Repairs Design Furniture

Sew a house for ferret with her own hands. What kind of cell do you need a ferret? Cage for ferreh from plywood

Ferrices often become pets. The animal cannot be left unattended so that he does not spoil repairs in an apartment or house. Buy or make special cells for ferrets. There is everything you need a domestic forest inhabitant.

Types of cells for ferret

The animals are moving in nature. Milk in minks. The cell must be as popular as possible, with toys, transitions and other devices. There are different types in stores:

  • standard - from plastic with a metal grid;
  • from foam rubber and fabrics from above;
  • from other materials, grille - metal or wicker from the vine;
  • dominics - baskets of wood bark, vines.

As temporary housing use a construction of several cardboard boxes. Often a house for ferrets Mastery do it yourself. The basis makes from bars, plywood or plexiglas.

In the purchase cells of ferrets can be found at once. Like any product, they are not always high-quality. Sometimes the house is poorly suitable in a particular case or expensive. Homemade structures cost cheaper and take into account the wishes of the ferret and its owner.

How to choose a finished cage for ferret

For normal life, good mood and well-being, pet needs special conditions. When buying a ready-made house, first recognize the living space. This is the main thing, the rest can be finished, to adjust or improve. The minimum requirements here are:

  • the area is at least 60 by 80 cm;
  • height - 50 cm or more.

The larger the cell for ferret, the better. If it is the size of a wardrobe, with several tiers, the animal will like it. The optimal option will be the production of cells under the order.

Even humble, but high-quality houses have the right layout. There are miniature plots: a place to relax, entertainment, "dining room", toilet.

When buying pays attention to a few more things:

  • strength, quality materials, for example, rods must be elastic;
  • reliability of locks;
  • stability design;
  • it is desirable that there are several floors, tiers;
  • easy removable parts and pallet - a big plus;
  • convenient cells on wheels.

How to make it yourself

Homemade houses are better to make a project, drawing. For proper compilation, they immediately determine where the dwelling will be. The following places in the apartment will not be suitable:

  • Near batteries, heating appliances. From the overheating of the ferret can be a heat blow, fraught with petty pet.
  • Next to the windows, if they go to the sunny side.
  • On draft.

Moderate cold ferret is not afraid, so the cell can be put on the balcony.

Plan the size of the cell. The minimum here is the same as when buying a store model. Determine the number of tiers. Ferriches hide food in secluded corners. The project should take this into account to ensure easy access to any place of cells for cleaning.

Defined with the type of house and materials. Cages for ferrets are more often made from plywood. Any master class here begins with a frame and walls:

  1. Take the bars of 5-10 cm in the cross section. Proceed with sandpaper so that ferret is not injured.
  2. Make a frame. Fasten with screws with a diameter of 3-5 mm.
  3. Masted walls (except for the front), partitions inside the house, floors. For this, the plywood 3-5 is suitable, sometimes 10 mm. Do not forget about the passages in partitions and between the floors.
  4. Mount the details.
  5. Side part of the cloth.
  6. Linoleum is put on the floor. He protects Phaneur, a damp tree.

  1. In the front of the house, as a rule, make a door with two sash. Size - about 15 by 15 cm, sometimes more. Material is the same plywood. The doors make windows, cover them with a grid. Fasten it from the outside.
  2. Supplement the frame of the bars to which hinges hang.
  3. Install the doors adjust.
  4. Hanging a shathingale.
  5. The roof is made on your taste. Sometimes she successfully fits into the decor of the apartment. It may be flat, single or double, with jewelry, window.

The design of the house can be upgraded, for example, make windows from the sides. Constructions from other materials have its own characteristics:

  1. Plexiglass houses need ventilation. In the roof, the doors make holes 1-2 mm.
  2. Metal structures are sometimes installed on wheels.

Cell arrangement

In purchased houses, usually already have everything or almost for the life of ferrets. Something can be added. The homemade cage needs to be equipped from scratch.

Start with transitions between floors - ladder. Make from bars 2 cm thick and plywood. On the ground floor there is the most needed: feeder, cream and toilet. Above there will be apartments for recreation and games.


Toilet choose the corner room on the first floor. Tray is involved in an early age. The place is placed, as a rule, in the corner of the cell for ferret. Here the tray is easier to attach, and the pet is easier to find. Sometimes animals wave due to stress, evil intent or some problems. In the latter case, ferret may not like a tray or filler.

Newspapers or sawdust for the toilet filling are not used, as it is harmful to animal health.

Ferrets sometimes grow in the tray and satent. In this case, you can replace the tray with a design with a mesh covering the filler. Then the ferret will not be able to get it. Suitable, for example, a feline tray.

Feeders and drinkers

The "dining room" is located near the toilet, in the next room or in the opposite corner of the cell.

Feeders and drinkers put on and fixed reliably, otherwise the ferret will carry them behind them. Scattered feed or spilled water pollute the cell, lead to excess waste.

Drinkers are desirable to take pipette or ball, feeders - better from ceramics. You can accommodate something out of the dishes or purchase in the pet store.

Homemade feeders are fixed with self-drawing. There are many options for sale, for example, drinkers with fasteners that are screwed to the cell. You can insert your bottles of up to 1 liter. Special feeders are also sometimes attached to the cage. Their volume is 300-600 ml.

Sleeping place

The rest room is usually on the second floor. It should be closed, cozy. Sometimes put small boxes or bags with a hole in the cage. The animal is put a little mattress, pillow. Unnecessary shops are suitable.

Hammock is perfect for recreation. You can hang one at each floor. Hammakes resemble natural shelter animals: holes or thickets, so animals feel safe. In the hanging beds, ferrets spend most of his free time.

If it is cold, insulated models are used. The length of the hammocks is 30-60 cm. They are easily made with their own hands:

  1. Take boots and attach to it straps, strings. Suspend horizontally, toe up.
  2. Stick two dense flap 30 by 30 cm. Suitable, for example, jeans or cloth. Make fastenings from shoelaces.
  3. For a hammock-pillow, except for flaps, a filler is needed - syntheps, foam rubber.

Game attractions

Ferrets need to move a lot. They organize active rest, games. For this, the balls are suspended, they set scratching and other toys.

The main entertainment of ferret is a climbing with obstacles, as in nature. To do this, make a system of tunnels from plastic pipes.

The normal diameter of the tunnel is 110 mm. You will need more adapters, tees. All this is found in the store plumbing. Turns are necessarily done at an angle of 45 °. It is necessary that the animal is not stuck.

The level of complexity of the labyrinth chooses the owner. The harder the route, the more interesting pet. It is desirable that the system covers all ferret asylum: from the first tier to the highest. Excellent if at the top point there is access to a hammock under the roof. Sometimes the system allows the animal to run in a circle. To do this, outputs from tunnels are located near the ladder between the floors.

Important moments

In the manufacture of cells, it is necessary to consider some features of the chork content:

  1. No matter how good the house was, rodent needs will. Every day, he arranges walks around the apartment at least 2-3 hours. The ferret is active and impatient. Extra trays placed in the apartment will be very useful.
  2. Safety is important. The design is made solid. Clean, trim all sharp.
  3. The dwelling consisting of two compartments will be uncomfortable for ferret. It is desirable that the "rooms" was at least four.
  4. It is desirable that plywood is high quality. The first grade of emissions is the best. Such material is safer for health.
  5. To find caches made by a pet, you need to watch the animal. For regular and fast recking, the removable roof is suitable. Sometimes there are several closing holes. They can be attached to the small grid. This is a wonderful support for suspended toys or hammocks, ventilation.
  6. Cell, especially inside, do not paint. Ferret can bother the rod and poison.
  7. Grids, grilles are taken taking into account the size of the beast and its dodging. A large cell, a big pruh's step give rodent a chance for escape.

