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The most terrible finds in the world. The most terrible archaeological finds

During the excavations, first of all pay great attention to the detected antiquities - whether dusty clay shards or luxuriously painted frescoes. But on the surface sometimes there are no less interesting finds, which can tell about the past days at no less than the artifacts themselves.

1. Smiling pot

It is not so often the ancient potter with a sense of humor. When the archaeologists dug 4000-year-old pot, he smiled. In 2017, when in Turkey near the Syrian border on excavations, lasting for 7 years, discovered another broken pot, it seemed that there was nothing unusual in it. But when the restoration team gathered fragments in a large pushed pot, then a very familiar noticed modern people - Smiley.

At about 1700 BC. Someone squeezed in wet clay a couple of eyes and stressed their "smile." White vessel with one handle, which was used to use Sherbet, today is considered the oldest emoticon in history. The place in which he was found is called Karci, and it once belonged to Hittites.

2. Paleonors

In 2000, Brazilian geologists began to find strange caves. Most of them were a long arched tunnel with perfectly smooth floorswho merged into complex underground chambers and passes. All signs indicated that these caves were not created with the help of any natural geological process. But what made entire networks such huge tunnels and caves in which it can full height walk a man.

The raysterity suggested the deep grooves found on the ceilings and walls, which, after more closest study, were ancient traces of claws. But really strange it all makes the scale of the so-called "paleonor". They are huge, even for extinct giant sloths or armadiors who consider the most likely creators of these structures.

The biggest Nora was discovered in the state of Rondonia. The total length of its passages was 610 meters, while the tunnels were 1.8 meters in height and 1.5 meters wide. To create only this hole, it took 4000 meters of cubic rocks. There are no explanations, why animals needed so sophisticated asylums or why there are no similar holes in North America, although gigantic sloths and armadasians also lived there.

3. Resin in the burial ground

Near the Deben River in England, a 27-meter ship was excavated, which was used as a tomb. In fact, this discovery occurred e-decades ago on Sutton Hu, an ancient cemetery, which is considered one of the most important burials in the UK. As scientists suggest, ship with precious metals And the stones are the tomb of the Redwald king, who died in 624 or 625 of our era.

The most intriguing was a black substance discovered throughout the boat. It was originally believed that this is a waterproofing agent. But thanks best technologieswhich have become available in 2016, repeated tests showed an unexpected result. The resid-like material was a rare view of bitumen, which is found exclusively in the Middle East. But that this bitum did on the ship, it is not clear. Perhaps at that time it was exported.

4. Prints on the sarcophage

In 2005, the restoration team worked on the sarcophagus in Cambridge? The Fitsuillama Museum. The coffin belonged to the priest named incomparator, which died about 1000 BC. Suddenly, the craftsman, who made the coffin 3,000 years ago, was discovered under the lid.

For some reason, the ancient workers processed the inner cover before drying the varnish. As a result of such an impatient, their prints are preserved for descendants. They were made public only 11 years later in 2016, when an unusual "artifact" included in the first major exhibition dedicated to Egyptian artists and how their styles developed for more than 4,000 years.

5. Amulet from chrysocolla

The Egyptians were seriously treated and attached to each of their meaning and quality. The researchers knew that green was symbolized in Egypt growth, harvest and health. It was important enough to put the scarab cut from the green stone next to the heart of the mummy. But no one suspected why the green color also occupied an important place when the case concerned Egyptian children. According to ancient records and hieroglyphs, young people even wore green makeup.

A recent discovery shows that Egyptian parents believed that this color could protect their offspring. When examining children's mummy on the body, a leather bag with a bright green amulet made of chrysocolla was discovered. When a child died 4,700 years ago, in Egypt, Malachite was the most affordable green mineral. The chrysocolla was a rare product, affordable only in Sinai and the East Egyptian desert.

A similar statuette of chrysocoles depicting a boy supports the theory that a certain green mineral was used only by children. Several experts agree that the amulet discovered from the baby who deceased from malaria was probably designed to ensure health and safety in the afterlife.

6. Scythian Kurgans

When the archaeologist Andrei Belinsky spread another Kurgan in Russia, he found what he kept secret for years. It was a Scythian grave belonging to the mysterious nomadic people, after which there was nothing except for thousands of Kurgan. It is not surprising that any new information about their culture is very appreciated by scientists. In 2013, Belinsky's team found a hidden underground chamber with gold jewelry and vessels of 2,400 years. To avoid looting, the discovery was silent. During the study, it turned out a lot of new about everyday life Scythians.

From the inside of one vessel, a sticky black residue was found, which was identified as cannabis and opium. This is the first confirmation of the approval of the ancient Greek historian of Herodotus that nomads used drugs during rituals. On the external surface This vessel was depicted scenes of violence. On another vessel, scenes are depicted, which explicitly reflect the cruel Scythian afterlime world. They are fighting the Scythians with each other, and the old man kills the boy.

