Repair Design Furniture

How to cut thick foam. How are styrofoam boards cut? Styrofoam is successfully used as a material for the manufacture of relief images: emblems, signs, decorative plates, decorations

Heat-insulating structures are assembled from modern polystyrene foam, cut out decorative elements and produce a large number of other things.

Its scope is very wide. And not least due to the fact that this material is easy to process, quickly fits and can be cut with your own hands.

However, you also need to be able to cut the foam with your own hands. After all, to get a really high-quality cut and the final detail, you need to try hard. Note that it is not dangerous.

1 Styrofoam cutting

So, expanded polystyrene, like any other material, needs to be processed before use. Initially, it is supplied in ordinary plates with a certain thickness. However, the shape of the plates is not always enough to use them wherever necessary.

Often the plate has to be cut into pieces, cut, cleaned. Sometimes it becomes necessary to cut off a decorative part on the edge of the slab or make a certain angle.

There are actually a lot of options. But the question remains one. How to cut styrofoam? It would seem, why else invent some additional units, buy a special foam cutter if it’s not something to cut, you can even break it with your own hands. And this is literally.

Here we must turn to the features of the polystyrene itself and. The foam itself consists of small polystyrene beads.

The initial raw material in it is a polymer that is mixed with foam fillers and air. The result is quite pliable and very lightweight construction that can be easily cut or broken by hand.

That's just breaking the foam - it's not the best solution. The break line will never be accurate. Styrofoam balls will bend it, making the final design unsuitable for precise work.

However, we still note that it is very easy to break or cut the foam. That is, cutting foam at home is quite real. Another question is how to do this accurately and with minimal damage to the material. This is where a foam cutter or any home-made device will come in handy.

2 Cutting tools

The foam cutting tool may have different design. It depends on the design and type of cutting how exactly the foam cutter will cope with its tasks.

Cutters are:

  • Mechanical on ;
  • Thermal.

A mechanical cutter is used in order to be able to carry out comparatively small jobs in cramped conditions. It is possible to cut the body of polystyrene foam with a mechanical impact device. That's just the quality of the cut, which will turn out in the end, may not be as we would like.

Thermal foam cutter is already professional equipment. It is used by builders, designers and other similar professionals.

The thermal cutter quickly makes holes or cuts lines in any type of Styrofoam. Ranging from conventional to high density extruded foam.

The thermal apparatus basically uses a hot thread or wire.

According to the type of assembly, the device for cutting polystyrene foam can be divided into:

  • Brand samples;
  • Homemade samples.

In the first case, we are dealing with units that were created at the factory. They are specially designed and conceived in such a way as to give a person maximum productivity and convenience during work.

Branded models include both specialized foam knives and large thermal cutters or other professional equipment.

For example, the same laser cutting Styrofoam is only possible through the use of low-power factory lasers, which are controlled by a computer. They are expensive, bulky and rather complicated, but as a result of working with them you will get an almost perfect cut.

2.1 Mechanical cutting

Mechanical cutting is performed with tools that basically use the force of mechanical action or friction.

These include:

  • Knives;
  • Bulgarians;
  • Jigsaws;
  • Saws.

Most often, such equipment is used at home. When you do not have the opportunity to buy a thermal cutter, and there is no desire. Let's not forget that a quality thermal cutter can be quite expensive.

And it’s far from always worth buying, especially if you just need to cut a pair with your own hands. polystyrene boards for thermal insulation.

The easiest way to cut foam is to take a regular knife, especially if the foam is cut into. An office knife with a blade of medium hardness is ideal. With it, you can easily cut a slab up to 6-8 cm thick without any problems. Moreover, the slab will be cut with high quality, especially if you already have at least basic experience.

But grinders and jigsaws, if they can be used, then very carefully. Here it is already necessary to understand that a strong torque affects the weak structure of polystyrene foam too seriously. If you don’t guess with the torque and the choice of the disk, then you can ruin the stove with your own hands.

Recommendations here can only be general. It is advisable to buy special equipment for cutting foam. If you don’t have anything like that at hand, then try to at least find the thinnest disc for a grinder or a jigsaw blade. The thinner it is, the better.