Cell for ferret is an almost mandatory thing. In stores there are models for different taste. Although, probably, the best house is the one that the owner built.

Ferret's efforts of man have long turned from a forest predator in a pet. However, like any animal contained in the apartment, he needs his own corner. Cage for ferret must be completed with all the animal requirements.

The main types of cells for animals

For ferrets, all additional devices have long been invented and many variants of multifunctional and comfortable houses were invented:

  • factory cell from plastic or iron;
  • dwelling from plywood and bars made with their own hands;
  • a small house from a regular box;
  • cell from iron grid on a special frame;
  • dwelling from thick plexiglas;
  • fabric and foam lodge;
  • homemade wicker box.

Well in the corner to be unnecessary things, there will be a ferret nest. They love to swing in hammocks, at the same time playing and resting in them, for this hammocks are attached to the ceiling of the cell. If two animals live together, they will be laid in next.

So what should be the cell

Spacious. Hori is very active animals, they do not like to sit in place in contrast, for example, from decorative rabbits, so they need a space for their active activity. In addition, it is necessary to equip the cell with all sorts of "simulators" to maintain the physical activity of the animal, which is especially relevant in adolescence.

Such simulators can serve special pipes, scratching, mesh, bags with rags, sand containers and so on. Now you understand that there is a lot of space for such a number of accessories, therefore it is desirable that the cell consists of several floors with shelves, for compact all this.

See also:

If you do not provide ferret with physical exertion, then the muscle atrophy can develop. In addition, it is necessary to run a run daily and relieve the apartment for several hours, or walking with him on the street.

With minimal gaps between the lattices. Ferrecks are very good animals, they are able to squeeze even, as it seemed at first glance, in the most unchallenged gap. Their body, as if without bones. With my own eyes, I saw my adult girl seized under the door with a lumen of 5 cm, what to talk about the kids.

Thus, I advise you to buy a cage with a gap between the lattices in 2-3 cm to eliminate the possibility of a visure of the animal from it.
Well, I think that you have already guessed that the lattices should be metallic, and not plastic.

On wheels and with a pallet. It is not so much ferret as you need. Benefit from wheels you will feel during the cleaning of the apartment, you will not need to raise, and carry a large cage, it can be easily moved throughout the room.

The use of the pallet is also indisputable, it will collect most of the filler for the tray, which the chore will be happy to throw out from there. Well, if the animal is strained in addition to the tray, everything will fall on the pallet, and not the Palace. He took out the pallet, threw his contents, washed, inserted back - just and comfortable!

Collapsible. You can buy a cage for ferret in unimprovable, but imagine the situation that you move to live in another apartment. I think it will be extremely not easy to transport such a heavy cage, especially if the sizes are inspiring and fully metallic, like me.

Not in every passenger car include such. Of course, you can order a truck, you will all be quickly transported, but the ease of collapsible cell is still noticeable.

Homemade cell at home

First of all, it should be found at the location of the cell. Ferrecks require a large space for lasagna and games, so usually a house for them is made in several floors.

The predator house should not be in the sun or draft: the animals react rather sharply to a loud noise or a sharp smell, so near the dwelling should not put columns or spray air fresheners.

If the place where the cells for home ferrets will be, definitely, you can start directly to the construction of the cell. The minimum dwelling size for one fluffy predator must correspond to the parameters of 60 x 80 x 50, but if the room allows, the dwelling of the pet should be done more. This concerns ferrets living in closed cells.

If the pet is fluently moving around the apartment, then the house can be small. Also, the size of the dwelling depends on how many pets live in the house.

For the construction of an ordinary cell at home, such materials will be required:

  • wooden dense rei, the length of which is calculated from the cell parameters;
  • plywood sheets with a thickness of 10 mm;
  • an enclosure grid;
  • platbands for the establishment of a metal lattice;
  • linoleum;
  • hinges for doors;
  • self-tapping screws, spiing and handles.

First of all, a strong frame of wooden bars is knocked down. As a basis, you should choose a strong tree, since the bars will have all the weight of the dwelling. To cut the shelves, use a dense phanener or chipboard.

The floors between tiers can be both solid with one input hole and in the form of a shelf system. The Faneer itself in sanitary standards should be covered with linoleum: it will not only help get rid of the unpleasant odor, but also make it easier to clean the housing.

All horizontal surfaces in the cell need to fasten well, because during the active pastime ferret jumps a lot and runs. It is also important to check that the screws are securely screwed into wooden surfaces, since any sharp items can seriously injure ferret. Housing safety is the main credo for any pet owner.

The simplest roof of the house has a flat horizontal form, but it can always be made under the design of the room. The roof can be sloping and double, also surface can always be decorated with carvings.

Often, the wizard of homemade cells cut small holes into the plywood and closed with a grille. On the fine mesh it is easy to fix items for games or hammock. Vertical partitions of 3-wall cells can be made from plywood. Front side should be equipped with doors.

How to make a cage for ferret with their own hands from girlfriend

Quite often on the bars from the tree are trimmed by a thick plexiglass. When the cell for ferret is manufactured in this way, then there are several small through holes on the door and roof to ensure good ventilation.

The main condition for assembling Cells for ferret is considered to be strict adherence to such safety rules:

  • absolutely all the details of the products are required to be reliably fixed;
  • all edges of plywood need to be good;
  • there should be no sharp corners and items.

And also this product can be made of iron tubes and metal grids with a small cell size. Such a house can be installed on the wheels and, if necessary, move.

Double doors

To facilitate the cleaning of the house, the facade of the cells is equipped with special double doors, which can be done at home. The procedure is simple enough:

  1. Two frames are knocked down, the size of which should coincide with the size of the facade.
  2. The billet is trimmed by plywood.
  3. At the level of each tier, the holes around the perimeter of the entire tier are cut.
  4. The holes are tightened with a shallow mesh or grille.
  5. With the inside of the door, special sides are attached at the level of each floor so that the garbage does not fly through the grid.
  6. Finished doors are installed with hinges.
  7. So that the ferret does not open the cage on its own, the tailalet is installed on the doors.

The animals are smart and prompt, remembering the exit, they sometimes try to get to freedom on their own, so you need to take care of the fortress and do not save on their reliability.

How to install the cage

Houses for ferrets put in the room, on the balcony, in a country house. An animal has fat fur, so ferret cold is not afraid. It is impossible to put a cell near the heating devices, batteries and in drafts. Also destructively affect their health overheating in the sun, from the heat strike of the ferret can die.

Before making a cage for ferret, draw the drawing, consider the size and necessary materials. Ferree needs a large area, it is impossible to save it.

Cell assembly stages:

  1. In accordance with the sizes from the bar or grid, the framework is built.
  2. From plywood, the base of the floors (inter-storey overlappings) and walls are peeling. It should be borne in mind that the animal must move from the floor to the floor without problems.
  3. Custom bases are trimmed with linoleum or other durable material.
  4. Securely fix partitions.
  5. For the manufacture with your own hands, the roofs use an enclosure lattice in case the ladder, hammock or toys will be attached to it.
  6. Install the door, securely fixing it, and the cropped edges of the wire bend, so that the animal could not be injured.
  7. Accessories are fixed after installing walls, roofs and doors.

In the manufacture of the cell independently, it is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail, because in this house the animal will sleep, eat, play, walk to the toilet and spend most of the time.

Dimensions and place

Since the ferrets in the process of vital activity requires a lot of space, the most important parameter of the cell will be its size. The minimum base area should be 60 by 80 cm, height - half meter.

Another important question is the choice of a suitable place to accommodate the cell. There should not be raw or stuffy. Dark corners, plots next to the windows on the sunny side and heating systems, blurred by drafts of the beast also do not fit.

