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Fashionable names for girls c. Beautiful names for girls born in the year of the yellow dog

You know what I noticed? Not only clothes and style are subject to fashion laws, but also names. The fashion for names is also changing, and it changes cyclically. Names that were once popular are now rapidly losing popularity. And vice versa, when they were not at all fashionable names, they are currently in trends. In short ... I analyzed the official data of the Moscow registry office for TOP-50 female names ... And what do we see ...? The absolute leader in the number of girls named is the name Sophia, and even in the 90s this name was not at all popular. Indeed, for me it was an unexpected fact. What is the reason ...? yes hell knows. Trend, motherfucker. Maria is firmly entrenched in second place, followed by Anastasia, Daria, Anna. Well, it's logical, every second is Masha, Nastya, Anya. The names of Elizabeth, Polina, Varvara, Alisa, Veronica, Arina demonstrate a rapid growth in popularity. Conversely, a catastrophic decline in the trend is shown by such common names as Ekaterina, Yulia, Olga, Tatiana, Irina, Elena, Svetlana, Natalia. Why is this so? ... who knows?). Well, a few words about previously very rare names - Milana, Eva, Miroslava, Nika, Zlata, Amina ... These names, apparently, are gradually becoming trendy and will soon be heard more and more often.
For clarity, here are the TOP-50 female names, according to the number of girls named in 1990-2011. Even below is a graph of the change in the popularity of female names from 1990-2011.
P.S .: I urge everyone whose names are on the list to be active in the comments)

P / p No.Name20112010 year2005 yearyear 20001990 year
11 Kseniya1622 1638 1410 917 893
12 Alexandra1544 1683 1462 1389 1363
13 Alice1433 1239 595 281 166
14 Veronica1259 1203 730 340 259
15 Arina1158 1151 632 300 82
16 Valeria1109 978 835 699 363
17 Margarita896 908 325 343 506
18 Vasilisa859 797 246 115 38
19 Ulyana837 803 405 135 76
20 Alina781 837 994 647 404
21 Milan741 638 168 48 10
22 Eve722 648 187 60 5
23 Alena, Alena704 658 513 482 563
24 Julia623 651 740 891 2352
25 Diana622 716 512 446 186
26 Kristina600 659 758 626 858
27 Taisiya583 612 268 91 31
28 Olga559 602 679 710 2120
29 faith507 500 281 169 320
30 Kira490 555 89 36 60
31 Tatyana451 475 510 635 1714
32 Irina437 457 556 637 1534
33 Yana404 432 382 310 463
34 Elena385 402 443 600 2141
35 Evgeniya373 405 339 361 975
36 Angelina360 388 279 210 84
37 Marina314 338 365 363 887
38 Svetlana274 323 361 423 1255
39 Amina274 243 114 53 3
40 Hope255 273 282 226 627
41 Zlata254 270 81 27 11
42 Olesya, Alesya252 258 249 155 348
43 Natalia, Natalia251 289 371 599 1914
44 Camilla, Camila212 224 86 42 25
45 Mayan196 206 90 41 35
46 Milena185 225 141 123 19
47 Elina182 148 106 58 46
48 Nika181 178 65 25 9
49 Miroslava176 144 16 1 4
50 Emilia168 132 59 21 10
51 Yaroslava165 173 53 30 19
52 Karina165 144 185 118 136

Girls, I am writing to the forum for advice, because I no longer know what and how to think it over (I apologize in advance for a lot of letters))). The child will be 8 years old in May, he is finishing the first grade at the school-lyceum. Born with hypoxia, pumped out a day in intensive care, as a result: went late (1.5 years), spoke late ( in separate words at 4-4.5 years old). I was afraid that he would not be accepted into a regular school at all, but in the 0th grade speech leveled off, learned to read, count within ten, etc. what preschool children can usually do (thanks to neuropathologists, psychologists and a talented tutor). Now to the point:
Finished the third quarter and has 3 threes and 3 fours. Mathematics and English - with a bang, the rest is not very good. But I do not focus on this, I am confused by the attitude of his teacher. Middle years (45-50), as they say "old school", very strict, demanding and tough. My child (rather secretive) never complained about her, but I heard a lot of complaints from her in the first half of the year: "he sleeps all the time, does not listen, yawns, is not active, does not answer, peas against the wall, etc." ... All this is spoken in such a tone (maybe I am exaggerating), as if he were the last fool in the class (in which there are 32 children). The load at school is tough: in addition to general subjects at home, it is set up to a heap (for example, to solve 1 page a day from "3000 examples in mathematics" by Nefedova and reader's diary: read the story and draw a picture for it (5 pieces per week)). In order to pull up my studies, I signed up my son for additional. classes with a tutor who teaches lessons with him for 2 hours every day and prepares for 1 hour in individual subjects. The son opened up, cheered up, made new friends, every day he is eager to see his tutor as a holiday. As a result, after a month of classes: I wrote the last two tests in mathematics with "excellent", with the rest of the subjects, too, not bad - from "two" to "four". Only his Russian language is unimportant, but remembering how he could not hold a pen and knit two words literally a year ago, I am generally glad that there is. But when I asked his teacher how his studies were progressing, I heard that he was cheating the test ones (yes, he wrote off two control tests in a row), and in general, "things are still there." In short, as a fool was and remained.
I was brought up in a system where the teacher and his word are the law, and the teacher's authority is unshakable. Maybe I was just lucky with the teachers. But the peremptory nature of my son's teacher confuses me. I do not confess to anyone, but it seems to me my son is not comfortable with her, buying up at least some encouragement. If a person is spread rot all the time, then any desire can be discouraged.
And the atmosphere in the class is kind of unhealthy: all the competitors, all of them climb on top of each other (in the first grade!), All the children are nervous, some kind of aggressive. My son did not find friends for six months at school, but with a tutor (she teaches in a private training center) made friends with everyone on the very first day. Yes, and it seems to me that the teacher's attitude was reflected in the attitude of individual children in the class: a classmate was picking on her son all year, last week he was nagging him, and the teacher told me: your son provoked him himself (as it turned out later, he offered to play catch-up, so that one of my I caught up with my son and kicked him on the legs).
Now I think: is it worth transferring my son to a regular school, not a lyceum? Or maybe this is the case everywhere? Or maybe I screwed myself up and dramatize everything too much?
I will make a reservation right away, I never asked the teacher for a special attitude towards my son, but before the start of the school year I honestly warned that there were minor problems with speech. Yes, and the teacher at first glance is not a monster, maybe her method would be worse if she did not demand anything from him at all? I really want to hear your opinion (my son's father is divorced, my mother throws up her hands and says that if I translate him, I will teach him how to run away from problems.

