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Mansard finish with their own hands under the tree. Mansard finish: the best ideas and order of work. Mansard Finishing Technology

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With a sufficient height of the roof of the private house, there is a free space, called the attic. From today's review you will find out what its features are concluded, which rooms can be equipped there. Materials used for finishing surfaces and gender will be considered, the options for mansard finishing with their own hands, photos and tips on its arrangement.

Exquisite combination of unusual configuration and texture

By its origin, the word "attic" is obliged by the name of the architect from France. Francois Mansar in 1630 used the space under the roof for residential and economic needs. In the 9th century, the rooms equipped under the roof houses were predominantly poor people and servants.

Today regulates this part of the SP building 54.13330.2011. In this normative document, attic is defined as the floor, located in the attic space, part of the surfaces of which is formed by the roof - broken, inclined or curvilinear. Attic is heated and has enough lighting.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is quite spacious, then in the spirit of modern trends you can equip a stylish space in which the living room is combined. In such a situation, comfort increases significantly.

  • Living room.

Having equipped space under the living room, you need to provide additional windows, as this room should be well covered. To create a cozy home setting, install comfortable, tables, sofa. A decorative fireplace fits perfectly. To carry out family gatherings here, install racks with books, TV.

  • Children's room.

The younger child needs to highlight a personal space. With a deficiency of the area for these purposes, an excellent option will be the arrangement in the wooden house of the attic. Photos of some options will allow you to evaluate the practical meaning of the idea.

In such a space, you can make a cozy corner in which middle-aged children will feel like full owners. Set convenient stands for storing various items, equip a sleeping place, leaving the average segment free to the child can play.

The window should give enough light. For the design of window openings, use comfortable or blinds so that the control of light flows can be allowed.

  • Game room.

Often family members are interested in some kind of gaming activities. To ensure complete comfort, can be installed on the attic, for example, billiards. Finishing the sofa atmosphere, which lay out your favorite board games.

  • Sports room.

The simulators are often not located in residential rooms, so equipment in the attic will be like amateurs of life. Here you can put simulators, place a sports wall, given that it will be necessary to make reliable insulation of the floor. Do not suit the attic room for heavy sports. Here they do not raise and do not throw weights and rods.

  • Restroom.

Create a design of attic, aimed at relaxation, is possible with a decorative fireplace, which enchants the flame game. Stick flooring, chairs, sofas, coffee table, place TV.

  • Wardrobe.

By installing the rods with hangers and equipping the shelf walls along the walls, you can turn the former attic room in a comfortable and comfortable one. If necessary, there is a place for the built-in cabinet furniture, allowing you to conveniently place all the necessary clothing items. They are now easy to find and try.

  • Bathroom.

You can even equip under the roof extra, ensuring reliable waterproofing and conducting the necessary communications.

  • Kitchen.

The option of placing the kitchen in the attic space is necessary at the planning stage to think carefully. For a family with children, it can become not a very successful solution, while the young couple of lovers of romantics will be able to get an unusual refined room.

  • Tasting room.

The unexpected and original solving the design of the attic floor is the equipment of a cozy tasting room with comfortable sofas, a buffet. Here you can put a wardrobe to the dishes and create a magnificent entourage to communicate with friends.

With a creative approach to solving the interior of the attic room, it is possible to draw unusual configuration formed by the roofs. Even in such conditions, it is possible to make elements of certain style directions.

Country - characteristic is the predominance of natural finish. Most often wooden materials are used. Among the color palette, the advantage is given to natural colors, pastel shades, floral ornaments.

Minimalism - this direction implies use in the interior only the necessary objects of furniture of a simple form with calm solutions with facades and a minimum of bright accents.

Classic - If it is supposed to create the design of a planted floor of a wooden house with elements of noble classic, then pastel and chocolate tones are selected for decoration, wood arrays, luxury curtains on the windows. This embodiment of the attic does not tolerate fuss and varnish.

Scandinavian style - If you analyze the photo of the attic of the attic with the elements of the Scandinavian style, it can be understood that it is based on natural shades and materials. Wall, ceiling and other surfaces are performed in achromatic light color. The lines are applied clear, straight without coupling.

Photo options for mansard finish there are many on the Internet. We were able to imagine only a small part of them. Analysis of harmonious interior performed makes it possible to evaluate your own creative opportunities and develop an exclusive project.

Types of mansard finishing materials

To after watching a photo, it is necessary to choose the options for finishing the attic of your own hands, you need to own information about the assortment of materials used for this purpose. The main selection criteria are modern decorative characteristics, environmental safety, successful performance of the thermal insulator, good indicators.


The mansard finish with clapboard is particularly popular, thanks to a convenient installation system and a flat plane with a noble tree texture.

Separate dies are tightly connected to the pump in the groove. There is a docking option using one groove. In such a situation, the joints are additionally closed by a narrow rail. The optimal width of the wooden lining is 10 cm. For the attic one should select a material with good moisture resistance.

The modern type of Euro woman has a wider spool of 8 mm, which avoids the appearance of cracks and cracks during drying. There are from the wrong side and special ventilation grooves. The width varies within 60-160 mm. Depending on the connection method, Softline is allocated and standard.

MDF panels

It is often used to finish the attic of the MDF panel, having a decorative coating with imitation of various materials, including color mosaic, wood, marble. The dignity is lightweight. It should be borne in mind that this type of finishing for the equipment of the Cabinet, home gym or is best.

It has good thermal insulation characteristics, is excellent noise insulation. For installation, it is not necessary to conduct perfect alignment of surfaces. For mounting, a wooden lap with a pitch, which takes into account the size of the material. Special brackets are used as fasteners.

Article on the topic:

And for what works is suitable? From this article, you can find out the important characteristics of this material, its advantages compared to alternative options and many other useful information.


Assembling the increasingly popular attachment of attic plasterboard is based on low cost, ease of installation and environmental safety of this material. For the attic 5.5 mm thick plates are suitable. If additional sound isolation is required, you can finish into two layers or take a thicker material. If it is difficult to raise sheets with a width of 120 cm, then the material should be purchased with a width of 60-90 cm and a length of 130 cm. Thanks to quite large amounts of sheets, the installation is carried out quickly and efficiently.

It will remain sealed the junction of the reinforcing ribbon, sharpen and perform the finishing decoration by staining, applying or.

Article on the topic:

PVC panels

Modern panels made of polyvinyl chloride - PVC are resistant to fire. They do not accumulate fungus. On smooth surfaces, you can fix this material using glue.

