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How to draw sea battle. How to play sea battle

Who of you did not play in sea Boy At the rear desk at school during lessons or lectures at the Institute. The current disciples and students are fond of modern toys, but BattleShips will forever remain the most popular and publicly available desktop game. Rules are simple - destroy all enemy ships. To begin with, place your squadron of five linear ships in the reserved area. To deploy a ship, press the corresponding button on the left on the vertical panel. After the linker arrangement, click on the "Shoot" button and start the enemy field shelling by clicking on the selected cells, it will begin BattleShips. If you ignore the enemy's ship on the site of your shot, a red mark will appear. Who will faster the opponent's ships, he won in the maritime battle. On the left panel, you will see the results of your shots and attacks of the enemy during the game. In the game three modes: simple, medium and heavy. Previously, to play BattleShips, there was enough paper sheet and pencil. And now it will not even need it, just enter the game from your smartphone or tablet and fight with a virtual opponent. You will not even need a partner, you can play quietly, instead of a boring lecture.

Incredible popular game on the paper. And although now there are special game kits for the "sea battle", as well as a mass of computer implementations, the classic version on the leaflet remains the most popular.

The goal of the game is to sink the enemy's ships earlier than he will have time to sink yours.

Rules of the game "Sea battle"

Play two players. Each of them needs a leaflet (preferably in a cage), a pencil or handle. The game begins with the field preparation. Two squares of 10 × 10 cells are drawn on the leaflet. On one of them their ships will be parsed, in the other will be "fire" on the enemy ships.

The sides of the squares are signed by the horizontal letters and vertical numbers. You need to agree in advance what letters will be written (the main disputes arise, use or not the letter "E"). By the way, in some schools, instead of a boring alphabet, the word "republic" is written - it just contains 10 non-repeating letters. This is especially useful for those who have never mastered the alphabet.

Arrangement of ships

Next, the alignment of fleet begins. The classic maritime combat rules say that there should be 4 vehicles in one cell ("single-alupy" or "single-tube"), 3 vehicles for 2 cells, 2 - 3 cells and one - four-staple. All ships should be straight, not allowed curved and "diagonal". The ships are located on the game field in such a way that there is always a gap in one cell, that is, they should not touch each other neither by sides or angles. At the same time, the ships can touch the edges of the field and occupy the corners.

When ships are arranged, players in turn produce "shots", calling the squares according to their "coordinates": "A1", "B6", etc. If the cell is occupied by the ship or its part, the enemy must answer "wounded" or "killed" ("Skill"). This cell is covered with a cross and you can make another shot. If there is no ship in the named cell, the point is put in the cage and moves to the opponent.

The game is being done to the complete victory of one of the players, that is, all the ships will not be swept away.

At the end of the game, the loser may ask the winner to look at his arrangement of ships.


If you think that the sea battle is a game, built exclusively at good luck and luck, then you are mistaken. In fact, it has a strategy and tactics that we will talk about in conclusion. So - about tricks as well as various honest and not very honest receptions of the game in the sea battle:

  • First of all (and this is the most important thing!), It is necessary to keep your sheets with ships so that the enemy can not spit your location;
  • Be sure to be taken into account your and strangers, marking them points. So the shots on the same cells will be excluded;
  • Speaking the enemy ship, also surround it with points, so as not to shoot at the places where the ships are obviously no;
  • It is not worth putting ships in the field corners: usually they are shooting first of all beginners. However, about exceptions will be discussed below;
  • It is necessary to develop a strategy for the arrangement. A good result gives an uneven distribution of ships: collect all the "big" ships in one or two dense groups, and the remaining "uniprippers" to hide separately in counted places Gaming field. In this case, the enemy will quickly calculate and defeat the grouping of large ships, and then there will be a long place to search for the remaining small;
  • Killing a big ship, the enemy surrounds his points. So, finding "four-list", the enemy immediately opens (4 + 1 + 1) * 3 \u003d 18 cells (that is, 18% or almost 1/5 of the field). "TRERSHPLAMP" gives 15 cells (15%), "Two-candy" - 12%, and "single allegation" - 9%. If you put the "read-up-list" to the wall, then it will open only 12 cells (10 for the three-alup, 8, for a two-alup). If you put a "four-list" in general in an angle, it will allow only 10 cells (8, 6 and 4, respectively). Of course, if the opponent realizes that all ships are from the edge, he will quickly sweep them. Therefore, it is better to use this advice in combination with the previous one.
  • Firing tactics can also be different. However, the extermination of the enemy ships is best to start with the search "four-list". To do this, you can shoot diagonals, or draw a rhombus, or shoot through 3 cells per fourth. As soon as the four-stall ship is found, we are looking for three-alleged, then two. Of course, in the process of searching will be "every little thing" and make adjustments to plans.
  • And here is a dishonest way: to put all ships, except for the last one-alup (it will perform the role of a submarine "elusive"). And he will be delivered (and killed) only in the last remaining cell. It is easy enough to fight this: let the players arrange ships in one color, and lead shooting to others. You can, for example, players have pens or pencils different colors And after the arrangement of the ships simply change the handles.

