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The best aluminum heating radiators for a private house. Heating radiators for a private house - varieties and classes, rules of choice, prices. Basic design elements

Creation of an autonomous system of heating a thorough approach to the choice of equipment. And if with the choice of the heating boiler, everything is relatively simple, then with the purchase of radiators will have to sweat. What radiators to choose for the heating of a private house and what to draw attention to their purchase? In order to answer this question, we will analyze the features of autonomous heating systems, let's talk about their characteristics and only after that we will give advice on the choice.

Also in our review, we will consider the features of all the radiators available in the market and talk about their use in the heating systems of private houses. We will touch on the following types of radiators:

  • Cast-iron;
  • Steel;
  • Tubular;
  • Aluminum;
  • Bimetallic.

For each variety we give the dignity and disadvantages.

Features of autonomous heating systems

Heating systems of private houses differ from centralized heating systems not so much constructive features as exploitation characteristics. Heating high-rise houses requires high pressure in the pipes so that the coolant can rise to the upper floors, go through numerous radiators, transitions, cranes and bends, after which to return back. The higher the house, the higher the pressure, and the more durable there must be radiators and connections.

The autonomous heating system used in private homes consists of: boiler, pipes, radiators, expansion tank and circulation pump (used in systems with forced circulation).

As for autonomous heating systems, they do not need a lot of pressure - the maximum indicator here is only 2-3 atmosphere. Therefore, heating radiators for home can be any, ranging from iron and ending with bimetallic. Some stop at the cheapest models, saving money in their wallet, and someone gives their preference to more reliable, modern and durable radiators. But your verdict is such that any heating batteries are suitable for autonomous systems.

What else do centralized heating systems differ? They are observed:

  • Low quality coolant;
  • Powerful hydraulic man.

The coolant in centralized systems is really disgusting. It is fully harmful to pipes and radiators of reagents, many dissolved salts and a lot of small mechanical impurities. Under such an effect, only the most lively batteries, such as cast iron or bimetallic, survive.

Autonomous systems are good because here as a coolant, clean water is filling from the plumbing system. At any time, water can be replaced, it will make the coolant cleaner. Often, alternative coolants are used here, non-reaction with metals and do not even freeze in the cold. That is, in autonomous heating systems there is no aggressive environment, which could in the shortest possible time to destroy pipes and radiators. Therefore, almost any types of radiators are used here.

When using steel radiators, it is recommended to create closed heating systems, as oxygen often falls into open systems, which, together with water, begins to destroy not only batteries, but also pipes (metallic).

Hydrogen in autonomous heating systems rarely occur, as they differ in small sizes, a small amount of coolant and minimal pressure. Therefore, this factor can not worry about this factor - boldly install any batteries, but do not forget that any battery has its drawbacks.

Calculation of non-heating radiators

Characteristics Table 1 Section of the heating radiator depending on the material and section size.

On how accurately and carefully the calculation of the amount of heating radiators in a private house will be performed, the uniformity of heating and the efficiency of the entire heating system depends. The average thermal heating capacity is 100 W per 1 sq. M. m. Square. That is, for heating a room of 20 square meters. m. Need a 2000 W radiator. If we choose to heat a bimetallic radiator with a 200 W heat transfer to the section, then there will be a 10-section heater (or two batteries of 5 sections). Cast iron batteries are characterized by smaller heat transfer, an average of 120-140 watts per section, so the sections should be more.

Also in the calculation process includes:

  • Amendments to the type of glazing;
  • The presence of heat insulation and wall thickness;
  • The height of the ceilings (the standard formula takes into account the height of the ceilings from 2.5 to 3 meters);
  • The presence of heated premises above the current premises;
  • The number of external walls (corner rooms are colder);
  • The number and area of \u200b\u200bwindows;
  • Climatic features of this area.

The most accurate calculations include taking into account the wind roses and the location of the outer walls relative to the parties of the world.

Connection Schemes: Leningradka, lateral connection and diagonal.

How to connect heating radiators in a private house? If you plan to conduct a single-tube system, we recommend the Leningradka scheme with a jumper (bypass) for each battery. If you plan to use a two-pipe system, a diagonal or lateral connection is used here. Adjusting heating radiators in a private house is carried out using cranes overlapping the flow of the coolant. If necessary, the cranes can be put on each battery - it will help to align the temperature in the rooms.

Adjustment is also available in a single-tube system, but for this it must be performed according to the Leningradka scheme, with bypass / jumper and three cranes per battery.

Selection of heating radiators in a private house

We have already figured out the features of the characteristics of autonomous heating systems and briefly familiarized themselves with the principles of calculating batteries. Now we have to figure out how to choose a heating radiator for a private house and what to give preferences. We start with old but well-proven cast iron batteries.

Burous, heavy, but very reliable - this is how we can characterize cast iron batteries. They have the smallest efficiency, but they can survive any trouble. With good care, they easily serve 50-60 years old, and it is not known how much they could live if they were not thrown away during the next repairs. These batteries are good high heat capacity - they can maintain heat with short-term disconnections of heating (for example, gas turned off). They are also able to withstand any load.

They have and disadvantages. For example, the same high heat capacity of the cast iron becomes the cause of high inertia of the system - after the supply of heat will pass a lot of time, before the batteries begin to warm the rooms. The disadvantages include a large inner capacity of radiators, huge weight and the need to use bulky metal pipes for the supply of coolant. Also, by minuses, we can attribute low heat transfer, which ranges from 120 to 140 W per section - this is one of the largest minuses.

The verdict is such - if you want to save on heating, and you already have suitable radiators and pipes, boldly mount the system based on these components. Cast iron batteries will suit both single-storey and two-three-storey private houses.

