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Schedule Diesel Soligorsk Old roads. Soligorsk is old roads, train schedules and trains for all days of the week. About the train schedule Soligorsk - Old Roads

We continue to inspect and view the suburban trains of the Baltic tigers. Valera Latvia has come of your time. National State Railway Company Latvia - Latvijas Dzelzceļš. It is 2263.3 kilometers of Russian gauge 1520 mm, of which are electrified - almost 259. Latvia is 1,958,800 people. This is a little more than the population of the Kiev region of Ukraine (1,726,500 people), and less than the population of the Odessa region (2,379,200 people). In fact, as in the former Lugansk region of Ukraine - 2,200,800 people.

The total number of residents of the republic is reduced. It goes by itself a role and mortality, but many of the country are mainly in Ireland and the United Kingdom. Free people fully enjoy Europe! And those who enjoy only Latvia, they also go to picturesque suburban tours. Let's look at what.

There are four main locomotive depot: Riga, Zasulauks, Daugavpils and Gulbene. Not all of them have a motor-reshagous rolling stock (MVPS). Riga (Len-1) and Daugavpils (Len-2, former TC-3) specialize only on trunk and shrouded diesel locomotives. Gulbene serves some kind of narrow scene. Electrics and diesel trains are only in Zasulauks.

No modern MVPS detected. We are content with the Soviet heritage.

DR1A-254 and DR1A-246 -

Latvia, Ekabpils, Krustpils Station.

Through the depot, in his entire history, quite a lot of diesel trains passed, but the units were left. This is only a fragment from the list displaying the working compositions -

It can be seen that in June of this year, several diesel trains were overhaul and upgrades. They are marked by blue stripes.
For example: DR1A-185 after rejuvenation (losing both Cyrillic letters in the series) -

DR1AC-185, Latvia, Riga, Riga-Passenger station. Date: July 15, 2016

The situation is understandable: having its own car-building plant (RVZ), which is rather the dead than alive, it is silly to spend money for foreign products. At least something, but uploaded, provided part of their citizens with work and retained money within the country. This is not a fragmentary purchase of Ukraine of South Korean Hönde, to the detriment of its own manufacturer (Kryukovsky Carriage Plant).
Subject - .

12 compositions on the go, and the couple does not work. With a high probability, it is possible to say: overhaul and modernization they will also do in Riga.

Two acrobat brothers -

DR1AC-219 and DR1A-254, Latvia, Riga, Riga-Passenger station. May 20, 2016

By a snapshot, it is convenient to compare: what was and how it became.

With electric trains that are attributed to the same depot, a similar situation -

There are about three dozen of their own Riga electric trains ER2 and ER2T, built in the USSR, in recent years. Square in different compositions with different muzzles: Soviet and European.

ER2T-7117, Latvia, Riga, the shop of current repair of electric trains Depot Zasulauks. July 28, 2014

The same train ER2T-7117, but from another head, rail-born primorborn -

ER2T-7117, Latvia, Jelgava, Station Jelgava. July 2, 2015

Touch cars as they want. The compositions were broken and new cabins made conventional intermediate cars. From the muzzle are different.

MVPS, apparently enough to ensure local commuter needs. No suburban trains from second-class wagons (CMV) and diesel locomotives are not observed. There are no electric locomotives in Latvia.

What they write: they did not find anything from Latvian suburban news at all. Coffin silence. Apparently everyone suits everyone. Yes, and the reliable Soviet trains are not delivered. Ride yourself and go. Accidents, thank God, no.

But what got caught! What a fake tasty!

Latvian Railway - National State Railway Company Latvia. Founded in 1919 and restored in 1994 on the basis of the Latvian part of the Baltic Railway.
Concern Latvijas Dzelzceļš (Latvian Railway - LDZ) is one of the largest in the country.
The company employs more than 11,600 working. LDZ is one of the largest payers of social tax and income tax from the population in the state budget,
which makes a significant contribution to the national economy of the country.
Chairman of the Board - Ugis Magonis(from 2005 to 2015)

Chairman of the Board - Edwin Berzins(from 2016)

Company website:
Informal wanderer Vkontakte
Company `s logo.

Subsidiaries of the Latvian Railway
Ltd LDZ Cargo.- The carriage of cargo by rail.
Ltz Ritošā Sastāva Serviss- It is important all types of rolling stock repair, maintenance and equipment, is engaged in storing and selling fuel for rail carriers.
Ltdz Infrastruktūra LLC.- Removing the restoration and construction of railway tracks, as well as rails welding works.
Ltz APSARDZE."Provides security services - protects Gao Latvijas Dzelzceļš and related enterprises.
Ao Latrailnet-distribution of railway infrastructure capacity and the definition of infrastructure fees.