A type: the game.
Applicability: multiple.
What is needed: Two handles and two paper leaves into a cell.
How many people are calculated: 2 people.
Dynothy: average.
Location: everywhere.

Description: Each of the players draws on a piece of paper (the sheets can not be shown) two squares of 8 × 8, the number of columns from A to K, and the lines from 1 to 10:

The first field is the own field, and the second is the field of the enemy, where the player will beat his blows. On the first field, the player places ships: 1 four-cell, 2 three-cell, 3 two-cell, 4 single-cellular. For example, so:

At the same time, ships cannot touch each other or touch each other. But they can rotate 90 degrees. Placing ships is made at the discretion of the player.

Purpose of the game - The first to destroy all the enemy ships.

After placing ships in lots, determine who will start. The player who was chosen, puts on his sheet, on the enemy field in some cell a point and calls its coordinates, for example, D7. The second player puts the point on his field, where his ships are located, with these coordinates. If this cell belongs to the ship, the player says "hit" if the ship has even unupalted cells, and "killed" if it was the last whole cage of the ship. If this cell is empty and does not contain a ship, the player says "by". If there was a ship, then the point turns into a cross from both players. If the player got into the ship, then he appears the right to an additional shot, if he came across him, then the right of an additional shot appears anew and so on. After the course, another player shoots the opponent's field. And so on to victory. The following are two strokes: the first and second player.

All children (especially boys of different ages)) Attracts the games of military topics, while the most interesting are military games in combination with maritime romance.

Few of anything male half Humanity can leave indifferent combination of exciting battle and sea adventure. That is why the game with a long-known name "Sea battle" never lost its popularity.

In addition to the traditional "sea battle" using a ballpoint handle and a sheet of paper into a cell, there is a huge number of species of this game, many of which are made in desktop version.

Options for "sea battle" possess diverse design, different levels difficulties, numerous additional features.

And, of course, all the options differ in size and price, but retain the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthis board game is the sea battle, battle, i.e., battle between two fleets.

One of the custom game field options

Not all the boys who are fond of the "sea fight" will become sailors or, especially, admirals. But the qualities they raise, fighting with the enemy, will be useful to them in adulthood.

The main thing is to learn to win and not surrender, know the foundations of tactics and psychology, will rejoice in their achievements, starting with a small game.

Game description

Board game "Sea, battle" is designed for two players. Once in this fun played with the help of a handle and a drawn sheet of paper. Despite such a modest equipment, the marine battle still captured and fascinated.

Boys could sit for hours for letter table, creating all new and new tactical situations, thinking through the strategy of his attack on the enemy.

The goal of the game has never changed. It is to sink the entire fleet of the enemy. It's not as easy as it may seem, because it is not enough for victory to be just a good shooter.

It is very important to be easy to build a game in such a way as to prevent the enemy, do not give him to fulfill his plans, make a tasy in his ranks, violate the strategy.

How to play

As we said, play two.

Each of them needs a leaflet (preferably in a cage), a pencil or handle. The game begins with the field preparation. Two squares of 10 × 10 cells are drawn on the leaflet. On one of them their ships will be parsed, in the other will be "fire" on the enemy ships.

The sides of the squares are signed by the horizontal letters and vertical numbers. You need to agree in advance what letters will be written (the main disputes arise, use or not the letter "E").

By the way, in some schools, instead of a boring alphabet, the word "republic" is written - it just contains 10 non-repeating letters. This is especially useful for those who have never mastered the alphabet.

Arrangement of ships

Next begins the alignment of fleets. The classic maritime combat rules say that there should be 4 vehicles in one cell ("single-alupile" or "single-tube", "boats" or "submarine"), 3 vehicles for 2 cells ("destroying"), 2 - 3 cells (" Cruiser ") and one - four-stall" battle ".