The dignity is a rather extensive color palette and a variety of ornamental solutions. Among the disadvantages, the possibility of cracking during impact, poor resistance to ultraviolet, reduced strength during sharp temperature differences.

Article on the topic:

In the review we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of the material, varieties, sizes, the characteristics of ceiling and wall products, average prices, selection criteria, installation with your own hands.


The manifold of finishing materials allows you to create the inner surfaces of the desired texture and color shade.

Finish flooring of attic: options

According to diverse photos, the decoration inside the attic is not limited to the rods and walls. Much attention is paid to the floor. After cleaning from the dirt and dust of the base, the placement of waterproofing, vapor barrier and black floor from plywood can be used as the finishing coating of the following materials:

Floor design options with modern materials are presented in the photo.

The color solution and the texture of the floor covering are selected taking into account the common.

Independent finishing of attic with a broken roof: photos, nuances

The broken roof allows you to expand the space under it and increase the useful area allocated for the arrangement of the attic.

This design is one of the varieties of a double roof with a more complex configuration. The name is due to the presence of broken lines.

The advantages of such a solution of the roof include the possibility of arrangement of a spacious indulgent floor. Thanks to the broken silhouette of the roof, the room acquires the original appearance. And the building looks presentable and luxurious. When performing competent installation of the interior decoration, heat loss is reduced.

Given the complicated configuration, it is necessary to approach the selection of an embarrassment of the attic. If it is decided to cut the window loops on the rods, it will be necessary to install special attic windows.

You can and do not install inclined varieties of windows, preferred by windowes, located on the frontal section of the monsard wall. This option is simpler in the installation.

Planning the finish of the attic, follows the design features of the structural roof turn into advantages, focusing on interesting bends. To make it easily placing furniture, the walls are most often separated by plasterboard, wood, creating additional planes.

If the room is small in the area, grate compact low furniture, which can be conveniently placed in the reserved space.

Increasingly, in private houses, the broken roof becomes the usual phenomenon. This explains the possibility of registration of the upper room as a full-fledged residential room, which allows you to supplement the appearance of the building by balconies, expressive structural elements.

The union interior is determined by the preferences of the owners. Here you can equip a comfortable living room, cozy bedroom or combine multiple functional zones. Given the spacious volume of such a room, you can do. An excellent solution is the attic wallpaper with a slope. The interior photo can be viewed below.

Finishing applies the most different. It may be a cozy tree, democratic modern MDF plates, or creative.

Dersighted floor finish with their own hands: Main stages

To independently finish the attic of a wooden house inside, the photo of the phased performance will help to understand the main details of the work. This does not always require a professional hand.

Preparation of the room

At the stage of preparing an attic space, a detailed examination of all available surfaces is carried out. Cleans from dirt and dust of roofs, walls. Align, if necessary, rough floors. If you plan to improve the bathroom or kitchen, it is done for pipe holes and.

Installation of carcass

If the room has a small area, wooden bars are selected for the frame. For spacious rooms, metal profiles can be used. First install guides, and then, given the dimensions of the selected insulation, the vertical profiles are fixed with self-draws.

If the frame will be performed from a tree, the rails are treated with protective means. Must with self-reserves in the same sequence as metal profiles.

Warming and waterproofing

The waterproofing material is cut into the canvas of the required size. To secure them on the surfaces, a construction stapler is used. Separate slices of waterproofing with outbreaking to ensure tightness. Then follows the insulation layer.

Tip! For attic, mineral wool, expanded polyurethane foam, extruded polyurethane foam, glass gamble, eco-art can be used. Separate plates of the insulation are invested tightly in the frame cell. For additional mounting, liquid nails or wooden rails can be applied.

The gap is envisaged to ensure air circulation.

Then fix the brackets vaporizolation.

Facing finishing material

It is necessary to start facing when all operations for warming surfaces will be performed. Most often, plasterboard sheets are nourished to the prepared frame. This will allow you to decorated it in any color. Wanting to get the image of a retro rustic coziness, finish internal planes with a clapboard or block house. If the lover is selected by plywood sheets, their orientation is carried out in a checker order. It is taken into account that this material is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Below are options for finishing finish.

Modern attic is not a banal box, covered with yellowish clapped, and a stylish and cozy space for life. The owners of private houses are no longer trying to make the likeness of a regular room in the attic, and boldly open the skates and distinguish the beams of overlapping. But how to separate the skates, so that they turn into a highlight of the room?

Outdoor finish Mansardi

Outside, the attic most often looks like an integral part of the house, so the appearance of the front is corresponding to the design of the walls of the facade. Separate Mansard Frontton:

  • facade decorative plaster;
  • siding;
  • decorative brick;
  • clinker tiles.

These options are suitable for cases when the fronton is built from the same material as the walls of the house.

Photo Gallery: Houses with attic in the color of the facade

Falsh-timber from wood has such qualities as environmental friendliness, durability, low cost and simplicity of installation High frost resistance of clinker tiles makes this building material indispensable in the harsh climatic conditions of Russia Walls decorated with decorative plaster have increased soundproofing and resistance to dust and dirt Before applying decorative plaster on the walls, they must be additionally cleaned and process, and there is also a high-quality plaster quite expensive Brick attic, like the house itself, requires capital insulation According to experts, one of the most durable methods of finishing in the budget price segment is considered siding.

Video: Finishing of the facade and fronton "Current fur coat"

What to shelter the attic outside

Sometimes the fronton is separated by a contrasting material to visually smash the horizontal house and emphasize the height of the lower floors. Among the materials used:

  • professional flooring of a contrast or harmonious color (a popular option among those who first did not plan to insulate the attic);
  • falchbrus or other wood (most successfully looks at wooden houses and when simulating the alpine house).

Contrast finish implies the use of different materials for floors of the house, for example, from below - a stone, top - wood

Such decisions are used when re-equipment of the house, when the fronton is built simultaneously with the roof.

Video: Fronton Cases

Interior decoration of the attic

Since the rafter system of houses is made of wood, mansard finishing materials have to be attached to this unreliable basis. Even well-dried wood absorbs moisture from the air and tend to change its geometry slightly. Therefore, if such walls are simply adding drywall and put off, the shtalavka over time is inevitably cracking. With the internal finish of the attic, it is necessary to level this lack of construction. This is done in two ways: using in the design of a tree or tissue or the creation of an inner "box" of durable materials connected with rafters of movable retainers.

Large windows and bright lamps give a total wooden attic. Modern features

Before proceeding with the inner finish of the attic, it must be carefully insulated. Otherwise, all your efforts will go poch - finishing materials will be ruined due to seasonal temperature fluctuations.