7. Bread of Saint Francis

In the monks from the Fallon Monastery, collided with harsh and hungry winter. As the 700-year-old legend says, one day at night angel brought bread and left him on the threshold of the monastery. The monks considered that food was sent ?? Holy Francis of Assisi, who was in France at the time. The monks even counted the bag in which there was bread, the shrine and kept it for seven centuries. Scientists decided to check old legend and tested the preserved piece of the bag.

It turned out that the age of the fabric dates from about 1220-1295, i.e. Ideally coincides with the year when a miracle happened (1224). Then scientists investigated the inner surface of textiles and found ergosterol. This biomarker is usually found in mold associated with baking, brewing and agriculture. Most likely, medieval material engaged in contact with bread. These data, together with the age of relic, confirm the myth.

8. New covenant painted by urine

Another religious artifact come from Italy is an incomplete Bible and is called the Purple Rossan Code. The manuscript contains only the gospel of Matthew and Mark, the 1500-year-old book refers to the number of the most ancient New Testament manuscripts and has long led to the perplexity of scientists with their purple pages (in those days the dyes were very difficult to do). Initially it was assumed that the parchment was treated with substance allocated by the sea mucas of the Murex genus.

In 2016, when conducting X-ray fluorescence, scientists could not find a bromine on pages (and it should be contained in the substances obtained from the slugs). In the end, it turned out that the manuscript was processed by Orsyin ( natural dyewhich is extracted from lichens), as well as ... fermented urine. The processing process required ammonia, and at that time there was no other source of ammonia, except urine.


In 2010, the Supreme Council of Egypt on the Affairs of Antiquities experienced real panic. In Tutankhamon's tomb, something began to occur that scientists could not explain. Almost on each surface, including frescoes, whitening on the walls and even silver, brown spots began to appear. Concerned that the respiration of tourists stimulated the growth of microbes, the Council caused experts from Los Angeles. The stains really turned out to be bacteria that were dead for thousands of years. These organisms led to the emergence of another secrecy.

First, they could not identify with the help of DNA analysis, scientists were able to establish only what is fungus. Secondly, the presence of this fungus added questions about the already mysterious pharaoh. Tutankhamon died completely suddenly at the age of only 19 years about 3000 years ago. It seems that he was buried as quickly. The most reasonable assumption is that Tutankhamon died, without having his own pyramid.

As you know, Pharaohs prepared places to rest long before death. In this case, the tomb was erected as soon as possible, hastily prepared and sealed, while the frescoes and plaster were still wet. This humidity in combination with skin cells and breathing workers led to the appearance of microbes. Such stains were not found in any other Egyptian tomb. Therefore, this is a real mystery: why Pharaoh was so hurry to bury.

10. Archives

Another magenta pigment damages the scrolls around the world. But the ancient scribes themselves never added a pigment, which for years "eaten" the texts and destroyed the parchment. To get to the cause of this problem, the researchers studied a damaged book from Vatican secret archives. This 5-meter goat skins scroll was a petition written in 1244 of our era. The marks in the fields have already disappeared under violet color, and some pages completely became unreadable.

Suspecting the presence of microbes, researchers took samples from a sequencing scroll. Unlike the mysterious "attacker" in the tomb of Tutankhamon, this type of bacteria was able to identify. However, bewilderment caused the fact that these were marine bacteria, because the history of the scroll was in no way connected with the ocean. But damaged manuscripts were one general - they were made of animal skins. It turned out to be a key that helped find a randering.

The skins were treated with sea salt into which marine organisms fell, including those that produce purple dye. Bacteria began to multiply in goat skins when the temperature and humidity became suitable for this. Today, the damage caused to many manuscripts, we irreparable, but the researchers continue to hope that one day they can safely remove the remaining pigment.

In the article about the most terrible finds We placed such exhibits that first shocked the participants of the expeditions, which they found them, and after the publication of the facts, caused shock and in the world community.

Virgo Liulayleyo.

Mummy Girls, which at the time of death was 13-14 years old, was found in the Andes at an altitude of 6,700 meters by the German archaeologist Johann Reinhard.

After the study, it became clear that the Inca brought a girl to the sacrifice, before this year it was fed with high-quality food, and at the same time he was punished with narcotic substances. Rather, terrible death and came as a result of an overabundance in the children's drug body.

We judge this from the position of the morality of today, and at the time terrible, as it seems to us, were the usual phenomenon heated by religious ideas. By the way, on our website you can see an interesting article about the most unusual in the world.

Cemetery of babies

What could be terrible toothbeat? In 1988, work was carried out on the study of aqueduct times of the Roman Empire in the Israeli city of Ashkelon. As a result of work, scientists stumbled upon a terrible burial ground in which only babies were buried.