Lightweight and very effective - this is how we can characterize steel radiators. They are made of relatively resistant rust steel and are distinguished by high heat transfer unattainable for other radiators. It is characterized by ease of installation, which is associated with their low weight. Most often they have a panel form. This is exactly what makes them in demand in low-rise construction. They are also characterized in low-cost and low inertia - after 15-20 minutes you will feel how warmth and cozy becomes in your home.

Panel steel radiators should be constantly filled with water - this will prevent the development of rust. It is for this reason that they often fail in high-rise buildings, as there are often observed problems with tightness. In autonomous heating systems, there are usually no such problems - they are simpler in the design, they are less than individual elements and connections. Therefore, they will serve here longer. But it is necessary to ensure that oxygen does not flow into the coolant - this will serve as a reason for the rapid oxidation of radiators.

Steel radiators are one of the most decent solutions for heating private houses. They have high heat transfer and are characterized by an affordable cost. Of all the minuses, you can note not very good design, but they are very practical.

More impressive tubular radiators are made of "from the same test" as the usual steel. But if ordinary panel models do not boast a good appearance, then in the case of tubular radiators, we can see quite interesting solutions, including non-ferrous. Such batteries are characterized by high efficiency, so they can be safely recommended for heating private houses. As for the advantages and disadvantages, they are the same as the steel models described above.

Tubular radiators are convenient because it is convenient to dry small linen, such as children's things. But they are rare on sale, despite the fact that some manufacturers offer really interesting models - the price of them bite.

Considering the types of heating radiators for a private house, it is impossible to pass by modern aluminum models. These are inexpensive, quite reliable and efficient devices that are well suitable for mounting in homes of small floors. They withstand pressure up to 15-20 atmospheres and are well opposed to small hydrowards. The main advantage is a small price that combines well with an excellent appearance. As a result we get balanced heating battery for a private house - inexpensive, efficient and beautiful.

As for the shortcomings of aluminum radiators, this is the lack of resistance to the heat carrier with a high level of acidity. For this reason, such batteries cannot be mounted in high-altitude houses with centralized heating, where the quality of the coolant is extremely far from the ideal. But if you pour into the home autonomous heating system well-purified water with a neutral acidity (pH), then the batteries will serve for a long time, differing good efficiency and heat transfer.

Also in the list of disadvantages includes too intensive convection, due to which it is necessary to carefully select these radiators to the area and the volume of heated premises. It is best to entrust it to heat engineering specialists.

The characteristics of aluminum radiators are similar to the characteristics of steel models. But they confidently captured the low-rise construction market due to their ease, reliability, lack of rust, high heat transfer and low cost - the last parameter is the most significant for the domestic consumer.

Bimetallic radiators

This is the most endless type of batteries for private and apartment buildings. They have resistance to poor quality of the coolant, high heat transfer (literally several watts are lower than that of aluminum models - this parameter can be neglected), pleasant appearance, as well as endurance. These radiators are withstanding the high pressure of the coolant and are able to survive with a hydrodar to 50 atm. Bimetallic radiators are good in all respects, but greatly losing at the price - Their cost is very large.

In general, bimetallic radiators are well suited for installation in private homes. But is it worth spending so much money if there is no high pressure, and the heat carrier is distinguished by high quality? Therefore, we can recommend them only if you have extra money in your pockets.

The radiator is the necessary link in the system of heating a private house. This device is responsible for heat and comfort in the room. Homeowners often arises the question of which heating radiators are better for a private house. It should take into account not only the cost and appearance, but also technical indicators of the product. If the properties declared by the manufacturer will not correspond to the characteristics of a specific heating system, the rapid wear of the radiator is inevitable and even the output is out.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of radiators

Time-tested cast iron batteries

The first radiators from the cast iron were used in heating systems even before the October Revolution. Their reliability, durability, resistance to corrosion is due to a significant wall thickness and inertness of cast iron to aggressive media. Batteries are not terrible hydroedar, rigid water with impurities, critical pressure drops.

Each radiator section is made separately, the casting method. The finished elements are combined with the help of threaded nipples, as a result of which the cast-iron battery becomes familiar to all. For sale such "accordions" come unfinished.

Interesting! The main disadvantage of cast iron products has always been considered external non-preventability. But some businesses began to master the release of exquisite radiators from cast iron in retro style - decorated with monograms, with patina under bronze and copper. These batteries are ideal for classical interior.

Pig-iron retro miracle

Considerable weight of products can be attributed to cons associance - one section weighs an average of 6 kg. However, heavy cast iron thoroughly warms the room, and in the event of an accident still a long time will give heat. The service life of pig-iron products is 50 years and higher, and the prices for them remain within reasonable limits.

Pros and cons of aluminum radiators

To be accurate, the batteries are made from the silumin - aluminum alloy with silicon. Designs are divided into two types - extruded and cast. The latter consist of separate sections, as well as cast iron. If desired, the battery can be repaired, reconstruct.

Site and simplicity of aluminum forms

Extrusion implies the manufacture of individual vertical blocks that are connected by pressing method. This method is more economical, but add or remove sections from the radiator is impossible.

Important! In aluminum batteries, it is impossible to pour non-freezing liquid - the likelihood is too large that the metal will enter the reaction with it.

Advantages of aluminum heating devices:

  • High heat transfer inherent aluminum and its alloys. Fast heating of batteries and, as a result, premises.
  • The ability to adjust the parameters of heat transfer.
  • Low weight and compactness.
  • Modern design.

Attention! During operation in aluminum radiators, hydrogen accumulates, which is regularly poured through special air vent. If this is not done, the battery break is possible.


