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As Goy Esi translates. Who is a goy in ancient Russian language. Watch what is "Joy Esi" in other dictionaries

We put our song about you,

About your favorite script

Yes about the brave merchant, about Kalashnikov;

We folded it on ancient way,

We walked her under the gullardic ringing

And they believed yes they suggested.

Orthodox people did it,

And boyar Matvey Romodanovsky

We have a charm of the foam hide,

And the boyaring of his Belolie

Brought us on a silver dish

Towel new, silk seated.

Treated us for three days, three nights,

And everyone listened to - did not heigh.

N.e shines in the sky Red Sky,

Do not admire the puffy blue:

Then behind the meal sits in the crown of the crown,

The Terrible Tsar is sitting Ivan Vasilyevich.

Behind him are so worn,

Against him all the boyars yes princes

On the sides of him all the ovarists;

And drinks the king to the glory of God

The pleasure of your and merry.

Russian GPO)

children's library

Smiling, the king commanded then

Wines of sweet overseas

Fact your gilded bucket

And bring it to the Ochrifices.

And everyone drank, the king is porky.

Only one of them, from Ochrichnikov,

Delete fighter, brown well done,

In the gold bucket did not urinate the mustache;

He lowered in the earth the eyes of dark,

Lowered the head on a wide chest, -

And in his chest it was a strong thought.

Here frowned king eyebrows black

And brought the eyes of vile on him,

Like a hawk looked from heaven height

On a junior pigeon of a sophisticated, -

Yes, did not raise the eyes of a young fighter.

Here, the king was hit by the king,

And oak floor on grate

He pierced with an iron end, -

Yes, I did not flinch and here is a young fighter.

Here said the king the word Grozny, -

And then woken a kind well done.

"Gay you, faithful our servant, Kiribayevich,

Al You Duma hoped wicked?

Do you envy Ali glory?

Ali service honest bored?

When a month is rising - the stars are rejoiced,

That they are lightly walking in the snowmobile;

And which is hiding in the puff

That striving to the ground falls ...

Indecent to you, Kiribayevich,

Royal joy bent; -

And from the family, you are crowded,

And the family you are fed to Malyutina! .. "

Answers so Kiribayevich,

Tsar Grozny in the belt bow:

"The sovereign you are ours, Ivan Vasilyevich!

Do not measles you slave unworthy:

Hearts roast do not pour wine

Duma is black - do not jump!

And I got you angry - the will of the Tsarist:

Order to execute, chop your head;

She is the shoulders of the Bogatyr

And she herself to crude land. "

And Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich told him:

"Yes, about what you, well done, twist?

Is your Parya Caftan?

Is there a sobular hat?

Doesn't you have a look in?

Ile jagged a saber tempered?

Or the horse roamed the thinned forged?

Or with my feet knocked on a fistboard,

On the Moscow River, the son of merchant? "

Answers so Kiribayevich,

Showing his head curly:

"That hand was born enchanted

Nor in the boyars, nor in merchant;

Argamak "My steppe goes fun;

How the glass is burning the saber;

And on the festive day of your mercy

We do not get worse than another.

How I sit down on the lich horse

For Moscow River Rock,

Cusham tighten with silk,

I dwell on a barrel bar velvet,

Black Sobat, confused -

At the gate stand from Tesovych

Red Girls Yes Mode

And admire, looking, happily;

Only one does not look, does not admire,

Striped Fata "closes ...

On Saint Rus, our mother,

Not to find, not to find such beauty:

Walks smoothly - as if the winch,

Looks sweet - like a ballow,

Palloon the word - nightingale sings,

The cheeks are burning her ruddy,

How to dawn in the sky of God;

Braids blond, golden,

In tape bright braided,

On the shoulders run, shock,

Breasts are both bosaled.

In the family she was born merchant, -

Nice to Alena Dmitryna.

As I see her, I myself am not yours:

Hands are low,

The eyes are perfect;

Boring, sad to me, Orthodox king,

To put on the world.

Having frightened horses lungs

Failed outfits of Paryova,

And I do not need a golden treasury:

Who should I share my casnoe now?

Before which I will show your remoteness?

Before whom I boast of the outfit?

Let me go to the steppes susolzh

On Living Free, Cossack.

I'll be gradually there is a rouse head

And grape on a spear Buxurmansky;

And divided by the evil of the Tatar

Horse's horse, saber sharp

And the saddler is Broan Cherkasy.

