Repairs Design Furniture

Device for figure cutting foam. Homemade machine for cutting foam. Homemade cutter for foam

Polyfoam is a versatile material. It is used in construction (insulation), in the production (repair) of household electrical appliances, design of premises, advertising. One of the main characteristics of the material is the density. The higher this indicator, the stronger the material. However, it affects the price great.

When using the material as a filler for insulation of walls, the most loose structure is usually selected (due to low cost). However, the loose foam is difficult to process - with a string, it grudges greatly, creating difficulties when cleaning garbage.

The knife for cutting foam should be thin and sharp, but it does not save from the destruction of the edge. Even if you work on the street, flying small balls clog the environment.

Therefore, professional builders produce cutting foam nichrome wire or hot plate. Material is lightweight, despite fire safety.

Important! When choosing a heater, pay attention to the characteristics. There must be specified: "Self-fighting". Such a foam is perfectly cut with a temperature, but in the fire it will not be a source of burning.

The industrial device for cutting foam can handle sheets of any size, cover the material as across and along the array.

However, the cutting of foam at home does not imply similar volumes and sizes. When repairing work in its home (or garage), a fairly compact thermal knife is quite enough. It will easily cope with linear opening, and with a curly fitting of the plates, when laying on areas with a complex shape.

Any tool has the cost, and there is always the opportunity to save on the purchase.

Foam cutting devices with their own hands

For linear cutting, guillotine is perfect. Only the impact will not be mechanical, otherwise a lot of garbage is formed. Using proven technology - cutting foam flaps with a preheated string.

Required materials

  • Nichrome (tungsten) thread
  • Power supply, preferably adjustable
  • Any structural materials: timber, metal profile, pipe, for the manufacture of stretch frame
  • Furniture guides for drawers.

On the table, workbench, or other smooth surface, install vertical racks for fastening guillotine. With the help of furniture guides, fasten the cutter frame so that it moves without distortion. Both sides should move synchronously.

The most responsible part of the cutter is a wire mechanism. The first question: where to get the material. Nichrome can be purchased in stores selling radio components. But since we are striving for a conditional free design - we are looking for an alternative.

  1. Old soldering iron. Models of production of the USSR, designed for 36-40 volts, can be found in any domestic workshop. The heater winding is an excellent donor for nichrome guillotine. True, the wire length is no more than meter.
  2. Iron with a classic spiral heater. Wire is thicker, suitable for linear cutting. Figure cutting is permissible, with low requirements for accuracy.
  3. Spiral heaters from a hair dryer, or a fan heater. The principle is the same, for accurate cutting are not suitable.


Tip: When straightening the helix, do not pull the wire along the spring. Loops may appear, and the thread will burst. It is better to unwind the coils like a thread coil. You can wear a spiral on a nail or pencil, and pull the wire across the turns.

The principle of operation of the frame is depicted in the scheme

Wire cutter must be electrically isolated from the frame. Therefore, it can be made of metal. It is important to provide constant wire tension. When heated, nichrome expands, adding up to 3% in length. This leads to a string.

Foam cutting machines make it possible to make products of different shapes from polymers. Recent developments can be managed by a person even through a computer, but if we are talking about homemade machines, they differ simplicity of manufacture, but less efficiency.

In general, the methods of cutting foams today are quite a lot. Before choosing a particular equipment or device, you need to decide how often you are planning to carry out work on cutting this material. If you do not have free squares, and the foam you will build only from time to time, it is best to do without a homemade device or purchase a manual machine.

Types of foam machines

Having visited the modern stores of the appropriate equipment, you will be able to find machines for cutting foam of the following types:

  • mobile;
  • for transverse and horizontal cutting;

Different models of machines are based on virtually an identical mechanism. Polystyrene foam lifted the heated cutting surface, in the process of which drawing is based on the basis. As a result, the hot knife cuts the material on the principle of butter. A fishing line is quite often used as a cutting surface. Simple machines for cutting foam plastic are equipped with a single string. As for high-precision models with numeric software control, they can be written by several fishing racks, the number of which reaches 6. The incision is clean, it does not require processing.

Principle of operation

The methods offered for the sale of foam cutting machines are produced in a variety of modifications, but the principle of their action remains the same. As mentioned above, the edge passes through the foam in a certain direction. If you plan to paint the handle on the items, it is important to pay attention to how long the machine will be able to overcome. As an example, you can consider the SRP machine, which uses more than 2 m strings for cutting. In one pass, the equipment will be able to cut about 15 route meters.