Mansard wall decoration can imitate natural stone, such a solution will look pretty stylish

To date, the walls of the attic can be separated by many things, but some of them will require greater investment of money and complicated technology. For sex on the attic, the wood is most often used (from a cheap board to a set of parquet) or laminate. The ceiling is usually visually merged with the wall, so for their design it is selected similar to the texture and color materials.

Stretch ceilings in the attic should not use. Though they give the room a visual height, but in a specific climate of the attic floor, it is inclined to allocate more than harmful substances and can cause damage to the rafted due to disruption of the microclimate over the film.

Using lining for interior decoration

Wooden lining is exactly the material that in its characteristics perfectly coincides with the properties of the rafter system, so it does not crack and does not weaken fastening due to seasonal temperature drops or humidity. In addition, no one doubts the safety and environmental friendliness of this traditional decision. Many even believe that it is the lining that the country house is comfortable and a rustic charm. If you also do not intend to retreat from proven solutions, you can mount the molding on the attic on your own.

The grade of the lining depends on the presence on the surface of the wood of the bitch, cracks, rot, etc., the more marriage, the lower the grade

Save the picture and prompt yourself to your phone so that you do not overpay when buying a lower class material.

In addition to the variety of lining, it is important not to be mistaken with the material. The market contains panels from such breeds:

  • larch - luxury material with high price and large decorative properties, it is not afraid of pests, rot, fungi, moisture;
  • scandinavian pine - beautiful wood pinkished shade and almost without bitch, it is softer larch and cheaper it;
  • siberian cedar - material with an unusual texture and wellness effect (healing healing substances);
  • oak - durable dense and heavy wood peculiar dark shade, it costs a lot, but also serves more than 50 years;
  • lipa - soft, light and very easy, well suited for lightweight structures, self-editing, decorating panels with a carvings with their own hands;
  • domestic pine is a budget option, but the high classes of this wood are quite durable and beautiful.

Wooden lining is a universal material that is suitable for internal, and for external finishing works.

The better the heat and waterproof the room, the less stable wood you can use.

Video: how to choose the lining

Installation of lining on the walls of the attic

Please note: Before starting work, the lining should fly in the attic 4-7 days so that its humidity and temperature be balanced with the characteristics of the room. If you do not give the material to "get used to" to the room, it is quickly deformed.

If you plan to impregnate wood fire and antifungal additives, it should be done before mounting to be able to carefully process the panels from all sides. Try to use the compositions, as safe as possible for a person. At this point, it is not worth saving, it is better to take more budget wood and a cheap varnish than to risk the health of the future horses of the attic.

After preparing the material, select the optimal method of fastening. Fix the lining can be:

  • self-assembly on a tree in the groove of lining (wood from below is deformed, but the fastening is simple, inexpensive and reliable);

    Please note: Self-tapping screws should be deepened at an angle

  • kleimers and self-pressing - special metal brackets-adapters (the bar does not suffer, it can be used again, but additional calculation costs are needed);

    Kleimers provide wood a little freedom that prevents cracking

  • braces of the construction pistol in the groove (suitable only for soft light wood, you will need to fill a lot of brackets);

    The main advantage of using a gun is the lack of need to apply greater physical strength, the mounting brackets are always very strong, reliable, durable, but the brackets can always be removed, and the material will not be irreversibly damaged

  • nails with decorative hats (used in men's stylized interiors when you need to emphasize the brutality of the finish).

    Behind the big hats of decorative nails, it is easy to hide the head of the usual self-building

The first three ways allow you to create a completely invisible mount.

Instructions for finishing attic clapboard is simple: you need to fix the planks to a wooden shell on the walls and rods. If you want to mount the lining in another direction, they first fasten the breadford (perpendicular to the lining), and then the planks themselves. Work on the walls of the walls by a block house (timber imitation) are completely similar, except to fit them alone because of the high thickness and weight of each panel.

Please note: without self-tapping screws when installing the lining can not do

If you do not want to hide the texture of wood, it is possible to give a variety of lining wall by the width and type of slats. Buy panels of 2-3 options, with decorative milling, embossed and combine them with each other. When buying, be sure to make sure their puzzle fasteners are suitable for each other.

Lining with decorative embossed, diluted with ordinary smooth, looks very harmonious and non-standard

In order for the walls from the lining to look harmoniously, the floor will need to be separated by either a tipped board or a laminate that look like a color on color or drawing (the exact coincidence is not necessary, but something should be combined). The choice depends on the financial capabilities and the state of overlapping. If it is decorated with chipboard, GVL or other slab material, you can safely glue a laminate or even vinyl tile. If the overlap was drawn up with a rough board, it is better to separate it with boards. But if desired, the slab material can be displayed on top of the rough floor and fix the laminate, carpet, tile (vinyl or ceramic in wet and hot zones).

Painted floorboards look at the attic very appropriate

Video: Mounting Mounting Errors

Dersighted Floor Registration Plasterboard

Plasterboard is most often used when the owners strive to move away from traditional lining and bar in the direction of a more urban interior with smooth walls. An important role is also played by environmental friendliness of drywall. Since it is pressed from gypsum without glue and is discharged with paper, the material is not able to cause harm to human health and allocate any hazardous substances. In addition, the technology of mounting drywall is familiar to most people who made the repair with their own hands, which makes it possible to save on the work of the masters.

Gypsum Carton will create a great base for smooth background walls and will help visually lift the skate

The lack of plasterboard in the attic is its low elasticity - when the tree "plays", Glk is not able to follow him. Therefore, such methods like gluing a sheet to the base or mounting on the tapping screw to the wall with simultaneous adjustment of the position under the roof are not applicable. We need a durable steel doomb, which will be attached to the wood with metal suspensions, capable of compensating for the movement of the rafter.

If you choose the correct size of the corrugation, you can not get the cable channel with a rectangular cross section

If mice often come in the house, use stone cotton wool for insulation, and place the wiring in a solid corrugation. This will help to avoid alterations and will allow you to do without unattractive external wiring.

Instructions for finishing attic plasterboard

Mansard finish plasterboard perfect:

  1. Collect the frame for plasterboard using guides (PN) and rack (PS) profiles with a wall thickness of 0.7 mm (more subtle galvanized steel is better not to use, it may not withstand the load). At the same time, it is possible to mount profiles directly to the wooden elements of the root, which was done with the insulation of the attic. If the weight of the roasting is too big, you will need to install additional racks, covering them not only with a wooden frame, but also with metal guides through the suspensions.