My watches of the tear keris turn off,

My bones are sole rain waters,

And without the funeral of the Corregter

Four sides will hang out! .. "

And said, laughing, Ivan Vasilyevich:

"Well, my faithful servant! I'm your trouble,

I will try to put your sorrow.

Here are the fingers you are my yachon

Yes, take a pearl necklace.

First swash intelligently

And giving gifts precious

You are your Alain Dmitryrene:

How to love - celebrate wedding,

Do not love - do not proceed. "

Oh, you are Goy Esi, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich!

Deceived you your dear slave

Did not tell you the truth true

Did not give you that beautiful

In the Church of God transfected,

Transferred with a young merchant

By law, our Christian ...

Ai, guys, sing - only Gusli Build!

Ay guys, drink - Make it easy!

Clean you good boyar

And hearing his Belolica!

A young merchant sits behind the shelter

Static well done Stepan Paramonovich,

On the nickname of Kalashnikov;

Silk goods lay out,

The speech of affectionate guests he lures

Zlatto, silver recalculates.

Yes, an uncomfortable day set himself to him:

Walk the bar rich

In his shop do not look.

Disconnected the evening in the holy churches;

Behind the Kremlin burns dawn foggy;

Flaw torcus on the sky

He is driven by their meselics;

Emitted a wide living yard.

Locks Stepan Paramonovich

His shop door dub

Yes, the castle is German with spring;

Evil PSA-griest tooth

On the iron chain binds

And he went home by thinking

To a young mistress for Moscow river.

And he comes to his high house,

And Stepan Paramonovich is divided:

I do not meet his young wife,

No oak table with white tablecloth,

And the candle in front of the way it is barely grieving.

And he customs with an old worker:

"You tell me, say, Eremeevna,

And where to go, hid

In such a late hour Alain Dmitryreva?

And what kids are my kind -

Tea, stepped up, played,

Friends! Please note: To correctly fix the lyrics, you need to highlight at least two words

So many years as fish about ice, and no effect.
After year, and I am not a businessman, not a banker and not the FinINEK.
Many people told me that I chose the wrong vector,
And then I once took and created a totalitarian sect.

The first has been recruited, without a pallet divided out.
He is on the salary that he received in Eldorado, rented for assembly basement.
A week first at once, later - two,
We have been going there for prayers and sermons.
Patvas pulled up.

And now, in the hands of the brochure by climbing,
Waiting for my dirty * edge
The entrance has a big crowd of parishioners,
For the faith of missing Saturday Auchan.
The voice rustled is simple, membership fee.

I did not reduce prices. In the basement it became closely
I did not narrow the circle. For a couple more years and our center has already occupied three floors.
Now every weekend pile of people, palms holding down,
Choir sing this song. And the song is good.


On the ground wheels like AC / DC,

Goy of Esi, Noize MC, Walk in Russia!
Needless carry, go beam and dough Kosi.
On the ground wheels like AC / DC,
Do not immigrate into the sky.

Do not beams. Do not beams. Do not beams.

"Do not beams" - this is the main commandment on my talked.
Do not beams of the power of it, so that the room is not pressed.
Does not beams of extremist scumbags, how did you prevent you?
They are just in other sects, do not hurt them.

Do not portal Malina to colleagues. Each false prophet - at the devotee.
And to climb with your charter in other people's temples is dangerous.
Well, what don't you live? Forest yourself on your own bed.
Do not beams of frantic dollars *** bov, and everything will be fine.

Death is not at all cool. In addition, you do not know
What in fact is the promised passable grace.
Do you remember how to cut an ambulance on a stay?
As two days in the intensive care, it was filled with an unmanned vegetable.

Turned off - turned on, and no seconds in the middle.
In short, it is not a topic. I will not bear anyone from now.
I'm generally for good, I struggle every day with evil.
Help me in the fight - I spit with me this psalm.

Goy of Esi, Noize MC, Walk in Russia!
Needless carry, go beam and dough Kosi.
On the ground wheels like AC / DC,
Do not immigrate into the sky.

Goy of Esi, Noize MC, Walk in Russia!
Needless carry, go beam and dough Kosi.
On the ground wheels like AC / DC,
Do not immigrate into the sky.

Do not beams, not beams, not beams.
Do not beams, not beams, not beams.
Do not immigrate into the sky.
Do not beams, not beams, not beams.
Do not beams, not beams, not beams.