  • Active metal reaction to the acid and alkaline environment.
  • Fast corrosion of the radiator connected to pipes from another metal.
  • Possible leaks in sections connecting places.
  • Hare unevenness: the main part of the heat is concentrated on the ribs of the battery.
  • Manufacturers of aluminum radiators usually give a warranty for 10-20 years. This does not mean that after this period, it is necessary to dismantle the devices and carry in the landfill. It is only necessary to periodically inspect the batteries for suspicious defects.

Practical batteries made of steel

Batteries from steel are two types - panel and tubular. The best heating radiators for home - panel. The basis of the product is two sheets of steel, cooked with each other. Inside, the channels for circulation of the coolant are mounted. These are m-shaped metal plates, transmitting heat into the room. Steel thickness reaches 2 mm. The whole design is enclosed in a decorative metal box.

Important! It is impossible to leave the system without a coolant more than 10-12 days. Inside the battery, oxidative processes that cause severe corrosion of unprotected steel begin.

Elegant steel radiator profile

The large area of \u200b\u200bthe radiator (from 300x400 mm to 900x3000 mm) contributes to an effective heat exchange, which makes the devices are highly profitable. To increase their life, the pressure in the system should not exceed 8 atmospheres, and the acidity of water is 8-9 pp.

Reliable bimetallic radiators

This type of batteries is designed specifically for centralized heating systems. In essence, they are steel radiators, poured into an aluminum shell. Steel contact with the coolant, and the aluminum layer provides fast heat transfer to the room.

Attention! When buying, you should choose heating devices with a pressure margin if the house is connected to central heating. For an autonomous system, 15 atmospheres is sufficient, for centralized - 30 atmospheres.

Resistant bimetallic radiators

The bimetallic radiator successfully withstands hydraulic and mechanical shocks, a pressure of 40 atmospheres, is undemanding to the chemical composition of water. The use of bimetal in a private house with autonomous heating is inappropriate, since such radiators were originally created to work in adverse conditions of domestic heating networks.

Water and copper pipes

The structures are made of a solid-dimensional copper pipe with a diameter of 28 mm, conducted through copper ribs. Other metals are not used. The main advantage of the product is a quick heating of the room. The thermal conductivity of copper is two times higher than aluminum, and 5-6 times higher cast iron and steel.

Elite copper radiator

In the battery of this type, a small amount of water is poured, which also speeds up the process of heating. It is possible to use the thermostat. The small volume of the coolant is an important indicator for the economy of autonomous heating systems, since it does not have to warm and drive a large mass of water through the pipeline.

Interesting! After 4 days of continuous operation, an oxide layer protecting copper from the mechanical and chemical effects of low-quality water appears on the inner surface of the radiator.

The copper battery is resistant to corrosion, therefore it has a huge operational resource - ten times higher than radiators from other metals. In the absence of external influences, copper will last up to 100 years. Other advantages of products:

  • Due to the plasticity of the metal pipe is not afraid of freezing system. The ice will not be able to break the copper pipeline.
  • If in the centralized heating system, it happens to hydrate or the pressure drop, the weak point usually the threaded joints and welds are usually becoming. The copper pipe is connected by the soldering method, which can withstand the critical pressure of water and steam.
  • The inner surface of the radiator does not turn by deposits, because Copper prevents organic reproduction.
  • The main drawback of copper batteries is a high cost.


Choosing heating devices for a private house, primarily take into account the type of heating system. For centralized, cast-iron, bimetallic or copper radiators are usually chosen. They successfully withstand the high pressure of the coolant, including under crimping, are inert to chemically active substances, have a significant operational resource.

Aluminum and steel batteries are suitable for the individual heating system. In the autonomous pipeline, the prepared water is used, there are no overestimated pressure and critical temperatures. Important factors are low weight, attractive design and reasonable price of appliances.

The radiator is the necessary link of the heating mechanism of a private dwelling or apartment. He is responsible for the room to be comfortable and warm. Therefore, when it is elected, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost and external execution, but also the specifications of a particular product. After all, if the characteristics declared the creator of the radiator will not be the same in fact, then the rapid wear of the device and its breakdown is simply inevitable.

Main characteristics

In a private house, in contrast to high-rise buildings, an autonomous heating mechanism is installed, that is, a system that does not depend on the conventional boiler room in any way. For this reason, the temperature of the coolant, as well as the network pressure will be completely different.

When you choose the heating batteries that will be installed in a private house, a number of factors should be taken into account:

  • In the buildings of this type, the pressure on the coolant, tanks and radiator pipes will be significantly smaller. In fact, the radiator batteries will not experience such loads, due to which any models can be selected, even with thin walls.
  • In the construction of the type of pipes under consideration, the length of the pipes from the heat source to the radiator is small, if compared with multi-storey buildings. For this reason, thermal losses are practically zero, and the heat carrier will be stronger. That is, in a private house, you should install models that will withstand such temperatures.
  • It is necessary to quite a little liquid to fill such a heating system. If you wish, you can add ethyl alcohol and antifreeze. So you can make protection for radiators and pipes if the boiler will not be turned on for a long time.
  • Even the slightest possibility of the occurrence of so-called hydrowards is excluded. True, a problem, expressed in the freezing of water in the pipes, may appear in the houses of a private type. It will be the reason that the batteries can simply burst if a person before leaving forgot to drain the water from there.

In the choice of heating radiators for a private house, it should be repeated from the main parameter - the area you are going to sculpt. In the same cottages, the space requiring warmth will be greater, energy consumption will be the same. It is best to install such batteries that will allow high-quality warming at a minimum of thermal costs.


It should be said that the heating batteries are of different species. And here it is not so much about their form and sizes, how much about the material from which they are made. After all, it is no secret that various metals have different heat transfer indicators, due to which the efficiency of the batteries can vary significantly.

If we say specifically about the types, then there are radiators:

  • from cast iron;
  • from aluminum;
  • bimetallic;
  • vacuum;
  • of steel;
  • quartz.