When all these nuances are taken into account, you can begin the drawing of the drawing, and after - to direct construction.

Interior arrangement of the house

First you should equip the ladder between the tiers. The tray is placed on the first floor in the corner. A bowl and a drink must be in the opposite corner from the tray. On the second tier, you should install a closed house in which a soft litter is mounted.

Without such asylum, the cage is not present for animal value. In this box, an input of about 15 cm in diameter should be cut into the diameter so that ferret can calmly crawl. This room can be made from the old drawer.

If the wooden building did not have a predator to taste, then a fabric house should be made. The walls of such a soft dwelling are compacted with a foam rubber. As a basis, you can take an old bag. The material for the house is not particularly important, the main thing is that he liked the animal.

Ferrecks carefully choose a place to sleep, and in a rejected dwelling the housing will not be arranged for the night. Also in the cell, add games for games: balls, suspended toys and special surfaces for the point of claws.

How to choose a good animal cage

To choose a house for an animal in a specialized store, it is necessary to take into account such criteria:

  • Stability design.
  • The strength of the materials used.
  • Dimensions.
  • The presence of several floors.
  • Quality of lock.
  • The elasticity of the metal grid.
  • Production material.

Experts advise you to buy products on wheels, with numerous removable nodes and retractable pallet. In this case, on the content of the animal and care for it will be much easier.

Alternative options

There are many other options for how to make a cage for ferret. For example, in the presence of certain skills and tools, the facade can be built from the plexiglass. Some use this material for the entire design. But here it is necessary to take into account that the plexiglass does not miss oxygen, so many small holes can drill around the perimeter.

If you decide to make the so-called aviary from the lattice, you need to carefully choose the pruck step and a sufficiently durable material. And in the rest, this cell is not particularly different from a similar from plywood.

After all, the floor and floor overlapping should be done solid so that the animal does not damage the paw, and the wood is used for their manufacture, the linoleum is used. At the bottom of such a house also put a tray, feeder and cream, and top to equip a rest area, connecting all the tunnels.

Information for newbies

You must constantly take care of the health of the pet, so you need a cage that will be easy to clean. For this make the bottom of the shallow grid, and the retractable pallet is installed under it.

The tray must be fixed, otherwise the ferret will be played by them, taucked by the floor of the house. The plastic structures are aesthetically more pleasant, but they cannot be considered reliable and comfortable.

Ferrets can nibble a cage and bar, so they can injure themselves or choose if the cell is painted. It is not recommended to make a pallet from a tree. It wet quickly and long retains an unpleasant smell.

Foods can not be kept in aquariums. Isolation, as well as unsanitary conditions, adversely affects the health of the ferrets and their life expectancy.

Review of one of the owners

Prehistory: It so happened that instead of one ferret in our lair was two, and in the future it would be possible even more, so the family council decided to acquire the housing for these cute fluffy spinigs.

Without thinking, I climbed into these your internets to search what is offered there in terms of large cells:

And here I am: 10-25 kids. Something is expensive, I thought, and, a little swear, I remembered my engineer's diplomas, and straight hands from the right place. Solved, you need to build with your own hands.

Well, rushed. I figured the dimensions, 1m x 0.5m x 2m. Having drawn a lot of virtual paper, as a result, it turned out this option:

Materials: Plywood 8mm, Reiki, 25x25mm mesh, MDF, Yacht varnish.

Fittings: Handles, Loops, Spivenets (actually optional), Furniture magnets (on the door, very convenient), wheels:

By weight it turned out about 50 kg, and heavier than the factory cells from the metal, but the tree, naturally. Completion: hang hammock, cream, bug, push, voila:

Here I got the design, I hope it is useful in the self-made cell manufacturer. Good luck to all!


Independent production of pet cells imposes additional responsibility for its health to the owner. All materials must be environmentally friendly, and joints and attachments are carefully treated for sharp edges. Painting internal designs is not recommended, because the animal can bother them and choose.

Ferreers are considered the funny animals, so they can often be found as favorite pets in many homes and apartments. Since this exotic rodent is too inquisitive and moved, it cannot be left in the room unattended. For the maintenance of animals, the owners should acquire ready-made cells or independently produce them from the primary materials.

Design features

Cage for ferret should serve not only a reliable shelter, but also be a convenient place for sleep and privacy. Since this design will perform a permanent place to keep the animal, it should be chosen, considering many parameters, among which the size, design, price and quality play a huge role. In addition, the cell must correspond to some parameters.

  • Be spacious. Ferree prefer to lead an active lifestyle and, unlike other types of rodents, do not like to sit in one place. Therefore, they should be provided with free space and additionally equip housing with various "simulators" and game zones. Most often in the cells set containers with sand, bags with rags, grids, scratching and special pipes. In addition, it is desirable to make or acquire two-level cells with shelves. With the lack of space, animals may develop muscle atrophy.
  • Have small gaps between grilles. Ferreers are capable of peeling even through the finest slit, so 2-3 cm is considered the optimal distance between the lattices. The grid is best to choose from plastic, but from metal.
  • Be able to quickly collect and parse. Of course, it is possible to use a stationary cell model, but if you have to move to another place of residence, there will be problems with transportation, therefore a transformer is needed for the content of animals.
  • Be comfortable and cleaning. It is best to give preference to structures with a pallet on wheels. They are much easier to move during the cleaning of the apartment, and the pallet will avoid scattering the filler throughout the room. To date, there are many variants of pallets that are equipped with special clamps and are quickly extracted.


In order to create ferrets comfortable conditions for living, their house must be made spacious. The cell must be large. Designs whose dimensions are less than 91x63x100 cm are not suitable for the content of this type of rodents. The ideal option is spacious multi-storey cells, such multi-level models will allow equipping housing with all the necessary accessories, and the ferret will be able to run freely in them and frolic.


A huge role in the manufacture of cells for ferret plays and choosing its shape. Since this design is one of the important attributes of the daily life of the animal, it should be not only beautiful, original, but also comfortable. Specialists recommend setting square and rectangular cells for rodents. Such an execution will perfectly fit into any room design and will allow rationally to distribute the cell space on the area for recreation and games.


Under the wildlife, ferrets dwell in Norah, giving preference to steppe zones, so for the content of them at home, comfortable accommodation is required, equipped with tubular staircases for running and a soft bedding for sleep. Cells that are sold in finished form are usually represented from metal and plastic. If the owners decided to make a lodge with their own hands, then it should be preferred to such material as plywood, wood and plexiglass.

The frame itself must additionally sow a metal mesh and insulate with foam rubber or dense tarpaulin. There are also options for making cells from wicker baskets and cardboard boxes.

Of course, the acquired designs in the finished form are distinguished by high quality, but if you make a little effort and skill, you can collect them yourself, from girlfriend.

How to choose?

Before starting a ferret, it is necessary to carefully think about the placement of his house and decide on a suitable type of cell. Since the designs are different models, then when they choose, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  • stability;
  • the strength of the materials from which the cell is made;
  • dimensions;
  • the presence of several floors;
  • quality of locks;
  • mesh elasticity.

In addition, the cells must have a retractable pallet, removable nodes and wheels. This largely facilitates the care of animals and will allow you to quickly clean.

How to make and equip?

Recently, most of the owners of the ferrets prefers to produce the pets of the houses with their own hands. Homemade structures allow you to save a family budget and discover tremendous opportunities for the implementation of designer ideas. At home, the cells are usually made from plywood. This material is characterized by an affordable price and does not require special tools for assembly.

Before starting a creative process, you need to create drawings, considering the fact that there should be about four separate rooms located on different floors in the ferret house. Between the tiers will also be installed tunnels. So that the accommodation happened spacious each room should have a height of up to 40 cm, and an area of \u200b\u200bat least 50x80 cm.