All ships should be straight, not allowed curved and "diagonal". The ships are located on the game field in such a way that there is always a gap in one cell, that is, they should not touch each other neither by sides or angles. At the same time, the ships can touch the edges of the field and occupy the corners.

Types of ships

Actually game

Before starting hostilities, players throw lots or negotiate who will walk first. When the ships are arranged, players in turn produce "shots", calling the squares according to their "coordinates": "A1", "B6", etc. If the shot came into a cage, not occupied by a single enemy ship, then the answer follows ! " And the shooter puts the point in this place in this place. The right goes turns to the opponent.

If the shot appeared in a cage, where there is a multiphallate ship (more than 1 cell), then the answer is "wounded!" Or "got!", except for one case. The shooting player puts a cross on someone else's field into this cell, and his opponent puts a cross on his field as well in this cell. The shooter gets the right to another shot. If the shot came into a cage, where there is a single-pipe ship or the last unaffected cell of a multipalup ship, then the answer "killed!" Or "Skilled!".

Both players celebrate a surround ship on a sheet. The shooter gets the right to another shot. The game is being done to the complete victory of one of the players, that is, all the ships will not be swept away. At the end of the game, the loser may ask the winner to look at his arrangement of ships.

Mastery (tactics of the game "Sea battle")

If you think that the sea battle is a game, built exclusively at good luck and luck, then you are mistaken. In fact, it has a strategy and tactics that we will talk about in conclusion. So - about trickles as well as various honest and not very honest receptions of the game in the sea battle: first of all (and this is the most important thing!), It is necessary to keep your sheets with ships so that the enemy cannot spit your location;

  • Be sure to be taken into account your and strangers, marking them points. So the shots on the same cells will be excluded;
  • Speaking the enemy ship, also surround it with points, so as not to shoot at the places where the ships are obviously no;
  • It is not worth putting ships in the field corners: usually they are shooting first of all beginners. However, about exceptions will be discussed below;
  • It is necessary to develop a strategy for the arrangement. A good result gives an uneven distribution of ships: collect all the "big" ships in one or two dense groups, and the remaining "single allegums" should be hidden separately in countersight places of the game field. In this case, the enemy will quickly calculate and defeat the grouping of large ships, and then there will be a long place to search for the remaining small;
  • Killing a big ship, the enemy surrounds his points. So, finding "four-list", the enemy immediately opens (4 + 1 + 1) * 3 \u003d 18 cells (that is, 18% or almost 1/5 of the field). "TRERSHPLAMP" gives 15 cells (15%), "Two-candy" - 12%, and "single allegation" - 9%. If you put the "read-up-list" to the wall, then it will open only 12 cells (10 for the three-alup, 8, for a two-alup). If you put a "four-list" in general in an angle, it will allow only 10 cells (8, 6 and 4, respectively). Of course, if the opponent realizes that all ships are from the edge, he will quickly sweep them. Therefore, it is better to use this advice in combination with the previous one.
  • Firing tactics can also be different. However, the extermination of the enemy ships is best to start with the search "four-list". To do this, you can shoot diagonals, or draw a rhombus, or shoot through 3 cells per fourth. As soon as the four-stall ship is found, we are looking for three-alleged, then two ... Of course, in the process of searching will be "every little thing" and make adjustments to plans.
  • And here is a dishonest way: to put all ships, except for the last one-alup (it will perform the role of a submarine "elusive"). And he will be delivered (and killed) only in the last remaining cell. It is easy enough to fight this: let the players arrange ships in one color, and lead shooting to others. You can, for example, players have pens or pencils of different colors and after the arrangement of the ships simply change with handles.

Game options

Complete "sea battle"


This complicated version of the "sea battle" requires a more thoughtful approach from players. The fields for their and someone else's fleets remain the same, but the ships used and the principle of the game change somewhat. Each player now has one « battleship » (five cells), one « cruiser » (three cells) and two « esminets » (Two cells). Ships are distributed over the field, according to the above rules. But, in contrast to the "sea battle", in which three shots can be made for the move, in the "volley" game, they are used as seven: three for the battleship, two for the cruiser and one for the destroyer. The enemy notes where the shots were shot on the field of their fleet, but does not specify which shotguns became effective. Instead, he can say: "One hit in a cruiser and one to the destroyer." If the ship fell more than once, it also needs to be reported.