With saws in general you need to be careful. It is better not to use a regular saw for foam plastic. Unless you don't need cutting accuracy at all. But in this case, it's easier to just break it.

If you buy a special saw, then there is already a different conversation. But in any case, one must be very careful, since the saw, due to uneven efforts, is more likely to thoroughly damage the material.

2.2 Thermal cutting

For thermal cutting, a thermal cutter is always used. A thermal cutter is a special unit for cutting polystyrene foam, it costs almost the same as.

It consists of only a few parts. The main part is a working transformer that supplies voltage. The transformer may have batteries, or it may be powered directly from the mains. It all depends on the specific model.

Two arcs or fasteners depart from the mini-transformer. These arcs are essentially the body of the work item. A special thread is tied to each end of the arc. Most often used nichrome. The thread is stretched between the ends of the arc so as to form a tightly stretched wire.

When the transformer is turned on, it supplies electricity to the arcs, and they, in turn, glow the thread itself.

The hot thread cuts through the foam in any position and any size without any problems. After all, the polymer is extremely unstable, and it interacts very poorly with high temperatures.

A big plus of a thermal cutter is that it gives you the opportunity to work with filigree precision. More precisely cutting can only be done with lasers. And even then, if we exclude the human factor.

Nichrome heated to a serious temperature cuts the foam like a knife hot butter. Moreover, he does not even really touch the stove, that is, you do not have to apply any physical pressure. Why is it convenient? Yes, because applying physical effort is always fraught with the possibility of making a mistake.

If all the work is done by a heated wire, which melts the foam rather than cuts it, then the chance of making a mistake becomes minimal.

2.3 Homemade thermal cutter

Smart radio engineers have probably already thought that the design of the thermal cutter is very simple, which means that you can assemble it yourself. And indeed, you can assemble a thermal cutter without any problems.

Your main task will be to select a transformer small sizes for cutting and similar products. Well, it's actually not that much of a problem. You can take a transformer from a TV or convert it from a working sample.

Next, you need to assemble an analog of the arcs. The simplest such mechanism is the mount on wooden plank two long screws. The tree will not allow them to conduct electricity between themselves, so the nichrome stretched thread will remain the only conductor.

The thread is pulled between the heads of the screws. Then it remains only to connect the transformer to the screws, then turn on the electricity and adjust the voltage.

It is advisable not to overdo it with voltage and clearly understand that there is a certain correlation between the thickness of the nichrome filament and the operating voltage at the output.

Too much high voltage will heat the thread red-hot, and in this position it will simply burn out the polystyrene foam without even touching it. As a result, you will not be able to cut evenly.

2.4 An example of creating a homemade thermal cutter for polystyrene foam (video)

Standard construction is a thing of the past. Today, every owner strives to make his home functional and individual. At the same time, attention is paid not only to design. Soundproofing, heat preservation and proper ventilation. With the help of foam, you can perform a large number of works. However, manufacturers pack the material in large sheets. That is why it is important to choose a reliable and comfort tool for cutting them.

Necessary tools and materials

Styrofoam is a lightweight material that can be cut with a variety of tools. In some cases, accuracy and cleanliness of the cut are of no small importance. You can provide these properties using the following tools:

  • ordinary sharp knife;
  • small stove or hacksaw;
  • strong string;
  • knife with thermal effect;
  • thermal cutter;
  • cutter with laser beam.

Each builder has his own preferences regarding the choice of one of the tools. All tools allow you to qualitatively process the foam and form a straight line. Styrofoam has low resistance to mechanical stress - this should not be forgotten in the process of choosing a tool.

Cutting with a utility knife

Even at the home of a real master, cutting foam will not cause problems. To do this, it is enough to have a clerical knife with you. It is important that its blade is sharp enough. This minimizes the chance of waste being generated.

It is most convenient to cut sheets up to 5 mm thick with a knife.

Otherwise, it is advisable to use a machine tool or other automatic device.

In the absence of a sharp knife, it may well be replaced by an ordinary saw or hacksaw. You should choose a tool with a short tooth. Due to this, the final surface will not be rough.