    If you want to cut off the skew space, it is worth providing access to it from another room.

  2. Route the wiring in the corrugations and make several photos so that after the trim it is easier to find cable output points. Fix mortgages in places of fastening chandeliers.

    Mortgage for chandelier is mounted on metal racks using selflessness

  3. Start the trim from the top point of the skates, if possible, trying to position the sheets so that the seams go parallel to the light flow from the window. Then small flaws when putting the joints will not be visible. Fastening step - 25 cm. Be sure to extend the seams and keep the compensation gap from 3-5 mm.

    Please note: Moisture-resistant plasterboard is used in the attic

  4. Make holes for wires in places fastening the lamps and make sure that during the work, none of them suffered. While the walls are not closed with plasterboard, it is possible to stretch the corrugation with an additional or spare wire.

    To avoid the incidents with the holes for the wires, try to agree in advance the step of the lamps with the location of the lamps

  5. Sewing the plasterboard of the monsard wall and make holes for sockets and switches.

    Podozhetti should be installed in plasterboard before the start of the splot

  6. Suggest the seams, fill in them with an elastic splitel and proof by a special tape. After full capture of the shtalavka, align the seams to the sandpaper, so that they do not protrude above the main surface. Also treat the attachment points.

    The seams between plates of drywall should be completely aligned

Further work depends on the effect you need. If you plan to persuade some of the walls with decorative panels, the further preparation will not be required. Under the wallpaper will need a layer of draft plaster and its alignment. Preparation for painting is the most complicated: a layer of draft spit, a layer of glass cholester (can be pasted directly on the putty, will help to avoid cracks), a layer of finishing spatlets, grinding of walls. If you want to apply a thin layer of decorative plaster, it is also worth a reinforcement with glass christmas, but it is no longer necessary to put one hundred.

In a low little attic smooth plasterboard walls look the most harmonious

Plasterboard is suitable only for walls and skates, the floor of the attic when it is used to be separated by another material. The same methods are suitable as in the case of clapboard. But if you chose drywall due to environmental friendliness, the most logical solution will be the use of gypsum fiber sheets.

Video: Montage of plasterboard on the Ceiling of the attic

Chipboard in marsard

Wood-chipboards are now used not only for the manufacture of furniture, but also for dry alignment of walls / floors / ceilings in wooden houses and attic. Use most often not laminated panels with moisture-resistant impregnation. This allows in the future to primitive and put the surface under painting or wallpaper. In the final version of the wall looks just like plasterboard or plastered. But, thanks to many times a larger chipboard, you can safely mount mounted shelves, a modular storage system, a TV bracket and other funny things (subject to the use of special fastening).

DSP has a number of benefits: durability, durability, high temperature resistance and direct sunlight, as well as relatively low cost

Installation technology of chipboard sheets is simpler than drywall, as they can be secured directly to rafters and a wooden cut. The wood of array and wood-chipboard interacts well with each other, so metal mounts are not needed. But the compensation clearance of 1-2 mm between sheets is required if you do not want cracks to appear. The seams are put off with an elastic composition and are sampled by a special tape, so in the future will be invisible. After that, the surface becomes smooth, smooth and suitable for finishing finish. A thin laminated chipboard or MDF panel with a treated end can be used as a decorative layer.

Combination of mirror and laminated bands can be easily mounted based on chipboard

Similarly used to finish GVL (gypsum fiber sheets, aquapanels) or glass adhesive sheets. Mounting technology, weight, durability and possible decorative effect are almost indistinguishable from chipboard. The final choice depends only on what material is suitable for the price and how it is more convenient to work with you.

Moisture-resistant chipboard for floor with one-sided laminacea - Reliable floor in a minimal time without loss of height

It is convenient that all surfaces can be separated at once with slaughter materials - from the slope to the floor.

HPL indoor decoration with HPL panels

HPL panels appeared on our construction market in the mid-90s, but are still distributed only in administrative institutions. In fact, this is an improved analog of laminate, only HPL is pressed in more severe conditions, therefore it is not afraid of water and is most resistant to mechanical loads.

HPL panels allow you to easily create rounded corners

Manufacturers offer a palette of more than a hundred colors, as well as panels with imitation of different types of wood, stones, metals, leather and spurious animals, quite a few options with photorealistic printing. Such a finish looks very impressive and rich, but, in addition, it is suitable for the manufacture of shower cabins (NSP, nor laminate would stand such humidity) and can be used in children's rooms and institutions. Manufacturers argue that the material is completely environmentally safe. HPL panels are separated by ceilings, walls, floors, use them for the manufacture of furniture, so any trim can be put into dealing.

The lack of HPL panels today is only one - high cost

Manufacturers additionally decorate HPL sheets with decorative embossed, milling, perforation. From it you can make openwork shutters or partitions in the attic.

Also, several fastening systems are also thought out, from the simplest on the self-tapping screw (not even an experienced home master master) is completely hidden. The panels with a thickness of 1 cm (maximum - 20 cm) can be mounted in the attic at once over the parobaper and on the finished walls calmly hang pictures and shelves. Thanks to this, the material can be separated by the attic from the skate to the floor within one working day (if working together in the room is up to 100 m 2).

If you want to equip an extra bathroom in the attic, the HPL panels will help effectively arrange it

The disadvantage of HPL panels is detected only one - the price of 7 y. e. per m 2. Given that the thickness of the material is from 2 mm, on the trim even one wall panels with a thickness of 1-2 cm will have to lay a round sum. But if you are not constrained in the means, this material will help save a mass of time and will provide an incredible decorative effect. You can safely combine the "rosewood", "White Marble", "Skin of Python" and bright colors, not worrying about compatibility and difference in the thickness of the materials (which could not be avoided when using real stone, wood and leather).

By the way, the HPL panels can be bought in the form of sexual coating. It looks like a laminate, but absolutely not afraid of water, which makes it more durable and safe.

Use of combined materials

If you do not want to do all the walls of the same, you can use the principles of combined finish. By giving tribute to fashion on environmental friendliness, most designers try to use a tree. But it can look different:

  • lining (ultrashire or very narrow, laid in different directions or in the form of a pattern);

    The combination of wide and narrow dies of different tones will give the interior of the attic of the dynamics

  • boards with a living edge (using a contrasting substrate or two layers);

    If you do not want to attach a kind of hunting house attic, use the unedged board only on one of the walls or in fragments for the sofa and TV

  • the panels from the glue massif either plywood (smooth large-format plates are best viewed in minimalism and loft);

    Faneur not necessarily leave in natural form, you can paint it or paint it

  • vertical racks made of array or glued from the layers of veneer, which are attached at a distance from each other and create a dynamic pattern (work on the ceiling increase);

    Reiki attacked on the wall will create a subconscious impression that there is an additional space behind them.