After that, the volley make the ships of the second player, and at this time the first player should think well, in which cells he should shoot first move to find out which of its first findings were accurate.

The ship is considered to be swapped when all its cells are damaged, and players must immediately report it. This is very important, because the number of shooters of the next player will decrease by the number that provided the lost ship. Therefore, if you lost a battleship, your firepower will decrease by three units and the next time you will have only four shots. As in the "Sea Boy," the one who first will sing all the enemy ships.

There are options for playing, differing in rules (common, mainly outside Russia). Basically, it concerns the number and size of ships, for example, the version of the company "Milton Bradley" is five-cell, four-cell, two three-cell and two-cell. There are options where the player can shoot more than one time in a row. Also, a very different option is described in the book Ya. I. Perelman "Entertaining tasks and experiments."

For standard Size Fields (10 × 10) and a standard set of ships (1 × 4 + 2 × 3 + 3 × 2 + 4 × 1), you can add one mine (or not one) to the game. Mina is indicated by a circle inscribed in one cell. Cage with mines should not touch the ships, and if min is more than one, then other cells with mines.

If the player came as a result of his move for Ma (by rear of the enemy), then he must inform the owner of the miner (enemy) coordinates of one of his unaffected cell, occupied by any of his ship (the ship can have any cells of the cells, but only one cell is issued). After that, the owner of the miner has the opportunity to shoot a taking place (the cell's issue does not die at the time of mines - so that she died, it should be shot on it; in other words, Mina only reports the coordinates of the ship). The owner of the miner is not obliged to hit the cell issued immediately - it has the right to shoot it at any time. Since the shot of a varied cell, then the owner of the mini after that shot gets the right to repetitive. Used mine "quenching" pointing point in the center of the mug (in the center of its cell).

The field size can be enlarged - for example, the size of 16 × 16 or 18 × 18 allows you to use the entire size of the single notebook with convenience. In this case, the number of figures can be increased - for example, as Ya. I. Perelman offered. Then, due to the increase in the number of armies and the size of the field, you can increase the number of mines (for example, up to three) and add a mine trailer to the game (let's say, each player). A mine trailer is denoted by an equally feasible triangle, inscribed in one cell, so that the base of an equifiable triangle coincides with the underside of the cell, and the opposite base of the base lies on the upper side of the cell, sharing the top side in half.

If a player, having done a move, hit a mine trailer, then he must give the enemy (master of the mine trash) coordinates of one of his who have not worked min - so that the owner of the mine traveler knew that according to these coordinates of the cells with mine should not go. A cell with a mine trash should not touch the cells with ships and mines, as well as if mine trails are greater than one, and cells with other mine travelers. If, by the time of the operation of a mine trashman, not a single mine was left, then the enemy who was like reports who was like that he got on a mine trailer, but did not give him anything.

Since hitting a mine or a mine trailer is not a success, but is a nuisance for what went, then after such an unsuccessful stroke moves to the owner of the worked miner or the worked mine traveler. Once by re mine, it is impossible instead of the coordinates of the cage of the ship to produce a cage with a mine trash. Mines and mine trawls are single-milk figures. Mines and mine trachers are not considered meaningful figures - therefore, if the player has only mines and mine trawls, but all ships died, and another player did not die all the ships, then the game is considered to be finished, and the first player is the loser.

There is an option of the game in which mines, mine trawls can touch the ships or each other.

Options with "submarine"

In some versions of the game, there is a so-called "submarine". On the playing field, it is indicated in the cage of a romba and always takes one cell, that is, is "single-alupy". "Submarine" can come into contact with any ship of its flotilla, but not to be "under" him, that is, not in the same cell. If one player's "submarine" submarine is hit by one player, "submarine" is sinking, but makes a death shot on its own coordinate of the first player field. Thus, the game becomes more complicated, since the "submarine" can be "submarine" in a unicellular halo.

Option "Flying Dutchman"

Unlike many other options for "sea battle", here each player has only one ship, with the number of decks from 5 to 8 (the exact amount is negotiated before the game). The game goes on the field of 20 × 20 cells. The ship itself can occupy cells vertically, horizontally and diagonally simultaneously. If another player falls into the ship of one of the players, then the first has the right to move his "flying Dutchman" to any other place of the field, but he loses the undermined deck. All other rules are the same as in classic version Sea battle.

Hmm ... someone said "Flying Dutchman"?