In addition, at the design stage, it is necessary to consider the fact that ferrets love to create their small food warehouse, hiding in it the remains of feed. Therefore, in the cell design, it is important to provide a free corner and a removable roof with small holes. An important point is the possibility of installing a collapsible mechanism.

To collect walls and framework frames, it is recommended to use wooden bars with a cross section of up to 10 cm. They are mounted among themselves conventional self-draws with a length of 3 to 5 mm. After the details are fixed, you need to carefully open the surface - it will protect the animal from injuries. Partitions can also be made of plywood, but its thickness should withstand the weight of the rodent, and be at least 5 mm. Then the Phaneer is fixed to the frame, they are frown with a solid cloth, and linoleum ripped into the floor (this will help keep the wood from turning).

When placing the facade, it is worth paying particular attention to the fact that the rear wall of the design is made non-removable, as for the front, it should have a bivalve door with a scorelet, which will help to avoid the shoot of the chalubashki. For the manufacture of the facade, the plates of plywood are used similarly, but they are attached to special loops to the previously assembled frame. Doors are also made of plywood, the windows are done in them, and everything is frown with a solid metal grid.

The number of doorways in the house should be equal to the number of rooms, each of which is placed at the appropriate level. Sometimes the openings are made in the side walls, but it is optional.

Doors need to hang on the loop and adjust them in such a way that their design fits tightly to the frame outside. Pet will constantly play in his house and scatter small litter everywhere. In order, when opening the door, the garbage does not fly to the floor, a small curb should be provided at the bottom of the design.

After the house for ferret is made, it will only stay it correctly. To do this, follow the following work.

  1. First of all, there is a message between the floors, the ladies installed from plywood or a bell thickness 2 cm are perfectly suitable. Placement of drinkers, toilet and feeders need to be planned on the first floor. A slightly above is the "residential" rooms with a hammock, sleeping place and climbing tunnels.
  2. On the first tier in one of the rooms you need to put a tray where the ferret will go to the toilet. It is desirable to acquire corner models for these purposes, it is easier to fix it. In the next room you can position the drinkers and feeders. They are firmly fixed (screwed by self-drawing). The feeder is recommended to buy from ceramics, and drinking a pipette or ball.
  3. The next step will be the design of the recreation area. For her, the angle of the upper floor is perfect for her, there must be a soft fabric, or sew your own lodge with a foam frame. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the arrangement of the bed - if it does not like it, it will not go there.
  4. After that, you can suspend the hammock, on request it can be placed separately in each room, as the animal loves to swing. The hammock is attached directly to the roof design, if it has a window with a grid, or fix to the framework for the brackets. In some cases, ferrets prefer not to sleep on "cribs", but in hammocks.
  5. The final stage will be the installation of tunnels that are replaced by ferrets usual minks. In their aisles, Rodent can climb, and the harder the design of the tunnel, the more interesting it will be for a pet. In the manufacture of such structures at home, it is recommended to use small cuts of pipes with a diameter of not more than 110 mm. Plots of the tunnel are attached to the cell tee or special adapters using brackets.

Depending on the fantasy, you can create structures of any length and shape, and if they are not placed inside the house, they can be installed separately. At the same time, the mini-labyrinth should pass through the entire room and get to a hammock attached to the roof.

In the case when the exits of tunnels are located near the foresters, the ferret will be able to run in a circle and lead an active lifestyle.

Independent production of ferrets cells has a number of advantages to which cost savings and the ability to create any design under the appropriate room style. Consider the most original models.

  • Multi-tiered wood design and plexiglass. Such a house will serve as a comfortable place to stay an animal and perfectly fit into the interior of the room. The only thing that plexiglas does not miss oxygen, so it will have to drill small holes around the perimeter. The roof in this case should be set inclined, duplex or flat. Externally, the design can be reeded with dry branches from trees and shrubs, and painted the glass with patterns.

  • Cell in the form of a lock. Such a house is recommended to make masters from wooden bars, plywood and vines. To give the design originality, there should be a few floors in it, each of which will be equipped with certain accessories. Initially, the framework of BRUSEV is prepared, it is trimmed by plywood blocks and completed the assembly with a decor of the vine, it is performed outside.

In order for housing to be decorated in one design, it is recommended to acquire drinkers and feeders for the color of the vine, and hammocks to tie with their own hands from dense threads. Outwardly, the house can be decorated with artificial lakes and laid out pebbles.

Overview Cells for ferret with a size of 1.4 x 0.75 x 0.5 m See below.

A comfortable hammock for your ferret is not a whim or excess, but an urgent need. The hammock is good because it takes the shape of the body of an animal, like a soft earth, on which the chorine is used to sleep in natural conditions. Let's look at how to make a hammock for ferret independently of the fabric or items on hand.

Hammock for ferret

What you need to know

Make a hammock for ferret with your own hands is easy, but it is worth it to decide on the functions of the new layer. In a hammock, naughty ferret can not only sleep, but also to be played, watching the world around the world, to sit in ambush, explore "prey". Depending on the required functionality, you can come up with and sew the corresponding models of hammachks (in the form of a canvas, pipes, bags, houses, etc.).

Hamachki for ferrets can be destroyed for the cold or warm season: in the summer the animal will need a hammock of a thin fabric or grid, in winter - from warm felt, drape, cashmere.

However, remember: the ferret has great agility and sharp cohesions, so the thin tissue should have a high density, otherwise the animal will quickly deal with the creation of your hands.

To entertain the animal, you can sew pockets or pipe to the hammachka, put into the inner layer, rustling materials, sewing toys.

From fabric

The simplest pattern has a square shape (30 cm) or a rectangle (30cm x 45cm). If the ferrets are somewhat - the dimensions of the hammock can be increased by measuring them with the free space inside the cell (the hammock should not interfere with the implementation of other animal needs). Two pieces of fabric fold together and spend from three sides, and then turn out the product and spend the fourth side. If we want to make a hammock with a lining - put the lining tissue on top of two upholstery pieces and spend as in the previous case.

If necessary, before sitting the third direction, you can put a soft pillow or toys inside the hammock. To the ends of the resulting mattress sew ribbons, which the hammock will be tied to the rods of the cells. For more convenience, carabin clasp can be used instead of ties. Alternatively, you can make a hammock in the form of a pocket, simply cutting the hole in the center of the top of the tissue. It turns out something like a duvette, in which ferret will be able to hide, warm and at the same time inspecting on the sides, drowning his head in the hole.

From Valenca

Hammock from any material

An excellent hammock for a restless ferret can be built from an ordinary boots. Such a product involves a minimum of work with your own hands, but it can serve as an animal not only a laying, but also a house. In addition, Valenok is remarkable with its versatility (thanks to the properties of the wool wool): the ferret does not frown in such a hammock in winter and does not suffer from heat in the summer. All you need to do is to sew ribbons on both sides of the flange, turned horizontally (toes upward), and hang it in the right place.

From the bag

An excellent hammachk will be a small ladies or a children's handbag made of natural materials. The only thing - before you launch the sore, small parts and accessories need to trim. Summer openwork hammocks can be tied with their own hands with a crochet or weave in the Macrame technique, and warm winter "cramped" - to tie on the spokes. Having attached a bit of fantasy, you can build a hairdrine for ferrets from elements of your clothes: hood, sleeves, pants, sock, pocket, scarf, etc.

Hammak for ferret is a favorite place of sleep and recreation, in which the animal can spend up to 18 hours a day. If the false bed is equipped with pockets, the pet will be even happier, because he can hide his "prey" in them. Purchased hammocks often do not cause ferrets of interest, besides, they quickly fail against sharp cats of pets. But to homemade cradles, home animals are experiencing a real passion!

