevich, K. A. Bolshakov, S. M. Tretyakov, R. Ivnev, etc.), whose members have shown themselves with epigons of Cubo- or egohuchurism; For example, Aseev as a poet futurist was so secondary figure that Mayakovsky called him his student. From the number of futurists of the "second call" only Pasternak converts literary student and turned into a major poet. After the revolution, the tradition of futurism was developed by Tiflis Group "41 about"(Beginning of 1920s; A. E. Cruischny, Ilyazd, I. Terentyev, etc.) and Petrograd Oborryu (The end of the 1920s; A. I. Vodnovsky, N. A. Zabolotsky, D. I. Harms.). These groups continued the ideas of the most radical cubal feasts, Khlebnikov and twisted. Like the "senior" futurists, members of these associations experimented with zaomty, or a bad language, engaged in "retiring", i.e., the update poetic vocabulary and syntax, I find new intonation and graphic forms.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


FUTURISM. This literary term is taken from the Latin word Futurum - the future. Futurists sometimes call themselves in Russia "will be" will be ". Futurism, as an aspiration to the future, is opposed to passeism In the literature, aspiration for the past. Futurists are thrown overboard the heavy load of the past. Poetry dreary memories they oppose poetry feathered Aspirations to the future. Defending a futuristic understanding of life, futurists with hatred fell against symbols, even against such masters, like Edgar, Bodlaire, Malarma and Verlang, for they, according to Marinetti, "floated on the river of time, continuously rearing heads back to the remote blue source Past, to the same Sky, where beauty blooms. There are no poetry without longing, without causing speaking times, without historical and legendary fog. " "Dreamy blue, black melancholy and a dull Minor Futurists oppose the fire of struggle, the energy of creativity and the delight of boiling young forces. "We are red, we love the red, and with the otlovka of the focus of locomotives on the cheeks, we sing the celebration of the car, which they (Pasisians) hated stupid," the founder of futurism in Italy Marinetti said in his hot speech.

To better figure out the principles of this literary school, which appeared simultaneously in a number of countries, contact the original sources, primarily to the manifestes of the Italian futurist Marinetti, who were simultaneously printed in the book of Marinetti "Futurism", and in the book of Tasturism (on the way to New symbolism), also appeared in 1914. These manifestos not only characterize the militant nationalism of the aggregious young bourgeoisie of Italy, the cradle of fascism, but also perfectly identify the basics of futuristic sensitivity, futuristic library, futuristic poetics, futuristic-innovative originality.

The children of the modern industrial city with his machines, electricity, with its dynamism rebelled in the name of the future against the poetry of the past, broken by paralysis and gout, against the last lovers of the moon, against "moralism, fetishism and all opportunist and utilitarian vulgarities."

With the youthless selfless courage and unrestrained cheerfulness of Italian futurists "tears of beauty, gently leaning over the graves, opposed the sharp profile of the pilot, Shoffer, Aviator.

The futurism hero was a new man with an insatiable "I", a new bourgeois, embraced by militant mood, an imperialist to the brain of bones, impregnated with the atmosphere of the modern city.

A new globility was the content of the poetry of Italian futurists who decided to break with the past Italy, which became the museum and the tomb of the former beauty.

"Beauty of the speed" here is the slogan of these hot urbanists.

The form of the poetry of futurists was impregnated with the same urbanism, the same energy of the automotive speed.

"Acceleration of life, which is now everywhere almost possesses fast rhythm. Physical, intellectual and emotional balancing of a person on a stretched velocity rope among opposite magnets, the multi-facetedness of the simultaneous consciousness in one sense of the world "- this is what sees Marineti in modern times.

The poet, captured by dynamism, no longer satisfy the syntax and lexicon of the previous era, when there were no cars, nor phones, nor phonographs, no cinema, neither airplanes, no electric railways, no skyscrapers, nor Metropolitans.

The poet performed by the new sense of the world is an irrigible imagination.

Under the wireless imagination of MarInetti, there is a "absolute freedom of images or analogies expressed by the liberated word, without the syntax wires and without any punctuation marks."