Goy of Esi.

Goy of Esi. (Later also distorted "Goyasi") - a greeting formula in the meaning "Be alive!" Or "be healthy!". It is characteristic of oral folk creativity and is observed primarily in the texts of the epic ("Oh, you are Goy Esi, kind well done!").
See M. Yu. Lermontova: "Oh, Goy Esi, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich!" , A. K. Tolstoy: "Goy You, My Flowers, Floweries Steppe!", Sergey Yesenin: "Goy You, Rus, my native ...".


Goya - Ancient Russian word, having values \u200b\u200brelated to life and lively power. Historically the same root - in words live from Old Russian zhiyi. (here is another stage of alternation) with the initial value "feed, eat, recover", "life", "live", "alive." In the dictionary of Daly. go to - old. "Check, live, health." I. I. Szrenevsky goita - "Live", that is goya It can be considered as a form of imperative inclination from this verb. In Ukrainian word zago. means "heal", "heal" (for example, wounds). In addition, the word goya It was witnessed in ancient Russian language and in other contexts, which is interpreted (according to the dictionary I. I. Szrevnevsky) as "peace, calm, Pax, Fides, Amicitia". Yes - Outdated personal shape of the verb ligament "be" in the second person of the only number.

In modern Russian word goya Deethematologized and perceived only as interomotion as part of this formula, becomes a "casual exclamation, an encouraging challenge" (according to Dala dictionary).

With Korean goya associated word persistent in modern language knife (from fromzhidi). It was a social term in ancient Russian language and meant the face, the "surround", "survived", that is, the lost connection with its social environment.

Relying on such a meaning knife, some researchers interpret the formula goy of Esi. As a sign of belonging to the community (genus, tribe, nation, race): "You are our, our blood."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Watch what is "Joy Esi" in other dictionaries:

    "Goy of Esi!" - Goy of Esi! Formular interomotion (comp. from the exclamation of the goy, oh and the shape of the second facial of the verb to be in the other rus. Russian and older. Yaz.), Used to Rus. folklore in direct speech when contacting or as a call for From characters, with a shade of encouragement ... Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NARCH, number of synonyms: 1 Be healthy (83) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    goy-Esi. - Goy of EU and, nezism. (nar. poet.) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    FLK. Study. Welcome epic formula "Be Horm!". BMS 1998, 118; Mokienko 1986, 203, 233 235 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    This term has other values, see Goy (values). Goy of ancient Russian word having values \u200b\u200brelated to life and lively power; The most famous in the epic turnover of Goy Esi. The story of the word Goy comes from ... ... Wikipedia

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    1. Goy1, interddet, with the word ESI (see) or without it (the statute. Nar. Poet.). In combination with places. 2 persons serves for exclamation, greetings, follow. Appeals. "Goy, you, my homeland, Goy you, Bor dense!" A.K. Tolstoy. You're Goy Esi, delete good well done ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Goy: Goy (IVR. גוי) The designation is non-Jew (not the Jews in Judaism, it is found in everyday speech in the meaning of the "Inoverets"). Goy (from Indo-European root * Gi "Live" → * GoIo "Life") Ancient Russian root with the meaning of life, lifeful strength, ... ... Wikipedia

    Interddes (Usually with Sl.: Esi and place. 2 l.). Nar. poet. UPOTR. With greeting, handling. * Oh you are Goy Esi, Volga, mother's mother! (Pushkin) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Goya - Yes, good well done. Take the glitter, you will try her goyful paste, and it will sparkle under water, as the affected one. ■ And what did he learn for three years? Only shame on my head. Drinks more than any goy. ■ It was a little bit of a kozak, on which ... ... Large Half Odessa Language Dictionary


  • Treasures of Valkyrie. Book 2. Start of North, Alekseev Sergey Trofimovich. They are so different - the world of goores and the reality in which they rule the wins. Existing as if in parallel, these worlds are constantly intersect, and the interaction of the parties is one of death, others ...

Try to decipher the meanings laid down in the expression "Goy Esi ...". It is unlikely that one of the professional linguists-philologists participated in this discussion, but let it be their problem. In the end, a professional interpretation of this expression is often found and without this post.

In principle, as I expected, all major interpretations of expression were given in the comments, especially if you consider together with reference to Wikipedia and other authoritative sources. And, most amazing, most of them are quite correct. But what is interesting.