Historians found out that in this place in the ancient period was the institution where children were killed. The fact is that according to the Roman law, if the father up to 2 years of age of the baby, did not recognize the child, he was killed.

Thus, they got rid of illegitimate children. The boys were killed immediately, but girls could save life, and, having matured, they replenished the ranks of the priests of the oldest profession.

In 1886, in the study of the Pyramids of Egypt, the Egyptologist Gaston Masperly found an unusual mummy at all of the tsarist origin. The buried washed in sheep the skin, and there was no accompanying inventory.

But surprised by the researchers another. Overlooking the mummy, they saw that the hands of the deceased were connected, and on his face it was frozen asking for a cry. He was given the name "Unknown Man E", and later several more similar burials were discovered.

The opinions of scientists were divided. Some have talked about the terrible death that has suffered these people, and part of the scientific society now agrees that open mouth is a consequence of natural reasons.

Six-month infant

This discovery is just the age of buried boy-inuita. At the time of death, it happened about 1475, he was only 6 months old.

It was discovered during archaeological research on the island of Greenland, and 7 adults were buried next to him. The eternal Merzlota allowed not only the clothes, but also the skin of the buried.

This find allowed the archaeologists and ethnographers a lot to learn a lot about the lifestyle of the tribes of Greenland than they were fed, than they were hurting, and what caused death.

In the category of "The most terrible finds" according to the site, the cemetery of decapitated Vikings, found in 2010 as a result of archaeological studies in the English county Dorset.

The worst thing was that the body 54 soldiers were beheaded, and the heads lay aside from the phone. To the same, several skulls lacked, and people were killed were a blow of a sword in the front.

Perhaps it was a massive demonstration execution, or the sacrifice of the gods, and the missing skulls were taken in the form of trophies, or put on the flooring to edify to comrades.

Thanks archeology, it was possible to reveal the murder, perfect almost 3 thousand years ago. But perhaps a person discovered in Denmark was strangled as a ritual victim.

Those who lived in the III century BC, after suffocation was thrown into the swamp, so his body and face were well preserved, as the peat is a great preservative. It was possible to even remove the fingerprint.

Local boys found the body in 1950, and at first they thought that this was their friend, drowned earlier in these brake swamps. A terrible find gave a rich material to understand the history of the very beginning of the Iron Age.

This discovery made in 1952, also in Denmark swamps, shocked archaeologists not only preserved on the skull of hair, but also the causes of death.

According to scientists, it was slaughtered, most likely fellow villagers, and thrown into the swamp. In addition, he had a broken leg, but an injury was obtained during life or during the fall it is impossible.

After all, in the third century BC, cruel morals, and an innocent person aged about 30 years old, accused of a cripplence, and perhaps in some other troubles, and killed coldly.

That's not all…

We collected so much interesting material, swinging this topic, which simply cannot complete it here.

We continue the topic of archeology article about. It is very interesting!

They write and say, as one old nationalist, a proud warrior of resistance, who avoided Tslenya in the dungeons and a chasing hand, for many years after the war, watered a vegetable garden for the hot engine oil. In the garden, nothing edible has grown, but several buried machine guns, in theory, were to "live", not rust, until the best times - the sweet hour of retaliation. Yes, Nepru - did not survive himself elderly revenge, died in a terrible dream, where his house, his fortress, surrounded by a tight ring of security officers and demanded to pass weapons. There will be several more dozen or, maybe hundreds of years, and the mystery of the armory will be revealed by archaeologists ...

People, by the nature of the activities are picking in the feet of the past, often have to face not only with amazing, but also with terrible. On the movie screen, mummies are revived by the natural romance of the audience, and the curses come true, the old blowing myths are divorced and new ones. Earth tatt a lot - in fiction, and in reality. Therefore, the nervous and constant in archeology is not a place. For anything happens ...

1. Screaming Mummy

In 1886, the respected researcher of the Egyptian antiquities Gaston Maspero was engaged in his usual business - the extraction of the luxurious sarcophagus, the "blind" by them and inventory, "as suddenly it came across an unusually modest, obviously, not the royal burial about which there was no information. . In addition, the body discovered in the box was wrapped in sheep the skin - unclean, according to the ancient Egyptians, the substance. The hands and legs of the mummy were connected, and on what was face, frozen cry - clearly not enthusiastic, and possibly from pain:

Archaeologists called "Unknown Man E". Experts put forward the assumption that the dead man before death was poisoned, or they were tortured, whether they lived in generally. In the 20th century, this stupid terrible theory was debunked by the data of painstaking scientific research.

Everything turned out to be simple. The fact is that if the mummy during the embarrassment forgot to suspend the jaw, then at the further decay of the tissue of the mouth, the mouth has opened. It happened that the strap from the jaw went. The current mummifiers take into account this in their work, and since the time of Maspero several "screaming mummies" were discovered by soblites in different countries World.