This absolute freedom of words, without any conditional order, he puts in touch with lyricism - a very rare ability to intoxicate life and intoxicate.

The son-gifted son of the modern city, falls into the zone of highly tense life, throws you on the nerves, worrying and hurrying, all its visual, auditory and taste feelings on the whims of their insane gallop and seeks only to transfer all the vibrations of her I.

Telegrafy words, telegrafical turns with the flow of verbs, telegraphic images serve as a means to identify an increased nervous mood.

The immediate analogy is replaced by a remote analogy between non-coordinates, on the view of the opposite things.

Marinetti suggested to compare the focister not with a small thoroughbred horse and not even with a telegraph apparatus of Morse, but with boiling water. "Only by such broad analogies this orchestral, multi-stage and polymorphic style can convey the life of matter."

The syntax is destroyed, the swirls are pierced on freedom. The wording begins, a free verse is put forward to the place of a strict meter, with free rhythms, the climb word does not fit on the procrusteo bed of the former poetics. Wheatman's experiments, Griffin, Verjars over her free verses are widely used by futurists.

In 1909, the first manifesto Marinetti appeared, and since 1910, the poems of St. Petersburg egohuuturists and Moscow Cabobuturists begin to appear in Russia.

In St. Petersburg, the egohuchurists in 1912 are paid around the publishing house "Petersburg Herack", with Ivan Ignatiev led. The group includes: D. Crochekov, Igor Northernik, K. Olympov (Fofanov-Son), P. Shirokov, Rurik Ivnev, Vasilisk Gnodov, Vadim Shershevich.

Igor Northerner, who rated his tanning on the works of Fofanova-Father, Lochwitskaya, Balmont, and released from 1912 to 1914. 35 buildings of his POEM, one of the first began to discover verbal America, adapting the words of poetry to the requests of a modern modernized city, one of The first in Russia was launched in 1911 a new name - "egoofuturism".

He becomes a spokesman for the mood of bourgeois circles for a short time, an idol of the mesh salon, and before the renunciation of his egohuchurism, indeed, "there is noise industry and the discrepancies and discrepancies" and even after one of the questionnaires (of course, this questionnair the price) is proclaimed by the king of poets.

The first member of the Symbol of the Vera St. Petersburg ego paturists was a worship before the start of egoistic. The purpose of egopoese is becoming "omnipotent egoism", "as the only right life intuition."

Solemn egoism is associated with immoralism clothing. The themes of the city, the city of having fun, the themes of modern Babylon, collecting people on the feast of Valtasar people burning life by the formula "And after us at least a flood."

Nutherners enrich their vocabulary with new, sometimes successful, word formations, launching a lot of foreign loudspeckers of the boulevard type, very walked in Baora, on fake blocks, at trendy resorts, cafes and salons.

But if the rapid, warlike Italian futurism of Oweyan with noises, movement, lights of the city, then the St. Petersburg egofulurism is empty by Demond, he is captive at the rustle of silk skirts, he is in fourth of the future fragrances.

Marinetti announced contempt for a woman, Igor Northernik melted Demmonden.

Its "ice cream from Lilac", "his pineapples in champagne" he divided with funny companions to the island of love.

Of course, all this aspired romance was too little like a violent Italian futurism. Petersburg egofulurists: K. Olymps, Shirokov, Schenevich continued the case of the IG. Northerner.

And so against the smooth singers of the poete, the Moscow Cubal fellow, the Moscow Cubal fellow, rebelled against the Swuffling Scholk. Boulared, gallant "egophershtists" they opposed their primitiveness.

Since 1910, Cubatuuturists are united around Brotheruk's brothers, in their group they are: Talented Bubnikov's Talemir, Vladimir Mayakovsky, this frantic Roland Street, and a high-pressure, sensitive, in love with Elena Guro, unfortunately the deceased early. They are swollen with them.

Cubarofuturists protrude to defend the word, as such, "the words above the meaning", "a dusty word".