Ferree adore in a hammock

Why ferret hammock

The novice breeders of ferrets are often surprised, learning that their pet for a comfortable existence and a sweet sleep needed a hammock, and not an ordinary lament.

The animals can sleep in boxes, on the pillows, in their house and even climbing in a warm sock or boots, but only a hammock allows ferrets to feel in complete safety. This is due to the fact that wild conifers of domesticated ferrets for sleep always choose secluded dark places - under the broch, in dense bushes or holes. A soft land or grass is perfectly taken by the shape of the body of the animal, and it feels protected from enemies, and from bad weather.

Home ferrers living in the apartment do not have the opportunity to dull holes to themselves, and the presence of a bed, the same as dry foliage or grass, makes pets happy - he is well poured, so playing with great pleasure and "hunts".

Hamak perfectly corresponds to Ferretic Physiology

In a broad sense, Hamaki for ferrets are suspended beds that can be of different sizes and shapes. The most popular species are:

  • a hammock-pillow, similar to fabric, foam rubber, rustling balls or synthetic synthesis is added inside.

In addition, the hammocks for ferrets are still divided by seasons on the lungs - for use in summer or in warm rooms and insulated - for the street or premises with low temperatures, it may be a loggia or terrace if the animal lives there.

Also, Hammocks for ferrets are of different sizes. The smallests do not exceed 30 cm long, large can reach 60 cm long.

Insulated ferret pocket

How to make a hammock yourself

You can independently make a hanging bed for a pet, you can literally in a couple of hours, can at least sew a little, weave or knit.

From Valenca

The easiest option for making with your own hands is a hammock from the boots. It is enough to sew the strings, straps, chains or carbines (they can be cut off from the outstanding backpack or an old bag) so that the tops of after hanging remain in a horizontal position, and the sock "watched" up. If you wish, you can seen several small pockets in which ferret will hide their finds.

Valenok you just need to hang the cell to the lid, and ferret himself will take it

From the flap fabric

Another uncomplicated version is a hammock of the flap of the fabric made by their own hands. For its manufacture, it will take a dense, soft and preferably natural fabric, it can be a drape, jeans, cashmere, thin felt, dense flax, etc. You can also use a fleece or artificial fur, it is important that the material does not highlight a strong smell, otherwise An animal will not use the hammock.

The basis of the hammock is two flaps of fabrics with a size of 30x30 or 30x45 cm. Records are 4 tissue strips, each approximately 2.5 cm wide and about 20 cm long.

The flap of the fabric for the base of the hammock is the front sides inside and stitch on three sides (manually or on the sewing machine). Further, the workpiece is turned and sewing the hole by turning the cut inside.

The billets are folded along in half, the front side inside and stitched with an indentation from sections of 0.5 cm along the long side. The billets turn, helping themselves with a pencil, they are peeling into short cuts and sew. The finished strings are tightly sewn to the corners of the basics of hammock.

Loskutka design is very simple

Hammock pillow

The hammock pillow is made almost the same as the tissue hammock, only you need to take the flap of the fabric slightly more (at least the square with a side of 35 cm), and after turning the main part of the hammock inside, put the foam rubber, rustling balls or trigger the workpiece with syntheps, and only After that, sew the fourth side. Suspended bed can be supplemented with a secret pocket, sewing to the pillow another flap of fabric with the base. In this case, the pet will gladly "begin to" inside this pocket and hide its "prey" in it.

Hammock trumpet

It is easy to make a hammock tube with your own hands. Two rectangular flap fabrics with a size of approximately 40x60 cm and the flap of fine foam rubber or a dense synthetic hybecue slightly smaller than tissue flaps, fold the "sandwich": the first flap face down (on the table), on it - the gasket, from above - the second flap of the tissue with the invalid side to the laying. "Sandwich" fasten with pins and stitched around the perimeter, bringing sections of tissue flaps inside. If desired, nasty the entire surface of the workpiece. Further, the workpiece is folded into the pipe along the long side, and stroke the edges of the penette tube. Then sew the strings, and, if you want, pockets to the sides of the pipe and the flap of artificial fur on the bottom from the inside.

Summer pipe for ferret

Mesh hammock with your own hands

In addition, a ferret hammock can be tied with a crochet or even cut off with scissors from the old T-shirt, shirt or terry towel.

Hammocks for ferrets serve as a cradle, and a beloved toy, and a treasury, and even an observation point. If the animal likes his suspension bed, it will be less ill and with great pleasure to play, so it is advisable to make a ferret of a few hammocks so that he always had a clean bed.

Lovers of pets are useful to make a master class on how to make a hammock with your own hands. Most pets will appreciate the cradle, as Hamamak will make it possible to conveniently settle for sleep and become a good place for games. The word "hammock" in most people is associated with relaxation and lazy rest.

Such associations arise due to the fact that the suspended hammock takes the form of the body, and therefore, you can take the most convenient position and relax. So pets love to hang and sleep in hammocks, because for them it is the most comfortable place to sleep.

It is not necessary to spend money on a hammock from the pet shop. It is easy to construct himself. You will need only suitable fabric, ropes or tapes for fastening and slightly seamless.

Why he need it

It should be understood that a hammock for ferret serves not just another "fun". These animals will always prefer the hammock to ordinary beds, boxes or mattresses. Why? It's all about Khorina nature: these animals are used to living in Norah, on a soft earth that can take the shape of their body. Only, they can feel comfort and protected.

In the huge hammock, ferret can spend a lion's share of his leisure: to sleep, play, watch what is happening around. Often hammocks for ferrets are practically houses (and there are actual houses that are stitched according to the principle of hammock).

A hammock is easy to sew, and having several such products, you can change the bed of ferrets (depending on the season and the degree of pollution). For the summer you can make a thin or braided hammock, and for the winter - specially insulated or closed.

See also:

In other words, a hammock is the perfect fitting for a rest and leisure of a pet.

What are Hammocks for ferrets

In a broad sense, Hamaki for ferrets are suspended beds that can be of different sizes and shapes. The hammock can be both a single-layer and multi-layer, depending on how much ferret loves to nouring items.

Multi-level hammock for ferrets

The most popular species are:

  • classic braided, like those that are doing for people, only much smaller;
  • fabric, which is a square or rectangular flap flap with tissues or carbines in the corners for hanging;
  • a hammock-pillow similar to fabric, foam rubber, rustling balls or synthetic synthesis is added inside;
  • hammock pipe, or, as it is also called, a hammock tunnel is something mean between the hammock and the house;
  • hammock made from feltwall.

Primary requirements

The dimensions of the hammocks of the main dimensions range from 30x30 cm to 35x45 or 35x60 (in length). The length of the strings is calculated as the distance to the item plus the reserve.

In some cases, Carabins are attached to suspend hammock to the strings; In this case, you will need four carbine, and in others - all the strings are collected, they are connected together at the top and attached to the ring. The animal in this case lies in a non-verbal hammock (if, of course, he likes it).

The pattern of a ferret hammock is a rectangle or square. If you decide to make a hammock tunnel, then the width of the flap of fabric should be at least 50 cm., And the length, for example, is 60 cm. Depending on the operating conditions, a single-layer hammock (or with a lining) is cutting out (or lining laces (it is possible from durable synthetic fabrics).

The lining and the main fabric are folded by the front parties, stand up from three sides; Then the resulting "bag" turns out, and the fourth side is striking or is shown manually. In length, the rectangle is connected to the roll edge of the flames (for several centimeters) and is searched several times.

The location of the firmware is located at the top of the center; From him, both sides are measured somewhere on 7-8 cm. On both sides of the pipe, after which two cords for hanging are adjusted along the length, which are thoroughly fixed at the edges of the hammock-tunnel. It is also possible to mount four shoelaces with a small indent from the edge of the hammock.