Today, in any hardware store you can find a special blade for cutting foam. When exposed to the material, only fine dust will be formed.

The choice of tool directly depends on the goal and task. The process is recommended to be done in the bathroom or on the balcony. In this case, only a small amount of dust will be generated in the main rooms.

Nichrome wire cutting

To use this tool, you will need to additionally assemble the device. It will include not only a nichrome thread, but also a 12 or 24 volt transformer. You must also take a piece of a small pipe and a table in advance. The string tension will be organized by the spring. Nichrome is a material that is part of any hair dryer. The apparatus must function in such a way that the thread heats up and can melt the foam. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain various complex shapes from the material.

In order for the device to start functioning, it is fixed on the table wooden block. First you need to make a hole in it and install a piece of pipe. Next, it will need to fix the nichrome wire using a spring. It will heat up only after being connected to the transformer. A piece of foam should be brought to it and given the required size.

Cutting with an electric grinder

Styrofoam is a malleable material that can be cut with any sharp object.

Some people use a grinder for this purpose. In this case, the choice should be stopped on the thinnest disk.

This cutting option is simple and comfortable. However, in the process of work, a lot of noise will be created, and after it is completed, a large amount of debris will appear.

Special knife

In the hardware store you can find a device that is specially designed for cutting this material. The knife must be sharp. For thin specimens of material, a blade of medium hardness may be used. The tool will quickly and efficiently cut foam up to 8 inches thick. If the quality of the final material is important, it is recommended to pre-train on waste.

Cutting Styrofoam with a String

When using a knife, the material can be severely crumbled. In this case, it is replaced by a regular string. To obtain the fastest cutting, it must be preheated to the desired temperature. At home, the device can be assembled independently. To lower the temperature, you must additionally include a step-down transformer in the network. The device has the same principle of operation as with a nichrome thread. It is important to select such a pipe so that its thickness does not exceed 20 mm. Thanks to the device, it is possible to quickly cut the foam up to two centimeters. Of no small importance is the quality of the string - it must be thin and sharp.

Do-it-yourself foam cutting device

Styrofoam can be cut not only with a nichrome thread, but also with a metal plate. As a basis, you should take a regular soldering iron with a power of 60 watts. It will need to be reconstructed - instead of a sting, place a knife plate. A thermofusible synthetic is also used as the main material.

The wooden leg must be additionally equipped with support legs. Beforehand, a slot should be made in the board and a knife should be placed in it. Additionally, the device should be equipped with a rack with brackets. Equally important is the safety screen, which in the future will protect a person from burns.

In the process of cutting, the thermal knife must be placed at an angle to the surface. The blade is also sharpened on both sides at once. You should first hone your skills on unnecessary scraps of material. In this case, a smooth and beautiful surface is guaranteed to be obtained.

How to cut foam. Step-by-step instruction

  • At the first stage, you should find a sufficiently thin and sharp object that will be used to form an incision.
  • If there is no special tool, then it is quite possible to use credit card, table knife or any object with thin edges.
  • Along the notch line, the foam can be easily broken. It is most convenient to do this on the edge of the table. You can only press lightly.
  • If there are convex pieces left, then they can be cleaned with a knife.

For quick and efficient cutting of foam, it is recommended to follow the following professional tips:

  • It is not very convenient to cut with a regular knife. It is best to use a soldering iron instead. It will be possible to quickly and efficiently cut the foam if the round side can be easily flattened with a hammer. Additionally, a metal cap will need to be put on the appliance. The knife blade must be well fixed. Only after that the soldering iron should be connected to the network. Only work with the tool in a well-ventilated area. It is best to open the windows additionally. When heated from a soldering iron, gas is released, which has toxic effect on the organs of the respiratory system.
  • It is most convenient to cut the foam with a nichrome thread. Thanks to her, the process will go quickly, and the edges will be smooth.
  • Nichrome material is found in hair styling devices, hair dryers, irons, boilers. If there is no way to get such a thread, then steel wire can be used. It should be stretched across the table. One side is fixed rigidly, and the second only with the help of a spring. A transformer is connected to both of them. It must first be connected to the electrical network.
  • The foam sheet must be placed on top of the wire. The current charge directly depends on the thickness of the working material. It is necessary to ensure that the wire becomes red. Incandescence should not be allowed, because in this case the incision may turn out to be too wide.
  • All manipulations are best done if the table is at an angle of 20-60 degrees to the floor. Due to this, the foam itself will be fed under its own weight. However, for this there must be a sufficient level of slip.
  • Nichrome wire will become larger during operation. That is why it is important to secure it on one side with a spring. Thanks to it, the length will be regulated.
  • To cut the foam, it is allowed to use a grinder or a jigsaw. It is also recommended to use a file with a wavy blade.
  • If you need to create figures from foam, then dough molds are quite suitable for cutting them out. However, in this case, you can only take the foam, the thickness of which does not exceed 1.27 cm.
  • To quickly smooth out the protrusions, you just need to rub the foam together.
  • In the process of working with foam plastic, it is recommended that all manipulations be performed on cutting board. In this case, the likelihood of damage to the table is minimized.

Today, foam plastic figures are very popular in interior design. To create them, it is advisable to use a special knife or an automatic device. To obtain smooth edges, it is advisable to perform all manipulations with a preheated object. You can make a knife yourself from an old soldering iron. This tool is very popular with interior designers.

In construction, work is often carried out related to the insulation of structures, where foam is used as the most inexpensive material. Accordingly, the density of such a heater is low, which leads to the formation of a lot of garbage when it is cut, which is quite difficult to collect, since pieces of foam tend to become electrified and stick to everything that comes in their way. To facilitate the process of cutting insulation material, there are many methods and devices that help cut foam without crumbs.

Styrofoam cut-outs with even cuts

How and how to cut foam

In order to cut a certain shape of insulation, any device for cutting foam can be used:

  • hacksaw for wood or metal;
  • soldering iron;
  • angle grinder, called "grinder";
  • thin metal wire like a string;
  • thermal cutter;
  • foam cutting machine;
  • electric jigsaw with a heated saw blade.

If a wood saw is chosen, then its teeth should be as small as possible. All tools that are not heated to a certain temperature do not guarantee that the foam will not crumble. Such tools are used for small amounts of work, but when it is necessary to insulate all the enclosing structures of the house, it is better to use a foam cutting machine, the action of which is based on heating the cutting element.

How to cut foam with a knife so that it does not crumble

When plates of polymeric material are used in the process of insulating walls, ceilings, and roofs with their own hands, thermal cutters are not always justified. Structures usually have strictly geometric shapes, and it is quite possible to cut the material with a simple knife, the main thing is that the blade is thin, and its length exceeds the thickness of the insulation sheet. good tool for such work - a clerical knife, if you have to cut polystyrene foam of small thickness.

To cut foam with a knife, you need to choose a long blade

The fact is that the blade of such a tool is very thin and when cutting a sheet, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a large thickness of an ideally even cut, convolutions may form on the cut, which will not allow to make a tight fit of the individual parts of the insulation. And this will lead to the formation of cold bridges.

In addition to the knife, you will need:

  • Measuring rigid ruler or rail of ideal shape.
  • Roulette.
  • Simple pencil, marker.

Polystyrene is cut on a solid base so that the sheet does not “play” in the hands. Marks are made on the surface of the polystyrene plate right size, after which they lay a rigid ruler or rail, and make sharp knife incision. If the length of the knife blade is not enough, you can make cuts on two opposite sides of the sheet, the main thing is not to go astray. Then, along the cut, the sheet is simply broken. With proper skill, the work will go quickly, without unnecessary noise and electricity costs. Garbage, of course, will be, but not so much as from a hacksaw. The main thing is that the tool is very sharp and the right length.

Before cutting the material, the tool must be heated, and the blade must be sharpened periodically.

Styrofoam cut with a clerical knife and a thermal knife - comparison of the cut line

How to cut foam without using thermal devices

The principle of cutting foam sheets with a hacksaw, regardless of whether it is a metal or wood blade, is no different from cutting with a knife, the main thing is that the teeth are small and the blade is of sufficient length.