In the footsteps of Marinetti, they loosen Russian grammar, they are a combination of words replace the combination of sounds. They assure that "for the image of a dizzying modern life and even more rapid future - it is necessary to combine words in a new one." And here they pass the verbs, prepositions, adjectives. They absorb a telegraph style, they assure themselves that the more mess to make a speech and proposals, the better.

If Petersburg egohuchurists shone the lexicon of the lush French and German Dememonden words, then the Moscow Cubefuturists Bereemir Khlebnikov and twisted instead of the word "morgue" put forward the word "work", instead of the word "University" - the word "University", etc. "Why borrow The Germans, when there is a magnificent word "- exclaimed by the Cubal feast, the resulting" decoiled "word. The Perfumery Lexicon Northernina was replaced by the "Rady" Volmeir Khlebnikov. The goal of the cubaceuturists "emphasize the importance of all sharpness (dissonances) and pure primitive rudeness", Replace sweetglow bitterlypersonia or Zloglas.

The most instrument of verse, they have nothing to do with the instrument of St. Petersburg egofulurists, who asked Presentants in the musical style of K. Balmont, Fofanova (Father), Mirra Lohwitsky.

"Writers before us" - writes the "Word as such" twisted in the book "-" the instrumentation was completely different, for example:

In the sky midnight angel flew

And he sang a quiet song, etc. ...

A healthy person of such food will only upset the stomach. We gave a sample of other sound and phrases:

Hole Bul-Shch


(By the way, in this five-hundredth more Russian national than in the entire Pushkin poetry).

Cubefuturists develop their "zable language". In particular, a lot made in the field of "Retreat-creativity" by V. Kichnikov in their books "Rady" and "Collection of Poems" (1907-1914), "Zangezi". A talented poet died in 1922 Khlebnikov, according to V. Mayakovsky: "Created a whole" periodic system of the word ". Taking a word with undeveloped unknown forms, comparing it with a word developed, he argued the need and the inevitability of the emergence of new words. " In the declaration of "Zaulny Language" in the collection "Zauden" (1922), A. Klychey, wrote: "Thought and speech do not have time for the experience of inspired, so the artist Vain is expressed not only by the general language (concepts), but also personal (Creator Individual)" who does not have a certain meaning (not frozen) dusty"(P. 12).

If you are twisted on your "hole-boolean" "and did not go, quite deftly covering his problem with a brilliant set of sounds, but the talented Vladimir Mayakovsky created, indeed, the poetry of the city of the street, Square, showed himself a bold master of the word, a skilled innovator and authority The grammatical rules showed himself a poet of street movement, street landscape, the creator of a new style and had a huge impact on young people, especially for Shershevich and Mariengof.

Brown mischievous, hated fool, self-satisfied, the sworn enemy of the well-minded tenderness, cheap projemism and the presented beautifulness, he in his acute and evil satire poem "Brothers Writers" threw the words of a new street poet:

Gentlemen poets

are not bored

lilac bush you?

such as you

i do not care about any art.

Better will open a shop.

I'll go on the stock exchange.

Tight wallets pop up the sides.

Drunk song

soul I am idle

in the Cabac Cabinet

(p. 100, compilation "All").

Powdered, lacquered ig. Northerner he hits the face to novert the rude words:

From cigar smoke

liquor glass

the saturated face of Northerner was stretched.

How do you dare to be called a poet

and sulfur tweet as quail.


lit peace in the skull!

concerned about one -

"Lie is elegantly",

see how fun


pimp and card Shuler.

who are Mokley Love,

from which

in the century, the tear flowed,

sun Monochal

i will insert into widespread eyes.

(Cloud in pants, collection "All", p. 81).

It was a truly street poet, with a pipe throat, armed with a caste and the real force of a fist fighter. From his poetry, he smelled of the Renaissance with her bright rudeness of morals, bright gifting, with its artists, moving from the sword to the brush and from the brush to the sword. In one person, the robber was combined with a large road, and the poet of a noisy metropolitan street. This fighter, growing on verses and rhythms Whitman, akin to the soul of the city.

look at

it is glad.