At the same time, a reasonable explanation of the phenomenon "Creek of the Deadman" does not make fun and cute. They are terrible. And this, perhaps, is not bad - you need the thrill to people.

2. The brother grave of headless Vikings

Once in 2010, yawning and thinking about the mug of beer and a sofa, citizens archaeologists picked up in the Earth at the old road in the British county Dorset. It was assumed that a pair of shards will be dug or even a piece of plow, but fate prepared surprise researchers.

Kirk workers and brushes appeared to the light white mass burial of 54 Wiking warriors, who were, sorry for tautology, are headlong. That is, bones separately, the skulls are separately.

After examining the fraternal grave in more detail, the archaeologists learned interesting: those who fought with Varyagov's corpses after their death, dismembered the bodies and buried separately not only heads, and legs with handles and torso. In addition, the skulls were discovered significantly less than 54. The horror of some kind ...

The initial theory was the following: Vikings captured the village, behaved there badly, and therefore, when the retribution was followed, the locals were avenged by the dead, choking them into pieces, and several goals dragged home as souvenirs. But scientists alert the fact that all heads were cut down the same - a blow to the sword in the front. I gave some cruel ritual, not a panic revenge, but by cold-blooded violence. Probably - public.

The unexpected archaeological discovery made it possible to understand what were the produces of the 8-9 centuries of our era, when the Anglo-Saxons had to tolerate regular robbing raids of Scandinavians. It is possible that the fear of robbers demanded from the avengers of ritual dismemberment and sorting of parts of their ammunted bodies.

3. Do not be afraid, they do not bite. They just did not know how to fly

The case was in the Kauranga National Park, which is on the southern island of New Zealand, whose nature is familiar to us on the filmmaker "The Lord of the Rings". At the foot of the Marble Mount Owen, in one of the karst caves, professional lovers of geological dicks gained impressions, followed 1986.

In one of the claustrophobic stone corridors, researchers of the urgeless paths found something that made them remember the frames from all seen long years The life of horror films. The exciting find was a bunch of strange bones, places covered with rough thick skin:

Visitors of the cave thought they deal with a certain guest from Hell, who gave God or the soul line recently. Therefore, the question was asked reasonably: and whether the friends and relatives of the unknown mounds are quite near the dark galleries. Judging by the Skull and Beak found in addition, the meeting with them lived anything pleasant to the people.

The truth was not terrible - the researchers stumbled upon a cave on a 3000-year-old antiquity remains of a very large bird of Moa, similar to ostrich. In the absence of obvious natural enemies, Moa, weighing up to 250 kilos, could afford even hints on the wings.

But three thousand backs on the islands of New Zealand appeared ancestors of the present Maori - the aborigines of these distant lands. The meat of Moa came to taste, and the last Moa was eaten by the natives about 1500 of our era.

123 to the described discovery of the Bone of the MOA were found in another New Zealand cave of some James Campbell. There is still a hypothesis that somewhere in uninhabited regions of New Zealand, these birds could continue. It happens. Searches continue.

4. Sewerage, full of killed babies

Another plot for the budget horror film was ripe in 1988 in Ashkelon, which is in the south of Israel. Running the ancient Roman sewer collector, where in the old days of water and sewage from the local term (bath), the archaeologists found thousands of small human bones, most likely belonged to human babies.

It turned out that in a cracked place was not quite ordinary bath - an institution, specially built for the mass extermination of newborn children. According to Roman law, under 2 years old was considered the property of the Father. If the Roman did not take the baby in his hands shortly after birth, he made it clear that he was not needed by the child, and then the child could be in accordance with the law to kill. Only with the statement in the Byzantium of Christianity, the detebide fell under the ban.

It is also possible that bones from Ashkelon belong to the extramarital children of local representatives of the most ancient professions. Numerous colleagues of Mary Magdalene were not protected in those years, and it is believed that they rejected all the boys born and part of the girls (those who are lucky to live, growing, adopted the mother's craft).

5. People from the swamp

To live in the north of Europe and work on peat - fate, just say, unenviable. First, peat mining is considered one of the most dreary, depressive professions.

Well, secondly, the workers of peat deposits regularly have to commit unpleasant archaeological discoveries, accompanied by such a trembling shitty:

However, the "shit" is terrible only at first glance. Once it was normal, simple mortal, which one fine day gave ends and was buried in a wetland. Under conditions of high acidity, low temperature and oxygen deficiency, the body of the dead is mummy and preserved too well. Although it also happens that the so-called criminal corpses of past centuries are also found in peatings. Such is the famous Tolling man from Denmark, whom he hung on the leather rope in the 4th century to our era. It was discovered in the summer of 1950 in the summer of 1950. The internal organs brought by someone sacrificed the grandfather were very well preserved, at the time of death, the Tollyundsky man was about 40 years old, and his last meal was porridge. Head of crazy mummy decorates leather hat:

Another ancient Danchanin with excellently preserved hair was found in 1952 in a swamp near the town of Chalkoll. Judging by the converted throat, the poor fellow killed and threw the corpse into the head, where he also "managed" to break his leg. There is a version that the Globallian person fell fellow villagers for the fact that ... in that year a bad harvest happened.