In this case, the cut will be more even and a lot of small debris will not form. The movement of the saw must be done smoothly, without jerking. But even with this cutting method, there will be a lot of crumbs of expanded polystyrene.

You can cut foam sheets using electric jigsaw or an angle grinder (grinder). However, with this method, a huge amount of garbage is guaranteed.

Bulgarian for cutting foam

High speed the rotation of the grinder disk and sufficiently large teeth will provoke a strong destruction of the material structure at the point of cut. When using a jigsaw, it is also impossible to get a perfect cut on the cut. flat surface, due to the vibration of the file, which also leads to the formation of small polymer debris.

The least foam crumbs are formed when cutting it, if a home-made device for cutting foam is used. The simplest kind such a device is an ordinary thin wire (string), to the ends of which handles are attached, for greater convenience. The diameter of the wire must be chosen the smallest, no more than 0.5 mm. Here one person can not cope, you will need an assistant. The wire is installed at the intended mark on the foam and uniform movements are made from both sides. As a result of the friction of the metal wire on the polystyrene foam, it heats up and the material begins to melt at the cut point.

Cutting foam with a string - the method is the most efficient in terms of the formation of a minimum amount of debris, but the time spent on such work is much longer than when cutting with other tools.

Thermal devices and devices

Cutting foam on a thermal machine

Not always the use of insulation involves cutting it to the correct geometric dimensions. Sometimes you have to cut semicircles, holes and other shapes with intricate contours. And here a knife or a hacksaw will no longer help. But a foam cutting machine, which can be built with your own hands, will be able to cope with such work.

Figured products made of foam plastic and foam plastic

The principle of operation of such devices is that the cutting element is supplied with electrical voltage, as a result of which it heats up to a certain temperature, which can be regulated by a special device. And given the fusibility of the material, cutting polystyrene foam with a heated string or wire is easy and fast. And at the same time, stubborn small debris is not formed.

How to build a thermal foam cutter yourself

If you choose the better to cut the insulation without the formation of small debris, then in the first place, of course, will be professional equipment. But for home use the purchase of such a device can be an expensive "pleasure", so many craftsmen make a foam cutting machine with their own hands.

Schematic drawing of a thermal cutter for horizontal cutting of foam

Necessary materials and tools

To assemble a cutting thermal device, you will need:

  • Tungsten (nichrome) wire Ø 0.2mm.
  • Materials for the manufacture of the frame - bars, metal profiles of any section. Springs for attaching a tungsten filament.
  • Rheostat or step-down transformer.
  • Insulators.
  • Terminals.

Tungsten wire can be bought at a specialty store or obtained from household appliances- from any heater, coma oil. Cut off the desired piece of the spiral and straighten it so that it is even.

In the heater, the spiral is made of tungsten wire

On a solid and solid base, you need to assemble the frame of the device. It can be a table, workbench or some other surface. It will be necessary to attach the vertical metal elements to the base at such a distance that a sheet of polystyrene foam can freely pass between them. Next to uprights springs are attached, insulators are attached to the springs, and tungsten wire is attached to them.

Springs are needed in order to maintain the wire in a horizontal position, since when heated, it tends to change its dimensions in big side, which threatens to sag if there are no springs. Instead of springs, weights can be used, the task of which will be the same as that of springs.

When such a cutter is rarely used, a battery can serve as a power source, which is undoubtedly safer than electrical network, where the voltage is more than 220 V, while the battery gives out no more than 10 -12, and this is quite enough to heat the wire. In the presence of a rheostat, the voltage applied to the tungsten filament can be adjusted depending on the thickness of the sheet and the speed of its movement on the table.

This device will allow you to cut the foam into horizontal plates, the thickness of which will depend on the distance between the wire and the table. If you want to cut the material vertically, the wire must also be installed vertically.