Figured cut

Figure cutting of polyfoam can be carried out using self-made manufacturers. To do this, you will need a sharp knife, which has a rubber nozzle on the end, soldering iron, string and woodcut. You can use these methods separately, but each of them has its pros and cons. Choosing a knife for the machine, it should be guided by the fact that it should be as sharp. It is possible to use it for small billets. Before starting work, the workpiece is fixed in a vice or other device. The knife movement should be directed from itself, since otherwise there is a risk of its scaling, which may cause unpleasant consequences.

Figure cutting of the foam can be carried out with a soldering iron, which is equipped with a knife nozzle. The process of work provides for the heating of the nozzle, the master will remain only to move the adaptation of smooth movements along the surface of the foam. You need to be extremely careful, because in the process of cutting under the influence of high temperatures, the material will melt. A split drop of mass can get on the skin. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should secure your movements.

If you think about the question of how to cut the foam, you can use a shoe knife. With it, it is possible to overcome the thickness of up to 40 cm. The blades are pre-well sharpened, while the edge remains stupid. Every 2 m knife will need to be sharpened, so sharpened should be nearby. The cutting process will be accompanied by a specific sound, but it is possible to exclude it, putting the headphones.

If you have not yet decided than cutting the foam, you can use the tree with a tree. It is able to overcome the thickness of up to 80 cm and should have a thin teeth. This is very important, because the uniformity and accuracy of cutting will depend on the magnitude of the teeth. It is not necessary to apply special efforts, and injuries comes down to a minimum. But this technology is not relevant in all cases. With a low thickness of foam, you can use a stationery knife. This tool is sharp enough, but over time it fills. It should be heated so that the process passes more smoothly.

Specialized machines and their cost

Quite often, the foam is not used for the purpose of sound or thermal insulation, but for the manufacture of design elements for the interior or advertising. This is possible through the use of special machines that are designed for curly cutting. With this equipment, you can process the web in several projections. If desired, quite complex elements can be performed by the type of miniature models of machines, chess, gears, as well as different figures and decorative ornaments.

Among others, the machine should be selected for cutting foam "FRP 01", which is very popular due to the simplicity of design and multifunctionality. With this equipment, you can make robes, insulated stoves, letters for signs and shapes. Control over the device is carried out using a computer program that comes in the kit. You can purchase a device for 115,000 rubles.

Another model of the machine is the SRP-to "contour". It is intended for the manufacture of details of the facade finish and formwork. The control is manual, however, the power consumption is relatively low and is 150 V. As a distinguishing feature of the device, light transportation performs.

For figure-cutting, you can use the CSFR-2D-02.12.06, which is a machine for 3D cutting foam. It is used to create advertising inscriptions whose height can be 2 m. Using the device, you can create symbols and logos. The maximum size of the leaf processed is 200x1200x600 mm.

SRP-112 "Basis"

If you need a cnc foam cutting machine, then you should pay attention to the model of the SRP-112 "basis", which has an independent movement. As distinctive features advocate:

  • industrial rail guides;
  • rigid steel frame;
  • changeable string length;
  • belt drive;
  • control breaking strings.

Guides are made in the form of lines. The string length can be changed from 1000 to 3000 mm, the final value will depend on the tasks. Such a foam cutting machine ensures automatic control of the string break, which, if necessary, is replaced, which eliminates the stop of operation. The ends of the strings are moved independently, they have an asynchronous movement.

The idling is provided at high speed and reaches 120 mm per second. If necessary, the equipment can be translated from the object to the object and install in any room. A device for 2D and 3D cutting of the material is suitable, and as a distinctive feature, it is possible to cut the conical elements.

This foam cutting machine has a steel frame, and the working field is limited by the following parameters: 1400x1400 mm. The kit comes the cutting table, the number of cutting strings is limited to one thing. The power consumption of the aggregate does not exceed 1000 W. Completed control software. You can purchase such equipment for 250,000 rubles.

Description of the SRP-3220 Machine "Maxi"

If you are interested in string machines for cutting foam, then you can consider the model of the SRP-3220 Maxi, which is used for curly cutting with a heated string in 2D and 3D format. This version of the equipment was developed with the goal to increase productivity compared to predecessors.

You can portray using this device, you can connect, among them:

  • elements of facade finish;
  • insulation for pipes;
  • plinths;
  • packaging.

Due to the use of rather long strings and the possibility of installing up to six cutting elements, the performance is increased by 12 times compared with the SRP-200 model. If desired, the machine can be supplemented with a turning table, the diameter of which is 760 mm. It is expanding to create three-dimensional figures.