Well, the bored skull of the so-called man from Osterby, found in a swamp in the area of \u200b\u200bthe German village of the same name, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat hairstyle worn old men in the ancient German tribes who lived in the territory of the FRG in the first millennium to our era. Such a hairstyle is called the "Swabian node". The hair of the deceased was originally gray, and the red was the oxidation in the gloomy peat jam.

Very often, questions generated by the finds of archaeologists remain without answers. Extracted from the darkness of non-existence, the witnesses of the distant past keep their secrets. Sometimes they only lead to the perplexity of the researchers, and sometimes they are terrified, hitting their cruelty overlooking the mind. Some archaeological findings whose photos are presented in the article belong to this category.

Frozen Creek

"Egypt of Egypt" is a serious organization, where all archaeological finds that have fallen into its field of view, are scrupulously recorded in the relevant accounting registries. Mr. Gaston Maspero, who worked in this department a fair amount of years, she seemed to see everyone, and when a new part of the artifact arrived in November 1886, habitually took the case.

The day was already cloned in the evening when he remained to register the last, still hidden under the layer of ancient matter shape. The official was cut away with the usual movement and shifted an ancient savan on the parties, tightly fallen a mummy. What he saw forced him to be excluded. In the bugger rays of the sinking of the sun, in front of him appeared curved in convulsions with a pulled, like a captive with his hands and legs.

But it did not take it into the horror of the species of the official. Mummy's wide open mouth, she was spoiled in a silent cry, frozen several millennia ago. The head was tracked back, and it seemed to looked at Mr. Massepro full of suffering with bottomless eyeballs.

Having come to themselves, the official realized that he involuntarily witnessed the last act, which was walked in the distant past of the tragedy, and maybe crimes. There was no doubt that this unfortunate, whose body was lying on the table of one of the offices of the Honor's office, was buried alive. What caused such cruelty - will forever remain a mystery.

The ancient Egyptians, sending close to the wanderings around the afterlife, great importance betrayed his mouth, as it should be considered forever closed, otherwise the deceased will not find peace. Nevertheless, up to this day appear before archaeologists these screaming dead. They sometimes find the American Indians, and Celts, and other nations. It seems that they carry the guard in the depths of the ancient burials, scaring the uninvited guests with their cry - treasure seekers.

Defended Skeletons

A few years ago, many British newspapers came out with screaming headlines - "nightmare County Dorset", "Horror Dorset County" and other variations on this topic. What screamed the journalists so so, and forced the inhabitants for a while forget about other newspaper news? And it happened that.

In those days on one of the oldest roads Dorset counties, which is located in the south-west of the country and washed by the water of La Mansha, were produced repair work. We disassemble the old bridge, which has long been learning your age, and in her place laid modern road covering. Suddenly, the bulldozer who worked almost away from the road, having moved the top layer of the earth with his knife, exposed what was hidden under him from human eyes.

Before the eyes of the amazed workers, many darkened human bones appeared. About Nakhodka reported the police. Those, having arrived and fulfilling all the formalities necessary in such cases, informed the staff of the Royal Archaeological Society.

When the scientists arrived at the place and began to study the burial ground, the first thing that rushed into their eyes was the lack of skulls. They were discovered somewhat later, after additional excavations. The skulls were buried near, and it seemed that they were specifically stacked with a smooth pyramid.

The remains of ancient weapons - swords and shields were found here, according to the characteristic features of which they determined that their owners were undoubtedly Vikings. But the main sensation was waiting ahead. When they began to study in detail each of the skeletons, it turned out that their position indicated that those unfortunate to whom they had once belonged, first were buried to the ground standing to the level of shoulders, and after that they lost their heads.

These terrible archaeological finds received the most likely explanation. In the ninth century, Vikings made devastating raids into the territory of Britain. County Dorset, located on the shore of the Strait, has become another prey for them. Obviously, at some point, military luck turned away from these robbers, and fifty-four thugs (exactly the number of human remains counted scientists), they fell into the hands of local residents.

Times were barbaric, and one should not be surprised at the fantasy with which aggressors were punished. They were buried on the neck and cut off the heads, obviously, with some peasant sulfur or braids. Features of the soil in this part of the country, allowed the testimony of this terrible reprisal to our days.

"Matryshka" from hell

In 2009, something that was not found even the most approximate explanation was added to the category "inexplicable archaeological finds". This year in Sweden, in Motale, in the territory where the lake was once located were, excavations were carried out. Suddenly, a strange subject came to the hands of scientists, an externally resembling a stone, but turned out to be a human skull.