Many names that we consider to be native actually appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and for the most part do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rituals and life of the ancient Slavs. These names include: Dobroslava - sane; Fun - mischievous, funny; Mstislava is exacting; Snezhana is modest and gentle.

Most popular modern names for girls

According to statistics from the Moscow Civil Registry Office, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alisa, Elizaveta, Alexandra, Daria. Therefore, if you are looking for beautiful and at the same time rare names for girls, pass this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the meaning female name... We are used to believing that whatever you call the ship, so it will float. For example, if you want your girl to be a winner in life, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is very popular now!

Here are some examples of what meanings female names have.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, she is calm, having matured, she becomes decisive and stubborn. He will never commit rash acts, knows how to find mutual language with people.

Valeria translated from Latin means "strong, strong". She is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed imagination and a wonderful imaginative memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. She carefully chooses a professional field in which she will become a real specialist.

Dominica translated from Latin means "mistress". Girls with this name have intuition, a masculine manner to lead and rule. Dominica is confident in herself and is able to bring the most difficult and difficult task to the end. Most prone to leadership position even if it involves risk. Achieves success in painting, architecture, design and clothing modeling.

Rare names for girls

Statistics say that many parents tend to choose a name for their child, which is not very popular now. If you adhere to the same views, then keep in mind that very recently, little Aurora, Lyubava, Leia, Ustinya, Emily, Bozena, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Vesna, Malvina, Blanca, Cleopatra have already appeared.

Even during pregnancy, mothers and fathers think about how to name the baby. Parents-to-be do not always come to a unanimous decision right away. Sometimes the arguments last for nine months. But as soon as a dad or mom picks up a newborn, it immediately becomes clear which of the names suits the baby best.

Girl Names by Month 2016

The list of female names is so long that it is really very difficult for parents to choose the most beautiful one. At the first stage of the choice, we recommend that you substitute the last name and patronymic under the name of your daughter. It often happens that to pronounce beautiful word together with the patronymic / surname is very difficult, or they are simply not in tune.

Every year there are new names for girls. This is due to the influence of foreign countries, as well as television. Sometimes parents name the child as their favorite actor or actress, hero in the TV show they like. In addition, the new names of 2015 are well-forgotten old ones, for example, Efrosinya, Evdokia, Iriada, Claudia, Zoya. Therefore, if you want your child's name to be somehow unusual, remember how your grandmothers and great-grandmothers were called, perhaps you will like something.

Today, more and more often, newly-made parents name their daughters by month or date. Every day according to church calendar you can choose a name according to the calendar. It is not necessary to focus on the names of the Saints that are relevant specifically on the baby's birthday, you can view options for the coming days or weeks. But remember: there is a popular belief that a child can only bear the name of those days that follow the date of birth. For example, if the baby was born on the 15th, then look at the calendar options for the 15-30th, and not for the 1-15th. In this case, the child will always keep up with the times, strive for new achievements.