Clamps that are complemented by equipment allows you to firmly fix the workpiece on the rotary table. The program turns automatically. To create a 3D figures, the decisive factor is the point of rotation. On the rotary tables is used toothed gear, which allows you to achieve high accuracy to 0.015 ° C one step.

The working field is limited to the following dimensions: 1100x1100x2200 mm. The power consumption is 1500 W, the power transformer for power is supplied complete. You can purchase a device for 176,000 rubles, a turning table protrudes as an additional element, its price is 16,500 rubles.

The cost of laser machines

Laser staves for cutting foams are implemented at different costs. For example, the model

Minimo 0503 can be purchased for 147,000 rubles. The working field has dimensions equal to 500x300 mm. The power of the emitter is equivalent to 50 W. It is noteworthy that this equipment is equipped with a color display, and the control will be quite simple, because the interactive menu language is Russian.

Another device for cutting foam - Kamach 53, the cost of which is 190,000 rubles. Its operating pressure and power of the emitter remain at the same level. As for the equipment of VENO 640, its working field is 600x400 mm. The consumer will be able to take advantage of the possibility of changing the height of the workpiece processed, which is 150 mm. The desktop is adjustable, if desired, it can be omitted. The price of such equipment is 289,000 rubles.

Why it is worth choosing a laser machine

Laser equipment for cutting foam plastic is characterized by high accuracy and performance. With such devices, quite complex technological operations can be performed. You can paint the material along the contour, ensure the maximum precise cutting parts and materials, as well as to carry out high-precision engraving.

The use of laser equipment provides the ability to minimize the width of the cut. The level of thermal and mechanical exposure is characterized by low values. These features are key advantages of technology. Each machine is a whole high-tech complex that has a system of numerical software management. The device comes with software. Laser machines are universal, so it is possible to use them for work not only with foam, but also with other materials, among them:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • the cloth.

Description Machine of the CSFR-12.20.35-P

If you need a 4-axle CNC machine for cutting foam, you can pay attention to the aforementioned model that has a rotary table and 4 coordinates of action. The sliding frames are compact enough, the operator will be able to adjust the length of the string to 3500 mm. This machine is supplied with high quality and reliability components, they are supplied by firms from Italy, Japan and Germany. The design has increased rigidity as well as strength. Additionally, the system is equipped with a milling beam. The milling function is characterized by low dynamics due to the design.

Description of the manual machine for foam brand "Skat"

The hand machine for cutting foam will not be so technological as the equipment described above, but it is possible to purchase it for 44,000 rubles. The working field is limited to the following dimensions: 1320x380 mm. The design uses one cutting string, the length of which is 1320 mm. The power consumption of the device is equivalent to 1500 W.

The machine can work in one of the three modes, among them:

  • guillotine;
  • dissolution on sheets;
  • rapin on the canvas variable thickness.

The first mode provides for the possibility of cutting foam in the required dimensions. The cut is carried out by the movement of the string up or down with the heated enabled. Complete exhaust stops. The second mode - the dissolution on the sheets involves fixing the string at the desired height above the table level, while the sheet is manually moved along the surface. The dissolution on the canvas variable thickness involves fixing the string under the tilt, while the sheets themselves move manually over the surface of the table.

Manufacturing machine with nichrome wire

Nichrome wire allows you to simply cut the foam. A sheet chipboard can perform as the base of the design of the machine. The size of the plates must be selected taking into account the width of the plates of the foam, which you plan to color. Even the door from the furniture can be borrowed, its size in the considered example will be 40x60 cm. This base size will allow to cut the plates whose width will be 50 cm. The base can be made of plywood, as well as a wide board.

The string is fixed on the desktop or workbench. Between two nails, the string can be pulled if you do not want to mess around with the machine. Nichrome wire is fixed with springs that wear screws. The latter are twisted into metal racks that are pressed into the base of the machine. If the base thickness is 18 mm, the metal stand should have a length of 28 mm. With full screwing, the screw will not go beyond the lower side of the base. If you plan to use the sheets of foam rubber or foam plastic more impressive thickness, then the screws will need to be replaced with longer.

To press the rack at the base, it is necessary to drill holes by 0.5 mm less compared to the external diameter of the rack. In order for the racks you can score with a hammer, sharp edges should be removed on the sandpaper. Before tightening the screw in the rack, the grooves must be swolled at its head so that the wire when adjusting does not move arbitrarily, and occupied the desired position.