  • filong Panels under the classics (in the modern interior, eclectics and fusion style, different format Filins can occupy the wall and even enter the ceiling);

    In order not to overload the interior of the Dark and Amber Panels, it is better to mount only below

  • wooden wallpapers - thin wooden dies collected on a woven basis (in fact, differ little from bamboo wallpaper, but made from more familiar wood varieties for us);

    Thin dies wooden wallpapers will make a variety of in the interior with a fully woody trim

  • ceiling beams or fake balks (placed under the skener).

    The sharper the corner of the skates, the more complex designs from the beams you can use

At the same time maintain a unique pattern and wood color is not at all necessary. Wood surfaces are often impregnated with bright shades (salad, turquoise, red) with tint, turquoise, red) or tight shelter paint.

Color varnish helps to give a tree especially interesting and non-standard shades

It is also believed that glossy materials should be in the combined interior. Since it is very important for the attic to expand the space up, the gloss can be placed only on the rods.

Thanks to the glossy paint on the rods, the light will fill the attic even through a small window

Implement idea with different materials:

  • glass with photo printing, completely transparent, color or tinted to a translucent effect, decorated with a matte pattern;
  • mirrors from the enlightened (without greens), ordinary, bronze or graphite glass (near these walls you can safely install furniture and hang pictures on them, it will help to avoid "overdose" reflections);
  • acrylic sheets, most often juicy shades (plastic panels are very light and thin, mounted on ordinary liquid nails);
  • painting with glossy paints of any tones (the method is suitable only for perfectly aligned walls);
  • wallpaper with a metal or satin effect (if the wall is made of drywall, GVL or chipboard);
  • glossy self-adhesive films (also require a smooth stable basis, but reliable wallpaper and cheaper acrylic).

The wall for drawing with chalk can be combined with the facades of the built-in wardrobe

Another important trend of the indigestion of the attic is a wall for drawing and magnets. Interestingly, designers offer such a decision not only to families with children, but also young couples, lovers to decorate the interior with their own hands, as well as people who use blackboard for drawing due to their profession. You can make such a highlight of the interior with:

  • applying magnetic composition and paint for drawing with chalk (the wall will be black or dark);
  • eldly applying magnetic and marker paint (so you can make a wall of any tone, but the markers are clearly visible, a light shade is applied on top);
  • wall seeds with self-painting for drawing with chalk (manufacturers offer only black).

In the attic, I want to lie down and relax, and the soft walls must contribute to it. When you plan a sleeping place or a seating area with a sofa, a rare designer does not use this technique. It is possible to achieve softness:

  • having frowning with a porporal wall and drapeted with a cloth suitable or contrasting to upholstered furniture / bed cover (it is cheaper and can be done independently);

    The velvet finish will turn the protruding element of the roof into a stylish art object

  • configuring soft panels on the wall (to order makes the panels of the necessary shape and size from any fabric, buyers offer a huge variety of screeds - from the usual carriage to fantasy);

    Soft wall panels are fixed so reliably that they can be safely fixed on the rods and even on the ceiling

  • using soft stickers of foamed polyurethane foam (they can simulate only cloth, but also a stone with a brick).

    Soft "stone" or "brick" - an unexpected solution for the interior of the attic

Soft can not be done not the whole wall, but only its part in the recreation area or in traumatic places.

To give the nansard interior with a highlight, you can also use a three-dimensional panel. The most common gypsum, but they are hard and require a stable basis. Therefore, it is better to buy a panel of thin plastic or lung acoustic "tiles". Both options look very attractive and modern.

Acoustic panels - excellent decor for youthful interior

The main thing is to remember that the raisin in the interior should not be too much. If the room is performed in calm colors or shades of one color, you can easily use wooden boards, mirrors and 3D panels. But if there are many juicy tones, it is not worth removing with textures. Make a neutral basis with a practical unobtrusive texture and select 1-2 non-standard raisins under it.

In a light calm interior, you will not get anything exactly

Mansard in the style of "cheap and angry"

Beauty and environmental friendliness are important factors, but it is not enough to many money on them. Therefore, it is worth mentioning about cases when the attic of the attic has to save on each self-tapping screw. Consider how you can make the interior cheap and not boring.

Trimming - not in the furnace

The first way is to use tree trimming, which remained after the construction of the roof. Of the corners of bars and dies, you can make spectacular mosaic wooden panels. They may look like:

  • "The city of skyscrapers" - the dies are written out of bars of one or different thickness and stacked tightly to each other (the result looks like a city with a high height);

    If you wish, you can use bars of different sections, but the same squares look stylish

  • "Full chaos" - wooden trimming lines in thickness, width or length and are collected in an arbitrary picture;

    Difficult dies with different textures may also look attractive

  • "Antio Parquet" - trimming bars split off the hatch along the length and are attached to a smooth face to the wall, the texture to outward (it will take to remove the most acute dangerous protrusions, but the result is worth it);

    Fireplace near firewood can be electric or generally drawn

    Another budget option is to make shallow shelves from trimming and put the kneading firewood in them. If the wall is sewn only by the membrane, it is desirable to tighten it with a cheap cloth or agrofibur to create a beautiful background for login.


    As a rule, for decorative finishes, they use expensive Phaneur. But experienced designers argue that and the cheap plywood can serve decent and look presentable. Just do not hesitate to rummage in a stack, and you will definitely find 2-3 sheets, who have no bitch, no darkens on one side. Among the low-grade panels there are amazingly beautiful wood patterns that you can arrange an accent wall in the attic. For better safety, Faneru will need to protect, but it can be done inexpensive water-based varnish. With such a coating, it will seem even more more expensive.

    Use Phaneur in a large amount is not at all necessary, it is better to combine it with other materials

    Plates of OSB

    Oriented chips are so popular in construction and are available for the price that, perhaps, your attic is covered with them completely. If so, if you wish, you can simply paint the walls in the appropriate tone and proceed to settling. But when I want to make a stylish interior, it is better to combine OSB with other materials. In particular, the stove seams can be decorate with rope or wooden planks of contrasting tones.

    Wall decorated with inscriptions from OSB looks very modern

    OSB is also a good base for dense fliesline wallpaper, but if you do not hinder the awesome texture, you can create an interesting visual effect with conventional paper.