Sewing hammaka

It is only necessary to find a desire and very little free time. If you have a sewing machine at home, it will speed up the process, but a ferret hammock can be sewn using an ordinary needle thread. To begin with, you should decide on the material that you will use when sewing.

Everything is simple here: if it is winter, respectively, you can choose warm fabrics in which ferret could warm up and sleep well. For a summer period, you can choose even a mesh with very small holes. In any case, when choosing a material, it is better to give preference to natural tissues. Circuit patterns you see below.

And everything is how to sew a hammock for ferret? Very simple! It is necessary to remove the measurements of the cell, to deduct from each edge of 5-10 cm (depends on the size of your cell), cut a rectangular piece of fabric, and in the corners of this rectangle to sew ropes, which then tie a hammock to the cell. It is possible to use wire instead of ropes so that the animal does not overcome the attachment of its false bed.

This is the easiest way to make a hammock. Many also laid various lining, insulation and even toys so that ferret is more fun, it all depends on your imagination. Hanging the hammock is not worth too high, because the animal may fall and injured.

From Valenca

The easiest option for making with your own hands is a hammock from the boots. It is enough to sew the strings, straps, chains or carbines (they can be cut off from the outstanding backpack or an old bag) so that the tops of after hanging remain in a horizontal position, and the sock "watched" up.

If you wish, you can seen several small pockets in which ferret will hide their finds

Hammock pillow

The hammock pillow is made almost the same as the tissue hammock, only you need to take the flap of the fabric slightly more (at least the square with a side of 35 cm), and after turning the main part of the hammock inside, put the foam rubber, rustling balls or trigger the workpiece with syntheps, and only After that, sew the fourth side.

Hanging cushion for ferret is made on the same principle as tissue

Suspended bed can be supplemented with a secret pocket, sewing to the pillow another flap of fabric with the base. In this case, the pet will gladly "begin to" inside this pocket and hide its "prey" in it.

Hammock trumpet

It is easy to make a hammock tube with your own hands. Two rectangular flap fabrics with a size of approximately 40x60 cm and the flap of fine foam rubber or a dense synthetic hybecue slightly smaller than tissue flaps, fold the "sandwich": the first flap face down (on the table), on it - the gasket, from above - the second flap of the tissue with the invalid side to the laying.

Additionally, you can seize a few toys for ferret, attaching them to the closer straps or laces.

"Sandwich" fasten with pins and stitched around the perimeter, bringing sections of tissue flaps inside. If desired, nasty the entire surface of the workpiece. Further, the workpiece is folded into the pipe along the long side, and stroke the edges of the penette tube. Then sew the strings, and, if you want, pockets to the sides of the pipe and the flap of artificial fur on the bottom from the inside.

From the bag

An excellent hammachk will be a small ladies or a children's handbag made of natural materials. The only thing - before you launch the sore, small parts and accessories need to trim. Summer openwork hammocks can be tied with their own hands with a crochet or weave in the Macrame technique, and warm winter "cramped" - to tie on the spokes.

Having attached a bit of fantasy, you can build a hairdrine for ferrets from elements of your clothes: hood, sleeves, pants, sock, pocket, scarf, etc.

Tip: If you do not want to mess with ties, instead you can use ready-made straps, chains, carbines or tight cords of the Paracona type.

Mesh hammock with your own hands

The net hammock can also be made with your own hands. The grid is easy to buy in the fishing store or weave in the macrame technique. The rectangular piece of the mesh is collected from two opposite edges and wind up the buildings on wooden sticks with a length of about 7-10 cm and a diameter of about 1 cm. Wrapped on sticks of the mesh edge firmly tied or sewn. Then the strings are fixed to the wands.

  1. It is better to have several different hammachks for the Korea, alternating them not only when changing seasons, but also with contamination.
  2. A hammock-canvas can be switched in a cell in different ways: in the disclosed form - tied or fastening to the rods, or in the fold - by collecting all the ribbons together and attaching them to the rapid wall of the cell.
  3. Taking care of the health and well-being of your pets, use only natural fabrics and materials for the sewing "Lena". (In addition, ferret in a synthetic hammock can "rally" - from some materials its wool is electrified.)
  4. Do not sew outside toys that can be sprayed and swallowed - if the pieces of synthetic materials are not digested in the stomach, the animal may get sick and even die.
  5. In contrast to the material, the color of the hammock does not have much importance for ferrets, as these animals do not distinguish bright shades.


With the appearance in the house of Fero, the owner of Furo necessarily and certainly faces the question, where to live Pittsom. Unlike Pets, ferret requires special conditions for organizing their life.

Leave the ferret of one, when there is no one at home, is the most real negligence. This animal is very curious, actively. Having come home you can detect spoiled some things that you are roads. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a special place where it must be during the absence of its owners, as well as at night.

The cell should be a real house for an animal, not a punishment or imprisonment. In the close atmosphere, ferrets are often sick.

Pet accommodation can be done independently.

Advantages of self-making:

  • The optimal size of the future dwelling
  • Minimum cash costs
  • Qualitative materials

Necessary size

For the full development and comfortable life of ferrets, quite a few spaces needed. The most important thing before making the cell - determine the optimal size of the house. The minimum cell of the furo cell must be within 60x80 centimeters. But if the apartment allows, it is still better to make a cage more, at least 150x100 centimeters.

A place

Very important factor - determination of the cell location. Where the house will stand, should be dry. Do not fit the places where:

  • Dark
  • Draft
  • Bright sunlight
  • Heating

After the appropriate place is defined, you can proceed to the manufacturing process.

Construction of a cozy house

The easiest option is a plywood cell. This is a very economical choice. Make such a dwelling for even the novice master.

The house should consist of a minimum of 2 rooms. It is desirable that they are located on different floors. Ideally, if there is a tunnel between them. Recommended dimensions of a separate room at least 50x80 centimeters, height - 40 centimeters.

When making a house, you should not forget that ferrets love to hide. Over time, the "warehouse" will need to be removed, so in the house there should be access to any area for cleaning. It is best to give preference to removable roof.


So that the dwelling was durable, you will need wooden bars (perfect section from 2-3 to 5 centimeters). They are attached with each other with the help of self-tapping.

The surface of each detail is necessary to Occhat, so that the pet does not hurt.

Walls and partitions are made from the grid.

Walls need to fasten well. Better to hammer it with a cloth. On the floor of the new house it is worth putting linoleum. It will protect the base of the house from wetting and swelling.


The rear wall is made most often unavailable. The front facade is better made in the form of two opening doors. They must close the pet to be able to open them independently and get out.

A good option - a facade of a metal mesh with a cell 10x10.

Design indoors

After the house is ready, it is necessary to do its arrangement. First of all, you need to install stairs between the floors. For their manufacture, a bar with a cross section of 2 centimeters and a 3-mm plywood is used.

All items of the necessary consideration (feeder, drivingker,) are installed on the first floor. On the second and subsequent floors you can place a room for recreation and games.

Ground floor

When choosing a tray, you should give preference to the corner option. Put it better on the lower tier of the room. Cutlery are placed in the next room on the same floor. They need to be well consolidated so that the ferret cannot overturn them. The best material for feeders - ceramics. Drinking is better to purchase with a mechanism of automatic pure water.


On the upper floors it is advisable to place rooms for games and recreation. In the corner you can put a vehicle, where the animal will often be pulled out. Also, you can sew a mattresik from the foam rubber.

Note! To the arrangement of the house you need to approach with full responsibility. If the animal does not like the dwelling, he will be sad there. Finding in an unattractive room will become for him.

In the game room you can place a hammock. Ferrecks love to swing in a hanging hammock.