In order to push the groove in the screw, its threads must be protected from deformation with a plastic tube or tight paper. Nichrome wire should not be saved - it is fixed through the springs. The latter can be borrowed from a computer monitor.

Instead of imprisonment

The most common way to cut foam plastic at home is the use of a string. The performance of such technology is quite high, but it will be necessary to build a special device, which should be placed stationary. The accuracy and speed of cutting is equal to the production.

You can use and grinder. But the disc should be designed to work with the metal and have a minimum thickness. The work will be accompanied by noise not only from the foam, but also from the work of the tool, while the garbage will fly away in all directions.

The cutting of foam plastic is carried out in order to obtain elements of various expressive large-scale inscriptions, for the manufacture of embossed images on billboards and facade parts of artistic buildings. Also, cutting sheet material from foam is used to obtain a construction specified size.

To select the desired equipment for cutting foam, it is necessary to clearly set the task: what specifically the material will be cutting, on what types of individual products and what are the prospects for this business in the future? Having determined the direction of activity, you can start the choice of suitable equipment. And the choice here is very large - from simple machines for curly cutting of foam to machines for 3D cutting of foam.

Technology cutting foaming

Foam cutting technology is very different depending on the purposes and tasks set before the master. Other products are well cut out with a conventional sharp knife or machine of a havice type, others - only with the help of jigsaws, both manual and mechanical. Often, experts for cutting letters from foam sheet use warmed up to high wire.

A new step in the technology of cutting foam is the use of various machine equipment low and high cost. In these machines, completely different cutting methods are used. In a simpler - thermal method using a preheated cutting element. In others, the mechanical type cutting with a cutter of various configurations.

More complex and expensive types of equipment for processing foam - these are laser machines that make it possible to produce high geometric requirements from foam raw materials. As a rule, machines for figure and laser cutting are equipped with CNC blocks that allow the operator in a short time to form a software algorithm for action of the machine, and further work of the equipment is already occurring without human participation.

Each type of foam focusing equipment on the part is in its price segment, and the higher the quality of the products obtained and the more simpler the process of forming a task, the price on the equipment is higher.

Foam cutting equipment

We will consider the equipment as its value grows and as the functionality of the machines increases. Considering that there are a lot of proposals on the market for such equipment, both from domestic producers and foreign, the price of machines with similar capabilities can be very different depending on the manufacturer's country.

Recently, many consumers begin an overview of the equipment they need from Chinese models. And, no matter how sad it sounds, they finish. After all, modern China is a high-industrial country, which is the main manufacturer of equipment almost for the entire planet. In addition, the price-quality indicator from Chinese equipment is very high, which makes it highly competitive, highly functional and reliable.

Manual cutting of foamflast

For manual cutting of foam plastic, at home, it would be nice to figure out how to make a machine for cutting foam with your own hands. To independently cut the foam, you will need a preheated metal rod or wire. After all, with cold cutting, this material cries and burst. Even the most sharp cutting tools do not solve the problem. Of course, there are still knives with jar, it is possible to reduce the noise to lubricate the blade of this knife with machine oil, and the chips formed during cutting is removed with a vacuum cleaner. But without physical efforts to cut the knife, this magnificent insulation is impossible.

A more progressive manual way to process foam plastic is the impact on this material with a heated string. The string is stretched on the clamps of the manual machine, similar to the enemy metal, and the voltage from the low-voltage current source is supplied to it. When current flows through the string, it quickly heats up, and the further cutting of the foam will be more like its melting in the cut zone. For this method of manual efforts, it is almost no necessary if not considered the movement of the material of the material as the string passes.

With the middle sheet thickness of about 50 mm, the cutting speed by a homemade machine for cutting foam is at least 1 meter in 10 seconds. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of harmful substances that are formed when the foam is heated. To do this, an ordinary household vacuum cleaner may be approached.

But you can cut the material and a cold string. After all, with a re-returnable movement, it is heated, and it takes to the preheated polyfoam on the desired trajectory.

Figure cutting of foaming

Consider equipment for curly cutting of foam. Machine tools of this group give the operator to use modern material processing technologies and create a very difficult form to create this way, and they make it so quickly and carefully, which is better and wish hard. In addition, the cost of the work of the machine is hardly conditional. The main obstacle to the complication of the forms of manufactured products - the fantasy of the person himself.

With the help of curly processing, the volume models of individual letters and entire logos of firms and companies, advertising inscriptions and store details. Such methods are used to perform decorations of any level, for artistic modeling in architecture and in construction.