Not a batch of the city you feel in its sharp, stitching, hyperbolic, rude, enlarged poetry, this Butaforia went to countless toy poetics, which are destined to "take it over" and not worry about ...

Protesting and outraged against the square words driving into the soul, you see in his poetry the tragic face of the city, distorted by the grimace pain. For sketching and blasphemy, you will hear the flour of the urban poet, from whom the spelling pharynx is not broken by words - "cramps that merged with a room." The picker, Bursa, the greatest fierce has rejuvenated from the verbal rebellion of Mayakovsky, who also tired "Survived Humanity", too, I also want to shout my own - "admire".

As Maxim Gorky, he was tired of meager people with stillborn hearts. Behind the mischief, the animal foggy, stunting the noises of the city, the words broke out with a gnage of dental:

stacking unnecessary tears

with unshaven cheeks of the area,

may be

the last poet.

And if today I, Rough Hun,

You do not want to cry in front of you - and now

I wanted and joyfully plush, plush

In the face of you

I am priceless words Transzhir and ILO.


Overcome the rude shape, listen to the words drunk by the scream of the poet, and then you suddenly understand and feel the tragic beauty of the steems drowning through the heart: "Violin and a little nervously", "Listen", "good attitude to horses", "War and Peace" .

Unexpected, unusual, wild, coarse, poster images fell on you, outraging you, and master you. And the poet playing his "knockturne on the flute of drain pipes", he rushes with you in the tram, and shouts to you, but not in the ear, and in the ear: "The magician rails pulls out of the mouth of the tram," "Street failed like the nose of syphilicism," "Swan neck bells bend in the sleeves of the wires", "the bald lantern will fill on a black stocking from the street", "The wind spiny tuber pulls out the smoke wool of the choke."

You are thinking about the images and you begin to understand the workshop of a cubolic image of urban life, urban landscape, beautiful in motion, in shift lines, paints, intersecting planes, sounds, shadows, in the trembling streets. Poet of urban Ncturnov, "Tsar Lamps", the poet with the soul "stretched, like the nerves of the wires," proudly hesitates piercingly like a siren:

I will reveal you

simple like Mican

our new souls

like lamppost arcs.

The lonely street poet, ready to rush to the rails under the steam locomotive, the street poet, who sometimes considers people only the bubbles on the cap from God, the street paints, incomprehensible and glanced by a stupid crowd and recognizing you: "I don't know, spitting - resentment or not," craves The bright holiday in the life of people and writes in 1915 prophetic lines:

reviewed today's tribe

As long

skable joke,

i see walking through the mountains of time,

Whose no one sees.

Where the eye of people breaks down the ko

Head of hungry ORD

in the Tern Crown of Revolutions

coming sixteenth year.

And when they came 16, and after him, 17-18-19-20 years old, frantic and flour, as a century, the soldiers found a new crowd on the squares, rushed not to the rails head in horror of loneliness, but rushed in the crowd and rushed his left Marsh, rough, wild, powerful and domineering, covering the crowd.

Russian futurism began chocolate northerners, cumshot furiously registering Vladimir Mayakovsky, who in ten years managed to step over for the same, lonely.

After the October Revolution, Igor Northernik and St. Petersburg Northerners moved away from modern times. Vadim Schenevich was one of the founders of a new school speaking under the flag of the IMAZHINISM in order to move away from it in 1922 Vladimir Mayakovsky became a communist futurist. Communists-Futurists were the first to come to Soviet seal after the October Revolution. They became a "com-foot", they adopted communism into the maintenance of their poetry, they had an undoubted impact on some of the proletarian poets (Filipichenko, Alexandrovsky, Karganov, Doronin, Sadofiev). In particular, Vladimir Mayakovsky provided great influence. Far Eastern poets especially discovered a futurism, thanks to the influence of Aseev and Tretyakov poets. The magazine "Creativity" in the Far East became the organ of revolutionary futurists. Despite the fact that the com-foot solemnly in his manifestos were announced about their revolutionary, in the Soviet press after 20, everything sharply and sharply oppose futurism. The founder of the prostrolet, now the late F. I. Kalinin, in the "proletarian culture he wrote in the article" On Futurism ":" This is the social phenomenon of the capitalist system, the ideology that has come down to the limits of its final development. This is a death thumbnail of the bourgeois spirit, the premonition of death. "