Private railway companies in Latvia.
Vas Pasažieru Vilciens. (Passenger train)
A / S Baltijas Tranzīta Serviss
A / S Baltijas Ekspresis
SIA Gulbenes Alūksnes Bānītis
SIA "L-Ekspresis"

Map of the Latvian Railway

Locomotive depot of the Latvian Railway
Daugavpils. (Ltd LDZ Ritošā Sastāva Serviss)
Rezekne(Warm Depot)
Ventspils (A / S Baltijas Ekspresis)
Yelgava (closed shop)
Gulbene(SIA Gulbenes Alūksnes Bānītis)
Zasulauks(A / S "VRC Zasulauks")

In the report of Russia - Latvia, trains of the formation of the Latvian Railway LDZ.

Train schedule Moscow - Riga

Trains run year-round and daily.

Train schedule Saint Petersburg - Riga

On the territory of Russia, the schedule is indicated by Moscow time. On the territory of other states, the schedule is local time.

Information for passengers:

Trains rush in trains:

Sleeping car 2-seater coupe (SV)

Passenger services in the car have 9 double coupes. Both beds are located at one level (bottom) on both sides of the table. Each coupe has a TV for watching video films (3 channels with the ability to view movies according to your choice), additional lighting, installation for air conditioning. In addition to passenger premises, there are two toilets with sinks for washing, a coupe for conductors and a service compartment.

Sleeping wagon with business class coupe (suite )

There are 4 compartment of the business class (space 1-2; 3-4; 5-6 and 7-8) in the sleeping car.

In each coupe of the business class there is a soft sofa transformed into a 2-bed bed - the lower place, a wide folding bed shelf (84 cm wide) - upper place; Table, sliding chair-bed, built-in wardrobe and washing with washbasin sink (with hot and cold water). The compartment provides local interior lighting, there is an air conditioning unit, as well as an individual audio / video system and a disc bar (musical and video solutions in the range). In addition to passenger premises, a shower is equipped with a shower, as well as 2 toilets with washbasins, coupe for conductors and a service compartment.

Registration of travel in a business class coupe is always carried out from the train station station to the train destination station.

One or two passengers can pass in the coupe. In all cases, the total cost of the coupe is charged and one travel document is issued.

The established cost of travel in a business class compartment is not available for existing benefits and discounts, the children's tariff is not applied. Returns from partially unused travel documents are not made.

From February 1, 2011, one child under the age of 10 can pass in a business class compartment for free (third passenger in the coupe). To do this, it is necessary to arrange a children's moneyless travel document without specifying the room.

Sleeping wagon with 4-seater coupe ("Coopery")

Passengers in the car have 9 quadruple coupe. Each coupe 2 lower places, 2 top places, table, additional lighting, installation for air conditioning. In addition to passenger premises, there are two toilets with washbasins for washing, a coupe for conductors and a service compartment.

Sleeping wagon open type (multiple)

This car is an open car. There are 9 compartments for passengers, each of which has 6 places for lying: 4 places (two on both sides of the table) in the "jewelry" part and 2 side places, one of which (lower) is unfolded by 2 places For seating and table. There is a pass between the "jewelry" part and the side. The car has two toilets with washbasins, a coupe for conductors and a service compartment.

Open-type wagon with seating sites ("common")

This car is an open car. There are 9 compartments for passenger services, each of which has 9 seats in each of which are 3 places from two sides from the table in the "jewelry" part and 3 side places, which, if necessary, lays out 2 seats and a table. There is a pass between the "jewelry" part and the side. The car has two toilets with washbasins, a coupe for conductors and a service compartment.

According to the latest data, the schedule of trains in the direction of Soligorsk - the old roads for today consists of 5 compositions (diesel engines or suburban trains), which are divided into morning, day and evening routes.

To save time - we offer the fastest on this path at the number number 6524. It makes it departing from the railway station Soligorsk at 12 o'clock 55 min. And arrives at 15 hours 4 minutes. At the end station old roads. The whole road will take in the amount of 2 h 9 min.

If there is enough time in stock or duration on the way is not particularly important - you can stop your choice by train from Soligorsk - Osipovichi-1, number 6526/6540. In this particular case, the time in the way is equal to 2 h 30 min, since the departure of the schedule is sent at 16 o'clock 17 minutes. And arrives at the end station old roads at 18 hours 47 min. .

All trains on the way Soligorsk are the old roads make stops where you can go out and make a change in the need for a suburban train, which goes in another direction.

The schedule presented on this page corresponds to the online scoreboard railway stations along the route Soligorsk - old roads. Thanks to the continuous update of information, this schedule is relevant, but since small operational changes are possible - you can clarify all the details at the dispatcher at the nearby train station, where you can also purchase tickets for the suburban train by following Soligorsk - old roads.