List by month

  • January: Agnia, Anna, Margarita, Tatiana, Vasilisa, Ulyana, Polina, Claudia, Anastasia, Eugenia.
  • February: Christina, Zoya, Inna, Valeria Ksenia, Rimma, Galina, Svetlana, Aglaya, Maria.
  • March: Sofia, Veronica, Polina, Evdokia, Nika, Marina, Antonina, Margarita, Anastasia.
  • April: Darina, Anna, Anastasia, Maria, Tamila, Lydia, Alla, Irina, Svetlana.
  • May: Taisia, Milana, Vladlena, Maria, Zoya, Elizabeth, Christina, Julia, Alexandra, Claudia.
  • June: Sofia, Polina, Maria, Edena, Kira, Anna, Valeria, Christina, Angelina, Ivanna.
  • July: Marina, Sarah, Olga, Zhanna, Inna, Alevtina, Elena, Anna, Margarita, Julia.
  • August: Christina, Maria, Anita, Svetlana, Alexandra, Milena, Valentina, Nonna, Eugene.
  • September: Sofia, Aida, Natalia, Vera, Love, Lyudmila, Elizabeth, Anna, Nina.
  • October: Ariadne, Anastasia, Veronica, Valeria, Marina, Pelageya, Zarina, Zlata.
  • November: Ulyana, Elena, Anastasia, Alena, Claudia, Christina, Nina, Evdokia, Margarita.
  • December: Ekaterina, Zoya, Anna, Olga, Varvara, Maria, Angelina.

Best and New Names for Girls in 2016

The most popular names for girls in 2016 remain: Polina, Sofia, Zlata, Eva, Anastasia, Karina. In addition, parents continue to give preference to international ones - Maria, Anna, Anastasia, Elizaveta. This is not strange, because they have inspiring interpretations. So, for example, Maria ranks first in popularity among female names in the whole world, and means "bitter". This word has a deep meaning, it personifies the suffering of the Virgin Mary.

A girl with this name is very experienced and purposeful, kind and fair. But the name Anna is translated from the Hebrew language as "merciful", which means that the child will be kind to everyone around.

Be sure to read the meaning of the name, your baby. After all, it is not for nothing that the people say that the strength of the name further influences the formation of character.

And remember: any name you choose will certainly become the best for your girl!

How to teach a child to walk on their own

Girls, I am writing to the forum for advice, because I no longer know what and how to think it over (I apologize in advance for a lot of letters))). The child will be 8 years old in May, he is finishing the first grade at the school-lyceum. He was born with hypoxia, they pumped out a day in intensive care, as a result: he went late (1.5 years), spoke late (in separate words at 4-4.5 years). I was afraid that he would not be accepted into a regular school at all, but in the 0th grade speech leveled off, learned to read, count within ten, etc. what preschool children can usually do (thanks to neuropathologists, psychologists and a talented tutor). Now to the point:
Finished the third quarter and has 3 threes and 3 fours. Mathematics and English - with a bang, the rest is not very good. But I do not focus on this, I am confused by the attitude of his teacher. Middle years (45-50), as they say "old school", very strict, demanding and tough. My child (rather secretive) never complained about her, but I heard a lot of complaints from her in the first half of the year: "he sleeps all the time, does not listen, yawns, is not active, does not answer, peas against the wall, etc." ... All this is spoken in such a tone (maybe I am exaggerating), as if he were the last fool in the class (in which there are 32 children). The workload at school is tough: in addition to general subjects at home, it is set to a heap (for example, to solve 1 page a day from Nefedova's "3000 examples in mathematics" and keep a reader's diary: read a story and draw a picture for it (5 pieces per week)). In order to pull up my studies, I signed up my son for additional. classes with a tutor who teaches lessons with him for 2 hours every day and prepares for 1 hour in individual subjects. The son opened up, cheered up, made new friends, every day he is eager to see his tutor as a holiday. As a result, after a month of classes: I wrote the last two tests in mathematics with "excellent", with the rest of the subjects, too, not bad - from "two" to "four". Only his Russian language is unimportant, but remembering how he could not hold a pen and knit two words literally a year ago, I am generally glad that there is. But when I asked his teacher how his studies were progressing, I heard that he was cheating the test ones (yes, he wrote off two control tests in a row), and in general, "things are still there." In short, as a fool was and remained.
I was brought up in a system where the teacher and his word are the law, and the teacher's authority is unshakable. Maybe I was just lucky with the teachers. But the peremptory nature of my son's teacher confuses me. I do not confess to anyone, but it seems to me my son is not comfortable with her, buying up at least some encouragement. If a person is spread rot all the time, then any desire can be discouraged.
And the atmosphere in the class is kind of unhealthy: all the competitors, all of them climb on top of each other (in the first grade!), All the children are nervous, some kind of aggressive. My son did not find friends for six months at school, but at the tutor (she teaches at a private training center) on the very first day he made friends with everyone. Yes, and it seems to me that the teacher's attitude was reflected in the attitude of individual children in the class: a classmate was picking on her son all year, last week he was nagging him, and the teacher told me: your son provoked him himself (as it turned out later, he offered to play catch-up, so that one of my I caught up with my son and kicked him on the legs).
Now I think: is it worth transferring my son to a regular school, not a lyceum? Or maybe this is the case everywhere? Or maybe I screwed myself up and dramatize everything too much?
I will make a reservation right away, I never asked the teacher for a special attitude towards my son, but before the start of the school year I honestly warned that there were minor problems with speech. Yes, and the teacher at first glance is not a monster, maybe her method would be worse if she did not demand anything from him at all? I really want to hear your opinion (my son's father is divorced, my mother throws up her hands and says that if I translate him, I will teach him how to run away from problems.