Now let's say about each type in more detail.

Cast iron

The models under consideration are installed in our homes over a hundred years. Today they are very in demand due to ensuring high-quality room heating. They were also among the most popular in the USSR.

If we talk about their advantages, then you should call:

  • long operational period;
  • excellent thermal returns;
  • high strength, as the batteries can easily withstand high pressure inside and easily transfer the mechanical impact;
  • they work even with the poor quality of the coolant;
  • have resistance to corrosion formation.

At the same time, cast iron models have a number of minuses:

  • large sizes, which significantly complicates transportation, maintenance and installation;
  • a small thermal conductivity due to the massiveness of the metal and the fact that its surface of the porridge;
  • batteries need systematic and constant care - painting and maintenance;
  • the walls should be good attachments for their installation;
  • occupy a large area.

In addition, cast-iron models are not too attractive appearance, which almost always distinguishes them from the interior not the best. Therefore, it is often necessary to put additional jewelry on such radiators.


If we talk about this type of radiators, they are divided into three categories:

  • panel;
  • from sections;
  • from pipes.

Steel panel batteries are also called convectors, because heat supply is carried out using the convection process. They usually form a rectangle form, which forms two welded panels. The coolant moves between them on special channels. A similar radiator has a small weight, small sizes, which makes it possible to heat up in a short time and maintain a good temperature.

If we talk about disadvantages, then the main problem is a bad resistance of mechanical damage and not too good pressure indicators. In addition, such models are very susceptible to corrosion.

According to the characteristics, steel batteries from sections are something similar to cast-iron, although it has a number of serious differences:

  • pressure inside here is at the level of 16 atmospheres;
  • due to the presence of welded connections, radiators have increased strength;
  • large operational period - up to 50 years.

This type of radiators is not very common, because their significant disadvantage is the high cost. Tubular steel batteries in their functionality are similar to sectional and panel radiators, but their price will be even higher. The main reason for this is that they have a rather pleasant appearance, which allows you to find a model under the interior. Yes, and on such batteries, it is extremely convenient to dry things that will be important for families where there are small children.


Aluminum refers to the category of metals, which are perfectly carried out. For this reason, such radiators can provide full-fledged heating of almost any room.

Their benefits are:

  • excellent characteristics of thermal returns;
  • small dimensions;
  • good working type pressure, which fluctuates in the borders of 12-18 atmospheres;
  • small mass.

The coolant in the radiators of this type circulates very well, which allows to provide excellent heat transfer. Such circulation here is possible due to the presence of free tubes of the intercoletory type. In the market, such models are pretty wide.

The cost of aluminum batteries will depend on the manufacturerBut in general, it is quite accessible due to the low price of aluminum itself. In addition, such models have an attractive appearance, which makes it possible to consider them not only as a heating device, but also as part of the interior of the room. Thanks to its strict and neat geometric forms, such a battery can easily fit into any interior.

But aluminum models have their own minuses:

  • they are extremely sensitive to the quality of the coolant, due to which the installation of water filtering is required;
  • very susceptible to serious pressure drops, so it is necessary to constantly control its level;
  • it is quite bad to oppose the formation of corrosion, even despite the presence of a protective coating on a polymer basis;
  • have a small service life - no more than 15 years.

In addition, the positive return of such batteries is not always an advantage. Good work of such a battery drives warm air up, which accumulates at the ceiling, which can cause a sharp drop temperature. Therefore, before buying such batteries, the amount of heat required for the room should be calculated.

Aluminum batteries are divided into three categories that will differ from each other by device and opportunities:

  • Sectionable condated. Their device makes it possible to replace the plates that have broken.
  • Whole. Have a solid design and differ plasticity.
  • Combined. They combine all the best of the two categories mentioned above. They are considered one of the best solutions for owners of their own homes. If you fully comply with the operating conditions, then such radiators will be able to stop 10-15 years and will really effectively warm the house when it's cold on the street.


As a rule, the inner part of such radiators is made of steel or copper, which makes it possible to ensure their good work and enhances safety. And the outer side is usually equipped with aluminum ribs. To date, bimetallic batteries are considered the best solution in this area. According to manufacturers, their batteries will be able to serve about 40 years. At the same time, they have a greater value, but still their characteristics provided them with excellent positions in the market. It is advisable to buy similar solutions in case the price of the price is not the main one. But they will definitely pay off the money and will work quite a long time.


Recently, the vacuum type of batteries has started to gain popularity. If you compare them with other types, they have a number of advantages. For example, they require a smaller amount of coolant, which will contact through the wall with a lithium-based specialist and boron having a boiling point of +35 degrees. Also, such radiators have excellent safety characteristics.

If you call other advantages, it should be noted:

  • reducing the coolant level for 80 percent mechanism;
  • reducing the use of coolant from the centralized heat supply mechanism tripled;
  • if induction boilers are used, you can save up to 40 percent of electrical energy;
  • carry out the installation of such batteries is quite simple even independently;
  • in radiators, absolutely no corrosion, as well as air traffic jams;
  • no need to use a powerful circulation pump unit due to low local resistance;
  • high thermal returns.


Heating devices made of quartz - novelty in this segment. This type of batteries cannot be called high-tech, because it is an extremely simple option. Using the batteries of this type, it is possible to make an efficient, reliable and economical heating mechanism, which will maintain heat in winter. Quartz radiator will fit into any interior of the house.

Its design is simple and represents a monolithic slab, inside which the heating element is embedded, made of alloy chromium-leather alloy. The stove is made from a special system based on a quartz sand. The use of such sand is not accidental, because it can give a warmly warm, which has previously accumulated. Even if you turn off such a radiator from the heat network, it will long be warm, which will significantly reduce the consumption of electricity.