    If there is no OSB on your attic, one of the walls should be seen. The unusual texture of the material will well complement the interior, even if you cover it with tight paint.

    Plastic lining

    High-quality plastic lining with wide dies and decorative patterns is often expensive than wooden. But for savings, it is not seen to use the most simple, white and narrow. She will look good at the skate, at the highest point of the attitude of the attic. If you have left open part of the beams open, no one can guess that the lining you have inexpensive.

    Selection of plastic lining is a good reason to play with color

    Grandma Recipe Cite

    In Soviet times, finishing walls and ceilings with cloth was very popular. The rich used the passage, and lovers to save might and main challenged over the Citz. This simple fabric with naive drawings is perfect for children, as well as the interior in the style of Provence. Maybe it's time to disassemble the grandmother's chest and search there with cuts of fabric? The whole piece can be fixed by a construction staple directly on top of the wind pressure membrane, and the seams then reapperate with a beep, wooden plank or cord.

    Patchwork can be done not only from the fabric, but also from pieces of old unnecessary wallpaper or decorative paper

    If the Sitz among the inheritance did not turn out and the shop prices were not pleased, it is advantageous to utilize the old, but not worn clothes. Possessing minimal sewing skills on the machine to easily build a canvas in the Patchwork style. Undoubtedly, the wall of denim losses will look in the attic very picturesque and extraordinary.

    It does not matter what budget you have allocated to the attic decoration. The main thing is to take advantage of the proposed advice and create your own interior that will be convenient for you. Then your attic undoubtedly will like each guest.

The finish of the attic of the attic is an environmentally friendly option available at each consumer, the surface has an excellent appearance. The special property of the material is simplicity of installation, which allows you to perform the entire work cycle with your own hands. How to do it, tell me the article.

Features of the attic room

Mansard is a attic that plays the role of an extra room for housing. It is most often used in the summer, constructed without insulation, and its main difference from the attic - a floor device.

Because of the location of the room under the roof in the summer, it heats up much stronger than other rooms, and in winter it is quickly cooled. In the spring-autumn period, dampness appears here.

Tip: If the attic will not be used as a residential premises all year, then its decoration can be performed by the most inexpensive way.

For the attachment of the attic uses lining almost from any coniferous wood.

It can be:

  • Cedar - The noble tree of wood, which has an attractive texture, which has a positive effect on the human body. Siberian cedar for the manufacture of the wallboard will perfectly complement the finish of any room.
  • Pine. It is a durable and resistant to wear material, which is acceptable to the consumer price. In the finishing of the attic it is used as a decorative trim. Scandinavian pine with a pinkish shade of wood, with a smooth surface that does not have bitch and irregularities is more popular.
  • Spruce. Wood perfectly retains appearance, protects against the appearance of mold and insects.

You can use larch. This is an elite tree, in its characteristics a close oak. It has high strength, no long-term use does not fail, often applied as an element of decor.

For the production of the wallboard takes:

  • Oak. It is characterized by high strength, has the highest variety. Material:
  1. does not sneeze;
  2. from moisture does not turn off;
  3. does not rot;
  4. it has many shades and textures.

But the high cost does not allow it to be widely applied.

  • Linden. It is a universal variety of woody rock, which has pronounced healing properties. Lipa is easily processed by remedies, the lining of it does not have bitch.

Tip: Before weching the attachment of the attic, the material should be selected, taking into account its purpose and features of the room.


  • For aesthetic perception, the color and the color, which are performed by the finishing of the attic clapboard. Spearly expand the room lighter tones. In this case, the plating the attic of the attic of the clapboard is not desirable to dark varieties of wood, and for decorative elements the dark color is admissible. An example of making attic with light panels with dark elements for finishing is shown in the photo.

  • Plaques for plating can be:
  1. flat shape;
  2. with decorative grooves on the sides;
  3. with imitation for a rounded timber;
  4. with styling mustache.

However, the finishing of the attic of the attic includes the installation of a material on the surface, which is located at an angle, which does not recommend using a flat shape lamella, otherwise the room will seem to seem less.

  • Mansard trimming can be performed in two installation methods:
  1. horizontal. In this case, the laying is performed on rafters, while it visually expands the room;
  2. vertical. This requires the construction of a horizontal crate, and the styling itself increases the ceiling.

Posted by the room the highlight helps the combined installation.

Tip: Cleaning the walls and ceiling should be performed with insulation, even when using attic only in summer. This will prevent the negative effect of moisture and cold, which can quickly deprive the finishing material of attractiveness.

How to shecate attic clapboard

Before repairing the attic, the trigger finish is performed from the processing of wooden lamellas.

For this they:

  • Impregnate protective compositions.
  • Lacuated (see).

Tip: When using veneer and oil, it is necessary to keep in mind that these pore formulations are not closed, it can lead to pollution and the need for frequent cleaning of surfaces.

The instructions for holding work is as follows:

  • Mandatory waterproofing of surfaces is performed. To do this, use a film that is attached in such a way that the air layer is maintained between the waterproofer and the roof.
  • The lamp is erected. Depending on the molding method, the lining is horizontal or vertical. As elements of the lattice on the roof rods, it is possible to use rafters. For this, rails from a wooden bar are used, a cross section of which is more than 15x45 millimeters, which depends on the width of the board: with an increase in the width, the cross section is selected. The step of the fasteners is approximately 50 centimeters.
  • When the insulation is carried out in the spacer between the bars of the crates, the thermal insulation material is placed. It may be:
  1. mineral wool;
  2. foam or polyplex plates;
  3. fiberglass.

The material, if necessary, is additionally fixed by "umbrellas". Then, the top layer is placed on top, such as isospan, fixed in the bars of the crate using the bracket.

Tip: When carrying out work, it is necessary to ensure that the insulation and the vapor insulating layer is located in the deepening of the cell without drinking from it. With dense adjacent, the lamellae to the isolator is greatly difficult to ventilate, this should be avoided. It is allowed to install a counterclaim.

  • On the bars are performed in a half-meter step in half the section so that the holes are shifted relative to each other. Such channels are needed to improve ventilation.
  • Installation of the clap is made from below - up, and on the ceiling - from the window to the opposite wall to it, which depends on the method of laying a lamellae. With a dense docking of elements among themselves, their ends are recommended to additionally process the sealant, and to fix with the bars with special brackets or covered with galvanized nails. Fasteners are performed in the slot wall, and then closes the comb located on the next board.