Large-scale sea battles - this is the property of the past century, so many children will like to play in " Spaceships"- disguised" sea battle ". Replace the battleship on the intergalactic rocket ship, the cruiser on the laser frigate, the destroyer for the transport of space infantry, and the boat - to the fighter, or let the children themselves come up with their names - and now you have a new game.

Desktop options "Sea Fight"

As we said, a number of companies have implemented a "sea battle" in the format of the board game. The following, most successful options should be mentioned.

"Sea battle" of Stellar (Stellar). Classical table game "Sea battle" of Stellar company is made of safe plastic. Details are small, but well packaged and have a bright color. If suddenly the chip rolls somewhere, it is easy to find. Gaming boxes are very similar to laptops. It really likes the children, because it creates the illusion of the game on the computer - the most beloved fun of the gamers of all ages.

Many travelers take board games with them on the road, and the "sea battle" is no exception. Hasbro Games Road Source It is convenient, compact, helps to pass time, start new friends and acquaintances on a trip. After all, they love everyone! Of course, no one will miss the opportunity to fight with you in the marine battle, if this beautiful and original box will be on the table.

The original gaming set of "Sea battle" offers DJECO, Which developed the original bright design game cards for this desktop fun oriented on younger students.

Electronic game "Sea battle". In addition to a colorful mechanical version, there is no less attractive model - the electronic board game "Sea battle". Here, too, the task is to first destroy the enemy fleet. Only for this you need to specify the coordinates for "shelling". If the point on the map, which the player calls, coincides with the location of the ship, the vessel is considered to be awakened. To make it easier to monitor the course of the game, all shots are recorded on a special field, including those who have not reached the goal. This kit includes two gaming boards whose covers serve to account for shots. Each player gets a set of ships that place at its discretion at the gaming field provided to him. The set also has multicolored chips. They serve to fix shocks on the enemy: one color is marked by hitting, and others - misses.

Sea battle batteries. Many children like board games with sound signals. Board game "Battle" on batteries will please you with good sound, various effects that create the illusion of the work of real military equipment.

Separately, you should mention the game "Sea battle" with balls. The destruction of ships by enemy flotilla can be carried out by small balls that roll out on the playing field of the board game "Sea battle". This option of the game is even suitable for the smallest guys, since it does not require the ability to read the coordinates and think over the location of the ships. The mechanical design allows you to aimedly shoot, send the enemy flotilla with projectiles that knock out the ships figures. Even a child preschool ageAnd it is recommended for children from five years old, it will be easy to cope with such a task and will play the boarding game "Battleship" on a par with more older guys.

Who is this game for?

This board game is recommended to children from seven years old, because the battles in a certain coordinate system can engage in the guys with well-formed abstract thinking, which are in the mind of the opponent's playing field and think over their own strategy.

Battle for every taste

Board game "Sea battle" for two is entertainment not only for children. Adults are also happy to spend leisure in the fights. So, the desktop version with the balls allows you to play a grandfather and grandson at the table, and the chances of winning them are equal. This adds excitement, brings the generation in emotional experiences.

If the child loves gadgets, then the "sea battle" (the game is desktop) - the electronic version with interesting sound signals will pass it more than a mobile phone.

In addition to the "Sea Fight" exist similar games On paper, most of which are also focused on children from six years.

1. Noliki cross

This is the most famous of such games. A playing field is drawn 3 for 3 cells (only 9 cells). Players take turns make moves, putting in an empty cage cross or zolik. Purpose of the game: Build a line of 3 crosses or zolics horizontally, vertical or diagonal. In this game, it is extremely difficult to win, mostly the game comes down to a draw and not one party is played.

2. Tanks

For the game requires A4 sheet, folded in half (you can take any notebook). Two players draw 10 tanks, each on their half of the sheet. Having finished the alignment of forces, players begin "shelling" each other in this way: the shot is drawn on its half of the field, then the sheet is folded in the middle and the shot, visible on the lumen, is marked in the second half of the field. If the shot hit the tank, then it is considered a "hit" and need another extra shot to destroy. If the player got straight into the tank, then just one shot.
Each successful shot gives the right to the player for the next shot. For complication of the game, you can enter a ban on the next shot in just a baked tank.

How to play military games on a sheet of paper: tanks and sea battle. Rules, detailed description with photo.