Such archaeological finds are not uncommon, but in this case something alerted researchers. The reason was the unusual weight of the skull - undoubtedly, he kept something in himself, while still hidden from prying eyes. The results of the X-ray led to the amazement of scientists. It turned out that their find consists of eleven (!) Human skulls embedded in each other. Before them was some terrible "matryoshka", which was from the gloomy depths of the underworld.

It is difficult to even imagine how many people from the babies to the deceiving old people paid their lives, for the sake of this hellish souvenir, where the skulls were with the striking accuracy of the same one in the other. Unusual archaeological finds always excite the minds of the researchers and give rise to many hypotheses. So it was this time. However, no convincing explanation of Nakhodka sounded. Whether she was an element of some ancient ritual or simply by the generation of someone's sick fantasy - forever remained mystery.

Swiss clock from the ancient tomb

Per lately Increasingly mentioned in the media, mysterious archaeological finds allocated to a special group called "abnormal artifacts". We are talking about the attributes of modern life found in the excavations of cultural layers relating to the long-saved epochs. We give a few examples.

A few years ago, Chinese scientists, producing an excavation of the ancient tomb in the Guangxi area, unexpectedly discovered the item resembling a ring. Cleaning him from dust, scientists discovered that they keep their hands in their hands. Yes yes, elegant ladies WatchYes, besides, also Swiss. The age of the tomb, where this discovery was discovered by four hundred years, and she never opened - there was no doubt about it. How did you get modern hours in it?

Hammer made before the appearance of people

In 1936, in the United States in the state of Texas, scientists were presented with a puzzle, which remained not solved up to the present day. In limestone layers, whose age is one hundred and forty million years, a hammer was discovered, literally imprinted in the breed. His handle petrified and turned into coal, which confirms its multi-million age. Metal, from which the hammer was made, was something unique. According to experts, such pure iron did not succeed in the entire history of world metallurgy.

Scientists of the whole world recognize that such mysterious archaeological finds are not uncommon. There are quite a few cases when many millions of years and formed long before the emergence of the first people, they discover certain objects of our modern life. There may be no explanation for this phenomenon to give an official science and therefore simply ignores such facts.

Time Travel - Future Technology

We give another example. In Texas, during the scientific research of archaeologists, one of the surprises was waiting, also having no rational explanation. Under the layer of rocks, traces of a person were discovered, and next to them traces of a dinosaur. All incredibility of such a combination is that the ancient reptiles lived on Earth for many million years before the appearance of the first people. This fact has long been installed by science and is not subject to doubt.

Archaeological finds of this kind, by virtue of their mysteriousness, generate the most bold and sometimes incredible hypotheses. What, besides moving in time, can be explained by such a connection of attributes of various eras, sometimes lagging from each other for millions of years? In our modern life, things became ordinary things that have recently seemed fantastic. Who knows, maybe the journey in time is quite real, but not known to us while technology.

Siberian finds

But back from the field of hypotheses in the sphere, where archaeological finds are quite recognized by scientific circles. In the Museum of Museum of Novosibirsk, for example, exposures are presented undoubtedly deserving close attention. And although they do not turn into shock, as the artifacts that were discussed above, but nevertheless can serve as food for the richest imagination.

Interesting archaeological finds were among the exhibits of the museum after excavations produced in Moshkovsky district near Novosibirsk. We are talking about a cult pad, on which ritual sacrifices accomplished during at least seven centuries. No, no, the charred human bones was found not, and representatives of the Kulay tribes, who left us this monument, were not distinguished by wild nravami, but these findings are unique in their own way.

The fact is that in this sacral location were discovered but large number ancient jewelry, arrows and elements of combat and casual wear, two burials placed in stone sarcophages made from monolithic granite slabs. Given that the age of their at least two thousand years, it remains only to build hypotheses as to how these ancient Siberian tribes managed to produce granite, process and build geometrically flawless structures from it. Where did these technologies come from and where they disappeared?

Exhibits of the Omsk Museum

You can also see unusually interesting archaeological finds in the Museum of Omsk. All that is delivered here from scientific expeditions, it became not just exhibits of the exhibition, but also elements, on the basis of which reconstructions of housing belonging to the most different epochs. Among them, the Chum from the skins of animals belonging to the stone century, and the dust-dwelling of people of the Middle Ages.

The age of early parking of ancient people in the area has fourteen and a half thousand years. In science, this period is considered the end of the early Stone Age. He gave scientists many of the most interesting archaeological finds. Artifacts mined by Omsk archaeologists irrefutably prove that already in those days their countrymen used onions, swam in boats, knew weaving and owned pottery art. In severe and snowy winters, they used skis, which appeared from other nations only after many centuries.

Alpine Nakhodka

It is interesting to remember the latest archaeological finds, quite widely illuminated in the media. Among them, the most ancient mummy of the European man detected in the Alps in the nineties of the past century caused the greatest interest in the scientific world. It was discovered on the border of Italy and Austria. Her age is more than five thousand years.