Instead of minks in housing, install the tunnels. The animals love to climb into the badges, so such an occupation will be very exciting for them.

For the manufacture of tunnels, you can take conventional plastic sewer pipes of a suitable diameter (110 millimeters). With the help of transitions can be made interesting minkswhere the pet will spend a lot of free time in the game. He definitely does not bother in your absence.

In addition to ordinary tunnels, the inventive hosts build for their animals and labyrinths . Ideally, if a labyrinth or tunnel will pass throughout the rooms. This will allow ferret to run in a circle.

Other options

Options for self-making housing for ferret Great set. If you have certain skills and skills, you can make the facade of the house from orcsekla. Often this material is used for the manufacture of the entire house. One minus of such a room - the walls do not give oxygen to circulate. Therefore, you need a lot of holes for normal air access.

Also, you can build a cell from the grid. To do this, carefully approach the choice of material. It should be durable. The floor and overlap is also better to mount from plywood so that the animal is not stuck with a paw and damaged the limb.


Whatever kind of house you have chosen for your pet, always remember that independent production is additional responsibility for the animal. The animal will be seen on the first day of living in a new room, whether it likes.

If you see that your favorite does not show interest in his housing. It is urgent to change something:

  • Add toys
  • Rearrange "Furniture"
  • Put delicacies

Any new place is stress, so first time you need to take care of ferrets as much as possible.

Important to remember!

  1. Before starting construction, think about whether you can do the place in which the animal will feel comfortable. If you are confident in your abilities - start acting.
  2. In addition, the house must be spacious. If the ferret will be a little place, he will begin to bored and sick.
  3. Choosing the material you need to pay attention to its environmental class. Do not make premises for animals from low-quality synthetic and plastic materials. Plastic ferrets quickly unfolving, which can contribute to poisoning.
  4. Take care so that the ferret can deal with his affairs - play, swing, climb in tunnels. Pet must spend its energy. Loading will lead a ferret to disharmony in his life. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a sufficient amount of entertainment to your pet.
  5. The design should be firmly fixed. It should not be sharp details so that the animal cannot harm himself at the games.
  6. In the house must be at least three rooms: for feeding, toilet and game zone. All household items need to be consolidated so that the ferret does not shift them.
  7. If you notice that the housing did not like ferret, you will have to redo it.

With a serious approach to the point, even a novice master will be released a worthy version of the cell for ferret.

Hammak for ferret is a favorite place of sleep and recreation, in which the animal can spend up to 18 hours a day. If the false bed is equipped with pockets, the pet will be even happier, because he can hide his "prey" in them. Purchased hammocks often do not cause ferrets of interest, besides, they quickly fail against sharp cats of pets. But to homemade cradles, home animals are experiencing a real passion!

Ferree adore in a hammock

Why ferret hammock

The novice breeders of ferrets are often surprised, learning that their pet for a comfortable existence and a sweet sleep needed a hammock, and not an ordinary lament.

The animals can sleep in boxes, on the pillows, in their house and even climbing in a warm sock or boots, but only a hammock allows ferrets to feel in complete safety. This is due to the fact that wild conifers of domesticated ferrets for sleep always choose secluded dark places - under the broch, in dense bushes or holes. A soft land or grass is perfectly taken by the shape of the body of the animal, and it feels protected from enemies, and from bad weather.

Home ferrers living in the apartment do not have the opportunity to dull holes to themselves, and the presence of a bed, the same as dry foliage or grass, makes pets happy - he is well poured, so playing with great pleasure and "hunts".

Hamak perfectly corresponds to Ferretic Physiology

What are Hammocks for ferrets

In a broad sense, Hamaki for ferrets are suspended beds that can be of different sizes and shapes. The most popular species are:

  • classic braided, like those that are doing for people, only much smaller;
  • fabric, which is a square or rectangular flap flap with tissues or carbines in the corners for hanging;
  • a hammock-pillow, similar to fabric, foam rubber, rustling balls or synthetic synthesis is added inside.
  • hammock pipe, or, as it is also called, a hammock tunnel is something mean between the hammock and the house;
  • hammock made from feltwall.

In addition, the hammocks for ferrets are still divided by seasons on the lungs - for use in summer or in warm rooms and insulated - for the street or premises with low temperatures, it may be a loggia or terrace if the animal lives there.

Also, Hammocks for ferrets are of different sizes. The smallests do not exceed 30 cm long, large can reach 60 cm long.

Insulated ferret pocket

How to make a hammock yourself

You can independently make a hanging bed for a pet, you can literally in a couple of hours, can at least sew a little, weave or knit.

From Valenca

The easiest option for making with your own hands is a hammock from the boots. It is enough to sew the strings, straps, chains or carbines (they can be cut off from the outstanding backpack or an old bag) so that the tops of after hanging remain in a horizontal position, and the sock "watched" up. If you wish, you can seen several small pockets in which ferret will hide their finds.

Valenok you just need to hang the cell to the lid, and ferret himself will take it

From the flap fabric

Another uncomplicated version is a hammock of the flap of the fabric made by their own hands. For its manufacture, it will take a dense, soft and preferably natural fabric, it can be a drape, jeans, cashmere, thin felt, dense flax, etc. You can also use a fleece or artificial fur, it is important that the material does not highlight a strong smell, otherwise An animal will not use the hammock.

The basis of the hammock is two flaps of fabrics with a size of 30x30 or 30x45 cm. Records are 4 tissue strips, each approximately 2.5 cm wide and about 20 cm long.

The flap of the fabric for the base of the hammock is the front sides inside and stitch on three sides (manually or on the sewing machine). Further, the workpiece is turned and sewing the hole by turning the cut inside.

The billets are folded along in half, the front side inside and stitched with an indentation from sections of 0.5 cm along the long side. The billets turn, helping themselves with a pencil, they are peeling into short cuts and sew. The finished strings are tightly sewn to the corners of the basics of hammock.

Tip: If you do not want to mess with ties, instead you can use ready-made straps, chains, carbines or tight cords of the Paracona type.

Loskutka design is very simple

Hammock pillow

The hammock pillow is made almost the same as the tissue hammock, only you need to take the flap of the fabric slightly more (at least the square with a side of 35 cm), and after turning the main part of the hammock inside, put the foam rubber, rustling balls or trigger the workpiece with syntheps, and only After that, sew the fourth side. Suspended bed can be supplemented with a secret pocket, sewing to the pillow another flap of fabric with the base. In this case, the pet will gladly "begin to" inside this pocket and hide its "prey" in it.

Hanging cushion for ferret is made on the same principle as tissue

Hammock trumpet

It is easy to make a hammock tube with your own hands. Two rectangular flap fabrics with a size of approximately 40x60 cm and the flap of fine foam rubber or a dense synthetic hybecue slightly smaller than tissue flaps, fold the "sandwich": the first flap face down (on the table), on it - the gasket, from above - the second flap of the tissue with the invalid side to the laying. "Sandwich" fasten with pins and stitched around the perimeter, bringing sections of tissue flaps inside. If desired, nasty the entire surface of the workpiece. Further, the workpiece is folded into the pipe along the long side, and stroke the edges of the penette tube. Then sew the strings, and, if you want, pockets to the sides of the pipe and the flap of artificial fur on the bottom from the inside.

Additionally, you can seize a few toys for ferret, attaching them to the closer straps or laces.

Summer pipe for ferret

Mesh hammock with your own hands

The net hammock can also be made with your own hands. The grid is easy to buy in the fishing store or weave in the macrame technique. The rectangular piece of the mesh is collected from two opposite edges and wind up the buildings on wooden sticks with a length of about 7-10 cm and a diameter of about 1 cm. Wrapped on sticks of the mesh edge firmly tied or sewn. Then the strings are fixed to the wands.