Games on Paper Sheet for Two: Tanks and Sea Battle

For both games from this article, and for the game "Tanks", and for the game "Sea battle", a sheet of paper and two handles will be required. Two participants play them. About who will go first, players or agree in advance, or they solve the draw method, for example, throw a coin or use children's counters.

And if the game "Sea battle" is familiar with almost all people in our country, whose childhood had to be in the 80s - 90s or earlier, the game on paper in tanks, or as gentlely called her, "Tanchiki", was known, but not by that much. Despite the military themes, both of these games were very popular among boys, and among girls. They also played at home, and at school, not only on change, but also in the lessons, blocking the map with the location of their ships from the neighbor on the desktrade or textbook.

These games will now help children fascinating and spend time with benefit. The benefits of these games are not only that this is a living chat, the way to do something interesting, to distract from something, relax. For preschoolers, this is a way to prepare a hand to a letter, in the game "Sea battle" to repeat some letters and numbers.

Another game in tanks develops the eye meter, and the game in the sea battle allows you to practice intuition, teaches a square in the game field with the specified coordinates (however, one of them is indicated by the letter), it makes it possible to develop its own battle strategy, try to solve the rival strategy, submit How he thinks, as he could put his ships.

Tanks (Tancans) - game on paper. rules

For acquaintance with the game, novice players and youngest children are desirable to take a double tetrad sheet into a cell (it is pulled out from the middle of the notebook). In the following games, it is better to use a sheet of pure office paper bent in half - so rivals will be more difficult to get into target. And another player in this game will not need a marker or pencil, namely the ballpoint pen. It turns out more beautiful and visually, if the colors that write rival handles differ, but it is possible that they are the same.

Preparation for the game

Fold is the border. On the one hand, the sheet is located the territory of one participant, on the other - the other. Each participant draws his tanks on its side of the sheet. The number of tanks agree in advance, it should be the same (from 5 to 10 pieces each). Tanks must be small, approximately 1x2 cells. It is better to draw them away from the border and from each other - so the opponent will be more difficult to get into them.

Before the shelling began to agree on the rules.

Rules of the game "Tanks"

An option of this game with various military equipment: In addition to tanks, participants draw ships, airplanes, you can even draw parachutes. What kind of military equipment to draw and in what quantity, participants agree before the start of the game.

Sea battle - game on paper. rules

Now in the "sea battle" you can play in the computer, and in the desktop version, however, a simple classic paper option is not yet forgotten. The game allows you to feel yourself a warlord, it needs to ask coordinates for shelling the opponent's fleet and think over the location of the ships of your fleet so to destroy the fleet of another participant earlier than it destroys your.

Preparation for the game

Before starting the game, participants are drawn on the fields of the field with coordinates and put the ships of their fleet in them. At the same time, be negotiated about the number of ships, their form, location and rules. It is very important that then there was no misunderstanding, offense and quarrels. Because there are several options for the game.

For example, in my childhood and I, and all my friends and acquaintances, with whom we played in the "sea battle", drawing three-cell and four-cell ships in random order: in the form of rectangles, letters "g", letters "z", square. And it turns out that according to the rules of the classic version of the game, it is unacceptable - the ships can only be located smoothly, without bends.

Gaming fields game "Sea battle"

For the game "Sea battle", each of the participants will require a piece of paper into the cell and handle (can be pencil or felt-tip pen).

Before the game, participants are drawn on their sheet two squares with sides of 10 cells. In the cells to the left of each square vertically, the numbers from 1 to 10 should be located in order of increasing, and above each square horizontally from left to right - letters from "A" to "K", with the exception of letters "E" and " ". Those. Here is such a series: "A b c d e f h i k". Sometimes instead of the letters of the alphabet horizontally, a word is written out of ten non-refining letters.

In the first square, each player has its own fleet, in the second notes the location of the opponent's fleet.

Form, quantity and location of ships in the game "Sea battle"

How many ships should be a sea battle in the game? In the classic version of each player 10 ships:

  • 1 PC. - 4 cl.,
  • 2 pcs. - 3 cl.,
  • 3 pcs. - 2 cl.,
  • 4 things. - 1 cl.

Read more:

  • one ship consisting of four cells - battleship (such ships are also called four-plated or four-pipe)
  • two ships consisting of three cells - cruiser (three-candid)
  • three ships consisting of two cells - Esminets (two-candy)
  • four ships consisting of one cell - submarine or torpedo boat (single allender)

Ships must be located in a smooth vertical or horizontal range without bends, and in no case diagonally. It is strictly forbidden to have ships so that they touch each other with the sides or angles. That is, between them necessarily there must be a distance of at least one cell. Ships can touch on the parties of the field in which they are located.