1 - Tungsten wire
2 - Cargo
3 - Frame
4 - Device base

The vertical foam cutter is suitable for cutting extruded and regular foam shapes. When using such a device, the cut is smooth and without crumbs. This device works on the principle of a jigsaw. In order to make a figured part, it is better to use foam plastic, a material obtained by extrusion from a polymer feedstock - styrene, while foam plastic is not pressed styrene.

Cutting foam plastic with a modernized soldering iron

You can quickly make a thermal cutter from a soldering iron. To do this, a blade is installed at the end of the tool, if you need to cut the foam vertically or horizontally, or a crown from an electric drill, when you want to make a hole in the material, a notch. Instead of a crown, it is allowed to use a home-made round part, which is made of galvanized iron.

The main essence of the article

How to cut foam - mechanical tool– knife, saw, electric – angled grinder, jigsaw, or using devices with a heated cutting element, everyone chooses at their own discretion. Thermal appliances eliminate the formation of debris, but are expensive. For home use, there is an opportunity to save money and make a thermal foam cutting machine with your own hands.

Styrofoam is widely used today as a sound and heat insulating material. building material, which in the process of work has to be processed. In order for the sheets of material to correspond to the dimensions of the surface that is subjected to insulation, they have to be cut. Cutting polystyrene foam can be done in several ways, one of which you can use in your work. The cutting process requires a certain approach for the reason that the foam, if not cut correctly, can crumble and break.

Tools and materials

For work you will need:

  • Styrofoam;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

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Styrofoam cutting methods

Cutting of expanded polystyrene can be carried out with a wallpaper knife. This tool will not only cost less, but will also be silent in operation, and cutting will be carried out in short time. As an advantage this method speaks minimal amount garbage.

Before cutting, you need to check how sharp the knife is. This characteristic of the tool will allow you to work faster and better.

Styrofoam with a greater thickness is more difficult to cut, and using a knife for cutting if the thickness of the material exceeds 5 cm should not be used at all, as this will be inefficient.

An electric jigsaw will also not allow you to get a smooth cut line, in addition, there will be a lot of debris.

Before starting cutting, you should purchase a long nail file: it will allow you to cut sheets whose thickness does not exceed 10 cm.

Cutting of expanded polystyrene is preferable to produce hand saw designed for woodworking. If you intend to use a regular knife for the process, you will have to sharpen it before starting. Then the blade should be heated, only after that you can start cutting. In this case, the cutting of the material will be accompanied by the melting of the edge. The cut line will turn out to be even, the material will not crumble, and debris will form in minimal quantities.

Do-it-yourself cutting of polystyrene foam can be done and in an unusual way, which involves the use of hot nichrome wire. However, before you start, you will have to work a little on creating a tool. It can be made from wire, spring and transformer. The table must be set at an angle of 60°. He will have to stretch the wire across, on the one hand, its end must be strengthened as rigidly as possible, and on the other, the end must be strengthened through a spring. To the ends of the wire, you need to connect the wires of the transformer, which should be powered from the mains. After that, it is necessary to apply current and lay a sheet of heat insulator on the surface on top of the wire. Since the table is tilted, the heat insulator sheet will move by sliding, succumbing to the influence of its weight.

In order to cut, it is necessary to wait for the wire to glow to an almost red state, but it should not be brought to an unnecessarily strong glow. If this is allowed, the incision will become too wide. At the time of heating nichrome wire will get longer. This indicates the need for a strong spring in the design. It will allow you to adjust the length.

Cutting can be done with a grinder equipped with a metal disc. In this case, the thinnest disk should be used. This method can not be called the most comfortable. In addition, the tool creates a lot of noise, a lot of debris will be generated.

Styrofoam lends itself well to processing with a soldering iron. The use of this tool will allow you to complete the work in the shortest possible time. The end of the soldering iron is to be flattened with a hammer. After that, you need to put on a special part made of a blade and a steel cap taken from a fountain pen. The blade must be installed at the end. Then the soldering iron should be heated and you can start cutting the canvas.

In addition to the fact that even canvases can be made from foam plastic, they can be subjected to curly cutting, giving the blanks a variety of shapes.

If you create curly elements from foam plastic, the material can be used not only as a heater, but also as a decor for any room.