  • When installing the initial strip, it is clipped to the required size and fixed with finish nails. In this case, the kleimer is located in special depressions and is attached to designs or rafters. The next panel is spiked in the first groove.
  • After installing all the elements, the final bar is wedged by width, and if there is a slot, it is necessary to hide the plinth.

The processing of material with protective means is better carried out in two or three years, which is associated with the greatest influence of adverse weather factors on this room. On the video in this article you can see the stages of the installation of lining in the attic.

Fashion on creative design of mansard premises among Russians was manifested not so long ago. A couple of dozen years ago, the usual fate of the Mansard was to fulfill the role of forgotten attic, where at best played secretly from the parents of the defector. Now everything has changed, and the decoration of the ceiling and walls of the attic inside is one of the most popular tasks of builders.

Mansards use as studios and bedrooms, relaxation rooms and children, they love to create artists, musicians and poets. In order to satisfy such a variety of needs, the decoration of the attic can be performed from absolutely not similar materials. Lining or other imitation of the tree will give the room with rustic notes, as well as home comfort and warmth.

You can arrange an attic in a modern or non-standard style using plywood, plasterboard, siding or cork panels. We will analyze the most interesting and popular options for mansard finishes.

Before starting finishing work, you need to clearly determine what I would like to get in the end. Will there be a cozy, relaxing living room or bright, bright and cheerful children's, writer's work office or leg-programmer burgrel, because Lighting, sizes of windows and design depend on this. Having thought out the style of the room, you can proceed to the choice of materials. The most popular material for making attic traditionally linked.

Most people are confident that the trigger finish is the easiest, high-quality and practical option. Of course, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the decoration by wood is practical and tested for years, but recently has many new, no less beautiful, convenient and profitable materials. Fashionable and modernly, the inner finish of the attic with the combined use of materials. Lining and plasterboard, block house and plywood, wallpaper and fabric - using such combinations, you can fantasize indefinitely.

The focus on the preparatory stage should be paid to the floor. Is its strong design enough, does it have an extra load in the form of furniture? The estimated load would not hurt to calculate. If necessary, you need to strengthen the floor by laying additional beams. In brick or stone houses, the tightness of the floor is tested, and during its absence, work is performed on its additional waterproofing.

Such actions are needed to eliminate leaks to neighbors from below in the event of an emergency on the top floor. These manipulations can be combined with additional sound and thermal insulation, which will definitely be useful and upper and lower inhabitants.In order for the further finishing of the attic of the attic to be easily carried out, it is necessary to prepare its base. For this, at the required height, the rafters are mounted on bars, which will serve as the basis for the material from which the ceiling will be made.

The walls and ceiling of the attic need, as well as take care of their wind and thermal insulation. Special thermal insulation plates are fixed to the inner surfaces of the roof so that then it was possible, without fear of harsh jerseen and exhaust heat, to live comfortably on the attic.

Until now, the lining remains the most popular material when finishing the attic room. It bribes relative cheap, environmental friendliness, installation of installation and ease of care. In addition, it choose romantic persons who are nostalging in charming village comfort and warmth. Well, in fact - how to ruin? Due to the fact that the lining is made of wood, it is quite flexible. This property is an additional advantage when choosing it as a finishing material for the attic.

The fact is that the top floors of wooden (and not only) houses are often moving. With the naked eye, this movement is not noticeable, but here for a fragile and non-ielastic material it can become destructive. It is based on the above considerations, as well as thanks to the inertial follows, the problem of choice is solved in favor of the lining. After completing the finish, the lining can be painted, covered with varnish or special impregnation.

Finishing works by plasterboard are performed only after the preliminary insulation of the attic room. If this is not done, constantly live on the attic will not be possible - because the plasterboard does not hold warm at all. Only moisture-resistant and refractory material takes for decoration. It is possible to combine it with a tree or block house. Plasterboard is suitable for both wall decoration and ceiling. If a complete drywall finish is performed, the frontones and rods are trimmed, and only then the ceiling finish begins.

Plasterboard plates can be mounted on a wooden or iron frame, and it is possible and directly to the rafters. In order to find out the possibility of working with rafters, it is necessary to estimate the degree of stiffness of their attachment. To prevent rotting material under plasterboard plates, it is recommended to treat wooden elements with protective impregnations. Sheets are attached to the slats evenly located on the surface of the rafted. After installation, all the joints, fasteners and other slots are carefully putty. The decoration inside the plasterboard is a rather laborious process, it requires a certain experience and is heavy for beginners.

Lining and plasterboard are unconditional leaders in terms of indoor making attic. But there are other options.

  • Finishing with ordinary tree - what is not a way? Cheap, environmentally friendly, simple, almost practical. Why almost? The practical wooden finish will be in the event that the material is well prepared and processed. If there are excellent polished boards to paint or cover with varnish - the result will not give way to "carbag" design.
  • No worse than plasterboard, top floor and plywood sheets are separated. The plywood is fastened as on the frame or to the rafters, the cracks are shit, and it is decorated with wallpaper or cloth on top.
  • Siding and block house - no less practical and inexpensive finishing materials. They give the room neat, stylish look and are perfectly combined with other types of finishes. Unlike drywall, siding and block House are quite simple in the work - even a beginner will be able to work with them.

Making the attic, you can give the will of fantasy and creative ideas, but do not forget about the taste. Too a large number of colors, mixing of incompatible styles and materials - you need to try to avoid it.

And finally: Conducting any conversion of your attic, do not forget about the wiring. Do not cross the wiring inside the walls, ceiling and sex floors - it is very dangerous. The best option will be its open gasket or room in special metal sleeves. The wire section must also correspond to the alleged loads.

Thanks to non-standard geometry, indoors of the attic there are much more opportunities for design than in any other room. The roofing rates can serve as an attic ceiling, and at the same time be its walls.
The exclusive interior can be created thanks to the windows on the ceiling, or well-spaced beams. The functional destination of the attic - the interior decoration should correspond to it.

As a rule, attic is located in a house having a scope roof. It may be one cool, and the other gentle slot or both of the gentle.
If two steep slide, and get out of the overlap, then it's just a attic:

  • In order for it to turn him into the attic, the attic should be raised height, due to the small wall around the perimeter of the house. A person must be able to walk in the attic, not bending his head.

  • There was a time when the attic was not heated, and were intended to accommodate servants, poor students and a poor intelligentsia. Today, a look at this room has changed - it has become a full-fledged residential premises, subject to its qualitative insulation.
  • Many materials with the help of which the indoor finishing of the attic is made, allow the heat insulation device during their installation. Special attention is paid to the rocks of the roof, because they are atmospheric precipitation, wind loads and exposure to low or high temperatures, depending on the season.
  • In the process of roofing work, the heat insulation of the roof is necessarily executed. In any case, if it is planned to make the living attitudes.
    Regardless of this, the same list of work on the insulation of the roof rods should be performed inside. The double layer of heat insulation guarantees the placement of protection against frozen and drafts.