In addition, a ferret hammock can be tied with a crochet or even cut off with scissors from the old T-shirt, shirt or terry towel.

Hammocks for ferrets serve as a cradle, and a beloved toy, and a treasury, and even an observation point. If the animal likes his suspension bed, it will be less ill and with great pleasure to play, so it is advisable to make a ferret of a few hammocks so that he always had a clean bed.

Recording How to make a hammock with your own hands for ferret first appeared Selomoe.

The choice of a house for fluffy homemade shuschika - the question is pretty serious, so it requires a solid approach.

Today in specialized stores you can find a lot of options for ferrous houses. So, the most common of them is:

  • metal-plastic shopping cell;
  • cage from plywood and wooden frame made by hand;
  • fabric dwelling with foam walls;
  • cardboard, temporary house;
  • dwelling with anterior wall of plexiglas;
  • wicker cell;
  • the dwelling made from the metal grid on the frame of any kind.

As you already understood, the varieties of cells a large amount, but more in more detail on the cells that can be made with your own hands.

What to choose

It would seem that it could be easier? You need to go to the pet shop and buy a cage. If you started a parrot, then such a way does not really cause difficulties. But with ferret, everything is much more difficult, because the houses for this pet are quite diverse:

  • standard cell from a store with metal rods and plastic components;
  • plywood lodge with a frame of wooden bars made with their own hands;
  • analogue of the previous one with the front wall of the plexiglas;
  • a cage with a frame of any material closed with a metal mesh or weaving from the vine;
  • foam housing, covered with cloth;
  • temporary house from several connected cardboard boxes.

Most often cells for ferrets make them. The advantages of this method are not only in the possibility of selecting the optimal sizes that the pet and the nurse and the owner of the apartment will be arranged. The price of a comfortable house from high-quality materials is quite high, and not everyone can afford that pleasure.

Cage for ferret can be bought in a pet store or make independently from the girlfriend.


Home ferrers are practically all their lives in their house or a cage, so the owner must create the most comfortable conditions in them. Best cells that have dimensions no less than 60 per 80 and 45 centimeters are suitable for ferrets. Cells should pick up at least three or five centimeters.

The animal house should easily clean and be strong enough, as ferrets often break the weak rods. The smart and intelligent pet often tries to break through to the will, so the door of the cell must be firmly shoved.

Veterinarians advise to pick up cells for such animals consisting of two levels with the possibility of transition between floors so that ferret can move freely when not sleeping.

Active pets shut down nests in secluded dark places. In the cell it is worth separating the corner for the nest, which the ferret will be able to build out of rags or old things. Some owners of ferrets acquire special hammocks made of soft tissue.

Hammak for ferret - and sleeping place, and a great toy.

However, you need to pay attention, how much time ferret spends in the hammock, because many representatives of this species prefer more secluded towns. If the cell is intended for two ferrets, most likely, animals will sleep together, even if everyone has a separate nest.

The cell in which ferrets will live should be primarily practical. It will be much more convenient to clean with the presence of a retractable pallet. Above the pallet in most ready-made cells is the bottom made from the grid. If the cell size exceeds five or six centimeters, then the grid is not suitable for the chork content, because it can lead to animal injury.

The tray intended for the toilet should be very securely fixed so that the pet can not move it and carry it through the cage. Of course, plastic cells for the content of ferrets look more attractive, but they are completely not suitable for active animals.

It is best to purchase an iron cage - it is more difficult to damage it. Better, if the rods are not covered with paint, as ferrets are often gnawing them. Wooden pallet should not choose, as the wood is easily absorbed by unpleasant odors and will constantly hold them.

Cage with ferret can be installed both indoors and on the balcony or loggia. An animal has a sufficiently warm fur coat, so it can easily transfer even a strong cold. Ferreta cannot be settled near the battery and in places with frequent drafts, because this may lead to serious animal diseases.

Also, a negative on the pet is influenced by direct sun rays - ferrets are poorly tolerated, they often overheat and can get a heat blow. This, as a rule, leads to the death of a pet.

Ferricts can not be kept in a cage: at least once a day it needs to be released for two or three hours.

As a rule, the owner of the ferret is trying to make a cage with his own hands for the simple reason that it is not possible to purchase the appropriate option in the store possible, whether by virtue of financial problems, whether due to the lack of the desired cell variant.

Ferreta (namely called domesticated ferrets) - not a small hamster, and not a parrot, it must necessarily need a fairly large space for recreation and games.

What rules are guided by trying to make a cage for a fruit with your own hands? When building a housing for a fluffy pet, its size and floors are important.

Spend the room inspection and decide what corner you are going to have a pet cell. It is from this that the overall dimensions of the future house are dependent.

The minimum cell size for the froth is 0.6m * 0.8m * 0.5m, but if you are ready to highlight your fluffy more place, that is, it makes sense to make a larger house.

We offer to your attention a kind of master class on the manufacture of plywood cells for a domesticated ferret.

So, to make a house for a fruit with your own hands we need:

  • wooden lumps of different lengths and sections;
  • a couple of plywood sheets, a thickness of at least 1 cm;
  • envelope lattice;
  • small, narrow planks for fixing the lattice;
  • small cut of linoleum;
  • canopies on the doors;
  • sewingalet;
  • a pen;
  • saws.

Algorithm of cell facilities with their own hands:

  1. At the first stage, we need to make a frame for the future dwellings of the Far. So with the help of wooden pars and self-tapping screws, we collect a frame that corresponds to the selected dimensions.
  2. Now we take plywood sheets and cut the partitions that will part the floors of the future house for ferret. For hygienicness, on the basis of partitions, the linoleum should be stuffed with the appropriate size, which will help make the process of cleaning events more comfortable.
  3. Fresh floor partitions to the frame so that they securely held and did not break off, because ferrets are distinguished by a very playful and playful temper, so they will often jump and run around the cage.
  4. If you make a cage with your own hands, then the roof can be placed on the interior of the room, where the house for ferret will stand. It can have a flat design, inclined or twin. If desired, the master who makes a dwelling for a fruit with his own hands, can decorate the roof with all sorts of decorative elements. It all depends on the skills and fantasies. It will be nice to look at the plywood roof of the hole, which will later be inserted with lattices. With the help of such decorative elements, it is easily consolidated by all sorts of interior items of the future Ferki house. So, for example, using the roofing holes, you can hang a small hammock to the animal lounge.
  5. Now we need to make the rear wall of the structure. As a material for this element, the cell will use all the same fane. It is important that the plywood sheet is solid. Cut on the overall sizes of the frame a piece of plywood and secure it on the back of the future house. In order for in the future, it was possible to fix in a ferret cell. All sorts of interior elements are necessary to do neat openings at the level of each floor in the back wall. It is recommended to leave a solid border from below, thanks to which it will be possible to avoid getting a quarrel on the floors in the room.
  6. The front wall of the cell for the Ferki is best done in the form of large two-dimensional doors. To do this, you need to assemble the frames of each door, which will correspond to the size of the dwelling of the ferret. Then we put each door with a piece of plywood sheet and cut out the neat windows on each of them, which will need to close with pieces of a solid grid with wooden platbands.
  7. The side walls of the future house of ferret are also made. But they do not necessarily cut the windows. Although it decides the master itself, who decided to make a pet cage with his own hands.
  8. Turn the facade flaps on the loop, adjust and screw the scorehold so that the fluffy cannot be independently getting out of his house.

That's all, the cell for the frogs is ready! Now it remains only to arrange its inner design.

On the floor above, you can install a comfortable house, which will be the perfect place to relax homemade fluffy. In this room, there must be a climb of a rounded form, the diameter of which should be at least 15 cm.