If we talk about the benefits of this type of batteries, then you should call:

  • Efficiency. The small consumption of electrical energy is the main advantage of heating devices from quartz, because other solutions consume a significantly more electrical energy and the rest of their advantages are simply going to no, because the price of electricity is quite large.
  • Substantial heat capacity. The quartz plate has quite serious thermal inertia. She heats up for a long time and slowly cools, as mentioned above.
  • Durability. The heating element in this case does not contact the environment, which does not allow it to oxidize and significantly increases the service life.
  • You can connect the thermostat, which allows you to obtain automatic control of the heating system.
  • Pretty low cost, if compared with electric type water heaters or other heating devices.

  • Fire safety. The temperature of this battery will not be more than 95 degrees, due to which the ignition of materials that are located next to the heater are completely excluded. This allows the installation of the device to be installed on almost any surface, including wood, plastic and plasterboard.
  • Electrical safety. Such a battery does not create serious electrical accessories and can work smoothly almost throughout the season.
  • Just installed. Quartz battery is attached to the wall using brackets.
  • Do not need maintenance and do not require serious care. The only thing to do with such a battery is to wipe dust from it.

Popular manufacturers and reviews

In the segment of cast-iron models, the most famous manufacturers are Chinese Tokio and Konner companies. A good domestic model of such batteries will be MS-140.

If we talk about steel panel solutions, the products of Korado, Buderus and "Liday" are considered the highest quality. But tubular steel solutions are usually issued by foreign companies. Among them, Zehnder, Arbonia and Delonghi are allocated.

Aluminum batteries are issued both foreign and domestic companies. Among them are such well-known manufacturers like Global, Ferroli and Riffar.

Bimetallic models are produced by both foreign and domestic firms.If we talk about domestic, then the brand "heat transfer," and if there are products of the brands of Polywarm, Sira, Royal Thermo Vittoria and the German company Kermi. When choosing ceramic batteries, it is worth paying attention to the products of the brand "Teplako".

Now let's talk about the experience of using various types of batteries by users and their reviews. It is logical, because manufacturers often declare one, and in practice we get completely different. If we talk about cast iron radiators, then users note that even beautiful solutions are not easy to install and they have a rather serious mass. In addition, it is often necessary to install additional brackets.

We will say a few aluminum radiators in more detail by reading the reviews of user batteries of various brands. If we talk about Sira aluminum batteries, then users note that they warmly warm and have an excellent appearance. Users also celebrate good heat transfer models. But many are not very satisfied with a considerable value of solutions from this company. Also, users are praising such batteries from Global and note that they warmly warm in combination with the boiler and have an excellent appearance. The same applies to solutions from Rifar.

Bimetallic batteries users also do not bypassed attention and in general respond about them very flattering. For example, Rifar batteries look great in different interiors, quite durable and can withstand large pressure, as well as high heat carrier temperature. In general, it is impossible to make some clear rating of radiators, because they all have a number of their positive and negative parties. You can clearly note one thing - in any case, it should be individually determined which batteries in a particular private building will be the best solution.

What better to choose?

If there is a desire to choose an economical option for a country wooden private structure, it is best to install high-quality aluminum radiators. Such solutions have everything you need: modern design, ease, affordable price, and their negative sides are not so serious in the conditions of the autonomous heating mechanism of the private house.

If money is not such a serious question, then it will be an excellent solution to the installation of cross-type bimetallic batteries, especially if we are talking about a copper-aluminum combination. And if there are small children in the house, then to protect them and other households, you can stop your choice on convection options, completed with certain protection options. If you need to hide radiators, then you can use outdoor convection solutions.

If the house has a stove with water contour, the easiest fuel boiler or your home is equipped with gas heating, you can use cast-iron batteries tested by time. Despite the fact that their choice entails difficulties with the installation and mass, they at the same time allow you to significantly smooth out temperature fluctuations and to store heat for a longer. Yes, and now you can easily choose options with a pleasant design, if they are on your pocket.

Installation rules

Heating of radiator type in his own home - the key to comfort and coziness in the fall and winter. Well, when such a mechanism has already been connected to the heating mechanism of centralized type. If there is no such thing, there is a need to apply an autonomous heating. If we are talking about making the installation of the heating system with your own hands correctly, it should be said that the most important element will be the choice of options for connecting radiators in the house of your own construction.

A number of people and are not suspected that it plays a very significant role in the heat transfer device, circulation inside the heat carrier and the speed of hot water movement. The above as a whole will have a significant impact on the efficiency of the entire mechanism.

The first thing you need to figure it out, this is a pipe layout.This can be called an important point, because the tenants of their own houses at the stage of their construction rarely when they can clearly and correctly calculate the costs that will be made on the formation of the heating system, because it is necessary to make savings on various kinds of materials. Typically, the method of connecting pipes can be either one or two-pipe. The first option is economical, in which a pipe is carried out from the heating boiler on the floor, which comes through all the walls and rooms and which returns to the boiler. Radiators should be installed on top of it, and the connection will be carried out using nozzles from the bottom. At the same time, hot water goes in the pipes, completely filling the batteries. Then the water is lowered and through another nozzle enters the pipe. In fact, there is a serial connection of the radiators due to the lower connection. But there is a minus, because at the end of such a connection in all subsequent radiators the temperature of the thermal carrier will be lower.

You can solve this moment in two ways:

  • connect to the entire mechanism a special circulation pump, allowing uniformly in all heating devices to distribute hot water;
  • connect additional batteries in the latest rooms, which will increase the heat transfer area to the maximum.

If we talk about a two-pipe layout, then for your own house, a similar connection system will be more efficient. But at the same time, expenses will be significant due to the fact that it is necessary to carry out the divorce of two pipes. One must be put to supply hot water, and the second to connect to its removal.