In essence, we are present in the breakdown of futurism, which was associated with the extreme individualism of militant, imagine-minded layers of the bourgeoisie. As a school, futurism played a positive role in Russia, several revealed modern dynamics and new rhythms in connection with the emphasis on the characteristic damns of urbanism. These features have formed the basis of proletarian poetry. Excesses of disassens, testifying to the collapse of the personality, about the decay of the word, as means of communication, will be thrown by literature, closely related to the team.


Marinetti.. 1) Futurism, ed. "Prometheus", 1914. 241 P. Petersburg. 2) Futurists. Ed. North. Days. Moscow. 1916 p. 203. Futurists. The first magazine of Russian futurists, number 1-2. Moscow. 1914. 157. A. Klychey. 1) word texture. P. 24. Ed. Maf. Moscow. 1923 2) Shift of Russian verse. P. 48. Maf. Moscow. 1923 3) Apocalypse in Russian literature. P. 48. Ed. Maf in Moscow. 1923 Shronevsky. Knights madness (futurists). Ed. Idzikovsky. Kiev. 1914. 163. Tastaneuen. Futurism (on the way to a new symbolism from the application. Fur. Manifesto Marinetti). Ed. "Iris". Moscow. 1914, 32 pp. V. Bryusov. Common sense Tartarara (dialogue about futurism). Russian thought. 1914 III. V. Lvov-Rogachevsky. "Contemporary". Symbols and heirs of them. 1913 KN. VI-II. K. Chukovsky. "Futurists Petrg." "Polar Star". P. 94. 1922 Shapirstain Lers. The social meaning of Russian literary futurism (the nea-industrial of Russian literature of the 20th century), Preface A. V. Lunacharsky. Ed. Mironova. Moscow. P. 80. 1923 Vladimir Mayakovsky. "IN. V. Khlebnikov. " Obituary. "Red Novy" Literature.-Hood. Jul Journal - August 1922 A. Jacobson. The newest Russian poetry. 1921 Prague. P. 68. Criticism About creativity Igor Northernina. Articles Brandt, Brysov, Bobrov. Ed. Pashukianis, with application. Portrait and autobiography. Moscow. 1916 p. 159. Vasily Kamensky. His is my biography of the Great Futurist. Book publishing Kitovras. Moscow. 1918 p. 228. Books Igor Northergynina, Volmeir Khlebnikov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, A. Klychey, Elena Guro, Vasily Kamensky, Aseeva, and others. The most important collections: Sadok judges 1st, pn. Ed. Crane. Moscow. 1913 Silence to public taste. Ed. Kuzmina. P. 112. Moscow. 1913 Poetics Futurists: Victor Shklovsky. Resurrection of the word. Petrg. 1914 Poetics. Collection on the theory of poetry language. 1919 Petrograd. Log "Lef". kn. I, II ed. GOSID. ed. 1923

V. Lvov-Rogachevsky. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: in 2 tons / edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunina, V. Lviv-Rogachevsky, M. Rosanova, V. Cheshikhina-Windrinsky. - m.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925

Futurism (from Lat. Futurum - Future)

1. The avant-garde flow in the literature and art 1910 - 1930s. The birthplace of futurism was Italy, and his "godfather" - Poet F. T. Marinetti. Futuristic aesthetics was based on a refusal of cultural heritage, a shocking artistic experiment. At the same time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe revolution in art was associated with the idea of \u200b\u200b"global alteration of the world." In his work, Italian futurists tried to capture energy, dynamism, "technicalism" of modern civilization, the consciousness of the "Crowd man". Russian futurism had its own specifics. He included four main groups: "Giley", or Cubal feasts (Velimir Khlebnikov, D. and N. Burliuki, V. Mayakovsky, V. Kamensky, A. Klychey, B. Lifshits); "Association of EgoFuturists" (I. Northernik, I. Ignatiev, K. Olympov, V. Glywov); "Mezonin of Poetry" (V. Sherevyevich, R. Ivnev, S. Tretyakov, B. Lavrenev) and "Centrifuge" (S. Bobrov, B. Pasternak, N. Aseev). The most radical and productive turned out to be the first of them.