If the machine for figure processing is equipped with CNC, then they can be made any forms from extruded and foamed species of foam. Impeccable accuracy of cutting and high technological speed of work allow you to make parts only on "excellent".

The models of new types of cutting equipment include the 4-coordinate "architect" machine with a milling type working head. In addition to cutting the foam, this unit can perform work on formatting cut as chipboard, LDSP, PVC and polyurethane. It also gives good performance in the processing of fiberglass and acrylic.

Thanks to SRP-4612 software, cutting and cutting materials are simplified to a minimum. The cutting element has the possibility of a large vertical movement. Programs for the operation of the machine can be administered from a laptop included in the package of this equipment.

Machine operating parameters:

  • reserve speed - up to 100 cm / s;
  • engine power - 5000 W;
  • spindle power - 2300 W;
  • the supply network is 220 V 50 Hz.

Having such high operating parameters, the device is expensive. The price of the machine for cutting foam "architect" is currently equal to 1 MLN.300 thousand rubles.

The complex design also has a machine for cutting foam foam, which already from this, 2017 is removed from production due to the presence of more functional types of equipment. But the manufacturer on request of the client can also supply this device.

The equipment of this class has two separate portals, each of which can work synchronously and asynchronously with another. This allows twice to increase the performance of the equipment and at the same time cut, for example, the right and left wings of the aircraft model. The CNC software module The machine has high functionality, and for turning or milling cutting materials, it is enough to buy to the machine only an additional snap.

The FRP-01 model is very well thought out by a waste cleaning system from cutting, and its design allows you to fold work equipment after work, so that the size of the machine decreases almost in half.

The billet is fixed in the FRP machine with the help of rotary drives without additional character devices. The device is released both for manual mode of operation and mechanical. The speed of rotation of the workpiece is adjusted using a gear motor, and the connections to a separate computer does not require the software module.

The cost of the FRP machine is currently from 110,000 rubles.

An interesting and modern model of equipment is a machine for cutting foam of the PSA. Model of the SRP - 3222 Compared with the early models of this manufacturer, has an increased desktop for the manufacture of products of the jam type in the form of various insulation for heating pipes, plinths and details of the facades of buildings. On such equipment, it is possible to make products of large size.

All models of this machine series allow you to install 6 strings for cutting the foam and synchronously produced simultaneously with 6 items of the same type. Since the length of one string is equal to more than two meters, then you can immediately make products on 12 route meters. In the SRP-322 model, all the best qualities of previous variants of the SRP machine are taken into account. It can be simultaneously installing up to four blocks of penny and cut them simultaneously to the required products.

At the request of the customer, the machines of this series are equipped with a rotary table, which has a diameter of 76 cm. This allows you to program a three-dimensional cutting of various forms from foam. The billet is reliably fixed on the rotary table and turns along the program as defined using CNC. And the modern machine for cutting foam with CNC allows you to cut the figures widely demanded in our time with a 3D format.

To perform products such a complex shape, the stability of the table is played a very large role, which in the Machine is provided by a gear gear with a high accuracy of the rotation angles.

Buy the machine for cutting the foam of the model of the SRP can now be for 187,000 rubles. Proposals for the sale of this equipment for cutting foam and other models are plenty of Internet sites.

Machines from Proxxon

Thermocut Proxxon machines use excellent recommendations among production workers. This is the terrestrial apparatus for working with polystyrene and foam from Proxxon. The devices are very practical in operation, suitable for horizontal cutting of the material and for its cutting at a given angle.

In addition to cutting foam, this device is suitable for cutting other thermoplastic materials. When nutrition from the household electrical network in 220, the machine has electrical insulating class 2. The weight of the machine is only 3 kg.

At the price of 8,000 rubles, this equipment itself fully justifies already in the first months of work.

Laser equipment for cutting polystyrene

The more modern and technological equipment of the class under consideration is the machine for laser cutting of foam. Laser cutters and engravers are used to make small-sized products from sheet non-metallic materials.

Such machines can be made by various products of an artistic type in the form of 3D souvenirs or furniture elements, room decoration. On the surface of the products, you can apply various inscriptions and openwork engraving. Such equipment is also widely used in the advertising industry. CNC laser machines for cutting foam in Russia are mainly coming from China since 2009.

To order machine equipment of this class, you need to go to the seller's website, find out how much the device costs, and start negotiations with the company trading manager. The specialist will give a lengthy advice on functionality, appointing certain machines and provide a price list for any equipment.