When it all became clear with this question, it should be focused on the joining the heating batteries. The most common side will be. To make it, you should display pipes on the side of the wall and connect to two batteries - on top and bottom. From above, a pipe feeding the heat carrier is usually connected, and from the bottom - output. Effective will also connect a diagonal type. To perform it, it follows to start to the pipe at the top to connect the pipe feeding the heat carrier, and to the bottom located on the other side - the return. It turns out that the thermal carrier will be transported diagonally inside the radiator. The effectiveness of such a mechanism will depend on how the fluid is distributed in the radiator. Rarely when several battery sections can be cold. This happens only in cases where the ability of the skipping or the head is weak.

Note that the connection of the radiator from below can be not only in one-tube, but also two-pipe versions.But such a system is considered extremely ineffective. In this case, it will still be necessary to establish the circulation pump, which will significantly increase the cost of creating a heating mechanism and will create electricity costs that are needed for the pump operation. If we talk about what you do not need to do, then this is not to replace the flow of water in the return. As a rule, the presence of this problem shows debugging.

When installing decorative screens, the visibility of the thermostat is overlap, which is not necessary. Batteries will be basked for a long time. At the same time, it is impossible to mount the head of the thermostat in a vertical position, because it will lead to its unstable work.

Installation of heating radiators with their own hands in its own house is associated with a number of momentswho do not say that this is an easy process. His complexity consists also in the fact that in each individual case it is necessary to selection batteries for one or another structure, as well as to know how in a private house, which is already built, pass pipes. Also an equally important fact will be an understanding of the needs for heating and carrying out all necessary calculations.

In addition, we should not forget that there are various connection schemes and something that may be inefficient in one house, in another will be an excellent solution. If you have decided to make the installation of heating radiators yourself, then it is necessary to thoroughly examine theoretical moments, as well as if possible, at least consult with a specialist who will prompt that during the installation of radiators and the heating system as a whole should be paid particularly close attention.

Create a heating system in a private house without batteries is not possible. The equipment of this type provides heat in the premises, which is very important for residents of Russia, since our climate does not allow you to feel comfortable all year round. At the same time, a reasonable question arises: what kind of heating radiators are suitable for creating autonomous systems in a private house? The answer may be given only after considering the appearance and technical characteristics of this product, which we will do in this article.

In country houses installed heating systems that are connected to the boiler. They have significant differences from central heating characteristic of multi-storey houses. First, in autonomous structures, the pressure is within 3 atmospheres. Secondly, in the heating of a private house uses a coolant of another type and quality.

Low pressure of individual heating systems practically eliminates the likelihood of hydrowards. To this end, it is also necessary to carry out the operational operation of equipment relevant to certain rules, thereby preventing the occurrence of various kinds of leaks and any destruction.

In the case of water use as a coolant, it should be paid to its quality. Needless, rigid liquid is saturated with salts. This causes precipitation on the surfaces inside the radiators, which reduces the heat transfer coefficient and leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the tubular elements of the batteries.

Type of circulation

The choice of heating radiators for the private house depends on the type of circulation. If your system is supplemented with a pump, it allows you to install different types of batteries. Mandatory condition in this case is the volume of the system. The boiler must cope with heating, and the pump - with pumping.

In practice, the mentioned physical value is usually calculated when the installation of cast iron radiators is assumed, and the system is characterized by a certain scale, for example, more than ten heating devices are present in its composition.

This kind of calculation turns out to be in demand in the presence of welded registers or tubular heating radiators made of steel. The aluminum battery, characterized as amplified, in the same section contains about 0.4 liters of liquid, and cast iron MS-140 with a distance between pipes of a 500 mm liner - 1.45 liters.

It is quite difficult to choose batteries to install in systems that differ in the natural circulation of the coolant. Here it is necessary to select radiators with minimal hydraulic resistance so that minor pressure in the system ensures the movement of the coolant. Choose from four types of radiators:

  • cast-iron;
  • aluminum characterized as cast and reinforced, which are equipped with a vertical manifold (wide);
  • steel, consisting of pipes of large diameter;
  • welded registers.

Cast iron products are characterized by high efficiency, since they have the largest section of collectors compared to other radiators. If it is planned to create a heating network, which is significant, will have to make preliminary calculations relative to the required amount of water. But it is also necessary to make sure that the boiler will cope with the expected loads.

If you are not interested in the radiators from the cast iron, then you most likely operate with old concepts, that is, you remember how such batteries looked before, which is rather incorrect. Today, cast-iron heating radiators are presented on the market for a wide range of a wide range of execution, including different styles, among which there are areas like retro and modern.

As for the choice in favor of aluminum batteries, it is recommended to purchase reinforced models of this product. This is due to the fact that such products are equipped with vertical collectors of a large cross section. For example, a standard variant of aluminum radiator comprises a coolant with a volume of 400 ml, while the usual - in the limits of 200 ml.

In the current housing, you can rarely meet welded registers, but in the country houses they are set quite often. This equipment has low hydraulic resistance, so here it is also necessary to calculate the optimal coolant volume.

Types of systems

Heating systems are divided into open and closed. At the same time, the first view is used more and less often, as it is recognized as extremely unreliable. Such structures require the installation of cast iron radiators, copper or based on copper and aluminum alloy, capable of resolving corrosion.

In addition, installation of registers is needed, but they still find their application only due to the fact that they have thick walls. In closed systems, it is possible to install any radiators, which shifts the priority of the selection of the appropriate equipment towards boilers, heat exchangers and pipes.

Types of boilers

As a source of heat can be used not only to all the devices for heating water, but also alternative systems, for example, working at the expense of solar panels. In any case, such structures are distinguished by the fact that they cannot heat the coolant to high temperatures, and this in turn leads to the need to establish exceptionally low-internal radiators from the point of view of heat.