2. Avant-garde phenomenon in Russian poetry. This included several groups: egofulurists (I. Northerner, K. Fofanov); Cubarofuturists (Willland, Hiletsy) - A. Klychey, D. Burluk, V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, V. Kamensky; Group "Centrifuge" (V. Sherevich) and the group "Mezonin of Poetry" (S. Bobrov). Despite the differences in these groups, there was something in between that, which makes it possible to talk about the poetic course.

Futurists refused the heritage of the classic literary tours, called for "reset from the ship of modernity" guns-on, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy. The collections wore anti-esthetic names, which should have had, in their opinion, show the pre-sight to the aesthetics of previous poetic schools and flows ("Dam-Laya Moon", "Society to Public Taste", "Motors of Waste-Zhab").

Futurists denied grammar rules, syntax, once-rushed familiar rhythms and rhymes. They experimented with tongue, introducing copyright neologisms. In their verses, high and low, solemn intonation with "simple, like washed". Some futurists resorted to "Zauri", the east of the expansion of the poetic possibilities of the Russian language (twisted, cereals). In verses of futurists, the desire for the subtitivization is obvious. Futurists were rapidly, Budo-dejected to the public not only by the names of the collections, but also to the external behavior, anti-weteretism in life. Their creativity is on-rule for destruction, the overthrow of the existing one. It was not by chance that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe revolution with her slogan was so close to Futurists: "We destroy the whole world of Nasili before foundation." It is not by chance that many futurists became the singers of the revolution.

Nevertheless, futurism, if you distract from its extremes, contributed to the identification of the richness of the Russian poetic language, the update of the poetic form. He prepared the emergence of constructivism of the 20s, essential poetry (D. Harms, A. Vwe-Densky, N. Oleinikov, etc.), it was peculiarly affected by the modern avant-garde poetry. Material from site.

3. Futurism arose as a literary direction in Russia in 1910-1912, almost at the same time as in Italy. The features of Russian and Italian futurism are largely sitting: the utopian dream of the birth of supremacy, capable of pre-evaporated the world; Support on the latest scientific and technological distortions. Russian futurism for the first time declared itself in 1910 after the publication of the first futuristic collection of the "Sadok judges", the poetic works of D. Burluk, V. Kamensky, V. Klebnikov were published in Koor. Several groups of new literary flows were agreed conditionally. Most notable: Cubefuturists or Poets "Gileui" (V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, D. Burluk, V. Kamensky, and others, sought to create a difficult game of words), eguff tourists (I. Northernik, K. Olymps, V. Gnoves and others performed as poets of exquisite publicly availableness), poets of the Centrifu-Ga association (B. Pasternak, N. Aseev, S. Bobrov, and others, who considered themselves "moderate" futurists). Russian Futurism sought to the revolutionary transformation of reality, to the destruction of old standards and advocated innovation in the field of language and poetry form, for a kind of wordness: denied the past in the name of this ("Throw Push-Kina, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and so on." With Steamer modern "), and the present in the name of the future. The poet was thinking by Futurists Boon-Tarem, a revolutionary, creator of a new reality. It was the most extremely in its radical attitude to life the modernist current in poetry. Futurists to formal experimental acts and opposed the expression of public positions in the IS-piece. It is characterized by an anarchic rebellion: they could change the word, crush it, create new combinations and meanings. The spirit of the rebellion was attended by futurists not only with the denying traditions and the past, but also when creating their own poems. Futurist's fondation was accompanied by literary scandals, from-blood outrageous. Open adherence to everything new led futurists to the abandonment of traditions and culture of the past, which ultimately led the literary flow to death.

The term "futurism" occurred from the Latin word "future", the direction was originated in the early 20th century in Italy, in Russia he received the greatest distribution in the 1920s, the most famous representatives were V.V. Kamensky, A.E. Klychey and V.V. Mayakovsky.