If a person does not have such sums for the start of entrepreneurship, which are indicated opposite machine tools for laser cutting with CNC, you can search for offers used Foam cutting machines. Such options on the sites of equipment sellers are also sufficient. It is only necessary to choose the appropriate version of the equipment, to coordinate the conditions of the initial stage of operation and the warranty period.

Prices for such equipment are sometimes lower than on a new one, and its working quality mainly remain at the same level as at the time of the first sale.

The machine for cutting the foam allows you to perform from polymers of the product itself of various shapes. The newest developments are managed by the operator through the computer, and homemade machines are easy to manufacture, but not less effective.

Types of machine tools and principle

In specialized stores you can find a machine for cutting foam of the following type:

  • mobile (like a knife);
  • for horizontal and transverse cutting;
  • with numeric software control.

The work of many models of machine tools is based on a single mechanism. The cutting surface is heated and separated by polystyrene foam in accordance with the drawing, like a hot knife cuts the butter. Often, a fishing line is used as a cutting surface. The most simple homemade machines operate the only string. High-precision CNC models simultaneously cut six fishing.

The incision is clean, it is no longer necessary to process it.

Device of machine tools for figure cutting of foam

With your own hands on the machine, cut the sheet of foam in two ways: vertically and horizontally. For vertical cutting, the line has a perpendicular working surface. To make a smooth slice, drawings and patterns are used. As a cutter, the optimal material is nichrome thread.

When choosing a machine, the length of the blanks is important. For example, there are models for cutting expanded polystyrene with fishing racks more than 2 m. For one cycle, such a machine produces 12 meters of route according to the drawings.

For cutting out of polystyrene foam of more complex elements, such as toys, design items, special models of figured cutting machines have been developed. The polystyrene is processed in several projections. From the simple material you can make a model of an airplane, a figure of a person or animal, complex patterns.

Opportunities for cutting machines of polystyrene

Machines for figure cutting can be used in a wide variety of sectors ranging from construction and ending with the advertising business. During cutting, waste is not formed, the melted surfaces receive additional strength. The thickness of the material is limited to the length of the thread.

According to drawings with great accuracy, you can make it yourself:

  • figures for any drawings of polystyrene foam;
  • forms for the foundry industry;
  • molds for filling concrete solutions;
  • stands for exhibitions and presentations;
  • logos, letters for external advertising;
  • eaves, sockets, arches and moldings for interior decoration;
  • parts for packaging;
  • foam spoken.

The following materials are a figured cutting: foam rubber, polystyrene foam, any polymers that can be treated with a heated fishing line.

The thermal method of creating figured parts from foam has only one disadvantage: during heating from the polymer, harmful substances are distinguished. Therefore, the workplace must be equipped with a good hood!

Homemade Machine for Figure Processing

Drawings for the manufacture of the machine do not need their own hands, it is a simple device. On such a machine, you can perform small details for fishing or household.

  1. We select a suitable table covered with an electric and thermal insulator (for example, a polyamide film).
  2. In the centers of the long sides of the table, Krepim one isolator from glass or ceramics. Then the heat thread will stretch between the insulators.
  3. We select a suitable fishing line. You can use a nichrome thread from the old iron, soldering iron or electric stoves. The spiral should be straightened into the smooth thread. The thickness of the fishing line should not exceed 0.5 mm.
  4. To the thread did not overcome, we connect it to the network through a lowering transformer or a row.
  5. A fishing line will be connected to the coil on the insulator, a mounting electrocabel to it, which will go further into the network. Maximum contact between the fishing line and the cable should be ensured.
  6. Under the table, the fishing line is pulled to the second insulator, passed through it. The end of the fishing line freely hangs from the insulator, the weight is screwed to it. Weight weight adjusts the tension of the heated fishing line during operation, it is necessary to select it using the sample method. Thus, we make a sliding fastening that provides better purity of cutting.
  7. Near the second insulating coil to the fishing line, another electrocaban is focused, directed to the retail (terminal slider).

The homemade machine is started only after installing the rider of the retirement to the maximum resistance indicator. Otherwise, the thread instantly braid!

The performance of the machine made by their own hands will depend on the temperature of the heating of the fishing line, that is, its thickness and voltage voltage. It is not recommended to feed high voltage to speed up the process. Because the thread will brake faster. It is necessary to monitor the status of the thread, it must heat up to bright red, but not white. White color indicates a recallation. That is, the voltage of the current should be reduced and make it acceptable to work.