As for the walls and frontones (see Potter of the Fronton according to all the rules), if they were insulated during the outdoor finish of the house, then inside this work there is no need. To go into the details of the thermal insulation device, we will not, on our site there are similar articles.
In addition to them, watch the video. We only say that many materials used in the inner finish of the attic themselves have insulating properties themselves - for example: plasterboard, fiberboard, cement-chip and magnesite plates.

Mansard flooring device

When the device is under the roof of the kitchen or bathroom, the indoor decoration of the attic floor must be appropriate. Since the attachment of the attic is quite spacious and has windows, allowing it to regularly ventilate, there will be no high level of humidity in it.

  • The focus when preparing for decoration should be directed to the floor so that when an emergency with tap pipes, the ceiling of the room below is not injured.

  • Therefore, you need to try to perform a hermetic design on the floor, and it is not difficult to do it with your own hands. Consider a variant of a brick or stone house, with a reinforced concrete slab overlap.
    In this case, the performance of waterproofing can be the same as in the apartments.

  • First, the surface treatment of concrete penetrating the waterproofing mixture is performed, with the seizure of the wall to the height of fifteen centimeters. First of all, the shakes of the floor and walls are missing, sticking a special insulating tape from above.

  • When all the angles and joints are sealed, the primer is applied to the rest of the floor. After drying the mastic, you can make a bulk sex using a dry self-leveling mixture diluted with water.
    As a result, it turns out perfectly even and hermetic base for laying a porcelain booking, tile or mosaic tile.
  • In principle, it is possible to fulfill the floor and in cases where in the attic it is planned to make an ordinary living room, only you can do without a tape, and replace the waterproofing mastic with ordinary primer.
  • But there are other options for the floor. It all depends on how the decorative coating is given preference, and whether the floor should be raised higher.
    If necessary, then on top of the waterproofing layer, which can also be a conventional rubberoid, a shining flange, wooden lags are mounted.
  • If the space between them is empty, and do it, for example, a boardwall, each step by the floor will be given to a humorous sound. Therefore, the formed cells are filled with any bulk insulation: granulated foaming, claying or polystyrene crumb.

  • Thus, you can kill two hares at once: it will turn out not only insulation, but also good air soundproofing. So: liquid cement mortar is poured into the cells with the insulation - the absolutely sealed base from foam concrete, and its price will be minimal.

In order to put on such a base of the tile or laminate, in a non-frozen solution, you will need to drown the reinforcing mesh, then perform the leveling screed. If the boarding floor is mounted, the grid will not need.
Work on the device of the draft floor should be carried out after plastering of the walls, if such is made.

Decorative mansard decoration

If the outer decoration of the walls was performed without insulation or was not performed at all, the walls and frontones should be insulated from the inside. With this state of affairs, the most convenient option will be the internal finish of the attic clapboard, the MDF panels, plasterboard (see the attack of the attic plasterboard: the features of the installation) or other material requiring the installation of the root.
In its inner space, it is very convenient to lay insulation.

  • Most often, the owners prefer natural materials, and the board-lining on this list is one. And it is not necessary to obscure absolutely the entire room - you can do it: only a boarding ceiling or only the walls of the walls.

  • As for the interior design, here you need to show fantasy so that the room does not look dull and monotonous. And the decoration options are many.
    These are doors, plinth and contrasting curtains; Beautiful carved railing on the staircase leading to the attic.
  • It is the painting of a board surface in original colors that hide the texture of a tree. Moreover, painting is not a monophonic, but alternating light tones with more dark, as in the photo below.
  • It would seem: the board lining is the most affordable material known to everyone and everyone. How can I make an exclusive interior in the attic of the attic?
    It turns out you can! In proof, we give an example of the design finish of such a placeboard.

  • We look at what techniques used a designer. The first: the room is divided into zones by applying the board with a different cross section - "block house" and "standard".
    The boundaries of the zones determine and rafters of the roofs that make up the color of the contrast to the walls. For coloring the board, a very pleasant shade was chosen.
  • Wall decoration serve frames with a web stretched on them. And perhaps, these are silk wallpapers pasted on plywood base, or straight on the wall, and framed by decorative molding.
  • The windowspace is also decorated. The interior of the lamps and furniture "under ancient" - which costs one chest standing in the corner.
    And it seems to be nothing supernatural in the finish, but the picture is attracted.
  • In order to "dilute" a tree in the interior of the room, you can use a variety of finishing materials. On our next example, two of them serve for this purpose: a decorative stone, which is lined with a part of the wall, and glass in the suspended ceiling.
    Beautiful twisted poles and bales of railing serve as a contrast ornament.

  • Cleaning the walls of the attic, with the same success, can be performed by the MDF panels. As in the case of a clapboard, to achieve harmony in such an interior, it is important to avoid monotony.
    In this case, the lower part of the walls is decorated with a cork coating panels, wooden plinths and racks of a more dark color are used.

  • In the decoration of the attic space, drywall is successfully used. With it, it is insulation and alignment of the walls, the creation of suspended ceiling structures and wall partitions.
    And in this case, the design of the attic room will not give way to any other. Fortunately, the surface of the hypina can be painted, shut up with wallpaper, decorated with tiles or volume panels.

  • If there is no need for insulation of the monsard walls, they can be aligned with usual, or decorative plaster. Brick and slag concrete walls are processed by universal primer, then, after drying it, the starting layer of plaster is applied.
    Giving him to capture, the surface is rejected again.
  • The finishing layer of plaster can be structural. The relief in this case is created by adding to a solution of stone crumbs or other fillers.
    To achieve this goal, the master uses various tools by which relief is applied to the wall.

  • Watching walls can be simply painted, caught with wallpaper in the flower, or use more expensive types of wall coatings with a veneer from the tube, bamboo, or stone in the finish.

  • Upon example, the walls of the room are separated by one of these coatings. The interior highlight is a small wall, lined with 3D panels with a volumetric relief.
    A very decorate attic and bars mounted around the ceiling perimeter and roofing rates, which constitute the contrast to decorative coating.

As you can see, there are many ways to separate the attic floor, and we very much hope that our small instruction helped you in this. Strain fantasy, dare and delight the beautiful interior of yourself and your loved ones!