It is very important that none of the players see the location of the opponent's fleet.

Rules of the game "Sea battle"

The first player shoots (calls the coordinates of the cell in which, as he suggests, the opponent may have a ship, for example, K-10).

The second player on the first field (field with its ships) finds this cell.

  • If the cell is empty, the second player puts the point in it and says out loud: "past". The first player also marks this cage with a point, but on the second field. The move goes to the second player.
  • If there is a medium or big ship in this cell, the second player puts the cross in it and reports: "Ranned", if a small (single-lubber), then "killed." Also, "killed" speak when the opponent falls into the last whole (not marked with a cross) deck of a multiple-lubricane ship. The first player in this cage on the second field also puts the cross and does another move.

Players walk in turn, but after each mischievous hit, the player receives another move. Wins one who will be the first to explode all the ships of another participant. When the game is over, participants can watch each other playing fields.

If the defeating player violated the rules, another player is considered the winner.

Possible violations:

  • error in signature or field size
  • right in the form, quantity or location of ships
  • during the game, I moved the ship
  • i tried to high, as the opponent's ships are located, etc.

How to play "sea battle" to win

In the game "Sea battle", there are tricks, some of whom have a few, and therefore play, hoping only for chance. But, applying certain strategies, you can significantly increase the chance to win.

  • It is necessary to celebrate points or cross coordinates of their shots and rival shots.
  • Prying the rival sheet it is impossible, but you can watch his gaze, a facial expression, gestures and intonation when he is looking for the desired cage In his field, to try to guess whether there are ships in the immediate vicinity of the cell with the specified coordinates. Usually, a person is not mistaken if the ship is located nearby, he rechecks the coordinates of the cell before saying "past", and therefore, let him spend quite a bit, but still more time than if there is no ships.
  • After the destruction of the enemy ship is to mark points or small circles, the cells in contact with its parties and angles. It is necessary in order not to waste time and moves on the shots on knowingly empty cells, since according to the rules, ships cannot be located close to each other.
  • The opponent's baked ship is desirable to destroy as soon as possible to get information about the empty cells around him and thereby reduce the area for finding other ships.
  • Destruction itself big Ship. The opponent consisting of four cells will allow to obtain information and on the adjacent empty cells. If this ship is placed not along the boundary of the playing field, then 14 empty cells surround it. Thus, the remaining search area will decrease by 18 cells, and this is an almost fifth part of the playing field. Therefore, usually players try primarily to find the largest ships of the opponent. To do this, you can "lead fire" on the main diagonal of the game field, or at the beginning of the diagonal parallel lineslocated at a distance of three cells from each other, and then - in diagonal lines between them.
  • Often players try to arrange their ships away from the corners, borders and from each other, thinking that they will be more security. In fact, it increases the chances of the opponent to victory due to the fact that when destroying each ship, the remaining search area becomes much smaller due to the information about the empty cells adjacent to the ship.
  • The most difficult way to look for one-lobby ships. This is based on the following strategy: the largest ships are located in the corners of the playing field (four-plane, standing in the corner, surround no 14, and 6 empty cells), average - on the sides of the field, and small one-alupy ships place in an increasing order on an increased free space . You can also place all the ships, except for small, as close as possible to each other in one part of the field, and small ones. Most likely, the opponent will quickly destroy large and medium ships, but it is not scary, as it is not important for victory. And due to the increase in the free area, on which small ships are located, the probability of quickly finding them becomes much smaller.
    In the photo examples of this location of large and medium ships. To search for one-lubricane ships, the opponent needs to shoot cells without marks.

    It will make less moves and will win faster if the ships are located as in the following photo.
  • It turns out that sometimes some players are sculpting: they put only 9 ships on their field (everything except one unin-lubber). And in order not to get caught on it, if the enemy already fired at all the field, except for one cell, they teamed this ship in it. Or, if you won, then they too quickly draw this ship to the cells that have not yet fired with the opponent.
    It is possible to avoid this if the participants take a picture before the game. Or the ships are drawn with a handle, and the marks during the game are made by a pencil. Or the knob of each participant differ in color, and after the arrangement of ships, the participants change with handles.

Yulia Valerevna Sherstyuk, https: // Site

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