Styrofoam is not afraid of staining, which is why its surface after cutting can be coated with paint. Each of the above cutting methods has its own advantages, but you should prefer the one that will be less difficult for you.

Expanded polystyrene refers to affordable and easy-to-install types of insulating building materials, the only technology requirement is the selection of the correct thickness of the sheets and adhesive composition. When processing and cutting it into pieces, it should be taken into account that the foam crumbles a lot, using the wrong tool or cutting too fast leads to crumbled edges and excess waste. There are several ways to cut plates, the choice of the desired option depends on the amount of work, the thickness of the sheet, the complexity of the required workpiece. At home, the most commonly used tools are: a clerical knife, a saw with fine teeth, a hacksaw, to create complex shapes or in case of frequent need, it is better to buy or make a thermal cutter for foam ( working surface hot wire is used).

Slab cutting methods

The use of electrical appliances is allowed, but only if the disk of the grinder or the nozzle of the jigsaw is sufficiently thin. The use of tools with fast rotating cutting surfaces results in coloring and chipping of the foam sheet and jagged edges, this method is not suitable when precision workpieces are required, but is addressed when working with thick slabs. The simplest option is to cut with a regular paper knife with new non-blunt blades. Despite the fact that the whole process is done by hand, this method is valued for its simplicity, economy, minimization of waste and acceptable cut quality (the sharper the blade, the better it will turn out). The only limitation is the thickness of the expanded polystyrene - a clerical knife is not suitable for cutting plates over 40-50 mm.

Thicker and harder foam is cut:

1. A hacksaw for metal or wood with very fine teeth (no more than 80 mm).

2. With an ordinary knife: sharply sharpened and slightly heated.

3. Soldering iron with a thin long nozzle (the method is well suited for obtaining a single neat cut).

4. Homemade or factory wire cutter connected to a transformer.

The answer to the question, the better to cut polystyrene foam, depends on the amount of work and effort. hand cutting plates are the cheapest, but it is inconvenient to constantly change the blades (after 1.5-2 m) with a time limit. Optimum results are observed when using wire tools: homemade device she pulls on wooden fastening between two screws. A transformer is connected to the nichrome thread, its parameters are selected in such a way that polymer material didn't burn. It is safest to make the device stationary: the wire is stretched across an angled board, and the foam sheet is cut as it goes down. The main advantage of this method is obtaining a high-quality and sealed cut, the internal structure remains intact, while taking a minimum of effort.

TO professional tool with a similar principle of operation include a thermal cutter, it is used if necessary curly cutting polystyrene foam at home. He, like a homemade product, has an incandescent wire stretched between two arcs connected to a mini-transformer. The difference lies in the precisely matched power of the device and in the convenience of the handle, the body rotates in any direction and is fixed. As a result, a thermal cutter allows you to quickly cut foam plastic plates on your own, regardless of their thickness or density, into workpieces of any complexity.

It is noticed that heating the blades helps to get a more even and smooth cut, also the thinner the cutting plane, the better. Not the last role is played by the pressure exerted on the pressed plates: so that the foam does not crumble, it is cut smoothly, at a uniform speed. If the use of an electric jigsaw or grinder is inevitable (a large amount of work in the absence of a thermal cutter), then it is worth practicing and choosing the optimal mode for rotating the disk or applying effort. But still, the best results are observed with devices with a wire that passes 12 V and with a current regulator (to avoid overheating, leading to melting of the edges of the polystyrene foam). The decisive role in choosing how to cut the foam is played by the thickness of the plates, if it is higher than 80 mm, then a knife or saw is not suitable (it is almost impossible to get a high-quality cut).

Marking should not be neglected, especially when cutting complex shapes; for this purpose, a regular pencil and ruler are used. Basic security measures are taken:

1. When using hot wire or soldering iron, avoid molten spatter.

2. When cutting foam boards with a knife, the movement is directed away from you and to the side.

3. Large volumes of foam should be cut in a well-ventilated area, the material is not dangerous to humans, but when heated from friction or contact with the tool, an unpleasant odor is felt.

4. To protect against sharp squeaks, earplugs or headphones are worn.