Studies have shown that the mummy belongs to a man of forty-six years, which occupied the breeding of livestock and the dead from the arrows. In addition, the decoding of the genome helped establish what he had brown eyes, and largely was similar to the modern residents of Corsica and Sardinia.

Priestess from Scythian steppes

Another mummy found in the same period on the border of Mongolia received the name "Princess of Dock". This mummy received his name on the name of the plateau, where it was discovered in one of the Kurgans of the Scythian period. After a comprehensive study of the discovery, it was found that the "Princess", which the Mongols consider to be their student, died another young woman. She had no more than twenty-six years old.

It is curious that in the burial she was rich in rich clothes from Silka, and her body was decorated with a tattoo depicting the figure of griffins. In addition, with her in Kurgan, six horses were buried. All these details indicate that the mummy found, in all likelihood, belonged to one of the Scythian priestesses.

Amulet from the suburbs

Remembering famous archaeological finds recent yearsIt is impossible not to mention the curious artifacts found quite recently during the excavations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Myakinino not far from Moscow. Among them, it deserves special attention, the so-called amulet - a snake. Archaeological finds in Russia are not rarely a variety of amulets, overalls and other sacral items, the purpose of which is to protect their owners from different dark forces.

The feature of this find is that it can be rightfully called an intermediate element when moving from paganism to Christianity. On one side of this cast bronze amulet placed relief image The scenes of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, and on the other - the mythical figure of a woman whose legs are moving in the body of eleven sneaking snakes.

Archaeological ancient findings like this are often amazed by their full inconsistency in the current Christian canons, and indicate naive, and, in part, childhood of our distant ancestors to higher powergoverning their lives. It seems that the ancient master put both on the amulte, such not compatible images of images, guided by simple logic - someone else, maybe it will help.

Some of the finds who excited the world

Listing the most interesting archaeological finds that caused the greatest public resonance, one can list discoveries made by scientists in different parts Planets. Their huge amount. Among them, be sure to remember the skull, the so-called "Venetian vampire". Unlike his fellow who graduated from his night people with a stake in his chest, this led from the world of shadows, poured by the mouth of the cement. With this stone gag in the mouth, and his skull was found in the vicinity of Venice.

Reports on excavations conducted in 2006 in the district of the Mexican capital terrified the public with the number of people extracted from the Earth the remains of people and animals. It was also known a lot about bloody sacrifices of Aztecs, but these excavations demonstrated the scale of such shares, and the satanic fantasy of their performers. Before humanity, all the horror of that era fully appeared.

Sometimes researchers are waiting for sensational discoveries in the most unexpected places. For example, during the study of the sewage system of the ancient Roman-Vizantines, the archaeologists suddenly stumbled upon a huge accumulation of children's remains. How they got there, and that prompted someone to make such a barbaric act, throwing them into the sewer - forever will remain the gloomy mystery of the past centuries.

Opening Henry Schliman

What archaeological finds received the greatest world fame and influenced the further development of science? Probably the most significant of them was the discovery made in 1865 by Heinrich Schliman. Yes, yes, we are talking about the opening of the legendary Troy. Having read Homer and becoming his connoisseur and fan, Schliman could not imagine that the Troy description was given by his favorite author as a poetic fiction. Contrary to the existing opinion at that time, he only believed in the historicity of everything that the ancient poet described.

He believed and searched. Thanks to the obsession of this person, he and his colleagues discovered the ruins of an ancient city, and the three herself ceased to be a legend. Henry Schliman entered the story not only as an outstanding researcher, but also as a symbol of purposefulness capable of committing that according to generally accepted concepts is considered impossible. Many archaeological findings, the photos of which are given in this article, are found by followers of this wonderful German scientist. It was he who inspired the whole generation of archaeologists for work, whose crown was new discoveries.

The nervous path to archaeologists is ordered, since not only ancient shards and historical relics can be extracted from the depth of the earth, but also human remains, buried very terrible way, skeletons of archaic unknown animals and other horrors covered by the smoke of centuries.

Scary human remains

Since the death of these people, centuries and millennia were held. What kind of riddles of the past keep their remains?

Screaming mummy

In 1886, the country of Pyramids and Pharaohs threw the next riddle to historians. The Egyptologist Gaston Massero came across unusual burial: it was very modest that it was not standard for luxurious Egyptian sarcophagus and burials - obviously not royal when he learned the mummy from the sarcophagus in order to be developed, examine and pass the museum, he discovered the body without any jewelry, Wrapped in a sheep skin. But the ancient Egyptians were considered sheep the skin with a symbol of vice. The limbs of the mummy were associated, and on her face, the mouth curved in the cry was frozen.