First, truth can be different for different people. That is, everyone sees its own images in the world around the world, which are true for him, regardless of what they both seem. Another thing is that madly sorry, as our ugly civilization persistently turns the richest living and figurative Russian, increasingly into meaningless sets of sounds and symbols. In the utter-easiest.

And the difference in interpretations of the expression "Goy Esi" very well reflects this trend.

Those who have noticed in these words only a formulating appeal from the interjections by the type "Hey, Chuvak" in their own way. For him personally, this is exactly the case. And so asks to add ahead "And you finally from what Raen?".

A little closer to the sources or rather a little further from the degradation in the understanding of the language, those who sees in the expression "Goy Esi" type "be healthy". By and large, let the exhaust, but relatively adequate perception. Especially if you understand exactly what is meant in mind.

All other interpretations are somehow connected with the understanding of the phrase "Be Boom". And if the word be pretty clear - the call-wish, then with the fact that the fruit is such a "goy" and with what they eat quite essential disagreements.

I will start with the main myth of modernity. "Goi is non-Jews." That is, according to this statement, anyone of non-Jewish nationality is automatically driving. Alas and ah it is not so immediately from two sides.

First, the Jews ceased to call themselves to go whales only in the Middle Ages, which would agree, rather late (or recently). Until that time, no difference in the part of the "Hoyness" between themselves and all the others they did not. Yes, and this difference happened exclusively by internal reasons. It was necessary to allocate yourself from all the others, and no other unifying word for these others was found.

Secondly, it is much more important, not every person of non-Jewish nationality is going. Actually today I'm not sure, whether GOI remained on earth. More likely no than yes. And we all, alas, have long and hopelessly turned into out of go. But about this later, when it will be clear who are such goals.

The name of Goy in various sources belong to Praslavyansky and Indo-European roots denoting "life", "live". On this, as usual, all the great philology-linguists and calm down. What's next? Found after all. And what exactly found? The first word, from which all the others happened? Yes, found. But if I correctly understand the meaning of the profession, then this is not exactly the same as archeology. It is clearly not enough to find source. Yes, and any self-respecting archaeologist, something excavating, does not resist hands, but still it will try to understand what he was excavated. Philology-linguists for some reason prefer not to do this. Even more funny, when all these ancient roots are trying to record Latin, which in comparison with all other languages \u200b\u200bitself as a baby in the sandbox.

Anyway. Although there are very big doubts that the roots from Sanskrit got into ancient-Russian language, and not the opposite, we will leave this slippery for many. The matter is another, and why "go" to live? And what is generally zh-in-oh in the understanding of our ancient ancestors?

The word go-th is the root of the go and an indication of the subject "th". And-brief in Russian indicates exactly the subject and the most accurately deciphered as "the one that". That is, this is the one that goes.

It has many values \u200b\u200band images. Including go in antiquity was called the Milky Way. Milky, because Zemun's heavenly cow splashed their milk through the sky, which arose the lands, worlds and the sun and the stars. That is, this is an act of creatures of life, which is the movement of the world.

Mr. Motion, Most High. Go - the movement of the Most High, creating the world. Hence the go-th is the one who creates the world by movement. And it is this feature that this activity makes him (goy) alive.

On Russian (Praslavyansky) The origin of the concept of life, alive indicates the fact that nowhere, except in our language there is no symbol (and by and large Runes) "F", in which the symbolism of this concept is concluded. This is a composite complex rune, consisting either from the "I" + "x" set, or from two "k" - direct and mirror. And that, and the other combination have their own special meaning. "I" - means the unity of all spheres of the universe from material dust to the heights of the Creature of the Spirit. "X" - the concentration of consciousness on the border of the material and spiritual here and now. Direct and mirrored "K" symbolize together the unity of the past, present and future. Everything that happened in the past is the cause of this, from which the possibilities of choosing the future follow.

If we combine all together, then life is awareness of the unity of the world in the entire range of its frequency vibrations and unity of all times focused in the present moment. "There is only a mig between the past and the future, it is he called life" - this is just about it. But this is not just awareness, this is also aware of themselves in this world and the ability to manage the world based on this knowledge.