  1. The main idea of \u200b\u200bfuturists was the complete separation from the "classic" culture. They were analyzed in relation to traditional rules and canons in art. They ridiculed the old school even in verse.
  2. They sought to make a revolution in creativity, so political coups and reversals were often chased. From here, the picture of the modern world shown is constantly in motion changing every day.
  3. Creativity itself is represented as an invention, the product of human labor. The aesthetics of a large city and technical progress comes to the foretics, as opposed to the natural, natural world, who loved the idealization of the poets of the old school.
  4. The authors experimented with the word formation, created bizarre phrases, neologisms, sizes. Their creativity was radically different from all that was done earlier.
  5. For ideological and thematic content of the works of futurists is characterized by dislike for capitalism and everything is associated with it: the dominant class, generally accepted moral norms, the conformist position of the Church, etc.

Features of Futurism Mayakovsky

  1. The most vivid difference between the works of Mayakovsky from other representatives of futurism is to exaggerate the person of the poet, the laudatory lines are often dedicated to him, it is placed above the others.
  2. In addition to denial and contempt for everything, which was before, in the works of Vladimir Vladimirovich, Yaro is pronounced to the present, he opposes himself to society and the established public system. The views and thoughts of the poet are facing the future.
  3. Beauty is enclosed in urban landscapes, turbulent urban life.
  4. Very often in his works Mayakovsky used metaphors (hidden comparison) for its opposition and sounding (repetition of identical vowels or consonants).
  5. Well, of course, do not forget about his famous "forest", which was used to allocate the most important segments of the poem.

Examples from the poetry of Mayakovsky

There will be a moon.
Already have
A little bit.
But the full hung in the air.
This is God must be
Silver spoon
Run to ear stars.
("Moonlight night").

A small landscape sketch, in which the primitive statement of the fact is replaced by a complex religious and philosophical explanation, it was created to violate the balance of the poem, getting rid of harmony, so that it was harder to perceive written, is one of the ways of expressing anti-sourceism. In addition, the author's mockery tone is obvious here when it comes to religious prejudices trying to explain natural phenomena. Having ironically listed them, the poet promotes anticleric moods.

An hour from here in a clean alley
Subscribe to person your foolish fat,
And I discovered so many poems of the Box,
I am an invaluable ILO and Transzhir

Here we see all the disgust experienced by the poet to people, he calls them simply fat, when, as he, he puts the rest above the rest, representing the carrier and owner of words and language, and even those who unceremoniously pops them into the wind.

I want to,
To the bayonet
equated feather.

In these lines, an attempt is attempted to convey to those who read one of the ideas of futurism, which was written above, namely to equate art to the product of labor, and poets to soldiers.

Adash city of the window broke
On tiny, sucking adka lights. "
("Adash City").

Well, finally, the same game with words in attempts to give them absolutely different forms that do not exist in speech.

Poetics of Russian futurism

For futurists, the content of their work was practically no importance, all rates were made on the form of the story, and what it is unusual, the better. All their ideas they tried to convey to readers through dialogue, which is why most futuristic poems are made in the form of a conversation, or appeal to someone. All of them were written in order to shock, slip listeners, in a declamation style (expressive reading, convenient rhythm) for greater convenience of public speeches. The lyrical hero was practically not important, he did not pay enough attention, much more interesting was the rapidly changing reality around him.

Manifesto Russian futurism

It was compiled in 1912, calls for to forget everything that was before, to get rid of the classic works under the authorship of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Gorky, and so on and to proclaim the futurists with the only representatives of their time. Manifesto requires to destroy the existing Russian language, the image of thoughts that have established values \u200b\u200bto replace them with new ones. Denies the presence of common sense and false beauty preferring to them experiments. Requests to increase the dictionary with the help of arbitrarily composed of derivatives from existing words. Subsequently, the text of the manifesta increased, and the slogans of the branch of art from the state appeared in it, as well as the transfer of all theaters, museums, art academies, and so on to the hands of the artists themselves.

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