Usually under such devices are the batteries from copper or aluminum, as well as copper-aluminum equipment. Aluminum radiators are the most affordable, and copper are the most expensive. At the same time, devices made of red metal are distinguished by high heat transfer rates, which benefits them to highlight them against the background of another similar equipment.

At the same time, the radiators described above are suitable for heating systems equipped with condensation boilers.

Heat generators from copper and copper-aluminum products are the best option for a private house when the boiler is also made of copper. This condition ensures the long-term operation of the system as a whole, if the installation of neutral in its composition of fittings and pipes is additionally performed, and the normal coolant is used.

It should be noted that copper heat exchangers can regularly function for a long time and in the presence of aluminum batteries. But systems based on them should be collected, taking into account the exclusion of direct contact of copper and aluminum parts by using neutral adapters.

Along with low-temperature heating systems, structures are used, capable of briefly warm the coolant to high temperatures. This is usually manifested during the operation of solid fuel boilers.

For such systems, predominantly used cast iron batteries are used, as they differ in a large mass. This allows this equipment to easily carry sharp temperature differences, which is a standard situation when using such types of fuel as coal and firewood. Temperature differences are able to withstand and having a tubular design.


Copper is somewhat problematic material due to existing properties. As a result, it is necessary to install copper radiators and on a copper-aluminum basis if the pipes are also made of red metal.

The heating system of the country house will be as reliable as possible in the case of the selection of appropriate fittings and reinforcements. This should relate to the presence of grounding and using a qualitative substance used to transmit heat energy, which can be, for example, antifreeze, characterized by compatibility with copper.

If copper radiators for the heating of a private house for some reason you do not suit, you can buy steel batteries or products made from bimetal. Installation of this kind of radiators should be carried out in conjunction with the installation of filters and muds that can delay the roster particles of steel.

To eliminate the likelihood of suspension in the coolant, you can resort to the installation of batteries with stainless steel collectors. However, this does not affect the cost of such products. As a result, the radiators of this type will be minimally different at a price from copper devices with better heat transfer.

Optimal battery selection for private house

To date, the market is saturated with a large number of radiators models of various manufacturers. If any option is not suitable for technical specifications, there is always a product that in its parameters will be maximally comply with the requests.

Basic tips when choosing batteries for a private house Apply to the following:

  • if the functioning of your system is carried out at the expense of natural circulation, stop your choice on radiators from cast iron, steel and aluminum under the enhanced version, as well as registers;
  • the open system makes its requirements for radiators, which determines the relevance of the use of cast iron, copper or copper-aluminum batteries in this case;
  • if there are boilers working on firewood or coal in the system, it is desirable to install cast-iron batteries, although steel products with tubular design can also approach;
  • the cheapest devices are panel radiators made of steel;
  • for systems with copper cylindrical products, it is necessary to use batteries with red metal or copper-aluminum devices, but this does not exclude the possibility of installing panel and tubular steel appliances.

Depending on the cost of certain radiators, you can form another list of tips required when choosing a specific product:

  1. Panel products made of steel is the cheapest option of batteries for a private house. They are distinguished by a variety of shapes and sizes, and their installation is made in a niche under the window, where the instruments occupy a minimum of space. This product can be used with any coolant, including antifreeze.
  2. It is more expensive than steel batteries, having a tubular design, as well as cast iron products. Such equipment does not require painting and special care, it is distinguished by a variety in terms of design, steadily on the appearance of rust and it is interesting that it not only heats the house, but also allows you to dry shoes and things.
  3. If you have sufficient funds, you can choose for your home dear, resistant corrosion, distinguished by high heat transfer and long service life. Installation of equipment of this type allows for many years to get rid of the problem of the organization of housing heating.

If you wish to create heating for your home by installing aluminum batteries, it is necessary to keep in mind that it will require special preparation of the coolant, which can be antifreeze.

Opinions of dacnikov

On the question of which heating radiators are better, the most reliable answers will be their owners, whose personal experience will help you to decide and understand how to choose an optimal option for yourself.

I installed steel radiators, as I heard that they are ideal for a private house due to low pressure in the system. Cast iron refused, because they are mainly used in high-rise buildings with the calculation of a centralized system with high pressure.

Sergey, 45 years old, Kazan

On the heating system of the dacha type or similar to it, where the pressure is within 1.5 atm., You can mount almost any radiators that will serve for a very long time, if you do not hammer on them. It all depends on the price and taste of a particular person.

I also recommend thinking about the control of heating devices. It is better to choose those that have low thermal inertia. Each good home radiator is equipped with a thermal head. These devices quickly heat the room and are also instantly disconnected if the temperature in the room increases due to the appearance of heat from other sources of energy.

Victor, 50, Novosibirsk

My house is 2 floors, 300 square meters. M, where the second floor is a warmed attic. I thought for a long time, what radiators are better for home heating. I sat on the forums and information sites. Bought Hermann Thesi 30SE boiler. Paul in any case will be warm. Where buying this equipment is also advised to acquire Aluminum products Royal Thermo.

In the process of preparing for the arrangement of heating of his own home, the owner inevitably faces the need to choose suitable radiators - some of the main elements of the system under consideration.

After reading the information below, you will learn which batteries are presented on the modern specialized market, which features the benefits and disadvantages of each option, as well as what radiators are better to put in a private house, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular situation.

If another 15-20 years ago, the question in question did not rise in principle - the range was limited to cast-iron models alone (occasional low-quality steel radiators appearing on sale) - today the situation has changed dramatically: batteries differ in characteristics, design and manufacturing material.

Of course, each owner wants the highest quality, durable, efficient, economical and beautiful radiators in his house.