Go, it's not just a living, this is a person who has a consciousness of the Creator, who can create a world with his own mind, not subject to external circumstances, but changing them under its needs. There is no external for Goya, for he is one with the world, owns them and creates him under him. This is not Ma-r who drives Maya (the material illusion of the world), it is much more. Read Russian fairy tales. In them, heroes often make actions that look from the "height" of our knowledge about the world by irrepressible fantasy. And they just show the properties of Goev. No more and no less.

That's what kind of go. And the hostile attitude of the Jews who separated themselves from the rest of the world and stopped considering themselves the goyami, who were trying to memorize him, quite understandable. Goy is dangerous. He does not perceive the illusions, it does not work on it. He sees the essence, ideas and consequences. Because he sees any true movement of the world in the inseparable connection of the past-present-future.

It is not by chance in relation to this understanding and the word y-og - which is a direct reflection of the word go. If we remember who are such y-oughts and what they do, we will see that these are people who have lost the properties of the goians, but through complex physical and mental practices trying to regain lost.

But they at least try. Nevertheless, we, alas, do not even do that. We have all a long time and firmly became out of goy, from my own unity with the world, invalid the initial abilities and turning actually from the living in the non-dead. We all became simply bioreobot, who do not understand why and why we are essential.

Well, "Goy of Esi" - "Be Boom", "be alive" - \u200b\u200bthis is really a call-wish. The wish of awakening and the completeness of life in the most intimate and true sense. If you want, the wish of awareness and realization of your true purpose.
"Goy you, my dear Rus"

"Oh, you, Goy Esi, kind well done!" - From once again read, as we greets with such words the hero in fairy tales, songs and epics. Now it may seem that the forgotten word "Goy" is just a cross-doomer, something mean between exclamations "Gay!" and "Oh!", However, in such a simplified version it was not always; Initially, it had much more definite and even sacred meaning.

Gloomy of Joy Esi, who enjoyed Eastern Slavs, goes back to deep antiquity. The word "Goy" in the ancient peoples of Correspondence was associated with health, life, lively power. Let's say, in Avestian, the word gaya meant life, lifetime. Lithuanian Gajus belonged to what easily cures. This is also closely adjusted by Ukrainian GOYT - heal, heal, and Polish goic with the same values.

Say to the counter ! " It was equivalent to our "be healthy!", "Be alive!". Same word goya There was a imperative form of verb to go - hello, to live well, health.

True, about this there are other versions. In modern Russian, only two words are preserved with the root GOO.: Загоо and izgoshsky. And who is such a burde, we are well known - a person who has fallen out of the social environment, a decanch, survived from the kind (though, in the old days this word was not always referred to those who simply rolled along the social staircase).

If a goya It means life, it turns out that the word is expensive means a person outside the life, who no longer live on this white light, the word, exile. According to another version, the word goya The community was designated, and indeed the world as a whole. In this case, the rudder is a stranger, the surrounding community. Most of the rogue - if you turn to the ancient chronicles - it was in Novgorod, which was traditionally populated by various tribes. In the process of decomposition of the patriarchal community, many became warriors or merchants. So the number of rogues included a fairly large number of people: from a simple leaving from the community to a bobbish-staring in the light (that is, a personally free person). In this case, since the rode was a man who broke away from his society, goyaOn the contrary, referred to a person immersed in his native environment.

However, if the word goya perceive this way, then the appeal "Oh, you, , kind well done! " Literally meant "you, kind well done, there is our person," "You are a person from our kind." How not to remember Kikilivsky "We are with you one blood - you and me!". However, the greetings tied in terms of kinship were absolutely not peculiar to the eastern Slavs, and refer to the first oncoming as a native thing looks somewhat strange.

Therefore, nevertheless, it is worth sticking to the version that greeting Meaning all our understandable and familiar hell, especially since the transitional options can be found in some eponyms:

He goes to the grill - yes God prays,
And the breadwinner worships:
"You're healthy, Mother's relatives!"
"You're healthy, Solovy Mladov,
A and young Solovy Budimerovich! "

Goyati and Valentines

Gradually It becomes a simple exclamation and distorted to not quite understandable goeses, which, in turn, become quite distant warriors. It was sometimes reached the point that the word of the voyas was taken for the word of war.

And on the change of ancient greeting GOI ESI Forms come with Praslavyansky base on the healthy we use to this day. They are no longer going to the idea of \u200b\u200blifeful strength. Initially, "Cellov" meant "of a good tree". Expands its application: if As a farewell greeting was never used, the phrase "be healthy!" Now you can meet, and say goodbye.