In the archaeology environment, this terrible find was called "Unknown Man E". Many experts put forward their opinions on the death of the late: poisoning, cruel torture, burial alive.

In the 20th century, the new generation of archaeologists dispelled the pessimistic guesses of the predecessors. After the "Mummy Masper", several more "screaming" copies in various tombs around the world were discovered. In the course of their research, it turned out that if during the mummification the dead did not sue the jaw, as required by the ritual, during the decay of tissues, the jaw was opened and such a "horror mask" was frozen on the face. It also happened that the strap or rope was moved from the jaw or rushed.

Headless Vikings

Another terrible find was made by archaeologists relatively recently, in 2010, on excavations in the British county Dorset. Researchers planned to find ancient shards, plows and other inventory ancestors. They were waiting for a surprise. Under the thick layer of the soil, the ancient fraternal grave of the Vikings was found. All warriors were beheaded, the skulls lay separately from skeletons.

After a more detailed study of the burial, archaeologists found out another terrible detail - the bodies were 54, but the heads are significantly less. Scientists came to the conclusion that there was a public execution or a ritual of mass sacrifice, since all the heads were disconnected from the body by hitting the sword in the neck. Apparently, several heads captured the killers as souvenirs.

The estimated date of burial: 8-9 century of our era, the time when the Anglo-Saxons suffered a robbery scandinavian raids. Therefore, a variant of the demonstrative reprisals with the offenders was not excluded in order to others were no strong.

Cemetery of babies

Literally the story for the horror movie was thrown into the history of archaeologists in 1988. During the excavations of the ancient sewage, the time of the Roman Empire near the Israeli city of Ashkelon workers stumbled upon a whole graveyard of babies - thousands of small bones.

It turned out that in this place there was a special establishment created for the extermination of disagreeable babies. The Roman law allowed the child to kill the child under 2, if his father did not recognize him, since before this age, the baby was considered his father's property. Among the dead babies could also be the extramarital children of local prostitutes.

Born boys were not lucky the most - they were killed immediately. Girls could wait for less cruel fate - they were left alive, so that in the future they could replenish the ranks of representatives of the most ancient profession.

Strange finds

What are unusual finds, in addition to human remains, is the earth? Let's find out.

Unknown animal

In 1986, active recreation lovers were gaining impressions in the Kauranga National Park, New Zealand. Near the foot of Mount Owen, amateur researchers came across a karst cave, which they decided to visit.

In one of the winding cave corridors, the company came across a frightening find - the mountain of bones of a strange view, places covered with thick skin. It was not possible to determine the type of animal travelers, therefore, feeling a superstitious horror, young people decided that this is a certain inhabitant of hell escaped to earth to emit the spirit here.

Panic turned out to be in vain. Travelers stumbled upon the skeleton of the ancient bird of Moa, who lay down in a cave a lot of no one for 3 thousand years and surprisingly well preserved. It is saying that in the deserted regions of New Zealand, this bird can still exist.

Crystal Skull

In the middle of the XIX century, the adventurers of the old and new world were eager to get the subject created by the hands of the Indians of Central America - a skull of pure crystal, made with amazing for primitive technologies with naturalism. No one seen the skulls, but the press stubbornly heated interest.

In 1889, in search of skulls in the jungle, Guatemala went to the British Antiquarian Eugene Boban. And found the whole two!

40 years later in the jungle of Belize (Central America) Fearless researcher Frederick Mitchell Hedgees (by the way, it was he who became a prototype of Indiana Jones) found a chape of quartz weighing 5 kilograms.

In 2007, mysterious skulls were analyzed with the help of UV radiation and particle accelerator. The results were sorrified by lovers of unknown: Nakhodka and Boban, and Hedges were "Novyodel". Crystal was from Switzerland (in the second case from Germany), and traces of the milling machine were discovered on the surface.

Terrible finds of modernity

Barrels with embryos

In 2012 in Sverdlovsk region, not far from the village of Anik, the locals found four sealed in the overgrown ravine plastic barrels. Inside, human embryos were lying: 50 pieces treated with formal drugs with a tag on each.

Arriving policemen fusure the ravine and found about two hundred embryos and 113 tags with the names of the guide and names medical institutions. Before death, all embryos were on the 22-26 weeks of development.

The versions of the fact that the embryos were kept in barrels, there were several: negligently utilized abortion material, material for vaccines or drugs for research. Their origin has not been determined. Police opened a criminal case on the fact of pollution ambientSince formalin from the barrels got into the soil.

Bangkok Nakhodka

In 2010, a case similar to Nevyansky occurred in Thai Bangkok. 348 human embryos sealed in plastic bags discovered in a Buddhist temple. The guilty was found - 33-year-old Lanchakon Chantonanat did underground abortions to girls (in Thailand abortions are prohibited by law) and hid an aborted material in the temple.

Current are not only antiquity. Editorial board website made up the top of the most terrible killers in modern history.
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