It is important to understand that the instruments under consideration are not universal: The load on the coolant, working pressure and other characteristics of the heating system of your house may differ from similar heating parameters from a neighbor, and these moments must be taken into account when choosing batteries.

Among the most popular varieties of heating radiatorsthe following aggregates can be noted:

  • . May have a tubular and panel design;
  • . On sale are available both modern varieties and aggregates stylized by retro;
  • Copper.

Overview of different species

Before you purchase such a valuable equipment for a comfortable life, you should disassemble all the properties of radiators from different materials and understand which it is better to choose to heating your private home.

Cast iron

Real "veterans" of the market. Characterized by high operational indicators, impressive durability and durability to different types of loads. Well proven themselves when used in systems with high operating pressure indicators - on average up to 10 bar.

Sections of such batteries have a fairly large volume and thick walls, which guarantees quite highly efficient heating. The service life of pig-iron devices in most cases is noticeable exceeds 50 years.

The heat transfer indicators 1 of the instrument section can fluctuate on average from 100 to 200 W. The specific value is determined by the compartment sizum. The comparative characteristics of cast-iron and bimetallic radiators can be viewed in this.

In general, cast-iron batteries, known for their almost absolute resistance to contacts with low-quality coolants, are very popular among domestic consumers - the features of operation are affected.


Radiators from this material perfectly proven to be in private house-building. Features of the design and source raw materials are such that the finished product weighs much less compared to the previously considered cast-iron analogue and has less thick walls, which ensures faster heating of the unit.

Modern steel batteries can be used in systems with a working pressure of up to 10 atm and a temperature of no more than +150 degrees. Models with horizontal and vertical channels are available.

Additional advantages of such devices can be attributed wide range of designer solutions - Batteries from the plant can have a variety of coloring, which allows you to organically enter them into any interior.


Aluminum products are advantageous from "fellow" with low weight, elegance and high heat transfer. Such products combine 2 heat transfer mechanisms: through convection and radiation, which makes them the most effective devices for heating residential premises. At the same time, the permissible working pressure in the system is also impressive - up to 18 atm.

Aluminum is characterized by high heat transfer, which allows to provide the most efficient heating. In general, when using aluminum batteries, approximately 20-30% of the saving of heat resource consumption Compared to devices from other materials.


Products are manufactured simultaneously using high-strength steel (internal collector) and aluminum (outer part of the product). With respect to performance indicators, bimetallic batteries are essential excellence previously considered options - up to 35 atm.

Co-use of aluminum and steel in the design of devices made it possible to significantly increase their resistance to contact with the coolant, as well as strength, resistance to corrosion damage and heat transfer indicators. At the same time, the aggregates have relatively compact dimensions and in general a neat appearance.

Bimetallic heating radiators are characterized relative ease of installation And equally well combined with systems of centralized and autonomous heating. How to calculate how many radiator sections you need to see.


The design of the device is represented by a solidized copper pipe. Other metals in the manufacture of such aggregates do not apply. The diameter of the pipe is about 2.8 cm. Additionally there are copper ribs and a decorative casing, as a rule, made of wooden array.

In terms of thermal conductivity, copper exceeds aluminum about 2 times, and the cast iron and steel is 5-6 times. In the low inertia complex, the radiator provides fast and efficient heating of the served room.

The volume of the battery accommodates some water, so that the aggregate it warms up for 3-5 minutes. The mentioned property is particularly relevant for autonomous heating systems - this eliminates the need for constant heating and "run" of large volumes of the coolant through a pipeline, as, for example, in the case of cast iron batteries.

Copper Corrosion resistant, well shows itself when working in a low-temperature coolant complex, differs by high plasticity and resistant to aggressive media.

So what to purchase: sum up the results

By summing up the above information and adding it to the accompanying nuances, several conclusions can be made regarding the feasibility of using a heating radiator for heating a private house.

Cast iron radiators, if you judge objectively, it is better to use only in apartments Multi-storey houses with centralized heating system. Such devices are resistant to contacts with a low-quality coolant, serve very long and cost inexpensively.

In the private houses, as a rule, there is either autonomous heating, or floor heating systems. Both options are managed by special thermostators, the use of which in the complex with cast-iron batteries is impossible. As competently install the radiator in the country house, see.

Bimetallic units are perfectly suitable for use in private houses.. The main disadvantage of such products is their relatively high cost. This moment deserves individual consideration and remains at the discretion of the owner.

In general, the choice of heating radiators for a private house or cottage is less complicated, rather than in the case with apartment buildings - there is no excessive pressure in the heating system of individual house-building, and the heat carrier (water) is undergoing appropriate preparation before entering the pipeline.

As practice shows, the optimal option for use in its own house is an aluminum radiator. It is sold at an affordable cost, has aesthetic design, characterized by high heat transfer and low inertness, which allows it to be used in a complex with the thermoregulation system.

A good alternative to aluminum radiators, perfectly demonstrating themselves in the system of autonomous heat supply, are steel batteries.

Distinguishing lower heat transfer rates compared to aluminum devices, devices from steel have their advantages, including:

  • low inertia indicators;
  • low weight;
  • attractive design;
  • comparatively available cost.

At the same time, steel radiators are an excellent option for those who are important to the aesthetic component - such batteries are produced in a wide range of colors and abundance of design solutions.

TO copper batteriesalso no complaints, with the exception of their high cost.

In addition to the topic, we suggest you watch a video about how to choose the best heating radiators for a private house:

Now you have all the necessary information for self-selection of radiators for heating a private house. Want to get quality products at a relatively affordable cost? Buy batteries from steel or aluminum. Want even higher quality and have a sufficient budget? Your option is bimetallic or copper products.

Successful choice!